#this heat wave truly sucks..
palaugranetes · 11 months
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{Pedri🤝🏻Willy } Culers 💙❤️
Who'd have thought... Not me.. 🤩😍
Anyways...🚰Don't forget to stay hydrated🚰
Have a fantastic weekend y'all ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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ghoulphile · 2 months
sticky fingers | c.h./the ghoul
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➥ pairing | cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader ➥ word count | 4.5k ➥ warning(s) | 🔞 smut; mildly dubious consent, dirty talk, degradation kink, fingering, squirting, rough sex, size kink, standing doggystyle, overstimulation, teasing, choking, dacryphilia, cooper howard is his own warning (he nasty y'all), canon compliant - takes place around ep 7, a grab bag mix of the show and the games ➥ summary | “Lil girls should know it’s rude ta steal.” ➥ notes | i love my men like i love my beef jerky 🫠 i wrote this over 16 fevered hours after finishing the finale. hope you enjoy~ minor edits 4/22/24 | x posted to ao3 | masterlist | feedback is always appreciated ❤️ feel free to send in thots, questions, requests!
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It begins, as most things in the Southwest Commonwealth do, with a fight for survival.
City life is tough to be sure, but here on the outskirts of pocket civilizations where there’s nothing but long stretches of desolate wasteland - arid, sunbaked earth and scorched shrubbery - for miles around?
Well, if the ferals, fiends, and super mutants don’t get you in the night, then the desert itself will. During the day the sun burns overhead so nuclear hot, heat glimmers on the horizon in dancing waves.
Unforgiving, relentless as blink-and-you-miss-it mirages are swallowed by ever shifting sands.
It’s easy to get lost.
Even easier to boil alive in your armor if you’re unprepared.
Far too many travelers from the Eastern Commonwealths have met their demise here, where shade is sparse, and water even moreso. The rain - if it does blow in over the mountains - brings rad sickness.
If you’re lucky enough to still be alive, the only reprieve from the heat is in the stooped bones of bombed buildings and ramshackle shacks... where you're just as likely to catch a knife in the back from a chem fried addict as you are relief.
Because here, in the Wastes, danger lurks in sand and shadow alike.
You don’t trek out into the flats half-cocked: a fact all locals know. And if you do decide to? Well, you learn one way or another.
No, only the truly ignorant - or the desperate - dare to tempt man and nature.
Consequently, as you dust off the crumbs from the last half of a Fancy Lads Snack Cake and suck a melted smear of icing from your thumb, you're of the latter half.
You tried holding off for as long as you could. But once the shakes started, you knew you couldn’t put off eating lest you pass out and wake up in a slaver camp.
Well, shit, you think as you rattle a dented canister of purified water. This fucking sucks.
Almost going cross-eyed, your tongue hovers under the rim as you watch the last lazy drop fall free. You catch it with a grimace, smacking your lips. The water tastes metal warm in your sour mouth, barely enough to wet your whistle - let alone your thirst.
You began rationing the last of your supplies days ago, and it’s been a battle against light-headedness ever since. Pretty soon you won’t have the strength to defend yourself, scavving be damned.
Come on. Think - gotta think. What can I scrap for caps?
Not only is Filly more than half a day away, Ma June isn’t one for charity cases. The fact she offered twenty extra caps last time for some burnt books and bent bobby pins was as close as you were ever going to get to a Wasteland miracle.
Sunken cheeks and pleading eyes can only get you so far; everyone’s gotta eat.
"Fuck..." The palms of your hands grind into your eye sockets until you see stars. "FUCK!"
There are two unspoken laws in this otherwise lawless land: steal or starve, live or die. A grim reminder that surrounds you in old bleached bones, empty bullet casings, and scraps of cloth fluttering in the breeze.
Someone always has to be top dog. If you’re lucky, they might be willing to share their spoils.
It’s as you’re considering what pieces of yourself you’re willing to barter that you see them. On the horizon, coming from the west, are two dark blobs.
Stark against the flat plains - a shining beacon of salvation - is a man in a ratty duster and cowboy hat. The saddlebag tossed over his shoulder bounces with his steps while a dog trots beside him, its sable coat rippling with muscle.
Pay dirt.
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Making sure to keep low and distant, you stalk them. Watching, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
When the sun dips low, the sky a swath of pale pink and gold, they make camp at a blown-out Drumlin Diner. Off in the distance, thunder rumbles and sickly clouds gather.
Dark and roiling, acid green; a Radstorm brewing.
Electricity cracks at your skin, stands your hair on end. You scrub your hands over your arms, huddling into yourself for warmth. Meanwhile, the stranger seems to luxuriate in the budding promise of rad rain.
He lounges under an awning, his back pressed against a defunct Nuka Cola fridge. He gazes in the direction of the oncoming weather while mindlessly running his fingers through the dog’s fur as it curls up against his legs.
Occasionally, its ears twitch, and its eyes crack open.
Whenever it glances in your direction, you hold your breath and squeeze your eyes shut but it never gives any other indication that it notices your presence.
A small mercy you’re thankful for.
While you’re a pretty good shot, your body is weak with hunger. Besides, you have quick hands and light feet. There’s no doubt you can stealth your way in and out before he realizes his pack is lighter than he left it.
You’ll only take what you need - not interested in causing any more trouble than is necessary. Some food, maybe something to drink if he can spare it, and something to pawn. Just enough supplies to get you sorted in Filly.
Anyway, he certainly isn’t hurting for it by the look of things.
Any guilt you felt was short-lived when he settled down after dropping his pack inside, walking out with an inhaler of Jet in one hand and a can of Cram in the other.
Watched, greedy, as he cracked it open and picked at the tin of meat with lazy fingers. Salivated as he sucked them clean in between deep pulls of chem.
Soon, you decide, licking your lips as he chews, swallows. Soon.
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However when push comes to shove, the stranger proves far more keen than you give him credit for.
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The world spins like a hit of Daytripper, a kaleidoscope of color as your skull bounces off the wall with a loud crack. Air rushes from your lungs as something huge - hot and heavy - slams into you from behind.
Pins you against the wall with ease as your ears ring.
Something rattles loose; your teeth too large and your tongue too thick. Warm metal floods your mouth as the side of your face throbs in time with the rabbit fast stutter of your heartbeat.
Pain sparks and your stomach rolls.
"Wha's?" you slur, thoughts dripping like wax. "Wh-at's..."
Meanwhile, a gloved hand lassos around your throat like a collar. Brute fingers squeeze the tender flesh of your jugular until you hear your pulse in your ears. Senses struggling - sluggish to adjust in the encroaching night - as tiny cavities eat at your vision, little pockets of darkness.
“Lil girls should know it’s rude ta steal," a gruff voice mocks. “Betcha thought you was real slick, huh? Tch. You ask me, you’re dumber than shit, Darlin'.”
Trying to regain your bearings, you shake your head only to groan. “I don’t - ‘m not -” It’s difficult to concentrate, a throbbing tempo taking up residence in your temples. The words come slow. “Wha’d you mean?”
He whistles, long and low-pitched, "D’ya have any idea who you're fucking with?"
“How’s about I show you, then?”
Warm breath puffs over the shell of your ear, a tongue sliding out to trace along the lobe. You jolt, squirming in discomfort as he crowds closer.
“Tasty lil thing like you, wrapped up all nice and pretty just for me." He chuckles. "Why, it must be Christmas.”
What the hell is he talking about?
It’s hard to breathe with his heavy weight suffocating you; the scent of gunpowder and bitter smoke clogging your nostrils with every labored inhale. His lips - ragged - scrape over the nape of your neck.
The grip on your throat squeezes once, twice; leather sticks to your sweaty skin.
You squint your sore eyes, taking in the faint flickers of firelight that spill through the open doorway. The desert chill of night has settled in, creeping through the busted out windows to dig beneath your padded armor.
Thunder rumbles directly overhead as lightning follows in flashes of acid green. It’s only a matter of time before sheets of rain come pouring down; the air sticky with humidity, trembling with energy.
The Radstorm has finally arrived.
You’ll undoubtedly get sick if you leave the shelter of the diner - might even die from it if you can’t afford or find any RadAway. But as the stranger’s chest digs into your shoulders, and the dog curls up in the corner - uncaring of your plight as its nose tucks into the whip-thin tail - you think you’ll take your chances.
Tilting back to glance at him from over your shoulder through damp eyes, you say, “Look--”
Only his hand moves, viper quick, as it slides from the front of your neck to the nape. Strong fingers clamp down like a vice, like scuffing an unruly dog.
He grinds your face into the wall, rough metal shredding your cheek.
You cry out, a soft, pained little thing that echoes through the empty diner.
“Now why’d you gotta go an' make me do that?”
A phantom glimpse told you all you needed to know; broad jaw, thin lips, a hollow nasal ridge, creeping radiation burns and cracked skin. Ghoul.
“Let’s try this again, Sugar.”
His free hand - sans glove - creeps over the curve of your hip to splay along the swell of your belly, fingers tucking up under the hem of your shirt. You shiver at the stroke of roughened skin.
“Don’t take another peep or I might jus' have ta pluck out those pretty eyes of yours.”
Dread pools low in your gut, a leaden ball.
Everything in you screams: RUN, RUN, RUN.
Alarms blare but you freeze. Stare straight ahead at the featureless wall, eyes wide and unseeing. Through the foggy mire of your thoughts - half formed and shapeless - you have enough presence to understand the precarious nature of your position. 
Heart hammering, you plead for mercy, “Please, I’m - I’m sorry.”
"Aw, ain't that real sweet?" He remains impassive, unmoved. "The little thief does got some manners after all."
Without warning, the sharp toe of his cowboy boot kicks apart your feet. In the ensuing empty space between your thighs, his leg slots into place. Spurs dig into the tender meat of your ankle, little kisses of pain, as his hips rut forward against your ass.
You choke on your spit, pulse jumping in your throat.
"H-Hey, that's..." You attempt to shove at any part of him you can reach to no avail. Built and broad with compact muscle, it's like trying to move a brick wall. "I said I was sorry, okay!"
He ignores you, burying his face into the space behind your ear. A deep inhale sounds next to your head, the expansion of his chest against your back so firm you're not sure you won't fuse together.
The whiskey rough groan he releases does wicked things, makes your mind wander to places it shouldn't. Full of grit and gravel as his cock twitches against your backside, a burning line of heat.
A shiver ricochets down your spine.
He grunts, says, "Mm, you smell good enough ta eat."
The cap of his knee nudges up against your clit with a sudden jolt, shocks of pleasure electrifying your body. Tears prick the corners of your eyes, and a sob threatens to scrape its way up from the depths of your throat.
You swallow, mouth desert dry. "Come on, let's just forget all about this, yeah?" you reason. "No harm done. I'll even give you whatever I've got left so - so..."
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, the vibration rattling through your chest. "So?" he prompts, plucking at the waistband of your trousers.
"So let me go?"
"Now why would I go an' do an asinine thing like that?" he replies. "If you think you can buy your freedom, think again, Sweetheart."
Rain pings off the metal roof, the smell of pungent ozone and rusting metal wafting in through busted windows and open doors.
“'Sides,” he pauses to turn your attention outside, “I’d hate ta have you yakin’ before the fun’s even started.”
There’s no way to misconstrue his meaning when he punctuates the statement with a teasing rut of his hips. Those rugged fingers tug open the clasp of your trousers, yank until the material goes slack and pools around your ankles.
“Hey, wait--!”
You jolt, hands scrambling for purchase as he slides his leg against your core. The friction of his pants through your thin cotton underwear makes you ache.
Ripping through your bottom lip, blood beading to the surface, you choke on a high-pitched whimper. "I..."
There's no way he can't feel your reaction.
How quickly you're getting wet as he drags you along the length of his thigh while yanking your hips back into the cradle of his pelvis. You meet him in a slow grind that boils your blood and steals the breath from your lungs.
It’s been - shit - far too long since you’ve felt anything other than hunger, thirst; the animal drive to keep pushing forward.
"You like this, don'tcha?"
You hear the dagger-sharp smile hidden in his words.
He croons, "What would your fellow smoothies think, huh? Here you are lettin’ a ghoul get you all hot n bothered - and you’re lovin’ it. Ain't you?"
You throb in response, heat stealing its way into your cheeks as you turn your head away in shame. His dark chuckle lets you know he felt the squeeze of your thighs, the rock and dip of your hips against his knee.
"I - I don't..." you stutter, struggling for a retort. “I’m not--”
A tremble works its way through your body, crushed as you are between the rad warm burn of his body and the wall. Completely at his mercy as you try to figure out where it all went wrong and what you can do to worm your way out of this one.
Terrified of what'll happen if you stay, terrified of what'll happen if you go; stuck in limbo as what was meant to be a simple grab-and-dash devolved into this confusing cluster of shame and lust.
You loathe the embers of desire kindling to life low in your belly.
"You really outta start bein' more honest, Sweetheart."
A large hand dips beneath the worn band of your underwear, and you wait with baited breath. Helpless as calloused fingertips brush over the swell of your mond.
Your inner thighs are uncomfortably sticky with slick, and your eyes burn in humiliation. Your throat trembles around all the words you want to say.
"Didn't anyone teach you lyin' was bad?" he asks rhetorically as his fingers slip down to play with the swollen bud of your clit, tapping lightly.
You keen, low and wounded.
Short nails dig into your palms as you flex your hands for want of something to grab onto.
“I am being honest,” you bite out through grit teeth. Sweat dapples your furrowed brow. “Just lemme go, please.”
"I find that hard ta believe," he replies. "Sorry to say, but you're shit at lyin'. Just look how hungry your lil cunt is for me."
It’s the only warning you get before those long digits plunge deep inside, two becoming three as they stretch you wide. Hollow you out; knuckles massaging your entrance as the tips prod along the sensitive front wall of your cunt.
You clamp down with a strangled moan. “Shit!”
This is a horrible idea - but it’s been forever and a day since you’ve felt anything other than your own touch.
Whether it be the bone-deep loneliness you’ve been shoving down for months or the sudden, inexplicable need for contact, you long for a reminder that you’re still alive.
That you’re not some wrath of the Wasteland filled with sand and blood, doing whatever it takes to survive in a place that would rather see you fail.
“I - I’m not sure.”
He snorts but offers no council or reassurances, using his free hand to yank at the back of your head in impatience. While it might’ve been a fairer fight if you weren’t in such bad shape, there’s no denying that he’s proven himself to be more adept.
Stronger, quicker.
This is going to happen either way.
And that turns you on - even though you feel like it shouldn’t.
If you give in, if he forces you to give in, it’s not really your fault then, is it? You can enjoy it because you have no choice.
Fuck it, you think, closing your eyes and tilting your head to the side in submission.
Like a doll with cut strings, all the fight drains from your body and you’re left sharing space. The ghoul is a furnace of heat behind you, barely any space to breathe he’s crowded so close.
His cock thickens where it digs into the soft fat of your ass, as large and intimidating as the man himself. “Now stay still for me.”
The or else goes unspoken.
Then he’s stepping away, a rush of cold air filling the empty space at your back.
You shiver, tempted to turn around. Maybe make a run for it. The only thing stopping you is the awareness that his threats aren’t so idle. In your experience, it’s far better to befriend the monster than to anger it.
So you comply, waiting an eternity as your senses strain to pick up on anything other than the murmuring hush of rain, the rumble of thunder, as the Radstorm continues to blow its way through.
Though just when you think he might’ve left, ready to chance moving, you hear the clink of a belt buckle clicking open. The scuff of boots across the linoleum before broad hands shove up under your shirt, scarred palms bare as they settle on your hips.
You tense before forcing yourself to relax.
“You ain’t as stupid as I thought,” he says. “Good girl.”
A test.
You breathe a sigh of relief.
“I can listen,” you mumble, keeping calm as his hands explore the plains of your stomach, pluck at the waistband of your panties. “Promise ‘m not gonna do anything else.”
Learned my lesson the first time. Got my skull cracked open for it.
“That’s what I like ta hear.”
Without warning, your panties are being ripped from you, scraps of fabric fluttering useless to the floor. You squawk in indignation but then a heavy hand settles between your shoulder blades.
He presses down, and you follow without complaint, finding yourself bent in half.
And then the fat head of his cock is right there, teasing at your entrance. He plays with your cunt, slipping the shaft between your wet folds. Dragging up the length of you to tap at your swollen clit.
Jerking in his hold, you whine and try to bear down with all your weight. “Please,” you squirm. “Please, c’mon…”
His grip remains firm, bruising as he exhales next to your ear, a pleased little grumble. “Thatta girl. Now tell me, who’s my pretty lil thief?”
Every hard ridge of his body bites into the softness of yours, your stiff nipples dragging against the rough material of your shirt. Zings of pleasure shoot through you; bursting in your bloodstream, fizzy like warm Nuka Cola.
“Go on now, Sweetheart: say it.” Fingers dig into your hips so hard your bones ache. “Or I jus' might be tempted ta take a bite outta your pretty lil backside instead.”
He’s bluffing, you think, half delirious, … Right? He wouldn’t--
You swallow, throat clicking, and squirm against him.
Is that a chance you’re willing to take?
No, no it’s not.
“Y-Yours - I’m - I’m your little thief.”
The unexpected flare of satisfaction in his voice is almost your undoing. A hand pets down your flank, swatting the outside of your thigh playfully.
“Good girl.” He demands, “Say it again.”
Sharp hip bones kick forward against your ass as he lines himself up and starts to bully his way inside.
“I’m - YOURS!”
Your soft, gummy walls flutter, squeeze until giving in with a pop under the hard pressure of the fat head. His cock stretches you out, thick and girthy.
Ridges of scar tissue and patches of rough friction pockmark his shaft, massaging tender places as he fills you up, fucking you open.
He feeds you inch after inch… until he can’t.
Accommodating his girth is a struggle, your cunt filled to the brim by the time he’s halfway inside. No amount of slick could make him fit, so he makes do with harsh little jerks of his hips. Forces himself deeper and deeper until he glides home nice and smooth, sheathing himself to the base with a sigh of satisfaction.
You clamp down hard with a hiccupy whine, walls furtively trying to push him out. “A-Ah!”
“Goddamn,” he huffs, hands kneading your ass, “You’re a tight fit.”
Tears prick your lash line, your hips shifting as you try to stop him from moving. Begging for a moment of reprieve. You’ve never taken something so big and thick, so textured before.
Coupled with the minimal foreplay, it feels like he’s punched his way through your body. Hollowed you out to make a home for himself.
Pussy aching, a low burning tightness creeps over your lower belly as tender flesh pulses uncomfortably around the unforgiving heft of his cock seated deep inside. You swear you feel him poking your belly button.
“Please,” you pant, heat settling into your cheeks. “J-Just wait a sec-ond! I can’t - oh shit.” 
“Aw, look at you.” Fingers reach around to brush over your cheeks, gather the tears that’ve slipped free. “Didn’t mean ta make you cry,” he lies.
The sound of him sucking his fingers clean reaches your ears. Your stomach swoops, and your clit throbs. Dazed as you wonder what his mouth would feel like on your pussy.
"Hah - too much, you're - fuck - you're too big."
He snickers. “Can’t be helped, I guess.” Body rippling in a shrug, his hands re-settling on your hips. “But that’s all right - I like it better when they cry.”
Before you can retort, he pulls his hips back.
Your toes curl in your boots, feet squeaking across the linoleum floor as your sweaty forehead grinds into the cool metal of the wall. The texture of his shaft burns as it slides through your swollen folds, dragging against sensitive spots you didn’t even know existed.
You can’t tell if it’s the best you’ve ever felt or the worst, but you nearly sob all the same, nerves alight with liquid fire. Want him as deep inside as he can go; a frenzy of desperation that needs him to stuff you so full you choke.
“See for all your whining, you’re takin’ me so well. What did I say about bein' honest?”
You sniffle, blurry eyes creaking open to stare out the window.
Your body throbs in time with your pulse, your pussy so stretched out you can’t clench down when he thrusts in deep. The fat mushroom head teases your cervix, a faint whisper, before he’s drawing back again.
“T-Too fast,” you stutter, head rolling back to rest on his shoulder. Your thighs tremble, knees going soft. “Slow down, slow down.”
“Sh, you can take it. I know you can.”
With a grunt, he surges forward. Wasting no time in starting up a brutal pace that rattles your bones. He drives you hard into the side of the diner; tits crushed and face smashed, a disgusting mixture of tears and drool wetting your cheek.
“Just like that, Sweetheart.”
You do little more than hold on, all thoughts driven from your mind as he fucks you swollen and bruised. Cunt a sticky mess as your slick eases the way, clinging to your inner thighs and dripping down his heavy balls.
Every thrust punches little sounds from you, and he grunts. “Fuck!”
Your hands cling to the sides of his hips, focusing on the shift of muscle beneath heavy fabric. “I can’t,” you slur, eyes cloudy as you glance up into his, gazes meeting for the first time. “Please, I - ah!”
His thrusts turn punishing, even more so than they already were, hips meet your ass with enough force to leave bruises. “What did I say about sneakin' a peek?”
While the words sound threatening, his voice is heated and breathy. For all his talk, he doesn’t look away. In fact, his hips slow into languid rolls, grinding close. When your eyes slide from his, he reaches down to pinch your clit between his fingers.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he chides. “You keep those eyes on me.”
Pretty, you think, dazed.
Glinting in the slants of firelight like wet sand or a Nuka Cola bottle in the sun; bourbon warm as they peer at you from beneath a heavy brow bone.
“That’s it, there’s my good girl."
Eyes fluttering when he flexes his hips in reward, the tip massaging along your g-spot, your mouth drops open on a whine.
“O-Oh! Right there, I - fuck, please don’t stop. ‘m so close.” F-Feels s'good.
His bare hand reaches up to curl around your jaw, gnarled fingers pushing their way past the open circle of your swollen lips. They compress your tongue as they gather saliva, stroking along your tastebuds.
Gritty, rough; he tastes of dirt, blood, and gunpowder.
You sneak a kiss to his scarred knuckle when he pulls free.
“Shit, I’ll be damned. You’re just a nasty lil freak, ain't you?”
You moan in response, stretching up on your tip-toes and arching your hips to change the angle. Your palms rest beside your head, docile.
A crazed grin cracks the corners of his lips, his teeth bared like an animal. “I like that,” he husks. “Now be a peach…”
Then those soaked digits are finding their way between your thighs, ghosting over your skin to smear spit onto your abused clit. The tender bud throbs beneath his fingertips, swollen and begging for attention.
He hitches his hips forward to feel you jerk, pulsing beneath his touch as he resumes a fast, jolting pace that has you smacking into the wall.
“And cum for me.”
A deep rumble escapes his throat, the sloppy, wet sounds of him fucking you ringing loud in your ears. Your hips roll, unsure if you want to press forward into the swirl of his fingers or back into the rut of his cock.
Tears stream down your cheeks, your chest heaving with weak sobs.
“Please,” you whine, his shaft pinching your walls uncomfortably. You feel swollen, rubbed raw. “A-Almost there.”
A nip to the ear is all it takes.
“Hhaah, I’m--!”
The liquid heat that’s been pooling low in your belly - building and building - finally bursts in a gush of slick that soaks his hand. Darkens the crotch of his pants as it drips down your thighs to splash against the tile.
You sob, a full body tremor zipping through you like bottled lightening.
In the aftermath, your cunt twitches in time with your heartbeat. Hands numb and head full of cotton as cramps bloom between your hips. Sharp little stabs shoot up behind your navel.
“Shit, I’ve got myself a gusher,” he laughs, a nasty little smirk tugging at his lips. “Look at the mess you made. Now if you ask real sweet-like, maybe I’ll let you clean it up with your tongue.”
You sag, too boneless to be ashamed as electric aftershocks tingle along your nerves. All the while, his pace never falters, quickly fucking you into overstimulation.
Your clit twitches pathetically when the fat head of his cock drags along your g-spot. "No more," you mumble weakly, letting him maneuver your body how he likes. "Please."
“Heh, let’s see if you can do that again.”
You whimper, “Oh, oh, please n-no. I - I can’t. You’ll break me.”
“That’s real cute,” his lips, harsh and rasping, drag over the shell of your ear, “but I wasn’t askin’.”
The grip on your hips tightens to the point of pain, digging in and marking you up.
“Now, why don’ we have some real fun, Darlin'?”
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getodrools · 3 months
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You're round and heavy with another coddled baby, again... and the tot that was already a year old hanging on your hip was screaming, again... and finally, to add to such chaos, the third child that just turned four has now tripped, and is also now crying, again.
You sigh. Heavily. Again.
Even though Sukuna was resting, the pain throbbing in his chest annoys him out of nestled dreams — and the ruckus, "Shut him up. And you, get up, you're fine." Your husband grabs the collar of his son's shirt; twists the fabric around, and lifts him right up to his little feet with ease. His tiny limbs dangled at the short air time, but they went right to work soon as he plopped him down, watching how he mindlessly ran back into whatever adventure his little head could get into... But motherly eyes, mostly see how the freshly ironed Spiderman top now wrinkled and sagged around your little boy's body.
You went to shoot the grump slugging towards you a glare, but the obvious leak dribbling through hard peaks forces you to suck in your lips.
"You're... —"
"We both are." Sukuna waves an arm around as another pair reaches for the wailing chub lashing in your hands. He ignores how snot slobbered down his forearm in the process… But free from the baby, you glance down and also see that you are in fact, soaked with running milk too... Again.
The cries instinctively had your perk breasts stimulate an activation on cue... Used to it yourself, but seeing that big, grouchy man also leak just how you did, bewildered your thoughts! The multiple outcries must've sent Sukuna’s tender pecs to dampness and it was quite a sight for you.
“I didn't know you—”
The hiss Sukuna belches in the baby's face with fangs peaking out, a wrinkled nose, and curling lips force your hand to launch at his broad shoulder.
“Like an annoying mosquito.” His throat rumbles into a deep chuckle at the attempt.
You stick your nose up, “Be nice— and dont hold him like that!” You moved quick, forcing his arms to cushion out instead of holding the baby like a damn flimsy piece of paper in the air…
“He stopped that ugly crying, sweetheart. I think I'm doing something right,” Sukuna pecks at your forehead, feeling the heat rise against tender lips, “Go get washed up.” And you want to admire his stupid smug face, and that odd fatherly nature all the boys so seemed to find comfort in, but you couldn't help but huff.
“Why do they like you so much. I birthed them.”
“I too would listen to a man who has four arms and was titled the King of curses.” He had a point, but it felt much deeper than that… They truly loved their father, watching the youngest yawn out of tears and nuzzled to his chest—
“Ah! The little shit bit me.” Sukuna hisses again and you snort into a fit of laughter how the baby tried to latch itself on something he had no business hooking for…
It was chaos, again.
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inknopewetrust · 6 months
𝔉𝔬𝔬𝔱𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔭𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔰
summary: in the blistering summer evening heat, you and felix play a little game. [felix x fem reader. WC: 2.6k]
warnings: smut. minors dni (18+ only). p in v, fingering (fem receiving), saltburn bathtub, slight voyeurism, dirty, dirty talk, some degrading language, not the dirtiest thing but still like… kinda hot?
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Though the sun had set long before, the lingering scorch of the sun sat like a film on your skin. Its thin veil dry and aching to shrivel against the boiling water of the tub. You felt the sticky nature disappear under the trails of steam that painted the surface of the water.
A bead of sweat pebbled from your temple to cheek to chin to neck.
But you lit a cigarette anyway. And if you listened close enough, you could hear the crackle.
A blistering bud sizzles; the porcelain was drawing cool waves against the skin of your arms and for once, in the vast nothingness of the bathroom, the heat that rose from its surface made the ghosts vanish.
It made them disappear in house once home to Kings.
Now, as it boiled under the night sky, it was home to something other. It had bled itself into the walls and the ghosts wished to witness not the haggard scrounging of wealth that festered within.
But you imagined Henry the Eighth liked to stare as you bathed. They all did. Felix had told you that once a few summers ago.
How they all wanted to touch you in the ways that he did. How they wanted to whisper in your ear that they were better than him. No one truly was and it kept you crawling back with the poor souls who got sucked into a heated whirlpool of pity each and every summer.
Nevertheless, you envisioned Henry in the corner itching to touch.
They all trembled to flutter their hands onto your skin, onto your breasts, squeezing pieces of you dipped below the waterline.
If his ghost could smile, Henry’s ghastly teeth gleamed.
‘Fuck off, Henry,’ you saw the paunchy apparition lounging in the chair in the corner with a bead of sweat dribbling from his own temple.
Oh, envy, King Henry.
A bit of ash fell onto the tiles below.
“You’re making a mess of it.”
You tapped the cig on the side of the tub as another bit of ash wilted to the cold floor.
Felix hummed.
Stocky Henry vanished. If you gazed toward him, Felix’s eyes bore deep. Heavy and brooding, downcast at a peak of what existed beyond the bubbled suds.
Dinner had long passed. Everyone was supposed to be in bed.
He could feel you in inches. The soft skin of your back, the plush thighs that laid between his own. A hand of his traced over the skin of your collarbone gently as the ash continued to drift.
You were nearly on fire. In the swelter of the stone walls and the patterns of the paper before him, you glowed in a red sweat.
“You’re letting it die.”
“I was thinking,” you murmured.
“About what?”
“King Henry.”
“King Henry?” Felix’s voice peaked. His head leaned to rest on your shoulder, his smile leaving a trail as it grew. His nose drew a delicate line on your dampened skin.
You liked Felix in this way. So quiet and removed. But Saltburn always kept pace in the background.
“Yes, King Henry,” his hand glided along your own, gently taking hold of the cigarette and placing it between his lips.
The smoke of the puff rose high into the air beside you. It’s curls twisted like your insides aching for a touch too far but never too close.
“I like to imagine them sitting… staring at us now.”
“Now?” Felix questioned. “So erotic in an ugly tub. I can see him now,” he pointed to the corner of the room, “he just popped one. Can’t you see it? In his trousers there.”
You grinned. Your laugh filled his chest with a shuddering life. So fulfilled and free yet trapped in this same world as he.
And he was never far away. Here, in Saltburn, always waiting in the same shadows for the opportunity to strike while the others weren’t around. No sister or friends or parents or mewling poor fighting for his attention. They were retired for the evening; all snuggled in beds with curtains drawn and fantasy dancing in their heads.
“He isn’t the only one.”
You tipped your head to the side. The profile of your face meeting his forehead as he dipped his own downwards. The cigarette still burning from his fingertips. It was a mere bud now.
You could feel what waited for you on your lower back.
“I can feel that, you know?” You feigned an innocence he liked. Keen and blatant, but cunning with sin.
“Is it Henry that makes you feel that why?” You whispered, lips ghosting his chin.
Felix breathed in deeply. The same chest that shuddered with joy in anticipation.
Every summer.
The excitement would stir within his bones as the gates would open wide and beside his family would be the one steady thing he had everything to give.
“I hope,” Felix hushed, “for your own sake that’s not the fucking case.”
“So it’s me?”
Felix groaned as you pushed against him. The gentle pressure of your body arching into him without a touch, he begged to put his hands on you.
The cigarette fell to the floor in its end.
Felix took his hand and turned your head back to face him with a firm grip on your jaw. The water around you sloshed. It cleared the bubbles from your chest.
“I want to play a game,” he suggested in a dusty, breathless tone. “Want to play, darling?”
“Can I win?” You suggested. His hand loosened, letting the fingers dance along the column of your neck before beckoning up toward your mouth once more.
His index finger traced the outline of your lips. In a slow glide, Felix pulled your lower lip out slightly, gathering the wetness with his finger before inching it back to the space where your lips had parted.
You kissed his finger with your tongue as it found purchase in the suction of your mouth. The plushness of your tongue, the slight drag of your teeth as it emerged from between your lips.
“I don’t want to play if I can’t win, Felix,” you whispered.
His eyes now hooded with a thick want. He watched his finger redraw the lines of your lips again as you begged with doe eyes to win. A near child’s play of a woman’s ability to seduce.
“You can win,” Felix huffed as his other hand snaked itself from the edge of the tub to your torso under the water. “But I’ll need you to be quiet. We have guests and as much as I do love our dear, sweat guests, I can’t have them imagining the way I fuck you, can I?”
“No,” you relished in the way his hand returned to the base of your throat and squeezed with the slightest amusement. “I’ll be quiet.”
“Good,” Felix smiled at you. Your heart squeezed in the same way your cunt ached for his fingers to gather the strength to follow through.
“What do I win?”
“Whatever the fuck you want. You just have to be quiet.”
You smiled deviously that the thought.
“I can’t see how we’d be able to look a boy like Ollie in the eyes if he heard the sounds that come out of your mouth.”
His hand swooped past your center and to your leg, drawing one over his own which sat you straighter in his hold. You felt his cock jump at the pressure of you pushing on him. Felix flitted his finger tips from your knee to waist, switching hands to bring his wet palm to your breast while the other perched your opposite leg over his other.
The pebbled nipple was taut as he kneaded the skin in circles. He pressed down hard, pulling up on your nipple to elicit the sounds he wanted so badly to hear but knew you’d repress.
You were like him in many ways. He too wanted to win a game of control.
With you in his hands like a play of putty, he felt in control but with one hand on the wheel.
As he palmed your breast, his hand gripped your thigh. His mouth traced a pattern of hot breath along your neck as his tongue relished the salty sweat that had gathered at its leisure. The goosebumps that rose from your skin welcomed his breath kindly.
“I want this house to ourselves,” Felix moaned. “So we don’t have to be quiet.”
“Tell me what you’d do,” you asked him, placing your hand over his own and bringing his fingers to you. He cupped your heat as you groaned, guiding him back and forth to gather the wetness he could feel different from the water of the tub.
“Tell me what you’d do to me.” You spoke faintly. “Tell me and I’ll be quiet.”
You guided one of Felix’s fingers in you as he shushed the sounds that threatened to speak themselves into existence.
He put his lips on your ear as he began to pump his fingers in and out of you with a slow glide. So plush and tight, he thought to himself. It sucked him in and dared not to spit him out.
“I would fuck you on the floor,” he breathed out against your cheek. “I’d spread you wide and taste your sweet pussy as the sun bathes the floor. And when I’m done, we go to the pool-“
Felix pulled out his finger, tracking it along your folds before going in with two. You arched against his back, drawing up as he pulled you back down and rested his hand on your waist.
You curled the toes of your right foot down the edge of the tub.
“-we’d go to the pool and sit out in the sun. You’d give me head in one of the chairs and I’d paint your fucking face with my cum.”
You clenched around his fingers. His thumb pressed into your clit, another jolt aching to send you squirming but he held you down as he patterned circles on the gentle flesh.
“You like that, don’t you?” He breathed in the smell of you. “And maybe we’d go for a walk through the maze after dinner. I’d fuck you in the center and you could scream as loud as you fucking want. No one could get to us. No one would hear us.”
“No, no, no, shh,” Felix shushed. “Good girls only win by being quiet, yeah?”
You nodded, clenching onto his fingers again as a strangled ‘fuck’ tumbled out of his lips. He could imagine the coil building. Felix wasn’t going to let you finish alone.
Felix pulled his fingers from you and felt the disappointment in the wither of your body.
“But I don’t want to imagine what’d I’d do if we were alone,” Felix blanked. “Turn around.”
As the water sloshed around you, you turned to wrap your arms around his neck. Like you, Felix had sweat beading from his jaw that glimmered in the red light of the bathroom. He looked intoxicated, entranced but in control of what he could.
“I want to see you ride me like the fucking whore you are.”
You weren’t a whore. But for Felix, you could be anything.
At the nape of his neck, you gripped the back of his hair and drew his head back as your other hand gripped him under the water.
Hard and lengthy, his cock was a welcome intrusion every time. You pumped him in your hand slowly. The sounds of water creating currents was soothing against the sounds of your battered breaths kissing his own. You lifted yourself on your knees, leaning against Felix as he squeezed your ass tightly, watching as you lowered yourself onto him under the water. Slender and veined, your cunt molded to him like art. You both would never tire of the feeling so profound.
It would never be like this with anyone else.
Loose pants left his lips as you sat completely full of him. A fit for a King in his own home, he supposed. Once you had settled with him inside, you moved above him.
The water moved languidly too. Meeting the fiery skin of two intoxicated minds too oblivious to see the peering eyes between the crack of a door.
“Right there, baby, right there,” Felix mumbled as you rose again and again, drawing him in and out as he stretched you with every swell and spur he could muster on his own.
“You’re such a good girl, darling. So good for me.”
You could peer down at him from above. Your breath fanning his face and lips but never seeking to truly kiss him as your hand tangled in his hair.
Bits of water spilled over the tub and splashed onto the floor. It soaked the ash tray and the speckles of ash and bud that littered the floor.
“Don’t stop baby. Don’t fucking stop,” Felix crooned in the room’s empty sounds. Only the pleasured sighs and gasping breaths filled the air.
You bounced on his cock with a measured pace. Each stroke of his manhood against your velvet walls lured him deeper into you, entangled with the missing links of a year gone by.
“Felix,” you broke the rules to whisper in his ear. He was taken away by the insatiable need of his rapture. He listened. He beckoned to your call.
“Tell me that you love me.”
From the shadows, Oliver Quick felt his blood run as hot as the sun. He loved Felix.
“I love you.”
Whom did not love him back.
“Tell me you need me.”
He was enamored by the idea of Felix.
“I need you.”
Who was enamored with the idea of Oliver.
“And what do you want from me?”
He was taken by the sight before him.
“I need you to cum, baby. I need you to fucking cum for me.”
Oliver was taken by the gleam of your skin. The way Felix’s throat bobbed as a strangled groan escaped his lips and the way your own melted onto his forehead in a silent struggle to come down from a high.
You placed both hands on his slender chest, careening like winged victory in a heated satisfaction.
Your fingers shook.
He had never seen a woman shake so elegantly before. The tremble of your lips as you breathed in shaking respite, the jolt of your shoulder blade as Felix ran a hand up your back.
Oliver licked his lips at the sight.
Felix lifted his head from its position against the tub. His eyes fluttered open as you pulled away in the slightest.
And Felix smiled.
You returned the grin with one of your own as his still sat erect inside of you. The bubbles of the tub had long ceased to exist and the water that was left was filled with the combined spent of you both.
“I don’t think I won that one,” you chuckled quietly, pushing hair out of Felix’s face before cupping his cheek in your hand.
“I’ll take pity on you, I guess.”
“The water’s gone cold.”
Felix kissed the inside of the palm of your hand. He cherished the high that lingered.
“The water’s gone cold,” he repeated. “But we could stay here forever.”
“Pruned and sweaty? Not a chance in fucking hell, Felix.” You laughed a bit too loudly. Oliver disappeared at the groan Felix let out as you pulled off of him.
You stood before him as the water dripped from every piece of you. Marbled and finite of the most precious carvings he only wished to hold forever.
As you exited the tub and the throb of him began to settle, you grabbed his linen shirt from the floor, draping it over you as it stuck to the wetness of your skin.
“The bed is just the slightest bit more comfortable.”
And you disappeared behind his doorway with call for more as the walls of Saltburn added another sordid story to add to it woven trims.
But it was never just the walls of Saltburn watching.
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A/N: as always, the best gift of reading is likes AND reblogs and why not, we love comments too. Thank you for reading and feel free to check out my other works on my masterlist here. xo
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diejager · 10 months
Yandere Pyramid what if he gets reader pregnant Just go crazy with this hahaha
Paring : YANDERE Pyramid Head x fem!reader
Cw: smut, possible NON-CON/DUB-CON, tentacle tongue, possessive behaviour + sex, breeding, pregnancy, creampie, belly bulge, tell me if I missed any.
Wc: 674
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He'd go wild at the idea of knocking you up, watching your soft stomach bloat with a new life and your breasts swell, nipples leaking milk that he could suck until his kid came out. He'd fuck you until you get pregnant, stuffing you with his cum and his cock, keeping every little swimmers inside your bulging heat. He liked watching you strain around his girth, walls twitching and closing tightly around him, your cries echoing under his metal pyramid.
It's a ritual, every night, any spare moment, he'd have you sprawled under him, rutting his length into your red, swollen cunt until you grew limp, a little cumdump for him. His bulbous tip kissed your cervix, pushing against your womb's entrance and pumped generous load after generous load into your warm, fertile womb, a virgin to childbirth.
Whether he had you under him, pounding away the hours of the night - or day if he felt like it - over him, riding his thick and veiny cock until your slick covered his whole abdomen, or against a wall, rattling the structure with his punching thrusts when felt especially feral; he made sure to cover you in his musk, body smelling of him with reminders of last night, dark bruises marring your skin.
They were brandings of the finest he could give (other than his seed branding your spasming cunt as his little cockdrunk survivor.) to show others who you belonged to. He's had his possessive strikes, growling at killers and survivors who got too close to you for his liking, waving his broadsword and shaking the ground in strong ripples.
Pyramid Head was exceptionally possessive, being a creature of grief and regret created for a sole purpose, granting him nothing to his name or soul to own. Such a situation makes a person - any person - possessive of their things, like a child deprived of toys and love, they grow possessive and careful.
And to add a child, some would think he'd hate his child for taking most of your attention, your affection and your time, but this child was from yours and his blood, a creation of yours. It was the second thing he could call his own, a living being - beside you - he could care for and nurture, it played with a more domestic side of him. It would simply mean he'd take more drastic and scary measures.
Just a big, broad Pyramid Head growling at anyone with his equally big toy in hand, truly the scariest guard dog in The Entity's world (Guard dog privileges+).
Extra: during the pregnancy
Man is oblivious to the struggle of women, especially pregnant ones. Mood swings and odd cravings make him scratch his head in confusion. Was it safe to eat pickles, then peanut butter and tuna in a sitting? Would it be bad if you woke up in discomfort and your stomach was ready to empty itself?
He's as clueless about childbirth as a baby, every step had to have help from The Nurse and The Doctor, both having some experience with pregnancies in their previous lives. Reluctantly, he'd call for them once he sees you hunched over a bowl, puking yesterday's food. If there was a step-by-step book about pregnancies, perhaps a 101 tips about pregnancies for noobs, Pyramid Head would need it, he needs all the help he can get.
He knows not fuck you, naturally, for the safety of his child. That, however, doesn't stop him from pleasing you, using his thick fingers to pump and curl into your upper wall and flick your swollen clit when your hormones act up and you get horny; or he'd tonguefuck you into overstimulation, with his tentacle-like tongue that slithers from under his mask, long and wet. He's agile with it, twisting his tongue in every sense and curling it into a ball to fuck you.
He's talented with his cock, his fingers and his tongue, nothing can stop him from caring for your needs, he's skilled in many ways.
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sovksluv · 3 months
hi! could you do something with luke castellan x a lowkey bitchy reader? like very snarky and kinda bratty, but is only rly sweet to him?
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𖤐 . pairing - Luke Castellan x gn!reader
𖤐. summary - you’re a hater at heart (so real) buuuuut you have the sweetest soft spot for your sweetest “best friend”
𖤐 . content includes - mean/hater!reader (as you should), random (probably douchey) ares kid, allusions to crushes, the word loser (im watching it so that’s in my mind rn)
𖤐 . word count - 536
𖤐 . taglist - @perseus-jackass @niktwazny303 @st4rzl7
𖤐 . a/n - sorry this sucks 😭 but i hope you guys like it !! also i had smth else to say but i forgot it so oh well
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“okay?” you retorted, dragging out the ‘y,’ venom laced between the waves of your words. the Ares kid in front of you — whom you were arguing with, paused, face red and searing with anger, searching for his next comeback.
you smirked in a momentary victory, preparing to finish off your battle with clever last words however, your attention was drawn away at the shuffling beside you.
the familiar warmth of a hand on your leg sent your head flying to the side, face immediately lighting up as your eyes were engulfed in the ever so familiar sight of his chocolate curls.
“hey, Sparks! what’s happening?” said Luke, who then began immediately stuffing his face, eyes never leaving yours.
the beaming smile on your face was a great contrast to your previous heated moment, which you had just been reminded of at the sound of a throat clearing.
both of your attention was drawn to the Ares kid who had yet to leave, unlike others who were in his situation before. “what are you still doing here?” you snapped, firing up again.
after a moment of silenced shock, he went to speak again, only to be cut off. “i asked a question! now leave!”
he scoffed, slamming his palms on the table as he dramatically stomped away. “he should win an award with all that drama.” you sneered, eyes practically rolling into the bag of your head.
Luke snorted from beside you, hiding an amused smirk with his chewing as he gave you a look, eyebrows raised. “what!” you yelled, a smile taking over your features again.
he shrugged, failing to hide his laughter as you playfully shoved him, your own laughter following suit. “nothing, nothing!”
you laughed, eyes brightening with fiery joy. “why are you laughing at me, Luke?” he smiled, eyes tightly scrunching as he scooted himself closer to you, erupting warmth throughout the both of you.
“it’s just funny,” he reasoned, suddenly breaking your eye contact to stare at his empty, devoured plate.
your eyebrow raised, interest peaked as you shoved him again, his head instantly turning back to you. “what is?”
“your attitude.” he quipped, very, very slight fear etched in his words.
“my attitude?”
“yes your attitude. like- you’re so sassy to everyone.”
you scoffed, eyes scrunching up. “well, everyone but you.”
Luke thought for a second, realization crossing over his face. “yeah. everyone but me. why?” he asked, smirk returning and eyebrows raising in anticipation.
“because I like you.” you answered, voice strong despite your weary insides, hoping Luke would fail to understand what you were truly saying.
he softly chuckled, his sweet smirk reappearing. “yeah, cus’ i’m special.”
you snorted, “yeah, you really are special.”
Luke scoffed in offense, and now it was his turn to shove you, dramatically crossing his arms at your words.
“whatever, Sparks. you’re just a hater.”
you laughed, dragging your body closer to his as the two of you continued firing snarky remarks back and forth.
neither of you seemed to notice or care about the stares from the campers around you.
it was unlikely that anyone would understand your unexplained softness towards the hermes boy. they just didn’t understand you like he did.
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© sovksluv 2024 , please do not repost or translate my work !
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xxsabitoxx · 9 months
Girls Night | 15k Special
Mitsuri x Shinobu x Fem! Reader
Warnings: FxFxF threesome, squirting, pussy eating, strap use, face riding, facials. use of sex toys (vibrators, dildos), vaginal penetration, and !!!anal penetration!!!
A/N: Alright, 3/5 done! Y'all don't think I forgot about these, do you?! Next up on the 15k special list is Rengoku and Sanemi! I'm ngl I'm mildly embarrassed cause this is truly just fucking with no poetic value - also this is a full send, not proof read so please ignore any errors from my horny daze
Word Count: 3.3k | art from @ kuze_0131 on Twitter
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“Oh, oh fuck.” You choked, head tossed back against the fluffy pink pillow on your best friend’s bed. “Keep going, Mitsuri. She’s close.” Shinobu purred, hands running through your hair as she looked down at the pink haired woman between your legs. She only responded with a hum, sending a wave of vibrations through you and making your back arc off the mattress. 
Shinobu’s hand was on you in seconds, pressing on your abdomen until you flattened again. “S-shit do that again.” You croaked, panting heavily as the pressure of Shinobu’s hand disappeared. “What? This?” she ran her fingers over your skin, watching goosebumps trail in their wake before she pressed down once more. Stars seemed to explode in your vision, something about that pressure seemed to amplify everything Mitsuri was doing to you. 
Every flick of Mitsuri’s tongue had you gasping, her pretty plump lips sucking on the bundle of nerves every few passes. You didn’t think your best friend would be so good at eating you out, then again you severely underestimate her appetite. “C’mon honey, tell me when you’re about to cum. We want to know when you’re close.” Shinobu cooed, alternating the pressure she kept on your abdomen while her other perfectly manicured nail moved to toy with your breast. 
“C-close…” You choked, the tingling sensation of an orgasm creeping up on you. “Finger her, Mitsuri.” Shinobu commanded softly, watching as the other woman immediately obeyed by shoving two fingers into your sopping cunt. Now, with something in you, Shinobu pressed a little harder, forcing the front wall of your cunt into Mitsuri’s fingers and pulling a cry from your lips as you came with a warm gush all over the pink haired woman’s hand and mouth. “Atta girl.” 
Mitsuri worked you through it, not stopping until she felt your thighs move to close around her head. “Good job, she’s already spent.” Shinobu laughed softly, brushing your hair from your sweaty skin as Mitsuri pressed her body to yours. Soft kisses were littered up your neck, not stopping until she captured your lips in a searing kiss. You could taste yourself, sticky and sweet on her tongue as she slid it past your lips. “You were so good for me, y/n.” 
Mitsuri smiled down at you, admiring the hickeys Shinobu left on your neck. “I was?” your tone was soft, head spinning from the heat of Shinobu and Mitsuri being so close. “Oh yeah, so good.” Shinobu reassured, gently pulling Mitsuri up into a kiss. You watched the two women, tongues shamelessly dancing around the other as they hovered above you. Despite all the attention they just gave you, you were starting to feel a little left out. 
You reached down, hands running along their bare thighs, scratching them slightly with your nails. They both parted with a gasp, Shinobu smirking down at you while Mitsuri giggled softly. “So needy, baby. So cute.” Shinobu cooed again, showering you in praise while Mitsuri got off the bed and walked to her closet. “Can I ride your face?” Shinobu’s question had fire sparking through your veins, mouth watering as you nodded eagerly. 
“Perfect, you’re so perfect.” You whined, letting her kiss you deeply before moving to cage your head in with her thighs. “Shinobu?” Mitsuri called from her closet, effectively halting Shinobu’s movements. You held back a groan, her cunt just inches from your face. “What is it?” her hand snuck down, two fingers slipping between slick folds to rub her clit, teasing you as she refused to give in to your desperate attempts to pull her down to your mouth. “Six, seven, or eight?” 
“Do eight, she’s a needy little bitch tonight.” Shinobu sneered, looking down at you with a smirk as your lips wobbled. She always gave you such whiplash, praising you one minute and degrading you the next. You knew by now that your girlfriend adored fucking with your head, only when it came to these things though. “Eight it is!” Mitsuri’s sing-song voice echoed in her closet as Shinobu stopped rubbing herself. “Open up.” a soft command you followed instantly. 
She stuck the two shiny digits in your mouth, smiling as your slippery tongue slid around them and sucked them clean of her arousal. “Good girl.” she cooed softly as Mitsuri emerged from the closet, bright pink dildo and strap in hand. Shinobu chuckled, giving in and letting you pull her hips to your face. “Oh~” She choked, one hand coming up to hold her breast while the other buried in your hair. You were suffocating yourself on her cunt, tongue lapping greedily at her clit until she couldn't help but moan. “Fuck…so eager.” She praised you again, your hands twitching. 
It didn’t take long for you to feel the bed dip, Mitsuri was crawling back onto the plush mattress and coaxing your legs open wide. You couldn’t care enough at that moment to think about what was happening below you. You were far too concerned about Shinobu’s pulsing clit, the way her hips jerked each time you flicked it with your tongue, the way she was slowly giving in and grinding down against your face. “Should I even bother prepping her, Nobu?” 
“No, she can take it…” Shinobu’s head fell back, hips practically swiveling on your tongue as her orgasm began to creep up on her. Everything you heard was muffled, the plush of Shinobu’s thighs caging in your head effectively shut everything out. All you could focus on was her taste, the way her cunt was grinding down on your face, the way your cunt was throbbing with desire despite already coming once. Shinobu shivered at the sound of the vibrator coming to life, smirking over her shoulder as Mitsuri used it on herself for a moment. 
You couldn’t hear it, far too gone as you ate Shinobu out. So it came as a complete shock a moment later when the rubber material was pressed directly to your clit. You gasped, following it with a loud moan as your hips jerked. The vibrations from your moan went straight through Shinobu, making the petite woman double over as you pushed her even closer to her end. “Let’s use it together, y/n~” Shinobu responded for you with a quiet moan, your tongue still lapping greedily as her orgasm grew closer and closer. 
You whined the moment the toy was pulled away, nails scratching at Shinobu’s thighs as if to beg her to get Mitsuri to put it back on you. All of your attempts died as quickly as they started, Mitsuri’s plush thighs were resting on top of your own, the heat radiating between the two of you was enough to make your movements falter. Shinobu didn’t let that stop her, hips still grinding down on your face steadily, head falling back as your tongue flattened for her to ride. Mitsuri smiled, slotting the vibrator between the two of you and watching your hips jerk. 
It took seconds, Shinobu unable to hold off her orgasm for much longer. “Shit I’m gonna cum…” she drawled out, hand holding your hair roughly as she swiveled her hips. You moaned, feeling her wetness paint itself all over your face as she pushed herself over the edge. Mitsuri groaned, hips jerking as she grinded the toy into both of your cunts, green eyes locked on the way Shinobu’s hips stuttered to a halt. “Y-you may suffocate her, Nobu.” but the grip your hands had on her waist were telling Mitsuri you really wouldn’t mind if she did. 
You gasped for air as Shinobu got off of you, her hand smoothing over the hair she had messed up as she caught her breath with you. “So good, baby. You always handle me so well.” She cooed, eyes flickering to the toy between your legs. “Mitsuri’s making you feel good, huh?” you nodded, pushing yourself up on your elbows to get a proper look at what was happening. “Fuck I’m already gonna…” You grit your teeth, orgasm sneaking up on you as Mitsuri smirks. “Then go on, come for me.” She encouraged, pressing it into you just a little harder while her hips followed.
You listened, not trying to hold off as your walls sputtered around nothing, head falling back in the process. Shinobu watched you, leaning down slowly to capture your lips and swallow every moan and gasp you made. She could taste herself on your tongue, humming softly as her tongue licked into your mouth. “N-nobu… do me a favor…” Mitsuri panted, your hips jerking erratically as the pleasure turned into overstimulation. She wasn’t willing to pull it off of you until she came as well. Shinobu pulled away from you, slightly annoyed that Mitsuri had interrupted her. 
“Get the other one, the next biggest… I want us both to take her at the same time.” The annoyance faded quickly as Shinobu processed what Mitsuri was suggesting. You felt your own face grow warm, mind turning to mush just as the overstimulation turned back to pleasure. “Y-You’re both gonna fuck me?” you whined, trying to draw your hips away but Mitsuri had you stuck right where she wanted you, completely at her mercy. “Yeah, doesn’t that sound fun?” You wailed out a “yes” as the aftershock of your orgasm hit you, drawing you over the edge again. 
Mitsuri gasped loudly as she finally came, hips jerking erratically as she held the toy in place until it became too much. Finally she showed you a little mercy, flicking the switch off and tossing it to the side. “Stay just as you are, let me get ready.” You pushed up on your elbows, just to watch her situate the harness like straps to her waist and thighs. You felt your body shiver, watching her insert the dildo to keep it in place. “There we go.” She smirked, something that was always slightly jarring on her gentle face. 
“Mitsuri…please…” despite your overstimulation, you were still begging for more. Just as you said that, Shinobu was walking out of Mitsuri’s close with her strap already tightly secured to her hips. “Aw we match!” Mitsuri cooed at the sight of the 7’ purple dildo attached to Shinobu, the petite woman smiling as she rolled her eyes. “I think it would be best if you straddled Mitsuri, pretty girl. Then I can easily sit behind you and have my own fun.” You nodded, body moving immediately as you and Mitsuri switched places. 
Once she was settled with her back leaning on the headboard, you climbed onto her awaiting lap, lifting your hips to position the toy at your entrance. You felt the bed dip as Shinobu rejoined the two of you. “Go ahead, sit on it.” Mitsuri encouraged, hands holding your hips and dragging you down just a bit. You whined as the dull head of the toy spread you open, slightly cold as your hips engulfed inch by inch. “There we go, feel good?” She questioned softly, hands rubbing soothing circles on your skin as your brows slowly relaxed again. “Y-yeah.” 
Your hips rolled tentatively, getting used to the steadily warming material inside of you. Mitsuri watched you, letting you get adjusted to being impaled on her toy dick before steadily guiding your hips up and down. It was shallow bounces, letting the slight burn turn into pleasure before you took over and began riding the toy steadily. Shinobu watched as well, sitting just behind you and watching the way the supple skin of your ass jiggled against Mitsuri’s thighs each time you connected. 
She already wanted to join, the urge to just shove the toy inside of you was starting to outweigh her own rationally but she held off. It wouldn’t be the first time the two women dominated you, it wouldn’t be the first time they double penetrated you either. Shinobu knew damn well you could take it, especially with the way you’d squirm and beg for her to keep going once she got started. Still, she let Mitsuri have her fun with you before acting upon her own desires.
Your head had fallen back in pleasure, riding the toy like Mitsuri could actually feel the way your walls clenched around it. Unknown to you, she had inserted a vibrator into herself before exiting the closet, the little egg shaped toy ways whirring away inside of her. The intensity of your hips smacking down on the toy created enough pressure to push the front of her walls further into the toy, you were making Mitsuri see stars and you didn’t even realize it. 
“Sh-Shinobu please!” You cried out, not bothering to look over your shoulder at the woman. “Please I need more~” you cried out, watching Mitsuri’s green eyes turn watery as her building orgasm threatened to make an utter wreck of the sheets below her. You knew Shinobu too well, her resolve was easily broken the moment you begged her like that, especially when you were so greedily stuffing your cunt with the silicone dick. 
Shinobu didn’t hesitate any longer, moving behind you and calming your movements just by placing her hands on your waist. “Lean forward.” she commanded, smirking as you easily did as she asked. Below you, the unshed tears had now started to leak down Mitsuri’s face, her hands coming up to play with your breasts as you hovered over her. “S-so good, you’re doing so good for me!” Mitsuri hiccuped, her restless hips starting to buck into you. 
You were still remaining still for Shinobu but it was hard to maintain that level of composure when Mitsuri was forcing the toy to impale you over and over like it brought her pleasure. Your arms nearly gave out as Shinobu pressed the toy into your ass with no further warning. Your ears were ringing by the time Shinobu had fully sheathed the toy inside of you. You couldn’t think straight, not when you felt so damn full. Much to your dismay, they began moving out of sync. It wasn't long before Mitsuri would stop all together.
Mitsuri’s orgasm hit her hard, hips jerking and pushing the toy deep. You gasped with her, Shinobu’s nails digging into your skin to hold you steady as you collapsed onto a gasping Mitsuri. Shinobu hadn’t expected either of you to last very long once she joined, so it wasn’t all that shocking to her when Mitsuri’s body seemed to turn to jelly and take you with it. “C’mon, you may crush Mitsuri if you don’t lift yourself up.” Shinobu was pulling you back, earning a sharp yell from you as the dildo Mitsuri had been using was pulled out of you. 
“There we go, pretty selfish to let yourself collapse on her like that, look how worn out she is.” You felt tears begin to streak down your cheeks, Shinobu’s attempts at humiliating you made the coil in your abdomen grow impossibly tighter. You watched Mitsuri shakily push herself up, reaching down to yank the vibrating toy out. She collapsed a moment later, sighing in relief now that she could relax from the overstimulation. You had hoped she would come to your defense but she never did, which only made you whimper as fat globs of tears littered the sheets below. 
“Aww no need to cry, sweetie. It’s okay to be a selfish little slut sometimes… just makes it more fun for me.” You hiccuped, wiping your eyes as Mitsuri shakily began undoing the strap. Shinobu smirked, knowing well what the other woman was doing. So, she continued to stall, keeping her dildo shoved inside of you as she taunted you. You couldn’t even keep your eyes open, head falling in shame as your walls fluttered around nothing. It wasn’t until Shinobu let you go, letting you fall forward, that you opened your eyes. Mitsuri’s fingers were running through your hair, your face just centimeters from her sopping cunt. “Go ahead, eat.”
You let out a choked moan as Shinobu’s hips drew back, thrusting into you just as harshly and pushing you directly into Mitsuri’s cunt. Through your tears, you began lapping greedily at her spent cunt, arms struggling to keep yourself at least a little elevated as Shinobu had her fun with you. Your mind felt like it was slowly turning to liquid, as if they could tell you to do anything and you’d do it without any hesitation. In a way, you already were. You could feel your orgasm building, the pressure of Shinobu’s toy thrusting in and out of your tight heat was just enough to make your toes curl, but not nearly enough to make you cum. 
Not that you could really think much in that moment, tongue lazily lapping at Mitsuri’s folds while the pink haired woman whined and sighed. “So good, you’re fucking her stupid, Shinobu. She can barely move her tongue.” Shinobu only huffed out a laugh, nearly pulling the entire toy out of you before thrusting into you roughly again. Your cry vibrated against Mitsuri’s cunt as a result. “At this point you’re just torturing her, Shinobu.” Mitsuri added in a voice as light as air, feeling just a bit bad for you with how rough Shinobu was being. “She can take it.” the petite woman spat in response, reaching to grab a fistful of your hair and yank you up. 
“Go on, tell Mitsuri you can take it.” She nearly growled at you, holding you hard enough that you had no choice but to bend to her whims. You couldn’t even form a coherent thought nevermind a full sentence, water eyes meeting Mitsuri’s as you babbled out something similar to a “like it.” Mitsuri only chuckled a bit, hand reaching out to hold your wet face as Shinobu continued to abuse your ass. “Are you sure?” Mitsuri cooed softly, wiping stray tears with her thumb, her own pleasure forgotten as she moved closer to cradle you. You babbled out a yes, collapsing into her chest as Shinobu let go of her hair. “Shinobu… ease up.” 
Mitsuri’s voice had taken on a more stern tone, one look and Shinobu was submitting to Mitsuri’s commands. “Eat her out, Nobu. You put her through enough, she’s been good, more than good actually.” You gasped as Shinobu pulled the toy out all together, doing just as Mitsuri requested. It was rare for the woman to take on a more dominant role, it was even more rare for Shinobu to give in so easily. “You’ve come enough for one night, Shinobu.” Mitsuri’s tone was laced with something you could only call condescending, it made you shiver in her embrace. Shinobu only uttered out a soft “yes ma’am” before you felt the mattress dipping.
You whined as her tongue slipped between slick folds, poking and prodding at your puffy clit as she tried to ease any of the “damage” she had dealt you. It was much softer than before, given that you had already been so worked up, it was no surprise you were gasping as your release washed over you within a few seconds. You couldn’t even bring yourself to feel embarrassed, body melting into Mitsuri’s embrace as your limbs turned to jelly. Aftercare between the two women was enough to lull you to sleep, brain buzzing as everything began to feel like a fever dream. “Don’t worry about anything else, we’ll take care of each other.” 
You barely processed what Mitsuri said, eyes heavy as Shinobu kissed up your spine, whispering soft apologies as she did. You would have told her it was fine, that you didn’t mind the rough behavior, but your brain was shutting down, lulled to sleep by the steady beat of Mitsuri’s heart.
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busylilbee · 2 years
It's almost sunset and ~90°F~ outside I thought I was rid of this hell when I successfully escaped from Florida
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hemmingshouse · 1 month
a nice pair / matt sturniolo
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summary: matt has a thing for you and makes that very clear when you’re smoking together.
warnings: making out, swearing, mentions of sex, smoking, fingering etc etc etc.
“pass me that lighter again?”
your words slowly shook him from the haze he was in as he breathed out the smoke he inhaled seconds ago. he looked at you for a second, adoring the way your eyes were a bit droopy because of the impact of the joint you two were currently sharing.
matt opened his eyes from where he was slumped upon the couch, head resting against the back of the comfortable leather. he reached for the black lighter that was next to him before he chucked it your way, the small object hitting you straight in the boob. “ow!” you laughed, “you got aim, brotha.”
he chuckled and rolled his eyes at the nickname, watching how you were lighting up the joint from where it slowly burned out before. with the dimmed lighting of the living room and the scented candles you had lit before lighting up the joint to block out the strong smell, matt noticed how relaxed you looked. it was a nice contrast to a few hours ago, where you came barging through the triplets front door after a massive fight with one of your best friends.
she had multiple problems with her boyfriend and because you were such an empathic person, you continuously tried to help her out by giving advice whenever you could. it became a bit harder for you when she neglected you for the motherfucker of a boyfriend, all your energy and time disappearing into thin air when you realised she had never truly listened to you in the first place.
“god,” you breathed out the smoke, shaking your head, “can’t thank you enough for letting me lounge around your place, matt. truly means a lot.”
he sent you a smile, waving you off jokingly. “you have a spare key, sweetheart. can’t stop you from anything.”
“oh fuck off,” you laughed, sitting up straight after you took another hit of the blunt, “as if you’d ever stop me to begin with. you love having me around ‘cause you can lay your head on my tits when we sleep together.”
matt sucked in an audible breath after you jokingly called him out, shaking his head playfully. “can’t deny that, you’ve got a very nice fuckin’ pair.”
the way you always joked around with each other was something people from the outside would rarely ever get. strangers could never truly figure out of you two were a couple or just teasing friends, and sometimes it was a trick question for you and matt as well. even nick and chris would often make bets about who of you two would cave in first and admit to having feelings for one another even if the both of you stated you were just friends. the line between being friendly and being friendly was sometimes being crossed without you two even being fully aware of it.
you handed him the joint so he was able to put it out onto the ashtray sitting on the coffee table because you nearly finished it. matt let out a content sigh as he sat back onto the couch, much closer to you this time. the heat radiated off of him as matt rested his head against your collarbone, an arm draped across your stomach.
“don’t fall asleep on me,” you smiled softly, hand reaching up to tangle in his unruly mop of brown hair, “i don’t want your drool on my chest.”
he chuckled softly, your vanilla cotton scented perfume filling his nose as it brushed against your neck ever so lightly. matt adored the way you let him be his clingy self when he was a bit hazy, always very content the way he was able to cuddle you and sneak a hand underneath your (his) t-shirt.
this time was different though. you wore a strappy crop top that matched your wide leg joggers and matt swore his mouth dropped when he saw you barging through the door a few hours prior. the red material was a nice change from the black you usually wore as it brought out your eyes and he couldn’t stop lurking at your collar bones and neck as they were on full display for him to admire.
the way your soft and bare skin felt against his stubbly jaw made a knot form in the pit of his stomach, your familiar scent making his head dizzy as he thought about how you’d feel when you were fully naked and pulled flush against him as he was filling you up.
“matt?” you whispered, almost sure that he fell asleep until he slowly moved his hand from where it was still draped across your stomach to the waistband of your joggers. his action caused your cheeks to heat up slightly, breath caught in the back of your throat when the tip of his fingers softly dipped into waistband. “matt-”
“mhm?” he hummed, nose brushing against your jaw as he featherly kissed your neck. you weren’t sure if it was actually happening or if you were imagining it because of being hazy, but the way your body reacted gave away that you were more than okay with matt touching you this way. “what’s wrong?”
his muffled and low words in combination with the way his slender fingers untied the knot of your joggers made your head spin, hands unconsciously pulling matt’s hair slightly. “n-nothing,” you stammered quietly as his fingers brushed your underwear, “just getting a bit hot over here.”
he chuckled, “maybe we should take these off then,” he suggested as he tugged onto the drawstrings of your joggers once again, a hint of playfulness in his voice. you didn’t know what ignited in you, but you pulled matt’s head back from the crook of your neck to look him in the eye. 
you were sat in silence for a few seconds, gazes locked, before you felt like it went on for long enough and pulled him closer to you by the back of his neck. matt was quick to cup your jaw with one hand and smash his lips onto yours, not wanting to waste any more precious time as he deepened the kiss by letting his mouth work together with yours.
you never expected a shitty afternoon could turn into you kissing one of your best friends, his fingertips now digging into your waist as you casually seated yourself on his lap. a groan fell from his mouth as you accidentally rocked your hips against his after he softly bit your lip, his hands sneaking underneath your top.
the coldness of his rings in combination with how his calloused fingers were currently dragging across your skin made your head spin. your acrylic nails grazed his scalp as you ran your fingers through his hair, a soft wimper falling from your lips as matt’s hands dipped down to grab a good handfull of your ass.
“oh my god,” he breathed as you took off his hoodie and threw it onto the floor next to the couch, “if i knew this was gonna happen, i would’ve gotten you high sooner.”
his joke made you punch his shoulder lightly, matt’s hand grabbing your wrist before he placed a kiss onto the palm of your hand. “i’m joking baby,” he chuckled, “but fuck, if i don’t get you naked in a second-”
“matt,” you chuckled as he took ahold of the hem of your top, looking into your eyes, “the only thing that’s stopping you from getting me naked is you running your mouth.”
it caused him to laugh and shake his head, “i just wanna take my time,” he mumbled, fingers curling around the fabric of your top before he looked up at you to silently ask for consent. you didn’t say anything, just raised your arms with a small smile before he threw the strappy red fabric onto the floor. “look at you,” he said softly, running his fingers along your skin. “so fuckin’ beautiful, aren’t you?”
the way his husky voice was ringing in your ears whilst his big hands trailed along your entire torso made goosebumps arise on every inch of your body. the way he was so gentle but still took control was one of the hottest things you had ever seen, loving the way he spoke to you while he took the time to explore your body.
“matt,” you mumbled, his lips pressing feathery kisses along your boobs and neck as his hands remained warm on your waist. he hummed at you as he continued his actions, tongue slightly dragging up from your neck to your ear.
“yes baby?” he asked you, nickname falling from his tongue as if he called you that every single day. you didn’t want to waste any more time as you took his chin in one hand, pulling him in to kiss you once again.
matt loved how you knew what you wanted and adored that you showed him you wanted it now. he couldn’t help but smirk into the kiss as you deepened the kiss, letting out a whimper when one of matt’s hands slowly slid into your underwear as he kept his gaze on you. “god,” he hissed, nose bumping against yours, “never knew i could find you even hotter than i already did, but now that you’re soaked on my couch i fear i actually can.”
the way his cold fingers worked against your clit and eventually slid inside you made you moan, hands tangled in matt’s unruly hair. “mh- oh fuck.”
the way you responded to matt’s touch caused his ego to burst through the roof, your body almost like putty running through his fingers. he couldn’t stop looking at how your face scrunched up in pleasure as his fingers pumped in and out of you, a rosy blush spreading across your cheeks as your eyes locked with his.
“you’re doin’ so well for me, sweetheart,” he told you, continuing his pleasuring as his free hand squeezed your thigh, “can’t wait to fuck you even better.”
you let out a whine when matt’s fingers slipped out of you, “broooo,” you sighed, “why the fuck did you stop?” you asked him with a whiny chuckle, eyes darting up at him as he unbuckled his belt and took off his jeans, leaning forward to kiss you once again in the meantime.
matt chuckled softly, brushing his thumb across your bottom lip, “need to hear those pretty little moans when my cock fills you up before you cum, pretty girl.”
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iamasaddie · 3 months
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moaning, panting
paring: Lucien Flores x f!reader rating: explicit warnings: explicit sexual content, fisting, dirty talk, not edited/beta-ed word count: 1,6 a/n: the thought came to my mind and then @covetyou cemented it with her interest <3 this is a surprise to me but now I kinda have a fisting fic masterlist
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“Fuck, no, Lucien, are you kidding me?” Your jaw dropped when the man that had just been eating you out for the last thirty minutes ascended from between your legs and asked you a truly terrifying question while still licking your cum off his lips. 
“Why not, bonita?” His face reflected a genuine surprise, thick eyebrows raising above the dark chocolate eyes.  
You propped yourself up on your elbows, meeting Lucien's gaze. He didn't break eye contact, forcing you to squeeze the words stuck in your throat out of yourself.
“It won’t… fit.” Heat rose from your quivering belly to your rising and falling chest, dragging the waves of embarrassment to your neck and cheeks.
“This thing?” Lucien chuckled, raising his right hand, three of his thick fingers were still glistening with your wetness and he sucked them all in his mouth. When he slowly released the digits now shiny with his spit, he let out an exaggerated moan. “You said the same thing about my dick and now there isn’t a hole in your body I didn’t fuck.” He kept a moment of silence and then corrected himself, “out of the classic ones, of course.”
Your thighs tensed through their relaxed state, the feeling barely there because of how good he made you feel moments ago. Hypothetically, you knew what your body was capable of, but in practice you were still terrified. Unfortunately, the curiosity already left the indents of its teeth on your brain. As scared as you were, the idea how far you could go thrilled you, and doing it with Lucien… well at least you knew you were in experienced hands, even if those same hands were the most frightening part.
“What if… it hurts?”
The succumbing notes in your voice painted a smile on Lucien’s face. His hands dropped on your thighs, kneading the soft meat in a calming gesture. 
“I will stop, immediately. No question.”
You hummed, and closed your eyes. Your lungs burned with the amount of air you tried to fill them with. In your head you were already fighting the shock of how easy it was to give in when his voice was so soothing, when his hands were so sure and knowing, when his tongue already drew circles around your tight nipples.
“Okay.” Your whisper was barely audible, lost in your exhale. 
“Good girl.”
His lips distracted you from his right hand that moved from your sternum to the curve of your belly, lower, where your pussy was molten lava. 
“If it makes you feel better,” Lucien murmured in your skin, “you’ve easily taken three before, and where’s three there’s four.”
He left a wet kiss on your collarbone and you felt his teeth sink into the tender skin at the same moment as three of his fingers entered you. Just like he said, without any problem. Your relaxed pussy welcomed him with lewd wet sounds and you wanted to hide your face but stopped yourself when you heard Lucien’s moan. He was never shy in bed. Never hid his pleasure. It made you addicted to him.
“Fuck, baby, your little sloppy pussy is more than ready to stretch wide for me,” his words stumbled upon each other in a hurry to get out in a filthy stream. “You’re so wet, amorcito, leaking all over my hand. At this rate we won’t even have to use lube.”
“I’m kidding,” Lucien kissed your shoulder and pulled his fingers out. “Face down ass up, baby, let’s stretch that pussy.”
His hand left a wet stain on your left thigh as he slapped it while you were getting in the position obediently. It wasn’t a new one, so you made sure you were laying comfortably as Lucien rummaged the bedside table for lube, almost singing a happy “a-haa” as he clutched the pink bottle in his hand. 
You could almost feel his eyes on your fluttering hole, the wet folds heating up in anticipation. A gentle finger traced a single line between your lips, gathering cum mixed with arousal and patting your clit.
“You have the prettiest pussy in the world, baby. Looking at her is like looking at stars, or fire, I can never get tired of it.”
“Stop with your—“
Three fingers parting your silky malleable walls interrupted whatever you tried to say. It was a lot, it was always a lot with the size of every part of the man’s body, but it was also never bad. It was just right so you wondered if more would be too much. 
As if reading your thoughts, Lucien probed the edge of your stretched hole with his pinky. “So pretty,” his whisper was wet and trembling just like your core. A drop of sweat traveled from your temple down. You held your breath waiting for the sting that never came. There was just… tension. The same familiar stretch but more intense.
You lifted your head from the mattress and you looked between your legs getting an upside down view of Lucien’s thighs and hard cock.
“Yeah,” you panted, “good.”
His fingers moved inside you, flexing them together into a cone shape. The closer he got to the knuckles the more intense the stretch got. He patiently fucked you with the digits, placing his left hand on your clit to help you relax further. He was more than familiar with your body to press just the right buttons. Lucien’s knowing fingers danced tight circles around your pulsing clit while his other hand worked on stretching you more and more. Your thighs trembled, teeth sinking in your lower lip until the copper taste filled your mouth. This was more than any toy you’d ever put inside you, thicker than even Lucien’s cock. When the push and pull became easier, he bent down to place a kiss on your asscheek.
“You’re doing so good, baby, if you could only see how fucking pretty your pussy looks stretched like that.”
His thumb was last, the thickest of his fingers, it caught your attention a lot with the shiny sparkle of a gold ring Lucien often wore.  
When the tip of it touched the skin of your already stuffed pussy, you slapped your palm on the mattress.
“Wait, wait.”
Lucien stopped immediately, concern in his voice. “Pain?”
“No,” you squeezed your eyes, admitting, “I’m scared.”
The fingers that played with your clit resumed the motion while others stayed still, filling you up. “It’s okay, baby. We can stop, or I can help you relax some more.” The tension in your pussy made your orgasm come quicker, the ringing sound in your ears almost drowned Lucien’s voice. “You call the shots.”
His heavy breathing interlacing with your loud moans for more told him exactly what you wanted. He was still four buckles deep inside you, his left hand furiously working over your clit to bring you closer and closer to the edge. 
“That’s it, good girl, squeezing my hand so hard, baby.” Praise spilled out of him in a generous stream, “fuck, your pussy is gonna break my fingers, amorcito. Feel so good.”
“Move,” you croaked the words out, “move your fuckin' hand, Lucien.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, as soon as both his hands started to move in a despicable tandem you felt the tightness that was once only in your pussy spread all over your body, tying it up in a knot. Your teeth sank in the bedsheet as orgasm crashed on your body in violent waves. 
You tried catching your breath as scream after scream oxygen left your body. Not giving you a chance to recover Lucien used the perfect moment of post-orgasmic trance to push his thumb along his other fingers inside your throbbing pussy. 
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” your brain was incapable of forming any other word as you felt another wave of pressure. It wasn’t painful or scary, it was almost teasing. Your exhausted thighs pushed back on their own accord, accepting more of his hand inside. 
“Last push, baby,” you just hummed, feeling your body being boneless, stretchy like a chewed up gum, sticky like toffee; ready to be fresh mold for him.
It was like time stopped and then sped up ten times. Stretch, pressure and then it all erupted. Lucien touched the parts of you that were hidden from anyone, even yourself, and he did it magically. 
“I’ve never seen anything prettier, baby.” You wish you could hear the words Lucien was saying, the compliments he was peppering on you, but the blood pumping in your ears made it impossible and you lost yourself in the rapid beats of your pulse and the dragging out feeling of pleasure.
Or was like orgasm after orgasm was flowing out of you, transferring the feelings of peace and content through your veins. 
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“Squirted all over me and passed out, huh?”
A gentle finger traced a line on your cheek, bringing you back to reality. You were laying on your back, naked, but under a warm blanket with Lucien’s body close.
Flashes of the night gave you some clarity, reminding you where you were. “Sorry, you didn’t cum.” You still felt breathless, your eyelids too heavy to open.
“Nah I totally jerked off on your stretched out pussy, sorry.”
“You’re insane.” You giggled quietly, thankful that he had enough strength to clean you up after.
“Insanely depraved, and lucky to have you,” he murmured, spooning you and placing a tender kiss on your neck.
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ʀɪʙʙᴏɴ | ᴊ.ᴡʏ
🎀 PAIRING: Dilf!daddy! Wooyoung x F! Reader
🎀 SYNOPSIS: You just love Wooyoung's dick, and maybe you wanted to make it look pretty like it truly is.
🎀 CONTENT/WARNINGS: daddy kink, heavy subspace, dumbification, heavy degradation, slight spanking, finger sucking, blowjob.
🎀 PROMPT: "can I tie a ribbon around your dick, daddy?"
🎀 A/N: this was a big brain rot, tell me if it sucks y'all 😭
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“Woo!” You call out for your boyfriend for the third time, your tone now being more exclamative. Wooyoung finally looks up from his phone, his lazy eyes staring down at you, now. “What's it baby?” Instead of giving him an answer, you crawl towards him where he's sitting on your shared bed. You instantly make yourself comfortable on his lap, throwing his phone out of his hand. Wooyoung cocks his eyebrows at your actions, but he lets you do whatever you want – highkey curious about what you were going to do. 
Your fingers interlace with his, pushing his hands further behind your back before letting them rest on the pulp of your ass. “Can I tie a ribbon around it?” 
You had to admit – you were surprised with yourself for being so bold with him about your dirty request. For a fact, you had found yourself stuttering when asking him to fuck your throat or fiddling with your fingers when you wanted him to choke you while he pounded you into the sheets, during the early stages of your relationship. 
Wooyoung raises his eyebrows yet again from your question, “You mean my dick, pretty girl?” His lips threatened to stretch in a smirk when he saw the way your cheeks heated up, and his hands squeezed your ass, hard. You whimper loudly, unintentionally letting your hips grind on his growing bulge. 
But – surprisingly for wooyoung – you managed to compose yourself, and lift yourself off of him. “I'll let you think about it, daddy.” You whisper the words next to his ear, placing a chaste kiss on his neck before walking away. All while Wooyoung sat there, an unbelievable grin on his face with a raging boner confined in his pants. 
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Days later when you were lying stomach down on your bed, your chin placed on the soft pillow as you watched the k-drama on your phone, you felt familiar hands caressing your ass. You feel the bed dip beside you, and before you could think of anything, your figure was being pulled up by your arms. You were pushed onto your knees while Wooyoung's figure towered over you. 
“Hm I thought about what you said princess,” His words make you cock your head in confusion, but it all morphs into flusteredness when his hands wave a wide peach coloured ribbon in front of your eyes. 
His smirk seemed to grow wider at your reaction – all while your body heated against your own wish, suddenly feeling all too small under him. “Can I, daddy?” The name slipped off your tongue ever so naturally, for you had found yourself calling him by the nickname outside the bedroom too – but god was that a thing that always managed to make Wooyoung's dick pop up whenever you used it with a pleading tone. 
“On your knees, baby.” His tone was filled with firmness and sounded so commanding, your knees felt too weak to lift off the mattress. But nonetheless, you were on the wooden floor, your hands placed on your thighs, obediently waiting for his next order – just like how he had taught you. 
Wooyoung spread his thick thighs ever so slowly, leaning back as he rested his hands on the mattress. You felt your mouth salivate at the sight of his – not-so-subtle – standing bulge. “Look at you drooling over my bulge, baby, you want to wrap this pretty little ribbon around my fat cock so badly don't you, pretty?”  
You nodded instantly, before adding an obedient “Yes, daddy!” You knew well to not be non-verbal with Wooyoung right now, knowing well he would stop everything when you did so. “Beg” 
A whine slips out of you before you had the thought of holding the said noise back. Your hands immediately find their place onto his thighs in impatience, “Please daddy, been dying to do this, please-” You knew you sounded pathetic as hell, but you could care less when getting his cock for yourself was on line. 
Wooyoung lets out a low chuckle from your grabby hands, “Get to work princess.” As soon his words went inside your head, your fingers tugged on the zipper. Your hands sloppily pulled his jeans down, his dick almost slapping against your cheek as it sprung out. Your hands grasped the ribbon from his hand, fixing it to tie it around him. 
“Make it pretty for daddy, princess.” Your hand wraps the ribbon around his length twice before stopping above to tie an adorable ribbon over it – but god if only your actions were so adorable there. 
You smiled at how pretty you had made it, and leaned down to kiss his shaft, making him groan from the contact. His hands instantaneously find a place in between your hair strands and push you down his cock till the ribbon you just tied tickled your nose. Your gasp gets cocked up from his cock hitting the back of your throat in one go. Immediate tears prick at the corner of your eyes, but you didn't even try to pull away from his cock, although his hands just stayed upon your head. 
Wooyoung bunches up your hair in a ponytail when your eyes give him a go. “Gonna fuck your face, beautiful. Would you like that? To tie a pretty ribbon around my cock and then choke on it?” 
No matter what, Wooyoung's words always had you dripping wet in minutes. He definitely had a way with his words – just like how he has a way with his cock. 
Your body turns plaint on the floor while your hands rested between your thighs, while his cock now rammed into your mouth. Your spit garnered and slipped past your lips. Your eyes rolled back from the way your brain almost shut down, and the only thought being ‘daddy's cock’ – Wooyoung surely knew how to face fuck you dumb. 
His cock twitched between your warm walls at the sight in front of him, his body still reacting the same to the way you get so fucked from the littlest of his actions. 
He tugs your mouth off of him with a ‘pop’, his hand now holding his cock in his hand, jerking sloppily. “Tongue out, pretty girl.” The command can barely be processed by your brain before your tongue juts out, ready to take all the loads of his cum. As if on cue, his cock twitches as spurts of cum land more likely on your cheeks rather than your welcoming tongue. 
The ribbon was now a bit crooked but Wooyoung didn't give it a mind. His hands come down to collect some of his sticky white cum off your cheeks, only for this index and middle finger to get shoved inside your mouth without a warning. They press down on your tongue to drown out any complaining noise that tries to escape you. “Can't fucking take my cum can you? Such fucked dumb whore.” 
You were surely far too gone in your headspace to react to his words like an adult. You sobbed around his fingers, trying to complain about how you were nothing but a good girl, but they were all meaningless attempts to just get dicked down by him soon. 
Wooyoung's soft member was soon to stand up tall from your pathetic babbling claims. And before you knew it, his hand retreated from your mouth to pull you up on his lap by your arms. 
A low sheepish smile sits on your face when you feel his girth sliding and fitting snugly between your wet folds. You feel the fabric of the ribbon near your clit but your slick soon dripped all over, soaking it wet – just as he intended to. 
“My dumb pretty baby wants something don't you? Tell me princess, what you want?” You almost feel as if the room was spinning, his words and the feeling of his length sliding against your folds – oh so fucking close to your needy hole. Your head falls onto his shoulder as you babble, “ ‘S your cock, daddy- hnngh- please?” 
How could he ever say no to his baby like that? When you were pleading so softly, so fucked out and thoughtless and your body so plaint against him? 
Wooyoung let out a curse before swiftly switching your position to slam his cock into you. Your awaiting hole was quick enough to swallow his thick cock, your walls eager to hug him. “Always so fucking wet and drenching for- fuck- for me, princess.” 
He hoists his body above you, his hands holding your legs apart to give his hips more access. “Gonna fuck you dumb like I always do”, saying that, Wooyoung’s hips snap ever so furiously. Hitting every spot inside you with his cock. Your brain basically turns mushy from feeling his dick almost stomach deep inside you, your thoughts were basically nothing short of a mess and only thing being ‘daddy's cock, gonna take it’.
You barely have to babble about how much you love the way he pounded into you (which you did) for him to fasten his pace. “Look at you baby- babbling around my cock so pathetically- fuck-” 
His loud curse is followed by your whine when he pulls his twitching dick out of your throbbing cunt. You can merely recognize the fact that you were now in your stomach, when his dick back inside you. Your lips feel the harsh taps of his finger and he lets you take a few seconds before you are parting your lips, welcoming the entry of his fingers into your mouth. 
You had never known how loud Wooyoung got you to be whenever you were wrapped around his dick until you had heard the recording of one night. You were way too flustered and wet from your own plaintive sounds that the night had ended with Wooyoung having to let you bounce on his dick for the whole night. 
“You like being pounded like a bitch in heat, don't you baby? Want the neighbours to hear and complain yet again about how you can't keep your mouth shut while having my dick inside you?” 
Although the thought gave you an adrenaline rush and caused more slick to seep out of you, Wooyoung knew better than to get a noise complaint filed against you. 
He proceeds to hoist your leg around his waist, now hitting the tip of his cock right at your g-spot. The ribbon – now completely soaked in your slick – tickles against your clit, so softly, giving it a painful simulation. 
You cry when you feel the intense rush of orgasm, fingers grasping onto the pillows as you let the squirting liquids soak your bottom halves completely. Wooyoung can barely speak at the intensity of his cock ramming into you, and your pussy squirting out more cum every time his dick sloppily thrusts into you. 
And soon enough, you feel his hot semen fill your cunt up to the brim. His haphazard thrusts causing a white ring to form around the ribbon as he groans loudly. “Fuck- can never get enough of this pussy princess, made just for me, yea?” 
Your mind was now flying through the clouds, and your eyes threatened to close. Your hair was completely a mess, his fingers soaked in your spit when he finally pulled his soft member out of you. Wooyoung mentally thanks his dick for not getting hard at the sight of your used pussy leaking spurts of his cum and staining the sheets. 
He pulls you up by your waist, carrying your docile body to the bathroom carefully. Wooyoung had to admit, as much as he loved breaking your body and pushing you far beyond your limits, he also loved to take care of your bruised body every night. He loved to place chaste kisses on you while your headspace was nowhere in place to recognize his soft words he whispered into you while washing your pliant body. He was down bad for you (and your pussy) and he knew it. 
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lokisgoodgirl · 1 year
A Long Shower [Loki x Fem.Reader]
A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: You become an unwitting voyeur to Loki's post-workout routine. (w/c 2.2k) Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Voyeurism. Awkwardness. Thirst. Smuttish. M*sturbation. Language.
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Shit shit shit shit shit You hurriedly crouched behind the row of lockers, hunched and contorted to an inch of your life. If you were honest, you didn’t think you were going to fit. And right now, you sort of wished you hadn’t. The air you’d sucked in felt like granite, holding your breath as Loki Laufeyson padded obliviously over the heated tiles.
Why am I such an awkward arsehole, you thought; lungs starting to burn. Can’t just say hello, excuse me; like a normal person. Need to hide behind the feckin’ lockers, Jesus.
The unmistakeable sound of his sultry singing had wafted down the hall like a hymn. 'Der ligger hun i sjøen, min elsker, Jeg hører henne rope når månen er høy' He was so absent-mindedly perfect, in every way. Fuck. You’d only come in to grab forgotten headphones, there was nothing untoward. And yet, when you’d heard his hypnotic gravelled voice– you had panicked. And now, it was too late. 'Hun kjenner ikke ledningene hun holder... som binder hennes hjerte til mitt' Silence. You opened one eye reluctantly, half expecting to see his magnificent form looming with sceptical disdain. But, no. He was bent on one knee facing the opposite wall, untying his trainers. I didn’t think he’d tie his own shoes, you frowned. That ass, though. Loki was dressed in skin-tight black workout clothes that left just enough to the imagination. And boy, had you imagined. That gym gear of his clung to every carved inch of his body like a second skin. Alongside the way that he growled and grunted through inhuman workouts, it was a miracle you had survived this long in the team. Lord above, the filthy things he had done to you in your head in the dead of night as you touched yourself beneath sweaty sheets. It might even make him blush. You bit your lip, blowing air gently, silently, through your nose. You suddenly felt twenty pounds lighter. The thought had often crossed your mind about just who Loki was behind closed doors. He was charming and polite, a bit extra – kind of an asshole sometimes. And he was always on. There had been a sign hanging in the hallway of your old high school which had read, ‘who you truly are, is the person you become when you think nobody's watching’. You thought about that sign a lot. Your gaze tracked up from Loki’s ankles, over the curve of his bulging thighs tight beneath the shorts; a sheet of damp curls hanging down past his neck. And who are you, Loki Laufeyson? He unfurled, the muscles in his calves hardening as he pushed up. The shoes were kicked aside as he ran his hands casually through that gorgeous hair with a sigh. Oh god, you realised with rising horror. Is he going to… Still facing the wall, Loki began to strip.
The damp lycra top was the first soldier to fall. It peeled away beneath crossed hands which raised achingly slowly above his head. With every inch of skin revealed, you felt the blood drain from your face. I’m going to pass out, you thought, pushing yourself back against the tiled wall and hoping it would absorb you. His broad, triangular torso was inescapable. You should close your eyes. Avert your gaze. Protect his modesty. But oh, god - Loki tugged the training top from his head with a strained grunt, wild hair falling in waves between shifting shoulder-blades. He stretched to the side, freshly pumped forearms bulging with sickening definition. A thin sheen of sweat clung to his iridescent skin. Fuck, how you wanted to lick him. Taste the virgin sweat that was gathered in every dip and valley. In the soft lighting of the changing rooms, every dented curve of his arms were visible, each breathe making the landscape of his back flex as he rolled his head from side to side. He has fucking...back-dimples. You realised you had been holding your breath again. Long fingers began to toy with the waistband of his shorts. Jesus take the wheel, not the shorts. They caught on the curve of his ass, elastic grazing sluttishly down taut skin. You pressed your lips together painfully to stop the whimper building behind your teeth as the shorts fell in a heap around his ankles. I’m fucked, you thought. He’s naked. And I’m fucked. All he had to do was turn around. But he didn’t. Loki took a step to the side, positioning himself with ceremonial purpose in front of a small square mirror. Blessedly, it was too far to the side to reveal your hiding spot. You watched as his brow furrowed, looking deep into his own eyes. If there was one thing more hypnotic than Loki’s body, it was his face. As deep and inscrutable as the galaxies themselves.
He brought a hand across his chest to the opposite shoulder, massaging the dip as he appraised what he saw against some inscrutable criteria. Loki’s endless legs widened, ass clenching. Your stomach had a heartbeat, whirring with unspent adrenaline. Of all the ways you imagined you would first see Loki naked – this was not it. The digits slid to his jaw, thumb and forefinger tipping it to either side as he inspected himself. Is he checking for wrinkles? With mild horror, you realised you couldn’t feel your legs. Loki frowned again, ropes of hard shoulder muscle rolling as he sighed deeply. It was a tired sigh. It made you wonder if a god-level workout was the only thing wearing him out in the morning. He ran a hand through his hair, turning away. Your eyes flew to the wall before firing shut, a primitive freeze response. This was it. The rumble of a shower spurting to life broke the silence, strong pressure from the fancy waterfall head pattering to the tiles below. The showers were to the far right, outside your frame of view. You let out the breath you were holding in staggered, soundless relief. Maybe I can get out while he’s distracted. Crawl out. On my fucking hands and knees like a pervert. You waited a few seconds until the water’s rhythm broke, a contented growl from Loki’s throat that made your pussy hum signalling that his ritual had begun. Like the aforementioned pervert, you craned forwards, peeking around the corner of the lockers. God, how your legs ached. Your eyes widened. Goddammm, Laufeyson.
Loki stood long and lean, water cascading from where the stream hit the back of his neck, all the way down his legs. Even in the shower, his posture was impeccable. He tilted his head back, lips parted as he let the fresh droplets soak his front. The curls you adored from afar had turned to an inky slick, tendrils winding over alabaster skin like an intricate tattoo. There was a quiet beauty about him like this. This was one of his few private moments, an oasis of calm in his otherwise simmering façade. He’s so fucking…beautiful, you pined; realising that your eyeline was dropping unforgivably down his naked body. The rounds of his ass glistened in the soft light, lucky droplets rolling over the curves of muscle which dipped in at the middle of each cheek. He shifted on his feet, the slap of water making you jump as he swivelled his midriff to the side. The baritone hum began again, a hauntingly beautiful melody. From this new angle, every ridge and valley of his abdomen came into view. Fluffs of bubbles ran down his slick skin at a snails pace, each trail lapping over the deep crevices of his adonis belt. Your breath hitched, drawing back behind the lockers so only the tiniest sliver of him was in view. Fat drips of water slid down his legs from hip to calf, relishing each second they spent grasped to his ethereal skin. The undeniable slick in your panties was becoming untenable, becoming an itch that you didn't dare scratch. Heat seeped through the fabric of your leggings as you squashed further back against the wall. Loki raked a hand through the jet mass of hair, shaking a clump as he smoothed it to one side. His eyes were closed, a dark fan of lashes pressed innocently against the delicate skin beneath. I’m going to go into cardiac arrest, you mused, making your peace as he raised one arm to brace against the tiled wall. His profile was in full view now, and for the first time, you caught a glimpse of the legendary cock which haunted your dreams. It rose against his flat stomach, hard and thick and ready to be fucked. Oh god. You swallowed, mouth drier than sand. No. No. No, this is not happening. You shook your head, trying pathetically to wake. The dull ache in your thighs had grown to a roar, muscles screaming to be released from the stress position you’d be holding for what felt like three hours. You felt your parched lips part as the god placed his palm against his obscene manhood, wrapping each straight finger singularly around the shaft with formidable intent. He licked his lips, looking down at it like prey. Like a conquest. The arm locked against the wall, fully outstretched, sliding the foot nearest you backwards a few inches. It squeaked. His bicep tensed as he pressed against the tile, running water continuing its steady beat against his perfect skin. And then, he began to pump. In slow, torturous strokes. Oh god. Loki’s pinky finger hit the sudsy patch of public hair around the base with every journey, squeezing his foreskin out at the tip as it reached the summit. This was not a man in a rush. This was a man with relaxation on his mind. What the actual fuck am I doing here. Your eyes squeezed shut again, slinking back. To be fair, you had more than enough material in the wank-bank to last you the rest of your days. So the next five minutes, then; you thought bitterly, as low moans of pleasure began to sink from the god’s lips. I will not survive this.
The sound mingled with the heavy steam filling the air, a heady scent of bergamot wafting as his erotic sighs and breathy groans reluctantly transcended you to a higher plane. Loki’s moans vibrated, rising and falling. He was shameless. Anyone could walk in, you thought incredulously; before realising the irony.
The god’s hips rocked into each swipe of his hand; fucking rhythmically against his fist as water cascaded over his neck and down chiselled abs. Clumps of soaking hair hung around his cheekbones, layered down his neck, down his shoulders. You hadn’t even realised you were staring at him again, rocking on the balls of your feet as your sweaty fingertips pressed against the floor in a trance. He was intoxicating. The way his brow creased. The way he was sighing gently from glistening lips. Droplets clung to his cheekbones, pacing downward before fainting to the porcelain below. He was completely in the moment, completely lost in himself. Who are you thinking about, Loki? Your heart was thundering, the acid collecting in your burning calves, forgotten. Loki released a ragged groan, taut obliques clenching. The muscles in his femurs tensed, his palm sliding down the wall as his whole body juddered. Long fingers that you fantasised about slipping deep inside you curled against the tiles. Please cum, you hoped ravenously; breaths quickening. Please, for the love of god please cum. “I know you’re there, Agent.” Cold dread rose with each slowly enunciated word, eyes widening as panic expanded like barbed foam in your belly. “Honestly," Loki smarmed, his head falling back with a rasping moan as he released himself with a final squeeze. “How you ever manage to conceal yourself in any undercover operation with all that heavy breathing is beyond me.” With an ungraceful gasp you fell forward, splayed on the heated tiles. Your forehead was pressed to the floor, mind racing as you carded through every possible excuse. None of them were plausible. With difficulty, you turned your cheek to the side to face him. “I’m sorry…” you mumbled, reluctantly pressing up and dusting off your leggings as your cheeks burned hot. “I didn’t mean to-I was just...and then you-” “-Look at me.” he said sternly. Your eyes fluttered up, hoping that the way you were gazing at him was penitent and seductive in equal measure. But he was smiling. Sort of. One side of Loki’s mouth twitched, the pressure from the waterfall shower bouncing outward from between his shoulder-blades as he stared you down. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back. In that standard regally panty-wetting pose that you had admired many times while you raked every inch of his leather-clad body with covetous eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, and closed it again. “I plan on having a very long shower, Agent,” he purred knowingly, the inky curls pasted to his jawline making your stomach flip. He widened his legs, reminiscent of a battle stance. Your eyes fell to his perfect cock twitching neglected against his stomach and then back to his face. The clothes on your body felt heavier with every passing second. “Would you care to join me?” he said politely, as easily as offering you a cup of tea. He already knew the answer. He had known all along. Of course he knew, you mug. Your thighs squeezed together, biting your lip. Loki did the same, before stretching to a wide smile. Mischievous fire simmered in his dilated eyes. There was a click as the lock on the door slid shut of it’s own accord while you pulled your t-shirt over your head.
In the brief cover of darkness, you heard Loki moan again.
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Loki's Song (aka nonsense I made up) There she lies in the lake, my lover I hear her call when the moon is high She does not know the cords she holds That bind her heart to mine
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Tags (cont in comments) @meowmeow-motherfucker @muddyorbsblr @imalovernotahater @avengersalways @littledark11 @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @coldnique @holdmytesseract @jaidenhawke @imalovernotahater @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @sebstanwhore @xorpsbane @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @acidcasualties @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @skymoonandstardust @gruftiela @glitchquake
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thursdaygxrls · 5 months
Enemies to lovers & enemies with benefit, remus x reader pls? They both are academic rivals and one day things got heated and they have angry sex then after that everytime they would argue in ends up in them having sex? Maybe add in a jealous remus hehe
i absolutely loved this request!! tried my best (i haven't written smut in a while, sorry if it's trash). might need to do a part two to add the jealous remus in :)) also, i'm trying out a new intro set up because i'm tired of the old one
how to hate a boy
pairing remus lupin x reader
warnings mdni!! smut, lotta smut, fingering, p in v (protected), general hatred, really bad editing (i didn't edit tehe)
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Remus Lupin was always a crude, scruffy boy. Ever since she’d met him, he’d been nothing but trouble. It started with the pranks. Remus Lupin and his moronic Gryffindor companions had become notorious for their practical jokes within the first few years of Hogwarts. It was nothing necessarily harmful: enchanting quills to scribble on sleeping students' faces or swapping out pumpkin juice for polyjuice potion. They were always annoying, but never intrusive to her specifically. Until the end of fourth year.
She prided herself on being one of the brightest witches of her age, receiving praise from McGonnagle and Slughorn themselves. It was only natural to assume she'd ranked somewhere in the top five in each year's final exams. There was an ease to her step when she walked to the board outside the square where each fourth year's marks had been posted. Though there was a crowd of both horrified and excited children, she pushed through to look at the list. Her eyes moved to the top immediately, gently combing through the list until...
In that moment, she died.
She found her name next to an emboldened number six, and the name above? Lupin, Remus John. Her mouth was dry in an instant, all the moisture having been sucked from her tongue to her eyes. As if the colossal failure along with its physical repercussions wasn't enough, Sirius Black, one of said moronic Gryffindors, had popped up next to her for a look at the board.
"Would you look at that, Moons!" His ecstatic tone sent a wave of bile up her throat, "You're in the top five!"
"Piss off." She heard his gruff voice respond.
"I'm serious! You're up here!"
That was about all she could take. She pushed through the crowd, ignoring the hisses of annoyance and the calls of 'what the hell's her problem?' Hot, salty tears filled her eyes as she stomped from the square. Something like this would never happen again, she would make sure of it.
Thus, the rivalry was born.
Remus never truly knew how he'd suddenly gained an enemy the next year. He didn't know her well - she was just a girl in his year, not one he'd ever talked to or singled out. Yet, there was a newfound aggression she held towards him that unleashed itself within the classroom. If he began to raise his hand to answer a question, hers would shoot up with no hesitation before his fingers were as high as his head. He thought she was just eager and he was just slow until it happened in every class they had together for two weeks.
Then, in the library, she would casually pluck the books he would reach for. It was a nuisance, truly, and more than that, he received an A on a paper he could've received an O on if he'd just had the books he needed. It was then he accepted that this was not a random occurrence, this girl truly had some sort of vendetta against him, and he needed to retaliate. Returning to his dorm after collecting his graded paper, he immediately sought to design a prank to put an end to this one-sided war. However, within minutes of planning it, an idea occurred to him: maybe he'd started it all, or Sirius, or James, or Peter. Perhaps she'd been fodder in one of their pranks, and in turn was the one getting her revenge.
Remus was not an unreasonable man. Unlike Sirius (who would've pulled something far worse than a practical joke on her), he could deal with this situation with something much less drastic: a conversation.
He found her the next day tucked away in the library. She was at a table near the back where there were more cobwebs than books. He approached her with the same caution someone might lend to a venomous snake or feral cat. Slow, steady steps led him to her chair, where he introduced his presence with an awkward cough.
"Hi," he spoke, tone unwavering. She, whose eyes had been gliding along the pages of a book, looked up at him with an uninterested gaze. He stood still for a moment before letting out a sigh.
"I'm sorry, alright?" He huffed, though he wasn't sure what his was sorry for.
"Sorry?" She raised a brow in what seemed to be genuine intrigue.
"Yeah, y'know," he gently scraped the edge of his boot against the table leg, "For whatever I did. Or we did. Whatever bit of fun we had that's got you so miffed with me."
All at once, her quirked brow and sense of interest dissipated, replaced by a hard scowl. Quickly, she began packing away her belongings, not caring to spare him a glance.
"What?" There was a sense of annoyance in her voice, "I was apologizing."
"Mhm," she hummed, zipping her bag. Before she left, she met his eyes with a piercing gaze, "I heard about that A you got, Lupin. Try a little harder next time, will you?" With that, she left the library and a partly-dumbfounded, partly-pissed Remus.
His initial reaction was to fight fire with fire: if she wanted to be a prick, he'd show her how low he could get. He stomped through the castle, steam blowing from his ears. His face was twisted into one of rage when he slammed his dorm door shut, immediately alerting his roommates.
"'Bloody hell's wrong with you?" Sirius immediately perked up from the upside-down position he had on his bed. Remus, more than ready to respond, opened his mouth only to find that no words would come out.
I heard about that A you got, Lupin. Try a little harder next time, will you?
That remark, her book sabotage, the amount of times she'd overshadowed him in class. This hatred towards him was personal, and it had to do something with his marks. He had been doing quite well recently, especially with coming up in the top five of last year's final exams. A wicked smile crossed his lips as he slowly slid his bag from his shoulders.
"Nothin'," Remus shook his head, walking to his desk, "Nothin's wrong at all."
"That was concerning, that face you made – did anyone else see that? James?" Sirius glanced around the room to see James far too invested with his Walkman and Frank and Peter half asleep in their beds.
"Trust me, Pads, I'm perfect," he shot Sirius a grin.
Next week, there a new paper was assigned in Defense Against the Dark Arts, a class he and his new sworn enemy shared. Instead of visiting the library in the afternoon as he always had, he would go during early mornings. Yawning, he fought the urge to resume his slumber on his table as he scribbled down notes upon notes of research. He got quicker, too, learning to raise his hand faster than she could ever dream of. Sure, sometimes he didn't know the answer to the question being asked, but he was quicker than her, and that's all that mattered.
A month later, when the DADA essays were now graded and redistributed to the students, he found a large red O at the top left of his paper. A wild, toothy smile adorned his lips as he looked down at the letter. The class had ended, but most of the students were there, pouring over the grades they'd received. Remus eyed the room for a moment before finding her at a table a few seats behind him. He stood, leaving Sirius, his desk partner, to tap his nails against his paper marked with the words 'See me after class!'
Remus was stealthy, making his way to her with the slow, collected steps he'd used before. Only this time there was no caution: he was decisive, cool. He sneaked a look at her paper, catching a glimpse of a red E. Looking back to her face, he noticed the gentle, pretty smile spread on her lips, but quickly shook his head.
"Nice work," he hummed, asserting himself. She looked to him with that same uninterested gaze he'd seen before. At that, his smirk grew tenfold.
"Maybe try harder next time, though, yeah?" He held up his paper. She couldn't even try to hide the shock, her jaw falling immediately to reflect to O on his paper. Without a word, he turned and slid out of the classroom.
Though it seemed like a done deal, this rivalry carried on for years. It went from a silent challenge to an increasingly public feud, which included spats in the Great Hall and fiercely whispered arguments in the library. It only worsened when they each became Prefects: their new privileges allowed even more room for one-upping. At some point, all of Hogwarts either knew of or had experienced their shared wrath. Opinions on the quarrel varied.
"She's fit," Sirius had said one afternoon in sixth year, "Nice bum. Maybe a good snog would set you both straight."
"Have you ever talked to her?" Lily Evans asked during a study session with Remus, "Try reasoning?"
"Fight the power!" James screamed, half drunk, half high at a party.
By seventh year, it seemed as though there was nothing that could be done. They hated each other, and that was that.
It was late November when Remus had Prefect rounds. Frost covered the edges of the windows he passed, and he wondered if it was he or the snow outside that had caused it. It was pure chance that drove him towards the library. He just wanted to stop there for a moment of silence before returning to his dorm. Of course, he had his silence in the empty hallways, but he chose to ignore that in favor of inhaling the scent of old books.
He entered the library, walking through a few shelves and mindlessly trailing his thumb along book spines. It was dark, but his wand provided a good bit of light to see ahead of him. He turned to leave when a noise pricked his ears: a loud thud in the back of the library.
Remus was on high alert as he rushed back to where the sound had come from. It was likely nothing more than a few first years sneaking out or a couple trying to get in a late night snog, but he still held his wand at the ready. What he did not expect to see upon turning the corner was his mortal enemy crouched over fallen books.
"What the hell are y'doing?" He spoke, his voice not nearly as quiet as he'd hoped. Her head shot up immediately before bowing with a hiss due to the light of his wand.
"Get that bloody light out of my face, you ass," she huffed, setting the books back down on the table. It was as though she was fully set up for a study session: books, parchment, quills, and the warm glow of a candle. He studied the scene with furrowed brows.
"You shouldn't be in the library, it's past curfew," he said in a sharp tone. Another look at the girl led him to (hesitantly) soften up his gaze. Under the white light of his wand, he could clearly see the marks of exhaustion left on her face, the very ones he saw in himself at the mirror. He settled himself in the space between her table and an empty one behind him.
"Past hours? Really now?" She shot back in a sarcastic tone. Remus huffed.
"You should be sleeping," he grumbled out.
"And you should be up?" She rolled her eyes, "Go on, leave me alone. I have work to do."
"What kind of git stays up late to work?" He said, ignoring that fact that he was absolutely that kind of git, "Get to bed."
The words didn't seem to pierce her, as she turned back to her book, unaffected. He stared down at her seated form, unsure of what to do. A cough (disguised as a groan) left him, and he decided to push a bit more. He leaned towards the table to pick up a book.
"What are you even–”
"Stop," she snapped. In a flash she stood and swiped the book from his hands. They were both on their feet now, their feet within centimeters of each other.
"You should sleep," he repeated with a clenched jaw.
"And what do you care?" She griped.
"You're a student out past hours, and I'm a Prefect," he said in a tight voice.
"Prefect? I'm a Prefect, you dunce," she scoffed, waving her hand in an irritated manner, "Just shut it and-"
"Don't tell me to shut it." The interruption was accompanied by a grip on her wrist. The sudden physical contact was a surprise to both of them. Even more surprising was the fact that she hadn't yet snagged her hand back.
"There would be no need to tell you to shut it if you didn't keep your ugly mouth closed," she hissed, her tone far louder than what was considered appropriate for a library. The silence was thick between them. His fingers burned her skin from the heat he radiated.
Remus didn't know what it was that made him do it. Sleep deprivation, frustration, rage, bashful horniness from the way he was yelled at. Whatever it may be, he unclasped her wrist only to capture her jaw and smash his lips to hers in an angry kiss. It wasn't pretty, and it wasn't gentle, and he nearly pulled away when he realized what he'd done only to feel her hands grip his hair, pulling him impossibly closer.
It was unabashedly ugly the way they kissed. Open mouths and gnashing teeth, more wrath and bite than the result of a tender love love confession. Remus had entirely forgotten there was a table behind him until her hands met his chest and pushed him back, knocking him onto the solid wood surface.
He was taller, but in this moment, she was above him, biting his lower lip and pulling his hair with total disregard to how it may hurt him. This action ripped a deep groan from his throat as wave of sweet pain washed over his scalp. His sudden vocalization sent her flying back with wide eyes.
"What are we doing?" She said through heavy breaths.
"You wanna stop?" He spoke, equally breathless. Her immediate reaction was to say 'no,' which scared her into stunned silence. Remus took this lapse to quickly stand to his full height and push her back towards her table. His lips were back on hers as he carelessly slid her belongings to the ground. He had just enough clarity to move the candle with a bit more diligence, setting it down on the table in front of hers.
Finding herself trapped snuggly between Remus and the wood, she hopped up to sit on the table. This new position seemed to suit Remus as well, seeing as he slotted himself directly between her open legs. His lips descended from her mouth to her jaw. He lost himself in her gasps as he nipped and sucked at her skin, though, he wasn't lost enough to ignore the way her hips jolted into his when sunk his teeth into the junction where her jaw met her neck.
His hands slid further down, testing the boundaries below the waist. His callused fingers pulled up the edge of her sweater to find the band of her jeans. Despite the way he was hungrily eating away at her flesh, his hands were hit a stagnant pace.
"God, you're always so slow," she growled, smacking his hands out of the way to undo the button of her jeans. She expected some sort of quip in return, maybe even a harsh bite on her neck, but there was nothing. Remus was silent except for his breathing, yet, his eyes shown a different story. The candlelight reflecting against his pupils created tiny fires encased by a ring of hazel. He removed his lips but not his body, keeping her pressed to the table as his licked the fingers of his right hand. He shoved past her loosened jeans and panties to find her pussy, already a bit wet. She gasped, but he quickly used his other hand to clamp her mouth shut.
“Slow enough for you?” He whispered against the shell of her ear as one finger lightly dipped past her entrance. He was achingly slow yet deliberate, pushing his finger in before letting it recede. She moaned into his palm against her will at the pace. Her hands moved to grab his wrist, but somehow, he was quicker. He moved from her mouth to clasp her hands and slam them down on the table behind her, causing her to slide backwards and him to gain more control on top of her.
“Oh, too slow?” He asked in mocking tone. In an instant, his fingers had gone from feather-light strokes to quick pumps, fucking her entrance without any of the gentleness he’d given before. The sudden speed with which he'd changed his pace caused his other hand to slacken his grip on her restraint, and one of her hands slipped to hold onto his shoulder.
"Fuck, hold on – slow – Remus, please," she gasped out. His fingers hurt, but there was something so delicious about the pain he was giving her, like a bruise you couldn't stop pressing. Remus, hearing her, eased up slightly to a lighter pace, though, he was still moving without an ounce of caution.
With the new pace in place, her hand moved slowly down from his shoulder and towards his abdomen. Finally, she found purchase just under his raggedy belt where a bulge had formed. When she gripped him, a groan left his lips, and his fingers stuttered their movements.
"Merlin, don't cum in your pants." Though she was nearly breathless, her words still held that same edge they always did.
"Fuck you," he rasped as his thumb found her clit. The new sensation sent a shockwave through her, and her hand resurfaced on his bicep. It had only been minutes since he'd started, but, embarrassingly enough, she felt the hot mixture of pain and pleasure tightening in her. Within moments, she couldn't take it anymore, and a half-silent cry escaped her as she came on his fingers. His movements slowed, but never let up entirely.
"Don't cum in your pants next time," he whispered gruffly as his hand slipped away. It was then that she realized that her jeans were still up to her thighs, and Remus never bothered to remove her panties to gain more access. Ignoring the way he'd said 'next time,' she met his eyes.
"Are you gonna blue-ball yourself or get on with it?" She snipped.
"You always have something to say," he shook his head. His fingers, still laced with her release, reached for his belt. Each of them shuffled out of their jeans and undergarments. Remus was quick to shuffle through his discarded pants to find his wallet, which housed a singular crumpled condom. She watched as he tore it open.
"Who's fucking you, Lupin?" She scoffed.
"You, apparently," he replied, slipping the condom over his length. He hated that he was hard as a rock without being touched, but chose to ignore that fact as he lined himself with her entrance.
Remus sunk into her slow, a feeling that caused each of them to hiss at. His hands found her waist as hers found his shoulders. For a moment, they were still: her, sitting at the edge of the table, him, between her legs. Then, he began to move. Slow, languid strokes to the rhythm of something a little more tender than what they were doing.
"You fuck like a grandpa," she huffed against his shoulder. Truth be told, she actually quite liked the pace he'd set. It wasn't as if she could let him know that, though.
"Merlin, you talk too much," he groaned in reply. Half-angered and half-turned on by her words, he immediately assumed a quicker pace. It was a fast ramp up from tender love-making to hateful fucking that had them both gasping for air. He thrust into her without regard for any of her pleasure, choosing to chase his own high. In return, she met him halfway, returning his vigor with just as much urgency.
Though they both still had their sweaters on, their grips on each other threatened to wear the material. Her nails dug past the woven fabric to prick his skin, and the pads of his fingers pressed harsh marks into her waist. The speed at which they were moving drove Remus further to the edge, and after a while, he was biting back whimpers. Sensing this, she licked her lips.
"I'm not even close," she spoke, though, her breathless voice partially betrayed her. Remus, however, couldn't care less whether she was bluffing or not. His hand slipped from her waist to find where they met. Like before, his thumb rubbed circles against her clit, causing her to clench around his length. This new feeling was the straw that broke the camels back, and each of them came undone, letting out simultaneous moans of pleasure.
Remus gave a few more weak thrusts before the sensation became too much and he chose to stand still, heaving hot breaths into the crook of her neck. They were both still in the wake of what they'd done. Clarity washed over them, and eventually he pulled out.
They silently gathered themselves. He moved away from her and tied off the condom while she located and pulled up her partially wet panties. The only sounds that accompanied them were heavy breaths and zippers.
"We shouldn't have been so loud," she spoke as she gathered her books into her bag, "It's a bloody library, someone could've easily caught us."
"You shouldn't have been in the library in the first place," he huffed in return. Under the light of the still-burning candle, Remus noticed a splotch of wetness at the edge of the table. Moving his sleeve past his palm, he wiped the spot down.
"Ew," her brows furrowed as she looked at him with disgust.
"I was just inside you, you can't say 'ew' to that," he rolled his eyes at her. She opened her mouth to respond, but instead, shifted her weight. A sigh left her lips.
"We should leave separately," she spoke quietly, "You go ahead first."
"Oh, so you can stay in the library past hour?" He raised a brow.
"You're one to talk! All you do is cause problems, and–" she stopped herself with a deep inhale, "Just leave first, yeah? You're probably supposed to be back by now, Prefect rounds don't last this long." While he wanted to argue, he instead let out a huff and whispered a quick lumos to light the end of his wand. With a final glance back at her, he left, quickly making his way out of the library and to the halls. As he walked, he finally had a moment to realize what they'd just done.
What in hell was that? He calmed himself by looking at the facts. Fact: he hated her. Fact: she hated him. Fact: that was the best sex he'd ever had. Fact: he wanted to do it again.
He swallowed hard as he stepped through the portrait of the Fat Lady and into the Gryffindor common room. His movements were robotic: first, going to the washroom to clean up and dispose of the condom still in his possession, second, moving to his dorm room to not sleep. He slipped into the room quietly to find each of his roommates asleep. Relief flooded him as he slipped his sweater over his head.
"You're late." A voice startled him so bad that he nearly threw his sweater. Gulping, he scanned the room to find Sirius partially propped up. His black hair was a mess, and it seemed as though he was only half awake.
"Yeah, uh," Remus finished changing and slipped into his bed, "A few first years were out. Causing trouble, y'know, the usual."
"I thought maybe you'd ran into Y/n, got into a late-night screaming match," Sirius giggled. The mention of her name caused him to tense, but he tried his best to laugh along with the joke.
"No, no Y/n," he lied through his teeth.
"Y'know," Sirius sat up a bit more, "You two should just shag and get it over with. I bet–”
"Goodnight, Pads," Remus interrupted him quickly.
"Fine, fine, don't shag," he shrugged, laying back down, "Never know."
Though he tried to fight it, a small grin stretched across his lips. Remus knew very well.
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Gif 16 for Daemon 🤓 and maybe size kink? You can add a kink if it fits the story! And I'm happy with any AU... you can decide!😄
Thank uu!! 💕
No. 10 -> GIF.
Modern!Daemon Targaryen x fem!Reader
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WARNINGS: SEXUAL CONTENT-MINORS DNI; p in v, reverse cowgirl, overstimulation, size kink, dumbification, cream pie, daddy kink, praise kink, power imbalance, dacryphilia, slight gaslighting, pussy slapping, female reader, modern Daemon
WORDS: 1.4 K
NOTES: Hello and welcome to my modern!Daemon debut. Added a few kinks to this lmao. I hope it lives up to your expectations and thanks for requesting this Vanessa. 🤍
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You had long stopped bouncing up and down on Daemon’s thick cock like a dumb bunny, reduced to nothing more than a squirming and whining mess with orgasm number three rippling through your body. 
He had a strong arm snaked around your waist to keep you firmly pinned against his broad chest, fingers intertwined for you to keep yourself grounded, whilst his other hand had made itself at home between your legs, rubbing your clit with reckless abandon. It sent wave after wave of fire through your veins, the burning between your legs apparent by the way you squeezed them shut only for him to pry them apart right after. 
Tilting your head forwards, you caught a glimpse of his thick cock splitting your poor pussy open, sheathed inside of you and filling you to the brim. That sight alone was arousing enough to push you into a frenzy, mind clouded by his domineering and intoxicating presence. He was so, so much bigger than you, always towering over you and caging you in like a little bird, but you could always leave if you wanted. If. 
“Stupid girl makin’ such a mess for me,” Daemon rasped with his nose pressed against your cheek, his calloused fingers smearing the renewed wave of your arousal over your swollen folds, and he felt most of it trickling down his big cock and heavy balls. 
It was astonishing he managed to stay hard for so long, since he had reached his own orgasm somewhere between your first and second. “Don’t you like this, baby?”
Uneven breaths shook your body, interrupted by a cry that followed the harsh slap his hand served to your pulsing pussy. The smacking sound of it colliding with your cunt made your wetness more apparent to you, sending heat straight to your cheeks. “I asked you a question.” His voice was sharp, demanding. 
“I-I,” you stuttered, your mind too hazy to even process his words in the slightest. “No… Daemon,” you whined, unable to relax with his fingers strumming your clit, “it’s too-too much.” 
Daemon mouthed along your jaw, licking up the tears that had brimmed in your eyes and ran down your cheeks. A mocking chuckle fanned over your damp skin, adding to the humiliation you felt. “Don’t call me that,” he rasped, sinking his teeth into your skin. The bite stung, yet it was not at all as uncomfortable as the stinging and burning between your legs. It was the familiar stinging from being stretched out by him, but he was still so big, you had to accommodate him somehow. “Say it, or I’ll get a lot meaner.”
His cock dragging along your sweet spot as he thrusted up into you once elicited a quiet mewl to slip past your lips, your face contorting in both pleasure and pain. “Mh… I-,” you whimpered, tipping your head back and taking in a deep breath. “T-Too much, daddy.” 
Knowing you could make use of your safe word if it truly got too much for you, he didn’t stop the ministrations of his fingers, circling your clit and dragging them through your soaked folds. 
Daemon groaned against the side of your face as your body subconsciously started to grind back and forth against his hand, sucking him in and practically choking his cock.
“Fuck,” he panted, seemingly needing a few moments to regain his composure. “Just can’t get enough of you and this sweet, little cunt of yours… always driving me mad when she’s squeezing me this tight.” At this point he was just rambling, the praise surging straight to your head – and down between your legs. 
The interplay between the stinging pain and pleasure was driving you insane, bordering on the fine line to madness and being oddly addicting. Paired with his praise, the coil in your belly pulled tighter, and not too slowly. 
“Your pussy is fuckin’ weeping for me, bunny,” he continued, spurred on by the clenching of your walls around him, “gripping me so tight, fuck, as if she doesn’t want me to leave.”
Daemon had you quivering on his cock, grunts and groans spewed with expletives tumbling over his lips. Your legs clamped around his thighs, locking him balls-deep in hopes of stopping him from thrusting up into you. 
“Just one more, c’mon,” he drawled, his other hand releasing yours, darting up to grab your chin and force your face toward him. This allowed him to press his lips to yours in a fervent kiss, his tongue licking its way into your mouth, swirling around yours. The intensity had you squeezing your eyes shut, your whimpers greedily swallowed by him. 
As he pulled back to catch his breath, you looked at him with half-lidded eyes, meekly shaking your head. His blue ones, on the other hand, appeared glazed over, hazy with lust as he fucked up into you.
Your mind and body were so filled with Daemon that breathy gasps and quiet whines were the only things leaving your lips, occasionally accompanied by daddies and oh gods. 
But Daemon wasn’t having any of it. 
He released your face, groping at your breast and pinching your nipple instead, while he dragged the tip of his nose along your cheek. “Oh, yes, you can,” he rasped, mockingly, the softness with which he had spoken before long gone. “Don’t you want to make daddy proud, pretty girl? Huh?” Oh, how badly you wanted to please him and make him proud. You always did. 
You whined in despair, no chance for your lips to push into a pout with his thick cock driving deeper, a deliberate thrust of him forcing your pussy to take him.
The motions of his fingers stilled for a moment, and you basked in the feigned calmness of him finally stopping his attack on your clit – only for them to be replaced by the pad of his thumb, applying a bit of pressure as it circled over your little bud.
Your fourth orgasm hit so suddenly that Daemon was surprised. Fucking you through it, he buried his nose in your hair, his wanton groans adding to the pleasure that rippled through you. 
“Look at that,” he cooed, his eyes flickering between your fucked-out expression and your tits, mesmerized as they bounced each time he forced his cock back into you. “Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, mh?”
You trembled under his touch as his fingers still continued their assault on your body despite the aftershocks slowly subsiding, not able to focus on his praise.
When you tried to push his hand away, he merely tutted, but was generous enough to give in to your wishes, since you had given him exactly what he desired. 
It was not always about fucking you just to spill his seed for him. Sometimes, he just craved to display the dominance he held over you, using you however he pleased, and coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of your wrecked, little body.
And tonight, he had done just that.
Releasing a shaky breath, your spent body toppled back against his sturdy frame, secured by his strong arms around your waist. Your heart hammered against your chest, threatening to explode at any given moment with how badly your body was shaking from four overstimulated orgasms.
There was a comfortable silence surrounding you two, only broken by his raspy voice piercing through it. “Up for a shower, sweet thing?” he crooned against the sensitive spot behind your ear before pressing a soft kiss to it, and you didn’t even have to look at his face to know there was a smug smirk adorning his chiseled features. 
But with how well he had fucked you, he deserved to be smug about it.
“That sounds good,” you panted, reaching behind you to slowly curl your fingers into his soft, silver tresses, prompting him to gently bump his forehead against the side of your face. 
Something reignited the flame inside of him at that moment. Something that came every time you focused your attention on him in a non-sexual way. It was clear he was not done with you yet – not when his half-hard cock still was throbbing inside of you. 
However, a shower seemed like a good way to catch a little break for the sleepless night that lay ahead of you. 
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Storm - A Tommy Shelby/Reader Smut Short.
Had Tommy on my brain. Now you can, too ;)
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Words - 800
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
Storms; they always made you feel a little uneasy, the foreboding rumble of thunder preceded by a flash of light cracking the inky purple of the night sky. You weren’t too sure why any longer either, no longer being the scared little girl living in the Small Heath back-to-back abode, with its flimsy windows that you felt the fork of the lightning could smash to smithereens.
Now, you were lady of the manor, living in the fortified luxury of Arrow House, but yet you still needed something to take your mind off the raging weather on the other side of the much stronger windows.  
That person is your lover, and yes, he does a very good job of making sure the only lightning in your world is the type that streaks up your spine in hot flashes of pleasure, just like he is right now. Holding your legs spread, his hands tour in loving stroke over your thighs, his tongue circling licks all over your opening, that radius increasing.  
When it laps wet heat over your clit, you mewl for him, hands rooting in his soft hair. Your body keens against each lick, his breath warm as his tongue licks a tempest over your little bud, full lips closing to suck gently. A grunt wells in his throat, and the sound of it settles over your bones, pleasure lighting you up like a firework the harder his lips pull at you.  
He has you soaking, your little hole flexing around nothing in its emptiness, needing him inside you. Equally, you’d be more than happy for his mouth to remain exactly where it is, every lick gilding your nerves, the honey of your cunt bathing his tongue as he eats you greedily. His fingers sink into the soft of your thighs, eyes like blue shards of topaz glinting through the low light of the room, smiling around the mouthful of you he so happily feasts upon.  
“I’m starting to think you actually quite like it when there’s a storm, you know,” he muses, pausing for a moment, gently blowing over your swollen clit before skimming it with a teasing lick. “You always know this is what you get when one comes along.” 
“I get this enough as it is anyway, Tom,” you quip, laughing softly, “but I still appreciate the distraction.”  
Another flick, Tommy rumbling a little moan as he watches your bud twitch for him. “Minx.” 
He pulls a gasp from you, the flat of his tongue dragging hard over you. “Yeah, that’s me.” All talk is abandoned, your body the rhythm set by the song of his mouth, pleasure bursting like little stars as he adds speed to every lick. He builds you steadily, each ministration set up only to topple, the constructor of your utter ruin giving you one last, long suck before moving to kneel before you.  
“Mmm, oh,” you sigh, hissing with desire as his cock fills you deep. “That’s exactly what I wanted.”  
“Never let it be said that I’m not a giver, eh, love?” 
No, you truly wouldn’t, hands stroking over his pale chest, nails dragging the chiselled muscles as he pulls back and then bottoms out once more, eyes falling to watch how you splay so prettily for him. Your cunt glazes him, hot and slick, your walls pulsing around every last thick, vein-ridged inch of his cock, the thunder outside booming as he leans to kiss you with soft heat.  
He ruts a little deeper, and it sends a wave of ecstasy washing through you, the deep punch of his cock drawing moans that spill from your mouth to his. The sumptuous, velvet hug of your cunt pulls at him, hugging him in slick divinity as he quickens, drawing your legs up against his chest, panting hard as he scatters kisses against your ankle.  
“Ahhh, god you feel so good in me,” you pant, nails trawling over his abs, spurring him on with the allure of your gaze. “Yes, that’s it. Fuck me harder.”  
He does, and it burns neon over your veins, your cries shrill as he daggers you with utter finesse. You feel both boneless and mindless as he fucks you hard into the bed, grasping his forearms as he lowers to you, sucking violet welts at your neck. 
Outside, the lightning splits the sky, just as his does within your body, ecstasy streaking hot beneath your skin as you fall apart around the white-hot surge. His crest tingles his cock as he spills into your fluttering core, panting against your neck, his hands stroking your face as he nuzzles and kisses you. 
The storm outside continues to rumble overhead, but you and Tommy sleep upon a cloud of bliss until morning, when the skies glow blue once more. 
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daisykihannie · 2 months
𝙰𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚎 | 𝙷.𝙷𝙹
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pairing: auntie!Hyunjin x afab gn!reader
warnings: smut, NSFW, fluff (if you squint), established relationship, crossdressing, mommy kink, spit, exhibitionism, public sex, choking, mirror sex, degradation, praise, etc.
a/n: a huge thank you goes to @httpdwaekki for helping me proof read the final draft since my ADHD refused to focus <3
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Hyunjin has always been so pretty. He was the definition of a pretty boy, your pretty boy. His slender figure was accented with lean muscles, his angular face. He had a sharp and strong bone structure that was contrasted perfectly with more soft and feminine features. His eyes were catlike and striking, making his expressions almost dangerous. He truly was the most beautiful mixture of feminine and masculine beauty.
It didn't matter if you were backstage for one of his performances or on the sidelines outside the scope of the cameras during the filming of SKZ code episodes, interviews, promotions, or even live streams. You could always be found watching in awe as stylists crafted stunning outfits that painted him as their muse in a creation of elegant gender neutrality, highlighting his most feminine and most masculine assets. Using makeup to sketch the most breathtaking images of pure unfiltered beauty directly onto his features.
You were staring at your boyfriend in awe as he got dolled up for the newest Skz code episode, the return of Skz Family. You'd expected him to yet again be put in that god-awful, insulting black bob wig that always pissed you off as it hid just how beautiful Hyunjin was. Instead, the stylists began to tie his gorgeous golden brown locks into an elegant but messy bun, adding accents of wispy waves that framed his face in a way that added to his femininity in a way you'd never expected.
It wasn't anything new for the members to witness you being transfixed and nearly hypnotized as the stylists worked their magic. What was new was the way your eyes darkened as you watched it happening. You could feel your mouth salivating at the sight of the stylists adorning him in elegant, golden jewelry and soft makeup to make him look so utterly female.
He was still seated in the stylist's chair as they worked on him when your gaze traveled over him hungrily. Desire began settling into your bones, unlocking something so new and raw inside of you at your boyfriend transforming into such a gorgeous woman and it took you completely by surprise. Your gaze had caught his fiery one that was staring back at you through the mirror, a curious smirk settling onto his plump lips that were glossed in a sticky pink sheen.
You had to forcefully pry your eyes off of him as the stylists were adding the finishing touches. You trained your eyes to the floor, the feeling of slick heat sticking to your underwear was now painfully obvious as you shifted in your seat, still feeling his burning gaze on your skin making you shrink into yourself. You had to squeeze your thighs together to try to calm the arousal pooling in your lower abdomen.
You almost jumped out of your skin when you felt the burning touch of Hyunjin's fingertips gently trace lines across the expanse of your shoulders. You were wearing a tank top so you were able to feel every tingle that erupted into goosebumps on your skin that followed his touch from your right shoulder, across the nape of your neck, and ended at the other shoulder when he sauntered behind you and landed at your side, the one furthest from the stylist chair.
You sucked in a sharp breath through your teeth, still refusing to look up when his long slender fingers wrapped delicately around the back of your neck, squeezing slightly at the veins on either side of it causing a blissful head rush to form. You were already crumbling under your pretty boyfriend's touch and he'd barely done anything. It was very rare for you to become this weak so easily and it took both of you by surprise but Hyunjin seemed to be enjoying your loss of composure significantly more than you were.
He kept his advances subtle, targeting every single one of your weaknesses throughout the filming. During every break, the other members would chat with each other, drink water, eat a snack, or check their phones but Hyunjin would always land that piercing gaze on you. The fire of desire that burned through his irises left you feeling hot to the touch, exposed, vulnerable, and oh-so weak.
Sometimes he'd find his way back to your side and you'd feel a large hand landing on the top of your thigh, down by your knee while he continued chatting with the members. Those long slender fingers drawing patterns on the skin of your inner thigh with featherlight touches. The intimacy of the action, as he trained his attention on his members, was causing shivers to run up and down your spine.
The filming seemed to drag on painfully slow while your boyfriend continued to tease you in ways that no one would be able to catch onto. It was like a naughty secret spoken without words between the two of you as your arousal continued coursing through your veins and you had to fight every single tell of your body to keep anyone from catching on.
You were squeezing your thighs together the best you could without having to shift in your chair, and you were biting back soft whimpers that threatened to escape every time Hyunjin displayed his masculinity while appearing so unbelievably feminine. That was accomplished through his man spread, sitting unladylike the way he knew you loved, flexing his arms that were displayed past the loose sleeves of the blouse he wore when he grabbed something, or raising his voice in a deep and domineering tone.
"Cut! Okay, good job boys. That's it for today. So after you're ready to leave, go ahead and go out to the vans, and everyone should go get a nice dinner while we pack up here. Then you can all go back to your dorms since you guys have the rest of the night off." their manager told the group of boys who erupted into their usual post-film banter. Minho was first to go to the stylists, getting his wig and makeup removed, changing out of his Hanbok, and changing into more casual clothes.
You helped the staff pack up in the meantime. They were all telling you that you didn't have to help but you insisted just like with every single shoot in the past. You'd grown pretty friendly with their staff and managers having been Hyunjin's partner for a while now so it was easy to fall into casual conversation while you worked with your back turned to the boys.
"Hyunjin-ssi, let's get that makeup off and get you into your casual clothes." the stylist said while using a hand to call the taller man over. He stood up and was about to walk over until his eyes landed on you, the red blush still very obviously painted across the back of your neck and reaching the tips of your ears. A smirk pulled at the corners of his lips and he began to make his way towards you instead of going straight to the stylist.
You jumped slightly when you felt the featherlight touch of his fingertips graze the slightly exposed skin of your lower back where your tank top had ridden up as you helped the staff. A tingle shot up your spine and once again you had to bite back a whimper. "Noona, I think I wanna keep this on, is that okay?" he purred.
His hand landed on your right hip as he stood behind you with his right side facing your back, looking at the stylist. His hand on your hip was hidden by being on the opposite side from the staff you were helping and his grip became tight on your hip bone as his fingers dug into the supple flesh, sure to leave bruises.
You couldn't help but stand up a bit straighter and look over your shoulder to see your boyfriend beaming brightly at the stylist, standing tall and looking so nonchalant. There was no sign that he had such a powerful hold on you as his Noona just hummed softly, nodding at him and calling Felix over instead to get his Makeup off and fix his hair.
Throughout the rest of the members getting undressed and dressed in more casual clothes, you could feel Hyunjin's eyes burning holes into your flesh, unaware if his eyes ever left you. Even as the nine of you filed into the vans to go get dinner, his eyes were trained on you and his hand naturally found its home on your upper thigh.
"How's that pretty boy fetish of yours doing hmmm?" he hummed into the shell of your ear. His warm breath fanned over the skin of your neck and a shiver ran through your body as your head snapped in his direction. A pout on your lips and your big boba eyes meeting his feline ones.
"It is not a fetish." you quietly hissed through clenched teeth, ignoring his actual question since you already knew he was only asking because he knew how poorly you were holding up.
"What? Not gonna answer me?" he egged on and you rolled your eyes at him before returning your attention to scrolling through TikTok on your phone as you were doing before hearing his snide remark.
You heard him huff out a chuckle right next to your ear and he looked back out his window in the van, squeezing the flesh of your inner thigh making you jump slightly, having to bite your tongue to hold in the yelp that threatened to escape.
When you guys arrived at the restaurant, there were masks and hats fitted to everyone's face including your own as you were guided to the section of the restaurant the company had rented out to ensure privacy while you all ate. Hyunjin sat on your left side and Minho was seated on your right, your body being comfortably fitted between the two men.
Everything went on as normal during dinner, conversations floated easily through everyone at the table while everyone was eating to their heart's content, some pulling out their phones at times while they ate. Hyunjin's hand was still settled on your upper thigh as always and you could still feel him watching you at times but everything felt normal for the first half of dinner.
That was until you felt Hyunjin's fingers slowly snake their way further up your leg and his fingertips slipping under the fabric of your shorts. The tip of his middle finger was not even a millimeter from your clothed core when you caught his wrist in your hand, stopping him from being able to move. You held his hand in place and shot the taller man a glare to say 'not in front of them' which he only smirked at before turning back to his conversation and continuing his advances.
He was stronger than you so your grip didn't stop him from lightly running the pad of his middle finger over your drenched slit, not that you tried very hard to stop him in the first place. Your arousal that'd been building all day was now painfully obvious to your boyfriend as he touched you over your soaked underwear. You could hear a soft groan escape his throat as he felt your arousal drench his fingers instantly. Luckily Changbin was shouting at the perfect moment, his groan going undetected by anyone but you.
You had to put all of your focus on chewing the food that was in your mouth while breathing normally, making sure you didn’t choke on the food as you ate. Not letting out any of the moans or whimpers bubbling in your throat as his fingertips slipped under the fabric of your underwear and began to slowly drag through your wet folds. Although it was easier for him to remain calm compared to you since he wasn't the one being teased and toyed with under the table, you could still see he was struggling a bit too. The tent in his pants that was twitching painfully as he remained present in his conversation was a dead giveaway.
Hyunjin's fingers were beyond drenched by now, your grip on his wrist was tight as your nails dug into the skin on the inside of his arm, creating small red crescents indented into the paler flesh. He played with your clit for a while, causing your legs to twitch under the table, luckily going unnoticed by Minho who was sitting closest to you aside from your boyfriend, before sliding his middle finger inside your desperate hole and curling his finger to press against your plush walls.
Feeling the wet silk of your walls wrap around his digit made his eyes roll back slightly, a growl coming from his chest as his adam's apple bobbed in his throat with a harsh swallow. He leaned over you, pressing a kiss into the hair at the top of your head before leaning lower to whisper in your ear. His self-control was about to snap and he knew you were about to cum on his fingers from the way you clenched around him. He couldn't have you cumming in your pants, it'd make too much of a mess and he couldn't live with himself if he let all of your delicious fluids go to waste, so he decided that needed to do something about this.
"I think I'm ready to eat my dessert. Meet me in the restroom." was all he whispered against the shell of your ear before removing his finger from inside you, a quiet but desperate whine escaping your lips at your denied orgasm and he slipped out of the booth. Your glassy, half-lidded eyes watched him as he left and shoved his middle finger that was just buried inside of you into his mouth to suck your juices off of it while he maintained eye contact and disappeared around the corner. Luckily the entire exchange went completely unnoticed by the rest of the group.
When Hyunjin got into the bathroom, he locked the door behind himself and leaned against the sink, waiting for you as he palmed himself through his pants. Missing the taste of you, his fingers made their way back into his mouth, a deep guttural groan ripped through him in response to the addictive taste of you exploding across his taste buds as his eyes rolled back in bliss.
After a couple of minutes, he heard you knocking a beat on the door so he'd know it was you. You didn't even have a chance to finish the beat before the door flew open and you were yanked into the bathroom roughly by the wrist and your back was slammed against the door. Hyunjin was ravishing your mouth in an instant as he pushed his thigh between your legs and caged you against the door with his body. You could feel the wet spot forming on the fabric of your shorts and meeting the pale skin of his muscular thighs. The shorts he'd worn for the shoot had rode up his thighs a bit when he pushed his leg flush against your core causing the exposed skin to be in direct contact with the now soaked, thin fabric you wore.
"Are you gonna be good and let me taste you hm? Let Auntie Hyune make you feel good?" His voice was deep and sultry as he spoke his words against your swollen, spit-slicked lips as the two of you separated from the heated kiss. You let out a whine and nodded frantically in response, a small broken "p-please?" fell from your lips in the form of a whimper as your lust-filled eyes landed on his own set of red and swollen lips, the lip gloss making the spit that covered them look even messier.
He wasted no time sinking to the floor on his knees as he used his fingertips to slide into the waistband of your shorts and underwear, pulling them down to your ankles in one swift motion. He quickly got to work, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses on the inside of your right thigh while he lifted the other one to place it over his shoulder. Your back was still pinned against the door for support and the scent of your arousal was flooding his nose, making him feel intoxicated.
His kisses continued for a bit longer on the inside of your thigh and the hand that held your other leg on his shoulder squeezed and kneaded at the flesh. Getting lost in the feeling against his hand while sucking hickeys to the inside of your thighs when a long, needy whine left your lips. His eyes finally met your glistening core before flicking up to your pleading expression, a smirk on his lips when he saw just how fucked out you looked without him doing much to you yet.
"P-Please Jinnie... touch me..." you whimper while maintaining eye contact and watched intently as he brought his face close to your core. Not yet allowing himself to taste you while his nose nudged softly at the hair on your pubic bone, teasing you a bit. "I don't think that's what you should call me right now baby~" he purred as the air from his words fanned across your throbbing clit, a shiver running through you and a whimper that matched it falling from your lips.
"Try again and if you get it right, you'll get a reward. Auntie will make you feel so fucking good~" he purred out and his eyes met yours, his gaze was borderline feral, and his need was written all over his face as he licked his lips. He needed you in his mouth right that second and you were taking a little too long to think of what to call him. His patience thinning, deciding to pinch the flesh of the thigh on his shoulder, eliciting a yelp from you.
"Mommy! please... please touch me mommy..." you begged the man on his knees for you. A low primal growl filled the small space of the bathroom before his self-control snapped and he dove into your heat like a man starved. His skillful tongue was lapping at your juices while he was grunting and groaning against you, your addictive taste filling his mouth once again.
His hands moved to your ass, nails digging into the plumb flesh and pulling your heat impossibly closer to his face as his tongue swirled around your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your thigh that was planted on his shoulder was beginning to tremble and your fingers wrapped around his hands that held your ass firmly. You didn't want to mess up his pretty hair by locking your fists into his hair like you normally would so his hands were a good substitute.
High pitched whimpers fell from your lips as he quickly worked you close to your orgasm, that knot in your abdomen tightening when he started pushing his tongue in and out of your heat, fucking you open on it. Your soft "ah ah ah"s began mixing with Hyunjin's deep groans and the sound of him slurping and lapping at your sloppy cunt.
"M-mommy fuck... I- I'm..." You were close, so painfully close but you knew you didn't have his permission to cum so it took all of your remaining effort to hold it all back as his tongue never slowed down against you. Your head lolling forward as you tried to hold yourself up on shaking legs.
"So good for mommy~ go ahead, Angel. Cum on mommy's tongue." he cooed against you before resuming his desperate feast of you. That's all you needed to let that knot finally snap and you doubled over, cumming all over your boyfriend's pretty face as he slurped, continuing to work his tongue inside and against you through the aftershocks of your orgasm. His tongue settled into a lazy pace as he watched your face that was painted with that beautiful fucked out expression he loved so much. After a short while of this, your breathing started to settle again and he pulled away.
He hadn't realized that you were using him to hold yourself up until your thigh was removed from its place over his shoulder and your knees buckled, causing you to almost fall to the ground but luckily he caught you easily. His cock was still painfully hard in the gray shorts he wore as he scooped you into his arms, moving the both of you so you could sit on the sink as your legs trembled.
He took his place standing between your legs as he began planting soft kisses on your head, temple, and cheek to bring you back to reality. Aftercare was his specialty, it didn't matter if it was a quicky, oral, or him ruining you and fucking you dumb on his cock, he always made sure to give you the best aftercare. "That's it my pretty baby, you did so good for me. I'm so proud of you love." he praised you and continued his soft kisses all over your face as his hands gently massaged your hips.
"Hey baby?" he cooed after a few moments as you came back down fully, his comfort helping you not go into sub-drop and you hummed in response, looking up at him with heavy and almost sleepy eyes. Your juices still covered his nose and chin as he looked at you with so much love and adoration as if you'd hung the stars in the sky.
"The only thing here to clean you up with is paper towels and that's gonna be too rough on your pretty skin. Can mommy use her tongue to clean you up?'' His words were filthy but the deliverance was sweet and loving, almost innocent. "Yes... Mommy can." you cooed back and he smiled softly.
He gently licked the skin on your thighs, around your still pulsing core, and along your folds, being careful not to go crazy from the taste again and push you into overstimulation. Once he was satisfied with his job of cleaning you up, he came back up to stare into your eyes and one of his large hands were resting on your cheek as his thumb rubbed softly across the pink blush that'd settled there.
"My turn to clean you up. Can't have mommy going back out there with her pretty face covered in my juices." you cooed and pulled him into a soft but heated kiss, your tongue tasting yourself on his lips first before making its way around his chin, jaw, nose, and cheeks with small kitten licks to make sure there was no evidence left of what had just happened.
The exchange was loving and innocent but you knew he wasn't done with you. He hadn't even gotten to cum yet and you'd never let your beautiful boyfriend go without his release after he's earned it with the performance he'd just given you. When you were about to ask him if you could suck him off there was a banging at the door.
"Oi! Y'all need to hurry up and quit fucking in there! some of us actually wanna go home." Chan's voice boomed and the both of you stared at each other with wide eyes, having been caught before you both erupted into laughter. Your legs were more stable now as you hopped off the counter and got dressed again. His cock was now mostly soft in his pants, and his face was clean again, both of you perfectly put back together as if nothing had happened aside from the sheen of sweat on your skin.
When you both made it back to the table, hand in hand, you were met with some teasingly annoyed faces and some mischievous smirks as you both were eyed up and down before everyone stood, filing out of the restaurant with hats and masks back in place before climbing back into their respective vans to head back to the dorm. The ride back was silent with everyone full from the filling meal, some napping in the car, and others on their phones.
When the van you and Hyunjin were in, along with Chan, Changbin, and Jisung, arrived at the dorms, you all climbed out and grabbed your bags. The four of you climbed up the steps to the front door with Chan leading the way and unlocking the door for the rest of you. Once you were all inside he locked the door back and you all took off your shoes and put on the slippers at the door.
You were the last one in and as you stood up straight once your slippers were fitted perfectly to your feet you noticed that the other three were staring you and Hyunjin down. Eyeing you both up and down and you suddenly felt shy under their pointed stares.
"So, Jinnie..." Chan hummed out, gaining your attention and your boyfriend's. Chan had his arms crossed against his chest, looking like a dad who was about to scold you. "Is there a reason you suddenly wanted to keep your Auntie outfit?" he asked, his suspicion showing in his tone.
Hyunjin couldn't help but smirk and look at you where you stood stiff, eyes wide and avoiding everyone's eye contact. Seeing you like that made a huff of laughter leave Hyunjin's nose before he looked back up to Chan. "I think Y/N-ie could answer that question a lot better than I could. Isn't that right Angel?" his hand landed on your hip, pulling your body close so your sides were pressed flush together.
"I- it's... N-no um..." you were mumbling and trying to come up with any words to say that wasn't "apparently I have a mommy kink and like to fuck my boyfriend while he crossdresses." but your mind was blank, unable to think of anything except getting wrecked by Hyunjin while he was dressed as Auntie Hyune.
The three producers continued to stare you down and a flush rose along your neck reaching your cheeks and turning your ears a bright shade of red. Jisung's face contorted into an expression of disgust as he was the first to realize, being the horniest person to exist, of course, he'd be the first to figure out the kinky shit.
"OH MY GOD- EW! I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR CROSSDRESSING KINK HYUNG!" Jisung whined and covered his face and Changbin and Chan seemed to realize then, a smirk growing wider on Hyunjin's face and you shrunk into yourself in embarrassment.
"Soundproof headphones and locking ourselves in our rooms. got it." Chan groaned and turned to hide in his room, the other two following suit and leaving you and Hyunjin standing there alone.
"Well, we've got plenty of time and no need to stay quiet baby~ now, let mommy take care of you," he growled as he pulled you by your hips flush against his hardening cock, lips attacking your own in a feverish kiss, tongues dancing together outside of your mouths for a moment before your lips connected again.
"THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON YET!" you heard Changbin's voice carry through the dorms, a chuckle leaving both you and Hyunjin in response before he lifted you by your thighs, earning a yelp from you in surprise as your legs wrapped around his waist and he carried you to his room, his lips attached to your neck. He kicked the door shut behind him once the two of you were inside before he let your back land on his bed.
He climbed over your body, caging you against the mattress while he nestled himself between your legs. He continued painting your skin in gorgeous blooms of red and purple. His hips were languidly grinding into your core, his needy cock finally getting the friction he'd been craving, his movements eliciting a high-pitched whine from you as your hands slipped their way under the billowy white fabric of his blouse.
Your fingertips explored the pale flesh stretched over his sharp dancer hips before moving a bit higher. Your fingertips were light, barely making contact with the skin making the touch tickle but in the most intimate of ways. The tips of your fingers settled on the last rid of the cage you'd found home in, the one that held you inside his heart and safe from the world.
Your thumbs rubbed circles into the muscles of his abs, pushing in periodically to massage the tender flesh, the feeling causing Hyunjin to let out a moan that was swallowed by your feverish kiss that hadn't broken since he'd gotten you on the bed.
Both of you feeling dizzy from the lack of oxygen was the only reason the two of you separated. He continued the movements of his hips that matched your hips rolling against him as his forehead came to rest on your shoulder. He let out a shuddering sigh mixed with a moan, the noise becoming one of your favorite ones he'd ever made.
"Does Mommy need a little help?" you purred, suddenly feeling a bit more dominant than you had in the restaurant bathroom. Your words caused Hyunjin's hips to stutter momentarily as a broken whimper fell from his swollen lips. You felt him barely nod against your shoulder, your hands continuing their massaging of his sides until the pad of your index finger grazed his sensitive buds.
He let out another whine, allowing you to take over the grinding as he kept his focus on not cumming in his pants yet and keeping his body weight supported by his arms as they trembled.
"Mommy, can I please take off your clothes? I need to see mommy's pretty cock." Your words were a sweet mix of desperate, submissive, dominant, pleading, and demanding. The subtle authority in your voice was met with Hyunjin moaning before pushing himself up off the bed to sit back on his haunches, keeping himself nestled between your thighs, home to him, exactly where he belonged.
"Please, angel? I need to feel you so bad, I need your skin on mine. I need you so fucking bad." His sentence was almost a whine at first before shifting into a deep growl on his last sentence. He was actively fighting an internal battle of wanting to dominate you in every way and have you fucked dumb by his cock and wanting to give you all the control and beg you to use him as your toy until he can't even remember his own name.
Having noticed the struggle, you carefully removed each article of his clothing, pressing soft kisses along the flesh as more and more of his gorgeous body was exposed. You didn't wanna do anything to force him into a decision that he may not be happy with so you were giving him a moment, using all of your self-control not to jump on his cock the second it was exposed to you.
His cock was so so pretty.
A pretty, pale cock with a blush pink tip. It was leaking pre-cum as he watched you taking a moment to just admire his body. The way your eyes shone with love and adoration, lust and hunger, was something he'd never get used to.
Hyunjin carded his fingers through your hair, his eyes never leaving yours when you looked up at him with the softest, most innocent look while drooling over the sight of his cock, finally making a decision.
He didn't voice his choice, primal urges taking over as his hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed the sides enough to cut off blood flow. At the same time as an almost pornographic noise left you, he was leaning forward as he pulled you in closer by your throat. His lips on yours again with a growl and you opened your mouth to get oxygen again.
He took your open mouth as an invitation to lick into your mouth with his lips separated from yours. Both of your tongues fought for dominance in a messy drooly battle that had saliva drenching both of your chins as it leaked down from your lips and tongues. It was so unbelievably hot, you didn't think kissing could get any more filthy and arousing than this until Hyunjin pulled away just enough to spit onto your tongue that was still out for him and a shudder ran through your body.
"Now, why don't you be a good fucking slut for mommy and let me use that sloppy cunt of yours huh?" His words were harsh, in the best of ways. Before you could choke out a response, you were pushed back onto the bed and Hyunjin ripped your clothes off of you, hating how you were far too covered for his liking and the barrier of clothes didn't let him get close enough to you.
Once he had you completely exposed to him, he manhandled you into the position he wanted you. He sat on the edge of the bed with both feet planted firmly to the floor, you were kneeling over his lap with both knees on either side of his thighs. You were holding yourself up over his cock facing the giant full-length mirror that faced the bed, your eyes meeting each other in the reflection as you both silently devoured the lewd sight.
"You're gonna do exactly as I say, got it?" he asked in a deep tone, a whimper escaping your lips in response before nodding and maintaining eye contact in the mirror. You were biting your bottom lip as you awaited his instructions but you saw his large hand come up and be pulled back before it came crashing down onto the side of your ass hard and fast, too fast for your brain to even register it. A high-pitched yelp left your throat and your eyes screwed shut.
"Use your fucking words, Angel. You know better than to break the rules," he said through clenched teeth and your eyes opened again to meet his. Your breathing was a bit quicker and shakier than before as you opened your mouth to give him a proper response.
"Y-yes ma'am, I- I'll be good. I promise." you whimpered softly and a low guttural groan was ripped from his chest at the way you'd called him ma'am, the name making his cock twitch underneath your still hovering and dripping heat. Your hole acts like a faucet with a never-ending flow of your arousal in response to the pretty man behind you.
"You're gonna let me split you open on this pretty cock that you go dumb for and while I wreck you, you're gonna watch everything. You aren't allowed to look away or keep your eyes shut or there will be consequences. Understood?" his hands landed on your hips again as he awaited your consent. His words were a demand but if you genuinely didn't consent to this demand for any reason at all, then that would be the end of it.
"Please Mommy, I- I need you inside of me... n-need to be so f- ah!" when he slammed your hips down, stretching you open on his cock with so much force it felt like your ass would be bruised, you knew you didn't even stand a chance.
A growl erupted from his chest at the feeling of your silky walls wrapping around his length, clenching around his sensitive cock, and sucking him in further than he imagined possible. Considering you were sitting fully down on his lap, his cock buried to the hilt and his pelvis now drenched in your liquids. The feeling caused his eyes to threaten to roll into the back of his head, no matter how many times he felt you around him, he could never get used to just how good you felt.
"Feel that? Can you feel Mommy's cock carving out that sweet hole of yours? hmm? This hole belongs to me, it's fucking molded to the shape of my cock. All. Fucking. Mine." His final words were met with punctuation between them in the form of him lifting you momentarily before slamming you back down onto himself with an unrelenting force.
"All- fuck! all yours- ngghh- mommy. I'm mommy's- Oh my god! Mommy's t-toy..." you're words mixed with loud moans, sure the entire neighborhood could hear just how amazing your boyfriend was making you feel and surely 3racha's headphones probably weren't canceling enough noise as you were practically screaming for the man who was truly using you like a Fleshlight.
Your eyes never left the mirror and you could see Hyunjin was struggling to thrust into you in this position. You wanted to ask him if he wanted to adjust but you were trying so hard to catch your breath that you couldn't speak. Each harsh snap of his hips was met with him slamming you down to meet his thrusts, knocking the wind out of your lungs each time.
As if he could read your mind, he used his grip on your hips to lift you up till only half of his cock was buried inside of you and held you still. He leaned back and planted one hand on the mattress behind him to hold himself up and the other arm wrapped tightly around your waist as he pulled you back a bit to be supported against his chest.
"Knees up and put your feet flat on the mattress baby." you obeyed his damn and got into a squatting position, making sure to keep his cock from slipping out of you as you adjusted. In the new position you could see a small bulge in your lower abdomen under where his arm had locked you to his chest, his cock pressed so deeply inside of you that you could see him inside you.
"Would you look at that~" he cooed as he admired the bulge in the mirror, moving his hand so his fingers rested softly on top of it and he rolled his hips just a bit so he could see and feel his cock moving inside of you and filling you up. A growl left him and his eyes fluttered blissfully at the filth of what was happening.
"Just look at how Mommy's cock carves out your insides with her cock, so fucking perfect for me baby." he cooed, the flip between degrading you and praising you was making you feel a bit dizzy in the best way. He felt you clench around him and your juices flooding his cock in response to it all and he couldn't hold back anymore.
The new position allowed him to thrust up into you at a brutal pace, his tip slamming into that sweet spot inside of you repeatedly and abusing it. Wanton moans and whines were punched out of you with every slam of his cock, mixing with strings of curses and his name. His own animalistic groans and growls along with some more high-pitched whines and whimpers from him filled the room.
"F-fuck.. mommy that's so- ah! so g-good. L-look so good f-filling me up" Your eyes were fighting to roll back into your head as your brain started turning into mush with how incredible you felt and that familiar knot was forming again deep in your lower abdomen.
"That's my perfect slut, such a pretty fucking cum-dump. Want Mommy to fill you up hmm? Wan' mommy to pump you full of her babies? Breed you like the dumb pup you are?" his words came out a bit frantic as his cock was twitching desperately inside of you, his own impending release not far away.
"Please! fuck! wan' mommy's cum! please please please fill me up, I've been good!" you begged him, your words slurring together as you felt yourself close to going completely brain-dead on his cock. His release didn't take long after hearing you screaming and begging for him, his hips snapping into you one last time and pulling you down fully. You felt his white-hot ropes filling you up and your own orgasm ripping through you, squirting all over the reflective surface of the mirror and your eyes finally rolled back into your skull.
You arched hard against Hyunjin's chest as you came and your head rolled back against his shoulder and his grip remained tight around your waist. Using his arm to rock you on his cock to work both of you through the aftershocks of one of the most mind-blowing orgasms you'd both ever felt, both your chests heaving desperately to fill your lungs with oxygen again.
You stayed like that for a few moments, your walls naturally fluttering around the cock still buried deep inside of you and pushing him to overstimulation. Letting out a hiss in response, he lifted you off his cock to lay you down on the plush mattress next to him. A whine leaves your trembling frame at the empty feeling, the noise earning a coo from your boyfriend and he lets his hair down from the bun before allowing himself to collapse back onto the bed again, next to you.
The both of you cuddled for a while, still sticky with sweat and Hyunjin's cum leaking out of you but you were too tired to care. He recovered a lot faster than you, noticing the puddle forming under you that was made of both his and your releases. He placed a lingering kiss on your temple and climbed out of the bed to grab a wet washcloth from the bathroom, returning to get you as clean as he could knowing you were battling sleep and unable to take a shower. It'd just have to wait until the morning.
He left your side again, placing the rag in the hamper before moving to your wardrobe. He slipped on some boxers and a pair of light grey sweats to sleep in and grabbed you a new pair of underwear and one of his oversized tee shirts for you to sleep in. He carefully got your almost asleep form dressed and climbed into the bed, avoiding the wet spot left over from his cum he'd cleaned up, and pulled you close to his body.
You fell asleep almost instantly when you felt his body wrap around yours. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep as well, soft smile on both of your faces.
You both woke up the next morning, entering the living area of the dorms to be met with a grumpy-looking 3racha.
"Really? Did you really have to fuck until damn near 4 in the fucking morning?" Chan groaned out.
"Seriously, we can't sleep with those bulky ass headphones which we could still slightly hear your screaming through with the volume turned up all the way." Changbin retorted.
"The last, and I mean the LAST thing I needed to hear so early in the morning is Hyunjin Hyung being called Mommy over and over again." Jisung finished off and he shivered dramatically and all three of them started fake gagging. A deep red blush painted your cheeks as you tried to shrink and hide your face in your hands with a groan. Hyunjin's cockiness never left him and he let out a laugh, making his way to the kitchen for breakfast. You trailed close behind him in shame, head still low as you looked through the gaps in your finger to watch where you were going.
Neither of you would be able to live this one down but it was completely worth it. You knew you'd get to fuck Auntie Hyunjin again and that alone was enough to make up for the embarrassment and teasing you'd be putting up with for the next few weeks.
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