#this image is canon you cannot convince me otherwise
tossawary · 4 months
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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starry-eyed-lord · 2 months
Hi chat I'm tweaking out and I need to head canon infodump please ignore this
Goofy movie headcanons, mainly Bradley Uppercrust because I am not NORMAL ABOUT HIM
Max is a bisexual king, bro... Powerline was his bisexual awakening and he probably kissed his cardboard cutout goodnight LMFAOOAO and he came out to Roxanne the same day Roxanne planned to come out to him as bi, and then they were just a happy bi couple until they broke up (on good terms) and I imagine until the end of highschool, Max was Roxanne and Stacey's NUMBER 1 protector.
BRADLEY. HAS. AN. ED. PLEASE!!!!!!! SEE MY VISION!!!!! he is SO skinny, he's thinner than BERET GIRL. and she's supposed to be like a perfect girl, like beautiful in every way, but he's thinner than her? And there's a scene in the movie where they're on screen at the beginning of the X-Games, on the "team to beat" screen, where he sucks his stomach in more?? He's already impossibly, probably unhealthily thin. And he sees the camera is rolling, then sucks in more? He has an ed. He does NOT eat properly, and has issues with his body image.
Bradley is BIPOLAR!!! you cannot change my mind, he is very clearly manic and I relate to his mood swings so much??? He has highs and lows, and we see mania, over the course of a year, too. That man is bipolar and refuses to take his lithium meds because "there's nothing wrong with me"
PJ definitely writes poetry for Beret girl, I imagine she's pan or bi and he's the most supportive straight bf you can imagine. He is so supportive of her, and he loves writing poetry for her and sitting with her and reading to her
Bradley has a difficult home life, he's a rich boy and I imagine he grew up with toys from his parents rather than quality time. I think the X-Games are a way for him to get his parents attention, the only way he can get any form of affection for them is by winning, so that's why he was so desperate to win, because he was desperate for his parents (mainly his mother's) affection.
Bobby 100% paints his nails and you cannot convince me otherwise. Mainly yellow because he likes cheese, but sometimes black too. He usually paints his toenails rather than his finger nails, because he always wears gloves
Bradley craves affection from his mother, because she was never nasty to him. His father was strict and rough with him, usually verbally, it's very rare is father ever set his hands on him, VERY rare. But his mother had never been that abusive, she'd been more neglectful than anything, and that left Bradley with a deep longing for her love and attention
Bradley's Mother is also the reason he has an ed, because she pointed out once that he should go on a diet, and then he did but he slowly became obsessed with his body and how he looked, wanting to be perfect to get his mother's recognition, until it eventually turned into him being genuinely scared to eat in case he gained weight and disappointed his mother
Max has vitiligo on his face and hands, and he started wearing gloves because of it, so Goofy wore gloves too to support him, and then PJ joined in when they were little kids, and when they met Bobby in highschool he started wearing gloves too because he felt left out (it was only in the later years of college that Max worked up the courage to explain the reason why he always wore gloves, which is why Bobby questions it in the second movie)
Bradley loves black liquorice and hates sweet foods, also, he's really easily motion sick + the smell of cars makes him feel sick
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ghostorbz · 9 months
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Hyperfixation merge of the year
I tried my best here to replicate the splatoon art style, I'm not sure if that really shows but I tried! Either way this was really fun, especially doing the shading on Deis hacker jacket. The tentacles were also very fun!!! I love drawing splatoon tentacles :3
When I had this idea I thought it woulldd be a good idea to have like image things AND IT HELPED A LOT!!! I tried making their outfits and stuff match them, this process took 2 hours,,, although I am VERY set on the weapon choices. They would all use these no doubt in my mind. 2B charger main canon and you cannot convince me otherwise!!!!
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You might be thinking where my drawing of 2B and Hank are since I have references of them, so here it is in an unfinished state. I didn't have the energy to finish it as the first drawing took 5 FUCKING HOURS,,,
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2B looks very cunty. At first Hank looked cunty it was so so bad,,,
Here's cunt inkling Hank aand Sanford with his eyes showing more, look how cutie pie he is :3
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I had SO much issue with Hanks tentacles. I mentally debated giving him tentacles for over 30 minutes. Ultimately deciding to give him them but it didn't look right,,, I might not even finish the second drawing anyway though
Here's some more screenshots I took whole drawing, if you're wondering I was watching lavendertownes creepydrawsta series and a video playlist of every deep cut song!
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olivegardenhunter · 5 months
The sannin as normal childhood friends who have sleepovers and play games in the forest and bond over liking "gross" animals
anon thank you SO much for this mental image. you have made my very miserable assignment-filled day. I have many thoughts about the sannin and baby sannin being inseparable best friends who were just normal kids make up about 90% of them. here's some hc I have about that (sorry for the massively long post, I'm a yapper at heart)
yes absolutely. I like to think of the sannin as misfits who never fit in anywhere else except with each other. there's so many different reasons for this. we know they became genin at age 6. if this makes them the exception, rather than it being the normal practice for a village in tumultuous times, then this must have meant each of them were prodigies in their own rights in the academy (yes, even Jiraiya I'd say, though I'd suspect his was more a case of recognised potential rather than showing any obvious prodigal talent from the get-go). this is further reinforced by the fact the third hokage became their sensei. I doubt the hokage would've taken up any random group of genin as his students. if this is the case, can you imagine how difficult it must've been for them to make friends with others, their age or otherwise? not only would it be hard to relate to their other peers cause of the age and probably ability gap, but I'd imagine people would've found them downright intimidating! all this, along with all their individual personality which, if their 6 year old selves were anything like their 50 year old selves, would've meant the little baby sannin would not have been anyone's first choice of friends.
so I'd imagine each of them being a bit of loners in the academy. then they get put in a team together. recognise they each stick out like a sore thumb from everyone else, but have all of the above common ground. their personalities are difficult for each to get used to initially, but once they do, these three super super super quickly become absolutely inseperable. to call them family would've been a serious underestimate of their relationship imo.
anyway this is all a long winded way of saying YES they're absolutely those regular childhood best friends who have sleepovers and hang out and play games. I imagine that tsunade grew up with a massive family in a massive loving home. direct contrast to orochimaru who's an orphan and, I imagine jiraiya is an orphan too (hence no canon last name). therefore, the senju compound is typically the designated sleepover venue.
the senju compound has mito, and nawaki, and depending on what your hcs are, would have tsunades parents, and I'd think they'd still effectively live like royalties even if the first and second are dead. (hashirama and tobirama wouldn't be around anymore by the time the three became genin I think, because (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) hiruzen would've already been hokage when he took on the three of them as his students, meaning tobirama would have already passed)
jiraiya and orochimaru just being at awe at the way tsunade lives and just how lively her house is and tsunade is just happy to have kids her age at home with her that just gets her cause her parents always nag her about training and chores, mito still treats her like a baby even though she's already a Shinobi that can take care of herself damn it!, and nawaki is so young he's so boring and sometimes gets annoying. so she always convinces her fellow teammates to come over to her house to practice and train, to babysit nawaki with her, to be the test dummy for try out this new jutsu or technique she's learning, and anything else that she insists she cannot do alone and needs them to be there with her
until suddenly it's already dark and oh her teammates can't possibly walk home all alone at this hour and besides my mum's making dinner and it's your favourite jiraiya and she'd scold me if I didn't offer some to you guys and orochimaru, mito found some sort of old scroll that uncle tobirama wrote about a new jutsu that she wants your thoughts on and besides, we have to meet sensei soooo early tomorrow for our mission and the training ground is closer from my house anyway, and you guys are just trying to get out of the bet we made and that's cheating y'know! and and and suddenly the senju compound just so happen to always have a few sets extra clothes and pyjamas that just so happened to be orochimaru and jiraiya's size and hey oro, raiya, look! it's got toads and snakes! and it matches mine! and the adults always just so happen to have two extra plates set at the table during meals, and the house just so happens to always be stocked up with both her teammate's favourite snacks, and orochimaru and jiraiya can suddenly enter the senju compound at any time of the day, with or without tsunade, and are greeted joyfully by the household's residents who had started nagging at them about training and chores and picking up after themselves, and mito is treating them like babies even though they're fully trained shinobis! and nawaki is being sooo annoying today and damn it, why isn't tsunade home yet? we agreed to train at 3!
(the three of them never quite notice that jiraiya or orochimaru's unannounced visits to the senju compound never trigger any of the seals that are activated by the presence of non-senju, non-family chakra in the compound. they never quite notice that the anbu guards at the front never give jiraiya and orochimaru any of the trouble or scrutiny that any visitors or guests to the senju compound are always subjected to, and the guards merely let them in with a slight bow of their heads, the same way they would to tsunade, or mito, or her parents.)
the only other times the sleepover isn't at tsunade's place is when there's a thunderstorm and orochimaru insists he needs to spend the night at his apartment because he tells them that last time the storm was this bad, lightning had struck a branch that smashed through his apartment that, if he wasn't already there and was even a little slower, would have destroyed the very few things his parents had left him that he so carefully keeps in a chest and he cannot ever take the risk that that would ever happen again he lost his power and his food went bad in his fridge, and c'mon tsu, you know oro not-so-secretly has a fear of thunder! don't you remember what happened last time at that mission where we were camping? we can't possibly let him spend the night alone at his house!
(later on when they're older, they'll come to find that jiraiya's new jonin apartment will become the new designated sleepover venue as jiraiya begins bringing back questionable sake from his missions that they were definitely too young to be having that he could not have possibly obtained that legally, and mito started banning them from playing card games at the senju compound when she noticed her granddaughter's tendency to lose her entire pay packet in a single game was becoming a bit too familiar to her... like a certain husband of hers' gambling habits that she had tried so hard to make sure wouldn't get passed on to the grandchild who the man had unwittingly taught said card games to at the age of 4. jiraiya started to call his apartment the degenerates' club then, much to the other two's dismay. though they couldn't quite protest when he correctly pointed out they were absolutely behaving like degenerates, even if princess tsunade and the leaf's once-in-a-generation prodigy felt like they were above those sort of disreputable behaviour.)
jiraiya and orochimaru fight tooth and nail that the massive forest that makes up the backyard of the compound, created by the shodaime himself of course, is the only reason they choose to hang out with tsunade at the senju compound, because princess tsunade (dammit oro stop calling me that!), the shodaime hokage seemed to have left so many fascinating things in this forest, there's so many secrets to discover. I don't think I've seen any of these species anywhere else in Konoha. I believe the secrets to some of his jutsu or techniques lie in this forest... oro you're such a nerd. and besides, Princess, the snakes here really seem to like oro for some reason and I think the toads are about to make me their king, I'm sure of it! and also, me and oro are the only people who don't find the fact you use the slime from those slugs in your potions or whatever absolutely disgusting, so we're the only friends you have to play in this gigantic forest with in the first place (it's not potions, it's a new medicinal gel I'm creating! and can you two just shut up? hide and seek is supposed to be a SILENT game and right now, you both really suck at it! I can literally locate you without even moving!) ...hey tsu, is mito-sama going to make those cookies she made last time again? she told me yesterday she would cause hiruzen-sensei told her we did a good job on our last mission.
the three of them knew everyone in Konoha had started calling them the 'Hokage's brats' behind their backs. but none of them realised that, particularly among the elders, this didn't seem to just be in reference to their sensei... there were other, more hushed whispers going around that if they had tried to listen to, would've sounded something like the adopted senjus... or lord first and second's legacies...
(these rumours may or may not have started when people started noticing tsunade's parents went from talking about their two children they adored, to their three rascals plus sweet little nawaki. or when mito kept comparing jiraiya's antics and personality to hashirama or orochimaru's brooding nature and hunger for knowledge was like tobirama's, or how tsunade's own hot temper and tenacity but also mischief was like her own's and the many Uzumakis that came before her, and that all three of them together balanced each other the way she, hashirama, and tobirama had. or when hiruzen constantly raves about his students and how much he sees his senseis in each of them and how the will of fire burns so brightly in them that he knew lord first and second would be extremely proud to see. in the end, though tsunade may have been the only one who shared a name with the senju founders, everybody couldn't help but see hashirama and tobirama and everything they had been and everything they had stood for in all three of the legendary sannin.)
#why yes i AM supposed to be doing my assignment right now#thank you anon for the ask and my apologies for taking your idea and absolutely RUNNING with it to the hills#as you can see i have a lot of thoughts when it comes to the baby sannin#with everything we know about the senjus (so not much) and all their stuff about the will of fire and the village being their family#there is absolutely NO WAY that they see tsunade's beloved teammates that she wont shut up about and see that theyre both orphans#that are in need of a little bit of love and family#and not immediately decided to adopt the two of them whether they like it or not#i absolutely believe that soon after they became a team the senjus started considering jiraiya and orochimaru as family#without even a shred of doubt in their mind#for as far it matters to them oro and jiraiya were one of them and were family no matter what#cause thats the kind of teachings that hashirama would've passed down#and cmon orochimaru had to learn tobiramas techniques somehow#i doubt these techniques were public knowledge#and jiraiyas proximity to the senjus could also be how minato learnt tobiramas technique too#but these hc just make what happened after the second war with the three of them so much more tragic#anyway anon i take your childhood friends sannin idea and raise it with inseperable unbreakable found family bond sannin#they mean everything to me#sannin#nart#meta#hc#tsunade#jiraiya#orochimaru#senju clan#mito#the legendary sannin#tsunade senju#naruto#naruto meta
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rayraygo1267 · 1 year
Gabenath Headcanons
Note: Let’s just pretend that the season 5 final didn’t happen. These two are canon in my heart.
Nathalie and Gabriel were each other’s first kiss
Gabriel and Nathalie shared their first kiss at a college party in a game of spin the bottle
When Gabriel plays the piano he always asks Nathalie to sing along
Gabriel often finds himself sketching images of Nathalie when working on new designs
When Nathalie, Gabriel and Emilie met, Emilie was secretly shipping Gabenath
Gabriel asks for Nathalie’s opinions on his designs and lets her be the first to try them on
Nathalie is the dominant one in the relationship and you cannot convince me otherwise
When Gabriel found out Emilie was pregnant with Adrien, Nathalie was the first person he told
Nathalie always eats whatever Gabriel makes even if it’s disgusting just to make him happy
Nathalie sometimes wears stilettos in hopes Gabriel will notice
Gabriel and Nathalie make it a habit to play at least one round of chess every night
Gabriel sucks at chess because he gets distracted by Nathalie
Nathalie is the only person to make Gabriel smile/laugh since what happened to Emilie
Before Gabriel gave Emilie’s ring to Nathalie he got it sized so that it would fit her perfectly
Gabriel designs (most of) if not all of Nathalie’s clothes
Nathalie always gets flustered when people mistakenly call her “Mrs. Agreste” but Gabriel finds it endearing
When Nathalie isn’t feeling well Gabriel will stay with her and read and (or) sing for her until she falls asleep
Sometimes Gabriel has to hide the peacock miraculous from Nathalie to keep her safe
Nathalie always makes sure Gabriel gets to where he needs to be on time
Nathalie never hesitates to put Gabriel in his place
Gabriel would never tell her but he loves when Nathalie puts her hair down
Gabriel can’t help but smile whenever he hears Nathalie singing in the shower
Adrien does not hesitate in calling out both Nathalie and Gabriel for being in love with each other even if it aggravates them
Gabriel does not let anybody (especially people like Audrey Bourgeois) disrespect his personal assistant
Gabriel often ponders how he can show Nathalie how grateful he is for her
Both Duusu and Nooroo have given their holders advice on how to flirt with one another
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thefamousbeatricebook · 9 months
My Dream, DREAM cast for ACOTAR. (Part 1.)
A little bit of clarification. I know in the book there are race equivalents to the real world (I think) , but this is just FACE and what I'd imagined each guy to look like becuzz.... well you'll see.
ALSO. I realise not all of these Men are the same person- but they're vibes are LEGIT who I imagined when reading.
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(Malcom lindberg)
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(Tom Heukels)
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(I actually don't know the name of this guy- but if you do~)
TARQUIN💗 (I stopped searching for names unless the pinterest pic had it. I got sick of surfing through images btw) :
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(If they don't cast Mukasa kakonge I'm leaving.)
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( @w3tte, "A smile I could fall in love with!)
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(This, but with white braids. Like someone contact the casting director, because bitch I FOUND HIM.)
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(His hair is always tied up like this, and no one can convince me otherwise. The fan-arts did this to me.)
Helion (In my mind.. he's always looked like one of these two men. Def darker than the 2nd pic though. I always imagined him as Persian, or Arabian- maybe even Spanish or portuguese? I'm not sure if S.J.M did it strictly though.) :
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This. This is who he is.
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The jawline, the facial hair- the muscles.. spot on. I hope S.J.M really does deliver with that high lord inclusivity.
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I know Pedro probably, okay maybe def- wouldn't play Helion. But this is Helion incarnate. I can just see this Man propositioning for a three-way with Azriel, Cassian and Mor, bitch.
Thesan :
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(Does he even need introduction? Paing takhon. Thesan's always, always been Asian in my mind. I think it's canon AND accepted too so. )
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(At this point. I want him to be RHYS in my imaginary movie with my imaginary dream actoar cast just so he gets more screen time...*In my head)
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(uGH. I can't decide. Adarsh Jaikarran.)
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( Pratik Shetty. This in golden clothes.
LUCIEN (I'M GOING TO GET DEATH THREATS. YES, THEIR NATIVE AMERICAN. I KNOW, BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT THIS IS NOT THE FACE OF LUCIEN VANSERRA EVERYBODY- THE SMIRK, THE LIPS, THE EYES>... And would it be so bad to cast a Native american actor as Lucien? or even have Beron be Native American? I don't think it would be. ) :
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(Booboo stewart. He's the one I want, oh so badly. I can see this the first time him and Feyre go riding. )
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(I'll fight to the grave. Bitch. I will. "If I give you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss too?")
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(This man. Snarling at Tamlin, leaving the doors wide open for Feyre to hear "For a guy with a heart of stone-", YES.)
Okay. So, Mr Stewart is perfect yes. But this is a dream cast, no? and who did I imagine the first time I picked up the book? Who's smirk was I talking about in the disclaimer? A name bitch. That name's Billy wirth.
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This. This was, and is, what I imagined Lucien vanserra to always, always be.
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Don't tell me you disagree.
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Imagine, the mask- the hair. Red and gold. The russet eye. If the Harry potter fan-casts could make Ben barnes, who's almost FIFTY into sirius black...Billy wirth is MY lucien.
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I'll be making a second post for who's next, bitches. Part 1.
Wait till I hunt down Azriel's fancast.
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backjustforberena · 2 months
Geeta Patel said “Corlys always went out to sea so Rhaenys never felt like his priority and when she died it finally came to Corlys that he always thought about himself and so he did the one thing he could do to take his namesake, his ship, and make it hers.”
What do you think about it?
I'm disappointed because they really ruined one of the few good relationships in this world. In the book, Corlys leaves the sea for good for Rhaenys and only leaves her twice to fight pirates. In the show, they made it canon that Rhaenys never felt like a priority for Corlys, erasing the very essence of their relationship. It's rare for GRRM to explicitly state that two characters are in love and are perfect for each other, but he does this at least twice for Rhaenys and Corlys. What remains of their portrayal in the show is entirely different, and that's a real loss.
I believe that the image of a strong and loving couple started to waver from Laena's funeral onwards. Ryan and his writers wanted to add unnecessary drama, which was amplified by Corlys leaving his family in a moment of crisis just because staying faithful to the book was too difficult. This culminated in the final scene together where they "discuss" his bastard children, and concluded with the director saying that Rhaenys never felt like a priority for Corlys. I wonder how such a different interpretation from the book is possible and why they convinced the actors of this great love or at least healthy relationship when, in the end, it seems like mere appearances and a lot of suffering for Rhaenys.
I don't see Corlys having a crappy work/life balance and awful coping skills in the face of grief as "killing the essence". There is, to me, very little that suggests Rhaenys was an absolute priority to Corlys, to the point where he "gives up the sea" or anything like that. I assume you're speaking of the quote "only you could have won me away from the sea", which I adore, but is also undermined ever so slightly by the assurance that... he'd come back home to make a family anyway. He was of that age. He was older.
I think that age plays a massive part. Changing that age plays a role in how you're portraying the characters. We've seen that plain enough, if a character is younger or older than their book counterpart, it changes things because you act differently depending on your age and experiences. Corlys is not in his 70s. He is only an "old" man nor does he act like it.
Of course, the "image", as you call it, of a loving couple wavered after Laena's death. They lost a child. Then they lost another - and they did so in a manner that was brought about not by a lover's quarrel (as in the book) possibly months after the loss of Laena, but by design of the woman they'd entrusted Laenor in for safekeeping, in the hopes of also satisfying their ambitions... days after they buried their daughter. Corlys didn't collect Laenor's slain body from a marketplace, he was woken in the night, alongside Rhaenys, to see their son burning in a fireplace in their home.
You have to recognise that in the narrative. They cannot be perfect. They cannot be without individual reaction and agency within that grief, even if the way that comes out is conflict. They have differing opinions and the series is that it requires those in order to do it's job and tell a cohesive story, otherwise it's just irrelevant. The deaths are irrelevant and Corlys and Rhaenys are irrelevant.
And, we don't know that they were without conflict in the book. Corlys doesn't up and leave, that's true, but just because conflict isn't written doesn't mean it is impossible. We don't know if Corlys does or does not leave to go to sea whilst married to Rhaenys. He could do. The War for the Stepstones lasts nine years in the book. He's definitely gone for three, but could easily have been absent for longer stretches or multiple stretches, going back and forth as needed to keep control of the islands or just to see his old buddy, old pal Daemon. The book says it specifically isn't going to go into detail about the private war.
If Corlys, in the book, had been younger and had the chance to to war in the Stepstones again, after suffering the deaths of his kids in the manner they die in the book, who is to say he would not have? The circumstances are changed so that the opportunity is there. Corlys takes it and he takes it in a way that is true to the character as shown in the show. And in that, we have the next three episodes.
The changing of the story makes sense. It's not just about Ryan wanting to drum up unnecessary drama. It's not even, I would argue, specific to how they wanted to show Corlys and Rhaenys's relationship (though it does add to their characters, specifically Rhaenys). It is to do with the Driftmark succession and Viserys's death. It's making it easier to get all the pieces in play. Keeping to the books - where Corlys has a fever for an undetermined amount of time, Rhaenyra kills Vaemond (on Driftmark) and his relations go to Viserys (in King's Landing) and get their tongues cut out and then we wait another three (?) years for Viserys to pop his clogs isn't workable. It has to be condensed and combined with other themes and ideas and character work to fit within an episode and fit within a larger story.
If we'd done it via the books, honestly, you could go those last four episodes without seeing Corlys (unless feverish in bed) or Rhaenys at all because they have no relevance until they declare. They barely have any relevance in the deaths of their children! And certainly, no opinions were given about the state of the family and of legacy at the time.
We focus on times of conflict and separation because that is just what happens and we are telling a story of a fight and a war. The rest of the time, the majority of the time, that the series covers isn't shown.
There are years in which Corlys is at home and they are happy and peaceful. There's no suggestion he's been away recently before Episode 01. He doesn't go away, that we know, for ten years between Episodes 05 and 06. His absence from Rhaenys is always war-based, not jollies, however selfishly motivated and they are never done to deliberately hurt her.
Do you doubt that, in the show, Corlys and Rhaenys love each other? That they would pick anyone else but who they married? That it wasn't, for the both of them, a "great love"?
Having flaws and having strife does not erase love. And those two loved each other. Having other passions and failing and hurting the one you love does not erase the desire to be worthy of the other person. The tragedy happens when revelations come too late. And they are telling a tragedy because to not participate in the tragedy is to be unnecessary.
I am sorry you feel this way. I, too, have issues with how things were handled regarding actor awareness of the Hull boys and generally how that backstory has been fleshed out (or rather, not). But Rhaenys and Corlys are very similar to their book counterparts. They do not outright contradict anything that the book says of them, in terms of personality. They change age and they change events, but not that. I myself am glad that they took the route of not having the age gap and of ageing Corlys down.
Would you have liked it to be that, rather than the bed scene we had of them, we had Rhaenys acting as her husband's carer? Would you have liked Corlys to swiftly and unequivocally claim Alyn and Addam after Rhaenys's death - especially if they were boys she had no awareness of at all, sired fifteen years ago without provocation? Would you have liked Corlys to have had an affair with a girl decades younger than himself? Or to be brought back into the fold not by any love or thought for his wife's legacy regaled to him by his granddaughter, but simply by the offer of a pin and the chance to conquer a city?
I don't find fault with Geeta's words. It doesn't contradict anything in S1, and it's been shown well in S2. Corlys wants to be a better man and to be a better man you have to have reason to have been a flawed one in the first place - that comes from Corlys's ambition and from his mistakes.
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owlhari · 5 months
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arithmetic and a... hockey stick!
3-D having esotropia is canon and you cannot convince me otherwise
[image description in alt text]
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daryfromthefuture · 1 year
this is my 40s doc headcanon post
because i CANNOT get him out of my brain. i'm going to yell about him for a while now sorry not sorry
have another lovely image of him before we begin
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general headcanons:
he is shy. even at work he's one of the most quiet people and prefers to do his research by himself. he is NOT the type of person to actively work with his teammates. bear with him he's just very much socially awkward and a massive introvert
like he pretty much always was, he's a bookworm. he definitely took his entire jules verne book collection to los alamos you can NOT convince me otherwise
a lot of people smoked in the 40s and i can see him being convinced to try it. he genuinely doesn't like it and thus never develops a habit
what if los alamos was the place doc discovered his alcohol problem. i watched the show "manh(a)ttan" because of this interest and it was commonly shown that the people there were going out in the evening and stuff. now i don't know historically accurate the show is but i like the idea of doc going to drink some wine and feeling miserable to the extent that he swears to never touch alcohol again. at least not until 1885
no matter how many times he tries to style his hair so it's slick, it is absolutely no use. he has messy hair and it's kind of become a thing where people recognize him because of it.
ah yeah about the hair. the work on the project causes him a lot of stress and the end when he goes through a lot of emotional turmoil does too obviously. which causes his hair to go white/light blonde at age 30. damn.
also apparently exposure to radiation can cause hair to fall out so doc probably goes through that kind of episode too (he's super sad about it)
he's one of the only people on the base who don't have a family or at the very least a spouse. he's super lonely but overall absolutely the kindest person you could possibly meet there
i think, other than gaining more scientific knowledge and helping the war effort, one of emmett's main motivations to join the manhattan project is the wish to restore his reputation in hill valley. which sadly goes wrong as we all can imagine.
coffee is the only thing he runs on. he barely sleeps because he has no one to tell him to go to bed at a reasonable time
when he's invested in some sort of calculation or problem he wants to solve DO NOT DISTURB HIM or he'll snap. this is not 80s doc and this emmett has quite the pride despite it not showing on the surface
in my head he becomes one of the most important scientists credited for the results on the project. people respect him and go to him for advice even though he's still fairly young when he joins (28). the whole thing allows him to gain knowledge on plutonium and nuclear physics in general, eventually allowing him to build the delorean time machine forty years later. but it comes at a cost and doc has moments where he'd rather throw his life's work and his family fortune away in exchange for never having lived through the painful memories and guilt.
headcanons about 40s doc & marty:
while marty never visited him in canon, there might be a timeline where he did, and in that case i think doc would find this boy strange. like. even more strange than 50s doc.
depending on the timeline (post telltale game or no telltale game) doc knows him from the 30s and is like. hm. something is odd why hasn't this boy aged
if doc did not know him beforehand, he'd think he's weird for a few days, but then let him into his life as a result of deep loneliness
he and marty would form a bond stronger than he did with any of the other scientists in los alamos. why? because marty's actually interested in his life outside of the project and asks basic things such as "how are you doing" while his colleagues would most likely just suck up to him to make use of his high position
marty would punch everyone in the face who even dares to utter an insult about doc, especially post-bombings
while 50s/80s doc acts more like a father towards marty, 40s doc would be a mixture of father and best friend. 40s doc is more mature than 30s emmett but certainly resembles him in more ways than 50s doc does. he's naive and sometimes just too kind and super stubborn and thus sometimes is more interested in his own needs than in marty's.
he acceps the nickname "doc" with no hesitation
marty is the only person that doc allows himself to let his guard down around after probably wearing a stone face for a while. marty makes it clear that he would never judge or blame him and allows doc to be vulnerable around him as much as he wants/needs
they are best friends. their friendship works in every decade what else did you think
ANYWAY that's it for now
i may or may not eventually write a fic about him and his experiences (without marty, basically twin pines doc timeline) but we'll see. i make no promises
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prognosticator5 · 4 months
"How would Danganronpa characters feel if you asked them to do illegal drugstances with you" a tier list
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Bozo ass notes in case anyone wanted explanations:
• It's canon that Himiko does coke look it up
• Miu and Angie definitely use psychedelics and shit, Kiyo's ALL ABOUT pushing boundaries, Sonia has definitely seen some shit, and Junko is Junko.
• Nagito would consider; can dope bring hope?
• Rantaro has 100% "partaken in the customs" of some crazy ass people from around the world
• Leon and Hagakure are dogs like they're stupid feindish mortals who crave sensation they're probably gonna consider anything from crack to huffing glue
• Chiaki just cool like that
(this category should be colored yellow but tumblr doesn't have that)
• Tenko would find drugs outlandish and heinous if offered done by a male, but HIGHLY consider it if it's being pushed by a woman
• Teru, Hifumi, and Kazuichi somewhat, are worshippers of eroticism. Boy can drugs be erotic
• Shuichi, Mukuro, and Gundham would need some serious convincing, but w the right people and atmosphere theres definitely a chance.
• Kaito and Akane are real wildcards because I definitely think theres tons of arguments one could make to convince them to partake but those two also just have their own logic that could trump any actual good point
• Kirumi gotta be so god damn tired and you KNOW she infamous for not acting like a human being but a work machine, if that ain't suspicious
• Celeste and Toko would HATE doing any drug with any other human being. However the idea that they trip / benefit from it in private jus make sense
• Tsumugi was going in that secret room during v3 to do ketamine or coke or someshit just binging past seasons of Danganronpa or stalking people w the damn motherkuma you cannot fucking convince me otherwise she'd NEVER give up her "plain girl" image to slam drugs w anyone else but in private bro she's getting crinkled and crumped that's a little gratuitous but I am so sure that Tsumugi is going ape in the crepe
(this pink category should also be yellow lmao)
• BOY does Sayaka get close. But she's got such a dog in her that wants to do the idol thing "right" so man I just think she'd power through the urges and peer pressure & stay sober
• Kiibo would be jealous as FUCK
• I think everyone else here is self explanatory
• After Mikan's initial reaction of "DRUGS!?😱" she'd probably jump directly into the orange or red category depending on how well you can manage to get through to her, but do I think getting blitzed with her would be emotionally catastrophic for all others involved yes
• Mondo might smoke or drink but I feel he may have very strong feelings against illegal substances either for killing his biker homies or causing them to go to jail / rehab / have a shit life / etc
• Would Taka ever WILLINGLY take a drug? Never. If you manage to get a drug into his system, however, boy do I feel like that would change his mind
• Sakura and Nekomaru would never harm someone who does drugs but they're such health nuts that they'd just never be cool w that
• Gonta could probably be convinced rather easily but I really just feel like his brain CANNOT handle drugs and he'd absolutely freak out... Part of me thinks that drugs would make bugs "scary" looking for him and that alone is enough to make him see drugs as pure evil. ALTERNATIVELY: He eated so many god damn psychedelics as a kid growing up in the forest that shit has no effect on his bigass anymore.
• 90% chance Aoi would be deeply personally offended if someone offered her drugs, ESPECIALLY performance enhancers, just cuz she don't see herself like that and someone else doing so would make her feel weird
• Mahiru just ain't no fun
I feel like Kokichi and Ibuki could truly be anything from full on tweakers to the most stone cold sober people in their casts I really do not know where they stand I won't lie they change identities based on who's around that's my best guess
And I believe the rest explains itself
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plantwriting · 6 months
Okay because I’m just going to keep making these posts: here is every single song from my ‘Favorite Music’ playlist that I think about Kian Stone to (some with extra explanations) ((in the order of when they were added to the playlist))
Take me to church, mr loverman, cherry wine (i am a sucker for the interpretation that becky was aware of what she was doing when she killed him and i love toxic love in fictional relationships), like real people do, bubblegum bitch, oh no! (i can imagine every single jrwi pc to this song with minimal effort), teen idle (okay fun fact i didnt like add these three songs to the playlist like right after each other its just that none of the songs in-between fit kian), poika nimeltä päivi (a finnish song about being a trans guy. Its a banger, the name translates to ‘boy named päivi’ päivi being a finnish girl’s name), päiväkoti (another finnish song, pretty sure its about a breakup but i feel like it also really fits the vibes of like kian away from the other two after moving to hollywood. I have cried to this song before, the name translates to kindergarten), goodbye my danish sweetheart, hey little songbird (made a post about this one before), road to hell ii (okay this one is more about rand to me but its still kind of about both kian and rolan just imagine rand to it post canon), brand new city, 4st 7lb (you cannot convince me he doesnt have either some kind of body image issues), born a girl (someone tell nicky wire (the guy who wrote the song) about being transfem i think he’d benefit from it), nobody loved you (imagining. Imagining one of the other guys to this after kian’s death), hold me like a heaven (no real basis for this i dont even know what the song is actually about but its one of my favorite manics songs and i can interpret the lyrics however i want), car lights (nightmare blunt rotation if they dated as teens or alternatively kian and jesse), the moon will sing (youd think kian would be the sun but no. He is the moon. The sun is either becky, the other guys, or, my personal favorite way to imagine it: kian’s own rockstar persona because he doesnt see his selfworth outside of that), r-a-k-a-s (more finnish music, love song about a guy who left the woman he loved behind to move to the city but would throw everything away to be with her again pretty fitting if you ask me, the name translates to l-o-v-e (as in like calling your partner love as a petname not the concept of love)), syntisten pöytä (i think this might be the last finnish one, its just a generally queer song. The name translates to table of the sinful), gladiator (i once again have almost no basis i just like the song and if i reach i can make it fit kian), lookatme (just like. Look at the lyrics i dont need to spell it out for you), strangelove, real men (this song is literally him fr), smoke with the devil (this song is LITERALLY him fr), animal nitrate (its a song about gay sex of course im going to associate it with nightmare blunt rotation), can’t get enough (suede yes this is one i will specifically say the artist for because you will not find the correct song otherwise. Anyways some very trans nonbinary lyrics), boys dont cry (back to my if i reach far enough every song is about him bullshit), pictures of you, lovesong, burn (the cure not hamilton also literally named a fic after lyrics from this), underneath the stars (again. Named a fic after. Nightmare blunt rotation moment), line without a hook (it was on my playlist back in the dark days and then i recently added it back because i decided it slapped actually), stripped (becky @ kian be like yes let me remove your skin or something), modern boys (literally wrote an entire fic inspired by this song it is just like nightmare blunt rotation for real)
Thats it. I am taking suggestions for more songs to associate with kian stone if you have any
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
I can’t tell you how funny it is to me that the prequel trilogy goes out of its way to tell us how much the Jedi council did things by tradition.
They were fully admitting that Anakin was probably that nebulous “chosen one,” but they still didn’t want to train him because they considered him too old. They told Anakin off for having attachments. They decided everything in a council and refused to make moves without voting on them. They saw Anakin as reckless.
Then, the one who saves the Force in the end is Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke fucking Skywalker, who became a Jedi at nineteen! Luke Skywalker, who was immediately far too attached to a stranger he saw on a message. Luke Skywalker, who spends fifteen seconds, maybe, considering his move before doing it. Luke Skywalker, who was reckless enough to leave Dagobah in the middle of his training and face Darth fucking Vader.
Is there a character in the franchise who goes more against what the Jedi code was? Luke begins the trilogy emotional and irrational and reckless and STILL becomes one of the most powerful Jedi in canon! The Force Ghosts of the Jedi council are quaking!! They never show themselves to him because they probably can’t stand being reminded that THAT GUY saved the Force and the galaxy and is the only one left to continue on teaching the ways of the Jedi.
Luke Skywalker is not only the oldest padawan in the galaxy. He is not only the boy who got very attached to an astromech droid. He is not only reckless. He is also the result of the guy the Jedi council kept telling off for being all of those things and more not listening to the Jedi council! He is the offspring of the one man the Jedi probably hoped would have children the least!
Like, can you imagine??? They are probably so upset!!! Can you imagine how Yoda feels??? Yoda was like “I don’t think we should train Anakin Skywalker, he’s too old and I have a bad feeling about it,” only for the rest of the council to outvote him, and now he has to teach Anakin’s kid!!! Yoda is definitely an asshole on first meeting on purpose, and I honestly can’t even blame him! If the others had listened to him, none of this would have happened! Yoda becomes a Force Ghost and says “I told you so” everytime Mace Windu or Qui-Gon Jinn so much as think of opening their mouths.
And I know that Luke becomes a great Jedi because he tamps down on his emotional recklessness and trains and all of that, but honestly, this boy still is nearly as dramatic as his father, mother, and Obi-Wan all combined. He is wearing his most dramatic outfit. He tells C-3PO to lie to the Ewoks and puts the fear of an imaginary god into them. He crushes deadly, deadly drones like tin cans without any effort. Luke doesn’t even have the respect to be a Jedi who is undeniably on the Light Side, he is constantly giving off evil vibes! He killed countless people on the Death Star and he decided to try and convince Darth Vader to be good and I really think he occasionally just laughs maniacally while sitting in a tall chair and stroking a cat, and he’s probably doing it just to bug the ghosts of the Jedi council.
Like, honestly? The prequels are worth a watch just to see how Luke destroys everything Palpatine created, but also the image the Jedi stood for.
(Believe me. By the end of the trilogy, you will want both to be destroyed. I cannot explain in words how obnoxious the Jedi are in the prequels. Yes, they are cool. Yes, they are hot. Yes, I enjoy their fight scenes immensely. No, I do NOT think they are good teachers because a good teacher understands that the trust between a student and a teacher is a two-way street. If you lie and hide things, your student will not trust you. What did they think was going to happen? Did they think they could just teach children how to stifle their emotions and it would all work out? You need to allow your students to show emotion, you need to allow your students to feel safe doing so, Jedi. Otherwise, they will obviously view any mistakes as a failure and the won’t want to talk to you. And a teacher who cannot communicate with their student is a bad teacher.
Don’t get me wrong, some of them are probably wonderful teachers. Yoda encourages his students to make fun of Obi-Wan, which humanizes a probably intimidating figure and makes it easier for the students to go to Yoda or Obi-Wan with questions, and that’s wonderful, truly. But, if the way they handled Anakin is any indication, I’m surprised it took Palpatine to kill them all off. Anakin was told off for having attachment to his mother, but Anakin would have been a lot less possessive of his bond to his mother if he had been allowed to have it! If they had just let him visit her once or twice, Anakin would’ve had an easier time calming down, because he wouldn’t constantly be questioning if he’d ever see her again and holding onto his memory of her so strongly. If you just tell a child not to have attachment, they will only stop growing an attachment and trust with you. This is basis stuff, did the Jedi not think to consult a psychologist when they were brainwashing children?)
Anyway, long story short, watching Luke destroy the Empire is good, but knowing that he does so while being the picture of what the Jedi didn’t want any of their members to be is just the cherry on top :)
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[id: four images with silhouettes in different colors representing the companions of each game against a height scale. the character’s name and height in centimeters is labelled over each silhouette. names and heights are in the captions. /end id]
Companion Heights
decided to put my headcanons for companion heights all in one place. i used this post as a basis for average heights, and i used this site for the height comparison examples. while the images have the heights in centimeters, i’ll be listing them in inches and feet. i’ll also include some thoughts as to my reasoning, although the answer usually comes down to “vibes”.
obligatory disclaimer that this is just how i personally see the characters, and you’re free to disagree. don’t try to bring up “canon”, i don’t care about canon.  and please don’t try to argue with me as if i’ve caused some great offense to your own vision of a character, just go make your own post.
Alistair, 6′0″ - the bigger he is, the better he is at hugging
Leliana, 5′9″ - on the taller side of average, i just think it fits her
Morrigan, 5′10″ - mostly i just don’t see her being shorter than Leli, probably got her height from Flemeth
Oghren, 4′9″ - i think an average height fits him
Shale, 7′5″ - is a golem, so
Sten, 6′11″ - a matter-of-fact man with an average matter-of-fact height
Wynne, 5′8″ - for her perfectly pleasant non-threatening grandma facade
Zevran, 5′6″ - short king 👑
Loghain, 5′9″ - i like the idea of him being physically average but having an intimidating aura that makes ppl think he’s bigger than he is
Anders, 6′1″ - he is a beanpole and nothing will convince me otherwise
Justice, 5′11″ - generically tall warrior
Nathaniel, 6′0″ - while i see him as a beanpole independently, i cannot pass up the beauty of having Anders be just one inch taller than him
Oghren, 4′9″ - as previously stated
Sigrun, 4′7″ - on the shorter side but that just means ppl don’t see her coming
Velanna, 5′9″ - tall for an elf, i think this fits with her personality and her history of ostracism during adolescence
Anders, 6′4″ - growth spurt courtesy of this headcanon
Aveline, 6′0″ - is built like a brick shithouse and you know it
Bethany, 5′9″ - both glad to be unassuming and also bitter that Carver is so much taller than her
Carver, 6′3″ - an early growth spurt to accentuate his teenage awkwardness, again there is the beauty of Anders being one inch taller
Fenris, 5′9″ - i just like him being tall for an elf
Isabela, 5′5″ - short queen 👑
Merrill, 5′7″ - not average but not quite as tall as Fenris
Sebastian, 5′10″ - attractively tall without it being overwhelming
Varric, 4′10″ - on the taller side of average, i think it fits him
Tallis, 5′6″ - average for an elf, perfect for a spy
Blackwall, 5′6″ - short king 👑
Cassandra, 6′2″ - the only man legally allowed to be taller than Cassandra is the Iron Bull
Cole, 6′0″ - growth spurt that human cole didn’t have the chance to grow into, just love him being absurdly tall compared to his adopted dads
Dorian, 5′9″ - average in height but nothing else ;3
Iron Bull, 7′3″ - i like the idea of him being tall even for a qunari
Sera, 5′3″ - look, we don’t listen to game models, this girl is a tiny tornado of whoop-ass and i stand by that
Solas, 5′7″ - his whole deal is being unassuming, he is average
Varric, 4′10″ - as previously stated
Vivienne, 6′1″ - look me in the eye and tell me Viv isn’t the kind of woman to wear six inch heels when she’s already over six foot
Cullen, 5′10″ - slightly taller than average, just think it fits
Josephine, 5′5″ - the delicate young lady who is much more frightening and much less delicate than you think
Leliana, 5′9″ - as previously stated
Morrigan, 5′10″ - as previously stated
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hotchley · 3 years
I'm so tired please give me soft Hotch and protective Morgan content ♥️
Aww it’s okay to be tired and take a break and if you ever want to talk, my asks are still on, and I feel like I’m getting to this really late because I was probably sleeping when this was sent?
Anyways, this is just a little image I’ve had floating around my head. I’ll cross-post it to my ao3.... later because at it’s 5:41am and I want to go to sleep.
I may have missed the mark with this?? I don’t know, we have protective Morgan showering Hotch with compliments and Hotch being himself about the whole thing so I feel like it counts.... also the ending will make sense at the end
This is set during Gabby, but that’s not that relevant because I barely remember what actually happened in that episode, just that Hotch got punched by Sue.
Warnings: canon-typical violence (Hotch gets punched but it’s not graphic, just an event, and something referenced)
fifty-two minutes
Hotch knew he was going too far as he insulted Sue's abilities to parent Gabby, but he also knew there were certain things that had to be done for cases. He needed to know. Everyone needed to know whether or not she was capable of doing the unspeakable. If she was the one responsible for Gabby's disappearance. And the only way he could do that was by pushing. By pushing until she snapped and reacted.
He had just assumed her breaking point would lead to some form of verbal retaliation. Something about the lack of wedding ring, even though there was still a tan line because on the days where he missed Haley so much it was all-consuming, he would put it on, just for a few moments to remember the version of her that had been everything to him. He assumed she would make her own biting comment about how he wasn't with his own son. There was only one reason behind the glitter on his shirt. Derek had found his horror at being informed about its existence hilarious, but that was besides the point.
He hadn't thought she would punch him, square in the jaw, with all the rage of a scorned woman. He hadn't expected it to hurt as much as it did, or that it would immobilise him as much as it did. As he stumbled back, he was vaguely aware of the guard entering, but it hurt like a bitch. It took everything in him to remember how to de-escalate the situation without causing anyone further harm, but he did it, and then him and Dave left the interrogation room, armed with new knowledge.
"So how do you know this?" Derek asked casually.
Hotch didn't quite meet his eyes, staring at his eyebrows instead. He loved the way Derek treated him like he was the most precious and valuable person on the planet, and he loved that with him, he could be Aaron- the soft man that enjoyed theatre and was willing to get glitter all over his work clothes for his son.
But there was a time and a place for that, and it wasn't here, no matter how much he wanted to feel Derek's arms around him, grounding him to the moment and convincing him everything was going to be fine.
"She... reacted to my comment about motherhood," Hotch said, acting very much like the Southern-born gentleman talking about something unsavoury that he was. As if on cue, his jaw seemed to ache once more, and he was reminded of the need to actually deal with injuries instead of hiding them.
"Reacting? Aar- Hotch, what did she do?"
Hotch loved the way Derek would say his first name, sometimes exasperated, sometimes through a fit of uncontrollable laughter,  occasionally with annoyance, but always with love and affection sprinkled in. He also loved the way Derek called him Hotch. Like there was a secret joke between them, and in some ways there were.
Dave liked to think he was the only one on the team to consistently call him Aaron, but he wasn't. Not anymore.
"She may have responded with physical violence," Aaron said, voice quieter than usual. He started shuffling the files around. Alex tapped the table, and Spencer smiled at her, leaving to go and get a coffee refill. JJ was already out with the sheriff, so there was nobody left to distract from the situation.
"Physical violence?" Derek sounded worried.
"Sue punched Hotch in the jaw," Dave filled in.
Aaron spun around to face him, looking betrayed. "Dave!"
"He was always going to find out. And your jaw is starting to bruise," Dave said, smirk on his face.
"She punched- Aaron you can't just not- Dave can you cold the fort down for a few minutes?" Derek asked, already going round the table. Aaron looked down, knowing that if he saw Derek's eyes, he would start smiling like an idiot.
"Take as long as you need," Dave said, winking.
Aaron flushed, Derek rolled his eyes but smiled, and then grabbed his boyfriend's arm and dragged him to the bathroom.
"Der- Derek what are you doing?" Aaron stuttered. He hated that he stuttered whenever he got anxious, but he didn't want people spreading rumours. Or making assumptions, because yes they were together, but that didn't mean they were sneaking away to do that.
Luckily, Derek dragged him right past the bathroom and into an empty and unused conference room, which in some ways was almost worse. He pulled out a chair and forced Aaron to sit. Not that he needed to force him to do anything. For Derek, Aaron would do anything. Apart from admit that he enjoyed wearing his shirts because they smelt like home. That would be his pretend secret.
"I'm treating the injury you tried to hide from me!" Derek said.
Aaron scoffed. "I didn't hide it! I just didn't tell you the moment I saw you that the information we got came at the price of a punch! And it's not that bad, my jaw just aches. It's nothing new- get your mind out of the gutter you know my hearing messes with my jaw!" he said, voice rising in pitch when Derek smirked.
"But honey, I didn't say anything," Derek said, grining. "And is that really your best argument? Some prosecutor." It was teasing though, and Aaron smiled, because even as he'd said it, it had sounded stupid.
Derek left, closing the door behind him, and without case files to distract him, the pain in his jaw- which was worse than he had been willing to admit- became more prominent and he decided that Derek was the best thing to ever happen to him. And then he started wondering when he'd become such a sap.
"I got the first aid kit, and some ice. I reckon that's all we can do, but just before that, can I just check that it's not dislocated?" Derek said as he returned. And Hotch accepted that he'd always been a sap, it was just amplified by Derek's love.
"She didn't punch me that hard," Aaron whispered, still wincing when Derek pressed two fingers to the spot that was bruising.
"Mhm. Whatever makes you feel better. But seriously, does anything feel wrong?"
Aaron shook his head. He closed his eyes as Derek poked and prodded him more, the touch still comforting even though there was some necessary force behind it. He had never felt better than he did in the soft and silent moments like this, when they could just exist and not feel the need to fill the silence with unncessary words, because the silence said more than sentences ever could.
He let out a yelp as the ice packet was pressed to the skin that was definitely bruising. "Derek!"
"Yes honey?"
Aaron blushed at the pet name, looking down at his boyfriend. He hadn't even realised that Derek had been kneeling by his side, staring at him with such adoration and love in his eyes that it physically hurt Aaron's chest to see just how capable of good things people were.
"Warn me next time," he said, pouting slightly.
Derek smiled. "Of course sweetie." He didn't let go of the ice pack, even though Aaron was fully capable of holding it himself. It was nice though, if a bit of a strange image. One man in a chair, looking down as his partner knelt on the floor holding the ice pack with a suprising amount of genteless. He took Aaron's hand in his own, drawing circles over the knuckles the same way Aaron would.
Aaron looked down, mesmerised by how well Derek knew him. By the fact that he got to call such a good man his everything.
"Okay, it's been a decent amount of time, the pain and swelling should go down. It's still going to bruise, so I'll take Jack to soccer practice when we get back, otherwise all the other parents are going to be drooling instead of watching and we can't have that, can we?" Derek said after both sides of the ice had gone warm.
"Derek," Aaron warned.
"Aaron," Derek mimicked. "Seriously though, they're all going to be back now."
"I know," he sighed.
Derek stood up, letting out a slight wince. Aaron couldn't help but smile. Derek was always teasing him about his back pain and the fact that he was getting older with every passing day, but the same could also be said of him.
"I love you," he whispered as Derek took his hand to help him stand up, even though he could have done it himself. The words had never come easy to him, not with Haley, not with Jack, but he was getting better. And when Derek said them, he never expected a verbal response, knowing Aaron said them in every other possible way.
"I love you too," Derek said, pressing a kiss to Aaron's hair. Aaron let his eyes flutter closed as Derek pulled him closer for one final hug. He inhaled deeply, the smell of Derek's shower gel and deodorant the most comforting thing, alongside the laundry detergent he used because Haley had.
When they re-entered the conference room they had set up base in, Alex wordlessly asked if everything was okay. Aaron nodded at her, gratefully accepting the coffee she held out to him.
"Fifty-two minutes is not a few," Dave said, but there was no malice behind them.
"What can I say? I cannot resist beautiful men," Derek said.
Aaron hit his arm, cheeks warm with embarrassment but heart warm with love.
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haloud · 3 years
things we could burn in one go (eminence) - chapter 9
also on ao3
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Isabel Evans & Max Evans & Michael Guerin, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes, Forrest Long/Alex Manes Additional Tags: post-s2, Canon Compliant, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Starts Forlex Ends Malex, Other Characters May Appear, Tags Subject to Update, Mutual Pining, Breaking Up, Getting Together
Chapter Summary: Michael and Isobel reckon with the fallout from Michael’s choices; Maria and Max catch up with him post-recovery.
Maria sat on the steps, an old CD radio of Rosa’s beside her playing a classic Rosa mixtape, a Third Eye Blind track Michael only half-remembered flowing around her, her humming running under it, glittering minerals in a riverbed. She was surrounded by papers, pinned under painted rocks to keep them from being snatched away, her hair tied back by a rainbow scarf, and she bent over to write in a binder propped on her knees.
Michael rapped on the pillar behind him to get her attention, and when she looked up she smiled and set the binder aside.
“Guerin! You’re up! What brings you here with the sun in the sky?”
“Where else am I gonna go to get my sea legs back?”
“Well, come pull your ass into port and sit with me.”
She patted the low stair beside her and Michael did as he was told, swiping his hat off his head as he approached her. For her it was wordplay, but Michael cradled to his chest something more true than maybe she’d intended—Maria was a safe harbor, a port in a storm. No matter how bad things got, her warm heart and practical mind were a reminder to never give up. Just sitting beside her was enough to make him smile, even though he sat with a good six inches buffer between them, still unsure what boundaries were appropriate, still navigating the uncertain waters of being friends with an ex who meant something.
 (Wednesday, 11:00 am)
  Michael flipped Alex’s key over and over in his fingers, running it along his knuckles, pressing his thumb into the teeth until they left a locking-imprint on his skin, then doing it all over again. At some point, maybe it would start to feel real, if he reminded himself of the thing often enough.
The repetition and stimulation of the rough teeth, the cool, smooth metal, soothed him as he waited on Isobel’s porch. She’d called him here in the first place, so eventually she’d open the door. Until then, he waited. And as he waited, he thought of Alex, because what else was there to think about these days?
(A thousand things, like Jones and Project Shepherd, Max and Liz, and all the work piling up at Sanders’s, but Alex had a way of blotting everything else out, and, no matter how much his brain tried to get him to feel stupid or naïve or childish for hoping yet again, he was going to let himself bask in that shade for once in his life.)
He hadn’t left Alex’s house, still, except to go to work and get things from his own place. At Alex’s, he was still sleeping in the guest room, the both of them afraid that they’d fall back into their old patterns too fast if they fell right into bed. But during the day they shared that space, a kitchen, a den, existing alongside each other as they read or cooked or composed, and the routine wasn’t so different from the tense and quiet days right after Michael’s injury, but at the same time they were nothing alike, not when each tiny glance could mean so much, not when fingers on the soft rasp of turning pages were fingers he could touch, that could touch him.
Everything was different. It was terrifying, and exhilarating, brand new and nostalgic. It had only been a day; it had only been half their lifetimes.
“Ew, you’re glowing.”
Isobel’s voice started Michael out of his thoughts, and he jumped, shoving Alex’s key into his pocket. She was glaring at him, but still he relaxed, because Isobel’s snark was a form of love and her turning scorn in his direction was a sign things were getting back to normal between them.
“It’s all natural,” he drawled as she stepped aside to let him inside.
“Right. Did something happen, or is this just some lesser known side effect of being brought back from the brink of death.”
In a way, sort of, if only because Michael’s own stupidity had driven him and Alex closer together, but that wasn’t exactly a direct correlation or anything admirable.
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p.’ “Just…”
He fell silent. How was he supposed to talk about being in love? He’d never done it before, and this was a first he hadn’t anticipated facing.
“Alex and I…” he tried again, but found himself only able to smile, still without words, and he raised his arms in a helpless shrug.
Isobel’s eyebrows raised. “Oh my god.”
“I’m still pissed at you, but if Manes is making you his side chick after everything, I’m going to rip his spine out through his—”
“Isobel, no! It’s not like that,” Michael laughed, shaking his head.
“Well what’s it like, then? I cannot handle him breaking your heart again when we’re already dealing with Max.”
He replied, “My heart is fully intact,” as he headed in and dropped down on her couch, throwing a hand over his heart for dramatic effect. “No, uh, Alex and Forrest had a fight, which sucked, but it led to us getting a chance to talk more about, y’know, us, and what we wanted, and each other, so…”
“So this is rebound,” Isobel snipped.
“Can you stop?” Michael said, half-laughing. Even her pessimism on the subject of love couldn’t pop the bubble around his heart right now. He patted the couch beside him, and she hesitated for a few seconds with her arms crossed, before capitulating and joining him.
“Oh, fine,” she groused, leaning against the arm of the couch farthest away from where he was sitting. “Your funeral.”
The words landed like a lead balloon, and Michael winced as her face grew stormier.
“Don’t,” Isobel held up a hand in his face. “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry. I don’t want to hear it.”
“Well, what do you want to hear?”
“An explanation, Michael! What the hell were you thinking? Why would you do that? What if he’d just straight up killed you, did you want us to find your body in a cave somewhere or, or never, blown to smithereens by a man who literally breathes fire! You’re so stupid, and selfish, and—” She cut herself off, furious tears welling in her eyes even as the rest of her face didn’t change.
“I know! I know, you’re right, it was stupid. I wasn’t thinking, or, well, I was thinking, but my head was all messed up.” He rested his forehead in his hands and running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t think any explanation is going to make any sense now, out of the moment, but I just…everything was going to shit, and I couldn’t do anything for Max, and I thought Jones might have answers, or could help me unlock new powers like you’ve done on your own. So I could protect everyone.”
Isobel threw her arms up and got to her feet, pacing around the couch; Michael tracked her, anxiety dipping and spiking every time she circled him. Her anger pulsing when she passed behind him made his skin crawl, and he shifted in his seat.
“I don’t even know what to say to that,” she finally spoke, stopping in front of him.
He kept his head bent forward, staring at his knees.
She continued, “I really don’t. I’ve been trying for twenty-one years, but I still don’t know how to get through to you. How to convince you that you’re not alone, that people want to protect you. To help you. But I’m not Max. I’ve never pushed or pried or fought to cling onto you when you shook us off. I just hung around because I knew you’d always come back.” She took a deep breath. Her voice stayed steady and deliberate. “But Michael, this has gone on for too long, and you went too far this time. You have to let us help you. Otherwise—I don’t know. I just don’t. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do anymore.”
Drops of water speckled the tops of Michael’s knees, and he sniffed, swallowed, mouth dry, throat tight and aching. His sister’s gentle hands threaded through his hair, cradling both temples, right hand over Max’s lingering handprint, but no matter how careful that touch was, he flinched.
Isobel tipped his head up so he had to look her in the eye and said, “You’re my brother, Michael. I love you so much. And I would do anything for you, just like you would—and have—do anything for me. But you need to let me! From here on out, I need you to fucking work with me. We’ll figure this out, okay?”
Tears trickling down his face and dripping from his chin, Michael nodded, not trusting his voice, and Isobel fell forward, his arms opening up to catch her, and they stayed like that for a long time, Michael rocking her back and forth, her clinging desperately to his shirt.
“I’m sorry,” he finally croaked, wiping his eyes with the heel of his hand. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Or Max. I just, I can’t stop myself, sometimes, I know it’s not an excuse, I know it was stupid, I know—”
“I know,” she interrupted his stream of self-loathing, sitting back to look him seriously in the face. “I was in your head, remember?”
She’d found him beneath a vaulted ceiling, stained glass in shifting, alive, alien colors, walled in with his demons. Defining himself inside the devouring maelstrom by the battles he understood. His whole life, he’d sewed himself back whole, and his work wasn’t pretty, but the patterns made sense, and they kept him sane even when the odds demanded otherwise. The image flashed behind his eyes, but that’s all it was, an image. He shook his head.
“Not really.”
“Well. I didn’t really go snooping, no matter how tempting it was,” she said with a self-deprecating roll of her eyes. “But let’s just say…you don’t owe me any explanations you aren’t willing or ready to give. Those belong to you. I know I haven’t always understood that in the past. We both have things to work on, okay?”
“Okay,” Michael rasped, squeezing her tight again. “I…want to work on them with you.”
“Then it sounds like we’re going to be okay,” she softly replied.
(3:00 pm)
Isobel didn’t let him leave the house until both their eyes stopped being red and puffy from crying; It took multiple episodes of some Food Network show he’d never heard of before she agreed to let him out of her sight, and, in deeply un-Isobel-like fashion, she followed him to the door and pulled him into another hug for the road before she let him leave.
The drive from Isobel’s to the Wild Pony wasn’t really long enough to fully ruminate on how bad he must have scared Isobel to warrant this level of reaction. Logically, he’d known, but emotionally it was just beginning to sink in.
Over the past year, he’d been faced with losing Isobel and with losing Max multiple times—had lost Max, in fact. He knew how it felt. Why should the loss of himself be any different to them? In low moments, sure, thoughts shifted beneath the murk of his mind, lurking demons from childhood, that they didn’t need him, they had each other, a more special bond, he was the odd one out, outside, out in the cold. But on the day to day, he didn’t devalue himself like that, not in so many words, did he? But—
To be surprised? That Isobel was afraid, that Max was afraid, that the both of them stood on the precipice of grieving him and had to process the horror of that fall after snatching themselves back at the last minute? It was a slap in the face, a rude awakening. A lesson that for all these years he’d resisted learning.
The first step to protecting those who loved him was to protect himself. He couldn’t keep shelving it as the lowest priority. They were one and the same.
It sounded fake to his own ears, but he’d just have to say it until the lesson sunk in.
With the windows rolled down, the idle breeze tugged Michael’s hair across his face and cooled the late-summer stickiness from his skin. It was just after lunchtime, a little early for Max to be at work, but since he wasn’t at Isobel’s house, it was faster to check for him here than to drive all the way out to his own place.
If there was one positive to his near-death, it was the way Max was invigorated by a purpose. The healing drained him, of course it did; it could have killed him, and that weighed on Michael’s conscience, but afterward, after it worked and he’d pulled Michael back from death, he smiled. He slept. He bustled around Alex’s house babysitting Michael while Alex was at work, and now, with a little distance from fragile death, that didn’t chafe as badly.
Max deserved a better thanks than Michael had thus far been able to render, and with Isobel’s words still ringing in his ears, there was no better time than now.
He pulled up to the Pony, the fairy lights strung across the patio dancing in the wind, the wood of the old building all pale and real in the sunlight. The old, familiar sign above the door was off as long as the bar was closed, but Michael still took a moment to glance at it nice and long, remembering the feel of fixing it under his hands so the whole place felt less liminal, less like a mirror vision of the beating heart that was the Wild Pony glowing under the night sky, lit from within rather than from the sun.
Faint music played as Michael parked and left his truck, so he rounded the corner of the building to suss it out and smiled at what he saw, leaning against one of the trellis supports.
Maria sat on the steps, an old CD radio of Rosa’s beside her playing a classic Rosa mixtape, a Third Eye Blind track Michael only half-remembered flowing around her, her humming running under it, glittering minerals in a riverbed. She was surrounded by papers, pinned under painted rocks to keep them from being snatched away, her hair tied back by a rainbow scarf, and she bent over to write in a binder propped on her knees.
Michael rapped on the pillar behind him to get her attention, and when she looked up she smiled and set the binder aside.
“Guerin! You’re up! What brings you here with the sun in the sky?”
“Where else am I gonna go to get my sea legs back?”
“Well, come pull your ass into port and sit with me.”
She patted the low stair beside her and Michael did as he was told, swiping his hat off his head as he approached her. For her it was wordplay, but Michael cradled to his chest something more true than maybe she’d intended—Maria was a safe harbor, a port in a storm. No matter how bad things got, her warm heart and practical mind were a reminder to never give up. Just sitting beside her was enough to make him smile, even though he sat with a good six inches buffer between them, still unsure what boundaries were appropriate, still navigating the uncertain waters of being friends with an ex who meant something.
“What are you working on?” he asked.
“Oh, you know me.” She gestured vaguely to the arrangement of papers and tucked her feet up beside her, leaning toward Michael, cutting the space between them in half like it wasn’t worth noticing. Some of the tension in Michael’s chest unwound at her ease around him.
“Hustling?” he prompted.
“Yep. I’m just organizing the events I have planned for the upcoming season and making sure I have space set out for scheduling, details, budgeting, the works. High school me would die with envy; my system was never this good when I was trying to study.”
“I’m definitely impressed. Let me know if there’s anything I can help with, anything you need built, or an extra set of ‘hands’ for decorating.”
“How is that going?” she asked, brows furrowing.
“I’m still getting my strength back. Just gotta keep pushing through and hope whatever Jones did didn’t mess me up for good.”
“I’m sure he didn’t.”
Her hand extended but stopped before touching him, until he turned his hand palm-up, asking her to take it. She did, squeezing him.
“You’ll figure it out,” she said. “And the TK aside, have any of the other powers cropped up? The light, the teleporting? Those were the ones Alex told me about.”
“That’s all I remember, really. And no. I haven’t even tried, honestly.” He looked at their joined hands, her wrist bare of the pollen bracelet he’d promised her and wasted, thrown away like trash in a corner of Jones’s cave. This is blasphemy…
“Do you think you will? Try?” Maria asked, head tilted.
“I…hadn’t thought about it. Been focused on getting back to square one with the TK, but…”
Was doing more with his powers still an option? Was he willing to try, and fail, and fail again, without folding and submitting to all the voices in his head that told him every failure was proof positive of the erstwhile adage that he was worthless?
“Well, you have time,” Maria said, squeezing his hand again.
“What about you?” Michael asked. “Any visions?”
Her face shut down. She let go of his hand to smooth both hers down her knees then fold her arms around herself, turning her head away. “No. Still nothing. A few dreams, but it isn’t always easy to tell what’s a normal dream and what’s a vision, and with you out of the woods, the most dire ones are already Jossed.”
“What about Mimi?”
“Huh.” Maria pursed her lips for a second, then said, “I haven’t noticed any change in her? But I’ll have to ask and see what she says. I’m not even completely sure our powers work identically, with the things she’s said about being unstuck in time…I don’t always get that same feeling.”
“We’ll figure it out,” Michael promised her. “Even if it means having to go back to Jones and ask what he knows—”
She wheeled on him and smacked his arm lightly.
“Absolutely not! Michael!”
“Not alone, obviously!” He defended.
“Not at all. Jesus Christ. I’ll tell Isobel you said that—I’ll tell Alex—”
“Maria, c’mon,” Michael whined, taking her hand again in an attempt to connect them and calm them both down. “I just don’t want to rule out that he’s meddling in more ways than we know. I still think he’s fucking with Max. You deserve answers, if that’s what’s going on.”
“Not at the cost of your life. Not ever. It could be a hundred other things, too. Stay away from him, Michael, I’m serious.”
“I will. I promise.”
“Good,” she said firmly, wrapping her arm around his again and leaning into him. He let out a long, slow breath as she relaxed.
“You know, in Jones’s cave…”
Michael carefully encircled her wrist with his fingers. “I lost the bracelet I made for you. The backup one I promised.”
“Are you feeling guilty about that? Because please, don’t,” she replied, covering the hand on her wrist with her other. “That is the last thing on my mind.”
“But I—”
“Hush. I’m glad you had it with you, whatever happened to it. It’s good that you opted to protect yourself, even if it didn’t work.”
“I thought your powers were offline.”
“The visions, maybe. But I don’t need to see the future to read you, Guerin.”
“You are something else, DeLuca.”
“Oh, I’m aware.”
“Hey, Maria—oh! Michael!”
The two of them turned toward the backdoor at the sound of Max’s voice.
“Hey, Max,” Maria said. “Is the inventory finished?”
“Yeah, I was just coming to report back.”
“No need to be so formal,” she teased, standing up and brushing dust from the seat of her pants, looking at the papers around her with her hands on her hips. “I was hoping to get your opinion on some plans, Number One, but someone interrupted, so they’re not quite ready yet.”
“Guilty as charged,” Michael drawled.
Max reached out a hand, and Michael took it to humor him, letting him haul him to his feet.
“I’ll let you off the hook this time,” Maria said as she led the way back into the bar, cool and dim in the daylight. “You can sweep up to say you’re sorry.”
“My pleasure,” Michael said, reaching out a hand, hoping he could summon the broom as nonchalantly as he once could. It sat unresponsive until a spike of formless frustration zipped through him, at which point it flew to his hand fast and hard enough to sting his palm when he caught it. Great. Just what he needed right now—puberty flashbacks.
“I need to run,” Maria said, stowing her binder behind the bar. “Late lunch with Rosa. I’ll see you later, Max—Michael, it was so good to see you. Say hi to Alex for me, okay? I know you’re gonna see him before I do.”
She left with a wink while Michael was still pink and stammering. Maybe Alex had told her already—or maybe that was just Maria, putting him so at ease it was easy to forget how much she saw. His chest glowed so warm he couldn’t stop blushing at that casual acknowledgement, that easy validation, that he and Alex—that Alex and he were what they were to each other, now, again.
“Wait, is she talking about you staying over there, or does she mean—dude!” Max grinned ear to ear and bounded out from behind the bar to pull Michael into a back-slapping hug. “Congratulations!”
Old, brotherly habit had Michael squirming out of Max’s affections, but it didn’t dent his exuberance; he retaliated with a swipe through Michael’s hair, making him duck further out of range, huffing and laughing all at once as he tried to fix it again.
“Yeah, um, Forrest and Alex broke up, and then one thing led to another, so.”
“I’m really happy for you, man.”
“I—thanks. I’m…I’m really happy, too.”
The sudden urge to comfort Max gripped him, a strange survivor’s guilt that things would be working out for him and Alex and Max and Liz would still be so far apart. But it wasn’t his place to throw that in Max’s face now, so he bit his tongue and basked in Max’s honest happiness for him.
“Could you feel, uh, any of my emotions through the handprint?” Michael asked. He ran his hand through his hair over the spot on his temple where Jones had held him, erased by Max’s healing hands, then dropped it back to his side abruptly, flexing away the phantom stiffness that still plagued him, that probably always would. He gave it a shake as if to chase away nervous tingling.
“Nah. But it’s not like I’m looking; I respect your privacy, man.”
“’preciate that,” Michael snarked, and Max just shrugged.
“Any particular reason you ask? I don’t need to know what you and Alex are up to,” Max joked.
Michael considered his answer for a little bit as he made his way between the tables. After all, it wasn’t as if this was the first handprint Max had ever given him. The ones on his neck and hand cut off by his death aside, dozens of times over dozens of years, Max had practiced healing on him and they’d explored that connection. Michael was always the guinea pig; he never wanted for injuries to work on, after all.
But there’d been a lot of handprinting over the past year and change. Max felt something from Liz; Liz felt something from Noah; Rosa and Max had a connection strong enough to tether Max to the world of the living. And then there was Michael, with Jones’s voice in his ear, dripping condescending words about his lack of psychic ability being phenomenal, considering.
At various times in his life, Michael had looked up at the stars and wondered in the silence what it was in him that was irreparably broken.
“Just curious. It’s been a while, and all juiced up like I was, I was wondering if anything felt different.”
“Nothing different. Just you.”
Max smiled like that was a good thing, a comforting thing. And you know what? In between the adrenaline of change, good and bad, in between the rock of Project Shepherd and the hard place of Jones, on an afternoon in a closed bar, a home to both of them, alone with his brother, Michael let it be.
He cleared his throat. “Good. So there’s no…interference or anything? Nothing weird lurking around up there?”
“Not that I can tell; Isobel would probably know better than I would. Whatever he did to you was bizarre, man. It wasn’t like the way, uh, the way I’ve killed people before. Or the way Noah killed.”
“I don’t think he was just trying to kill me.”
Michael made his way over to a booth and beckoned Max over; he lingered over his work for a glance at the clock and then came and joined him.
He continued, “He kept going on about teaching and knowledge and this being the wrong way but the most efficient. He knew it would hurt me, but maybe it would have worked better if he did it to someone more, uh, receptive than me.”
“What are you talking about?” Max leaned over the table, brow furrowed. This close up, the dark circles below his eyes were more noticeable. “Michael, what he did to you wasn’t in any way your fault—”
“I know, I know, that’s not what I mean. Just…look, I saw the security footage from Caulfield, from the day of the Valenti incident. The way that alien approached Jim Valenti and put his hands on him was identical to what Jones did to me, and I think maybe that guy was just trying to communicate but it fucked up a human in a way he either couldn’t expect or was too out of it to realize. And, well,” Michael gestured to his own head. “I’m the most human of the three of us up here.”
“I…huh.” Max sat back and drummed his fingers on the tabletop as he processed that. “Well, whatever the case, it proved you and Isobel were right about him. He can’t be trusted. Nobody should have any more contact with him. We’ll start doing our monthly drop offs contactless until we all figure out what should be done with him.”
His voice was firm, businesslike. Traffic Stop Max was Michael’s least favorite version of his brother and he’d hoped that his turn to the civilian would’ve put that guy to rest, but he had a tendency to rear his head in a crisis.
But in this case, he saw through him, and that façade was hiding something.
“How do you feel about that?” Michael asked, leaning back and slouching, reflecting Max’s rigid body language the way he had for a decade, cops and robbers style.
“It doesn’t matter how I feel about it. He almost killed you; we’ll do what has to be done.”
“Uh, it definitely does matter. You’re the closest thing to a next of kin he’s got, as far as we know. If anyone gets to decide what happens to him, it’s you.”
“That’s what I’m doing.”
“Is it? ‘Cause, look, I know I fucked up a lot of stuff running off to Jones half-cocked like I did. I don’t want to set off a chain reaction of more bad mistakes that rips us apart again when we’re just startin’ to…” Michael trailed off with a self-conscious shrug. It was realer than he’d intended to get, but it was the root of the issue, wasn’t it?
Max’s face softened, and Michael slumped lower in the booth.
“You’re not. You won’t.”
“You’re just saying that—”
That tone was always a coin flip if it’d get right under Michael’s skin or if it’d shut him up. It landed on the second one this time, to Michael’s relief.
Max said, “No chain reactions. What we were doing before wasn’t working, okay? I knew I wanted something from Jones, but I couldn’t bring myself to reach out and take it. All you did was force us to make a choice when I would’ve dug my heels in and not been able to for a long time otherwise.”
“The answers you’re looking for, though, you deserve to look for them if it’s what you need,” Michael forged on, battling his clumsy tongue. “I should’ve said that before. You deserve to know who you are and to learn who that is in whatever way you can. Everybody deserves that.”
“Thank you. I mean that. But I was getting so desperate—the things I was thinking of doing—I scared myself, okay? I didn’t think—I don’t think I am that person. And being this person I am right now and who I want to be right now is more important than any answers about the past, if that’s what it means to find them.”
Michael sat with that, looking Max up and down, sitting with his own feelings as much as Max’s words. Parsing his own reactions to Max was something he took steadier, more carefully than most other things in his life. It was a set of muscles he needed to practice with as much as he needed to get power back to his telekinesis.
“Okay, man. I respect that,” he said finally, leaning over the table to punch Max in the shoulder. Max made a face and rubbed that spot.
“Ow, man, thanks, I guess.”
“Damn, did I get you in your writing arm?”
“Try my drink-mixing arm. If I’m off tonight, I’m ratting you out to Maria.”
Michael let out a scandalized noise and slipped out of the booth.
“Where are you going?” Max laughed, dark eyes shining with life in a way Jones’s never could. For all they were identical, Michael barely saw the resemblance.
“To lay low, what do you think? You’re makin’ me a fugitive.”
“Uh huh. Good luck; you know she’s just going to ask Alex.”
“Damn it. The things I do for love.”
A smile on his own face as soon as he turned his back, Michael was almost at the door when Max called his name and he turned to face him again.
“Michael? Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Asking. Listening.”
Those two words held a lifetime of desperate loneliness between them, and Michael would be sitting with that, too, as long as he was holding it in his head, making it a conscious decision, to do right by his brother.
“You don’t have to thank me,” he said.
“I wanted to,” Max replied simply.
“Well in that case…I guess you’re welcome.”
Michael’s phone buzzed in his pocket, not the single pulse of a text but the longer jangling of a phone call. He fished it out, smiling when he saw the name, and he didn’t even wait to get privacy from Max before answering.
“Thank God. Where are you, Michael? Are you okay?”
“Alex? I’m fine, I’m at the Pony, what’s wrong—”
Max hurried to Michael’s side.
Alex repeated, “Thank god. Don’t come home, do you hear me? Do not come back to the house until I give you the all clear. Stay with Max and Maria.”
“What? No!”
But the line cut off midway through his protest, leaving him with nothing but the dial tone.
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Ikerev Guys and Languages
I got it through my head that there has to be other countries in Ikerev (IDK if that canon or not but whatever) besides Cradle. It doesn't make sense to me that this country is thriving so well but without outside help in terms of resources. Magic crystals have to be worth quite a bit if they only grow in cradle and the country itself seems small enough if you are able to get to the red army HQ from the black army HQ in the same day (right?). Also most countries (if I can remember simple geography but I don't) have trouble growing some things like in rockier areas cant grow wheat or super sandy areas aint good for growing in general so they have to have some sort of imports. Anyway that was a ramble, go below cut please:
Red Army
Lancelot Kingsley: I feel like it could be 3 but its English then whatever 2 languages that are spoken in the 2 most prominent countries they are in contact with. He’s the King of Hearts, he prolly would want/need to know some more languages. Anyway fluent in 3 and conversational in maybe 1 other.
Jonah Clemence: At least 3 like his family put all this pressure on him being perfect there is no way that he didn't get some sort of language lessons. He’s the Queen of Hearts, he prolly has to talk to officials from different countries. Anyway, I think that he is fluent in 3 languages but conversational in 2 others.
Edgar Bright: you cannot convince me that Edgar doesnt know at least 2 other languages besides English but it has to be closer to 5 fluent and 4ish conversational. He can literally do almost anything from what MC and the other officers say so why wouldn't he know 5 languages fluently?
Kyle Ash: YOU CANNOT DENY THAT HE IS SMART, LIKE REALLY SMART. That being said I don't think that he knows a lot of languages fluently (like he learned the second most spoken language in Cradle to better communicate with patients) but he picked up simple phrases, words, and such in lots of languages. He might not be conversational in these languages but he can get to point A to point B with the directions he does understand. 2 fluently and like 4 others where he can figure it out.
Zero: We know he is a sweetheart and we all love him but he actually wasn't supposed to become the Ace of Hearts so he actually only knows his Native language and super simple phrases in the second most spoken language.
Black Army
Ray Blackwell: He likes his books and his family owns a bookstore (right? Someone check that) so I bet to get more books he learned another language (prolly the second most spoken in cradle). 2 fluent languages and then maybe some words in a 3rd.
Sirius Oswald: IDK why but for some reason I have it in my head that 1 or both of his parents are immigrants to cradle. So going with that he speaks one/both his parents native language and he prolly took another in highschool that he actually got fluent in (he doesn't seem to be the type to leave anything half done). So fluent in 3 languages and maybe conversational in a 4th  if there is a large immigrant population in cradle.
Luka Clemence: like his brother he got language lessons but it was more to keep up the family image i would think. So i think that they invested 2 languages in Jonah (minus their native language) and invested in 1 language for Luka. I also think that he didn't tell anyone that he spoke X language and just started to speak it at an ambassador which shocked the black army officers. 2 fluent languages then got others to teach him words/phrases in other languages.
Seth Hyde: (Spoilers?)We know that he worked odd jobs here and there to support him and his sis before she was taken. Taking that into account and the fact that he never got to be a kid/teen himself and I’m not even sure if he finished highschool I think he is fluent in his native language and just knows bits and pieces of others (like 2). Fluent in 1 and can understand but has trouble speaking in 2 others.
Fenrir Godspeed: Can't keep still for too long doesn't really speak to me as knows a lot of languages but he has to know at least 1 other language and he picks things ups real quick so lots of words/phrases in other languages but he isn't conversational or fluent in those. 2 Fluent and in 2 others he understands like ⅓ of what you are saying.
Neutrals (kinda)
Harr Silver: He is also SUPER smart so I feel like he knows at least 3 languages but 1 is a dead Cradle language because some of the magic books he wanted to read were not translated yet. He also prolly picked up on some of the other languages spoken and a little bit of another dead language in cradle. Fluent in 3 languages but conversational in another dead language and knows some in another one.
Loki Genetta: So I think he came from a kinda well off family? I don't remember. Anyway he also gives the vibe that his family immigrated here or was planning on leaving cradle. Whatever was the case he did end up learning a second language and living with Harr he prolly picked up on some others (not conversationally but enough to figure it out eventually). 2 languages he is fluent in but knows a little bit of the dead languages that Harr knows.
Dean Tweedle: IDK what he teaches but he seems to be the type to know another language just to be able to communicate with his students better. Prolly picked up some in another language too because of his students' cause lets be real highschool students are so ready to teach each other curse words in another language and he prolly overheard. He can fluently speak 2 languages, is conversational in another, and knows fair too many curse words in several others.
Dalim ’Dum’ Tweedle: I feel like his bar is one of the most popular in cradle, so he prolly gets quite a bit of tourists there who don't always speak the language of cradle and therefore he speaks bits of at least 3 languages (enough to get their order and understand it).Unlike his brother he never actually learned another language. So he is fluent in 1 but can get an order in 3ish languages.
Oliver Knight: Kinda screams at me “I know more languages then you” type of energy but I think that he is actually only fluent in 1 but is conversational in 1 more. However Blanc prolly taught him some phrases in some that he knows.
Blanc Lapin: ANCIENT, CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Literally knows all the dead languages that were in the area, all the languages currently spoken in cradle, and if he isn't fluent he is conversational. Fluent in all and if not conversational.
Mousse Altas: He learned one other language as a kid, then before he made the job change he learned some more languages to be fluent in them. I want to say 3 fluent languages but they ain’t the countries that they already have trade deals in but rather the ones that they don't have trade deals in. He knows 2 others though conversationally and can read and write in another but can't speak it.
Anyway this is my opinion dont get mad or whatever ✌
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