#this interview is awesome
fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
David Tennant interview at the British LGBT Awards, June 2024 (x)
Int: You being an ally to the community isn't something new. You've been doing it, but recently you've obviously really stepped up for trans and non-binary people in a time that's so, so needed. What made you do that?
David: I don't know that I feel like I've done anything that I wouldn't just sort of be normally doing. I mean, it's for me it's just common sense that there's there should be any suggestion that people aren't allowed to live the life they want to live and and to be who they want to be with and to express themselves wholeheartedly. I mean, as long as you aren't hurting anybody else, everybody else just needs to fucking butt out. I don't really understand why...
Int: ...it's controversial.
David: Yeah, there is and the thing... the thing, if there's something that's particularly sobering and depressing, it's that certain debates are being weaponized by certain elements of the political class, often for no... it seems it's not ideological so much as opportunistic. And I just think that's pretty disgusting, really.
Int: I couldn't agree more. What message would you like to send out to trans youth?
David: Please don't feel like you're not loved and that you're not accepted and that you're not... you know, most people in the world are good and kind and just want you to be able to be who you are. Most people in the world don't really care. I mean... you know what I mean?
Int: We're all narcissistic.
David: Exactly. Everyone's so self obsessed that really, the sort of noise that comes from a certain area of the press and of the political class is... it's a minority. It really is. And please don't let that make you feel diminished or dissuaded or discouraged, because, you know, you just... you have to be allowed to be yourself, and you are, and you are yourself and you must thrive and flourish, and we're all here for it.
Int: Amazing. I think, yeah, it's so important .I think sometimes it feels like there's so many people, but it is a minority. It's such a minority.
David: It's a tiny bunch of little whinging fuckers that are on the wrong side of history and they'll all go away soon.
Int: Like what happened with gay people 20 years ago.
David: When I was a kid, when I was a kid, exactly. You know, I was at school when Clause 28 came in and it all felt like being gay was something to be terrified of. And gay men in particular were demonised as paedophiles and now that just feels historic and ludicrous and, I mean, I don't see all those... all those battles aren't won, but we're in a very, very different place. And I feel like.I feel like history is on a progressive trajectory and it might get knocked sideways now and again by people for all sorts of reasons, which are often quite selfish and quite, as I say, not coming from a place of any sort of genuine belief system, but other than a place of opportunism. And that's something that we... I hope that in 20 years time, we're talking about, you know, these culture wars as something of the past.
Int: I believe we will. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, so.
David: Oh, good, me too!
Int: You are my Doctor.
David: Oh, thank you very much.
Int: But recently, obviously, you came back for the 60th anniversary and you got to work with Yasmin Finney.
David: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Int: What was it like working with her?
David: Oh, she's brilliant. She's fantastic. Yeah. And she's in the show again now, she's back in it, so that's fantastic to see. She's lovely, talented, cool as a cucumber, articulate, brilliant. I learned a lot from her as an actor and also as someone who, you know, who's become a sort of de facto activist just because of who she is and where she is, and she becomes a sort of symbol of hope, and she's wonderful.
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mossycakes · 8 days
the loumand divorce is actually FUNNIER in the book, which i had the absolute pleasure to read earlier. if youre not aware, heres how it happens:
>louis is eating grass
louis: saw lestat the other day
armand: the other day?
louis: like. a month ago.
armand: ...
armand: wish you told me that when jt happened. did you guys uh... talk about anything? in particular?
louis: not really
armand: i could not have- wait what?
louis: idk. we didnt really talk about much
armand: not even the fact that im the one who killed claudia??
louis: nah
armand: ???? omg. you are so fucking annoying. ill tell you what, i honestly just thought youd get over it and be back to normal so that we could be together. i didnt know me killing your daughter would effect you so much. you are so fucking dramatic
louis: uh huh
armand: aight. okay. we're done with this. im gonna go make out with lestat
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indelicateink · 4 months
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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nightcolorz · 4 months
spoilers for iwtv s2 ep1 but my favorite scene in the episode was after Louis apparently persuades number 1 interview hater armand to go on record and offer his side of the story they cut to morning where the two of them come out to meet Daniel holding hands like the most awkward Mormon couple of all time and they sit all cuddly next to each other doing weird fucking knee rubs while Louis is like gently holding Armand’s hand and doing lil soothing couple things to try and coax him into being comfortable with the interview, like smiling at him in that reassuring way people do when they r subtly trying to encourage someone who is out of their depth. Like cuz clearly the interview is not something armand feels safe with even happening let alone being a part of so him agreeing to join in is a pretty big step for him. And then IMMEDIATELY when armand tentatively goes to offer his input for the first time on record Daniel tells him to shut tf up and wait his turn 😭😭😭 omfg I was dying. The old maniel and armand rivalry is giving me life
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
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Another excellent BAFTA interview moment with David and the Scottish lady from HuffPost. Bless...
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oldbutchdaniel · 1 month
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sdrose93 · 3 months
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beeduoo · 4 months
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look at my security guards dawggg im going to Die😭😭😭😭
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miss-vortex · 2 years
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
David Tennant saying to transphobes and other bigots: "Fuck off and let people be!" ❤ 😊
David Tennant at the Angels, Demons and Doctors con in Germany, 5.5.2024 (from mandlebougie tiktok <3)
Fan question: I wanted to ask about like, maybe your relationship with like, gender and like, expression like masculinity and femininity. Because I've always noticed, like, even before you and Georgia became more like, vocal about trans rights, that you're always like, not afraid to show like, femininity. And that inspires me to embrace it too, though I'm a bit traumatised by it because I'm trans. I wonder, like, how has that changed over the years, if changed at all? Because I remember also reading something about, like, you in the nineties also being like, not afraid to become gay or something. Yeah. So I wonder, like, in now this environment with like more trans allyship and stuff, like, has that for you personally changed at all?
David: I don't know if it changed that is... I've hopefully learned as that, as that community has found ways of defining itself and has provided a sort of, you know, when I was a kid, the idea of being non binary wasn't something that existed, it wasn't a concept. And I've seen that emerge and people able to express themselves through that and it only ever seems positive as far as I can see. And I think that the kindof the weaponisation of trans rights, gay rights, well, actually, when I was a teenager, I remember gay rights being weaponized politically and that always felt ugly and nasty. And now we look back on that 30 years later and those people are clearly on the wrong side of history. And now there's a sort of similar weaponization of these topics being taken by mostly the right wing or a certain section of society trying to create friction and conflict and division where it needn't be, where it's just about people being themselves and not, you know, you don't need to be bothered about it. Fuck off and let people be! You know, it's just... it's that sense of just wanting people to be allowed to exist. And I think that they're, you know, that there are now ways of expressing gender, identity, sexuality that are more nuanced than they once were. And that only seems to be positive. If that helps people to know who they are and say who theyare and communicate to the world who they are. So why... I mean, my sense of that is that is all just we have to be..., you know, we're.. that's just common sense, really.
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starrylayle · 1 month
y'all i'm gonna be honest i did not go into iwtv 2022 completely blind i began watching it because of the edits. I was especially intrigued by armand's character (didn't know his name at the time tho)
when he was introduced in the show as Rashid and daniel was lowkey attacking him for his Isamic belief and love for vampires and questioning how that works.... i was like ??? omg me core??? My Islamic belief and love for gay vampire shit are also at odds with each other omg new kin alert!! even when more sus stuff started surfacing i had blind faith in him because i was like that's my man!!!
anyways after the reveal happened still love my little gremlin armand but hoping real rashid gets a comeback coz i need someone to project my religious trauma on :))))))
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philip-the-nickel · 1 year
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So I saw the Ghost Files show, and it was great. If you can grab tickets, it's well worth it. They even did a silly spirit box reading!
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and yes, it was hilarious.
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nightcolorz · 4 months
the reason why loumand will always be perfect is bcus Louis and Armand will both be each other’s other women at the same time. they r literally both 🎶“I’m sorry I can’t take your touch, it’s not that I don’t want you, sorry I don’t want your touch, it’s just that I fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended”🎶/ref like mutually in sync simultaneously. Often times about the same annoying blonde man!! Who for Armand was also!! A band aid he was trying to shove up his bullet hole!! To fill the void that was left by literally another blonde man who dictates every rebound for the rest of his life. They both watched their blonde man die <3 ! They r both trying to find the same thing in the other that neither of them possess <3
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oldbutchdaniel · 3 months
danlou is so awesome because it’s like you put two “i am NOT gay” bitches in the same room. and they looked each other up and down and then said “okay maybe i am a little gay.”
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