#this is 1500+ miles away
fazedlight · 6 months
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The above is a moment from 5x08. Eve immediately reports that they're experiencing aftershocks of a 5.4 magnitude earthquake in National City (which we all know is in California, likely near San Diego).
I have a small problem with this...
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nexility-sims · 1 month
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welcome back noel gallagher / paging bret michaels yet again / i’m so glad i belatedly decided to give renzo normal person teeth instead of the default veneers / i am working on a little thing, if u can’t tell 🤸‍♀️
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captorations · 3 months
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this is hilarious for a lot of reasons including the email change (hmm i wonder why) and the twitter bashing and the overall tone and just it existing on a telephone pole five blocks from the urban center of town but the real kicker is that i thought this was my dad for a solid five seconds
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 years
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cimicherrychanga · 4 months
How'd you and dawn first meet?
she messaged me on tumblr saying she liked my art :3
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captainlexapro · 2 months
i got nucks tix 🫣
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technolilly · 1 year
Spoilers are like little angels to me. I chew and chew and chew and finally once they are small enough they go through my bloodstream straight to the tips of my fingers and I can see the stars. You know how it is.
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easeupkid · 5 months
i wanna cry so bad rn
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
Do Ha looks like he's about to lose his sh*t every time she says she's not going back. Young Hwa you are raising his blood pressure he might yeet out of Joon Oh's body again
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tallgreenlady · 2 years
(This is going to be my long-winded way of saying go support @solradguy and his scanlating efforts with a Ko-Fi donation if you can, Gearsters)
A really big reason why I want to support Guilty Gear archival efforts is that I’m also very into another 90s series with tons of niche old content: Magic the Gathering.
Of the old, foundational novels from the game’s early history (back before there was a even a coherent story depicted in sets!) the Ice Age trilogy is my favorite. However, it’s quite simply not available (legally) as an ebook atm. If I hadn’t been fortunate enough to pick up the whole trilogy in the ~1 year where it was for sale on Amazon as an ebook, the only way I could have read it without fan archival or some potentially very long distance library loans would have been to shell out 100-200 bucks for some battered old paperbacks. And this is for one of the most consistently popular, eminently collectible, English language runaway successes from the 90s. In the country it was originally published in, even!
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
Hey, could I get some good vibes? Maybe a virtual hug? Real Life is stressful and shitty right now and it feels like a million and one things are going wrong, and as sad as it is to admit, I don't really have IRL people I can ask for this.
So yeah. I could use Something Positive right now.
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Sophie in the near future probably:
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I just saw this and it made me think of you cause of your last post lmao 😭
SCREAMING thank you zep i will send you pictures if i end up getting a cat as live-in pest control 💗💗💗💗💗💗
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leguin · 2 years
like. honestly insane that my mom has spent nearly 3 years successfully avoiding getting covid, and being very careful in part bc she’s high risk and easily could’ve died in 2020 and still could now, and now that she does have it, mal and i had to wrangle and coax her into getting paxlovid etc. baffling.
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anxietytriangles · 1 month
Been ignoring my mother bc I have absolutely no reason or obligation to talk to her and she’s so desperate she’s started sending me money to try and get a response lmaooooo
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ur-stepdad · 4 months
people often talk about the fact that florida is shaped like a penis. however, i would argue that the fact that the trees here look like they have foreskin is a much more tangible phallic symbol
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passionfruitmango · 5 months
Tried to set the boundary with a nickname my mother calls me.
DAYS LATER SHES HAVING MY 11 YEAR OLD SISTER ASK ME "why I don't like being called that"
She (mother) left ME on read, and is now doing THIS???? INSTEAD OF DIRECT COMMUNICATION?????
I keep hearing my therapists voice in my head asking "Have you considered going no contact with your mom" and holy fuck I have a feeling by the end of this year that might be my best choice
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