#this is EXACTLY how i picture kiri when i write for him
dirtytransmasc · 1 year
(that other prompt inspired me)
TW: Suicide Attempt
It's a useless question; Jake already knows the answer, but he still desperately wishes he is wrong, that Spider has some other reason to explain how he discovered his ability to breathe the Pandoran air. An accident, a sign from Eywa, anything other than him willingly taking off his mask without the knowledge he'd be able to breath.
But there is no answer - only heart-wrenching silence as the eleven-year-old stares at the ground.
A hunter had found Spider when he had gone to commune with Eywa, sitting amongst the roots of the Tree of Souls with no max but still breathing.
It's later in the night, hours past when the kids have gone to sleep with Spider - maskless - tucked between Kiri and Lo'ak who curl protectively around the smaller boy, and Jake is still awake and so is Neytiri.
"He took off his mask, and he expected to die."
"Spider tried to kill himself today."
"He is a child-"
. . . . .
"He's always been a child."
ahhhhhhh, why, my heart.
jake havng a heart attack, spider going to be with Eywa before he joined with her, neytiri having the eery but solemn advice. I can picture her face too, weighed down with guilt and pain, but also acceptance as the gears turn in her head. jake with that stupid guilty-but-ignoring-it face. the awkward distance between jake and spider as he confronts him, spider not letting jake touch him, clutching his mask close, waiting for someone to yell at him, to get mad at him, cause why would they even care. spider taken back to hellsgate, laying in his bed, on top of his blankets, like he was in trouble. jake and neytiri sitting with each other after the kids went to sleep (did they tell them? if they did, what was the exact story they told? whats the going forward? how did the kids react?) trying to add it all up in their minds.
I kinda want to write a little thing, not exactly like this or the other prompt, but in the vague area of "spider trying to take his life and making everyone realize just how bad they've damaged him" cause I'm such a fucking sucker for it.
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Neteyam x reader - come naturally
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Hello, how are you? I hope you're doing good. Could I request a neteyam x metkaina(I don't know if it's how you write it) reader where we see the reaction of neteyam to the reader's tattoo where it is at her ear like in the picture ( it doesn't have to be this design just the idea of where the tattoo could be on the reader) please and I'm in love with your blog and writing, thank you - @bakakara666💜
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A/N: this is the picture that was referenced:)
You had no clue about the new family that had come to join your tribe, and learn to be one of your people, you were too busy sitting at the bottom of the ocean floor, practicing holding your breath.
When you opened your eyes, you noticed a girl sitting in front of you and you titled your head a little bit and she did the same.
She pushed herself to the surface, and you did the same thing breaching the surface you noticed she was back by the shore.
“(Y/N)! It’s about time!” Aonung laughed.
“Huh? About time for what? I’m so confused.”
You walked over and brushed some hair from your face, and you noticed there was more just like that girl who you found staring at you.
“Why do you look like that?”
“(Y/N)!” Tsireya scolded.
“What? I’m just curious!” You huffed.
Walking over your crossed your arms across your chest and looked at the two boys and the two girls.
“I’m Neteyam, this is my bro Lo’ak, and our sisters Kiri and Tuk.”
You nodded your head and turned to Kiri.
“Hey you’re the one who was staring at me.”
Kiri nodded her head.
“Sorry if I disturbed you, I was swimming and thought you were a statue.”
“(Y/N)s one of our best swimmers! She can hold her breath for so long, she practices a lot.” Tsireya smiled.
“She’s a try hard.” Aonung laughed.
You smacked his head and he hissed at you, making you snarl back and he backed away a little making you smirk.
“You two enough!” Tsireya huffed.
You grinned sheepishly at her.
“Sorry sis. So what’s up anyway? Why are they here?”
“We’re living here now.” Lo’ak said.
You nodded your head and you all sat down for a little while to talk.
You looked to Tuk and smiled a little at her.
“Do you like it Tuk? What’s your favourite part?”
“The IIu! They’re so cute!”
“They are! They were my favourite when I was little too, it took me a while to learn to swim them her.”
“It did?” She asked shocked.
You nodded your head.
“Oh yeah (Y/N) couldn’t get the hang of it for the life of her, she’s one of the best now.” Aonung smiled.
“Woah really?!”
Tuk was practically bouncing where she sat and you laughed a little bit as you nodded your head, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly.
“Can I get better at it too?”
Everyone turned to you, watching as you leant forward on your knees, ruffling her hair a little bit.
“Of course sweetie, you just have to practice!”
“I want to practice right now!”
Tuk jumped up running around while everyone laughed and told her it was getting too late so she started to pout.
“How about tomorrow? I can show you Blue, my IIu.”
“Yes! Yes!”
Tuk ran around exactly again and everyone laughed, smiling as she fell on to Kiri who groaned at the impact but didn’t do anything to move her little sister.
As the next day came, you were getting ready for a swim when you heard someone shouting your name.
“Tuk! Hi!”
“Where’s blue?!”
She ran around your legs and practically started pulling your towards the water.
“Tuk! Tuk wait!”
Neteyam came bursting through the trees and she slowed down as he walked over and into the water to stand next to you as Tuk splashed in the water.
“Hey you don’t mind teaching her do you?” He asked nervously.
Looking at him, you smiled brightly.
“Not at all, I understand it can be hard to learn new things. It must be harder for you guys since you’re whole life you were taught different ways, so I’m happy to give all the help you all need.” You smiled.
You smile was contagious and Neteyam smiled back at you, nodding his head.
“Wanna meet Blue Tuk?”
“Yes!” She squealed.
You made a few high pitched noises, and you waded further into the water.
Tuk followed behind you, and she quickly had to start swimming, the water getting too high for her, and Neteyam followed behind, helping his sister make her way over.
They saw a disturbance in the water, and a blue and purple head of an IIu popped out of the water.
“This is blue! She really gentle, you can touch her if you want.”
Both Neteyam reached out, and Blue happily chirped, nudging them as she enjoyed the attention she was receiving.
You smiled at the scene and ran your hand over her back.
“She’s so pretty! Why aren’t the others like her?” Tuk asked.
“She came from a different flock, her mother and her got lost, and found their ways here. She became my best friend the moment we saw each other.”
Lifting Tuk up, you set her on the back of the IIu and they gently swam around in the nearby area.
“Don’t you need the connection to swim with IIu?” Neteyam asked.
“Well, yes. But Blue just loves attention, she likes swimming around, and you don’t need to make the bond in order to swim with her, she just won’t go where you want but she won’t travel out of sight either.”
Neteyam nodded his head and watched as you floated on your back in the water, and he smiled a little, laughing as he copied you.
“Can you swim yet?” You asked.
“Not very well…” he mumbled.
“That’s fine! You wanna see something cool?”
“What about Tuk?”
You pointed to where Blue and Tuk where heading over to Neytiri and Jake, and Neteyam shrugged before nodding his head.
You took a breath, diving under the water, and he followed you.
You swam to the bottle, and pushed yourself through a small gap inside, and Neteyam followed you.
He looked around amazed, the light shone through the water, casting a soft glow on all the coral and underwater plants.
The fish swam lazily back and forth, not seeming too bothered about you two being there.
Neteyam turned around to find you, and he saw you picked a few flowers from the sea floor, so he swam over.
You gestured for him to hold his hand out and you did, putting some flowers in him before you gathered a few more.
Once you seemed content you saw back to the surface and he followed, taking a few deep breaths as he breeched the surface.
You smiled and laughed at him.
“You’ll get the hang of it, don’t worry!”
“What are these for?”
“Of they’re actually for my mother she’s been asking for them and only I know where to find them.”
Neteyam nodded and handed them over to you, and the pair of you swam back to shore and you both sat down, listening to the calm waves.
You set the flowers beside you, and crossed your legs.
Neteyam looked at you, watching as you brushed some hair from your face behind you ear, and he focused on what he saw.
“What’s that?” He asked.
You turned to face him.
“What’s what?”
He pointed to your ear and you realised what he was asking about.
“I got it about a year ago, it’s to show I passed into becoming a star reader. I can use the stars to help find my way when lost, and I can use it to travel at night. It’s been a skill passed down through our family, and I inherited it.”
“A star reader?”
“Yes, I can read the stars, use them for direction. You can use certain patterns to mark locations and know which way to go.” You smiled.
Neteyam nodded his head and reached out but he stopped himself.
“May I?”
“Go ahead.” You smiled.
He brushed your hair back, leaning a little further to be able to admire the ink that was now part of your skin.
He knew it wasn’t uncommon for your people to have tattoos, along with song beads he knew the tattoos meant different things and told stories.
“Do you have anymore?”
“Now, but I’m getting more soon, it’ll be the mark the stage I pass into become a woman, to become a huntress.”
Neteyam nodded, slowly pulling his hand letting your hair fall back into your face.
He turned back to the water and with a smile on his face, he rested his head on his knees, admiring the way that the sunlight shimmered against the rippling water.
You looked at him with a smile before picking up a flower, braiding it into your hair while you enjoyed the peace and quiet.
You heard giggling and you watched as Tuk came running through the trees, all but stumbling over her own feet.
“Neteyam! Neteyam!”
“Hey Tuk!” He beamed.
Tuk told her older brother all about what had happened, and about how much she loved going for a swim with blue and how fun it was and how she wanted to do it again.
Neteyam and you listened while smiling.
“Wow you look so pretty! Can I have a flower in my hair too?” She asked.
“Sure pick one and I’ll do it when I’m done.” You smiled.
Tuk crouched next to you, looking over the different kinds flowers your had.
“Do you want me to braid it for you Tuk?” Neteyam asked.
“No! I want (Y/N) to do it!”
You laughed and grinned at Neteyam.
“She likes me more.”
“She can be your sister then.” He rolled his eyes.
Tuk stuck her tongue out at her older brother and sat in front of you, excitedly waiting.
“I’ll do yours first.”
You unravelled your braid, not wanting to leave it half finished and started to work on Tuks hair.
Tuk told you all about her adventure and everything she loved about the reef while you did so, and you happily listened.
Neteyam watched for a minute before he got up, taking the flower from next to you, he sat behind you and started to do the same to your hair.
“Neteyam?” You asked.
“Can’t have you not looking as beautiful as Tuk now can we?” He asked softly.
You smiled a little and let him carry on, his fingers carefully working through your hair.
“We’re going to be so pretty!” Tuk giggled.
“We are, the prettiest in the reef!” You laughed back.
Neteyam could only smile as he listened, feeling at peace.
It felt natural to him, braiding your hair, weaving a flower through it while you did the same for his sister.
If he was caught by Lo’ak now he knew he’d never be able to live it down, but part of him didn’t care, because he was really happy to be just sat there
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
I remember the first time I read Locked Up I was so in love with your writing and the world, and the gap you left of what he was doing time for and the setup outside of the prison with Bakugou and the others, my imagination spent days filling in the gaps for fun and just thinking about how Kiri somehow managed to convince you to meet Bakugou because he thinks you would help them smuggle into the prison.
Of course, Bakugou wouldn’t be easily convinced. He’d meet you after Kiri told you the address of the bar Bakugou owns, but Kiri has been in a while and obviously likes you. He needs to see for himself if he trusts you to do this job for them, test your loyalty almost. You go into this bar and don’t know who you’re looking for, but he knows you. Can tell you a mile off. He invites you into his office in the back to “talk” the deal out with you, but he has other plans in mind for how it will go. Wants to see how much you’d let him get away with, whether you’d obey and do whatever he said when you’re alone together. Whether you’d get on your knees. Whether you’d let him get a taste of you. You’re half scared to reject him, not wanting to know what would happen if you knew all what you did — he surely wouldn’t just let you walk away at the risk of you ratting on their operations. But he’s also insanely hot and if he wants to put his mouth between your thighs you’re not exactly going to say no…
And when he next talks to Kiri to let him know he likes you and the plan is going ahead, he can’t help himself to taunt just a bit that Kiri has good taste, which in turn makes Kiri just that bit more mad at him, because he might have got to fuck you already, but now he also wants to get his turn to taste you.
(This has been in my head for MONTHS, and now I’m thinking of it again after rereading, so it’s only fair that I share with you as the inspiration right?)
LUKE! Are you trying to make me SOB I was screaming this morning when I read this😭
I honestly LOVE the idea of Bakugou not fully trusting you at first, because on the one hand he knows that Kirishima is probably grooming you on the inside to make you perfect for this but we both know Bakugou hates not having control of situations so he hates that he doesn’t know just how good a job Kiri has done on you.
So when you turn up at the bar and Bakugou is probing you about Kirishima, he sees the way your eyes light up and how doting and adorable you are when you’re talking about him. How loyal you are.
But he has to make you perfect for the plan, so of course he’s going to have a taste. And he’s got cameras set up in his office when he does it. Capturing these high quality pictures and videos of you in such compromising positions that he plans to use for blackmail if you start to get cold feet— but it’s a perk that he gets to fist his cock to them later too. Remembering how you felt wrapped around him.
And he knows what he’s doing when he tells Kiri too, even down to crudely describing the taste of your cunt or the way your eyes rolled and your thighs shook when you came on his tongue. He knows it’ll just enrage Kiri more and make him more determined to execute the plan properly and potentially get him released quicker.
But if it doesn’t, at least Bakugou can look after you on the outside while Kiri is still locked up.
And also imagine Kiri trying that much harder with you because of Bakugou? Like he knows he shouldn’t be leaving marks but he can’t help himself, when he thinks about Bakugou seeing them on the outside.
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ofdetonation · 2 years
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@resolutepath​​  inquired :      “maybe i don’t wanna be just friends with you.” [ kiri !! ]      ╱      idiots  to  lovers.
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𝗘𝗜𝗝𝗜𝗥𝗢𝗨'𝗦  𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧  𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗘𝗦  𝗪𝗜𝗧𝗛  𝗔𝗡  𝗘𝗣𝗜𝗣𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗬 .      it’s almost stupid how katsuki had never noticed it sooner      ⸺      or maybe he was too busy trying to decipher his own feelings,   trying to draw conclusions he already had,   worried he would potentially ruin what one good thing he had going for himself,   but he  should  have seen it.     were they ever able to be just friends with the way they were around each other ?      ╱      with how often katsuki would find windows in his schedule to spend time with the red-haired boy,   dedicating resources to understanding eijirou’s love for crimson riot,   even taking the time to help eijirou with his own self-care routine and hair maintenance that wouldn’t be too time-consuming …
when he had said that they’d always be friends,   so calmly and while they sat together in the confines of the blond’s room,   katsuki just didn’t think to wonder if eijirou felt the same way he did.     hope like that was  dangerous      ╱      and katsuki,   still so unsure of his feelings for other boys,   stumbling through this new part of him he wanted to repress so desperately,   he wasn’t even sure if eijirou would ever return the feelings.     but oh,   it was so fucking dumb when he looks at it now :     they were already inseparable,   practically together without them being together.     to be just friends ?
katsuki drags his hand down his face,   breathing in sharply.     shit.
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❝    okay,   wait,   lemme ⸺     fuck.    ❞     he’s nervous :     it writes itself into his sudden tense look,   stumbling over his words,   trying to find the right way to respond to it without passing it off as too harsh or too casual.     the last thing he wants is to fuck this up.    (  he knows his words can come across as too much or too brash      ⸺      and eijirou,   he deserves to know exactly what katsuki is thinking,   but he isn’t sure how to approach it.     was  there a right way when it came to this ?  )     ❝    i don’t fucking know how to go about this shit,   y’know ?     not in the right way.     just my own way.    ❞
he wants to start by remedying what he was trying to say before.     it wasn’t as though he  wanted  to stay as just friends      ╱      he was operating on the premise that maybe eijirou didn’t feel the way he did.     and if it were obvious,   katsuki wasn’t sure if he could believe it,   having spent so long trying to confine his own feelings into a bottle      ⸺      like trying to capture lightning with glass,   confining fire with fire.
but how does he put it into words ?     katsuki starts to pace in panicked silence as he opens and closes his mouth,   frustration starting to embed itself into furrowed brows and slowly narrowing glare,   frown twisting to a slight snarl.     his hands sweat and he wipes the excess on his pants,   only getting more visibly annoyed when the crackle of detonations spark not long after.     nothing fits the way it should.     words were  never  his forte to begin with      ╱      would it be so reckless to better express himself in action,   to better paint the picture to eijirou by showing it rather than saying it ?     he already has a sure confession from the other.     (  and,   well,   it was still katsuki going about it in his own way.  )
fuck it.
katsuki acts on his instinct and paces over to the red-haired boy,   seizing his face with warm hands and surprisingly gentle touch      ⸺      one that doesn’t  quite  translate when the blond leans in to press a quick kiss to eijirou’s lips,   a little rough and brash and hasty.     it ignites that inner spark he would get when he would lean on the other during their documentary nights,   the same one he got when eijirou would smile,   or laugh,   or  exist      ╱      and oh my god,   he really was the fucking idiot of the two here,   wasn’t he ?     at least eijirou had drawn his conclusion well before katsuki thought of it      ⸺      it took that final push to realise that oh,   maybe,   just maybe,   he never wanted to be just friends either.
and with how the kiss makes him feel,   despite his inexperience and uncertainty,   there was at least one thing katsuki  could  be sure about :     this,   all of it,   was right.     and he’s almost certain that he can’t screw it up any more than he might’ve before.
katsuki moves back after a few seconds,   though his hands stay where they are,   and though he does his best to look as certain as he can,   the concern bleeds through      ╱      the waiting look,   the slight shake in his hands from the surge of adrenaline,   the subtle shifts in gaze to look for  any  sort of change in eijirou’s face.     (  was it enough ?     would it confirm everything eijirou needed to know ?  )
❝    maybe i never wanted to be just friends,   either.     i just …    ❞
a pause.     the words are never said,   but they’re implied :     i just never thought that you’d feel the same way,   so i decided to be a fucking idiot.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings - Angst, Physical Harm, Cursing, accused Cheating, Katsuki’s insecurities
A/N: This is my first writing piece but this has been stuck in my mind since v-day is coming up so I had to get it out. Plz enjoy!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: Y/N is so busy around Valentine’s, her lack of attention towards her Pomeranian is causing him to freak out and do the worst of the worst
Love is in the air! The birds are singing, The breeze is blowing, the setting sun is shining, and the explosive teen is.....well, bruting.
Can you blame him though? Y/N’s been a little distant ever since February started. Even right now, instead of enjoying their time together in a quiet park, she’s staring down at her phone doing who knows what.
Why? Was he not good enough? Has she gotten tired of him? They’ve only been together for a little over a year. Is she talking to someon- no. Katsuki stopped himself from thinking like that. There’s no way his precious teddy bear would ever do that. Not only that, he was the best there is. Why would she even try to go?
“You dumbass. You’re missing this.” Bakugou sighed. “Huh? What? Missing what?” Y/N looked around looking for whatever “this” was until Bakugou grabbed her chin to force her to look him in the eyes. “THIS DUMBASS! US! You’re so focused on that dumb phone. Jeez, can’t a guy just get his girl’s attention.” Bakugou said dramatically.
It wasn’t that Y/N wasn’t giving him attention, it’s that it wasn’t the same. Yea she right there snuggled into his arm. And yea she was petting his hair just the way he liked. And YES, she was peppering his face with kisses from time to time. But it all felt off? Like only half her energy was put into the love and affection.
“Suki, aren’t u being a little dramatic. I’m right here with you baby. I’m sorry if I’ve been a little distracted. Come here dummy.” And as Y/N pulls Bakugou in for a tighter hug all he can do is release a “hmph” while falling into it...until her phone went (ding!) once again. And she went to check it. Once again.
Bakugou was getting tired so he got up and suggested they’d head back to UA. Y/N only got up and began to walk beside him, hand in hand, while still checking her phone time to time. And Bakugou was getting sick of it
*Wtf is she doing on that piece of junk? What could be so important she would half ass our entire evening together? .....Could she possibly be talking to someone else?............no.* Bakugou let those negative thoughts die down as they continued their journey back.
A few days later
“COME ON!!” Bakugou screamed as he realeased a blast towards Kirishima. When Bakugou invited him to train, The red head initially thought it was to ...you know..TRAIN. But after some time, the blonde’s best friend began to see the bigger picture.
“Dude. What’s up with you man? We always go full on during training, but it’s not even like you’re trying to hit me. It feels like you’re just taking your anger out on me.” Kirishima said.
“Congrats on noticing shitty hair, I’m glad somebody’s noticing my damn mood.” Weirded out by his friend’s unusual openness, the red head continued to ask.
“So what’s up?”
“But you just-“
Bakugou exclaimed as he began to gather his stuff to leave the training area. “BAKUGOU!” Kiri shouted. “WHAT!” “.......it’s Y/N isn’t it?”
Upon hearing that, the blonde turned to look at his best friend with this sad puppy dog look. And man, if Katsuki had doggy ears, everyone would see how low they’d go. His best friend didn’t need to see it though, he could tell those ears would be 6 ft under if they were actually there bc there’s nothing hiding Katsuki’s vulnerability when it comes to Y/N. As the two best friends go to sit on the bleachers, Bakugou takes a deep breath before saying his thoughts.
“I think Y/N is cheating on me.”
Kirishima went from “caring and considerate” to “WHATDIDHESAYYY” in seconds. Y/N L/N?? Cheating?? Ok. Y/N was one fiesty girl, and she definitely had sass, power, attitude, and a little mischief, but she also had kindness, compassion, consideration, and honesty flowing though her. Not to mention extreme loyalty. There’s no way.
“Look man, with all due respect, I think you’ve finally lost it.” The red head laughed. “I’m being serious shitty hair.” The blonde stated. “She’s been so distracted lately. She’s always with me but it’s like her mind is also somewhere else. And not to mention that damn phone she’s always on now. She can’t go 30 minutes without checking it at least twice. And not only that, when she does leave to do whatever, she’s gone for hours at a time! What’s a guy supposed to think with all of that?! I mean it’d make sense if she wanted to leave. I get it, I can get loud, and yell, and I get angry a lot but.. she knows I never mean it, right? I call her a dumbass like i do everyone else...ugh but she isn’t just everyone else, she’s my girlfriend and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.....SO WHY TF IS SHE CHEATIN-“ before the blonde could continue, his best friend cut him off.
“BAKUGOU” “WHAT??!!” “....talk to her.” Kirishima said. “What?” Bakugou asked. Kirishima continued. “Cheating is a real sensitive topic in a relationship. I don’t wanna give my opinion on something that could ruin something amazing. C’mon man, we both know Y/N isn’t like that but who am I to tell you what to do. I wanna help, I do, but I think it’s best if you go to her with all this. Honestly though, if you asked me, Y/N would be the last person I’d ever think of when it came to cheating on ANYTHING. Especially the guy she cares so much about.” And with that last sentence, Kirishima stood up from his spot and pat Bakugou on his shoulder before exiting.
With Bakugou left with nothing but his thoughts and Kirishima’s advice, he left and headed straight towards your room.
“Shut up!” You excitingly screamed though the phone. “You really found the last part?”
“Yup, it only took about 6 different stores across the entire city.” Shinsou sarcastically replied. “You owe me.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know and I appreciate it. Katsuki’s gonna love his gift!” You said.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, you’ve been preparing only the best Valentine’s Day surprise for the best boyfriend in the world. You’ve been so busy planning your surprise that I guess you could say you haven’t been giving Katsuki the massive amount of attention he’s used to from you, but you can definitely say it’ll all be worth it when he sees one of his presents that you’ve been working on. A silencer for his gauntlet blasts that not only decreases the volume of his attacks, but also increases his attack power. You remember how Bakugou had vented about his attacks being too loud that they scare people, but when he tried to keep them quiet, the attack isn’t as powerful so saving can be quite difficult. He only spoke about it once, but you could see the look on his face whenever he was out using his quirk around civilians. So why not give him a device that’ll help with his loud little problem. Now were you a support class student who knew how to make support items? Hell no. But were you a loving girlfriend willing to give her man the best Valentine’s Day ever? Hell yeah.
The piece of gear would’ve been easier to make IF it weren’t for a pesky piece of the project getting destroyed by Shinsou after he made Denki electrocute himself while he was right next to your prototype on the table. So to make it up to you, Shinsou went all around town looking for the piece you needed to complete your support item for Katsuki. Finally, all pieces had come together.
“He better. That damn bastard doesn’t know how amazing his girlfriend is. Instead of ignoring his ass these past few weeks, you sent ME to get all this shit for you so you could keep your precious Pomeranian happy.” Shinsou said while rolling his baggy eyes.
As Bakugou approached the outside of your dorm room’s door, he heard your voice.
“You know, you’re so right. That Pomeranian is unaware of just exactly how amazing I am. I really could’ve left whenever but I stuck around.” You snorted. “Well I’m glad I had you with me through it all Shinsou.”
Oh to say Katsuki was pissed was an understatement. He felt all these emotions hitting him all at once. Anger, Disgust, Pain, Betrayal. It all became too much for him before Katsuki ran away from your down with his bed down and silent tears hitting the floor. When he let himself fall to the floor in the privacy of his room he screamed into his hands. His first love, his first real relationship, his teddy bear betraying his love, loyalty, and trust for over an entire year. After hours of crying, Katsuki was able to pull himself into bed. He couldn’t even bring himself to shower even though he spent all that time in the gym with Kirishima. He just wanted to sleep to escape reality. As he looked at his phone, he saw 1 missed call from Y/N, and 1 text saying “Goodnight love💗💥!” Bakugou scoffed at the text. Figuring u must be texting Shinsou the same thing. As Bakugou placed his phone down, an evil thought came to mind. Ruin her.
Bakugou smirked to himself as he had this pyscho and sinister look on his face. He would ruin Y/N. They haven’t officially broken up yet, so he could hurt her just as she hurt him. And Bakugou wasn’t stupid or so he thought he’s aware Valentine’s is coming up, so why not break little Y/N L/N’s heart on a day dedicated to nothing but love and happiness. It’ll be the perfect revenge on a little satin like her. Bakugou finally turned on his side with an evil, satisfied smile, and fat tears in his eyes once more.
The next morning, Katsuki got up with a broken heart, but he figured if he wanted his plan to work, he had to fake this smile. Getting up, getting ready, and getting dressed was business as usual, but meeting up with Y/N in the morning was now off the schedule. Instead of going into her room to check on her like he usually does, he just went straight to breakfast and straight to class without speaking to anyone.
With Class 1-A seated and Mr.Aizawa at the head of the classroom, the students can finally start their first lesson of the day. Until, the door slid wide open. There stood an exhausted and quite frankly dishelved Y/N. “My apologies sensei. I was up late last night and overslept. Please forgive me.” Y/N said as she bowed her head in sorry. “Just take your seat L/N.” The tired eye teacher said.
As Y/N walked to her desk, she noticed Bakugou wouldn’t even glance her way. She was a little thrown off since it would be normal for him to at least give her a judgemental look for sleeping in, but no. Nothing.
Bakugou on the other hand was writhing in agony. Oh how he wanted to check on Y/N and make sure everything was fine, but that voice in the back of his head couldn’t help but tell him to ignore her since she’s a cheater. She may have been the girl he’s loved dearest, but she was also the one causing his heart to shatter.
After a few classes, Y/N tried to approach Bakugou several times, but each time he brushed her off. And when the bell finally rang for lunch, you can bet Katsuki was the first one out the door. Y/N followed him of course, in worry and concern.
“Babe! Baby! Katsuuu!!! KATSUKII!” Y/N whined for her boyfriend to at least look at her but once again. Nothing. Bakugou wanted to hug her and hold her tight but he couldn’t. Not after what she’s done. Right before Bakugou entered the cafeteria, Y/N pulled him aside and held onto his wrists.
“Baby? Hey, what’s up with you? I’ve been calling your name and trying to talk to you but you keep brushing me off. You also didn’t stop by this morning. Is something wrong, love?” Y/N was hoping for something. ANYTHING at this point. And it was like the gods heard her prayer because she definitely got....something. “My bad.” The blonde haired boy dryly replied. “....Oh, um, ok suki.” The poor girl just thought her dear boyfriend was having a bad day, so she just left it alone and let him go. But still, even on his worse days he would at least visit her in the mornings. As they sat down with the bakusquad, the entire table noticed how Bakugou sat up and moved across from Y/N after she chose to sit next to him like usual. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and Kirishima could already feel what had gone down. He at least knew his bro didn’t talk to his girl. Not manly at all.
Valentine’s Day
During lunch, Kirishima has finally decided to speak to Bakugou about this whole thing. He hasn’t been getting any updates since their time in the gym, so when it was just him and his best friend having lunch together, he went for it.
“Man what the hell is going on with you and Y/N? I’ve noticed you’ve been avoiding her like crazy,” Kirishima said while stuffing his face, nervous about the answer. “I was right all along.” The blonde sadly spoke. “She’s been cheating on me since the start of our entire relationship. And with that baggy eyed freak from 1-B.”
Kirishima couldnt believe what he was hearing. He almost choked on his food. Y/N was actually cheating. I guess people don’t know people as well as he thought. “.....wow...I’m sorry man.” The red haired friend said. He was at a lost for words and didn’t know what else to say. *sigh* “don’t be. It all goes down tonight.” Bakugou said with a sad smile. “What do you mean?” His friend asked. The blonde looked at him right in his red eyes. “I’m breaking her heart tonight, on the one day of the year dedicated to love.”
Instead of going to lunch, Y/N spent her time finishing up Katsuki’s surprise in his room. Yeah, he’s been having a bad past few days so why not bring him a smile with these amazing gifts on the day of love. Although Y/N didn’t really feel the love today (due to Katsuki again being so distant and ignoring her “good morning blasty💥💗!” And “Happy Valentine’s Day my love♥️!” Texts) she was determined to make sure Katsuki knew just exactly how much she loved him. She was almost done setting up in his room. Rose petals on the bed, Candles everywhere, 4 different gifts including his new support item made by you, his favorite meal is going to be set here on his table, and you and him together spending every loving second with each other. Y/N didn’t realize that because of her setup, she missed the entire rest of the day. “Meh, so worth it when I see the look on Suki’s face.” Tonight is going to be perfect.....or so you thought.
You didn’t expect to find Katsuki in your room, sitting on the edge of you bed waiting for you with his head hanging low and his shoulders slumped.
*maybe he has a surprise for me....? Yea that has to be it!* Y/N happily thought as she closed the door.
“Suki!! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Y/N said with all the love in her heart as she ran and jumped on the boy for a hug. But Bakugou didn’t say anything. He didn’t move. He just glanced back up at her, giving her this cold stare. Y/N was too busy professing her undying love for her boyfriend to even notice his scary silence. “Suki I’m really glad it’s you who I have in my life,” the love sicken girl bashfully spoke while looking at the ground. “You make me so happy and I feel so blessed being able to spend my life with you in it. I really hope you know just how much I care and lov-“ Bakugou couldn’t listen to this bullshit anymore. He pushed Y/N off of him just before she could say those 3 words that would get him to break.
“Hey! Suki? Why would you do that?!” Y/N exclaimed while standing back up. “I hate you.” The blonde spoke coldly. As those words left his mouth, Y/N heart and world were falling apart. Her eyes went wide open and her jaw slightly dropped. As she was about to say something else, Katsuki cut her off with “I’m breaking up with your dumbass. Right here. Right now!” Bakugou yelled. Y/N was in shock. She felt hurt, pain, she was just feeling so broken.
As tears filled her eyes, she asked “w-why?” as she tried to reach out to him. “Why? WHY?!” Bakugou screamed as he stood up above her slapping her hand away. “THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WHY, Y/N. YOU’RE A FUCKING CHEATER, THATS WHY!” The blonde yelled in her face. Y/N couldn’t believe it. He thought she was cheating? Why would she even do that? She already has the best person in the world for her so why? “DONT EVEN GIVE ME THAT “it didn’t mean anything, Suki!” BULLSHIT. I DONT GIVE A FUCK, CUZ YOU’VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME AND PLAYING ME FOR A DAMN FOOL THIS ENTIRE FUCKING TIME!” Bakugou went on as his voice began to crack while tears flowed down his porcelain face. “YOU LIED TO ME. I GAVE YOU MY ENTIRE BEING AND YOU FUCKING LIED. YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH, I CANT BELIEVE I EVER LOVED A SORRY EXCUSE OF A PERSON LIKE YOU. I HATE YOU SO DAMN MUCH, I DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK I SAW IN YOU!” Y/N’s heart hit the ground. No actually, it went 6 ft under because after all that he’s said, her heart is dead. Broken. In agony. “Suki I-“ “DONT FUCKING CALL ME THAT L/N.” Hearing him refer to her with her family name hit so hard. “KATSUKI PLEASE! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING I SWEA-“ as Y/N tried to reach out to him, he interrupted her again and pushed her hand away. “I SAID DONT CALL ME THAT!”
The blonde yelled, except this time....he didn’t only yell. The burning scent of smoke came into his nose and the loud explosion could be heard throughout the building. The product of what he just did came to him. He just attacked the love of his life. As much as Y/N hurt him, Katsuki still loved her with his everything. And the fact that he subconsciously attacked her broke him even more. Y/N’s screams of pain reached his ears, as he looked down and saw his precious teddy bear with a burned arm and fat tears on her face, crying in pain.
Bakugou ran down to her level to try and help her. “Y/N! Hey, hey teddy bear look I’m so-“ Y/N pushed him away before he could continue. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU BAKUGOU?!” Ouch. His family name felt like poison coming from your tongue. “Princess, I’m sorry I didn’t-“ “SHUT UP AND LET ME SPEAK FOR ONCE YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Y/N screamed as she stood up to face him. “I DIDNT FUCKING CHEAT ON YOU. WHY THE HELL WOULD I DO THAT WHEN YOU’RE THE BEST DAMN THING THATS EVER HAPPENED TO ME?!..ah!” Y/N was cut off by the stinging of her wound, and Bakugou couldn’t do anything but stare. Y/N grabbed onto her wound before continuing. “I love you Bakugou. I wouldn’t even dream about doing wrong by you. I thought I was a good girlfriend or at least a good person-“ Bakugou quickly interrupted “No! Y/N you are, I just-“ “If I am then what the hell made you even think of me so lowly? What the hell did I do to make you question my loyalty? What the hell did I do that was worthy of you burning my fucking arm?!” Y/N cried out.
Silence fell upon the room. It felt like hours before anybody said anything. Both people had heavy tears in their face now. One crying because he realized he was an idiot and harmed the girl who did nothing wrong, and One crying because she did nothing wrong but ended up being a villain in her loved one’s life. Y/N broke the silence with a scoff.
“You know what Suki?” Y/N said looking him in the eyes. “Yes teddy bear?” Bakugou quickly replied with wide, desperate eyes upon hearing the loving nickname, thinking they would move on from this horrible incident. “Get the fuck out.” Y/N said in a low voice. Bakugou was shocked. He knew he fucked up horribly but after realizing the truth, he can’t leave you! He loves you too damn much for that! “What? Y/N please listen to me, I’m sor-“ “I DONT GIVE A FUCK! Leave..please.” The sad girl cried. Bakugou grabbed onto her shoulders begging her to not end this. “Y/N please! Please princess! I’m so fucking sorry! I’m an idiot, I know, and I definitely don’t deserve you but please I can’t lose you.” Bakugou said with tears falling down his face. “Please don’t do this to us. Please don’t do this to me, I’m BEGGING YOU.” “Bakugou-“ The sad boy cut you off, shaking his head, “ NO ITS SUKI. YOUR SUKI. YOUR KATSUKI.......please teddy bear I need you.......h-here let me help yo-”
You harshly pushed the boy off of you and as he tried to desperately go back to you, you used your quirk to keep him at bay. “Bakugou Katsuki. I’m leaving this room since you won’t, and I won’t come back until I know you’re out of my room.” Y/N began as she looked at him with cold, sad eyes. “From now on, you won’t have to worry about this bitch because I’ll stay out of your life, I swear. Don’t look at me, don’t touch me, DONT EVEN TALK TO ME. Just leave me alone....we’re done.” And with that Y/N ran out of her room, and out of the building, needing to get away from the place for a little bit. She could deal with her wound later. She just needed to get away. Bakugou just stood there in sadness and shock. As much as he wanted to run after you, he figured he’d give you a little breather. You guys could fix things in the morning...right?
Bakugou waited an hour in your room waiting for you, but you were right. You really weren’t coming back until he left your private area. So that’s what he did. With a heavy heart, he picked himself up and dragged his feet back to his dorm. He looked like a mess. He knew he did. Messy hair, red swollen eyes, dry lips. His entire body screamed heartbroken. When he open the door, instant regret and love hit him at once. His room was covered with rose petals and flowers, there were candles everywhere, heart shaped balloons all around, he had 4 different boxes of gifts, and two plates of extra spicy curry was set on his table, obviously cold now. What caught his eye was that one of the gift boxes had a note attached to it. With tears in his eyes, he read it.
Hey Suki! It’s Valentine’s Day! I love you to the moon and back and so much more. There’s no words that are able to describe the way I feel about you. You drive me insane in all the right ways and I love it! Lol. I hope you like your Valentine’s Day surprise. I’ve been working for weeks on it, so I’m sorry if I’ve been a little distracted. I know I’ve been kinda absent these past few days but I promise I’ll make it up to you love! Hopefully I can start with this gift that I’ve been working on. Enjoy your brand new grenade silencer! Made it myself just for you. There’s nothing else in the world like this. I love you Bakugou Katsuki!
(P.S. If Shinsou from 1-B gives you shit about it, it’s because I made him drag his ass everywhere to look for a missing part so I wouldn’t have to leave you so much)
XOXO, Your forever teddy bear <3
As he quickly opened the gift, he saw it. A silencer that would attach to his gauntlets to make the sound quieter and the blast even more powerful. It was incredible. You are incredible. He only ever mentioned the sound of his blasts once, and you listened and you fixed it.
Bakugou shook as tears began to fall onto the paper. He couldn’t believe it. Everything started coming together now. The reason you were so distracted was because you were setting this up for him. You were always on the phone because you were assembling pieces and ordering gifts for him. You weren’t cheating on him with Shinsou. You were making sure he could find something that you needed for him. Y/N L/N was truly the best girlfriend in the world. Scratch that, she is the best girlfriend in the world. No scratch that too, she’s just the best, period. And Bakugou’s idiotic self ruined everything for him. All because he couldn’t have a little faith in his teddy bear. As Katsuki cried and cried, he set everything aside.
He took the petals off his bed. He didn’t deserve it. He blew out the candles around his room. He didn’t deserve it. He popped the balloons, and ignored the food. He laid in bed with more tears than ever, and looked at the ceiling. He finally turned to his side to fall asleep, but not before grabbing the picture on his bedside nightstand. A picture of you and him. He remembers that picture oh so clearly. It was his birthday, and while he didn’t want to celebrate, you did everything in your power to make it the best one yet. And you did just that. Bakugou hugged that picture so tight, because he didn’t have you in his arms tonight. He didn’t think he would ever have you in his arms again. So Bakugou Katsuki continued to cry until he was asleep, escaping from the reality of him losing his love, his teddy bear, his princess, and his Y/N.
Bakugou Katsuki never lost, no. He’s always been ahead, always number one, always the best. He always won and achieved and nothing ever stopped him. Except this time, the only thing that stopped him and caused him to lose, was himself. He lost. He lost his everything. His world, his rock, his heart, his Y/N. He’s lost without her in his life, and at this point he thinks he’s lost at life. There was nothing that could fix him unless it was you coming back to him.
Bakugou Katsuki? He’s lost.
A/N: HOLY SHIT! That was my very first writing piece and it was just a Drabble of a thought I’ve been having. Sorry if it’s a little off and weird, I’m still new to writing but hopefully I’ll get better. This was NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed reading this! Thx for the love!
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scarlettriot · 3 years
MHA Flowers Headcanons
Just a headcanon of why these boys would bring you flowers and cute stuff that comes from it.
Warnings: None
Includes: Kaminari, Bakugo, Kirishima, Shoto, Iida and Midoriya
. Always spontaneous as heck!
. Literally. This man, being the bumblebee he is, would be coming home from work and be like, "Look at this pretty flower! I bet Y/N would like this!"
. And before he knows it, he has a small bouquet forming.
. He'd probably take a longer route home in search of more pretty flowers to add to the bouquet so it would look fuller when he gave it to you.
. Would present it with a smile full of pure sunshine!
. A couple minutes after sniffing the beautiful flowers he'd collected, a rash would form across the bridge of your nose and across your cheeks.
. "Aw crap!" Kaminari would quickly make sure to get you medication to help calm down the redness all while apologizing profusely.
. You still kept the flowers, just didn't sniff them so closely anymore. You'd catch Kaminari narrowing his eyes at them every time he walked by them until they withered and he happily tossed them.
. He's actually really good about remembering important dates in your relationship.
. There was always an internal struggle going on with this man when it came to giving you flowers and cute things like it: He wanted everyone to know he showered you with gifts but he didn't want to be caught dead shopping for them.
. So, on anniversaries and holidays, it's pretty standard for an arrangement to be delivered to your office.
. Your coworkers would exclaim about how sweet and thoughtful he was and they really would brighten up your whole day.
. He usually got home after you, sporting a little smirk of pride. You'd have to walk up to him, tell him how lovely they were because he sure as hell isn't bringing it up.
. "Tck. Yeah, whatever. Wasn't that big of a deal."
. But, he'd wind his arms around you, pulling you in close and you knew he was a softy underneath it all.
. "Had to have Kirishima help me pick between lilies and snapdragons... he told me to get both."
. More like Kaminari, the red-haired hero would show up with any bouquet of flowers just for the sake of seeing you smile.
. But, when you texted him telling him you'd gone home early after a particularly tough day he decided he really had to do something special this time around.
. So, he'd been standing in a flower shop, still in his hero costume, trying to ponder which one's you'd like best.
. The guy would start a group chat with all the people in 1A that might be able to help him. "Help! What's Y/N's favorite flower!?"
. After gushing about how sweet he was for trying to figure it out, it became very apparent that none of them were any help at all but they did remind him of your favorite color and he could work with that.
. He pulled them from behind his back when he got home, as nervous as the first time he'd brought you flowers. "So, which flower is your favorite?" He asked while you put them in water.
. You pulled out one of the flowers from the bunch and handed it to him.
. You'd told him how you didn't use to have one but that flower had coincidently been in every bouquet he'd given you and thus, became your favorite.
. Kiri nearly broke down from a cuteness overload.
. Todoroki rarely gives flowers.
. He just didn't want to resort to giving flowers in the way his father did to his mother. It felt sort of like a copout to him.
. Still, he can see the way you light up when other people get them and he really wanted that reaction out of you.
. That meant he had to get creative. Literally.
. He'd told you he was going out with Midoriya via text while you were still out on patrol and you thought absolutely nothing of it. Told him to have a fun time.
. "Why is this so difficult?" He grumbled while Midoriya picked it up so easily. He'd get it though, he was determined.
. When you arrived home, tired and longing for a shower, you were greeted by Todoroki holding out a small cluster of colorful paper flowers. "Do you like them?"
. Like them? Like? Like was an understatement! You loved them!
. He explained how he talked Midoriya into taking a class with him on how to make them and held up his hands so you could see all the bandaids from his paper cuts.
. After seeing your reaction, Todoroki got in the habit of hiding little paper flowers everywhere just to make your day.
. You told Iida how much you liked flowers on your very first date with him and ever since he's been known to go a little overboard...
. Like bouquets that were twice the size of your head.
. One time, when he was called away for work and was gone for two weeks, he sent flowers to your house every. single. day. You ran out of space to put them all!
. Still, seeing how happy he is to give them to you is more than enough reason for you to never complain.
. So, when he shows up to Friday night dinner, dropping a kiss on your cheek and whispering a soft, "I got you something." You weren't exactly surprised.
. You should have been though.
. He pulled out a small box and inside was a preserved flower. You recognized it from the first bouquet he'd ever given you.
. Iida sat across from you, adjusting his glass. "My mother had to help me get the preservation process correct but she assured me that as long as it is stored at..." He trailed off while you were still in awe of the incredibly sweet gift.
. Yeah, Midoriya knew your favorite flower before you even started dating. Well, he thought he did.
. He actually just jotted down things he knew his friends liked so he had a cheat sheet for gift giving.
. He was a studdering mess when you eventually corrected him.
. Ever since then though, he wouldn't just give you the actual flowers, he'd send you pictures of them. Get you artwork or a flower made out of clay for your desk.
. "I was on an assignment and saw this and I knew I had to get it for you!"
. Midoriya leads a super busy life but he always wants you to know he's thinking of you.
. He'd get big puppy dog eyes when you tell him you have the absolute perfect place for it.
A/N: Thanks for reading! I kinda want to try my hand at writing other people's prompts and ideas so if you have a request send it my way! Thank everyone!
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franeridart · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anon said:hey! would you be ok if i wrote a fic based on one of your jjk comics? one of the recent manga chapters make me think of it haha and i'm interested in exploring the idea a little further. ofc i'd link back to the comic if i do end up writing & posting it :)
I'm gonna assume this is about the comic about Gojo's birth making Geto stronger, and if that's the case then sure, go for it!! If I got it wrong tho can I ask you to please first tell me which comic we're talking about? I like to know these things before giving permission for them to be used as prompts!
Anon said:First of all, you are one of my very favorite artists and I love seing your art on my tl even tho we're into completely different things right now ❤❤❤ I was wondering if you didn't mind when someone writes things based on your fanart? Would it be okay if I wrote just a small little drabble inspired by that one pic of Erik braiding Serena's hair? I'd reference the picture and gift the fic to you on ao3 (and even tag you here, if that doesn't bother you). It's totally okay if you'd rather not, of course ! I hope you have a wonderful day !
SURE PLEASE DO!!! And if you could drop a link my way in case you were to post the fic, that'd be amazing!! I'd so SO love to read it and I'm worried I'd miss it by the ao3 tag alone ;A; gosh it makes me so happy one of my dqxi pieces could inspire you........... I'm gonna sob haha
Anon said:i mean this in the nicest way possible, ur icon/oc looks like Togaru Kamakiri from bnha
So I've been told! it's the problem of giving your ocs a green mohawk, it's kind of the only thing people notice about them
Anon said:What did horikoshi do to kiri and baku?? I’m caught up on the manga and v v curious what you mean by that :o or do you just mean how they don’t interact much (which i get)
Yeah yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about, it's definitely a problem I specifically have based on my way of engaging with my ships, but if I start shipping something because I like their canon relationship my understanding of the ship will always be based on how they are in canon, you know? So when, say, bakugou is in a coma and kirishima's just chilling in todoroki's room despite todoroki being relatively okay and other members of the class being by bakugou's bedside, it kinds of make me go "oh, I guess bakugou isn't that specifically important to kirishima, after all" which is a bummer for me since, as I said, my engaging with this ship is directly influenced by how they are in canon. Had I started shipping them as a couple I might have liked had they ever had more serious interactions (like I ship kamishin, or seromina! 90% of it is in my brain alone) I wouldn't have minded them not interacting anymore all that much, but since I began shipping them because canon had made them important to each other, the fact that they don't seem to be anymore makes me lukewarm about the ship at best
Anon said:Imagine Itadori plays piano but hasn't since becoming Sukuna's vessel. After months he comes across one during a mission. He sits down and starts idly warming up as he touches the keys and Sukuna appears and asks him what the hell is that. Sukuna has never seen nor heard a piano before Surprised, Itadori tells him and starts playing a song.
This is how Itadori learned that playing piano calms Sukuna. Something Sukunarefuses to admit.
Sweet!!! ;o; I wonder how a nice, calm sukuna would be? he's usually either sulking about or being destructive and unhinged, purring cat sukuna would be such a shock to yuuji hahaha
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 years
I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I am completely in LOVE with your writing.
Second Hand News is one of the most beautifully crafted pieces of writing I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
You have made me fall into absolute adoration and love with a character I used to barely give a second thought (I had to Google him to double check what he looked like in the show when I started reading).
Your Tetsu is so beautifully and heart wrenchingly complex, you’ve made me so desperate for this man to have a happy ending with Kiri and Katsuki (and don’t even get me started on your characterisation of them I am completely in love with them too). Honestly the way you write is so immersive and masterful.
Some of my favourite lines so far:
‘The taste of summer in the air was nothing but a haunting reminder of just how easy it was to squander time.’ - literal poetry right off the bat.
‘Tetsu’s brain was a mess of spongy cotton, leaking thoughts that he never usually bothered with. It filled his mouth with the metallic taste of rain.’
‘Katsuki pulled a slim cigarillo from between his lips.
“The hell are you doing here.”
His voice was shaky.
Tetsu smiled gently and stepped closer, pointing to the house.
“Here? This happens to be where I live.”
“Hilarious,” Katsuki deadpanned.’ - Your dialogue is just so delicious and so effortless I can literally see this scene (the whole scene with them outside the party) so perfectly.
Also as a side note on this scene I love that even though it’s soft and melancholy you still throw in a little bit of Tetsus horny brain (there was a chain around his neck — steel loops wide enough that Tetsu could almost poke his fingers through.) it’s just so perfect and realistic haha.
‘But like a beautiful storm made of fire, Katsuki came into the picture and Tetsu had no room left to run.’ - killed me, just stunning.
‘Big doe eyes met his gaze in the rearview mirror, sincere and shimmering with curiosity.
“T, do you think we look exactly the same?”
Tetsu’s stomach did an odd flip.
“Well, maybe not exactly the same,” he grunted after a pause.
“Okay. I’ve always thought we looked sorta different —”
“I’m obviously hotter.”
“Oh, fuck right off,” Ei scoffed.
Tetsu barked out a laugh. “You know it’s true.”
“You’re lucky I love you.”
“Because I’m so hot, right?” - this whole interaction as well just fucking wonderful, the relationships you build are just so intimate.
I just absolutely love the interactions between any combination of these three boys you’ve built up such beautiful relationships between them all! Also the revelation that Kiri was asking if he thinks they look the same KNOWING Katsuki had slept with Tetsu?! Magnificent.
‘Slowly, their hands slipped apart. The heat of Katsuki’s touch lingered. Tetsu resisted a shiver and turned to leave the room.’ - the pain, my god please I need to see Tetsu loved by his boys!
‘Ei’s smile vanished.
Time screeched to a halt.
Tetsu was ready to commit murder with his best friend.
But then someone tossed an empty solo cup at Buzzcut’s head.
The plastic bounced off and landed on the floor and it was like a grenade pin had dropped in the room.
It was Pikachu.’ - just the absolute beauty of the tension build in this scene and the burst of comedy we get from denkis interjection - again just masterful.
Anyway I should stop now but I could literally do this for hours haha!
Sorry to be so rambly (promise I’m not deranged) I just needed to let you know how in love with this story and this world you have created I am.
Unfortunately you have ruined me for any other characterisation of Tetsu in any other fic (not written by you) ever but it is a small price to pay!
I re-read your work constantly and cannot wait to see where you take it next! I apologise for being so gushy I just needed to get this out of my system haha!
this is 🥺 the sweetest message?? 😭💕
i’m so glad you’ve found new love for tetsu through this fic. and i can’t thank you enough for letting me know your thoughts. this fic has been such a joy to write, it has definitely made me a tskrbk ride or die ✨
for the curious: second hand news on ao3
18 notes · View notes
kinktae · 4 years
beyond the story: bitchin’
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Hi friends! I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during these tough times! I really wanted to put something out there as a thank you to just how much support Bitchin’ got. You guys really are incredible. So, although this story has come to an end, I wanted to properly close the Bitchin’ chapter by giving you all a behind the scenes look at Bitchin’ and everything that went into writing it. This includes hidden easter eggs, backstories, alternative plot-lines, and a short drabble of the Bitchin’ cast 10 years after the story’s end.
Without further ado, please enjoy and thank you again for all your love. You have all of mine.
Ah, yes, the start of this whole wild ride. I’ve always loved the whole nerd/popular person trope in fanfics, so it was only a matter of time before I tried my hand at it too. One thing I was adamant about was not making this a “popular person turns nerd hot/confident/better” fic as its kind of one of my least favorite cliches. With that in mind, and knowing that I was going to allude to TATBILB’s contract, I decided that I wanted Y/N to gain as much from the deal as Jungkook did. No blackmail, no just agreeing for the hell of it – Y/N was going to further herself and her dreams given the opportunity.
The beginning of the chapter is where the two are most separated and dissimilar throughout the whole story. It wasn’t that they were fundamentally different, it was that they approached life differently. Y/N was frustrated at how superficial Jungkook seemed, because she believes there is much more to life than just kicking your feet up and cracking jokes.
On the other hand, Jungkook didn’t understand why Y/N was so tense and on guard. To him, life was meant to enjoy and not take so seriously. Which makes sense, given that he grew up with minimal rules and minimal worries (bare minimum partners wassup !) 
“So, do we have a deal? Partners?” There was mischievous timber to his words, the kind that made you feel as if this would all later come back to bite you in the ass.
Pushing that pestering thought away, you took his hand into yours, holding his eyes as you gave it a firm shake.
God, this bit. I knew from the minute I wrote it that I was writing the ending of bitchin’ along with it. I knew this was exactly how I was going to end this story, bc the word partners has multiple means right? In chapter 1, this meant business partners, but in the final chapter… it means life partners. Idk, I’m just still really happy with this writing decision :D
Dearest Yara. We meet her in chapter two don’t we? Yara is completely based off of my irl best friend Yara who is a writer and who helped me A LOT with this story. She was my biggest supporter throughout figuring out this crazy plot. It was initially only about seven parts, but with her help I managed to bump it up to 10! Everybody say thank you Yaraaaa.
You were angry, that much was evident to her. Yara was sat in your shared dorm’s living room, a thick blanket engulfing her small frame. You briefly glanced towards the TV, it was tuned into MTV, the familiar music video of Every Breath You Take by The Police playing, before directing your glare back onto the copper-haired girl.
The song reference is a direct allusion to writer Yara’s fic, which is one of my favorite fics by her. She was actively writing it around the start of our friendship so it only felt right to pay respects to her. The introduction of her character felt necessary imo bc I wanted to make sure Y/N had a life outside Jungkook. Plus, I got to use the scenes between the two girls as a way to reference the music and culture scene. Yara is especially a fan of the powerful women in the music industry at the time, i.e., Madonna, Annie Lennox, Cyndi Laupner, etc.) Yara is a raging feminist and believer in sexual freedom and libery for women, we do in fact have to stan.
“How old do you think your sister is?”
“Hey, don’t sass me. For your information, Lyanna still has all her Care Bear tapes. She threw a hissy fit when my mom tried to give them away last Christmas.” Yara recalled.
Lyanna is one of writer Yara’s past pseudonyms. She always used to joke about how whenever she read it, it was confusing because there was Y/N, Yara and Lyanna, which were technically all her lolol.
FUNNY STORY ABOUT THE CONTRACT I INSERTED INTO THIS PICTURE… Twitter found it and made it into somewhat of a meme because no one knew it came from a fic rip. I was actually rly embarrassed and even wrote some posts about how much twitter scared me on my blog LMAO. but THEN weirdly enough, I actually stumbled upon a small community on twitter who actually found my fic and would TWEET ABOUT IT!!! LIKE REACTIONS TO EACH UPDATE!!! I wish I could go back in time and remember how giddy I was the first time I found a tweet about my fic. The fanfic community on twitter gave me a new love for the site (which I had previously had removed myself from because of its toxicity) and I have met so many wonderful people because of it. People even made themselves a little twitter group chat to talk about my fics, and now we are all friends! I miss posting a chapter of bitchin’ and refreshing my twitter feed as all my mutuals would post memes and live tweet their reactions. God that made me so fucking happy.
I love the bickering in this chapter, because unlike the bickering in the first chapter, it’s actually less hostile and more playful. Y/N is slowly letting her guard down to the very persistently charming Jungkook.
“Woah. Family of six, huh? So you have siblings then.” He noted.
“Yep. Three.”
“Tell me about them.”
Looking up from where you were slipping on your second skate, you met Jungkook’s eyes, surprised to see genuine interest in them.
I actually originally had Y/N brush him off here. I was going to wait until the drunk party scene for Y/N to open up about her family and relationship with her sisters. But then I kind of thought to myself… Why? Y/N made peace with it and doesn’t hold onto those insecurities anymore. And objectively, Jungkook hasn’t proven himself to be a bad person so… I let Y/N open herself up to him.
“Then there’s the twins, Rosa and Lia.”
“Hold on. Twins? Wait… did they go to our high school?” Jungkook asked, his interest in this conversation doubled.
“Yep. They were two grades above us.” You confirmed.
“Oh shit, yeah, I remember your sisters, they were mad hot.” Jungkook let out a low whistle, before stiffening, flashing you an apologetic look. “Uh, in a totally non-meathead way.”
You offered the scared-looking boy a small smile, shaking your head.
Some of y’all notice but, Rosa and Lia are a blatant homage to my name: Roselia. ACTUALLY some form of my name can be found in every one of the rewind series fics, including upcoming ones. I’ll give a cookie to whoever can find every single mention hehe.
“I told you it was dumb.” You laughed nervously.
It wasn’t that you cared much about what Jungkook thought but you had a feeling a guy like him, who was popular and carefree, wouldn’t be able to sympathize in the way you would like him to.
“No, I’m just… surprised, that’s all.”
Jungkook certainly was surprised. You had built up quite the impression on him from the very moment you two met. It was hard to imagine that the girl who was so unapologetically herself was ever unsure or insecure.
Somehow, the idea tugged at his heart, as if he understood you more if only just a little.
From the get go, Jungkook was extremely drawn to just how confident and secure Y/N was in herself. I knew I wanted Y/N to be unapologetically sure of herself and in her abilities. Something I didn’t want, however, was for frat boy!jungkook’s only personality traits to be liking sex and being a cocky bastard (although I am a big consumer of that trope heh). Jungkook is actually canonly incredibly insecure. He lacks a real sense of self, which is why he is so desperate for Kiri back. His relationship with Kiri at that time was a big part of what he thought was himself. He has somewhat of low self esteem tbh which is why he’ll go back to a woman who treated him unfairly. That’s why he comes off the way he does in the first chapter and why Y/N thinks he has a big ego... he’s overcompensating. He finds it so endlessly fascinating that Y/N, in all her confident glory, was actually once super insecure. He admires her all the more once she opens up about her past.
“Oh, Rosa is an intern for our hometown’s newspaper but between you and me those assholes don’t even let her write. She does coffee and burger runs for men in charge. And Lia sells ice cream at the mall.”
“What about your brother?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s training to be a cop just like my dad.”
“And your mom?”
“She works at a convenience store.”
All their careers resemble people in the latest Stranger Things season (Nancy, Steve, Hopper, and Joyce). Fun Cameo there.
“What’s wrong?” You wondered, following his eyes.
“October 16th, 1985. 6:48PM.”
“Yes. That’s today’s date and time. What about it?” You pressed, growing confused.
“Remember it.” He warned.
“It’s when I fell in love with you.”
This iconic line I actually got from the real Jeon Jungkook himself. While Jungkook wasn’t actually in love with Y/N here, it certainly was a cute way for him to express his admiration for her.
OH HERE’S A FUN FACT: the hickey scene at the end of this chapter where JK and Y/N kiss for the first time was actually supposed to be Yara giving Y/N the hickey like the best friend she is. Ultimately I went with JK giving it for... smut purposes... ≖‿≖ 
The decision for Y/N to be Freddie Krueger came from me planning to be him for Halloween. And I was! JK as Glen Lantz just followed naturally. I’ve seen some great edits of him as the character. Truly chef’s kiss.
I really liked that Jungkook came over to the girl’s dorm to get ready. I didn’t want a scene where Y/N was thrown into a situation she was uncomfortable with which is how much Nerd At A Party Scene go so made sure Jungkook stayed by her side throughout the part, going out of his way to introducing her to the people he cared about.
Tae’s character came in when I realized I needed a way to actually put Y/N’s event in motion. He was the missing link and BOY did you guys eat his character right up huh. Love that for me.
Another thing, the confrontation with Kiri was so hard to write guys, I reeaaaally struggle with girl conflict. GIRLS SHOULD SUPPORT GIRLS. However, not everyone gets along in real life so I went with Kiri being more along the lines of petty rather than outwardly a cunt to Y/N. Realistically, Kiri is popular and well liked among the greek life so being unkind to someone she hardly knows wouldn’t make sense. There’s definitely tension between these two but I tried my best to steer away from the typical cat fight/revenge porn/public humiliation trope most movies seem to follow.
Introduction to Erik!!!! It was really important to me that Y/N had a life before Jungkook. That's why I wrote in Y/N having a fiancé. She’s not opposed to love, she just has reshifted her focus. She knows what she wants and is choosing to focus on that, which why when she realizes she’s falling for Kookie she’s so hesitant to admit it because she’s fallen down that road before. Even though Jungkook treats her with respect and acknowledges the parts of her she’s most proud of, she just isn’t willing to possibly give up her passions for love. Which is why she doesn’t immediately confess to him, even once she’s sure she loves him.
“I’m serious, nerd. You’re like… um… the sun!” Jungkook marveled, eyes growing full as the realization dawned on him.
“The sun?” You laughed.
“Yeah, like… you’re this bright, beautiful thing that seems like it’s here in front of me but is really light-years away.”
Jungkook was drunk, and although you were sure he was making more sense in his head, you couldn’t help but feel your face grow hot, unsure of how to react to his drunk analogy.
“You’re the sun, Y/N. You make the world turn for you. Never orbit for anyone else.”
And suddenly, you were kissing him, for no other reason other than you wanted to and that it felt like the right thing to do.
No real commentary here. Just love this bit. It’s probably my favorite interaction between them two ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) 
“Also… She’s, uh, currently dating Eunwoo.” You told Yara.
Your best friend blinked, silence falling over her.
“Good for her.” She perked up almost forcibly. “Let her put up with his annoying ass.”
Yara could see the way your expression had turned dubious as if you didn’t believe her nonchalant act.
Yara turned up her nose defensively, “What?”
Ugh yes, some character development from Yara.... the flavor ! Yara (much like Y/N and JK) also struggles with love. She has a real fear of commitment and if far more comfortable with casual sex than relationships. She did develop actual feelings for Eunwoo, she just wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment so she cut him off. Fleed the scene if you will. Typical gemini smh my head.
"I don’t think the contract mentioned orgasms.” Jungkook smirked as you released his thumb.
“I say we let it slide.” You shrugged, leaning into him casually.
“You think?”
“Totally. Think of it as… a bonding activity.” You joked, resting your chin on his shoulder, peering up through your lashes.
“Damn, we’re really committed to this fake dating thing, huh.”
You laughed in the way that you hated, but Jungkook loved; it was loud and abrupt, but it genuine, and it was you.
“What can I say, I’m a method actor.” You sighed dramatically, causing Jungkook to grin before pressing a kiss to your nose, simply because he liked the way it always seemed to make you smile.
GOD THEY’RE SO WHIPPED FOR EACH OTHER ITS DISGUSTING!!!!!! I’m really happy I decided not to make sleeping together a big deal and I got a lot of feedback from you guys agreeing! I had a lot of fun with these two’s sex scenes knowing they could do it whenever they wanted.
I started the scene with smut BUT I wanted to point out that much of their time spent together is at Y/N dorm, Jungkook either napping, hanging out or doing work as Y/N would study like she always did. I liked the idea that Jungkook would get bored and would want attention from Y/N because she was so focused. Idk, I just wanted to write a love story about two people spending time together and figuring out how they fit in each other’s lives as opposed to some dramatic I mEeT HiM aNd mY LiFe bEcAmE cRaZy. There’s nothing wrong with that plot line, I just didn’t want that for these two dorks. I wanted Y/N to interact with JK’s scene and crowd but not give up her own which is why most days JK and her just lounged around in her dorm studying.
Also, I don’t know how the teacher/student roleplay made it into the smut, it just did, no further questions (ʃ⌣́_⌣́ƪ).
Then the event scene.
“You’re whipped, dude! Seriously.”
Jungkook felt his face go red, “Shut up, no, I’m not.”
“Hey, I’m not judging. I get it. That’s your girl.” Taehyung shrugged. Jungkook placed a hand on the fold up table in front of him, staring down at the information pamphlet you had worked so hard on.
“She’s just… so fucking driven and passionate about everything she does. Sometimes I look at her, and I’m just like… holy shit, what am I doing with a girl like her? I feel like she’s totally out of my league and being with me is holding her back but— I dunno, man. I just… really like her.” Jungkook revealed, voice growing small.
An unexpected wave of tenderness fell over the two boys, Taehyung throwing an arm over his little brother’s shoulder.
“I’m happy for you, bro.”
Jungkook didn’t know it just yet but dude was talking from the heart and, is in fact, totally whipped :’c
I loved the confrontation scene between the boys and Eunwoo because the boys standing up for Yara really did make everyone feel like a friend group, not just some character who happen to exist at the same time. It wasn’t just Y/N and Yara and one side and the boys on the other. They would all become friends, which is ideal to me. A boyfriend who likes your best friend and considers her a friend so you can all hang out??? Yes please.
Initially, irl Yara and I had noooo clue if Yara would end up with Eunwoo or not. That was actually the original goal actually. But after this chapter four, you guys made it ABUNDANTLY clear that you guys wanted to see Taeyara, despite the two never even meeting! Honestly, it wasn’t until this chapter was written that we decided for sure that Eunwoo was out of the picture for Yara. Part of me really wanted to keep Yara single, but irl Yara insisted on dick and frankly, she’s right. Bitchin’ Yara deserved a shot at love. She definitely has her own story outside of Bitchin’ and will experience a lot of growth in the future.
“God, I know. I do not miss that temper of his.” She chuckled, her words piquing your interest.
“Oh, yeah. Have you seriously not experienced it yet? He’s got some gnarly anger issues. Not to mention all the lying…” Kiri paused suddenly, straightening up as she flashed you an apologetic look. “Yikes, I’m sorry. I totally should not be telling you this. I’m not trying to be that gross girl that shit talks her ex to his current girlfriend.”
Miss Kiri, Miss Kiri. She really acted up this chapter didn’t she. There was a lot of discussion about whether or not those things she said about Jungkook were true. Which was exactly what I wanted hehe. We come to find out that Kiri had definitely stretched the truth. She really is good at manipulation and understanding how people think and it’s why she is in the role that she is in. Messy queen.
This entire chapter was inspired by High School Musical with Troy and Gabriella’s rooftop garden scenes. This was my shortest chapter and honestly, probably not my strongest. I definitely went into writing this with zero concept of what I actually wanted to happen. Usually when I write my chapters I have a 4k long outline of it beforehand that I go off of. Not this one though. I really just winged it and I tried my best to write a chapter that really showed off (dialogue wise) just how this couple bounces off each other. I do really like some of the banter they have in this chapter.
You had taken note a little wooden popsicle stick poking up from the soil of the yellow flowers. Acacias, they were marked. Pulling your knees up to your chest, you considered his words.
Yellow acacias stands the value of true friendship and can indicate a secret love! I thought that was very appropriate given these dummies' relationship.
“So, you probably know why I brought you here.”
You nodded.
“You’re proposing, right?”
“Yeah, I– oh, shut up.” He laughed, the serious mood shattering as you joined him.
Even though I knew they were going to have a semi serious talk, what with Y/N asking about what Kiri had told her, these two dufuses realistically are just too comfortable with each other to stay serious for too long.
“Hey, I said that out of frustration, I didn’t really mean it. I’m sure she’ll come crawling back soon.” You attempted to comfort him, hoping to sound sincere.
“Even if that’s true, I’m not entirely sure I want that anymore.”
“What?” You blinked. Jungkook shrugged.
“What about us?” He met your eyes, causing your breath to hitch.
“What about us?”
Jungkook stared at you for a moment, noting the way the timber in your voice had become higher pitched as if panicked.
MORE FUN FACTS LMFAO: I typically do this thing with unplanned chapters where I just go for it and write and usually it works out. But when I wrote this down I remember stopping and being like ??? WHY DID I JUST WRITE THAT ??? I don’t like deleting my writing so I had a serious think to myself about whether this was going to be the moment Jungkook confessed or not.
Canonly, I decided that Jungkook did in fact mean ‘us’ in a romantic sense, but because of the way you perceivably panicked at that possible meaning, he decided against taking the conversation in that direction, instead speaking about ‘us’ in a platonic sense. Poor kookie :(
“Stop. Listen to me, Jungkook, you’re a fucking great guy, okay? You’re charismatic and funny and care about your friends… sure, you almost ruined my event, but it was mostly to defend my best friend when Eunwoo got too pushy, right? You’re a good guy, meathead. I know I joke about your ego, but I really believe you’re capable of more than you think you are. Seriously, Kiri is so lucky to be the object of your affection.”
Jungkook watched the way the sun’s orange light kissed your face, a bittersweet feeling growing in his chest as he contemplated the object of his affection. Just a couple of months ago, he would have had no doubt about who held his heart, but as you held his stare, he found himself unsure and yet, entirely sure all the same.
“Jungkook? You okay?” You frowned, catching in the sadness in his eyes.
“Hm? Yeah, yeah. I just… realized something.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
“…It doesn’t matter.” He smiled, the gesture hardly reaching his eyes.
It’s in this moment that Jungkook decides that there is no way you hold the same affection towards him that he does to you. He mistakes your words of comfort as you pushing him away. You are so kind and encouraging and Jungkook loves you so much that hearing you insist about him ending back up with Kiri hurts him so bad.
But you are still unsure about your feelings and genuinely believe that's still what Jungkook wants. You’re just being a supportive friend!! :( It isn’t until the end of this chapter when Y/N has her talk with Yara that she realizes, oh man, she’s in deep.
BLAH. This chapter is so BLAH, you know? Having to write this chapter was SO HARD. I texted irl Yara complaining about how much I hated having to put my characters through this and that I wanted to just end the story on chapter 7 and keep them happy forever. BUT ALAS! I had planned for this to happen from the start.
You tasted like the mint of your favorite brand of toothpaste. He imagined if he had caught you any later then the mint would have been accompanied by the taste of coffee, knowing the way you rarely started a day without a cup.
God, he had missed the taste of you.
What you guys didn’t see is Jungkook spending the night with Kiri, and immediately kicking her out, freaking out as the weight of guilt washed over him. He knew he had done nothing wrong, that you weren’t his real girlfriend, and that getting back together with Kiri was exactly what he had signed up for. It was what he should’ve wanted. But it wasn't… because you were what he wanted. And that was exactly what he was going to tell you as he marched over to your apartment.
But he panicked. His mind already decided that your answer to him would be no– that you didn’t feel the same. So he kissed you. He had you in the only way he was allowed to. He was selfish and impulsive and so incredibly scared that he ended up hurting the person he loved the most.
Initially though, I had Jungkook get back together with Kiri, not that he slept with her right before sleeping with Y/N. But I decided TEEHEE let me just make everything erupt into flames. However, I didn’t realize just how angry with Jungkook you guys would get. I remember thinking DAMMIT WAS THAT TOO SCANDALOUS?? I knew I was going to have to work hard for Jungkook to redeem himself to my readers.
“She wants to get back together.” Jungkook swallowed dryly, eyes wavering between yours as if to gauge your reaction.
You shook your head.
“I mean, wow! That’s… That’s great!” You smiled, something tearing apart inside you as the words left your lips.
“Seriously! This means it worked, right? This is exactly what you wanted to happen.” You enthused, turning your head so that he couldn’t see the way your eyes had welled up.
Jungkook’s heart was pounding in his ears, fighting the urge to wrap his arms around you.
“Yeah… yeah, no, you’re right. We did it.” He replied monotonously.
GOD THIS PART IS SO UNBELIEVABLY FRUSTRATING! JUST ADMIT YOU LOVE EACH OTHER YOU MORONS! This entire situation is so convoluted because there's so much information missing and not being expressed, I seriously want to ring my own neck rereading this bit.
“Are you mad?” He called out cautiously, a heavy feeling falling onto his chest.
“Why would I be mad?” You quipped back sharply, causing Jungkook to flinch. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably.
“I just thought… I mean we’ve been fooling around a lot lately, so I didn’t know if—”
“If what? I had feelings for you?” You scoffed. “Please, as if I’d ever fall for you.”
And there it was— everything Jungkook already knew but had been so afraid to hear. Of course, you didn’t feel for him what he felt for you. How could he have expected anything different?
IDIOTS!!! THEY'RE BOTH IDIOTS!!! I don't know how y'all put up with this for so long. Forgive me.
Okay I actually love this chapter. And for many reasons. Let me break down the three scenes for you guys.
Scene one: Kiri confrontation
Kiri is definitely an opposing antagonist. She is constantly working against Y/N because of their interests directly conflicting. BUT. I would argue that the biggest antagonist to this story is the inner ones – Y/N and Jungkook's lack of ability to admit their feelings constantly holding them both back from their happy ending. That being said, a confrontation scene between Y/N and Kiri was MUCH needed. While I suppose I can understand why Kiri doesn't like Y/N, that doesn't change the fact that she has been disrespectful and catty. So miss Y/N had to put Miss Kiri in her place (•̀ᴗ•́)
Scene two: Yara and Tae at the library
Fanservice. That is all. LMFAOOO y'all reallllyyy wanted it to happen and who am I to deny my people what they want. It was really fun getting to explore my side characters and develop them through interactions outside the two main characters. IRL Yara also mentioned giving bitchin’ Yara and Tae their own chapter as a joke and I was like LOL BET. I fully was going to but then I got the idea for the next scene and was like ahh ok maybe not the whole chapter.
Scene three: Meeting with Erik
So. This was a SUPER last minute decision. Like, it wasn’t until I was writing this chapter that I planned on Erik making an appearance. I saw a tweet with someone saying their bitchin theories and they mentioned Erik appearing out of nowhere and I was like,,, HOLD ON!!!! That could be kind of spicy ≖‿≖ 
I knew for a fact JK was NOT going to be forgiven in this chapter; I needed a way to lay the situation out between the two dorks without trying to seem like I was trying to sway my audience in a way that didn't make sense to the story. Y/N was rightfully angry. But she wasn't only angry about the timing of the sex. She was angry that Jungkook went back to Kiri at all and there was no way she was going to admit that. So who better to lay it all out than calculated, unbiased third party Erik. He deserved some character development after all.
I also liked the idea that Y/N had, in theory, “romantic options.” Losing Jungkook didn’t mean the end of her life. Having my female lead stand on her own was very important to me.
RIGHT OF THE BAT I needed Jungkook to suffer. So that whole scene where he tries to interact with his old group only for his presence to make everything awkward MMMM yes, sweet revenge on my part.
You were surprised. His hair was no longer shaggy and long like you remembered it. Instead, it had been freshly cut, looking healthy and neatly styled for the first time since you met Jungkook.
THE WAY SO MANY PEOPLE COMMENTED ON THIS LINE “but Y/N liked it long?!?”  IS SO FUNNNYyyyy. So let me clarify a thing. Jungkook had always wanted to cut his hair right. The only reason he didn’t was because Y/N told him not to. With Y/N no longer in the picture to convince him out of it, he cut his hair. That’s really all there is to it skfjsjf.
You know, I had written this part around the time I had just finished up the third ch believe it or not. And it was COMPLETELY different. I had it planned that Yara and Y/N ignored him throughout class and Yara had gone back after the bell rang to go verbally assault JK. And as the two hashed it out, only then was that when Jungkook would realize that he liked Y/N after Yara literally spelled it out for him.
“You like her, dumbass!” Was what I had written Yara saying. I really had written him in denial for ten chapters, I was a whole sociopath (╥﹏╥). But ultimately, I decided that Jungkook came to that conclusion on his own and the decision to apologize to Y/N would have been made over winter break.
“You said Kiri came over asking for you back, yet you still came over and slept with me the next day. Even though the two of you had sex the night before. Do you understand how that makes me feel?”
“Like garbage!" You emphasized, the white paint of the door somehow irritating you further. "I felt like I was something you threw away and picked back up whenever you felt like getting your dick wet.”
Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, and you tried your hardest to not let your emotions get the best of you.
“Not to mention to everyone else, it looks like you cheated on me. Which makes me look like a fucking idiot." You scoffed.
Jungkook said nothing in reply, which somehow made it easier to say all you should have said that day in your room.
“It just sucks to realize that someone you once cared about sees you as nothing more than a toy. It fucking sucks.”
Man :( writing this hurt my heart. I really, really, love bitchin!y/n and writing her hurting freaking stinks. But she had to speak her mind. She deserves the chance to get everything off her chest with the way Jungkook hurt her.
Your heart and mind were in constant paradox, torn between wanting him back and wanting him to know just how much he had hurt you. Your mind ultimately won the battle, of course, but as Jungkook stood just a few inches of drywood apart pouring his heart out, it was hard to say which major organ was responsible for your next words.
The creak of the door being pushed open sent Jungkook's eyes wide, revealing your hesitant form. You had your arms crossed over your chest as if to guard the contents inside of it.
You looked like an angel underneath the bathroom's blue fluorescent lights, beautiful and lovely, a stark contrast from your next crushing sentence.
“I slept with Erik.”
Hehe. Ofc my girl Y/N had to have a rebound!!! She knows that life goes on. However, as I wrote in, she definitely regretted it. It was kind of the same situation that Jungkook was in where he pursued something just because it was familiar and a distraction and not because he really wanted it. Both Y/N and Jungkook are flawed characters but that’s okay! If anything, Y/N’s mistake of sleeping with Erik is what allows her to forgive Jungkook. Knowing first hand how complicated their entire relationship really was.
“I don’t need you… but I don’t think I want a life without you.” You finished shyly.
Your eyes were locked with his when suddenly a small noise escaped him, eyes pulling away from yours as his head moved to attempt to hide the way his eyes had grown wet.
I got this line from one of my best friends after her ex broke up with her. It made me physically sad and really sympathize with her so I quickly wrote it down into my notes app to save for later LMAOOOO. Knowing that you are your own person and life will inevitably go on after losing someone, but that your heart still wants and is pleading for the one person you can’t have. SO SAD. I’m happy I got to use this line in one of my fics.
The note Jungkook wrote Y/N,,, imagine him not being able to sleep one night over winter break so he just writes down everything he should have told Y/N while he still had the chance…. I’ll for real cry dude, he’s so cute. Also, the line about him buying you fluffy Halloween socks for Christmas went over people’s heads I think but HECK I THOUGHT THAT WAS SO FUNNY AND SWEET (because Y/N bought Christmas socks when it was Halloween teehee).
"Are you two dorks done crying?" Yara’s voice rang out suddenly, causing both of you to jump apart.
"Yara, you creep! Privacy, dude! Ever try knocking?" You sniffed, wiping at your face hurriedly.
"What? Like you were peeing with Jungkook in the bathroom? Please." She waved you off, walking back into the living room to give you two some privacy. She did say Jungkook had 15 minutes before she’d have to come back in after all. "Anyway, Tae will be over in 10 minutes for the Saved By The Bell marathon that’s on so you guys are more than welcomed to join." She called out from her newly seated position on the couch.
I included this scene with Yara because things were getting too serious for my liking ngl. Plus the idea that the four of them would all come together at the end for a much needed reunion made my happy bitchin heart soar.
Jungkook let out a laugh, his palm finding your cheek, eyes locked on your lips. You were preening for his kiss, mouth parting slightly as you anticipated it.
The question took you by surprise, eyes widening at your not so pretend lover.
“Partners.” You smiled softly, eyes shiny and brimming with tears as he kissed you for what must have been the millionth time, but still somehow felt like the first.
UGH I LOVE THEM I REALLY DO. I was so happy with how this final scene came out :( They’re partners, they really are I miss these boneheads.
Let’s be honest, Jungkook popped the question the day of graduation, he can’t imagine a life in which you wouldn’t be beside him
You said yes (shocker)
Cue Jungkook being the most wonderful partner and respecting your wish to finish your residency program before having the wedding
You absolutely kick ass at being a neonatal surgeon
Also, Jungkook started a film company! It’s small but he loves what he does and works with colleges and helps out the film majors with resources and equipment <3
Yara and your sisters are helping you get ready, with your best friend as the ever so reassuring maid of honor
And by that I mean you’re as calm as a cucumber and Yara is one wrong move away from having a stroke
“Y/N… Don’t freak out....The catering company put in two orders of shrimp instead of chicken and steak.”
“Yara, it’s okay.”
Y/N making Yara take a seat and practice some breathing exercises so she doesn’t upset the baby
Oh yeah, Yara is 10 weeks pregnant
Taehyung is the dad lol
Yara and Taehyung have been together ever since that day at the library hehe <3
They moved in together and adopted a cat and everything (sweet boy Tae wanted a dog but Yara’s afraid of dogs and Tae would do anything for that woman so Yeontan the cat it is)
Yara refuses to put a label on their relationship even after all this time, and Tae doesn’t ask for one. They’re happy and dedicated to each other and don’t feel the need to put pressure on something that’s already so perfect
Yara is actually violently in love with Tae but still scoffs when Y/N tries to bring it up
“Oh my god, you’re so in love with him”
“Huh??? you must be sick or something. Get well soon, damn :/”
Yara likes to come up with different labels for Taehyung every time she has to introduce him. Among her favorites are roommate, rent sharer, baby daddy and penis lender
Speaking of Taehyung, he’d have a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder as he tries to calm down the panicking groom to be
“JK, breathe.”
“What if she doesn’t show up? What if she doesn’t want to marry me? What if I pressured her into this and— and I’ve freaked her out and now she hates me?”
“Dude, you guys have been engaged for eight years. She’s had her opportunity to run. She’ll show up.”
Taehyung scruffing up the younger man’s hair reassuringly, which only flusters him more because DAMMIT he wants to look perfect for you and now his hair is messed up >:(
(You like him no matter what his hair looks like though)
Jungkook literally swallowing down a sob as you walk down the aisle and he lays his eyes on you for the first time
You having a dumb smile on your face the entire walk over because your husband to be is crying and you haven’t even exchanged vows yet
The entire audience going all sobby when you finally do exchange vows because they’re so beautiful and real
The ten years together has not been easy— from financial struggles as you tried to support yourself through med school, to personal conflicts when Jungkook wanted to start a family already
But you guys figured it out
You always do
He’s your person. And you are his.
Y/N’s sisters Rosa and Lia are a WRECK— even your dad is tearing up
Your family loves Jungkook and have been counting down the days until you guys married, let’s be honest
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Jungkook punching the air with a “FINALLY!” before kissing the hell out of you
The cutting of the cake inevitably turning into a food fight
The shrimp entrees turning out to be pretty damn good
Yara catching the bouquet and wagging her brows at Taehyung suggestively
Jungkook pulling you aside to take photos of you outside the venue because you look so so pretty and he loves the way you smile when he’s the one behind the camera
The party is in full session, your siblings tearing up the dance floor like the extroverts they are
You and Jungkook are sat at the head of the room, hands intertwined underneath the table as you watch a tired and painfully sober Yara swing her bare feet onto Taehyung’s lap, requesting a foot rub
Watching your pregnant best friend and her lover together, you turned towards your own, smile impossibly wide
“Let’s have a baby.” You’d grin, so stupid happy
Jungkook’s eyes going round and immediately jumping up from his seat because god that’s all he’s ever wanted
Being tugged out the room by a giddy Jungkook, one of your heels flinging off somewhere behind you.
“What’s happening? Where are we going?!”
The two of you find yourself in a storage room somewhere on the hotel floor
“Jeon Jungkook, what the hell—“
His mouth find yourself, kissing you in a way that couldn’t at the altar
You kissed him back without questions, arms wrapping around the man you now called your husband
“I love you.” He’d sigh into your neck, his hot breath causing you to shiver
“I love you too.”
“Let’s make a baby.”
“Yeah let’s— wait, right here? Right now?!”
Jungkook merely nodding as his mouth found the exposed skin of your chest
“Meathead, we can’t just ditch our wedding to have sex!”
“Why not? We did our marital duties. Now it’s our guests' job to get embarrassingly drunk and make a fool of themselves on the dance floor. No one will even miss us.”
“Isn’t baby making what our honeymoon is for?”
“Screw that. I’ve done my waiting. Let’s start our family, nerd.”
Jungkook kissing your protests silent before you inevitably give in and let him take you right there and then, your wedding dress hung around your hips
Husband and wife coming together with shaky breaths and hushed moans as they promise the rest of their lives to each other, making every argument, struggle or moment of uncertainty leading up to now totally worth it
Walk of shame back into the party with nervous hair fixing from you and a proud grin from Jungkook
Yara figuring out exactly why you two had sneaked off to, flashing the newly weds a knowing smirk
The night of your wedding, Jungkook surprises you with a present
You unwrap it in confusion, only to see that it’s a glass frame and inside of it is the wrinkled and worn out lined paper the two of you had scribbled on many many years ago
Jungkook hangs up the contract right above your bed as per your request, smiling as he does and jumping on him the moment he puts down the hammer bc dammit it you’re too heckin excited to make love with your sentimental loser of a husband
And yes, by the next month, you are pregnant and incredibly happy
And of course, your daughter and Yara’s son grow up to be best friends, not a family holiday passing by where they aren’t told the story of the totally bitchin’ way both set of their parents got together
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Thigh Highs
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki (these guys be ass men i dun wanna hear NOTHING)
Scenario: Your boyfriend sees you wearing thigh high socks for the first time in your relationship.
Genre: Spice, College AUs!
Word count: 1,746
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​​ @liviitehe​​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​​ 
a/n: I told y’all you were getting headcanons. But instead you’re getting MINI-SCENARIOS because I was feeling it ayeee.  I’m happy to be writing again, even if it’s a warm-up to fanfics and my requests.  I really needed to write something I’m inspired by to ease myself back into writing again, and right now I’m inspired to write these boys thirsting over their s/o’s thiccness. Thank me later.
Also! I was originally gonna write for Kiri, but since I have a request for Denki coming down the pipeline soon, I figured I would write a little sneak peek/sample of him.  They’re scenarios were similar though.  I’m gonna write a part 2 with Kiri, Shinsou, and a bonus Todoroki scene ;)
Todoroki Shouto
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You don’t know what spurred you to wear those thigh highs buried in your sock drawer.  Maybe it was a Pinterest post or a school life anime, or it was just too hot for joggers but too cold for just your shorts.  It wasn’t like you were going anywhere; your friends proposed a movie in the common room on your floor, so it didn’t matter if you didn’t look the best in them.  It’s just an experiment, you think as you slid them up your legs.  One glance in the mirror and the slight rolling down at the hem made you frown, taking it as a sign that your thighs are perhaps on the too thick side.  Still, you didn’t care enough to take them off, plopping yourself on the couch between Tsuyu and your boyfriend.  He’d glanced over briefly and outstretched his arm in anticipation of your body nestling itself there to snuggle.
Sometime in the middle of the movie, Todoroki’s head ended up in your lap, twiddling with one of your hands, caressing your fingers and knuckles with his calloused ones.  His other hand rests on your knee.  As the movie carries on, more of your friends start dozing off and you start paying more attention to your phone.  You feel Todoroki’s hand on your knee ghost ever so slightly up higher.  Figuring he’s just cradling his head on that hand, you try not to stiffen, until his finger starts tracing the rolled up lip of my socks.
Your hand in his soft hair taps a finger to call his attention.  When his body pivots onto his back, you whisper, “Why are you touching my socks, babe?”
A teasing smirk quirks at his lips.  “Is it distracting you?”
“Kind of.”  It may or may not make you self-conscious.
His finger traces a small circle on your bare thigh, facing your body now.  “These socks are distracting me too, calling attention to these beautiful thighs of yours.”  Before you can respond, he places a kiss right at the hem of your shorts, sending a wave of low heat through your body.  “That little bit of skin spilling out the top looks absolutely tantalizing, dear.”  His light touches and caresses enveloping your body in delicious sparks of electricity as he continues peppering more feathery kisses on your flesh to meet the end of your shorts.  You squirm as you breathe his name, only for him to sit up and lean up against your ear.  “I’d like to devour them, rest on them a little more,” his voice drops lower, “Maybe dwell right between them.”
Your face erupts in the most furious heat.  “N-No- W-What if someone hears you?” you whisper-yell.
“Everyone’s asleep already.”  Todoroki’s hand dips under your flesh, riding up your shorts and giving your soft thighs a light squeeze, his lips ghosting the sensitive spot under your ear.  “But I can wait to ravish you fully when we’re alone.”  Another chaste kiss on your jaw.  “I’d love to see you wear these more often.”  The other hand tugs the elastic band before releasing it, letting it snap against your thigh and eliciting a sharp gasp from you.  He just chuckles at your sensitivity.  “Be prepared, darling.”
Bakugou Katsuki
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“Get over here and cuddle me already!”  Your needy boyfriend grumbles from your bed.  His pouty face is apparent in your mind even if you can’t see it from your rummaging.
“Just a minute, babe.”  You’re separating the socks in your drawer.  You figured it would be a cute idea to wear the socks Mina suggested you get; they were soft enough to cuddle in and you thought Bakugou would enjoy it, even though he’s not the picky type as long as you were actually cuddling him.
It’s a lazy Friday afternoon after your classes are finished.  The end of a weary school week means cuddling up with each other as stress relief.  There’s nothing more the two of you look forward to than staying in each other’s arms, watching movies, talking, kissing, or a combination of all three.
Finally, you pull them out and slide them on.  Catching your reflection in the mirror, you smile at how cute they look on you.  They have little black bows at the top and a matching line down the side of the cream colored knit.
Bakugou’s sudden gravelly voice pulls you out of your thoughts.  It’s a different tone from the whining he was doing just a moment ago, it’s sudden intensity almost scaring you.  One look in his crimson eyes tells you exactly why.  He’s sitting upright now, tracing your form as his tongue swipes his smirking bottom lip.  “Is that a little something for me?”
You flicker your head down then right back at him, pushing your legs together shyly.  “I thought it would be cute, don’t you think?” you squeak out.
Your action must have excited him more, something between a hum and a groan resonating in his throat.  “God, you’re killing me.”  Bakugou holds his hands outstretched to you.  “Get over here before I scoop you up myself.”
As the obedient lamb you are, you scurry over to him.  His hands immediately grab behind your thighs and pull you into his lap, strongly gripping your soft skin.  “Just the perfect accessory for these amazing thighs of yours.”  He gives one of them a light slap, earning a yelp from you.  “You been hiding these from me for long?”
You shake your head quickly.  “Mina thought I should get them, I wanted to show you.”
“It’s my lucky day isn’t it?” Bakugou groans out, gathering more of your thickness in his hands to massage them as he meets your lips sloppily.  “Who said you can look that damn hot?”  As he leans down to steal rabid kisses from your sensitive neck.  “I’m the only person you can wear these for, you hear me?” he growls against your skin, leaving a bite on your collarbone.  Blunt nails dig down the flesh of your leg, making you gasp.  “I can just hold them all day, you’re not going anywhere for a while.”
One thing’s for sure, you’re going to do a lot more kissing than you did cuddle this time around.
Kaminari Denki
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There are a lot of things in your closet that you haven’t worn, including a single rogue pair of thigh-high socks you’ve never dared to wear until you were bored today.   It could be fun to look like a schoolgirl, you think brightly, pulling them on.  Half of you expected the socks to constrict all the life from your legs, but they were just the slightest bit snug at the tops of your knees only.  With the help of Pinterest, you decide on a pair of shorts and some heeled booties to finish off the bottom half of a potential outfit you promise you’ll wear to class one day.
When you finally look in the mirror, you instinctively say, “Damn.”  You didn’t expect the outfit to look this cute, even though your thick thighs look a little too big at some angles.  “I have a figure.”
You have to take some cute pictures.
Pulling out your camera, you imitate the poses in the model photos you saw, pushing your legs together to make your thighs look skinnier and trying not to show the fat pooching out from the top of the socks.  Buzzing with newfound self-esteem at how hot you are, you send the pictures to your boyfriend without another thought.  “Was cleaning stuff out, don’t I look cute?”  You expect him to answer right away since he saw the pictures right after you sent them, but he leaves them on read, sending all of your confidence crashing down.  I thought I looked cute, I thought he would agree, you think somberly.
Slumping onto the floor in front of your closet, you slide through the pictures you were just squealing over two minutes ago.  Why would Kaminari, your number one supporter and cheerleader, leave you on read?  You thought you look like quite a catch.  You know you look like quite a catch.
A minute later, there’s a knock on your door.  Rushing to answer it, swinging the door surprisingly reveals the bright blond hair of your boyfriend.  You have no time to act surprised, he takes one sweep down before he jumps on you, pushing your body against the wall and crushing your lips to his.  His hands tightly grip your hips, looping a finger inside your shorts.
You roughly push his face away, both to breathe and get an explanation from your seemingly bipolar boyfriend.  Before you can say anything, he moans, “I couldn’t help myself, I had to come see you in person.”  He pulls back a little to scan your body again.  “God, you look sexy, baby.  You know how much I love your legs and this curvy little figure of yours.”  He hoists you up by your thighs, pinning your body to the wall with his and squeezing his hands around your flesh just shy of your butt.
You let out a yelp just as his lips capture yours again, more hungry this time, as he gathers more of your lovely thickness in his hands.  You try to match his pace, but he proves to be too much for you, especially with how he’s slowly grinding your bodies together, sending sweet tingling electricity through you.  Kaminari slides his hands down your legs closer to the middle of your thighs to carry you over to your bed, waddling over so he won’t drop you.
As he passes your mirror, you separate from him.  “W-Wait, stop here.”
The boy stops moving but continues his assault down your neck now.  Through your foggy mind, you pull out your phone and take a picture of the passionate image: your boyfriend gripping your honey thighs desperately as he ravages your neck, your arm clinging onto his neck and your knees squeezing his body, the socks the perfect accessory.  He looks up to stare down at the picture before rushing you over to the bed, practically tossing you down onto it before taking his place hovering over you.  Stealing your lips with another searing kiss, he mumbles, “I want that as my phone background, you look so hot there.  Damn, I’m so lucky to have you.”
You chuckle out another sigh.  “And here I thought you didn’t like how I looked.”
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daenqyu · 4 years
— love language (2) kirishima eijirou
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pairing: kirishima x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive (?
a/n: i don’t really like how this turned out, felt like i could’ve done better but oh well :/ also it’s a little longer because i got carried away hehe. anyways, i hope you guys had a good time during the holidays and that you’re staying safe!!
love language masterlist
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kirishima’s love language is: words of affirmation
do i even need to explain this?
we all know this baby is very insecure even tho he has absolutely no reason to be:( and he doubts himself way too much 
so it’s not much a surprise that he loves compliments
especially when he doesn’t even have to ask for them
like when you’re at the gym working out together (he insisted you made him some company bc bakugou had refused to) and you can’t stop looking at him because GOD DAYUM👴🏾
“why are you looking at me like that, babe?” he asks after he puts down the weights he was just lifting 
you swallow hard, realizing just how shamelessly you were checking out your boyfriend 
“hm you’re handsome” you’re so straightforward and it takes kirishima aback, making him stop in his tracks to look at you with a faint blush on his cheeks
“you hate when i’m sweaty tho”
you shrug while walking over to him, “yeah because you smell but i never said you didn’t look good” 
let’s just say you ended up leaving the gym way earlier than expected 🏃‍♀️
kirishima also loves when you call him manly
it makes him feel all warm inside
probably one of the best compliments you can give him, if not the best one
but he doesn’t only like compliments
he also likes when you show him you care about him
like when you remember something he said a long time ago or you ask him about his day
“hey kiri, isn’t there going to be a new festival in town tomorrow? the one you wanted to go to?”
“yeah, how’d you know?”
“you told me about it a few months ago”
it’s something so small and meaningless, yet it makes kirishima’s heart melt
“you remember that?”
you look up at him from your phone, your brows furrowing at his question
“of course i do”
please you just have to do the bare minimum and you have the boy wrapped around your finger
it’s so cute because he always says ‘i love you’ whenever he has to leave you or even just to hang up the phone
he just wants you to know that he loves and appreciates you with every fiber in his body and that no one could ever change that
so that’s why he’s constantly showering you in his love
for example, whenever you feel insecure about your body and you voice out your concerns to him, he’s quick to look you dead in the eye and point out every little thing about you that he loves,
even the ones you hate so much
“baby, you’re absolutely mesmerizing and i’m not letting you think otherwise. i love every part of you and if you need me to remind you every day until you love yourself too then so be it”
he’s so romantic too oh my God don’t even get me started
whenever he has the chance, he writes you little notes and leaves them in your locker 
once, you opened it to take out your science book and a sticky note fell out 
‘hey princess! i hope you have a good day today, i love you. also we’re having dinner  tonight so get dressed up ;) - kiri’
a smile takes over your face as you keep reading your boyfriend’s sweet words a few more times
he likes giving more than receiving so expect LOTS of reassurance and random compliments 
the room is quiet as you lay down in your bed while reading a book, the only sound filling the room being the faint music coming out of your phone and the laughter of your roomates from next door. you indulge yourself in the novel on your hands, concentrating on the vivid descriptions so you can maybe picture exactly what the writer was trying to convey, but a knock on your door interrupts your train of thought. 
you ignore it, thinking it must be one of your friends doing some stupid prank again (aka denki and mina), but the person knocks a few more times, enough to annoy you, and so you end up standing up to open it. however, the frown on your face quickly goes away as soon as you see who’s the person who kept on insistently knocking. kirishima stands in front of you with a big smile on his face and you can’t help but copy his actions; just seeing him was enough to make your whole day perfect.
“hey, babe!” his tone is cheerful, as always, and he leans down to give you a kiss, one that ends up way too fast for your liking.
“hey, kiri. what are you doing here? weren’t you gonna hang out with bakugou and sero?” you close the door behind you once he enters. he sits down on your bed as if it was his own, stretching his arms out in the process and you lick your lips when his shirt rides up a bit, showing off his v-line and the outline of his abs. kirishima smirks when he notices your gaze, but doesn’t say anything about it.
“yeah, but sero is feeling sick and bakugou didn’t feel like going out so.” he shrugs, and you pout at him, feeling bad his friends basically ditched him.
“i’m sorry baby, i know how much you were looking forward to today.” you walk towards him and take a seat on his lap, your legs loosely wrapping themselves around his waist and his hands holding your hips steadily. he smiles at you one more time, completely ignoring the feeling of his heart hammering against his chest.
“it’s okay. besides, that just means i get to spend more time with you.” he says before kissing your neck softly, making you erupt in a fit of giggles as his lips tickled your sensitive skin. you wrap your hands around his neck and tilt your head to the side to give him more acces, biting down on your lower lip when he sucks on a certain spot. but before things can get too heated, kirishima pulls away and you whine at the loss of contact, which makes him chuckle. 
for a few minutes neither of you say anything, simply enjoying each other. you rest your head on one of his shoulders while your hands play with his own, touching his fingers gently and kissing his knuckles from time to time. he smiles down at you, asking himself what the hell did he ever do to deserve someone as precious as you. 
you’re so good to him; always making sure he’s eating well and that he isn’t overworking himself, helping him with homework whenever he doesn’t understand something, taking care of him when he gets sick, hyping him up when he starts a new hobby, and so much more. you do so much for him and sometimes he wonders if he’s doing enough for you, because he doesn’t ever want you to doubt his love for you.
with that though in mind he takes your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him while squeezing your cheeks slightly. you send him a questioning look, wondering what the hell is he doing, but he just kisses your forehead before speaking up.
“you’re so gorgeous.” the compliment takes you by surprise and your eyes widen slightly.
“where is this coming from?”
“well you are. and i love you so much.” you know kirishima likes to compliment you and let you know how he feels about you, but this time feels different.
“babe what are you-”
“thank you for taking care of me and loving me, for making my days better and for believing in me,” his thumb caresses your cheek and you instantly lean in to his touch, your eyes focused on his. “you mean everything to me and i genuinely don’t know what i’d do without you. so i promise to never leave your side, to love you until my last breath and possibly even after that.” your breath hitches in your throat when you notice how serious he is, not missing the passion that drips from his words. 
you can feel tears forming in your eyes so you distract yourself by kissing kirishima roughly, pulling at the ends of his red hair and bringing your body impossibly close to his. he groans against your mouth when you press down on his lap, pulling away to give you a few more kisses before flipping you over so you’re laying under him. a smirk grazes your lips at the change of positions and before he can continue with whatever it is he wants to do, you kiss his cheek gently. kirishima blushes and looks away from you, but you just smile.
“i love you, eijirou.” the way his heart flutters when he hears his first name leaving your lips it’s actually embarrassing and he wastes no time before connecting your lips again and pouring all of his emotions into it. 
if there was one thing both of you were 100% certain about was your love for each other, because you knew that no matter what happened, whether you broke up in the future or not, you would always consider him your soulmate. 
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter thirteen: Why put in so much effort?
Word Count: 1.2K
TW Swearing, angst, characters acting different, comparison of words to Vomit
Summary: U.A.’s third year student y/l/n Y/n, has had a crush for a long time on Todoroki Shouto. One day she decides to write an anonymous love letter, sticks it under his door. She confessed her love and asked him to meet under the Cherry tree Saturday at 4pm. She prepared with her friends for this moment, but what happens when someone else takes credit for the letter? (All characters aged up to third year!)
Taglist open!! Send an ask or do to be added!!
An: This chapter do be an angsty one !!! 
Kirishima POV
On my way down to her room, I had thought about yesterday, and if it was really a good idea to bring this up today. As I reached up to knock on her door, she swung it open and instantly threw her arms around me. 
“I’ve missed hanging out with you alone.” 
“I’ve missed it too y/n.” I said hugging back with one arm.. We walked inside sitting down at the small table she had while I passed over her food. 
“I can’t believe you made my favorite. What’s the special occasion?” 
“I have something I wanted to talk to you about, but after you eat.” She locked eyes with me, but you could see the worry written on her face. “Don’t worry it’s nothing bad.” I hoped she wouldn't take it badly anyways. 
While we ate I made small talk with her to lighten the mood a bit, more of a distraction for me. I kept thinking I shouldn’t be here. It's not fair that I am surprising her with this with what she's been going through. 
“So do you think you will be able to gather enough evidence to show Todoroki that it really was you this whole time?” 
“I think so, well I hope so.” She said, wiping her face off. She looked down at her hands and began fiddling with her thumbs.  
“Why put in so much effort? He was easily fooled into believing it was someone else with out any proof.” 
“Well why do we do the things we do for the ones we love?” She looked up again meeting my eyes.
“I guess that makes sense.” I was beginning to be a little more nervous about what I have been wanting to tell her. 
“I did pour my whole heart into that letter. I mean, with your help of course, but I just feel really connected with him.” 
“You never really talked to him though?” 
“It’s just the way I felt when we did. I don't know exactly how to explain it.” She said standing up. 
“Let’s sit on my bed and talk.” I followed behind her as we sat down. “It may sound dumb to you, but you will understand when you fall in love too.” 
“I get that you have liked him since first year, but how do you know it's really love?” 
“You just know,” She raised her hand and pointed to my chest. “You feel it here Kiri.” 
“Ah, I see..” I looked away from her quickly looking towards the picture of us and our friends on her bedside table. 
“So, hypothetically speaking uhhhhhh,” I took a deep breath, why am I so nervous? 
“What do you mean hypothetically speaking?”
“Just ummm… hypothetically if say, someone you are friends with liked you…..what would you do?” I noticed her perk up, showing me I had her full attention now. 
“Well depending on the person, I would react differently.” 
“What do you mean by that?” 
“Well depending on who it is, I would decline based on how I know their personalities would react or take the rejection.” 
“So hypothetically, if I was to ask you out, how would you reject me?” 
“Kiri! You’re my best friend as if you would ask me out!” I just smiled at her awkwardly, 
“Well it’s hypothetical silly! I just wanted to see since you sound like some sort of master of saving feelings.” She went silent for a moment.
“So who is it?”
“What?” My eyes grew bigger as I began to feel my heart race. “No one at all hahaha….” 
“Kiri… I know you better then that. First you used “hypothetically” and now you're just saying “hahaha”, that to me is suspicious.” 
“Uhhhhh, I gotta go, sorry y/n!! See you later.” Before she could say anything to me I rushed out of the room and off to the stairs just running up to my room. My phone started blowing up with messages from y/n already. 
Falling back down on my bed, I let out a deep sigh. I realized now I never asked her about Midoriya. Just when I was about to close my eyes and hopefully fall asleep for the night, a knock and voice could be heard from the opposite side of my door. 
“Kiri, I know you are in here, please let me talk to you. I’m sorry about upstairs, we can just be bros and pretend it didn’t happen, but I still want to hang out with my best friend. I miss hanging out with you.”  I wasn’t sure if some kind of demon possessed me or what really happened, but I ripped open my door, facing her sad eyes. I felt angry. 
“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer hanging out with Deku?” I said, anger dripping from my words. 
“Where is this coming from? Did you have a personality change on your way up here?” She asked, surprised. 
“No, I am just kinda tired of how you constantly hang out with deku, if i even get invited, it's even after him? Are you in love with him too or something? Why am I always your second choice now?” 
“What the actual fuck kirishima.” 
“I’m not sure, you tell me. We have been best friends for years, all of a sudden Deku swoops you away!! I just don’t get it. When did I become not enough for you?” 
“You're acting like we were in a romantic relationship! You need to calm down.” Her voice had started to raise. 
“Is that really all you have to say?” 
“I missed one hang out, like what the fuck?” You could see eyes become more glossy.  
“That's not the point. You know what? Forget it. I’m tired. So just leave.” I didn’t want this to continue anymore, hell I didn’t even know where all this rage jealousy had come from to begin with. 
“You may be my best friend but he is the only one who gets what I have been feeling. Being in love for over 2 years then seeing them together does something to you. Something he understands, something I wouldn’t want you to understand cause it hurts.” I couldn't control what I said next, like word vomit, it just came spewing out.  
“You must be living in some kind of fantasy world, cause in this world, Todoroki doesn't even know you exist. It's truly pathetic watching you day after day chasing someone like that, when one of your close friends is madly in love with you!!” At this point tears had started free falling from her eyes. 
“Out of all the people in the world who could hold such harsh words in their hearts, my last guess would have been you Kirishima. Just do me a favor and don’t contact me for a while.” With that she left. She left me standing in my door, watching her leave. Watching her slowly lose it more and more with each step she took. I knew it was bad. I knew I shouldn’t have said these things. The reason I did? Jealousy. I felt jealous of Midoriya, I felt jealous how she responded even to Bakugou the day she saw Ochaco with Todoroki. Most of all, I was jealous of Todoroki.
Previous | Masterlist | Next 
AN: Plot twist coming up got me mad excited to write it. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story line. I hope it doesn’t seem like I strayed too much from the summary plot line. This has been mapped in my head for a while, so hopefully people are still enjoying it!! Feel free to send asks, dms, or even leave comments with reactions to the story! As a writer it means alot to see these as it  gives me joy to see reactions or positive responses!! Don’t feel pressure to do it though!! 
Taglist: @videogameboiwhowins​ @too-many-fandoms666 @angelofdarkness1020 @bakuinred​ @yoonbbyboy​ @iamagalaxy @softesyoongi @tsumuuumiyaaaa @kyomihann @iwavibes @thatweirdfox22 @missmultifangirl @lilithknight1111 @letmebreathepls @ohmygodronnie2020 @noahmanz @smolbbygorl @mikeys-thighs
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - HI!!!!! SO sorry I’ve been MIA lol I’ll explain later lol.
Pairing - Kirishima X Reader
Prompt - Idk I just needed to write something to get back into the groove.
Warnings - uhhh not really anything this time around, surprisingly lolol.
Music - too tired lol sorry
“Oi, Shitty Hair! Open up.”
Kirishima bounced off his bed, phone in hand as he moved to open the door.  It wasn’t unusual for Bakugou to come hangout with him when neither of them were working, but Kiri knew that Bakugou had guard duty for the prisoner. Odd that he was pounding at Kiri’s door.
“Hey Bakubro, what’s u-“
The redhead cut himself off as he opened the door, eyes quickly zeroing in on the gagged-and-bound female in his friend’s arms. A confused glance to Bakugou’s face allowed a glimpse of the blonds feral smile, before Bakugou pushed past Kiri, shoving the captive forward and into the room.
“Boss is done with ‘em - stupid girl really was just walking home. He was gonna off her but decided not to. He saw the way you’ve been eyein’ the poor thing like a piece of fucking meat and decided you get a new toy. Said you’ve been doing a good job lately or some shit.”
The wheels were turning in Kirishima’s head as he followed his friend, watching the blond push the girl down onto the bed, snickering meanly as he watched her struggle. 
The poor thing had been walking - home apparently, after an exhausting shift at work - and had unfortunately taken a route that led her right into the middle of mafia territory. Kiri had been there that night, collecting debts and roughing up those who promised to pay later. He had seen the girl turn into the alley, watched as she meandered closer, not paying attention to her surroundings. The sound of a fist meeting flesh had startled her, head whipping up and taking in the scene before her.  A particular client had lied about their payments, and they were being threatened, blackmailed.  
The scared woman had barely run two steps before she was tackled to the ground.
She’d been held and questioned for about a week now,  the big boss wanting to make sure she wasn’t just a snitch for a gang, or the rival mafia two cities over.  It wasn’t surprising to Kirishima that it really was just a case of her being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was about the most innocent thing he’d ever seen in his life. 
“How’d he know I wanted her?”
Bakugou scoffed, turning to the redhead with crossed arms.
“It hasn’t been exactly hard to fucking figure it out, Hair-for-brains. Every time it’s been your turn to guard her you get all excited like a goddamn puppy. Talking her ear off, smiling like a stupid fucking sap. It’s the most disgusting shit I’ve ever had to watch.”
Kirishima shrugged. Bakugou wasn’t wrong, but Kiri had been trying his hardest to be professional - big, mean, intimidating. He was a fucking mafia member, for gods sake. It looks like he had been a little too enamored to keep up his usual scary, manly exterior. Oh well, what’s done is done.
Bakugou was pushing past him again, leaving the female behind as he exited. He stopped at the door, turning his head to flash his friend a dangerous smirk. “Have fun with your little gift.”
—— You glared up at the redhead, the man still facing towards the door his colleague had just exited. The gag in your mouth had your jaw stretched uncomfortably wide,  forcing you to struggle to not drool. The rope binding your arms behind your back felt too tight, and it was itchy.  In short - you were immensely uncomfortable, made even more so by the blond man’s terminology when he referred to you. A toy? A gift? You were nothing of the sort. You were your own person, with a life,  a job, an apartment.  You weren’t a little plaything.
“Hey, I’m gonna take the gag off for you, ‘kay?”
The redhead, Kirishima, was by your side, seated next to you on the bed. You didn’t move, just watched as he gingerly began removing the cloth stuffed into your mouth. Each little piece he removed made your jaw ache a little less, the pressure easing up.
“There we go. Feel better sweetie?”
You shook your head, staring wide-eyed at the redhead. “Can you let me go home now?” You whispered, voice scratchy from disuse.  “I just wanna go home please.”
“I can’t let you do that. You saw something you weren’t supposed to, and my boss doesn’t trust people to keep information like that to themselves.  I’m gonna be looking after you from now on though, so you’ll be well cared for - you don’t have to worry at all.”
How comforting. 
The man was looking down at you, keeping his movements gentle as he began stroking your hair. You were too afraid to ask him to stop. You had seen what the redhead had been doing to that man, the night you had stumbled across them in the alley. If the man was capable of violence like that, he would have no problem crushing your skull like an empty soda can. You didn’t want to stay here.
“Sir, please… you can’t….. I have a job, a life! This is illegal, what about my family? My friends?”
“Do you think the Mafia has to listen to the law? Sweetie, we /are/ the law. We can get away with anything.” The man chuckled, before tugging you towards him, hands beginning to work at the rope around your arms. At least he wasn’t planning on keeping you tied up like that. 
You wanted to ask what the man was going to do with you, what he wanted from you, but you weren’t sure you’d like the answer. The past week had been hell, stuck in a dark, musty room. There was always someone in there with you, watching, guarding the door. Occasionally you would be thrown over someone’s shoulder (usually the large redhead’s) and carried out, walking down corridors and through rooms of what seemed like a giant compound before being deposited gently in a huge office, facing an intimidating looking man. The green haired man would grill you, ask you questions about who you were and what you were doing, what was you intent with the information you had  ‘acquired’ from that night. He didn’t seem to listen to your pleading, your begging to be let go. 
It frightened you when he brought out pictures, a file with your name on it, filled to the brim with information about you. Had someone been watching you? No, this group was just insanely good with computers, had access to private information and video feeds. All their information about you had been gathered in the time you had been there. The casual display of power had you trembling. This organization could ruin your life - could kill you and make it look like an accident. Hell, they could kill you, erase your entire existence. It’d be like you were never born. It was terrifying.
“How ‘bout I tell you my name, huh? I’m Kirishima, lots of people call me Kiri though.”
The last knot came undone, and your sore arms fell to your sides, heavy and tingling. You tenderly rubbed at the flesh, trying not to wince at the weird sensation as blood rushed to your arms.
“I already know your name, (Y/N). It’s so pretty, suits you really well I think.”
Of course the man knew your name, it wasn’t a surprise. He had been using it when he talked with you during his shifts guarding you. He seemed pleasant enough, but you could tell that the subtle bulge of muscle on his form was more than just for show. He was dangerous.
“Kirishima, sir, please. I just want to go home.” You were scared, trying your best not to break down, to tremble and cry. You just wanted to leave. Suddenly, you were pulled into a firm chest, big arms wrapped around you in a warm, crushing hug.
“Awh, poor sweetie. I know you’re overwhelmed. You’ll be okay though, you know?  It’s not so bad here.”
You didn’t want to stay here. You wiggled, suddenly uncomfortable in Kirishima’s embrace. The man relaxed his grip on you, sensing your sudden panic as you shifted away from him, rising from the bed to stand.
“What’s gonna happen to me - what am I gonna be doing? I can’t just- t-this is too much, I don’t know what’s happening or if I’m gonna-“
“I said you’ll be alright, okay?” Arms pulled you down, into Kirishima’s lap. You were still squirming, uncomfortable with the contact, uncomfortable with the hot air puffing gently against your ear. You didn’t like feeling his thighs under you, his big hands holding you still.
“You’re gonna be like a special little friend. You don’t have to do anything but stay here, in my room. We can talk, cuddle, I can get you some books to read when I’m gone working…. It’ll be nice.”
“Cuddle? I can’t- I won’t do that- You can’t make me-“
His grip grew bruising, ceasing your struggles as you felt your bones protest. It /hurt/, the amount of pressure he was squeezing your arms with. You felt his chin hook over your shoulder, and his sharp, shark-like teeth were flashing right next to your eyes as he spoke, tone low, dangerous.
“You’ll do what I say, got it? I’m not so nice when I’m angry.”
You sniffled, his grip relaxing as your posture did, the fight leaving you. “I just… I don’t understand. You don’t even know me.”
“Oh, but sweetie, I do!” His voice had regained that chipper, light quality. “I’ve learned so much about you! I’ve read through the file we have on you, and every new thing I learn just makes me like you more and more. You’re so pretty, so cute, I just wanna eat you up.”
“You can’t know someone just by reading about them. I don’t wanna be here, please just let me go. I won’t tell anyone about anything, I promise! Please? Just let me go?”
Kirishima stood up, picking you up with him. With a swift movement, he turned, letting you drop to the bed, face-first. You scrambled onto your butt so you could face him, feeling vulnerable with your back to him. The man was looming over you, cocky smile stretching his lips.
“No can do sweetie-pop.” The next second, he was up in your space, face inches from yours, hands planted on the bed near your hips. “Besides, we’ll have so much fun getting to know each other better.”
He surged forward, lips mashing against your own. 
You cried the first time he kissed you, and every time after.
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calientecoochie · 3 years
It Happened So Fast-
The red giant backed up and put his hands up in the air and waved them frantically. “<Wha-hooooahh! Calm down. Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you! That’s wasn’t very manly was it. Gah, bad first impression, I guess, ha.” The redhead rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“<You’re Red Riot. The~huh~ the Red Riot>” Yes, yes you were gaping like a fish in a desert. How could a man be so tall?! He is literally towering over everybody here. What is he like 7’?! Does his bones hurt? What the hell is a Bakugo... Oh, he staring at me. How long have I been staring!
“<Uhmm>” Red Riot waves his hands in front of your face, “Helloooo, anybody, homeeeee?” His voice sounds so velvety and heroic. “<I should really work on my introductions...this happens way more often then it should. Let me write that down so I don’t forget.>” The Pro Hero stares down at you, “<I’ll give you a lift, Y/N, since you’re like in a trance. LET’S GO TO MY OFFICE! I CAN SHOW YOU PICTURES FROM MY UA DAYS AND SOME COOL AWARDS. SO MANLY!>” With that your new boss lifted you up and threw you over his broad shoulders.
He continued to talk Y/N’s ear off with you not understanding much of what Red was saying but, appreciating it either way seeing as it was helping you unwind from the earlier shock. As the pair walked through the agency, Y/N took in the place. Even though, the place is a big on inside as it was on the outside, it wasn’t as daunting as you thought it would be. The people and heroes around here are smiling and waving towards you. You were handed a balloon with a crudely drawn face (it was meant to resemble you) with a many , “おめでとう” thrown your way as you and your boss entered the elevator.
“<Here we go! Can you stand?>” Red sets you down on your feet with ease as he presses the button to his floor. He drums his fingers across the steel doors then turn towards you with one of his award winning smiles. You swear it melt the steel in these elevators, it’s so bright. “<Not going to freak out on my again are you? Y/N>” He tested your name on his tongue, “<Am I saying that right? Ah, I forgot to ask, would you prefer Japanese> or English?” He look at you thoughtfully.
“That’s right. I have not been responding have I?”
“Nope! You have not but, that’s cool. I have a great feeling about you so, I know you’ll be a strong backbone to this company!”
All you could do was stare back in a dream-like state. Look at you! Shame! Getting all star-struck and dumb even being in this man’s presence. Tsk tsk. Better keep this conversation rolling so it doesn’t get awkward. “You were right..”
“Huh, right about what?
“My name. You said it correctly. Ha, pretty funny too, I’m used to people pronouncing it wrong.”
“Well, that’s not very fair to you. It’s your name and it’s a manly name!” Red puffed through his nostrils and smirked.
You bowed you head to hide your blush, “ Thank you, Red Riot.” Why are you acting like this it is so NOT professional at. All.
Red Riot let out a boisterous laugh that you swore shook the elevator, “You don’t have to refer to me by my hero name you know? Just call me Kirishima or even Kiri. Honestly, anything is cool as long as I don’t get called sir. That makes me feel old. Red Riot is reserved for field work though.” With that he winked at you.
“Oh, then, thank you Kir-!”
“We’re here!!” He yoinks you from the elevator into his suave office, “ Hasa De Lo Eiji!!”
You heard Sero’s voice speak up, “Casa De La, Ei, casa de la...” He sitting upside down in one of Kirishima’s office chairs surfing his phone looking through Twatter. You thought he was ignoring you until he started waving and kicking his lanky legs excitedly.
Denki was just spinning in Kirishima’s main seat, “<YOU FOUND THEM, MAN?!>”
“<Well, they wasn’t exactly hiding and don’t think there’s many people of their skin tone here in Japan, Denk...>” You only caught a bits and pieces of their conversation, making you giggle a bit.
Denki looked over to you, “Oohoo, you like that, huh? Say how about we get to know each other better? One on one? There’s this really cool place in Shinjuku I’ve been dying to try. Would love to have someone to try it with. Being alone is such a bummer~” While Denki was distracted, Kirishima took his chance and sat in his friend’s lap causing Denki to sputter and attempt to push his taller, “built like a German, concrete home” friend off of him. Shame, you were actually about to take Denki up on his offer. You did want to see what Japan had to offer and it did suck to be alone sometimes.
The day continued as you four began to talk about you, their hero work, the past and, what was in store for the upcoming week. Soon, Denki and Sero left to attended to their own business (they went to Shinjuku), which just left you and Kirishima. You though it would it be awkward, however, it strangely felt like home. This was different from what your country’s media always portrayed of him: Hardy, cold and relentless. Even though that’s what drew you to him, this Kirishima was a nice change of pace as well.
“Hey, hey, Y/N you’re staring again.” The redhead smiled.
“Didn’t mean to, Kirishima. It’s just that you’re so different in real life! I hope you don’t mind me saying but, though you were this boulder of destruction.”
“Not too disappointing, I hope.” He leans his head in his hand, laughing a tiny bit.
“No! Of course not!”
“I’m joking, I’m joking!”
You both just laugh and it dies downs leaving a comfortable silence betwixt you again.
“Well, you got the job for sure!”
“Really t—that’s it?!”
“No strenuous questions?”
“No previous references or written letters from previous employers?”
“Nnurp” he audibly pop his lips to add emphasis to his negatory.
“Do you want the job?”
“Of course! It’s just that yo-“
“Then you have it. I have a good feeling about you! I learned to trust my instincts. Obviously, yours brought here to freaking Japan-“
“Well, my friend sent me the email...”
“YOU put in for it and YOU got it. Enjoy it :)”
You rubbed your chin in thought. Starting to overthink the situation and your new way too laidback boss. Was this a mistake? Did I make a good call? As if he could read you mind, Kiri laid his firm hand upon your shoulder, “Let’s get some grub! I can take you home afterwards!”
With that, you’re new life began and with each day you grew more confident in your choices. You learned so many new tips and tricks, learned about and met new people (some more despicable then others), it was like a dream come true. First, you needed Kiri told hold your hand at the beginning, which made you doubt yourself from time to time. However, you got better and faster, already your talent to the max.
The only thing you hated doing the most were the public conferences. They always asked the same questions hoping for different answers or asked about way too personal questions about the heroes within Kirishima’s agency. Questions that would make the man on moon blush. However, you always seemed to Beyoncé your way out of their scandalous questions and steer it right back to where you wanted it.
Of course, your work never went unnoticed or unappreciated. The agency always made sure to make feel wanted and needed. Hah, Bakugo even came in and tried to recruit you for his own agency, in front of your boss. It’s all just been so crazy. It’s almost insane to think it’s almost been a year here. You even remember your old life. To think, you thought the email was a joke. What would I be doing if I never answered it... No point on dwelling on it you guess.
You hear heavy footsteps coming toward your door.
*Clink Click*
“Hmm, I thought these lights shut off automatically... strange” It was your boss! “Let me flu-Oh! Oh, you’re still here?! Y/N , it’s practically morning right now. Why are you still working?”
“You wouldn’t know I was still here if you weren’t here yourself so, Red, what’s your excuse?” You looked up at him playfully smug.
You don’t remember if he’s been flushed from rushing into the office or for his new nickname but, he looked away and swore he tripped on his words when he spoke. “Other than it being my agency, Y/N so, MY responsibility, I like to go for early morning runs. You could probs just call it conditioning from school days. It helps keep my mind from overthinking I guess.
“Overthinking? About what?”
“Heh, what not about” There was a strange unplaceable tone in his voice. He said that sentence barely above a whisper but, you caught it. Kirishima look back towards you and beams. Is he- is he putting up a mask?! Not wanting to strain your work relationship you choose not to press him on the matter. Turning back to your desktop to continue your work until Kiri blocked it. Damn his thick man body!
“Could you please move,Kirishima.”
“Nuh-uh, not until you tell me why you’re still up here working at this ungodly hour.”
You leaned into your seat giving up on trying to move him, you sigh and then smile to yourself not sure if he could see it or not, “ Fine, I’ll spill. I work this late because I love this job. Nowhere else has given me this opportunity and I’m so thankful. I’ve felt so lost for the longest and about gave up on myself. I work this late because I love my friend, they were the ones who even let this opportunity land in my lap even though, they could have easily taken this job. They had more experience. I love my coworkers. Ha, I’ve never been so overwhelmed by support by so many strangers. It’s really emotional and I would hate to let them down. I do all of this because I love and appreciate you, Red... you’ve always stayed by my side and gave encouragement when I needed. Lacking in my work would be like spitting in your face and I would hate for that to happen...”
You keep your eyes shut for a few more seconds soaking in what you just said. It’s been eating at you forever. You’ve long forgotten about how Kiri was like a barnacle stuck to screen and I guess he did as well, seeing as was standing up straight, mouth opening and closing and fiddling with his hands. You look up at him, “That’s why I’m here. You don’t have to worry over me. I’m not a child. Plus, I got YOU and your HERO amigos/amigas on speed dial.” Sero’s been trying to teach you Spanish 💀, it is not working.
“...Do you mean that? You love me?”
“Of course I do, Red.” Kirishima drawn closer to Y/N, “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I just thought it would be too soon to make a call..”
“I love you , Kirishima...”
“Y-you could call me, Eij-“
“As much as I love Sero and Denki! You all mean so much to me!”
You noted that Kirishima seemed to deflate at your next sentence and even took a step back, “Red, you okay? Need water?”
Kiri shook his head, “N-No I guess I’m just coming down from my runners high! Ha, it always makes me a bit woozy y’know.”
“Yeahhhh. Welp! Just dont Forget it’s your day off tomorrow okay. No coming in! No matter how much you //luhhhh// us.” That was weird. Luh? ,”Oh I also have a question. The hero gala is coming up soon and we have to bring a +1. Would you like to come with me? I’ll cover your clothes~!”
“The Hero Gala?? Are you sure wouldn’t you want to bring another, I don’t know, hero?”
“Well, I could but, I asked you. You were my first choice either way. If it’ll help you could think about it like good PR.”
As you always do, you think about it. Unlike the other times, your mind was already made up.
“Yes, Red, I would love to go.”
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sugarandsoft · 4 years
A Picture of the Future
outerxorbit said: Hey bb! I was wondering if you do a fem!reader x kirishima where the reader has a time quirk where she can freeze it for 5 minutes at a time. And when her and kiri are doing an internship patrol together they run into there future child who has developed a time quirk and can send themselves through time. If not that’s fine!
Thank you for being my first request! Since this is literally the first oneshot I’ve ever written, sorry if it sounds a bit awkward. Hopefully my writing will improve in the future! For this oneshot, your hero name is Krona, a spin-off from the Titan Chronos, who controls time. After writing this, I have a newfound appreciation for writers. It was really fun and I hope you like it!
wordcount: 1.7k
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You had just finished getting ready for your patrol down the streets of Esuha City. Now that you were third years at UA, Fatgum had decided that you and Kirishima were responsible enough to go on patrols with the recently graduated Amajiki.
“Hey, babe!” your boyfriend greeted in his hero costume. Amajiki trailed behind him, less enthusiastically with his hood covering most of his head. Kirishima ran up to you like an excited puppy and kissed your cheek. “I’m all fired up for patrol! Right, (Y/N)?” You smiled, but flicked his forehead.
“No PDA on the job, Red Riot,” you said with a giggle. Amajiki sighed in the background. 
“Very hypocritical, Krona....” Amajiki muttered. “Can’t I have one day of patrol where I get some peace and quiet?”
“Sorry, Suneater! My bad!” Kirishima replied sheepishly, but you all knew that the same thing was going to happen tomorrow, anyways. You and Kirishima had been dating since your second year, when he had finally decided to ask you out after being friends since elementary school. Of course, your feelings were mutual and you guys had been a couple ever since! 
Usually, nothing really happened on patrol and you guys would occasionally save a runaway puppy or help an elderly person down the road. Suneater, despite his issues with self-confidence, was a powerful up-and-coming hero who was making a name for himself. Within a few years, you thought he’d be in the top 25 heroes, at least. 
Today, the only interesting thing that had happened was when you saved a little girl from a group of muggers. 
“Put your weapons down and surrender quietly!” Amajiki shouted at the group surrounding the small child. 
They looked up and hesitated. Their fear quickly dissipated when their leader sneered. “Oh yeah?” He pulled out a gun-like weapon. “Back off or else this girl’s pretty face’ll be ruined.” The leader held the weapon against the trembling child’s head. 
Suneater cursed under his breath. Now he had to think of a way to subdue them without compromising the girl’s safety. Kirishima, on the other hand, was more reckless. You felt him tense up beside you. In a split second, he was lunging forward. “Hey!” he shouted.
“Red Riot, wait!” you sighed. Your boyfriend, as brave as he was, sometimes was a little too reckless. You closed your eyes and activated your quirk, Stopwatch. Instantly, Kirishima froze mid-stride. In fact, the entire city had stopped moving. Everyone around you had frozen, unblinking. Using the five minutes you had to control time, you grabbed the girl and tied up the rest of the gang. 
As soon as you deactivated your quirk, Kirishima stumbled and fell. “Wha-? Oh,” he realized what happened when he turned around and saw the villains tied up at your feet. 
“Thanks, Krona,” Amajiki said with a small smile. 
“No problem, Suneater,” you replied. “If I didn’t do anyting, Riot over here would’ve done something stupid.”
“Sorry, babe-” Amajiki sent him a pointed look. “- I mean, Krona. That was so manly, though! My girlfriend’s the coolest!” Leave it to Kirishima to leave you flustered instead of ready to scold him. 
“Alright, let’s get this girl to the station. What’s your name, sweetie?” You asked the little girl next to you. She had surprisingly remained silent while the three of you had been talking. As you examined her closely, you noticed she had familiar looking vermilion eyes. The girl simply gaped at you, before bursting into tears. 
“Oh, man...” Suneater mumbled. You weren’t good with dealing with small children and didn’t know what to do. Suddenly, Kirishima moved and picked her up. 
“It’s okay, kiddo! You’re safe now,” he said in a warm voice. “What’s your-”
The girl interrupted him with a wail. “I was so scared, Daddy!”
Your boyfriend awkwardly chuckled. "Kiddo, I think you’re lost. Let’s go find your parents, okay?” 
Amajiki just sighed. “Let’s return to the agency and see what Fatgum can do.”
Once you reached the Fatgum Agency, the girl had calmed down. Amajiki explained what happened and Fatgum decided it’d be best to just ask the girl where she last saw her parents so they could return her to them. She seemed pretty content in Kirishima’s arms and whined when he set her down on the couch in their meeting room. “So what’s your name, kid?” Fatgum asked her once she stopped crying. She narrowed her eyes.
“Uncle, are you okay? I’m Eiko!” she replied. Uncle? What’s with all these familiar names? You thought in your head. I’ve never seen this girl in my life.
“That’s a pretty name!” Kirishima told her. 
“I know!” Eiko exclaimed cheerfully. “It’s really manly!” Everyone in the room froze. The only person who said stuff like that was....
Fatgum ignored the elephant in the room. “What’s your last name?” he asked Eiko. 
“Kirishima!” she exclaimed. At that point, everyone in the room’s jaw dropped. Oh my god. All eyes turned to the man in question.
“Wait, I swear I don’t have a kid! Besides, I’d never cheat on (Y/N)!” your boyfriend shouted to the rest of you. You raised your eyebrows. 
“I believe you, Eijirou, but this kid clearly knows you,” you said to him. Fatgum nodded. Surprisingly, Amajiki decided to cut in. 
“Not to make this weird, but don’t you think this girl looks a lot like (Y/N)? Besides the hair color and eyes, they look really similar,” he mentioned in a quiet voice. 
“Now that you think about it...” Fatgum added. “If you guys ever had a kid, this is exactly what she’d look like!” You turned a bright red. 
“But-!” you squeaked. Of course, you and Kirishima have been dating for a while, but you guys hadn’t even gone to that step yet. Your boyfriend was equally flustered. 
"Of course I look like Mommy! She’s so pretty!” Eiko shouted. 
“How is this possible?” you whispered. 
“Why don’t you tell us how you got here, Eiko?” Fatgum asked the young girl kindly. 
“I was with Uncle Katsu, and he was supposed to get me ice cream!” she exclaimed. “But then Uncle Katsu got mad at Uncle Deku, so he dropped my ice cream! I was really sad, and suddenly I ran into Daddy and Mommy!”
“This doesn’t make any sense at all....” Kirishima mumbled.
“I’ve got it!” Fatgum declared. “Eiko, what year is it?”
“2062!” she replied. “I’m starting kindergarten soon!”
Fatgum turned to the two of you. “I think I know what happened,” he said. “Eiko’s from the future! She seems to have some sort of time-travelling quirk. Since she’s so surprised to be here, I’d guess that this was the first time it manifested. It makes sense considering her age, too.” 
“Oh man,” Kirishima said, overwhelmed with the information. You were still extremely flustered. This means that Kirishima and I - in the future, we’re married? You covered your face in your hands to hide the obvious blush. 
“For now, I’ll have Eiko stay with me, if that’s alright with you,” Fatgum addressed you and Kirishima. 
“But if we’re her parents, shouldn’t she stay with us?” Kirishima protested.
“Eijirou, she doesn’t exist in our reality,” you put a hand on his arm. “We can’t take her to our dorms, either. It’s best for her to stay with Fat for the night so that she doesn’t interact with people we know. It could change the future drastically. Manipulating time is really complicated and even being here right now could erase her existence in our future!” 
Kirishima opened his mouth, but then sighed and nodded. 
“Alright, Fatgum, thank you very much!” he bowed. “Can we still see her tomorrow?”
“Assuming she’s still here, I don’t see why not,” Fatgum replied. “Though, considering (Y/N)’s quirk, Eiko will probably be gone before the end of tonight.”
“Alright then,” you said. “We should get going.” You looked at this girl, Eiko. She really did look like you. It was almost unnerving. 
“Mommy, Daddy, why are you guys leaving?” Eiko’s eyes welled up with tears again. Kirishima knelt down next to her. 
“Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re having a sleepover with Uncle Fat tonight, okay?You’ll see me and Mommy tomorrow morning,” he reassured her. 
“Okay,” Eiko mumbled. She suddenly threw her arms around Kirishima. “Bye-bye, Daddy! I love you!” 
Now Kirishima was blushing. “I - uh- I love you too, Eiko,” he said. He put his hand next to her ear and whispered something to the black-haired girl. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. 
Then, Kirishima stood up and walked back to you. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, Fatgum, Amajiki-senpai!” he grinned. “(Y/N) and I’ll be back after our classes!” 
You nodded. “Bye, Fatgum, bye Amajiki-senpai.” Kirishima put his arm around your waist and the two of you walked towards the exit. Before you walked out the door, you turned your head one last time to look at your daughter. You smiled and waved. “Bye, Eiko!” you called out to her. 
From the couch, you saw Eiko’s eyes light up. Her mouth opened in a huge smile, showing off her shark-like teeth. “Bye, Mommy! I love you!” she shouted.
Once you were back at the dorms, Kirishima suddenly held you tightly against him. “Eijirou, what’s wrong?” you asked him. He nuzzled his face into your neck.
“Nothing,” he whispered. “I just love you so much. And one day we’re going to be married, and have kids, and-” he choked up, his voice shaking with emotion.
“Aw, Eijirou, I love you too!” You held his face in your hands and kissed him softly. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” For a few minutes, the two of you just stood there, by the entrance of the dorms, holding each other tightly. You probably would’ve been there for a while longer, if it weren’t for the sudden interruption from one of your hot-headed classmates.
“Oi, Shitty Hair! You’re in the way!” Bakugou stormed into the dorms with his typical scowl. Kirishima only laughed. 
“Sorry, bro! We’ll go to my room.” 
He held your hand and the two of you went to his dorm. After showering and getting ready to sleep, you and your boyfriend lay down in his bed, cuddling under the blankets. “By the way,” you mumbled sleepily, “What did you tell Eiko before we left?” 
“It’s a secret,” Kirishima replied, spooning your back against his chest. “You’ll find out later, babe.”
Eiko had already gone by the time you guys returned to Fatgum’s agency the next day. You weren’t too upset, though. You knew that in the future, you might see her again. And you knew that your love for Kirishima was strong enough to last a lifetime.
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yami-writes · 4 years
yk those tik toks were parents rate famous tik tokers? y/n is doing this with bakugo, kirishima, todoroki and they show them pics and let them rate & say their first impression but like when y/n show them a pic of charli or dixie the boys start crushing hardly, secretly hoping they make their s/o jealous but it turns out the completle opposite & y/n also crushes on the sisters, bc the reader is a closet bisexual & they basically come out then. fluff & crack pls i hope it's not too messy lmao
I LOVE THISSS GHJHLGUKL and i love writing crack its so fun!!!  these turned out longer than i though whoops
rating Tiktokers w/ Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki
(🏷️) paring(s): Kirishima x reader, Bakugo x reader, Todoroki x reader (⚠️) warning(s): just crack and fluff here (💌) note from Yami:: I don't think I added enough fluff but I hope this is good (just know they accepted your bisexual ass with open arms 😌👏)
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Ok, I know for a fact Kiri knows what tiktok is
But he’s never on there 
Nor does he have an account
So making him rate tiktokers without him knowing who most of them are sounds like a good idea
But anywayssss
You saw the video a while ago and decided now would be fun to do it
The two of you are in his room after training for a few hours 
Yall were just chilling ✨v i b i n g✨
“Hey, Eiji”
“Come! I have something for us to do”
He came and sat beside you on his bed
“Rate these tiktokers from 1 to 10”
“Wait why?”
“Why not?”
“...fair enough! Let's go!”
His enthusiasm is exactly what you wanted
You started with some pretty famous tiktokers 
He surprisingly knew who most of them were 
and gave them pretty high ratings
“What's his name?”
“Oh, that's Chase Hudson”
“I give him a 10”
“That name sounds manly!”
Then you finally get to the big one
Charli & Dixie D'amelio
“What? You gonna call them manly too?”
You watched as YOUR boyfriend’s cheeks became the same color as his hair
“their uh- pretty”
Not what you expected
You just thought you would brush over this one
Like all the other tiktokers
“I rate them a 10”
“Wow! Really? I would rate them a 100.”
He’s so confused
“I love them so much! their tiktoks are so nice! Plus…. there pretty..”
“Oh, I've never told you?”
Stawp ur gonna break him!!!!
“I'm Bi- I guess I never told you… I hope you don't see me-”
“What? No!!! I love you no matter what y/n! You really amazing, and strong, oh, and manly-”
“Ok ok! that's enough! Thanks Eiji”
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Ok you convinced him to get a tiktok acc
Not for any particular reason because you know he’s not gonna post
And the only person he follows is you
But it's not like he uses it regardless
So he doesn't know any tiktokers
Now he’s a victim hehe
You just felt like doing something with him
And this was the first idea that came to mind so-
“Hey, suki!”
“Come rate tiktokers!”
“You know what tiktok is! Just come do it! I'm bored”
“Find something else to do.”  
You just have to bring out the big guns-
“Fine then. I'll go have mido rate them with me.”
“Hah?? What could that shitty nerd do that I can't?? C’mere!”
Before you knew it you were sitting right beside your boyfriend
“So you wanna do it?”
“Let's just get this over with.” he scoffed
You went through a surprising amount of tiktokers
All of which getting low ratings
As in from -100 to 3
As the two of you went on the tiktokers got more famous
Until you reach them
“You rate them a 10???”
You hate how he’s just staring at the photo of them
Not even bothering to glance at you
“Why do you rate them a 10, suki?”
“They're better than the rest of those other extras”
“How are they better?”
“they’re better.”
“Bakugo Katsuki.”
“I love them too! They're so good at dancing! I just wanna- ahhhh”
“You love them?”
“Well, not as much as you, suki haha! But if I didn't love you I would love them…”
Katsuki_bakugo.exe stopped responding
“W-what's that supposed to mean??”
“Yes, I'm Bi.”
That's the only thing that comes out of his mouth for a while, which worries you
“I- I hope you don't think it's-”
“Hah?? No! I don't care! As long as you love me more than those shitty women.”
“It's not like I'm wrong.”
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You introduced him to tiktok
But never told him to get an acc
He actually made it himself
Baby thinks it's interesting
So he’s fairly aware of the tiktokers on the platform
But anywayssss
The two of you were in your room
He was studying 
smart boi 
While you were, of course, scrolling through TikTok
“Hey shou! I have something for us to do!”
“Im studying”
“But you're already top in class! No need to study so much”
“Just a few more minut-”
“ you have been studying for 3 whole hours, shouto.”
“Hm….. 2 more minutes?”
You didn't bother to try and reason with him
Instead, you took advantage of the fact that he's weak to your touch
You dragged him on your bed
And you swear you him go
“Oh, ok”
You didn't hesitate to start showing him the tiktokers and expecting him to answer
“Sorry love, but what are we doing?”
“Rate the tiktokers from 1-10”
“oh, Okay”
He didn't rate anyone too high
But then again his ratings weren't low
“Okay, how about this one?”
As you pointed to a picture of Charli and Dixie
Which you debated putting as you lock screen
“Oh, I like them, I give them a 10”
“a 10?”
He honestly didn't know if something was wrong with his rating
Like~ poor boy was doing what you told him to do
“Wait I'm sorry, did I do something wrong-”
“I'm disappointed, shou”
“I thought you knew better than this.”
He’s so confused 
He just rated them like he did with every other tiktoker
“They deserve 100, not 10.”
“Look at them, shou! You've seen their tiktoks!”
“Uh.. yea I have. Is there a point, y/n??”
“I'm just saying they deserve more than a 10. Their content is so good! Plus they're so pretty!”
a long period of silence
yet you could practically hear cogs turning in his head
“...is this what they call being bi?”
“I see you've been watching a lot of tiktok... But yes, i hope you don't mind”
“Why would I?? Am I supposed to? Is that bad? You know I'd love you regardless.”
Not where you thought that was heading but that's fine
“I- nevermind, let's just keep rating, yeah?”
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