#this is NOT slander i love him
i feel bad for jay sharing a hotel room with tim i just know his ass snores loud as hell
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kochei0 · 3 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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pinkgibbon · 2 months
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anton chigurh goes to stardew valley
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You're version of Elizabeth is really sassy lol
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At the end of the day, she’s still Michael’s little sister
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bittervalentine · 1 year
i think something i havent really seen examined in the way john and karkat mirror eachother is that karkat is someone who is both incredibly rude and abrasive but also he deeply and truly cares about basically everything and everyone all the time, whereas john is generally nice and fun to be around, but has a hard time really caring about anything that's happening around him. on some level we know he does care, but when it comes down it in both of their doomed game timelines, karkat is panicking and sobbing over his lost friends and frantically trying to fix things, while john is apathetically wandering around watching the world disintegrate around him. if karkat had seen terezi die the way john did, it probably would have haunted him for the rest of his life. and john just rolls his eyes and makes sure to remind terezi's corpse how fucking weird she was
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an-illegal-gay · 2 months
why aren't more people talking about ron fucking weasley and how AMAZING this boy is
this is the same guy who was so friendly to a complete stranger on a train said stranger decided to adopt him as his golden retriever bestie
this is the same guy who got into a fist fight at a quidditch match with fucking malfoy because neville got insulted
this is the same guy who was ready to sacrifice himself to a chess board so his friends could escape
this is the same guy who went to rescue his best friend from an abusive household in the middle of the night in his dad's illegally magicked flying car because he was WORRIED
this is the same guy who was ready to defend hermione's honor from a slur, barfed up slugs as a consequence, and had no fucking regrets
this is the same guy who was terrified of spiders but faced them anyway to get a chance to save his unconscious bestie in a coma
this is the same guy who was ready to fight tooth and nail for the people he loved at anytime
and i'm not even halfway through the series with this
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triptuckers · 6 months
heyy i just read your headcanons for percy x child of zeus and it was so good!! i was wondering if you can write headcanons percy x child of hades??
omg I was literally on a rant today about how hades is one of the most decent gods out of all of them I love him YES I can do that !!
I feel like people would be even more hesitant and afraid of a child of hades than a child of zeus
because, you know, he's god of the dead and all that
you have to constantly remind people that he's god of the dead and not death
"no that's thanatos you don't want to cross paths with him he's not very fond of demi-gods, but hades is a pretty reasonable guy actually"
but there have been so many stories about hades people don't really believe he's not that bad
so at some point you stop talking to people about him
or at all
you pretty much keep to yourself
it's nice given that you have the cabin mostly to yourself
(nico isn't at camp that often)
but it can also be lonely
percy noticed it one day when you were having breakfast by yourself at the hades table, not talking to anyone
so he got up from his own table and joined you for breakfast
(dionysus did not approve but percy doesn't care lol)
and after that you always have breakfast together
and lunch
and dinner
percy is very sweet to you and makes sure everyone always includes you
during capture the flag one day you pulled some pretty cool moves which earned you the other team's flag
that's when people really started to see you as just another camper
they talked more with you and helped you with developing new skills
the apollo kids taught you archery (even though you aren't that good at it)
you played strategic games with the athena kids to develop "critical thinking skills" as annabeth called it
whenever you were doing something with one of the cabins percy was always around
he was secretly a bit proud to finally see you interact with the other campers
and he would still eat most of the meals with you at your table
sometimes nico joined you as well if he was at camp
if nico was there he was most likely to be joined by will
which then attracted some of the other apollo kids
it usually ended with a bunch of different campers sitting at your table
you always sat next to percy
you liked spending time with percy outside of the meals as well
the two of you often stayed at your cabin or percy's
or you'd watch percy in the lake
you team up during capture the flag (and always win when you do)
during campfire nights you always sit next to each other
percy loves it when you lean against him if you're tired
even though you're tired you'd stay there after most of the others had gone to bed already
it reminds you of the time no one really talked to you and percy was the first person to share a meal with you :')
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tyudeongi · 4 months
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berrimoone · 3 months
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Kansas Darling 🫰✨
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luchaaa · 1 year
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I am totally in love with @amiharana‘s revalink flowershop/tattoo artist au and.. needed to indulge in thebrainworms a little bit :3
this au is everything I could want and more 
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emimii · 2 months
shitposty thing bcuz its all i had energy for today
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luriuan · 6 months
Imagine being Percy In last Olympian.
His partner in crime gets blown up and he lives but other guy doesn’t.
He finds out he’s destined to die painfully (or he thinks he is).
One of his closest friends calls him a coward
He trust some kid and then he gets turned into hades (hades. The same guy who sent a fury or all THREE after him and kidnapped his mother to use as a bargaining chip when he was twelve.) and then hes locked in a cell. He gets panicked and attacks the kid. (And also take care of him later and keep him out of danger.)
He gets forced to become a war general and leader at the rotting old age of 15, almost sixteen.
His best friend/crush gets stabbed for him and he blames himself.
There’s a traitor.
The traitor dies infront of him, the gf of the guy who died before.
He has to fight a war for the three days leading up to his birthday.
He has to fight Kronos.
He has to watch as the first person to truly welcome him to camp stabs himself and dies infront of him just mere seconds after he turns sixteen.
Sweet sixteen I guess.
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thefrogdalorian · 4 months
I rewatched Guns For Hire tonight and I forgot how funny the droid chase on Plazir-15 is.
These poor people are just enjoying their meals in a fancy restaurant and suddenly a Mandalorian in the middle of an intense chase sprints in...
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(I love the way Din holds out his hand apologetically to them... in a world of boys he's a gentleman.)
Then said Mandalorian launches himself through a window to catch the droid...
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No hesitation, just straight away launches himself through a window.
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(And slides along on the floor in a thrilling sequel to #weeeeeeee)
I love knowing that throughout the galaxy there are probably so many people with anecdotes about this one shiny Mandalorian who arrives on planets, causes a ruckus and then leaves without elaborating. Din is truly insane and a nuisance [affectionate] and his hatred for droids is probably infamous at this point.
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Okay, I am a Wilhelm-defender to the end of my days. I love him to pieces, I understand why he is the way he is, I think he’s doing pretty well for being raised the way he was while acknowledging that he has a lot of room for growth, whatever—but that tent scene. I know we’ve all talked about how buck-wild him shushing Simon is, but what really gets me is him throwing the settlement August from money back in Simon’s face.
Like, for one, that is so fundamentally different from Wille’s incomparable amounts of generational wealth. That is a settlement for a crime in which Simon (and Wille, obviously) was a victim. In a rigged system, it’s the closest Simon is going to get to justice. And Wilhelm knows how much Simon grappled with accepting it, how much distaste he had for that, and that’s not even touching on Linda’s very clear and blatant feelings. He knows that it was a concession on Simon’s part, and that accepting it, instead of pursuing legitimate justice, went against Simon’s sense of integrity. And I get why Wille was defensive—even if I agree with Simon that comparing his Crown Prince lessons to the jobs Rosh, Ayub, and Simon had to work to stay afloat was tone deaf, I understand he had no malice and was just trying to relate, and why he’d be hurt that it seems like his attempts to do that upset Simon. But man, I literally gasped when he brought up the settlement money.
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dollypopup · 10 days
Eloise is a kinder woman than I am because if I found out my ex-bestie was sleeping with my brother and planned to marry him without telling him about her literal secret persona currently being pursued by the Queen of England I'd be telling her it's pistols at dawn
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girl-named-matty · 3 months
Sebastian: You think that's cringe? Parent's wait nine months just to end up calling their kid Leander. Leander: HEY!!!
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