#this is Super late and it's all because of the second panel that took forever through the power of Small Tweaks orz
mirrorbent · 1 year
Mirrorbent Update!
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In this two-page (!) update, we see the other guys' reactions to Virian's plan: gloating for the planner herself, cautious calm for Rethen, and for Piolet... mixed feelings, and something else yet unseen.
One more year of Mirrorbent! Next update should come out on its Arc Number Day (9-1), though I'd like to update at least once more on 2022....
Read it here [EN – ESP], or start from the beginning! [EN – ESP]
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cherryobx · 3 years
Environmentalists//Kiara Carrera x reader
summary: You are an environmentalist who moves to the Outer Banks. When Kiara hears about you, she knows she has to meet you.
warnings: language (1 word lol), fluff, kissing ig
WC: 1,7k
(not my gif, creds to the owner!!!)
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You had been planning on moving for a while now. You wanted a quieter life away from big cities and cars honking every two seconds. You hated it. You absolutely hated it. You had known since you were a little girl that this wasn't the life for you.
You were luckily quite wealthy and you had enough money to start a new life somewhere else. When you talked to your parents about moving, they were very supportive of the idea. You told them about where you wanted to move and that you wanted to build your own house there. You had enough money so why not.
So, you quit your job in the city, packed most of your belongings with you and moved to the Outer Banks. Kildare to be specific. The decision to move there wasn’t hard. You had visited the place a few years back and you fell in love with it. It was the most beautiful place to you in the whole world.
When you first arrived there you checked out the property you had bought. The work there had already begun and the fundamentals of the house were already there. It was a good idea to start the process of building before you had even arrived. Your dad had helped you hire a group of people who knew what they were doing but you wanted to hire a few locals as well.
The one thing you decided on was that you wanted to stay on your property while it was being built. So, you rented yourself a caravan to live in.
When JJ and John B saw that there was a really good job opportunity, they decided to take it. The place they needed to work at wasn’t even far away from the chateau so it was the perfect job for them.
“Hey! You’re JJ and John B, right?” you asked the two boys who were walking up to you. They both gave you a confirming nod.
“Yay, I remembered your names,” you giggled. “So the guys are already working over there,” you pointed towards them, “so go over there and ask them what you have to do. And if you want to drink some water or eat some snacks, I set up a table for you all as well. If you have any questions I’ll be in that caravan.”
John B and JJ gave each other a look. It was their first day, they hadn’t even done anything yet, but you were being so unbelievably nice to them. It was something new for them since their other bosses in the past had treated them like shit.
A few months passed and the house was coming together. You had some finishing touches you still needed though. Like solar panels.
You were an environmentalist and doing everything in your power to change the world for the better. But it was hard because humanity had already done so much damage that it was really hard to make anything happen. However, you really tried. Change happens with one person at a time - a sentence you liked to live by.
“Yes, just put them over there for now. We’ll deal with them on Monday. It’s too late anyways. Go home, get some sleep.” You stood by and gave orders as the builders carried the panels one by one. Once they were finished, everyone went home.
“How does she have that much money though? That’s my question,” JJ said, opening the fridge and taking out two bottles of beer, offering one to his friend.
“Her parents are probably rich.” John B shrugged as he took the beer from JJ and popped the cap off.
“Yeah, but like solar panels?”
“What solar panels?” Kie asked as she walked into the kitchen. It was Friday night. That’s when they got together with the pogues to just drink and hang out. Pope was on his way as well.
She hopped onto one of the counters, very interested in the answer that was about to come. “You know that girl who moved here a few months back, our boss?”
“You mean the one who’s building her own house?”
“Yeah, her. She bought solar panels and they arrived today. We’re setting them up on Monday.” Suddenly Kie became very fascinated by her friends’ boss.
“What is she like?” she asked.
“Really nice. The best boss ever, for sure,” JJ said, taking a swig from his bottle.
John B continued. “Umm she’s a few years older than us. Sometimes she sits close where we are, watches us work and just talks to us. She’s an environmentalist, so the house we’re building is really energy efficient. And yes, she’s the best boss. She pays us generously and we get the right amount of breaks. She even gets us snacks and water. I don’t really know, that’s about it.”
“She sounds really cool. Can I come with you on Monday?” Kie asked, a hopeful look on her face. As soon as John B said that you were an environmentalist she knew she had to meet you. There weren’t many girls like you on the island. Plus, you seemed to be super awesome. She could use someone like you in her life.
“Uhh I don’t know.” John B looked at JJ and he looked back at him smirking. “Kie, you haven’t even met her and you’re already crushing on her.”
Kie rolled her eyes. “Ugh, shut up. Can I come or not?”
They agreed, so on Monday Kiara walked to work with them. She was nervous to say the least. JJ had been right. She hadn’t even seen or met you but she was already hooked. She had fixed her hair at least 10 times before getting there.
“Calm down, Kie,” JJ chuckled, patting Kie on the back.
Then she saw you and she swore her heart stopped beating for a second. You were nothing like she had imagined. You were even more beautiful. She loved the way your hair was moving in the light morning breeze or how you smiled and gestured with your hands as you were talking to your employees. It was like your smile was brighter than the sun. She was so invested in watching you, she almost tripped.
To her luck, JJ caught her just in time. “Relax, Romeo.”
As they walked closer, you finally noticed them coming towards you. You were a bit confused, seeing a girl with them. You smiled and waved at them. They waved back.
“Good morning, John B and JJ!”
“Good morning!” The boys said in unison, making you laugh.
“And who are you?” you turned to Kiara with a warm simile. “I’m Kiara,” she introduced herself, offering you a hand to shake which you did.
“I’m Y/N.” Kiara smiled as she repeated your name under her breath.
“Well, we better go...you know...do some work and stuff.” JJ and John B ran off as you and Kiara stayed back.
“So, what brings you here today?” you asked.
“Umm, I’m friends with John B and JJ and they told me a little about you. They told me that you are an environmentalist?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Me too! When they told me about you I knew I had to meet you. There aren’t many activists around here so…”
“They told you about me?”
“Yeah. I heard them talking about some solar panels and then it led to the conversation about you. They told me great things about you.”
You and Kiara talked for almost an hour before she asked if you’d been to her parents' restaurant. You told her that you hadn’t.
“Well, I can take you there if you’d like to.” She was really hoping that you want to.
“Sure, I haven’t had breakfast yet anyway.”
You grabbed your bike and told Kie to sit on the rack of your bicycle. You didn’t have a car and the reason was simple. You didn’t need one. Why buy a car and waste money on gas (which is harmful to the environment) when you could just use your bicycle to get around. The island wasn’t that huge.
Kie was hesitant at first but you told her that you’d get there quicker. Then she finally agreed to get on the bike. “Wrap your arms around me.” Kie’s heart started beating faster as she did so. You were so close to each other now.
You two rode to the Wreck in about 20 minutes. The silence was comfortable around you two. It was like you’d known each other for years. In reality, it’d been an hour. Well, that’s probably what it was like to meet someone you’re so similar to, someone you connect with.
After eating, Kie took you to her favourite places on the island. You two spent the entire day together. You really liked her. She had this specific energy that matched yours. You felt like you had found the one.
The day ended with you two sitting on the edge of a dock, watching the sunset. You leaned closer to Kie and rested your head on her shoulder. It was a beautiful moment. A one you were sure you’d cherish forever.
Kie smiled. She was happy. Like really happy. She hadn’t felt like this in a while. She liked you as well and really hoped that the feelings were mutual. It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing to find a person you liked like this. She had known you for only a day but she could imagine a future with you.
So when you rose your head to look at Kie, she shot her shot.
She pressed her lips against yours and gave you a short and sweet kiss that left her wanting more now once she’d tasted your lips.
When she pulled away, you had a shocked expression on your face. You weren’t expecting that. But you liked the butterflies it gave you.
“Oh shit! I’m so sorry. I thought-”
You shut her up by kissing her again, but this time deeper. The butterflies in your belly flew at a rapid speed as your lips moved against each other. She placed her hand on your cheek to pull you in even closer.
The kiss ended when you ran out of air and needed a breath. Your foreheads rested against each other as you were catching your breath.
This felt right. All of it. You couldn’t wait for what destiny had planned for you two.
taglist: @www-imbored-com @delightfullynlove @tomhardybby @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @ilovejjmaybank @allycat449-blog @teenwaywardasgardian @copper-boom @canibeoneofthepogues @ifilwtmfc @bedazzledbanks @jeyramarie @themaddies-obx @pink-meringues @freddymaybank @moniamaybank​ @outerbankspreferences​ @j-j-may-bank @drewstarkeysbitchh
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Etsy Store Here l Ko-Fi l Commission Info I Instagram I Zine
A/N: Looking for a beta reader for a personal writing piece, let me know if you feel like you're a pretty good editor! Also this has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 months, and IDK maybe I'll do more of them since it's kinda fun.
* Omg this freak is so stupid into the fact that you literally create universes with those godly hands
* I’m not kidding, I think a good 80% of his initial attraction to you was because you’re writing will literally make you immortal
* “You’re going to live forever,” Satoru says slightly breathless as he holds one of your print publications in his hand
* You’re just like ‘wtf’ so he explains-
* “You die twice, once when your body can no longer sustain itself, and the second the last time someone says your name.”
* Ah, so he thinks you’ll live forever in the sense that someone will always reference your work
* “That’s not exactly true though, one day the sun will swallow the earth whole, turning everything we love to dust”
* Satoru thinks you sound just like a writer when you say stuff like that
* “Well, unless we find another planet and have a database there or something”
* Satoru googles ‘how to buy a planet’ and ‘how much would it cost to set up a database in space’
* He’s got no respect for your craft- and by that I mean if you’ve got a deadline you’re trying to meet for a submission period or for your editor whatever, he’s just got no respect for it
* Queue Gojo shenanigans where he’ll hide all the pens in the house, or hide your laptop or something just so he can see you all flustered and panicked
* “I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS I ONLY HAVE 12 HOURS TO GET THIS IN!!” You shriek running from one end of your home to the other looking desperately for your laptop charger
* It’s too late in the game to order another one, and you don’t trust leaving Gojo alone in this house
* More than once you’ve left the house to replace whatever Satoru stole only to return to see even more of your things were gone now
* One time he rearranged all the furniture
* “It’s up there,” Gojo says grinning, and you look up to the ceiling fan to see your laptop charger idly hanging off one of the panels
* “I’ll get it down for you if you give me a kiss,” he says cheekily
* There’s sort of a method to the madness
* Part of it is yeah, Gojo loves to laugh, and nothings funnier than you when you’re flustered
* But part of it is you’ve been hunched over your laptop for days now, and you’re starting to be mean to yourself because you’re frustrated
* You need a break
* One he’s more than happy to offer
* And a teeny tiny portion is because he’s lonely
* Whenever you get sucked into a project it’s like you forget about him completely
* So he just wants to remind you he’s here
* And that he loves you
* You sigh, giving him a quick peck, and with a wave of his hand he brings the charger down
* “I expect a better reward when you’re done with your story”
* I think Gojo is probably a pretty big fan of your work
* In fact he’s probably your #1 fan
* But he’s super low-key about it.
* Buys all your publications on pre-order (never in large amounts so you don’t notice)
* If you’ve got into a bigger journal/magazine, or have a book at a bookstore will buy a copy every time he passes by one and see’s it
* He keeps one copy of each work on his bookshelf in the living room
* And then stores the rest/extra copies in a velvet storage box in a temperature-controlled area
* He also has another set that he notoriously marks up with notes/annotations
* “This part sounds like the time I brought them food and took them on a spontaneous date” he’ll say, scribbling furiously into the margin
* Gojo see’s your writing as an extension of you- of your soul
* So he does his best to try and figure out where you get inspiration from
* He’s especially delighted if he notices something he did, inspired something you wrote -
* “Ah the villain hid the hero’s laptop charger so they couldn’t turn in their assignment on top,” he says with a sigh
* - Even if it’s not always positive
* Honestly he plays it so cool you think he doesn’t really think anything of your profession until you come over to his place for the first time and see all your works in a neat line on his shelf
* And even then you think he’s just supporting you because he loves you, after all, they’re all in great condition, he probably hasn’t even opened them.
* And then a little further into the relationship, probably when you move in together or something
* You find all those marked-up copies
* Gojo Satoru has never been redder
* You’re genuinely concerned he might combust
* He’s acting like you just found his porn stash or something
* You wait for a few minutes for him to stammer out an excuse or something
* But when he can’t seem to form any words after several minutes you sigh and close the box
* “I didn’t see anything”
* He just nods
* You start giving him copies of your work yourself now that you know he’s so interested
* “O-oh no it’s fine-“
* It’s actually one of the rare times you see Satoru flustered
* “It’s fine, I insist, I’ve got too many contributor copies anyway”
* He takes them in his hand blushing
* He would show up to all of your readings or signing events -
* Disguised Ofc
* “Hey you should be careful, that guy looks super sketchy-“
* You look to where your manager is pointing, to a tall lanky guy wearing a black hair wig, and these tacky thick-rimmed pink glasses and you sigh
* “No need to worry, that’s just my moronic boyfriend”
* “You don’t have to show up in disguise you know”
* “Well what was I supposed to do? You didn’t invite me” he’s doing that thing where he gets all shy, a blush on his face and his fingers tugging a strand of hair
* You sigh
* The dork is oddly lovable
* “Well, from now on you’ve got an open invitation to all my events”
* He smiles so bright you would think you just offered to blow him in the middle of the bookstore
* He’s got his shortcomings
* But you couldn’t have asked for a more supportive boyfriend
* “Kiss me and maybe I’ll tell you where they’re at”
* Or a better muse
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olivia200312 · 3 years
Stressed Leader~ RID2015! Optimus x Human! Reader (Lemon) (1/2)
Plot: Optimus arrives back at the base after a big fire rescue mission. He's stressed out due to a lot of work that Y/N decided to relax him~ ;)
This is a lemon! Believe it or not, I came across LITERALLY an NSFW comic of Charbee (Bee x Charlie) of YoukaiYume. I'm not lying! If you want to see the small comic, go to Twitter and look for YoukaiYume. I'm following her since she's an amazing artist! Now, I'm not gonna show the comic since I might get complaints so go to Twitter. After I saw it, I got an inspiration (I'm 17, so keep that in mind). I will change the one-shot here a tiny bit. Enjoy!
Head area:
Brain: Processor / Brain Module
Head: Helm
Face: Face plate
Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials
Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor
Eye brow: Optical Ridge
Eyes: Optics
Mouth: Intake
Lips: Dermas
Teeth: Denta/Dentas
Tongue: Glossa
Chest area:
Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity
Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula
Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour:
Chest plate
Back plate
Mid-section plating
Neck guard
Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus
Forearms: Bitarlueus
Hands: Servos
Fingers: Digits
Arm armour:
Shoulder pads
Arm guard
Lower area:
Pelvis: Pelvis
Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate
Thighs: Tibulen
Calves: Cadulen
Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour:
Skirt plates
Aft plate / Skid plate
Thigh guard
Ankle guard
General/Internal components:
Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question.
Veins: Fual lines
Stomach: Tanks
Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating.
Heart: Spark
Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark
T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Today was a stressful day for Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots. He apparently got a report that there was a big fire very close to the scrapyard! Optimus got PANICKED. Like, really panicked! His wife, Y/N Prime, was at the scrapyard together with Russel and Denzel! Russel is a small boy while his dad is Denzel. They're good friends with the bots and Y/N. 
Y/N was a young beautiful woman that was married to a mighty handsome leader. They've been together for YEARS! They met each other in Jasper Nevada. The team was known as Team Prime at the time. Very good old times... sometimes sad, depressing, and anger. But mostly were good! The leader and the human fell in love with each other immediately. It was like love at first sight. Romantic, right? 
Now, Optimus doesn't know yet that Y/N, Denzel, and Russel were brought to safety in time. Denzel decided to keep an eye on the bots and wait for their return to tell the news. Russel is a very deep sleep in a bedroom while Y/N took a shower and washed her body. Her hair was 100% fine, so no worries. She wore a loose F/C shirt and... sexy lace panties from Victoria's Secret. The panties were dark blue and red, matching Optimus' colors of his plates (or armor). She decided to wear like why not? But also to secretly tease her husband... 
You may be wondering where they all were now during this whole fire incident? They're at the secret base. No, not from TFP but the base was also kinda like a big massive house! It had to be big because the bots can turn small. Correction: they're close to normal human's height. But they're a tiny bit taller. Surprise, right? But there was also a garage so they can easily get in. A military garage. Y/N and Optimus shared a big bedroom. It also meant that their bed was big too! Y/N was right now sleeping on it, covers not over her.
Optimus transformed along with Bumblebee and his team. He turned towards them. "You all did a good job, today. The Rescue Bots will take care of the problem."
"So, that's all for today?" Sideswipe asked.
"Yes, that's all for today," Bumblebee answered his teammate.
Optimus was about to respond until Denzel opened the door fast with a cup of hot coffee in his hand. "You guys are alright!"
"Are you all alright? Where's Y/N?" Optimus asked worriedly.
"We all are alright. Your wife is sleeping," Denzel said with a smile.
Optimus nodded. He calmed down since his wife was alright. But he's very stressed. He turned to face his team. "I wish you all a good recharge." He immediately walked off. 
"I bet that Optimus was eager to see his wife," Sideswipe smirked.
"I think so too,"  Strongarm said with a smile.
Bumblebee only shook his helm with a smile while rolling his optics. "As Optimus said, get some recharge."
In the bedroom~
Y/N was peacefully sleeping since she's exhausted due to the fire incident. When the Autobots got informed, they immediately contacted the Rescue Bots too and explained everything. Heatwave (he's my favorite bot of the Rescue Bots Academy show) and others arrived fast as they could. They took care of the fire while the Autobots went to find out how the fire started. It was a beautiful day, but it was not a very hot day! The Autobots found the answer fast how it happened. The Decepticons. Apparently, they were trying to kill Y/N, Russel, and Denzel! Let me tell you, Optimus was SUPER mad! Not only him but others too! But the Prime didn't want to lose his wife! Once the Autobots caught some Decepticons, Optimus ripped their sparks out. Man, the whole team didn't saw him THAT mad!
Optimus turned himself small and entered the bedroom quietly. He smiled softly once he saw his wife sleeping peacefully. But he then looks at her body. Her curvy, sexy body. He felt himself getting hard behind the panel cover. He especially has now lust in his optics once he saw the lace panties that matched his colors. He's stressed and he needs to relax.
"Mmmm..." Y/N moaned softly as she felt Optimus gently rubbing her head that moved to her hip, slightly under her loose shirt.
"Hey, sweetspark," Optimus said softly, yet stressed.
Y/N could hear it in his voicebox how stressed he was. She looks over her shoulder and met his gentle yet lust optics. She knew what he wanted. But she decided to play first by teasing him. "You're late, handsome."
He then nuzzled his helm in the crook of her warm, soft neck while his servo was rubbing her hip, seductively. "I apologize, my love."
She then moved so that she was laying on her back with Optimus on top of her. His servo was still on her hip. "You can make it up to me by taking me, Prime. I know that you're stressed.~" She smirked.
Optimus smirked back while his servo went under her panties to rub her clit, causing Y/N to jolt and moan. "A-Ah, Opti- Hphm.~" She got kissed deeply by her lovely handsome husband.
Slowly, her clothes came off so that she's fully naked under Optimus. He couldn't hold it back anymore that his spike broke free. He and Y/N parted from the kiss panting as Y/N gently pushed his spike towards her entrance. "Take me.~"
Optimus smirked.
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"Gladly." He then slammed into her, causing her to scream in pleasure as the Prime grunted.
"Y-You're so big and hard!" Y/N moaned.
"You're so slagging wet and tight.~" Optimus grunted and moaned as well. "I want to stay forever inside of you, my dear.~"
Y/N moaned as she enjoyed every second of him, her husband slamming into her each time. He hit her G-spot each time that she saw stars and she even had hearts formed in her eyes! Optimus saw that he chuckled while smirking. His stress was slowly washing away as he's enjoying this sex each second.
"My dear, y-you're so tight!"
"I-I'm cumming!"
Y/N moaned loudly as she came together with her lover. His transfluid was warm and sticky that she sighed in bliss. Optimus buried his helm into her neck again and he stayed inside of her for a minute. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck while stroking the back of his helm. When Optimus pulled out, he gently laid his body on top of Y/N, snuggling into her warm soft body. They fell asleep together.
    Enjoy this smut! Since Christmas is coming, I hope that everyone had a wonderful life and were good :). I'll start tomorrow on the Christmas one-shot here and a chapter in My Mates. 
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"Lights Up" part I
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent!Reader
Warnings: And there was only one bed!!
Peter must deal with the aftermath of what Mysterio did, but he's not alone: Nick Fury and Pepper Stark have a plan, one that includes you, Peter and the tropical desert island of Eroda.
Series Masterlist
His lungs were on fire, his legs burning with the strain, he didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to go on. The sharp pain piercing his side was disconcerting, he used to be familiar with it, he remembered as much, but he hadn't felt it in years, not since the spider bite. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time he had gotten so much as winded just from running, but he had been at it for hours now, ever since he had ditched MJ and his suit in that dingy alley in hopes of Peter Parker being a little more inconspicuous than Spider-Man. 
But by then, everyone in the city knew his face, and in the age of the internet and smartphones all it took was one single snap, one tweet, one livestream, to find himself surrounded by an angry mob, screaming for his blood, like something out of an old horror movie. All they were missing were the pitchforks and torches. There was nowhere to hide. 
So he ran. 
And he kept on running, but even he couldn't run forever. At least not without eating anything, the calorie deficiency starting to take a toll on his super-metabolism, causing him to become dizzy, his reflexes slower. 
That was probably why he didn't realize his mistake until it was too late, until he reached the intersection and found himself surrounded: He had been ambushed, led like a lamb to the slaughter. He came to a halt, turning around, looking in vain for a way out, but the circle they had arranged around him was a tight formation, he was either going to have to fight his way out or shoot a web and swing away and he could kiss goodbye any chance left at keeping his identity secret after that…
"Looks like we caught ourselves a spider, guys!"
"Not so brave now, eh boy?"
Peter cursed internally. There was no other way, falling into stance, he braced himself for the fight. But before he could make a move, he saw it. A car, a rather distinctive one, heading straight their way, and it wasn't slowing down. If anything, it seemed to speed up the closer it got to the crowd, forcing people -including Peter- to jump out of the way to avoid being run over. 
"Get in!" 
He didn't need to be told twice, jumping into the passenger seat, the car speeding away before he even got to close the door completely. You stole a glance at him. He looked tired, maybe a little pale, but uninjured. You sighed in relief. He was there, you had gotten to him on time. He was safe.
Safe and openly gawking at you.
"Y- y/n?" 
You flinched,
"Yeah, not my real name" You took your eyes off the road to give him an apologetic look, "Sorry 'bout that"
"Then who are you?" His voice was steel. So much for being grateful for saving his ass, then…
"I'm agent 16 of S.H.I.E.L.D's Special Service. I was assigned to protect you" You threw him a side-glance, "and a little 'thank you' would be nice"
Well, that explained the uniform and you driving Item 20-25. God, he was so stupid! Of course you were a spy, why else would a girl like you even give him the time of day? The pretty girls at his school weren't nice, not to him at least. But now it all made sense, down to the very first time he saw you, beaming at him as Mr. Warren pointed at the empty seat beside him. All the times your hands brushed in class, fingers lingering on test tubes and books a couple of seconds longer than necessary. All those little touches, all the secret looks when you thought he wasn't watching, it was probably all part of your mission. Probably just to get close to him, to gain his trust. After all, you had demonstrated you weren't truly interested in him when you turned down his invitation to prom. 
He had cried afterwards. Not much, not like at Ben's funeral, or when Mister Stark… No, definitely not like that, but he had shed a couple of tears that night. 
He had lost sleep and appetite over you. Lost hours daydreaming about you, about the fruity smell of your hair, wondering what your strawberry lipstick would taste like. But the truth was, after all this time, after all that staring, all that pinning he didn't know anything about you, did he? Not even...
"Can you tell me your real name?"
"You don't have the clearance for that"
You replied, turning to face him. And maybe he ought to fasten that seat belt after all, or shut up and stop distracting you from the road, cause you were still going too damn fast and breaking all traffic laws known to mankind. Mr Dell's shocked, appalled face after your driving test flashed through his mind.
"Spider-Man has a level 6 clearance" he protested.
"You need a level 9. At least." 
"I thought 9 was the highest level" Gods, his frown was adorable.
You just smirked and made another turn, driving through an entrance and a ramp that hadn't been there a second ago. 
"We're here" You announced, killing the engine. Peter didn't move.
"Where exactly is 'here'?"
"S.H.I.E.L.D's Manhattan headquarters"
You got out of the car, rounding to his side and pulling his door open, then closing it once he had gotten out. The gentleman in him protested it should be the other way around, he should be the one opening doors for you and helping you out of cars. It was absurd, of course. There, with you in that black catsuit, thigh holsters on both your legs, walking like you owned the place there was no mistaking it: You weren't y/n, his school crush; you were a highly trained special agent, escorting him through the premises.
… Pretty familiar premises, actually. 
"Avengers Tower? S.H.I.E.L.D bought Avengers Tower?"
"It was a donation, actually" you explained as the elevator's doors opened to the Stark Memorial Garden, an open garden as majestic as it was massive, located right in the heart of the building.
"A donation? But wh-"
"Peter! Oh thank god!" A relieved voice and the clicking of hills on the stone path interrupted him.
"Mrs. Stark?" Peter let himself be crushed into Pepper's chest, closing his eyes, the tears he hadn't known he was holding back starting to fall as soon as he felt safe in her embrace.  
If Tony Stark had been like a father to him, Pepper Potts-Stark was a mother trough and trough. She had tried to step into her husband's role of a mentor for Peter, knowing fully well she couldn't ever replace him or occupy his place; but she would be damned if she allowed that giant Tony shaped hole on that boy's life to go unattended, to bleed out or fester. The kid had already lost so much, almost every parent figure he had ever had. And she knew what that kind of loss could do to precocious boys with too big hearts, had seen it first hand with Tony. 
"Mrs. Stark I'm so- I'm so sorry"
"Shhh" She said soothingly, "It's not your fault. You're going to be ok, I promise. We'll figure it out" Pepper sounded like she was trying to convince herself as much as him. 
"Pete! Six!" 
Peter broke the hug just in time to see a little dark haired meteor jump into your arms. He watched, stunned, as Morgan clung to you. He knew once upon a time she had been an outgoing, confident child but ever since her father's death she had grown timid. She didn't open up easily to strangers, Peter being a rare exception, and even that had been solely because of the stories Tony used to tell her about her 'super big brother' adventures. She had developed a sort of hero worship for Peter that only rivaled the one she felt for her father. For her to be so friendly towards you had to mean you had spent a considerable amount of time together, and Peter remembered the tales you used to tell in class about the adorable little girl you babysat sometimes. 
"You did it! You found him!"
You smiled at her.
"Told you I would, Morgs. And I always keep my word" He watched you squeeze her again in your arms, he could tell you cared about the kid, probably even missed her while you and him were in Europe. But the sweet reunion was short lived, as soon another voice, more stern, resonated through the garden.
"In our line of work, I'm not sure that can be considered a good thing"
You gasped in mock trepidation, making Morgan giggle and Peter smile despite himself.
"Uh-oh! We've been caught!" You passed the still laughing kid to Peter and stood straighter, trying to sober up. Peter could see the corners of your mouth twitch as you greeted, "Director" 
He gave you a nod,
"Agent. Parker, Mrs. Stark. Good, now that everybody's here, we can get a move on"
Without waiting for a reply, Nicholas Fury started walking again, leaving everyone to scramble to follow.
"I know this seems like the end of the world, Mr. Parker, and I'll admit the situation isn't ideal," the intimidating man punched a code into a hidden panel and another elevator opened. "but our main priority right now is your safety. We'll treat this like any other blown cover, following the same protocols we follow when any of our agent's identity is compromised: Immediate extraction and relocation of the agent into a safe house, with an armed escort for protection, of course" He explained as everybody climbed in.
"You're sending me away with a bodyguard?" Peter sounded less than pleased and you couldn't help the pang of sympathy. You didn't like to be pulled off the field either.
"I understand how that could be uncomfortable for you," it didn't sound like he particularly cared, though, "so perhaps it would be less unpleasant with an element you're already familiar with. Agent 16 here is going to be your companion"
"What does that means, Six?" Morgan turned to you, still perched onto Peter's torso, like a baby koala.
"It means I'm going to babysit your brother instead of you, for a while…" You threw the brunet boy a wink and his protests about not needing babysitting died on his lips. It didn't sound so bad, actually. Being cooped up with you in some secret location for an indeterminate amount of time.
"How long would we be gone?" 
"As long as it takes for the director and me to fix this" Pepper spoke with the authority only her seemed to possess, the one that could reing in crazy geniuses dash heroes and master spies alike. Fury could only nod in compliance.  
"What about May?"
"She's with Happy, already on her way to the lake house" 
Peter still looked unsure, but Pepper smiled, eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint surprisingly similar to the one her husband used to have.
"Don't worry, Peter. You'll love the safe house. I know Tony and I did…"
Leaving Morgan at the launch bay had been the hardest part. Her tears soaking Peter's t-shirt as Pepper tried to pry the fabric out of her little hands, were enough to break his heart. She didn't want to let her big brother go, probably terrified he wouldn't come back, just like her father. Far too perceptive for a six year old kid, she understood Peter was in trouble, in danger, and she was scared.
Peter was scared too. 
How could he not? He might be naive but he wasn't stupid, he knew that no matter the outcome of whatever plan Mrs. Stark and Fury came out with, his life as he knew it was over. 
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry" Your earnest voice pulled him out of his dark thoughts, "For lying to you, for what Beck did, for everything."
Peter stared at your profile, something he seemed to be doing a lot that day. Who was he trying to kid, he did a lot of that everyday. It actually seemed to be the only normal thing that remained, the one thing that seemed to stay constant as the world shifted and changed around him. He should be mad at you, he knew that. He should feel betrayed, hurt, and he did, a little but it was hard to stay angry at you. Even when you were partnered at school and you failed to do your part in the projects, he used to have trouble not forgiving you the second you flashed those doe eyes at him. 
He sighed,
"It's not your fault, any of it. About the lying, you were only doing your job" It wasn't your fault that he had been dumb enough to fall in love with a girl that didn't even exist. "And as for Quentin… that definitely wasn't your fault"
"My job was to protect you. If I had done it right, none of this would have happened" there was a slight catch in your voice "I should have realized he was a fraud, I should have told Nick as soon as I started having doubts about the guy, I should have stopped him before he stole E.D.I.T.H; I should have-" You turned away, pretending to get engrossed in the navigation controls of the Quinjet.
"I should have found that video and stopped it from reaching the news" You finished, voice finally under control, but still not meeting Peter's eyes.
"I was the one that literally handed E.D.I.T.H to him" You felt his hand cover yours over a lever, and looked at him in surprise. He found your eyes, a soft look in his that made your insides fill with butterflies, "He tricked me too. Do you blame me for that?"
"What? No, of course not!" 
Your indignation on his behalf warmed his chest.
"Then why blame yourself for the same thing?" 
He had a point. Luckily, you were saved from having to answer him by a blip in your instruments.
"Looks like we're here" You commented instead, initiating landing maneuvers. 
"Where is here, exactly?" He peered out of the windscreen, into the darkness of the night, trying to get a look. And who knew, with his super senses maybe he could. 
"Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific. An island, apparently, a very isolated one..."
"So you've never been here before either?"
"No, this isn't one of S.H.I.E.L.D's safe houses. This one is Mrs. Stark's" 
"Oh" Peter smiled for the first time since leaving NYC, "It must be really cool then"
"Yeah, I imagine it is" You smiled back
The house was not how you imagined Tony Stark's safe house would be like. For starters, the wooden construction wasn't even a house, a bungalow would have been a more appropriate title. The one-room little shack stood semi hidden by palm trees on the beach, and you knew the island was probably beautiful, but you couldn't see much in the moonless night.
Inside there wasn't much to see either, just a queen sized bed, a cupboard with a chest of drawers and a recliner by one of the windows. Ever the gentleman, Peter had offered to take the recliner, but you had rolled your eyes and pointed out the bed was big enough for the both of you. 
"I don't know why we're so surprised" Peter's voice reached you through the bathroom door, where he was changing into his pjs, "I mean, we've seen the Lake House and, sure, it's very luxurious for a cabin but that's what it is: a cabin"
"Maybe" You replied, flopping on the bed. At least it was comfy "but they have FRIDAY over there. Here we barely even have electricity"
Peter stopped in his tracks as soon as he walked into the room, and you pretended not to notice the way his eyes lingered on your exposed legs, your tiny cotton sleeping shorts not covering much at all.
"It's just, I can't possibly believe Tony Stark didn't installed any defense system on his safe house. I mean, you knew the man better than I did, but doesn't it strike you as a little… odd?"
"Huh? Ye-yeah, I mean, I…" You could see his cheeks turn red. God, he was adorable.
"Are you coming to bed?"
He choked on his own spit, and you had to suppress a giggle. Maybe, just maybe, he truly did forgive you for lying to him. Maybe you still had a chance.
Peter couldn't sleep. He could feel the heat coming off your skin through the small distance separating your bodies, your perfume invading his nostrils with every breath. Being so close to you in the dark was torture and yet he couldn't bring himself to get up and go to the chair on the other side of the room. He was pinned to the bed, mesmerized by your sleeping profile, enthralled by the way your chest rose and fell with every deep, steady breath. Irrevocably and inescapably drawn to you like a moth to a flame, too scared to move, too afraid to disturb your dream.
Because it appeared to be a very good dream. He could see the blush spreading from your face to your neck, all the way down to where the neckline of your tank top obscured his view. He could hear your breathing starting to quicken, feel the temperature of your skin rise. He could smell you, sweet and enticing. Beckoning. 
Your lips parted, letting out the most captivating little sigh in the history of mankind, and his eyes zeroed in the movement, his tongue darting out to wet his own. 
Peter felt his blood rushing south and was disgusted by himself, he felt like a creep. What kind of psycho got off of watching a girl sleep? Yet he couldn't bring his eyes to avert their gaze. 
He needed to get out of there, give you some semblance of privacy, as your hips started to twitch minutely, seeking a friction they wouldn't find. You let out a soft whine and he screwed his eyes shut. 'Come on Parker, get a grip on yourself' he thought, trying to gather enough strength to pry himself from the bed, to pry himself from your side. He was about to, he truly was, when it happened. 
You rolled over, half trapping him under your body. And it wouldn't have been hard for him to escape if he wanted to. But he really really didn't want to. The voice inside his head telling him it was wrong was growing weaker and weaker with every pretty noise leaving your mouth. Your hot breath was searing against the skin of his chest and he both cursed and blessed the instant he decided to forego wearing a t-shirt to bed in the sultry island heat. 
"Peter" You murmured in your sleep and his heart stopped. You were dreaming about him. You were panting and burning up for him, and he knew it didn't necessarily mean anything and dreams were not real life, but your legs fell open, one knee on either side of one of his, and he could actually feel your warm wetness through the thin fabric of your sleeping shorts and his threadbare plaid pajama pants and fuck!
Whatever last trace of logic might remained in his brain flew out the window as you started rubbing yourself on his thigh, finally finding the friction you so desperately needed. His hand went to your waist to stop you, but it ended up aiding you instead, sliding to your lower back, pressing down and releasing rhythmically, rocking you against his leg harder. 
He glared at the traitorous appendage, but how could he reproach it it's betrayal, when you were moaning so sweetly? He wanted to commit those sounds to his memory, to tattoo them on his brain to play over every night when he'd found himself alone on his cold bed, one hand around his length and the other over his mouth to stop himself from yelling your name at the ceiling, as he had so many times before. 
You breathed out his name again, and his free hand went to his pelvis, of its own volition. He palmed himself over his pants, but that's as far as he would let himself go. He refused to be the guy who jerked himself off next to an unconscious girl. 
A new wave of moisture left your core, soaking his skin through the fabrics. 
"Fuck!" He cursed softly, head hitting the tall headboard as he threw it back.
He froze. No. Oh god, please no...
To be continued...
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
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I gotcha, anon. Sorry this is so late! I took forever trying to gather these panels and despite my efforts, they are mostly potato quality. Thanks for your ask, though! ❤️
In no particular order:
1. Fubuki putting the fear of God into Do-S
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It’s not often we get to see Fubuki tear shit up, and I think this is the one of only few times we’ve seen her use her signature move in the manga (not counting that one omake where she fucks up all those little spiders). It was up until this point that I thought of her to be super... weak? Like, I thought this whole time she was just using her status as Tatsumaki’s little sister to wrangle up a bunch of hooligans as her underlings but I’ve found that to be a fat fucking lie. She’s super badass in her own right. She even resisted Do-S’ love magic whip thingy because her will is just that strong.
Fubuki doesn’t need to be Tatsumaki’s little sister to be feared, she just needs to be pissed off.
Personally, we don’t give Fubuki enough credit in terms of strength and raw “fuck ‘em up” power. I know she didn’t win this fight (technically), but Do-S is a demon threat monster and even some of the S-Class have a hard time with demon threats (cough cough, Zombieman and Pureblood). And, not to mention, Fubuki was also fending off her entire crew—who were taken under the influence of Do-S’ super BDSM love spell magic—this entire fight!
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Darkness Blade was also involved somewhere but this ain’t about him. Moving on:
2: Do-S would’ve straight up merked Amai Mask’s crackheaded ass had he not been an actual freak of nature
(Sorry for the microwave quality pictures but we’ve all read the manga right? Just use your imagination.)
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So, prior to Murata reworking the entire “Amai Mask commits homicide via his own damn hands” segment with Do-S, we had Do-S basically surrendering herself to Amai at the sight of him dicing up her love slaves at the speed of light (the merc squad). I did not like this AT ALL. I thought Do-S was a kickass character and for her to have this stupid death scene was really disappointing.
Thankfully, Murata thought the same thing. She still fucking died, of course, but she gets a little more... er, dignity? Idk, she’s just badass.
Amai Mask pretty much slams her skull into the wall, gives her like 13 concussions, and when he thinks he’s in the clear—BAM! Elastigirl powers, bitch! Do-S wraps herself around Amai and utilizes her freaky ass Alien-esque snake tongue to drill into his eyeball as her last stand before death. And this is why I think it’s valid that Fubuki had such a hard time dealing with her, because if it were any other S/A-Class hero (besides Zombieman, Superalloy, Genos... and maybe even Metal Bat) that got their brains drilled into via snake tongue, they would’ve died. If it were Child Emperor, Puri Puri, or even Atomic Samurai at the other end of her attack, they would’ve been FADED, man! It’s only because Amai has those bullshit monster invulnerability powers that he survived.
In conclusion: Do-S got done dirty the first time around, but Murata has since redeemed himself by giving her some wicked elastic powers and nearly dealing the final blow to Amai before dying. She’s also rlly sexy uwu
3. It is written somewhere in the Geneva Conventions that using Captain Mizuki’s thighs as a means of destruction is considered a war crime
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First of all: holy fuck I’m horny.
Second of all: UUUH??????? This is 100% just Murata’s death by snu-snu fetish in action but I’m not complaining. Mizuki is super badass. I’m not a fan of this trope that women in male-dominated media have to give up their femininity in order to be taken seriously, so I was expecting at least one female character in OPM to be a mirror reflection of this shitty trend (judging by ONE’s track record of being allergic to women). However, OPM is all about taking tropes and putting them in a meat grinder. Mizuki is super feminine, bubbly, and positive! And that doesn’t make her any less of a fearsome opponent to these monsters, which is something I can really appreciate.
Overall, OPM has very few female characters (which is bad), but the treatment of the few we have is very good when compared to other media of the same medium. I’ve said before how I enjoy the fact that both sexes are treated as equal opportunity fanservicing, and I think it’s fitting to reverberate that here.
Mizuki is hot as hell, but she’s also strong, fun, and a ray of fucking sunshine. Her and Mumen would be great friends, now that I think of it!
4. Shadow Ring said SIKE
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She’s so badass in the entirety of the surface strike sequence we get before the heroes enter the Monster Association base (take a shot every time I say badass. Try it, you’ll die).
I was super impressed by how strong she is?? And the whole time I’m reading this fight sequence I’m just like.... why aren’t we seeing more of her. She should have just as much screen time as Stinger! She was even noticed by Ninja Extraordinaire, Flash Flash; and she played a pretty big part in getting the S-Class to open their eyes to the combat prowess of the lower classes. If it weren’t for her, I fully believe the strike team would’ve had a much harder time penetrating the monsters’ defenses.
Also she’s cute as hell. All of the other female characters in OPM are over the top supermodel sexy (again, not complaining), so it’s refreshing to get someone that goes against the status quo (which as I’ve said before, OPM is kinda all about). Whenever we see her unmasked in those little volume extras Murata makes, I just want to squeeze her cheeks like an annoying aunt.
I forgot to mention this in the Mizuki section, but I think it also applies here: her teammates never point out the fact that she’s a woman. There’s no commentary on it, no snide “oh hurr hurr you’re a girl under the mask?” comments, just women kicking ass and male counterparts kicking ass alongside them, which is another thing I appreciate. It’s not often we get women in manga just.... existing. It seems there’s always gotta be a good reason for writers to insert female characters into their stories (WHY), but not here. Shadow Ring’s sole purpose in the story is to kill monsters and look cool while doing it. She gets the same treatment as all the other himbos around her.
I am completely aware that my say on the subject of gender equality in media could be completely invalid because I’m a cis dude but those are just my THOTS
5. Lily being 14 and always ready to murder
Lily stole my wallet and kicked my ass :(
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Magnificent Scoundrels- Rock n’ Roll
This one is definitely a little late.  Took me a while to write it, and I had to make several changes.  It might be a bit awkward in parts, but that is because I have tried to portray each character faithfully and tried to have them do what they would actually do in the battle scenes.  As per usual, I own none of these characters except for Thomas Drake.  Enjoy!  (Side note: I figured out how to use the “read more” so this won’t be as long in the dash!)   
In the hangar of the Normandy, Adam Vir and Master Chief waited.  The Chief was currently flipping through everyone’s communication channels.  
“Do you really trust this guy, Captain?”  That was the internal communications of the Enterprise.
“No.  And his group of armsmen is putting me on edge.  But we control this ship and we have transporters and they don’t.”  The rest coming from Kirk’s crew was all military and technological jargon.  He flipped to the Apocalypse's internal communications.
“So, the question is: since it’s a fruit, tomato, mixed with sugar, is ketchup a smoothie?”  That was Drake.  Of course it was.  
“Well, by that definition, yes,” said an unfamiliar voice.
“But ketchup has vinegar in it.  And if you think smoothies have vinegar, well, then you really need to reevaluate your life’s choices,” replied someone else.
“An excellent point!  Indeed, what is a smoothie?  Does vinegar belong in your smoothies?” said Drake.  Master Chief shook his head and changed channels.  He had a feeling that if he listened to that conversation for much longer, his head would implode.    
“How did he get that stuff?  Twenty suits of carapace armor, five crates of hot-shot lasguns, ten crates of normal lasguns, a crate of chainswords, and two power swords, all with Imperial markings!”  That was Kasteen, commander of the Valhallans.  “And, Cain, what was that thing?  An Exitus rifle?  I’ve never heard of it.”
“That last one’s the one that worries me.  The reason I know of it is because of my work with Inquisitor Vail,” replied Cain.
“Shit.  You think he stole it from the Inquisition?”
“The only people who have access to those are Inquisitors and Vindicares.”
“Oh he’s beyond frakked.”  The Chief cut the communications as Shepard walked into the hangar bay.  He was wearing a full set of black combat armor with a heavy helmet.  Vir, the other occupant of the hangar, looked up from where he was fiddling with his own armor.  
“Shepard.  Pleased to see you.”   His one good green eye gleamed from under a shock of blond hair.  “Are we ready to go?”  
“Give me a sec.”  Shepard turned to the hooded and violet masked figure that was present with him at the Scoundrel’s first meeting.  “Tali?” he asked the figure.  “Are they going to know we’re coming?”  
“No, commander.”  It was a feminine voice, with a strange and slightly mechanical accent that emanated from the suit.  “The engineers aboard the Enterprise and Apocalypse are quite good at what they do.  It would be interesting to know what all these new people have!  Technology-wise, I mean.  The possibilities of-”  Shepard cut her off.
“Good to know, Tali.”
“Right.  Sorry.  Got carried away.”  
“If you’d like, I’ll give you a tour of the Apocalypse,” cut in Drake’s suave voice over their earpieces.  “That, of course, extends to the rest of you.”  Master Chief keyed his comm.
“You’ve been listening to us this whole time?” he asked.
“Well, I can’t talk about vinegar smoothies forever, now, can I?  To get more to the point, Cain and I are in position, and Cooper and Quill are on their way.  This thing all depends on you, so I suggest you get down here before they notice fifty Imperial Guardsmen and fifteen mercenary armsmen hanging outside their front gate.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’re going.”  They boarded the shuttle, Master Chief having to hunch his massive frame to avoid banging into the doors.  The ride to the muddy-brown planet below them was smoot and silent.  From the window of the transport, they could see the silhouettes of the teams’ starships above them, gleaming in the weak yellow light of the nearby sun.  The atmospheric entry was much smoother than either Vir or Master Chief had ever felt, and the shuttle landed on the planet much faster than they expected.  The shuttle’s three occupants disembarked quickly, professionally, and set out in a trot to the distant specter of the military base.  They arrived on schedule, and found a small electrical access passage, barely tall enough to squeeze through, exactly where Drake’s map said it was.  
Drake checked the timer on his wrist computer.  His armsmen and several Imperial Guardsmen cluster around him, waiting expectantly.
“And...nine minutes and twenty-five seconds for Shepard to get his ass in gear and get planetside.  If you had more than ten minutes, pay up.”  There were grumblings in the crowd, while money and liquor exchanged hands.  One of the armsmen looked up.
“Captain, how long for the other timer?”  Drake checked his wrist again.  
“...nineteen minutes and twenty six...twenty seven seconds since we got here, and they still haven’t noticed over a hundred armed hostiles sitting outside their front gate.”  He made a clicking noise with his tongue.  “Sloppy.  If you bet under twenty minutes, you're probably going to be losing something.”  He glanced over to where Cain and Jurgen were leaning against the compound’s outer wall.  “How are you two holding up?”
Cain looked up from a mug of steaming liquid in his hands.  “Fine.  These people still haven’t noticed us?”  Drake snorted.
“No.  I’m really good at what I do, and they’re really bad.  Honestly, I’m not quite sure how they managed to steal the thing we’re after in the first place.”
On the other side of the compound, Peter Quill paced.  
“What’s taking them so long?” he hissed.  Gamora, his green-skinned second in command, looked up from where she was sitting and sharpening a sword.  
“Relax.  We’re fine.”  
“I know…” Quill trailed off, paced more, then turned back.  “Do you think that these people know what they’re doing?”  Cooper, who had been silently checking his weapons up until this point, spoke.
“Shepard is supposed to be a hero, and a special forces operative, based on Drake’s briefing.”  Noticing Quill’s blank look, he gave a very good incredulous stare, considering he had his helmet on.  “You didn’t read it?”
“Uh...maybe.”  Cooper and Gamora both shook their heads.  
“Shepard’s is apparently very good.  At least, according to Drake.  And the problem with that is we don’t know if Drake is telling the truth about anything.”  Quill considered this.  He did have a point.  
Shepard, Vir, and Master Chief squeezed through the narrow metal electrical duct and into a small, dimly lit concrete room in the basement of the compound.  They brushed plaster dust off themselves before looking up.  Shepard tapped his wrist and some sort of glowing orange hologram sprang to life, covering his let forearm.  The others leaned in and recognized it as Drake’s map of the compound.
“Right.  So we are here,” Shepard highlighted the small room.  “The item is here.”  He traced a path throughout the sun-levels to a large main room in the center of the basement.  “We need to stay low and follow this path.”  Shepard glanced up and pointed at Master Chief.  “You’re a super-soldier, so you’re taking point.”  The Chief nodded.
“Copy that.”  He unslung his weapon, dropped into a crouch, and proceeded forward, the two others following him.  They walked through the concrete and metal halls, weapons at the ready, searching for any sign of life.  Despite being over seven feet tall and clad in bulky armor, Master Chief moved with the deadly silence of a professional soldier.  Twice they were almost caught, but due to their superior training and skills, they melted into the shadows as enemy patrols passed by.  Through more hallways they made their way, hearing the laughter and occasionally fights of mercenaries.  The enemy here was no more alert than they were on the main level, allowing the three to pass through the labyrinthian passageways undetected.  They reached a large open area, where Master Chief suddenly gestured for a stop.  Peering past the Chief’s massive shoulder, Shepard could see why.  The open room was littered with mercenaries, lounging around with weapons still holstered.  By his estimate, there were about twenty of them.  Too many to take on without raising the alarm.  Shepard cursed quietly under his breath, then pressed a finger to his ear.
“Drake,” he hissed.  “We’re blocked.  There’s a group in our way.  We need a distraction.”    
“Distraction you say?”  The three could feel Drake’s smile over the audio.  “Give me twenty.”  
Outside the Compound
Drake slid up to the compound gate’s outside audio panel.  He slid a knife under a small plate at the base of the panel and slid a small rectangular device from his belt into a slot.  
“Let’s see here…” he muttered to himself.  “Are you stupid enough to connect the PA system to the main computer?  Yes...yes you are.”  He tapped several buttons on his wrist computer and took a deep breath.  
Inside the Compound
Shepard and Vir jumped as Drake’s voice crackled from the building’s PA system.  
“Attention assorted idiots.  I am Captain Thomas Drake.  You may have heard of me.  I am here, waiting just outside the front gate.  I am going to kill you all and take back the black box.  Come and get me.”  The message abruptly terminated, and cheery music started playing.  
“Private Perks is a funny little coger with a smile, a funny smile.  Five feet none he’s an artful little dodger with a smile, a funny smile.  Flush or broke he’ll have his little joke…”  Shepard, Vir, and even the superhuman Master Chief started at the loudspeaker as the music played.  
“Drake, what the hell are you doing?” asked Shepard.  
“Creating a distraction,” replied Drake, just as cheerfully as the song.  
“Telling the mercenaries to come and kill you and playing Smile, Smile, Smile is not a distraction,” stated Master Chief flatly.  
“You sure about that?  Look in front of you,” said Drake.  Sure enough, the mercenaries occupying the room had grabbed their weapons and were hustling up the stairs to the main level.  Shepard’s mouth opened and closed like a landed fish, then he sighed.  
“Fine, let’s go.”  As the last of the mercenaries trailed from the room, the three Scoundrels slipped by on their way to the item.  
Outside the Facility
Drake glanced at his wrist computer and nodded at a group of armsmen.  
“Four guards in the compound beyond the gate.  There, there, there, and there.”  He gestured at four spots beyond the wall.  The armsmen nodded and took positions near the gate.  “Overriding and opening the gate in three...two...one go!”  Drake pressed a button and the massive armored gate swung open.  The armsmen stepped forward and fired.  The four mercenary guards pitched forward, dead.  Drake nodded at the remaining Guardsmen and armsmen.  “Right. Through the gate and set up a firing position.  They’ll be coming, probably disorganized, from the main door.”  He pointed at a large armored set of double doors that led inside the main facility.  The soldiers nodded and readied their weapons.  Drake pressed another button on his wrist.  
On the other side of the Compound
“Cooper, Quill, this is Drake.  The mercenaries are going to attack our position while Shepard, Chief, and Vir steal the thing.  Get behind them.”  
“Copy that,” replied Cooper with a nod.  He looked at the large wall in front of them, then took a step back and jumped.  Thrusters on the back of his suit activated and propelled him onto the wall.  He turned his head to Quill and Gamora.  “You two coming?”  Quill scoffed.  
“I can do that.”  He pressed a small button on the top of his boots, and the heels lit up with the orange wash of jet boosters.  Without the grace of Cooper he landed wobbly on the top of the wall.  “See?  Easy.”  Gamora muttered “showoffs” under her breath and accepted Quill’s offered hand to boost her over the wall.  Cooper dropped into the interior compound without a sound.  
“Right.  This way.”  
On the Other Side of the Compound
The heavy armored doors opened and mercenaries, in various stages of preparedness, scrambled out, only to be met with the full firepower of one hundred and three well trained soldiers.  The Imperials’ lasguns spat crimson death that flickered through the muddy air to impact with chests, legs, arms, and heads, burning away flesh and vaporizing the internal organs of the unprotected.  The fire from the Apocalypse’s armsmen was no less lethal.  The boom hiss thump of plasma infused ammunition contrasted with the whining crack of lasguns as small blue and purple explosions blew apart the mercenaries.  Within seconds, the attacking mercenaries were dead.  
“Let’s go!” called Drake as he led his armsmen into the interior.  Cain nodded at the Guard.  
“Forward.  I’ll take up the rear.”  
In the Basement
The mercenaries vault, the storage place of the item Drake was contracted to retrieve, stood in silence over the barren concrete room.  Harsh yellow lights glared from the walls and seemed to be swallowed by the shadows in the corners.  Two guards, weapons held at the ready, stood in front of the vault.  The air split with two cracks.  The two guards fell, two holes blown through their heads.  Master Chief, weapon at the ready, entered the room, searching carefully for any other enemies.  There were none.  He nodded at his two companions.  
“Clear.”  He shouldered his rifle.  “Now how the hell do we get that door open?”  Shepard stepped up to the vault door.  A small, rectangular computer was built into the wall.  Shepard pressed his forearm, and once more the orange hologram appeared.  He tapped the hologram several more times, and the vault door sprang open.  
“Impressive,” noted Vir.  
“I gotta get me one of those,” muttered Master Chief.  They stepped through the circular entrance of the vault, and into the room beyond.  The room was...unimpressive.  It was cluttered with objects, weapons, and boxes of no discernable value.  Master Chief keyed his comm.  “Drake?  We’re in the vault.  What are we looking for?”   There was a whine then the boom of a plasma discharge, which culminated into an abrupt, high pitched scream.  Drake’s ragged breathing could be heard on the other end of the line.  
“What?  Sorry.  Uh...you’re looking for a black box, about half a meter by half a meter.  Should be somewhere pretty prominent.”  
“Here it is!” said Vir.  He held up a black box of the exact length and width.  
“Drake, we have it.”  There was a scream and the crackle of Imperial lasgun fire on the other end of the comm.  “What is going on up there?”  
“We’re fighting the mercenaries…” Boom!  Hiss!  Crack!  “...shit.  We appear to be winning at the moment.  Get up here and kill or capture anyone who gets in your way.”  
“Copy that.”  Master Chief looked at Shepard and Vir.  “Let’s move.”
Cooper, Quill, and Gamora advanced stealthily through the twisting passages of the mercenaries’ compound, weapons at the ready.  For some reason, there was absurdly cheerful music blasting through the PA system.  If Cooper had to guess, he would say that Thomas Drake most definitely had a hand in this.  He sighed to himself, shaking his head, then abruptly stopped and held out his hand.  Gamora instantly stopped and crouched, weapons at the ready.  Quill almost ran into him.  Ahead of the group were two guards, rifles out, looking more competent than any opposition they’d seen today.  Quill raised a gun, but Gamora pushed it down.
“Quiet.  If we go loud, they might have time to radio that we’re here.”  Quill nodded, magining to look mollified behind the red lenses of his helmet.  
“Right.  My bad.  What do we do?”  
“I got this,” replied Cooper.  Before either Quill or Gammora could say anything, Cooper tapped a device on his wrist.  Immediately, his form shimmered and distorted, turning translucent.  He took off running, and both watching pairs of eyes lost track of him.  Gammora thought she saw a faint blur of movement at the top of the hall, near the ceiling, but dismissed it as her eyes playing tricks.  And, just as they started wondering where Cooper had gone, he appeared just as suddenly and silently as he had appeared, this time directly behind the guards.  
Quietly and casually, he stepped behind the first guard, wrapped his arm around the guard’s throat in a chokehold, drew the guard’s sidearm from its holster, and unceremoniously shot both guards through the head.  Quick, brutal, efficient.  Cooper tossed the pistol aside and hefted his own rifle.  
“Let’s keep moving.”  Gamora stared at him.
“Impressive.  I need one of those things.  What are they called?”
“Invisibility Cloak or Pilot’s Cloak.  You can get them pretty easily from where I come from.  Or you could ask Drake.  I’m sure he stole a bunch of them.”  
Drake’s plasma gun spat a ball of molten death at an enemy mercenary.  It melted through the mercenary’s thin armor, blasted through his bones, and disintegrated his organs.  The mercenary only had time for a half scream, half whimper, before his chest was opened all the way through and he dropped to the ground, dead.  One of the Imperial Guardsmen whistled appreciatively.  
“A real plasma gun.  Can’t believe you have one.”  Drake grinned beneath his helmet.
“Cost me a pretty penny.  But definitely worth it, I can assure you.”  His earpiece crackled to life.  “Hang on.”  
“Drake?  Are you behind the music?” asked Quill’s voice.
“Why yes, I am.  Do you approve of my selection?” Drake replied.
“Actually, I was wondering...do you take requests?”  
“Of course I do!  What is your request?”
“Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede,” replied Quill with no hesitation.  
“An excellent choice!  Give me a moment.”  Drake pressed another button on his wrist computer and spoke into it with an excellent approximation of a radio D.J.
“Ladies and gentlemen, that has been Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag and Smile, Smile, Smile, an old favorite from the First World War, written by George Henry Powell.  And next up, by listener request, is Hooked on a Feeling by Blue Swede!  If you would like to place a request, even if you’re on the opposing side, please, feel free to contact me.”  He cut the transmission.  One of the Valhallans turned to her sergeant.  
“This guy’s weird.”  
“Eh, could be worse.  We could be fighting tyranids.  Or necrons,” the sergeant interjected with a shudder.  
Master Chief turned to look at the nearest PA speaker.
“Well, this is definitely something new.”  He turned to his two companions.  “You two don’t seem very surprised by this.”
“Honestly, I am not surprised by anything at this point,” Shepard said with a shrug.  He turned to look at Vir.  “What about you?”
“Happens to me all the time.  What’s a battle without some good music?”  
Jack Cooper shook his head incredulously as the song piped throughout the compound.  
“I have seen a lot over my time in the Militia, but yet I have never been in a battle more bizarre.”  He sighed and fired a burst of shots at a mercenary.  “Oh, well.”  
The Imperial Guard and the Apocalypse’s armsmen, led by Cain and Drake, sliced their way through the enemies ranks like a knife through wet paper.  They stood no chance.  Anything not eliminated by lasguns or assault rifles was obliterated by Drake’s plasma gun.  Drake was leading the charge, cutting down everyone who opposed him with methodical precision.  Drake turned, the eye slits of his helmet winking cerulean blue.  
“Well, I think we’ve-”  He never had a chance to finish, as a particularly large mercenary barreled past a corner and tackled Drake.  Squeezed underneath the larger man, Drake could not get enough leverage to shove him off or hit him hard.  The two combatants rolled and grappled with each other, the armsmen and Guardsmen daring not to fire for fear of hitting Drake.  The large mercenary grimaced and tried to slip his hands under Drake’s helmet to try and throttle him to death.  Drake reached up and placed his left hand on the mercenary's chest.
“Overcharge!” he yelled to the air.  A sharp whine filled the air, then the crack of discharging electricity.  The mercenary flew backwards, twitched spasmodically for several seconds, then lied still.  Drake got up to his feet shakily.  “Well, that was a...shocking experience.”   Several of the soldiers groaned.  “C’mon.  Forward!”  They ran through the maze of dimly-lit hallways, slaughtering anyone they met, until they got to a large room filled with computers overlooking the passageways of the basement.  It looked to be a control room of some sorts, and it was absolutely packed with enemies.  They seemed to realize the superiority of the Scoundrel’s firepower, and so, instead of trying to fight them bullet to bullet, they charged.  
Cooper, Quill, and Gamora rounded the corner of the hallway at a run.  The screeched to a stop when they saw what was happening in the large room in front of them.  A massive group of enemy mercenaries were battling it out, hand to hand, with Drake and Cain’s forces.  
“Well, we can’t shoot for fear of hitting our own side, so…” Quill trailed off.
“So we take them from behind,” replied Cooper.  “You two know how to fight hand to hand?”  In response, Gamora drew a sword.
“Well, I guess that’s a yes,” said Cooper.  He looked over to see a heavily muscled woman bodily pick up and throw Drake through one of the glass panes overlooking the basement.  “Oh boy.  Better get in there.”  They charged.  
Vir, Shepard, and Master Chief emerged from the basement’s tunnels and into a pit-like room overlooked by glass panels.  Suddenly, one of the panels shattered and Drake flew through and landed on the concrete floor fifteen feet below.  He groaned and slowly got to his feet.
“Oh hey there.  Fancy meeting you here.”  Master Chief held out a hand to steady him.  
“Are you alright?”  Drake cracked his neck.
“Maybe.  Hopefully.  Doesn’t much matter.  Let's get up there.”  
“If you’re really O.K.”  
“Yep, I’m good.  What’s the fastest way up?”  Shepard pointed to a set of stairs, but before he could say anything, Master Chief took a running leap, grabbed the broken window’s ledge, and hauled himself up.
“Or...or that will work.”  Vir shrugged and made the same running jump at the same window.  With a whir of powerful prosthetics, he made it in much the same way Master Chief had.  Not to be outdone, Drake jumped for the same window.  He only made it halfway up the wall, but grips built into his forearms and greaves took over and he hauled himself up.  Shepard still stood at the bottom and shook his head.  
“Ok then.  I guess I’ll just take the stairs.”  
The vast majority of the wild melee was focused near the middle of the room.  There, the mercenaries desperately fought against the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.  The mercenaries had thought to take the enemy off balance by charging them, a tactic seldom used in an age of automatic and plasma weaponry, but had not counted on soldiers of other universes, used to fighting in different ways.  The Guardsmen had fixed bayonets, and now wielded the twenty inch blades with lethal efficiency.  However, despite the Guard doing most of the fighting, it was by far the Scoundrel captains who garnered the most attention.  Each fought with their own style, was a death-dealing whirlwind.  
Master Chief fought with a precision that only a genetically enhanced super-soldier could.  A strange, teardrop-shaped  plasma sword was held aloft in one hand, and he brought it down with murderous exactness.  Each stroke was backed by the massive strength of his seven foot frame, and gut through armor and bone as if it didn’t exist.  He was a one man killing machine; he was a SPARTAN super-warrior.  None stood in his way for long.  
Ciaphas Cain used the same practical and lethal fighting style as he did in his duel with the Drev.  His chainsword hummed and its teeth whirred as it cut through muscle and sinew, raising great gouts of blood into the air.  In his other hand he held a laspistol, which cracked off shots at any who were beyond the reach of the deadly teeth of his sword.  
Jack Cooper fought with grace and style.  He danced around the enemy, using the extra speed and mobility of his Pilot’s suit.  His combat knife slid between ribs and through throats, and shots from his sidearm rang out, blowing ragged holes through heads and torsos.  His legs lashed out in the form of powerful kicks, still with a Pilot's grace, and landed on kidneys and knees, knocking his opponents to the ground where he finished them at his leisure.  
Adam Vir fought with a spear, a most unusual weapon of choice.  Nevertheless, he was just as deadly as the rest.  The spear sand through the air, catching and impaling his foes.  It twirled in intricate patterns, and blocked and flicked aside incoming attacks as if they didn’t exist.  He lunged forward towards a panacing mercenary, twisting the spear at the last second so as not to get it stuck in the suction of flesh, then spun around to block an incoming attack.  
Thomas Drake fought dirty.  No trick was too low or underhanded.  His left hand crackled with electricity, stunning and killing any he punched.  A keen-bladed knife was in his right, and he stabbed groins, gouged eyes, and slit throats with impunity.  He bellowed reactive insults while he fought, calling in to question his opponent’s lineage and stature as he charged and hacked and stabbed.  
And Quill...well...he entered the room at a run, then promptly slipped on a puddle of blood and fell face first into the cold concrete floor.  
The Scoundrels gradually whittled down their enemies, one by one, until there was only a small group, fear in their eyes, huddling against the back wall.  The Scoundrels advanced, weapons drawn, and the mercenaries raised their own, prepared for one last defiant gesture.  Then, the air shimmered and distorted, and Kirk and a group of Enterprise crewmen, weapons drawn, appeared as if from nowhere.  
“Hands up,” said Kirk with probably more amusement than was really necessary.  Slowly, the mercenaries lowered their weapons and put them on the ground.  The Scoundrels looked at each other for a moment before Cooper broke the silence.
“Okay.  That was...underwhelming.”  
“What do we do with them?” asked Shepard, gesturing towards the prisoners.  
“Eh.  I say we just leave ‘em here,” said Drake with a shrug.  The others stared at him with incredulity.  
“Wait, wait...you were the one advocating orbital bombardment earlier!”  
“Well, we have the thing now.  No need to kill them, no need to do anything with them really.   We can just pack up and go.  Leave them here.”  The Scoundrels looked at each other and seemed to reach an agreement.  
“Fine.  Let’s go.”  Kirk looked over to Spock and spoke to him in an undertone.
“You know, this didn’t end that badly.  None of the redshirts died!”  As if on cue, one of the Enterprise’s crewmen, clad in black pants and a red shirt, fell over clutching his chest.  One of the Imperial Guardsmen knelt down to check on him. 
“He’s dead, sir!  I think a heart attack.”  Kirk shook his head.  
“You have got to be kidding me.”
After the mercenaries had been herded in the basement and the Scoundrels’ forces were trailing out of the compound, Cain pulled Drake aside.  
“Drake, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”  
“Of course.  What’s on your mind?”  Cain looked around to make sure no one was listening.  
“Those weapons.  The only way you could have gotten several of them was if you stole them from the Inquisition.”  
“And if I did?” replied Drake.  
“The Inquisition is not an organization you want to steal from.”  Cain loosened his chainsword in its scabbard.  Drake smiled.  
“Funny, actually.  I can.  You see, those weapons I found in a small hidden stash.  Apparently, a rogue and very dead Inquisitor named Filidarus Calzik had hidden them on the very edge of Imperial space.  No one would have ever gone for them, no Imperial would have ever found them.”
“I know of them, now that you’ve told me,” replied Cain, his hands still on his weapons.  Drake laughed, the exact same laugh as when he told the Scoundrels he knew their secrets aboard the Apocalypse.  
“Interestingly enough, weapons were not the only thing I found in that stash.  There was also a computer.  Which is why I know Calzik’s name.  And, on that computer, was...an incomplete manuscript.  An...autobiography.”  Drake smiled again.  “Your autobiography, my dear Cain.”  Cain turned a shade of chalk white.  “Now, consider, if you will, my dear Cain, the fascinating consequences if the contents of that autobiography were to be released to the wider Imperium.  So, yes, I’m quite sure I can get away with stealing from the Inquisition.  Because, no one will ever know anything is missing.  And if they do, they’ll never know it was me, because everyone who knows it was me will not be saying anything about it, now will they?”  With a final parting smile, Drake spun on his heel and strode away, leaving Cain in the semi-darkness of the compound’s hallway.  
That’s it.  Hope you like it.  As per always, feel free to contact me with any complaints, concerns, compliments, questions, requests, or if you just want something cleared up.    
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mss4msu · 5 years
Call Me Doctor. Chapter 18
Summary: Fresh out of graduate school, you had somehow landed a spot in the faculty of a prestigious university. The small anthropology department has too many faculty and too few offices; sharing an office does not go as you expected.
Pairing: Professor!Steve x Professor!Reader 
Words: 1916
Warnings: Language, sexual content kind off, slight 4th wall breaking
A/N: I’ve taken forever to write this chapter because I tried to do smut but I’m pretty sure I’m shit at writing smut, and have written and deleted this so many times. So instead of actual dirty smut, this is some gentle romancing. Please be as gentle with me as Steve is about to be with (Y/N) about it. 
Catch Up on the Story Here
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You spent your Saturday catching up on all of the adult responsibilities you had neglected by staying late at work all week. While you would rather have spent your Saturday cozied up to Steve somewhere, you knew you had to get your personal tasks done or you would struggle all week trying to catch up. Plus, Steve spent the day texting almost non-stop with you, so it was almost like you were actually together. 
You woke up early Sunday and got to campus an hour before your meeting with X-Con, wanting to have time to go through the space one last time yourself before they arrived. When you got to your office, you were shocked to find the light on and the door already unlocked. You pushed the door open to find Steve sitting behind his desk. 
“You’re here early,” you said as you walked to your desk, sat down, and pulled out your computer. 
“Putting the finishing touches on some of this text so I can send it off to the printers tonight,” he replied, “I still feel bad that I didn’t do anything helpful for this project before this week.”
“Steve, stop, let’s just let by-gones be by-gones.” 
“I just want to reiterate that I’m very sorry for my attitude and lack of work ethic and promise you that it won’t happen again.” 
“Steve, if we ever have to plan another museum exhibit like this, I’ll quit, so I can also promise that it won’t happen again,” you laughed. 
Steve let out an anxious chuckle, “Alright.” 
“I’m going to go down and do a walk-through to orient myself before the security team gets here. Care to join?”
“Sure, give me one second,” he quickly typed out what sounded like a few sentences, “Ok, ready,” he said standing up.  
You grabbed a measuring tape, your notebook and a pen and led the way downstairs. You keyed into the space, flicking on the lights next to the doorway. 
“We need to make sure they get these lights adjusted so that they can be dimmed down by all of the exhibits. It’s a bit bright right now and that will compromise the artifacts we put on display.” 
You worked your way through the room with Steve trailing behind you. In front of each case, you had him walk close to an exhibit so you could measure out how far from the cases you needed alarm sensors that could warn people if they were too close to an object. 
“Is this too close?” Steve asked as he stood next to where the last artifact, a large, limestone sarcophagus, would be going in the middle of the room.
“I think you can get a little bit closer,” you replied, squatting on the floor to see the best angle and tapping your pen against your thigh. 
With a mischievous grin, Steve took a few steps towards you, “Can I get closer than this?”
You scrunched your nose, trying to keep from smiling, “Hm, I think you could stand to move in more.”
“How about this?” he asked, coming within arms length of you. 
“Closer still,” you giggled. 
“Is this too close?” he asked, offering his hand out to you.
“Not close enough,” you breathlessly replied, taking his hand and standing up. 
He took the notebook from your hand and dropped it on the floor, the loud noise causing you to start. Steve put his arm behind your back and pulled you towards him, closing the gap between you and kissing you.
You stood there together, lips locked and arms intertwining. You both jumped when you heard a cough from behind you. 
“Hey, um, sorry to interrupt,” Scott Lang said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, “We were in the area early and thought we would come by and see if you were here...and you are.” 
“Damn, homies, this is, like, super awkward for all of us now,” Luis said, peering over Scott’s shoulder. 
“Yikes,” you muttered under your breath, “Sorry about that. Let’s get started and try to forget about what you just saw.” 
You gathered your discarded notebook from the ground and flipped it to the right page, your face on fire with embarrassment. Steve slunk to the corner of the room, out of the way. 
You, Steve, and the X-Con team spent three hours to get through all of the necessary changes that needed to be made to the space. After finally agreeing to all of the equipment to be installed, which had involved Steve almost blowing up at Luis for his continued recommendation of laser beams across the floor when the room got locked at night, you and Steve left Scott and his team to begin the security and electronic installations. 
“Want to get lunch?” Steve asked as you walked back to your office.
“I’d love to. That took far longer than anticipated.” 
“It would’ve been a lot shorter had someone not continued asking for floor laser beams.”
“I mean, they would be cool,” you winked at Steve as you got to your office.
Steve unlocked the door and gestured for you to enter first, “We should probably order in. I still have a bit of formatting to do on the text panels.” 
“Can I see what you’ve done already?”
“Of course,” Steve led the way to his desk, motioning for you to take the chair as he reached over you to open the right documents. 
As you breathed in nervously, you were overtaken with Steve’s aroma; he still had that same comforting smell of coffee and books you remembered from that first close interaction with him at your housewarming party months ago.
“Here’s the main text block,” he said, snapping you out of your reminiscing. 
“Oh, this looks really good!” 
“Don’t act so surprised,” he said rolling his eyes.
“I’m sorry, it’s just, um, I don’t know,” you looked up at him, but got lost in his eyes. 
Rather than reply with words, Steve used his mouth to kiss you instead. He spun the desk chair around so you were facing him and kissed you with such passion that the chair rolled back, slamming into the desk. 
“Steve, we shouldn’t do this here,” you paused him, catching your breath, “I’m tired of getting walked in on.” 
“Then let’s make sure no one can walk in,” he replied with a mischievous grin. 
Steve strode to the door and clicked the lock into place. Your heart began to race as he came back towards you. He offered his hand for the second time that day to help you up. As soon as you were standing he put his arm behind your back and pulled you towards him. As the intensity of your kisses increased, you found yourselves moving backwards until your back was up against one of the bookshelves. 
“Ouch!” you yelped out in pain as a particularly rough kiss from Steve caused your back to dig into a book. 
Steve immediately pulled away and looked at you in concern. 
You backed away from the bookshelf to see which book’s spine had attacked your spine, “There is no reason for an,” you squinted at the book, “English to Icelandic to German dictionary to be that painful,” you said, rubbing your back. 
“It’s pretty painful to read through, so it’s fitting that it’s just as painful to be slammed into,” Steve laughed. 
“Who said anything about slamming?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, “Um..well...no one…but...well, I kinda thought….maybe, since it’s been awhile now….we were going to….if you want to….”
“Steve, remember that time you were super rude and said that I must be eloquent since I can give lectures? I need you to spit out whatever you’re trying to get at.” 
“I just thought that, maybe we could...fuck, I don’t know how to say this without it coming off wrong....”
“You probably could’ve just stopped at, ‘maybe we could fuck,’” you smirked at him. 
“But I don’t want it to just be a fuck,” Steve’s face began to turn red, “I know making love sounds so cheesy...but…”
“But that feels like the only way to describe how special I feel like our connection is.”
“Damn, Steven, I never figured you for such a sap,” you giggled. 
“This is why I didn’t want to say anything,” Steve avoided looking you in the eyes and his face was almost completely red now. 
“No, it’s cute!” you tried to reassure him. 
“Yeah?” he asked, hazarding a look at you.
“Yeah,” you reached up and gave him a kiss, then took his hand and pulled him to the table in the middle of the room. 
You pushed the files cluttering the table to the floor and used a chair to boost yourself up. You grabbed Steve by the belt loops and pulled him towards you. You slowly unbuttoned his shirt, your fingers fumbling with anticipation. When you got the last button off, he slipped the shirt off and then reached up and pulled off his undershirt with one hand. After he was finished, you raised your arms for him to pull off your dress, which he did with ease. You were grateful you had actually worn a cute bra. Wanting to feel Steve against you, you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in before kissing him more intensely. Steve gently pushed your shoulders down and you scooted yourself to the middle of the table, loosening your legs around Steve so he could climb up to join you. 
Steve began to gently grind on you, causing you to let out a small moan. He smiled before kissing you again, putting one hand under your head and using the other to keep his balance. You continued in this position for a few minutes before you decided to begin unbuckling Steve’s belt. You struggled slightly with the button of his jeans, as you didn’t want to stop kissing him, but you also wanted his pants removed. Steve briefly stopped his hip actions to assist you in getting his pants off.
“Damn,” you muttered, eyeing up his bulge, which was straining to escape from his briefs. 
“Yeah, doll?”
“Doll? I know you study the 1930s, but are you actually from them?” you giggled.
“Maybe….and even though you study mummies, I’ll let you call me daddy,” he winked.
Your jaw dropped open, “Oh my god, Steve,” you laughed, “Please let the record state that I am not going to do that.”
“You got it, doll,” he drew out the last word and winked, raising you up to kiss him before gently lowering you back down to the table.
With just his briefs on his lower half, Steve continued to grind on you. You couldn’t hold back the moans as he pressed himself against you, knowing just a few bits of cloth separated your latter halves. You stopped running your fingers through Steve’s hair long enough to begin wiggling out of your leggings. 
“You’re sure you want to do this?” Steve asked.
“Dr. Rogers, I think we’ve played out this slow burn long enough. I’m sure I want to do this.” 
“(Y/N), what did I say about calling me doctor?” Steve asked. 
You let out a laugh; the next sounds to come out of either of your mouths were moans of pleasure as you and Steve Rogers passionately made love on the table of your shared office. 
Call Me Doctor. Tag List:
@ashislost @wantingtobekorra @zlixlle @crazy--me @grey-raven @queenkitten95 @chook007 @tequila1984 @yallneedtrek @ssweet-empowerment @guera31 @justmesadgirl @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @rainbowkisses31 @writing-for-a-chance @sp2900 @notkikibear @itzmegaaaaaaan @partiallyinthecloset @moonstruckhargrove  @straybattie @angryteapot @fandom-addict-aesthetics @hazellnut94​ @abschaffer2 @hadesgirl1015 @vikki-rogue @biskwitmamaw @justkending @marvelous-capsicle @uhh-katie-griffiths @evanstush
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tag List:
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aion-rsa · 3 years
WandaVision: Who is Agent Jimmy Woo?
This article contains WandaVision spoilers.
Now that WandaVision episode 4 has expanded a bit to show more of what’s going on, it really ties into what made the first phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe work, but in a very surreal way. The first Avengers movie was about the culmination in connections and bringing together the top heroes that existed so far in continuity. Now that we’re four Avengers movies in and we’re taking our first step into the era of Marvel’s Disney+ TV shows, we have such an odd collection of characters from all over the MCU converging.
Really, it’s pretty wild. We have two Avengers who otherwise never had all that screentime. We have a supporting character from Captain Marvel who first appeared as a child now a central character all grown up. We have the comic relief from the first two Thor movies. Then there’s that FBI agent from Ant-Man and the Wasp, whose only role was to be a pestering doofus to the hero.
Yes, Agent James Woo (played by Randall Park), the guy who tried to make sure Scott Lang was making good on his house arrest, is trying to figure out what the hell is going on in Westview, New Jersey. That goofball from Ant-Man and the Wasp is the guy talking over Wanda Maximoff’s radio in episode 2 to try and figure out who is controlling her.
Dorky or not, Jimmy Woo has a long history with Marvel. In fact, he predates all the other characters on this show. He even predates Marvel itself!
He first appeared in Yellow Claw #1 from Atlas Comics, created by Al Feldstein and Joe Maneely, though Jack Kirby pretty much took over as of the second issue. The Yellow Claw was a Fu Manchu-type yellow peril villain and FBI Agent Jimmy Woo was the agent assigned to track him down. With Yellow Claw being one of those awful racist caricatures that the era was known for, Woo was seen as almost revolutionary in comparison. He was Asian, but not a walking joke based on his nationality.
Yellow Claw only lasted a mere four issues, but its status as a comic book footnote would ultimately help out Woo in the long run.
Woo was brought back in the late-60s as an agent of SHIELD. He spent the next many decades being a run-of-the-mill go-to SHIELD guy. Someone you would merely throw in a scene, even though the focus was on someone like Nick Fury or Dum Dum Dugan. Really, one of his more notable appearances was in the late-70s Marvel Godzilla comic. He admittedly didn’t do much, but he survived a few confrontations with the King of the Monsters and that’s awesome!
The late-70s also laid some important seeds for Woo’s future in an early issue of Marvel’s What If? series. The anthology comic was usually about Uatu the Watcher focusing on an alternate reality and seeing how things would have ended up if history had zigged instead of zagged. A world where Captain America wasn’t frozen, a world where Spider-Man prevented Uncle Ben’s death, etc.
The ninth issue, “What If the Avengers Had Fought Evil in the 1950s?” was written by Don Glut and drawn by Alan Kupperberg and Bill Black. As a framing device, the story was being watched by Avengers members Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Vision, and Beast. Looking into the past of an alternate reality, Iron Man saw an adventure where a bunch of 1950s characters teamed up and called themselves the Avengers.
The team was made up of:
Jimmy Woo, still trying to hunt down the Yellow Claw.
Marvel Boy, a twist on Superman’s origin where a man tried to escape Nazi Germany by flying he and his son to Uranus on a rocket. The son grew up to be a hero using gadgets and enhanced scientific knowledge.
3D Man, with the speed and strength of three men. He was sort of a cheat, as he was introduced in the 70s with his story taking place in the 50s.
Venus, the Goddess of Love.
Gorilla Man, who is like Tim Allen in the Santa Clause if you replaced “being Santa” with “being a talking gorilla.”
The Human Robot, a malfunctioning 1950s robot from a horror comic.
There were also appearances by Namora and Jann of the Jungle. Pretty sure one of the villains showed up in one of the obscure “Commie Smasher” Captain America issues.
Anyway, after the good guys won the day, President Eisenhower told them to disband. The way he saw it, the world wasn’t really ready for a ragtag super team of weirdos. Watching this, the mainstream Avengers noted their similarities to the members of this alternate lineup. Captain America and 3D Man were cut from the same cloth in terms of fighting style, Iron Man and Marvel Boy were both geniuses with cool gadgets, Thor and Venus were both gods fighting alongside mortals, Vision and Human Robot were both androids with heroic hearts, and Beast and Gorilla Man were both smartass talking furballs.
The Watcher appeared at the end to remind the reader something important: just because Iron Man saw this in an alternate reality doesn’t mean it didn’t happen in regular continuity. After all, who’s to know? It was a neat team-up that was quickly swept under the rug and didn’t have any lasting complications.
Other than a minor appearance in Avengers Forever, the What If? issue finally got the callback it was looking for in the mid-2000s. The team of Jeff Parker and Leonard Kirk did a miniseries called Agents of Atlas. The idea was that while they didn’t call themselves the Avengers, those 1950s heroes did indeed secretly team up back in the day.
For the most part, the characters were the same, but there were plenty of tweaks. Since their origins were tied to the 1950s, Jimmy Woo was aged up immensely for it to make sense, only to be de-aged through Marvel Boy’s technology. Marvel Boy himself was renamed the Uranian and they altered his backstory since one doesn’t really live a normal life on the surface of Uranus (tee-hee). Human Robot was referred to as M-11 and would rarely speak. 3D Man wasn’t part of the team, but they eventually brought in the hero Triathalon to fill in the role. As for Venus, she was retconned into being a guilt-ridden siren of the sea who for a time believed herself to be the goddess.
Most importantly, it gave us this panel.
Sadly, despite its high-quality and Marvel trying again and again, Agents of Atlas never truly caught on. It did last roughly as long as Guardians of the Galaxy did around the same time and we all know how successful that was once it became a movie. Come on, Marvel! Give us some cinematic Gorilla Man! You already know that people love wise-ass talking animals!
Marvel rested the concept for a few years until bringing it back as a new all-Asian superhero team led by Agent Woo. So Woo still has stuff going on.
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Maybe WandaVision will be a stepping stone from learning close-up magic to actually being the leader of his own group of heroes. One day…
The post WandaVision: Who is Agent Jimmy Woo? appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/36sZIee
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kartoon12 · 4 years
What Does God Need with a Space Station?
Okay guys, this is probably going to sound like the weirdest post I've ever made, as this is a subject I don't talk about too often---that being dreams. Most of the time, I don't remember having any, or I'm able to recall tiny snippets here and there, with the rest disappearing into a fog. There's really only a handful of very long, very vivid dreams I can remember having, and all of them were wacky, but mostly funny thinking back on them. And they almost always involve fandoms in some way. If anyone's interested in hearing more about those, feel free to message me. (The one where me and the bridge crew of Star Trek: TNG were trying to escape a hospital with Captain Picard yelling at everyone because we were making him late for a party is a particularly fun one.)
 However....just a few nights ago, I had a dream that....REALLY takes the cake, which is putting it mildly. This is one time I really felt the need to make this public, as I seriously, really want to try and see if anyone out there can help me analyze this, as this dream contained subject matter I've almost NEVER dreamt about before, and certainly not to an intensity and specifically detailed degree such as this. I wouldn't call it a nightmare, but neither was it fun. It was spooky...but more for the oddity and sheer level of "what the f**k?!" -ness to it.
 I also feel the need to open with a disclaimer: I was raised in a Catholic household, and though I haven't attended a mass in quite some time, I still at least say my prayers every night. But I have friends of many different sections of faith; I totally respect other people's religious beliefs, and I'm not trying to force mine on anyone here. I try to keep my mind open to other interpretations of "what lies beyond" and such. Why this disclaimer? Well, you're about to find out.  Strap in, folks. This is gonna' get lengthy....
 So the dream opened in third person view, as though I were watching a movie. Somewhere in the middle of outer space, two giant robots are just sort of hovering there, fighting with each other. (I'm talking like mecha in the style of Transformers or Gundam or the like.) It's also worth mentioning that this whole opening section of the dream was presented like a cartoon. (The art style of "My Life as a Teenage Robot" is the closest I can get to describing what it looked like.) One mecha was an orange/red color, the other was blue and white. Note that I said they were fighting WITH each other, not attacking one another. That's because the "camera" (for lack of a better word) then shifted to show this HUGE spaceship off in the distance, slowly making its way towards a space station. (But not like, a realistic NASA space station or anything---this looked all sci-fi/future-y like something out of Star Trek.) The Star Destroyer from Star Wars is the closest I can get to describing what this starship looked like in terms of size and scope. Although it wasn't outright firing lasers or anything, in dream-world, my mind already knew the backstory that that Star Destroyer thing was on its way to attack the space station.
 So naturally, red and blue robot have been sent out to stop the thing. Except the two of them were bickering amongst each other, arguing over the best course of action. Blue Robot keeps insisting they have to work together; Red Robot won't listen to reason and thinks his plans are better. Finally, Blue Robot gives up trying to argue and flies off to fight the Star Destroyer thing alone. A voice over the radio (probably someone back at the station) pleads with the two to work together and that Blue Robot doesn't stand a chance and can't do it alone. Blue Robot responds with, "Well I'm gonna' have to try." And disappears into the distance.
  Considering my love for movies and comics and stuff, so far, this is par the course for dreams I've had in the past. But THIS is where things take a turn for the truly bizarre.
 The "movie" then cut to inside the space station (very futuristic and high tech looking. All white walls, furniture and equipment. Very slick and clean looking.). Everything's now in first person view, so obviously from my viewpoint now. There's a guy frantically typing at a control panel (I'm assuming he's the one communicating with the robots.) All sorts of alarms are blaring and going off. The entire station is shaking and vibrating as it starts coming under attack. I think to myself, "I gotta' get out of here!" So I race to the nearest automatic doors and have to pry them with both my hands just to get them to slide open.
 The second I crossed the doorway, everything stopped being an animated cartoon, and from here on out, for the rest of the dream, everything is now normal/live action/real world. I started running all through the station trying to find help, until eventually, I hit upon an idea.  I kid you not, the only thought that came to me at that point was, "....I have to find God."
 Yes. You heard me. "I have to find God." Hang in there. It only gets freakier.
 So I head off, trying to find anyone who can help me look for God, as by this point, He's the only one who can get us out of this mess. Couple important things to note here:
1.) Despite being on a space station, none of the people aboard are in any sort of discernible uniform. Everyone I encounter is wearing normal clothes like jeans and T-shirts and stuff (save for one person, but we'll get to HER in a second....)
2.) The deeper I go into the station, and the farther I get away from that docking bay area I started off in, the less the station shakes, and the alarms gradually get quieter, until eventually, the attacks stop completely.
And 3.) A large portion of the crew (or passengers?) I initially come across are all Chinese (or of some Asian descent thereof). Whether this station was built or funded by China, I don't know.
 In any case, no one seems to be able to speak English, and no one seems to be scared or bothered, or even aware of what's going on outside. But they can tell I need help, so they point in the direction of this lady that I'm assuming is the leader or figurehead of some sort.  I assume so, because she's the only one dressed differently from everyone else.....and she's dressed like something out of the Feudal Era. A geisha, I think they call it. A red robe with gold flower patterns. Hair done up in a bun. Face painted white. Red lipstick. The works. Queen Amidala look, ya' know?
 Of course, dream-me doesn't question this at all, and I plead with her to take me to where God is. I then started repeating the phrase, "you know?! Heart, mind, soul?!" to her, over and over again. During which, I'd point to my heart, then my head, then trace a circle in the air with both index fingers for emphasis, hoping she'd get what I was asking her. Please note that in real life, I have NO clue what Chinese religion or mythology entails, nor have I ever studied it, and I'm 100% sure what I just described is completely wrong and total bulls**t. But apparently, this is how it worked in dream world, and apparently, I knew just the right sign language to make, because Geisha Lady finally got a look of understanding on her face, smiled and nodded, and said something in her own language that gave off the message of "oh, okay. I'll take you to Him."
 So she takes me by the arm, motions for me to follow her, and I let her lead me through the rest of the space station. All the alarms and chaos from earlier has totally stopped by this point. Her dress/kimono thing is so tightly wrapped around her that she had to take fast little baby steps, and you'd think with her penguin-walking it would've taken forever, but it actually took no time at all to get where we were going.  During which, I look around, and notice that, at that point, the hallways of the station started looking more and more like the isles of a department store. She weaves me through rows and rows of shelves stacked with all sorts of stuff. Some shelves are full, others have some stuff but were clearly picked through, and some shelves are completely empty.
 At long last, Geisha Lady shows me into a large waiting room of sorts, bowing and sweeping her arm out as if saying, "well, here we are." I look around, and there's a long line of people all waiting to get into an adjoining room where God is. Only then do I finally start seeing other races of people besides the Chinese from earlier. Black, Hispanic, Japanese, White---a mixture of all sorts from seemingly all over the world are in line. And every single person has some kind of item in hand. Books, potted plants, a wooden spoon and whisk (guess that person liked cooking?); any kind of knick-knacks you can think of. (Which I guess sort of explains the department store place from earlier and why stuff was missing.) I then walked past the line and peeked into the adjoining room to see what everyone was waiting for, and.....
 Well.....um.....I found God.
 The room was a very plain looking bedroom, with beige-colored walls, a queen-sized bed, and a single nightstand, but nothing else, not even a lamp, which would explain why the room was so dimly lit, with the only available light coming in from the doorway. I took a step closer to try and better see the....well....'being' occupying the bed. Or pair of beings I guess I should say (more on that in a second). At the foot of the bed was, what appeared to be, a Hispanic man in his 20s or 30s, with short scruffy black hair and tanned skin, and wearing nothing but a plain, white T-shirt....because he had no legs. His body ended at the torso, and he was propped up with a ton of pillows so he could see the visitors better. More pillows were situated on the floor for the people to kneel on, and at that moment, a lady and her kid were kneeling in front of Him, and everyone was speaking in super hushed tones, so I couldn't really hear what they were talking about. Though, every so often, I'd hear the amputee guy (that I'm assuming was God) speaking in a calm, reassuring tone, saying things like, "Don't worry. You're going to be okay. Everything'll be fine." And so on. No stereotypical big booming voice or anything like that.
 But I probably wasn't paying much attention to what they were saying because I was then focused more on the OTHER being occupying the rest of the bed. Lying at the top of the bed, directly behind the Hispanic guy, was another humanoid shape cut off at the torso. I say humanoid because this....thing....was more hidden in the shadows due to its position in the room. I could make out a head, neck, arms, hands, and chest....but no discernible clothes. It was more like....a dark blob that took the rough shape of a human....and it had no face. Or maybe it did, but....anytime I tried to look directly at it, its head seemed to be encased in a kind of fog, with the face area constantly shifting and blurring. If you've ever watched police or crime shows where they interview someone who wants to remain anonymous, and they blur their face out, that's basically what it looked like. And seeing this half-a-humanoid lying above the Hispanic guy, making it look like they were stacked on top of each other, almost kind of reminded me of Vishnu a bit. (The being from Hindu mythology who looks like a human with multiple arms.)
 Anyway, so I'm just standing there, taking this all in, when someone who was waiting in line (can't remember if it was a guy or lady) came up next to me, and they must've saw my confusion, because they leaned in and whispered, "Every couple of years, they pick a new person to represent Him." This is the only wording I SPECIFICALLY remember, EXACTLY. Whoever the "they" is that this person was referring to, I have no clue. The robots? The Chinese? The people waiting in line? Who knows.
 The person then explained a little more, and unfortunately, I can't remember the exact wording, but they basically said something like, "It's strongly recommended that you bring Him a present." Guess that would explain why everyone in line was holding stuff. Finally, this person whispered to me, "I hear that books are His favorite." And I remember thinking to myself, 'Considering this dude's got no legs and is probably stuck in bed all day, yeah, he probably needs something to do.'
 And though I can't remember whether I thought it, or said it out loud, my last thought was, "Damn. I should've brought my books with me." (And if you know anything about me, I was most likely thinking of my self-published comic books.)
 And that's when, quite suddenly, I woke up.
  No, I'm NOT on drugs.  I have NEVER taken any drugs; recreational or otherwise,  nor do I drink. Thanks for asking.
 So.....what in the name of all that is holy does this all mean???
 Like I said in the intro, this is something that is SO far out of my wheelhouse when it comes to what I normally dream about that I felt that I HAD to put it out there somewhere. I mean, I've gotten a bare-bones taste of other religions and cultures, mostly via movies and stuff, but it's not like I'm actively studying Feudal Era China or Hindu legends all the time, nor was I reading up on any sort of material right before bed or anything. I guess what I'm getting at is that the whole religious aspect of it is what really threw me, to the point of almost feeling prophetic in a way. I had goosebumps upon waking up, and I just couldn't stop thinking about what I experienced for the rest of the day.
 I've managed to come up with just a few theories, though this could totally be off base, so bare with me.
 The only part I'm really sure on is the beginning part with the robots, since one was red and the other blue. And that whole part was in the style of a cartoon (while the rest of the space station was in "live action/real world"). My guess is that the robots are representing the Democratic and Republican parties, and how both of them have been reduced to blathering, cartoon caricatures who can't work together at all to fight something that's threatening everyone. (With the star destroyer as a stand in for the virus, I guess?)
 Then, what's with the people lining up with gifts and the section that looks like Wal-Mart? Is this supposed to mean that society's become super greedy and materialistic, to the point of thinking we can buy favor with someone? Or bribe our way into Heaven?   Then again, at least in the dream, I had little doubt that the beings in the bedroom WAS God, since He seemed like a pretty chill dude who spoke kindly and was being comforting.  So maybe the gifts people were bringing were like....representations of their hobbies or something? Maybe the vibe was supposed to be more like, "Hey! Thanks for creating me, God! Here's something I made with the talents you gave me!" Like a kid showing off their macaroni art to their parent or something like that. OR, maybe it was supposed to mean something like, "In order to follow Him, you have to give up your love for material things?" I don't know.
 And then there's that weirdly specific line that still haunts me. "Every couple of years, they pick a new person to represent Him."   I have a feeling the humanoid blurry shape that I wasn't able to clearly see the face of was the real God, while the Hispanic guy was His avatar of sorts.  Still don't know who the "they" is, though.   Or was this meant to mean something along the lines of, "Society has become so focused and desperate for a savior that they're starting to see celebrities and politicians as false gods? Thinking that one guy can fix everything, when really we should be bettering our inner selves?"
 "Every couple of years, they pick a new person to represent Him." I mean, with phrasing like that, and with a certain presidential election coming up.....
 *sigh* I'm just going to end it here before I start opening up a whole other can of worms. Thanks to anyone and everyone who stuck with this all the way to the end.  The whole dream actually felt like it lasted all of ten minutes---it just took me a bit to explain all the details is all. I haven't had any similar dreams since. But still.....if anyone out there can help me interpret this thing, I'd love to hear from you, as I have the biggest gut feeling this all means SOMETHING important. I just don't know quite what. But if this IS a premonition of some kind, I just hope to God it's a good one.
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He’s Gonna Hate Me: Part 2
Pairing: Jensen X Reader
Word Count:  4,123
Warnings: Language, I think. Fluff. Fluffy Father!Jeffery Dean Morgan moment.
A/N: So writing Part 2 literally took forever, cause I’m horrible at staying to one task or story. And I get distracted super easy. But it’s finally here!! And I’m so excited to share it with you guys!! So here goes nothing...
“Jeff’s gonna be here soon.” Jensen says, fidgeting with his blue and white plaid flannel in the mirror. Again.
“I know.” You say, watching him from where you’re sat on the bed, amused.
“When’s he gonna be here again?” Jensen asks, glancing back at you in the mirror.
“He’s meeting me there during your Gold Panel and going to photo ops and autographs with me.” You tell him for the third time that morning, only getting more amused by his nervous antics. “Jense.” You say calmly, trying not to let your amusement show in your voice.
“What?” He asks, turning to face you as you get off the bed. “How are you so calm right now?”
You lay your hands on his broad chest, looking up at him. “It’s gonna go fine today, babe. My dad already loves you, that’s not gonna change just because you’re nailing his daughter.” You attempt to reassure him, an amused smile still on your lips.
“That’s exactly why he’s gonna kill me Y/N, I’m nailing his daughter!” He exclaims, making you giggle. “This isn’t funny Y/N!”
“It sort of is, Jay. But if you keep acting like this he’s gonna know something is up, you’ve gotta calm down babe.”
He sighs, “I know.”
“At least you don’t have to see him ‘till this afternoon, I have to spend all day with him.” You say with a smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “C’mon, you’re gonna be late.”
You grab Jensen’s hand, leading him out of the hotel room and to the elevator. Cliff is in the lobby waiting and he leads you out the back to the car, where Jared is already in the passenger seat. Cliff drives the three of you to the venue just a few blocks away, sneaking you in through the back.
“You okay dude?” Jared asks as Jensen begins pacing, waiting for the Gold Panel to start.
“Uh-huh.” Jensen mumbles and Jared looks over at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“He’s nervous cause my dad’s gonna be here soon.” You explain, rolling your eyes.
“Ah, murder day.” Jared jokes, sounding just as amused as you.
“Shut up, Jared.” Jensen mutters, making you giggle. “That goes for you too, giggles.” Jared laughs.
“Jared, Jensen, it’s time.” Rich says, walking toward the three of you.
“Good luck, stay calm, I love you.” You say, stopping Jensen’s pacing and pecking him on the lips.
“Love you too, sweetheart.” He gives you one more peck on the lips before following Jared out to their Gold Panel.
“Y/N, Jeff’s in the lobby surrounded by fans, you might wanna go save him.” Rich tells you making you laugh, walking toward the lobby.
When you walk through the door you see a group of fans all standing around, surrounding someone only a few feet inside the doors. You laugh, standing back and watching as fans run up to your father, a few also walking away looking at pictures on their phones and items he autographed for them. After a few minutes you decide to finally save him, your first photo op session beginning soon.
“Jeffrey Dean Morgan!” You yell through the lobby, catching everyone's attention. The sea of fans part in front of you to let him walk toward you, a large smile on his aging face. “Hi daddy.” You return his smile, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Hey darlin, good to see you.” He replies, hugging you tightly, fans taking photos and videos all around you. You kiss your dad on his scruffy cheek, pulling back and turning to the fans surrounding you.
“Alright guys, you can get photos and autographs later, I’m gonna steal my dad away now but he’ll be with me all day!” You announce, pulling your dad through the door to the back.
“You seem happy this morning.” You dad points out. You shrugs, leading him to the room for photo-ops, Misha already there.
“It’s been a good morning, am I not allowed to be happy?” You ask, a P.A. bringing you and your father your favorite coffee.
“Thanks.” You dad tells her, giving her a smile as Misha walks over to the two of you. “Of course you’re allowed to be happy darlin, it’s just a little strange bein so early. Is there any particular reason you’re so happy?”
“Nope.” You reply a little too quickly and Misha snorts out a laugh. You slap Misha’s arm, giving him a look to say shut up, making your dad laugh.
“Don’t beat up the angel now, I taught you better than that!” You dad jokes, chuckling.
“Yeah, Y/N!” Misha pouts, rubbing his arm where you hit him.
“Shut up, Misha.” You mutter, rolling your eyes.
“Photo-ops start in five minutes guys.” A P.A. announces, a few fans beginning to file into the room.
“Let’s get this show on the road.” You say with a smile.
It’s been two weeks since you told Jensen you were pregnant, and usually he barely leaves your side or he’s checking on you constantly, texting you all throughout the day. And while he had texted you a few times today, it was like he was completely avoiding you the best that he could. So when you texted Jared to ask if Jensen was okay, Jared just replied with a video of Jensen pacing across the empty green room, ranting about how Jeff was going to murder him and today would be his last day on earth. You showed Misha, the two of you giggling like drunk children.
Your day had mostly been spent with Misha, having photo-ops and autographs with him this morning and a panel with him later this afternoon. The only time you weren’t with Misha was during your solo panel, which of course ended up being a panel with your father, the fans paying him more attention than you. You didn’t mind, you knew he was part of the Supernatural family too, even if he hasn’t been on the show in at least ten years.
Currently Jensen and Jared are on stage for their panel, yours and Misha’s panel being right afterwards. You had just gotten done with your autographs and decided to hangout backstage for the rest of Jared and Jensen’s panel, you dad still following you around.
As you and your father walk through the door to backstage you hear Jensen say, “This is Jared.”
“Yeah, she knows that.” Jared says sarcastically, the audience laughing.
“Of course I do, like, I watch the show.” The fan sasses back, making you giggle. You peek through the black curtain to see Jared drop his mic on accident, Jensen shaking his head.
“This is why we don’t have nice things, Jared.” Jensen says as Jared bends over to pick up his mic.
“My chair is angled.” Jared complains.
“They act more and more like children every time I see them.” Your dad jokes with a laugh, watching from behind you.
“Yes they do.” You say as you watch them banter about Jared’s chair.
Jensen looks back at the fan finally, “Okay, what’s your question?”
“I wanna know, what was the last lie you told?” The fan asks.
“This should be good.” You mumble with a smirk.
Jared answers first, “The lie I tell myself everyday is that I don’t have to write it down to remember it.” The crowd laughs, “Yeah, what was that phone number? Yeah, yeah I got it, I got it. 30 seconds later -- I don’t know, what was it? So I tell myself that lie.” Jared looks over to Jensen.
“Uh, Jared asks me how he looked backstage. I said great.” Jensen jokes and makes a clicking sound with his tongue as he winks.
Jared looks at Jensen like a sad puppy and says, “That-that was a lie?”
“What?” Jensen asks looking at Jared.
“What? Huh?” Jared asks.
Jensen looks past Jared to the fan and says “Thank you” with a big smile and Jared starts laughing along with the audience.
Jensen turns to the next fan and says hi.
“Hi, my name’s Shannon, and I have a personal question for Jensen.” She says.
“Oh god.” Jensen mutters, making you giggle.
“So there’s a picture going around of you and Y/N at like a coffee shop and you’re kissing?” The fan asks curiously, making you freeze. Jared starts laughing as Jensen puts his face in his hands.
“I’m sure some of you have probably seen him already, but Jeff is in the building.” Jared says and the crowd cheers.
“I can’t answer that.” Jensen mutters into his mic, his face still in his hands.
“Why, cause Jeff’s gonna kill you?” Jared teases.
“You feel your father’s eyes burning a hole into the back of your head as Jensen says, “Shut up Jared.”
You grab a mic from the table beside you, turning it on and walking out onto the stage. “Can I interrupt for a minute?” The crowd cheers and Jensen looks at you as you walk up beside him and put your arm around his shoulders.
“What are you doing up here Y/N?” Jared asks teasingly, enjoying Jensen’s pain way too much.
“Well, I know I’m not supposed to be up here until my Panel with Misha in a little bit, but I felt like I had to come save Jensen.” You say with a laugh.
“You here to save him from Jeff?” Jared asks with a smirk.
“I might have to, he’s right backstage.” You say and the crowd cheers again. Jensen looks up at you with a terrified look on his face but you just give him a reassuring smile before turning to the fan that asked the question. “So you’re asking about the picture going around of Jensen and I kissing at a coffee shop, it surfaced about a week ago?” You confirm with her.
“Yes.” The girl answers, nodding her head.
“Well, we weren’t gonna address this until my panel with Misha, but I guess now is as good a time as any.” You look down at Jensen and he just shrugs, nodding his head to tell you to go ahead. You look back at the audience with a confident smile on your lips. “So, Jensen and I have actually been dating for quite some time now, but we had decided to keep it quiet until recently.”
The crowd cheers and Jensen smiles up at you, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!” Jared and the crowd being chanting, making you laugh.
As soon as you lean down and press your lips to Jensen’s, a loud voice booms over the speakers.
“Get your hands off of her!” You father yells into a mic, walking on the stage with a Lucille slung over his shoulder. You and Jensen jump apart and your dad laughs. “Are we pissin’ our pants yet?” He taunts with a large, goofy smile on his face. “Oh boy, do I have a feelin’ we are gettin’ close!”
“You might wanna run, Jensen.” Jared teases and the crowd laughs.
“Is he gonna kill me?”Jensen whisper-yells, looking at you with wide-eyes.
You laugh, looking over at your dad, “Be nice, old man.” Jensen just sits there, looking between you and your dad, confusion on his features, making you giggle. “Relax, Jay, I told him while I was signing autographs.”
“Oh.” Jensen says, still just looking between you and your father.
“All joking aside, you better be good to my little girl Ackles.” Jeff says, giving Jensen a warm, reassuring smile. Jensen nods, smiling back.
“Always.” Jensen says, pulling you back into his side.
“Should we go?” You ask after the next question, it taking ten minutes for the boys to actually answer the question because you and your dad were just a huge distraction for them apparently.
“Probably, but you’re not going to.” Jensen says with a shrug and a smirk as your dad brings over two chairs for you to be able to sit down, making you giggle. The last fifteen minutes of the panel is just the four of you goofing off while Jensen and Jared attempt to answer fans questions. Once the panel is over Jensen and Jared have to go to their last autograph session while you and your dad just hang out backstage until your panel with Misha begins on the same stage.
Richard walks over to you, looking tired and confused. “Where is Misha? Your panel is supposed to start in one minute and we can’t find him anywhere.”
You shrug, “I haven’t seen him since we finished our autograph session after lunch.”
“What the hell.” Richard mutters, running a hand through his hair.
“We’ll just start without him, I’m sure he’s gotta be around here somewhere.” You say, grabbing a mic and handing your dad a mic as well.
“Alright.” Rich sighs, going out onto the stage to introduce you and your father to the stage.
When you walk out onto the stage, the crowd cheers loudly. You smile, waving to the crowd as you take your seat, your dad sitting right beside you. “Hey guys!” You say into your mic.
Someone yells, “Where is Misha?” making your dad laugh.
“Uh, we don’t know where Misha is, we lost him.” You tell them and they laugh. “So we’re just gonna start without him, I’m sure he’ll turn up at some point.”
You and your dad start taking questions, the fans of course asking Jeff questions about The Walking Dead. When the next fan steps up to the mic to ask her question about fifteen minutes into the panel, and you see hands on her shoulders but can’t see who exactly is behind her, you already know it’s gonna be an interesting question.
“What’s your name sweetie?” You ask the nervous looking girl.
“Uh, I’m uh, my name is Melanie.” She says, running a hand through her hair.
You smile at her reassuringly, “What’s your question?”
“I was just wondering-”
She’s cut off when Misha jumps up from behind her and asks, “Are Jensen and you planning on having any kids?”
Your eyes go wide and you let out a nervous laugh, “Uh, very interesting question Misha, it’s nice of you to finally join us.” Misha laughs, jumping up onto the stage with you and your dad. “To answer Misha’s question, Jensen and I have been together for a little over a year but it isn’t something we’ve really talked about.”
“Nice save.” Misha whispers in your ear as he puts a chair next to you and sits down.
“Did you have a question though sweetheart?” You ask Melanie.
She nods, “I was going to ask how long you’d like to see your character on the show.”
“I would love to see my character on the show for a while, especially to see the relationship between her and Dean grow, mainly because we’ve never actually seen Dean have any sort of real relationship. And I think that my character could help Dean to at least begin to love himself and help him out of his self-destructive behavior and habits.” You answer, giving her a smile.
The rest of the panel runs smoothly, other than Misha goofing off more than usual and making too many jokes about having children. So once the panel is over and the three of you are off stage, you pull Misha to an empty room, slamming the door behind you.
“Who told you?” You demand, glaring at the older man.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He says innocently, trying and failing to hide a smile.
“It was Jared, wasn’t it?” You demand, crossing your arms over your chest. “Cause Jensen and I agreed we weren’t gonna start telling anyone, including the cast, until our parents knew. So who told you, cause I know Jensen’s excited but he can keep a secret. And Jared’s a loudmouth.”
“It was Jared.” Misha confirms and you groan, stomping out of the room and straight into your father.
“Whoa, hey, what’s wrong?” Your dad asks, gently grabbing your shoulders.
You look up at him, a dangerous look on your face as you say, “I have a giant to kill.” You duck out of his grasp and take off down the hall toward where you’re supposed to meet Jensen and Jared to go out to dinner once you were all done with your convention activities. When you see Jensen already there, leaning against the wall on his phone, you head straight for him. “Where is he?” You yell.
Jensen looks up, looking bewildered, “What? Where is who?”
“Padalecki! Where is he?” You demand, your arms crossed over your chest as you glare up at Jensen.
“Uh, I think he went to the bathroom. What’s goin on sweetheart?” Jensen asks, his hands held up a little bit as he stares at you with his eyes wide.
“He told Misha and Misha just about told my dad and the whole damn fandom during our panel.” You seeth, looking around for Jared.
“You didn’t tell your dad?” Jensen asks, his head slightly cocked to the side. You look at him, your features softening.
“I thought you’d wanna be there when we told him, so I figured we could tell him together at dinner.” You say softly. Jensen gently grabs your face, leaning down and kissing you deeply. You smile into the kiss, running your hands up through his hair.
“Y’all think you could keep the PDA to a minimum, I don’t really wanna see you making out with my daughter, Ackles.” You dad says from behind you, making you jump away from Jensen. You giggle, taking Jensen’s hand in yours as you turn to your dad.
“Ready for dinner?” You ask him with a smile.
“Is your mission for blood over with?” He jokes with a smirk.
You shrug, “I know where Jared works and lives, I’ll get him back later. Let’s just have a nice dinner before you head back home.” You dad nods, pulling out his phone and sending off a quick text. “You texted Jared to hide, didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” Your dad says as he slides his phone back into his pocket.
“You sure I’m clear?” Jared shouts down the hall as Cliff comes in.
“The car is ready.” Cliff announces.
“Let’s just go to dinner, Padalecki, I’m hungry.” You shout down the hallway before following Jensen outside.
When you get to the restaurant you’re seated in the back, away from prying eyes and fans so the four of you can have a quiet, peacefully family dinner. The conversation is kept friendly and light while you all look over the menu and order your drinks and food. Once the food is delivered a strong smell hits you, making your stomach turn instantly. You grab your glass of water, taking a few sips, willing yourself not to vomit. Jensen looks at you in concern, immediately noticing your change of demeanor.
“Are you alright?” Jensen whispers in your ear and you just nod, before shaking your head and excusing yourself, taking off for the bathroom as quickly as you can without making yourself seem suspicious and drawing an unwatched attention.
“Is she okay?” Your father asks Jensen, watching as you fast-walk toward the bathroom.
“Yeah, she just needed to use the restroom.” Jensen says, cutting into his steak.
That’s the last of the conversation at the table until you return a few minutes later. You notice the concerned look on your father’s face and give him a small smile as you slide back into your seat. Once again, the conversation is kept light as the four of you eat your dinners.
“Alright,” Your dad speaks up as he puts his napkin back on the table, finished with his meal, “What are you not telling me?”
Jensen chokes on his water, glancing at you as he attempts to stop coughing. You furrow your eyebrows and ask, “What do you mean?”
Jeff chuckles, “You’re my daughter Y/N, I’ve literally known you since you were born. And you may be a good actress but I can see straight through you. So, what are you not telling me?”
“Well,” You start, clearing your throat and grabbing Jensen’s hand under the table, “we were gonna wait to tell you until we were back at the hotel-”
“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” You dad guesses with a smirk on his lips, his arms crossed over his chest as he looks between you and Jensen. You just nod your head, looking down at your fingers laced with Jensen’s on your lap as you wait for a speech from your father. “How far along are you?”
“About ten weeks now, I found out about a month ago and told Jensen two weeks ago in Texas.” You say, your eyes still glued to your hands. “The only people that know right now are us four, Kim, Misha and Cliff… And the writers and producers of the show, I had a meeting with them the Monday after I told Jensen. They’re gonna try to keep me on the show as long as they can, and it may actually work pretty well to where the end of the pregnancy we’ll be on hiatus anyways so hopefully I can keep it hidden until then but-”
“Y/N.” You father says, cutting off your nervous rambling. You look up at him, your eyes full of unshed tears. There’s a large smile on his face, unshed tears in his own eyes, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you just look at him in silence. He stands up, walking around the table to you and pulling you up from your seat. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, hugging you tightly with his chin rested on top of your head. “I’m happy for you, baby girl.” He mumbles, his voice cracking with emotion, and you smile, your own tears rolling down your cheeks now.
“I love you dad.” You mumble, pulling back and looking up at him to see tear tracks on his cheeks.
“I love you too.” He kisses your forehead before pulling away completely, both of you wiping the tears from your cheeks. “You better be good to them.” Your father says, pointing at Jensen.
“Oh I will, they’re the most important things to me.” Jensen says with a smile.
Your father and you take your seats back at the table, the waitress coming over a couple moments later to check on the four of you and ask if you needed anything else.
“Well I think this calls for dessert!” Your father announces, clasping his hands together loudly.
“Oh, are we celebrating something?” The waitress asks with a large smile, looking between you all.
Your dad nods, his smile growing as he announces, “I’m gonna be a grandpa!” You giggle, rolling your eyes at your father’s very loud announcement.
“Well congratulations! What would y’all like for dessert then? On the house!”
The four of you tell the waitress what you’d like for dessert and she rushes off to the kitchen to get it for you. Within a few minutes she’s back with your desserts and you all dig in.
Your dad looks at you and Jensen, taking out his phone and telling the two of you to pose for a picture. Jensen puts his arm around you, the two of you smiling brightly as your dad takes a picture of you. He shows you the picture and says he’ll send it to the both of you, but that he’d also like to post it on his Instagram page.
“What are you going to put as the caption?” You ask him.
“I was just going to say something about the happy couple.” He says with a shrug, looking at his phone and pulling up Instagram.
You glance at Jensen and he nods, knowing what you’re thinking. You smile and say, “Do you want to be the one to announce to the world about the newest member to the Ackles-Morgan family?”
His head snaps up and he just looks at you for a minute, his mouth open as he looks between Jensen and you. “Are-are you serious?” His voice cracks again, a smile appearing brightly on his face as you nod your head, Jensen nodding beside you. “I would love that.”
He posts the picture of Jensen and you to his Instagram, the caption reading, “I couldn’t be any happier! I’m going to be a grandpa! We will be welcoming the newest member of the Morgan-Ackles family in April 2016! Congrats, kids. You’re going to be amazing parents! And welcome to the family, Jensen!”
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thesickpanda · 4 years
It’s the End of the World as we Know It (And I don’t feel fine)
Over a month ago I woke up with terrible pain in my back. For years we've been sitting on a broken futon so we figured that might be to blame. We could ill afford a new sofa at that time, but we really had no other choice. There was no comfortable chair for me to sit in and with the neuroma in one foot and a subluxating patella in the other leg, I need to sit a lot. So a few days after my spasm, a new, ergonomic sofa was delivered. It's been great. I'm incredibly grateful for it. But the back spasm? It hasn't gone away.
 I'm used to the aches and pains of Fibromyalgia but normally when I have a spasm in my back or neck, it's gone after a week or two, tops. The regular aches return but there's a difference in a spasm. It's a sharp, vice like grip that prevents me from bending at certain angles. It generally feels like I have something with sharp fangs latched into all my tissues, sinews and muscles that just won't let go. It sends electrical, sharp twinges up the rest my back, threatening to paralyse me. It's really unnerving, but beyond that, it's extremely debilitating. I booked to see my myotherapist and the soonest I could visit her was a few weeks away. I saw her on Monday and my glutes were so tight that after she'd massaged them, I came up in enormous purple and blue bruises. Seriously, my butt looks like a baboon’s.
 For one day my lower back felt a bit better and I didn't need to put a heat pack on. I've been putting on so many stick-on deep heat packs that my skin is red raw from the adhesive ripping off each night. Unfortunately, the pain returned with a vengeance only a day later. I'm struggling to do my core exercises which are essential for keeping me functional.  My Fibro is greatly worsened by being static and my subluxating patella becomes excruciating if I don't do my hip flexors and other exercises. But trying to do them on the exercise mat on the floor right now? Immensely painful. Certain back stretches that always used to help lower back pain are so difficult to do that I just burst into tears. And I know what I'm in for. I have low back pain. I have one of the vaguest pains that doctors absolutely revel in dismissing. I know that I will be sent off to one useless physio after another and because no one can “see” the problem I’ll be sent on a merry-go-round of tired old treatments I KNOW don’t work. This back forth with medical professionals will go on for months and thousands of dollars later I’ll feel no better. I know how this book ends because I know the medical system and its limitations intimately. It’s a lost cause.
 I do have a theory as to why this back pain will not go away, though. Along with the spasm, I've been incredibly stressed during my sleep. The cannabis I'm taking at night allows me to sleep for 6 hours, which is a massive improvement on no sleep at all due to pain. However, it works more like a pain distractor. The THC pushes me under into sleep mode, but I am clearly still in pain because I'm clenching. I'm clenching so damn hard that I have to wear a wrist brace at night to stop myself from cracking my wrists under my head. I wake up in the fetal position with my teeth gritted to the point that I now have trans-mandibular joint disorder, something else that is expensive to treat and that I now need to see a dentist for. Clenching so tightly for eight hours a night is likely doing in my back as well. Why am I so stressed? Oh, there are many reasons but the biggest one is bleedingly obvious to me:
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[Image description: a realistic image of planet earth, as seen from space, with fire burning across most of its surface]
It is very difficult to put into words how emotionally distressing it has been for Australians to be surrounded by smoke and fire for months. We were very lucky in our region of the Blue Mountains that the smoke didn't settle nearly as much as it did in Sydney. Sydney is in a basin and so the pollution just sits on top of it and they were copping it from the north and south coast fires as well as the ones raging on the northern and southern slopes of the mountains. But eventually, the smoke haze grew so large and so thick that it dumped on us too. A few days ago, air quality reached 12 times the hazardous level. And as Australian houses are designed like sieves and are not at all airtight or properly insulated, the smoke just comes in. On Wednesday, my eyes were red, my nose was running and I was coughing constantly. I was incredibly agitated because I couldn't breathe. I couldn't go outside, that was even worse, so after a long drawn out winter I haven't been able to enjoy late spring or summer thus far. This has given me intense cabin fever as I am an outdoors person and recharge in nature
 Apart from the stress of being cooped up inside a smoke filled house, I am also drained from being on constant high alert. I have the “Fires Near Me” app on my phone, which posts warnings if a fire has started in my local area; four have started in my watch zone in the past few weeks. There is a huge one raging in the upper mountains and dumping smoke on us. At any moment, we might have to evacuate. The mega fire (Gosper’s Mountain/Wollemi Park area) which is larger than the entire metropolitan area of Sydney is now burning on the northern slopes of the Blue Mountains, may cross over the road and start eating into the central park. If that happens, there will be a mass exodus out of the mountains towns, including mine. The new home we just bought? That might well burn to the ground. We had to over insure it because of the way property prices are forever escalating. It's so incredibly expensive and unbelievably stressful. We know all of this is happening because of climate change, and yet our leaders refuse to do anything about it. Oh, hopes and prayers are offered, sure, but policy changes and meaningful action? Ha ha no. Too many boomers in government for that.
 Climate change anxiety is real. With most other worries and fears, I can console myself or rationalise them away. But not this one. Normally when I am anxious, I exercise self-compassion and console myself with: “there, there, it's not the end of the world”. But that line no longer works, because the world as we know it is changing dramatically and terribly and it is only going to get worse. It is TERRIFYING. Eastern Australia took a sucker punch to the face with all the smoke and bushfire and suddenly everyone is very painfully aware of the real consequences unchecked climate change. Every day that I open my blinds and see thick haze covering the forest, I'm reminded of how little of that is now left. For the first time, the bushfires are not carbon neutral; because of the drought, it has been predicted that the undergrowth and trees will not be able to replenish themselves, meaning that all of that smoke is just adding millions of tonnes of carbon to our already warming atmosphere. The koala is now functionally extinct yet our government refuses to stop logging native forests. Millions of hectares have burned, unfathomable numbers of animals and insects and other biodiversity have been wiped out. Hundreds of homes have been razed to the ground, people have lost their lives. And we have been told that this is going to be the new normal. From now on bushfire season won’t just be summer, it will include spring as well. Heck, in some areas, bushfires started in late August, which is fucking winter. Our largely unpaid and under-resourced fire fighters are exhausted and spread too thin. They’re now saying to some people in regional and rural areas that they just need to evacuate because there’s no way the RFS will be able to get to them in time to defend their homes. And yet, homes are so hard to come by in Australia that people will give their lives defending their house.
 The news is constantly bleak. To go outside is literally toxic. To stay inside is toxic as well. I feel like the walls are closing in on me, and at night I take all that stress with me into bed. The only saving grace is that last year we bought an air purifier. Yesterday we had to spend another $300 to get a second so that I am not confined to one room of the house all day long and so that we can both, you know, breathe clean air when we sleep. (Don’t get me started on how clean air is now a middle class luxury. We’re lucky we could afford to buy one, and even then, only by using AfterPay… This is disgustingly unfair on the poor/disadvantaged).
 If this is our new normal I'm not sure that I want to live a long life. I am absolutely terrified of death but I am more terrified of watching the world burn to the ground around me as I age. I'm scared of what humans will be doing to each other once we run out of water and when there is no safe place to go. We like to think that we are okay in a developed nation like Australia, yet we may be one of the worst hit by climate change. With no rain, little arable land, tremendous heat waves (on Thursday Australia was the hottest country on earth) and super fires consuming millions upon millions of hectares, well….
 When I was reading about the TMJ pain and clenching, one of the primary treatments is addressing the underlying anxiety that is making you clench each night. I laughed maniacally reading that. Oh yeah, I'm clenching my jaw because I'm terrified of climate change destroying the world. How the fuck am I supposed treat that anxiety? Tell me how I'm supposed to do that?!
 So until the world somehow manages to fix itself, I guess that back spasm, jaw clenching and existential dread and anxiety are here to stay.
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[Image description: panel one: cartoon dog sitting calmly in a burning room labelled “Australia”. Next panel is a close up of the dog saying with a smile ‘this is fine’. The dog is labelled “The Australian Government].
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ambivalentangst · 6 years
Are you still doing the bingo cuz if so 👀 Hand Gagging with Lance
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Yep!! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been running low on inspired lately. Hopefully the new season will give me the motivation I need. Enjoy!
Want to help me reach bingo? Check out this post for more info
tw: graphic descriptions of violence
Lance, for as loud and obnoxious as he occasionally prized himself on being, was surprisingly good at recon missions. The nonexistent sound of his armored feet on the halls of the ship was a testament to that, taking out the guards standing outside the control room he needed to infiltrate with finesse. The little USB thingamajiggy Pidge had given him did its job from its spot plugged into the center console, and Lance got to vaguely monitor security cameras and dick around on a Galra warship for a bit while he waited. All in all, fun. Lance hadn’t gotten to cut loose in a while and only was a little bit bothered when the Blade operative showed up.
Lance waved from his spot using his minimal knowledge of code to rename various things around the ship for shits and giggles. “Hey!” he called, watching the doors slide shut behind them. “I’m just finishing up here and then it’s all yours. Quick question, would you know how to reprogram the sentries to sing It’s a Small World constantly? I think it’d be a fun parting gift and I’m willing to provide the audio, which I guess is a good thing because nobody out here knows what that is anywa—”
Lance tended to get nervous around the Blade, as silent and stoic as they all seemed to be. As a result, he rambled. The mask covering the operative’s face shimmered, and Lance’s words died in his throat upon seeing a familiar mullet under it. His lips split in a grin, and he launched himself at Keith with a laugh. “Mullet!” he exclaimed, ignoring the beep from the device telling him it was done. “It’s been forever. How’s life treating you? All your super secret Blade stuff?”
He took a step back, watching Keith process. “Uh, good? I didn’t expect to see you here, though.”
Lance shrugged, bounding back across the room to take the drive. “The universe blesses us all, occasionally.” He grinned as he plucked it from its place, and swiveled back around to face Keith. “I’m supposed to be headed out, but I suppose I can spare the time to keep my favorite mullet-headed, cropped-jacket-wearing half-Galra company.” Keith scoffed but Lance noted with delight that the sound was distinctly playful.
Keith walked forward, commandeering the screens with finesse Lance didn’t know he had. He whistled shortly. “I don’t suppose you’re allowed to share what the purpose of your latest super secret mission is?”
Keith shook his head and looked a little smug when Lance deflated at his reply, pressing a hand over his heart in mock offense. “You’re the cruelest mullet-headed, cropped-jacket-wearing half-Galra I know,” he complained.
Keith laughed. “Shut up and let me do my job.”
Lance was happy to comply, though that didn’t stop him from tapping his foot and poking at various things he found around the room. That was all fine and dandy until he heard Keith cuss softly.
Lance’s head popped up from its spot examining a black spot on the floor and determining if it was dirt or a crushed space bug. “Keith?”
Keith’s hands were flying across the keyboard. “Shit, shit. Kolivan warned me that they might have some sort of security protocols in place for the information we’re looking for but we had the code, I don’t know why it’s reacting like this—” Keith cut off abruptly as alarms started to blare, somehow making himself work even faster.
Lance stood so fast his vision blacked out for a second, crossing over to grab Keith’s arm. “Keith, come on! We’ve gotta’ get out of here.”
He shook Lance’s grip off almost violently. “No, I have to get this. I’ve been botching too many mission recently, this is important.”
Lance gulped nervously, hearing the sounds of footsteps. “Not more important than your life. Let’s go!” Keith’s laser-like focus didn’t break.
Lance gritted his teeth and pulled at him harder, only to be shoved to the ground. “You go. I’m staying.”
Lance didn’t like how close those footsteps were getting. “They’re going to be here any second, Keith. According to our intel, the general in charge here is really bad. We don’t want him getting his hands—paws, whatever—on us.” Still no sign of stopping. Lance wished he had the brute strength like Shiro or Hunk to drag him away. “Keith, I don’t want him getting his hands on you. You’ve already been away for so long—you have to come back home. You have to say goodbye before you can die.” His voice was cracking, tears springing to his eyes at the thought that Keith would be gone and Lance would be the only one to see.
Keith spun and locked eyes with him for a few long seconds that were blurred, to Lance, anyway, by tears. He sighed. “Fine! I have to cover our tracks though.” Lance let him have approximately three more seconds of tapping at things Lance couldn’t even begin to understand before his nerves got the better of him and in what must have been a moment of sheer adrenaline, pulled Keith into a small closet nearby in the nick of time.
Moments later the door slid open while their bodies pressed together, breaths heavy and seemingly far, far too loud in the cramped accommodations. There came the sound of an angry stride bringing a Galra to the control panel Keith had been touching just moments previous. Lance felt like he could barely breathe as a roar followed, and the sound of someone far less confident entering the room could be heard.
“Private, I thought you claimed the technical problems with the ship to be cured.” The voice was low, a furious grind of fangs Lance could picture all too clearly.
The one that came in response was a mere terror filled warble. “I fixed them—fixed them to the best of my ability—my ability, general.”
The first then, building in volume while Lance and Keith looked at each other with wide eyes. “Then why,” the word was a snarl that sent chills up Lance’s spine, “does it show that some rebel got in the system hours ago despite the fact that the alarms are going off now.”
A low whimper. Keith gripped Lance’s wrist so tightly it hurt, but Lance was doing the same so they were even. “I—general, the rebels must have—must have hacked into the ship and—into the ship and altered protocol that I had amended—I had amended previously and had no control ov—”
There was the sound of furred hands hitting something, claws scraping against metal. “Are you suggesting to me, private, that the intrusion was not your fault?” Lance bit back a whimper, feeling Keith’s heart beat wildly with their chests pressed together. He remembered the way Keith had insisted he cover for them. He might’ve asked if that was what was keeping their cover if he hadn’t been so scared of the voices sounding from right outside. “And if not your fault, who? Your commanding officer, for allowing the intruders?”
The poor private’s voice was growing panicked, higher in pitch. “No! Not at all, general. I would never—would never insinuate that—”
“Then who is at fault, private?”
“I—” Lance flinched, listening to the lower ranking Galra scramble for an explanation, an excuse. He’d never felt sympathy for the Galra before but was selfishly grateful that he’d dragged Keith away before the private was replaced with the two of them. “Me, general. Me. I’m at fault.” Lance had never heard a voice sound so small, nor a reply so darkly satisfied.
“Thank you for your confession, private. Unfortunately, the empire does not tolerate incompetence.”
The private didn’t even have time to beg before there was a hot, sickening squelch that silenced the beginnings of a scream. Lance and Keith’s eyes met in the dark, and Keith must’ve read something on Lance’s face because a moment before his shriek came out he clamped a hand over his mouth.
Lance felt Keith shaking against him and clung to his form regardless, the wordless horror filling him too great to bear. That could’ve been them, that could’ve been them—
“General Eilrac requesting new technical support.”
Lance would never forget the private’s stammering, terror-filled last words, an admission fueled and coerced from him from the monster set on murdering him. He’d never forget, and until the general left and the coast was clear, the his final moments echoed hellishly in the closet. Lance couldn’t even scream.
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vampireloreskill · 5 years
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Get To Know Me 
tagged by @fourfinefreshfishforyou a billion years ago, thank you so much!! i actually Did have fun filling this out even if it took me forever 
 anyone who still wants to do this can say i tagged them!
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Who wrote this? A fed??
3. BIRTHDAY? This year
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? Would you believe me if I said Warriors
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Ghosts no, aliens sort of... I’m not sure I buy into whole other civilizations but I find it hard to believe that there isn’t some kind of life outside of our planet even if it’s just bacteria 
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Rick Riordan is pretty cool
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG?  Your Type - Carly Rae Jepson
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I’m a big fan of defenestration
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  Your Type - Carly Rae Jepson
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? I don’t like to blanket recommend shows because everyone has such different tastes
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? Tbh I just mope around until I either feel better or give up and go to sleep
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? This is an Assassin’s Creed and Sims zone ONLY
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Strangers on the internet knowing my second biggest fear
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? Objectively it’s probably my ability to see things from other people’s perspective but TBH I much prefer my sense of humor and ability to laugh at my own jokes whether or not anyone else finds them funny 
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? My inability to self moderate
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? I want to say neither,, but I may be leaning towards dogs in recent years :/
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Winter, but lately Autumn has been sneaking up on it
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? Being small... I loved hiding in tiny spaces and being picked up
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? *cowboy voice* Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? At this point it’s basically black but I still like to say dark brown
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? God, my family, probably a lot of people idk I catch feelings easily
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? Literally no one but God 
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? A lot of seemingly random celebrities, if you count constantly reciting names in specific patterns as thinking 
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I’m not sure what the opposite of shrug emoji is but the answer is still no one
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? I’m not, but someone needs to tell me that
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I’m not sure I have any phobias? Irrational fears, Sure
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? I REALLY want to get into dollhousing
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I know I said Les Misérables in a previous tag meme but I now remember that I actually read the first book in C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy a while back more recently
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Spider-man: Into The Spiderverse which was........ AMAZING 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? When I was younger I had a lap harp but that’s about it
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? I’m not a fan of naming names in this context sorry!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? A lot, but I’ve concluded that for any powers gained I would inevitably just end up becoming a super villain and/or batman so hard pass
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? When I first wake up, and just lie there trying to hold on to what I was just dreaming about
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? It’s basically physically impossible for me not to grin like a fool watching Wander Over Yonder
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? Does Wii Bowling count
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? I don’t know? Probably when I wanted to wake up at a certain time
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? Sometimes? Depends on how possible it is that I could fall
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Dry skin currently 
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? I was going to say no but I have the distinct feeling that I have even though I didn’t remember absolutely anything about it except maybe the auditorium?
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? Not growing as a person
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? Not really, but I do like the ability to turn on lights if I need to
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? My vocal cords were made for Christmas carols and little else. But yeah, sometimes.
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? I’m not... sure?
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? I’ll let you know when I’ve found it
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? Where I already do
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? I feel like I could make an educated guess in an emergency
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I feel like it’s probably pop or disco tbh
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Jesus 
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? Here and there, the only series I’ve actually read all the way through is Cable & Deadpool (2004) but I want to get into Venom
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? Not to be cliche but injustice of any kind
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? Real book, I like turning pages and the way the cover fits into my hands. Can’t say I’m a fan of the smell though.
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′2 or so
75. CAN YOU COOK? If it involves anything other than a microwave or a toaster then,,, no
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Vampires, villains in love, wood paneling 
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? Intrusive thoughts, Marius Pontmercy, mint flavored toothpaste
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Bisexual but like it’s Complicated. Also this is the first time I’ve ever actually said that directly so ✌️🎉
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? A fed wrote this
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Earlier this month
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? I don’t really follow any, but I used to be obsessed with the videos of this one guy who acted out crossovers of DC/Marvel characters with action figures and had a really great voice
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? I do! I just never do anything with them once I’ve taken them lol
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? I don’t have one right now, but I adore choose your own adventure ones
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? Pretty good with my adoptive parents. I want to be closer with my birth mom but I don’t... really know how to go about that without being a disappointment. Never met my birth dad which has been eating at me somewhat lately.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Do you take me for a clown
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Yes, I’m a nondenominational christian 
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? The ocean, it’s teeming with life and I find it bafflingly fascinating how there’s still so much we don’t know about it
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? Almost every single time we go shopping in Sam’s Club I get inexplicably feverish and nauseous and feel like I’ve thrown out my back until we get to the check out. That and I may have a dairy allergy? But honestly my stomach is acting out every other day so who knows really.  
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? Aesthetically, the beach, but forests are less sandy
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR?  mmMM I don’t really lie, like, seriously about stuff that I can recall? I’ll jokingly say stuff that blatantly isn’t true and even then I sometimes feel guilty and confess seconds later. Unless you count lying by omission? Or saying stuff like “I’m fine” LMAO. The World May Never Know
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? We Don’t Discuss Harry Potter On This Blog, but ravenclaw all the way and any test that tries to sort me into hufflepuff isn’t Valid 
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Generally just when I’m alone
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I’ve tried, but I just don’t have the attention span for it asdfgh. Sometimes I write down my dreams though.
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Convince someone else to pick it up and check for ID
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? That’s a personal question
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Count Dracula from Monster Family (2017) ok so,,, i know he tried to freeze the entire world because a married woman rejected him but LISTEN
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? Mm, not karma per say, but I do generally think that what goes around often comes around in way or another
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? Idk! there a lot different types of smart people
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? Nice try, but someone might actually read this
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? I’m basically nocturnal so... yeah
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? Various jewel tones
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? Not that I know of
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 21
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? I can’t really think of one right now
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? Whichever I’m in the mood for!
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kathillards · 6 years
i met so many of my fave actors and took photos with them YOU GUYS 
- catherine sutherland IMMEDIATELY MY NUMBER ONE OFC i really spent $70 to get her autograph on this fan art of kat and aisha and tanya and i told her i love kat so much and that she’s my url and me and tabby are tommykat’s only fans (sorry to the other 5 of ya) and she was sooo sweet and beautiful i love her so much
- BRANDON JAY me and tabby were like the first ppl there and we told him we love jack so much and he’s the best and was my first red and i took a photo with him and i loveeeee him
- CLAIRE BLACKWELDER omg she is so tiny and pretty and cute and she was wearing a purple ring FROM SET IT WAS KENDALLS RING and purple earrings and she said purple was her fave color and she’s soooo tiny you GUYS
- KEVIN DUHANEY AND JEFF PARAZZO oh my goddd i didn’t get to talk to jeff much cuz i got in line for kevin and we talked forever i told him dino thunder was my FAVE he said he watches emma’s show and she’s so good!! AND HE AND EMMA AND JEFF WENT FOR DINNER YESTERDAY AND HE SHOWED US A PIC OF THEMMMM ON HIS PHONE they tried to get her to come but she’s so busy AND WE ASKED ABOUT JAMES NAPIER and they said he didn’t like acting :(( and they don’t know where he is or what he’s up to but kevin was still so sweet he was totally talking up james’ directorial debut and said he was amazing and ALSO he told us jeff was in the anniversary episode and he forgot tommy existed so Mood (they do Not claim him for dino thunder lmaoo) and then i got a pic with both my boyssss
- we went to see azim immediately afterward AND I TOLD HIM I LOVED HIM AND WE DEFEND JAKES HONOR ONLINE and that i had to support all brown people on power rangers and he was like YES FIRST MIDDLE EASTERN RANGER and i told him that i loved him and ernie being on the same season because u know brown solidarity and he loooved ernie he said the actor was actually an assistant director and then he had to run to a photo op so we said we would be back BECAUSE WE LOVE HIM
- and then we went to see DAVI WHO HAD JUST COME AND SET UP WE WERE THE FIRST ONES THERE and oh my godddddd he is so pretty you guys what the FUCK he had his glasses he was so CHARMING and pretty AND HE ASKED IF WE WANTED A PIC W HIS COAT and tabby asked if she could wear it and i also wore it and oh my goddddd he is so SWEET i would die for him
- oh i forgot because i didn’t get a pic w him but we went and saw brennan first because tabby wanted to see him and he is sooooo hot AND HIS ARMS YOU GUYS HES SO PRETTY
- WE ALSO WENT AND SAW JORGE AND ADAM because they’re tabby’s faves i didn’t buy pics w them but they are SO HANDSOME AND NICE AND SWEET jorge hugged tabby because she was Dying and i told him she was blake’s biggest fan AND ADAM AND I TALKED ABOUT HUNTER AND BEING THE OLDEST SIBLING and i said how much i loved ninja storm being so family focused AND THEN ADAM HUGGED ME HES SO TALL AND NICE ughh i love them
- AND SELWYN WARD we were the only people at his booth at first so we just talked to him and we told him we loved turbo and talked about our fave episodes and he is so handsome and nice and i loooove him
- ok anyway back to azim cuz we went back to see him after his megaforce photo op and he remembered us and was like to his handler “these girls defend jakes honor” and we were like AND ALSO MEGAFORCE and he was like yeah you guys and your friends were all up front like a cluster (at their panel because All Of Us were there) and we were like ya we are all the megaforce stan club and then we took pics AND HE ASKED ME TO TAKE A PROM STYLE PIC WITH HIM AND I DID and i was like oh i’ve never been to prom and he was like omg how old are u and i was like 22 but i hate dancing and other people BUT I WOULD GO FOR YOU AZIM I WOULD
- and then we went to christina and she is soooo tiny and cute we told her we were waiting for her the whole megaforce panel cuz she was super late she’s so adorable she apologized and we told her emma was the BEST RANGER EVER and how she had like so many awesome fights by herself and how she was the leader and she said she was upset that emma didn’t get to dress up in the halloween episode and we asked her who she would have dressed up as and she said emma would be a butterfly she’s so cuuuuuute and we have a megaforce photo op all four of us and all six of them tomorrow :’)
i think that’s everything for today anyway SUPER FUN SO SO SO FUN ME AND TABBY JUST WANDERED AROUND SCREAMING ST EVERYONE jeff came by azim’s booth while we were there and we squealed and he was like lol (he was like never at his panel dhjdjdjsj kevin had to shout him over to get him to take my pic) (also while we were waiting in line he came by us and i said JEFF really loudly and he like nodded and smirked at me god he’s so hot) (tabby screamed at adam and jorge too and then they walked past again and jorge blew her a KISS god they’re all so cute)
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operationoverdrive · 6 years
power morphicon diary (2018)
twitter thread with pics and such ✨✨✨
now to recap the greatest weekend of my life:
brennan mejia (tyer, dino charge red)
the first ranger i met, his line was always really long i love my relevant king. i was shaking and speechless pearl had to speak for me, she told him i loved all latinx rangers and he said “good!”. he told us everyone got to keep 8 items from the set and he kept his energem, tyler’s boots, his dad’s bracelet, tyler’s red puffy vest (for me ofc), and other stuff idr because he was so beautiful i was physically unable to breathe. 
later kat was reminiscing and said “i can’t believe azim had a mental breakdown because of us” and we turned the corner and a voice said “azim had a mental breakdown” GUESS WHO IT WAS! we all screamed, kat ran back around the corner but we all did end up in the elevator together and he was very chill even tho we were all wrecks
selwyn ward (tj, turbo red/in space blue)
idr planning to get a pic with selwyn but he has a magnetic forcefield that draws people to him and no one was in his line so he talked to us for a while and asked if we preferred turbo or space and which episode was our fave and he actually remembered the plot of mine (the curve ball). he was tight-lipped when we asked if he was in the anniversary even tho we pointed out a pic of him and chrysti was posted (BY HIM), it was so adorable he was squirming so much. 
later we saw him while waiting for our car and we SCREAMED and he rushed right over and gave us all hugs and told us to make sure to come see him (he corrected himself when he saw pearl and remembered we’d already been)
brandon jay mclaren (jack, spd red)
i asked him to sign a marriage license and he almost died laughing, he was so happy. fyi he has never been proposed to by a fan before so @everyone in the world i need you to step it the fuck up
jorge vargas / adam tuominen (blake and hunter, ninja storm navy and crimson)
my first sighting of them was while we were waiting for our tickets and they were going to check in, as soon as i recognized jorge i screamed my lungs out and he was utterly bewildered but he waved while adam was living for it. everyone around me looked at me like we did NOT just see the actors of our generation and i chastised them all for failing at life. when they came back around jorge had his phone out to film the crowd and i screamed even louder and he waved really big and BLEW A KISS IN MY DIRECTION AND I ASCENDED TO HEAVEN
when i finally was able to meet them to take pics pearl had to drag me over and she immediately let jorge know i was his biggest fan and was the girl who shrieked every time she saw him. he came right around and gave me a big hug!!!! i couldn’t really talk to him for long nor do i remember what we talked about because i mean how do you hold yourself together in front of someone that means so much to you??? YOU DON’T THAT’S HOW!
it was easier to talk to adam bc i could actually remember how to breathe. he told us jorge was the second oldest in the cast even tho he was supposed to be hunter’s baby brother so it was a strange contradiction but he loved playing an older brother. he said he and jorge hung out just the two of them alot to strengthen their bond (i asked if they got drunk together and he laughed and said “well i wasn’t gonna say it but yes”. i told him hunter was a pink ranger and he laughed and said “Yea first male pink ranger!!!”
i saw them again when we were in line for the atm and this time they definitely recognized me and waved really big i love those thunder punks
megaforce panel
this was the only panel i went to bc pr fans don’t know how to act so they’re all boring or frustrating but thankfully the megacast is charming as hell and made every second entertaining and engaging
andrew and christina were late but when christina walked in i guess we screamed really loud because when she asked if we missed her john mark said “yes the christina masterson fan club is right there” and pointed to our group in the crowd
some fan asked them about the vrak is back two parter and the entire cast was like scrambling to remember if that was even an episode of their series, azim started talking about fight scenes and crates and confused vrak with vekar so i decided to yell that its the episode where robo knight dies and cameron was like “that must’ve been an episode my morpher was coincidentally turned off” and i was like “no you dummy you were kidnapped! orion was sleeping beauty!!” and he cracked up. john mark told me to calm down.
i asked christina if she prepared or studied anything about photography since emma is very passionate about it and she said her boyfriend at the time was a photographer and she was a model so she knew some basics and became a photographer herself
tracy lynn cruz (ashley, turbo/in space yellow)
even tho we were second in line we had to wait FOREVER bc some dude kept asking her about monsters. we ended up talking to her son who was helping with her booth and he was really nice! her husband was also there and wearing her merch it was so cute! i told tracy she needed to start a fashion line based on ashley’s wardrobe and when i almost forgot my debit card she told me “oh wait i can use this to start my fashion business”
davi santos (ivan, dino charge gold)
quite possible my favorite interaction of the entire con??? we approached him right as he arrived so we were the first to meet him! pearl and i were basically gushing as soon as we made it to the table and he was so confused bc we kept talking at the same time. i congratulated him on the new show and he said he hopes we all enjoy it. his booth was so cute, he was selling energems but the signs specifically said “zandarian energems” and his sign advertising his social media said “thine twitter, thine instagram, thine facebook” bc he’s a fucking NERD. he let me wear his jacket which was real and from the show, specifically from the episode sync or swim where they made a bunch of replica’s bc of the scene where they have to ruin it. he also kept his glasses on bc i asked him if we could be glasses twins and did ivan’s famed duck mouth selfie with me. then he hugged me and i died
azim rizk (jake, megaforce black/super mega green)
he recognized us as soon as we approached his booth and said he noticed our little “cluster” because we were so loud at the panel dkhgfmdg. he was literally the easiest person to talk to i could’ve spent all day talking about megaforce and how much i love it with just him. he was selling jake pins for FIVE DOLLARS and i told him to raise his prices bc he is hashtag worth it and also to make jake hoodies (he was wearing his one from the show!) and sell them and we would all be his investors. we were holding each other for the pic and he looked right at me and his face was really close so i screamed “omhy god don’t look at me” and he was like “oh sorry” so yea gia moran found dead in a ditch
the second time we saw him pearl recapped here
at one point when we were chilling behind his booth cameron was like ??? and i was like “we’re his security team please don’t look him directly in the eye” and he laughed. azim literally could not stop hugging us he was so cuddly and soft!!!!!!! he also told us he brought his spandex with him and if it would be Too Much if he put them on and were like no bitch that would be the best thing ever why is no one else doing it, but then i called him a nerd when he actually ended up wearing it just bc we told him too and he was like “Yes.”
christina The Main Event masterson (emma, megaforce/super mega pink)
my darling my angel my being of light the sweetest human to ever live, she was so kind and easygoing but the first time i met her i could not speak. the first time my brain turned to slime so i think all i told her was that emma was my favorite ranger of all time and i loved her so much and pearl brought up all the times emma kicked ass and i think i interjected with “the halloween baking episode!” and she said she didn’t like that episode bc emma didn’t get to dress up. pearl asked what emma would’ve been and she said a monarch butterfly we stan an intellectual
i took a second pic with her bc i am That Emma Stan aka i bought a child-sized megaforce pink t-shirt and squeezed into it just for the aesthetic. i was better about speaking this time and told her i loved her syfy movies truth or dare but how dare she make me watch her awful death scene, she told me her dad also hated that scene but we talked about how we loved that her character chose to take her destiny into her own hands. when i brought up zombie shark she cringed a little but i told her i thought it was a fun movie and she said she loved playing a shark. i asked if she got tips from john mark since he’s a shark ranger and she said “as if”, she and ciara had also commandeered all the boys’ helmets for some reason it was adorable. i told her the girls rightfully owned them anyway and she smiled. they were so many babies in line for the girls and they kept calling them by their character names it was the most heartwarming thing ever to hear a small child squeak out “hey gia!” I LVOE POWER RANGERS MEGAFROCE
hector david jr. (mike, samurai green)
first saw him at the valet and kat is the one who pointed him out like “He....” and we all started screaming and as he gains life from such activities he immediately rushed over and gave us all a huge group hug bc he is an angel sent from heaven
he was announced like one hour before the con so they literally just shoved him into najee’s booth it was so funny bc all the merch was blue ranger (i got a kevin t-shirt!) and hector’s one green ranger helmet. i told hector to sell me the shirt off his back and he said he’d think about it since it matched my outfit kdnhnkd. he kept doing flips and jumping over the table bc he’s part grasshopper i guess. when kat took her picture we had to wait while he did a flip and kat asked najee what was up with him and najee was like “thats just hector” lmao. i asked hector why he and brittany were the only rangers that didn’t get an intro scene where their helmets flashed and he said it all just boiled down to the writing but that we haven’t seen the last of mike and he wants to come as a villain so i’m like 👀🔍📝 noted. when we took our pic i l layed my head on his shoulder and he said “my prom date right here” and morphicon became little mix’s love me like you mv as he also agreed to be ben’s prom date i love hector david jr with all my heart. again SO MANY BABIES IN LINE FOR THE SAMURAI RANGERS!!! the kid ahead of us asked if the samurizer that najee had was real or was it a toy CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE
anna hutchison (lily, jungle fury yellow)
while in line for the atm we saw her entering and i screamed “we love you anna!” and she waved and smiled at us she’s so ethereal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kat and i were the first (paying) people in line, she had lily figurines all over her table i love jungle fury’s number one stan. she is literally the sweetest person ever and so engaging. kat told her it was an absolute power move that she wore red instead of yellow and anna said she did it so she could lead the morph for once, i told her that lily could absolutely lead in yellow just fine and she laughed and agreed. when we were taking our pic kat mentioned how i didn’t like how some of my previous pics had turned out and anna said she’d wait until i signed off on them and we could retake them if i didn’t like them QUEEN OF CHARITY!! her handler was...really bad and the pics came out all shaky as soon as we saw them she and i exchanged looks and anna was like “uh yeah let’s try again” i still didn’t like how they came out but i stayed quiet the second time bc i was grateful enough to be in the presence of a literal heavenly being. she asked what other parts of the convention we were looking forward too and i told her she was the main event because we had been waiting for her all day and she hugged me!!! blonde yellow rangers respect ur leader
andrew gray (troy, megaforce/super mega red)
this man printed out an article that explained why super megaforce was the strongest team in power rangers history and cited it during the panel fuck everyone else i RESPECT HIM. when we came up to his booth i picked up the article and said he should have it on display and he told me i could keep the paper copy because he had A PRESERVED DISPLAY COPY ANDREW LOVES MEGAFORCE MORE THAN ANYONE. he was also the epitome of beauty and has the most intense nature about him so it was hard to think of things to say. i just told him i loved troy and he said “that’s cool man”, a chill legend. when we did our photo op he kept trying to talk to us and asked to see how the pic turned out a few times but my mouth just could not form words around him, years of academy training wasted.
katrina browne / katrina devine (marah and kapri, ninja storm)
literally the most excited and affectionate ladies at the con they were so happy to talk to people i told them that marah and kapri were the greatest villainesses of all time. they were so adorable and didn’t know what i was talking about when i said “let’s do the charlie’s angels pose!” so i had to show them. it was their first con and i asked them to please come back and they said it was so much fun so they really wanted to!
jack guzman (danny, wild force black)
he made a Comment and had me like ..........................give me my money back, but i got a cool danny jacket and i love it and i love danny delgado what’s a jock gizmo
mike ginn / li ming hu (gem and gemma, rpm silver and gold)
APPARENTLY my snake friends told mike ginn about me and how much i loved gem and gemma and how excited i was to meet them but that i was really shy around my faves so when he came over to take the pic and i told him my name he was like “omg you’re shy tabby!” and i immediately died. he kept trying to tell me it was okay and i was just giggling so much and trying to fake run away and li ming told mike to stop embarrassing me it was so cute. he asked for a hug to calm me down and he was so gentle i love him.
later when kat and i walked past mike’s booth he yelled “hey there’s tabby!” I HATE HMI SO MCUH WHY IS HE LIEK THIS
karan ashley (aisha, mmpr yellow)
she was selling so much merch we stan an entrepreneurial queen. i told her that i stan all mexican rangers and she said “yes i love that!”. she hugged me and told me that she loved that i was Ready with my cute pose and i told her it’s bc she emits cuteness energy and i thrived off of it but she said it came from me so i guess you could say we’re dating
other sightings
mike chat (chad, lightspeed blue): was hanging out at the beast morphers unveiling and i saw him and was like....,,,,,.,.,.oh myog do........ITC HAD!!!!!!!! but he had like a ring of handlers around him and the panel was going on and he wasn’t there as an official guest (he trained those auditioning for beast morphers including the 3 cast!!) so i didn’t approach him but he was wearing an all blue suit so thank you for my life
cerina vincent (maya, lost galaxy yellow): saw her as she was walking to the con and she recognized us when she saw me and kat standing in another line she’s literally sunshine personified
kevin kleinberg (trip, time force green): a bunch of people got into the elevator and it got too full for us but i noticed one of the men looked familiar and then it hit me “OH MYGOD YOU’RE KEVIN KLEINBERG ITS KEVIN KLEINBERG!” he smiled real big and waved and told me he liked my shirt (megaforce) as the doors closed, then i reminded everyone it was trip from time force and no one but me is valid 
alycia purrott (syd, spd pink) +2: i talked to her while kat was getting her pic and asked why a full version of syd’s hit single was never released and she said she’d love to get hands on the original recording. i told her that it’d be the perfect SPD reunion if they all shot a music video together and she agreed. kat met all the spd rangers so i also spoke a bit to matt austin (bridge) and chris violette (sky) and matt said chris stole his poster design from greg and i said “that’s such a sky move” and he cracked up. i asked chris if he was having fun at the con and he said of course but i told him he didn’t have to lie and he gave me a look and said “i know right” and laughed, the spd cast is so funny
i also saw will shewfelt eating lunch, he was with his entire family which was adorable that they all came to see him at his power ranger event and his brother looks EXACTLY like him but tiny
anyway i love morphicon and power rangers and the hell clique and all you pr fans need to step it up and ask better questions at panels and be nicer to the actors and also do research and learn all their faces so ur not looking around wondering why i am screaming my head off because some lady passed by (IT WAS KARAN ASHLEY YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS!!!!!)
can it be 2020 now?
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