#this is a jumbled mess
zoomingupthathilla · 7 months
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okay, so the photos going around of lucas & max at the hospital & the video of him braiding her hair... it is so bittersweet bc she said, this is my first day on set & he said i've been here..--- IF THIS MEANS I GET LESS MAX THIS SEASON (which is most likely going to happen, I might just cry... already crying tbh) but if you look closely, the watch ... IT IS THURSDAY & THEY BETTER GET A FRIDAY MOVIE DATE -- EVEN IF IT IS A YEAR LATER. OR HOWEVER LONG UNTIL SHE CAN LEAVE THAT DAMN HOSPITAL BED AND GO WATCH A MOVIE. also if you look at the table??? the music??? LIKE IS LUCAS JUST BLASTING RUNNING UP THAT HILL? MY POOR HEART!! this gives me so many feels. IF LUCAS IS THERE HOLDING HER HAND, BLASTING MUSIC (IDK IF HE'S ACTUALLY BLASTING MUSIC BUT I CAN HOPE) WHERE IS HER MOTHER? & IS SHE SHOWING UP? OR IS SHE STILL HUNG UP ON NEIL??
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tumblasha · 9 months
why was i like that (tl;dr in tags)
today i clicked on sgc's ig profile and saw that they use they/them pronouns now. and it makes me want to cry.
bc even tho we Literally went to high school together-ish (they were 3yrs after me?) we had such different experiences.
i was a Girl who hung out with guys who didn't respect me, went out with a boyfriend who was nice to me, and was too shy / awkward / busy being that shy nerd stereotype [1] that i had no "deep friendship". you could ask anyone anything about me and they wouldn't know the answer! and i wouldn't know anything about them!! [2] bc we were a small class (169) and everyone in town was a mix of neighbor and cousin, i got my invites to parties and dances, but i overall felt like i was on autopilot. i don't remember my life until i was ~16 [3]!! why!!!
i think a lot about how dr uju anya had a whole husband and child but over time realized she was a lesbian. not to parasocialize too much with this academic weapon, but i feel like i also had this experience (to a much smaller / younger degree). and i feel so sad thinking about how i could've saved so much pain in high school if i had just known i wasn't wired to like guys like that [4].
and i remember lindie [5], someone who's ~30 now and has been with her now-husband since she was ~13. one day we had a good phone call (post-hs-graduation) and she told me that for literally everyone else she could possibly see romantically / sexually, she's a lesbian. but she and her husband have literally Grown Up together. her love for him is something that goes beyond platonic / romantic / sexual attraction. it's a life partnership in every sense of the term.
this phone conversation lit a lightbulb in my summer 2019 brain. i knew that this high school bf of mine could be a life partner. we started dating when i was 11 or 12 and !!! we both saw each other grow up (at least to some degree). but something in the pit of my stomach told me i couldn't live a lie like that. it wouldn't be fair to him for me to have this self-discovery and just .. continue as if it didn't happen?
and so when someone said that dr. uju's pre-lesbian marriage was "sad" bc she didn't know she was a lesbian, i got (in my head) defensive. bc "it's totally possible to be happy and ignore this part of yourself!" (it's not).
for the longest time i told myself that being bisexual was the easiest sexuality to have bc i knew i liked women and i could always just end up with a guy to make my family happy, if i had to, ya know? i got mentally defensive when ppl online said that "invisibility is not a privilege" and "biphobia is real" bc i was subconsciously using this label as a way to hide the fact that the mere thought of a life with a man made me anxious / nauseous / scared.
and boy did that fear kick into overdrive anytime i was around a guy. if he even smiled at me, i'd go a little silly. it didn't even matter if he was straight, bi, ace, gay, or anything, i'd just latch onto the fact that it was a Man talking to me and i couldn't stop thinking about them and any comment they made that made them seem bored / annoyed at me made me spiral about my self-worth. but if there was ever a case that i Thought they even Maybe had an interest in me, i'd get nauseous again. to this day i feel like i still put guys up on a pedestal so i just have ... no guy friends [6].
this novel is a silly way of saying the following things.
the label "lesbian" is a vibe rn
heartstopper is a painful show for me to watch
sorry if ur a guy i met before i turned 20 that i was weird around : ( /nbh
sgc looks so happy. they're out and they look so happy. why couldn't that be me.
why was i like that.
[1] i had a goofy jock bf tho so was it really so bad?
[2] and to a certain degree this continues today? i don't know how to hold a conversation, i don't know how to ask questions, i don't have good memory of the conversations i Do manage to hold, my #1 fear is playing the newlyweds game with literally anybody. i once described making friends as 'learning a person's scripts / common conversation topics' and the other person in the room just kinda said 'haha yeah...' and i continued to pset :skull:
[3] and 16-17 was my sad era where i cried basically any time my bf and i were alone together. that man was so patient w me lmao
[4] why do i always say no? why can't i just calm down? why is it weird to describe us as 'friends but we also make out'?
[5] one of the coolest ppl i know. (death + suicide mentioned in this footnote) she was the french teacher that replaced my old french teacher after she died, and lindie really suffered for us. bc it was a catholic school, she was forced to cover up her tattoos, and she had to wear longer clothes (admin always told her to cover up even when she was wearing Long Clothes). she went through so much (miscarriage, lost here sense of self, etc.) and was literally suicidal but she still showed up for us. one of my fav teachers and an inspiration to this day.
[6] except for the two dudes (that might be) reading this, y'all are cool and literally the best. afaik i've been Normal around y'all so yay! growth!!
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
6:14 AM 4/26/2023
I still like to read El's fatal flaw as her unrelenting Resolve. The same ideal that's advocated by so much Shonen Manga and anime in general, shows off it's negative, flip side in FE3H through her. As I've said before, she never doubts herself, but that also means she never checks herself. She is always moving forward, unquestioning her path. In my opinion, it's also why she neither seriously considers changing her overall strategy, nor questioning the costs/"ends justifying the means". She laments the costs of her path, but she never lets it change her---which I think is the big difference between Dimitri's past of "villainous deeds" vs her past/present of villainy. (She's the villain of 3 out of 4 routes, the character designers put horns on her head and dressed her all in red like a devil, and then named her house "black" like darkness even though her house color is clearly red. FE3H did a lot to hint she's the villain. But that doesn't mean she still can't be the hero of her own story, and I think the FE3H devs honestly wanted that too.) I think it's symbolic that at the end of Azure Moon, she tries to kill Dimitri with the dagger that he had given her once in their childhood, which she says encouraged her to move forward, and a second time as adults, while Dimitri told her to use it to cut her own path. At the end of Azure Moon, El is defeated and Dimitri offers her a truce. But she is so myopically focused on her predetermined path, that she brings out the dagger that symbolizes her moving forward with her plans, no matter who/what she has to cut through or at what costs. And she uses it to try to kill Dimitri, because she honestly thinks she can still win. She can't see any other path for herself, besides the one where she wins thru force and conquest. But as admirable as Determination and Resolve are, in and of themselves, she demonstrates their tragic aspects by not even considering the alternate path of cooperation and drastically changing her strategy.
It's kind of ironic that she is so tied to her predetermined path of solving all of Foldan's problems through conquest, even if that path was determined by herself. Because she has so many moments where she almost sighs forlornly up at the sky, like at Gronder, and simply moves forward saying "And so we fight on", as if she's so sad about fighting all her old classmates, but helpless to stop it---or worse, willing to push down and ignore those feelings of dissonance and compassion, in order to make their deaths acceptable costs. And that latter is supposed to be "strength"??? El demonstrates a lot of good questions that the writers probably want us to ask, but blindly following her like she "did nothing wrong" deprives people from those productive questions. As I understand it, she has many moments throughout her route, of feeling bad for what she "must" do. But for all her "strength" in following her Determination and Resolve, she seems more helpless against it and powerless because of it. The ironic thing being that it is within her own power at any time to stop the war, cooperate instead, and/or pinpoint her attacks onto specific problematic authority figures (whether Rhea, the Agarthans, or those Faerghus nobility she mentioned, I think in 3Hopes, who were too tied to the Church). But instead, she is helpless against a predetermined path of her own making…knowingly, because she thinks it gives her strength.
(Not to bring up Sengoku Basara 2009-2011 again, but… This is just like Toyotomi Hideyoshi, thinking he has to prove his Resolve to himself, and thus his commitment to becoming "stronger" or his Resolve in being "strong", by killing the person he loved the most. As if killing those you care about are proof to yourself that you can achieve Resolve and walk a path towards "strength". But is it really Strength when you're killing off your compassion towards others? Making calculations weighing some lives as worth the nebulous "better future world" you're still speculating to make?)
Anyway, another thing I thought interesting was how each of the 3 main lords seem to represent different paths by contrasting each other.
People often say they don't understand the point of the Golden Deer, as if Claude's route seems too unrelated to the personal drama between Dimitri and El. But I think Claude was a vital contrast to El. Not only was he someone who was shown in his Supports to question himself, when confronted with being wrong, immediately pivoted to fix his flaws, but also when confronted with his blind spots, he took them in earnestly and head on. He is not someone who only finds Strength in rigid Resolve, but also in flexibility and adaptability. He also constantly reminds us that there are better ways than war to get even the dirty jobs done. I find it so strange that we have one lord, El, who acts like war/conquest is the only solution, while we have a prominent lord character, frequently reminding us that poisoning, subterfuge, and manipulation ARE A THING. To paraphrase an old ninja saying, a general killed in his bed in his sleep, is just as dead, as if you had sent hundreds of your soldiers to die on the battlefield, trying to take the general down. It is continuously ironic to me that El worked with subterfuge practitioners like Hubert and the Agarthans, and yet she is too set in her ways to consider making full use of such tactics.
The 3 main lords tell 3 different types of stories, which are made more interesting in how they clash and contrast with each other. El is on the anti-hero path in her route and the villain path in 3 other routes. She is in a tragedy story, because she refuses to acknowledge or change her flaws; she does not change/Grow. Dimitri is on a more typical hero or anti-hero route. He has a fall and does a lot of terrible things for a long time, but we witness his journey through that, towards repentance and redemption. He CHANGES and is the one forever bringing up his commitment to change and repentance. Claude on the other hand is on more a paragon story. He has already done almost all his Growth before the main story even starts. By the time he reaches Fodlan, he has already settled into an ideal of turning his tragic experiences into fuel for constructive change in himself and compassion extended outward to others, while not letting his past bog him down into sadness or obsession. And his plans to extend his compassion outward, also takes into consideration, respecting others' differences and accepting the hard work it would take to persuade dissenters without always resorting to violent force. He is already mature enough to not be looking at only himself and his past trauma, unlike the other 2 main lords. Meanwhile, we experience with Dimitri, his obsession with his past trauma, his reconciliation with his past trauma, and his eventual mature state of mind, focusing his efforts more on others than on his revenge, just like Claude. Meanwhile, El uses it as motivation for all her actions, which could be said to be pretty much revenge against the Church, the Agarthans, her past, the systems of Adrestia, and the whole world. She does all this self-focused mindset and actions, while refusing to acknowledge how she's centering everything in her world around her trauma and in a non-constructive manner towards others, thus still actually making everything about herself and her trauma. Meanwhile, Claude has already looked past his trauma and focuses more on others, and Dimitri's entire story is about his process of working to look past his trauma, to focus on others instead. As someone mentioned once, the majority of Claude's Supports are him offering help to the Golden Deer and solving their problems. Similarly, Dimitri takes on the mantel of king as a responsibility to serve his people, taking it as even more important than whether it's a position he deserves or if his past crimes can ever be redeemed.
I once said of Sengoku Basara 2009-2011's Date Masamune that his infinite Strength came from his heart being externalized outward. He seemed invincible because the thing he cared about most, wasn't obsessing over his past trauma or his own selfish wants---which he demonstrated in episode 1 he was willing to forgo for the sake of others. The thing he cared about the most, were his soldiers, the normal people of Sendai, the normal people of his entire country, who just wanted to live peaceful lives. There are only 2 times in that series when he actually puts his hand to his eyepatch, as if his traumatic lost eye was actually painful to him: When he worried about endangering the lives of his soldiers. A warrior of Strength and maturity, extends their concerns outwards, not centered on themselves. A general, waging wars to prove their own "strength" to themselves, to become "stronger", to avenge their past traumas, all while ignoring how it effects the normal people, who shouldn't have to be soldiers, is not a good leader. Whether Toyotomi Hideyoshi or El.
But since El is all about "the ends justify the means", why not interpret this by her own terms. She's doing all this horror, in order to establish a system that will supposedly be more beneficial for all. And that's where I think the contrast with the other main lords becomes interesting again. Claude is repeatedly said, within the canon text, to have the same goals and interests as El. Yet they contrast in their methods to achieve those goals. In a war story like Fire Emblem, it would be very easy, and often is the case of such stories, to just assume war as the only option. It's how the plot happens for the expected genre. But it's very interesting that we have a 3rd lord like Claude, who comes in to remind us that not only can conflicts be resolved through negotiation, but he is often spoken of (and in 3Hopes, shown) to be actually doing the hard work of negotiation with other authority figures, until he can convince them to his side. The best part being that Claude is flexable enough that we can trust him to be open to compromise, rather than rigid stubbornness in his positions. We've seen him admit mistakes and blind spots in his Support conversations. He knows how to meet conflict with a laugh, then actual practical argument points (see his Support with Lorenz), as well as pivot to integrate what he can learn from those that he has had conflict with. Even with people he conflicts with, Claude is always smoothing things over and encouraging cooperation. (Not just in his Lorenz support, but also in his Fire Emblem Heroes conversations with El. He is always luring her in with agreement, but then sliding in a contradictory point to consider, with the least amount of intimidation, until he moves the conversation the way he wants it to go.) Claude demonstrates that El's methods are unnecessary and methods more true to Compassion can achieve the same goals.
(And anyway, as the video essay "Edelgard Will Always Lose" by BOOFIRE191 noted, she is essentially creating the same system and similar problems as Rhea. A pure meritocracy always sounds nice, until you realize it's ignoring needed equity, for twisted versions of equality, while pretending external misfortunes don't exist, as if everyone in misfortune deserves it for not "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps". Or as Dimitri said, "It is the path of the strong, so it can only benefit the strong.")
Anyway, that was too much rambling about my problems with El. I guess I had stuff to get off my chest for a long time. As someone mentioned, Claude's flaw was being too secretive and still having a little more Growth to go, towards being as open to forging bonds with other people, as would have ideally better facilitated cooperation. Maybe some people wouldn't have felt the need to start wars if they were earlier and better made to feel they could collaborate with and trust others. Who knows? And Dimitri's flaw was his obsession with his revenge. We know that; we saw his entire Growth through his story. But that's as even as I'm willing to get about the 3 lords' flaws. I still have more problems with the Emperor, than the other 2 lords.
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
Honestly it would’ve made so much more sense narratively if phoebe was Nicholas’ daughter. Like take that episode for example it implies that Patty and victor started talking again (because she was pregnant with phoebe) and this random warlock just know abt her relationship. It would’ve made more sense if it was just him pretending to be victor all alone that Patty thought she was reconciling with victor but it was just a warlock trying to gain magic and tip the scale of good and evil. it also would’ve added weight to the whole phoebe can be tilted either way easier. And added weight to her relationship with cole because she to has to fight against her instincts to be good.
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mooneggtarts · 3 months
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Alastor's mental state in summary
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echo-and-dust · 6 months
from dawning realization to absolute fear in his eyes.. (props to malte he is such a good actor)
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something something you made your bed now you gotta lie in it
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whamss · 6 months
honestly it’s such a generic trope but i do genuinely love the concept of rose and kanaya flirting a lot with each other prior to dating, but never picking up on each others advances. both as an expansion of their pre-meteor/act 5 dynamic (lots of banter, slight mental warfare, two girls trying to see how long it takes the other to pick up what they’re putting down, flighty broads and their snarky horseshit, yadda yadda) and in the context of their miscommunication on their first date.
rose leaning on kanaya’s shoulder as she reads over a book about quadrants, and rose tells her that’s sooo interesting, she wonders if humans can engage in this stuff, and kanaya shuts her down with a vague Im Sure You Will Find Out Someday. kanaya making rose dozens of outfits, all lovingly designed, adjusting rose’s outfit when she puts it on and telling her that she wishes she could dress her like this all of the time, she’s never had a model quite like her, and rose is just like Well of course, if you ever have anything you’d like me to wear you’re welcome to invite me over. both of them die over these encounters later
something about rose and kanaya being confident enough to flirt w each other but too stupid to fully pick up on the Implications. always trying to tip the scale in their favor to force the others hand, never quite having the strength to outright admit that they like each other (until rose is shitfaced and stumbling). i think it’s a fun means to escalate their early banter as they become more acclimated to each other and develop Feelings.
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ineffableteeth · 9 months
What if the figure in the room next to them is an angel or a demon?
Hear me out, during the drive back from Edinburgh shax mentioned “Sometime in the last 80, 90 years, I remember hearing that you and Crowley were an item.”
But to our knowledge all they had to go on was this photo
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As well as furfurs account of what happened on stage
But surely that’s not enough to insinuate they were dating Not unless they had seen something else to lead them to that conclusion
Why would Furfur give up after knowing for certain the two of them were working together?
What if he came back sometime between then and the 1960’s and caught them in an “intimate moment” and that’s what we’re seeing in the S2 intro?
What if after that moment Aziraphale somehow notices a demon was watching and pushes Crowley away? What if it scares him and he realizes the danger their relationship would put Crowley and eventually himself in?
What if “You go too fast for me Crowley” was a result of that and meant “I’m trying to protect us, protect you”
And What if thats why he pushed Crowley away?
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thetypingpup · 9 months
Scattered bunny!seonghwa thoughts
He's playful as hell and always has a teasing expression on his face. Like he's the type to look up at you with mischief gleaming in his eyes while the tip of his tongue toys with your clit.
Very sensitive to your scent, so he can detect even the most subtle differences in your arousal just in your scent. So when you're sitting there, turned on and frustrated, when your scent becomes sweeter with arousal, that's when he likes to play.
He likes to turn you on with fleeting touches and soft kisses, focusing on the spots you like to be kissed most, and pull back just to see how you react. Sometimes he intensifies the teasing, showing himself off with different outfits (*cough* corsets and playboy bunny costumes *cough*), letting his tongue slide over his lips so you start thinking about him using his mouth, even going as far as bending over and wiggling his tail. It's truly a game for him, and he wants you to give chase and pursue him. Will get pouty if you tease him by making him wait or seemingly "ignoring" his advances knowing full well you're just as turned on. You just wanna see him get more blatantly desperate.
Honestly being chased and hunted is definitely a kink of his, and if you get him desperate enough, you can get him to admit that 😏. He just loves the rush of being pursued, the adrenaline from running and hearing you run after him, and the comfort he finds from submitting and being helpless beneath you. He fucking adores the sight of you on top of him, feeling the strength you exert to pin him down, and the hungry look in your eyes that portrays your desire to devour him. He fucking adores that so much, especially when he sees that same look while you use your mouth on him, or pin him down and fuck him. He trusts you enough to let you have your way with him, knowing everything you do is gonna make him feel so fucking good.
Likes being manhandled too, ofc. Grab him by the neck, pin his wrists down, straddle him to keep him in place, move him into whatever position you want, pull his hair and drag him back when you finally catch him, he loves the feeling of you exerting control so physically. Bonus points if you keep your hand around his neck while you ride him, maybe add in some biting too. Those little bits of pain just send his brain into overdrive and he's left arched up and whining desperately beneath you.
Has a secret weakness for you manhandling him while overstimming him. As a bun, sometimes he cums kinda quick, but he can still take more. So if you're riding him long after he's already cum, and when he sobs about how overwhelmed he is, you just growl and tell him to lay there and take it, all while pinning his wrists down or holding onto his hair? Oh that's enough to have him cumming again on the spot.
He's full on switch tho, bc sometimes you wanna lay back and be taken care of, and he's more than happy to oblige. Plus it's fun to set the pace and toy with you too, and he has a thing for you begging for him.
Lots of endurance he can seemingly fuck you forever. As soon as he mounts you, he's not stopping until both of you are completely spent. Even after he's cum over and over again he still has more energy, so he just keeps going and keeps filling you with more cum. And if he wants to breed? Especially if he's spurred on by the scent of you in heat? Oh he's going even longer. Even when he's filled you completely to the brim he's still going. Imagine the way he'd moan in your ear, all rough and feral, as he keeps fucking you, making you wonder what's gotten into your precious little bunny. Honestly has a thing for being called bunny when he's dominant he thinks the contrast is really hot. He'd cum in you so much it seeps out of you with every thrust, gushing out and making a complete mess, but he shows no sign of slowing. When he gets horny he gets really fucking horny, so he can go at it for a really long time.
Imagine being a predator hybrid and he teases you about letting him fuck you like this, letting him bend you over and mount you. He can't deny the cockiness he feels in that moment, loving the way he can draw out gasping moans with every intense thrust. He'd play with the pace just to see how you tremble and arch beneath him, drawing out different sounds by fucking you in different ways. The way you whimper and call him bunny when he bites your neck or nips your ear like he's claiming you, oh there's almost no greater rush for him.
That cockiness would fade into softhearted care if you express to him how much you love this, how much you love when he's the one fucking you, that you like him and want him to make you cum like this. And the fact that you're letting him, a prey hybrid, fuck you mount you bc you have feelings for him and trust him enough to be this vulnerable, this submissive, oh that goes straight to his heart. Suddenly this is less about fucking, less about breeding, and more about wanting to mate with you. He'd instantly slow the pace, pressing his chest to your back, wrapping his arms around your waist, kissing your back, wanting to be as close to you as possible, and roll his hips in smooth strokes, really wanting to indulge in your connection. He's so close you can feel the fluffy fur of his ears brushing against you, feel his breath fanning out over your neck. You can feel his desire to wanna make you feel good in the way he fucks you, searching for the spots that make you see starts, submerging you in pure bliss and making you cum as many times as you can handle.
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prideprejudce · 2 months
also what acid are these writers on when it comes to daemons characterization? "he was in love with his own brother" "let's do a scene of him hallucinating having sex with his mom" what the hell is even happening here anymore
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levinbolts · 3 months
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he needs a shirt that says "glasses: on. day: over."
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steveharrington · 2 years
when i say we didn’t need henry/vecna that’s not me “missing the point of the show” or whatever it’s me literally saying. we did not need henry/vecna. every argument i see about how impactful of a character henry is just reiterates themes and ideas that already existed within the show, so in my eyes all henry does is further remove the plotline from characters who were once vitally important to the story. “henry’s story is about abuse!!” so was jonathan’s and now he gets maybe 5 minutes of screen time per season. “henry is about how humanity can be the real monster!” we knew that from the literal first episode of the show when benny was killed by a human. if you like the storyline that’s fine but i personally think the duffers insistence on coming up with a Human Villain this season was based more on them hoping for an iconic freddy krueger-like design rather than telling some story that they needed henry for. and i think when you put a character in the show whose script is comprised of them literally just explaining the lore and intrigue and mystery of the past 3 seasons in one big monologue it really weakens the overall effect of your story!!!! ok anyways
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notesz-b · 4 months
I need more of your Samael art 🙏🙏
I'm currently on it, have a WIP _
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shadystranger · 4 months
Why did they use the most romantic soundtrack I ever heard in this show on a samdean moment
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unspuncreature · 2 years
show me the anakin that loves sketching and drawing… and then loses his dominant hand on geonosis
relearning lightsaber skills with a prosthetic comes easily enough, but learning to draw again takes time
breaking a few utensils because he doesn’t know how to grip delicate things anymore
ripping out pages of sketches where the paper is torn because he’s pressed too hard. balling them up and throwing them into a heap on the floor because he’s too distraught to take them to the incinerator
staying up late into the night fine tuning his own prosthetic modifications until his hand is just right
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“You wouldn’t have a key to this random door, would you?” 
Flufftober 14: locked in/trapped
You and Leon are stuck in a storage closet at the DSO's headquarters. One problem: You're claustrophobic.
fluff, (obvi) second person pov, gn reader, idiots in love, mutual pining, leon is awkward at feelings, he is also a major simp for you, written with re4 leon in mind but can be read as any, let me know if i need more tags. i don’t think it needs much? NOT PROOFREAD.
word count: 2.1k
i fell in love with leon and subsequently hopped on the fluff train, now i'm writing this nonsense fic. rationale is,, not optimum rn but thats fine, uhh enjoy, simps.
“Ow-!” Leon winced in response to you stepping on his foot by accident. 
“Sorry!” You took your foot off of Leon’s as you tried to look for that damn battery pack Hunnigan told you and Leon to look for, struggling greatly to find it as you shined your flashlight in various directions, trying to find it. 
A blackout had happened at the DSO. Those usually never happen at HQ, due to there being backup generators during city-wide blackouts, but apparently, some idiot electrician fixing something down there had screwed up and caused all the lights at HQ to go bye-bye.
So now you were stuck in a dark, small, storage room only big enough for two people to freely move around in, looking for a spare battery pack for people’s flashlights. 
“Found it yet?” Leon asked, shining his flashlight at the storage racks filled with various chemicals and cleaning supplies. You scoffed in response.
“If I did, I’d be grabbing the thing and getting out of this damn room ASAP. Starting to get really uncomfortable here..” You replied with snark, spotting the battery pack a little bit after. With a feeling of accomplishment, you took it. “Found it.” You turned around and held it up, shining your flashlight upwards.
“Good, let’s get out of here and get it to Hunnigan. Still don’t know why she made us do this..” He sighs, hand reaching out to turn the lever door knob. 
As he does so, the door knob falls to the floor with a clatter. Leon picks it back up and tries to reattach the piece of metal, but fails; and it falls to the floor again. 
Silence envelops the room as the two of you stare at the door knob for a few seconds… and then slowly, your eyes meet each other’s. 
“What did you do!?” You were the first to break the silence with an exasperated remark, questioning how the fuck Leon managed to break the doorknob.
“I didn’t do anything! The knob just.. broke.” He replies, equally as confused as you are. 
Oh shit, this was your worst nightmare put into words. Which was ironic, considering you worked at an organisation that dealt with nightmarish monstrosities on the regular. 
Of all the things you could be afraid of, somehow small spaces were one of those great fears.
You felt yourself begin to panic. The room felt suffocating. 
“Okay, relax, I’ll just call Hunnigan and tell her we’re stuck in the storage closet. She’ll get us out.” Leon pulled out his phone and flipped it open, dialling Hunnigan. Shortly after, she picked up, and he explained what had happened to the both of you. 
As Leon was on the phone with her, you bit the inside of your cheek and began to zone out, trying to keep yourself together. You could barely hear their conversation as a high-pitched ringing drowned out their voices.
“..Thanks Hunnigan. Bye.” He ended the call, flipping his phone closed with a sigh. “Hunnigan called facilities. ETA is in an hour, so we might as well get comfy.” He pocketed the device as he turned to your still form staring at the wall. “Hey, you good?” He reached over to pat you on the shoulder, snapping you out of your trance.
That seemed to work, as your head immediately turned to him. “Huh? What?”
Leon sighed, repeating what he just said to you. “Are you okay?” He added at the end. “You were kinda.. zoning out.”
You shook your head and sighed, your face twisted into a frown. “No- yeah, I’m uh..” 
Leon raised a brow. “Are you okay or not?” 
Figuring that you can’t hide the truth forever, especially not in a room as small as this, you decided to tell him your fear. “I’m claustrophobic. And I’m kinda, y’know, freakin’ out right now-” You laughed in an attempt to stop yourself from spiralling, but it just made you look sad. 
A look of realisation crossed Leon’s face as he tried to think of what to do to help you calm down. He had experienced panic attacks before, and he knew how to deal with them. Maybe that can help?
“Alright, deep breaths right now, okay?” Leon took your hands and sat you down on the cold floor in an attempt to ground you back to reality. He gently took your face and made you look at him, his blue eyes meeting yours. “Tell me five things you can see.” He took your shining flashlight and pointed it up, letting you see your surroundings.
You looked around momentarily, your eyes landing on a plastic container filled with an orange liquid. “Floor cleaner,” Your eyes trailed over to other spots, “Rat poison, white floor, mop, mop bucket.”  
“Good.” Leon tried to remember the next step. “Four things you can touch.” 
You raised a hand and felt around the place, landing on the cold floor. “Floor..” You touched your arm, fabric balled into your grip. “Clothes,” you reached behind you to feel the cold metal of the storage rack. “Storage rack..” 
You then looked down at Leon’s hand on yours, turning your wrist to intertwine your fingers with his. “Your hand..” You mumbled with a little warmth in your cheeks. Leon seemed to share the same heat on his face as well, but you both chose to ignore it.
Clearing his throat, Leon let your hand stay with his as he ran you through the last three steps of the grounding technique. 
“You feel better?” He asks softly, rubbing the skin of your hand with his thumb. 
You nodded, looking up at him. “Yeah, yeah, I’m.. feeling better now..” 
There was a kind of tension in the room as the two of you sat on the floor of the supply closet in silence, hand in hand. Neither of you had ever done this before, so there was a definite awkwardness.
He was just trying to help you calm down, You thought to yourself, rationalising his actions. Nothing more to it. 
Your eyes shifted over to Leon, glancing at his face for a second before looking away.
Shit, they’re probably uncomfortable right now, Leon silently thought to himself. But, they’re not pulling their hand away.. Maybe they don’t mind it?
“How- how much time did Hunnigan say facilities would get here?” You broke the silence with a question.
“An hour, she said. Although, they might get here a bit later because they’re still dealing with the electricity problem. Then they’ll get us out.” He replied with a sigh, leaning back into the metal storage rack behind the two of you. “Don’t worry. It probably won’t be too long.” 
You nodded in response. An hour, huh? Well fuck. What’s two people to do ‘til then?
The two of you sat in more silence as you quietly waited for time to pass by, the occasional clicking of shoes together the only source of sound in the room. Leon’s flashlight was propped up and acted as the singular light source that illuminated everything just enough for it to be visible. With which, you decided to admire your best friend’s arms.
Everyone with eyes knew Leon was a catch. He was blessed with good looks, and a body that looked like it was chiselled by the Gods. Whether he knew it or not, he was dashing. You knew that, everyone did. 
Fortunately, (or unfortunately,) you had the pleasure of knowing what was behind that physical layer and found the treasure underneath. He was kind, endearing, always fought for what was right, and was overall, a really good guy.
And thus, the crush began. You’ve been hiding it pretty well, you’d think. He didn’t seem to notice anything. Besides, if he did, it’s not like you could do anything about it. He probably doesn’t feel the same..
As you went on your little thought train, your mind wandered deeper into the brainrot, thinking about how his arms would feel wrapped around you and embracing you in a warm hug..
“Can you like, hug me?”
Leon turned to you, giving you a look of confusion. “What?” 
Shit, did you say that out loud? FUCK.
Well, no turning back now.
“Uh- can you.. give me a hug?” You asked again, a little more embarrassed this time.
He was a little bit hesitant, but you reassured him that it was fine. And so he finally put his arms around you, gently pulling you towards him and resting your head on his shoulder. The position was not innocent at all. You were facing him, your chest against his as his arms wrapped around your waist and your head rested on his shoulder. 
 A little intimate for ‘best friends’, there. A little voice in your head spoke up, but you quickly shut it down, deciding to ignore it in favour of feeling the comfort of Leon’s arms around you.
Even if he doesn’t like you in the same way, then at least… you can still enjoy the feeling of being his best friend. Enjoy this hug. 
Your shoulders slumped a little at that thought. 
Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck, the holiest of fucks. What in the actual hell am I doing?
Leon silently panicked to himself as he held you in his arms. Was he really doing this? Was this real? Did he or did he really not have his best friend/long-time crush in his arms right now? And you’re the one that asked for the hug? This was a dream come true. 
Maybe… this is a hint that they like me? He thought to himself, before dismissing the thoughts. No.. they probably don’t feel the same way. 
He heard a little yawn from you, betraying your fatigue. “You wanna sleep?” He asked, to which you nod in response to. “Alright..” Acknowledgement comes from him in the form of a soft whisper.
Fuck, they’re so cute when they’re tired.. He raised a hand from your waist to your back, drawing circles to help you fall asleep. He knew you deserved this. You’ve been running around settling the technical things since the blackout, no wonder you’d be just about ready to collapse. 
After about 20 minutes, he eventually feels you relax in his arms, your breathing slowing down to a calmer, more peaceful pace. A tell-tale sign that you’re asleep.
He sighs quietly, deciding to talk to himself as you sleep. “Why did I have to fall for you?” He whispers as he continues to draw circles on your back. “Why did it have to be you?” 
“You’re way out of my league. Stunning, smart, funny… God, I knew I’d never have a chance, but I just couldn’t help falling for you.”
It was really no wonder how he fell for you. You were everything he wanted, but he knew he’d never have you for a multitude of reasons.
“You’re much better off without me. You shouldn’t have to worry about someone who’ll die on you anytime I’m away. But fuck, I want you so bad.”
That was the truth. His job made it hard to maintain a relationship, he knew that, you knew that. In fact, every agent in the building knew it. Though there were no restrictions on having a family, most were either too busy to find love or chose not to for obvious reasons.
Leon held you tighter in his arms, being careful not to crush you. “I love you. So much. I know I can’t have you, but that’s fine. I’ll keep loving you from afar.” 
He sighed, thinking about why he was even spilling his heart out like this. “What am I saying? You can’t even hear me..” He chuckled mirthlessly.  His hand gently cradled the back of your head, a small smile on his face as he played with the hair on the nape of your neck. 
Unbeknownst to him, you were still awake. Half-asleep, but you heard everything.
The lights flickered back on, waking Leon up from his sleep. The power was back, and there was a clattering of the lock on the other side of the door.
“You two okay in there?” Hunnigan’s muffled voice called from the other side of the door. “We almost got the lock opened, just hold on.”
A few minutes later, the door opened, revealing a guy from facilities and Hunnigan standing in the doorway. “Oh, thank God you two are fine-” 
She stops in her tracks, spotting you in Leon’s arms, sitting on the floor. She blinks a few times, trying to connect the dots. “Did you two-” 
“Nothing happened.” Leon got up, carrying you with ease and walking out of the door. He did not want to speak of what happened, lest it caused a gossip storm among the employees. “Don’t tell anyone.” 
Hunnigan just followed along, kind of having this ‘whatever’ mindset. 
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