#this is a message to the universe btw
kissporsche · 2 years
can't stop thinking about the absolute carnage BOC would cause if they released a side story now
you know those timelapse videos of fruit slices being left in a tank of fish and shrimp where they get utterly demolished?
that would be us with any new content
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batsplat · 21 days
It's a thing I already knew but all your beautiful analysis really made obvious (to me) how much of a grudge holder vale is. That man is never letting it go he's gonna hold his grudges into his grave
you know, I do think this is an interesting issue, because I'm not sure this is true of all his grudges. just sticking here with the grudges he accumulated in his capacity as a competitor, rather than just his general approach to life or whatever... how you judge this will kinda depend on how you feel about the 'reconciliation' he's experienced with some of his rivals - and whether you read the whole thing as sincere or not. now, personally I reckon he still dislikes biaggi, but also you are allowed to just dislike people so I'll give him a pass for that. some of the others, I'm a little more convinced by the whole reconciliation schtick
let's get valentino's take:
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interesting that he mentions those three together, isn't it? and like, he's still not messaging biaggi or inviting him to his home - "even with max" kind of tells you all you need to know - but the other two? they said some proper nasty things to each other over the years!! I mean, the casey rivalry, there's some remarks from both sides where quite frankly I think I would struggle just a touch to get over it
I don't know, obviously this could all be pr stuff, but I kind of feel like... y'know, why bother? it's 2022, you're retired, who gives a fuck? sure it's a good look to be all magnanimous, sure it can be a bit of a way of twisting in the knife to the guys left in the cold, but also, who would care if you don't play nice? I think especially with jorge, you surely don't need to do all that, inviting him to your home and dancing with him... (which, again, some of the spats those two had...) and with the casey rivalry, if there's one guy who's still hung up about what happened between the pair of them, it's obviously casey (speaking of blokes who can hold a grudge). maybe this is giving valentino too much credit, but personally I buy it's more or less sincere. there's nothing to really indicate he's still particularly bothered by any of their past disagreements - he's basically going for the 'all's fair in love and motorcycle racing' approach. he knows he was an asshole, he accepts they were assholes too, whatever, that's how these things work. he's generally a fan of drama in rivalries, unsurprisingly, and he was happy enough to contribute his fair share - but he does see it as fundamentally being part of the game
to point out the obvious, check out who he's left out: sete and marc. that's where he can't let go of the grudges... because it's not about the offence itself as much as it is about the betrayal. this is the thing with valentino, right, it's about what kind of bond you had with him. if you weren't his friend in the first place and then piss him off as a rival then, y'know, whatever. obviously he's going to be vicious in trying to get back at you, but also he's really not going to waste his time feeling too aggrieved by it. I mean, think about how all the bullshit between him and casey dropped off sharply post-2012... from valentino's end anyway. think about how jorge and valentino pretty quickly got on again whenever they weren't fighting for supremacy within yamaha. they weren't friends in the first place, then they were enemies for competitive reasons for a while there, then it's over and valentino is basically happy enough to call it bygones
but... if it's a certain kind of bond you had with him and then you wrong him... that little mental list of all his past grievances, all your past transgressions, that's where it comes in. that's where he ices you out. denies you any emotional warmth. ensures that any interaction going forward is conducted entirely on his terms. where even any public 'reconciliation' won't truly be sincere.... or, certainly he's not going to forget what happened. if something else happens... it's like you've always got the potential of triggering this lingering resentment, in a way, where all that past stuff is still primed and ready to be called upon. he certainly doesn't just let it go
or, as he puts it in his autobiography:
Biaggi and I never talk to each other. I mean, we've never had a real conversation, anything that's lasted more than the requisite time to insult each other or put each other down, in the nastiest way possible. In any case, I don't hate him. It's true, we've never been friends, but hatred is something different, and that's too serious a word to describe our relationship. Far too serious. No, we have a reciprocal antipathy. No doubt this is a result of what we do for a living and the fact that we both want to win every single time. And perhaps it's also a function of the fact that we have very different personalities and very different ways of seeing things. Still, I don't think this means we hate each other, as some journalists have written. I think I could feel hatred for someone, but only for someone far worse than anything Biaggi has done. For example, if I were betrayed by a friend, then, yes, I could hate him. But Biaggi will never betray my friendship for the simple reason that we are not, and never have been, friends. Our relationship is very clear: we compete on the track - outside the track, each goes his own way. You could say we detest each other cordially.
... I mean. he said it, not me. and given this book was first published in '05... biaggi can't betray his friendship because they were never friends... I'm not saying he's thinking about sete, but it has to at least be a possibility, right? he's talking about one rivalry here and refusing to even mention the other... and the one he's refusing to mention is the one where he was friends with the other bloke. I don't know, maybe that's reading too much into it! and anyway, even if this passage wasn't really about sete, it's obviously still revealing. "detest each other cordially" is essentially what he was doing with casey and jorge (or from his point of view in any case, not entirely sure they'd agree with that). the grudge comes when he feels let down by you... and then, yes, he'll never let it go
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of course, he's willing to set aside his grievances for a while if there's sufficient motivation for him to do so. in 2009, when he had so definitively won that rivalry with sete, why bother kicking up a fuss? in 2016, quite frankly it was just too much, and it was getting to the point where it was obviously hurting him too. on the one hand there was the media furore that had been going on non-stop since sepang, on the other hand it was also hurting his own approach to racing. there's reports from the time how visibly aggrieved he still was in the first few races of the season, and it took until they got back to europe for him to... y'know, have fun again. it's not sustainable to be walking around with a constant dark cloud over your head and broadcasting burning resentment towards your two main rivals. certainly not for someone like valentino - he needs to be having fun! the slight rapprochement needed to happen, in a way, because otherwise those years would have been even worse for everyone involved. but that doesn't actually translate to forgetting any of those grudges. this is about convenience more than anything else
goes to show, really... most of the time he doesn't take these things personally. I talked about it a bit in this post, how maybe it's also something that changed over time for him: the question of whether he was willing to develop these kinds of bonds in the first place with competitors... because he does possess a certain level of self-awareness in terms of what these kinds of rivalries are like and what they do to interpersonal relationships. ideally, you don't want to be hurt by a friend like that, right? better not to have that kind of emotional attachment with your competitors in the first place. how unfortunate it'd be if all those years after sete the circumstances aligned for him to see a competitor as something like a friend again... because, after all, those are the only people who could betray him. those are the only people where he thinks he could truly hate them
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i think one of the most ironic (?) parts of the conservative lu server is in the first couple games in the zelda series, before OoT introduced the current Hylian religion, there were many references to Christianity. There were crosses on shields, The book of magic was called a Bible in the original Japanese version but renamed for other versions, there is literally official art of alttp link kneeling in front of a crucifix.
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Why not talk about any of that in your server? Its there, its zelda, its Christian. Literally perfect for your server. Instead you just want to say bigoted shit that you can't say other places because its so braindead no one wants to deal with it.
TLDR: conservative Lu discord server doesn't actually talk about the christian themes in the games, they just wanna be homophobic
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linabirb · 22 days
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do you sometimes go through your posts on your old blog and see something that suddenly makes SO MUCH SENSE now that you know you're a system
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taintedtowers · 6 months
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i23kazu · 9 months
if you're online say hi :3
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the-chains-cafe · 2 months
Hello ! I'm sorry if this has already been answered before but aren't Legend and Fable siblings.. Uh no let me repharse, Do you consider them as siblings ?
I know it's just a theory based on the last words of Legend's uncle in aLttP (a Link to the Past) wich are "Zelda is your..." (correct me if I'm wrong but I think those are the words).
I know it's a pretty popular headcanon among the zelda fandom in general.
I figured since you ship them you clearly don't consider them as related like that but for my peace of mind I need to know please..
Also that apart you're AU is really good ! And I love your art I wanna eat it and throw it on the wall ahhh
First of all, I just wanna say that it made me super happy how you worded this ask. :) people usually come to me and just tell me that I can’t ship them because they’re siblings. Which canonically theyre not. (In both loz and LU. I think it’s still a super fun headcanon, but people just. Ugh.)
idk what was going on with the translation team cuz the original line was „you are Zelda’s…“ and that opens up a lot more options, like „last hope“ or something.
Anyway, to answer your question, no I don’t consider them siblings, I do not ship incest.
But if you would like to see them as siblings in this AU, you can send me an ask! Then maybe I can draw them both working at the cafe, or fable telling the rest some embarrassing stories about him, or something. (Without any romantic stuff between them obviously) Wouldn’t be, like, AU canon, but would be fun, sure!
Oh yea now that I mentioned that, art requests for the AU are open btw!
Also thank you so so so much, I’m super glad you like it :D :)))
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danothan · 9 months
okay not to freak out but i think i might’ve found the one
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madamescarlette · 1 year
nothing is better than a story where the secret was love all along, nothing!!!
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ink-yy · 1 month
i just had such a funny idea for ot au
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hypnogogyc · 1 year
Oliver digs up Mike cinematic universe thought: Mike gets dubbed The Revenant for the eyepocalypse
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I don’t know much about rottmnt but origami ghost au? Do tell!
(for context: this ask is referring to this post.)
this was actually an idea recommended to me by (i think) @noodlenoodlenoodlenoodle, so credit where credit is due.
the basic premise is pretty angsty (paraphrasing what i remember):
one of the (rise) characters gets hospitalized, and all the others make little origami animals (one per day) out of little notes they write for when said character wakes up. (they don't wake up.)
now, i do like me some good ol' angst every once in a while, but i could not help myself with this idea. hurt/comfort is my specialty.
so, if i ever do write this, i think I'm gonna twist it around a little to be something more... convoluted.
one of the characters gets sleeping-beautified (ie put in a coma by magic means) and it is assumed they will never wake up again. meanwhile, said sleeping-beautified character wakes up in what appears to be... 16th century japan?? with a limited vocabulary, they must fend for themselves while figuring out wtaf is going on and how to get home. cue shenanigans as our real-world companions start to get "signs" that something is amiss. in order to not cause false hope, they keep it to themselves but begin their own, separate investigations. they learn that, through vague notes folded into terrible approximations of origami art (in their defense, origami is a bit harder with three fingers), they're able to communicate. but they have to hurry-- time is running out, and if they don't figure it out fast, our cursed character might actually never wake up again.
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pepsimaxolotl · 11 months
Having two names is wild sometimes one name hits harder than the other
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emile-hides · 2 years
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My mind is plagued by them so badly if anyone wants to do me the biggest solid and send me asks about them I know no one goes here anymore but this is for me to say my many thoughts at a void I just need a single prompt
#Fairy Tail#FairyTail#I made this to put my Queer headcanons on paper like I did for the Baka&Test cast but I just couldn't do it#There's so many fuckin guys y'all#I have so many thoughts there's so many guys just pick one and ask my thoughts I'll write you a novel#This is the second biggest solid you can do for me rn honestly brain fuckin full#I did my best to even slightly organize my emotions for these guys but honestly there is no one category that can hold any of them#I'm so stupidly attached to the Catholic Arc of Fairy Tail it's an Anime only Lucy centered filler Arc and I'm so attached to it#It's got all my favorite guys it's got Gonzolas it's got Jackpot it's got Sammy#It's got Catholic Guilt and the horrifying notion that inanimate objects in Fairy Tail's universe have will and feelings and conciousness#but not the ability to realize they have these things or to act upon them lest a Wizard uses cursed magic to give them human form#It's fucked as hell and I think about Laponte more often than he deserves#but also it has a buff ass blue cat with a Brother Complex and a Berdly level of bitchy smart boy attitued#And the second dumbest man ever written#Oh btw Fairy Tail is full of Dumbest Men You'll Ever Meet you want a dumb man Fairy Tail's your place no one thinks in this house#*Shakes Toby* Behold the dumbest fuckin guy ever written I love him so much I want to rattle his pea brain around his skull#I'm so abnormal about Fairy Tail guys please ask me about them I am alone at sea#as I deserve honestly but I'm still wishing for a message in a bottle#you could also commission me that's cool too that's solider number 1 right there
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nanamimizz · 2 years
the thought of getou coming home from his single apartment with a cold beer, meat half stiff while he watches his show just contemplating is so funny
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he looks like this on his sofa bro i don’t even think geto has it in him to touch himself hes so embarrassed by this and it ruins his day im in tears and tearing at the seams
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lovergf · 1 year
these days i’m constantly like graduate school is killing me i hate it here i have no free time am i even going to be able to finish this degree and then i read a cool pdf and i’m like oooo :^) maybe academia isn’t so bad
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