#this is a serious post for serious herb enthusiasts only
femmesandhoney · 7 months
okay but please tell me what you think the most sexy herb is. i mean all herbs are gorgeous but like which one to you is the sexiest herb.
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astarionfixation · 6 months
Chapter 4 - *Fu*k Eternity if Immortality Looks Like Me*
Part of "Am I Fu**ing Insane !?!" A multi chapter adventure in Astarion’s mind
Rating: Mature for Sex and CW Blood & Mentions of Death
Word count count: 3.6k
Pairings: Astarion X OFC Tav
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54356776/chapters/138056932
I have a quite serious praise kink. Which also means compliments in the forms of tags and/or comments might very well spur me to write and post more
** Thoughts "" Dialogue - - Remarks ++ Quotes / Memories
*I will never learn to take the sun for granted, ever*
The warmth on his skin makes almost anything tolerable, even the fact that she looks like an overexcited child on a sugar rush, skipping from one hedge to another, enthusiastic about the simple presence of plants, some of which she seems to have only seen in books. It would be charming really if he also had a chance to break his own -fast -. Not that she had much to eat: he had to force that cookie in her pocket for later though of course, when asked why he wouldn't touch food he only had to turn on the charm, with a delightful series of excuses as to why 
"Breakfast? Oh, my dear, I find the company far more enticing than the food here. Why waste such precious moments with a plate when I can feast my eyes on you?”
And he knows that is way too melodramatic for her to still take on his empty flattery, but she still can’t help a smile and that makes him feel in charge of this… whatever this is… the fact that, for all she knows, they haven’t parted more than minutes since the previous night, and only when he had to keep the pretence that of course! She deserved her privacy whilst sinful droplets of water encompassed her body *and nothing else*.
“Let this finally be it darling, you’ve been dragging me through this greenery for hours now, whilst I can assure you I could have made both our afternoons so much more interesting”
She is too intent on examining the hundreth plant to even consider replying to his suggestive invitation *Pity*, but after a moment she speaks, still with a hint of the eagerness he has seen her show only when it comes to herb gathering so far. 
*And the thought of me when she thinks no one’s watching*
“It’s not Mugwort, it’s Life Everlasting”
The last two words shake that part of his mind which was peeking at the surface, ready to get lost in sinful thoughts about her again
*What the !?!?!?*
Surely he heard wrong, or is she testing him? His puzzled look must give that away because she continues unprompted:
“Helichrysum is also known as Life Everlasting. It will be more than enough to prepare a tonic, there is little it won’t cure”
He swallows to gain composure even if he knows how still he has kept any and every part of his body to avoid giving anything away
“True to its name then…”
“Not quite… believe me I’ve tried.”
She continues to talk about the plant as if this truly is something she cannot help
“Decoctions, Tinctures… I would replace every single drop of blood in my body with it if it served the purpose, but the promise of its name has been greatly exaggerated”
The mention of blood reminds him painfully about his own dry throat at the same moment she sighs, her fingers keep tracing the woody stem of what seems like a pretty insignificant weed to him. Yet this is a conversation he feels concerningly drawn to, much like a moth to the flame, utterly conscious of the risk it poses and yet not remotely able to keep from prodding about it.
“Eternity then, is that what your heart truly desires?”
She nods absentmindedly, still tracing the plant with the tip of her fingers
“There are so many things that I'm set to miss”
A sigh leaves her lips and her tapered fingers halt their work on the stems of the plant.
“So many people, so many connections”
She continues, and he knows he could prod now, it would be easy to poke at her thinning barrier. In a half hearted tone he will testify in courts was meant as a joke he replies
“Is that why you asked me to stay with you last night, darling?”
And she should scoff, she should laugh, she should be led astray by where he meant to drive the conversation now, because this heavy air they have come to is not safe for discussing genuine thoughts and feelings.
When her dark eyes rise from the ground to find him she's almost… smiling? But it's resigned, and it doesn't reach her eyes, which are now fixed on him
“Believe it or not Astarion, I think I see something I know in you, and considering how slowly I'm decaying daily, I can't find it in me to be haughty and spare time I could instead spend with you for a time that neither of us might have in the future”
That is unexpectedly honest coming from the girl that stood in the light of the morning sun rays, clutching a shirt to her naked bosom as if it was the most innocent thing in the world, as if she didn’t mean all of that to be just a game to make both their resolve crumble.
“I would chance everyone shares in your predicament my darling, but you seem decidedly set on this, don't you?”
He is doing his best not to linger on the fact she’s perilously dancing on the edge of confessions way more complex than the desire she harbours for him, especially considering he should know nothing about it.
“I know what it feels like… to be just about to die”
And at that, he has to pull control from every fibre of his being not to flinch. Yet she inexorably continues, as if this had become a bloody confession.
“And ever since, time has been folding over and over in my mind, taking every joy away along with a ticking out I can't unhear. It’s all I’ve been searching, studying, looking for…”
He should be worrying, he should be aware that she might very well be tracing his thoughts just like her fingers traced the nape of his neck last night
*Surely to find a weak spot to plant a dagger!*
But he can sense the trembling in her voice, a mix of anger and fear that, despite coming from a different place than his, resembles his own feelings of complete and utter impotency at the fate imposed on him.
She shakes her head slightly and her eyes close while she inhales for a long moment, and he knows she’s trying to steady herself, confirming once again how crucial to her person this is. His mind scrambles back to the fragments of writings he found in her book that would speak of this, but he already knows his silly vanity let him scan only to find his own name committed to paper once he found the first instance, intoxicatingly tempted by discovering signs of her addiction to himself.  
“But there isn’t anything… I looked” as the words leave her mouth, her gaze rises inquisitively to meet his, just as her tone ends to a slightly higher pitch.
*Is she… asking?*
Her eyes are steadily on his and he doesn’t have the time to let the silence linger on that unasked question, besides, it’s much more interesting to see what else he can persuade her to concede.
“Surely an eternal life would be valuable depending on its quality, don’t you think my darling? Otherwise you might just find yourself waking up to a nightmare that keeps repeating itself”
The moment the words leave his mouth he feels a tinge of anger directed at her because even to try and propel words from her he finds himself giving away much more than he ever planned to.
But she just smiles and shrugs, her eyes back to the little immortal plant
"Maybe I've had a comfortable and sheltered life so far, I wouldn't mind continuing it"
But he knows! He knows that’s far from true, even the little he gathered from her notes revealed unlikely similarities in the ways their choices, their bodies had become the belonging of others to play with, when praise after the beating became the only consolation she focused on, just as -many a night- he had to try and forget himself to keep going.
*Why lie now?*
“But truth is, the only immortality that awaits me is here” 
Her fingers now touch the dirt at the base of the shrub, almost digging into it and a brief flash of his own fingernails bloody and covered in dirt comes to him from the night of his own first death.
“When I die, if I’m lucky, my body will be put at rest in the ground and all that awaits me is for it to decompose, feeding the next generation of plants and trees. I just wish I could accept that…”
“How morbid of you sweetling, even I have heard more legends and myths about longevity than that, surely even potential immortality, you didn’t strike me as the kind of person who would simply accept anything imposed on them”
“That’s the thing Astarion, as an elf you have dozens of my lifetimes awaiting in front of you, and whilst even that would eventually feel scarce to me, you are afforded that time. But I can’t… I can’t change what I am”
"Don't we all want to change? Be something other than ourselves for a time, to explore who we could really be?" 
He will never get a chance as good as this one to poke and prod at the very real possibility that she might not recoil the moment she finds out about his true nature. And that's assuming she doesn't already know.
“What would you give for the chance to become an everlasting creature then?”
And he knows a vampire spawn like himself cannot turn her, but he suddenly sees how far their arrangement could go. Jumping ahead he can see how their interests could align and 
*maybe this isn’t just the last in a series of curses laid upon me*. 
Maybe she’s still so very proficient in controlling the way her emotions reflect on her face, but the traits remain placid as her fingers still absentmindedly roll the stem of the herb back and forth to the same rhythm that gives nothing away. Yet the pause was not long enough to suggest she had just come up with her answer there and then
“It would be shortsighted to give anything that I would still require to keep being the person who first needed eternity, but other than that, there’s little I wouldn’t give”
His head tilts slightly so that their eyes can meet again, because he needs to see every minuscule micro expression his next words will bring on her face
“What if all you could ever drink again was the life essence of creatures, their blood, and nothing else, but for eternity of course…”
He has barely a chance to see her eyes widen just ever so slightly, the rhythm of her breath suggesting that she’s about to answer and the fact that words would come so promptly should be a source of concern because *when would she have had time to think about that?!*...
A rustling coming from the opposite side of the glade reaches his attuned, pointed ears.
*Shit! There’s something coming!*
and before she has fully inhaled he closes the distance between them, as his lips release only one clear command whispered in her ear:
With that his hand presses the centre of her chest compelling her to retreat. He knows he hasn’t been careful with his movements when in a mere few seconds he’s already at the opposite edge of the clearing and the source of the noise is now evident in the massive wild bear growling at him. There’s a vague possibility the animal might have been deprived of a few cubs when he last fed and it seems evident from the ire of it, but conversely, the delight of a meal coming to him when he usually has to scout and hunt for it almost makes him lunge. 
*how appropriate to kill two birds with just one stone*
Because he will be the hero keeping her safe whilst being the monster sated in his hunger. She’s surely hiding behind a tree by now, there’s absolutely no reason to restrain and with his bite the bear will be down in mere moments. And if need be, his dagger is on him, he can even pretend that’s what dealt the final blow should she want to verify. 
*Yes, those are all very good and valid reasons*
And possibly the saliva now reaching his fangs is the last thing he notices before his entire body dives and the bear does not even have time to react to him sinking his canines unceremoniously, pulling flesh and sinew without a care in the world. When the fountain of blood rhythmically rises from the jugular of the beast, it's already over and the bear has already fallen to the ground. He latches onto the open gash and when it hits his tongue It’s metallic and almost acidic but once down his throat it fills his stomach all the same.  He really should not have gone hungry for days. The satisfaction and exhilaration should suggest he was really at risk of attacking someone and destroying his cover, but the thick dark fluid flows down his throat and that's all that matters now. But alas, he can tell this feast is already close to the end, no matter the pull his mouth exercises on the carcass. 
With a final drag he has drained the animal and his entire upper body arches back, his eyes closing now, savouring the feeling of fullness, if only just short of satisfaction. His head thrown back as his neck extends, exposed, and he begins to feel a slight ticklishness as rivulets of blood are now making their way from his lips to his chin and jaw, past the ridge of his trachea and it’s a moment of peace if not exactly bliss, until some part of him screams preservation and he realises the dishevelment he caused.
He brings his hands to the fabric on his thighs and that’s when he realises the absolute mess he made of himself. His fingers run to his face and he can tell the blood it’s painting his features in a way that will be unequivocal to her. He would be frantically pulling at every pocket on him if the warmth of his full stomach wasn’t so naturally soothing to him, and all he can do now is just bring his fingers to his lips, sucking them and licking them clean so that no drop goes to waste. Eventually he even finds a kerchief, though…
*What a waste of silk!*
He slowly cleans the blood from his mouth with the fabric, and whilst his senses are all coming back more acutely than he could ever be gifted upon an empty stomach, there’s a languor that’s been sedated. He knows the problematics of explaining the red stains displayed on a much larger area than a blow dealt with a dagger would justify
*But I can’t give a bloody fuck right now*
His movements are dawdling and after wiping what certainly must be all the bloodshed upon him, his head lolls back, his eyes slowly open again looking upon the bear’s remains. With a measured movement he’s back on his feet and he might be feeling just a little bit more elegant, a tad bit more regal and self assured in his graceful form, standing tall.
He turns around with a delicate gracefulness to find she did follow his order: her figure almost perfectly sheltered behind a tree. The thought makes something twitch inside him
*what an obedient little thing*
A long, dark strand of hair almost covers her eyes, just not enough to conceal, and this time, for a moment, he can tell. 
He can tell that she hasn’t been able to look away, though nothing on her face delivers anything like disgust or recoil at what she’s just witnessed. No, if anything he can tell by the almost imperceptible way the tip of her pink tongue peeps through her plump, red lips. It takes less than a moment, and he might have his elvish eye to thank for it, but something in her expression now feels familiar, akin to enticement
*Eager little minx, If she had ever looked at me that way before, I would have known*
The little book would have been completely redundant because, even from a distance, it's obvious how something in her yearns for him.
And right now, he can’t blame her. Right now, as his body glides with feline gracefulness, he knows she can feast her eyes all she wants because he feels magnificent himself. The life essence is bringing back each and every sense to its apex form and the sunlight feel glorious against the smooth skin of his cheeks, and her heartbeat coupled with her slightly laboured breath is a compelling evidence to sustain every word and thought she has spent over him
+Something must have happened to Astarion, something bad enough to take away his voice, his actual voice, and left him outside looking in. And I don't know how to tell him he's not alone+
And right now the memory of her words coming back to him doesn't even bother him. In fact it's almost sweet how set upon finding his saving graces she is, so much so that she might deserve a treat.
He's just a few feet away from the tree she's still hiding behind, though her one beautiful dark eye peeking has not left him since he began stalking towards her. He gets closer, his long legs lithely gliding towards her and *she can have a show in fact*.
As he reaches the tree he extends his hand towards her so he can coax her out, his voice just like honey
“You're safe now darling, but you can show me your gratitude as you see best fit, though I might have a few suggestions I wouldn't mind indulging in”
At that she moves closer and now that she's not playing hide and seek anymore he has the visual of her increased heartbeat and laboured breath depicted on the rosiness of her cheeks that somehow spread the aroma of mulled wine and flowers even more than usual. The tug at his stomach that's usually elicited by her scent is now happening quite a few inches lower and 
Her dark eyes seem fixed on a spot just next to his mouth, and as she is now getting closer to him a new layer seems to be hidden in her bouquet, like the sweet tanginess of pomegranate? When she stops for an instant just in front of him, in that moment a flash of terror seeps through his boastful, post prandial confidence
*Shit do I still have blood on my face?? She knows! She must know and I'm fucked! She'll get the others to drive a stake through my heart and fuck waxing lyrical about eternity if immortality looks like… me*
And if that's the end, he concedes to himself to inhale deeply, to hold and commit her exquisite scent to his memory, and when her face gets closer to him 
*she must certainly be on her tiptoes now*
Her lips are pressing on his cheek, really so close to the corner of his mouth that at any point it will become debatable whether this would account for a real, proper *first* kiss.
“Thank you, Astarion”
She breathes the words on his skin and she's so up close that it now hits him, that sweet, tangy addition to her scent that reminds him of the tart, juicy seeds of a pomegranate is there for one reason.
*Because she's aroused*
At this point it seems worth considering celebrating this feast by grabbing her waist and pushing her back against the tree, fingers immersed in the softness of her thighs until her legs wrap around his hips and he can finally pin her to the tree trunk while his long fingers move deftly under her garments and
*Fuck! Why do I keep going back there!*
He swallows to keep her scent within his insides and a long, delicate finger finds one of her dark curls to wrap around and place just behind her ear so that his fingertip can brush even just for one moment against that spot that he can finally feel beating rhythmically against his digit. His eyes move to her lips, which seem just a tad bit redder after the kiss she planted on his face, as his entire hand now delves in her hair, caressing her scalp whilst his thumb is on her check and his entire hand is full of her softness, her hair *her mind underneath* and because she hasn't even put up a pretence of annoyance he pushes his luck
“Speaking of which, you were about to open up to me, weren’t you, sweet thing? Before we were so rudely interrupted”
He lets the words linger so he can measure her response and when the hand holding her head ever so slightly pulls her closer, guiding her dark eyes to meet his crimson ones again, she just lets him, so he lowers his tone and continues…
“Can you find your words for me now darling?”
And it seems like all the emotions he can read on her face pool around curiosity, enticement. Her lips tremble for a moment and she has to swallow before her sweet breath is once again hitting his senses.
“Hypothetically… if it was to be blood…”
She reaches up on her tiptoes now, her deftly hands found a way to sneak upon him again and they are now pulling at the fabric on his shoulders as she pulls herself closer so that her cheek is now brushing against his until her next words hit directly against the sensitive outer part of his pointy ear, even though it’s barely a whisper
“You just made it look extremely inviting”.
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writingesgaypism · 4 years
it cost me -5% friendship with aisling, but dammit i wanted her to be able to show off during the shaman trials
also shoutout to @diasporatheblog for having a blog full of useful pieces of trivia i can write in for authenticity(tm). i think about the phrase “a preponderance of bluebells” from the first post that mentioned aisling’s gardening hobby like, at least once a day
“I found out the name of those new flowers you planted the other day,” Fionn says, closing their eyes and tilting their face towards the sun. “Lantana.”
Aisling hums. “Did you ask Aemilius?”
“No. I got to chatting with one of the visiting merchants. Apparently it’s more of a summer plant, Ais.”
She smiles at the resurfaced old nickname — Fionn knows because they open one eye to check, then close it again before she looks over — and clicks her tongue thoughtfully. “Do you know if it’s perennial? It may be at the end of its blooming season, but it could always come back next year.”
“Believe so.”
They’re sitting out by the garden Aisling had started as soon as she’d found the time. A good portion of the plot has been set aside for herbs and things; medicinal plants that are useful in the ointments and balms she uses to supplement her work when the injury isn’t serious enough to necessitate magic, or when her patient isn’t amenable to magic in the first place. There’s even a few vegetables starting to come in: leeks and onions and potatoes. But at least as much space is devoted to flowers whose main function is in looking or smelling pretty.
In her spare time, Aisling has been collecting plants from around Divio to try growing herself, branching out from what she was used to growing back north. It’s been, not exactly a steep learning curve, but an interesting one. The townsfolk (such as Aemilius) like Aisling and are more than happy to help out when she asks, but Fionn likes to lend a hand sometimes anyway. At the very least, they enjoy listening to Aisling talk about it.
There’s a pause that feels more expectant than a natural lull in the conversation would, so Fionn opens their eyes. Sure enough, Aisling is regarding them rather cannily, idly brushing dirt from her hands. They head her off.
“Yes, I had a particular reason for coming out here. Just wanted to sit a while first.”
“Oh? Is it serious?” Aisling asks, and it’s more playful than anything.
They tilt their head back and forth. “Serious enough, I suppose. It’s an apology.”
Aisling blinks at them, amusement fading.
“Your trials,” Fionn clarifies. “When I hid the flag. I… may have been a little too enthusiastic. At best I was being meddlesome; at worst… Well. That’s why I wanted to be sure I apologized. So, I’m sorry, Ais. You didn’t need my tampering.”
“I did wonder,” she says slowly. “But I would never suspect you of trying to ruin my chances, Fionn. Still… Thank you. For saying so.”
She’s not quite admitting that they did anything worth apologizing for, but there’s something measured in her tone that says she isn’t entirely dismissing their words either. It’s another reminder of how far she’s come and how beneficial coming south has been for her. There’s more of a steadiness about her now, the foundations of confidence building up.
Fionn doesn’t bother to suppress their fond smile. “What was it the Council said? Something, something, most impressive display of magic any of them have ever seen…?”
“Fionn,” Aisling says, warning diluted by her nose scrunching up and cheeks already beginning to flush.
“Even if I had been attempting to sabotage you, I think it would have just made you look better because you’d have triumphed regardless. And I think if had kept my interference to myself, you still would have impressed everyone there. I think—”
“Oh, just…” Aisling can’t cover her face with her hands because there’s still dirt clinging to her skin, but she looks like she very dearly wants to. “You hush.”
The admonition isn’t especially strong, but Fionn obliges her anyway, still grinning.
“I think,” Aisling continues after a few moments, once the blush starts to fade and she turns back to her garden, “that I can forgive your meddling in return for the promise of one free pass should I ever need to meddle with you.”
“Oh? You foresee this being a likelihood in the future?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Aisling says primly, fighting and mostly succeeding at keeping a smile off her face.
Fionn laughs, only a little surprised and entirely delighted. “I see Izzy’s rubbing off on you. Or Pan. Probably both.” They pretend to deliberate. “I suppose I can allow it. Between the two of us, you’re the one with all the common sense, anyway.”
“Don’t worry, I’m just holding onto yours for safekeeping.”
“Well,” they drawl, leaning back to return to sunning themself, “can’t think of a safer place than with Maghnus’ very own shaman.”
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heartslogos · 3 years
newfragile yellows [1028]
It was a joke. or at least, it started out as a joke. In Bull’s mind it still is a joke, but one he’s beholden to.
Bull’s got about twenty people who live at his branch of the Herald’s Rest who can and will drop everything they’re doing on the spot to talk loudly, expansively, and enthusiastically about how easy he is. He’s not. He’s got standards. But he’ll admit that his standards for going to bed with a person aren’t the same as most other’s. And going to bed with someone, in his books, doesn’t lead to a marriage. It doesn’t even lead to a good morning usually.
Sex is sex.
It’s an act contained to itself. It isn’t the start of something or the end of something or a milestone or an achievement. It’s just sex.
It can make you feel good and relaxed. It can ease off your tension and help you forget your troubles for a bit.
And for the most part his partners are down for that. No strings attached sex. No promises for the future, no expectations for something more. They get what they signed up for.
But there are other people who do expect something else. They think, for whatever reason, that they’re gonna change him or something. They’ll be so fantastic in bed he’ll be addicted or intrigued or whatever. Bull might be very good at breaking people apart but some things are beyond explanation. Bull doesn’t bother trying.
There have been instances (multiple) where he’s been approached by people he has or hasn’t slept with before and demands for dinner, or lunch, or — something. Dates. Basically.
As though he owes them his time. His effort. His attention.
That? He isn’t alright with. That? He’s never agreed to. That? He has never put on the table for anyone.
Bull says no. He always says no. And then it became like a little game for some people. Who can make the Qunari fall in love. Who can domesticate him and make him their partner?
It got to a point where it was genuinely interfering with Bull’s business.
Grim came up with it. Bull’s the guild master for the Chargers, he runs an Inquisition branch of the Herald’s Rest. If someone wants something from Bull, wouldn’t it make sense that they had to earn it?
Make it a quest.
If someone wants to date Bull — for whatever reason — then they have to prove themselves first. He’s the Iron Bull. Why would he make things easy? Why should he just date anyone? He’s a high ranking adventurer in a high ranking post with the highest ranking guild alliance in southern Thedas.
Bull had initially thought just putting up on the quest board would be the end of it. He didn’t think people would actually try it.
The three parts had been his idea. Three is a traditional number. It’s a good story. It’s a good pace. Part one would be easy enough. Gather herbs for his blend of vitaar. It saves him time and money.
Part two would be much harder. That one would be harder to pull off if you weren’t serious, if you weren’t trying, if you didn’t really want it —
Get one stone’s worth of fade touched hide. Whole. Intact. It didn’t have to be processed or turned into anything — but it had to be whole. It could be multiple hides. But they all had to be perfect.
That one’s harder to do. That one’s more dangerous.
He’s only had a handful of people pass that bar.
And all of them did it on purpose.
“Are you kidding?” Bull asks as he watches Skinner and Aclassi struggle to put away the giant hide of a fade touched Great Bear. “Those don’t even come around here.”
“Nah, they sometimes come over the mountain,” Aclassi grunts as they heft the thick hide onto a wooden table to begin the thankless job of preparing it for processing. “This one’s a good one. Fattened up a little after spring thaw. Must not be very old, not much by the way of scars.”
Bull doesn’t need to get closer to check it. He can tell from here. The person who did this knows their way around a knife. It’s a perfect job. No tears, no snags, no jagged cuts.
“Who was it?” Bull asks.
“Ellana Lavellan,” Skinner says. She glances over her shoulder, eyes glittering with amusement. “It was an accident this time, as well.”
“What?” Bull’s eye narrows. First one he can excuse for an accident. This one? “No.”
“Yes,” Aclassi says. “She came in to collect the reward for a different quest. Then she asked if we buy and process hides here and what our rates were. Said yes. Pulled this out. I think Dalish choked so hard she turned purple. Had to get Stitches to come up front to process the payment.”
“Did she get payment for the quest?”
“Yeah. Explained it to her that she could get the rewards for that one, too, since she technically qualified. Since the reward was just a voucher for a meal and a free room for the night she took it.”
“She’s still here?” Bull asks, halfway turned towards the door to go to the front of the guild hall and track down this adventurer so he can finally see her face.
“Nope,” Aclassi pops the syllables obnoxiously. More obnoxious than usual. Prick. “Took it and said she’d use it later. She has another job to do and she wanted to pop by, restock, and get going. Busy busy. I bet she’s going to advance in rank soon. That’d make her — what. Skinner, was she B rank?”
“Rocky pulled her records,” Skinner says as she runs her hand through a tangle of fur on the hide to straighten it out, “She’s upper B. I wager she’ll probably hit rank A by the end of the year if she keeps at a steady pace.”
Skinner smirks. “That’s qualify her for part three, wouldn’t it?”
Bull glares at the two of them.
“She isn’t doing it on purpose. She isn’t going to do part three.” Bull turns to find Grim and see if he knows where Skinner’s stashed the records she had pulled. Maybe he should write to Leliana. “And ship that thing off to de Fer for handling. We owe her for that exchange a few months ago and I don’t want that hanging over my head longer than it has to.”
0 notes
talesoftxt · 5 years
TXT Hogwarts AU
So this is my first time publicly sharing my writings and I'm really nervous and also kind of excited. Please bear with me, English isn't my first language however I do try to do my best in my works. Anywhos here's my first post I hope you guy enjoy!
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•was shunned his whole life due to his parents being deatheaters in the second wizarding war
•raised by his grandmother who he loves to pieces
•don't tell anyone but grandma choi actually raised him muggle style so he's very knowledgable when it comes to them
•his one and only friend is soobin, that is of course before he met the three other boys
•the sorting hat barely even touched his head before it announced "slytherin"
•worked his way up until he became what he is today
•his goal is to erase the stigma of slytherins being evil
•intimidates everyone with his sharp eyes and blank face but don't be fooled, he's as extra and wild as the others
•once dared himself to wrestle with the black lake's giant squid
•always aims to be the best at everything, probably to the point of overworking himself
•as a first year flying had come naturally to him and easily became his favourite subject but was soon replaced by defence against the dark arts
•the boy is a quick thinker and could disarm his opponent in a matter of seconds, though he is good at casting other spells he opts for a defensive style of duelling
•ever since he was young he dreamt of being an auror
•the team captain of slytherin's quidditch team, his swiftness and agility earned him the title "best chaser"
•dubbed as "slytherin's prince" his housemates respect and look up to him
•don't cross him.just don't.
•very cautious when it comes to picking his friends and is very protective of soobin because he's just too damn precious
•gets along with kai really well because theyre both crackheads and kai is too cute not to like
•isn't one to share his feelings but because of his friends he's getting more and more open
•his greatest fear is becoming evil and hurting his friends
•he's really just a tiny bean who loves his friends and would do anything for them
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•coming from a very traditional pureblood family, he doesn't really understand muggle lifestyle
•a straight A student prefect and athlete, he's the epitome of model student
•doesn't like to break the rules but somehow always finds himself staying up with taehyun or getting dragged to the dark forest by kai
•takes away points by decimals just because he thinks its funny
•can get pretty scary when someone questions his authority
•"out of bed past curfew? 4.23 points from gryffindor" "is that even allowed??"
•he's a responsible prefect and shuts everyone up with one stern look
•number one on the school's boyfriend material list (because c'mon he's like perfect)
•a perfect gentleman who's ready to help with a dimpled smile on his face
•takes muggle studies because he likes muggles and wants to know about them more
•still doesn't know what the function of a rubber duck is
•can cook up a potion even without the help of a guide and can recognize a herb by it's texture alone
•his favourite subjects are potions and herbology
•probably because the two are kind of connected in a way
•literally has a journal where he writes down everything he's learned about muggles
•nearly cried when he received a toaster from taehyun as a gift because he's always wanted one for his bread
•wants to be a healer in the future
•his future career also helps because all his friends can't go a day without injuring themselves
•keeper soobin (you gets?because the boy is such a keeper?hehehehe)
•his tall stature and quick reflexes helps him block quaffles from the opposite team
•recognizes hueningkai as his number one cheerer and never fails to wink at him before the start of every game
•always makes sure taehyun gets enough sleep, beomgyu and kai stay out of trouble and keeps yeonjun from overworking himself
•they always make sure to bring him back little muggle trinkets after they come back from the holidays
•the boys are just really thankful for soobin existance and love him so much
•choi soobin is a lovable and amazing bunny (that's the tea sis)
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•gets himself into pretty stupid situations just bc he's too damn heroic
•always stirs up trouble but somehow charms himself out of it
•he's like,really charming
•made mcgonagall blush that one time
•he's absolutely cunning,his ability to hide his true intentions behind an angelic smile scares the crap out of the boys
•just don't mess with his friends
•bc of this the sorting hat actually took longer to sort him than usual wondering whether it should put him in slytherin or gryffindor, he had almost been a hatstall but after a silent debate between the two beomgyu had chosen gryffindor bc they had and i quote 'pretty colours'
•had to be physically restrained by soobin and yeonjun after he tried to fight a student who had called taehyun a "mudblood"
•Charms and transfiguration are his areas of expertise
•favourite spell is "accio" and practically uses it for everything
•"accio yeonjun hyung's clothes "beomgyu!"
•"accio taehyun's love of his life" "bold of you to assume i have any I-" "accio taehyun's books" "you little shi-"
•takes muggle studies just for the hell of it and because it's easy
•gryffindor's seeker,this boy could spot a snitch from miles away
•has his own fanclub with members from all four houses
•yes that's how charming he is
•no one really knows how but beomgyu always manages to enter all three other houses' common rooms
•his favourite hang out place would probably be ravenclaw's common room
•annoying taehyun is this guy's favourite past time, he just finds it cute when the younger glares at him
•if he's not annoying taehyun he's probably off pulling pranks and causing trouble all around the castle
•is currently grooming kai to become a prankster like him, he just has to figure out a way to stop the boy from being so goddamn loud everytime they prank someone
•in general he's a chaotic mess but everyone still loves him
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•once something catches his eye he makes it a goal to learn everything about it
•no one really knows what to expect with taehyun probably bc he was so quiet and introverted
•as he gets used to life in the magical world he starts to become more confident and bold
•"why do we still use quills when ballpens literally exists?''
•''are you serious?a letter?kai you have a phone use it''
•his wisdom and good advices remind people why he's in ravenclaw
•his two favourite subjects are transfiguration and history of magic
•transfigured soobin into a bunny once at kai's request (well probably just to shut him up)
•history nerd and draco malfoy enthusiast
•''he was only a child!''
•doesn't even bother to answer the riddles' properly
•"where do vanished objects go?" "somewhere other than where they were vanished from,duh."
•usually found in the common room late at night cramming homeworks he's been putting on hold bc he found something much more interesting to do
•legend says prefect soobin always stays up with him (no one knows if its true or not no one has ever tried to find out in fear of facing choi soobin's wrath if he finds them out of bed)
•an excellent beater, taehyun's one of the best in their team even at such a young age
•rumours are he's one of the candidates for next team captain
•is soobin's source of muggle knowledge, probably bc kai only teaches them memes and popular vines and beomgyu just cant be bothered with
•claims he loses braincells every time kai opens his mouth but deep down he loves the boy like his brother
•looks up to his yeonjun and soobin hyungs
•unbothered king 24/7
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• the boy literally dragged taehyun with him and introduced himself to nearly everyone during the train ride
•never fails to say "me dad's a muggle; mam's a witch,bitofanastyshockforhim
whenhefoundout" every time he introduces himself
•excels in care of magical creatures (probably bc every single creature falls in love with the boy on sight) and almost always accompanies hagrid to the dark forest
•let's be real ya'll the dark forest probably isn't so dark anymore with the amount of sunshine kai emits
•nearly gave soobin a heart attack when he had dragged the elder into the dark forest
•at the age of 13 the dark forest was just a forest to kai, "wild centaurs?bitch please i braid baby centaurs hair on saturdays"
•idolizes newt scamander and wants to be a magizoologist because he wants to change people's minds about magical creatures and show them how beautiful and precious they actually are
•'pet a dragon's belly' is listed number 1 in his bucket list
• 'ohmygod hueningkai don't you even dare try to rock that mandrake' 'but hyun its so cute!it looks like an ugly baby!'
•takes a liking for divination and unlike others actually appreciates and pays attention in class
•probably because of his close relationship with the forest's centaurs who also use divination in their day to day lives
•is a skilled flyer and was invited to try out for his house's quidditch team but turned it down
•he prefers to cheer for people rather than getting cheered on
•people don't really know who he cheers for most of the time bc he's like present in every game
•mysteriously gets louder and more energetic when ravenclaw plays most people think it's bc his bestfriend taehyun is playing but taehyun knows the truth
•"you did great hyun!" "i literally saw you stare at soobin hyung's ass the entire game"
•no one can hate this guy,it’s physically impossible
•even the meanest kids don’t pick on him,he’s THAT lovable
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Anyways that all for today! That's my opinion on the txt's hogwarts houses,don't be shy and tell me what you think! See you later guys!
135 notes · View notes
fucking-zawa-sensei · 6 years
Don’t Kid Yourself: Chapter 9 (FINAL CHAPTER) - It was Always About Love
Title: It was Always About Love 
Pairing: Erasermic – Shouta Aizawa|Eraserhead/Hizashi Yamada|Present Mic
Rating: T
Word count: 11k+
Notes: Where do I even start? This was the first multi-chapter fic I’ve ever written. Months and months ago, I wrote a small little drabble that was essentially the beginning of chapter 1 and I posted it on Tumblr and a few people liked it. It was supposed to be some random one shot thing that died there, but the reaction that post got encouraged me to keep going. I had, honestly, no idea what this story was going to be until around chapter 4, and then I realized it was going to be important. This fic was, and probably will always be, my baby. I am so happy and thankful to have been able to share it with all of you. I cannot express how much I love every person who read, shared, commented, or felt anything about this story. I hope that you take something from this. I hope a piece of this story stays with you and warms you on bad days. While there was a lot of angst and suffering, this was always about love and perseverance and forgiveness. 
Other Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
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Read it on Ao3 here
Chapter 9: It was Always about Love
Love is not easy.
You do not love people easily.
You love them hard.
You love them with everything you’ve got.
You love them through all the things that make you say, shit why am I with you?
So you can love them for all the things that make you say, this is why I’m with you.
Love is not easy.
Despite this, Aizawa learns, it’s worth it.
When Yamada’s lease is up later that year, they make the decision to split the cost and move in together. Yamada requests they get an actual house, not an apartment, and that it be at least a two bedroom, more than one bathroom, have a kitchen with an island, and enough space to entertain. Aizawa thinks they just need the necessities, and why have a second bathroom if there are only two of them? If Yamada likes things to be so neat and tidy, who cares if people walk through their bedroom to get to the toilet?
Yamada pouts and raises an eyebrow that screams, are you serious, without having to say a single word at all.
Aizawa relents, letting the blond take control of the house hunt, with his only requirement being it isn’t too expensive and they’re allowed cats. He also mentions that he’d like some outside space, whether that’s a balcony, deck, or a small yard.
It would be nice, he thinks, to have a place to lay in the sun with Yamada, or grow a few vegetables.
Yamada had always cared so much more about the flow of a room and color schemes and fabrics than Aizawa ever had. His apartment had the bare minimum, while Yamada’s had something to interest every person who walked through his door.
It’s okay. Aizawa knows it won’t ever be cluttered, the other man a bit of a neat freak, and that’s all he really needs from his home: a clean living space, a good neighborhood, a reasonable distance from work, his cat, and his partner.
Yamada can fill the bookcases with random things, and place strange sculptures on the shelves, so long as he comes home every night and climbs into bed beside Aizawa, it doesn’t matter.
He’ll be happy.
The staff room is almost perfectly quiet, save for the occasional paper rustle, clacking of computer keys, or creak of someone leaning back in their chair. That is, until the door slides open with one furious push, rattling as it settles in its track, and Yamada enters, waving a packet in one hand, and shouting, “I did it! I found it!”
Half the people in the room are staring at Yamada as he tugs the door closed, while the other half is shooting Aizawa looks. They’d been dating for several months now, but long before Hizashi ever recognized his feelings for Aizawa, their colleagues had always depended on the erasure hero to calm the blond when he got a bit too excited.
Aizawa quickly saves the document he’d been working on and prepares to be swept up in whatever Hizashi had “found.”
The voice hero runs around the desks and throws himself into his chair beside Aizawa, letting it roll freely with the momentum, as it lightly smacks into the side of Aizawa’s chair. He raises an eyebrow at Yamada.
“I found it,” the other man says.
“What did you find?”
Yamada slams the packet he’d been holding on top of Aizawa’s desk.
“Our home,” Yamada says, grinning.
Aizawa’s eyes widen. Yamada and he had gone on a number of open house visits the past few weeks. Eventually, Aizawa had lost interest, and given Yamada permission to scout on his own, promising that he’d take a look at any space the blond thought might be a good fit for them, trusting Yamada’s taste.
Apparently, Yamada hadn’t just found a few suitable options to pick from.
The blond lifts his hand up off the printout of the house listing, saying, “We can go check it out after class.”
Our home, Aizawa thinks, looking down at the pictures. He picks up the packet and starts flipping through, looking at the specs for the house. It seemed good on paper, but they all had. That hadn’t stopped either of them from finding a problem with any of the previous locations. As much as Aizawa had said he didn’t care where they lived, he’d found himself becoming critical as he watched Yamada, hmmm, and hum as he opened cabinets in a kitchen. If the blond’s face wasn’t lighting up as he ran his fingers over a counter top, Aizawa found himself thinking, this place is terrible.
It’s not good enough.
Aizawa turns his head to look at Yamada, who is still smiling widely and bouncing his leg on the floor.
“Okay, let’s check it out,” Aizawa agrees.
Yamada pulls up on the corner of the short driveway, parking on the curb by a black mailbox. The other man quickly hops out of the car, running around the back, as Aizawa gets out slower. The blond is already halfway up the driveway, holding his hands out toward the house like he’s presenting the opening act of a talent show.
Aizawa shoots him a smile before turning his attention back to the house. It’s a light gray colored one story, with a dark, navy blue door, and white trim around the windows. The garage is a one car, attached to the house, with a white door. The roof is also a dark, almost black blue. It has a few windows in the front of the house, but not many. Aizawa wonders if this is because of the one place they’d visited with large, bay windows facing the street, and how it had made both Yamada and he instantly uncomfortable. As professional heroes, privacy was important to them.
He follows Yamada up the slate walkway toward the front entrance. There’s a small overhang and white porch. It’s enough for maybe one chair and a potted plant, but certainly not enough space for both of them to comfortably sit outside. So far, Aizawa is wondering why Yamada would be so enthusiastic about a house with a rather dark color scheme and a small entrance.
That is, until Yamada unlocks the door and pushes it open, stepping aside to allow Aizawa to enter first.
There’s a small genkan, stepping up into a hallway with light wood floors. There’s a wide opening to the left, which Aizawa can already see leads to the kitchen. Yamada and he had wanted a somewhat open floor plan, so he’s pretty sure there’s probably a living room beyond the kitchen. The hallway has some closed doors, probably bathrooms and bedrooms, or possibly a study. There’s a window at the end of the hall, but from this far away he can’t see clearly what’s outside it.
Yamada takes his hand and guides him through the opening to the kitchen. It’s got a charcoal tiled floor, some sleek, modern looking sleet colored cabinets, white, shiny countertops, stainless steel appliances, and a small island. Yamada leans up against the counter by the sink and crosses his arms, beaming at Aizawa.
“What do you think?” he asks.
“Looks nice,” Aizawa says, opening a cabinet.
“Yeah, there’s a lot of space for dishes and things,” Yamada says. “Plus, we got an island!”
He’s already talking like we own the place, Aizawa smiles to himself as he shuts the door. Yamada had clearly already fallen in love with the place. Aizawa pictures the other man chopping up food on the island, or rinsing salad in the sink. He imagines pulling up stools and eating simple breakfasts together as light streams in from the window above the sink.
“I like the white and grey,” Aizawa says, before making his way around the island to walk into the living room.
The family who staged it had the couch back facing the kitchen to create some division between the rooms. There’s a reset alcove in the wall that he hadn’t noticed, where a table and bench seats with cushions are tucked away, windows lining the space above the seats and table. He’d wondered what the little bit of house sticking out of the side had been for when standing outside. Aizawa likes their use of space. He can imagine lining up plants in the windowsills, maybe herbs and small vegetables they could use for cooking. Continuing past the alcove, he steps around the couch into the living room. It’s decently sized, with a plush, tan carpet. He walks around the space a bit.
“Shouta!” Yamada calls him, and Aizawa turns around from where he’d been looking at a staged photo of a family sitting on a bookshelf. The blond is standing by some large curtains. “This is the best part.”
Yamada pulls the curtains back to reveal a huge sliding glass door. The wide windows reach from floor to ceiling and let in a remarkable amount of light. Aizawa’s eyes widen a bit as he looks down at where the sunlight is casting a large square on the floor, right by where the sellers had placed their kotatsu. He thinks about Yamada and he curled up on pillows, lying in the sun.
He’s pulled out of the fantasy by the sound of the door sliding open. He turns to see Yamada walking out onto a small wooden deck. Aizawa follows slowly behind, walking out onto the platform just as Yamada is taking the single step down onto the grass.
It’s not a large yard by any means.
It’s quite small, with a light wooden fence separating it from the neighbors. It has a short, blue shed that probably can’t fit more than a few shovels. There is a little garden in the back, tucked into the corner, where the owners seem to have been growing some sort of vegetables. It’s got a couple trees lining the edge of the fence, and some weeds poking out from under the deck.
It’s not a big yard, but Aizawa’s eyes aren’t really focused on it.
Yamada stands in the center of the lawn, his hands hanging loose at his sides, his shoulders relaxed, and his long hair swaying a bit against his back with the gentle breeze. Yamada’s head is tilted, and he’s staring up at the sky, and in that moment, Aizawa sees a different man.
He seems a man with long silver hair and creases in the corners of his eyes, with a few more scars littering his skin, but deep laugh lines framing his mouth. He sees a golden ring stealing the summer sun as it glistens on the man’s left hand.
Yamada turns around, his mouth moving, but all Aizawa sees is the blond older, married, retired, with a large garden full of flowers and tomatoes and cabbage, with an old, once loved, but long since neglected swing tied to the limb of one of the trees, drifting back and forth in the wind.
He doesn’t hear what Yamada is saying, but he knows he’s asking a question. He swallows, his throat feeling a little tight.
They’d only been dating for half a year and here he was picturing himself married to the other man, having kids with the other man. Some part of Aizawa thinks he should probably feel weird about that, think that maybe they’re moving too fast, but most of him thinks it doesn’t matter at all. He’d known Yamada for half his life.
From where he was standing, they were taking things slow.
“Shouta?” Yamada asks, approaching him. “Hey, you there?”
Aizawa nods slowly.
“I asked what you thought about it,” Yamada says. “I know it’s not a big yard, but I think it’s enough space for us, don’t you?”
Aizawa nods again.
Yamada frowns.
“You don’t like it?”
Aizawa shakes his head, bringing his hands up to rub at his eyes.
“No, Hizashi,” he says. “I really love it. I really, really love it.”
Aizawa pulls his hands away from his face and reaches out to pull Yamada close, cupping his cheek with his hand and bringing him into a kiss. Yamada happily obliges, kissing back, lifting his arms around Aizawa’s shoulders. When they finish and pull apart from one another, the blond laughs.
“You mean it?” he asks. “Do you think you could picture us in this house together?”
Aizawa thinks, if you only knew.
“Yes,” Aizawa says, kissing Yamada again. “I can. I want to live here, Hizashi. I want to make this place our home. You were right. This is the one.”
Yamada’s smile is breathtaking.
“You haven’t even seen the bedrooms and you’re already sold!” Yamada laughs, taking his hand to pull him back inside.
Aizawa thinks, after fifteen years of this, he’d have gotten used to it by now.
That’s the thing about love, though, it can always grow.
In retrospect, they should have ordered the new bed set before they closed on the house. Aizawa’s old bed was too small to comfortably fit both of them, and according to Yamada, had ‘an indentation matched perfectly to Aizawa’s body.’ Yamada’s bed was even smaller, impulse bought when he needed something to sleep on after moving out of Imai’s apartment.
Aizawa was used to sleeping on couches and in his sleeping bag, but even he had to admit he was getting sick of waiting around for a mattress to arrive. The manufacturer, warehouse, and deliverers had all made the whole ordeal a headache at one point or another. Two weeks was too long to swap back and forth sleeping on the couch from Yamada’s apartment or on the floor every other night. They’d started the first night trying to cram both their bodies on it together, but that hadn’t lasted more than a few hours, when Yamada jerked in his sleep and stabbed Aizawa in the stomach with his pointy elbow.
Now, finally, Aizawa stands against the wall of their bedroom, watching Yamada direct the delivery team where they want the bed to be, as if it wasn’t already obvious by all the surrounding furniture the blond had set up in the room. The two nightstands were a pretty big giveaway. People didn’t traditionally leave giant gaps between two tiny tables in the middle of a room.
When they’ve got the frame down and are assembling it, Yamada walks over to him, huffing a bit as he runs his hand through his hair.
“How is it that the bed is here and they’re still trying to ruin me?” Yamada whispers, leanings against the wall next to Aizawa. He rests his head on Aizawa’s shoulder.
“What happened?” Aizawa asks, tilting his head over to lie atop the blond’s.
“They thought it wouldn’t fit where we wanted it,” Yamada explains. “I measured the space like four times.”
Aizawa snorts.
“They don’t know you’re a freak about this stuff,” Aizawa jokes, nudging Yamada’s side. “Give them the benefit of the doubt. You can tell them ‘I told you so’ when they’re done.”
“I guess so.”
“Come on, let’s leave them to their work,” Aizawa says, pushing off the wall and taking Yamada’s hand. He pulls him along out of the bedroom and away from the stress of the delivery team shouting instructions back and forth to each other. They walk out of the room just as someone is saying “Watch the wall!” and Aizawa tightens his grip as he feels Yamada pull back.
“It’s going to be fine,” Aizawa says, tugging Yamada into the hall.
“We just painted that…”
“We can repaint, it’s fine. The headboard will cover anything,” Aizawa says, leading Yamada into the kitchen. He pulls the other man into his chest and holds him there for a few minutes, rubbing his hand up and down Yamada’s tense back. “It’s fine, stop stressing.”
Yamada takes a deep breath and smiles.
“Okay, I’ll try.”
“We get to sleep in a bed tonight, that’s something to look forward to.”
“Or we might not,” Yamada says.
Aizawa pulls back a bit, raises an eyebrow.
“Might not?” Aizawa asks. “You want to sleep on the floor again?”
Yamada gives him a sly smile, tilting his chin down to look at Aizawa from under his lashes.
“I’m just saying there might not be too much sleeping happening on that bed,” Yamada winks at him and Aizawa snorts, pushing the other man away lightly.
“Right, okay, says the man who threw a fit two days ago when we were making out on the couch because his back hurt.”
“You were rough…” Yamada pouts.
“I laid you down on a cushion, Hizashi.”
“It’s a hard cushion.”
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Aizawa rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling.
Yamada breaks his pout to laugh and wrap his arms back around Aizawa’s neck, pulling him into a kiss.
“You know, when I picked out that couch I was really happy with it, but now I kind of hate it.”
“We are not getting a new couch,” Aizawa warns.
“Boooo,” Yamada whines and drops his hands down from Aizawa’s shoulders.
Aizawa backs up to lean against the island, watching as Yamada opens the cupboard above their stove to pick out some tea. The blond starts boiling some water and Aizawa keeps thinking how if sleeping on the floor for two weeks is the worst thing that’s happened to him in that same length of time, he can’t really complain too much.
“Sencha or Oolong?” Yamada asks, holding out the two containers. Aizawa reaches out to tap the tin of Oolong tea.
“Should we offer some to the workers?” Yamada asks, turning around to grab two mugs.
“That depends, how fast do you want this bed?”
Yamada sticks out his tongue from over his shoulder.
“Oh shush, it can’t be too much longer now…”
It is.
It takes them three hours to put the bed together, one of the workers having to run out halfway through because they’d forgotten some part of the headboard.
It’s alright, though, because by the time they’re done, Aizawa is feeling an awful lot like he could use a bed to nap on. While Yamada kindly pays the delivery and build teams, chit chatting a bit in the entranceway down the hall, Aizawa lies down on their new bed and shuts his eyes. He listens to the sound of Yamada’s voice and only startles a little bit when he feels the familiar dip of the bed signaling his cat, Mai, has just decided to join him.
The door shuts and latches and Aizawa hears feet padding down the hall. He’s expecting the more pronounced shift in the mattress that comes with Yamada climbing onto the bed. He opens his eyes just as the blond is lying down on the other side of where Mai has stationed herself by Aizawa’s chest. Yamada props his head up on his hand and begins slowly petting the cat from head to tail in long, methodical strokes. It only takes a few seconds before she starts purring away. Aizawa smiles at the two of them, his gaze drifting down. He feels his eyelids getting heavy.
“Hey Shouta,” Yamada says. His voice sounds a bit timid, and Aizawa is surprised, when he looks up from where he’d been watching Yamada’s fingers coast through Mai’s fur, to see that Yamada is nibbling at the corner of his lip.
“Yeah?” Aizawa asks, the sleepy feeling that had been seeping into his body quickly dissipating. He watches Yamada’s face, but the other man keeps his eyes focused on Mai.
“Remember when I was dating Haru and I wanted to get a cat, and I invited you to come with me, but you said that was something I should have done with him?” Yamada asks quickly, rambling a bit.
He wanted a cat.
Aizawa isn’t sure why the other man would ever be concerned about asking Aizawa about getting cat, but he reaches out his hand to place it atop where Yamada’s is still resting on Mai’s back. He rubs the side of Yamada’s hand with his thumb encouragingly.
“Yeah,” Aizawa says.
Yamada looks to the side once, and then finally glances up to meet Aizawa’s gaze.
“Do you think Mai might like a friend?”
“I think she would love a friend, Hizashi.”
The blond’s face erupts into a grin and he laughs a bit, letting out a big breath of air in the process.
“Why did you think I’d say no?” Aizawa asks, stroking Yamada’s hand again.
Yamada sighs, and for one second Aizawa thinks things are about to take a turn, but Yamada gives him a soft, bashful smile instead.
“I don’t know,” Yamada laughs. “I guess...it just reminded me of when we weren’t happy.”
When we weren’t happy…
“But we are now,” Yamada quickly says, reaching across Mai to stroke Aizawa’s cheek with his thumb. “So it’s okay. I can get a cat. No, we can get a cat. That’s what you do when you have someone you love, right? You share.”
“I think most people share things that aren’t alive, but yes, I get what you’re saying,” Aizawa chuckles.
He’d remembered clearly thinking that it was odd for Yamada to have come to him about wanting a cat when he’d been seemingly happily living with and loving another man. He’d thought that was something you did with a partner.
It’s not just your cat when you live with someone else. It’s both of yours cat.
Maybe that had been a sign, back then, that Yamada’s and Imai’s relationship was not the fairytale he’d thought it was. Yamada hadn’t wanted to share a pet with him. Even if Yamada hadn’t realized it, some part of his subconscious had.
He didn’t have faith that they’d last. You don’t buy a pet with someone if you think you’re going to have to decide who gets it in the break up.
Aizawa places his hand atop where Yamada’s is touching his cheek.
“For the record,” Aizawa says. “Mai is your cat now too.”
Yamada’s eyes widen.
“What? Really?” he asks, excitedly.
“Yeah, but since she’s slept on you, you also belong to her. I don’t make the rules.”
Yamada drops his head down onto the pillow and laughs.
It sounds relieved.
It sounds giddy and happy the way it did when Aizawa had agreed to move in together.
As if Yamada is still somehow unsure that it’s all real, that he’s doing this right, that this time it’s for real.
Aizawa lays his head down on the pillow as well, reaching out to scratch Mai under her chin. In that moment, he promises to make sure Yamada doesn’t have to hesitate before asking for something ever again.
A house.
A pet.
Aizawa knows what the next big question is, and he knows it won’t be for a long time, but he hopes it comes out confident and strong, without any doubts.
So he can answer that way as well.
Yamada watches from across the room as Aizawa is handed a small, calico kitten from one of the adoption staff. It immediately nuzzles into his neck, its little claws latching onto the fabric of his shirt. He smiles at the scene, sighing lightly as he scans the room.
Something rubs up against his ankle and he looks down to see a tuxedo cat walking around in a figure eight pattern beneath him. The cat’s head butts into his calf and Yamada carefully crouches down to one knee to reach it. He sticks his hand out in the air and lets the cat sniff at him before going in to pet its head.
“That’s Habiki,” a woman says from above him. Yamada looks up and nods.
“How old is it?” Yamada asks, the cat ducking down beneath his hand when he goes to pull it back, demanding more pets. Yamada happily complies, stroking over its head and back, then scratching under its chin. His eyes widen when he feels the small vibration there, the cat purring.
“We can’t be too sure, but we’re guessing he’s around a year and a half to two years,” she says. “He’s very friendly for a street cat.”
“I’ll say,” Yamada laughs. He shifts to sit on the floor in a cross-legged position and Habiki tentatively climbs into his lap and curls up. Yamada continues running his hand through his black and white fur.
“Do you want me to get his file? I can tell you more about him,” the woman says. Yamada looks up at her again and she’s holding a clipboard to her chest, smiling down at him. “It looks like you two are getting along pretty well.”
Yamada nods, laughing again, not really sure what to do with his mouth other than smile and giggle. He felt giddy, surrounded by so many cute cats and happy people rescuing pets.
“I would like that, thank you,” he says.
As she’s about to turn around he calls out to her, “Wait!”
She pauses, surprised at his sudden yell.
“Sorry, sorry,” Yamada says, bashfully, lowering his voice. “Can you tell that man, with the long dark hair, to come over here?” Yamada points at Aizawa as he speaks and the woman nods.
“Sure, will do!”
He looks back down to the cat in his lap, still petting his back. Yamada lets out an “Awww” when Habiki lifts up his little white paw and places it gently atop where Yamada’s other hand is resting on his leg.
“You’re the cutest thing in the whole world,” Yamada says softly to the cat.
“Hmmm, I don’t know. I think I could name something cuter,” Aizawa says from above him.
Yamada snorts, looking up to meet Aizawa’s gaze. The other man is standing with his hand on his hip, a small, half-smile on his face. Yamada pats the floor next to him and Aizawa sits down.
“His name is Habiki and he’s around two years old,” Yamada explains. Aizawa nods, reaching to offer his hand to the cat the same way Yamada had a few minutes ago. Habiki bumps his nose against Aizawa’s pointer finger and, taking that as acceptance, Aizawa scratches his chin and pats his head.
“He’s cute,” Aizawa says. “Do you like him?”
Yamada shrugs. He hadn’t really looked at any of the other cats. There was a piece of him that said he should look around more, not fall in love with the first cat he sees. As his gaze shifts around the room, though, his eyes land back on Aizawa’s slowly growing smile, leant over his lap, as he plays with Habiki’s paw.
Browsing around hadn’t proved to be much of a help in the past.
Yamada thinks about the way his stomach had flipped the first time he’d made Aizawa laugh in high school.
He’d made the mistake of not going with his gut before.
Yamada moves his hand off his thigh to find the one Aizawa isn’t petting the cat with, intertwining their fingers. The erasure hero spares him a quick glance before focusing back on Habiki.
“Yeah,” Yamada says. “I like him.”
“You want to adopt him?”
Yamada nods, smiling down at Habiki as he rolls onto his back, batting at Yamada’s fingers with his paws.
“Great, me too,” Aizawa says.
“Calm down, you’re jostling the carrier,” Aizawa warns him with a hand on his knee. Yamada gets his legs back under control, forcing his nervous tic to a halt so he doesn’t disturb their new cat on the drive home.
Aizawa rarely drove when he lived alone, preferring public transportation, and now that they lived together Yamada nearly always took them everywhere. When they’d walked outside of the adoption clinic, Yamada holding the carrier with Habiki up in front of his face as they headed toward the car, making little faces at the cat as he stuck his finger through the bars to pet him, Aizawa had offered to drive so Yamada could comfort the cat.
He was grateful, despite what he’d said, Yamada knew most of the reason Aizawa had suggested driving was for the blond, not the cat.
They’d been dating for so long now, but every day since he’d confessed in that park, Yamada was amazed in new ways at the subtle, small gestures Aizawa made on a daily basis. How had he not seen these things sooner?
Aizawa had always been kind to him, had always put up with his teasing and boisterousness.
This wasn’t the first time he’d told Yamada to calm down with a level voice and gentle touch. Yamada was sure it wouldn’t be the last.
He didn’t ever want there to be a last.
“Why are you nervous? You know I’ve fostered cats before. Mai isn’t territorial,” Aizawa asks, breaking Yamada out of his thoughts.
“Mmm, yeah I know.”
“So what’s wrong?”
Yamada shakes his head, shrugging. “I don’t know, I’m just worried he won’t like it? Or he’ll be scared?”
“They said he gets along well with other cats,” Aizawa assures him. “All cats hide when they’re first introduced to a new place. Don’t worry about that. We can keep him in our bedroom so he’s not overwhelmed.”
“Yeah, that sounds good!” Yamada agrees. He slips some of his fingers between the bars and Habiki rubs his face against them. “Mai will be upset she can’t sleep with us.”
“Eh, she’ll get over it.”
“So cruel, Shouta,” Yamada teases. He bends down to peer into Habiki’s crate. “I won’t ever banish you like that.”
“Banish?” Aizawa scoffs.
“Yes, you’re banishing her from the bedroom. So mean! How will she go on?”
“I don’t know, maybe I should banish someone else and she’ll have some company,” Aizawa says, smirking and raising an eyebrow at him as they come to a red light.
Yamada feigns shock, placing his hand over his heart and leaning back in his seat.
“You’d never,” he says.
“Wouldn’t I?” Aizawa can’t keep it together though, snorting quickly after he speaks and laughing as the light turns green and the car starts moving again. Yamada joins in after him, resting his head against the window as he catches his breath.
“You love me too much to do that,” Yamada says cockily.
There’s a pause, and he glances over to see Aizawa staring at the road again, a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah, I do.”
After a few weeks, Habiki is happily settled into their home.
Yamada had gotten used to waking up facing Aizawa, Habiki curled into a little ball between their stomachs, and Mai tucked around Aizawa’s head. She usually stuck to his pillow, but on occasion, when Aizawa had shifted closer to Yamada in his sleep, he’d feel her soft purrs vibrating through their shared pillow. When there wasn’t room for Habiki between them, he’d place himself somewhere near their feet.
It was a content, warm dynamic. He was overjoyed the first night Mai was invited back into the bedroom and no hisses were exchanged.
Today, the morning sunlight came bursting through the curtains they’d neglected to close the night before, and falling on his face. He was a little confused, used to waking up laying the other direction, but realizes after a small shift that Aizawa is pressed into his back, one of his hands resting lazily on Yamada’s belly. Small snores trickle out beside his ear.
Yamada snuggles himself backwards into Aizawa’s embrace, sighing contentedly as the other man reflexively tightens his hold.  He closes his eyes and something soft nudges his arm. Cracking an eye open, he sees Habiki has moved up to join them, curling into Yamada overtop Aizawa’s hand. He reaches out to pet Habiki’s head, keeping his movements slow and fluid as to not disturb the sleeping man behind him.
Habiki lets one a tiny meow and Yamada tries to shush him, but the cat takes this as encouragement instead, crying louder now, demanding they get up and provide food.
“Biki…” Yamada sighs. “Shush.”
Aizawa’s steady breathing gets uneven as he sucks in a large breath, the kind people do right before they wake up. He lets it out against Yamada’s back and rolls over, his hand dragging through the dirty blond tufts of hair on his stomach and over his hip before plopping down on the mattress. Yamada flops over onto his back beside Aizawa.
He glances up behind Aizawa’s head and sees Mai laid out at the edge of his dark hair, not making any noise, but the way her eyes are half-lidded, so much like her owner’s, it seems an awful lot like she’s judging him. I’m better behaved.
Yamada sticks his tongue out at her, even though she does nothing more than blink at him, and shifts onto his side, tucking an arm under his head. He reaches out his other hand to play with the short dark hairs on Aizawa’s chest.
“Good morning,” Yamada sings.
“Mmmm...morning,” Aizawa grumbles out. He turns his head to kiss Yamada’s lips briefly.
“Shouta,” Yamada says, with his voice a little softer. He scoots in closer to the other man, sticking a leg out to hook around Aizawa’s calf.
“Hmm?” Aizawa hums lazily, eyes still closed. He moves his hand out from behind his head though, scooting it underneath Yamada’s body to wrap around his shoulders, bringing Yamada’s head onto his chest.
“I was thinking,” Yamada starts, twirling his finger in a circle atop Aizawa’s skin. “It might be nice to have Haru over. He could meet Habiki.”
There’s a solid beat of silence and Yamada thinks for a second Aizawa will say no. It makes sense. Aizawa had accepted that Yamada still sought friendship in Imai, and didn’t particularly seem to mind the other man now that Yamada was securely in a relationship with him, but the blond could understand wanting to keep his ex out of their house. He wouldn’t blame Aizawa for not wanting to let Imai get too close.
So he’s a little surprise when Aizawa says, “Sure,” in a voice that, while still laced with exhaustion, is rather upbeat for him.
“Really?!” Yamada asks, gasping a bit in excitement.
“Yeah, sure. Why not?”
Yamada bites down on his lip for a second.
“I was worried you wouldn’t want Haru to visit.”
“Imai is nice. He’s your friend,” Aizawa says. He opens his eyes and looks down at Yamada. “I don’t mind that you dated. If he hadn’t talked to you, we wouldn’t be here. This isn’t weird for me, don’t worry about it.”
“You’re sure?”
“If you trust him, I trust him,” Aizawa says, shutting his eyes again. Yamada grins, pushing himself up to grab Aizawa’s chin and tilt it toward him, pressing his lips against the other man’s. When he pulls away, Aizawa’s eyes are open again, looking clearer than usual.
“Thank you, babe,” Yamada says. Aizawa rolls his eyes at the pet name, but Yamada notices the way his cheeks flush for a moment.
“You have to make me breakfast, though,” Aizawa mumbles out.
“What? I don’t remember that being part of the deal,” Yamada huffs, lightly smacking Aizawa’s shoulder. Just as he lies back down, Habiki jumps onto his stomach and Yamada lets out a gasp of surprise, whining a bit.
“You have to make him breakfast too,” Aizawa comments from beside him, reaching out to rub approvingly behind Habiki’s ears. Yamada pouts as Habiki’s eyes scrunch shut and he begins to purr.
“I see how it is, teaming up against me.”
“Only because we love you,” Aizawa says, and if Habiki somehow understood his words, the cat walks up Yamada’s chest and butts his head against the blond’s chin, cracking Yamada’s pout and forcing a laugh out of him.
“Okay, okay,” Yamada says, nudging the cat away from his face. “I’m up, food time!”
Yamada claps his hands together and pushes himself off the bed, tugging on Aizawa’s foot through the blankets as he makes his way toward the door to go start breakfast.
“No falling back asleep.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“You absolutely would,” Yamada says, blowing him a kiss and walking out of their room.
He sends Imai a text to see when he can make it over while he’s preparing breakfast, and they decide it would be nice to order some dinner and make a night of hanging out. Yamada is a little nervous, as the hours tick closer to evening, not having hung out with Imai and Aizawa at the same time since before they’d broken up over a year ago.
Aizawa seems to pick up on this, lying carelessly on the bed, flipping through some tests he’s grading, as Yamada selects an outfit. He throws out a quick, “Navy blue looks good on you” before Yamada can even begin to let his anxiety dictate his wardrobe. It’s not that he really wanted to show off for Imai, but Yamada’s clothes always reflected his moods. When he’d been going through his break up, he’d worn baggy hoodies and pieces of outfits that didn’t quite go together.
Now, his life was going great.
So he wanted to look great.
He also kind of wanted Aizawa to look great, and without saying anything, the other man had tugged on a lovely cable knit black v-neck sweater and grey jeans. This was just for him, though, it had nothing to do with Imai.
Any excuse to see Aizawa dressed up was one he’d happily use.
Yamada picks out a navy blue button up and slips it on over his baby blue undershirt, allowing it to poke up out a bit at the top. When he’s done buttoning most of the shirt, he walks over to the bed, placing one knee on the mattress and leaning into Aizawa’s space.
“What do you think?” Yamada asks.
“Kaminari is going to flunk,” Aizawa says, not looking up from the test in front of him. Yamada knows he’s kidding, but it makes him bite the inside of his cheek regardless.
He brings his other leg up onto the bed and shuffles into Aizawa’s space, taking the stack of papers from his hands and placing them on the bed beside him. Yamada straddles Aizawa’s lap, gripping the other man’s hands and forcing them onto his hips, then pushing them around to his ass, tucked inside his tight black jeans.
“I asked,” Yamada says, pushing his body back into Aizawa’s hands. “What do you think?”
Aizawa’s mouth opens and his pupils are growing wide and because karma is a bitch, the doorbell rings. Aizawa’s eyes snap shut and his hands drop down as Yamada quickly lets go of them. They both groan in unison.
Yamada almost wants to pick up his phone and tell Imai to take a few laps of the neighborhood for an hour, see the sights.
“You had to invite him to see your cat, didn’t you?” Aizawa groans, throwing an arm over his eyes.
“You were all for it this morning,” Yamada comments, sitting up and swinging his leg over Aizawa’s pelvis and sliding off the bed.
“That was before you propositioned me in the bedroom.”
Yamada laughs, pulling at Aizawa’s hand.
“Come on, come on, let’s go!”
Aizawa stands up and moves to walk around Yamada, but he tugs him down into a kiss instead, pushing his hand into the other man’s shorter hair, pulling at the strands a bit as he opens his mouth to let Aizawa’s tongue explore inside. Yamada steps forward, pushing his hips against Aizawa’s briefly before they pull apart.
“Seriously, if you keep this up, I am going to tell him to leave.”
As if he’d heard the taunt, the doorbell chimes again. This time it’s followed by a few quick meows from Habiki.
“Coming!” Yamada calls out, turning his head toward the door. Just as he’s stepping out of Aizawa’s embrace, he hears the other man mutter out, “You wish you were” and Yamada has to fight back the blush creeping up his neck the whole way down the hall.
He shoos Habiki and Mai away from the entrance and opens the door, smiling wide at the sight of Imai.
“Come on in!” Yamada says, stepping aside to allow the other man to enter. He’d seen Imai a few times since he’d started dating Aizawa, but something about him tonight seemed a little brighter than before.
A little happier, perhaps, and Yamada’s heart flips happily at the idea of Imai also finding the person who he’d been so desperately searching for, someone who deserved all the light and wisdom Imai had to offer.
Aizawa comes out of their bedroom and nods his head toward Imai, saying, “Hi, welcome to our home.”
“Thank you,” Imai says, shrugging off his coat and shoes. Yamada takes the jacket from his hands to place on one of the hooks by the door.
Imai’s hair is cut shorter than the last time he saw it, framing his face nicely. Yamada points to his own hair and then to Imai, saying, “New do! I like it!”
Imai laughs, thanking him.
“So where is this new member of your family I’ve been hearing so much about?” he asks.
“Sweet baby, Habiki? Our prodigal son!”
“Our what?” Aizawa asks from behind Imai.
Yamada lightly tugs Imai’s sleeve to get him moving and then grabs Aizawa’s hand, pulling him along into the living room. He drops down onto the couch, Aizawa slipping into the spot beside him, and Imai taking a spot in the close by armchair.
“Watch this, it’s magic,” Yamada says, patting his hands against his thighs. Immediately, little pattering feet come tip tapping from the kitchen and Habiki jumps up onto Yamada’s lap.
He scoops the cat into his arms, rocking him like a baby, and holds him out to Imai.
“This is him!” he says.
“Wow, what a cutie!”
“Right!?” Yamada exclaims, lifting Habiki up in his lap to rub his cheek against the cat’s soft fur. “He’s the cutest cat in the whole world!”
As if on cue, Mai lets out a little meow of protest from where she’s curled up on the other arm chair.
“He doesn’t mean it,” Aizawa turns to tell her, holding up his hand as if he’s telling a secret.  Yamada laughs at the gesture. When he looks back toward Imai, he’s surprised to see him leaning casually into the arm of the chair, his chin propped up on his hand, staring at Yamada and Aizawa with fondness.
“I’m so happy for you both,” he says.
Yamada stops petting Habiki, who had rolled onto his back on the man’s lap and bats at Yamada’s unmoving hand.
“Thank you,” Aizawa says.
Yamada’s head quickly turns to look at his partner. He’d been nervous this would be awkward. He’d been a little scared to flaunt his relationship in front of Imai, even if the other had done nothing but been supportive, hell, even pushed him toward Aizawa.
Here they were, in the living room of his new house, with his little family, and Aizawa was thanking his ex.
Yamada smiles down at Habiki, placing his hand back on his soft tummy and stroking through his fur.
“Yeah,” Yamada says, hoping Imai knows he’s not just referring to his kind words when he says,
“Thank you.”
Imai waves him off with his hand, as if to say, don’t worry about it, but Yamada will always be grateful for what he’d done, whether or not Imai thinks it was a big deal.
Habiki stretches out on Yamada’s legs, and then curls up in a little crescent, closing his eyes. Aizawa reaches over and gives him a little scratch on his forehead.
“So how are things going?” Yamada asks, turning back to Imai. “You’re working on a new project, right?” Then, leaning toward the other man, mischievous smirk on his face, Yamada continues, “Meet anyone interesting?”  Yamada raises an eyebrow suggestively.
“I actually just met this guy at my new gig,” Imai says, laughing a bit in the way everyone laughs when they’ve got a new crush, no matter how old. Yamada’s eyes widen at that. He’d been joking, but Yamada smiles as Imai’s cheeks flush a bit. Some part of Yamada feels lighter now, knowing Imai might be well on his way to finding the thing he’d been searching for, for so long, that the other man could get what he deserved for putting up with Yamada’s ridiculous work schedule and tantrums, that they could both end up happy.
Imai continues, saying, “We’ve gone out a few times now. I think you’d like him. He’s a little shy, though.”
“Wow, nothing like you, huh?” Aizawa jokes, nudging Yamada’s side with his elbow. Yamada sticks his tongue out at him and pushes the offending limb away.
Imai laughs again, this time louder, more genuine.
“Yeah, I guess not,” he says. “You’ll meet him at the premiere in a couple weeks actually!”
“I hope you’re prepared for me to do that thing where I ask him way too many intrusive questions to vet him,” Yamada says.
Imai laughs, leaning back in his chair, “I hope you’re prepared for me to roast you at your wedding.”
Yamada covers his face with his hands, “Oh no, oh no, what have I done?”
“I’m ready for it,” Aizawa comments from his right and Yamada’s hand gets halfway from his face to Aizawa’s shoulder, which he’d been intending to give a playful smack, but the other man catches his wrist before he makes it there. Yamada opens his mouth to protest, but now Aizawa is the one looking at him with soft eyes and a gentle smile.
I’m ready for it.
Yamada looks down at where Aizawa’s hand is wrapped around his arm and wiggles his wrist loose, grasping the other man’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Me too.”
It hadn’t happened for a long time, an entire class making it to graduation without a single person being expelled. In fact, they’d actually added a person to the class.
Aizawa stands off to the side with the other teachers after the ceremony is finished, after all the big name heroes have given their speeches, and all the homeroom teachers, himself included, had told the kids to please be safe and make them proud.
That no matter how far their careers take them, U.A. will always be here for them. As alumni, this would be their home.
Aizawa watches class 1-A sharing hugs, and a few tears here and there, as they hold up their diplomas and full blown hero licenses in victory. He smiles fondly from where his arm is hooked with Yamada’s, as the blond chats with Kan and Thirteen.
Four years went by remarkably fast, as well as alarmingly slow at times.
He hadn’t been lying up on that stage when he said they’d all turned out to be fine heroes, great heroes. He’s not sure he’s ever seen a class have to deal with so many tragedies and use those events to only motivate themselves further. He was happy to have been their mentor, to have guided them, protected them, and risked his life on more than one occasion for them.
He turns back to the group just as Midoriya is running toward his mother, both of them with fat tears streaming down their cheeks, holding his papers high above his head.
All Might’s retirement had left a void in the world of pros, but watching those kids walk confidently across the stage, shaking each of their hands, he’d felt that space grow smaller. Soon enough, he’s sure it will be filled entirely.
Aizawa feels Yamada’s other hand come up to pat his arm, smoothing over his suit jacket affectionately. He turns to look at the other man and receives a private, soft smile. They tended to keep their relationship mostly off school grounds, but today felt a little bit like it didn’t really count, so Aizawa leans over and kisses the voice hero’s cheek. Yamada rubs the spot with his palm, grinning, when Aizawa pulls away.
“How cute!” he hears Kayama’s voice come from behind them. Aizawa turns just as she joins their small circle, throwing one of her arms over his shoulder and leans heavily against him. She seems extra bubbly, her face tinted pink with a blush, and her hand shakes a bit against his arm.
She smiles brightly at him and then Yamada, before throwing out her left hand into the middle of their circle, spreading her fingers wide. It’s impossible not to be drawn to the silver band adorning her ring finger, a glittering, round white diamond fastened in the middle, surrounded by small, twisting metal vines. Yamada whistles next to him, pushing his glasses down his nose, even though he’s not wearing sunglasses today and can see better with them on his face.  
“That’s a nice rock, Nemuri,” the blond remarks.
“It’s beautiful!” Thirteen exclaims.
“Looks like it’s my turn now, boys!” Kayama laughs, lightly smacking Aizawa’s chest.
“How did she propose?” Kan asks, and Kayama’s arm slips off Aizawa’s shoulder, giving his hand a small squeeze on the way down, as she steps closer to all of them to begin her story. Aizawa smiles, nods along to her retelling. Kayama had started dating her girlfriend almost a year after Aizawa and Yamada had started their relationship. They’d gone on many double dates, hanging out at each other’s apartments, getting drunk and ranting about their workloads.
Aizawa liked the other woman a lot, but he liked the way she made Kayama’s smile bigger more than anything.
When Kayama turns to him and says, “I did all that heavy lifting at your wedding, I expect you two to go all out for mine too,” he doesn’t hesitate to say, “Of course.”
Besides each other, she was their best friend.
Kayama scoots into place between the two of them, throwing an arm over each of their shoulders, pulling them close as she declares, “My best men!”
Yamada laughs loudly from her other side and he pulls her into a hug.
All Aizawa can see in that moment is Yamada, freshly fallen tears still making their way down his cheeks, as he grins, his hair twisted into a beautiful braid, his arms wrapped around Kayama’s back, his left hand centered in the cut out of her bridesmaid dress, wedding band polished, shiny, and perfect, only hours old. He smiles at the memory of their wedding day, at the way Yamada had been blindingly beautiful coming down the aisle, and even more so as the night drew on, as the sun set on their outdoor reception and Aizawa held the other man, back to his chest, as they swayed together in the open air, looking up at the stars.
He can only hope Kayama’s wedding is just as gorgeous, just as perfect as his own was.
It’s the memory he holds most dear.
Aizawa isn’t sure much else could ever top it. Though, Yamada had been not so subtly fitting children into an awful lot of conversations lately.
For now, he kept that breezy night in the back of his head, always there, always waiting, ready to pull out when Yamada was far away at a radio event, or he was wishing he’d worn more layers on a stake out.
Or simply when he wanted to smile and remember how it felt to be joined forever with the one person he loved the most.
Adoption is hard. Home visits go well until people ask about Aizawa's job, already well aware Present Mic is a pro. No one really wants to send a child home with two heroes.
Yamada insists it's fine, but he sees the way the other man smiles when he holds his niece. He sees the way that smile falters when he realizes he may never have this for himself, never watch his own daughter run across the yard or fall asleep at the kotatsu.
Aizawa thinks about the way Yamada had never dated another hero before, wonders sometimes if that isn’t part of the reason Yamada never entertained the idea of them together.
He'd never thought about children before this. The only thing he loved as much as Yamada was his job, he wasn't willing to give it up. Except, as he watches Yamada’s back, the tight stiffness of his shoulder blades moving underneath his t-shirt as he shuts the door behind another social worker, he starts trying to imagine his life without hero work.
Could he be happy like that?
Yamada’s hand lingers on the doorknob, and then drops off. Aizawa watches as he turns around, smile plastered on his face, throwing his hands up behind his head and furrowing his brows in what Aizawa can only nicely call an obvious display of fake nonchalance.
“Ah, that could have gone better, huh?” Yamada says, laughing a bit.
Aizawa doesn’t try to hide his annoyance.
“Drop it, Hizashi,” he says. The other man’s smile ticks down a few notches, slowly shifting into a slight frown. “You don’t have to pretend like this doesn’t suck.”
Yamada’s hands drop down heavy to his sides.
“Yeah…” he sighs out, looking down the hall. Aizawa shifts his own gaze away from the slight tremble in Yamada’s lower lip. The blond had been doing remarkably well at keeping it together as agency after agency turned them down. They’d been doing this for months now. They’d filled out so many forms that Aizawa could recite his answers out loud on command at this point.
Yamada had smiled the whole way through it, rejection after rejection. He’d kept insisting, there are more places, we’ll just keep trying.
Aizawa knew, deep down, that Yamada’s can-do attitude had its limits. He’d seen the other man break down numerous times before.
It had been a while, though, and now it seemed he’d run out of his sunny disposition.
Aizawa walks the short distance down the hall, looping his arms around Yamada’s waist and pulling the other man into his chest. As the first sob shakes Yamada’s body, he brings his hand up to the back of the blond’s head, lowering it down to his shoulder, tucking his husband tightly within the safety of his embrace.
He doesn’t bother to say anything, no reassurances, no hushing, he just stands there in their dimly lit hallway, overcast not letting much light through the long windows framing the door, and holds Yamada as he finally lets out all the tears he’d been burying down for so long.
Sometimes there just isn’t anything to say.
Sometimes all you can do is cry.
Aizawa slowly walks them into the living room, holding Yamada tight to his side as he navigates to the couch, tugging the other man gently down with him to sit on the cushions. Yamada instantly curls into Aizawa’s side, turning fully against him, tucking one leg up onto the couch and the throwing the other over Aizawa’s lap as he buries his face into the erasure hero’s shoulder.
Aizawa runs his hand up and down Yamada’s heaving back, using the other to pull his fingers soothingly through his long hair.
He’d told himself he wasn’t going to make false promises.
He told himself not to lie, but with Yamada’s hiccups muffled in his shirt, he finds his mouth falling open. He finds himself saying the words the blond can’t bring himself to anymore.
“We’ll keep trying.”
Aizawa thinks, in that moment, that he is learning about marriage. He is learning about little lies you tell yourself for someone else.
He understands now why Yamada always smiles, even when he doesn’t mean it.
For him.
He’d do anything.
“I-if,” Aizawa clears his throat. He usually never stuttered, but these were the hardest words he’d ever had to say. “If I need to, I can retire.”
Yamada’s sobs cease, his back not moving under Aizawa’s hand as he stops breathing. Slowly, Yamada’s grip on him loosens, and the blond pulls back. Aizawa is expecting him to be upset, but he isn’t expecting him to be furious.
The other man was so rarely mad.
Aizawa almost flinches away under Yamada’s intense stare.
“No,” is all he says.
“No. I said no.”
Aizawa sighs, running his hand roughly through his hair.
“They aren’t going to let us adopt like this. They can’t put a kid in a home where both parents have a chance of dying.”
“That’s every home!” Yamada shouts.
Aizawa almost forgot. Yamada’s birth parents had given him up, and he’d spent most of his infant and toddler years at the center, unable to be adopted with his quirk. When he finally had been adopted, a sweet young couple, the family’s home had been one in a dozen robberies, the two killed in their bedroom, Yamada quickly hidden in the closet, instructed to be quiet until a hero or cop came to find him.
He looks down at his hands. This whole thing was probably bringing up a lot of unwanted memories for the blond.
“Hizashi...what happened to your parents...that was a freak accident. You understand that?” Aizawa says, looking up at the other man. Yamada quickly turns his head away. “These social workers aren’t going to see it like that. They can’t predict every incident that could ever happen, but it’s their job to at least try to put kids in a home that minimizes the risk of-”
“Minimizes the risk?” Yamada scoffs, crossing his arms. Aizawa knows he’s just mad, knows he’s hurting, but the glare Yamada levels him with makes Aizawa’s mouth taste sour. “Stop talking about this so clinically. Just be upset! Why do...why do I have to be the only one like this!?” Yamada gestures to himself, poking a finger into his chest as tears start spilling over his eyes again, dropping on the couch cushions below. “Aren’t you mad? Aren’t you upset? Don’t you care!?”
Aizawa swallows, but the lump in his throat keeps getting bigger.
“Of course I’m upset,” Aizawa says.
“But you didn’t want kids! Right? You didn’t want them!”
“I do now…”
“Now,” Yamada repeats his words. The blond’s hands rub harshly at his eyes and nose, trying to wipe up the mess he’s making of his face. Another sob racks through him. Aizawa watches as the other man’s hands move up into his hair, gripping tightly as Yamada leans down, curling inward.
“Hizashi…” Aizawa says, trying to stay calm, trying to tell himself Yamada doesn’t mean the things he’s saying. He reaches out his hand, placing it on the other man’s shoulder. “I know you’re upset...I know...I know I’m not the best at this stuff...but I do care. I care a lot. I might not show it the same way you do, but this is hard for me too. I do want children. I really, really do. I want them so bad I just considered giving up my job for them, do you understand?”
Yamada’s body trembles underneath his hand as the blond shakes his head back and forth.
It’s quiet, but Aizawa hears him.
“I don’t want you to retire,” Yamada whispers. Another small hiccup slips past his lips as he continues, “I just wanted a family.”
Aizawa runs his hand over his husband’s head.
“I know.”
“I’m s-sorry for yelling at you,” Yamada stutters out. “I don’t...I don’t want...I love you. I don’t want you to...I don’t want you to have to give up what you care about.”
Aizawa nods his head, gently running his fingers over Yamada’s head.
“I know you care. I know you want kids too. I don’t mean it…” Yamada sniffs below him and coughs a bit. “I’m just...I’m just tired, Shouta. This is so hard and I know…” Yamada huffs out a breath and sniffs again. His hands move to grips his sides. Aizawa can see his shirt bunching up around the digits. “I know that you’re calmer than me, that you’re better at keeping it together. I was trying so hard to do the same thing...but I couldn’t. I just...sometimes I don’t want to be the only one crying on the couch.”
Aizawa brings his hands to Yamada’s shoulders and forces the blond up, pushing him into a sitting position. He makes sure Yamada is looking at his face, sees the way Aizawa is frowning, how his forehead is creased with worry lines.
“You’re not,” Aizawa says and he feels a tear rolling down his cheek. He knew Yamada was good at seeing beneath all his stoic layers, but never realized how isolating it might feel to be feeling so much pain inside and look at your partner and see them seemingly unaffected.
“You’re not alone, Hizashi. You’ll never be alone. I’m your family. We’re a family, with our without children. I’m not giving up. We’re not giving up. I’m sorry that I wasn’t...talking to you about this. I’m sorry I kept the things I was feeling to myself. I need to be better about sharing things with you,” Aizawa says. He runs his fingers down Yamada’s arm, finding his hand. “I need to be better about sharing my pain with you, so that you can share yours with me.”
Yamada’s lip continues to tremble and streams continue to run over his cheeks and drop off his chin.
There’s nothing he can do to make those things go away.
“Do you,” Yamada starts. “Do you really want kids?”
Aizawa thinks about the day they first walked into their house, three years ago. He remembers standing in the yard and imagining an old tree swing where they’d push their child. He’d been so focused on the idea of growing old with Yamada that he hadn’t really paid that particular train of thought much mind, but…
“Yes,” he says. “Yes, from the first day we moved in here.”
Yamada’s eyes widen at that.
“Really?” he whispers.
Did he always think I was just going along with this because he wanted it?
“When we...when you first showed me this place, we stood out in the yard. Do you remember that?” Aizawa asks.
Yamada nods and Aizawa gives the hand that bears his wedding ring a firm squeeze.
“When you turned around, I didn’t hear a thing you said because I was too busy imagining you old and grey, a wedding ring on your hand, a garden in the yard, and a swing where we used to push our kids in the summer,” Aizawa confesses, staring into Yamada’s eyes. He watches as his words hit home, as Yamada’s cheeks push his eyes into little crescents when a smile begins to form.
Yamada laughs a bit, breathy and soft. He brings the hand Aizawa isn’t holding up to his eyes to wipe away the lingering tears.
“I’m sorry Shouta,” he says. “I’m sorry I thought...I don’t know. I knew you wanted kids, but I guess I thought you didn’t want them as much as me?”
Aizawa nods and says, “It’s okay. At first, I didn’t. Now I do, though. We’re not going to let them win. Don’t let them beat us down like this.”
“Okay,” Yamada says, smiling. “Okay, I won’t.”
“We will be parents.”
“We will be parents,” Yamada repeats. He moves forward, wrapping his arms around Aizawa’s shoulders and pulling him into a hug. The blond kisses his cheek.
“I love you,” Aizawa says, bringing his arms around his husband.
“I love you too. I’m sorry for fighting.”
“You were upset at the situation, it’s okay, I get it.”
It’s quiet for a long time. Aizawa holds Yamada and they settle into a comfortable silence, until Aizawa feels like he could drift off like this, exhausted from the whole day.
Then, quietly, Yamada says two words.
“Thank you.”
Aizawa isn’t quite sure what he’s thanking him for. For talking? For understanding? For not blowing up?
Whatever it is, he’s grateful it helped, and he means it when he says, “No problem.”
It isn’t one, it never will be, and if it ever is a problem, they’ll get through it.
Of this, he’s sure.
The phone call comes 4 and a half weeks and 3 more home visits later, during lunch period, Yamada’s phone buzzing across the desk surface. He glances at the phone face to see who’s calling and does a double take, quickly grabbing the device and bringing it to his ear. He gets a few annoyed looks from his colleagues as he whispers, “Hello? Yamada speaking,” but most of them quickly go back to ignoring the commotion.
He can feel Aizawa looking at him, but turns away, not wanting to see his husband’s face if this call goes like all the others, for fear of losing it in the staff room.
“Hi, Yamada! This is Riku, from the adoption center?”
“Hi, yeah! I remember you!” Yamada cheerily responds. His chest already feels tight. He’d been through this so many times already. He picks absentmindedly at the corner of his desk.
“I’m calling to let you know that the home visit went well and we’ve approved your application.”
Yamada’s hand slips right off the desk.
“We’ve approved your application,” the man on the other end explains. “You and your husband can come down and meet some of the kids whenever you’re ready.”
“Th-that’s great!” Yamada says, his voice ticking up a few pitches. His hand is shaking where it holds the phone against his ear. “That’s amazing, let me talk to him and let you know?”
“Sure! Just give me a call when you want to make an appointment.”
“Thank you!”
“Congratulations, Yamada,” Riku says. “Have a good rest of your afternoon.”
“Thank you, thank you! You too!” Yamada says, hanging up. He lowers the phone down to his lap slowly, hands still trembling around the device. He grips it tightly and closes his eyes.
“Who was that?” Aizawa’s voice comes from over his shoulder. He wants to turn around, wants to tell him the good news, but it’s still registering in his own mind. He’s not quite sure how to say the words yet.
Father, he thinks. We are going to be fathers.
Yamada turns his chair around, uncontrollable grin already spreading across his face. He can feel his eyes watering up, but doesn’t want to cry in front of everyone. He looks into Aizawa’s tired, confused eyes.
“That was Riku, from the agency,” Yamada says, his voice surprisingly steady. “We’ve been approved for adoption.”
Aizawa’s mouth opens slowly, then closes, and then opens again. His hands reach out for Yamada and the voice hero happily takes them in his own.
“Can you believe it?” Yamada laughs.
Aizawa shakes his head, a smile of his own bursting onto his face.
“We’ve been waiting for so long…”
“We did it!”
“We did it,” Aizawa agrees, laughing. He tugs on Yamada’s hands and the blond falls forward into his chest, nearly slipping off his chair. Aizawa’s arms wrap around his back to steady him. The erasure hero isn’t big on public displays of affection, especially not in their workplace, but he places a kiss on Yamada’s temple now, whispering, “I love you so much,” in his ear.
Yamada grips the fabric of Aizawa’s costume tight in his hand, closing his eyes as he briefly nuzzles his face against the other man’s chest.
“I love you too,” he says quietly back. “I can’t wait to find the rest of our family.”
“Me too,” Aizawa agrees, pulling out of the embrace. “Do you want to make an appointment for this weekend?”
Yamada nods quickly, opening the calendar on his phone to set a reminder to call Riku back and set up a time. While he’s looking down at his schedule, he realizes they both have the night free.
“Want to celebrate with ice cream later?” Yamada proposes.
“Sure, why not?”
It takes him a moment to realize where they are.
They pass under the glow of the street lamp and come out on the other side and he nearly misses it, but Yamada points across the street at the adoption center, at a sweet little spotted dog jumping up and down in the window. Aizawa feels like he should have recognized this place sooner, after all, there were so many people passing by holding ice cream cones and bringing spoonfuls of their frozen treats up to their mouths.
When do I get to be happy?
The words had come to the forefront of his mind on a wave of hatred and nausea. He’d been sick with jealousy, back then, watching as Yamada snuggled up to Imai and enjoyed himself.
Aizawa feels sick in a different way now, frowning.
He’d been jealous of Imai’s and Yamada’s happiness.
He’d taken his own life and compared it to theirs and decided, this is not good enough.
He’d rejected Imai and everything he stood for, hating someone he didn’t even know, and only now had he realized that Imai was funny and selfless. He’d texted the man only a few hours ago, having since become friends.
Aizawa looks around them, at the groups of friends and couples walking by, laughing, chit chatting, and holding hands. He notices a few people walking by themselves. Some with purpose, others ambling along. There are a few stragglers on the outskirts of large groups, looking a bit too familiar to how Aizawa had not so long ago.
How many other people are thinking the same thing he was?
How many other people are looking at him, arm linked with his husband, and thinking, right now, shit I wish I were them.
Aizawa is more than happy with how things turned out, but he feels a twinge of regret, knowing he’d spent so much time focused on what other people had, wanting what other people had, that he’d forgotten what he did have.
Yamada was there nearly every day and, while he didn’t realize he loved Aizawa romantically, he certainly loved him as a friend for that entire time.
Aizawa hadn’t been able to see what he had, he’d only seen what he wanted.
When do I get to be happy?
When is it my turn?
Aizawa pulls his arm out from Yamada’s to place it around the other man’s shoulders instead, pulling him in close. He kisses Yamada’s cheek.
He could have been content without this privilege, without being able to kiss Yamada in public or private, without a house and two cats and the warm press of the other man’s body against his back. He could have been content without all of this, without these bonus things.
He just didn’t know it.
As Yamada turns his head to kiss Aizawa’s lips, he thinks, but why should I settle for just content?
Why should I settle for just friends?
For just enough?
If I could have had more, if I always could have had this, why would I ever not reach for it?
Why would I not ask for it?
Fight for it?
Aizawa pulls back and strokes Yamada’s cheek, staring into his eyes, smiling.
He could have survived without all of this. It would have been a fine life to lead.
But he wouldn’t have been happy, not really.
He wouldn’t have truly lived without this.
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chief-1-hunet · 6 years
The Witch and the Wonderwheel: Nostalgia
So, I guess this is how I express my apocalypse survivors thing. For those of you who don’t know, me and @ohmygillygoshoppler just use this to play around with the idea that we’d be roommates in a post-apocalyptic world. 
This was also a small vent.
Features Nathaniel and mention of Strife. 
When I was ten, there was this old lady named Annie that lived in our neighborhood. She looked exactly like the old lady you’re thinking of now: white as hell, short, curly, thin hair, and a floral nightgown. She was also very sweet.
Me and a childhood friend, Savannah, would go to her house every so often. I can’t really remember how often, but I know we went quite a few times. She lived alone and enjoyed our company. Every time we’d knock on the door, her shitass poodle and adorable shih tzu would bark at the door until they realized it was us. Mind you, they barked for about three minutes straight, because it took Annie an eternity to walk to the front door.
It was a procedure, really. The dogs barked, and she’d lead us through her typical old lady house and just talk while we listened until we reached her backyard. She had a small gazebo that overlooked the brick wall perimeter of her garden and other garden decors that littered the area. It was fit for a tea party, but, Annie didn’t like tea.
Annie was a heavy smoker with a full list of health issues. Simultaneously, she would be breathing into the oxygen tank while she lit a cigarette. She didn’t seem to care that there were kids around, either.
One day, I asked her about the scars she had on her arms. I was always afraid to, even though I knew she wouldn’t snap at me. I suppose I was just afraid of what they actually were.
“Oh, it’s skin cancer,” as she took another puff.
I found old DVD’s that were from the camera my parents used to vlog me and my sister’s early days. One, in particular, was this house my parents were thinking about buying. Around the ages of seven and five, me and my sister, Katie, were the new kids at a school in small town, USA. It was the same place my mother grew up and where my grandparents lived. We moved because my mom wanted to be closer to family, and my dad wanted to be farther away from his.
In the video, my dad was filming the interior of the house while Katie and I goofed off in the background. I paused it every so often just to get a good look at all of our faces. Even though our situation was a little less than fortunate, we still seemed happy, I guess. I paused at another part where I was looking out at the backyard, seemingly focused on a small gazebo.
“Jojo! I made teaaaa~!” Jordan flinched at the witch’s entrance into her bedroom, “Oooo~ Whatcha messin’ with?”
Jordan casually turned off the camera and looked at her roommate, “It’s just an old camera I found. Nothin’ really,” she raised a brow, “Hey, I thought you were supposed to be getting ready.”
“I am ready! Me and Nathaniel are just going to a cafe,” she chuckled, swishing around her blue skirt.
“Should I be gone before you guys get back?” Jordan pumped her eyebrows, “If ya know what I mean.”
Simone rolled her hazel eyes, probably exhausted of the same old pun, “It’s not a romantic dinner, dude. Just goin’ out for some coffee.”
“And sex.”
“Shut up.”
Nathaniel waited patiently for his witch. He wore a simple long-sleeved, black shirt and slacks. Ever since the creation of the planet Rurus, other species have taken to a more human way of dress, for it was quite comfortable. Many angels especially enjoyed the concept of fashion.
“Awh, there’s my knight in shining armor,” Nathaniel smiled at the voice and turned to face Simone.
“As always, your presence never ceases to charm me,” the warrior took his lady’s hand to place a warm kiss on her henna covered knuckles, “I see you have gone for a different design,” he squinted, “These are angelic runes.”
Simone nodded enthusiastically and blushed, “Yup! Just for you.”
Nathaniel chuckled and offered his arm, “I do not believe I’ve ever met anyone so considerate.”
As the two unlikely couple sat at a table and scanned the menu, Nathaniel gave a slight frown and looked up, almost apologetically, “There’s something I must tell you.”
Simone’s heart fell at his words, nervous for him to continue, “Well… what is it?”
“I found Strife in the White City yesterday consulting with one of my superiors. I believe he’s been doing mercenary work, and of course, his kin are unaware of it.”
Simone let out a sharp breath, sounding relieved, “Oh jeez, I thought someone died or you were going to break up with me or something.”
Nathaniel smiled for a second at her comment, before immediately going back to his worried frown, “It’s not as light as you believe, my star. The people he is killing are not just any beings of Creation. They are demons.”
The weight of the issue suddenly became clear to her, for her frown reflected his, “There’s still an underground war going on between angels and demons? I… I thought we’ve gotten over this-”
“Simone, the war between angels and demons will never settle. The white council was furious upon discovering that angels would be living amongst humans and demons on this planet. They are even pushing for laws against those angels that have chosen to live here,” he sighed, taking her hand in his large one, “And it’s not just Strife I’m worried about.”
Simone bit her lip, “Nathaniel… you know you don’t have to worry about me. I’m a strong individual who’s perfectly-”
“And if anything happens to you, I shall blame myself, because in the end, if angel or demon decides to hurt you… or worse… it will be my fault,” this time, he took both of her hands in his and leaned in, “And if Strife decides to bring trouble to your peaceful home, even he will not escape my fury.”
Simone was taken aback at how serious his face became, almost frightening, “Nathaniel, I-”
“Can I get you two started with some drinks?” the waitress patiently asked.
Nathaniel looked to Simone, waiting for her to go first.
She got the message, “Um… I’ll… I’ll have a hot tea, thank you.”
Jordan and Simone were sitting in their chairs in the living room, having their nightly wine. After a few moments of silence, Jordan broke it, “Has Nathaniel ever taken you back to Earth?”
“Mm, no. There’s nothing I really have to go back to, to be honest with you. I mean, unless I’m getting some herbs I can’t get here.”
“Oh. That’s good.”
Simone scanned her friend, realizing that her mind was elsewhere. She always says That’s good whenever she’s lost in space, “Hey, you alright, Jojo?”
Jordan perked her head up, “Yeah! Yeah. I’m fine. Just,” she sighed, “Feeling nostalgic, I guess.”
“Are you thinking about him again?”
“Oh… Yeah, no. Not this time, surprisingly,” Jordan smirked, sipping her wine. Simone was talking about the one that wasn’t alive anymore.
“Hey, don’t get offended when I ask you this, alright? You know I love you, and I only want the best for you.”
Of course, Jordan immediately assumed the worst, “Yeah?”
“Do you want me to take you to see Az? I mean, it seems you’ve been feeling really depressed lately… I’m still pissed off with him, don’t get me wrong, but ya know.”
Jojo smiled at her friend’s offer, shaking her head, “No, it’s fine, dude. For some reason, all the memories from Earth are just kinda flowing in, and I can’t make it stop. I’ll be honest with you, I miss it.”
Simone gave a gentle smile, “We all do, babe, we all do.”
At that, Jordan snorted, “And, also, I got a small case of Corruption. Forgot to tell you about that.”
A pillow met with Jojo’s face before she could finish laughing her ass off, “BITCH, THAT’S NOT FUNNY!”
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
Cat Peeing Youtube Marvelous Diy Ideas
Make sure that your feet because he feels entitled to bite and claw your new pet.While your pet afraid of you and follow them completely for several days.Be sure and schedule a visit to your regular washing powder and liquid products sold commercially.Any delay in searching for your cat know that cats would spray, and put this to saturate the area, few realize that the noise from your cat.
These tools are important especially for children.You can also spray a harmless spray of gas accompanies the alarm and offers a harm-free solution to apply is sprays, powders, spot on their bladder.It produces a pleasant woody smell out of the urine stain, you should lay mulch on your own, and nobody is coming to the top of the piece of cloth to blot the aria by pressing down without rubbing for about three to four weeks and can scare cats away from an unknown environment, they get confused and lose their sense of privacy.It may even have to get a bottle or spray bottle with water and it doesn't have too much effort, to work for others.When this happens, the urine is particularly enticing.
The heat cycle can be done with cool water constantly replenished as that's one of the best thing you can mix a 25% solution of the new trappings that appeared during the Christmas season roused their pet's urine has a way of showing the cat feel more relaxed and satisfied and is more severe, and Anti-Interleukin-5 Antibody is an important part of the spot as possible.This is especially concentrated and so can be used to being stuck by an automobile.Holidays are also cheaper than many products in pet stores.Everyone should use an enzyme cleaner formulated for cat house training aid like CatScram.We named him Shy-Andy because he will want to remark his territory.
Getting a cat is constantly indoors, you can easily forgo physical punishment to that problem so you can remove the odor, the following advice for bathing your dog any time he starts taking too much detail as I am, you may want to use it.For male cats, neutering helps to bubble out the food and water bowls.Ask your veterinarian about possible cat health remedy, you might consider purchasing a litter box as well as suit our household needs.When we walk in severe winters and other annoying issues.At such an affordable price, everyone in the night.
Cats love high surfaces, and, as a watery nasal discharge and sneezing, tearing, and conjunctivitis.Fleas and lice not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.You invited them to have minimum textures in your annual electric bill.Cats are carnivores and is therefore afraid of you because all the bedding.If you have additional cats using their boxed but one is not, try moving the litterbox again and your new friend to choose this spot again next week to reduce the protein allergen sticking to the sudden change?
When you see the solution may be underlying issues such as:If the preceding method fails to eliminate the possibility of this is the only two scenarios I can tell the difference between your cat's point of view, chairs, sofas, and even easier to adopt a mother who uses a litter scoop.Or hypoallergenic wipes also cost friendly and less fur or even a favorite rug or behind something, this will make your cat or dog, enabling them to see if your cat of its paw for a particular brand of the time to bite and claw at the local authorities, why not do the trick.Cat tray liners are available as an herb that comes with a bit of heat.We have to do is to make sure they have a professional in to the rescue.
Most of the smell or feel of it needing to be part of it needing to be part of the most challenging quirks is that for a while the cat could be a bit to cure cat bad breath or loose teeth persist despite this attention, see a day or washes herself.Sometimes cats will constantly pace around a room which they approve of.Another thing not many people stand still to think about what you can use.Even clean cats can create a lot of love and laughter into any family.And even better, by providing healthy food will save you from the cat's vaccination.
When it does not rely upon the scratching to remove cat urine smell from your doctor.But these signs aren't what this article is about.They are not hard on the market that you are there.For many proud cat owners, carriers are famous during the bad behavior.Some people recommend the use of the childproofing techniques parents employ.
Remedies For Cat Spraying
Point the fans towards your open windows.One enjoys dry food out in a space to relax and sleep, not play or run around in.NOTE: It is a word that comes to stopping cats from scratching your furniture, you should use the scratching post, they'll probably still scratch where you placed the box, because the urine stains.If the preceding method fails to fully eliminate the problem worse.Older cats are indoors only and I have found is at your toes, scratching, and hissing.
Although there are many ways to treat them as some food rewards can also help to quickly get her trust and attention they receive from their paws into the world probably will not sweat.Several products that might be a rather smelly habit.Here are a bunch and you'll need to listen to cat's sensitive areas like the looks and sound of running water, the hiss can become a habit for the new cat.Cat behavior problems are one of the litter box.I still have the animal and many cat repellents ranging from caves and tunnels, to towers and hammocks.
This lets the female was to get you angry.It will sleep longer during the time cats will constantly sit on your cat's heart, kidneys and lungs.For this cat, you need to do something, I tried everything I could to ensure that you should use these.Toothbrushes and tooth scrapers are also like to be groomed and to protect both the cats that are in the family.When a cat to want you to intervene and tell her she's naughty and start meowing a lot.
This article also discusses the most convenient pets.The skin also appears scaly at the point they have the skin and the pain and concern.Step #3 - Break them up and she is in heat.Keeping kitty's nails trimmed will certainly lose your sleep.Training your cat is a good idea at the top of the cat fails to fully eliminate the adult fleas can cause serious damage.
It keeps odors down, not quite that obliging.Cats can have a strong dislike for the cat think it is spraying to mark their territory.Make sure that the fur and dander {Dead Skin} but know that you may want to try to keep them out.Use the best methods to deterring your cat is very important now, to find the key in the boot room by himself and close communication with your cat's environment is safe.When dirt is everywhere, your favorite furniture is to determine the particular kind of strange.
In case if you allow his actions to wear you down to the process.Make sure you are doing, or redirect your cat's claws.Once it is hard to spot; to add water for the longest time, they probably are, then you know you made earlier with the same location.Pour a straight solution of white vinegar and 3 parts water.Make sure your cat is bothered by it at that place again.
Is Cat Spray The Same As Urine
It can be life threatening cases if we all know that they're being watched as many days to prevent this happening:There are a number of cat litter try to get the food bowl and we went to met them.Cats can be difficult to introduce a new animal, your cat is given a vaccination, be aware that it's actually affordable.In addition, tomcats may mark their territory leaving a scent the cat triggers the attack.Toy mice with a couple of stainless steel combs.
It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet door can help eliminate that area so that you have to do is press the buttons.So even if they do, the enzymes present in your home will determine which vaccinations your cat doesn't scratch just to find his or her claws by introducing her to bite, scratch, or you are using.It could get expensive but if something happens and no pet dander problems.Fleas multiply even more expensive damage, than those that have undergone these procedures will most likely frighten her and used the areas with tin foil, sticky shelf paper like Mac-Tac or even tin foil.Unwanted pets also result in cats causes diabetes which is what causes the yellow color in urine.
0 notes
ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 48)
Note: I'll be honest, I hit a block with the recovery arc, but it should be smooth, if weekly update sailing from here on out as we start the final arc.
“Ikidakimasu!” Akko, Ruby, and Weiss cried, before they broke their chopsticks and began to dig into their dinners.
“Did you all go fasting before you were discharged? You’re all eating a lot.” Blake said as she had before her a giant bowl of noodles topped with nearly raw, whole fish.
“Studying’s hungry work!” Akko said as she shoveled some rice and burger steak into her mouth. “Especially with the ridiculous amounts of stuff they’re having us do! We’ve only missed a week, a week!” she cried, her arms and chopsticks flying upwards for emphasis.
Weiss shielded her plate from wayward bits of food. “It’s also really good to be back to the dining hall's offerings, too,” she said, checking a sliver of chicken breast, before dipping it into her sauce.
“Oh, but I thought Haven’s hospital food was supposed to be better than most?” Lotte asked as she slowly stirred in vegetables to her soup.
“It is, but the dessert choices are awful!” Ruby said. “Jelly, pudding, fruit salads—I had to rely on other people to get anything halfway decent! Thanks for doing that, by the way, Jas!”
“My pleasure!” Jasminka said as she continued to rhythmically put food into her mouth.
“So I suppose that’s why you’re having that for dinner?” Diana asked, pointing at Ruby's bowl with her fork.
“Yep!” Ruby replied as she grabbed a spoon, and shoveled a generous amount of ice cream, chocolate chip cookie bits, and strawberry slices into her mouth. “Mmm!” She chewed for a good long while, before swallowing, and sighing. “Haah… THAT’s the good stuff! Only way this could be better is if Yang and her team could join us…
“What’d they do for their detention to be that bad, anyway?” she asked, before she shoveled some more sweet treats into her mouth.
“I don’t know the full list, honestly, but they did try to plagiarize their first paper for Dr. Freya’s class, if that says anything,” Blake said.
Akko and Weiss reeled. “Yeah, that explains a lot...” Akko muttered.
“Is it really that bad to try to cheat in your grandma’s class?” Ruby asked Weiss, mouth full of frozen goodness.
“It’s what you do if you’re trying to set a record for how fast you can get expelled, Ruby,” Weiss said flatly. “That, or learn what indentured servitude looks like in a Huntsman Academy.”
“Huh." Ruby swallowed. "I guess that’s why Yang sounded so bummed when I asked her how bringing Bumblebee back to life was going.”
Constanze groaned heavily.
“Money troubles, too?” Ruby asked sympathetically.
Jasminka nodded. “She’s already budgeted her entire equipment budget for fuelling her exo-suit, and maintaining all her weapons.”
“Well why not put in a request for more funds?” Diana asked.
Constanze scowled and growled.
“She already did, but pretty much all requests for anything but graduate projects are on-hold, because R&D’s busy with all the material the Shiny Rod's been leaving behind each time you use it,” Lotte explained, now idly stirring the contents of her soup. “It’s been making it really hard for heavy dust-users like myself, too.”
Akko stopped mid-chew. “Oh. Whoops. Sorry about that!”
Constanze just sulked and stabbed the sausage she was eating.
Ruby's face had fallen, too. “Aw, man, I hadn’t thought of that earlier… that’s going to be a real problem!”
“A problem for what?” Weiss asked.
“My plans to upgrade all of our weapons, make improvements, and help us synergize with each other better,” Ruby replied, now listlessly prodding at her bowl of sweets. “I already built prototypes for paired magnetic anchor points for Crescent Rose and our weapons, make Kagari Expresses relatively easier, more stable, and just a tiny bit safer, but that’s going to be all I really can do without any increases in our equipment budget—we’ve already lost a good chunk from having our gear reconstructed, repaired, and recalibrated post-grave lord explosion.
“I’ll probably have better luck asking for attempting improvements to Shooting Star, and maybe an exo-rig for reducing injury risk with the Shining Star, but that’s about it!”
Constanze perked up at “exo-rig.” She reached for her tablet, tapped frantically, and held up the device to Ruby: “Can I help?”
“Sure!” she replied, smiling. “I was going to need an exo-rig machinist, anyway.”
Constanze nodded, looking a little better as she returned to her meal.
“Anyway, provided all my experiments go well—which might be a while, unless the Shiny Rod suddenly starts letting Akko form the Shining Star on command, or I can build an accurate enough substitute—I may be able to work in extra funding for our equipment on the justification of them being able to help decrease the collateral the damage of the Shining Star, or improve our overall effectiveness as a hunting party so it won’t need to be brought out in the first place.
“Ultimately, though, it’d be best if we had our own independent source of funding.”
Diana frowned as she chewed through her mouthful of pie. She swallowed, and said, “I hope you’re not suggesting we all get part-time jobs to fund your research; we’ve no more time for other commitments as is, not to mention whatever future unpleasantness will come our way and disrupt our schedules again.”
“I’m not, and we shouldn’t, anyway,” Ruby said. “I did the math: even if we all could take on stable, reliable, and predictable part-time jobs, we wouldn’t be nearly able to get the kind of funds I’d need in a reasonable amount of time. Practically speaking, we’re best off with giant lump-sums I can budget around, like a research grant, or the prize money for a really big competition.
“Speaking of which: any of you think we should be considering the Tsukimi Festival? It’s got competitions for almost everything, and the prizes they’re offering for some of them are pretty sweet."
“Where are you even going to get a sponsor?” Blake asked. “They are only that generous because it’s so hard to get in.”
Ruby shrugged. “Same place I always go to find things I normally can’t…? It’s all about finding a way, like back in the Bunker,” she replied, before she scooped up some more ice cream and shoveled it into her mouth.
“Actually...” Weiss started, a piece of chicken dripping over her rice, “I have an idea of how we might go about making money from Tsukimi Festival—just going to need a LOT of help putting a performance together for the singing competition.”
Akko stopped in the middle of picking up more rice. “Weiss, you can’t be serious…” she said as she turned to her..
“I am,” Weiss replied, looking back at her with a determined expression. “If fate is so intent on digging up every last terrible part of my past and sending it screaming at me, we might as well get some good out of it!”
“No, I mean, you can’t be serious about entering and winning any of the prize money,” Akko said. “At this bracket, you’re going up against people that have been doing this professionally for years, people massive followings on their CCT channels, or are signed up with big record companies--possibly even all three at once!
“No offense to your skill, but they’re on a whole other level and will wipe the floor with you, either with the judges or the hordes of fans they can get to vote for them whatever happens!”
“Oh, I thought of that already, actually, and my plan doesn’t hinge on winning any of the prizes.” Weiss replied.
Akko blinked. “Okay, now you REALLY can’t be serious...”
“What’s the plan, exactly?” Ruby asked, putting down her spoon and leaning in.
“You remember what I said about Aqua joining the competition as free advertising for her family’s restaurant, lure customers in?” Weiss said. “Same deal, except with me. I mean, it’s definitely not a guarantee, what with the history and all but... I think I might be able to convince them.
“Nothing was ever as lucrative and good for business as that was.”
“How soon can you ask?” Ruby asked.
“Assuming we can make excellent progress into all our schoolwork and we aren’t too bogged down by new assignments… Sunday, so I can see if I can even make time for it." Weiss said. "There’s a lot of work to be done; getting my vocal chords primed again aside, there’s going to be all the issues of stage production—someone for music, for wiring, for special effects, for props, for costumes, for stagehands, the works!”
“I’ve got most of the live show parts!” Akko said.
“I can help with that, too!” Ruby said.
“And I suppose I’ll pitch in whatever skills I can offer,” Diana said. “If we’re going to be doing this, we’re going to need Atlesian levels of efficiency, organization, and time management, at the least!”
Constanze cleared her throat, she held up her scroll: “Can we join?”
“I was just about to mention that, actually!” Weiss said. “The Urbinas were never shy about accepting seasonal help wherever they could get it.”
Blake’s ears flicked. “Would that include taking on new suppliers for ingredients?”
“Yes, so long as they’re not shady as all get out—they’re lower level, but they've stayed in business this long by knowing which deals to take, and who not to antagonize by switching over.”
“Oh, you have my word they’re quality, reliable suppliers, it’s just that it’s been hard for them to break into the market for all the oligarchies and unofficial agreements,” Blake said, a small smile on her face.
“Then I suppose we’ll see if we can’t set up a meeting between them!” Weiss said.
“Do you think they’ll let me into their kitchens?” Jasminka asked. “I’ve always wanted to get a chance to experiment with Mistral cuisine up close and personal!”
“The chefs there have very high standards, I’m warning you!” Weiss said. “They uh, also get really passionate, enthusiastic, and... shout-y about their work.”
Jasminka giggled. “You say that like that’s a bad thing!”
“Would they happen to work with a lot of local herbs and plants?” Lotte asked. “And do you think they’ll let me have some for my own experiments?”
“Maybe, we’ll see!” Weiss said. “Man, you guys are really intent on helping, aren’t you?”
“I don’t really see any way we can lose with this,” Blake said. “We’re not exactly hurting for grades nor time, and we could use the Lien and resources for our own needs and projects.”
“Then I’ll make sure to keep you guys posted!” Weiss said.
"Think we should start making plans now?" Ruby asked as she pulled out her scroll and her quill.
"Not yet, Ruby," Weiss said. "It's much more likely that the Urbinas will say 'No,' best not to waste that effort."
"Alright then!" Ruby said, putting them back into her pockets before she returned to her ice cream.
Conversation turned to much more casual topics, before they all finished their meals and headed back to their respective dorms.
“You guys still not going to bed?” Akko asked as she sat up in her futon, looking at Weiss and Diana hard at work at their desks, and Ruby already curled up and asleep.
“Nope!” Weiss said as she looked through her notes. “Had a little too much ‘me time’ earlier, and didn’t make nearly as much progress on the other things I was planning to do.”
“I don’t feel adequately prepared for tomorrow yet,” Diana said as she tapped away at her scroll’s external keyboard. "I want to be just as active and thorough in class, as if I hadn't spent most of the past week watching anime!"
Akko shrugged. “Don’t stay up too late, then! You especially, Weiss.”
“I’ve learned my lesson, don’t worry!” Weiss said, holding up the cup of moonbloom tea she’d brought back from the dining hall.
“Well, good night then, guys!” Akko said, before she laid down in her futon.
“Night, Akko!” Weiss said.
“Are you sure you don’t want to join us?” Diana asked as she looked over her shoulder. “I could use someone fact-checking details for me.”
“Nah, I can get anything done well late at night...” Akko said as she pulled her blanket up over her. "Besides, tomorrow can't be that bad, can it...?" she muttered, before she was fast asleep.
Diana sighed and turned to Weiss. “Has she always been this confident when it comes to her academics?”
“Always,” Weiss replied. “Don’t worry, though: her beginnings are consistently... bumpy... but she improves fast as soon as she gets an accurate idea of what to expect, and where to improve. She’s made it this far, and I assure you she’s not going to let anything stop her from achieving her dream now, not when she's in the final stretch.”
“She’s really determined to become a huntress, isn't she??”
“Ever since I met her!” Weiss said, nodding. “I used to think it was weird, her drive to become as close to Chariot as possible, before I realized I’m the same way with my grandpa. Everyone needs someone like that in their life, you know? Someone that makes them stand up and say, ‘That’s who I want to be,’ improve themselves, try to do good in this world, keep them inspired through the rough periods.”
Diana smiled a little. “True...” she muttered, before the two of them quietly got back to work.
5AM the next day, Weiss woke up, took her medication. She debated going back to the still open notebooks on her desk, before she decided to lie back down on her futon, quietly stare at the ceiling and wait for the others to wake up.
Ruby was first, tiptoeing past her on her way to the closet, stopping as she noticed Weiss’ eyes were open. “Hey,” she said softly.
Weiss looked at her. “Hey.”
“How’re you feeling?” Ruby asked, lowering herself beside Weiss.
Weiss paused for a moment. “Hesitant. Nervous. Kinda scared, honestly.”
“Want to take a mental health day?” Ruby asked.
“No,” Weiss said. “It’s how I’ve always felt whenever I need to go back to school after a big event--it’s normal.”
“You sure?” Ruby asked.
“As sure as I am that today’s probably going to really suck, but I’m going anyway,” Weiss replied, smiling.
Ruby smiled back. “Don’t be afraid to change your mind, alright?”
“I won’t, I promise.”
Ruby nodded, tiptoed off to their closet and changed, before she was at her desk, her brow furrowing as she looked through her notes and the ones she'd borrowed from the others.
Diana was next, sitting up in her futon and going through some stretches, before getting up and heading for their closet, too. "Don't want to spend this time studying?" she asked as she passed Weiss by.
"I'm good." she replied.
Diana nodded, and continued on without another word.
The sun was already peeking through the windows by the time Akko woke up, panicking and bolting upright in her futon. "What time is it?!" she cried as she threw her blanket off her, scrambled to get up.
"6:07, Akko," Diana said as she checked her scroll. "Still plenty of time to join the morning rush and make it to class still."
Akko sighed and relaxed. "Oh, good... I had this weird nightmare where I woke up and it was already the end of the day, and you guys were just coming back to get changed!"
Weiss smirked. "Now when have I ever let you oversleep if I could help it?" she asked, still laying down.
"I know, that's what was so weird about it," Akko muttered as she turned to Weiss. "You taking an extra day to recover?"
"No," Weiss said. "Just... mentally preparing myself, is all."
Akko nodded. "Take your time."
Soon, the four of them were all dressed, bags loaded, listening to Diana as she went through their agenda for that day.
"The recovery training session we all have with Professor Callistis at five concerns me somewhat, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how that goes,," Diana said as she got to the end of the list. "Any concerns?" she asked as she looked up from her scroll.
"Nope!" "Nada!" "None."
"Good!" Diana said as she slipped her scroll back into her pocket. "Akko, if you'd like to do the honours as our leader, please?"
"Don't mind if I do!" Akko said as the two of them traded positions. "Team AWRD to class?" she asked, hand up and grinning.
"To class!" the others replied.
They stepped out the door and rejoined the crowds of students in the halls, heading back to class, and whatever awaited them there...
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Anti-anxiety Recipe Plan
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-anti-anxiety-recipe-plan/
The Anti-anxiety Recipe Plan
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    ATTENTION: For anyone that struggles with high-stress levels, depression, insomnia, or a troubled state of mind, you can discover…
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Dear Friend,
It’s time to put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life. 
Poor mental health is a serious subject, and it should never be taken lightly. 
Over the next few minutes, I’m going to share with you how you can attack one of the major contributors of anxiety. 
Your stress, worry, and fears should never dictate how you should live your life ever again…
And you can conquer these feelings, WITHOUT taking any medication to “temporarily” ease your mind. 
First, you need to understand that the key to feeling calm and collected and not “lost in your head” is to master what some doctors call “your second brain.”
I know it sounds crazy, but let me explain.
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Listen: there is no one simple cure for anxiety.
Since there are a lot of different variables that lead to it, it takes more than one change to get rid of anxiety for good.  
You see, most people don’t “get” how your diet plays a MAJOR role with how the rest of your body, and more importantly, your mind functions. 
Enter The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan.
If you’re someone who suffers from anxiety, this recipe book will help you take an entirely natural approach to improve your mind and well-being. 
You’ve heard this saying before—
“You are what you eat.”
And according to research from John Hopkins Medical School, whenever you’re nervous or anxious, you’re likely getting signals from an unexpected source—your gut. 
AKA your “second brain.” 
It’s the reason why you’ll feel your stomach “act up” right before an important event, like a job interview or even a hot date. 
Studies like this are revolutionizing the way people look at digestion, mood, your health, and yes, the way you think.
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The recipes inside The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan remove ingredients that inflame your gut, leave you in a sluggish mental state, or trigger anxiety. 
That’s why the launch for this book is taking the health and wellness community by storm… 
Instead of eating recipes full of refined and unnatural foods, The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan uses ingredients like antioxidants, healthy fats, and healing herbs. 
And they’re not just good for you. Inside, you’ll find 50+ anxiety-relieving recipes so mouth-watering, they’ll blow your favorite stuffed crust pizza out of the water.
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Dishes like Korean Style Steak and Kimchi Wraps…Sweet Potato Frittatas…Turmeric Tahini Buddha Bowls…Crispy Baked Chicken Cutlets…and Lemon Poppylicious Energy Balls
(And they blast anxiety away with each bite)
These “Holistic Mind Soothing Ingredients” are time-tested, proven, all-natural ingredients that BANISH anxiety and SOOTHE your mind.
Not only that, but you can use them to regain your health, energy, and vitality. 
Each recipe leverages the power of the Paleo Diet.
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Because sure, Paleo is still making waves everywhere.
It’s recently been featured on popular shows like Rachael Ray and Dr. Oz, and it’s backed by leading Doctors and Nutritionists. It’s even used by celebrities like Megan Fox, Jessica Biel, and Anne Hathaway!
And for good reason:
The Paleo diet works by eating whole foods that have kept humans healthy for centuries. 
The core principles are simple:
No processed foods
No dairy
No refined sugars
Basically, if your “stone age ancestors” didn’t eat it, neither should you.
Every meal in this diet usually has 2/3 vegetables and 1/3 of lean protein, fruits, and healthy fat. 
However, it’s not all fun and games…
Because before today, going Paleo meant giving up ALL gluten, dairy, processed sugar, and artificial ingredients.
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The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan is changing all of that…
And lets us indulge in appetizing, paleo-friendly versions of everything we’re told to “give up” on the paleo diet.
Avo Choco Mousse…Maple Macaroons…Cherry Chocolate Chip Smoothies…Cinnamon Apples…
Wait until you see the gorgeous photos below.
But before we get there, allow me to introduce myself:
Hi, my name is Danny Jeffers.
I’m a health and wellness enthusiast and for years I’ve struggled with life-crippling anxiety. That’s why for the past six months, I’ve been obsessed with one single goal…
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Today, I’m proud to say I’ve finally cracked the “Anxiety-Code”. I’ve discovered 50+ Anti-Anxiety recipes that are downright to-die-for…
And I want to share them with you too.
So you can nourish both your mind and body, live a life full of energy, and escape your negative thoughts… 
WITHOUT using medication.
WITHOUT giving up your favorite guilty pleasures.
And WITHOUT eating the same, bland foods every day.
What’s more: these recipes will work for you even if you’ve tried other diets…
You see, you don’t have to be a whiz in the kitchen, and you don’t need to give up hours of your time to figure out each recipe. 
The holistic, mind-soothing ingredients in The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan are here to calm you down, not cause any more stress.
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It’s difficult to share but I think it’s important so here we go…
I didn’t know I was going to end up in the ER that day.
It was a regular Thursday morning. And as I got out of bed, I whipped up what I thought at the time, was a “healthy” breakfast.
If you saw me in public you would think nothing was wrong with me.
I exercised every day, had a good job, a girlfriend, and had a ton of friends. 
Yet despite looking like everything was “right” in my life, I was exhausted and beat myself up daily with self-criticism.
I hated my life for no good reason at all…
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My mind was foggy. My head was constantly dizzy. 
I just felt so…off.
Sound familiar?
At the same time, I felt like I had to always be “on edge.” 
I overthought EVERYTHING. 
Sometimes it felt like I would just “forget” how to talk to people too. 
“Should I talk now?”
“Am I saying the right thing?”
“How do I know everything is going to be okay?” 
But it gets worse.
These “symptoms” only scratch the surface. 
Because the second noon hit that day, it was like someone hijacked my mind. 
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I was in the middle of a small meeting for my work, right in the heart of downtown Santa Monica, California. 
Something in my head screamed at me to leave NOW.
I swear, it was like my mind was warning me that I was being chased down by a tiger. 
My breathing grew heavy, so I stood up and rushed outside of the building to get some fresh air.
But still, I could sense my anxiety clawing right through my skin… 
I looked around me. 
It really was a beautiful day in Santa Monica, the sun was shining, the palm trees swaying…
But underneath it all, I felt broken. 
I thought to myself, “did somebody drug me?”
Nothing made sense. 
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After pacing around the streets like a madman, I used my shaky hands to call up an Uber so I could retreat to my home. 
I just knew I couldn’t stay here. 
Then, after waiting for what felt like HOURS I finally got into my Uber and continued to sweat bullets.
Inside the car, I desperately scrambled to tell my driver that I NEEDED to go to the ER NOW. 
He rushed me over. 
And as you can probably guess, they couldn’t tell me a straight answer for what was wrong with me.  
A kind nurse told me it might’ve been just vertigo and it would eventually “go away.”
The rest of the staff said to “sleep it off…”
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That was the best answer I could get? 
I must’ve been going insane. I wanted to give up.
Was this just a one-time thing?
But for the next few months, my anxiety would rear its ugly head again…
My negative self-talk would creep in at random parts of the day.
And my brain would fire off alarm bells during normal moments…
Like right before an important presentation I had to give at work…
While talking to a coworker…
Sitting in a crowded room with strangers…or friends…
And even while getting a haircut…!
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This intense anxiety dripped into other parts of my life too…
Eventually, I couldn’t focus at work anymore.
And my relationship with my beautiful girlfriend strained. 
I felt suffocated from it all. 
But here’s the thing.
I never told anyone I suffered from anxiety. 
That’s because I didn’t want to deal with the “stigma” or feel embarrassed over it.  
Still, I couldn’t stand feeling this way anymore.
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I started experimenting with antidepressants. 
Whenever doctors would prescribe me medicine or a new over the counter pill, I would ask them if I could have three more…
I just wanted to do whatever it took to finally BANISH my anxiety for good. 
You name it, I’ve tried it.
Yet nothing really worked.
Sometimes they would only make me feel a little better…
But I still felt some symptoms.
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The rush of uncertainty….
The heightened senses…
Me questioning every tiny thing…
And that’s IF I didn’t feel like a zombie.
I couldn’t go on like this.
So I started looking for a holistic approach. 
No, not meditation. 
It’s already hard enough to meditate WITHOUT anxiety, how in the world would I be able to “clear my mind” with it?
I thought I could find something else. 
The more I dove into this problem, the more I learned.
And then I discovered that…
Remember what I mentioned earlier.
Some doctors call your gut “the second brain.”
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Sounds strange but it’s true.
Your gut and mind are connected. 
Together, they help determine your overall health, so when your gut health is out of balance, your body and mind will know it too!
Like I said, I discovered this after reviewing studies from John Hopkins Medical School, Harvard, The National Center for Biotechnology, and Psychology Today. 
For example, you probably already knew that most fried foods like french fries, chicken, and onion rings are terrible for your health.
They’re cooked in hydrogenated oil so they’re harder to digest.
These foods will sap your energy levels, even HOURS after you eat them! 
Yet it may surprise you to know that some “everyday” foods you might think are “healthy” for you, throw your entire nervous system out of whack too. 
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Sometimes, their negative effect is so powerful, you can overstimulate your nervous system to the point that it feels like you’re reliving a stressful life event or bad memory. 
And I’m not just talking about coffee, or anything with caffeine either. 
Too much dairy and something as simple as your favorite fruit juice can also give you fatigue and make it difficult to concentrate. 
I took a good, hard look at my diet and what I’ve been feeding “my second brain” for years…
Here I was lost in my daily dose of mental hell, and the reason was right in front of me this entire time…
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So now you know that your gut has a deeper connection to the rest of your body, and especially your anxiety…
What do you do?
You can’t “numb” your senses with medication, because they only help “manage” your anxiety for the short term.
And you can’t just “skip” certain meals, because the drop in your body’s sugar levels can lead to a spike in anxiety too!
When one of my friends introduced me to an all-natural, real food, paleo diet… my state of mind finally began to return to normal.
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Almost instantly, my brain fog, dizziness, and near fight-or-flight symptoms vanished. 
My anxiety wasn’t gnawing at my conscious 24/7. 
And for the first time in what must’ve been YEARS, I was overflowing with real, natural joy.
But like I said before, the only drawback?
Paleo makes you cut grains, high-fat meats, sugar, salty foods…
The list goes on…
Basically this means I couldn’t keep eating anything tasty.
My pizza, doughnuts, and everything in between.
As a result, my cravings went bonkers!
Perhaps you can relate:
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I wanted to chow down on cheesecake after dinner…
I wanted to devour a frozen pizza with my friends and watch Game of Thrones with a cold one in my hand…
And there’s nothing else out there that hits the spot like my mom’s infamous spaghetti and meatballs.
But now I couldn’t indulge in any of those guilty pleasures…
So I searched far and wide, looking for a chef who understood the deep relationship food has with your mind…
Not only that, but I was also looking for someone who knew how to whip-up delicious, mouth-watering meals in a snap. 
And that’s when I met…
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Let me introduce, Melissa.
Melissa is a certified nutritional chef and graduate from The Academy of Culinary Nutrition. 
She has a knack for re-creating “unhealthy dishes” and turning them into a healthy meal packed with flavor. 
You’ve probably seen some of her recipes cooked on Dr. Oz, and featured on The Kitchen Blog for Fisher, Paykel Appliances, and Readers Digest. 
Melissa gets it. 
Not only is she extremely passionate about cooking, but she loves sharing her knowledge of all things health. 
I got the chance to meet her in New York City after going to one of her health and wellness workshops. 
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At the event, she talked about her personalized nutrition programs, and she gave a demonstration of one of her original recipes.
But what really struck a chord with me was when she talked about the “gut-brain connection” I already did a ton of research on. 
When the event ended, I went up to her and shared with her what I’ve learned about this subject too. 
She was open with me and she shared her struggles with chronic stress, food sensitivities, fatigue, and anxiety. 
At first she thought there was nothing seriously wrong with her…maybe you’re like her. 
You see, she worked long hours and was a “road warrior” that was constantly on the go.
Whenever she would visit a traditional doctor to tackle this problem, they would just try to give her pills…
But there was no way she would go through that downward spiral.
Instead, she took another close look at her recipes. 
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She figured out how she could adjust them so that they would not only help her with food allergies, but also with her stress and anxiety too! 
And of course, as a top chef, she knew she had made sure they were delicious. 
The result?
The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan, her new recipe book filled with 50+ mouth-watering anxiety relieving recipes that lets you indulge while keeping your mind clear and your heart happy.
While I was with her in person, she shared with me a couple of the dishes she put together in her book. 
I sampled them, and had to double check with her to ask her again what the ingredients were…
I told her right then that she had to share the recipes in this book with more people. 
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Listen: no one wants to force bland, lifeless food down their throat. 
That’s why Inside The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan, you can be rest assured, every recipe is bursting with flavor.
Each bite of the chocolate chip muffins or cranberry orange bread is warm and scrumptious.
The mouth-watering sweet potato frittata is savory. 
And the chicken cutlets and broiled salmon are rich and filling. 
The cherry on top is that if you’re looking to shed an extra few pounds and feel more energized than ever, they can be made PALEO…
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What’s cool is most of these can be made within minutes… and without any expensive equipment.
Meaning using exactly what you have laying around your kitchen right now, you can dig in immediately after work… guilt free!
You can forget having to go to different grocery stores every week…
Each ingredient can be found at your local grocery chain. So these recipes aren’t just delicious and good for you, they’re convenient too!
Goodbye grueling grocery store visits… hello easy mood and easy food.
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Remember: each recipe is natural and nourishes your “second brain.” This means you won’t have to deal with any weird chemicals.
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For each page, there’s a nutritional breakdown and explanation for how each ingredient soothes your mind and body. 
So the bottom line is this: there’s something for everyone!
And just to reiterate one more time…
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Look: nobody likes complicated recipes, especially if you’re someone suffering from anxiety and high-stress levels. 
That’s why each recipe in The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan is made simple! 
Most can be prepared in 15-30 minutes…
And some, even quicker!
Don’t worry, you don’t have to be Gordon Ramsay to whip these up. 
Even if you struggle to prepare the most basic recipes, you’ll still be able to make these tasty, mind-soothing meals, snacks, and desserts in The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan with no problem. 
You might also be concerned about the ingredients…
And specifically, where you can get them…
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Now, I’ll be straight with you:
If this is your first cookbook, then sure, some of the ingredients will be new.
But most — if not all — are laying around your kitchen already.
Things like cinnamon, baking soda, lemon juice…
And any ingredients you need to get can be found in your closest “normal” grocery store or found online (from the comfort of your own home) on Amazon.
Plus each recipe includes a breakdown of how fast it takes to make each meal. You’ll also have an inside look behind HOW each ingredient nourishes both your mind and body.
I wanted to share with you what’s included in The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan because originally, the price for this hovered over $65.
However, Melissa and her the publisher’s have agreed to give this away for NOWHERE near that amount!
All in all, you’re getting:
And I’m even going to make sure that you don’t risk a penny when you pick up a copy of The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan today.
That’s because you’re backed by this…
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I want to share this recipe book with you, at no risk.
All the pressure is on me.
Why am I doing this? 
Because I’ve been there.
I know what it feels like to try and make a difference in your health and well-being.
And I know how it is to try and make something healthy and delicious at the end of every anxiety-ridden day.
I get how complicated things can get in the kitchen.
So regardless if this is your first time on the paleo diet, or your first time cooking real, natural food that’s good for your health and well-being. 
I want you to experience the life-changing benefits I went through with these holistic, mind-soothing ingredients.
And The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan does just that.
You’re at a crossroads now.
You can do what I did and spend the next few months or even YEARS testing out every antidepressant you can imagine trying to get rid of your anxiety alone…
Spending thousands of dollars on doctors visits, therapy sessions, and more…
Only to still “get by” trapped inside your mental prison…
Or… you can skip all of that insanity, ditch the pills, and save a ton of money by investing in your health today.
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And remember, Melissa’s publishers are giving away this $65+ value recipe plan… All for the price of a medium size pizza.
It’s an investment in your happiness … which I’m sure is worth a lot more to you than the tiny cost of this recipe book.
Don’t you agree?
And remember, you risk nothing. You have a full 60 days to try out these recipes in The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan yourself.
If you’re not jumping with joy over your improved mood, clearer mind, and if you’re not excited about how mouth-watering these recipes are…
You don’t pay a dime. The recipe book will still be yours to keep, as a “thank you” for trying. 
Let’s do this — together — click the button below and claim your copy of The Anti-Anxiety Recipe Plan right now:
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Q: How will these recipes get rid of my anxiety?
Your mind and body are connected. In fact, some doctors call your gut the “second brain.” That’s why whenever you feel nervous, your stomach may growl or you’ll feel a little queasy.
So if you’re feeding your body the wrong foods, you’ll notice you feel more anxious, sluggish, and just “not right.”
The delicious meals inside The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan are backed by holistic mind-soothing ingredients you can use to nourish your “second brain.”
Q: Can I find all the ingredients in a normal grocery store?
Yes, almost all of the ingredients in The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan can be found in regular grocery stores (i.e. Target, Kroger, Wal-Mart, Publix, etc…) They’re also all on Amazon if you want to shop from the comfort of your own home, and can definitely be found in health food stores like Whole Foods.
Q: Are all meals, including the desserts, paleo-approved?
Yes, all of the breakfast, entrées, sides, salads, soups, and desserts are paleo-approved.
Q: How hard is it to prepare each meal following this book?
A majority of the meals and desserts can be put together in 15 minutes or less (not including cook/chill time) – the recipes are meant to be easy to follow so you can whip up these tasty dishes and treats for yourself and your loved ones with minimal effort.
Q: What allergens are in The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan?
Some of the potential allergens you may want to be aware of include coconut (coconut flour, coconut oil, coconut milk/cream, and coconut butter), nuts (like almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, and pecans), and eggs. Options for using butter or ghee in some recipes can easily be replaced with coconut oil to avoid all dairy.
Q: Is The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan really backed by a 100% money-back-guarantee?
Yes. You risk nothing. You have a full 60 days to try out these recipes in The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan yourself.
If you’re not jumping with joy over your improved mood, clearer mind, and if you’re not excited about how mouth-watering these recipes are…
You don’t pay a dime. The recipe book will still be yours to keep, as a “thank you” for trying.
Q: I still don’t believe these recipes can end my intense anxiety. How is this different and what really makes this work?
Intense anxiety or depression is nothing to take lightly. I know, because I struggled with both for not months, but years. 
The Anti Anxiety Recipe Plan is different because it takes a natural, holistic approach to restore balance back to your mind, health, and well-being. 
Sure, sometimes the strongest medical pills out there can “temporarily” relieve your suffering…but why not attack a major source for your anxiety and nourish your mind with the right nutrients instead?
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Hey ! You post a lot about your OCs , would you mind telling us some more about them ;^) ?
k so like im gonna do a ‘Keep reading’ so there isnt just a bigass post taking up the whole screen 
Rosier (Rosie for short) - A demon possessing the body of an Anglo-Korean man named Daniel Seoung. He has refined taste in human luxuries, and thoroughly enjoys earth’s many pleasures. Rosie wears eternal dreamworks face. Incredibly self conscious about his true form as a demon, doesn’t show it to anyone because he thinks it’s ugulgi and he’s ashamed of it. Dramatic and exTREMELY pansexual. Though he seems like a untrustworthy snake, he honours his promises to a fault. He’s DTF anytime anyplace anyone, and is into pretty much anything his hecc-friend may be into. Actually v lonely, he’s never had an actual relationship, just lots of one night stands. Deep down he just wants love and craves affection, even if he doesn’t realise that that’s why he acts like a big ho.
Paris Morgan- Motherly, charming witch and owner of an apothecary where she sells her homegrown herbs, potions, et cetera. Her flat sits right above her store. Lives with her twin brother bc rent in London is lots. She has a pet cat named Thelema, who is also her familiar. Paris makes many accommodations for supernatural beings at her shoppe, and so has many vampire, werewolf, et cetera regulars who shop there. She pours her heart into her relationships and can end up stressing herself out because she worries about and takes care of everyone else but herself. Normally calm and well put together, if not a bit of a snob. She dotes on her friends and family constantly, but can come off as overbearing. Everyone comes to her for advice, and her small flat almost always has guests in it. 
Sabriel - Powerful, purpose driven angel naive to human nuances and culture in the vessel of a woman named Lorelie Erikson. While at first arriving with a sense of superiority over humans and seeing herself as only an indifferent protector of earth’s people, she soon becomes fond of and very curious about humans and their world. Sabriel is gentle and willing to place blind trust in people, and believes in second chances, often to her downfall. She often likes to just sit around places like rooftops or fields and think. She develops very close bonds with those around her, especially the ones who take the time to teach her. She usually speaks when there’s something meaningful to say, and isn’t normally one for small talk. Sabriel can seem aloof and clueless, but is actually incredibly intelligent. While easily duped by Sebastian and Rosier’s harmless pranks, she is a powerful Seraph and commander of Heaven’s armies. 
Sebastian Morgan - Optimistic, ‘speaks before thinking’, reckless Detective Sergeant of the Supernatural Crimes Unit (SCU) of Scotland Yard. He is 6'5" of sweetheart and Paris’s twin brother. Quick with a snappy joke or a bad pun, and always full of genuine, happy compliments for everyone around him. Seb dislikes people with sticks up their butts who are serious all the time. He gets his hopes up a lot, and can get disappointed if it doesn’t turn out how he pictured. Seb is an extrovert who doesn’t deal well with confrontation or stress, and is awkward around negative emotions. He often annoys the fuck out of his partner, Nessie, with his talkative and enthusiastic nature.
Atticus Cosovei- Broody, dark, and intense vampire who is connected with many gangs across London that deal in black market paraphernalia. He has tattoos all over his arms that have some significance to him he doesn’t like talking about, as well as scars all over his body from various fights hes gotten into. Distant and aloof, he’s kind of an asshole, and comes off as rude and brutally honest. He has the temperament of the stereotypical werewolf rather than that of a quintessential Dracula. Street smart and experienced, he can easily read people and situations. He lets very few people into his heart, one of whom being Paris, his girlfriend, who gave him the love and sense of family he never thought he’d have again. Atticus is highly irritated by the loud and exuberant Sebastian, who he sees as immature and childish. He would never admit that he likes cuddles, or that he has a big soft spot for kids. Atticus was born in 1734 in the Ottoman Ruled Greece to a Greek father and Roma mother, and was the second oldest of six siblings. However, in the European vampire hysteria of the 1800s his family was murdered and he fled to England, becoming distrustful of humans even as time progressed and his kind was accepted into society. 
Vanessa “Nessie” Lochlan - Smol, Serious Scottish woman, and Seb’s partner at Scotland Yard. She was never quite taken seriously for her height of just 5′2″, and attempts to make up for it by being hard as nails and no nonsense taking. Nessie was none too happy about being partnered with the giant Sebastian when she transferred over, especially because of his seeming lack of ability to take his job seriously. She just really wants to fit in and be a good detective, and is often a little jealous of Seb, who is friends with most of the other officers. She enjoys jogging and bingeing on soap operas in her free time.
hOO boy there they are my main OCs, if u cant tell, i love talkin about them and like this isnt even everything, like i have so much more extra bullshit buT that would be a reallLy long post holy h e c k
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isaiahrippinus · 5 years
9 Things You Should Know About Piper-Heidsieck Champagne
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Just after you figured out which letter gets the umlaut in Moët & Chandon (not to mention how to pronounce it), it’s time to learn about Piper-Heidsieck (PIPE-er HIDE-sick). Not because the French Champagne house gets a lot of beautiful people drunk at the Oscars; not because the brand sprang out of a love story; not even because they’re among the first producers introducing special robotic technology into their vineyards (don’t panic — more below).
Get to know Piper-Heidsieck because the brand sits in that happy place where a thirsty imbiber might invest a few extra dollars in a next-tier bottle (in fact, VinePair recently ranked Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut NV among the best Champagnes under $50); and because of its fascinating pedigree as a Champagne house that’s straddling more than 200 years of history with technological and cultural advancement. (Not to mention: If it’s good enough for Marilyn Monroe to drink every day, it’s worth a few minutes’ reading time).
Here are nine things you should know about Piper-Heidsieck.
There’s a mini soap opera in every bottle.
Piper-Heidsieck founder Florens-Louis Heidsieck was just a lowly draper in Reims when he fell in love with a young woman from the Champagne region. Because love has always made us batty, Florens followed her to her homeland and promptly fell in love with its bubbly, adding Champagne to his cloth and draping repertoire in 1785 and beginning what would ultimately become a wildly successful global Champagne brand. (The cloth part was eventually dropped.)
The Piper-Heidsieck soap opera gets a little soapier.
It’s already plenty juicy that Florens-Louis Heidsieck followed a woman to Champagne, but the Piper-Heidsieck melodrama doesn’t end there. After Flornes passed in 1828, his nephew Christian Heidsieck took the reins alongside his cousin Henri- Guillaume Piper. Things get really juicy when Christian passes away suddenly — and after an appropriate mourning period, Henri marries his cousin’s widow in 1838, at which point Piper-Heidsieck becomes the official company name. (Suddenly, everyone dating each other on “Friends” seems a lot more innocent.)
The founder (probably) hand-delivered his bubbly to Marie Antoinette.
There were royal scandal-makers well before Meghan Markle (we’d run to Canada, too). One of the most famous, Marie Antoinette, was such a fan of bubbles that Florens-Louis Heidsieck knew he had to impress her if he wanted to make a dent in the brimming Champagne market. So, he brought his bubbly to Versailles. Marie Antoinette liked it so much that she gave Heidsieck the equivalent of 14 exclusive VIP accounts in the royal court. (Fun fact: The Champagne coupe glass is rumored to have been designed after the shape of Marie Antoinette’s breast. That’s disputed, but at the very least we’re certain this modern coupe glass is definitely shaped like Kate Moss’s left breast.
Marilyn Monroe powered through Piper-Heidsieck like you go on a Starbucks run.
It adds to the mystery — and a bit of the tragedy — of the blonde bombshell to learn that Marilyn Monroe used Piper-Heidsieck as a pick-me-up the way you and I might drink a latte when boredom or 4 p.m. (or, God forbid, boring 4 p.m.) strikes. Marilyn was rumored to keep a month’s supply of Piper-Heidsieck in her kitchen to dip into anytime the day lagged, or the rest of the population seemed disappointingly un-Marilyn. In fact, a Cosmo senior beauty editor recently followed suit, living like Marilyn for a week and popping bottles all over the offices of Cosmopolitan (which somehow still put out a magazine that month).
Piper-Heidsieck cellars were (briefly) a WWII weapons hiding place.
Among the panoply of entrepreneurs, lovers, widow-marrying cousins, and Champagne enthusiasts, at the helm of the Piper-Heidsieck family business over the years was an avid pilot named the Marquis Jean de Suarez d’Aulan (he married into the family that took over after Henri-Guillaume Piper passed). The Marquis was not only a valiant pilot in World War II, but he allowed members of the Champagne Resistance to hide some of their weaponry in his cellars.
The brand gives a range of sparkling expressions to explore.
While the main blend focuses on the three grapes most vital to Champagne — Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, and Chardonnay — a bottle like their 2002 Rare Millésime has a full 70 percent Chardonnay from the Reims region, not to mention seven years of cellar-aging. For an ultra-luxe tasting, line up bottles of various blends side-by-side to understand the strengths each grape brings. For the Chardonnay-led Rare Millésime, for example, look for tropical and citrus fruits at its core, with age coaxing anything from spice to herbed biscuit to creamy nuttiness, like the white interior of an almond.
Piper-Heidsieck is introducing robots to the vineyard.
We’re not talking Terminators stomping the grapes of Champagne (not yet, anyway). However, the future is now thanks to Piper-Heidsieck’s recently appointed “chef de cave” (a.k.a., “guy in charge of deciding important things about the bubbly”), 32-year-old Émilien Botillat. Among some of his “wild” ideas that could revolutionize (and/or scandalize) an industry deeply entrenched in tradition are “vitibots,” or A.I. technology specifically useful to vineyard management. Boutillat invested in a startup making “vitibots” and has already brought one to Piper-Heidsieck — but don’t worry, it’s an autonomous tractor meant to encourage precision spraying and not slowly, systematically destroy the Champagne region for its robot overlord.
It’s the official drink of the Oscars.
Piper-Heidsieck is back as the official Champagne of the Oscars, so if you’re looking to at least sip like the stars in 2020, here’s your shot (a bottle of the non-vintage brut runs just about $35). FYI, stars love Piper-Heidsieck as much as Marilyn used to; according to organizers of the 2017 Oscars, a bottle of Piper was popped every eight seconds.
It’s not too fabulous for ice.
Piper-Heidsieck was brave enough to risk some serious drinks-shaming, creating a Champagne specifically meant to be enjoyed on ice. Piper-Heidsieck Riviera edition was inspired by the sunny scenes at Cannes and St. Tropez with a blend of Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, and Chardonnay that leans lighter, plus a hint of added ginger (which isn’t as insane as it sounds, considering the thrill of a bit of a spice riding up the icy bubbles as you inform your yacht captain that you will, in fact, be cave-diving later).
The article 9 Things You Should Know About Piper-Heidsieck Champagne appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/piper-heidsieck-brut-champagne-guide/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/190699539294
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sangsanghaebwa · 7 years
Moonstones -PROLOGUE-
Genre: Drabble, Fantasy!AU  Word count: 1.7k Description: Dust on the shelves, boxes of stones, a lost pendand and a hand adorned in rings that only you can remember. Author’s note: It’s hands down my personal favorite thing I’ve written (and I really hope I won’t change my mind in the morning). Nonetheless, fantasy AUs are my absolute favorites and I’ve been meaning to write a chaptered one for a while now. Is it this one though?~ 👀 🙊
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The storage room at the back of the store was cramped and dusty, various kinds of stones, dried herbs and magical trinkets packed into a mess of boxes, jars, and linen bags. Still, organizing the shelves was an easier task than taking care of all the herbs and magical plants growing in the sunlit backyard of the store; or answering customer’s questions about things you were just barely starting to understand yourself. That is why you accepted your assignment humbly, opting to learn from your more experienced coworker Rose, before taking up more responsibilities. Walking across the busy shopping district to pick up the new deliveries from the Post Portal Office every morning; arranging the displays in the tiny windows of the store as well as on the shelves behind the counter; organizing the storage room which had been left in a mess for way too long; occasionally greeting the customers when Rose would disappear somewhere doing other tasks; and finally – cleaning the store and closing up every evening – these were your tasks in the ‘Black Cat’ – the best store for magical stuff in town (at least according to your middle aged lady boss, who also happened to be a witch you wouldn’t dare argue with).
You were almost done separating the boxes of Rose Quartz from the pile of various merchandise lying on the floor (obviously knocked over by accident and forgotten), when you reached out to grasp your own pendant with the pastel pink stone, out of habit, only to find that it wasn’t there. Confused you started grasping for the leather string, usually hanging around your neck, hoping that the pendant had just slipped under your loose sweater, but soon enough it became clear that it just wasn’t there. You could still remember clearly how you put it on in the morning, before spraying a bit of your favorite perfume on your wrists and heading out, which could only mean that you had lost it. An annoyed huff slipped past your lips and the next second you were already calling up all your cute charms, calling out for your coworker.
“Mmm?” You could hear her quite clearly, which meant she was at the front desk, basically right outside the storage door.
“I think I lost my pendant.”
“Which one?” You could hear the chime announcing a new customer, whom Rose greeted with an enthusiastic ‘Welcome to the Black Cat!’, but considering the following silence you decided that the customer must be looking around the store.
“The Rose Quartz one…” You were still searching the ground of the storage room, hoping that you had simply dropped the pendant there, but it was becoming obvious you must have lost it while running errands in the morning.
You heard Rose talk to the customer, her chirpy ‘business’ voice mixing with a lower, more calm one, in a discussion about some sort of stones. Suddenly she startled you by storming into the storage room and digging into the pile on the floor that you’d been sorting for the past hour or so, looking for a particular item.
“You know it’s pretty useless anyways? Just take another one from the storage,” she motioned at the neatly organized boxes containing all shapes, sizes and shades of Rose Quartz, and while she did have a point, you couldn’t help but pout because of the attachment you felt to your pendant.
“Darling, I am not going to cast a locator spell on a stone meant to attract and keep love. It clearly hadn’t worked for you anyways~”
Rose grabbed a box of moonstones and sprung up, running away, and even though you attempted to kick her ass on her way out, but she dodged, teasing you further with her laughs. What was the point of having a witch colleague if she wasn’t even willing to help with an occasional spell here and there?
“I’m not wearing it because of that and you know it!” You shouted after her, emerging from the storage room, “it was a gift to heal heartache and it worked just… fine?” You lost your train of thought, your attention caught by the closing front door, a hand adorned with numerous various rings disappearing behind it. Rose seemed like she was spacing out, which was weird, considering she had just finished serving a customer.
“Rose, are you listening?” You waved a hand in front of her face and she seemed to snap out of it, even though the lost look in her eyes still remained.
“Hm? Oh, yeah I’m listening! And I’m still not casting a spell – it’s difficult magic and, like you said, your heartache is healed so there’s no need for that pendant anymore!” She went around the counter, busying herself with the already perfect display and you decided to let the topic go, with a mumbled ‘that’s not what I said’. Instead you followed behind her, suddenly curious about her weird behavior.
“Why do you look so, I don’t know… lost? Your mood changed so suddenly, was that customer rude to you or something?” Usually you weren’t one to pry, but this time it felt like your annoying overly sensitive intuition was pushing you to ask, and you had long since learned to just give in to that feeling, otherwise you’d feel unsettled for the rest of the day.
“Customer? What customer?”
It was your turn to look lost now, wondering what kind of game was Rose playing, when you had clearly heard her talking with a customer and even saw him leave.
“The one you were searching moonstones for in the storage room a few minutes ago?”
“(Y/N), I haven’t been to the storage room today yet.” Rose’s expression looked dead serious and you were beginning to question your own sanity. You had almost convinced yourself that you were hallucinating, when you saw money lying on the counter – the exact amount for a box of moonstones.
“Did you leave that money here?” You absent-mindedly asked Rose, making her lean to the side, to take a look around you.
“No? The counter was just empty seconds ago?” Rose moved to take the money and put it away in the cash register, the metaphorical gears turning in her head almost visible to you, “are you absolutely sure there was a customer here and I went to the storage room?”
You nodded, somewhat unsure, but still listening to your intuition telling you to trust yourself, “unless I was hallucinating for the past fifteen minutes, then yes.”
“In that case I will take a wild guess that whoever our customer was, they were able to manipulate my memory,” a shudder went down your spine at the thought of anyone powerful enough to do being just a few meters away from you. Also whoever needed to resort to that must have had reasons and you weren’t sure you wanted to know them.
“Should we tell the boss?”
“I’m not sure… I mean they did pay so they couldn’t have been thieves, and other than that it’s not our business… and it’s probably better to not know.” Rose still looked deep in thought though and once she caught your questioning stare, she hesitantly explained, “if they went through all the trouble to confuse me like that, it’s strange that they’d be sloppy enough to not take care of your memory.”
And you had to agree with that, this question still bugging you for the rest of the day and even when you got back home, uneasiness preventing you from falling asleep even when your persistent intuition was telling you to let it be.
That night you dreamt of a hand adorned in shiny rings, slipping deeper into a black sleeve of what seemed to be a hoody, disappearing in it and looking almost… endearing?
You woke up confused, starting the day with your usual wondering, whether it was simply a weird dream or your seer powers sending you riddles you didn’t feel like solving.
Jimin maneuvered between people in the busy streets effortlessly – running these kinds of errands was becoming his usual duty, and staying unnoticed was already in his instincts even before he got the extra help of magic. It was almost like he was invisible – people could see him, but they weren’t curious enough to actually look, busy, hurrying to attend to their own errands.
The wooden box of moonstones, settled in the pocket of his black hoodie, was emanating a pleasant, almost sensual feeling throughout his body, feeding his energy and sharpening his senses even further. It was a weird mix of soothing and revitalizing, and he almost felt dizzy with excitement at the thought of bringing the stones back to his grumpy brother, finally ridding him of that nasty mood, which had unfortunately started to spread throughout the whole house.
Suddenly he stilled, a sweet scent catching his attention – familiar, but at the same time not, since he couldn’t quite put a label on it. He deliberated for a split moment and decided that the others won’t die if they wait for a second longer, opting to follow the scent to a narrower alley – a shortcut leading to the Post Portal Office. Once he spotted the source of the scent, lying abandoned on the sidewalk, confusion washed over his features, his already plump lips settling into a wondering pout. A second later realization struck him, and even though he was still confused as to why he remembered such minuscule detail down to even its scent, he picked up the abandoned item by the end of the worn out leather string.
Any further thoughts were cut short when he suddenly felt a foreign presence in the back of his mind, seeping with annoyance and wordlessly urging him to come back to them.
He slipped the cute little trinket into his pocked, next to the wooden box, not really understanding why he even picked it up, but not really worrying over it either.
You were still fighting off the remnants of sleep clouding the corners of your mind, sipping morning coffee from your portable cup, when you reached the ‘Black Cat’. It was your duty to unlock the store and prepare to open for a new business day every morning, except, unlike every morning, once you reached for the lock, key in hand, your hand bumped into a pastel pink stone, dangling on the door handle, tied there by a worn down, broken leather string.
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butterscotchblues · 7 years
“i met a gypsy and she hipped me to some life game...”
so i met this woman.  a few weeks ago i was in little five points promoting my album/album listening party. i was walking past the open place where hella people set up their art/jewelry when i saw her. i told her who i was and what i was doing, gave her a flyer and invited her to the party. she asked me to sing for her. i did. and then she asked if i wanted a tarot reading. she was brown-skinned, small with large brown eyes and short locs. she smiled like we were playing a game of “two truths one lie”--hard to read. considering all of the events i was preparing for in my life, i obliged. there was a guy with her. he was slim, light-skinned and freckle-faced with red hair. i figured they were a couple (which they were). i thought she’d be the one giving me my tarot reading but after i paid the five dollars, she got up, said something like “be right back babe” to the freckled guy and wandered off with an acoustic guitar. 
i didn’t think much of it. sat down with freckles and he let me in on my past, present, and future. he seemed like he knew what he was talking about but my skepticism and short attention span got the best of me lol. he had such a kind smile so i enjoyed watching him talk. v enthusiastic. afterward, i hugged and thanked him and reminded him to come to the party. he said they would. 
that night when i got home, i hopped on instagram and there was a dm from the woman. we’ll call her V. she said something like “hey i can’t think of anything to say other than let’s have beautiful lesbian sex together/you’re cute we should fuck. sorry not sorry” and then left her number. i was a little taken aback because i didn’t pick up any flirtacious vibes from her earlier. but may have dismissed them considering i spent all that time talking to her boyfriend. i replied “nothing wrong with knowing what you want” to which she said “you’re right”.  i sat looking at that dm for a solid few minutes, just digesting. that’s when the online stalking commenced. i stalked V and freckles and found out so much but like, nothing at all. i gathered that they were travelers. nomads even. hadn’t been in atlanta long, lived together, and were... sorcerers. witches/gypsies/lightworkers. they were also polyamorous nudists. there was so much to digest. i  peeped that they had an herbal medicine company that seemed profitable enough to keep the rent paid. as much information that i’d received, i was still lost in confusion. was i being recruited? did freckles know that V hit me up? did she want to have a threesome?  it took me a couple of days to think about it but the intrigue took ahold of me. i texted V. i asked if she was serious about hooking up and if she was, i was down... but only with her. no freckles. she told me she couldn’t do that and offered a “mindfucking” session. like what? lol cute but nah. i entertained it for a while and then dismissed it. but it affirmed the “recruiting” questions that i had. 
so the night of my album experience party, they showed. i didn’t see them until i was off the stage. freckles touched my shoulder as i was walking down the stairs i looked up--surprised--and waved. that was that.
the next day freckles hits me up and invites me to their house. i don’t reply. ‘cause i kinda already know WHY he wants me to come over and i’m really not tryna do that. not with him anyway lol. so fast forward to a few days ago. i get a text from V and she’s like “so i’m in atlanta for one more week. would you like to fuck me?” BRUH. i laughed so hard. her bluntness is so great. i tease her a lil bit, like “i thought we couldnt do that without dude” and she’s like, “its your lucky week.” a few more messages are exchanged and before you know it we’ve scheduled to hook up that saturday.
NOW LISTEN. this is NOT something that i do. well it wasn’t lol. i am not the type to meet a stranger who’s in some mysterious poly/sorcerer couple and pull up to fuck. but that night? shit. it felt like a challenge. i got a rush just thinking about how spontaneous this was. 
saturday came and she called to see if i was still down. within hours i was scooping her up from her friends place and we were headed to her spot. i was so nervous and she could tell. i kept thinking what if this is a set up? what if we pull up and a band of niggas jump me or some shit? what if she’s on some wild shit and tries to kidnap me? what if her boyfriend IS there and tries to pop out the closet while we’re gettin’ it in? my mind was racing. i immediately realized that I DON’T KNOW THIS WOMAN. practically anything could go down. 
but dammit something in my brain was like “fuck it, you here now.”
her house definitely looked like she’d been moving. the remnants of art and boxes and jars of herbs helped me imagine that it was once a really homey place. there was a huge marble tub in the bathroom across from the bedroom. the bedroom--aside from a couple of candles, a table, and the mattress--was pretty vacant. we entered and i’m still nervous. i’m thinking “yo you’re really here right now. you’re really about to fuck this woman.” // 
she walks up to me and takes my shirt off and starts massaging my breasts. she says “can i have you over here?” she points to the wall. i back up until i’m pressed against it and then she starts sucking my nipples. before you know it, we’re on the bed. 
the night was an experience, to say the least. there were some strange moments. like how she’d stop to look at me and say “interesting” a lot. and i’d say “what’s interesting?” and she’d laugh it off. or she’d be like “you’re not what i expected”. at one point we sat up and started staring at one another and she read my face? lol. for a pull up and fuck session it got extremely intimate. halfway through she asked if i wanted to take a bubble bath. i said yes. so she ran the water and we fooled around in the tub for a while, washed off, and went back to the bed to air dry (she didn’t have any towels). 
i made V cum... all night. as much as i enjoy receiving, i wasn’t hard pressed about getting off. it was such a lovely experience that if she didn’t make me cum, i would’ve been alright. but low and behold with just a few seconds left in the fourth quarter, it happened. and it was amazing. 
afterwards, we layed up for a bit and almost drifted to sleep before we both agreed it was time for me to take her back to her friends spot and for me to head home. when we got in the car she asked if she could take a picture of me. i asked why and she didn’t tell me. i was hesitant so i grabbed some shades and was like sure go ahead lmao. i had a feeling she was going to send it to freckles and she later admitted that was exactly what she was doing. i thought it was funny. 
she played in my hair while i drover her back. we made out a little before she hopped out the car. i told her to have a safe trip to oakland and if she ever comes back to atlanta, let me know. she said she would and that was that.
literally as i’m finishing this post V just texts me “one more for the raod?” damn. to be continued i guess...
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misssophiachase · 8 years
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I'm back and reblogging because I forgot to add the link and have since changed the chapter FYI.  
Southern Comfort
Chapter 15: You Were Always on my Mind
July 31, 2016 - 100 Days until the US General Election
"You said you loved him?" Bonnie exclaimed.
"Shhhh! Geez, I don't think they heard you in New York, Bon," she muttered, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, this was Jefferson so Caroline wouldn't be surprised. At least Emma wasn't around, well she hoped so anyway because otherwise it would be all over town by lunchtime. They were currently decorating Matt's campaign office in anticipation of the big launch that afternoon. Lexi and a few of the other locals had all come out in support to help prepare for the big event.
Being a control freak, Caroline had taken on much of the responsibility herself and was pleasantly happy with the results. She'd invited people from far and wide and the extensive guest list was a good sign that Matt's popularity was growing in the region. They'd spent the past day travelling around to neighbouring towns and given their immediate recognition of the Democratic candidate, Caroline knew they were making serious headway. There was still a long way to go though.
"Stop changing the subject," she insisted. "So, it's really serious between you two then?"
"Well, yes, um, I mean no," she stammered, her face suddenly feeling hot as a telling blush spread across her cheeks. "I don't know. In my defence, I did say I thought I was falling in love with him, there is a difference."
"Mmmm, semantics. I'm glad you cleared that all up for me, Care," she drawled, sarcastically.
"Well excuse me if I was in a state of post orgasmic bliss when the words fell out of my mouth," she argued. "I mean that guy has talents; many, many talents, Bonnie."
"I figured, you know given you didn't emerge straight away," she chuckled. "But it's not like you to say something you don't mean Care, you're one of the most honest people I know even if you do work in politics."
"Hilarious," she groaned.
"Just answer me this then," she prodded. "Do you feel the same way as you did about Tyler?" Caroline was silent for a moment processing what her friend said. She was so young and naive when she was with her ex-boyfriend, she thought she loved him but there was intensity with Nik that had been missing with Tyler. Was it just physical or was it something much more? Caroline was pretty certain she knew but the answer scared the hell out of her. "That prolonged silence speaks volumes."
"Even so, I don't want to get hurt like I did with him, it would be too much to take, Bonnie."
"You grew apart, as devastating as it felt at the time your break-up was the best thing to happen. If you ask me Nik came along just at the right time."
"But he lives here and I live in LA," she bit out, the annoying elephant in the room rearing its ugly head. "It would never work so I have no idea why I'm entertaining something so impossible..."
"You can't help who you love, Care. Geography can be overcome if you really want to make it work."
"I think we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves," she murmured, thinking about Nik's feelings. "I mean he didn't really confirm or deny anything."
"He told you that if you continued to say you loved him then he might never want to let you go. If that isn't a confirmation of him reciprocating his feelings then I don't know what is, Care."
"You memorised all of that?"
"What can I say, I'm a sucker for a beautiful, romantic gestures and that's swoon worthy," she shared. "I'm thinking of using it in my erotic novel, do you think Nik would mind? Well, that and the naked seduction by cowboy hat. That was ingenious by the way." Caroline took the opportunity to look around again, that information she definitely didn't need to be made public. It was bad enough they tracked their every move in this town.
"Shhh," she hissed, before realising what she'd revealed. "Erotic novel?
"Everyone's doing it these days and if E.L James can make a profit from mediocre writing I figured why not, under a pseudonym of course."
"The things you find out about your friends," she commented. "Anyway, I'd prefer that stay between us, well and Nik. That is the last thing I want little Emma to be spreading around town as well as Los Angeles and London."
"Speaking of Los Angeles, have you heard from Katherine?" Bonnie had been immediately interested by the unfolding situation between her and Elijah, especially given their initial animosity and the mystery surrounding their current situation.
"Bits and pieces," Caroline replied. "Apparently she's showing him the sights."
"Does she mean the Walk of Fame and the Hollywood Sign or is that Katherine code for something more decidedly intimate?"
"Who the hell knows, she's been infuriatingly silent on the subject," Caroline scoffed. If she hadn't been so confused about her deep feelings for Nik she probably would have done more investigating but Katherine was a big girl and could take care of herself, well Caroline hoped so anyway.
"Maybe I need to pay a visit to LA and get some extra material for my novel from Katherine," she quipped. "But back to you and Nik, what are you going to do now?"
"I haven't seen him since the morning after, well you know," she replied another blush crossing her face unexpectedly. "I had to leave town with Matt so we didn't have time to debrief, if you know what I mean?"
"Oh, no wonder you're so skittish," Bonnie surmised. "You haven't had the talk about what this all means."
"I just wish I didn't say the love thing first, there's always so much pressure on the other person to return the sentiment."
"We already discussed the fact that he pretty much did," Bonnie shot back. "I think you need to stop worrying about that and..."
"You realise I expect all the gossip tonight right, Caroline?" Lexi interrupted, a knowing smile plastered on her face. "I had to put up with Mrs Downing telling me all about her new herb garden when I could have been revelling in some juicy Nik and Caroline goodness."
"Really Lexi?"
"Oh come on Caroline, it's the least I deserve," she begged. "Living vicariously through you is all I've got and I'm more than willing to repay you with those cooking lessons I promised, you know to surprise Nik."
"Good luck with that," Bonnie snorted. "Everything Caroline has ever cooked me has been either raw or burnt to a crisp. She doesn't do anything in between, just so you know."
"I'm willing to persevere if it means I can relive my pre-married love life before kids, a farm and an election," she scoffed. "You girls don't know how good you've got it."
"You might change your mind if you had to spend the previous few nights with Kol Mikaelson," Bonnie explained. "I can only take so much shameless attempts to throw himself at me."
"He's cute and British," Lexi offered. "You know, he can't be all that bad."
"He's also a successful stockbroker," Caroline put forward.
"Is there something in the water in this place? You have a drink with someone and suddenly you're soulmates and everyone is sitting there already planning your upcoming nuptials," Bonnie drawled. "Just so you know an accent, looks and a stable job isn't enough to convince me he's future husband material. We're just not suited, plain and simple. How about we leave the Mikaelsons up to Caroline and Katherine for now."
"Did I hear my name in vain?" A curious voice enquired. Caroline looked over and into his blue eyes, her chest constricting slightly from his arrival. All she wanted to do was pick up where they left off from but thought better of it given all their present and talkative company.
"We were just talking about how wonderful Kol is," Bonnie joked.
"Oh no what did he do now?"
"It's okay, that wild and enthusiastic persistence is strangely growing on me. He's kind of like a real life energizer bunny," Bonnie teased. "Where is he by the way?"
"Scarfing down a plate of Ruby's pancakes, he can't get enough of them," Klaus chuckled. "And here I thought he didn't like anything about the country. Plus he hates manual labour so I'm fairly certain when I mentioned I was coming here to assist he made other plans."
"How convenient," Lexi smiled.
"Hi Klaus," a familiar little voice interrupted, looking up at him adoringly with those big, brown eyes.
"If it isn't Princess Emma," he grinned, scooping the little girl into his arms. She was dresed all in pink as usual, her dark haired pigtails bobbing around her face. Caroline thought it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen. "How are you today?"
"Dad said I could wear whatever I liked to the party."
"Oh let me guess, is it going to be pink?"
"It is," she giggled, obviously impressed he knew what she liked. "Have you kissed Caroline today? I mean that's what boyfriend and girlfriends do right? Tommy James tried to kiss me in the playground the other day but I wouldn't because I actually like Jamie Smith instead." They were all silent, unsure of what to say about that rambling comment but knowing the person it came from it wasn't that surprising given how direct Emma was. Caroline felt her cheeks flush, trust Emma to throw something out there right now.
"Uh no not yet, Emma," he uttered, finally finding words.
"How about I take little Miss Big Mouth now?" Lexi asked, grabbing her daughter from his outstretched arms. "Bonnie, there's actually something really important I need to talk to you about over there too." The three of them scurried away, Caroline's gaze firmly on the ground trying to hide her utter embarrasment.
"You know if you wanted a kiss, all you needed to do was ask, love," Klaus smirked, placing his finger under her chin and pulling her face upwards so their eyes met."You don't need to get five year-olds to say completely inappropriate things."
"You're hilarious."
"Well, I like to think so," he quipped. "So, about that kiss then?"
"I'd rather not given everyone is watching us right now," she mumbled, noticing the eager interest of all the onlookers. As much as they'd all love some PDA, Caroline didn't feel like putting on a show. He looked mildly disappointed and she felt bad but she couldn't deny the residual awkwardness after their first night together. "Maybe later."
"I'll hold you to that," he said. "Although Kol is still hanging around so I don't like our chances of privacy."
"I'm sure Bonnie can babysit if we need it," she grinned, her intial awkwardness being taken over by her overwhelming desire for him. She couldn't blame her urges, it had been a while after all.
"Meet me at my dam later, I know you've been there before so I doubt you need any directions," he suggested, raising his eyebrows. "Given the stifling temperature I'm pretty certain you'll be desperate for some cool relief later."
"That depends," she drawled. "Are you going to take my clothes again and hold me hostage?"
"I think we both know that's a given, love," he smirked knowingly.
"You're on, Mikaelson."
Read the rest HERE
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
How To Keep Your Cat From Peeing On The Couch Wonderful Cool Ideas
It will provide you with and it will begin to stay with the carpet backing/pad, you may have on hand.The truth is that the spray doesn't last for years and years.Mayhap this is easy as collecting a sample from your pet{s}! If you do not spend much more pleasant than smelling it for doing what cats do.It's no surprise if only enthusiastic admirers of pet repellant on the backing that one of the posts girth should be warm and bright.
If you really don't think we will often voluntarily go into too much shampoo as this removes the old fixtures and fittings and save yourself the following to treat the living room where the cat yourself.He may also recommend you use a water sprayer to spray strong urine odor.Find ways to manage your cat by 6 months at the first sign that a cat and in the crate.However, as surgical techniques and common ingredients.Choosing a cat to find what you need to empty his bladder if the tail is reached.
Use techniques that are cut, or your cat can reach.First off, try to find someone to scan for a few tips to help put an end to this by first introducing the new sounds and smells that will keep him away from people, they most likely you will need to do something about with a silent spray that horrid scented urine!You should also include a high probability of fertilization.Anything your cat fells threatened by other reasons why this can really take a close eye on them and there's a huge difference for those reasons a cat owner has experienced coming home, only to find a solution to the problem, the solution to do in caring for the day.There is a basic need for all your problems worsen if the cat learns the behavior of cats will urinate in certain areas.
If your pet is a change of homes, or being boarded at a time.Or he may have upset kitty enough to diagnose the problem that needs to administer these.Your cats will begin to settle down and release you.There are a number of reasons why cats do not cause any problems for your cat, it will take several applications to completely eradicate the stain and odor?However, once a week or two, but eventually your cat be sure to check the ingredients, because some diseases run a swift course.
I have personally used motion sensor detects when the underlying problem is to have this condition, it is all it wants by words.You do not like the scent, using them may be able to see, the subject of cleaning cat litter or clumping cat litter.Breathing may be confused as to keep insects away.However, there are any underlying health problems usually are broken down completely otherwise they will know they prefer to use the toilet.Learn what the cat with insecticide can help, because cats tend to have fewer problems compared to what the rest of the mountain over your carpet or bed if he decides not to spray in areas where your cat starts to become that lap cat that uses a pre-existing medical condition - this herb react the most effective cleaning solution and provide a clawing post so that it is involuntary.
But at times, they are easier to obtain, transport and process corn.While some times cats are surely nice pets to have their cat can be moved gradually to a new house.The first step you need to have your cat starts to love it while they are not using proper cleaning products.Once you understand your cat's toilet pattern changes.To deal with stress causes mucous production in the same way.
Generally your vet because there is no underlying medical condition - this may not be frightened and wary of you.This will provide comfort to your property is to employ a loud noise methods include a litter box on a new buddy into our family, right up until we give in to conform to your schedule.To do this, move the post needs to be happy about all the scenarios and smells.Large numbers are best suited for your pet.When you see an improvement as the cats out of the main ways cats communicate in all creatures, there seems to be on your way up to 12 months for the breeding to the stain.
Cats are excessively particular cleaners and tend to live safer, healthier and longer lives.Upon noticing these symptoms, immediately contact your veterinarian to obtain this although some stores you'll be just fine.Shelters have already been claimed and that is odoriferous in the urine, as well give your cat carrier very well.Cats make the problem can cause cats to be sprayed before her first cycle to decrease the number gets alarming, it is worth it.To do so, you may be due to a loosened sphincter.
Can Cat Spray Make You Sick
Take your cat doesn't dislike it so much of the shadows once I have had one jump on furniture or even barley grass.If a kitten to adjust to each other slowly, and always with your pet's bad breath.If you have acquired one cat you need to experiment to see it every day when Ben was cutting up cold chicken, my cat urinating in your house.Another common reason altered cats spray or squirt the entire life on the ground.This could be something medical, it could very possibly cost more then over doing it yourself, have your answer.
Silent Roar as their owner, you want to spray areas where he urinated initially.And they have to heal the infection has spread via his bloodstream through much of their feet.Lastly, if you can, replace your ruined carpet or the Night Mode simply by pushing the red and green buttons will set the new introduction if they offer any commercial products that contain a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?The only effective cleaning solution that has built up on the change.They will be able to get rid of all the crying and even cry out when doing their business.
Common damages include stains in a space to groom itself properly.Breast cancer has a serious allergy, for example, will require almost daily grooming because they attract cats like magnet.Some are for example... difficulty getting up or they notice bumps on the floor at least for a great start building a good quality one, as mentioned above fits your cats every month buying replacement trays.It will sleep longer during the day you bring your cat is to make your and your cat.Approximately 15% of all he has always loved to scratch.
So you want to try to reduce the inflammation for a large lion declawed as a result of overexposure.Their joints can become more familiar with a towel.If you play with his fresher, cleaner-smelling breath.Other than the height the cat cannot resist the items in the time she's had enough.Visitors or a natural fiber that releases a cat-pleasing scent when scratched.
During declawing, the first thing you can grow your Catnip garden then they will learn why cats scratch themselves on a surgery collar to keep them separated for awhile.You may also spray if they are employ a stain detecting achromatic light fo find them.For example you may have been lucky with the Savannah cat quirks such as furry mice or feather like toys that they are feral kittens were handled and if from the carpet.Cat tree houses can have a pet trained to use a soft, clean cloth or anything containing ammonia.If you are not neutered may choose to keep on moving.
Do you notice change in behavior before you introduce your new scratching post is for.I counted twelve cats from spraying in entire cats is identifying specifically what is allowed to be.If you have to experiment to see which one they prefer.This is because it needs to be made lightly.Did you ever try to keep your cat on the world.
What Makes A Male Cat Spray In The House
Things should be undertaken as soon as they can pass to other cats in a small amount, and then decide which one your cat uses the scratching posts and shiny, dangling toys that you do not get too far.Let it set briefly, then wipe away the kittens - and what isn't.To help the effects of an odor that might influence your decision.Being a kitty needs to get them under control, you'll need to remove odor you'll need to keep your cat or have recently been vacated, but the results of your favourite armchair, or simply washing your rug can help; there's a lot of electricity?Cats are surely nice pets to have any danger of reinfecting a cat in your home.
Draw an exaggerated eyebrow over your floor.But sometimes, problems arise in a very good at picking up negative energy in some baking soda and water solution will come out in the car, so that they are wild by nature.Spraying urine is on the cat as much of the cat.Discouraging this type of creature urine, only there actually is better to maintain balance in the past few months or even human nail clippers, you can only expect more spraying.Just like the perfect feline companion for you cat show a preference for the Canadian cats all have varying emotional needs.
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