#but i refuse to post anything unless the character voice is at least m o s t l y good
writingesgaypism · 4 years
it cost me -5% friendship with aisling, but dammit i wanted her to be able to show off during the shaman trials
also shoutout to @diasporatheblog for having a blog full of useful pieces of trivia i can write in for authenticity(tm). i think about the phrase “a preponderance of bluebells” from the first post that mentioned aisling’s gardening hobby like, at least once a day
“I found out the name of those new flowers you planted the other day,” Fionn says, closing their eyes and tilting their face towards the sun. “Lantana.”
Aisling hums. “Did you ask Aemilius?”
“No. I got to chatting with one of the visiting merchants. Apparently it’s more of a summer plant, Ais.”
She smiles at the resurfaced old nickname — Fionn knows because they open one eye to check, then close it again before she looks over — and clicks her tongue thoughtfully. “Do you know if it’s perennial? It may be at the end of its blooming season, but it could always come back next year.”
“Believe so.”
They’re sitting out by the garden Aisling had started as soon as she’d found the time. A good portion of the plot has been set aside for herbs and things; medicinal plants that are useful in the ointments and balms she uses to supplement her work when the injury isn’t serious enough to necessitate magic, or when her patient isn’t amenable to magic in the first place. There’s even a few vegetables starting to come in: leeks and onions and potatoes. But at least as much space is devoted to flowers whose main function is in looking or smelling pretty.
In her spare time, Aisling has been collecting plants from around Divio to try growing herself, branching out from what she was used to growing back north. It’s been, not exactly a steep learning curve, but an interesting one. The townsfolk (such as Aemilius) like Aisling and are more than happy to help out when she asks, but Fionn likes to lend a hand sometimes anyway. At the very least, they enjoy listening to Aisling talk about it.
There’s a pause that feels more expectant than a natural lull in the conversation would, so Fionn opens their eyes. Sure enough, Aisling is regarding them rather cannily, idly brushing dirt from her hands. They head her off.
“Yes, I had a particular reason for coming out here. Just wanted to sit a while first.”
“Oh? Is it serious?” Aisling asks, and it’s more playful than anything.
They tilt their head back and forth. “Serious enough, I suppose. It’s an apology.”
Aisling blinks at them, amusement fading.
“Your trials,” Fionn clarifies. “When I hid the flag. I… may have been a little too enthusiastic. At best I was being meddlesome; at worst… Well. That’s why I wanted to be sure I apologized. So, I’m sorry, Ais. You didn’t need my tampering.”
“I did wonder,” she says slowly. “But I would never suspect you of trying to ruin my chances, Fionn. Still… Thank you. For saying so.”
She’s not quite admitting that they did anything worth apologizing for, but there’s something measured in her tone that says she isn’t entirely dismissing their words either. It’s another reminder of how far she’s come and how beneficial coming south has been for her. There’s more of a steadiness about her now, the foundations of confidence building up.
Fionn doesn’t bother to suppress their fond smile. “What was it the Council said? Something, something, most impressive display of magic any of them have ever seen…?”
“Fionn,” Aisling says, warning diluted by her nose scrunching up and cheeks already beginning to flush.
“Even if I had been attempting to sabotage you, I think it would have just made you look better because you’d have triumphed regardless. And I think if had kept my interference to myself, you still would have impressed everyone there. I think—”
“Oh, just…” Aisling can’t cover her face with her hands because there’s still dirt clinging to her skin, but she looks like she very dearly wants to. “You hush.”
The admonition isn’t especially strong, but Fionn obliges her anyway, still grinning.
“I think,” Aisling continues after a few moments, once the blush starts to fade and she turns back to her garden, “that I can forgive your meddling in return for the promise of one free pass should I ever need to meddle with you.”
“Oh? You foresee this being a likelihood in the future?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Aisling says primly, fighting and mostly succeeding at keeping a smile off her face.
Fionn laughs, only a little surprised and entirely delighted. “I see Izzy’s rubbing off on you. Or Pan. Probably both.” They pretend to deliberate. “I suppose I can allow it. Between the two of us, you’re the one with all the common sense, anyway.”
“Don’t worry, I’m just holding onto yours for safekeeping.”
“Well,” they drawl, leaning back to return to sunning themself, “can’t think of a safer place than with Maghnus’ very own shaman.”
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nyxxon · 4 years
Borderland (Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou)
(A/N: Alice in Borderland AU one-shot with our 3 favorite boys [few others who just, oof] and reader because a friend live-streamed it on Discord and I actually liked it even though it was a live-action by Netflix, nonetheless, lol.
This basically follows the first episode with similar dialogue that has been tweaked with some additions per character I used—you basically replace Shibuki. It's also a bit longer than I usually make my one-shots.)
You didn't know how it happened . . .
     One minute you were at home in your room as you finished an essay for your English college class—your family downstairs. The next, it had suddenly gone dark while the power suddenly shut off.
     You had muttered a string of curse words as you called down to your mom and dad frustratedly; however, there had been no answer as you called them repeatedly.
     In great reluctance, you had started down the stairs—it dark and oddly quiet. Once you had made it down the stairs, you called out to them once again—having had been greeted by silence once again.
     Slowly, you had begun on your way to the kitchen, looking in the living room to be sure neither were there though it was obvious they weren't.
     When you had peeked into the kitchen, you were only greeted with the deafening silence and emptiness that had been accompanying the entire house at that point.
     Sooner or later after constant searching and calling out verbally, you had tried the next big thing: calling them on your phone. However, your phone had refused to work.
     But something had felt off about the whole situation.
     Though at the time, you didn't know just how right you were . . .
     During the first few hours, you had left your home—only bringing a jacket and a backpack—because of the feeling. It hadn't taken you long to figure out the emptiness of the whole city of Musutafu.
     It was like everything had stopped.
     It had been suspiciously quiet as well.
     All the cars had been at a standstill—some in the middle of the road and odd places that'd be much safer if they hadn't been—no bustling of the normal city life . . .
     Just nothing.
     That had been three days ago, however.
     You somewhat understood your situation albeit still rather confused at the same time. But you knew that in order to leave this place, you had to play the games that were randomly set up and also random.
     But there was a gruesome catch to them all: there was no guarantee you'd make it out alive through any of them . . .
     The first few days had been rough, you'd admit even though you had only played one game at this point.
     The first game you had played had been one you had to board a train. There had been two other people who were already waiting at the game site at the time—a midget male with balls-like dark purple hair and another male with blonde hair with a lightning bolt in it with phones in their hands.
     They looked about your age, you were unsure nor cared to find out at the time since it had been unimportant information. You had asked them what was going on though they had no idea aside from some building lighting up and ushering them into this area—similar to what had happened to you.
     But they had said you apparently needed to grab a phone on the table that had been beside you that also had three gas masks and nine cylinders of what you had figured to be full of air sitting near it.
     When you had grabbed the phone, it instantly turned on with the words "Facial Recognition" on the screen with a load bar that soon disappeared before a female AI voice spoke saying “ Game difficulty, two of hearts. ”
     You had been confused and asked them what this meant but they just shrugged in response while saying they had no clue either and that their own phones had said something similar. You had also asked about the other two items but they also hadn't known anything about them either.
     They had eventually introduced themselves to you as Kaminari and Mineta—the blonde had been Kaminari and the purple haired one had been Mineta. In turn, you had also introduced yourself as a courtesy.
    However, any more communication between you and the group had been quickly dispersed as the phones suddenly had booted back up, the female AI voice sounding once again as it had said the "game" was about to begin in thirty seconds and to head to the tracks.
     The three of you had looked at each other before slowly complying and making it to the tracks. Once you had, the phone AI voice had resounded giving you a rundown of what was required.
     The requirements were to board multiple trains and to successfully make it to the last one—the fourth one. It sounded relatively easy when you had heard it described to you from the AI voice.
     That was until it had said the end part:
     “ One of the four cargo trains that would come for you to ride would have poisonous gas in them. There are three gas masks and nine cylinders of air beside the table that are required to pass. Each person gets three, use them wisely. ”
     In shorter terms:
          • If you are able to get through all four carriages, Game Clear.
          • One of the four rooms is filled with a lethal poisonous gas. If you open the door and breathe in this gas, it is Game over.
     The game was basic but with a horrible twist.
     In the end, you had made it—somehow.
     But Kaminari and Mineta . . .
     They hadn't . . .
     By the end of the game, you had gotten a three-day visa pass which was basically that you were free from having to participate in games for that amount of time. However, if you didn't play a game once the time was up . . .
     Well . . .
     You'd die.
     So here you were now heading to the next game. You had no idea what it'd be, nor did you want to know . . . but you had no choice unless you wanted to die—at least with no chance of avoidance as doing a game would give.
     You slowly made your way into the tall building, passing a car and a lot of lighted things on the wall as you followed the arrows to the next gaming area while gripping the straps of your backpack. But as you near the corner at the last arrow, you could hear hushed talking coming from nearby—no doubt in the next game area.
     Once you had made it to the corner, you peeked behind it as you spotted three males. One had ash blonde hair, another toe toned of white on his left and crimson on his right, while the final one had dark green hair. They all looked to be your age, maybe younger or older by a year or two at most.
     "What the hell is this fucking shit?!" You watched as the ash blonde practically snarled at the phone in his hand.
     "It'd be a phone. I'm sure you've seen plenty of those before though." The dual haired male stated bluntly.
     This caused the ash blonde to whip around and face the other male, "That's not what I fucking meant, you half-and-half bastard."
     Half-and-half bastard? What an odd name. Though you were sure that wasn't the dual haired male's real name, it sounded like a nickname of sorts and you were sure it was.
     "C-Calm down Kacchan . . ." The green haired male began to wave his hands in the air as he looked at the ash blonde, "If . . . if we're calm, m-maybe we can figure this o-out."
     This caused the ash blonde to glare over at him, "Shut the fuck up, Deku!"
     "He's right . . ." The dual haired male came in.
     As you continued to peek behind the corner as they continued to bicker amongst one another, it was quite obvious this group of males were new.
     Boy, were they in for a surprise.
     You frowned, but that also meant you were stuck with them. Unless you found another game to partake in . . . but you were running low in time and there was no telling when another game would pop up before your visa expired.
     Things weren't looking too hot for you. But there wasn't much you could do. It wasn't like you could really pick and choose your "teammates" for the games that popped up.
     With a reluctant sigh, you soon popped out from behind the corner as you headed towards the group of bickering males—mostly the one dubbed "Kacchan." It didn't take long for the green haired male to take notice of you, his eyes widening as you neared them.
     "Uh . . ." He shakily pointed to your form.
     This caused the other two males to stop as they looked in your direction, watching as you passed the red sensor and headed straight to the phones. You picked it up and it instantly turned on, showing the all too familiar words "Facial Recognition" and the loading bar before popping up a card.
     “ Game difficulty, three of clubs. ”
     A bead of sweat appeared on your cheek as you tightened the grip of your bag strap. This was really going to be "fun."
     "W-Who are you?" You heard the meek voice of the green haired make ask.
     You hummed as you turned to face all three of the males who were staring at you, the ash blonde more so glaring. As you studied them for a moment, you saw no harm in telling them your name."(Last Name) (First Name)."
     The green haired male instantly perked up, "I-I'm Midoriya Izuku."
     "I'm Todoroki Shouto." The dual haired male said directly after.
     The ash blonde studied you for a moment, looking you up and down skeptically, "Bakugou Katsuki."
     It seemed "Kacchan" was just a nickname.
     Midoriya began to shit in place, "Uhm . . . w-what is this..?"
     "A game." You simply replied.
     "Where is everyone?" Todoroki asked.
     You shrugged, "I'm unsure."
     "This is fucking bullshit." Bakugou grumbled, "I don't want to play any fucking game." He began to stomp towards the red sensor.
     Midoriya's eyes widened, "K-Kacchan, wait!"
     You quickly gripped Bakugou's arm, causing him to jerk back.
     "What the hell?!" He glared over at you.
     You didn't falter at his hard stare, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
      He narrowed his eyes, "Huh?! What the fuck do you mean?"
     Sighing, you let go of his arm as you searched for something. Your eyes soon landed on an old name tag that had probably been left from previous competitors. You wasted no time in grabbing it before instantly throwing it past the censor.
     Just as you did that, a laser popped up and instantly shot through the old name tag, causing all three of the males' eyes to widen—especially Bakugou's as he backtracked a bit.
     "What the fuck."
     Todoroki blinked, "What was that..?"
     "W-Was that a . . . a laser?!" Midoriya's eyes began to tremor.
     You looked at them, "Once you cross the borderline, you can never return. You have no choice but to participate in the game."
     "You've gotta be fuckin' shitting me." Bakugou frowned, a bead of sweat on his cheek as he continued to stare at the old name tag.
     "Oh!" A random voice started causing you all to look up from the name card and at the periwinkle haired girl who had just appeared from the corner as she soon began to walk towards you all, "I'm so relieved! I thought I'd never find anyone here. I'm Hadou Nejire, It's so nice to finally see actual breathing humans!"
     "W-Wait, Hadou!" Midoriya outcasted his hand to stop her, but it was too late.
     She passed the censor just as he had said those words of warning, giving you all a confused look from the odd expressions you all were giving her.
     You frowned, "You shouldn't have done that."
     Then again, if she hadn't . . . she'd probably die.
     "Fucking idiot." Bakugou grumbled under his breath though anyone could hear it.
     She blinked, "Huh?
     You sighed, as you outcasted a phone you had grabbed. She continued to blink down at it before slowly taking it from you—it doing the basic start-up before a dinging sound soon echoed throughout the room.
     “ Registration closed. The game will now commence. ” The female AI started.
     "Game..?" Hadou mumbled as she stared down at the phone.
     “ Game, dead or alive. Difficulty, three of clubs. ”
     "Three of . . . of clubs..?" Midoriya mumbled.
     A bead of sweat appeared on Todoroki's cheek, "What does that mean..?"
     “ Rule: select the correct door within the stipulated time. ”
     Bakugou scrunched up his nose, "The fuck?"
     “ Clear conditions: leave the building within the time limit. ”
     As the AI finished saying this, an elevator door dinged. This caused everyone in the room to averted their attention behind them as you all stared at the opening elevator, the word start written on the back wall.
     Not hesitating, you quickly walked towards and inside of the elevator as you refaced the others who had confused looks on their faces "You'll die if you keep spacing out."
     They all looked at each other aside from Hadou who quickly trudged inside though in an almost giddily manner.
     "We probably should listen to her . . ." Todoroki muttered as he glanced back to you.
     In reluctance after a few more glances among themselves, the three males all followed suit as they entered the elevator with you and Hadou. Right as Midoriya entered, the elevator closed as it began sending you all to the top floor it seemed.
     After a few seconds, the door soon opened again—revealing a square room with black and white checkered floors—your phones instantly dinged once more.
     “ The time limit for this room is two minutes. ” Right as the AI said that, a timer popped up on the phone as it began counting down the minutes.
     You all slowly shuffled out of the elevator silently, taking notice of the two doors with two different pictures on them: one with a cute anime angel girl, the words "live" above it, and another that was black with a skull, the words "die" above it.
     "What's this..?" Todoroki broke the silence.
     You looked at the cute anime angel poster, "Live: to live . . ." You then looked at the skull poster, "Die: or to die."
     "Tch." Bakugou began to wander around towards the two doors, Todoroki followed along silently.
     Midoriya swallowed as he did the same, "I-Is this really a g-game..? Maybe . . . maybe this is just an event o-or something."
     "Ooh, an event?" Hadou clasped her hands together as she looked around the room in an almost excited manner.
     “ One minute remaining. ”
     Once all the males made it to the "die" door, Todoroki spoke, "Midoriya."
     "Huh?" Midoriya looked at him.
     "Do you have any idea of which one it could be?" Todoroki started making his way towards the "live" door.
     "I wouldn't choose the skeleton one!" Hadou interrupted.
     "Shut the hell up, airhead." Bakugou growled at the girl who didn't seem phased by his words at all.
     "You're sure a rude one!"
     "W-What will happen if we . . . we choose the wrong one?" Midoriya mumbled as he looked back at the rest of you.
     You began to eye the two doors as a heavy silence came over the small group. You could feel your heart practically pounding in your chest and pondered the answer.
     There was a fifty-fifty chance in this case scenario. But there was really no logical way to know which door was actually the correct one . . .
     Actually, there was a way.
     You gripped the straps of your bag, "The answer is 'live'." You muttered as everyone looked at you, "Open the door that says 'live'."
     "How the fuck do you know?" Bakugou gave you a skeptical look.
     You looked down and away from his gaze, "Because it's obviously the 'live' door . . ."
     Hadou began to sniff the air as she looked around the room, "Hey, do you guys smell something?" This caused everyone to look at her before gazing around the room yourselves.
     Midoriya soon gasped, "L-Look down!"
     With that, everyone did as he had said, all looking down and seeing the smoke beginning to form up from the tiles of the floor.
     "Fire?" Todoroki started as everyone began to move away from the smoke and began to cough as it got worse and worse.
     “ Thirty seconds remaining. ”
     "The answer is 'live'!" You stated again through coughs, "Open the door!"
     "Open it yourself, you bitch!" Bakugou managed to cough out.
     "What w-will happens when the time runs out?" Midoriya coughed out.
     "We . . . we have no time!" You continued to cough.
     Todoroki looked over at you, "Why do you think that's the answer?"
     "Clearly, we can't choose 'die' can we?" You stated.
     “ Twenty seconds remaining. ”
     "I-I can't stand this smoke anymore!" Hadou whimpered as she passed you all and started towards the 'live' door.
     She quickly began to fumble with the knob before opening it and hurriedly making her way inside; however, once she passed the doorframe, a laser shot out—instantly percent through her. And just like that, she fell to the ground, her body limp and unmoving as the door slammed back shut
     Everyone stood frozen, eyes wide as they just stared at the now-closed door where the girl had gone through.
     Midoriya's eyes tremored, "Did . . . did she . . ." But he couldn't finish the sentence, he didn't want to.
     “ Twenty seconds remaining. ”
     Hearing this, you quickly snapped your head towards the door labeled "die." It had to be that one . . . there was no other to choose from. Not wasting any time, you quickly raced towards it, opening it, and making your way inside—the other three looking at you while they remained where they were at. As expected, no laser did shoot through you.
     “Five–Four–Three . . .”
     Quick glances amongst themselves, they all raced through the door as well as the counter started counting down the seconds. Once it hit one and everyone had managed to get inside, a large fire exploded in the room right as Midoriya had closed the door.
     “ The time limit for this room is one minute and fifty seconds. ” The AI stated once the door had shut.
     You glanced around, it was a similar room to the one you had been in only seconds before. Two doors read the same above them, "live" and "die".
     "She . . . she really died." Midoriya muttered.
     "You were the one who killed that girl." Todoroki bluntly stated as he looked in your direction, a slight glare.
     You just looked at him, emotionless, "You survived because of me, right?"
     Bakugou suddenly grabbed your shoulder roughly, "You little bi–"
     "If you guys keep doing what you did in the room before, you'll die just like her." You muttered.
     His grip tightened on your shoulder momentarily before he let go of you, "Damn it!"
     "What d-do . . . do we do now..?" Midoriya mumbled as he eyed both the doors, "D-Do we choose 'die' here, too..?"
     "Since we chose 'die' last time, shouldn't it be 'live'?" Todoroki offered his suggestion.
     "It can't fucking be 'die' twice in a fucking row!" Bakugou narrowed his eyes at him.
     "It was just a suggestion." Todoroki muttered.
     "But . . . but it is hard to choose 'die' . . ." Midoriya pondered.
     "I'm sure this is a game for us to choose a sacrifice within the time limit." You came in.
     "Sacrifice?" Todoroki repeated the word.
     "There's probably no meaning to the doors." You stated, "It's probably about who's going to be the first to open it. Basically, they're telling us to choose one person in the allotted time."
     Todoroki's eyes narrowed at you, "Like you sacrificed that girl . . ."
     "Why don't you open the damn door then, huh?" Bakugou glared at you, "If you're so fucking high and mighty."
     You glanced at the doors then back to him, "I believe I'm the best suited to survive out of all of you."
     "Huh?" Bakugou suddenly grabbed hold of you and slammed you against the wall rather roughly as he growled at you, "What the fuck did you just say?!"
     If this game didn't kill you, you had a feeling he just might do the job . . . that is if he ended up surviving himself.
     "K-Kacchan!" Midoriya reached out for him though didn't dare get much closer with the look Bakugou gave him.
     Thankfully the AI sounded, “ One minute remaining. ”
     "N-No ones going to open the door at this rate . . ." Midoriya mumbled as he looked between the two doors.
     "So we're all just gonna die from the fucking fire?!" Bakugou looked back at him, his grip loosening a bit but it remained.
     "Then why don't you open it?" You directed the words to him, "Why ask anyone when you can do it yourself?" But as you said this, smoke began to form—coughing beginning to slowly ensue between the group.
     Though Midoriya soon clenched his fists, "I-I'll open."
     This caused everyone to look in his direction with wide eyes, aside from you, upon the unexpected proclamation. Admittedly you were a bit shocked as well given the personality he had shown so far, but you weren't complaining either. As long as it wasn't you opening the door, it didn't matter . . .
     Everyone—unmoving—watched as Midoriya slowly began his way towards the "live" door.
     "The fuck, Deku?!" Bakugou came in but kept his hold on you.
     Midoriya ignored them, obviously trembling, as he eyed the two doors back and forth before heading towards the one that read "die" on top of it.
     "Midoriya, don't be provoked by her." Todoroki warned.
     Midoriya slowly and shakily reached for the handle, gripping it but not opening it as he just stood frozen in his spot—staring down at it.
     “ Thirty seconds remaining. ”
     "Midoriya!" Todoroki shouted right as the male was about to open the door.
     However, Midoriya didn't move and continued to shake in his spot. But his hand soon fell limply to his side as he just stared down at the handle before dropping to his knees.
     He couldn't do it.
     "See." You started, "You can't open it, you'd've even sacrificed that girl, too."
     "Shut the hell up!" Bakugou roughly pushed you against the wall as he let you go.
     “ Twenty seconds remaining. ”
     "I'll fucking do it." Bakugou soon growled as he walked towards the door with '"live" above it.
     Todoroki's eyes widened slightly, "Bakugou–"
     "He has bad fucking luck anyway."
     Midoriya looked back at his friend as he stopped in front of the "live" door, "K-Kacchan . . ."
     "We'll take fucking turns." Bskugou muttered as he stared down at the door handle—his hand hovering over—before looking over at you, "You'll be next."
     “ Ten seconds. ”
     He looked back at the door.
     "Kacchan . . ."
     Taking in a deep breath and swallowing, his hand hovered over the door handle for a few more seconds before quickly opening it and dashing through.
     "Kacchan!" Midoriya quickly scrambled up but stopped upon realizing his friend had successfully passed through.
     Bakugou let out a sigh of relief as he realized he had passed through the door, unharmed, too. It seemed he had made the right call in the end.
     “ Five–Four–Three . . .”
     Once the second countdown started, the rest of you quickly started towards the door. And like the last time, once you had passed the frame upon the last second, a fire exploded in the room right as you shut the door this time.
     “ The time limit for the room, one minute forty seconds. ”
     Midoriya looked at his phone as the counter began, "The time l-limit is shortening each time."
     Bakugou looked over at you, "Now you get the next fucking door." He soon got up from his spot as he trudged over to you, grabbing your arm rather roughly as he started to drag you to one of the doors, "I'll choose the damn door."
     Your eyes widened, "H-Hey!"
     He instantly slammed you against the door with the anime angel, "Live."
     But you didn't budge as you just glared at him from against the door which didn't bode well with him it seemed as he was getting frustrated—though that seemed to be a natural occurrence with him anyway given from what you had seen thus far.
     "Open it, damnit!"
     Your brows began to twitch, "No . . ."
     "Bakugou, calm down," Todoroki muttered from the other side.
     "Don't tell me to fucking calm down, half-and-half!" He glared over at him.
     Todoroki sighed as he glanced over at Midoriya who had been silent this whole time, deep in thought while sitting on the ground, "Do you have any ideas, Midoriya..?"
     This snapped him away from his thoughts, "Ideas..?"
     Todoroki made his way towards him, "You always say there's a solution for every problem."
      "Uh, w-well yes, bu-but this isn't a game . . ."
     "You're always solving things that seem impossible, you have to have an idea." Todoroki states.
     "But . . . but this is no game." Midoriya's lips began to quiver as he looked down at the phone in his hand, "It's all about l-luck."
     “ One minute remaining. ”
     "Come on, think Midoriya." Todoroki urged, "There had to be a hint somewhere . . ."
     "A hint . . ." Midoriya's muttered as he began to search his mind for something and as he did this, smoke began to come up from the floor—signaling time was growing short. He began to look all around the room, every square inch. His eyes began to widen, "Oh . . ."
     This caused everyone to look at him.
     "What is it?" Todoroki asked.
     "Wait a minute . . ." Midoriya soon got up from the floor.
     “ Thirty seconds remaining. ”
     He walked towards the middle of the room, "BMW 523rd."
     Bakugou's eyes narrowed at him, "The fuck are you spouting on about?"
     "I-It was a BMW 523rd." Midoriya repeated.
     "What are you implying?" Todoroki asked.
     Midoriya looked down at his hand, "It's . . . it's 'die'."
     "How do you know..?" You blinked at him.
     “ Ten seconds remaining. ”
     "There's . . . there's no time." Midoriya muttered, "I-I'll open the door." With that, he quickly headed to the door he had mentioned.
     "Midoriya, a-are you sure..?" A bead of sweat appeared on Todoroki's cheek as he quickly headed to where the other male was.
     Midoriya squeezed his eyes shut as he gripped the handle of the door, "P-Please . . ." With those words, He quickly opened the door, stumbling through.
     No death laser.
     “ Five–Four–Three . . . ”
     Not wasting any more time, everyone else entered soon after him, Bakugou being the one to shut the door this time as a loud sound erupted behind it—no doubt the fore that had been making a presence every time time would run out.
     “ The time limit for this room is one minute and thirty seconds. ”
     "Do you know which it is now?" Todoroki questioned as he watched Midoriya become frantic as he looked around the room,
     "The . . . the BMW 523rd is four meters and ninety-four centimeters . . . there was one parked outside." Midoriya started.
     "What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Bakugou narrowed his eyes over at the other male.
The remainder of the story because of cut off:
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thenamesblurrito · 4 years
Another ask dump
y'all like talking to me and i appreciate it, have some answers, feat. voices of the Matrix, accidental references, photonic crystals, Underbite, types of relics, robot scuba gear, and pineapple pizza
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(the post this is referring to)
FHFHGFHSJF an unintentional reference but i'll take it!
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(the post this is referring to)
oh huh, yet another unintentional reference, totally forgot about that. there is cyberflora up in the city proper too, i realize i didn't phrase that well. but the stuff that junkers would be able to scavenge from would be the leylines, the wellsprings, the cyberflora growing in odd deep places where no one else has noticed them.
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fshfshhsgdf thank you, he IS adorable! i even gave him a little schoolboy tie
you've found a neat little oddity here, actually, which is that it isn't Optimus who hears the former Matrix bearers, it's Orion! when he powers up into Optimus, he essentially absorbs-becomes-assimilates his relic, like shrugging on a selkie skin and becoming more than the sum of both parts. the former Matrix bearers are an aspect of what goes into creating Optimus, but it isn't exactly distinct, not ghosts or voices or guiding hands to direct his actions. no, it's Orion the youngling who hears them speak, or heckle really, gets a sense of who they are/were and what they want and feel and urge him to do. the Matrix is, fortunately, not a very autonomous relic, unlike some other ones with annoyingly strong, uh, personalities. it's not difficult to tune them out if he doesn't want to listen, but it can get irritating when he's trying to pay attention in class.
there are rare exceptions, however, occasions where Optimus encounters what lives within the depths of his relic...
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not really, yeah. they EXIST, they're a form of information storage for Cybertronian neural networks and spark scans, as well as being integral material in medical life support systems and hotspot harvesting infrastructure. it's not the Matrix that produces them, however, and there isn't anything particularly supernatural about them. they're in the same general category of resources as sentio metallico, innermost, and rarified or super energon.
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nope! that is definitely in the realm of "special talents"/outlier abilities that don't show up naturally in SNAP's storyline. at least, for the normal people. those with relics have plenty of weird abilities, and if Underbite was supernatural, that kind of power would practically be tame in comparison to some of the stuff the heroes do.
that said, there are some random one-off things people can do, just because sparks and thus frames have unique coding with sometimes unpredictable results. Swerve, for instance, discovers in Maccadam's class that he can identify different chemical compounds and materials by taste, with far more accuracy and nuance than the average mech. just a random thing! but hardly supernatural, which is def what increased strength and healing would be.
but perhaps... if things were different... Underbite would have that ability naturally? (side note but can you imagine trying to wrangle an ENTIRE ACADEMY of TEENAGERS with inbuilt abilities like eating anything or forcefields or freakin invisibility like. someone would die on day one just from a hallway fight.)
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(the post this is referring to)
i mention it just a little bit here! the difference is more of a meta category than an in-universe term. in short, major relics are major pieces of power consolidated into a usable form, a relic, that will create such a strong bond with the user that they get an entire array of upgrades and powers, with the downside of being totally beholden to this one major relic and incapable of using another major relic (unless you are a loadbearer). minor relics are smaller pieces of power consolidated into a usable form, creating a less all-consuming bond with their users which means a very small set of minor powers and little to no upgrades, but capable of being used alongside other relics, even major ones.
the swords of the Elite Guard, for example, are all minor relics that came linked inside the major relic of the Enigma of Combination. the distinction between major and minor is a little more blurry than that, and some relics are right in the middling area of power that means they might behave as if in either category.
people in-universe don't really have this distinction aside from the mythology and tall tales about the magical tools wielded by the Knights of Cybertron. the Star Saber, for example, is so famous and well recorded that it's actually found a place as a name, like Star Saber the Academy teacher!
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(the post this is referring to)
yknow what, you're right! there's definitely some sort of insertable/wearable seals. they wouldn't be permanent, and they'd certainly be bulky and uncomfortable, and some may actually require a medic to insert. they'd get in the way of ventilation, cramp joints, and rub against important lines and protoform. just sticking things into seams and under armor is actually incredibly uncomfortable to the point of triggering something called entrapment protocols, a panicked paralyzed state that can be debilitating if the physical intrusion causing it isn't removed.
because of how diverse and unique frames are, there's no standard seals, and some frames just have too much open space to actually seal, making swimming impossible. so, it comes down to 1) is your frame capable of being sealed, 2) is the discomfort worth it, and 3) can you actually get the seals put in place and removed afterward.
not so easy as putting on a bathing suit, huh.
as for murder via water, yeah! that's definitely a thing, that murderers do! but combat... there's not really combat, not like i believe you're thinking of. there's no war going on, there's no standing army so no drills or training, in fact combat and violence and weaponry in general are very much frowned upon under functionism. i'll quote the relevant part of that post here:
in stark contrast with the severe consequences the state carries out against those it deems wrong, society as a whole is kept very docile. Cybertron is a unified territory, so all of its citizens answer to the government of the Grand Architect. There is no standing army, nor indeed really any army at all, aside from the Enforcers. Violence is frowned upon, to the point where the most violent activity still tolerated is sports like boxing, and even that is considered barbaric. There is no weaponry, especially since mecha aren’t forged with inbuilt weaponry. Enforcers carry state-owned equipment with occasional access to genuine weaponry if facing a bigger target, but those are closely monitored to remain in their stations once their shift is over. Personal use is completely forbidden. More violent or pugilistic folks end up Enforcers, perpetuating the brutality and heavy control of the corps over the populace.
and as for Octopunch, not a clue! i don't remember him, and i don't have him on my character list, so while he might end up as a random background filler cameo, i don't have anything for him right now
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afsgsjdjshwoisegf WHAT A QUESTION
Makeshift. Makeshift would adore pineapple pizza. Frenzy would like it, Rumble would HATE it. Predaking would tolerate it and Blackarachnia would pick off the pineapple but still eat the pizza.
Starscream would refuse to touch any pizza with pineapple on it, and Skywarp would eat some just to annoy him, even though he's not a particular fan of it. Thundercracker doesn't really care either way. Megatron likes it okay but avoids it so Starscream doesn't make a giant fuss about it. Blitzwing is disgusted but doesn't make a show of it. Nightracer will eat anything she can get her hands on, good or not, but she picks off the pineapple because Red Alert likes pineapple, and she wants to give them to her.
Ariel likes strawberry pizza better. Moonracer likes chocolate pizza better. Firestar thinks the both of them are heathens and won't eat pineapple pizza. Chromia doesn't like pineapple anyway. Arcee eats it just for the Experience.
Minimus doesn't personally care for it but maintains that anybody can eat whatever they'd like. Windblade doesn't like it and will publicly decry it. The two of them have probably debated over this a few times. Orion doesn't mind it and doesn't have any opinion about it, and is mostly baffled by the arguments over it. Hot Rod is a living vacuum and will c o n s u m e regardless of pineapple or not. Deadlock likes to gross anti-pineapple people out by messily eating it in front of them. Blurr doesn't like pizza very much, it's the tomato sauce.
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loveislattes · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet - Darkiplier
These are all personal opinions of mine. Of course, others might see it differently, but I hope you all enjoy the read no matter what!
(Re-post! The original got removed because I had an actual sex gif in here, so now there’s just a link!)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Everyone knows Dark isn’t the cuddliest person out there and that doesn’t change after sex either. At the least, he would ensure you are in a comfortable position and make sure you are feeling okay before resting a mere inch or two away from you but close enough to feel his presence. However, if it was a particularly rough session, he would talk you down and remind you how good you were for him; petting your hair and kissing your forehead or temple would also be involved as he held you close until you were back to normal.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Dark is confident and can be vain at times. His favorite part of his own body would probably be his mouth though, rather than his flawless physique. This is for two reasons mainly. He loves the power he holds over others with his voice and words, and he loves that he can drive you insane with it. Whether it be from his filthy teasing or his oral skills, he keeps you under his power with ease.
His favorite part of his lover’s body would either be the throat or the hips. Both because he can have a tight grasp on them and leave beautiful marks with his touch. He can also leave love bites to remind you of your activities, or to remind others that you are taken (Although this rarely needs to happen)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Always the dominant lover, he enjoys seeing his cum on you. Whether it be on your ass, stomach, or face, he relishes in that little moment where he has full claim over you visually and stores the image away in his mind.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
On the rare occasion, when he’s had a day rougher than normal, he will allow his lover to take some control. This is not to say he is any less dominant, but his partner would be allowed to be on top and control the pace, with Dark leading verbally from below.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Dark is one of the most experienced Iplier egos, considering how long he has been around, and his ability to charm the robes off of a nun. It’s safe to say he knows what he likes and how to get what he wants, all while ensuring his partner is satisfied as well.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Very serious. If his lover were to laugh about anything or get off task mentally, he would take great offense to it, even if it were to have nothing to do with him personally.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Dark is always a man of control and thus keeps his hair trimmed below, but does not see the need to shave completely as it is a rudimentary task and not at all necessary. He would insist his partner follow a similar routine.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He is a seducer and charmer at heart. When he feels it’s necessary, he can be overly romantic, choosing to spend his time pleasing his lover and lavishing their body until they can no longer handle it. However, this is not a usual thing, saved for when he feels he has upset his lover or needs to remind them how much he does care. During the normal intimate moments, Dark is ever vocal and irresistible, but his movements are rough and dominant.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Dark doesn’t feel the need to jack off when he has a partner to relieve that itch. Only when he has to be away for more than a few days might he give in to the desire, all while thinking back to those images he’d saved of how his partner looks beneath him, with his mark and claim laid all over them.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Dark has an S&M kink like you wouldn’t believe. He needs to be in control, and whether his sub is bratty or a good listener, he will enjoy it. He either gets to reprimand them with pain and punishment or pleasure them with rewards. He delights in inflicting pleasurable pain; i.e. biting, spanking, choking, hair-pulling. He wants to hear the sounds his lover makes.
Which adds a slight praise kink to mix. Nothing pushes him to the edge faster than hearing his partner crying his name, unable to control their moans and sobs from what he is doing to them. Begging only makes it better on his end.
He has an edge play kink as well. Having that control over his lover’s orgasm, drawing it out until he feels they deserve to cum, and causing that torrential landslide of bliss, he relishes in it.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Dark prefers comfortable places such as the bed or a large, soft couch. However, if the need strikes fast, he is not against taking his lover over a table or against the wall.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
The quickest way to lure Dark into rough sex is being disobedient. As long as he is not in a murderous mood, teasing him or being bratty will get you over his knee and fucked hard into the nearest surface quicker than anything. He also enjoys a more subtle seduction other times. Cornering him in his work area away from the other egos and straddling him in his chair, tugging softly on his tie as you ask for a kiss, telling him how much you want him, it’s sure to get him going. Praising him for his looks and charisma or reminding him fantastic your last round was, stroking his pride is the next surest way to earn yourself a ticket to his bed.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He vehemently refuses to be submissive to his partner, as he sees it as lowering himself. He’s reluctant to share unless it’s his idea for a good reason (I.E. rewarding good behavior, punishing his lover by having Author write them into an unrelenting edging session despite being untouched)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers to receive but is most often up for returning the favor. Something about the sight of his lover looking up at him with their lips around his cock and his hand in their hair just hits that deep-seated need to be in control. He also tends to enjoy giving to his lover when they’ve been good, and he will edge them until they’re a writhing mess, begging for him until finally, he lets them cum when he feels they’re ready.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
His pace may vary, but generally, he goes between fast and slow but is overall rough in his motions.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies with Dark are a rare commodity. He prefers to take his time with his lover, even when they’ve angered him and he’s rushed into taking them, he’ll drag it out as long as possible.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
While he is open to ideas occasionally, he likes to stick with what he knows he likes. If the suggestion to experiment falls within his comfort zone (I.E. A new paddle to spank with, a new pet name, an S&M roleplay), he’s generally willing to try them when he’s in a good mood.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Being inhuman, Dark can go for as long as he wants, until he’s burned off his anger or feels satisfied with how many times he’s made his lover cum. He does take care not to overwork his partner, keeping it generally to one to two sessions a day at most.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He does not own toys himself, preferring the basics of using his own body to please his partner, but if his lover brings a toy to try, he might just suggest they keep it for another time as well. He would only be willing to use toys that are for his partner, not for himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Dark can be the master of teasing when he wants to. When he knows you won’t have time to fuck for hours, he’ll come up behind you and whisper dirty things in your ear, grope your ass and nip at your neck. He will often tease you once in bed as well, staving your climax off until you swear you’re going to die from it, and then making you explode.
But when you tease him? It’s game over.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He is rather subdued in his noises. Simple groans and grunts, and the occasional moan escapes his mouth but he much prefers to use his breath to torment you with filthy phrases. Whether he knows it or not, your name will slip out when he’s right on the edge and he’ll bury his mouth in your neck or shoulder to silence his noises.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
When he’s feeling particularly primitive, he will develop a slight daddy kink, referring to himself as such and calling his lover kitten or good “boy/girl/pet”. This rarely rears its head and he never discusses it after, but those times are some of the most passionate sessions he has.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Slightly over average in length and much thicker than average, he is hung to please the pickiest of lovers but not harm with his size.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is quite high, but he is able to control it, unlike most human males, unless provoked by his lover insistently. He could go one to two rounds a day, happily, but does not require it.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Dark hardly sleeps, much less right after sex. On the very rare occasion it happens, it’s after a strenuous, rough session where he falls asleep holding his lover during aftercare.
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denouxments · 6 years
dove cameron. demigirl. she/her or they/them. — did you see { charlotte hart }, i haven’t seen the { twenty-one } year old in a while! you know, they’re { unemployed }, and have been living in jersey city for { five weeks }. some say they’re { innapropriate & careless }, but i think they’re { inventive & forthright }. regardless, i’m glad { lotte } is here.
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here they come ! it’s lotte !! you can find their dossier page HERE, their biography is a wip that you can find HERE, and there is a pinterest board for them HERE ( please ignore the different name and the pics of josefine & nina & nastya i’m using the alt ver of that oc alskjdflkasdfj its a long story ). 
they identify as a demigirl so if i alternate between they/them and she/her a lot, that’s why. i tend to write she/her naturally but please don’t let that override their identity, thank you !
grew up in the shitty foster care system, but mostly stuck around the colorado springs area 
especially because nobody ever wanted to foster her rip
i can’t blame em tbh, she was a nasty lil snot to adults ( still is )
also she can’t remember jack shit from before she was 8 years old. earliest memory she has is of the foster hub. she has a name but not history, but whatever it was must’ve fucked her up to the point where she just gets migraines trying to remember. it bothers her sometimes, but she’s learned to be content with the fact that she’ll never know
honestly kind of inspired by little orphan annie laksdfjsakdjf did shitty things on the streets to take care of the younger kids since the adults around certainly weren’t doing shite
sang them lullabies too. very orphan annie. plz don’t @ me skdfja
became adept at pickpocketing and charming her way into things during this time
on top of stealing and cheating for food and money, she also worked odd jobs when she could growing up. she really enjoyed mowing lawns for the rich folks that had just enough of a bleeding heart to give her a fiver for a few hours of her time. it was through this actually that she met the closest thing to a family she ever had
he was a rich prick, and at the time she was a crybaby who verbally attacked others before they could attack her, so great fit, right ? she never would have gone back to that house if not for the fact that they paid really well and that his little sister was cool as heck. it took time, but eventually they were a trio just hanging out in the treehouse out back. she taught him how to not be such a bully to everyone and he showed her how to not let things get to her so personally. it was good. they were family.
and then she left without so much as a goodbye ( leaving was always easier if you didn’t say goodbye ). not a whole lot of options for a foster kid after you turn 18, so she threw herself into the military as it seemed like her best option. she did decently well and spent 2 years in the navy until a cardiovascular disease left her on the outs and she was sent back to square one. 
this time she chose to say fuck it and just make it on her own she still hadn’t spoken to her friends, and at this point she was too afraid to try. instead she stole a car and just drove. drove and drove and drove.
she stopped sometimes; she kind of had to, but everywhere she stopped she made sure to leave an impact. she was quite the character to whoever she met wherever she met them, and she was gone just as quick as she had come ( just with a few more wallets and stolen trinkets asdfljad ).
her roadtrip of juvenile crime finally brought her to the atlantic coastline of new jersey. she finally had nowhere else to go, so now she’s taking rest in jersey city ( sleeping out of stolen car #8, mind you ) while she figures out what the fuck is next ! the last thing she wants to do is go back home, but she doesn’t have the funds to cross the ocean or either country’s border, so its a little messy right now ! she’s a little messy though, so she’ll figure out. she’s been lucky so far, so she’ll luck out this time, surely !
spoiler alert, she won’t
a GREMLIN. just a straight up gremlin. loves to pull pranks and say things that will cause a stir and/or get everyone in the room blushing
that said she is all bark and no bite . . . for the most part
honest to a fault, but at least you can rely on her to tell you if you look like a gutter rat or not
just. does. things. literally fuck all the consequences. if it is fun, its worth whatever life-ruiner happens along with it.
doesn’t do things unless a good time is involved or she gets something out of it, to be honest
5′2″ but she’ll kick your ass
no respect for authority whatsoever. it is a p r o b l e m
likes to sing ! her voice claim is nina nesbitt ! she isn’t doing anything with this talent though outside of busking when she’s real desperate for cash or too lazy to steal
really driven when she actually wants something
still a crybaby deep, deep down ! if something or someone hurts her feelings she’ll camp out in her car for 2 days straight because she doesn’t want anyone to ever see her cry
honestly hates anyone that picks on the little people
lowkey a hopeless romantic. honestly has yet to lose her virginity because a) she wants to do this shit RIGHT. she wants to be WOO’d and b) all bark. no bite. no follow through. ever. she chickens out
would 100% rob a bank if you asked her too ( and tbh she may have even tried to before )
sticky fingers. don’t let them into your home. she’ll steal something that she thinks wouldn’t be missed
refuses to steal from those that are in need of everything they’ve got. she’s got a bit of a robin hood complex t b h
meme queen reign supreme
i honestly can’t take this intro post seriously because its hard to take THEM seriously
if you take her seriously you’re making a big miss steak sfdkjasfd
chaotic stupid with some massive dumbass bitch energy
“ i’ll go to a hospital when i’m DEAD ”
their childhood friends would be cool. it’d be a major coinkidink, but oh imagine the drama !
maybe i’ll even make a wc for em
anyone they met while on the road !
maybe she was the “ one that got away ” for one or two people idk !
people she’s stolen from
people she’s crashed with
partners in crime ( figuratively )
partners in crime ( literally )
enemies !! or just people that she really rubs the wrong way ( its real easy for her to do that. don’t be afraid to hate her ! she’s a fun enemy )
prank buddies !!
someone who has an unrequited crush on her ? or maybe she has an unrequited crush on someone ? the scandal !!
someone who, like, wants to help her out but she keeps denying the help because she’s too #proud
all the things. all of them. gimme gimme.
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Interview with King Roan
TAGGING: @oftheranger​ @crowneddeath​ @beardedbowman​
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“I’ll have you all know, I’m not happy to do this -” 
A - AGE: 35.
Roan thought they had started off easy this time. Well, they skipped his name - but he gave a shit, right? Most people already knew who he was.  “What’s this for again?” he asked his mun, who seemed rather vague in her answer. It vexed him. And what the hell was ‘chick magazines’ anyway.  That’s when he was made aware of the next question. “Did Bard issue this quiz?” he grumbled in a husky voice - then smirked to himself as he thought up the answer. 
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B - BIGGEST FEAR: Clarke. I fear nothing! 
He had to contemplate it a little while. Was there actually anything he feared?  Maybe he feared the vast seas. But then he always had his rather good looking doppelganger to help out with that. No. The answer would have to be nothing. As of now, at least, he had nothing to lose. 
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    C - CURRENT TIME: “It’s getting late.” 
Roan glanced outside. It was a particularly beautiful night. Clear skies, twinkling stars. The moon just rising behind the mountains. He sighed. Why the hell was he pent up doing this quiz again? 
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D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: “Rum, with Charles.”¨
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Not entierly true, that, he had to admit. But the last drink he had on tumblr anyway had been rum with Charles. And they’d gotten quite drunk, too. Oh, the memories... and the roaring headache he had the day after. Should the opportunity rise once more, he’d gladly do it all again though.  The last actual drink he’d had, in all honesty, had come out of a open river. It was icy cold and very refreshing. 
E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: “The sun rising.” he answered cleverly, or so he thought.  
Roan had to admit to himself that he didn’t have any typical habits. When he was younger he might have said training, or even grub. But now it varied between a need to take a piss, to getting informed by his warriors, to Wanheda’s cold feet pressing to his own. Now, it might have been a while since the latter one - but at least the memory brought him good. 
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F - FAVOURITE SONG: "Any drinking song shared between men in times of peace,”  Roan could hardly remember a time where there had been peace, but there was some nights etched into his mind. Memories that included his father, Gil and some of his closest friends. Songs about foolish men, beautiful women and booze. 
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G - GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL?: Roan sighed. He was inclined to answer ‘no’, but the ghost of his mother still hung over his shoulders and haunted his realm.  “We all have our own ghosts,” he muttered - almost inaudible. 
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I - IN LOVE WITH: ”You’re not inclined to know,” Roan said coldly. For the longest while he hadn’t believed in love. There had been beneficial arrangements or moments of desire... but not love. However, his mind have come to change... And there was no getting around the fact that he thought loving someone was a weakness. Thank you, Nia. “At least, not before I’ve told them myself.” he added. 
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K - KILLED SOMEONE: "It has been known to happen,” Roan sighed. It wasn’t something he did easily - unless pestered with troublesome greycloaks. 
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It actually took Roan some convincing to continue beyond this point. He was almost certain that Bard was behind the quiz now - that he was luring him into giving away secrets that might be used against him.
M - MIDDLE NAME: "I don’t have one,”  Roan was still suspicious - that they were mixing the more easy and obvious questions in amonst the other ones. 
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N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: "I don’t have any of those, either.” Roan rubbed the back of his head and sighed. The matter had him torn; he didn’t wish his own upbringing on anyone, yet he’d love to have a sibling. 
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O - ONE WISH: "For peace to be restored, in Azgeda but also amongst the clans. I am tired of fighting. I am tired of war.” Roan admitted, his voice firm. 
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P - PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: "Wanheda,” Roan smirked. He had recieved not-a-love letter and replied in his own taunting/caring way. He wish he could have been there, when she recieved her reply.  
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Q - QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED: "Why are you still alive?” Roan said flatly. it wasn’t entierly true - bur not that far from the truth either. 
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R - RELIGION: "There’s no room for religion in this world. Only man against nature and clan against clan.” 
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S - SONG LAST SANG: Roan huffed. “I don’t sing,” he murmured. It was another one of those things he considered private.  “But the last song I heard, was those of the wolves.” At the time he had found it comforting. “It’s not something you sing along to - unless you want them to decend upon you.” 
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T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: "I don’t even remember,” Roan admitted and sighed. “I don’t sleep easily these days...” It was hard to, when he didn’t know who to trust, or if those he allowed himself to trust even were safe. 
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U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: "Nope,” Roan said - and left it open for whoever read this far to interpret whether that meant that he didn’t wear underwear, or that he couldn’t be bothered to answer the question. 
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V - VACATION DESTINATION: “I don’t understand the meaning of this question,” Roan said thoughtfully, and had his mun explain. 
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He looked at her as if she was mental. Vacation was a foreign concept.  “Okay - as long as I’m free to head into the woods or up on the mountains whenever I please, i couldn’t give a shit.” he drew a horisontal line with his hands.  Maybe that ought to be added to his fears, he thought. Cause he really couldn’t stand the thought of having his freedom taken from him... 
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W - WORST HABIT: “Stubbornness...” Roan hated to admit it - but it was true enough. 
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X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: "Another one of them foreign concepts, huh? Don’t even bother,” Roan began to his mun, and held up a hand. He was getting tired of these questions - and he could see that he was almost, ALMOST done. 
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Y - YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD: “Freshly caught fish or deer. Either will work just fine.” 
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Z- ZODIAC SIGN: Roan shook his head and refused have this explained as well. “I’m done with this nonsense,” he grumbled. “I have to go see that the guards are okay - and play my part in being a king, and ending this rebellion.” He pulled on his cloak and headed into the night - knowing he was in for another long one... 
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