#this is absolute gibberish
kotaiskota · 2 years
imagine if the relics had that thing where past relic users spirits would lurk around and would provide guidance to current holders of the relics.
like when aphmau has these episodes where she would see glimpses of irenes life. thats sort of like a way that irene is contacting aphmau with guidance (except it isnt very helpful because it leaves aph more confused..).
each original warrior has a different way of contacting whoever possesses their relic currently, with straightforwardness or cryptically. (like irene does it through glimpses of memories and speaking to aphmau directly).. and possibly it isnt just the Divine warriors who are contacting the current user, its any of the previous users giving guidance. (having the idea that the relic was passed down through many generations and was inherited by multiple people). but that would be extreemely chaotic from the inside.
it sounds like it would happen often, but it does NOT. communication between past warriors to the current hosts is never consistent. it could happen one day, then happen again in three days, then never again for seven years. and it HEAVILY weighs on whats going on in the world that needs attention to. this actually ties into my theory that the relics are predictive but ill explain that later..
just imagine, how its often portrayed in fantasy shows with generationally passed down magical items, theres a room within the relic, thats honestly more like some mindscape with the mcd relics, that is filled with the spirits of the past warriors of that specific relic. BUT this instance would be even more rare for a future relic wielder to be able to see, seeing as even just getting a slight nudge in some direction by previous warriors was rare, itd be ever more rare to be pulled into some mindscape filled with all warriors previous to the relic. mega rare. why its rare for this contact will also be explained later.
however this is not rare for aphmau because, well, shes irene, irenes the MATRON. irene kind of started the whole relic bizz, also aphmau is the first rebirth/resurgence of irene. alsoo they are in a dire situation with shad trying to come back, so obviously irenes taking any chance she possibly can to contact aphmau (through memories or speaking to her) without exploding aphmau in the mental and emotional department.
moving on bc idk what else to say
communication from the Divine Warriors to the current wielders of the relics was super rare probably due to their belief of the relics being almost a “freedom of use” with future wielders. they had faith in not only the person carrying the relic but the relic itself. the divine would not intervene in any course of action that a future warrior might place themself into, unless it would, by chance, tragically alter the universe or anything equivalent to that. even with it being canonically said how there were relic holders that were inherently evil and would use the relics power with malice, they would not interfere. they also did not intervene with warriors affairs probably for the belief that everything plays out for the advantageous prosperity of the future. they thought the relic to bring balance to the world, not destroy it, no matter who wielded the relic, or how it was used. additionally, they believed that the relics were above them, and were an entity itself.*
*these beliefs were more like personal beliefs. half of the divine would believe this, that the relics were entities and that the relics were made for balance restoration, but the other half just vowed not to intervene in anything for other reasons. restoring balance is also more of a lifetime thing, it would take decades for restoration. war doesnt get resolved in three days after all. perhaps esmund was one of those believers and thats why he dared not to intervene when zane had the protectors relic and wasnt really doing anything,, good, with it. and not when it was pulled from him, or absorbed by garroth… cuz he believed the relic had some wayward path or some shit..
but like i said, communication was very rare, even in scenarios where there was a tough decision and youd think some divine would reach out with advice.** but the first hint of communication, if any, always gives false hope for a second one.
**if you take ep27, at 16 minutes, when irene stops the guards from beating up Lo by possessing aphmau,, more than likely a situation like that would not be intervened by guidance of another warriors possession of their own relics host. but like i said, its a little different for irene because aphmau is her first resurgence.
for the predictive relics explanation.
i believe, because the relics were forged by irene against the fates, the relics have some sort of “predictive” ability. this idea stems from, not only the fact that the FATES were against the creation of the relics, but for the time period of which the relics come in use. it seems to become active again*4 just before tragedy.
the relics first come into play when irene creates them, and gives them to each divine warrior. she seemed almost distressed explaining how she needed help and “could only hold back the emptiness for so long.” the emptiness is what threatened their world at the time. (personally not sure what the emptiness was but it was bad). now what threatens the world is Shad. shads resurgence is unbalancing the world once more, and the relics are active again. not only shad but Tu’la taking over too.
and the problem is not about Shads coming back, its not really shad himself, its about his intention. like, pretty sure he wants irene dead, and i dont remember what else, probably take over the world,, idfk,,.
i really dont know how to explain it, but its like the relics are some intervention between Shad and his-opinion-of-victory. if there is no intervention, theres a possibility that shad could alter the line between realms. if the relics are not active to stop shad, shad gets what he wants, and causes unbalance.
the predictive part is the timing in which Irene was resurged,, as aphmau. the timing of when aphmau was woken, to her time in phoenix drop, to fifteen years in irenes dimension, to the three year time skip, and shad no longer being dormant, is all tied to the predictive timing of the relics awakening. so by the time shad and irene formally face-off is when irene will be at her strongest… maybe..
*4 when i say the relics become “active again” its because i think that the relics are abeyant for lifetimes until a moment strikes up that could shift worldly balance. the relics purpose is to maintain balance between realms sort of. i have no expansion on that. also i wanna say that all of the relics dont awaken at the same time. as of season three, we only know about the protector, the keeper, the destroyer, and of course the matron relics. not of the others. and with the divine warriors being from different areas of the world (regions didnt exist back then) it can be thought that they had family in their home town right? or perhaps the other relics have remained dormant because it hasnt made any connection with people.. 
honestly, if all of the relics are active at the same time, its safe to say that the world is on the verge of collapsing.
this went from me saying “haha thatd be cool” to me just losing my mind. if any of this turns incoherent and ive lost , any of which who has read this far , ask questions ? half of this is based off of stuff that happened in episodes and the rest is something i pulled blindly from my mind, and started piecing together like it was literally canon..
i am not proof reading ive read this enough times good night .
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midmidwesterner · 2 years
whoop (and I cannot stress this enough) de scoop
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luniviravosshipper · 1 month
The most frustrating thing about liking complex and morally grey—maybe leaning a bit more towards morally black—characters is that you have to deal with both sides of people who try to simplify and reduce that character to a few superficial traits that either absolutely detest that character with all their being or worship them wholeheartedly as a result.
You can’t say you like a character because of their flaws or wrongdoings or else the side that hates that character will take your appreciation of those things as you trying to endorse them and will go out of their way to even suggest that those same flaws or wrongdoings must be reflected within your own life. Because how else could you endorse the actions or beliefs of such a terrible character? But the other side will also mistakenly perceive your appreciation of those imperfections in that character as you trying to justify them and will therefore use it to prove their own viewpoint. The viewpoint that the character wasn’t wrong in the first place and shouldn’t be seen as so complicated of a person because, in their mind, they never actually were. Anyone who sees them as complicated is “misunderstanding” or “misinterpreting” them and their intentions since their motivations were quite simple all along.
I, for whatever reason, am not allowed to like a character in media simply because they’re ambiguous. Because their nuance makes them feel more fleshed out, more real.
I must like them only because I see them as good, and I need to be able to argue why I see them as good.
That seems to be the overarching dispute between those who do and those who don’t like those types of characters. At least from what I’ve noticed.
The thing is, this isn’t even a case of whether or not a character is actually good. I mean, you can write one of the most vile, unarguably evil characters ever and they can still be seen as complex. And one character’s complexity shouldn’t undermine how “good” they might actually be.
I feel like people just hate characters that are written to be multi-dimensional because they themselves can’t as easily fit them into their black and white worldview of morality. It’s not so much of a matter of whether or not that character is actually right or good, it’s more about the fact that people can’t seem to be able to distinguish the difference between what makes a character complex and what ideals they uphold.
And, of course, the fact that people seem to think that you can only like things as long as they can fit within their own sense of morals and ethics. You can’t like something or someone that doesn’t reflect your own values according to them. And if you do, well… Apparently that must certainly say something about you.
Though, again, this is all just stuff I’ve picked up on overtime.
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ryssbelle · 7 months
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Characters belong to @heroesspirit
Audio is from a calebcity vine
To me it fit engineer perfectly XD
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bvckbiter · 3 months
smartwatermagic posting at an ungodly hour to say that alabaster is a volatile combination of both percy and annabeth’s fatal flaws. despite the paltry length of his story, he demonstrates just how dangerous unflinching, unquestioning personal loyalty is and how hubris, while fueling his drive to live and take vengeance and get better at his craft, only feeds into this blind faith—to his own detriment and that of everyone else who orbits him. and he not only suffers to a severe degree, he suffers in a way specifically painful for someone with those fatal flaws: the people he fights for all killed; his influence stripped and demonized.
“like my mirror years ago”: alabaster is a reflection of percy and annabeth’s worst impulses unacted on. alabaster is the (inadvertent, unintentional) scapegoat towards which the consequences of percy and annabeth’s actions have been redirected: percy gifting the olympians the benefit of the doubt, annabeth shouldering luke’s sins then his salvation
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sher-ee · 2 months
Last night Trump in Doral: "Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp--lee. And we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, 'What can I do? What can I do? Help me God, what can I do?' We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess."
What the actual fuck.
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lighthouse-system · 2 years
I love Damon Albarn so much. An interviewer will be like "How was it like to record in Los Angeles again?" And he'll be like "It was wonderful, though Hollywood has its own dark side, really. There are coyotes everywhere on the streets in Los Angeles (pronounced "Los An-jell-ees"), sort of picking up all the rubbish left behind by us, by humans. I think dogs should be able to legally vote and I think Gorillaz has helped pioneer that movement," and the interviewer will nod earnestly without realising they have no idea what the fuck he just said.
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m0mj34ns · 1 year
okay since i asked u all i’ll answer too- fave episode is basic lupine urology becahse i lowkey grew up on law and order but that’s beside the point. the way the show is presented is so accurate to not only law and order but it still follows the community episode ‘guidelines’ and dynamics between characters. i feel like this is THEE spoof episode of all the spoof episodes becahse it genuinely captures their characters in this context the same way fanfic writers do it HAHAH but i love it so much and hold it so dear to my heart :,(
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lusynthiaa · 19 days
so like if how gavvs and gochizos work isnt limited to just foods + snacks and can be anything thats consumed by a granute then there is hypothetical grounds for tgirl gochizo produced by a transfem granute right
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jojo-heritage-posts · 2 years
if you ever need to get pissed off just open tiktok and see the most god fucking awful jojo takes known to man
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beepborpdoodledorp · 8 months
I really cannot decide if the new Splatfest theme is brilliant or terrible because it's one of the few that is basically completely personalized to each player, which yes Splatfests are based around opinions in the first place but for stuff like food or fantasy creatures or whatever that's an objective thing that exists that you form a subjective opinion on but for Friday vs. Saturday vs Sunday like...depending on your schedule/home life/culture/etc. your definition of 'Saturday' could be completely different from mine which in theory is a great idea since it would allow for lots of variety in the community and reasons that dictate what teams people choose but also terrible because it makes recruiting anyone onto your chosen team basically impossible and also allows for little to no solidarity between teammates other than 'I like this sequence of 24 hours better'
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verminfang · 9 days
So finishing the second puppetshades album, sounds a lot like the plan is to get Yeri to flower, and also mad Jagganoth vibes to Magic Skyler
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dailyoyo · 24 days
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raspberrybesitos · 4 months
do not try to learn how to crochet when your adderall has worn off or you will want to bash your head in
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crabussy · 1 year
I'm going to kill someone can people stop being awful on my indigo post directly after I explicitly said in both the comments and the reblogs that I made the post out of genuine distress and disagreeing with me over a vent post that was NEVER meant to get this big will just make things worse for how I feel
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oldxenomorph · 11 months
the emperor and the great family watching the events of alan wake 2 from the safety and comfort of the ziggurat:
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