#this is absolutely drop dead gorgeous
justaz · 2 months
arthur has always been suspicious of the tavern excuse for merlin’s absences, but he has no proof on the contrary and when confronted merlin either tells him outlandish tales of near death experiences that have no chance of being remotely truthful or he admits to and apologizes for slacking on his duties to get drunk. one day, he decides enough is enough and he and all the knights go to the tavern with merlin and arthur casually brings up merlin’s history in the tavern and says he could probably beat gwaine in a drinking contest. merlin tries to divert the discussion away from the idea but arthur is determined. they receive a round of drinks and arthur pushes a pint of ale into merlin’s hands with a look of challenge. merlin’s options are to either commit to the lie to hide his secret or admit to the lie and risk exposing his magic. he takes the former. merlin gives lancelot a Look and then slams back the pint of ale with a minor bit of gagging and pauses to breath. gwaine already finished his pint thirty seconds ago but its entertaining to watch merlin so he doesn’t say anything.
merlin (built like a twig, rarely drinks, lightweight) is proper sloshed. arthur is almost vindicated but he needs merlin to admit it. he orders two more pints and gives one to gwaine and the second to merlin, instigating the competition further despite the fact that gwaine won already. merlin grimaces and tries to do the same thing again but only gets a few gulps in before he folds. he slams the mug down and gives arthur a kicked puppy look before admitting and apologizing for lying. arthur is Vindicated. merlin is still wasted.
the nights wears on and merlin feels the effect of the ale more and more every minute that passes. he sits between arthur and lancelot and feels almost unbearably warm but that could be bc of the alcohol in his system, or the crowded tavern. merlin looks around and watches the people that pass their table by while the knights talk and joke and laugh amongst themselves. merlin feels relaxed and excitable now, his worries seem to have melted away and he cant seem to remember why he was always so stressed and worn down before. he sees a game of [insert game here] (i was gonna say darts but google says that game hasn’t been invented in canon time so ill leave it up to interpretation) going on and climbs over lancelot to join in.
the knights watch with amusement and anticipate merlin’s clumsy attempts at [whatever]. oddly enough tho, merlin is a fucking god at [game]. a small crowd gathers and betting pools form and then challengers approach and put money on the line to go against merlin and merlin absolutely demolishes them all. honestly if arthur didn’t know any better, he’d think merlin was using magic to win bc there was no way his bumbling fool of a servant was that good at…anything.
the challengers take their defeat with honor and grace. the audience is a huge fan of merlin and they keep buying him drinks but he just sends them to the table for the other’s to drink. many people come up to him and flirt, maybe motivated by all the money he won that night or maybe just bc he’s merlin, and when merlin responds to them he’s………..he’s a real good fucking flirt? like could put gwaine to shame and he’s rejecting them???? how can someone come across so flirtatiously while turning down offers to take various beautiful people to bed??
arthur was already itching to intervene when people were flirting with merlin but he seemed to have a handle on it so he let it slide, but then people started touching merlin and arthur’s hand had drifted to his hip where his sword was usually sheathed. however, again, merlin was very skilled at escaping the situations with little to no conflict and he came back to the table with his winnings. the knights cheer for him and order more drinks with his money which merlin is too inebriated to notice and truthfully doesn’t really care about. his eyes are on arthur and if arthur thought watching merlin flirt from afar was bad then having him up close in his personal space, hands brushing against his arms and dark eyelashes fluttering softly against his pale skin, breathing his name into the space between them and licking his full pink lips was absolute torture and the worst and best agony he couldn’t even dream up.
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room-surprise · 25 days
Man, everyone is always talking about how Kabru is wearing eye makeup, but you guys understand that he is just naturally heart-stoppingly gorgeous right? He's probably not wearing any makeup, he's South Asian and he has naturally long, dark lashes, and a delicate, feminine face. He's a beautiful man! He'd look radiant even naked and covered in mud.
He's the type of beautiful that people write poetry about and start wars over!
This is just canon. It's shown and told to us multiple times and ways. People see him and swoon on sight, even when he's barely trying. Even when he's dirty and tired, even when they are hardened warriors and spies. And it's implied that he can and does do this sort of thing regularly... He has a whole flock of women that he's charmed.
And it's not like Dungeon Meshi has sameface syndrome. There's plenty of other men that don't look like Kabru. Kabru's meant to be very, very beautiful. AND on top of that, he's also insanely charismatic and genuinely good at reading people, figuring out what they want, and finding ways to give it to them that makes them like and trust him. He manages to do it within minutes of meeting Daya's hostile, jealous fiancee.
He's a Cleopatra, an Alexander the Great, a Caesar. If he was in a war he'd go out with 10 soldiers and come back with 20 because he convinced the enemy to defect and join his mission.
He's not perfect but he's damn close. His biggest flaw, Kui explicitly tells us, is not having enough experience, and specifically not knowing enough about monsters. The first will naturally be fixed as time passes, and the second.... well, it isn't a problem as long as he's not in a dungeon, which is 99% of his life....
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143bc · 7 months
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crownonacat · 17 days
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An ffxiv swap gift for @dragonsongmakhali !!
I really enjoyed doing this one it was really fun >:D
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brainiacmaniac · 3 months
Recently I was able to model for a magazine I have not yet been on the cover of! I look absolutely stunning! Behold my great looks.
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gumm1defloor · 2 months
Personally speaking if I had to pick one rairpair out of the entire hellaverse I would want to see canon it would be Velvette x Verosica but man it is going to be the most lavish, fluffy, intensely intimate, passionate, rancid & disastrous 24/7 trending full blown shitstorm hell has ever seen I don't think anyone is going to be ready. Not even these two. Dear god especially not these two.
Man Verosica is just 2 for 1 on short gremlin kings who are also coincidentally emotionally constipated walking talking sacks of untreated mental illnesses wrapped up in 3 layers of intimacy issues isn't she but hey at least this one's pretty much guaranteed never to steal your credit card for horse riding lessons and most definitely won't be caught one ring down in wrath in the middle of fuck knows where with said credit card so.... yay improvement?
#and unlike the last one - they don't talk about the last one -#She likes how effortlessly confident Velvette is with everything she works with and how little she has to worry about their relationship#when she's around her#ofc the gradual loss of autonomy and general sense of self is a whole other thing and she definitely doesn't need to think about it ever-#-cause her stunningly hot drop-dead gorgeous filthy rich and famous girlfriend just designed her 10 new fashion lines for her new tour-#-without her even asking-#-and they're gonna live stream the best date she's ever going to have in the fanciest restaurant the pride rings has to offer.#she's never felt this adored & safe & content in satin knows how long she is getting herself trashed every other saturday and STILL#manages to look flawless for every magazine by morning#& Velvette tells her they look so hot together every time they take a selfie as she pulls her waist & face & hair & neck into her side#like she's ready to swallow her whole#they spoil each other with gifts & praises and shit talking ppl behind their back#and absolutely nothing between them ever went wrong#hazbin hotel shitposts#helluva boss#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel velvette#I remember having a headcannon that Velvette sends every single girl/boyfriend(toy) she has ever had to Valentino after she dumps them.#sometimes she'll even throw in a personal recommendation#Velvette is dead quiet about the breakup this time around#Valentino - for once in his life- knows better to ask#Verosika never came to pentegram city to do live shows since#angst#I suppose#which is probably all my 2 neurons are good for past 9 pm
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jils-things · 5 months
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promoting the comms became it's literally $1!!!! go get it!!!! eheheh
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yami-in-leather · 1 year
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New art for the Bitter Rabbit Café coming in August!!
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All of the Bitter Rabbit shop items are so cute I could screeeeeam
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harmonicabisexuals · 7 days
can't wait for the lesbian francesca bridgerton season in five years
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arabian-batboy · 1 year
I have been in the mood to watch some Shoujo so I finally got around watching Fruits Basket since its one of the most iconic Shoujo out there and it just feels like I’m missing out on not watching it and while I’m definitely enjoying it so far, I have to admit that Yuki’s (and Kagura) annoying ass almost made me want to drop the show...
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fucktheroyals · 1 year
You know what the worst thing about putting Tenoch's Namor in more things is? I'm gonna become ever more attached to him and someday theyre gonna try and take him away from us. NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. NAMOR CANNOT DIE AT ANY POINT. I WILL BE SICK.
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ybcpatrick · 9 months
Which one is the one with the Legg tattoos I wanna chew on him
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from left to right: joe trohman (lead guitar), andy hurley (drums), patrick stump (vocals/rhythm guitar) and pete wentz (bass/lyrics)!! fall out boy band of all time full of sweet little lads hallelujah amen
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le-velo-pour-dru · 11 months
Augh who allowed Dallon to be so gorgeous ☺️💘
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[Image ID: Various flustered reaction images. The first is a drawing of a person with a completely pink face with sweat running down it, saying "pr . .. .. etty.. ." into a microphone. The second is a drawing of a person with intense pink blush doubled over on the floor, clutching a piece of paper in their left hand and banging on the floor with their right hand. There are pink hearts all around them. The third is a drawing of an emoji blushing and looking down with big, shining eyes with hearts in them. There are beads of sweat on its head and it's touching the tips of its pointer fingers together. There are red hearts coming off of its head, and to the left, "you are pretty" is written in red text. The fourth is a drawing of a person sweating with intense red blush, hiding their face behind their hands. /end ID]
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brainrot-stitch · 1 month
I wish I'd dream more. And see more freaky creatures in my dreams that's I could draw. And maybe make characters from idk. Like the bear stalkers. Those r kinda boring tho I wanna see the fucking MONSTERS and play it like a horror game without it being a nightmare. Like the dream the bear stalker creature things r from. Or the crystal tree reoccurring nightmare or the portal escape thing. Or just more interesting dreams in general tbh like the rat running from the fbi or getting dragged down to hell by dust bunnies
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willgrahamsleftear · 2 months
weekend over back in school going insane over my girlcrush
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boombams · 5 months
oh my god mu qings actor in the live action looks sooooooooo majestic
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