#this is all I can think about
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The Doctor being the happiest in family dinners reblog if you agree
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boiohboii · 7 days
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I can't unsee it......
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I’m just saying
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Gun: This is my son Vegas, my son Macau, my son Venice and, of course, you know my daughter, San Francisco International Airport.
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premade-username · 1 month
Do you think, in the split second of time before he lost consciousness, after his eyes slipped shut and he stopped being able to see the sun, that Buddy Dawn saw a sliver of doubt in a darkness more thick and real than any the night yorb ever brought.
I hope doubt saw him.
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autumn816 · 4 months
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eternalgirlscout · 1 year
house of the dragon being an option on that poll asking where people first heard of dragons is the funniest thing i have ever seen. guy who only found out about the concept of a dragon last year
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effervescentdragon · 6 months
my mother on the video call: how are you honey? are you resting?
me in the throes of insomnia still after not having slept properly for a month:
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xi-xi-chen · 2 years
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willbyersabyss · 1 year
The theory that the entire show was a dnd campaign to cope with Will’s death makes me laugh because that makes Mike even gayer than he already is. Like what do you mean you wrote a story where your best friend falls in love with you
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hazelthenut7 · 2 years
Wildberry visiting the Dark Cacao kingdom concept ☆
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lemonlightt · 1 year
qsmp hcs because i am so normal and not hyperfixated
(consisting of mariana, slimecicle, jaunaflipa, tilin, philza, chayanne, missa but i will add some of other streamers once i catch up on them & if i don't get flamed by the qsmp community. once qsmp expands more i may make another one of these (i will make another one of these in 2 weeks i have no thoughts but qsmphELPME!11!!1!!))
(i also have added some hcs i've seen on tumblr/twitter because they're all i can think about. btw looking for qsmp friends plsplspls i'm so lonely)
qcharlie is a demon and has absolutely no idea of it and progressively gains little demonic traits everytime he makes a deal
meanwhile qmariana is an angel and hold onto your seats guys this one is an absolute shocker! has absolutely no idea of it
everytime something awful happens to charlie (jauna dies, brutally scrambles tilin) his humansona becomes a little more unstable and he gets a little more sloshy - overtime he becomes straight up oobleck and gunks up the smp
qcharlie was raised in an environment that seemed like hell and it's responsible for the fact he doesn't really know how to be dad (his dad treated him like shit) and he's had no examples of healthy romantic relationships
qcharlie and qmariana are absolutely head over heels for eachother they're just losers and find it hard to express it adequately or meaningfully (this does not make them any less dysfunctional and annoying but they are my parental figures your honor)
qcharlie sews and knits and sewed a trans flag into each of their iconic clothing (qmariana's cape thingy, qcharlie's hearts and jauna's bows) he does the same for tilin as soon as he finds out they have the binary of none
qcharlie has been plotting qmariana's murder but qmariana is blind to it and all he cares about is hot steamy gay minecraft sex. they remind me of something but i can't put my finger on exactly what so if you can think of it tell me HJAHA
qcharlie would ADORE radiohead (specifically "nice dream" and "no surprises") (yes i am projecting, yes he is my favourite person and yes he is the only member to me i cant take it anymore)
jauna has golden highlights from her revival (think revivebur but stop thinking about revivebur)
jauna has vitiligo
jaunaflippa is allergic to dandelions but she will not hesitate to give them a blow and makes a little wish (usually about wanting her mom and dad to get along and be happy)
the jauna family get their glasses mixed up so they have to go through trial and error to find which prescription is theres (this takes 30 minutes because qcharlie and qmariana typically fight to the death over it/j)
when tilin died, jauna shared half of their bow with qquackity and keeps it tied neatly around her tail as a sentiment to her best friend but sometimes you'll catch her wearing it on one of her fingers. usually her pinkie (pinkie promise) or index finer
qcharlie and qmariana don't know how to braid in contrast to qwilbur who has spent hours experimenting with talullah to style her hair
qwilbur gives talullah a little walkman(?) thing for talullah to customise and records her cute little songs for her to listen to on the tapes when he's away from home
when qwilbur comes back from his travels, he will never ever fail to comes back with stories to tell, oneofakind gifts for talullah, songs for talullah to sing when she misses him, etc because that is simply how he loves
there is always music coming from talullah and qwilbur's home and it always brings joy to those who pass even if for just a moment
talullah has albinism
tallulah is disabled (canon examples: she has a different model to the rest of the eggs, she's clumsy and a little slow, her wings are underdeveloped) (she's basically just like me fr)
qmissa and qphilza are literally eldritch creatures. they look like the mothman fucker. they are a terrifying duo. here's a perfect example
qmissa is like 9'5 and qphilza is 5'2
qphil tells qmissa about his giant wife who is the god of death and is beautiful and qmissa doesn't believe his platonic husband could pull (spoiler alert he is proven wrong)
chayanne despises qwilbur because qmissa can play guitar better
chayanne dyes his hair pink to match techno and/or wears a little skull. techno is his hero and he is JUST like him frfr
speaking of which, when chayanne first killed a mob, qmissa helped turn it into a skull mask like his own and techno's. chayanne feels more confident wearing it and therefore never takes it off / alternatively qmissa made him a little mask from chayanne's eggshell
chayanne's favourite time of the day is when qphil tells him stories about techno
chayanne is nv like the rest of the eggs but is definitely more vocal than tilin for example (flaps his hands, exclaims excitedly, laughs a lot)
talullah and tilin are twins
tilin is part of the qquackity x qcharlie club upon finding out about the millions of failed attempts of qcharlie trying to flirt with qquackity
i dont think tilin hates qcharlie for what he did but i think they sure make his life a living hell/t
also tilin and jauna are in heaven with techno and they all bully trump. they make a circle around his cowering body and run around in circles while holding hands (this is a joke but not really)
general hcs that apply to all members/eggs:
there's few resources for clothing so the egg parents pass down their clothes to their eggs and the eggs mixnmatch it
the eggs use sign language to communicate as well as signs and doodles or use those little tablets with tts that nv people often use to communicate
extra: techno because he's my favourite character and isn't even in the smp!11!!11!1
techno is a sort of spirit and haunts his family, especially chayanne. he watches over all of the eggs. he hears all the little stories phil tells about him to his eggs. he'll hear chayanne say something he'd say and he goes YOOOOOOOOOOOOO excitedly and goes THATS MY BOY!!! uncle techno takes the eggs in when they get scrambled. when chayanne and talullah died techno gave them their lives back because it broke his heart to see them die just like that.
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twslug · 8 months
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Captain Hob is truly a study of how a comic relief character is often, when looked at closely, a character filled with a light but ever present sadness. Being the odd one out and doing strange things are often laughed at. We don’t laugh *with* these characters often, but by Brennan so perfectly putting us into the mind of Hob it shows a state of misunderstanding and confusion that is deeply heartbreaking. Captain Hob is therefore a perfect representation of what it is like to be and feel like an “other” with an inability to hide it. 
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sapphire600 · 1 year
Honestly, just imagine somewhere in season two, we get a scene with Tyler and Wednesday which can be a parallel to season one where he said “I want us to be more than friends” to “can we be friends?”
With Wednesday saying something like “you do realize that I can’t fully trust you yet, right?” And Tyler being totally okay with that, and then they shake hands.
( I think that would be amazing because it would show how much Tyler like Wednesday and how much he regrets hurting her and wants to start their relationship all over again. As for Wednesday, it can show that she can forgive people again. It would be really sweet. )
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lynskeylvr · 1 year
shauna shipman you will always love jackie taylor
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