#this is also going into my empty ass queue
perilegs · 6 months
every time i try to do something scary on purpose for my social anxiety the universe decides to add in unexpected situations 😔
#i was supposed to go pick up a package and then i was like. ok wait. ive gotten good at buying something while pickiing a package up. what#if i also buy stamps#bc you have to ask the cashier for those (same as with the package)#and it was just at my cornerstore so it's a safe nonscary environment#well. as not-scary as any store can be.#but. there were a lot of ppl there. which! i thought would be fine bc the line was still relatively short but. what happened was that they#opened another register.#and i was queuing for the reguster that had stamps and handles packages#and i would have loved to stay at the queue. but. only one person went to the queue of the new register. so there were 2 ppl in line before#me. one already had their stuff on the conveyor belt and the other was about to put their stuff there too#and the person who went to the other register only had like 2 things to buy. so. it was me. in line behind 2 people. versus an almost#empty register. so. i had to switch to the free register before the cashier had the time to b like 'there's a free register here!'#bc i don't have a script for hearing that and saying 'no' !!!#so i just. switched over and bought my snacks. leaving the store with no package and no stamps.#bc if i hadnt i would have had to say something i dont have a social script for and probably stumbled on my words and gone red and dizzy#which. not ideal.#and this sucks ass bc all i really needed was one (1) success in a social situation#bc this week has been kicking my ass social anxiety wise#usually when i go and get coffee from a coffeeshop they dont ask me shit and just make my order to regular milk which. ok. i dont have an#allergy or anything. i just think plant alternatives taste better in coffee#but this week. i got asked 'do you want that in regular milk?' and i was not expecting that#so i was like 'yes please 😊' and drank my grossly milky coffee dreaming about what i could have had#and that happened TWICE#after the first time i did think about it and decide i could have said 'do you have oat milk or something' and then the barista#could have either said yes or no and both of those would b easy to answer#but instead of asking if they have oat milk i just said yes. again.#can you guys imagine some people speak without being scared#some people even go to the store without feeling even an ounce of fear. imagine#leevi talks
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senp1i · 4 months
(SNSD Choi Sooyoung x Male reader) rewritten!! WC: 3440 + also if u previously read it then read after the keep reading, from then on ive added and changed the story
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Sooyoung stumbled into the brightly lit 24-hour gym at stupid o'clock in the morning, unable to stay still in her apartment . With SNSD’s big summer/late-summer comeback announced, her schedule was absolutely shit lately between vocal training, choreography bootcamp hell, and a new diet that had her craving carbs 24/7. 
Call her crazy, but a good workout sounded way more appealing than yet another hour tossing and turning in bed. 
The location near their dorm was usually blissfully empty at ass o’clock in the morning too - perfect for looking like a disgusting post-workout mess without judgment. She swiped her membership card at the empty front desk, earbuds already queued up with a stupid EDM mix. 
Rounding the corner towards the cardio equipment though, Sooyoung came to an abrupt halt. 
Wait a damn minute...was that...a guy? 
Working out alone in the free weights corner? Well crap, so much for having the place to herself, she thought.
Squinting across the room, she vaguely recognized him - one of their fan-sites maybe? He seemed just as startled to no longer be alone, nearly dropping the dumbbell in his hand with a awkward fumble. 
“Oh shit! Sooyoung-ssi?” His eyes bugged wide, literally about to pop out, “Shit, sorry, I didn’t think anyone else would be here this late...” 
Sooyoung snorted, shifting her gym bag higher on one shoulder. “You and me both, dude.” An awkward silence passed of them just standing there staring. *sigh* no use being a bitch about it, she decided. Gym’s open 24/7 to members, even nosy fanboys. 
Tossing him a casual chin jerk goodbye, she headed towards the treadmills. 
“Well don’t let me mess up your sesh or anything,” she called over one shoulder, queueing up her go-to cardio playlist. Setting her phone on the ledge, Sooyoung hopped up on the belt and started jogging.
The familiar burn soon had her zoning out - eyes fixed on her reflection in the big wall of mirrors, volume cranked enough to drown out any other noise. 
Including the sound of fumbling weights behind her...as the same flustered fanboy now seemed incapable of  looking away from Sooyoung's sweaty reflection. His eyes tracked her bouncing boobs barely contained in the old Nike sports bra, and down to those leggings leaving nothing to imagination with each pounding step. 
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((a/n: so for the sake of my sanity we’ll all pretend this is a treadmill and that the fila is a Nike, alright? Good.🫡))
Sooyoung noticed the attention after a few minutes, torn between rolling her eyes or biting back a smug grin. Fan service was part of the job after all - but she also knew damn well what she looked like working out in minimal fabrics. Didn’t mean she enjoyed feeling ogled like a piece of meat, but the ego boost was kinda nice. 
Nearly 45 minutes and 5 miles later however, tiredness sank in as Sooyoung began cooling down to a walk. 
Her leg muscles felt more like limp udon noodles at this point, chest heaving to gulp oxygen. Risking a glance behind her, she noted the fan seemed to be wrapping up his own workout now too - re-racking an impressive set of heavy dumbbells across the open floor space.
Sooyoung slid her feet to a stop on the treadmill, skin sticky with sweat. She bent down to stretch her quads and muscles briefly, back to the weight area. 
When she straightened up from touching her toes, the guy was much closer than expected - openly staring with those wide dark eyes.
"Feeling pretty bold over here aren't we?" Sooyoung arched an eyebrow, unflustered. His mouth snapped shut audibly, face and neck flushing darker.
"S-sorry noona!" he stammered, glancing away and raking a hand through his messy black hair. "I just uh...wanted to say nice workout? You really seem like you know what you're doing..." His awkward compliment trailed off into uncertainty, still avoiding direct eye contact.
Sooyoung couldn't help chuckling internally at just how shy this random fan was at interacting with her one-on-one, especially with so much exposed skin on display. She had to admit she didn't exactly mind the shy flattery. After over a decade pressure-cooking in the entertainment industry, it was actually sort of refreshing.
"I thought maintaining stamina is important for those long music show rehearsal hours," she replied easily, straightening up with a slight groan as her abdomen muscles protest. 
Noticing the guy's eyes follow the flex of her defined abs, she had to hide another smirk. Too easy.
"But clearly you know what you're doing too," Sooyoung continued with a glance at the impressive set of free weights he had been using earlier
"I don't usually see guys your age lifting that heavy without a spotter."
Pink still dusted his sharp cheekbones, but he met her gaze now without the prior dose of awkwardness at the indirect praise. 
Rubbing the back of his neck almost shyly, his lips quirked upwards.
"I try to hit the gym pretty consistently. Can't let you idol types have all the good bodies, you know." Y/N murmurs with a smirk, a smile.. somewhere in between
Was he...flirting back now? Sooyoung thought as she cocked her head, curiosity piqued by this boost of confidence in him, 
She noted that he really was very good looking, with feline eyes and a sharp jawline that complemented the defined muscles under his sweaty workout t-shirt. No wedding ring either she observed.
"Oh really now?" she challenged, arms crossing under her boobs subtly. Enjoying the way his dark, definitely interested gaze automatically tracked and traced her tits, she took a half step closer.
"Maybe you could...give me some tips then?" Batting her lashes innocently, Sooyoung gestured one manicured hand at the bench press station nearby. "My upper body strength is definitely my weakness in dance practice lately." She says, 
Y/N looks momentarily caught off guard by the bold invitation, his adams apple visibly bobbing in a hard swallow. But then he regains his confidence, lips quirking in a smirk again.
"It would be my pleasure to help demonstrate, Sooyoung-ssi” he says with his eyebrows raised and the smirk plastered on
Sooyoung watched with interest as the handsome fan confidently adjusted the bench press bar to a heavy weight for her petite frame. Clearly trying to impress her. Smirking slightly as he patted the black vinyl meaningfully in invitation, she walked closer. Intentionally lingering longer than necessary in his personal space before fluidly getting into position on her back.
The barely there bra did nothing to save her from the cold of the bench against her mostly bare skin. Goosebumps rising, Sooyoung tilted her chin up towards her impromptu trainer hovering near her.
"Well show me what you've got Mr. Gym Rat," she prompted cheekily. 
His appreciative gaze flicked down to where her nipples had peeked almost visibly through the sweat-damp bra barely covering them. 
Clearing his throat, Y/N carefully guided her hands into position holding the loaded barbell now held above only inches from her breast . 
Sooyoung noticed how his fingers lingered, thumbs sweeping the inside of her wrists.
"Right uh, form is pretty important obviously..." Y/N started out slightly unevenly. As he began explaining proper technique, one large hand pressed unnecessarily against her toned stomach - supposedly to demonstrate using her core muscles.
"Make sense?" he asked, unconsciously stroking along her defined abs with his thumb distractedly. 
"Mmhmm..." Sooyong managed, hoping she didn't sound as breathless to his ears as her own thudding pulse. She chalked it up to a normal physiological reaction - an undeniably hot guy was freely running his big hands all over her pretty much naked skin. It had been awhile since she got this type of casual intimacy with her crazy schedule and long-term even busier relationship. 
Noticing her physical response, Y/N's lips curved slyly. He leaned down close, caging her under the heavy bench bar. "Why don't we start with a set, see how you handle it?" The intentionally lowered voice raised involuntary goosebumps on her skin,
Swallowing, Sooyoung tried focusing on proper breathing and form as she guided the weight smoothly down. But with him hovering so intimately close, she became hyper aware of every inch of bare skin exposed to the gym air and his wandering gaze. 
Each brush of his fingers igniting sparks over her nerves. 
Biceps burning from exertion, she carefully guided the barbell back into its holders. Breath coming shorter, she couldn't resist looking sideways up at him through her lashes. 
Heart kicking faster seeing pure lust in his hooded eyes. She should tell him to back off, that she wasn't some groupie to take advantage of. Should remind him she had a whole career, a boyfriend even - a goddamn celebrity boyfriend none the less. But the words died on her lips as his palm smoothed down her stomach again.
"I think you need another set baby..." 
The risky nickname from his mouth sent a new flood of wetness between her clenched thighs. Recklessly she arched up into his arm, just enough to make her stiff nipples touch across his wrist. His low hum is satisfying to her ears.
Maybe she could blame it on the adrenaline crash later she thought, Or the fact that she hasn’t gotten laid properly in weeks thanks to her and Jung Kyung-ho’s overlapping schedules . 
But right now, feeling so desired and drowning in endorphins was exactly what Sooyoung needed after endless brutal days of smiling through every nonsense using her idol-persona as a shield
So here and now, Sooyoung threw caution fully out the window. Grabbing a fistful of her Y/N’s sweaty shirt, she yanked him down insistently, crushing their mouths together. He responded immediately, large hand pulling too-roughly in her messy ponytail to angle her head for better access. 
She bit and pulled at his lower lip sharply. "What's your name anyway?" Sooyoung asked against his mouth, just realising she had no clue who this fan who felt so good pinning her down was,
"Y/N..." he managed, kissing wetly down her throat. Hearing the breathless need filling his voice sent another slob of wetness straight between her legs. 
"Hmm Y/N-yah..." Testing his name on her tongue earned a responding groan. His hands slid boldly up from her shaking stomach to cover her neglected tits, kneading roughly through the thin cloth of her sports bra. White burst behind Sooyoung's shut eyelids, back arching off the vinyl bench. 
"Oh fuck..." she moaned out. The vulgarness is a stark contrast from her idol act coming out unfiltered. 
Y/N’s dark chuckle against her hammering pulse made her inner muscles clench on nothing. 
"That's it baby, tell me what you want," he murmured , thick fingers tweaking her hard nipples for emphasis.  
"Ahh!" Sooyoung whimpered as the sensation went straight to her clit, hands flying down to roughly shove down the band of her leggings and underwear before she peeled her sweaty bra over her head. Tossing it carelessly to show her gorgeous bare tits with stiffen nipples. His pulse racing double time seeing literal fantasy material come to life right in front of him. "Holy fucking shit..."  Y/N mutters,  staring open-jawed,
"Like what you see?" Sooyoung purred, noting his stunned expression. Inching closer she took his shaky hands, guiding them onto her exposed tits. Hot soft skin filled his palms and Y/N groaned at finally living out countless fever dreams.
"Fuck yes... You're even sexier without clothes noona."
He tested their size and weight gently. Watching with wide crazed eyes as she bit her kiss-swollen lower lip on a moan when he thumbed over her nipples teasingly, properly now that her bra is off.
"Been wanting to get my hands on these perfect tits for years..." he rasped before ducking down to capture one of the brown peaks in his mouth.
"Oh god!" Sooyoung's shocked cry as he lavished attention on her breasts with lips, tongue and a hint of teeth. He smirked around a mouthful of her boobs.
"Sensitive here huh?" Tweaking her spit-slick nipple sharply in emphasis.
"Yes! Fuck..." Grinding against his thigh slotted between hers searchingly, Sooyoung fisted a hand almost too-tight in his hair. Urging him to give equal attention to her other needy tit.
The power rush left Y/N lightheaded. Never in a million years did he imagine his long-time celebrity crush would be practically humping his leg whining for more. He needed to be inside her like five minutes ago.
With urgency he flipped Sooyoung, bending her over the bench. Groaning reverently at the sight of her flawless bare ass and soaked panties.
"Fuck you have no idea how many times I've jerked off imagining this perfect ass up in the air for me." He emphasised the filthy words with a sharp open-palmed spank to one plump asscheek. Her answering moan urged him on. Gripping her slim hips bruisingly tight, he dragged his still covered dick along her slit.
"Please Y/N-aah... Want to feel you inside..." Hearing Korea's darling beg so prettily to be fucked sent Y/N into overdrive. With shaking hands he shoved down his boxers, dick springing free and almost smacking her ass. Groaning at the first glide of his angry red dick through slick soaked folds.
"Tell me how bad you need this cock baby..."  He asks as he teases them both - rubbing his swollen purple head along  her pussy but refusing to enter. 
Sooyoung whined, circling her hips urgently. "Please, feel so empty... Fuck me oppa!"
That was all the permission he needed. Tightening his hold on her hips,, Y/N thrust forward - plunging into her  incredibly tight velvet heat in one relentless slide. Balls slapping harshly against her clit. 
"Holy shit!" They both choked out. Frozen for a second, from just pure bliss
Then Y/N was fucking into her hard and fast - years of suppressed longing fueling his brutal pace. The lewd slick sound of their smacking flesh filled the empty gym. Her sharp cries urged him deeper.
Draped over her arched back, he slid a hand down her shaky stomach. Through the neat patch of pubes to circle her clit in firm strokes.
"Don't stop, please...I'm so fucking close!" Sooyoung whined, sharply circling her hips with his still imperceptibly swelling dick nestled deep inside her. Y/N starts fingering her clit in fast strokes, wanting to push her over the edge,
"Be a good girl and cum on oppa's cock," he rasped directly into her ear. Licking along the line of her throat when she tossed her head back, mewling.
"Oh god, fuck yes I'm cumming!" Sooyoung wailed, vision white as she orgasms hard - cunt spamming erratically around him. Milking every last drop of cum from his buried dick as she shook through endless waves of dizzying twitches.
Y/N fucked her slowly through the intense aftershocks until her limbs went limp, slumping forward. Soft puffs of breath hitting the bench under her flushed cheek. Holy hell she looked completely fucked out like this - hair, a wild mess, his release leaking steadily from her well used pussy.
Unable to resist, he carefully pulled out his sensitive dick free with a wet sound and her whimper, making him groan again as even more juices dripped freely down her soppy cunt in globs now coating her thighs. Gripping her ass cheeks, he spread them eagerly - her slick puffy folds still shaking, twitching.
Ducking down without hesitation, Y/N licked broadly up the entire crease. Tasting the salty-bitterness of her orgasm mixed with his semen.
"Ohhh fuck..." Sooyoung jerked, overstimulated nerves clearly on fire. But he just hummed directly against her, the vibrations making her squirm as he straightened his tongue. Spearing deep into her pussy to taste everything,
He gripped her hips again to hold her trembling body still, continuing to spear his tongue relentlessly into Sooyoung's oversensitive canal "Oh god, oh fuck!" Sooyoung whimpered and gasped as the intense sensations crashed over her overloaded nerves. The lewd, slick sounds of his sucking filling the empty gym.
Just when her thighs started really shaking from the stimulation, he finally let up. Pulling back to admire his handiwork once more with a satisfied groan.
But he isnt done with his bias yet,, he pressed two thick fingers back inside her velvet heat. Smirking when she jerked and whined at that light penetration.
"Mmm , you'll take a little more for your fan ,right?" He purred slyly even as she shuddered through another weak orgasm.
Not giving her a chance to recover, he quickly lined himself back up. Nudging just barely inside once more.
Sooyoung blinked sluggishly up at him, lips parted and slick with spit, eyes filled with tears even. "Ohhh f-fuck I can't..." Sooyoung whined, still shaking through the aftershocks. But despite her pleas she eagerly pushed her ass back for more of Y/N's thrusting fingers.
"Mmm yes you will," he growled. "Gonna make you cum all night..."
The lewd sound of his fingers pumping her soaked pussy echoed around the empty gym. Her broken whimpers urging him on.
"Oppa wants that sloppy cunt nice and wet before you take this dick again."
Adding a third finger, he twisted them until she bucked sharply - abusing her g-spot mercilessly. "Oh shit! Oh shit don't stop..." Sooyoung babbled, rocking her hips desperately to get those thick fingers deeper.
Y/N chuckled darkly at how needy she was for it already. His free hand cracked down hard on one jiggling ass cheek, making her yelp.
"Fuck yourself on oppa's fingers just like that. Let me see you cum again."
Arching sharply, Sooyoung braced her hands properly - shamelessly riding his thrusting fingers now. The lewd sound of her soaked pussy sucking them in greedily echoed with her pitched cries.
Right on the edge, Y/N suddenly ripped his hands away - ignoring her scream. Gripping her hips tight enough to bruise, he rammed balls-deep into her still-spasming cunt. Bottoming out so deep she saw stars.
"OH FUCK yesyesyes!" Sooyoung babbled mindlessly.
Y/N set a brutal pace instantly - their slick bodies slapping together loudly. Obscene squelching noises coming from where their juices dripped down her trembling inner thighs.
"Yeah? Oppa's cock feels good pounding this tight pussy?" He rasped filthily against her ear. Her constant and almost musical 'ah-ah-ah's with every deep thrust said it all.
Flipping her easily onto her back not the nth time, Y/N hooked one slim leg over his shoulder - driving himself impossibly deeper. Loud smack of balls against her ass echoing.
Sooyoung's next orgasm crashed through her violently - back bowing off the bench as she wailed his name. Cunt spasming erratically, trying to milk his cock.
Not nearly done with her, Y/N manhandled her limp body into his lap , as he sat down on the gym’s vinyl flooring next - spearing up into her dripping hole once more. Sharp cries ringing out as he bounced her roughly on his dick by the hips.
"Yes yes fuck! Shit I can't..." Sooyoung babbled, still cum drunk and now full on crying. But her petite yet tall  body continued riding him eagerly. Tits jiggling wildly with the force of it.
Reaching around, Y/N's thick fingers found her throbbing clit again. Rubbing messy circles as she squeezed almost painfully a fourth time. Her rhythmic contractions pushed him closer to the edge too.
But he still wasn't done using her gorgeous body yet.
Pulling out abruptly mid-orgasm, he smirked at her wrecked wail. Manhandling her to knees, he fisted himself rapidly - aimed right at her sweat-slick back curved so beautifully before him.
"Look so fucking good on your knees noona... Now tell oppa what you need," he gritted out, squeezing the life out of his own dick,
Whining and grinding her ass back desperately, Sooyoung glanced over one shoulder. Eyes glazed and burned into his.
"P-please...want you to cum all over me oppa," she begged prettily, pink tongue swiping across her swollen bottom lip. "Mark me as yours..."
"Fuck!" Y/N roared, fist flying rapidly over his slick dick. Her nasty plea instantly triggered his release. He painted her back and ass cheeks in endless ropes of white hot semen - marking SNSD's lead dancer Sooyoung as claimed, way more claimed then her man could ever mark her.
Chests heaving, he eventually tugged her fucked-out body upright against him. She mewled weakly feeling their mixed cum and her juices now dripping freely out of her loose fucked out vagina and down her thighs and his.
"Let's get you cleaned up hm?"
Scooping her up easily, Y/N carried his pliant bias towards the locker room showers....... [A/N: lol pt2 coming out soon , i might finally surpass 5 if not 7k words, it'll be a personal milestone, took down the previous one cause i noticed typos and added bs, i didnt spellcheck it or even read through it prior to posting like an idiot, anyway req: @snsdyb]
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
LOL this one is pure self-indulgence. you'll see.
Red hair glinted under the sun. Sweaty, golden skin shone, and taught muscles flexed with every movement. You sighed softly, the rapidly melting ice in your drink clinking on the sides of the glass and Feyre shifted beside you, adjusting the sleeping baby in her arms. 
Elain sat on your other side, a matching lemonade in hand, Nesta at the other side of Feyre, all four of you - five, if you counted baby Nyx - squeezed onto the sheltered porch swing and rocking slowly with a push of Nesta’s foot. Watching.
Watching Lucien work, shirt off and tucked into the waistband of extremely low-riding jeans, and your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as he wiped a dirty hand over his sweaty abs, admiring the work he’d done so far. 
“I told you he was gorgeous,” Feyre muttered, head tilting to the side a little, and a simultaneous intake of breath seemed to be taken between the four of you as he bent over, tight as straining against his jeans, to pick up another load of wood. When he straightened, hauling it over his shoulder and turning to you all, he fucking winked, knowing he was being objectified and loving it, before continuing with his work. 
A collective sigh left you all. 
You lifted your glass, drinking it down to the last dregs, and moaning weakly when that empty rattling sound came up the straw instead. “I need more lemonade. Anyone else?”
On queue, three more empty glasses were held up, their gazes never straying from Lucien, though, as he dumped the piles of wood across the beams, lining them up, and beginning to saw. You could hardly look away as you re-entered the open kitchen, almost stumbling over the threshold with all four glasses.
Cassian and Rhysand sat at the table, scowling into their whiskey tumblers, and as you entered, Azriel straightened from where he was leaning on the counter. You placed the glasses down, already turning your focus back to the man outside, until a sharp smack landed on your ass, before Azriel was pressing himself in behind you. 
He left a kiss on your shoulder, one followed by a light bite near the strap of your sundress, and the heat of his body soothed the sting on your ass cheek. “You’re only supposed to check me out. I’m going to get jealous if you all keep eyeing up Lucien like that.”
You grinned, chuckling to yourself as you refilled all the glasses, before turning back to face him. “Going to get jealous? You guys are all in here pouting about it.”
“At this rate, Nyx is going to call me ‘sir’ and call Lucien ‘papa’,” Rhys grumbled, dropping his head theatrically to rest on his folded arms atop the table. 
“You are so melodramatic.” You rolled your eyes at the High Lord, who only flipped you off. Turning back to Az, you lined up all four of the drinks on a tray, winking at him as you nudged him out of the way with your hip.
“Besides, if you were out there, sweaty and shirtless and building things, I’d be staring at you. Instead, you’re in here moping, that’s not my fault! We all just wanted to sit on the porch, who knew Lucien would choose this day to build Elain a new shed and look smokin’ hot while doing it?” Az growled a little, a glimmer in his eyes as you passed him by, and back out onto the deck. 
The deck which Lucien had also built for Elain. Gods, how you wished you’d been there to watch that. 
The floorboards behind you creaked again, under the heavier combat boots your mate always opted for, as he strode out past you into the sunlight. As he descended the few steps down from the porch onto the grass, he tugged his black tee up and over his head, throwing it vaguely in your direction with a smirk, and you cheered loudly. 
Stumbling out behind him was Cassian tugging at his vest and dropping it by his feet, and Rhysand, who swaggered along and removed his own with merely a click of his fingers. Now, there were more hoots and hollers, as you squeezed yourself back into the swing and joined the girls cheering, distributing your drinks. 
“Told you, if we all sat here and stared at Lucien long enough, we’d get the full set.” Nesta happily claimed her victory, and you could only hum, scanning your eyes along your mate’s back from his shoulders to the hem of his leathers. 
Biting your lower lip as he began to haul more timber, you shot a pang of your arousal down the bond to him. He caught it, turning to you and smirking. Then, he fucking winked.
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burning-academia-if · 2 months
Morningsssssss!!! (If it's even morning for you.. sure k.. way to assume shit Liz 🤦‍♀️)
I hope you had a very very lovely weekend.
I'm so glad to see all these notifications pop up from you! Even the ones where i know you're gonna make me regret romancing Rooks stubborn ass!
Why do i always go for the tough ROs?? Is it masochism..prolly.
I will still probably come and shout in your asks anyway about how sad you make me (and how much i love it)
Onto my ask. Sorry. I ramble you know this by now. 🫣
School formal time!!!! ✨️ not at all because i got roped in to plan the 7th grade formal at all!
But if MC was too afraid of rejection to ask out an RO to a school dance to their face and instead just slipped them a sweet note with a yes no check box and just walked away right after giving it to them. What would they do?
(Queue lars throwing my fucking note away) 😭😒
It is the opposite of morning for me actually, I'm about to go to bed! Also yeah, this weekend was unexpectedly busy lol. I'm surprised I managed to keep up with everything! Also this is giving BA: teen drama edition so let's pretend this is high school
Rook: He notices you slipped something to him, and he knows what it is. He waits until he's alone to open it up, frowning to himself. Is it better to lie and say he lost it? He can't imagine rejecting you, but he can't imagine this either. He takes a breath and crumples it up. When he sees you next, he apologizes for 'losing it' and asks what was in it, knowing you're too shy to answer
Beck: He also knows what it is, but he waits for the right time to give it back to you. He writes a big 'X' on 'yes' and catches you at a time the both you will be alone. He hands it back, voice soft, "I'll pick you up at 6?" His eyes are twinkling
Rhea: When she sees what it is, she doesn't want to wait. She quickly scribbles in the yes box and rushes after you. When she sees you, she quickly calls out to you, and takes your hand. She presses the note into it, and gives you a bright smile. "I'd love to go to the dance with you."
Zoe: This catches them off guard, but they find it really cute? They're nervous all day, but in a giddy kind of way, and by the time they finally meet up with you their nerves are frayed. They manage to get it together enough to mark yes and slip it back into your locker
Lars: He frowns at it, before folding it back up and putting it back in his bag. When he sees you next he unfolds it and shows it back to you, unmarked. "Really, a note?" When you try to stammer your way out of it, he crumbles it up. "You have better choices then a burn out. If you're serious though, ask me later to my face."
???: They laugh softly to themselves when they see the note. Later, when you're walking down the hall, you feel a tug as they pull you into an empty classroom, like a secret rendezvous. They're so close to you, close enough to slip the note into your bag or your pocket. "I thought I'd return this." They pull away and walk back out into the hall. When you pull at the note, you see the 'yes' has been filled with a heart.
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valentiyne · 8 months
love song ❀ luke hemmings
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ExBf!Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Liquor, Karaoke, and Mixed feelings. Warnings: Swearing & No Happy Ending Word Count: 1.5k (not proofread) Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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"What the fuck even is a dive bar?"
"According to Google, it's typically a small drinking establishment with cheap ass drinks", Alyssa giggles softly, holding her phone up to show me the screen before proceeding, "It may also feature dim lighting, neon signs, and loads of hot guys"
"It definitely does not say that last part, Lyss", Letting out a breathless loud, I follow close behind her as she leads us hand-in-hand towards the queue for the bar.
"Okay Okay, it doesn't but that doesn't mean it's not true", she nudges me softly with her shoulder before slinging her purse around, fumbling around with it before pulling out our IDs.
"I don't even want to be here, how did you manage to drag me here." I groan dramatically, looking up at the bouncer with pleading eyes.
"Y/n, you've been cooped up in the house since you and Lu-", The bouncer thankfully cuts her off by handing our IDs back with a grumble.
It wasn't unusual for us two to be spending a Saturday night at some cheap bar, the excuse being it was the only day off we shared.
We were let in pretty quickly, taking note of all the decor loosely hung up and the small crowd of people near the bar.
"Fuck it's hot in here, let's grab something to drink ya?", Alyssa exclaims, touching her forehead to earn a giggle from me.
"You don't have to tell me twice", We both walk, arms interlinked, through the maze of people at the bar. Once a few steps away, she lets go of my arm to nudge herself in between two guys to order herself something. I follow her lead, positioning myself behind a man and squeezing up towards him.
Just as I manage to step right behind him, he quickly turns around and takes a step forward- our bodies colliding and his drink spilling forward and down my shirt.
"Shit- I'm sorry. Are you alright?" I'm met with apologetic green eyes peering down at me and I let out a breathless laugh.
"I haven't even been here 15 seconds and I already have to go home", I shout over the music, tugging at the shirt to keep the cold material from clinging to my skin.
The guy sets the empty cup on a trash can and grasps his hands onto my shoulder, leading me through the maze of people and towards a less crowded corner.
"I feel horrible, I'm sorry!", he apologizes again, looking down to see the ruined shirt I now wore proudly.
"It's okay, don't worry about it. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that-"
"What? No! I shouldn't have spun around so fast- I was waiting to order for so long and as soon as I got my drink-", Rambling on, the guy runs his hand through his hair and I nod in return.
He points to the makeshift stage behind us, "Do you know who's playing tonight?" I give a mere shrug and begin fanning at my shirt, hoping it will dry in enough time to meet back up with Alyssa.
"Heard it's some shitty band- bar picked it out", He laughs now and walks towards a small table in front of the stage, motioning for me to sit with him. I sit in front of him, facing the stage as his back is turned towards it. We both attempt small talk, pretending I don't see Alyssa sitting behind us rolling her eyes at every misogynistic comment the guy before me makes.
The lights begin to dim, allowing us to snap our attention to the stage as a few strobe lights turn on. I can hear the familiar sound of "Love Song" by the Cure begins and I cringe to myself. I could feel the recognizable pain in the back of my throat and the excruciating knot in my chest as I watched a familiar set of four bodies waltz across the stage, dressed in all silk and latex. I tore my eyes from the sight and back down at my "date" in front of me with a fake smile.
"Get a load of these idiots," He scoffs and points behind his shoulder as my idiots wrap their instruments around themselves, Ashton clicking his drumsticks against each other.
I looked back up and locked eyes with heaven.
His blue eyes looked back at me with a devilish smirk, his guitar resting against his stomach as he played the first chords of the song.
"Whenever I'm alone with you", Calum's voice began, his fingers working the strings on his bass.
"You make me feel like I'm fucking home again," Luke's voice rasps out, picking up the next verse on his own.
I could feel Alyssa's eyes burning into the back of my head, mentally picturing her with her hands up to her mouth in shock.
The boy's foreheads glistened as they sang the song, Luke's grip on the mic was so tight that his knuckles were turning different shades. I cover my eyes in embarrassment, pretending I was swallowed up by the earth and was no longer in present time.
I was tempted to cover my eyes the rest of the night as Luke walked towards the edge of the stage, wrapping the chord from the microphone around his wrists. He used his free hand to slick his hair back and lean forward, his eyes locked on mine for a moment before I was the one to tear my eyes away.
"How ever far away," Calum starts, his bass loud enough to cause the room to vibrate. The small crowd was cheering at the boys- something I knew they weren't used to seeing. They sold out shows every other week, but here they are playing in a small bar that I just so happened was at.
"I will always love you."
The words wrapped around my head, over and over as I abruptly stood up and walked away from the table.
"I will always love you."
I pushed my way through the crowd of people, whose aroma was filling the air with arousal and liquor. Scurrying my way down the dark hallway, I pushed against the bathroom door and let out a shaky breath.
The door opens behind me, making my stomach drop and nerves shake. My head snaps to the door, semi-relieved once I spot him. His eyes landed on mine, his head barely around the door as he freezes and reads my startled look.
"It's just me", He states the obvious, his hands up defensively as he enters.
"I know, that's why I'm startled", I nervously laugh and turn back towards the mirror.
The silence is almost deafening, the occasional drip from the faucet in front of me and the muffled music down the hall. The lights in the bathroom made me feel nauseous, the blue hue making my head spin as I try and focus on the man in front of me now.
"Why are you here, Luke."
He lets the door close fully before clearing his throat, "I'm preforming... And you ran out before we finished-"
"No why are you in here." I rephrase.
He gives a puzzled look before putting it together in his head, "I didn't know you moved on so fast", His words are jumbled as he speaks as fast as he can.
I wanted to laugh, maybe it would soothe his nerves but instead I turn to face him now.
"That guy? No he's a total douche- started the night by spilling a drink on me and then proceeded to call you guys a bunch of idiots"
His face softens, almost in complete relief before he quirks an eyebrow at me. "The only person in the world who can call the band a bunch of idiots is you." He takes a cautious step forward, his hand reaching out to grab mine.
My hand recoils quickly, pulling it up defensively with a frown, "Luke we can't do this again, we can't chase each other hoping for this time to be different than the other hundred chances", I sigh and look up at the ceiling. The lighting in the bathroom made me nauseous, the blue hue was sickening.
"I know, I just think we should tr-"
"Y/n?" Alyssa's voice rang out from the other side of the door, knocking a few times.
"I should go," I start, shrugging softly while I adjust my shirt on my body. He nods in return, motioning for me to walk in front of him.
A small part of me wanted him to tell me not to go, and to actually fight for us. Unfortunately, I think we are well past that.
"I hope you get everything you want and more, Luke.", I start while swinging the door open to reveal a shocked Alyssa on the other side, "And I hope I'm not around to see it."
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silkylovey · 2 years
false reputation?
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Rafe Cameron is the typical frat boy with blond hair and blue eyes. His reputation was known everywhere on campus. Cocky, an ass but he was amazing in bed. Every girl that got the ‘chance’ to sleep with him always gave him a good review as if he was a sex worker.
Y/n on the other side was just a calm student, who worked during her free time. Her family was not poor but not the richest. She worked in a restaurant and spend most of her hours there with her friend and also her co-worker Brook.
She was walking up to her class when she noticed Rafe being dabbed up by his friends after one of his other hookups that were a stupid bet by his friends.
Y/n thought that made she should feel what the hype was about and if he could fulfill her sexual desires.
Y/n and her friend Delilah went to the Halloween party of Rafe’s frat. Y/n and Lilah matched in their sexy bunny costumes. Today was the day that Y/ would try to get laid by Rafe.
She and Lilah went to the kitchen. Topper eyed Lilah up and down and that was Lilah’s queue to leave.
“Friend ditched you?” a dark voice invited itself in her ear. Y/n turned around and she was met with Rafe Cameron.
“Yeah, wanna dance?” she didn’t know from where this confidence came maybe from the booze. He grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor. Around them people were making out, sniffing coke, drinking, and grinding on each other.
You started rolling your hips and pushing your bum into him, you could hear him groan in your ear.
“Wanna take this to my room or are you going to keep teasing, princess?” he asked with a lot of lust.
You told him to show you the way and not even 5 seconds later you were thrown over his shoulder. His friends started cheering when they saw who he was going to shag. When you entered his room, he put you on your feet and started kissing you and you greedily accepted.
He then led you to his bed where he started taking off his clothes and your clothes. He was well built and his dick was aching.
He didn’t do foreplay, he just positioned himself in front of your entrance and he started pounding in you. He kept kissing your neck leaving love bites and hickeys but he couldn’t get you over the edge. You were almost there but you thought that he would maybe touch your clit but no. He just kept penetrating you and kept whispering dirty words in your ears.
Why was he overhyped if he couldn’t make you cum?
His orgasm came quite quickly and you wanted to leave this house as soon as you could.
After he washed you up and kissed you, he went back to his friends downstairs. You decided to put your costume back on and just leave.
He saw you leave and he also saw how you looked disgusted and shocked. He wanted to run after you but he wasn’t that type of guy.
If people saw Rafe running after a girl, they would make his reputation go down in a bad way.
A few days after I hooked up with Y/n, people started to look at me funnily as if I had a mustache drawn on my face.
Topper came up to me and said “So you couldn’t make a girl finish, never expected that from you.”
What? I could make every girl finish, doesn’t matter what she liked.
“Who?” I asked him.
I’ve spent my whole day on campus trying to find her, I even skipped my classes just to have a chat with her.
I finally did find her in an empty classroom.
You looked up to see Rafe looking at you with a glare. “What?”
“So how was the sex?” he asked bluntly.
“Do you want my honest opinion or just a lie?”
“Please be honest with me”
“Okay well, what we had at your party wasn’t sex. I didn’t even cum, after I left the party I went home and made myself finish. I never thought that the sex king could not make a girl cum,” you made air quotes when you said sex kind.
“Tell me what I did wrong, please tell me.”
“Well for starters there was no foreplay, and then you didn’t even touch my clit once,” I told him and he looked disappointed in himself.
“Let me make it up to you.”
“No, you had your chance.”
“Do you not want to experience a good orgasm, doll?”
Yes, you did so you just gave in.
He got on his knees and leaned forward towards your jogging. He grabbed the waistline and pulled it down. He was met with your red lace panties. He could come at sight.
Rafe hooked his fingers around the waistline of your panties and pulled them down. “Fuck, how could I have missed out on this? I bet you taste amazing.”
And with that, he dove into your pussy, licking, nibbling your clit. Fucking with his tongue and boy was he good at it.
He started fingerfucking you and you felt close. “I am close baby,” you told him and he just went harder. You were so close that you started grinding against his face and he let you.
After your orgasm, you stood up to take your panties but you were pulled down by Rafe who has taken your place. His pants and underwear were long forgotten.
He pulled you down and inserted himself in you and then he started trusting upwards while rubbing your clit with 2 fingers.
“You close, baby? Squeezing me so tight fuck.” You just nodded being overwhelmed by your second orgasm. He kissed your neck as you were cumming around his dick and a few seconds later he milked out in you.
“Let me take you out on a date?” he asked while he was still inside of you.
“And if you don’t like it then we won’t ever go out again. But if you do I promise to fuck you like this and even better.” He smiled in your neck.
“Okay, Rafe.”
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kagejima · 2 years
i have so many thoughts for mr wakatoshi!!!
-ceo toshi!!!!! can we pls add this man to the piercer/pornstar toshi agenda!!
imagine this man in a suit!!!! he has to get them custom made because he’s sosososo big
aaaa and being his little wife who brings him lunch every day!! wearing little skirts and blouses as you go up to the top floor
he’ll give you a kiss on the cheek when u hand him his lunch.,,, but he knows that look in your eye
maybe he’ll have your face and tits pressed against the window, looking down at the busy streets as he hits it from the back!! calling you a dirty slut for coming in wearing such short clothing
or maybe he’ll lay you on his desk!! move his chair out of the way and toss your legs over his broad shoulders,,, telling you what a good girl you were bringing him lunch, but he already had his favourite meal 🤭🤭
oh and you KNOW if one of the employees dares to say anyone with an ounce of negativity to you,, or even LOOK at u in the wrong way, he’s firing them, and telling the rest of his ceo corporate friends to not hire that piece of shit
maybe he’s being a bit of a workaholic some nights! so you’ll hop the mercedes (that he bought you) and drive down to his workplace,, lube in your bag and lingerie under your clothing.
you’ll let yourself in, let him cockwarm you with either your pussy or mouth, whatever he prefers.
if he’s extra stressed, he’ll start fucking you, holding your hip and helping you bounce on his cock whilst the other signs paperwork
ATLASSSS, do you know how hard it was to pick ONE part of this to expand on???? I wanted to heavily expand on the entire thing :( dhfsljfajsfasklfs
also!! you can send in wakatoshi wednesday things at any time! all you have to do is put somewhere in your message it's for Wakatoshi Wednesday and I will queue it for then :)
more thoughts under the cut
I don't know why, but it's the last part that gets to me most. Like... my head is empty already because of this entire post, but the thought of Wakatoshi working late at the office again and you go down to see him hehuehehe (oh gosh, i'm thinking of Victor from my Mr. Love: Queen's Choice days oh gosh)
Just like... you're right. He's so stressed because he has big important meetings coming up and he has so much paperwork he needs to do! And there you are, his cute little wife, walking into his office. And he's looking at the time and he's like "Oh, sweetie. I'm sorry I did it again."
Man just gets very in the zone with his work, he doesn't mean to do it, he's just very dedicated when he puts his mind to something (which is how he got you!!)
But you don't really mind. He doesn't let you work because capitalism is fucking stupid and he wants you to be able to do whatever you want to do with your days, so you can just come see him whenever he gets like this.
You still think it's cute how he apologizes though.
And he thinks it's cute how you undo your coat to show him the pretty lingerie you bought while out shopping earlier in the day.
He also thinks it's cute how you whine when you sit in his lap, his thick cock nestled inside you.
"It's just a few more papers, sweetheart. You can do it." He murmurs before you whine louder into his neck.
He does this to you a lot. You have to be a good little cockwarmer until he's finished with everything. You have to sit in his lap and be a good girl and not move until he's done.
You can't wait though.
You start bouncing - just a little - because you're desperate for literally any movement. It's been 15 minutes now.
You know better than to take your reward before you've earned it though.
You don't have any time to respond, it's all so sudden. He's out of you and he's turned you around, and you're bent over his desk now. You cry out when his hand comes down and firmly smacks against your ass.
Wakatoshi sighs as you try to wiggle away from him, but then he hovers over you, pinning your hands together and down with one of his own before he delivers another firm slap to your other cheek.
"You know I don't like doing this, sweetie," His voice is soft, but his hands are not, "When will you learn?"
He makes you count the rest of them out loud.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.
The question is, when will he learn that maybe this is what you wanted all along?
For his papers to be strewn across his desk and in crumpled messes as your body kept getting moved further up, his towering figure bent over you and him shoving things off his desk as you gripped his shoulders, his cock buried deep inside you and him groaning in your ear, telling you what a good little cocksleeve you were being for him, being his stress-reliever?
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the-nightmare-theater · 4 months
in light of recent news after my queue empties im no longer going to be posting anything here anymore. you can find my other socials in my carrd (light headed ramble under the cut)
not entirely sure where im gonna try moving to first i dont really have the energy to post on multiple accounts
i know that deleting posts probably won't do anything, but i'm still going to do it by the end of this month after archiving everything. i wont be deleting my account though and idk if ill just be deleting original posts or rbs. probably just original posts and any rbs that anyone asks me to delete
deleting content is the best way to protest this i think. even if it doesnt delete it from the database it does give people less reason to use the site which means less visits which means less ad revenue if that makes sense
idk im kinda writing all of this off the cuff while not getting enough blood to my brain (which is also why the formatting is ass)
any mutuals (or anyone really) are free to tell me their accs on other sites and ill give a follow (besides twitter im not using that hell hole)
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error404vnotfound · 4 months
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moments™ from our theme park adventure
I spent maybe 80% of the words I spoke repeating "my joints" because. my joints hurt. i said it so much that now everyone else is saying it too when they stand up or something hurts
i also introduced them to the "im going to turn myself into an oyster" (we walked half the park FOUR TIMES in like 40 minutes because of Reasons) (probably the reason i was in so much pain for the rest of the day lmao)
while the rest went on the last rollercoaster of the day (that had been closed for most of the day because of the wind), two of my friends who don't like big attractions ran to a milder one. they also don't know the park's layout so they went the wrong way. when they got there the attraction had just closed. "sorry guys it's closed" *just ran here from across the whole ass park* *sweaty and dying*
us camping and developing a society while on the queue for a new attraction (it kept getting stopped because of technical issues but we persevered and got in after two hours)
a friend and I got lost and separated from the group in a mirror maze. we found what looked like an exit but it was dark and scary so we waited until some dudes went in and when they didn't come out we exited lol
we also went on the swing boat. it was basically empty but for us and two couples. we turned it into a scream contest (we split up) (my side one) (i also got The Men on my side)
and finally the last rollercoaster !!!!!!! it's my favourite and we got in just in time. i know where all the cameras are for all the rollercoasters but i was so excited and so happy and enjoying myself that i forgot and i just look so happy on the picture it was a nice end of the day :]
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admiringtheskies · 2 months
krish's intro + tag list
pronouns: she/they
loml: @fixation-central (and they get a tag too: "#krish&adi get sappy on main")
it took like a year, but i've finally gotten annoyed enough at how disorganized my tumblr is to make tags for different content so that ppl can hopefully follow me for whichever fandoms/other shit they want, and block tags accordingly for the ones they don't
(but i'm also lazy, so i'm not going back to properly tag any of my previous posts except for ones abt my original work, like my fics/personal hcs i also do have literally the max number of posts in my queue right now which i can't be assed to go back and retag, so if you block some tags now you are still gonna see posts that should be in them until my current queue's all emptied... so probably for like a couple more weeks, sorry :/)
"#krish loves the incest dragon world" — A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon content
"#krish's ff: long live the queen": will edit this to add the ao3 link later bc i'm tired rn
"#krish loves the 🦇s" — mostly batfam stuff, but anything DCU will probably end up under here too
"#krish's ff: i have borne hellfire": a/b/o o!batman gen bruce&jason fic, will also edit/add the ao3 link later
"#krish loves magic and hates TERFS" — ...y'all know which fandom this is
"#krish loves the riordanverse" — percy jackson content + possibly some other riordanverse stuff occasionally
"#krish's magpie era" — any random pretty (non-fandom) thing i see that i wanna reblog, bc why not
"#krish likes memes"/"#krish likes history"/“#krish likes science”/"#krish gets on her soapbox" — u get it (sidenote: support 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸, btw)
“#gifts from the Krish Abyss” — i do have Original Ideas™️ in my brain sometimes… i can’t promise that they’re GOOD ideas, but they do Happen
if you are following me (for some fucking reason) and you have a suggestion for another/a more specific tag that would be nice to be able to filter out, just drop a suggestion in my askbox and i'll at least consider it
hope this helps, and y'all will enjoy my now slightly-better-curated bullshit :D
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safyresky · 1 year
Do you ever intend to write more about the eleven months of Jack community service (before the start of Crystal Springs)? While reading the new version of the chapters on Ao3, this line grabbed my attention: "Letter time with Santa was drool, but he found that those were the best times to mend bridges with Santa, and eventually, Carol." I'm intrigued about how their relationship evolved from hostility to friendship
Oh my god, I absolutely LOVE this question! I've never really thought about it tbh, but it would make a good smile shot or two, wouldn't it?
I've been rotating this question around my brain all evening, and figure this is as good a place as any to share some surface thoughts on how their relationship evolved in those 11 months leading up to Crystal Springs:
Scott did NOT warm up fast at ALL. He only agreed to give Jack another chance BECAUSE Mother Nature and Bernard were like no, this isn't a trick, it's legit, dude
January was HARD
Jack reported for duty right away, offered to help all over the place
First day in Jack gets them both cocoas. Santa does NOT drink his because who KNOWS what Jack did to it
Anyway, January, bad, Jack is like doing as MUCH as he can to help where he can and Scott is just watching like a HAWK, man is NOT taking any chances with Jack this time around, no sir
But Jack doesn't do anything bad? He's a little silly, kind of an ass still, but the Workshop, surprisingly, doesn't implode
He is actually helping in some places. Scott's wildin. He's like there's no fucking way. He's being this earnest? Fr? He's not plotting or scheming or causing shenanigans?
Bernard's like look dude, I don't wanna say I told you so but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Carol I think warms up to Jack first! She eventually convinces Scott to lay off a bit, he's had AMPLE time to DO something but hasn't, has just been helping out like they sentenced him to do
And, y'know, it seems like he's really actually trying to make up for what happened!
She's seen plenty of students in her time who pull themselves up by their bootstraps like this, and I'm sure she makes a Charlie comparison to soften Scott up a bit
Scott relents a LITTLE bit. Only a bit.
I think in February he notices how Jack's literally going all over the place, and finally one day he's like HOW are you doling this all. WHERE is the energy coming from. WHAT the actual fuck
And Jack shrugs like it's the right thing to do! And I have energy for days, it's fine
And Scott's like okay. Okay maybe stop spreading yourself so thin? Let's narrow things down. Stuff you hate? You don't have to do it
Queue Jack being like thank GOD because let me tell you toy making? JUST NO. Splinters? Slivers? And these undersized tools? STRONG PASS
A bad joke is made and Santa actually laughs
Jack's like oh! That was a laugh! I got you to laugh!
And Scott's like it was low hanging fruit, it was bad and that's why I laughed, this means NOTHING
And Jack's like, sure, sure, I'll soften you up Claus, just you wait! Cocoacinno?
He does, actually, drink this bevvy. He is pleasantly surprised when Jack doesn't actually do anything to it, and even more surprised that he finds it quite tasty--the man can make a drink.
February turns into March, and by then Jack's kinda found his stride and Scott's let him do some things with him, a bit for him to keep a close watch on him, and a bit bc he finds himself appreciating the company
It's kind of nice to have an. ACQUAINTANCE. That isn't an elf.
That's how letter time starts; Santa sits and reads and responds to letters, and Jack joins him and just kinda. Yap yap yap yap YAPS. Dude can CHAT. And it's not completely annoying! He's got crazy good stories, knows a lot of dirt about the OTHER Legends, and is always very nice to Carol and Buddy
He also sometimes has some very good things to add to the letters when Santa's coming up empty
"See? He's helping," Carol says, for the umpteenth time, and Scott's like "Yeah, yeah, yeah."
He's been around for a hot minute, too, and Scott finds himself enthralled sometimes with Jack's stories of ancient cultures he was around for--especially Rome!
Again, surface thoughts! I imagine it was gradual, and took some time, and took a lot of other people warming up to him first before Scott was like okay. Okay cool. I can trust this guy now! There's some other things I think that helped, too. I think he was v good with Baby Buddy as he got more towards the toddler end of the spectrum! And I think he had some like, heart of gold kind of moments too!
It's very VAGUE tbh! I just know for sure it was gradual, and took time, and a whole lot of patience and I'm sure blowing off some steam via snowstorms every so often too, lol.
I think I answered the question! sorry for the word vomit, apparently I am incapable of being succinct and too the point 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Here's a funny little excerpt from the CS notes that I imagine happened some time during Letter Time, to illustrate how I think letter time helped (like 4 o'clock coffee with my aunts! They stop, have coffee with each other and just chat and shoot the shit and I always learn so many new things about them every time I'm at one!)
When I wrote this spur of the moment funny, it was a) because of this vine and B) post Crystal Springs, hence the Jacqueline mention (mother fucker just cannot STAY OUT OF A CONVO WHEN SHE IS NOT THERE. She plagues me), and C) deffs a DM to someone based on the slahses instead of actual italics lmao.
Word barf aside, this is how I imagine letter time went for the most part: Scott doing his thang, Jack chattering away! It's probably why buddy knows so many words at just under a year old :P
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[ID in ALT]
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punkpoemprose · 2 years
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I posted 552 times in 2022
25 posts created (5%)
527 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 175 of my posts in 2022
#kristanna - 43 posts
#i love queue baby - 38 posts
#kristanna advent 2022 - 17 posts
#art rec - 16 posts
#frozen - 6 posts
#a convenient arrangement - 6 posts
#this is gorgeous - 4 posts
#arranged marriage au - 4 posts
#virtual chemistry - 4 posts
#modern au - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#also i think about how my father got back into carpentry and woodworking after many many years because my mom saw a wooden snowman online
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kristanna Advent 2022
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25 Days, 25 new Kristanna fanfics written for the season. A mixture of oneshots, continuations of  multi-chap fics, and more. Welcome to my yearly attempt to make it happen. Fics below the cut, updated daily December 1st- 25th
December 1st- A Convenient Arrangement Chapter 13
December 2nd- Siege of Arendelle Chapter 17
December 3rd- A Convenient Arrangement Chapter 14
December 4th- Virtual Chemistry Part 7
December 5th- Yule Shoot Your Eye Out [Oneshot Modern AU]
December 6th- Anything For You [Oneshot Modern AU]
December 7th- A Safe Place [Canonverse Oneshot]
December 8th- Hunter’s Daughter [Vampire AU/ Vampire Hunter AU]
December 9th- Virtual Chemistry Part 8
December 10th- The Patient [Modern AU/ Paramedic AU]
December 11th- Homemade Holiday [Canonverse Oneshot]
December 12th- TBD
December 13th- TBD
December 14th- TBD
December 15th- TBD
December 16th- TBD
December 17th- TBD
December 18th- TBD
December 19th- TBD
December 20th- TBD
December 21st- TBD
December 22nd- TBD
December 23rd- TBD
December 24th- TBD
December 25th- TBD
29 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
The Patient- A Kristanna Paramedic Oneshot
Universe: Modern AU/ Paramedic AU
Rating: T (13+)
Length: 2267 Words
Summary: Anna has to call 911 after a small fire breaks out in her condo. The hot blonde paramedic is the best and worst part of her day.
A/N: Day 10 of the 2022 Advent Calendar. I’ve managed to get behind again, of course, and I had to write this prone on my bedroom floor because I’ve fucked my back up, but you know what, I’m going to keep going anyway. Please ignore any factual errors about paramedics and medicine here, I did a little research, but otherwise I just wanted these two idiots to smooch under a new circumstance.
Today was, decidedly, not Anna’s day.
She sat, mortified, in the back of the ambulance with the most attractive man she’d ever met in her life, mutely checking her over for injuries.
“Really, I’m alright,” she said, then coughed, “I didn’t get burnt or anything when I was turning off the oven and using the fire extinguisher, I just couldn’t let the smoke out of my kitchen because the window was painted shut.”
She coughed again, not exactly proving her point that she was, in fact, fine. This was what she got for paying someone to renovate her condo without triple checking all their references and their work. Her detail obsessed sister would be so disappointed in her.
“Smoke inhalation is a very serious problem Ms. Arendelle.”
He was so serious in both tone and expression when he turned to his colleague to ask them to grab a mask and an oxygen canister.
She felt her face grow hot, and it had nothing to do with the fact that she maybe had inhaled a little too much smoke when her oven decided to catch fire for no good reason, other than perhaps spite. She’d just bought it and had it installed, and she wasn’t wholly convinced that the ghost of her last oven wasn’t possessing the new one because she’d only been preheating the empty appliance when the fire started inside it.
“Really, I’m fine.”
He was having none of it. He gave her a very unimpressed look, which both frustrated her and contributed to her blush. He was very attractive, but he also was clearly a hard-ass with lacking bedside manner.  
She glanced at the name tag attached to his shirt and read “K. Bjorgman”.
K? Kyle? Kameron? Karson?
No, none of those seemed quite right for Mr. Hard-ass.
“Here’s that tank Kristoff.”
Kristoff? What the hell kind of name was that? Must be short for Kristoffer.
“Are you refusing treatment?”
She looked from his nametag back to his face. He looked infuriatingly displeased and she thought about saying that she was just to bug him, but that probably wasn’t ideal for her health given that the other paramedic hadn’t argued with him about the need for oxygen.
“No, I just think this is a little overkill probably, it was just a small kitchen fire.”
“With no ventilation where your oven was burning… what exactly?”
“Itself,” she answered miserably, “Because of course it would.”
“Right, so potentially plastic, chemical surfactants and whatever else should or shouldn’t have been in there at the point of ignition.”
She threw her hands up, “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say Mr. expert.”
He seemed to smile, just a small quirk in the corner of his mouth, but it was something. She wasn’t sure whether he was just used to getting what he wanted and was happy because his gruff attitude and good looks combo was working out for him once again, or whether he actually found her funny.
She was mad that it made him somehow even more attractive and that it made her want to continue to comply.
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31 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
A Convenient Arrangement Part 12
Universe: Canonverse Arranged Marriage AU Rating:T Length: 3530 Words A/N: Thank you to the friends that lovingly remind me to write sometimes. Next chapter will be the engagement party, I promise!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part10] [Part 11]
The festival preparations were back in full swing in no time. Kristoff saw Anna every night now, they shared his bed every evening and woke whenever one or both of them were summoned by morning knocks against his door. Getting to bed together was an immense effort on both of their parts, but it was something that he knew they both treasured after long days with barely a glance at each other.
Given it was a festival in celebration of their marriage, he couldn’t help but feel that they really should have been allowed more time together to prepare, but unfortunately neither of them made their own schedules.
Anna promised at night, between sleepy kisses, that it would get better after the event was over. She told him that once they started their regular duties they would be apart less, or at least their time apart would be more regularly scheduled which would allow them to meet more often throughout the day. He wasn’t certain that she wholly believed it herself, but despite this, the hope was enough to buoy them both through the days of preparation. The quick morning kisses and embraces did their fair share to serve as encouragement as well.
“Does it fit well my lord?”
Kristoff smiled at his reflection in the mirror. His normal tailor, Anders Nilsson, had been more than happy to take up a royal contract, and had profusely thanked both Kristoff and Kai throughout the entire process of his making Kristoff’s festival wear. He’d had to ask him to stop using the words “thank you” after a while, simply for the fact that the man couldn’t stop saying it. Kristoff knew how much the commission had meant to the man, he didn’t want him to feel the need to express it in the first place, let alone repeat it.
He’d outdone himself. The suit was mostly black with green, purple, and golden details that marked him as a member of the royal family and were enough to make the garments stand out in a crowd. They weren’t so overembellished that they felt ostentatious but were rather inspired by his own plainer sensibilities.
Most blessedly it fit, and he could imagine himself wearing it without passing out.
“Yes,” he breathed with great appreciation toward the tailor, “Thank you so much Anders. I know it couldn’t have been easy for you to put this together so quickly.”
“You’d be surprised Kri… my lord.”
He settled into a deep bow and Kristoff could have snorted with how unnatural it looked given the man never had cause to bow before in his life until Kristoff had married Anna. There was no point to bow to harvesters and merchants who were just as common as you.
“Anders, please, just call me Kristoff.”
Kai smiled in the mirror behind him. He’d been encouraging him for weeks to insist upon others referring to him by his title, but evidently his valet found no issues with a man being informal with his own tailor.
“Kristoff,” the tailor said and visibly relaxed before continuing, “It didn’t take too terribly long. My wife likes to do the embroidery and she’s so far along now that she was practically begging me to give her something to do in her chair. She balanced the whole project on her belly as she worked. She insists, though I hope it’s not too forward, that I give her appreciation to your valet for sending her the exact patterns the Princess’s dressmaker was using for her gown’s embroidery.”
He thought for a moment about Ander’s wife. When he’d last seen her, she’d barely been showing. By now she must certainly be as round with child as the tailor described. He was pleased that despite the effort they must have expended working on his clothes, that he was able to send some money their way for that soon to arrive child. He nearly lost himself in a passing thought about how Anna might look with her hands pressed lovingly to her rounded abdomen, the ring he still needed to give her on her finger.
He forced himself out of the daydream. He’d told Anna that they never needed to have children together, that they never even needed to be intimate, and here he was dreaming of her carrying his child, instead of paying attention to the words that had just been said to him.
Patterns? For her gown’s embroidery?
Kristoff turned back to Kai then, who was smiling as broad as Kristoff ever saw him. “Anna and I are going to match?”
He wasn’t certain as to why it made his heart leap in the way it did, to imagine himself and Anna dressed as a pair. Everyone knew of their marriage, there was no doubting that, and yet a visual cue to their bond thrilled him in a way he’d never imagined clothes pleasing him. So many things that had never mattered to him before, now mattered because of Anna.
Kai nodded, his grin schooling itself somewhat into a more neutral expression.
“At the behest of the Queen, and the Princess’s as well, of course. She wanted no question of who her husband was. I have a feeling the regalia will leave no room for that question, but primarily I think the pair of them were hoping for a united front in every possible detail. Which brings me to our need to take our leave from this room, I’m afraid we’re overdue for our next appointment of the day my lord.”
Kristoff couldn’t help but to sigh, shaken from his momentary quiet revelry. He’d been rushed along every day for well over a week now, any of the relaxation of his and Anna’s “day off” was a distant memory now.
“Fine then, I’ll get changed.”
He looked down at the comfortably fitted suit and felt, strangely, like he didn’t want to take it off.
“Thank you, Anders, it’s fantastic. Please thank your wife for me and know that there will be more requests coming your way very soon. There will be no need for a rush of course, if I don’t see you again before your babe is born, my best wishes to you both for a happy and healthy child.”
Kristoff watched the man open and close his mouth, undoubtedly stifling a “thank you” Kristoff didn’t really want to hear in return.
There are some perks to a royal title certainly.
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33 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Bitches really be out here writing Kristanna smut in our year of the Lord 2022.
It's me. I'm bitches.
37 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A Convenient Arrangement Part 11
Universe: Canonverse Arranged Marriage AU Rating:T Length: 3840 Words A/N: Finally finished this speed-bump of a chapter. Hopefully now that it’s written it won’t take me nine months to do the next bit.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part10]
The last thing Anna wanted was to let him leave the castle. Frankly, she wanted to lock him in the room and keep kissing him until they were called away to their duties, or until they fell asleep, whichever happened first.
Probably sleep.
She was exhausted. She’d been tired all week, and while their day’s reprieve had been a comfort, she still felt a deep fatigue that seemed to settle in her very bones. He was tired too. She saw it in his eyes when he broke their kiss. If she would have led him to the bed, wrapped them in blankets and promised that they could stay like that for the rest of the evening, he would have wanted to stay.
I should have convinced him.
Instead, she’d encouraged him to go see his family. She knew that it was the right thing to do, that he wouldn’t have wanted to leave her unless it was important. She didn’t want to interfere with his traditions and when he didn’t invite her along, she knew that it must be for a reason.
She didn’t have the time to ask him all the things she wanted to, and she knew that she wouldn’t be able to see him off at the gates without running after him, so she’d watched him from a window instead. She’d stood and quieted every voice in her head that told her he wasn’t coming back. She’d watched dutifully, keeping her feet still and her hands braced on the windowpane as he and Sven rode off until she could no longer see either of them.
She’d only allowed herself to move when she knew that it would be impossible to follow them, when the sky started to darken, and she was certain that she would only get lost if she tried to tail them up the mountain. Even then, knowing all she did about exactly how it would go, it took all her energy not to follow.  
Her lips still felt the ghost of his upon them. She wished that she would have stolen a goodbye kiss, a goodnight kiss, or a just because kiss because she knew that she’d be missing the feel of it until he returned.
Instead of marching to the front doors, her feet carried her on autopilot to her sister’s office door.
She knew that Elsa would be in her office. There was nowhere else she would be on an evening without courtly duties. Someone who was not in the know might imagine that she would be in her bedroom, or relaxing in the library, but Anna knew that her sister would be pouring over paperwork.
It was difficult for Anna to knock on her sister’s office door. Physically speaking it was, of course, quite simple, but making her knuckles rap against the door and having to trust that her sister would answer was still difficult. She had forgiven Elsa for the years of isolation they’d both faced, but she hadn’t forgotten. She was certain that she and Elsa could grow close and communicate daily for the rest of their lives and Anna still wouldn’t ever forget what it felt like to knock on her sister’s door and have it go unanswered.
It had felt like she was mourning the death of someone who was still very much alive.
“Come in.”
Anna didn’t need to be told twice. She could feel the muscles she’d not realized she was tensing relax in her arms and legs. The anxiety in her stomach quelled.
Pushing the door open and then closed again behind her, Anna found Elsa very much as she had expected her. Her pale face framed by mussed blond tresses that were, themselves, almost as white as the piles of paper around her on the desk.
“Oh! Anna, I wasn’t expecting you. I thought you were spending the day with Kristoff?”
Anna wasn’t sure what made her happier, the way her arrival seemed to be a splendid surprise to her sister, or the way that Elsa so pleasantly mentioned Kristoff by name. It surprised her how quickly Elsa had gone from thinking her husband was some brute, to calling him by name and occasionally indulging in his company for brief moments.
Anna wondered if with a little more time, they might begin doing things as a family. She did think that Kristoff and Elsa could be friends with time, so she was pleased that they were something like acquaintances now. Anything was better than strangers, particularly now that Anna knew that her feelings for her husband weren’t only reciprocated but that they were fated.
“I was. He’s had to head up to the mountains to speak with his family.”
“The trolls?”
“Yes, the trolls,” Anna quickly replied.
“Ah, is there something going on?”
“Well yes, but it will take some explaining.”
Elsa nodded, seeming entirely too pleased to shift the pile of papers she’d been working on off to the side of her desk. Anna knew that Elsa had been making efforts to get closer to her, to get to know her better, and as infrequent as their moments alone were, Anna couldn’t help but to feel surprised that she was so ready to set her work aside.
She smile was somewhat sheepish when she returned her full attention to Anna.
“I should have taken a break hours ago anyway.”
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52 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moreidsdaughter · 2 years
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I posted 3,625 times in 2022
869 posts created (24%)
2,756 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,280 of my posts in 2022
#hey look i can queue - 284 posts
#criminal minds - 115 posts
#cm - 77 posts
#figure skating - 60 posts
#asks - 50 posts
#fic rec - 49 posts
#euphoria spoilers - 46 posts
#spencer reid - 44 posts
#euphoria - 43 posts
#emily prentiss - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#it’s an interesting choice because it takes place in modern day. i wonder if the film would have felt different if it was in color?
My Top Posts in 2022:
yes, i’m crying to matilda by harry styles
171 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
how he handles you on your period
rafe cameron x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: menstration and rafe being a comical genius...
a/n: feel like dropping something spontaneously lmao… also, this is not proofread
notes: also, keep in mind they live in an apartment together not the house.
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you're staying the night at rafe's apartment for the first time and of course something has to happen..
when you wake up the next morning, you wake up to an empty bed without rafe in site. however, the smell of eggs and toast lingers in the air.
you get up slowly on to feel an ache in you abdomen. normally, this means, but it can't be right?
you look down onto the bed and well...
blood. on. his. sheets.
"he's definitely not gonna like that." you whisper with worry. how can i fix this? you quickly start taking the sheets off the bed.
just as you’re done taking the sheets off, rafe yells "baby? you comin? come on i made eggs and toast.”
“yeah, coming!” you yelled, trying to hurry up and bring the sheets to the washer… you creep down the stairs slowly, trying not to make a sound.
“baby. what are you doing?”
“holy shit, rafe you scared me!” you yelp.
“well what do you have to be scared about beautiful?” he says, with a smile growing onto his warm face.
ok guys, we all know rafe is no genius.. he only knows what periods are because he lives in a house with three women.
anyways, so when he sees the dull red stain on the sheet he knows and like the gentleman he is, he takes them.
“oh no no no, baby you shouldn’t take those.” you say with a tinge of embarrassment laced in your tone.
“baby it’s okay… go into my bathroom and look in the left cabinet under the sink. everything you need should be there. i’m gonna take these downstairs, you’re gonna clean yourself up, sit that pretty butt down in bed, and let me take care of you.” rafe says, his slight smirk growing into a smile.
you’re shocked, when did he have the time to do this? “hey since when do you keep period stuff in you’re bathroom?” you ask, confusion evident on your blushing face.
“well… i mean ever since i started dating you, i just thought that i should keep stuff like that around. i want you to be comfortable at all times around me sweetheart.”
and this was the moment you knew that rafe cameron was something special… you extend your arms out and wrap them around him, giving him the hardest squeeze you could while moving your face into the crook of his neck.
“love you rafey.” you whisper.
“i love you too, now get your pretty ass in bed right now.” he laughs, placing a kiss on your temple and giving a quick swat to your bum.
tagging (for exposure): @benedictsmuse @raeganstyles @c4m3ron @thatfangirl42
362 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
moreidsdaughter’s 800 follower fic recommendations part 2
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this part is all for the other fandoms i follow/pay attention to!! again i wanna bring light to content creators, especially writers, so let’s get on with this shindig!!
harry potter
the golden era
draco malfoy:
my sunshine - @mellifluousart
meet my parents - @mellifluousart
rain and sun - @mellifluousart
Rainfall - @sapphicwhxre
sweater weather - @elysianrogers
in his eyes - @dracosaurusrex
Bookworms - @dracosaurusrex
theodore nott:
as the world caves in - @kpostedsum
teddy’s girl - @cobrakaisb
baby - @cobrakaisb
harry potter:
girls like her - @sapphicwhxre
love language - @drayart
in a mood for shopping - @leydileyla
hermione granger:
dating hermione as a slytherin - @sapphicwhxre
morning melodies - @sapphicwhxre
the lighting era
remus lupin:
i love you so - @saintlike78
first date - @drayart
sweater  - @earlgreydream
dating remus lupin - @earlgreydream
sweet comfort - @heloisedaphnebrightmore
See the full post
465 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
moreidsdaughter 800 follower fic rec list part 1!!!
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hi guys! this will be the first part of the celebration for 800 of you beautiful people! the reason why i chose to do a list is because i think that creators and writers in fandoms deserve more light! making this list is a reminder to you and i to support the people that make this community so so special!! thank you to these writers for bettering the cm, harry potter, and a few other fandoms!!
criminal minds:
emily prentiss:
bait babes - @ssa-sugar-tits
physical comfort - @mrvltwimagines
intro - @ssajemilyprentiss
cramps and wine - @lesssermatters
baby, you’re my new years’ eve - @spencers-renaissance
carolina masterlist - @stxrrywildflower
spencer reid:
love and audible - @agentsoftie
early stages - @leahseclipse
cramps - @stxrrywildflower
you don’t need to prove yourself to me - @fredweaslcy
call it what you want - @alltooreid
never forget - @reidslibrarybook
do the stars gaze back? - @fiftyshadesofspencerreid
just your average rainy - @shemarmooresfedora
angelic in my clothes - @wonderlandhatter
secret girlfriend - @reids-rendering-reality
dandelions - @luvspence
wardrobe malfunctions - @luvspence
sage-coloured glasses - @sunlitspence
a shared heart - @sunlitspence
little sister - @stxrrywildflower
spencer x influencer!reader - @rigatonireid
advil - @reidsnose
luke alvez:
perfect for me - @thelukealvez
See the full post
513 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
because the last post is out of date, reblog if you’re in the criminal minds community in 2022!
650 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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excludedmiddle · 2 years
Biweekly Contest 82
Might start linking these if anyone's curious.
Holy shit. Let's start with the good news: I got all four within 90 minutes, and this contest was hard enough that only 442 people out of 22k participants even solved 4/4. I also wasn't treating it like a normal practice contest - I did other things instead of coding straight through, and I didn't proofread my work as thoroughly before submitting.
Now for the bad: it took me 80 minutes to complete, and I had at least one failed submission for 2, 3, and 4, for a grand total of around a dozen failed submissions. In a real contest I suspect this would be reduced a fair bit, but it would have to have been at least half a dozen.
1 was cute and fun, and left me blissfully ignorant of the terrors to come.
2. Cmon man. This problem sucks ass. If the bounds were a little better it would be totally fine, but you can run out of passengers at any point. My initial solution was to use a priority queue/heap to find out the time the last passenger boarded the last bus, and once you have that, linear search backward in the original passenger array (once sorted) to find the first gap.
This is already more work than the vast majority of problem 2s, but nope! Your supply of passengers can run out... literally at any time! So you have to put checks everywhere to ensure that your priority queue is nonempty, and then you have to handle it if it empties. Nothing here was actually that hard, in a strict sense, but holy shit was it a pain in the ass.
3 was a nasty problem. I figured out the math tricks quickly (you can convert both arrays to a single array of absolute differences, k1 and k2 can be summed to a single variable k, and you need to subtract from the largest differences first) but it was still a hard problem, even after figuring all that out!
I thought oh, I'll use a priority queue like I did in 2, it's nice that they theme their problems like this. Nope! k can be as large as 10^9, which is strictly O(n) and not O(n log n), TLE. Guess I'll go fuck myself then.
What I ultimately did (which I thought was rather clever) was use a counter to find how many times each difference appeared (one of their largest tests involved using 1000 of the exact same difference lmao) and then converting that to an ordered dictionary. Since I could sort beforehand, I could use insertion order to order the keys as well. Then I created a multi-step system to mass-subtract from k (I've seen similar concepts before). Then instead of depending on k, this depended on n, which was significantly smaller (10^4) and sped up the program significantly.
4 was... honestly pretty simple compared to 3. Maybe that's exaggerating it, I bet a lot of people found this problem pretty impossible. The easy part was mapping the array to the k that a given index needed. The hard part (which I had fortunately seen something vaguely like in the past) was finding a stretch of the array that satisfied everything. I used a stack for this, in a rather clumsy way (I had to introduce a third variable into a tuple after I failed a submission that probably could've been done with only 2). I think this one could've been done a bit better, but after 2 and 3 I was happy to be done.
So, thoughts. In the past, when I've had a really hard time with a contest, I've been disappointed to see that the overall standings look about the same as they always do. Not the case this time! Fewer than 500 people solved all 4 in 90 minutes, which almost never happens.
I'm very happy that (even if it was painful, slow, and involved an embarrassing number of failed submissions) I pulled through and got to 4/4. I'm very confident that I couldn't have done it a few months ago.
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korracrat · 6 years
Oh hey guys. Guess it’s been a while hasn’t it?
Well I am ok-ish? I think? Umm I’ve been in and out of ER’s a lot lately and have been devoting literally all my time into not dropping out of school. I WILL be back, most likely when I am finished with my summer classes around July. 
I will have a longer update later.  I am currently being tested for MS and a bunch of other shit. Like I keep losing my vision and routinely blacking out as well as the issues with my digestive tract earlier in the year, long story short not only is my body systematically shutting down but we’re also still not sure what is doing it.
Also doesn’t help that I was locked out of my account for a while as well.
I am more often on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DontWriteDown
Also my boyfriends tumblr is @former-wizard. He might also post updates about me as well.
See y’all soon (most likely this weekend if i get all my homework done)! And sorry for freaking y’all out! (And I thought the issue with my inbox was bad before lol)
@trappist-k @die-forellex @n-k-y @terrasu @greeneryandcoffee @nanasity @papallion @obsidea @jesuspimp @lesbxdyke @werevampiwolf @kaybirdie512 @pageofmemes @mentallybrokengay @cieraxx13 @joeyisanolive @l-401 @wanna-taka-bout-it @inventorbenny @mostly-a-queer-being @zuzuthejerkbender @wheel-deal @neighborlyarson @cambriascolex @glumshoe @setmybuttocksablaze @elric-chan @blitchen @will-write-for-food @exdeath-chan
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lustbile · 3 years
What Are The Odds?
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Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: semi public (restroom) penetrative. some grabbing and groping @ the beginning.
Note: if you’ve never played what are the odds here’s a very brief explanation. Person A wants something from person B. Person A asks what are the odds, person B says a number, for example 25. Both person A and B say a number between one and the given number and if they both say the same number person A wins. I know some people do extra rules sometimes including numbers divisible by 2 or something idk but i don’t care. 💜
Nct Masterlists
Multi group Masterlist
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“Jungwoo, get your hand out of my pants.”
It was a harsh command, your words coming out quiet but sharp as you spoke through your teeth. Your less than forceful grip wraps around his wrist, and your foggy mind weakens the way you push at his wandering hands.
“You’re not wearing any pants,” he counters, far too serious for your liking and his greedy fingers desperately trying to dig deeper into your underwear shamelessly.
“Oh so a skirt gives you permission to be a pervert,” you swat at his hands again, huffing and pinching his skin as you turn every direction in search of your friends coming back, “they’re going to be back literally any second so can you please behave?”
“You’re no fun,” he finally obliges, his tone completely joking as he accepts defeat but not before pinching the skin of your belly in retaliation, “if they walk over and my hand is in your underwear, I think that’s their fault for being friends with us.”
Exactly on the queue of your hand connecting with his shoulder in an annoyed wack, you see your friends returning to the food court table you two sit at, completely oblivious smiles on their faces as they balance trays of food.
“What are the odds?”
“Hrm?” a small sound of confusion slipping out from around the mouth full of food you’re struggling to chew.
It was a small lull in conversation and everyone started to trickle into their own side conversations that had prompted Jungwoo to lean over and breath hotly against your ear with the sudden and confusing question. He had an issue with bringing you into the middle of a conversation that he had started only in his head, luckily for him you had a tendency to find it a bit charming, but at the moment your mind was occupied on willing yourself not to choke.
“What are the odds,” he speaks slower this time, as if a change in pace adds any context in the slightest. You finally look more at him, and notice that he’s all twitchy where he sits, his hands wringing together as he seems anxious and giddy for something to happen, “that you follow me to the bathroom right now.”
“For what?” you ask with a faux ignorance, only partially hoping it’s not for the reason you’re thinking.
“What do you mean for what?” he asks a bit louder than he probably intended, pulling the attention of one of your friends momentarily, but an eye roll and a shake of the head from you perfectly portrays ‘don’t worry, Jungwoo is just being Jungwoo.’
“You know exactly for what,” he speaks in a tone that makes you feel like you’re being scolded, but after a rough swallow, you can only smile at his dramatics, “so what are the odds?”
You huff quietly, dropping your fork clattering onto your plate to add dramatics, your bottom lip becoming your own personal chew toy as you glance around the relatively empty food court and preoccupied friends.
“Fifteen,” you finally respond after a moment of him doing nothing but glaring at you in anticipation. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to follow him and cause some chaos, but you feared saying ten would look too eager, and twenty just left more of a chance of it not happening than you wanted. Yes, you wanted to leave it to fate, but there’s nothing wrong with manipulating fate just a little.
“Fifteen,” he confirms with a grin, his legs wiggling beneath the table as he turns to face you more, his shoulders slouching and his eyes widening as he waits for your completely undivided attention to lay on him before counting down.
“Three, two, one....”
It’s in their air, same word, same number, but two different voices speak it. With a sinking heart, but warming belly, you throw your head back with a sigh when you realize he’s won.
“Excuse is up to you, since you’re such shit at what are the odds,” he taunts, only one dial of annoying away from calling you a nerd and taking your lunch money, “but you better be in the single person bathroom in ten minutes or you’re in trouble.”
He stands, giving some unnecessarily detailed explanation about where he was going before tripping over his feet towards the bathroom he’s been eyeing since the idea popped into his brain. You can only sink down into your seat and glance at the time on your phone as you wait for the perfect moment.
It was exactly eleven minutes after Jungwoo had disappeared that you decided to stand yourself, hoping he actually found a way to follow through on his earlier threat.
You mutter something about drinking too much water this morning, and a promise to check on Jungwoo if he still wasn’t out when you were done in hopes to mask what you’re really getting up to do. The chorus of acknowledging grumbles and a few playful ‘have fun’s seemed to be reassuring enough, and with a tug at the hem of your skirt, you're scurrying towards the bathroom you saw your boyfriend disappear into not long ago.
You stand at the door for a moment, pushing it another minute past your time limit partially to make the boy on the other side of the door squirm, but also to wrap your mind around what you’ve let him convince you to do.
It’s when you hear him quietly hiss in pain from messing with something he probably shouldn’t be touching at all, that you let out an airy laugh through your nose and lean against the locked door.
You knock gently at the door, whispering a taunting ‘guess who?’ in between taps, and before you could step back, he swings the door open, and you’re stumbling in.
“I said ten minutes,” he wastes no time scolding you for your poor listening skills, his hands grabbing for your waist and pushing your chest against the wall, “ten minutes is a perfectly reasonable time to come up with an excuse and follow your boyfriend to the bathroom to fuck isn’t it? So what could have possibly taken you so long?”
“Well, Jungwoo,” you start, fully prepared to pull something incredibly stupid out of thin air to use as an excuse, but when he presses his hips against your ass and you feel just how excited he had gotten just from his wandering hands earlier, you begin to stutter over your words, “m-maybe I just umm lost track of time?”
“Lost track of time?” he asks in a sarcastic and even borderline bitchy tone, “definitely doesn’t have anything to do with a little threat I made without even thinking earlier would it? Pfffft no how could it?”
You can’t even bite back, deliver the same level of idiotic sass that had attracted you two to each other in the first place. Not with your face pressing against the cold wall and his hands moving faster than you can process down towards your thighs.
He lets out quiet grunts of appreciation when he starts to push your skirt up and around your hips, a big evil smile crawling across his face when he sees that he had guessed perfectly correct, and you were in fact wearing his favorite pair of panties. (He swears he could pick them out from millions of pairs just from the way the elastic bites into his wrist.)
You’re pressed tighter against the wall, your panting breaths almost syncing with his own when he starts to roughly grind his denim clad crotch against you. His lack of snarky comments from the ways you’ve started to whine tells you you’ve lost him, and your thighs start to shake and tremble as you squeeze them together tightly, trying to relieve the pain from your sudden neediness and impatience.
“Jungwoo come on,” you whine, swinging your arm aimlessly behind you to swat at him, “we don’t have all day, they were already getting weird about how long you were taking before I left.”
“Fuck okay,” he says with hesitation before pulling away enough to shove your underwear down to pool around your ankles while muttering to himself.
You begin debating in your head whether or not you should touch yourself, before answering yes, you absolutely should, when you hear him struggling with his belt.
The first minuscule touch of your middle and ring finger touching your clit makes you gasp and press your forehead against the wall, the circling motions falling just short compared to the way he knows how to touch you and you can only huff in frustration from the stupidity of your own hand not knowing exactly what to do.
It’s the sound of his jeans falling around his knees and a small clicking of a cap that pulls you from your inner grumbling, but it’s the cold shock of the jelly on his fingers pushing between your thighs that makes you jerk your hand away from your body to mirror the other laying flat by your head.
“Why do you have lube?” you ask in shock and even a bit of arousal from how much curveball he could be, but you’d never admit the second part willingly to his face.
“I think the better question is why don’t you?” he asks with an air of arrogance as he pulls his fingers away and begins to audibly coat himself in the substance, “looks like im the prepared one between us for once.”
“Yeah prepared for something you weren’t even sure was going to happen.”
“Yeah but you’re letting it happen aren’t you? Loser,” regardless of the name that he throws at you, he seems to have lost his patience with the back and forth you two have started. So with the last last syllable still slipping between his teeth, the hand he doesn’t have wrapped around himself grabs you around the waist and he’s shoving himself almost completely inside you.
You don’t have time to muffle the surprised moan that falls from your tongue, instead all you can do is pray no one was close enough to the bathrooms to hear it as he starts to rock his hips against yours.
“Can’t judge me for the lube now can you?” it was rhetorical, but even if it wasn’t you would have been able to answer him. With the second thrust into you, he had already been able to seat himself fully into you, the size of him still shocking you to this day and you can only clench and squirm against him.
His hands are clumsy as the trace around your body. His non dominant hand struggles to push under the hem of your shirt to grasp at your chest, while his other dips below the skirt he was so thrilled you had chosen to wear in search of the space between your thighs.
His breath is hot and quick pants when he leans his chest against your back and pushes his face into the crook of your neck. You almost feel like you’re suffocating from how much he begins to surround you and you really for the life of you cannot think of a worse placed to pass out in than a food court bathroom with your boyfriend fucking your brains out.
It’s when his own fingers dig into your clit and his warm tongue drags up the side of your neck, so you remember the existence of your own hands. You shove one up your now stretched out top to tangle tightly with the one he has kneading your chest, while the other slams tightly against your mouth to muffle the moans and squeaks that now beat against it.
“I wanna make you come so fucking hard,” he grunts in your ear with every ounce of honestly he can pull from his chest, his hips showing you exactly how truthful he is with the way they thrust roughly against you, pushing and pulling you apart in a way that makes you feel like he’s trying to take you apart at the seams, “wanted that since I saw you put on that cute little skirt on this morning. You just live to taunt me don’t you?”
You can’t answer, too afraid that taking your hand even the slightest amount away from your mouth will expose to the whole food court exactly what’s happening behind the closed door. Instead all you do is push back against him, trying hopelessly to match his thrusts and getting a sharp bite to the soft skin of your neck in retaliation.
“Better come quick before they think we got lost in here,” he says too coolly, his ability to not sound like he’s on a brink of orgasm when you know for a fact he is almost driving you up the wall. But unfortunately, his words and the fact that you're just as much, if not closer to your finish than him, has you melting back into his chest.
Even when your thighs begin to tremble, and you accidentally step back onto his foot, his fingers don’t stutter in the slightest. The arm pushing against your chest keeps you from squirming away from him, and even with your thighs trying to push him out, he keeps his fast and unrelenting pace on your hypersensitive clit.
You’re pushing up on your toes, his one foot still getting crushed under your weight, and your neck inhumanly arching to lean your head against his shoulder as you start to come. You can hear the faint growling noise you make from behind your hand, but your mind is too busy blanking out to control anything that comes from your mouth.
You feel your eyes watering as his fingers keep moving against you to carry you through your orgasm, his own finally creeping up and making him shove himself fully inside you as he starts to come.
The feeling of him spilling inside you creates borderline unbearable waves of aftershocks to wash across you, and you can feel your body fluttering around him as you try to ruin his brain just as much as he did your own. It’s almost like a small competition sparks between you to fight against your own pleasure just to simply torture the other, but eventually once your both sporting lines of sweat on your hairlines and aching shoulders and back do you silently call it a truce.
The small room suddenly feels too hot for either of you to be anywhere close to it, but you’d rather scream than let him take his hands away from your body. You’re more than glad to shove his fingers away from your buzzing clit, but you still keep it wrapped tightly in your fist the way you do to his other.
When he pulls out you feel a disappointing emptiness but an even more embarrassing rush of fear of the evidence of his orgasm leaking onto the floor, so all you can do is whine and squeeze your thighs back together again while you and him both catch your breaths.
“Come on,” he whispers, and that and the way his hands smooth over your burning skin is almost sweet, until he swats at your ass harshly before he starts to pull his jeans back onto his hips.
“Didn’t feel like I was in much trouble,” you loudly sigh in both faux disappointment but also to help even your breathing, “guess you’re all bark and no bite puppy boy.”
He glares to the best of his ability, but his still animated brows and pouting lips makes him look hilariously cute, “you think you’re getting punished in the bathroom? Absolutely not, I’m a man of class and respect.”
“Man of respect? You just fucked me in a public toilet after a game of what are the odds.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lies, weirdly focused on redoing his belt and avoiding your eyes, “anyways we should probably go, they probably already think the chicken I got was bad or something.”
“You go,” you push him aside gentle before you begin a awkward trip towards the toilet in the corner, “I’m going to get rid of the mess you made and pee all you’re gross boy germs out so you go and please try to come up with an excuse that won’t make us both look like freaks okay?”
“On it captain,” he salutes to you before ducking out in a way that makes you question if you really truly let him just put his dick inside you, but with a growing need to pee you push it aside to waddle with haste.
It’s not until you shuffling back to the table in what you assumed was a discreet walk of shame do you realize he’s done the opposite of what you asked, as when you finally reach within hearing range to the table you’re immediately met with jeers and taunts about you and your boyfriend being insatiable freaks. But at least Jungwoo has the decency to look a little ashamed and maybe even a dash of apologetic.
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