#korracrat WILL be back
korracrat · 6 years
Oh hey guys. Guess it’s been a while hasn’t it?
Well I am ok-ish? I think? Umm I’ve been in and out of ER’s a lot lately and have been devoting literally all my time into not dropping out of school. I WILL be back, most likely when I am finished with my summer classes around July. 
I will have a longer update later.  I am currently being tested for MS and a bunch of other shit. Like I keep losing my vision and routinely blacking out as well as the issues with my digestive tract earlier in the year, long story short not only is my body systematically shutting down but we’re also still not sure what is doing it.
Also doesn’t help that I was locked out of my account for a while as well.
I am more often on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DontWriteDown
Also my boyfriends tumblr is @former-wizard. He might also post updates about me as well.
See y’all soon (most likely this weekend if i get all my homework done)! And sorry for freaking y’all out! (And I thought the issue with my inbox was bad before lol)
@trappist-k @die-forellex @n-k-y @terrasu @greeneryandcoffee @nanasity @papallion @obsidea @jesuspimp @lesbxdyke @werevampiwolf @kaybirdie512 @pageofmemes @mentallybrokengay @cieraxx13 @joeyisanolive @l-401 @wanna-taka-bout-it @inventorbenny @mostly-a-queer-being @zuzuthejerkbender @wheel-deal @neighborlyarson @cambriascolex @glumshoe @setmybuttocksablaze @elric-chan @blitchen @will-write-for-food @exdeath-chan
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etherealallura · 7 years
Your avatar still kills me.
I’m thinking about finally changing it soon, it’ll be the end of an era haha
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animentality · 7 years
angry internet discourses animentality has (voluntarily and involuntarily) started
- i once said college isn’t as tough as they make it seem in high school, got a bunch of engineering/biology/STEM majors in the notes, whining about how easy social sciences and liberal arts are and how it’s pussies like me that are ruining the economy. 
- i said i thought a thirty year old man fucking a fifteen year old boy was gross. which is just totally unacceptable, right? not the fucking, that is, but my criticism of the fucking. 
- i also said fangirls shouldn’t fetishize fourteen/fifteen year old boys just because they’re boys, and had girls telling me that it’s ok when men do it to girls, so why can’t they “reclaim” their sexualities or something...these are fucking 30 year old women fantasizing about old men raping children in churches. but im the one who’s being gross, hmmm. 
-i once said i didn’t think people with mental illnesses should decide what mental illness they had based off a personality test they took on quizilla or what medications they should take at night based off of a list of symptoms they read off webmd. instantly got people saying im ableist and neurotypical because self-diagnosis is good....even though TRAINED PSYCHOLOGISTS FUCK THIS SHIT UP AND THEY STUDY THIS SHIT EXCLUSIVELY so why would a bunch of angsty hormonal teenagers be the experts on what pills they should be taking.
-also my url used to be mental insanime. got called ableist for referring to the word “insanity.” 
- said yuri on ice was a bad anime with a weak plot, sexualized “gay” characters, and had shitty animation, got called homophobic and transphobic. 
-ALSO related to yuri on ice, saw a post where it was suggested that yuri could be asexual...prompting thousands of fangirls to call the asexual girl who’d originally posted it a bitch for trying to “take their gay character away from them.”
because straight women own gay characters. not gay people, straight girls, that’s who gay character are for, right 
anyway, i said shame on all of  you assholes, and got called homophobic again for my troubles. 
-once joked about how bad the english in Knb was, got called racist against asians (I am Asian)
-got called a nazi for liking snk (I’m asian) 
- got called homophobic AND racist for not supporting the victuuri ship from yoi, a show i hate, whose characters i hate... because Victor is white, Yuri is Asian, and I’m Asian, so not supporting an interracial relationships makes me both homophobic, racist, and also transphobic because why not. 
- I said that officialhajimeisayama wasn’t the real hajimeisayama and got called a racist because my evidence was that the blog was in english...presumably it’s racist to imply japanese people can’t learn english...despite the fact that i said it was because the blog was written in very casual, american english that referred to memes and was written stylistically in a very meme-friendly teenage girl way.
- i then got blocked by officialhajimeisayama because i said in my tags that i couldnt believe people were dumb enough to believe she was really isayama (cuz a grown man would want to be called isamama? really?). 
she then said “how dare you hurt my followers like that” and then blocked me...and then deleted the post when she realized we are roughly the same in terms of follower count....whoops. 
always remember to pick fights with people who’re weaker than you, children. 
- a blogger named korracrat followed me some time ago and i followed her back, but then didn’t want to see her content anymore. i unfollowed her, and she IMMEDIATELY noticed and started badgering me about why i had unfollowed her. i was forced to lie and say it was an accident.
i did it again much later, only for the same thing to happen. 
then when i finally decided to cut the knot, i wrote a post about how i just wanted to be done with this person. 
she then sent herself anon hate, and swore that it was from me because she has some kind of tracker. 
someone literally sent herself anon hate, then claimed it was from me to make herself look like a poor innocent victim....
and i mean, im an asshole, but i don’t send anon hate. i like to fucking square up. 
- called donald trump a liar, got trump supporters reaaaaal mad. came to my blog to call me a libtard, a faggot, and someone who hates america
-talked about how i liked bernie sanders and got called a communist and a libtard 
-oh, i said that the ghostbusters remake wasn’t so bad and that people should give it a chance, got called a libtard, an idiot, and someone made reddit posts about me or something. 
-said that it’s sad that erwin (from snk) died, but can we talk about how (insert rant about armin). got angry erwin fans saying i was trying to detract from his death. 
- also was confused as to why junkrat has a summer skin in the winter, completely forgetting how hot it is in Australia during the winter...got accused of being...hemispherist? because someone who wrote a half-assed joke about junkrat’s summer skin forgot that it’s warm in australia all the time, im north america centric, ok. 
- said that trump is a liar again. got someone telling me everyone’s equal, im retarded for not taking advantage of my opportunities, and that he felt sad for me because im a dumb retard who doesn’t understand politics. k. 
- got told to kill myself for quite a few of the above. then argued over why you shouldn’t tell people to kill themselves.
and then got told that this is....policing. 
- said that the argument that “incest/rape/abuse is fine because it’s fictional!” is dumb because in the same breath, ya’lll will say representation matters.... when clearly fiction cannot matter for both arguments to be true. got called a bitch. 
- said tokyo ghoul was sexist, transphobic garbage, got TG fans upset because the idea that their manga is anything less than the sequel to the Christian Bible is akin to literary heresy. 
- said anime is sexist garbage, got people upset because im supposed to be an anime blog and talk about how hot husbandos are or whatever. 
- recently said that you shouldn’t ship tracer (lesbian character) with men, got told i was a retard who was trying to police people’s creativity or something...ironically, they’ve run amok on that post, but i have no interest in stopping them cuz guess what?
i don’t care anymore, why would i care about policing you? 
what purpose would that have?
you’re going to do it anyway, and i don’t have the time or heart to spare for you. 
policing doesn’t equal me saying, “lol you’re garbage.” 
I’m not stopping you. I’m not even trying to stop you.
I’m just expressing my general disappointment in you as a person.
A long time ago, I was very involved in trying to convince people that they should change their ways. 
But I’ve given up on this, and why?
Because this species is incorrigible. 
And it doesn’t matter, because we are well beyond the brink of salvation.
And it’s fine, it’s all fine.
But a man’s gotta complain, a man’s gotta bitch to get it out of his system, to make his life bearable, because he’s logical, because he’s got a natural talent for reasoning and maybe he’s a little compassionate too, so how can he cope with an irrational, amoral world?
by whining on his blog.
the fact that you are here is irrelevant.
you can stay or go. 
it doesn’t matter to me, at this point. 
i’ve reached transcendence, i have realized that i decide what you’re worth, in my world. 
that post can stay angry. 
you can argue until you’re blue in the face about how badly you wanna fuck tracer. 
if that’s how you cope with your inner loneliness and your desperate fear of the human condition, then fine by me, bb. 
we’re all dying, and i understand it better than you. 
and that’s fine. there’s no sin in being dumber than me. 
but the end statement, i mean, i don’t know why i ever bothered.
i was a dumb kid, i thought it mattered.
i was raised thinking i could help people. 
but damn, man, there’s no helping any of you.
and come on, we all have to admit it!
some of you aren’t worth helping. 
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Tagged Five Things
I was tagged by the fantastic and lovely @sillylittlechalupa
Rules: you have to tag 15 people at the end of this challenge
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
Movie ticket stubs from movies I’ve watched recently 
post it notes
My name tag for work 
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bedroom:
Boxes and boxes of comics (About half are Spider-Man)
Over a hundred 27x40 movie posters and a bunch of movie banners stored away in the corner of the room 
Stash of snacks for night blogging and such 
Cardboard lifesize cutouts of Harry, Ron, and Hermione I got for Christmas back in middle school
More books than shelf room haha
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do:
Visit all the non-US Disney Parks
Become more independent 
Work for Disney 
Fall in love with a guy who actually kind of understands me and isn’t a complete idiot
Finally get my first kiss  
Five Things That Make Me Feel Happy:
My job at the movie theatre 
Talking about movies 
Five Things I’m Currently Into:
Dear Evan Hansen 
Shadowhunters & Cassandra Clare’s books
Tumblr <3 
Five Things On My To-Do List:
Finish up my summer college courses (thank God I’m done with them next Tuesday) 
Edit pictures I need to turn into clients for a graduation photography gig 
Finish buying everything I need for my D23 Expo Cosplay 
Read more Spidey comics to prep for Spider-Man Homecoming
Fix my sleep schedule so it’s a little more normal and I’m not awake until 4 or 5 am 
I tag: @randomkiwibirds @awesomesauce-n-sassypants @korracrat @dreamingintheimpalawithdean @coffeecatninja @supervalcsi @if-you-come-a-knockin @aliceschmelice @skulduggerypleasent @stvcrogcrs @itstenafterfour @cookiemcfumb  @oceans-of-lithium @jynstaardust @anice-1
Also, anyone else who wants to play, feel free to feel tagged! Love all my followers and mutuals! Y’all are the bestttttt 😘
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callestere · 7 years
Get to know me (numerically)
I was tagged by: @arithmetic-mean​
One Insecurity
I’ll know how to do something or what I want to say then completely freeze up when it comes to do that thing
Two Fears
Trusting someone then being betrayed
Trying really hard at something and failing horribly
Three Turn-ons
Getting in the perfect sleeping position
Making people happy
That feeling in the back of your throat or in your stomach when you drink something cold on a hot day
Four Life Goals
Run my own business
Become a moderately successful musician
Live a content life (alone or with someone else)
Leave a meaningful impact on the world
Five Things I Like
When good things happen to good people
Thought-provoking challenges
Six Weaknesses
Warm eyes
Giving too much of myself
Prone to random headaches
Seven Things I Love
Warm weather
Things that can actually make me laugh
Video games
Seeing people be creative
Conversations that don’t devolve into name calling etc
I tag @theseriouscynic @korracrat
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Tagged by @evilkitten3​
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you’re done tag up to 10 people… And most importantly
A - Age: 20 B - Biggest fear: Being a failure C - Current time: 12:08 PM D - Drink you last had: Water E - Everyday starts with: Me taking my anxiety meds (hopefully) F - Favourite song: Anything by Circus-P, anything by Utsu-P... anything by Ghost.... But if you want something specific, Burn Me Down by YusukeKira and Puedo Respirar by Aku-P (and basically everything else by Aku-P) G - Ghosts, are they real: I mean I’ve never met one but H - Hometown: Pick your favorite (I’ve moved all over the US because of my parents’ job) I - In love with: GRAVITY FALLS J - Jealous of: People who’s biggest worry is getting a 98% in their classes (I would KILL for that guys) K - Killed someone: Not yet. L - Last time you cried: Yesterday, when one of my professors encouraged me to drop their class (i’m a major disappointment) M - Middle name: Louise N - Number of siblings: One brother, and I’ll have a sister-in-law in a few months (I’m living in my little brother’s shadow) O - One wish: Can I just... nap forever? P - Person you last called/texted: @thewolfofsteampunk​ Q - Questions you’re always asked: “Are you ok?” (the answer is usually no) R - Reasons to smile: My boyfriend, new songs from my favorite producers, Stardew Valley S - Song last sang: I literally sang along to Burn Me Down when I found the link a few minutes ago T - Time you woke up: Eleven. Promptly went back to sleep for an hour. U - Underwear colour: Purple. V - Vacation destination: London W - Worst habit: Are anxiety attacks a habit? X - X-rays you’ve had: The dentist, also when I was in fifth grade I alost broke my nose Y - Your favourite food: Litterally anything that you can eat Z - Zodiac sign: Leo (moon sign: Aquarius)
Tagging: @not-just-any-fangirl @korracrat @pinkie-whitelloon @the-archangel-of-zeref @loveandlucky @narutowarcraft @knightanothingness @i-have-no-gender-only-rage @crying5ever @knightofdoom
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korracrat · 4 years
Are you still alive?
Define alive
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korracrat · 4 years
New problem with the chick or possible overthinking
So yesterday I kinda overshared with her and normally get a good night text and didn’t last night. Started texting her this morning and still got responses but shortened ones......
She might be busy but I’m worried I overstepped or something.....
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korracrat · 7 years
Have a Piggy video for your soul!
For more Piggy videos, check me out here!
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korracrat · 7 years
In case CBS is a dick and you can’t watch the performance in your country or you really wanted a better idea of the staging,
You’re welcome!
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korracrat · 7 years
....Did I just see a post on Twitter where it said Pieck and Zeke where Uncle and niece? Did I just see a ship get destroyed?
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korracrat · 7 years
Normally I avoid the dash at work because of porn, today it’s because of Voltron.
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korracrat · 7 years
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Hey incoming freshmen college students, please note that this is often what close to $500 in textbooks looks like.
Please note that one is a rental, two are used and the other three are one use only online access codes that are required to access the class and do your homework, let alone access your textbook.
Yes I did shop around and yes my bookstore was the only one that was the cheapest (shocker) for these texts and no they are not available online for me to use pdfs of as well.
Please note that sometimes this happens. I am a media student and often my teachers put together other parts of books into one book so we don’t have to buy 5+ $100 books.
Just shop around and make sure you get exactly what you need and listen to the booksellers at your campus bookstore, one of them literally just saved me $200 by telling me to just get the access code instead of the book because she literally had just taken that class and knew it was not needed.
Also I recommend going in and physically picking out the copies. So many times I preorder used ones online from my campus bookstore only to find it already annotated, which for someone like me who annotates a lot in their textbooks, is a major problem. Another thing is know how best you study, I suck at reading textbooks online, especially foreign language ones and require physical texts thus why I have two Intrigue books. Slightly more expensive but not as expensive as having a failing grade and needing to retake the class as you couldn’t study correctly.
Have a good day!
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korracrat · 7 years
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There are five minutes left in the season:
Voltron is completely surrounded
Allura has been somewhat rescued
Shiro has been taken captive
……one of these things is gonna stay that way till the next season isn’t it?
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korracrat · 7 years
Spoiler free review of Wonder Woman!
10/10 would recommend everyone go see!
I loved the casting (NATIVES PORTRAYING NATIVES WHAT A CONCEPT) loved everything except one thing. The costumes, I am very nitpicky about it. They were exquisite and looked good, but were time inaccurate. Also I clocked the fake beads on Eugene’s necklace right way.
That being said, when I can only complain about details on one character’s costume, and like three background extras in inaccurate pieces, then that tells me it was a great movie with very few drawbacks.
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korracrat · 7 years
Why did I take a break from editing to check up on my ex? I thought I had her out of my system when I ran into her at the puppy store months ago.
It just wows me that exactly what I said to her months ago has wound up on her twitter page about her most recent breakup. Word for word. Verbatim. And I bet she doesn’t even realize the irony in a girl leaving her because she had emotional baggage and the other one didn’t want to deal with it anymore. And she got shipped back across the country because of it?
Yes this is definitely karma. (Only difference was mine was across the state not as bad but still).
And she doesn’t see how karma came and bit her in the ass for what she did to me, almost exactly as it happened to me. But I see it and it is sweet justice.
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