#this is an old gif so it might have made rounds here but i'm just sharing anyway
dude-iloveu · 11 months
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Flight videos deconstructed
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queer-little-demigod · 2 months
Hi lea!!!! Can you write about an clarisse la true x apollo!reader
Clarisse got in trouble for something (what's new tho) and got a punishment of helping out with the little demigods art class for 2 weeks (or however long) the volunteer teacher is reader. At first Clarisse did NOT wanna be there she acted like a baby for the first few days but after she got more involved and started to understand she enjoyed it (she would never admit it), she started talking to the kids more (she totally has favorites, reader has to constantly tell her dont be so obvious about her favorites 😭) it got to a point where the kids would start talking to her outside of class. Also Clarisse definitely doesn't develop a crush on reader. AT ALL. SHE DEFINITELY HATES HOW PASSIONATE SHE IS ABOUT THE KIDS AND ART AND HOW GOOD SHE IS WITH KIDS SHE DOESN'T THINK ITS CUTE AT ALL. SHE DOESNT THINK OF THAT CLASS AS ONE BIG FAMILY. I mean what???? Who said that???
Anyways when it's time for her to go reader takes some of the kids to make a goodbye sign for clarisse; clarisse takes her 100% not favorite kid on a secret mission to make an 'I'm staying' sign. Then reader and Clarisse present them at the same time and it's all cutesy!! After class, reader asks clarisse on a date via showing her a pain she drew of them on a date and hopes she gets the message!
Thank you! :)
you got an artist inside you - clarisse la rue
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summary where clarisse finds herself falling in love with a girl over paintbrushes and a punishment
fic type fluff
pairing clarisse la rue x fem!apollo!reader
word count 1.8k
warnings none
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The camp was usually sleepy, quiet, and mostly empty apart from a few stray campers training here and there. But with summer already beating down with a burning force, it was full of kids running around, training left right and center, and all-in-all just general chaos.
So with the burning heat came grumpy older campers, which meant fights.
And a fight at lunch is what led to Clarissa having to help the younger campers with art class, with the co-teacher being none other than you, Y/n L/n, counsellor of the Apollo cabin. Additionally and otherwise known as the girl Clarisse was smitten with.
"Clarisse La Rue if you don't stop whining like that right now, I am going to smack you," you grumbled in utter frustration for the fifth time that hour, when she complained to you about some kid not cutting the paper the way it was supposed to be cut.
For a child of the god of war, she was such a wuss sometimes.
"But they're not following-" she began to protest, but a smack upside the head with a roll of wrapping paper shut her up.
"They're seven year olds in a summer camp art class," you emphasised on those facts. "They're gonna do their own thing!"
This was how the first few days went. She complained, you disciplined both her and the kids. But once she got used to the whole routine of you both giving instructions and the final products having irritatingly distinct variations, she cooled down.
If this was going to be a punishment for the next two weeks, she might as well enjoy it.
The art room, as usual, was a mess. Glitter was everywhere, coloured pencils were strewn around, papers were on the floor, blackened and trampled on. The strong scent of glue made everyone a bit woozy, and there was enough shouting for supplies across the table to give even the calmest camper a sensory overload.
Clarisse sat in the danger zone where the most glitter was being thrown around and spilled, and her soft skin was already glimmering with purple and red glitter as she tried restoring order. However, instead of yelling as usual she was laughing along with the little kids.
One kid in particular, you noticed, she helped far more than the others. A Hephaestus kid named Dennis, who was the sweetest little thing with big, round glasses and bronze hearing aids that you had Charlie customise so they looked like metal elf ear tips.
You pulled Clarissa aside and scolded her with a smile, “Clar, you cannot pick favourites!”
Clarissa loved your smile with everything she had. So naturally, she was so captivated by it that she didn't hear you the first time. Nor did she register the scolding.
"Excuse me, but Dennis deserves special treatment--" She began, but you cut her off.
"No, he's just like the other kids, okay? Just make sure you don't pick favourites, please," you sighed and walked away, going back to showing the kids how to make paper butterflies.
But you're my favourite, she thought to herself. She wished she had the courage to say it out loud, admit her feelings for you, but she couldn't.
Later, as time went by, as days of standing in clouds of glitter and glue fumes began and ended, Clarisse found that she was apparently likeable. After classes, during training, during dinner, she'd have little kids pulling her sleeve to talk to her, she'd have kids randomly hugging her at odd times of the day, or giving her small artworks like a wonky bird or a odd-looking Cerebrus. It shocked the campers beyond belief.
But for you it just made your love for her grow.
One day during class, a Demeter kid named Flora started to cry because glitter went into her eye. You rushed over immediately and helped her up, holding her in your arms as you took her to the basin to clean her up.
"Shh, don't cry, baby, it's okay, I'm gonna wash it out, alright?" You said softly.
"Guys, focus on your work, Flo's fine," Clarisse said, clapping her hands to direct the staring kids back to work, her eyes fixed on you as you washed Flora's eyes with water gently, telling her that she should not to go so close to the page when blowing glitter off in the softest voice the child of war had ever heard.
You were so gentle, like the softest summer breeze which didn't make the leaves rustle, but cooled one's warming skin. You were so precious, with your soft smile and loving words. Your voice was sweet like honey, no matter who you talked to or how.
If your voice was bottled, she swore to the gods that she'd get drunk on it every night.
"You okay, champ?" She asked, gently ruffling Flora's soft brown hair as the girl sat down. "You're a strong girl, aren't you? Showed that stupid glitter it's place."
You giggled at the way she spoke, covering your mouth with your hand to hide it. It was ridiculously obvious that Clarisse thought the kids in the art class were like family, and it was genuinely so adorable.
Seeing her like this, curly hair pulled back in her red bandanna, arms splattered with paint here and there, with glitter shining off her smooth caramel skin with every movement she made into the light, lit up something inside of you. Seeing her without her usual scowl, pulling funny faces with the kids as she showed them how to draw a monster, made your heart beat twice as fast.
However, two weeks went by with heartbreaking speed, and before she knew it, she was in Chiron's office, listening to him gleefully say she was officially un-grounded.
But honestly? She didn't share his happiness.
Nor did you.
"What?! Already!?" You exclaimed that evening as you sat in your cabin at your desk, which had plans put out for what to make for the next art class.
"Yeah," she grumbled, lounging on your bed. "I hate it."
"That's rough, but it's okay, you can always hop in to volunteer,"
"What do we tell the little ones?"
"The truth?"
"You're fucking crazy if you think they'll go with it,"
"I'm out of options, Clar," you leaned back in your chair and put your hands over your eyes. "I love that class, and I love teaching art."
"I know, and as much as I hate to admit it," she sat up. "So do I."
The very next day, Clarisse rushed to Chiron and begged him to let her stay for that class. Even going to lengths that she told him how she felt for you.
"Fine," he relented. "You can stay with the class for as long as you'd like,"
She'd never run to the forges to find a kid so fast.
"Beckendorf!" She exclaimed, looking at the cabin counselor. "Hey, where's Dennis?"
The boy looked around, and his eyes landed on Dennis, who was inquisitively watching one of his half-sisters mold a few practice swords, helping occasionally with putting the swords in water.
"Dennis!" Beckendorf exclaimed, "Clarisse wants to talk to you!"
Dennis immediately ran over, grinning broadly, showing his gap-toothed smile. "Hi, Clarisse!" He said, excitedly.
"Hey there, big boy!" She smiled back, giving him a high five. "So listen, I'm going to need your insane artistic skills and your help..."
While you did help the other kids make a 'goodbye' sign for Clarisse, on the side you decided to confront your feelings.
You knew you liked her from the beginning, from when you first saw her infectious smile, from when you heard her deep laugh reverberating through the empty Apollo cabin on days where you both would plan lessons.
She held the key to your heart, she knew her way past your walls. She clearly also knew how to remain in your thoughts, subconscious and conscious, to the point where you found yourself in the art studio, canvas on an easel before you.
Thoughts of her, of feeling her coarse, battle-worn hands on your skin, of gazing into those deep brown eyes which were like the colour of the rain-kissed earth, and when she fought were like the evening sun, golden enough to put the wings of Icarus to shame, made your paintbrush move. It made your colours flow like the blood in your veins, made each stroke perfect enough to create the scene you most desired on the canvas in front of you.
You stepped back once you felt the need to express yourself flow away, gazing at the canvas. A scene it held, and what a scene indeed. The sky was cornflower blue, a cloudless day, with the sun’s rays shining down on a big oak tree. The leaves were paler as the golden light kissed the surface, casting sharp shadows on the pillowy grass.
But then there was vivid orange and red, a flash of bronze. In the foreground there sat both you and Clarisse, the latter having more detail than any part of the drawing.
Then the dreaded day came where you all had to say goodbye to her.
The little ones were devastated, not letting Clarisse go anywhere without following her around like baby ducklings, making her explain to them that she's not going away from camp, she's just not going to teach them anymore.
At the end of the final class, just as everyone unveiled the 'we'll miss you' poster, she and Dennis revealed their 'I'm Staying' poster, causing a loud, thunderous cheer to erupt from all of you.
Later, you pulled her aside to give her your canvas painting.
Nerves wracked your body, your palms began to sweat.
When was the last time you had felt this nervous? It was probably your cello recital the day you had come to camp...
"Holy shit, Y/n this looks absolutely amazing!" Clarisse exclaimed, taking the painting in her hands.
She didn't miss the detail you had given her, drawing her angelically, despite her thinking she was the opposite. It was so well done that the brush strokes weren't even visible.
Please get the message, you blockheaded, oblivious fool...you thought.
Deciding to act against your nerves, you asked her in a shaky voice, "That's a painting of us on a date...would you like to go on one with me sometime?"
Clarisse's heart stopped. Had you just asked her out on a date?
She was at a loss for words, they didn't touch her tongue, nor did they pass her lips. She stood there, speechless, gaping at you for a moment too long.
"I mean, I get it, you're probably not even a les--" you began, but a pair of gentle lips on yours silenced your words.
Sparks flew, butterflies went haywire, your brain short-circuited. You didn't know what to doo, just stood there frozen with shock. Kissing the girl you had liked for the last few months now.
Clarisse, however, was ecstatic. Her mind was a burst of colour, her body was ablaze. She felt like she had wings, and her heart was taking her up, up, up.
Once she pulled away, she winked at your blushing face and dopey grin.
"It's a date, L/n."
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hi, it's me! lea! i hope you enjoyed this long overdue oneshot <3 requests are open via dms or asks!
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illusivelle · 6 days
chicken scratch
pairing: carmen 'carmy' berzatto x reader rating: t (for now) length: 1,028 words content: mild cursing summary: you've never met your neighbour, but you've received plenty of their mail and now, a large package. of all the stories you made up in your head about who this 'carmen berzatto' could be, the real thing might just be your new favourite. a/n: brain rot means a middle of the night word dump. will likely be the first of many little stories about your next door neighbour, carmen, because that dynamic lives in my mind rent free. fluff for now, but we all know what that means (it means it'll definitely become nsfw later, sooner probably). read part two link to ao3 here!
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The first letter was a mistake, the second one was a coincidence. The third one was not a big deal and the fourth was only a little more than a nuisance. But when a much larger package thudded against your front door at the ass crack of dawn, the recipient clearly written across the top of the cardboard box as your neighbour… well, that was just flat out annoying at this point. You hadn't even known deliveries made their rounds so early in the day and as big as the box was, when you lifted it to carry next door, it weighed lighter than a feather.
The pile of letters that accidentally found their way to your apartment were usually slipped through the small mailbox of your neighbour's, sometimes under the door. You'd thought about dropping the package and simply going about your day, but curiosity got the better of you as your knuckles rapped against the door and waited instead.
What could a Carmen Berzatto have possibly required to be delivered at this time?
In the time you've lived in the building, there'd been very few run-ins with other tenants. Not that you'd ever complain, perfectly content with your own company. You made friends with one elderly lady who always offered you some of her freshly baked bread, and in return you picked her up flowers and some extra produce on your farmer's market runs. The landlord wasn't your friend, but he wasn't your enemy either, and somehow you'd convinced him to let you paint your bathroom your favourite colour with little to no resistance. But your next door neighbour remained a mystery, one you've conjured up about a dozen different backstories and personalities for.
Carmen Berzatto, notorious criminal, hiding out in a tiny Chicago apartment. Carmen Berzatto, hundred-year-old vampire, who might either burn in the sun or look like they'd walked through a glitter bomb. Carmen Berzatto, part time Chicagoan, who actually doesn't live here anymore and maybe there's a squatter inside instead. Carmen Berzatto, the tax evader, because why else would they have so much goddamn mail being sent to them?
You'd been lost in the web of made-up histories for your neighbour when the door swung open to reveal said neighbour, and it slowly dawned on you that there wasn't a single story where you imagined Carmen Berzatto to look like that.
Piercing, wide blue eyes and a head of shaggy brown tufts that made you want to tangle your fingers through them, especially that small curl dangling just above his forehead.
"Hi." His greeting was laced with mild confusion that seemed immediately alleviated when his attention dropped to the box in your hands. "Oh."
"Hi," you blurted out, lifting the package, "got another one for you."
"I—I'm sorry about— about, uh, about all of that. It won't happen again."
"Won't it?" You were mostly teasing now. Although you were jolted awake by the sound of it thrashing against your door, and although you were rather peeved about getting up before you wanted to, you couldn't find it in yourself to be irritated anymore.
Carmen reached out to take the box from you, giving it a small shake with what you thought was a ghost of a smile before he set it down to the side somewhere you couldn't see. "It won't. I'm sorry." The flirt of his tongue along his lips brought your gaze toward it before you met his eyes again.
Those stunning icy blues.
"It's okay, nothing to be sorry for."
"I must've really fucked up on the— the uh, apartment number."
"The apartment number."
"Yeah," you looked at him a bit dumbfounded, gaze darting to the door where the number and letter were, "what about it?"
"You don't know your apartment number?"
"My writing's shit."
Both of you seemed to blink in unison, another lick of Carmen's lips which you mirrored before a stupid smile curled your lips. "Oh."
"Not a good excuse, I know." He nodded, jaw working as he turned his head to the metal on the door, a short and deep chuckle sounding from him. "Again, I—"
"Not sorry," you shook your head, "just chicken scratch."
For a moment, Carmen stared at you, and if it wasn't bad enough to have those too-blue eyes simply looking at you, to find them nearly boring holes as they danced between your eyes and across your face made you want to evaporate. Made you wish the ground would open up and swallow you hole. Made you want to drown in the depths of the ocean blues that were his irises.
"Just chicken scratch," he murmured after a beat of silence and what was once a ghost of a smile was definitely something now, the corner of his mouth lifting enough to wrinkle the corner of his eye. Enough to show you the dimple in his cheek. "Thanks for— for bringing the package."
"Yeah." And the smile unfurling on your lips was nothing short of genuine. "You're welcome, Carmen."
"Just, uh, just Carm is good. Carmy."
Another beat passed where you thought you might have been rendered frozen by one of your favourite shades of blue, glued to the floor through hypnosis, until a sound down the hall caught your ear and you nodded at Carmen. Turning on your heel, you took the first step back to your apartment, then another, and another.
And it wasn't until you had your hand stretched out to grab for your doorknob when you heard his voice echo from where you'd came. "See you around?"
The moment hung in the air on a thin thread, the both of you sharing furtive and hidden smiles before his door closed and yours opened.
Carmen Berzatto, not a notorious criminal (to your knowledge) or a hundred-year-old vampire (yet). Nor was he a part-time Chicagoan (not with that accent) or a tax evader (maybe). None of the ideas you had floating in your mind about your neighbour even came close to the real thing.
Carmen Berzatto, curly-haired blue-eyed boy-next-door with chicken scratch for writing and a fleeting dimple you wanted to see again.
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
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You were once his colorful spark of adventurous dreams while he was stuck in a monotone nightmare of what had been chosen for him. And now, years after he'd escaped and quietly disappeared, he's back- and you're nothing but strangers.
Tags/Warnings: non-idol AU, Angst, Friends to strangers to lovers, smut, I know you've all been waiting for what mom might make out of the groceries aka topless calvin Klein kook, mentions of death, mentions of questionable past time activities (smoking, drinking, drugs but no consumption of such, sex, gambling), more TBA
Length: ???
-> this is going to be a One-shot. Additional content can be added if requested.
🌟 This work has Patreon perks! Please check my navigation post (pinned) for more info!
There is no taglist for this fic.
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"Where's puffball?" Jungkook asks, carefully walking into your apartment, visibly tense as he follows you slowly, rather taking a look around.
"Where he always sleeps." You simply say, and Jungkook needs to think for a second, before his face turns towards the corner near your entrance door, where a small coffee table stands instead of the tiny red dog bed he was expecting-
A picture of the tiny off-white poodle mix on top of it, his baby blue collar in front with a candle unlit.
"Oh.." jungkook can't find the words, his throat suddenly clogging up. Everyone always said how ugly that dog was, and yeah, objectively he was- with the overbite and tongue hanging out, he truly wouldn't have ever won a beauty contest. But you loved the little guy- and Jungkook loved him too, despite his constant yapping.
"Died of kidney failure last year December." You shrug as you search through a bookshelf, opening a folder with documents. "Wasn't surprising."
"I'm.." he starts, before he bites his lip, scratches the back of his neck. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You chuckle, trying to just brush it off. Truth be told it still hurts to talk about it- but you don't want him to know that. "You didn't kill the guy." You joke, taking out some paperwork as you sit down on the couch.
"No, It's not that-" he says, eyes focused on the grey-ish pull out couch in front of him.
The same you both made love on, years ago, the same he held you on through the entire night before you went for a round two in the morning, the same he decided that he needs change on.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there. To.. comfort you." He offers.
Again, only a shrug of your shoulders. You don't acknowledge him at all, it feels like.
And he can't even blame you.
"Here- that should be all the papers for the car." You instead change the topic, holding out the documents- which he takes, though he sits down next to you as well, with a respectful distance. It feels off, awkward, like punishment for his cowardly behavior years prior.
It's like you switched sides- your tattoos covered up by simple black leggings, blank white top covering your upper half. The only hint of color is in the split ends of your hair- though even that's faded to the point of almost being unrecognizable.
And now he's the rebel of the two of you, going against the norms with his tattoos and piercings and hair and everything- something he'd always admired you for, back then.
But the world had finally broken you down it looks like- society having forced you into submission after all, despite your back then huge ambitions.
"Are you sure I can just.. have it?" He asks again, just to make sure you really don't want the car any longer- and you nod.
"I had a seizure three months back, so I'm not allowed to drive anyway." You say nonchalantly, leaning back against the couch, arms and legs crossed to almost fend him off it seems like. "Not that I'd want to ever again." You confess.
"..down the old EDM club." He suddenly says, looking at you. "Near the main road. That was you?" He asks, and you nod, though your furrowed brows and challenging eyes show clearly that you're asking for why he knows about it. "I.. kept up with the news and.." he sighs, running his fingers through his hair, the other hand careful not to clutch the papers too hard. "I wanted to know you're alright."
"Cool." You simply say, nothing else.
He looks at you, waiting for something more you might day- but you don't. You just look at him with a strange mixture of emotions he can't really distinguish. It's all washed together into one muddy mess- and he knows it's his fault that you're so on guard.
He's a stranger to you now, after all.
"Car was never fixed up, by the way." You say, moving to get up. "So you've got some work to do or money to spend." You say, and Jungkook gets up as well, walking after you towards the door that you open for him.
He slips back into his Chelsea boots, before he looks back at you, mouth opening before you can even deny him. "I know you're pissed at me." He says. "And you got every right to."
"Great we talked about that- now leave." You say, pointing out the door.
"I'm not gonna say this to get my dick wet." He tells you with a serious face, as you stare him down, daring him foe his next words. "But I need you to know that you.. what happened between us, that was fucking special." He says. "So much so that I knew I had to change in order to.. become someone." He says.
"Someone what?" You ask, crossing your arms defensively- because his words are getting to you.
"Just someone." He explains. "I wasn't anyone at all back then. Just.. a puppet who did what I for told. I had no personality. No ambitions, nothing- I only had you." He words out, and your gaze softens. "And I couldn't stay with you because.. I would've probably hurt you at some point."
"You still did." You say, and he nods, tongue playing with his piercing.
"I did." He agrees. "But not as bad as I would've if I'd stayed." He tries to justify. "I- listen, can't we.. start over?" He wonders, looking at you with hopeful eyes. "We're basically strangers by now anyway, aren't we?"
You are.
The jungkook in front of you is nothing like the blank canvas he used to be. He's vibrant despite the lack of color he's actually wearing, full of emotions, opinions and views. This jungkook is filled to the brim with things-
While you've become empty instead now, taking his place.
"I don't think I'm the person you remember." You deny. "We don't fit- in fact, we never did." You shake your head.
"Five years might change a lot-" he says, round black orbs watching you intently. "-but the won't change what's in here." He says, offers, hopes, inked finger gently pointing to where your heart sits underneath the shirt and your skin and bones.
And much to your demise, he seems to be right.
Because you're sure he can probably feel it beating faster from this faint touch alone.
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chadleys · 1 year
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rose colored. | will poulter
›› pairing: will poulter x reader
›› wordcount: 3.6k
›› genre: smut, pining, friends to lovers
›› rating: 18+, mdni
›› synopsis: you're an actress who has been friends with will since filming your last project together. you've always had a small crush on him, but seeing him in glasses might be the thing that pushes you to make a move.
›› warnings: unprotected sex, swearing, oral sex.
of course you knew will wore glasses. it was just, he typically wore contacts. in fact, you didn't think you had ever seen him sport an actual pair of glasses since you'd met all those months ago when filming first started.
today, however, you're chatting with your co-stars when will - who's been running late - comes hurrying through the interview room door with his hands held up. ❝ sorry, everyone. i'm here, i'm here. ❞
the rest of the group starts to razz him, especially because he's normally the punctual one, but you're only able to sit and stare.
he's ditched his contact lenses for the day, instead replacing them with a pair of chunky clear frames. your heart flutters, and you've no idea why. to your knowledge, you've never had a thing for men in glasses before. so there really is no reason for the way you're acting, other than that will poulter looks really fucking hot in glasses.
will has made his rounds throughout the room, greeting his old co-stars, and as he reaches you he leans in for his customary hug. but you're still just staring, apparently unable to move with how turned on he's got you with one simple wardrobe change.
❝ are you okay? ❞ he asks, eying you with a small smile. ❝ am i not allowed to hug you? ❞
your face is burning; your cheeks must be beet red by now. hoping he can't tell, you stutter, ❝ no ... i-i mean, yes! of course you can hug me. ❞
with an awkward little laugh, you lean forward to embrace him. he smells as good as you remember, and the hug is full of warmth as he squeezes you, rocking you back and forth for a bit. it's been a while since you've seen each other and though you've been working on a few other projects since then, you were never quite able to forget him. he was always so sweet and polite and just ... darling. you suppose you've always had a bit of a crush on him, but the glasses? the glasses are taking this to a whole other level.
as you reluctantly release will from the hug, he takes his place in the interview lineup.
the cast for this particular project was fairly large, so the interviewer has set you all up in a semi-circle before him. you're dead center, and will is off toward the end of the line, and with that angle you have a clear, dead shot to stare at him the entire time.
and stare you do.
you can barely keep track of the questions and conversations around you, chiming in every once in a while so as not to seem rude, but your focus is almost entirely on will. on his bright eyes, the way his glasses frame them, his dark brows, the contemplative look on his face. the glint of light off his lenses gives his normally ambiguous eyes a sharp green color. fuck, no one has eyes that green. he's so fucking hot.
will meets your gaze suddenly, and grins. he raises his eyebrows questioningly, but you're unable to do anything but stare, open-mouthed, at him. he must think you're a fucking idiot.
as the interview drags on, he glances at you a few more times, smile slowly fading. you hardly realize, though, squeezing your thighs together in your seat, picturing all the things he could do to you, with the glasses or without.
finally, the interviewer wraps things up and as you stand you're waylaid by one of your co-stars. ❝ so, i was thinking, since it's been a while, i'm gonna get the cast together for some drinks after this and catch up. you wanna come? ❞
you give your assent as you're all filtering out into the hallway, and a strong hand catches your arm, giving a gentle squeeze.
it's will, staring down at you through those glasses, and now your underwear are well and truly soaked. ❝ hey. can i talk to you? ❞
you nod, wondering what this could be about as will leads you down the hallway and away from the group.
for a moment, he just stands with his arms crossed, one hand running a thumb slowly over his lower lip. seriously, can he fucking not?
he eventually speaks, with a sigh, ❝ is everything alright? ... have i done something to upset you? ❞
you frown, shaking your head. ❝ no? why would you think i'm upset? ❞ he does not even realize you're the exact opposite of upset right now.
will runs a hand through his hair and sighs again. ❝ you were just ... acting kind of strange. i mean, first you wouldn't even let me hug you. and we always hug, y'know? whenever we see each other. and then, during the interview, i mean. you were giving me that look. i just want to know if i've upset you or made you uncomfortable or something, because if i have i'd love the chance to apologize and make things right. ❞
he's rambling, and it's hard for you to keep track of what he's saying. uncomfortable? upset? if he only knew how badly you want him to fuck you right here in this hallway, he wouldn't be saying all this.
... should you just tell him? honesty is always the best policy, right?
completely unaware of your internal dilemma, will continues, ❝ i know i can come off a bit strong sometimes, and i'm so sorry - ❞
❝ i think you look really hot today, ❞ you cut him off suddenly. ❝ in your glasses. ❞
will inhales sharply, blinking at you. he's so unbelievably cute, it's unnatural. ❝ oh. well. ❞ he clears his throat. ❝ th-thank you, i ... i'm flattered. ❞
trying not to let your hands shake too badly, you shove them in your pockets. ❝ yeah, so. that's why i was staring. i just think you look really nice today. ❞ you shrug in a desperate attempt to seem casual, even though your insides are twisting around themselves and there's a veritable puddle between your legs just from looking at him.
❝ are you coming out? ❞ you ask, gesturing to the retreating backs of your cast members. ❝ for drinks? ❞
❝ o-okay, yeah. ❞ he nods, and you gesture for him to follow you out.
› › ›
you're staring again. fuck, you can't help it.
will is so beautiful, sat across the table from you, nestled between two of your castmates, cheeks flushed from the drink he's nursing.
you yourself are only one drink in, but you might have to call it quits after just this one. the way you're feeling today, there's no telling what you'll do if you get well and truly drunk.
will frequently catches your eye, and at one point he uses his middle finger to slowly slide his slipping glasses up the bridge of his nose, which leaves you gasping for air.
❝ jeez, are you okay? ❞ someone beside you asks with a laugh, and you nod, gritting your teeth and digging your nails into the palm of your hand as you continue to ogle will, who hides a grin behind the rim of his glass.
what a cheeky bastard.
› › ›
your front door swings shut after the last of your co-stars and you sigh, leaning back against the hard wood.
will is the only one left, and the longer you spend in the entryway to your apartment, the further you can see him crane his head back from the living room couch to look at you.
he calls your name. ❝ are you coming back? you didn't leave me, did you? ❞
❝ i'm here, ❞ you tell him unsteadily. with measured steps, you make your way back to the living room. standing by the arm of the sofa, you look at him. he looks at you. neither of you says anything, but he does offer the slightest hint of a smile and your heart melts.
❝ something to drink? ❞ even though everything inside of you is screaming at you to jump on him right there on your couch and ravish the everloving hell out of him, your feet somehow manage to ignore all of that and carry you to the kitchen instead.
will hums as you pull the fridge open. ❝ i'll just take a water, thanks. ❞ is that disappointment you hear in his voice?
with a water for him and an iced tea for yourself, you venture back to the living room. water in hand, will takes a sip and then moves to place his glass on the coffee table.
❝ ah-ah, mister, ❞ you reprimand him. ❝ this is a new apartment. ❞ leaning over, you grab two coasters from the pile and set them down for your drinks.
trying to lean back to take a seat, however, you misjudge the distance between will and yourself and find yourself seated half in his lap. ❝ shit, my bad - ❞
when you go to move, however, now embarrassed as hell, you find a strong arm around your waist preventing you from doing so.
you turn to will and find his face incredibly close to yours. your breath hitches in your throat. you seem to have lost the ability to speak.
but that's alright, because will speaks in your place, with a quiet ❝ sorry. ❞
finding your voice, you swallow before muttering, ❝ what for? ❞
will's gaze is on your lips, then your eyes. ❝ well, for that. ❞ he gestures to your drinks on the table. ❝ but also, i realized that when you said i looked nice today ... i didn't say anything back. i didn't tell you you look fucking gorgeous. ❞
❝ are you serious? ❞ you're not sure why you said it like that; you sound so ungrateful.
❝ yeah, ❞ will chuckles. he makes a face. ❝ is that weird? ❞
you shake your head so fast you're afraid you'll get whiplash. ❝ god, no, will ... ❞ unsure what to say next, you realize your hand has somehow found its way to his thigh. with a soft squeeze, it then begins to travel up the length of his jeans, over the hem of his shirt. the delicate cotton rides up and your thumb brushes against the warm skin of his lower abdomen, but he doesn't stop you. drifting further still, your palm cups up and over his shoulder, his neck, until your fingers are cradling his ear, and your nails click against the plastic of his glasses. ❝ i mean ... only as weird as me thinking these are seriously the hottest things i've ever seen in my life. ❞
not wanting him to get the wrong idea, you stumble over your next words. ❝ i mean, you're hot all the time. there's just something about the glasses, y'know? you never wear them, it's ... something new, i guess. ❞
will's fingers are playing with the ends of your hair, a bemused smile stretching his lips. ❝ you never told me you thought i was hot. ❞
❝ i was nervous, ❞ you admit, and the heel of your hand slips down so you can cradle his neck. ❝ y'know, what if ... what if you weren't interested? ❞
without hesitation, will answers, ❝ i'm interested. ❞
you make the most embarrassing noise and lean swiftly in, but will's hand is planted on your shoulder, pushing you away.
❝ shit, sorry. i won't - ❞ your hand has fallen from his neck, but will's palm is there, catching it against his chest. you can feel his heart hammering away beneath.
❝ you're okay, ❞ he soothes you, sitting up straighter so that he's towering over you as he normally does.
❝ i want to be the one to kiss you. ❞
breathless, you nod, waiting patiently.
he rewards you with a thumb sweeping across your lips, both of his large hands cradling your jaw, fingers sinking further into your hair so that he can drag you closer.
it's easy for him to do so, strong as he is, but it's not like you wouldn't have gone willingly anyway.
your lips meet gently at first, the kiss growing more fervent as your bodies melt together. one of your hands is still braced on his broad chest, the other hanging onto his wrist, afraid to let go. he makes you feel so safe.
at one point your nose bumps the bridge of his glasses and you break from him with a gasp.
❝ what's wrong? ❞ he asks, and you're glad to hear that he's as breathless as you are.
❝ mm, nothing. just ... ❞ you squeeze your legs together, wondering if you should again just tell him the truth. hell, you already did once and it paid off. ❝ you're making me really fucking horny. ❞
his face goes red at that, and his gaze flickers toward your bedroom. ❝ d'you want to ... ? ❞
› › ›
in your room, he lays you carefully on the bed, teeth worrying over the side of your neck. there's going to be a rather nasty hickey there tomorrow and you couldn't care less.
he pulls back just long enough to get a hand between the two of you and starts to rub slow, gentle circles over your shorts. his mouth back on your neck, teeth tugging at your earlobe, he mumbles, ❝ i wanna put my mouth down there. ❞
those words are enough to make your vision go black. it's been so long since you've been touched like this, let alone by someone as hot as this, your brain doesn't know how to react.
❝ is that okay? ❞ he queries, and you can feel his smile against your neck.
❝ fuck yes, will, of course it's okay. ❞
when he leans back, there's a devious look on his face. ❝ shall i leave the glasses on? ❞
truthfully, it doesn't matter to you whether he keeps the glasses on or takes them off right now, but you can't deny how cute it's going to be watching him go down on you with them on, so you nod. ❝ please, ❞ is your answer.
will kisses his way down your body, rucking your shirt up so he can kiss and nip at your stomach, before hooking his fingers into your shorts and pulling. he takes your underwear with them at the same time before gently spreading your thighs with his large hands.
❝ fuck, ❞ he moans, eyes going wide at the sight of you. ❝ how long have you been this wet? ❞
❝ since you came into the room and i saw those fucking glasses, fuck! ❞ the last half of your sentence is a garbled mess because will's long, thick fingers have started slipping through your folds, spreading your wetness, working tight, glossy circles over your clit.
❝ god, i have to get my mouth down there. ❞
wasting no more time, he drops to his knees and wraps his arms around the tops of your thighs, tugging you to the edge of the bed so he can give one long, slow lick from right at your entrance all the way up to your throbbing clit. ❝ fuck, baby ... d'you even know how good you taste? ❞
your head thrown back against the pillows, fingers knotted in the sheets, you nod.
will chuckles, warm breath ghosting over your clit. ❝ you do, do you? ❞ he teases.
❝ i-i mean, no. i don't ... i think you should have another taste, and tell me how good it is. ❞
apparently thinking you're right, will dives back in with abandon. his lips and tongue make you squirm, rubbing your body along your cool, crisp sheets. realizing your shirt is still on, you rip it off and press your breasts together, rubbing and kneading.
when he decides to add a finger, your head shoots up and you stare down at him, your chest heaving. ❝ you gotta stop or i'm gonna cum. ❞
❝ already? ❞ he huffs a laugh, finger pumping slowly inside of you.
❝ sorry, 'm not normally this easy, i promise. ❞ a flush crawls its way up from your chest and over your neck. ❝ you're just so hot, and those glasses ... ❞
will shushes you, skirting a comforting thumb over your hip. ❝ you don't have to apologize, my love. i quite like it, it's ... flattering. ❞
your chest is heaving with the effort it takes to pull yourself back from the edge.
will pulls his finger from inside of you and sucks the taste of you off, coming to brace himself above you again.
before he can do anything, though, you're tugging at the bottom of his shirt. ❝ you have entirely too many clothes still on. ❞
you work to divest him of his clothes, and you gasp seeing his cock spring free from his briefs. ❝ you're big, ❞ is all you manage to say, which. what did you expect? the man's 6' fucking 3".
❝ i'll be gentle, ❞ he whispers, dipping his head to kiss your chest. ❝ d'you have a condom? ❞
shit, of course you don't. you haven't been in a relationship recently, been too wrapped up in thoughts and memories of will to want anyone else, so condoms aren't something you've had to think about. ❝ uh, no. but ... ❞ you shrug, hoping he knows that means you don't fucking care about protection when it comes to him.
❝ you're sure? ❞
❝ positive. ❞
his response is a lingering kiss to your forehead that makes your entire body flood with warmth.
when he lines himself up at your entrance, you grasp onto his arms for support. your pussy is already pulsing, trying to draw him in, and your knees tremble where they're pressed to his sides.
keeping true to his word, he doesn't start to push so much as roll his hips forward, letting just the head of his cock sink in, then another half inch and another. it feels so good you gasp for air like a drowning woman, and will kisses you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his lips.
❝ i'm all the way in, ❞ he mutters, breaking the silence in the room with his mouth pressed to your chin.
your walls flutter around him and you make this strange hiccupping sound that makes you want to crawl in a hole and die.
❝ everything feel okay? ❞ will checks in, and you bite your lip hard, nails still dug into his arms.
❝ y-yeah ... if you could just ignore all the sounds i make from now on, that'd be great. ❞
will laughs, not unkindly, and mumbles, ❝ sorry, but there's no chance of that. ❞
and he starts to move, spearing through all your defenses, hips meeting yours with what starts as mild urgency and soon devolves into utter abandon as your pussy absolutely creams around him. you don't know if his dick is just made for you or what, but it's hitting all the right spots, making you see stars. which is pretty shitty, considering all you really want to see right now are his eyes through those fucking glasses.
❝ close, ❞ you gasp at some point, drawing him down by the back of his neck.
he nods, just resting his nose against yours, the frames of his glasses cold against your brow. ❝ me too. ❞ his voice is more measured than yours, though not by much.
you clear your throat, fingers carding through his copper hair, tugging lightly. ❝ inside? please? ❞
❝ you're on birth control? ❞
haven't had to think about that recently either. shit. ❝ uh, no. but, ❞ you say again, with another shrug.
will laughs harder this time, nudging his nose against your cheek. ❝ you're sure? ❞
your answer is the same as last time. ❝ positive. ❞
❝ i'll wait for you, ❞ will mutters, but his breathing is ragged and his arms are shaking and it's so obvious he's trying to hold himself back.
knowing he's so close to cumming, to giving you everything, is enough to push you over the edge. ❝ it's like. right now. ❞
both of you gasp at the same time, his cock starting to pulse, your cunt doing the same, drawing him in and taking greedily as he gives eagerly. hot, sticky cum floods into you as will kisses you, both of you gasping, licking into each others' mouths, bodies rocking together as you shake apart.
when you've done this with others, the comedown is always kind of awkward, picking yourselves up, getting dried off, saying your goodbyes.
but with will, it's perfect. still twitching inside of you, he slips to lay half on top of you, lips pressed to your shoulder as you continue to pet his hair. his eyelids flutter, and his breath comes hot and heavy against your skin. he must be so jetlagged after the flight from england.
he mumbles something you don't quite catch.
❝ hm? ❞ you can't seem to stop rubbing your legs against his.
❝ can i take the glasses off now? ❞ he asks a bit more clearly.
you hum, gazing down at him gazing sleepily up at you. your fingers dance along the edge of his ear again, toying with the hard plastic of the glasses.
❝ only if you agree to stay the night. ❞
he looks at you incredulously. ❝ how could i leave? and miss the chance to do that again. thanks, i'll stay. ❞
with a laugh, you finally take the glasses off for him and seal your lips to his.
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l8rs-gat0rs · 8 months
You got some time?
Pairing: Carol Danvers x AFAB Spider person!reader
Warning(s): smut ;) , flirty Carol, reader is also kinda a flirt, CAPTAIN KIIIINK, Carol using her powers in you in you, degradation, moderate fluff, Dom Carol is a warning itself.
Summary: The Captain's got some free time on her hands and so do you, you decide to have a night out because superheroes don't get many of those. As the night goes on, Carol decides time isn't the only thing she wants her hands on and you have the exact same idea.
Word count: 3.4k
I know, I know, I have requests to finish but my brain would not let me write them until I finished this one. I will get to the requests soon! I swear😔
Happy kinktober btw!!!! One of the best times of the year if I do say so myself😌 I obviously didn't participate in all 30 days bc I've tried in previous years, and it did not work out Haha, but here's at least one fic for Kinktober before it ends!
Side note for story purposes: I know a lot of people have their own spider personas with suits they made for them, which might I add, I've loved looking at all the artwork of! Buuuut, just so one or two of the scenes make sense, the reader's mask is kinda like Jessica drew's. The one in the comics, not across the spider verse just so we're clear. Like, the nose, mouth, and chin are open and the reader's hair is out from the top.
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~~~~18+ MINORS DNI~~~~
You swung through the streets of Queens, smiling as you saw people point at you excitedly.
You were doing your evening rounds and all was looking quiet, thankfully.
You swung onto a rooftop and landed gracefully.
You had to say, you loved New York City. You grew up with the sounds of cars honking all night outside your window, you found it to be charming rather than annoying.
On top of all the warm memories and friends you made in the city, one of your favorite things in the world, nothing could beat the view of the sun setting behind all the buildings and skyscrapers from a rooftop.
"It never gets old does it?" You heard a woman's voice behind you.
You turned around as she landed, recognizing her voice.
"Carol" You smiled.
"Hey spider girl." She smiled at you, using one of your titles endearingly.
"Captain." You said right back.
If you weren't staring at her so intensely, you wouldn't have caught the slight falter in her confidence as she looked away, clearing her throat before looking back at you.
However, before you could comment on it she locked eyes with you once more and spoke.
"I'm kind of jealous you've had this view all your life." She spoke quietly, moving to stand next to you and gaze over the view you had previously been looking at.
You turned around and smiled.
"Yeah, well I bet nothing beats space." You smirked and nudged her with your elbow.
She chuckled, turning back to look at you.
"It's not all that, lots of emptiness and darkness if I'm being honest, and I miss the people."
She turned back to the sunset before continuing.
"I like this much better." She sighed.
The sun shone a beautiful golden light onto her face. As the wind blew through her hair, the sun made it shine even more golden than it already was.
"Yeah, me too." You said softly.
She turned to you and smiled, a faint blush reaching her cheeks as she realized what you meant.
"Ew you’re so cliché," she punched your arm lightly, causing you to laugh.
"So everything clear on your front?" She asked, turning to you.
"Yup, just finished my evening rounds. There's no sign of any supervillains, and I left a guy webbed to a pole for the cops. Surprisingly quiet other than that." You shrugged.
She chuckled causing you to smile at the sound.
"Well, it's all quiet on my end as well, sooooo...." She wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"Soooo?" You responded curiously.
"Come on! We finally both have some free time, let's do something together!" She exclaimed.
It was true, you usually didn't have free time, and when you did, Carol wasn't free.
After thinking about it for a minute, you agreed.
"Alright, what did you have in mind?" You smiled, causing her to jump in the air and clap.
"How abouuuut, we watch a movie?" She pitched after calming down.
"Hmm okay, what kind of movie?" You asked absentmindedly walking up the side of the water tower that was on the roof.
Carol lifted her head to watch you as she mused.
"What about a rom-com?" She asked with faux innocence.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood upside down from under the water tower.
You attached a web to the underside and slowly descended, still upside down, till you were in front of Carol, her eyes following you the whole way down.
"A rom-com you say?" You smirked.
"Yeah, why not?" She shrugged.
"What's with the smirk?"
"Nothing, nothing....So is this like...a date?" You swung lightly, your hair swaying with you.
"So rom-com equals date to you?" She smirked.
"No, but you specifically asking me to watch a rom-com with just you, feels like a date."
"Okay, then what if it was a date?" She shrugged.
"Then I wouldn't be mad" You smiled, still hanging upside down, but stopping your swaying.
"Then it's a date." She said, moving closer to you, while watching your lips.
"Isn't this a bit cliché?" You whispered with a playful smile, referencing her earlier comment.
"What, you want me to be upside down too?" She joked.
You laughed before stealthily turning yourself upright and landing on the floor, letting go of your web.
"I mean we haven't even been on the date yet, Danvers." You chuckled.
"Fair enough, I can wait." She said coolly.
"Who said I was kissing you at all tonight?" You shot back.
"I just have a feeling," she smirked before turning to walk away from the water tower.
You followed her, smiling at her confidence.
"You look good in the mask by the way." She added, not turning around.
Your face felt hot at her unexpected compliment.
"Th-Thanks" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
She looked over her shoulder and smirked at your response.
"No problem, so, I'll meet you at the theater on 37th avenue?" She asked, turning around to face you and slowly walking backwards.
"Yeah, sure." You confirmed.
"I'm gonna wear something nice tonight." She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Wow, the great Captain Marvel dressing up all for me!?" You gasped, over-exaggerating your reaction with your hand over your chest.
She stopped walking backwards.
"Not for you, it's just been a while since I dressed up." She rolled her eyes.
"Come onnnn, admit it! It's mostly for me." You smirked and crossed your arms as you finally stood in front of her.
"Well I'll admit one thing, you're special." She winked.
You felt your chest swell with warmth and you smiled like an idiot.
"Alright then, I'll dress up a bit too." You thought about what to wear.
"Oh? That sounds promising." Carol smirked before you saw her body start to glow with energy.
"See you soon?" She asked with a raised brow and she started to lift off the ground.
"See you soon, captain." You smiled and saluted her.
She smirked before flying off the opposite way of you.
"What. A. Woman." You sighed aloud to yourself with your hands on your hips before swinging towards your house.
When you get home you fretted over what to wear.
You didn't wanna go overboard, but it was a date, Carol also said she was dressing up...
You settled with a red button up, the first 2 buttons unbuttoned, tucked into black jeans with suspenders, topping it off with your favorite black chuck Taylors.
"Wow I look so gay." You chuckled to yourself.
You stepped outside your house and put your portable suit that Tony gave you in your pocket.
You didn't like wearing it that much, preferring the suit you designed yourself, but hey, when duty calls....
You got into the Uber you had ordered and gave the driver the address of the theater.
When you got there, you saw Carol already waiting outside, and boy did your jaw drop.
She was wearing a suit with a bow tie, her hair was in waves, and she topped it all off with shiny black dress shoes.
Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw you get out of the car.
"Jesus Christ Carol, I thought I was gonna be overdressed." You gaped at her.
She looked at you with a smirk.
"You look extremely good, trust me"
"And you look like you're going to a movie premier." You laughed.
"Hey, like I said, I don't get to dress up often. This was just hanging in my closet collecting dust." She gestured to her suit.
"Well in any case, you look absolutely stunning, Carol." You smiled at her, barely managing to keep your jaw shut as you glanced over her once again.
"Thank you, you as well. That outfit really...suits...you" She winked, giving you a nudge.
You rolled your eyes at her pun referring to her own outfit.
"God, you are so corny." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Come on, you loved it." She laughed.
You cracked a smile.
"Okay yeah, it was cute." You laughed along with her.
"Oh, so you think I'm cute?" She smirked.
"Oh shut up! Lets just go buy the movie tickets before all the good seats are taken." Your face heated up, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the theater as she laughed, letting you drag her.
The two of you bought tickets to a rom-com that was currently playing in theaters.
People stared at the two of you, or maybe just Carol, but nobody had the guts to come up to either of you when they saw her hand around your waist.
You made your way into the theater with minimal distractions, the only one being a little girl saying hello to Carol and high fiving her.
You had smiled fondly at the cute interaction.
"I'm actually excited, I wanted to see this movie if I'm being honest." You explained excitedly.
"Well then, I'm glad we came." Carol said as you made your way to your seats.
The two of you had come in a bit late so the lights were dim and the trailers were playing.
When you sat down Carol immediately held your hand, causing heat to slap your face as you looked at your intertwined hands.
She smiled at you as you looked up to meet her eyes, which were already watching you.
"You're adorable you know?" Carol confessed to you in a hushed whisper.
"I could say the same thing about you." You smiled.
She smiled back, but before she could say anything else, the theater went dark and the movie began to play.
"Oh shit it's starting!" You whispered excitedly, moving your attention to the screen.
The two of you watched the movie mostly in silence, occasionally, you would feel Carol's thumb lightly brushing your hand, or you would make an energetic comment about whatever was happening in the movie.
You were secretly a movie buff, and Carol thoroughly enjoyed getting to see that side of you revealed.
When the movie ended, you filed out of the theater along with everyone else and it was dark outside.
You looked up at the moon, shining brightly through the clouds.
"We should do this more often." Carol broke the silence, bringing your attention back to her.
"What, go on dates?" You chuckled.
"I mean of course, but also, Just you and me, hanging out, no pressure, no crazy aliens coming after us, no big fights, or catching criminals. Just, having a good time. It's nice." She smiled.
Your heart warmed at the sincerity In her voice.
"Yeah, I'd like that too Carol." You grinned at her, stopping in your tracks and putting your hands in your pockets.
"And... I'd even go as far as to say I like you." You said softly as you smiled at the ground.
You looked back up at Carol and she had the biggest grin on her face and her cheeks were flushed.
You laughed loudly at her silent reaction.
"I like you too." She simply said.
"I like you a lot." She moved closer toward you causing your heart to flutter.
"So what do you suppose we do about it, I mean, now that it's out in the air and all that." You nonchalantly waved your hands in the air.
She chuckled as she walked towards you until she had you backed up into an alleyway you hadn't even noticed you were by.
Before you could get a word out, she grabbed you by the arm and pushed up against the wall, kissing you passionately.
You practically melted into the kiss.
"Oh, I've been dreaming about that." Carol said breathlessly as she pulled away lightly.
You didn't say anything for a moment, your brain still processing what had just happened.
"Wanna come over?" You asked her quickly just as she was about to speak up.
She cocked and eyebrow and smirked.
"I'm down."
You practically dragged her down the street before hailing a taxi that was parked on the side of the road.
"Are you working?" You asked the driver through the window.
He nodded and you got in the car, Carol getting in after you.
"Someone's in a hurry." Carol smirked, putting her hand on your upper thigh.
Your head shot down to look at her hand as you saw it glow with energy, you felt it warm your skin through your jeans.
You looked at her, biting your lip to hold in a groan.
As soon as the Taxi stopped outside your apartment, you thanked the driver and got out of the car.
You walked to your apartment holding Carol's hand the whole time.
You pressed the elevator button and got in, thankfully no one else was in there.
There was a charged silence between the two of you as you watched the numbers on the elevator until Carol broke it.
"You want me to fuck you? Hard or soft? Fast or slow?" Carol said with a confident smirk.
Your eyes widened as you looked at her and she cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh shut the fuck up, Danvers." You grabbed her and smashed your lips against hers, moaning lightly.
You felt her smile against your lips before you heard the ding of the elevator, causing the two of you to quickly separate.
You speed walk to your door, ripping your keys out of your pocket, almost dropping your Stark spider suit before you shoved it into the keyhole and turned it, unlocking your door.
Carol pushes you inside and slams your back into the door to close it.
You let out a gasp as the motion winds you and Carol has an open lusty smile as her lips barely touch yours and she reaches next to you to lock the door.
After locking the door, Carol makes quick work of untucking and unbuttoning your shirt, feeling up your body.
She lets out a little excited sound as she watches you react to her touch.
"I know it was only our first date and kiss today but, I would like your permission to absolutely ruin you tonight." Carol asks, looking into your dazed eyes.
You nod without hesitation.
"Do anything you want to me, Captain." You groan.
You watch as her eyes get wild and a lustful expression graces her face.
Carol attaches her lips to your neck and immediately starts marking you. You feel her moan against your skin as she sucks on it.
Your moans fill the space of your apartment even more as she squeezes your chest underneath the sports bra while she works on your neck.
Once she is satisfied with her work, she plays with your hardened nipples as she whispers hotly into your neck, her warm breath contrarily leaving goosebumps on your skin.
"You're so pretty like this baby." She moves her thigh in between yours and pushes you down onto it.
You gasp out as you start moving your hips against her muscular thigh.
"Mmm that's it, just like that baby."
You watch as she pulls back and holds you up against the wall as she watches your hips working her thigh with her mouth hanging open.
You slip your hand into her pants and she lets out a moan when you start rubbing tight circles on her clit.
Carol closes her eyes in pleasure and moans loudly as you slip your fingers into her already soaking wet core, moving your hips fast against her thigh as she jerks her hips against your fingers.
Before the two of you get too lost in the pleasure Carol halts her movements, as well as yours. Before you open your mouth to protest, she looks you in the eyes and you see that they've darkened, her pupils blown out.
"As much as I'd like both of us to cum right here, right now, we should take this to the bedroom." She chuckles breathily as she pants.
"Mmmm, a modest lady huh?" You smirk as she helps you stand up straight again before you lead her to your bedroom.
"Hey, it's our first time, I want it to be amazing." She holds your hand.
You look at her and smile as you lead her into your bedroom, your heart feeling warm from her revelation.
"Me too," you nod.
"But I also need you to fuck me like... really bad." You add.
"I can absolutely do that " Carol smirks as both of you start to remove your shirts.
"Tell me how bad you want it." Carol whispered in your ear.
"Fuck, I want it so bad..." You groaned, your forehead falling against her neck as you breathed heavily.
Carol pushed you till the back of your knees hit the bed and you sat down, looking up at her.
"Fuck, those eyes... tell me princess, you want my fingers in you?" She asked, cocking her head as she slowly got down on her knees in front of you.
"God yes, I want your fingers-"
Before you could even finish your sentence, Carol had pulled your pants down and moved your underwear to the side, shoving two of her long fingers into you.
You gasped, your mouth hanging open while you stared at her with furrowed brows.
"I already knew the answer." She smirked.
"God, could you just shut up and-"
She pushed her fingers in deeper, all the way to her knuckles and you let out a choked moan.
"hmm? What was that baby?" She held her smirk, still standing on her knees.
You laid down, your back hitting the bed roughly as you slid down a little, pushing your core closer to her.
"F-fuck you.." You gasped as she pulled her fingers out and pushed them all the way back in, reveling in the wet sounds.
"Shit, I could listen to your pretty pussy all day. You'd like that wouldn't you? Me fucking you all day?" She cooed.
You nodded aggressively, panting as the pace of her fingers started to quicken.
"Yeah? Oh I know, you love being fingered like a slut huh?" Carol started to pant.
You don't know what came over you but you moaned loudly,
Carol's eyes went wild and you felt warmth and a little buzz inside you.
You gasped out,
"Holy fuck!!" Your legs felt like they were going numb.
"Call me that again." She growled lowly, the pace of her fingers quickening.
You looked down at her and saw her hand glowing, before letting your head fall back and arching your back.
"Captain, fuck... don't stop." You moaned loudly.
"That's right, let your captain know how good she's making you feel. I can feel your slutty pussy practically sucking my fingers in." She moaned.
And she was right, you could feel yourself clenching around her fingers tightly as you rapidly approached your high.
"Yeah, oh god, I'm- you're gonna make me cum, Captain... Please... It feels so good, you make me feel so good...Please make me cum." You moaned in between pants.
"As you wish, princess." She smirked, her fingers combined with the warmth of her inside you sending you over the edge.
Carol continued thrusting her fingers deep inside you, watching your face as you writhed in pleasure, your back arching off the sheets once again as you grabbed the sheets tightly and moaned loudly with your eyes shut tight.
When it was too much to bare due to the sensitivity, you pushed at Carol's hand and she obediently pulled her fingers out.
You watched as her hand stopped glowing and watched her hungry eyes as she panted while examining her fingers coated in your juices.
She brought her fingers to her mouth and stuck her tongue out a little, barely putting her fingers in her mouth.
Once her fingers touched her tongue you watched with furrowed brows and your mouth hanging open as she moaned loudly, closing her eyes and sticking her fingers all the way Into her mouth.
She swirled her tongue around her fingers for a couple of seconds before pulling her fingers out of her mouth with a pop and meeting your eyes.
"Baby, you taste fucking amazing." She breathed out.
You groaned and let your head fall back on to the bed as your breathing started to fall down.
You felt the bed dip next to you and you turned your head, meeting Carol's warm gaze.
"How was that for our first time?" She smirked.
"I think it could've been better." You shrugged jokingly.
"Oh? Well, I guess that means it's time for round two."
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
Save me - Brahms Heelshire x F!Reader
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Warnings: home invasion, non con grabbing, non sexy time chocking, knife at throat.
It’s a stormy night, you were sitting on the couch in front of the fire. A book in your hand and a blanket thrown over your lap. You had just put Brahms the doll to bed an hour ago. This job was an easy gig, watch after a doll, no biggie. Or so you thought, you had heard the small creaks and noises from the walls but you assume it's a small mouse or even the fact that it's just an old house and it's making noise as it settles. 
Another loud lighting strike eliminates the room you're in but it also cancels out the noise of glass breaking in the kitchen. You notice that your tea cup is empty so you close your book and head to the kitchen. 
You begin filling your cup when you hear drawers opening in the main hall and things being tossed. 
You grab a kitchen knife and go to investigate. You know you shouldn't, you should call the police but the hillshires' estate was far from the village and it would take the police quite a while to arrive.  
You hold the handle of the knife tightly as you round the corner. 
"H-hey! You can't be here!" You try to act tough but the fear is evident in your voice. 
The stranger drops the elegant pearls that were left in the drawer. He steps closer to you, you take a step back. 
"What are you going to do? I'm much bigger than you. There isn't anywhere for you to run little rabbit, that I wouldn't be able to find you. I've staked this place out for weeks, I know it's just you in this big house," he smirks and makes a sudden motion towards you. You jump causing you to drop the knife and take off running. "Oh how fun little rabbit! Let the chase begin!" 
You run up the stairs but hear the stranger's footsteps right behind you. You trip on the rug when you make it up the stairs. 
"Fuck!" You moan in pain. 
"Oh little rabbit, you've made it so easy to catch you," the stranger says as he stalks towards you. You turn onto your back just as he stands above you, you kick him in the crotch and make your way back down the stairs before he can get back up. 
You try and find your dropped only to realize he's taken it. 
You run to one of the many wardrobes on the first floor. You hold your breath as the stranger nears your hiding spot. 
"Come out, come out wherever you are little rabbit," the stranger taunts you as he stops just in front of you. You can see him throw a crack in the doors. 
"Found you little rabbit," he says in a calm voice, before yanking the doors open and pulling you out. He slams you against the wall hard causing your vision to become blurry. 
"N-no, no, no please! Please don't hurt me," you lip wobbles. 
The stranger clicks his tongue, "Oh little rabbit, but I want to, really really badly," he runs the knife down your cheek, the sting of the sharp object slicing through your cheek. The scent of coppery blood reaches your nose, tears falling from your eyes as you realize you might actually die. 
"No please I have to take care or brahms, he needs me please!" You scream out, you didn't want to die, you hope telling him that you have someone you are responsible for would help reach some part in the stranger that currently has you at knife point. 
A loud crash pulls you both out of the little moment you have. Out comes a behemoth of a man, covered in dirt and cobwebs. He lets out a deep growl. 
You notice the mask first, it's an exact replica to the face of the doll you look after. 
"B-brahms?" You stutter out causing him to tilt his head to the side, "help," you squeaked out as the stranger wrapped a hand around your throat. 
"Who the fuck are you?" The stranger is angered by a new player in his game of cat and mouse with you. He releases your neck and stalks towards Brahms. He takes a strike but brahms dodges grabbing the stranger's hand crushing it in his bigger one. 
The stranger moans in pain as Brahms takes his head into his hands and slams his head into the nearby wall. the crunch of his crushed skull making you close your eyes and cover your ears. 
The behemoth of a man drops the stranger's body and begins to stalk towards you. You crawl back on your hands as you try to get away but do you really want to get away? He just saved you. 
"You've been alive this whole time? And living in the walls?" You stop moving and instead choose to stand up, "the-the rules to play music loud and leave out food was for you?" He shook his head yes in response, "and you just saved me right now? Thank you," you rush at him, eloping him into a tight hug, he hesitates before reciprocating the affection. He touch starved, you can tell by the way he holds you tighter and brushes his masked face against the nape of your neck. 
You found comfort in his scent, woody musk. You breathe in deeply, calming down from your near death. 
"Thank you for saving me." 
A/n: ahhh finally a slasher fic hehehe for my fav wall gremlin
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cambion-companion · 6 months
Woven Fate part 1
Exploring the idea of the reader/Tav being sent by Raphael's daddy to spy and distract him from power grabbing INSTEAD of Haarlep. Throwing into the plot that the reader is still kidnapped by the Nautiloid and thus becomes a keystone in Raphael's crown heist.
I'm starting this off as a drabble, to set the scene and get a feel for the reception of such an idea before I fully commit.
I really want this to be a multiple part series, perhaps with a prologue of how the reader was sent by Mephistopheles to spy on Raphael instead of Haarlep (or whatever Haarlep's name was before HoH).
Raphael x reader (gn) | reader's race is up in the air, though probably from infernal persuasion, I like giving you guys the freedom to use your imagination as much as possible | rivals/enemies to assets with benefits
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“’Go distract my son’ he said, ‘it’d be easy’, he said.”  You growled in frustration as, for the umpteenth time that week, you cleaned up after Mephistopheles’ infuriating son. “I can hardly report back to the old chap while elbow deep in his son’s shitter.”
You felt the familiar warping press of the planes flexing, signaling Raphael’s arrival back home.
You heaved a sigh. “Great.”
“What a lovely sound to return to.” Raphael greeted, strolling into the boudoir, not deigning to look at you. “Ready to return to my father with your tail between your legs?”
“For the thousandth time, no.” You sat at his ornate desk and propped your chin upon your hand. “Though I am putting my foot down.  Utilize the slaves you have to do your menial labor, I’m done.”
“You are one of my slaves, pet.” Raphael murmured, a hard edge to his voice.
“I serve your father, Raphael.  Or should I double check with him really quick?”
Raphael rounded on you, eyes burning.  You stood to meet his anger, your defiance flaring corporeal flames around your body.
“You serve me.”  Raphael said each word with dangerous emphasis.
“I’m going on strike.”  You seethed back.
He towered over you, your noses almost touching, the mutual enmity palpable in the hot air.
“You are yet protected by the archdevil, for now.” Raphael’s shoulders relaxed slightly as he regained composure. He didn’t step away. “That does not shield you from my wrath, little impling.”
That rankled. “What’re you going to do, fuck me sideways on the floor again?”
“Begone, nattering pest.” Raphael waved a hand in agitation and turned from you.
“I know about your plans for the crown, Raphael.”
That stopped him in his tracks.
You smiled slowly. “This is precisely the kind of thing that led to my being sent here.”
“Then it is evident you are failing at the job my father appointed you.”  Raphael tsked and began his daily ritual of setting in order his contracts.  The rustle of parchment mingling with the crackling fireplace as he feigned disinterest. “What do you plan on doing with this information?”
“I’m keeping it close to my chest, for now.”  You cooed, stepping near him and sliding your hand along his tense back. “Just wanted to let you know, master. I am a player not a pawn.”
Raphael caught your hand and held it tightly, squeezing until your fingers hurt.  “Naive creature. Then you are bound to lose.”
“Who said I’m playing against you?”
The question hung in the air.  Raphael breathed in slowly, deeply, his hand relaxing ever so slightly around yours. You slipped your fingers from his grip and kissed his cheek coyly. “Just a thought.”
Then you deftly made your way from his boudoir before you devised other ways to tempt the Fates.
You had indeed been dealt an interesting hand, and were determined to explore your options to determine which path would be most self- beneficial.
A plan that might have come to fruition had the Nautiloid not thrown a wrench in it. Traversing the vast barren fields of Avernus near the House of Hope, you saw the Mindflayer ship blast into being. Too close to where you were.  You felt the horrible ache of familiar helplessness as the monstrous ship bore down on you.
A flash of white, an excruciating pain, then all went dark.
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ssa-montgomery · 2 years
we're slaves to any semblance of touch
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Part 2
Word Count: 8891
Summary: Y/N and Daryl have been pining after each other for weeks and when Maggie finally urges Y/N to make her move, she and Daryl end up alone for the first time. Daryl is more than happy to help Y/N lose her virginity.
Characters: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader, Maggie Rhee
Warnings: Swearing, mutual pining, loss of virginity, smut, oral sex, blow jobs, fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, slight innocence kink, unprotected sex
A/N: This fic was requested here on Tumblr by @azanoni using my prompt list and I had so much fun working on this one! I'm a sucker for prison-era Daryl so I knew the prison had to be the setting for this one and I just loved this request! Please feel free to send me any requests you might have for Daryl fics :)
Prompt(s): "Show me how you like to be touched." "Is this your first time?" "I don't know what to do." "Let me teach you."
Feedback is what motivates me to work so please let me know what you think! Reblogs are also greatly appreciated.
Taglist is open!
By now you were really starting to question what exactly you'd done for the Georgian sun to this level of a personal grievance against you. You used the bottom of your top to twist the cap off your second water bottle of the hour, your hands too soaked with sweat to get a proper grip on it. It had finally reached that point in the middle of summer when everything was unbearable, even the metal railing of the watch tower was burning against your skin as you leaned forward on it. You thought maybe on the ground below it wouldn't be half as bad but you and Maggie and the unfortunate luck of drawing the first watch duty today. You stuck to the walkway surrounding the tower, trying as much as possible to avoid the tiny concrete sauna that was the watch tower's main room. Even out there it didn't seem to help with the humidity in the air.
Though you did have to admit, even if the heat was choking you there was always one positive to taking the watch shift - the view. The view from the tower covered most of the prison and for miles into the forest that surrounded it beyond the fence, giving you the perfect view of everyone going about their own jobs below you. 
Carol, ever the worrying mother figure to the group was making her rounds with water and food, making sure to get drinks to the people that would otherwise forget and collapse of dehydration in this heat. Further across the prison, you could see Rick tending to the fields that had been established for a more steady source of food with Carl doing his best to help. Beth sat near them, Judith playing in her lap as she watched her dad and brother work with a curious expression. As you scanned across the prison finally, your eyes fell on him.
Daryl as per usual was tucked away in his own corner of the prison, hiding away from the chatter and noise of everyone else. He was on his knees, shifting to sit back on his heels as he examined something on the old motorbike in front of him. One of the old prison toolboxes sat next to him as he searched around inside the now open side of the engine. Even from here, you could see the black streaks of greasy motor oil coating his fingers as he work them over the mechanics of the inside of the engine, holding one of the tools in his teeth while both of his hands were busy.
You couldn't pull your eyes away from the way he worked with his hands, the sweat shining on his skin where it clung to his arms and the back of his neck. There was something about the way his muscles moved under his skin while he loosened the parts with the wrench that made your skin flush with heat in an entirely different way to the harsh rays of the sun, your cheeks now burning warmer than before.
"You're starin'." The sing-song tone of Maggie's teasing voice rang out as she leaned in over your shoulder to follow your line of sight. You spun around, ripping your eyes away from Daryl no matter how much you wished you could keep watching, practically falling over yourself as you did. The rifle over your shoulder clattered against the railing as you finally steadied yourself only to be met with Maggie's grin. 
Maggie was one of your closest friends at the prison and your days on duty together like this often turned into gossip sessions for the pair of you. She was the one person you told everything to, including when you'd started to develop a crush on the tracker she'd just caught you trying to undress with your eyes.
"I'm not starin', I'm just- admirin' from a distance." Your weak excuse of a defence crumbled under one knowing look from Maggie as she tilted her head to one side, raising an eyebrow at you. Okay so maybe you were staring, maybe you did stare at him at any chance you got. Maybe you did stare at just how skilled his hands were working with his crossbow, easily manipulating it in his hands while he cleaned it or the rare, soft, loving look he got on his face whenever he was around Judith.  It didn't matter to you, as long as you were looking at him in some way nothing mattered to you. It was like everything else fell away around you. "Well, maybe I'm starin' a little."
"So you still ain't found the nerve to talk to him 'bout your feelings yet then?" Maggie asked looking at you curiously as she leaned against the wall opposite you. You could see the way she kept the perimeter of the prison in her line of sight at all times, even while you talked.
"Who says I haven't?" You brought your hand up over your heart, a fake offended gasp falling from your lips as you laughed at how obvious it was that you were still very much hiding your crush.
"You mean besides the quite frankly sad puppy dog pining?" You could always rely on Maggie to call you out on your bullshit when you needed her to. You scoffed at her blunt way of phrasing it as she laughed at you but she was right, you knew that. The pining truly had reached a whole new level. "I mean come on, everyone can see it. And with someone as observant as Daryl? He's an idiot if he hasn't already figured out your feelings for him."
At this point, you were certain Daryl already knew about your feelings for him. What was going on between the two of you was - complicated, to say the least. Maybe even more complicated than you'd let on to Maggie. You were confident it wasn't one-sided, Daryl having nearly straight out told you as much when you joked about the possibility of you having a crush on him. You could feel his eyes on you around the prison almost as much as you stared at him but things at the prison had been chaotic. Trying to establish a new community here had its own challenges and adding a relationship to the mix would have just complicated things for both of you. 
Now though, things were starting to settle, day-to-day life becoming smoother and maybe it was finally time to see if your gut feeling that Daryl wanted this just as much as you was right.
"I just - I'm nervous is all. You know I don't have much experience in certain areas Maggie, or well any experience and I don't know how to bring that up with him. It's not a conversation I've had to have with someone I really care about before." You sighed, shifting your hands nervously as you thought about it. You were willing to admit that your thoughts about Daryl more often than not turned inappropriate and you wanted nothing more than to act on them with him. Unfortunately, your experience with anything in that area stopped at a sad excuse for a messy make-out session with an asshole of an ex-boyfriend in your teen years. You didn't want to scare Daryl off if he thought your lack of practice would ruin the experience.
"I've seen the way he looks at you Y/N, given the chance that man would fall to his knees and worship the very ground you walk on. He ain't gonna care about your experience level as long as you're learnin' with him." Maggie said then, her tone serious as she gave you a reassuring look, her hand resting on your arm. Maybe she was right, you'd waited so long now that maybe it was time to stop worrying and just do something about your feelings.
"I guess the thing now is finding the time to talk to him alone with how busy we've all been lately." In the past few weeks, everyone's focus had been on turning the prison into a livable space for the group which had proved to be a challenge. When you weren't helping to clear the cell blocks you were on watch and on the rare few times you did have a day to yourself Daryl was away on runs. The most one-on-one time you'd managed to have with Daryl was during watch duty like this.
"Now correct me if I'm wrong but, he seems pretty alone down there right now." Maggie seemingly caught the nervous look on your face as you looked down at him again, torn between wanting to run straight to him and your duty to your job. Who knew when you might get another chance like this. "Just go for it, don't worry 'bout keepin' watch. I'll call Glenn, and tell Rick we wanted the time alone if he asks 'bout it. Don't waste any more time thinkin' 'bout it." 
"Thank you, Maggie, I really do appreciate this." You felt more excited than you had in a very long time as the possibilities ran through your mind. You gave Maggie a bright smile as you pulled her into a quick, tight hug before rushing to disappear down the ladder of the watch tower. You weren't going to wait for a second more.
"Whatcha doin' out here?" You asked peeking over Daryl's shoulder at the engine as you walked up behind him, your shadow towering over him as for once you were the one standing taller in your exchange. His eyes snapped up to you standing over him where he still knelt on the ground, dropping the wrench he'd been holding between his teeth. You could see the surprise on his face at your sudden presence behind him, not expecting to see you all day when he knew you were on watch duty. You let out a slight giggle at his reaction, not used to seeing him actually surprised. "Just me didn't mean to spook you."
"Nah. Ya didn't spook me." He said with an almost embarrassed shake of his head, his hair falling into his face to hide his piercing eyes. Your hand twitched at your side as you fought back the urge to reach out and brush his hair back out of his face. "Just ain't expecting anyone out 'ere is all. Pretty sure I burned out the brake pads on the last run. See that? Ain't supposed to be like that." 
You dropped your rifle down next to Daryl's crossbow and took a seat on the ground next to him, the concrete warming the skin of your legs. You leaned in as close as you could, your shoulders touching as your gaze followed his finger to where he was pointing at some exposed part of the bike. You let out a hum and nodded your head as he leaned in and started to work on pulling the piece loose. You pretended you knew what was happening just to continue watching him work with his hands, seeing each delicate touch this close up when in reality none of his bike talk made any sense to you.
"Gonna have to take her apart and replace the belt most likely." Daryl sighed, wiping his hands on his already filthy jeans as he sat back, propping one arm up on his knee. His arm brushed against yours as he moved and you sucked in a harsh breath at the contact. "A project for another day. Ain't gonna be able to do it without some scavenged parts so I gotta wait till the next run now."
There was a beat of silence as you both enjoyed the company. Daryl sat down fully on the ground, resting on his elbows as he stretched out, his legs spanning out in front of him until he was practically lying down. You watched the way his head tipped back, his eyes closing as he took in the heat of the sun on his face. His body was already covered in a thin layer of sweat, his hair sticking to the nape of his neck while his hands were coated in motor oil practically up to the wrists. 
There was something about him like this, messy and so involved in something he was passionate about that made him so attractive to you. Even when you had no idea what he was talking about you could listen to him talk all day, that deep southern accent commanding every ounce of your attention. It was rare for him to hold a conversation he was truly interested in so you savoured every single one.
"Have you been out here all day? Why don't we head inside for a bit? It would do us both some good to get out of the sun for a while and wash up before you end up with heatstroke."  You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip as you realised what you'd just said, the suggestion slipping out before you could even think. Part of you was still nervous you'd the read whole situation wrong as you waited for an answer, Daryl watching you curiously. What if he really wasn't interested in you like this and you scared him off for good?
"Sure, yeah. Good idea." He nodded much to your relief and pushed himself up from the ground, rolling out his neck muscles that had grown stiff from being bent over the engine all morning he did. The movement gave you the perfect view of his muscles tensing all the way down to his shoulders and back, your eyes following them until he turned around to face you again. You tried to look away but it was too late, Daryl catching you staring directly at you. You could have sworn you saw the slight tug of a smirk at the corner of his mouth as he reached a hand out to you, grabbing your wrist to pull you up from the ground. He glanced down at your wrist and winced at the ring of oil he'd left on your skin where his fingers had been wrapped around you. "Shit sorry. Guess I really should get washed up." 
"Don't worry 'bout it." You reassured him, your fingers absentmindedly tracing where he touched you. In reality, it felt like the oil would burst into flames at any second with how your skin burned from even the simplest of touches for him. It really was time to admit you were down bad for this man. "C'mon then."
There was a look of confusion on Daryl's face as he watched you grab your gun and walk away from the entrance to the central cell block that everyone used as living quarters. Your nerves were growing, almost stripping you of your confidence as you tried to figure out a way to explain your choice without entirely clueing Daryl into your plan. 
"On a hot day like this everyone's gonna want to wash up, the queues for the washroom in there are gonna be long, the other cell block is still mostly unused and the water system works just as well." You shrugged as casually as you could, gesturing towards the other building. 
There was a flash in Daryl's eyes as you turned away from him, your hips swaying more than usual as you made your way towards the door. It was as if he realised your plan at the mention of an empty building to yourselves on the one day you skipped out on your work to give you the time alone you needed. He didn't say anything, instead nodding at you as he grabbed his crossbow and moved to catch up to you.
You could feel your heart beating against your ribs almost hard enough to break free as you walked, Daryl's low strides quickly catching him until his steps fell in time with yours. Neither of you said anything as you walked, both of your minds racing with the idea of what could possibly happen when you were finally alone together. 
You were the first to push open the door to the cell block to find you were right, it was entirely empty, your footsteps echoing off the high ceiling. Unlike the other cell block, this one had only recently been cleared for use and people who were already settled in the other building hadn't bothered to move their stuff out there yet leaving the two of you completely alone.
"See? Told you we could skip the lines." You laughed, hoping your playful tone masked the nerves bubbling just below the surface. Your plan was more spur of the moment and as a result, was far from well thought out. Sure you finally had Daryl alone but you had no idea how to go about outright asking him for what you wanted or how to get him to make the first move on you.
"Clever girl." His eyes seemed to trace a path down your body as he spoke, no longer trying to hide the way he let his gaze linger on certain parts of your body a little longer. The sound of the praise coming from him had that blush threatening to creep back up on your cheeks. Something in the air had changed, it was no longer heavy with humidity but instead with a tension between you that could have been sliced with a knife.
You slipped your gun back off your shoulder and left it on the table in the main entrance hall along with the belt holster you'd become so fond of and it was shortly followed by the sound of Daryl's crossbow clattering down next to them. You turned to head down the hall towards the washroom, genuinely looking forward to cleaning the heat of the day off your skin even if this was all part of your plan. You had expected Daryl to wait in the hall until you were done so he could take his turn but instead to your surprise, he followed you down the hall and into the washroom. 
There wasn't a word exchanged between the two of you as you cleaned yourselves up, a tension filling the air that you both seemed unwilling to break just yet. You slowly cleaned the oil from your wrist, the action more of a second thought as your focus stayed on the mirror in front of you. In its reflection, you could see Daryl running his hands under the water, carefully rubbing away the oil on his skin. He dipped his head down and splashed his face with the running water, washing away the oil he'd managed to smear over his brow. You copied his movements, the cold water admittedly feeling amazing against your face.
The final part of your plan clicked in your mind at that moment, this was your chance if you were ever going to get one. If you were being honest the front of your tank top was admittedly filthy. Your morning started with helping Carol collect the ingredients for breakfast from the fields in the front of the prison and the dirt was still caked into the material of your top. In a split-second decision, you were sliding the top off over your head before you could back out, leaving you standing in only your grey sports bra.
Your hands practically shook as you dipped the top under the running water and tried to rub away the dirt. You weren't sure that Daryl was even looking, his back still towards you as you took one final look in the mirror before turning your attention to cleaning your top. You thought you might actually forget how to breathe if you let yourself think about what you were doing too much but it didn't take long to get your answer.
Daryl's fingertips were still cold from the water as they met your back, the feeling a strong contrast against your warm skin. He was standing directly behind you now, his movements nervous, as if he was still afraid of reading the situation wrong but he was playing into exactly what you wanted. His fingers traced a path down your spine, starting at the bottom of your neck and coming to a stop just above the waistband of your shorts.
"Is this alrigh'?" He asked, his voice rough and uneven, already becoming laced with lust but needing your reassurance before he went any further. He needed to hear you say this was what you wanted. You turned around to face him, his hands falling to the rim of the sink as he trapped you between it and his chest. Your breathing was becoming laboured already, your cheeks turning red with the heat that was now burning through your veins. At that moment you had never been more certain of anything in your life.
"Daryl, I didn't invite you out to the only empty building around for no reason." You laughed, the sound light and sweet to his ears as you basked in the feeling of this finally happening. Sure you'd know for a while this wasn't one-sided but to have Daryl confirm it felt surreal, part of you thought you were dreaming this entire thing. You reached out a hand and let it gently rest on his chest right over his heart, feeling it beat against your palm as it picked up speed. This wasn't a dream, this was very real. "I've been thinking about this for a long time. I want this."
That was all the invitation Daryl needed as he brought one hand up to cover yours, lacing your fingers together as he leaned in, his lips finally, finally meeting yours. The kiss was softer than you'd expected, slower. His lips moved carefully over yours as he took his time, learning how your body melted against his, the way you moved as your lips started to match his movements. It had been a long time since you'd kissed anyone and you were admittedly out of practice but there was something about Daryl, about the way his hands fit so perfectly around your waist that calmed your nerves and made everything flow more naturally.
"You were really plannin' this the whole time?" Daryl smirked against your lips, tilting your face up to meet his gaze. You squirmed under his stare, feeling overwhelmed by just how much power he had over you already. "You didn't give a damn 'bout my bike, did ya?"
"Daryl you are so incredibly sweet when you talk about what you're passionate about. I could listen to you all day." You sighed finally giving into the urge and reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes as you smiled sweetly at him. "But I have no fucking clue what you're talking about when it comes to that bike."
Daryl let out a laugh at that, a genuine, loud laugh that you'd never heard from him before. The sound made your heart skip a beat, it was like music to your ears, your smile lighting up your whole face as you watched him. There was something about seeing him like this, the side of him that no one else got to see, the side that was for you and you only that made you curious about what else he had to show you. That needy feeling was starting to take over again as you took both his hands in yours and slowly started to walk towards the washroom door, leading him behind you.
"You think these cells are still as intact as ours?" You asked, your voice still managing to hold that hint of innocence despite the intentions that question so obviously held. Daryl happily followed you out into the main cell block before taking the lead, pulling you into a small cell further down the first row. The cell was cleaner than you expected, the bed was still made with a soft blanket and there was a gas-light lamp sitting on the desk giving the room a surprisingly cosy feeling. You looked around the room and slowly started to recognise the clothes scattered around as Daryl's
"Sometimes I need space to myself." He shrugged as he caught the look of recognition on your face. He dropped down onto the bed and spread his legs apart, pulling you in by the waist until you were standing between them. "You ain't the only one with yer eye on this cell block. Been wantin' to take ya up here for a while."
Daryl slid his fingers into the belt loops of your shorts and pulled you even closer until you were pressed against him, chest to chest. You made the move this time, leaning in to kiss him slowly as you melted into his touch. His hands found your hips and gently squeezed before starting to slide downwards, exploring every curve of your body. You couldn't believe you weren't the only one who'd been thinking about this. You grew needier the more you thought about Daryl fantasising about bringing you out here and who knows what else he'd thought about doing with you.
He pulled away from the kiss and took in the sight of you standing in front of him in nothing but your bra, his hands running up your bare sides as he did. His touch was gentle against your skin, almost curious, exploring as he took note of every reaction and sound he drew from you. You let out a soft sigh as his hands trailed down to grab at the back of your thighs and he took the opportunity to pull you into another kiss, sliding his tongue into your open mouth. 
His hands were so close to where you needed them now and all you could think about was how much you wanted him to touch you properly, to relieve some of the pressure between your legs that was now becoming unbearable. Instead, he took his hands off you earning a disappointed whine as he leaned back on his hands on the bed, tilting his head to the side as he watched you closely.
"Show me how ya like to be touched. Wanna treat ya right." He said then, his voice holding that commanding tone that made you weak at the knees. You could feel the flush settling over your chest, creeping up into your face and betraying your false confidence as he placed all the focus on you. It wasn't that you were completely inexperienced with pleasure. You'd touched yourself before, admittedly mostly to the thought of Daryl but that was different. Those times you were focused on the end goal, there was none of the teasing or neediness you wanted from Daryl. You wanted him to touch you like you were the only thing he cared about in the world. 
"I uh -" You stuttered over your words, trying to find the best way to voice your thoughts to Daryl but the words seemed to die in your throat. You could feel the embarrassment you'd feared clawing its way up into your chest as you watched the expression on Daryl's face change. He seemed to have pieced it together but his look was more curious than it was judgemental.
"Is this yer first time?" He asked, his voice soft and quiet as he wrapped his arms around your waist. His thumb traced across your side trying to ease your anxiety as he waited for an answer.
"I hope that's not a turn-off." You chuckled nervously, turning your face away from his gaze as you admitted the truth. Admittedly it did make you feel better to finally have it out in the open and Daryl didn't seem as affected by the news as you'd expected. 
"There ain't nuthin' you could do or say that's gonna be a turn-off. Been wantin' ya too damn bad for anythin' to change that." Daryl reassured you, pressing a kiss to the centre of your chest. You could feel your anxiety melting away at his words and the way his lips felt against your skin. The scruff of his beard tickled your skin as he tilted his face up to meet your gaze, the surprising softness in his steel eyes almost taking your breath away. His lips moved over your collarbone pressing gentle kisses there. "I'll take care of ya, be gentle with ya, I promise."
 "I trust you." You nodded knowing he meant every word of it.  You'd never trusted anyone in the way you trusted Daryl. Your hands fell to the back of his neck, running through the hair there before lightly pulling. You loved the new shaggy look he had as he grew his hair out longer, it suited him nicely you thought. Daryl tugged on your waist, pulling you down to straddle his lap before his hands glided up your back, meeting the edge of your sports bra. You got the hint as he snapped the elastic against your skin and leaned back, giving him the space to pull the material up over your head.
You could practically feel the path his eyes burned across your skin as he took in the slight of your now entirely bare chest. His touch returned to your chest, his calloused hands gently kneading at your breasts. You whined out at the feeling of finally having Daryl touching you like this as his palms rolled over your sensitive nipples. His own eyes were heavy with lust as he stared at the way your breasts looked under his hands, enjoying the feeling of your warm skin under his touch.
"You look fuckin' incredible like this Doll," Daryl mumbled against your skin as his lips found their way to your neck, moving across the front of your throat. The words seemed to tumble from his mouth before he even really thought about them and the rare praise from him had you rolling your hips against him, your body searching for any friction it could get. Your reaction spurred him on as he realised how much you loved the praise. "Best tits I've ever seen."
"Daryl." You tried to hold onto enough of your decency to still at least sound embarrassed by the way he was talking but his name sounded more like a moan on your lips. You didn't want to admit how much his words affected you but the way your hips started to grind against your control showed it. His lips left a trail of red blotches across your skin in their wake as his blunt nails dragged down your back, marking you as his.
"I mean it. Every word. Could spend all day worshippin' this perfect fuckin' body. Got an ass to die for too." His hands roamed lower down your back until he grabbed at your ass, using his grip to pull you closer to him. You collapsed into his chest, your arms winding around his neck as you pulled him into a needy kiss. He squeezed at your ass, making your hips roll forward again and with this new position you could feel his erection straining against his pants underneath you.
His need was growing with each kiss, his lips growing rougher, messier against yours with each kiss becoming all teeth and tongue. You needed more, needed everything you'd been daydreaming about with him. You had a hundred fantasies running through your head and even if you were unsure what you were doing you wanted to learn, with him.
The kiss broke as you shifted further back in his lap, his mouth chasing yours as you pulled away with a teasing look on your face. You glanced down at his lap as your hands finally found his belt. Daryl let out a soft groan as you played with the leather material before you started to thread it through the buckle, sinking off his lap and onto the ground between his thighs. As he pieced together what you were trying to do he caught your wrist then, urging you back up.
"You don't gotta do that, not yer first time."  You smiled up at Daryl through your lashes, giving him the sweetest look. It truly was heartwarming how willing he was to put the full attention of this moment on you but you'd been dreaming about what it would be like to go down on him for weeks now. 
"I know but I wanna." You reassured him, kissing the inside of his wrist where he was still holding yours in his hand. You let the kiss linger for a moment longer, feeling his pulse under your lips. "I just- I don't know what to do really is all."
"Let me teach ya then." He said, his voice raspy with the thought of just how much you wanted to please him. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about you on your knees like this for him before. He quickly undid his own belt before kicking his boots and tattered, well-worn jeans off to one side leaving him in just his boxers. You could feel the heat pooling between your legs at the sight of the outline of his erection straining against the fabric of his boxers. You hadn't even touched him and yet your head was swimming, making you feel drunker than any alcohol ever had. "Just go slow, take ya time." 
You reached out and lightly dragged your fingers across his cock over his boxers, feeling the way he twitched as your touch pulled a strangled moan from his lips. The sound awoke something in you, making you forget about your own nervousness for a moment as you went for it, finally tugging off his boxers to throw them down with the rest of his clothes. You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock and slowly stroked him up and down, watching for even the smallest reactions on his face. You could see the rise and fall of his chest as he fought to keep his eyes open, watching you as you let your tongue peek out, leaving kitten licks just under the head on every downward stroke.
"That's it Darlin' j'st like that." His southern drawl deepened as the lust he was feeling took over, building higher and higher. There was something about your innocence and how willing you were to learn, to let him be the one to ruin you that turned him on beyond belief. You kissed your way up his length all the way from the bottom until your tongue ran across the tip, licking up the precum that was starting to build up there. You leaned in then and took the tip between your lips, looking up at him as you slowly pushed your head forward. Your tongue ran along the underside as you took the first inch or two. "C'mon ya can take a lil' more, atta girl." 
You couldn't say no to the praise coming from Daryl as you pressed forward again, stopping just before his cock moved far enough back in your throat to make you gag. You moaned lightly around him at the feeling of finally having your mouth on him, the sound vibrating in your throat sending a spark of pleasure through Daryl,  You let your tongue do the work as you held him in your mouth, letting your body adjust to breathing through your nose as you traced along the vein that ran up the length before lapping over the rip.
"Suck." He said then, his voice breaking on the word as he tapped your full cheek. His hand found its way to your hair, tangling his fingers there as he slowly started to pull your head back before urging you forward again, setting your pace. He needed more, needed movement before he lost his mind. "Ya gotta suck and move yer head." 
You followed his instructions, hollowing out your cheeks as you matched the pace he set for you, bobbing your head over his cock. His hand tightened in your hair as you sucked and he let out a low groan of your name, his head falling back towards the ceiling. You pressed your thighs together in hopes of getting some relief as you ached between your legs at the noises he made. You got a little too eager at how good you were making him feel and took him deeper than you could, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes as he hit the back of your throat and you gagged around him.
"Shit-" He moaned out at the feeling of sliding further into your throat, getting him even closer to the edge but he held himself back, resisting the urge to thrust his hips knowing it was too much for you. "Just breath, 'ts alrigh'. Easy sweetheart."
It sounded like he needed to listen to his own advice as his breathing grew heavy, his ragged breaths turning to groans as each movement brought him closer to the edge. You could feel your panties being ruined between your legs, growing wetter with each gasp and breathy moan of your name that fell from his lips. You started to gain more confidence and brought your hand up to join the mix, stroking what you couldn't take into your mouth
"Fuck!" Daryl practically growled low in his throat as he used his grip on your hair to pull you off him rougher than he'd intended as you started to move your hand harder along his cock. You looked up at him, wide-eyed with fear that you'd done something wrong but that quickly faded when you saw the look on his face. He collapsed backwards on the small bed, his eyes screwed shut as his hand tightened around the base of his cock, trying to regain control over himself. His chest was rising rapidly, a string of curses falling from his mouth. "Fuck- I almost fuckin' came. Christ woman how the hell was that your first time? That mouth is sinful." 
"You could have you know," The mix of knowing just how good you'd made Daryl feel and your slight nervousness at matching his dirty talk made you giggle. You rested your chin on his thigh and looked up at him through your lashes, sinking your teeth into your already swollen and saliva-coated bottom lip. "Come in my mouth. Kind of hoped you would."
"Next time Darlin' next time." You could feel your heart racing at the thought of a next time with Daryl already. You never wanted anyone else after this, Daryl was all you needed. He leaned down and helped you up from the rough cell floor, his hands smoothing over the harsh red marks showing on your knees. You kind of hoped they'd last, as a reminder. "C'mere to me."
You crawled onto the bed next to Daryl as he sat up and finally shrugged off his leather bike vest and short-sleeved flannel, giving you a full view of his chest. His body was perfect, every mark and scar just adding to how attractive he was to you. You ran your hands over his skin, feeling the way his stomach muscles tensed under your touch the lower you reached. Every touch and every moment of this was better than you could have ever imagined. You could never have imagined how hard his muscles would feel under your hands as they moved to his forearms, tracing over the tattoos there. 
Daryl's hands found their way back to your waist and he easily manhandled you, moving you however he wanted until you were lying down on the bed underneath him. He kneeled over you, grabbing your jaw in both hands as he crushed his lips against yours in a bruising kiss that knocked the air from your lungs. He was already strung out, his entire body on edge from how close he'd been earlier but still, his hands were gentle with you as they slid over your stomach, his kiss the only thing betraying how desperate he was.
He made quick work of your shorts, flicking the button open with one hand before pulling them down your legs. Within seconds of your shorts hitting the ground, Daryl sipped his hand into the front of your panties, slowly dragging his fingers across your folds as he felt how wet you were.
"This all for me? Did ya get this wet just from suckin' my dick?" He asked his voice dripping with that teasing tone that drove you wild, stopping his movements until you answered him.
"Yes. All for you Daryl." You gasped as he drew his fingers around your clit in painstakingly light circles as a reward for your answer. It was enough contact to send fire burning through your nerves but nowhere near enough to give you any kind of release. You bucked your hips up into his hand, hoping to get any kind of pressure but instead, he pulled his hand back out of your underwear moving to pull the already ruined material down your legs. He threw your panties to the side and returned his thumb to its previous position, brushing over your clit while he slowly pushed his middle finger inside you.
"Fuck ya really are tight aren't ya?"Daryl groaned out feeling the way you clenched around his finger as he imagined what it would feel like around his cock. He slowly pumped his finger in and out of you as he started to stretch you out. You were admittedly worried about being able to take Daryl when you felt the slight burn from his finger alone and he was bigger than you'd expected. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll make sure yer ready." 
The feeling of Daryl fingering you was unlike anything you could have ever had with your own hands. His fingers were thicker than yours, stretching you out as he a second one to the mix and they were skilled. Years of working with his crossbow gave him the precision he needed to find your g-spot as he hooked his fingers inside of you. You never knew it could feel this good when it was someone else bringing you pleasure. He leaned down and caught the sounds of your moans with his mouth in a messy kiss.
He trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses across your jaw and down your throat towards your chest, you already knew they'd leave a mark as he sucked at your skin. His teeth nipped at your collarbone as you lost yourself in the pleasure that was starting to build higher and higher in the pit of your stomach. His tongue licked across your skin, soothing where he'd just bitten before slowly moving down to lap across the curve of your breasts. He focused his attention on you, trying to ignore how painful hard he was as he felt you buck up against his hand at another curve of his fingers. His lips latched around your nipple as his fingers never let up their pace, slowly stretching you out until Daryl could easily slide a third finger in.
Daryl grew restless with each minute that passed, changing his focus to your other breast as he sucked and lapped his tongue across the hardened nipple. The feeling of you clenching around his fingers as your hips thrust up to meet his movements drove him crazy. He couldn't take it anymore.
"Think ya can take me now sweetheart?" He asked, his voice dropping an octave as he leaned in close to whisper in your ear, his hot, uneven breath fanning across your skin. Your hands found his shoulders before sliding up to lock around his neck, pulling him into a kiss as you nodded. You were more than ready to feel Daryl inside of you, your body practically screaming at you with how badly you needed to come.
"Y-yeah Daryl please, please fuck me." You whined out at the feeling of Daryl pulling his fingers out of you, suddenly clenching around nothing. He brought his hand up admiring the slick coat of your arousal that coated his fingers before slipping them into his mouth. He let his eyes fall shut as he sucked, his tongue licking the taste of you from his fingers. 
"Fucking hell woman, I'm eatin' that pussy first chance I get. Taste so damn sweet." He groaned out, that low gravelly sound pooling between your legs as you pictured Daryl's head between your thighs. "But right now I might just fuckin' explode if I don't fuck ya."
Daryl shifted you both into a more comfortable position as he settled between your legs, his hands pushing your thighs further apart. He took a minute to admire the sight of you spread open in front of him before he lifted one leg to wrap around his waist. You got the hint, digging your heel into the small of his back to pull him even closer. You could feel his cock pressing against your folds when he adjusted himself as close as he could get to you.
"Ya ready for this?" He asked looking down between your bodies as he took his cock in his hand and teased the head over your clit. You threw your head back at the feeling, your leg tightening around his waist.
"I want you, Daryl." You gasped out, nodding your consent as he move his cock lower to gather some of the wetness around your entrance. Lube hadn't exactly been a top priority on your last few runs but Daryl still wanted to make sure this was as comfortable as possible for you as he stroked himself, spreading your arousal over his cock. 
With your final nod of approval, he pushed forward, the first few inches sliding inside you. You cried out at the feeling, your back arching off the bed as your hands grasped his arms, dragging your nails across his skin. Even with how much Daryl had tried to prepare you it still burned as your body fought to adjust to his size. Your chest heaved with your harsh breaths as you whimpered.
"Shh hush sweetheart yer alrigh'. Just breathe, it'll get better I promise. I'll go slow." You could feel your body relaxing from the simple words of praise from him as his hand cupped your jaw, swiping his thumb across your cheek. He moved at your pace, waiting until he felt your muscles relax, releasing their tight grip on him before he thrust forward again. This time he sunk into you fully, holding himself close to your body as he fought every instinct that was telling him to thrust, to just move. He buried his face in your chest, placing kisses between your breasts as he waited for you to adjust again.
"Daryl - move, please." The pleading tone in your voice sounded foreign even to your own ears but you couldn't help it. You had never felt this full, so completely surrounded as Daryl's body caged you into the bed. He stretched you out in all the best ways and even the pain it caused got you higher and higher. It felt like time slowed around you as Daryl stayed still inside of you and it was driving you crazy, you needed more, needed to feel him move.
Daryl wasted no time in giving you what you wanted, he pulled out almost entirely before thrusting back in. The rhyme he set was slow but deep, each thrust reaching a place inside you that had you moaning out at the contact. You gave into the feeling more and more as you adjusted, the pain giving way to pure pleasure. There was something freeing about being in the building alone, you didn't have to worry about who would hear you or what kind of attention you'd attract as your moans grew louder which each thrust until you were damn near screaming Daryl's name.
This feeling was far beyond anything you'd experienced before, beyond anything you could have imagined. Your senses were entirely overwhelmed by him, the feeling of each thrust building you towards the best orgasm of your life. The sound of his pants were growing heavier in your ear with each thrust and you were breathing in the rich, heady scent that was so unmistakably Daryl that made your head spin whenever you were around him.
You dragged your nails down his back, feeling the raised skin of his scars under your touch as you went, leaving new red marks after you. His thrusts were starting to grow sloppy, losing their rhyme as they came faster than before as he chased his own release while trying to keep his focus on you. His hands pinned your hips down to the bed as you tried to arch into the feeling, completely losing control of your body as your brain melted with how close you were.
All it took to break the pressure that was building inside of you was one swift drag of his thumb across your clit and you were spasming around him, your entire body freezing as you came hard. You grasped at him, needing something, anything to ground you as broken moans fell from your lips.
"Daryl! Oh god - I - shit - please. Please." You weren't sure what exactly you were begging him for anymore, all you knew was everything was too much and yet somehow not enough at all. Your control over your body entirely shut down as you turned to putty in his hands, letting him use you in whatever way he needed as he chased his own orgasm.
"Fuck ya feel fuckin' perfect, that pussy squeezin' me like that. Look so fuckin' sexy when ya cum like that for me. I coulda watched that forever." Daryl's words were becoming slurred as he spoke, barely making any sense anymore as his entire focus was on the feeling you were bringing him. His hips snapped roughly against you to the point of almost being painful before finally he rutted against you, moaning loudly into your neck as he came. You could feel him twitching inside you as he collapsed against you, his arms giving out underneath him. He didn't bother pulling out of you yet. "Doll ya have ruined me forever, I ain't ever gonna get as good a fuck with anybody else. Don't wanna either." 
"Daryl that was - that was- holy shit." You laughed but it came out more breathy as you collapsed back against the pillows, trying to steady your breathing. Daryl slowly pulled out of you, the feeling making you groan out at the slight discomfort but you were almost glad of the ache that you knew would remind you of what you'd done for days.
"Hope that was as good as ya were expectin' for yer first time," Daryl said nuzzling his nose under your jaw as he lay down beside you on the small bed, turning you on your side so he could pull you back against his chest.
"It was more than perfect, thank you, Daryl." You reassured him as you tangled your arms with his that had settled around your waist. You lost track of how long you lay like that, simply enjoying each other's company as Daryl pressed light kisses across your skin. You could have easily fallen asleep like that and any other time and you would have but you were still technically on duty. "We should get back before the others start askin' questions." 
Daryl hummed his agreement as he watched you sit up on the bed, running his hand up your back before you put your bra back on. He stood up from the bed as you started to dress yourself again and quickly threw back on his pants, walking over to grab a clean washcloth from the desk. Without saying a word he knelt down in front of you and gently wiped away the mess between your legs, leaving a light kiss against the outside of your thigh once you were clean. You could feel your heart flutter at the gesture, just the simple act of him taking the time to take care of you.
With your tank top still damp and abandoned in the sink of the washroom you slipped Daryl's oversized shirt on over your head before reaching to grab your panties from the pile of clothes. You glanced around in confusion when you noticed they weren't next to your shorts anymore.
"Daryl did you see my -" You looked up to see the cheeky grin on his face as he slipped his hand into his back pocket and dangled your panties from the tip of his finger in front of your face.
"Lookin' for these?" You rolled your eyes and reached to grab them from him but he quickly dodged your movement tucking them back into his pocket. "Consider it a keepsake. Until next time."
"Well in that case," You stood up slipping back on your shorts with nothing underneath, even after everything you'd just done it felt like the naughtiest thing you'd done all day. The denim rubbed against you in all the places you were still sensitive. You pushed up on your toes to kiss his cheek before whispering the next words in his ear. "I'll find a cuter pair for you to keep next time."
Taglist: @azanoni @ineedmorefanfics2
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Ocean Deep Ch2 Spectacles And Scales
((Warnings for mistreatment of the mers by the sideshow owner and some of the other people, Buying and selling of mers, mistreatment of animals briefly shown, etc.
 typed in random anime man into Google and this is the first photo that popped up so I'm using this as reference to what Akira looks like.
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It was a beautiful day today. 
That's usually what the default positive thing you thought was whenever something went wrong or you were feeling bad. You'd look outside and even if it was raining, you'd still find something outside to think about. The clouds looked like funny bunnies today. The next the sky would be a beautiful blue. Those flowers look wonderful. The snow looked sparkly in the sunlight. 
Anything to stay positive in the crazy world ruled by creatures unseen and more powerful than the average human. You've never seen one personally thank the gods, but you knew something must've been going on with all of the disappearances that's happened for hundreds of years. Whether it's some humans, natural accidents, runaways, or something else you didn't know but you weren't going to be one of the ones that ended up disappearing. You had a plan for your life. 
You wanted to work on yourself and maybe find someone to settle down with, and then maybe have a few children later down the line when your career was solid and you knew you'd be secure enough. Maybe even adopt a few animals! You've always wanted a small pony! Maybe a big dog you could roughhouse and snuggle with. That'd be nice. Just you and a domestic life. But for now you were just content with just working at the local florist shop and putting your life together. 
It wasn't bad. You got to help with lots of pretty flowers all year round, there was always the pleasant smell of flowers in the air, it earnt you a decent living, it wasn't too far from your house, and your boss was a very kind old lady who's been doing this for years. You were lucky to have found such a good job. 
"Thank you for coming by. It's always so nice to see you again, Akira." 
You briefly looked up from where you were watering a pot of begonias with an old teapot. One of the local men was in today buying a small bouquet of peonies for whatever reason he wanted them. Being a decently big town, you kinda knew him but with the town still being big you also didn't. You knew this man, Akira, was the son of one of the fishermen families while his mother's family were glass blowers. You only knew that because your boss mentioned that Akira's mother's family were the ones that made the giant glass greenhouse connected to her house, she used it to grow all her flowers year round. But outside of that and just seeing him around every so often, you didn't personally know Akira. But he also had a reputation for being handsome. 
He certainly has the looks to back that up. Greyish-white soft hair. Silver eyes. A tall muscular physic. And a handsome face that looked like it was sculpted by an excellent artist. You only gave a brief look over your shoulder as the two spoke.. before going back to work. It'd be rude to stare while they spoke and you had a job to do which was to finish watering these plants. 
"You too, Mrs. Satoshi. And may I say you don't look a day over forty."
A strong of chuckles that had you rolling your eyes and inwardly groaning. "Oh, stop. You always say the sweetest things to people."
"I can't help it if I wear my heart on my sleeve.~ But while I'm here, I might as well give you this." You heard a distant sound of rustling paper and a moment later Akira spoke again. "Here! I've been handing these out for everyone to see."
There was a pause of silence before your boss hummed again. "Your uncle finally gotten that display up has he?"
"Absolutely! He calls it an 'ocean viewing through glass' and he's planning on showing it off at the end of this month!"
"Having a small tank of pet fish is one thing, but who's ever heard of people keeping giant tanks full of fish just for people to gawk at? Anyone can just go down to the beach and see most of the critters in the water."
Akira gave a deep chuckle in return. "Oh it's going to be be so much more than 'just fish's, Mrs. Satoshi. The opening night is free to everyone who shows up, and there's going to be plenty to see."
"I'll certainly think about it. Tell your family I said hi."
"I certainly will." Footsteps carried away the man from the counter before they slowly came to a stop right behind you. The sudden feeling on eyes on your back had you pausing before turning over your shoulder and finding Akira staring at you with a half lidded smiling face. "I can't forget about your lovely assistant now!"
You blinked and a second later a hand held up a piece of paper to you. F/c eyes glanced at the parchment and noticed that he must've pulled it out of the bag slung over his right shoulder since a few more corners of paper were sticking out and the top opening. The paper made some crinkle sounds when he waggled it at you pulling your attention back to it, and slowly you reached out to take it from him. Your eyes gazed over it and it became pretty apparent that it was a flyer advertising the opening of a new business. Hand written too, detailing the opening date and time and other things. 
"Oh...Thank you," you remained polite.
He smiled maybe a bit too widely but only turned to start walking away with the flowers in his hands. "I hope to see you there."
You watched as he left through the front door and slowly looked back to the flier in your hands.. before just putting it away and carrying on with your business. The roses were in need of the water and the flowers weren't going to water themselves.
"You know I think he likes you."
"...What?" Your head turned to the smiling older lady.
"He passed by here practically every day and he always gives a look at you through the window," she teased, "He's a rather handsome young man, and his family has such a profitable business."
You grimaced. "That's just really creepy. If he likes me then he can be a man and talk to me about it, and I don't even know him. We're strangers. Besides-" You turned back to the flowers pouring more water from the large teapot in your hands. "-he's not my type."
You just wasn't feeling like getting close to Akira. He gave you a bad feeling, and genuinely he really was not you type. He looked really handsome but it was more than good looks that counts. What about personality and character? Nah. The other girls could have him for all you cared. The older woman only hummed in thought before shrugging.
"If you say so, Dear. Just remember you're only young once. It wouldn't hurt to find someone nice to settle down with before it's too late."
"I also have my whole life ahead of me so I have plenty of time to settle down and find someone if I even wanted to. I don't want to rush into anything that I'll just regret later." 
You didn't want to end up like so many unhappy couples you've seen over the years. Fighting and yelling and having affairs- No. You didn't want that. You were going to take your time and if someone comes along then it'll happen. If not- Well you can always get that pony or dog you've always wanted to keep you company. You didn't need to be married or have children to have a good fulfilling life. 
Besides you were perfectly content right now with how things were. You didn't need anything changing or any surprises. Everything was just fine how they were. Not a single thing needs to be added. 
"Are you going to his uncle's grand opening? I think it would be quite interesting to see what all of the excitements about."
"I don't think so. It's just going to be a bunch of fish in giant tanks. If you ask me, that's too much work to maintain. Not to mention that the amount of cleaning the tanks and constantly hauling new water to replace the old sea water-..." You shook your head. "No. Not worth it if you ask me."
She hummed turning to grab a pair of tweezers and cut away the dead leaves off a miniature rose bush. "Well you never know. It might be fun to just go and look. It is going to be free after all. "
You both left the conversation at that and didn't bring it up again. There was no point. You didn't want to go and really you shouldn't to not give Akira any more encouragement for his creepy behavior. It made a shudder run through your spine and you cringe in disgust. You'd definitely be avoiding him from now on. You'd just ignore him and everything would be fine again.
With a sigh of relief, you just went on about your day and ignored the feeling in the back of your mind. It was nothing.
You hadn't heard anything else for the next three days, and it was just business as usual around here. You were having a peaceful time with your work and had all but forgotten about the encounter with Akira or his uncle's 'grand opening' except for the occasional old flier on the ground or the occasional topic of it being brought up in conversation, but it wasn't very often and you'd forget about it quickly after anyways. But there was one strange thing that happened to at the end of the week. It was really a spectacle. Really it was. Not really a thing you'd usually see around these parts. You hadn't even noticed it really, with your back towards the roads. You were too busy helping your elderly boss pick up big plant pots outside that her frail body was too weak to lift. You'd be needing these for an upcoming big delivery for (ironically) Akira's Aunt Linna as you were informed by your boss. Apparently she was planning on adding a whole lot of giant rose bushes around her home and these heavy pots were gonna be used to transport the bushes over once they were ready in one of two weeks. Unfortunately your work was interrupted by your boss when the kind lady looked over her shoulder and gasped catching your attention.
"My oh my." She looked surprised with a hand to her chin.
You followed her gaze and paused surprised as well as a few other people on the streets around you. Coming from up the road was two giant stallions being pulled along by a strong looking middle aged man. He was cursing at the animals straining to pull along their cargo and angrily whipping the reigns with each curse.
"That's sick!" The words escaped you before you could even think.
A nasiating disgusted feeling churned about in your stomach as you watched as the poor animals strained and slowly came up the road and past you both. The sounds those poor ponies were making made you want to grab a whip and swing it at the gruff looking man as they slowly walked by you. The cargo they were straining to pull was...Well you couldn't tell what it was. It was BIG. At least six feet high, ten feet long, very rectangular, and covered by old wet tarps tied together by ropes. Your eyes widened looking up at the thing as it slowly pulled past you with the man yelling at the struggling ponies, briefly a shadow fell over you both and you froze solid as it continued to be pulled by you both. 
"It ..seems like they had come up from the beach. That's probably one of the tanks Akira's uncle wanted for his opening," your boss eventually broke the silence and pointed out the size of the presumed tank.
You didn't say anything about it for you were frozen in shock. For your eyes could have SWORN they saw the brief sight of a hand and half a face peeking out at you from a gap in the tarps..The light. You told yourself. It was just the light playing tricks on you. There's no way a human was under that tarp. You were seeing things. You shouldn't involve yourself in this. Forget it. Don't get involved in this. It wasn't worth it. Nothing good would ever come out of sticking your nose into other people's business anyways. You turned away from the sight of the cart disappearing and the distant cries of the man's cussing to place another heavy pot down off to the side, the last thing you needed was unnecessary drama in your life. 
Besides it's not like whatever Akira's family was doing would affect you.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
The Dragon's Mistress (4)
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4. Jealousy
Summary: A dark sentiment gets you in trouble
Warnings: cursing, mentions of war, mentions of death, humiliation, use of the word bastard and traitor, incest, threats, slight grabbing of chins, not quite choking, might miss some warnings
Wordcount:  2.9 k
Notes: This is getting good people! I'm sorry I'm not doing a taglist for this one, pelse follow the tag "misguidedmistress", really taglist confuse me and don't work half the time! sorry! ❤️❤️❤️ love you all!
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His eyes were on you.
The son of Lord Celtigar that had bent the knee to your mother was older than you, ten years older at the least, you had seen him before, he had come to Dragonstone to plan the war, standing on the side. 
He was handsome, dirty blonde hair, gray eyes, his handsomeness was ethereal, clearly the blood of old Valyria ran through his veins.
He looked at you sadly, he pitied you, and that made you look down at Aemond’s feet right by your side
“Lord Celtigar”, greeted Aemond, his arrogance was the one of a King, seated in the Dragonstone throne like it was his own, well, technically it was. 
“Prince Aemond”, he answered carefully, “I’m here in the name of my house, of the entire Claw Island”, he said solemnly, but his eyes darted to you once in a while, he was visibly uncomfortable
“Bend the knee”, answered Aemond simply, “do your house and that island a favor”, Lord Celtigar barely nodded and did as he was commanded.
You had always felt fascination for House Celtigar, they were of Valyrian descent but somehow they were believed to be a lesser house than the Velaryons of the Targaryens, they had grown wild on the Claw island, they took to the seas, they were like pirates, they wore furs and braids in their dirty blonde heads, they carried axes instead of swords and round shields made of wood
They were kind of incredible
Lord Ardrian looked at Aemond from the floor, and pledge his house to Aemond’s cause, whatever that might be
But his eyes always turned to you, and Aemond noticed, smirking widely as he leaned in and placed a hand on your shoulder, you were lucky he didn’t palace it in your head like you were some dog.
“Let’s talk in private”, Aemond encouraged, standing from his throne he signaled Ardrian to follow him, and he did, out of your sight. 
You were supposed to stay there? you wondered
Both men walked out of the throne room and towards the war room, a smaller room for private audiences where you placed the painted table, the room had a balcony from where you could see the sea. 
“They say the Celtigars moved to Westeros even before the Velaryons”, he began
“They did”, he said dismissively 
“So far off, you have barely any Valyrian blood left in your veins”, he continued, Ardrian just looked at him, not distracting himself with the beauty of Dragonstone, his castle was even greater, filled with treasures from all over the world
“Indeed”, he accepted, “we have welded with Westeros’ blood”, he only wanted to get this over with
“But it seems you would like to have Valyrian blood again within your family, don’t you?”, and there it was
“It seems a pity”, he said simply, “she is the last remaining daughter of Rhaenyra”
“Everybody knows, you are married to Alys Rivers from Harrenhal”, smart, Aemond thought, not referring to her as “the Witch Queen” or “bastard”, or worse
“That is untrue”, he said simply, “we never married”
“As long as she is here, the bastard child of Rhaenyra, in Dragonstone, she will be an obstacle for your reign on the island”, he explained
“So what would you have me do?”, he asked, “you wanted me to feed her to my dragon?”, he would never, of course, he just didn’t need to know that
“Let me take her”, he offered, like it was the trash he was offering to take out, Aemond knew though, it was a trap
“What are you going to do with her?”, he asked, feigning interest
“Make her my wife”, he said, dismissively
“Do you think you deserve a reward?”, he hummed, and then chuckled darkly, “for coming here to beg for forgiveness?”, the face of Ardrian was severe
“The people will not see it as a reward”, he said calmly, “We know House Celtigar is one of the lesser Valyrian Houses, giving her to me will only tell people she is not worth keeping an eye on from the beginning, it will make her look like she is not a worthy Targaryen”
He did not think any of it, but he felt the need to protect you, to save you from the Greens, your entire family was dead, you were the heir to nothing, but he wanted to save you from their clutches, only because even if you were not worth to start another war for, you deserved to be saved.
Aemond only chuckled, not believing his words, not buying it, he could see under his plan.
He wanted you, to save you because he was simply nice or because he wanted you for himself, but he didn’t think less of you, that was for certain
“You won’t tell me how to deal with traitors within my family”, he said, “I think she is exactly where she should be, seated by my feet”, he covered his smirk with the cup of wine. Which he failed to provide for his guest, “it certainly made an impression on you”, he teased, “it will to the other house when they come to bend the knee”
He had failed, the Celtigar Lord thought bitterly, he had failed you, you and the memory of your mother
“What do you want for her?”, he tried then, and Aemond was truly surprised, “you know the rumors surrounding our house, the treasures we have, they are all true, what would you say about a horn that can summon the darkest creatures from the bottom of the sea?”, he tried, “or a coffer that I bet weighs twice as much as her covered in rubies? it belonged to a princess beyond Yi Ti”
“I don’t want trinkets”, he said, now amused, Ardiran was now desperate, “but why would you want the daughter of a traitor?”, he asked
“She is a pretty little thing”, he said dismissively
“Get out of my island before I lose my patience”, he said, tired of the games, “i accept your allegiance, come back again with notions of marrying my niece and House Celtigar will meet its end”
And Ardrian left the room
And Aemond was enraged. He was not going to be only one, he knew it, men weren’t blind, the same things he saw and liked about you were noticeable by other men. This fool was only the first one. 
But no, he had the power, he was the second most powerful man in Westeros and most importantly, he had all the power over you. 
That is all that mattered
But he would be lying if his blood didn’t boil when that Celtigar said he would take you as his wife. You were his, nobody else's 
With long steps he walked back to the throne room, where the Lord were gathered, he didn’t find you seated where he left you, you were in the corner, a maid was offering you a cup of wine. 
He walked towards you, hastily and in a rage, he slapped the cup from your hands, and it flied away, it’s contents with it, few drops of the red liquid tainting your dress 
“My Prince”, you whined in surprise, the maid left as quickly as she saw him walking towards you
“Did I say you could move?”, he asked, he grabbed your chin between his fingers, making you look at his face.
Lord Ardrian had returned to the room to gather his men, and to witness the scene 
“No my prince, I’m sorry, my knees hurt”, you protested, tears of humiliation burning in your eyes and yet you did not shed them, even though Aemond was dying for you to do so.
“I didn’t allow you to move”, he said severely
“I’m sorry my prince”, Aemond looked at everyone while he still held you by your face, his eye stopped in Ardrian Celtigar, who was looking the scene wide-eyed
Aemond's interest peaked, what was he going to do about it? he wondered, was he going to draw his sword? Was he going to call his men to try and stop him?Would he start another war for you?
“My Prince”, he said gently, forming a conciliating smile on his face, “as another sign of my allegiance, I brought you gifts”, he said, and Aemond was completely taken by surprise. He released you when he saw beautiful coffers being brought to the room, Adrian had then open in front of him, revealing colorful bottles with what it looked like wine inside of them
“Wine from Bayasabhad”, he presented, and Aemond seemed pleased, “for the brother of our King”
“I will accept this kind gifts in the name of my brother, the King”, he said, smirking
This man was good, he thought
And you were relieved, but scared of what Aemond might do to you in front of these people, so you stood very still, hoping to blend into the room so Aemond won’t notice you again
Ardrian wouldn’t let his eyes off of you, so much so Aemond got angrier, like never before, but he hid it pretty well, and dismissed the Celtigars, and they abandoned the castle and then Aemond make sure you saw as they sailed away
“He wanted to marry you and take you with him”, he whispered against your ear, and you did nothing but whimper, “how nice of him”
“What did you say?”, you asked innocently, a little flame of hope flaring in your chest
“That if he mentioned again I would kill him and his entire house”, he said then, and you whined
“Why?”, you asked, he leaned even more, until your back was completely against his chest, but you didn’t dare to move, that would anger him
“I will kill anyone who tries to take you away from me”, he whispered in your ear. And it makes you shake on your seat, “let’s eat”, he invited, placing his hands on your shoulders.
Dalya entered the room with a tray in her hands, and you sat down in a small table by a window, and she served you, you tried not to thank her, to show Aemond that you liked and cared for her, and you believed you managed to do so
Across the table Aemond wouldn’t stop gazing at you
You were so beautiful and innocent, the very thought of losing you to someone like Ardrian Celtigar made his blood boil, when he saw you there, seating by his side 
The fact that you’d even ask him if he was letting you marry that idiot was proof enough that he wasn’t being clear or determined enough. 
He had to change that.
“If you want me to forget your little indiscretion today”, he began, you looked up at him wide-eyed, “you are going to draw me a bath tonight…”, he looked at you and then you nodded, and as he kept talking he looked out the window, “and after…” but then, he got quiet, watching something out the window and over the water, you followed his gaze and you could see a ship coming, it was black as night and in it’s sails it had a green three headed dragon, for a second your breath got caught in your throat, thinking it could de Aegon, but then Aemond frown, cursing something in Valyrian under his breath
He stood up abruptly from the table, and exited the room without a word or explanation
Who was coming in that ship?
Would you take this opportunity to run from the room?
No, that would only anger him. The sun was setting and sun night was going to wash over all of you, and that meant time for his bath. 
The door opened again but gently, so you knew it wasn’t Aemond behind it, it was Dalya, she smiled warmly at you
“Thank you”, you whispered as she took the things away. “Do you know where he went?”
“Someone is coming”, she whispered, “is not the King, but he seemed really angry”
And you shook in fear, because, who in this country could make Aemond angry? well, apparently Ardrian Celtigar, but who in his family? Because of that banner… it must have been, was it Queen Alicent? A Green Dragon? made sense
“He would like to have his bath”, you said gently, so she nodded, understanding immediately
“I’ll have the maid warm the water”, she said
“He likes it almost boiling”, you said, and she nodded, understanding, and left you quickly. 
You were very thankful for Dalya, she was going to be of great help, it was nice to have an ally, even a friend.
Without further delay you went to the bath room and lit the fire, and the one in his room as well, as the sun came up, the fires lit up the room, and warmed it up. With the war, and all the darkness that came with it, you weren’t sure what season you were in, for you it was always winter, always cold, gray and sad
Perhaps it was only you.
You knew that whomever that was Aemond was going to dispose of them quickly, he was in a mood, he wanted to relax under the water and under your hands, so you prepared the bath without further delay, you opened the doors for the maids that entered walking so slowly, fearful of dropping one single drop of the water in the stone floor 
After they left the buckets on the floor near the bathtub they left as quickly as they could rubbing their burnt hands on their aprons, and left you alone once more. 
You pour the water on the tub, it was steaming hot, as you wish it to be, then you grabbed the oils and scents and you pour them in the water. Once that was settled, you lit up the candles in the room, folded his nighshirt by the fire as was his towel, so it will be nice and warm when he needs them after the tub, and as you felt the door of the room opening, as the sun already hid under the horizon, you took a long breath, trying to push away the fear that Aemond had recently made you feel with his sudden outburst like the one this afternoon after the visit from Ardrian
So you stood still near the tub, ready to please him so it will make your life easier, but the one that went through the door wasn’t Aemond
Your breath got caught in your throat as it seemed all the air in the room had vanished.
This presence, her presence, was so prepotent and cold, it even blew off some of the flames of the jasmine scented candles.
“So you are the one that has gotten my husband so occupied”, her voice was so enticing, it was like a purr from a kitten, her smile was catching, her eyes were hypnotizing, and only as she awaited her answer, raising one of her dark eyebrows, you realized you weren’t breathing since your hear her coming into the room
“I’m sorry?”, you croaked out, cursing yourself for sounding so pathetic and weak.
She made you feel like you were a rabbit in front of a hungry fox. 
She chuckled darkly, she was in control and you just let her know that, you surrendered it so easily 
“You are the little whore that has been entertaining my husband”, now she wasn’t playing, her gaze turned severe and you realised you couldn’t let her get the hold and the power of the situation, you were no fucking rabbit
You were a motherfucking dragon
“I do not know who you speak of”, you said then, regaining your composure, if she was cold and prepotent, you were fire and cunning. “I haven’t been entertaining no husband of yours”, you make sure she knew that you were disgusted, and she did, she raised both of her eyebrows, truly entertained 
“My name is Alys Rivers”, oh you heard about her alright, she was the self proclaimed Witch Queen of Harrenhal, the alleged Lyonel Strong’s bastard daughter. But you couldn’t let her know you had heard of her. You just raised an eyebrow at her.
She chuckled once more as her green eyes scrutinized you from the tip of your nose to the last finger in your show covered feet.
“I think you know who I am”, you said in turn, and she smiled teasingly
“You are the last dragon”, she said, marveling. 
You were interrupted as Aemond almost trotted into the room, looking at you, like he was scared for your life, and then he looked at Alys, warning in his eye 
“I told you not to engage with her”, he whispered to the dark haired witch
“My love”, she answered, her hand moved with the delicacy of a snake, and she placed it on his cheek, “I just wanted to come to our chambers, and I found her here”, she batted her eyelashes at him. He swallowed, hard, taking her hand gently in his and remove it from his face
“We need to talk”, he said, and then he turned back to look at you.
This was certainly going to be interesting. 
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kentdreaming · 1 year
Ribs: a Roy Kent story
Series: Ribs
Pairing: Roy Kent x OC
Summary: Natalia's past is now quickly becoming her present. Might as well try to make light of it all.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: swearing but that's about it
A/N: I'm so so so grateful for all of the love already for the first chapter! I'm pretty rusty in the writing world, so be patient as I get my footing again. I just love Roy Kent so much, yall. Also, yes I used an old Lorde song for the title of this series in the year 2023, nature is healing
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gif from @winterscaptain
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Chapter 2
His eyes were so dark. A deep warm brown bore hard into her sharp green for a moment. Natalia blinked hard, hoping, wondering, if this was a dream. A glimmer ghosted across his eyes before it disappeared behind some furrowed and bushy eyebrows. “Natalia,” He nodded quickly. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could even utter a sound, Roy had pushed past her and quickly through the photographers giving them obscene gestures and a slew of “Fuck off”s. Natalia scoffed, dumbfounded. She quickly shook it off and squared her shoulders before stepping onto the red carpet. The cameras and reporters roared when she stepped into frame. “Talia, Talia, who are you wearing!?” “Talia, over here!” “Talia–” 
She squirmed under the flashing lights and cacophony of sound. Talia tried her best to soothe herself in the moment, playing it off with her hard rocker energy and striking a few poses to appease the cameras. After a pose with devil horns and her tongue out, she began her descent toward the ballroom. 
“Is it true you’re now a minority owner of AFC Richmond!?” A reporter yelled. She stopped, flipping her hair over her shoulder for one final money shot with the response, “Yes, darling. It is true. But I must be off to donate to children in need, toodles!” 
Natalia stomped into the ballroom and was quickly overwhelmed with the crowds. Not wanting to bother Rebecca as she was clearly in her own groove, she found Ted at the bar. “I’ll have the same as him, love,” Natalia rapped on the bar beside Ted as she heard him order a triple of whiskey. “Well I’ll be,” Ted smiled, quickly admiring her outfit, “You sure do clean up nicely!” 
“Thank you, Ted,” Natalia smiled, leaning over to fix his tie. Quickly she felt eyes on her from somewhere else in the room. “Everything alright, Mr. Triple shot?” “Oh y’know when you just see through someone?” Ted shrugged. “Ah, I see you met Rupert,” Natalia nodded as their two drinks were delivered. “You know him?”
“It’s hard not to know him in these circles, but I only know him to be particularly fucking  disgusting. You ever heard how Rebecca found out about his cheating?” 
“Mm mmm,” Ted shook his head as he drained his whiskey. Natalia raised her eyebrows, taking a long slow sip, not breaking eye contact with the American. Ted took a moment to register what she meant. She felt the eyes again, but she ignored it.
“You?” Ted finally put two and two together. 
“Yup,” Natalia nodded, knocking the bar and ordering another round, “He extended me an exclusive invite to Bones and Honey, thinking he could win me over that way… Little did he know I’m already a fuckin’ member. So, I promptly showed up, squashed a morsel of that ego of his and then quickly left to find Rebecca.” “Well, I sure am happy you made that call,” Ted smiled, clinking his glass with yours, “otherwise I never woulda had this opportunity. So I s’pose I have you to thank then.” Natalia smiled, relaxed for the first time all day and patted Ted on the shoulder, “Pleasure is all mine, Ted.” The two enjoyed some chit chat at the bar and seemed to be having a good time. Roy Kent, however, was not. Not only was he sitting at the table with Jamie fucking Tartt, but everytime he had glanced in Natalia’s direction, she seemed to have been getting closer and closer to the gaffer. His hands clenched into hard fists under the table. He hadn’t seen her in decades and there she is chatting up that annoying American. He couldn’t understand why he was getting so angry. But then he saw her and Ted rise from their spots at the bar and make their way toward the table, just as he was getting ushered off to be brought up on stage. 
Natalia reached the table as Keeley Jones was making her way back. A small squeal emitted from both the small women, the two quickly hugged each other.
“Talia! You looking fucking incredible, babes!” Keeley squealed, running her way to her in her golden gown. She kissed Natalia’s cheeks and ogled her. 
“Your tits are fucking fantastic,” Keeley breathed staring at the deep cut V in the front of her dress. Natalia just laughed, rocking her head back.
Keeley quickly dismissed the young woman named Bex before having a quiet but heated discussion with Jamie. Roy was the next player to be auctioned off. It soon became clear that Keeley was now playing Jamie’s game from earlier at the auction. Frankly, Natalia was sick of it. Sick of seeing Roy being in the middle of it all. Plus, she wanted to have fun anyway. Right before Rupert auctioned off Roy to an old bitty who was promising to make his night one to remember, Natalia stood up with a paddle. “10,000 pounds,” Natalia proclaimed, the crowd quickly filled with commotion and whispers. Roy’s eyes widened underneath the spotlight. “Well, well,” Rupert smiled, a hint of distaste in his features as he realized who it was that bid, “Sold! To Miss Talia Forrest! Just a couple of Sunderland natives out on the town, then? Tell me, what does £10,000 unlock in the Roy Kent Dating Package?” 
“Who knows, but what else is a ‘washed up rockstar’ to do with all this royalty money? For the children, right Rupert?” Natalia quipped back, eliciting a scattering of chuckles in the audience, a challenge in her eyes, “Plus, Roy’s been put through enough having to consider a night with Cheryl over here. Hi there, Cheryl, darling.” 
“Natalia Forrest, everybody,” Rupert announced, “Don’t you hurt his ego too much,” gesturing to Roy to exit the stage. Roy promptly rushed off stage, moving at bullet speed, he stormed past the crowd as the auction came to a close. Without much acknowledgement, he grabbed Natalia by her arm, dragging her along with him. “Whoa, Roy–” Natalia stammered as he dragged her off to the quiet area of the abandoned sidebar. 
“Don’t fucking do that again,” Roy growled. 
Natalia’s eyes widened in shock, “Roy— I was just—“
“Between Keeley using me as some stupid fucking jealousy game with that prick and you auctioning out of fucking pity— I fucking hate it.” he bit out. 
“I-“ Natalia started, ready to be defensive. Instead she just looked at him. She hadn’t seen him in so long, and even though she wanted nothing more than to wrap him in a hug, she sighed, “I’m really sorry, Roy. I was just sick of Jamie and Keeley’s stupid fucking game.”
Roy took a moment, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deceit. But all he saw were big, apologetic soft green eyes staring back up at him. With heels, she only stood about 5’5”, but there was a time he remembered where they were roughly the same height. A pang of sadness pulled in his chest. 
“Thank you,” he nodded. 
As he turned to leave, Natalia caught his arm, “Roy wait.”
He paused, turning around to face her again, the feeling of her hand on his arm sent a long forgotten shock through his body. 
“You owe me a £10,000 date,” Natalia said smirking up at him, “So you better make it fucking worth it.” 
He gave a soft growl and stormed away. Natalia’s heart sank into her gut again as he disappeared. She was quickly distracted by the sound of Rebecca introducing a very last minute musical guest, a street busker, and she was immediately blown away by the young man’s performance. Natalia rushed into the crowd and bounced around to the music with who she was assuming was her team, and by the description Rebecca had given her earlier, danced hard with Coach Beard.
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As the night wound to a close, Rebecca found Natalia speaking with Cam Cole, Ted, and Beard. Talia had just finished handing Cam a few business cards and took a photo with him for her personal social platforms to promote the performer when Rebecca approached. 
“Hello gentlemen,” Rebecca smiled nervously, “Natalia, I was- uhm- wondering if you would care to join me and–” 
“I’m fuckin’ in,” Talia responded.
“I didn’t even finish–”
“I will do anything with you,” Natalia reassured, “Plus, something tells me Keeley is involved.” Glancing over Rebecca’s shoulder to see Keeley trying to wave with two champagne bottles cradled in her arms.
Natalia turned back to the three men, “My chariot awaits gentlemen. It’s been a fuckin’ blast. Cam, please do give me a call, I see a lot of fucking potential in you.” 
“Jeez louise, Nat,” Ted laughed, “You swear just like Roy. Hey, have you met Roy?” 
“I have, Ted,” Natalia said a bit sharper than she meant, recovering, “I bid on him, remember?”
Beard gave Talia a pointed look and a feeling went down her spine. He seemed to know something “Anyways, see you lot around, yeah?” Natalia asked, hugging and leaving a kiss on each man’s cheek. 
“Don’t be a stranger,” Ted beamed, “It’d be fun to have you around more.” 
With that, Natalia dashed over to the increasingly impatient women and they found their way to a bike taxi where they squeezed close together and drank the night away. Once they had made it to Rebecca’s flat (which was one hell of a workout for that poor bicyclist), Natalia left him enough money to pay rent twice over and the three stumbled inside. “Get these bloody fucking things off me,” Rebecca groaned as she kicked off her heels, giving her ankles a soft rub. Keeley and Natalia soon follow.
“Shit I forgot how tiny you both are,” Rebecca laughed, “like a couple of elves.”
“Oi!” Keeley and Natalia yelled together. Immediately the two started cackling. 
Once the women had settled down, they drank away at the wine and all cozied up on Rebecca’s couch, which was somehow even more comfortable than the one in her office. In true teenage-girl-sleepover fashion, they all huddled around and turned on a movie that was quickly discarded for immediate gossip of the night.
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“God, Rupert is such a dick,” Keeley groaned, throwing her head back.
“Amen,” Natalia drunkenly lifted her glass in agreement.
“Say,” Keeley swiveled, her big eyes a bit droopy, “What’s the deal with the $10,000 bid tonight.” 
Natalia was taken aback by the sudden switch in topic. “For the children?” She mumbled unconvincingly. 
“Oh bullshit,” Rebecca rolled her eyes, “£10,000?”
“Rebecca, when have I not thrown money out for donations?”
“Natalia,” Rebecca lightly challenged, a knowing look, and a raised brow, “Only when it benefits you.”
Fuck. Keeley gasped, “You wanna shag Roy!” 
She couldn’t tell which was the culprit, but between the sudden and drunken interrogation, and the obscene amount of alcohol running through her, she couldn’t help the faint blush that tinged the tip of her nose and ears. Keeley and Rebecca let out a couple of squeals jumping in their seats. Natalia quickly rolled her eyes, giving her the best scowl she could muster. After a moment, however, she softened, her fingers lighting dancing around the rim of her wine glass, eyes intently looking at her own movements.
“It’s not like that,” she mumbled, a soft smile on her lips. God, why do I go so soft around these two? Both other women noticed Natalia’s shift in demeanor. They also immediately scooted closer, worried but aching to know more. Talia gave a quick glance up to two pairs of very expectant eyes. With a sigh and a slight roll of her eyes, Natalia finally responded.
“Roy and I grew up together,” she admitted. It felt good to let someone else know. Their eyes widened at the new knowledge. Natalia continued, the liquor prompting the words, “Grew up in the same, shitty and rundown flats– the community would always joke that no matter how poor we all were, the place was magic to be able to produce two famous kids."
At this, Natalia let out a soft chuckle, mind a million miles away as she rambled on, “Due to both of us being just wee kids, we were expected to continue on in schooling. We were both put into the same tutoring system.” 
“Oh my god, childhood sweethearts!” Keeley squealed gently, earning a side look from Rebecca. 
Natalia responded with a dry laugh, “Hardly. A few years past and we were closer than ever,” she explained, “but then between Roy’s hard fuckin’ work paying off in the football clubs, and my music career exploding into my first tour, we drifted apart. I haven’t seen him since I was 16 during his debut game. The next time I saw him was today.” 
Rebecca and Keeley sat dumbfounded, and grateful that she was so open with them. They stared at Natalia dreamy-eyed with the childhood nostalgia. “But that ain’t the Roy Kent I fuckin’ know,” Talia stated. A deep sadness tugged at her gut, as she finished the rest of her wine. She shook her head, “Nah. The Roy I know was soft, and gentle, and always tried to make me laugh.” 
After a beat, Talia shrugged, looking at the time. Rebecca and Keeley had eventually received the message and they all proceeded to get ready for bed as they all managed to sleep quite comfortably in Rebecca’s bed. 
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Roy laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn’t fucking sleep. Anytime he’d close his eyes, she should pop up behind his closed eyes. It was driving him fucking crazy. He growled, reaching over for his phone. He pulled her name up from his contacts and started to draft a message. He had tried and failed multiple times writing out something simple.
“Fuck it,” he growled, slamming his phone back onto the nightstand before rolling over and tried to force himself to sleep. Trainin’ is going to be a fucking bitch tomorrow.
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veeluvss · 1 year
My Girl, Lily Prentiss (9)
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"Lils," Emily shouted through the flat. "Come here hun." She heard the familiar footsteps and banging as she pictured her daughter jump over the back of the sofa, trudge through the living room and into the kitchen where she stood. Clad in one of Emily's old jumpers, she was looking a lot healthier two months down the line. Emily was taking some time off, not only to heal but to make sure the adoption process went through okay - and to get used to being a parent. She was loving it so far. 
"Yes mum?" Lily asked, sliding into one of the chairs at the dinner table. Emily wasn't quite used to hearing that yet, such an endearing term. According to JJ, she'd never get used to it. "How do you feel about coming into work with me tomorrow?" Prentiss set a coffee on the table for her daughter and slid into one of the opposite seats. As much as Lily had warmed up to Emily, she was yet to warm up to the team. She knew they loved her, she knew how amazing they were but she was so skeptical with new people - she had only spoken to JJ and Rossi and that was when they came over. JJ was nice to her, hugging her, kissing her forehead. JJ was like Emily but not quite. Rossi was like her grandpa she never had. He made jokes with her but he was so patient with her, being gentle and such a calming presence. He made her laugh. 
"It won't be for long. I have to go in and speak to the director. Then if the team are all free, we're going to go out for dinner," Emily contiued, noticing Lily's silence.  "I'm not sure," Lily responded, blowing on her coffee. "They all stare."  "They don't stare baby, they might try hug you and talk to you but as soon as we've said our hellos then you're free to stop speaking to them. Rossi said you can stay in his office if you'd like, you can stay in mine too but I won't be there."  "JJ?" "JJ will be at her desk most likely, you can sit with her too but she's in the bullpen. You can do what you like sweetheart, as long as you're comfortable," Emily explained, softly.  Lily nodded, agreeing to go with Emily tomorrow. 
That night, Lily curled up in her mum's bed, bringing her knees to her chest and waiting for Prentiss to climb in next to her. Emily smiled, coming out of the bathroom.  "You have your own bedroom you know," she smirked. She'd tease Lily but she wouldn't change it for the world. Lily just stuck her tongue out at Em and waited for her to lay down properly so she can cuddle up close, and feel her warmth.  "Goodnight darling," Emily whispered, wrapping her arms around her small frame and pulling her closer. She turned out the light and let the darkness seep in.  "Goodnight Emmy, I love you," Lily replied.  "I love you too, angel." 
The two walked into the BAU and was greeted with cheers, balloons, music and happy people. Everyone began singing happy birthday as loudly as they could and Emily smiled taking her Birthday girl's hand. Lily teared up looking at the group around her.  "Happy Birthday to Lily," everyone cheered. "Happy Birthday to you!" Garcia let off some party poppers and JJ brought over the cake for her to blow out the candles. Lily, despite suddenly being the centre of attention, hadn't felt a warmth like it in forever. She felt loved, safe and happy and she couldn't stop the wide smile from forming on her face.  "Happy Birthday sweet girl," Emily smiled, wrapping her arms around her daughter and kissing her forehead.  "How did you know it was my birthday?" Lily asked her.  "I signed your adoption papers doofus," Emily laughed, hugging her tighter. 
The team celebrated together, eating cake and then Lily was shown to the round table room. She'd seen it before, to go over technicalities of the case involving her brothers but now, it was fully decorated and on the table was a large, very large pile of presents. They were all wrapped in the same paper, some had large bows on them, and every single one said her name. 
"All for me?" she asked, turning to the team behind her.  "All for you cherry pie!" Garcia smiled, hurrying into the room. "Open this one first," she giggled, pushing one into her hands. Lily laughed and sat down on the chair, ripping open the present. It was an Ipad, all for her. 
The team went out for dinner, to their favourite restraunt. Lily wore a brand new dress which JJ had bought her. It was white and flowy, covered in the most beautiful crystals. She wore a denim jacket from Rossi and the new shoes from Garcia. She had on a bracelet from Morgan and Emily had done her hair. At the table, she sat beside Spencer and together, they worked through the Rubix cube he'd bought her. He showed her the tricks and then pulled out mroe puzzles for her to play with - she was transfixed. Emily sat on her other side with a wide smile on her face. She knew that today would go one of two ways, Lily would have panicked at the attention and gone into herself or she'll be so overwhelmed with love and happiness she doesn't think about the attention and thankfully it was the latter. 
"You got so lucky," Rossi said, leaning over the table to Prentiss. "She's a brilliant, bright young lady."  "She really is," Emily replied, smiling with pride.  "She's pretty funny too," JJ laughed.  "She's very funny, absolutely stunning as well!" Garcia interjected.  "She's the new baby girl of the group," Morgan smirked, recieving daggers off Penelope.  "Okay, okay she is but I was the OG baby girl," Garcia chuckled.  "She's really, really intelligent. Statistics say-"  "That the average 16 year-old should spend around 3 hours completing a rubix cube if they have their entire focus on it, I did it in 2 minutes - yes yes Dr Reid," Lily chuckled, cutting Spencer off. Spencer blushed and the rest of the table laughed. 
"To our Lily Prentiss," Rossi said, holding up his whiskey glass. Everyone held up their own drinks and chorused the same thing.  "To Our Lily Prentiss." 
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Jungkook: 5:35 AM
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Tags/Warnings: melancholy, Idol!Jungkook, Fluff, Established Relationship, SFW, implied foreigner!Reader, not home AU though
Lenght: very short.
Languages are marked as English / Korean.
This AU doesn't have a name yet, so I'm simply using times as a name for now.
"Hm?" You can hear him shuffling around sleepily around the house, entering the loving room where you sit in front of the opened windows, cold air doing no harm to you since you're bundled up in a thick blanket usually laid somewhere on the sofa. "Why're you up?" He wonders, slurs his words since he probably just woke up after noticing you gone. Or maybe the cold air had found its way into the bedroom. You'd made sure to close the door to prevent that.
"Sorry." You say, as he gets closer to you, unfolds the blanket to steal it from you, making you whine. But he doesn't take it for himself- he simply sits behind you, his legs around yours before he covers you both in it. He sighs happily, resting his head in the crook of your neck, your hair still smelling like a mixture of the detergent he uses to wash his sheets, and the conditioner you always use- a blissfully mix of you and his home.
"No sorry." He mumbles sleepily, voice deep and raspy against your skin. "Sad?" He wonders, and you just shrug, watching all the cars pass by down, far far down below. Seoul never sleeps, never rests. There's no silence in this city, no time where the streets are empty or the mourning doves purr their songs as they accompany your way to school. Has he ever heard them? Does he share memories like that?
He probably doesn't. You know as much, because the way you both grew up couldn't be more different.
"Hm, no." You answer him, leaning back into his chest as he wraps his arms more closely around you, holding his wrist against your collarbone as he begins to sway you both from side to side. "Just.. I'm not sure." You fail to explain, eyes watering. "I don't know." You say, unsure why you cry now.
Is this what homesickness feels like? But you don't miss home.
You're right here.
Homesickness shouldn't be the word. Memory-sick is what you might be, that would make more sense. You want to have dinner at your grandpa's house again, play with his dog in the backyard while he hangs up the laundry. You want to put a blanket on the grass again and just take a nap while the warm spring breeze shakes the trees around you.
You want to go back in time, but you also don't. Because back in time, there's no him. Back in time, there's no.. this.
"Crybaby.." he chuckles, wipes your cheeks as he sways you a bit more. "Now I'm crying with you.. and I don't even know why." He laughs, and you laugh too.
"I want to.. go back." You tell him. "In time. When I was.. small." You tell him, and he nods.
"I can understand that." He says, nodding as he sniffles, wiping his own cheeks. "Would be nice. If we could, visit old times again, right?" He wonders. You shake your head. He chuckles. "No?"
"There's no you." You whine pitifully. "So I don't want to go back." You say, and he squeezes you closer.
"Aigoo.." he mumbles against your skin, kissing your shoulder. "What if we.. hm, combine?" He asks, and you turn a bit, looking at him. He instantly coos at your tear stained face and round sparkling eyes, mirroring his own who are still partially closed from sleep. "The picture, on your wall." He explains. "In the bedroom. When you were tiny." He teases, and you laugh. "We can go.. take a vacation. Put out a blanket. Nap in the sun. Have sandwiches at the beach. Make sand castles." He offers. "But this time together."
"Thats silly though." You decline. "We're adults now."
"So?" He pouts. "I want go make sandcastles with my girlfriend. So I'm gonna do it!" He proudly exclaims, and you laugh, leaning back into him while you watch the sun rise.
"Sorry. For.. crying. For no reason." You say, but he shakes his head.
"Its okay." He offers kindly. "Sometimes memories are so pretty that they make you sad."
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nackrosor · 1 year
"Lady Strange"
Part 2/?
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pairing: Eddie Munson x metalhead!Reader warnings: none yet series' general plot: heavy metal is one of your biggest passions and you like to express yourself by wearing heavy makeup and mostly black clothes, chains and spikes. Your parents however force you to hide your personality because they care about keeping up pretenses and don’t want people to label you as a freak. Something or someone unexpected might come in your life and shake things up. ;) episode synopsis: Eddie starts 'annoying' you at school. word count: 1,6 k.
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-PART 1-
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“Oof, wha-”
You wobble on your feet for a moment, staggering backward before regaining your balance and throwing a stink-eye behind your shoulder; the guy who has just bumped hard into you is walking away as casually as possible, as if he didn’t almost knock you over. He didn't even acknowledge your presence. What an asshole.
You let out an exasperated sigh while re-adjusting the shoulder pad of your backpack and moving forward in the corridor toward your locker. 
It’s a new shitty day and you're at your shitty school, surrounded by shitty people; a day in the life of a girl forced to pretend to be just another walking corpse and actually succeeding in being invisible, so invisible that others walk downright over you as if you’re not even occupying space. What a marvelous life.
The tight collar of your white shirt makes your skin itch and you unceremoniously pop it open, mentally cursing your parents for the millionth time for forcing you to wear such crappy clothes. “We can’t have you looking like a devil worshiper, can we darling?” Yeah well, people would definitely think twice before getting within 10 feet of the devil worshiper, let alone crushing into them. The sole advantage of looking exactly like everyone else is the anonymity that comes with it, but it gets old after a while, especially when you start feeling lonely, and you will get lonely at some point, there's no way around it.
You come to a halt as you round the corner, your stomach doing a somersault.
Eddie is beaming at you as he leans against your locker, arms folded across his chest. 
Hundreds of questions start to buzz in your head and as many stupid butterflies wreak havoc in your belly as you mindlessly resume walking, albeit at a slower pace than before.
You haven’t seen him in a couple of days, since Robin introduced you to her new group of friends last weekend and you had that weird anti-posers battle-thingy at the mall with him. But why is he now laying so nonchalantly against your locker as if it’s the most natural thing in the world for him to do? Have you made it to the friend-zone overnight?
As soon as you’re within earshot, you glance up at him with a quizzical look upon your face.
“What are you doing here?”
Somehow his grin widens as he looks you up and down, “well, hello to you too, stranger.” 
He taps on the name tag on the locker, your locker, and purses his lips. "I'm looking for Y/L/N; have you seen her anywhere?"
You sigh and shake your head, casting a quick glance at your schoolmates passing by before returning your gaze to him.
“ No , wrong locker. That’s mine”, you take a step forward, urging him to back up as you reach for the lock, “I’d appreciate it if you’d let me take my lunch now.”
“Mmh, I don’t think so.” 
Instead of stepping away from it, he puts himself between you and the locker, blocking your way, arms moving to fold over his chest once more.
You snort incredulously at his antics as you stare up at him.
“I’m Y/L/N’s locker guardian. I need to hear the magic word to let anyone pass.”
“Eddie c’mon! I don’t have time for this.”
“If it’s your locker, you should know the password. It should only take a second.”
Even as you roll your eyes at him, you can feel a smile tug at your lips. Apparently everything turns into a game with Eddie and you can’t help but feel the thrill of it.
You humm, squinting your eyes at him as you mentally dip into the arcane knowledge you’ve hoarded from your favorite books and games, trying to think of something that could surprise Eddie, and why not, maybe even woo him a little.
His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, his mouth agape.
He staggers back, grasping the lockers behind him as he slips away in a rather dramatic fashion. His wide-open eyes, however, never leave you, not even for a second. 
You chuckle lightly and shake your head as you finally reach up for the lock and drop the book you were carrying. 
"Sauron got your tongue all of a sudden?" 
You pick a sandwich from your lunch box then push the locker door closed. Your smug look meets Eddie’s astonished gaze.
"You-you're telling me, you know The Lord of the Rings?!" 
" Know the Lord of the Rings?" you scoff mockingly, feeling a rush of confidence wash over you at the utter incredulity that seems to have taken hold of him. "That's the understatement of the century. I adore it! I worship it! Tolkien is my favorite author and The Silmarillion is basically my bible."
You can literally see his jaw drop to the ground and you can't suppress the snort-laugh that escapes you. 
"Are you fucking kidding me???"
His raised voice makes some passers-by turn to look at the two of you but he doesn't notice or doesn't seem to care.  You, on the other hand, recoil at your classmates' questioning glances and immediately hush Eddie, grabbing him by the vest and pushing him down the corridor. 
He wobbles a little on his feet as he tries to keep up with your hurried step. 
You cast one final glance behind your back before you admonish the longhaired boy with a pointed look. You then peel the napkin off your sandwich and give it a good bite, all the while keeping a swift pace to get as far away from the crowd as possible. You can’t let people talk about you and Eddie, you can’t risk your parents finding out about your new devil worshiper… acquaintance, friend, whatever he is. 
"Wait, wait, wait!", he pulls on your sleeve, trying to slow you down. "You listen to metal, you like Tolkien… Just tell me you also play the guitar and I'm done! I'm a goner!"
You eye him amusedly, noticing how his still wide eyes roam over your face, how he's literally pending from your lips. You can’t lie to yourself, the attention he’s giving you makes you feel rather giddy and you like the feeling.
As you take another bite of your sandwich you mutter nonchalantly, " bass ."
You swallow the mouthful and briefly clear your throat. "I play the bass guitar." 
He comes to an abrupt halt, causing you to stop in your tracks as well. He keeps blinking at you, a deadpan expression on his face. You don't have time to process what's going on before he clutches his chest with his palm and violently jolts backward, as if he's just been taken down by a sniper. 
"Eddie, what the hell! " 
He pushed himself backwards so forcefully that if you hadn't caught him, he'd have fallen on the floor and possibly hit the back of his head real hard. His entire weight is on your arms and your grip turns white, your muscles trembling, fingers slipping… You consider letting him go but fortunately, he comes back to his senses and helps himself up by holding onto the lockers by his side, getting dangerously close to you in the process. Your breath catches and your stomach does a flip as his gaze briefly flickers down to your lips before meeting your doe-eyed look. You can feel your heart thumping hard in your ears, from the save or his sudden closeness, you can’t really tell.
“Great catch, princess…”
Perhaps it’s only your perception but he sways closer, leaning in as if he’s about to…
You step back in a panic, heat rising in your cheeks, mouth dry.
Eddie looks dazed for a moment, then an infuriating smirk takes form on his lips, which makes it easier for you to snap out of it, too.
"Y-you're crazy!" 
" You’re crazy! Murdering me like that!”
You shake your head with a sigh, throwing your hands up in the air. A mushed pulp on the floor catches your attention and you immediately look up to glare daggers at Eddie. “You owe me a sandwich now!” 
“Forget about the sandwich!”
His hands grab you by the shoulders, causing you to yelp, and start pushing you toward the end of the hall. “You must meet the others! They’ll go mental over this! They didn’t believe me when I told them you listen to Def Leppard, they said I was full of shit, that I got tricked by a girl, those stupid bastards -”
“Hey, hey! Wait, stop-”
You press your feet hard against the floor to slow him down but to no avail. The odd looks thrown your way make you fold on yourself and you let Eddie drag you toward the cafeteria without any more resistance.
“Don’t worry, princess, they’re gonna like you! Well, they’re gonna grill you a bit first, I can’t lie. We’re all a bunch of losers with trust issues. You gotta be patient with us… but I’m sure you’ll get used to it pretty quickly and-”
He’s interrupted by the loud sound of the school bell signaling the end of the lunch break and you let out a deep sigh of relief you didn’t know you were holding. Taking advantage of his temporary stupor, you slip out of his grasp and take a few steps backward to put some distance between you two.
He looks rather disappointed and he doesn’t hide it as he moves his gaze on you.
“I’m sorry but I have to run to class…”
“ But -”
You give him a quick salute with your hand, your heart in your throat, and turn on your heels, hurrying down the corridor before he can do anything to stop you. You can hear his booming voice calling after you:
“You won’t elude me next time princess !”
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dylansslutt · 1 year
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Business/ Joel miller
age gap/ the reader is 28 while joel is in his 50s
summary: you were mean to be alone but so was he? staying away leads to wanting more
warnings: smut, violence, cursing
you found jackson, after a long time out in the open infested land of the dead. you weren't old but you weren't young, being only 28. 8 when the infection began.
your mother was a nurse and taught you every life skill she knew. you became good friends with maria, and eventually tommy. you went on runs, helped plan and on talk on things about jackson.
your nursing skills ended you a nicer room, more so a small house. thankful for it but you sure deserved it patching up folks.
yet when time comes around about tommys older brother joel showing up with a young girl named ellie well things changed. you stayed to yourself, never actually talking to him.
"y/n, come over here i want you to meet someone."
your eyes shift over to marlene and the infamous joel miller. swallowing down your sudden nervousness, you make way over towards them. knowing this would happen eventually.
"this is y/n, i was telling you about. great nurse as well as she's helped a lot of people. oh y/n great, this is joel tommy's brother." she rambles as you make eye contact with the man.
he looks you up and down before offering a nod, "joel."
you give a small nod back, "y/n. uh what's up, i was about to ride out soon?"
she sighs, "i need you to take joel, show him our spots." you wanted to protest, ask her to ask anyone else. yet you give him a tight lip smile.
"hope you know how to ride." he scoffs almost, a small smile appears on his face. something you figure rarely happens.
"honey i was riding horses before you were born, let's go." he walks past you making you give her a look. who only stifles a laugh motioning for you to go forward.
biting your lip, you turn and jog a few steps forward. gaining sync you finally let your eyes wander him discreetly.
"the stables right up here." the path was short, and the sigh made a smile spread across your face. joel took a second to give you a good look, noticing how unreadable you were.
pretty none the less. yet you were younger, and he was here for ellie and tommy only.
"this is apollo, that's hades over there. honestly fits ya' if im being honest." the names sounded familiar.
"ya' know greek mythology?" he questions walking up to the darker colored horse.
you pets apollo, "i'm the one who gave them their names. i might be young but i still had something... before all this shit."
clearing your throat, you walks the horse out. "let's get going."
he nods and follows.
the two of you left the first sight, which wasn't much. you did get a better chance to watch him, analyze him a bit better. he was a bit hard to read but one thing certain.
for him being older he still was good looking.
the second place was a old hunting spot.
"here we gotta leave the horses." you come to a stop, joel watching as you swing yourself off effortlessly.
he just nods, "it's a old hunting spot, there's a couple round here. we should have everything in lines, but sometimes some' comes straying."
leading the way, you glance back at him. his eyes flicker around cautiously making you turn forward. he definitely was a bit different than his brother.
"how long you been at jackson?"
the question threw you off guard, not expecting him to even spark a conversation. "maybe a year, maria and i came across each other."
you slow down as you both walk side by side, you finally pointing towards the area.
"so up on those trees, we got hunting spots. then there is a small little shed over a little farther. i'll show ya' cause i need to take check on stocks."
"so is ellie your daughter? tommy mentioned he had a niece before." you glance over at him, trying the small talk he once said before.
"no, ellie is not my daughter. my daughter is dead." and with that you went silent, feeling so stupid for asking.
as you approach the shed, you put in the code for the lock. swinging it open, the light from the window made things more visible.
as he peers around, "ya' must be trusted to have the knowings of all these things."
you shrug, "i like to know what i am getting myself into... living here and all."
he notices how close off you are, and how double meaning your words were.
"i'm sorry, about my question. should've never said anything." he shakes his head, allowing you to feel some sort of relief.
"who'd you lose?" the question caught you off guard, hand hovering over the packs of matches. counting five. swallowing down every flashback that comes to mind.
"everyone." he has an indifferent look on his face at your answer. "who was the first person ya' had to kill?" your jaw drops.
"jesus christ, are you serious?" scoffing at his words he shrugs, looking through some stuff. "all alone, end up here alone. you seem to handle yourself, it's obvious some' happen."
"oh like it hasn't with you or anyone else? no one gives a shit. no one cares if you had to kill your sister or see your parents die or quiet literally mostly anyone you meet." you snap at him before opening a nearby drawer seeing the contents.
silence pass making you sigh.
"how old are you?" your head snaps towards him, closing one of the drawers. wondering why he is so curious all of a sudden.
"turning 29 soon, you?"
"56." he grumbles out and you stare at him shock.
"bullshit." he looks over at you confused.
"there is no way you are in your 50's." he looked good, too good it was no way. a small smirk lifts on his mouth, "yes hun, i am."
you just nod, "okay we're good here, still can't believe it though. i swore maybe 40 something." you head towards the door shaking your head. glad the subject took a change.
he rubs the back of his neck, noticing you a bit more. taking you in more, mind litters of you.
the walk back to the horses was quiet, you glance over at him. stealing a few glances. he was different, someone you didn't see all the time.
"there is one more place, but if all honesty. we wouldn't get back till about sun down, i can just show ya' another time."
he shrugs, "we are here for a little longer. i don't mind." you laugh, "you don't but if we get back in the middle of the night, we are going to bed hungry."
giving him a look. "i don't like to go to bed hungry, mister."
he smirks softly, shoving his gun in his back pocket. "guess, we better get going then. before little ole' princess starves over here."
the mock makes your mouth drop open, since he was close enough you space you smack his arm. "whatever old man."
as you go to walk off, he stops you by holding his hand up. the sound of rustling makes you still. everything seems fine for a moment, until one of the chain of bottle cans rang out.
"we made those to hear them. we gotta go!" you harshly whisper out, grab the reins of your horse. him following suit, as you jump up and gain full balance before you kick apollo to go.
flying off forward, glancing over your shoulder at joel. he was right behind you, before you glance in front of you. the trail was heavily made, and with the pace you were going you didn't pay attention.
"y/n wait!" you try to slow down, confused on why. unlike you joel noticed the movement alongside the woods. in such quickness someone comes running out from the side of the woods.
a gunshot rang from him, making you shriek as your horse bucks. trying to hold on desperately, only failing as apollo jerks you off.
your body slings off hitting the ground roughly, rolling down the side hill. a gun shot rang out again followed by another. slowing into a stop, your body aches.
heaving out as you look around, seeing your gun and knife still intact to you. letting out a deep groan, you push yourself up into a sitting position.
the sound of footsteps behind you, make your hand fly to your gun. "y/n?" joels voice is heard from behind , turning your head softly to see him. he rushes down the hill, dropping to his knees beside you.
"i'm fine." you try and shrug him off. not the first time you fell but his eyes land on your leg. a scowl almost replaces his once almost worried gaze.
"ya' ain't fine, been fuckin' shot." he mumbles before gripping a piece of your long sleeve fabric. ripping it off into a shredded piece as your eyes follow his line of focus.
you didn't even notice your leg was bleeding open. you got shot. you got fucking shot. hissing as he wraps it, your hand flies out to his arm. "this is gonna fuckin' hurt, so please do it fast."
your eyes are staring deeply into his, the pain starting to become slightly noticeable. he pulls the fabric tight before tying it, making you cover your mouth with your hand.
a tear or two slips down your cheeks, exhaling softly as he drops his hands from your leg. "who the fuck where they? did they trail us? a-are there more?"
the questions slip out so fast, nervous and anxious. joel shakes his head. "there were two, i killed them okay?" your lips tremble, "i was so stupid i th-thought they were infected."
"shh. if there's more, i don't know. which is why we need to get going? apollo shouldn't be to far, so hop on hades." joel reassures you, he wasn't mad because this genuinely wasn't your fault. you were smart, he notice that quickly. this was something you would never see coming.
you smile softly as joel uses their names, "you use their names. not everyone uses their names." biting your lip to mask the pain.
he gives you a soft look. "we'll they should." the moment was sweet, but you move forward. grabbing onto his hand which was held out for you. pulling yourself up, you almost fall back down.
joel's free hand slips around your waist, pulling you into his chest. a soft curse slips your lips. it hurt, it really did. you had your fair share of wounds, but never have been shot before. usually you do the fixing up.
biting your lip glancing down at your blood soaked leg pant's. joel moves his one hand around your arm instead of hand, eyes now on him.
"can you walk?" you don't know but not wanting to appear weak in front of this intimidating man, you step forward. the pain shot up into your hips, you wanted to scream.
looking back at him, nodding the lie knowing your voice would betray you. he stares at you before stepping forward, "good let's go."
as you go to take another step your leg gives out, hitting the floor almost. his hand jerks you up and into his arms bridal style.
"stubborn as a bull. don't lie, y/n." the tone of his voice left you quiet, so dad like. your head rolls to the side, kind of dizzy. you see hades come into view.
he helps you up first, sitting behind you. one hand on the ropes, the other wraps around your stomach. holding you close to his chest, hand covering your whole stomach almost.
the pain from the horses gallop hurt, each movement in your leg burned.but you were determine to ride your horse back.
"i swear i'll be fine. it's not far, just stay behind me." he had helped you up on the horse after much protest. hesitant for some reason yet you weren't someone he had to care about. so he let you.
not like he could with your arguing.
the ride didn't take that long, but when you hit the stables. your body tips sideways and you hit the ground.
feeling your cheeks being tapped, you force your eyes open. coughing out slightly as you try to push him away. "i'll be okay." you repeat as joel, gets up to tie your horse up along with his quickly.
trying to push yourself up, he watches you fail miserably. coming back over, he wraps your arm around his neck. motioning you to lean onto him for support.
"hey, hey. where we goin'? where am i taking you?"
your voice was hoarse. "my house." he stares confused not knowing which one, but then it dawns on him.
the one day he saw you, on the small corner home. outside watering a plant, alone but happy. that house. how the fuck he remembers no idea but he helps you towards it.
you were coherent enough to help jog his memory, motion little turns to take. it was a block or two away from the horses, you were starting to go in and out from the blood loss.
he ends up picking you up bridal style halfway, your door unlocked already as joel slams the door open, eyeing your layout. he sets you down on the couch.
you wake up fully at the sound of stuff slamming, "where is it?" he mumbles to himself. out of it you think of medical stuff.
he comes around the wall, "the stuff is under the sink. get a rag from that closet door."
he is off to grab those things, and you push yourself up. ripping the hole open more to your pants, you shakily lift your leg for a second. whimpering you feel the back of your leg for an exit wound.
running over one, a sigh of relief escapes you even through the pain. the adrenaline was worn off but you knew you had to get the wound patched.
the items were sat down, "ther-there is an exit wound. i need you to clean and stitch me, if i-i do it. i'll fuckin' pass out."
you snatch the bottle, joel managed to find. blood smearing around it as you bring it to your lips. taking a few good deep chugs, one more even before handing it over to him.
he watches you, how strong you were. he seen grown men be more of a pussy than you. you rode a fucking horse home, for christ sake.
pouring the liquid onto your thigh, you clasp onto the cushion. the pain makes a small screech escape your lips. "fuck!"
he puts a rag down, handing you the bottle. you take it with shaky hands, downing a gulp. leaning back feeling hot, "if i pass out. do not judge."
he shrugs, wiping the area making you wince. he cleans the needle as he gets ready to sow you up. "no need too, you were shot."
"i thought you were gonna be a real dick, joel. you are surprisingly nice." you mutter through gritted teeth as he takes the bottle once more over your thigh, liquid burning the wound.
he laughs, "ya' just don't know me, darling."
he hands over a clean rag, "bite this so you don't tell the town." weakly grabbing onto it, hands touching. blood smears onto each other, no telling if it was from yours or his.
he watches how drain and pale you looked. hesitantly he lines up the needle, before pushing it through. you shove the rag in your mouth, barely drowning out your screams.
joels hand grips your leg down tightly, against your legs involuntary movement. seconds later your body drops onto the couch. he watches as you pass out, finishing the work with a deep look on his face.
your eyes flutter open, the soft light from your kitchen makes your eyes squint. the actions from earlier come to you, when the soreness spreads through you, along with the deep pain in your leg.
sitting up slightly, getting a look at your leg. joel stitched it up pretty good. your eyes jerk up to someone coming out the kitchen.
"hey, you're up." you nod softly. "how long was i out?" he sits down a glass of water, which you instantly take.
"all night. i went through your medicine bag, pulled you out some pain pills." he hands you one over before you finished your water.
"thanks." you take it as your wince forgetting about movement. "jesus, my body. it's like i was hit by a bus."
joel sits down across from you. "no, just thrown off a horse." you give him a pointed look, he eases back a smirk.
"did you sleep at all?" he shakes his head and you roll your eyes. "go. go home. i'll be fine, i can take care of myself."
he gives me a look, "i know that. just wanted to make sure you were okay." you smile softly, before a thought popped in your head.
"can you get me a wet towel? i need some of this blood off, and some new clothes. it'll save me from walking." your voice showed tiredness. you tell him where everything was, which wasn't hard to find. you wouldn't believe you been living here longer than two weeks.
he turns around to let you get undressed but trying to take your shirt off was miserable. "joel?"
he looks over his shoulder, eyebrows fusing together confuse on why you haven't changed. "c-can you help, it's really hard?"
he notices the innocence, and steps forward. his rough fingertips help pull the shirt over your head. your black bra pushing up your exposed breast. darting his eyes away, you grab the new shirt.
tugging it over your head, he helps with the sleeves. "thank you." he stares in your eyes, not knowing why he was helping. yet when your eyes still train on his and slightly lower to his lips.
he moves forward pushing his lips onto yours. so gentle which surprises you as he comes off nothing but that. instead he cups your face softly, deepening the kiss as you gasp into his mouth.
pulling away softly, you blush under his stare. "help me with my pants?"
he slowly tugs your pants down, careful of your bad leg. it wasn't so sexual, it was just innocence something so rare. he had grabbed some shorts, thankful for that. pulling them up you smile up at him.
"that was a workout." you grasp the wet rag that he had set aside, wiping at the dried blood knowing you weren't about to try and bathe right now.
he shakes his head. "i should go check on ellie. i'll swing by later?"
you nod, almost finishing your arms and face. feeling so tired you were gonna pass out. he left and you were left with sleep not even able to process the moment just before you.
days passed and you haven't seen joel. you'd be lying if you said you didn't care but you weren't bound to show it. your leg was still sore but you were tired of doing nothing.
stepping out the house slowly, leg aching but happy you took a pain killer. taking it slow, you headed down to the small little building used for your help with the jackson citizens.
opening it up and walking around, you smile at lina.
"i heard! are you okay?" she rushes around, you nod your head. "yes, tired of being at home."
she shakes her head, "i'll put a chair in the room for you."
you smile gratefully towards her. she is a smart girl about 17 you think? been teaching her everything you know, quick learner at that.
she came by told you about her being here while you were out. helping two patients. "can you put oil on this and rewrap it?"
she nods and goes to grab the items, happy she was figuring out the natural remedies you can use for things as medicine. she comes back and helps with your leg, doing a much better job than you.
"thanks, lina. seriously." you thank the girl and she merely shrugs. the door swings open and joel comes walking in. your sit up in confusion before he points at you.
"can we talk?" you knew it wasn't a question, you look over at lina. who takes the hint and scurries off to the back.
"what's up?"
"it's been three days, why am i told you are at work?" you look up at him confused.
"you don't know me, you haven't even came to check on me? i am sorry why are you angry right now?"
he shakes his head, "me and ellie aren't leaving. do you understand that, i'm here to stay. if you keep gettin' fuckin' hurt imma' kill you myself."
you push yourself up, leaning against the desk. "oh now he has a big boy voice. i'm glad you are here for good joel, but i can't sit inside forever. now i am at 'work' so can we do this another time?"
he stares at you before he shoves himself over the desk, capturing your lips in a ravaging kiss. "damn woman. i don't know what is is, but fuck i like ya' darlin'."
you push him away slightly, "you joel miller are entirely too soft."
his eyes soften for a moment, the thought of a lot of things come to him. knowing you met ellie a few times, who found out about you two.
you were maternal, something he craved that he never had in his life. innocent and sweet but also a strong independent women. this scared him. this scared you.
he left shortly after and a hour or so passed and someone comes walking in the door with flowers. you look up but scowl at the sight of shaun in front of you.
your ex boyfriend, kind of as you two had a thing until you found him hooking up with a girl in a spot you showed him.
the flowers set down in front of you, make your eyes flicker to lina. she looks away looking as if she wants to laugh. "i heard about the run, i'm sorry about that. how about dinner baby?"
"baby?" you glare up at him. "don't bother with that shaun, it's over. we are done so just take your flowers and go, leave me the hell alone."
he scoffs, "still a bitch huh? things don't change, and i was trying to be nice."
your eyes widen, "leave!" you point to the door. he rolls his eyes, "i was just leaving."
flustered you glance over at lina, sighing miserably. "first joel and now him? i need a fuckin' break."
a knock on your door, makes you sigh. standing up and hobbling over, "who is it?"
"uh, joel?"
"come in!" you yell not wanting to walk farther, he walks in and glances you up and down. "hey." you smile softly, feeling the energy.
you been thinking of a lot you wanted to say. he walks forward, hand on your waist guiding you to sit back down.
"we need to talk." he nods in agreement.
"well i- i just have a lot of this baggage and history. this stuff is new and god i've been craving something like this-like you." the confession was raw as your eyes reach his, who watches you in a indescribable way.
"i just am scared, scared you'll leave."
he shakes his head, "if ya' knew all the fucked up shit i've done. i don't think you'll look at me the same."
you grasp his hand, squeezing it tightly. "i doubt that."
sitting closer together a small confession leaves you, "i know, i know i am a little younger but... i- i've had my losses. i've had my kills."
tears fill your eyes, threatening to spill. not wanting to look at joel, "i-i had to do fucked up shit to survive joel, and i did stuff to cope. i'm not pro-"
"hey, it don't gotta be all told now. we have time, darlin'." his embrace was nice as he pulls you in. kissing your forehead slightly.
pushing away he stops you, eyes staring up at him doe like. his thumbs wipe the fallen tears. "you're safe with me."
he wanted you safe and protected like ellie. he just knew with you, you could handle it just maybe.
your door swinging open, makes you jump. joel looks at you confused and you shrug. "i-i"
"y/n!" shaun voice calls out, your heart dropping.
"oh no."
he walks around the corner, stopping when he lands on you two. "what the fuck is this?"
he chuckles and your eyes flicker to joel who went very still and very quiet. "so this- this old fuck is the guy you are whoring around with behind my back?"
standing up ignoring the pain, glaring at the monster. "you cheated on me you crazy fuck! you quite literally just broke into my home!" joel was standing up, almost like he was calculating his next move,
glass breaking makes you jump as you see he knocks a few items you only had up onto the ground. joel snaps and launches forward. you saw what he didn't want you to see.
he beat shaun to a pulp, shoving him outside the home. words were shared as you are stuck in the same spot.
the blood stains your wooden floors and the sound of the door slamming makes your eyes snap up. joel is infront of you, chest rapidly moving up and down.
"i- i am so sorry, he-" you try with anything but joel shakes his head.
"y/n, y/n! are you okay?" he snaps you out of it and you nod. "yeah, yeah i'm fine." your hands run through your hair. glancing down at his hand.
"oh my god, your knuckles." he stops your movements, just grasping onto you softly.
your eyes land on his gaze. "i went on like a few dates with him, and he hooked up with some other chick. i-i didn't know he was crazy."
"won't be a issue anymore."
you gulp, "i appreciate the help. thi-this last week but i am someone you don't wanna get close with."
joel's expression drops, not expecting for you have such a recoil. he wasn't even expecting himself to start to like you. yet here you two were.
he shakes his head, "honey. this-" he motions around you two, the broken glass beneath you. "this ain't shit. if you heard half the stuff i've done, i'm not sure ya' would be standing here right now."
you give him confuse look but he steps closer.
"i ain't afraid of what's inside this pretty little head of yours." he sees the fear in your eyes, the words make them flutter shut. when they reopen he is right in front of you.
hand reaching up to cup your cheek, thumb smoothing across your skin. slowly his lips lower, you both tasting each other. his grip tightens on you as yours wrap around the base of his neck.
he lifts you up, tossing you gently on the couch.
your shirt was lifted up and his beard tickles your skin. kisses trail around your ribs, underneath your bra. his one hand grips the side of your thigh, tightening it as he pulls you closer.
lips back on his, before slipping down your neck. a heavy sigh escapes your lips as he places himself between you.
"fuck ya' gorgeous." he stares down at you making you giggle. your hands tug him down to your lips again as his hand runs over you.
gasping in his mouth, his free hand grasp around your neck. other hand slowly teasing you.
eyes opening him staring down at you, watching your reaction. "please." you beg.
he slips his hands around your pants, tugging them down. "is this what you want baby."
his thumb presses right on your clit, applying some pressure. your hands fumble behind you, unclasping your bra. you lean up tossing your shirt and bra onto the floor somewhere.
joel lifts your hips up slightly, making you squeal. pulling your panties down and off from around your ankles, you swear you saw his eyes roll back for a moment.
his bruised hand was up around your throat again, soft but holding you in place. his good hand lets his thumb rub your clit slightly.
"fuck joel." you whine at his teasing. "you wanna feel good?" he leans down sucking one of your free nipples. gasping at the feeling, moaning into your hands.
"don't hide, tell me what ya' want darlin'."
looking up at him, sheepishly as he takes you in more.
"please touch me."
it rolls of your tongue and his beard stubbles against your thighs as he devours himself into you. your hands in his hair, eyes widening as one of his thick plump fingers enters themselves into you.
"fuck, joel." his hand grips your thigh, moving it on top of your thigh. in a sniper position he lays pleasuring you. mind swirling as tommy's brother eats you out.
"taste so good, baby." another finger enters you making your leg move slightly, him pinning it down almost. "stay still."
you whine out, hands coming up to your breast trying to grasp something. it was becoming too much, the pit in your stomach kept building.
"fuck like that." your words come out as a whisper, eyes rolling back as joel looks up at you through hooded eyes. his print sticking against his jeans.
he loved watching how off you were getting. his tongue moves in such a way on your clit you try pushing at his head, "oh my-"
his hands grasp yours easily, stopping you as his fingers curl up into you in such pace. "oh fuck." your mouth was parted unable to contain the moan littering your lips.
joels face and beard were soaking with your liquids, he didn't stop there. you didn't even notice he was stroking himself freely now, lifting up off the bed some.
he lifts up from you, letting you breathe from the torturing pleasure. his lips land on yours, tasting yourself on him. without warning he slowly slides himself into you, your mouth opens as he shoves his tongue into it.
the moan you both share as he bottoms out, nails digging into his bicep as he lifts your legs up around his waist.
"so tight, darlin'." he leans back, moving slowly watching as you try moving against him. "not so fast, darlin'."
he pushes down your stomach, going deeper. this 'old man' sure knew what the fuck he was doing. he hits deeper, making your back arch slightly. his thumb brushing over your clit.
he keeps the pace the same as he rubs your clit slowly with his thumb. holding one leg in place, giving it a soft kiss.
"joel please." you whine looking at him through your lashes, his grip tightens and his hand slips away up around your neck. his hips quicken, slamming into you.
one hand holds onto his arm around your neck, the other grips the pillow under you. he kept hitting the right spot making you stutter out a whimper, him telling you how good you were taking him.
trying to look up at him through his pounding, he grips tighter around your throat. "fuck darlin'."
"filling me up, daddy." it just came out, you weren't thinking. yet for some reason joel just leans down kissing you. brushing against your clit from the decrease in space.
"imma' cum." you whimper against him, his movements never faltering. "cum darlin'."
"fu-fuck, fuck.-" your head falls back into the pillow helplessly as he keeps going, riding your second orgasm out. he had a goal of wanting three out of you.
he tightens both hands around your waist, eyes focus on your face. trailing down watching how your tits bounced with each thrust. moaning he feels your legs shake and your head was shaking.
"jo-oh my-" you were so close to another one. the tension was too much and suddenly your dripping around him. the wet squelching sound leads into him pulling out, cumming into his hand.
a few drops drip onto your stomach, letting your leg slide down slowly. as he pulls out delicately, knowing your probably sensitive.
he notices a towel over a door, grabbing it wiping himself and yourself clean. he kisses your lips once more, tightening a hold onto you.
"did the 'old man' give ya' a good fuck." a laugh escapes your tired expression. you thought of that statement before.
"made me fuckin' squirt so i would go with yes..."
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