#this is disgusting LOLLLLL
valiisthea · 1 year
Get you a partner who supports the shit outta you, damn. I didn't know what that felt like until I met him. He doesn't mind/care that I'm asexual. He's the first who genuinely doesn't have an issue with that. He doesn't mind/care that I'm on 4 drugs for anxiety, am in therapy, and still have frequent panic attacks despite all that. And, above all of it, he's here for every single panic attack, is sure to tell me every time that it's not weakness, it's strength, and doesn't get annoyed or bothered when I need him to help me through it.
He supports all of my endeavors. He boosts me and motivates me even when I'm being a bitch/cranky. He listens to my needs, supports those needs, and meets those needs every time I bring up something.
He is a gentle soul. Ever so delicate. Even more delicate than I am. He loves everyone and everything. My parents adore him. He loves my entire family. In fact, my family already treats him like he's ours. My mom got us magic bands and gave us both $150 disney gift cards for our upcoming trip in January.
I want to marry him, yall. I really really do. I hate that he's in Scotland and I'm in America. I hate it so much. But he's going to work with me and my mom to figure out how to get him here and how to do it quickly.
There's a slim, tiny, smol chance and I mean very very very tiny chance, that I may get asked a very important question on this trip as well. I'm not getting my hopes up, but if it happens, it's a definite yes.
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ickadori · 8 months
in a no curse office au, sukuna is the one that steals other peoples lunches out of the fridge
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springboggle · 6 months
>Logs off to avoid reminders of biphobia and misogyny
>Having fun with lgbt coworkers, talking about bad dating experiences with queer women
>A convo about dating comes up
>The topic of bisexual women comes up, inevitably
>Prepare myself to roll my eyes, inevitably
>One straight up says she doesn't fuck with them while the other is whatever about dating them/being friends with them
>I roll my eyes. It was inevitable.
>I'm literally right here in woman mode and just told one of them I'm bi, pretty sure the "I don't date bisexies" chick heard me lol
The balls of cis gay people to like express disgust for you and your sexuality right in front of you...lmfao
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vampirologist · 1 year
my dad will make me seem like the most irrational person ever yet I’ll ask other people and they’ll say HE is the irrational one
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Fellas I am having a gender
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introspectionera · 2 months
next week I’ll be on a plane and living my best life 😌
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larentslovechaos · 2 years
crazy how you dont believe someone/don't trust someone, they try their best to make you trust them, and then it turns out you were exactly right to not trust them.
said person also said i had a wall up that i needed to let down, and then secured THE FUCK out of that wall 😂😂😂😂😂
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forreal tho the whole Point of durarara as a work of art is thhat nobody is wholly good (obviously) OR wholly bad, people are complicated and their relationships with each other and the world are complicated as well
izaya as the closest thing to an antagonist the series has, ALSO serves as mikado's foil- he's the bad end to mikado's story, explicitly becoming that way because he had no true friends- shinra only cared about celty and his parents were never around and thats kind of all he had. he was a young boy with clear mental problems, to the point where his father instilled that people love into him in order to prevent a worse outcome and help him be more normal. the way this is framed, as a young boy exhibiting a concerning disconnect from other people to a point where it scares a usually neglectful father into acting- is very reminiscent of media depictions (and real life examples) of parents worrying that their child is a sociopath. this could very well have been intentional, and narita EXPLICITLY makes a POINT to state that izaya is the way that he is because he has a fragile heart- any sort of genuine effection and a betrayal of it could shatter him. i really dont think the takeaway here was "lolllll hes suchhh a loser" OR "omggg hes so scary hes iredeemable." it's another piece of the central theme that humans are nuanced and messy and conplicated and oftentimes in very unglamorous ways that make them unsympathetic to most people. durarara AS A SHOW is about shining a light onto these people and inviting the viewer to sympathize with them, and if someone doesnt get that and is just disgusted by most of the characters then durarara is not the show for them
also vis a vis izaya and mikado being foils- the reason mikado got a happy ending was because of his friends- because of the connections he has with other people. izaya did not have those connections, hence his own instability drove him farther and farther down into a death spiral that culminated in his CRIPPLING, a major loss of freedom from someone who valued it so much, and i'm saying that as a disabled person
anyway yeah
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fricc-darn · 1 day
How would BEN react to their s/o or friend throwing up on them?
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BEN wouldn't even know how to react fr. It would just sit there looking all disgusted before dipping. Safe to say, it would be confused and mad ash💀
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
I think older Eddie thinks stretch marks are the coolest thing ever. the type to paint your baby bump and your stretchies to make them look like lightning.
you're insecure about your weight? doesn't matter he carries 200lb AT LEAST engines at work (i looked it up i'm right).
You don't like your thighs? That's okay there's more to bite.
You dont like your cute little big or flat ass??? Jail time for you because that does not fly.
you don't like your tummy? you're a pillow!!!
you don't your arms? more to HUGGGGG.
i'm saving this for later LOLLLLL
he just thinks you’re beautiful in any way you are and he really believes that. like there’s no one else but you to him. not looks wise, personality wise- nothing. you are the best for him. he loves every piece and part of you with his whole heart because it’s you 🫶
he’d get really upset if you talked bad about yourself, like it genuinely hurts his feelings. if you’re like “ugh I’m so fat, I look disgusting today” he’d get all frowny and sad. “don’t say that. you’re beautiful.” and if you rolled your eyes and continued, hugging about what you’re wearing, he’d just kinda look down and mumble, “I think you look pretty.” 🥺 and it’s pouty but genuine. he’s just scared to be too bold bc with gina (ew) she would scream and start making things worse if he dared even spoke up against her in that way, would start saying she knew he thought that and making him feel like he was the bad guy.
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
To make up for the disgusting ancient Roman fact:
In Ancient Greek mythology, there was a man that sculpted a statue of the goddess Aphrodite. He then fell in love with the statue. The love was so profound, he went to Aphrodite’s temple and prayed to find a woman just as beautiful as his statue. When he came back to his workshop, he got the urge to kiss the statue. He did, and he found not cold marble but warm, loving flesh. Aphrodite, touched by his love, had turned his statue to a living woman.
Good night! Tell me if you want more mythology and/or history facts!
Awwww I love that!! Thank you that makes things a lot better after that ask lolllll
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lovetransaction · 1 year
I know I already got a DFF ask in BUT I just have to know: Is there anything John is really into sexually that he'd never ask Dean to do? Or would John ask everything of Dean knowing that Dean would happily provide it?
oh he's doing whatever the hell he wants to that boy lol. I don't think John would necessarily have to be rough with Dean every time (that's more of a samjohn thing) but there would be a definitely be a d/s vibe to most everything they do. And they have ZERO negotiated boundaries so John would assume, as he does with everything, that what he decides goes and on top of that, Dean would like it. Or at least find a way to like it. Or at least not say anything if he doesn't like it. Dean is SO into service that the first time John did something to him he didn't like, his truly fucked hindbrain kicked in and told him 'u are being the best sonwife that could possibly exist for giving daddy this disgusting act! bark bark bark' and flipped him over into enjoying (?) it. Dean has a lot of personal yen for noncon going on in his own head entirely separate from John and whatever he's doing or thinking.
Sam is for my money the star weirdfucker in the family, and Dean's kinks are generally either almost laughably corny or they're stuff other people have done to/with him and he found himself into it. John is a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy but he's profoundly odd in his own little ways because idk, he seems like he was a lonely kid with a lot of time to himself, so when he springs something on Dean it's not normal stuff. It's sweltering hot one summer so he decides to fill Dean up with ice cubes and see what it feels like to fuck him before they've all melted. That kind of thing.
The ONE thing John wouldn't know how to get Dean to do is to fuck him. He'd dance around it and maybe hint obliquely at it but he's a) kind of messed up over it bc it would make Dean TOO much like Mary somehow and b) he's not sure Dean would even be good at it lolllll
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ni-de-mama · 5 months
ace attorney fans on discord, yall are fucking stupid. genuinely this is the stupidest discourse ive seen in my entire fucking life. the owner was removing unsafe people from her server. it's HER fucking server and she has the complete right to. dont dms exist? who the FUCK is policing you here? why do we need to have this fucking war when you could just go to another server with that banned member? fucking hell, have some common sense. the fact that adults are getting so aggressive makes it even worse. the minor here is making stupid decisions and saying stupid things and yall are encouraging her. nobody from the mod team was fucking coddling anyone. they were literally just saying we shouldn't fucking encourage harmful behaviour in their server. literally go encourage it in another server and it won't be any of the mods' business and they won't give a flying fuck. and what's with rejoining after ban with a new account? why the fuck are yall even trying to stay at this point if you hate this server and the mod team then fucking LEAVE. literally what do you want?????????? clearly the mods are being sent into panic attacks because of yall. do yall feel great now??? i was so glad i found a space i could talk in with other aa fans, and now ive lost that thanks to yalls stupid fucking discourse over some idk nearly 30 year old who doesn't know how to communicate properly. and the minor in question? not everything is about you. even i can see that, as a lurker. protecting minors does not mean bending to your every will. fucking hell, this server wasnt made just for you. protecting minors meant protecting all the other minors who felt unsafe, good for you if you didn't! you don't have to be so selfish and want the adult to stay so the other minors can feel unsafe lolllll. why did that mod have to justify them being uncomfortable around that adult? does it not matter that they just did? and now the mods are the ones shutting you down? use your fucking brain please. can't believe i have to lose this place because of this. literally everyone got too comfortable with hurting the mods here. its not even like yall couldve done a better job communicating with the banned member, the mod team clearly did their best to communicate with someone who only knew how to retaliate to their every request. are yall blind? i could see that happen, how come yall couldnt? bc yall are their friends obvious fucking ly. not to mention the banned member started spreading rumours that the owner called them a predator? fucking almost 30yo and youre still spreading rumours? christ on earth lol i saw everything. i saw the video i saw screenshots. that did not happen. is it that hard to look at this situation with less bias towards the ""victim""?? hope yall are happy that yall hurt the other members who love this place, and most of all the mod team who has to deal with yalls bullshittery. fucking wake up and see how stupid yall have been acting. jfc this is disgusting, yall disgust me, in a server for a game abt law yall clearly have not learnt anything. bringing your horrifying reading comprehension from tumblr to discord. sorry, clearly yall did not even fucking read whatever the mods said. yall ask for an explanation, the mods gave you one, you rebut it with a completely irrelevant point and then we go back to square one? not only that but yall kept demanding answers angrily, hostile and aggressive. how many times did the mods say they would be releasing a statement soon? yall asking for answers would give them no time to write it. and they have fucking lives outside of discord, unlike yall who have nothing to do but shout at strangers on the internet because they wont bend to your will in THEIR server. yall make me laugh. grow the fuck up. all of yall need to grow the actual fuck up.
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sunsetstarrogue · 6 months
I totally understand about being busy ngl I wrote that comment half delirious (sleep deprived) and procrastinating my midterm paper lolllll. Why surround myself with pain and philosophy when I can hyperfixate on Chani and her doomed romance.
I came back to say that I'm so fascinated with your love for Jessica, I have this weird love/hate for her, it's honestly more love but something does kind of rub me the wrong way about how she kind of just re-joins the BG after everything, knowing how they view her daughter. I skimmed the books so I understand theres more, there's always more maybe Alia gave her blessing (I've been reading more Alia fics that kind of give her a more human nature, maybe in the Dune books she had a lot more omniscient perspective).
I'm so curious is you fic going to like bend canon? Like are the twins still coming? Is Chani still fated to die bringing the twins to earth?
On this trajectory I can't really see the twins poofing into existence, although who knows… There are moments of weakness, and even if they don't achieve a complete reconciliation there has to be something still there, it's just buried under a lot of pain and betrayal.
I do wonder if she wishes Paul would have died instead of becoming what he had become. But really when you think about it there wouldn't have been any other option. Even if the whole Atreides on Arrakis didn't happen then eventually Feyd would’ve come into power and would’ve pressed the extinction of the Fremen solely due to bloodlust and glory seeking. Maybe Chani would’ve had a few more years but really there was no other option for Paul when he stepped foot in the desert. Like I understand she can’t have a grasp on space politics being born on Arrakis but I do wonder if Chani has her own regrets. Paul kept confiding in her about his fears if he went south and she was like “just stay true” but in the face of seeing just horrific images and futures, how could you say true, i.e. duck your head in the sand. I wonder if she even knows Paul did everything (even marrying Irulan) he did to prevent her death.
I’m sorry if Im overwhelming you. I'm honestly just curious, there’s so many avenues to explore. I think despite her horror and disgust at what Paul becomes a part of her will always love him, and that's the struggle internally, she can’t reconcile what he’s going to become, but it also seems like no one is on her side. The people she fought so desperately hard with are turning their backs on her because she isn’t a believer. That must be incredibly isolating, and as strong as Chani is, she’s also a girl, about to become a single parent, she constantly has to control herself and her emotions in the face of no allies. I don't blame her if she cracks. Everything is escaping her like sand in her hands. I think in turn that might make her incredibly protective over Abiel. She feels a desperate maternal love to give him freedom and choice, whereas Paul might also love him but needs to use him in his plans, slot him in his place. Whether Paul feels confliction or despair I guess is up to you. (maybe even resentment hohoho, no longer Chani’s #1 man).
ALso i was in my feels, I made a mini playlist for the fic 
Love it Dissipates - Mother Mother
Wiseman - Frank Ocean (Birth scene)
Ghost in the machine - sza
Frank ocean - godspeed ( haha ironic ik, but those moments of her and Abiel) 
I bet on losing dogs - mitski (heavy on this)
Andromeda - weyes blood
Listen before i go - billie eilish 
I love you - billie eillish (the mash up with what was i made for hits harder for the fic)
Good bye - billie eilish 
Just for now - imogen heap 
one more night - stars
Once more to see you - mitski (those moments of weakness)
Call of silence - hiroyuki sawano (her alone with Abiel seeing wondrous sights)
Thank you so much for this anon.
I have only read Dune and not the other books so my love for Lady Jessica is primarily based on the first Dune and the movies lol. In terms of me following canon; I’ll probably be diverting from it quite a bit.
Villeneuve really departed from canon by making Chani into a nonbeliever and then having her leave at the end. Which is great for me because now I can explore Chani and Paul's relationship. There are so many ways I can develop their relationship and I'm so excited to do so.
Great taste with your playlist ❤️
(I'm writing a bit for the next chapter but no guarantees it will be done anytime soon lol)
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infizero · 7 months
initial side order thoughts/screenshots i needed to get out of my system (i have taken way too many screenshots) (SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY)
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literally had to take a whole moment after reading this I AM GOING TO SOB. STOP THIS MADNESS. "a quiet spot together" WE GET ITTTTT YOU TWO ARE MARRIED IM GOING TO GO DIG A HOLE TO BURY MYSELF IN
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dedf1sh/acht they/them moments HOORAY!!
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my lesbian mothers shaking me awake after i ate 50 flintstone gummy
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pearl is so unfazed too she already knows this is what her laptop looks like LMFAO. they are genuinely married
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STOP BEING GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i am just so obsessed with how she looks here. my office manager queen
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2) this entire conversation is so fucking good. of course cuttlefish introduced them to four and pearl has no memory of who they are LOLLLLL
3) after getting stuff like marina's diary and a cool nametag, marina just casually telling us we got a piece of agent 4's FUCKING SOUL was so funny to me. ARE THEY OK?
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the noise i let out when i saw this was disgusting
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she is so pearl trash #1 core. this is insane. also the emojis and keysmashing I LOVE HERRRRRR. this entire thing with the diary entries being formatted like a social media story is soooooo cute. also reading "over 4 years ago" gave me psychic damage
ANYWAYS. its past midnight and ive got class bright and early so unfortunately ive got to stop for now. but IM HAVING SOOOOO MUCH FUN I KEEP HAVING TO STOP MYSELF FROM SQUEALING AT EVERY LITTLE THING. AND TAKING 5 BILLION SCREENSHOTS. as soon as i am out that building i am making a beeline back to my dorm and getting right back into this
also writing that made me realize like. good god. the attachment i have to these guys, off the hook in particular, is insane. one of my EARLIEST POSTS ON THIS BLOG was my thoughts on their reveal in one of the splatoon 2 trailers. which i made when i was in MIDDLE SCHOOL. guys i was literally 12 fucking years old when i first saw these two and now i am 19 and seeing them again and heavily involved in story stuff again has made me so unbelievably insane. THOSE TWO MEAN SO SO MUCH TO MEEEEE
even just walking around the virtual inkopolis square made me so nostalgic for splatoon 2 😭 i played the first game a good bit when i was younger but 2 was really where my deep love for the game came from. so going around the familiar layout of everything was. whew.
i am fucking loving this shit so far i am not logging onto twitter until i finish this i will NOT let myself be spoiled. if that mfing all bosses no damage mf tries to snipe me on youtube i will just not let it. simple as that. anyways I NEED TO GO TO BED GOODBYEE
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graysongraysoff · 7 months
My apartment is truly genuinely so messy and disgusting rn lolllll whose fucking idea was having a full-time job, seasonal depression and an apartment you are responsible to take care of all at the same time
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