#this is fun!! if you're reading this and debating sending some in please do
fvckyouimaprophet · 1 year
2, 5, 13 for the choose violence ask game 💖
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
not the top/bottom discourse 😂
i’m not sure if i have a fave at the moment, but i’ll go with sirius. there is so much existing discourse about who tops, who is taller, who is whatever, so, let’s hop in and join the swarm.
well, first of all, sirius is a scorpio, so— (kidding, kidding).
this is so hard because the discourse is so stupid, but okay okay i brought this upon myself.
sirius doesn’t bottom because he internalized the shitty politics of “power dynamics” associated with top/bottom discourse when he was first sexually curious and is a dramatic fucker, so his takeaway was, “i will never bottom because i will always be the one in control/with all the power.”
a lot of the people he hooks up with are like, “oh, okay, sure,” or want to be topped (sirius makes it known), so it becomes a point of pride for him. he’ll casually drop it in conversation, “well, i’ve never bottomed, so i wouldn’t know.”
remus thinks it’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen and pokes fun of sirius’s fragile ego and how very heterosexual of you to view sex this way. but sirius is prideful, and that only makes him cling to it harder. 
5. worst discord server and why
i don’t mean this in a “i’m too scared to share” or tame way, but i haven’t been a part of any shitty discord servers. which is probably because i’m only really active on four, and two of which recommended by people on one of the other servers (and another which i co-started and has maybe 15 members).
i have heard stories, but discord overwhelms me, so i have kept it tight. and i lean more onto the older side of fandom discords, so i steer clear of spaces that have a lot of minors or people who are significantly younger than me.
shitty rps, however, i have stories. i got kicked out of a teen wolf rp because of shipping shenanigans. and i have been harassed on glee rps (whom amongst us who was a part of those hasn’t), but i don’t remember the names, and they’re all long deactivated, so i don’t think it’d be juicy.
funny story about glee rp culture, though. there was a blog where people could submit shoutouts to characters, ships, and specific rp servers. sounds like a good idea, but a loooot of drama started because anonymous people would share things like “i hope [this ship] gets back together. i hate [current ship].” or they’d praise a handful of characters in one server, but others would get ignored, and people would quit because they’d feel under-appreciated. oh glee, you really were a swirling vortex of drama.
13. worst blorboficiation
if we’re talking fandom: i am genuinely annoying about this in one of the discord servers, but the blorbofication/baby girl-ifying of certain slytherin marauders-era characters.
i genuinely don’t care if you ship them. i wrote lesbian rosekiller, and i enjoyed the idea of them just being genuinely unhinged and used it to practice writing body horror.
but this culture of “oh they’re so soft” where they all get turned into a gang of hot topic queers who feel like the embodiment of the uwu face has me ???? and then people will act like it’s canon. like anyone who thinks that barty crouch jr wasn’t living out “love simon” is lying to themself.
i get that this has happened since the dawn of time (esp with white male characters). but the characters who get it usually are meant to be torn in some way, are redeemed, or theoretically have the potential to be redeemed.
i just genuinely wish people would acknowledge that it’s wildly ooc. there’s nothing wrong with that! i think it can be really freeing. “this is basically original fiction, but i’m using familiar character names because it makes me feel more comfortable/creative, and i have a built-in audience for my work” is a valid approach to fanfic!
if we’re talking about me: i watch riverdale, and so i’m going with cheryl blossom. 
has she murdered an uncle (and pretended to feed him to other members of the family to blackmail them), played doll with her brother’s dead corpse, and tried to surprise her ex by being like, “let’s co-parent your child. i built them a room in my mansion”? absolutely.
but i love how crazy she is. and you can rip her and toni’s batshit toxic relationship out of my cold, dead hands.
"i'm not the same girl who burned down thornhill and cut off [my mom’s] oxygen" "sure you are" 10/10, flawless.
(also janice from the sopranos)
✨send me asks from the choose violence game✨
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toomuchracket · 1 year
stress relief (sweetheart!george x reader fluff)
first george fic, who cheered?! day 8 of promptober. a weird little (well, long) fluffy end of high school moment about exam stress, and hitting things and smoking weed and kissing your new boyfriend to make you feel better. i've absolutely not a clue what came over me while i wrote this. but i think it's fun. and i hope you lot do too! <3
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you're stomping down the street towards your house when your phone rings. digging it out of your bag, your grumpiness ebbs slightly when you see it's george on the other end of the line. "hiya."
"hi, baby," comes the gravelly reply. george's voice is enough to send you into a fit of enamoured giggles anyway, but hearing him address you with the pet name - a recent development, a free add-on that came with the "girlfriend" title during the summer - has you practically skipping down the street. "how'd it go?"
the reminder of the horrible mock exam almost threatens to block out the enjoyment of talking to george, a black cloud over the sun. "fucking awful."
"doubt that," george replies. there's a shuffling sound in the background on his end; you know, even without seeing him, that he's moved to lean his elbow on something so he can adjust the phone and listen to you better. "but tell me all about it."
"it was just… bad. the questions were all worded so weirdly. felt so fucking thick trying to read them, g," you sigh, kicking at a stone on the pavement. "so obviously i've no idea if i answered anything correctly, because i couldn't fucking understand what they were actually asking, and if i don't pass this then i don't get to sit the actual exam, and then i've got no bloody chance of getting into uni."
your voice breaks on the final word, and so does the invisible dam keeping your tears in. despite doing your best to keep any sobs at bay, george immediately clocks that you're crying and goes into reassurance mode. "baby…"
"it's fine, i'm fine," you sniffle. "sorry, i know i'm being silly. how are you?"
"worried about you, angel. i don't like how stressed out this exam's made you feel, recently," george admits. "and i'm not letting you dwell on it from this point on, alright?"
"you answered every question, i take it?"
you frown. "i mean, yeah, but-"
"no buts, baby," george's voice is firm; it does something weird to your brain. that's new. "you answered every question in the paper to the best of your ability. don't try and argue with me on that one, angel. i know you did, because you never half-arse anything, and it's one of the things i lo-like most about you. and there's nothing more you can do about the exam, so there's no point dwelling on it, even if it was as shit as you say. yeah?"
you sigh. "yeah. you're right."
"i know i am," george's voice is smug, but it softens as he continues. "wish i was there to give you a hug right now, though, make you feel better."
"me too," you say wistfully, unlocking your front door and shrugging off your jacket before heading upstairs. "but i'll get one off you at the party tonight. or several. actually, i might not even let go of you the whole time."
you flop onto your bed, rolling onto your stomach and kicking your legs in the air as george laughs and says "i'm not gonna complain about that, babe. speaking of the party, what d'you want? matty's picking up in a bit."
"are you smoking?"
"was gonna, yeah. want some?"
"sweet. he says he's already got wine if you want it, too, but he'll get you vodka if you'd rather have that."
"no, wine's good," you say. "thank him for me, please, and tell him i'll pay him back later."
george laughs. "i've got you covered, babe."
you facepalm. "george."
"what? you've had a hard day. let me treat you."
there’s silence for a brief moment, as you ponder and then decide against debating with your boyfriend (even thinking about calling george that makes you smile); as stubborn as you are, george is ten times worse. if this was an in-person debate, a strategically-timed pout would give you the upper hand, but you'll never wear him down via phone.
"fine," you sigh dramatically. "thank you, babe. but you have to accept petrol money from me tonight."
"not a fucking chance. i have to drive past your house to get to matty's, anyway. he should be the one paying me."
you laugh. "if you're sure, babe. i'll get you back sometime, though."
"actually, there is something you could do for me tonight, if you wouldn't mind," george says slowly, voice deepening even more than usual. it sends goosebumps down your arms, and any and all sanity out of your head. "you could wear that top you bought at the weekend."
"the black one?"
"yeah," george's voice changes again; you can hear him blushing. "you looked really beautiful in it."
(his reaction when you'd opened the fitting room door last week had made you aware of that thought of his, but it's far nicer hearing him say it.)
"consider it done," you smile. "what time should i be ready for?"
"six? then we have time to get a maccies on the way."
"you do know the way to a girl's heart, george daniel."
george laughs. your heart flutters. "alright, baby. i'll see you in a couple of hours."
"looking forward to it," you smile, clicking your phone off. the goodbye feels unfinished, you think; the three other words you're too nervous to say to george seem to linger expectantly in your throat every time you talk to him, just waiting to be released from your lips to his ears. it's only been three months since you started labelling the relationship, but there were three of "dating" beforehand (following a two-sided drunken confession at matty's eighteenth), and another eight of crushing and pining preceding that - you know exactly how you feel about him. you just don't know when to tell him.
you nearly do, though, when he picks you up for the party later that night. after chucking your overnight bag in the backseat, you climb into the passenger seat and are immediately pulled into an absolute head-melter of a kiss.
george smiles as he pulls back from you. "hi, baby. you wore the top, i see."
"course i did," you grin in response. "have to keep up with you, don't i, gorgeous?"
"oh, shush," george shakes his head, cheeks pink. "right, let's get you some nuggets."
you clap, and your boyfriend laughs, a sound that continues from both of you as you make your way through the drive-thru and then to matty's. in between giggles and singalongs to the blink-182 album in the cd player, you feed george chips and chicken nuggets, the friday evening traffic stopping the two of you from being able to park and eat your dinner and still make it to the party on time. the vibe is in total contrast to your frustrated tears from earlier; now, doing shitty tom delonge impressions with your favourite boy in the world, you're ridiculously happy.
after parking outside matty's house, george turns to you before either of you can get out of the car. "listen, baby," he says softly, bringing a hand up to stroke your hair. "i know it's been a bit of a day for you, and i just want you to be alright - if you wanna go home at any point, tell me, yeah?"
your heart swells a little at his tenderness. you nod, pouting your lips slightly. "kiss?"
"gladly," george grins, lips on yours within seconds. like earlier, this kiss makes your head spin. 
unlike earlier, however, it isn't ended by either you or george pulling away; the two of you are so distracted by each other that you don't hear adam walking across the gravel towards the car. it isn't until he opens the passenger door that you pull away from george in fright, and then he speaks. "matty says no snogging in the driveway."
"tell him i'll do it in his fucking bedroom and see what he says then," george snaps. he kisses your hand. "sorry, baby."
"s'fine. hi, adam," you say, turning to your friend. "how are you?"
"betrayed, actually - you got a maccies and didn't ask if i wanted anything?"
"leave her alone, hann," george says, walking round to grab your bag and usher you out of the car. "she's had a stressful day."
"well, you're in luck, mate - oh, cheers," adam pulls you into a half hug as you pass him your final chicken nugget, and the boys lead you into the house. "matty found an unused piñata in the garage, so you can beat the shit out of that if it'll make you feel better."
"he just… found a piñata? just happened across it?" you ask, mildly bewildered (it's matty, after all), at the exact same time george ponders "what's he put in it?"
"he just found it, yeah. i don't know either," adam shrugs. "and he's literally put joints in it. no sweets. just weed."
george nearly pisses himself laughing, while you, as is your wont, ask a sensible question. "won't the force of the hits knock the joints apart, though? like, genius idea to put them there in theory, but will it work?"
"only one way to find out, i s'pose, baby" george says. "here, let me put your bag upstairs. i'll meet you in the garden in a minute, yeah?"
your boyfriend kisses you quickly and hurries upstairs, while you follow adam out to the garden, stopping briefly to hug some of your friends hello. only ross and matty are outside, the former reaching up to attach a unicorn piñata to a tree branch while the latter shouts orders at him. "fucksake, ross, that's far too high!"
"he's right, unfortunately, ross," you chip in, wandering over towards them and slinging an arm round matty's shoulders. "do you really want either of us jumping with a potential weapon in our hands?"
"he already is a potential weapon," comes the grumbling from under the branch.
"taking that as a compliment, actually," matty shouts, steering you away from the tree and hugging you. "hi, darling. where's g?"
"stashing my handbag for me."
"ok, good, because i have news and you're the only person i can tell," matty spins to face you, inhaling deeply and clasping his hands together. "i think i'm in love."
"ok?" you put your hands on your hips, underwhelmed. "you've already told me this, remember? last month?"
"different person. that wasn't real, this is."
"right. and you're only telling me because…?"
"well, it's someone like you i think i'm in love with."
"a girl?" you smirk. "i guessed as much, mate."
"smartarse," matty huffs. "no. i mean, like, she's proper smart. and serious about it. she wants to study law at uni. i'm totally intimidated by her, but i fancy her so much."
he stares at you expectantly. you stare just as blankly back. "and?"
"and i need your help," matty all but wails. "how do i make her like me?"
bless him. you smile. "well, you're in a band. that helps."
"really? even for pulling geniuses like you and her?"
"not to be dramatic, but that day i walked into the music room to tell you lot to shut up and saw george drumming to brianstorm? life-changing," you blush. matty smiles, genuinely. "but also, just don't be a gobshite, yeah? you actually being quite sensitive is unexpected, and it's nice. really."
"ok. thanks, mate," matty pulls you into a quick hug. "i wish she was coming tonight. be a lot more fun."
"we literally have a weed-filled piñata. we're peaking with fun."
he laughs. "true. and i did only meet her today."
you raise your eyebrows. "wait - on the set of your mum's show? have you told denise?"
"do i look like an idiot? actually," matty shakes his head. "don't answer that. no need to tell me."
"tell you what?" george wanders over to the pair of you, hugging matty and pecking you on the lips. "what are you two gossiping about?"
"what we're buying you for christmas," you say smoothly. "and how amazing a gift i'm now obligated to get you, because you won't let me pay for my own bloody weed."
the boys laugh, and george kisses you on the head. "speaking of, ross thinks he's perfected the piñata height. fancy a bit of stress relief?"
"ew, george, not in my house," matty faux-retches, then grins. "kidding. come on, lovebirds, let's beat the shit out of a unicorn and get stoned."
"and other normal sentences he's said today," george murmurs in your ear, making you giggle as you follow your friend towards the tree.
as you near it, ross holds a cricket bat out to you. "heard you were feeling stressed. have at it, mate."
"thanks, ross," you take the wooden stick, turning it over in your hands before turning to look at the host incredulously. "who the fuck in your family plays cricket?"
"how should i know?" comes matty’s equally-incredulous reply. "just hit the horse, please, i need a fucking zoot."
"fine. here goes," you say. "actually, shouldn't we put something on the ground to catch the joints?"
"good point. here," george pulls off his hoodie and throws it on the grass; you're momentarily distracted by his biceps through his long-sleeved t-shirt. "give it hell, baby."
you smirk, closing your eyes and thinking of the awful exam paper from earlier. all the frustration and stress hits your nervous system like a tidal wave; practically vibrating with rage, you swing the bat and hit the papier-mache before you with a satisfying thwack, denting it. the boys cheer, and it spurs you on even more - within minutes, you've beaten the unicorn to a pulp, its contraband insides (mostly) intact on your boyfriend's hoodie, and your insides the most stress-free they've been in a long time.
breathless, you hand the bat back to a wide-eyed ross, who claps you on the back. "impressive, actually."
"thank you," you bow, the boys laughing as they scramble to pick up the joints. george grabs two for each of you and your hand simultaneously, leading you towards the cushioned loungers near the kitchen window.
he sits first, settling you gently on his lap before pulling a lighter from his pocket. you're suddenly extremely aware of the chilly october evening air, and shuffle around so you can half-lean against george's hard chest; you gaze up at him, all sharp jaw and heavy eyes with the joint between his lips. "is this ok?"
"s'perfect, baby," george smiles, hand tracing patterns against the outside of your thigh. he lifts it, though, to take the joint out of his mouth. "you wanna go first?"
you shake your head. george smoking is an incredibly sexy sight; you want a clear head the first time you see it tonight. the flickering flame sharpens his cheekbones in the most beautiful way as he lights the joint, and the way he draws them in as he inhales it is nothing short of stunning. but nothing compares to the way he exhales the smoke, head thrown back in pleasure and faint moans escaping his lips - your thighs clench ever so slightly as he does, which isn't helped by the way he looks at you as he passes you the weed.
he doesn't seem to fare any better while you smoke, though; your eyes close in contentment when the inhale hits your airways (and a little groan of satisfaction involuntarily leaves you), but you open them to find george biting his lip while he watches yours.
it gives you an idea. passing the joint back, you ask a favour of your boyfriend. "will you shotgun me, please?"
george hums happily. "absolutely, baby."
you shuffle so you're sitting directly on his lap, facing him. whether it's the crispness of the night or the weed or just george himself, you don't know, but you're more aware of this particular bodily position than ever before. there's an energy you can't quite describe crackling in the night air - anticipation, maybe.
whatever it is, you like it.
"ready?" george asks, joint halfway to his lips. you nod, loosely clasping your hands at the nape of his neck and leaning forward. he inhales, your mouth opens, he exhales, and you do your best to take in as much of the smoke as you can. 
even though you've been smoking properly for a little while now, the best highs are always the ones you share with george; he seems to intoxicate you more than the drug does. given how much longer he's been smoking, you'd be forgiven for thinking that he doesn't feel the same way, but the speed with which he quickly lays the joint in a nearby ashtray (thank fuck the healys are a family of smokers, by the way) and crashes his lips to yours suggests otherwise. the crackling in the air ceases, but seems to find a new home in your body; sparks seem to fly from your lips to your brain, overloading the organ until all you can think is george, george, george.
yeah, you love him all right.
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greensagephase · 8 months
Hi Alondra!! Thank you for replying back to me on the New Year's fanart!! there's really no pressure replying and I truly appreciate every response 🥹❤️ hearing that you still love the New Year's fanart makes me so happy!! (I promise there is more fanart for NC in the near future!!) I’m glad you took some time off social media for your mental health because that’s very important!! I’ve been quite busy lately too so I’ve been off social media more than usual this past week. I’m also happy that you’ve been sticking to drawing daily for 30 minutes!, and even if you miss a day here and there it’s still great! There are days where I just don’t have the energy to draw, so if you need to take breaks from that too it’s okay! But I really do get excited hearing these updates! Also, omg I’m very happy that you drew Miguel in a way that you liked and you’re feeling more comfortable and confident with drawing!!! Hearing that makes me so excited and i’m rooting for you!!! ❤️
Also, I just have to mention again that I’m really happy you took a little break from social media and writing, sometimes it can be too much and the last thing I’d want is for you to be burnt out from everything! (and I'm happy my little words of encouragement helped you decide to take some days off, I want to make sure you're doing okay too 🥺) you really do so much on here and you deserve the rest! ❤️❤️ Thank you so much for all the support and words of encouragement with my schooling!! (and when you mentioned getting another degree in the future- I might actually consider it!! maybe even study in a subject more for fun!) I’ve been very busy with everything and preparing for the first presentation of my capstone this Monday (the nerves are there but I'll maybe update you on how that goes! 😭) but one thing’s for sure- I still love to take the time to go on here and talk to you when I can!! And I’m so excited to read the next part when it comes out!! (please don’t stress about when you’re going to post it though 🥺) And I also promise that I read all your responses too, often times more than once because they make my day!! They mean so much to me and you don’t have to worry about replying late or anything, I understand! the weather where I live has also been arctic, haha!! (no fr today when I went out I was still shivering with all my layers 😭) and if it's also still cold where you are stay safe and warm too!! I hope you’re doing well and that you’re having an amazing week Alondra!! sending you a warm virtual hug, friend!!! ❤️✨❤️
Here are some little sketches of encouragement with your writing and everything!! a soft smiling Miguel and ok I imagine the 2nd one Miguel is giving look of like he’s proud of you 🥺 but also, he just has that signature smirk too 🤭
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@sunsetdoodler thank you for being so understanding and of course, I love talking with you, so I've been trying to reply to everything!! I just got really behind on my responses 😭 but yes, I LOVE the New Year's fanart!!!
Still thinking about it and how cute your OC and Miguel look together, I can't wait to see them again (and omg, more fanart!!! I can't wait to see it but of course, take your time!!!)!! And you being off social media is so understandable with your school!! I hope everything is going well so far!! I'm thinking about you and sending you the best of luck, and hoping everything goes smoothly for you as always!!!! ❤️ Also, thank you for the well wishes on my drawing journey!! I took off yesterday and today because I've been busy doing other things but I'll hopefully be back to it tomorrow, thank you, really!! And yes omg, I've been studying Miguel (I've been studying your fanart and other lovely artists' fanart plus using the amazing drawing references I've seen on here; that's actually how I finally got his hair down haha), and feel like I'm moving forward in drawing him, but it's a working process! 😂
And thank you, omg!!!!! 🥺🥺 I was debating taking a break because I always feel so guilty disappearing from social media even if it's just a day or two, but your words of encouragement to take it easy helped and I decided to do it. I tend to feel a little off after the holidays and just feel overwhelmed by everything, so this little break really helped my mental health, and honestly - it helped my writing! I was lowkey forcing myself to write prior to it, but all is well now, and I feel great now. I've done so much more writing in two days than I did over the span of several days prior to my break, so yay!! About your schooling - of course!!!!! I'm wishing you the best and rooting for you!!! As I said already, I'm always hoping and wishing that everything goes smoothly for you!!! I hope you're taking care of yourself and that these first two weeks have been kind to you so far!!! You should def consider earning another degree for fun if you're interested!! I'd love to hear what you'd like to do if you were to get another one (if you're open to sharing, if not, I understand, so no pressure!!)!! Omg, your first capstone presentation is this Monday!! I'm sending you, and will continue to send you, all the best of luck!!! I know you got this and it'll go great!!!!!! 🥺✨ It'll be one presentation down, and hopefully it will get easier as the semester goes!!!! And thank you for taking time out of your day to come on here and talk to me, it truly means so much to me!!! Please know that I understand life gets crazy, so I totally understand if you can't reply right away or not at all (don't feel pressured to, friend!! I get it!!)!! And I'm happy that my words make your day, yours make my day as well!! I always look forward to reading your responses/asks!!!❤️ And omg @sunsetdoodler I hope you're staying warm and cozy, too!! It has been very cold this week for us (there was even a busted pipe this morning because of how cold it has been this whole week). I hope you stay warm and be safe if you're out on the road driving!!! I hope you're having a fantastic week, too and that you have a great weekend!! Hopefully you get to do some fun cozy things and relax a bit despite your presentation!!! Sending you the warmest virtual hug and the best wishes as always, friend!!!! ❤️✨❤️
And OMG THE SKETCHES!!!! Miguel saying "you got this!" - that's so ENCOURAGING!!! 🥺 And his proud face in the second sketch - stop, now I'm going to imagine that Miguel cheers me on when I write and try to draw him and the second sketch is him watching me while I do my thing,😭😭 THANK YOU, FRIEND!!!! These sketches are so freaking CUTE!!!!! And his signature smirk - everything this man does gets me, I swear!!!! 🤭 (I'd get so distracted if I saw him like this actually) I'm going to have these sketches pulled up whenever I write or draw, for real!!! THANK YOU!!!! ❤️✨🥺
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autismtana · 5 months
so you wanna write a heartbreak high fic, but you're american (part 2)
Back in November, I wrote this after reading a bunch of Heartbreak High fics. I always planned to write a part 2 featuring some more aspects of Australian schooling, but my own writing, work and personal things (aka mental illness) got in the way.
As with part 1, this is NSW/Sydney specific, as that's where I'm from and where Heartbreak High is filmed and set. People from other states might have different experiences (I know a little bit about Queensland for example, because my parents are from there and most of my relatives went to school there).
If there's anything not covered here that you're curious about, please check part 1 as I may have covered it there, or send a reply.
Extracurricular activities: these are not timetabled during lesson times (some schools have things like Friday afternoon rewards but those don't really count). They're generally just for fun and a way for kids to socialise. What extracurricular activities are available depends on what the teachers at the school are able to run but aside from competitive and social sport, these are things like debating, mock trial (fake court cases, highly recommend, very fun), music ensembles like choir/jazz band/orchestra, then there are some academic things like Tournament of Minds, coding, streamwatch. The more academic activities are generally more selective, especially if there's a competition aspect like ToM. Extracurricular activities have absolutely no bearing on whether or not a kid will get into uni, although depending on what they are, they can be good to put on a CV for jobs. There are also no limits on how many extracurricular activities a student can do (there's no "oh he chose basketball instead of orchestra as his extracurricular" ... he can do both, they're also usually not running at the same time). Sydney schools tend to run more activities than regional/rural schools because the public transport system means that it's easy to get to and from places outside of school hours. Non-metropolitan schools tend to run things during recess/lunchtime so there's a limit on how many things kids can do.
Sport: most Australian kids participate in some form of sport. The most common ones are: soccer, cricket, netball, rugby league, AFL, touch football, athletics, swimming, basketball and tennis. Private schools often offer things like golf, rugby union and sometimes even skiing, rowing and equestrian. Hartley High has a group of cheerleaders and, like with the uniform thing, this is extremely rare. Cheerleading is a thing in Australia, but it mostly happens through clubs, kind of like gymnastics. It's more common for girls here to just be involved in a more conventional sport instead (usually netball, which, in my opinion, is the most boring sport in the history of the universe, but is pretty popular in Australian schools; league tag is also extremely popular in more regional areas). Depending on how big the school is, Aussie kids who play sport either get involved with school teams or local club teams, and they tend to range from more social/fun to more competitive, particularly as kids transition from the juniors into the older age groups. Some schools might not necessarily have school teams but will scrounge up a representative team for inter-school competitions (so this would be like if the inter-school basketball competition team wasn't necessarily the school basketball team but was just made up of the best 10-12 basketball players that tried out or signed up). Other schools have more competitive teams that compete against other schools. Schools in NSW have to do a mandatory amount of hours of physical activity, so some schools will let kids choose a sport for a certain amount of time to do during that time (this might be when the competitive teams compete). Club sports generally happen on Saturdays and Sundays (for me, AFL was Saturday, soccer was Sunday, rowing was Saturday morning if we didn't have a regatta that week). Kids who excel at a particular sport might get to participate in NSW combined high schools (CHS). Some of the more "prestigious" schools are part of athletic associations like GPS and CAS. In terms of post-school, I know very little about how it works, but all I know is that it's nothing like any of the American systems. We don't have a system like the NCAA here; I know a little about the AFL draft but it's too complicated to explain so here's a Wikipedia article about it (I know nothing about how NRL players go pro so don't ask me that). An Australian kid might attract a scholarship to an American university to play sport overseas, but our universities don't work like that.
Student leadership: Generally, all schools have one or two School Captains and one or two Vice Captains (some schools let the whole school vote for captains, but usually they limit it to teachers and the older grades). Then there are House Captains (kind of like the prefects from the transphobic lady's book), and they're usually elected by all the students in that house. They're involved in inter-house competitions which I'll touch on later. Some schools have captains for things like different extracurricular activities. Schools generally have a student representative council with one or more elected representatives from each grade, depending on how big the school is. My school was a Catholic school, so I got to be a Liturgy Representative (and I absolutely put that on my CV when I applied for my first shitty bakery job).
Carnivals: pretty much every Aussie school has a swimming carnival and an athletics carnival. This is where there's a bunch of races (and field events for athletics) and you participate in as many as possible to get house points. Sometimes swimming is only open to more competitive students but generally more people participate in athletics. Most Australian kids have swimming lessons as part of mandatory PE in primary school and in years 7-10 (I got my bronze medallion as part of mine and I'm now a member of my local surf lifesavers group). The house captains rile up their houses and get them to sing war cries to cheer everyone on (my personal favourite was 'how funky is your chicken'). The winning house gets ultimate bragging rights and is pretty much always the red house (they tend to put all the sporty kids in red and the dweeby nerdy kids in yellow for some reason). You get house points for going in events, but you also get them for cheering the loudest or having the cleanest area. Really, it's just a fun way of getting out of classes.
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myqueenmarceline · 22 days
About me
Hi there! My name's Marcy and I'm 24. My pronouns are he (preferred)/she/they. I'm experimenting with them, so that list may change, and my gender is something I'm also questioning atm. I'm sapphic and don't really mind what else you want to call me. I'm also Canadian🇨🇦 and have a lovely girlfriend I talk to in tags sometimes❤️
My tumblr has some NSFW content and some politics. If either of those will be an issue feel free to just block. I'm not very interested in debating or arguing. A general summary is: I'm a leftist, I'm queer, and I believe in human rights and better social support systems for everyone. We can (and should) free Palestine without being antisemitic.
I've fallen out of the habit of tagging reblogs, but if you need me to start doing so for something specific, please feel free to let me know!
Lots of rambling about me and my personal interests under the cut. I hope you have fun scrolling my blog!😊
I love learning about many things in life, including literature, media studies, history, social science, psychology, biology, and geology. There isn't really a rhyme or reason to this blog, I'm just reblogging stuff I like. I especially love dinosaurs (especially sauropods), insects (especially beetles and pill bugs), dogs (especially Huskies, Borzoi, and Labs), reptiles (especially lizards), birds (especially chickens, cardinals, and jays), and minerals (quartz, amethyst, and turquoise).
I also love science-fiction, fantasy, and horror. I am fascinated by how people develop fictional worlds and mythos, and how we can read them through different critical lenses. It would take too long to list out my favourite authors, but the best book I've read this year is High Times in the Low Parliament by Kelly Robson.
My main fandoms are Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Percy Jackson, Welcome to Night Vale, Person of Interest, the Alien movies, Otherside Picnic, Monstress (the comic), Mushishi, and Dinosaur Sanctuary (please talk to me about this manga!!)
If you're interested in my own tags, I mainly use #my writing and #my stuff to post stories. I use #ask to respond to asks, feel free to chat about anything! My face is under #my selfies and #my face, but I don't post those very often anymore.
I also create moodboards over @lgbtquiap-moodboards. I'm a bit behind but if you want to go check it out and send in any requests, feel free to do so!
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iiwaijime · 1 month
today i had speech and debate at school... and living in america... i feel like that almost always means there's casual racism so ‼️ naturally the first thing my friends and i do is form an asian group when we got into the club room LMAOAOAO apparently the majority of the asian population at my school is in speech and debate PLEASE we had a big group😭 and we had lots of fun!! speech and debate is genuinely more fun than i thought it would be
regarding speech and debate still!! i had a really good idea for a speech!! the type of speech is an o-o (i have no clue if ur familiar w speech and debate or not but that stands for original oratory.. it's kind of like you're trying to persuade your audience against something? so you choose one side of a topic and support it)!! it would basically be arguing against people needing to have a secure sense of identity.. like being able to pinpoint their personality and whatnot through different personality tests and like astrology... all that!! i feel like it would be an interesting topic to get to yap about yk 😋 so it would start out like "entp, 7w8, aquarius... why are we all so fixated on trying to fit ourselves, our complicated beings, into a box? as a society, we have become so accustomed to finding labels for ourselves, and i think it's due time for us to outgrow this habit." LIKE THAT!! idk i feel like itd be so interesting for me to write!! i would self indulge by doing that cause I LITERALLY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IDENTITY!! i always need to have labels for myself and my personality so i feel like making that would help me move past it 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i yapped so much ab that holy shit. my bad woah
everyone being in the speech n debate team is so funny to me wtf😭😭 IM GLAD UR HAVING FUN (im terrified of public speaking but like i could do it out of spite yaknow) YOUR STARTING SOUNDS SO GOOD SJHDSJHD ARE YOU GNA DO IT⁉️‼️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️ (idk how it works)
i ended up not sleeping bc i was too busy thinking of iwaizumi hajime (27) athletic trainer LIKE MGNFHFJD GET ME SOME OF THAT🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ NOW IM HAVING THE BEST BREAKFAST EVER (cereal and milk . i have it every day . ) ANYWYAYSD I HOPE U HAVE A GOOD REST OF UR DAY WHILE I DIE IN CLASS 💓💓💓💓💓💓 ILY ILY ILY ILY ILY MORE
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voids-ideas · 10 months
Welcome to my main blog which I like to define as chaos
After the "read more" you'll find quite a lot of information, my other blogs, fandoms I write about and/or reblog content from, and a bit more, but before that I want to make one thing clear
I like to debate a lot, and from time to time I might get into a discussion about a social issue, I like this topic a lot, I'm quite interested in learning to see things from different perspectives, I feel that helps me in my mission called "creating a society in my head where nobody suffers".
That's why I possibly read quite questionable comments, and I'm able to put up with almost anything, there's only one rule: You're not going to attack/insult anyone. Especially someone else. If I see something like that in any post of mine, I'm going to block you. That's possibly the only condition under which I plan to directly block someone (that and bots).
As a bonus, if you see anything on this blog or any of my other blogs that makes you feel uncomfortable, please let me know. Send me a message, ask, whatever
Now for the fun part
Tumblr is my dopamine
I love any interaction that happens on any of my accounts, reblogs, messages, likes, asks, if you do any of those things I probably screamed with excitement when I saw it
In the case of asks and messages, there is the possibility that I am slow to respond, I tend to panic in social interactions
If you don't know anything about aftg I really ask you to find out about the trigger warning first, but this is my aftg blog: @neiljostenmakesmyday
Good omens obsession here, good omens obsession there: @im-the-j-in-anthony-j-crowley
Helluva boss and Hazbin hotel over here: @mrfancytalkcreepyvoice
Blog where I sometimes share things about disability: @all-the-things-i
And this is my main blog. I define it as: Chaos
Things you may (or may not) see on this blog:
Good omens
Our flag means death
Interview with the vampire
Percy Jackson
House MD
She-ra and the princesses of power
All for the game
The hunger games
Heartbreaking High
Prodigal son
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Star wars
The magnus archives
I don't remember all the tags I've used, but I remember some of them (I'll add the link to them as soon as I get my pc and remember to do it):
Jay attempts to draw possibly there are drawings here, warning: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DRAW
Jay watches shows and pretends they have something relevant to say about them This is me screaming, crying and demonstrating that I know nothing about how to analyse a show/movie when I watch it, but I still say something that makes sense from time to time
Jay and... Jay what are you doing? You figure out what I was doing here, because I definitely didn't know.
Jay cries about some misfortune that happened to them in minecraft self-explanatory
Jay listens to podcasts and demonstrates zero comprehension of what they hears At the time of doing this, it has only one meaning: The magnus archives
Yes, this last part is just because I wanted to put all the colors of the lgbt flag. I don't have another section, I tricked you
Lie, this is... a little about me:
I like cats. That's all.
Well, no. I'm in my 20s, recently diagnosed with adhd and autism (before that I had self diagnosis), I am in evaluation for chronic pain and other things, I identify as greysexual, greyromantic, agender (sometimes non-binary), bi, among other things.
I have trouble explaining things, and I define myself as a joke, in the way that my life is full of comical situations in which I am at the centre
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cwarscars-a · 1 year
Hey bro i heard you like 🔥 so c'maaan gimmie your salt maaaan
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
(( gonna preface this by saying - if any of my moot moots are one side or the other, or consider themselves such - i got no beef with you. you're my homies, my real ones, my ride or dies; im open-minded to hearing your opinions. jus' dont send me any anon nastiness, ill cry REAL tears ))
honestly? i can't stand the black and white thinking in the rpc & fanfic communities as a whole. the whole pro-shipper/anti-shipper debate is extremely tiresome to apparently anyone who believes in nuance & grey situations.
like, on one side - you have people who will and do persecute people for the fucked up ships that they write. on the other, you have people who preach fiction is fiction and will willingly ignore the genuinly problematic people who take advantage of the notion of 'pro-shipping' in order to write their extreme fetishes ( ala, pedophilia / beastiality ).
i have always been anti-censorship. i always will be. i watch extreme cinema and read extreme manga / comics. nothing phases me. there are films that disturb me ( salo will /always/ make my uncomfy ) and obviously things i wont touch with a ten foot barge pole ( anything with kids / animals ) but for the most part, i'm very chill when it comes to what people want to write. i believe people should be honest about their kinks, preferences and things they wish to write.
if your partner is willing, it's consensual and tagged or under a read more. i have zero issues with it. but -
i have gotten sent hate before from 'pro-shippers' for stating my stance on anybody who wants to write smut with kids. literal hate for stating i'm against pedophilia. ( and im not talking about a 17 yr old being sexually active, im talking, like - literal children being sexualised ) like, what? i've been called purity police and all kinds of shit. like, me? purity police???? the bitch whose favourite comic is crossed and favourite manga, ichi the killer. LOL
my whole issue with the debate and the censorship / arguments in the rpc is that, it feels as though you HAVE to be one side or the other. you can't have a nuanced opinion, you can't understand that sometimes - there is a place for certain content, despite how extreme it is.
everybody is allowed a preference. you're allowed to be upset, offended, afraid, disgusted by or whatever else from x subject. every single individual is different and it's what makes us all beautiful. and i feel people need to really understand this. you can write extreme content but don't expect people to like it. on the other hand, if you don't like x content - don't attack someone for writing that content.
i just feel that there's wrong on both sides and i wish people would actually talk about the subject instead of throwing around attacks at each other. ultimately, whether anybody likes it or not - what you're writing is a footnote in the grand scheme of literature. you're writing on tumblr with your buddies and you're here to have fun.
if you wanna write an extreme sex scene with your consenting friends, go for it. if you don't want to write smut or you can't stand a certain ship, that is totally fine, too.
it's okay! both sides can be right without being aggressive or nasty.
like said, i would never label myself 'pro-ship' or any of that shit because i don't agree with that stance. i believe that there is a place for all content in all media in some, way, shape or form. i believe that rp is a slippery slope because it's a hobby that involves partners and is sociable. you have to please those around you and must understand that you can't wave around fetishes without a potential backlash. i agree people should write what they want, but i don't agree that there is a place for ( for example ) smut involving kids or animals. especially in the rpc. i've seen people 'joke' before about writing a pedo purely for exploration & to get a reaction. i can't imagine a more unenjoyable, questionable, horrific kind of thing to write in rp ( hell, even in media...that sort of character burns out and leaves creators depressed a/f).
i just wish people would talk, understand, and be open-minded. and - think about the bigger picture, too.
is this thing going to ride with you when you're offline?
probably not. so be respectful, have fun and just chill~
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Suggestive themes ahead, also implied cheating but not in the way you think. Have fun!
He always has to take off his wedding band. He doesn't know why - it's not like the little object or its implication even matter all that much to him - but he cannot have it on when he goes there, even if they both know he's married already.
It's a mental barrier of some sort. He has to take it off, otherwise he won't go in and he won't drink and he won't ask for his favorite dancer and he won't take him back to his favorite luxury hotel suite to spoil him rotten.
But he wants to do all those things, he's been thinking about them for days now, wicked desires breaking his focus at the worst times - so he slips the golden ring off his finger and hides it into his pocket, loosens his tie and starts the car, the motor humming lowly at the command.
He's quick to send her a text. A lie, just like always. A covert "do not ruin this for me by reminding me you exist". A simple, formal "I will be working overnight. Do not wait up."
It was just common curtesy, letting her know he won't be home that night. The reason may not have been honest, but alas. He cannot be hung up over lying of all things - adultery is a lot worse, after all, and he's not particularly fussed over that, so what's a little lie compared to it?
Driving is boring. Functional, but boring. He doesn't have particular feelings about it, though he likes reminscing about the many times he used the car's backseat for a whole lot of purposes that it had not been created to. He could be a quite impatient man, after all. And he could afford the dry cleaning afterwards anyway.
The club is a familiar sight, enticing red neon lights and faint music escaping through the walls. The same image, every time. The bouncer knows him already, lets him walk right in, no queueing, and receives a generous tip every time.
It's the same chaos of light and darkness, flashing colours, special effects and loud music. Dancers entertain the crowds, money flies at their feet like they're gods. Debauchery. He's quite a hypocrite to judge, he's there too, isn't he?
The bartender hands him a glass of fine whiskey, on the rocks. The usual. And he downs it at once before the bartender tells him where to go.
The room is the same too. A comfortable plush sofa, dim lighting, a stripper pole in the middle and a personal bar. He sits and waits, basking into the prickly warmth of the alcohol being processed into his system. He feels warmer by the minute, and eveb more impatient. More aroused. He's two buttons down on his shirt now, debates undoing the third.
The door to the room opens, and the enticing, scantily clad silhouette of his favorite dancer walks in. He's wearing a pair of knee-length leather boots, heels so high it must be painful, and a pair of tight, black shorts. Nothing else. Except for a pair of nipple pasties, of course. Black, X-shaped. His hair falls down his back, untamed.
"Wei Ying."
"Lan Zhan! You're early today! I've only just started my shift!"
The man seems pleased with the knowledge.
"So, what do you want me to do for you?"
Lan Zhan looks at him, hazy with desire and alcohol. "Surprise me. I will reward you if I like it."
Wei Ying thinks for a moment, then rushes behind the bar to turn on the music, change the lighting and pick something up.
A sensuous beat fills the room seconds later. Lan Zhan cannot focus on the lyrics, all he wants is Wei Ying.
As if reading his mind, Wei Ying walks up to the pole and, swaying his hips, moves around it with elegance and sin, practiced confidence entwined with the desire to earn his partner's enjoyment and a reward for himself.
The metal shines into the red light, and Wei Ying nimbly climbs it, his muscles straining with the effort of the erotic routine he's performing. Lan Zhan cannot look away, wouldn't dare to, his eyes following every one of Wei Ying's suggestive movements, the curve of his spine as he arches against the pole, the tantalizing glint in his eyes, the flexibility of his legs as he effortlessly spreads them out.
Lan Zhan lights up an expensive cigar on a nearby table, without breaking his eyes from his own little show.
Then, as the song ends and transitions into a different one, Wei Ying crawls up to him, dripping sweat and lust, and produces a long, pristine white ribbon from his back pocket, smiling seductively. "Tie me up?"
It takes only a second for Lan Zhan to hoist Wei Ying up on his lap and kiss him senseless, hands traveling over the expanse of his skin, mindful not to burn him with the cigar.
Wei Ying moans softly at the stimulation, seeking more, and it takes just another second for it to be granted to him. It seems like he earned his reward after all.
When Lan Zhan finally pins him against the couch, ready to devour him, Wei Ying's eyes catch onto something shiny falling from one of his lover's pockets.
It's easy to guess what it is.
Wei Ying smiles, satisfied, cat-like, and lets himself fall.
The song on his playlist changes.
Mommy don't know, daddy's getting hot
At the body shop
Doing something unholy...
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jumping-joey1104 · 1 year
hello, i was wondering if i could get a creepypasta matchup? Sorry for sending another when you’ve already got a few, so you don’t have to answer this.
I use he and it pronouns, I stim openly a lot and think I might have haphephobia.
I tend to be pretty distant or in-my-own-head in everyday life. I’ll often get really attached to specific people or things. my interests jump around a lot, but generally, I always like writing and video games, particularly slightly old RPGs. including, the Persona series, especially persona 3 as of now, plus citizen sleeper. I like reading comics and manga (I’m a bit of a kid in personality honestly), doodle, and listen to music a lot. I have fun with flashy characters, theatrical themes and I could ramble for a long time about some of mine.
I don’t like certain tastes, like orange, I’m kinda picky. I can get big mood swings and feel really shitty and force myself to find an outlet, like drawing on my arms, and then feel super hopeful later in the day. Like I said, I get really fixated on stuff quickly, so I’ll get really stuck on one person sometimes. Ironically, my love languages are physical touch (i get really clingy on some occasions) and secondarily gift giving.
I can accidentally say or show people really extreme things, as I can tell they're severe, just not what kind of effect saying that will have. so, people who I have to tone down what I say to in that regard, I guess, I don't get on well with. (sorry if that's weird to say...)
and…that’s all I can think of. thanks if you do do it
Sorry for the late answer Anon, but I would love to answer any asks you send in!! Speaking of asks I have chosen a matchup for you!!!
Since Liu and Sully share the same body, you kinda get one with the other soooo
Being friends with Liu and Sully is a wild ride from start to finish, Liu is shy unlike his younger brother Jeff. But Sully is a force to be reckoned with
You and Sully could be hanging out and all of a sudden you're at a McDonald's drive thru wearing Halloween wigs and more than likely three redbulls deep
Sully is the epitome of a wild and sarcastic college guy that for some reason never lays a hand on his friends
He becomes like a mean older brother to his friends but always respects boundaries. If you say you don't like him doing something to you he'll never do it again
If you like having debates over video games and characters Sully is the best one to talk to, he absolutely loves just sitting and talking. Makes him happy to be listened to and having responses back
Liu on the other hand is very recluse and quiet, it takes a bit to warm up to him versus Sully. He'll come off as cold very easily but is a sweetheart once
I headcanon Liu being in cheer/theater during high school, so if you play any music with a good beat he'll probably dance with you and make tiktok dances if you ask him
If you like drawing on yourself please draw on him too, he absolutely loves it when he's covered in colors and doodles. Probably would do that one thing where you share a sketchbook between friends
Dude has insomnia bad, so being friends with him means lots of late nights with music and playing videogames/ watching movies. Like his room has different posters of movies and Broadway shows Hamilton fan unironically
Liu is also very touchy and doesn't like being touched without asking, he's very much the opposite of Sully in that way. Even if you've been friends for a while you'll be lucky to get a hug from him
Sully in a relationship means he has someone to protect other than Liu, so he becomes very attentive to your needs. You know that meme "He asked for no pickles"? Yeah, he's like that
He'll become very cuddly while you're dating, just having you nearby makes both him and Liu happier than anyone could make them. You give him a little smooch? Mans a puddle on the floor
Constant check ins from him, although he gives off a cocky attitude he's still scared that his attitude will scare you off. You could be together for years and he'll still ask before giving you a smooch or hug
Please PLEASE doodle on him! He knows that you don't like being touched so he's not going to leave hickeys on you (even though he wants to) so if you draw on him he'll be constantly flaunting it
He'll love to show you things he's done and found just like you like showing him extreme stuff. It takes a lot to scare this man...
Liu is way more open when you two start dating, he'll constantly want to stay by your side and unlike Sully would actually want to draw on you a bit.
Liu isn't as affectionate as Sully but is much more talkative when in a relationship. His love language is just letting you speak about whatever you want and gifts
Lots of gifts, he'll give you his sweaters and buy you your favorite snacks and movies. You look twice at something when shopping with him it's going in the cart. No questions
He'll play a lot more music around you and PLEASE watch some of his favorite musicals with him!! This man literally knows all of Hamilton and like 90% of the dances
Such a musical guy, he'll burn CDs of your favorite video game music and buy you a CD player so you can listen to music together, he has a secret Walkman that he still uses and will share it with you!!
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My kpop x reader fanfiction hot takes
Because complaining is fun ☺️
This will all be up for discussion in the comments of course if you would like to share your own hot takes/opinions, if you'd like to debate whether one of my takes are valid or not, etc. - and if you want to be anonymous and not comment, feel free to send an anonymous message to me where I would also like you to mention if you are okay with me posting it, responding to you.
1• I think it's a clear sign of bad writing "skills" when you can't give the 'reader' or 'y/n' a personality that isn't your own. Like can we actually get creative here?? Or are you just trying to soft launch an x author ff...
2• If you're gonna be specific about certain things about the 'reader' (like afab/amab, race, pronouns, weight, hair, eyes, skin, etc.), PUHLEASE specify it thoroughly IN THE BEGINNING at the TOP of the works in a warning section or something, not at the end, with the #s, AT. THE. TOP.
3• This might be a really controversial take but.. I think reblogging your own work like 10+ times (it's cool when it's 5 or less times btw, I get we need more traction to our works) is so annoying and almost desperate looking? Especially when it's just a teaser? Idk..
4• Absolutely BEGGING people to comment and reblog. I personally don't find it that necessary (but that's me obviously) and I think even a like or an anonymous message telling me they liked my fic or something would suffice for me.. Like unless this is your job and you rely on that in some way, then begging for comments and reblogs looks desperate, awkward and a little embarrassing...
5• This is specifically for smut fics btw, mdnr (minors do not read)
This sort of goes with #2 but I hate it when people don't even slightly try to mention if there are sub/dom dynamics. And half of the time, if they do, they don't say who is what. Like I personally like to read sub!idol, dom!reader fics. And I can't tell if that's what I'm actually about to read if you don't mention it (once again) in the beginning before the fic and not at the end in the #s. Also, I will NOT let the people who just say "sub/dom dynamics" slide because that's just as bad. Unless they're saying "no sub/dom dynamics", which I have no problem with and that also needs to be mentioned.
6• This is also about smut fics, mdnr.
Noncon is r@pe ‼️ and I hate noncon‼️
7• this ALSO goes with #2 a bit with the point of properly warning your fics before the actual fic is to be read. Not adding wêēd and/or alcohol to your warnings is shitty and weird.
8• Yeah I'm still going on about the tagging thing because I cannot stress this enough. In smut fics, FUCKING PROPERLY TAG IT. I just read a fic that only had "masterbation, profanity" in the warnings and that's it.. and you wanna know what it ACTUALLY was? Borderline sexual harassment. He (the vile character of an idol they had created) forced the reader to watch p0rn that was quite frankly disgusting. I'm tryna give them a redemption point if it's an old fic but I will probably block them if I see that it's within the past year and a half or so. Edit: IT WAS LITERALLY POSTED YESTERDAY WHAT THE FUCK.
So that's it for now.
I may add more to this whenever I think of something but my wrist and head hurts because of the position I'm sitting in so I'm clocking out now.
As mentioned in the beginning, this is all up for debate in the comments or anonymous asks/messages, but please do not dm me from this post.
Have a great day y'all 💜🖤
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asylumseriesdaily · 3 months
Mod intro! Wahoo!
hey it's me Jasper T. Jowls (that's not my name that's a Chuck E Cheese character, but you can call me that if you want) here because I needed something to do. You can, like, send me asks if you want, but if they're not super related to this blog I'm gonna point you at my main blog. If you must refer to me, use whatever name you want and he/him pronouns. My blog name or Jasper are good options because I'm not big on sharing my name online. You can also give me dumbass nicknames. I get the feeling I might become known as the guy who wants to smooch Micah from Madeleine Roux's Asylum. I'm a minor so be normal.
I'm super interested in hearing what y'all have to say! I want you to experience this with me! I'm gonna work on finding some free PDFs of these books to share the love!
If you're interested, here's my main blog: @jaspertjunk
Aaand if you want to support me in my endeavors, the blog for a project I'm currently working on: @gleamintomurk
What is this blog?
Primarily, this blog is me liveblogging my reread of the Asylum Series by Madeline Roux. I'm hoping to post one chapter a day, and each chapter's liveblog is going to one uninterrupted post. You can read about why I'm doing this here.
To make it not just one long block of text, and make it easier and more fun to read, I'm going to play around with formatting a lot. If anyone has any ideas on a more accessible way to do this, please reach out to me.
My liveposts are going to be a combination of good old fashioned Tumblr liveposting, analysis and essay-ish content, a few memes and things I'm reminded of, and a generous helping of quotes.
I will also post and reblog a lot of other Asylum related content, like memes, as well as some longer and more well thought out essays and other analysis content. I'm gonna drain those books for meaning.
What exactly are you reading?
The main trilogy of the Asylum series by Madeleine Roux. If I can get my hands on some of the others, I'll read those too, but I'm working with what I have.
Actually you're wrong about these books
This is what I want to hear. This is not gonna be an anti-haters thing. Far as I can tell, I'm the only person really talking about these books much, let alone analyzing them. Probably because they're barely above the scholastic horrors you got at 5th grade book fair. This means my word is god, but I actually do not want that. I am begging you to disagree. I am begging you to debate me. I am begging you to correct me or elaborate on things I say. As long as you're respectful, I will listen to and engage with you! Please! Also, I'm new to looking at books beyond the surface level, so I'm bound to be wrong a lot! Please I wanna hear your opinions
Will you liveblog-
No. Unless it's a short story or I've specifically asked for more content. I am, however, always open to new things to read or watch on my own time. You're also free to ask me for recommendations. I'm actually not a huge horror guy, but I do have some favorites.
Can I...?
Send you asks? YES! About literally anything, though I do ask you to question if it would make more sense to ask my main blog.
Tag me in posts? YES! If they're relevant to this blog in some way (literally anything about this book series).
Make my own blog/do my own liveread/write analysis inspired by this blog? PLEASE GOD DO! About these books or literally anything else! If I somehow inspire you to make content about these books, great! If I somehow inspire you to make content about something you love, even better! I do ask that you credit me if you're using a lot of my arguments in your own analysis, and if I do somehow inspire you to do something like this I'd love to know, but you absolutely do not need my permission.
Do you hate these books?
*White knuckling the bathroom sink, dripping blood* I am having a wonderful time :)
Tagging system
(no I do not)
Obviously, lots of spoilers. Some sensitive topics too, though I'll try to tag 'em. These are horror novels, even if they ain't that scary.
#not liveblogging - not my actual liveblogs
#liveblogging - actual liveblogs
#not asylum - not related to the books
#reblogs - reblogs
#modposting - content I post other than liveblogs
#modscreaming - analysis I post other than liveblogs
#asks - asks
Each liveblog will also be tagged with the name and chapter
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hyuckmov · 1 year
it was really early in the morning when we went to han river and ate ramen there (CAN FINALLY CROSS IT OUT MY LIST IM HAPPY CRYING AGAIN) so there weren't that many people yet except for those alr walking their pets (SO CUTE BOTH THE PETS AND OWNERS R TOO NICE :(( ) and then bicycling. our initial plan was to have a lil picnic at night but decided to just do it in the morning so it wouldn't be too cold (SIKE) and about the couples -- OMG YES THEY ARE EVERY. WHERE. ANY TIME OF DAYYYY. it's really different to see it yourself. esp at parks!! we couldn't stop giggling because we don't know if we should proceed taking pics w the flowers and all or just look for another area because they're all there doing couple stuff (cute pics and all) it's so fun n hilarious.
that's alright though, at least you could save up more and maybe do other things first so you'd be ready-ready once you're all decided to go :> going with friends really IS FUN :(( coming from a really introverted person (ME)
i so agree with you 🥹 bigger, better, more fun, more more more worth the wait. it's kinda funny to think it now but that time it was just too depressing for me that almost everyone around me are there EXCEPT ME. like, genuinely happy for them but u just can't help but be sad too yk? SO I HEARD ..... and based on the clips i saw the boys were having soooo so so sooo much fun not to mention the crowd's truly amazing.. AND I THANK THEM THE BOYS HAD SO MUCH FUN. about the byl, if you're free that time then i think you should get it. HAVE FUUUUUN think of it as a little preview for u until you finally get to experience it live ;-;
PLEASE ENJOY THAT BREAK WHILE YOU CAN I'M TELLING YOU. i went straight to working right after i graduated and yes it's a good thing i alr secured a job as they said but i felt so down and burnt out for months since i never got to take a rest even for just a week or so... it was like my time was running out fast or something.. SO PLEASE. rest, have fun, do whatever makes you calm and happy.. just. enjoy <333
(PS i notice my responses get longer and longer each time i hope it's not a bother to you or to anyone that comes across this. and pls.. don't thank me im having so much fun chatting with uuu)
HIII firstly. not bothered by ur long responses at all i love reading these it’s like receiving a letter 🫶🏻 pls keep on sending these when u have the time hehe
omg eating ramen at han river…cycling and people-watching that literally sounds like the dream i’m stealing that idea for my own future trip <3 RIIIGHT the couples also i hear all the girls r super pretty w the middest boyfriends ever 🤭 im also an introvert (and actually irl really guarded lol) and i always wonder about what it would really be like to travel w friends or even live with them…wonder what it will do to my social battery and also just seeing me at my worst (11pm-2am) but ngl i won’t know until i try :) my friends and i might all be going overseas to and the same country for uni so it’ll really be like starting a new life and i’m excited to do it w them no matter what happens
sometimes it’s a comparative thing…. it feels like everyone else is there and it’s so sad that you’re not. i’m still debating between actually paying for the byl and also just watching it being streamed off someone else… one thing is that finding links for streams r so stressful esp when they get cut off…. but another is am i rlly gna spend $50 on this….but i hear it’s going to be really special with some new songs <3
the burn out is so real….. i was so annoying for the first few weeks of working because i just couldn’t believe like is this what real life is…? is there really nothing more to life? i was so struck LMFAO i was beginning to realize the power of having a bubble subscription because getting a notification from haechan as i’m rotting at my work cubicle is like a LIFESAVER. this is my last week of work and i’m so excited bc my friend will also be finishing work so we’re sooo gna celebrate by doing jobless things and maximizing our unemployment (weekday lunch deals and cheap museum tickets) 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I HOPE YOUUU feel rested after ur trip and that life’s been going okay…. HOW ARE YOU!!! what have you been doing :)
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ninetailedfox7 · 2 years
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I'm only sending this once, and this is because I'm really uncomfortable. All you perverted sick people, I'm not interested in fucking random people. (I'm posting this so I don't have to text about 30-40 differ people!) This is not up to debate. I don't like this and it freaks me the hell out. And, I would like it if you would un-follow me. I don't want perverts following me. I'm not trying to be a bastard about it, I'm actually just speaking up and would love it if you would just STOP giving me you bios' so I can fuck people I don't know;like some kind of fucking hooker, ready to go with the shitty flow of someone you may never fuck again. Every single time I look at one of your pervert profiles, all you do is put emojis' in between most of your words and say how you're really exited and want me to have a fun time. That is unsettling, and creeping the fuck out of me. This was the only way I didn't have to talk to everyone of you perverts one at a time. I'm not trying to be a fucking bitch, I just don't like it and am speaking the fuck up! I DON'T fuck random people. I DON'T like how you text and I DON'T feel comfortable with you doing this. Please understand;I want you to stop. If you one of these perverts, STOP DOING THIS STUPID FUCKING SHIT! I don't care if you don't like that I posted this and that it's really fucking long, or that I'm cursing, I care about ME and my BODY! If other people don't like this; Re-blog!!! I want you to stand up for yourselves. Thank you for reading.
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bewitchingivy · 3 years
Pick A Card: Everyday Life With Your Future Spouse
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Hey, there! Ivy here. In this new PAC that I prepared, we'll be taking a little sneak peek about what your everyday life is going to be with your future spouse. And I've also added some little details about them and/or your relationship. I've had a lot of fun doing the readings, and I hope you'll enjoy them as well! The energies are just so ✨ bEAUtIFuL ✨ ugh, I could bask in it forever.
Anyways, thank you all so much for the comments, likes, reblogs, love and high vibes in the first reading that I've made (which you can check out here if you still haven't.) You guys are as sweet as my favorite ice cream flavors. Here, just take my heart: 💙 I never expected a lot of people would resonated with the readings! Therefore I'm glad to have help in anyway. Sending much love your way, muah! Now without further ado, cue the music and let's start the reading!
Please choose from one to three piles. I pray that your intuition will lead you to the messages that's meant for you to hear. Keep in mind that this is a general reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't! If one pile doesn't resonate with you at all, then you're welcome to choose again. After all, the situation that the cards predict is not set in stone. It's only one of the countless possibilities that the future holds, and you undoubtedly have the power to change your future.
Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purpose only. Do not take this reading as a professional or medical advise. Photos used are not mine, they belong to their respective owners.
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From left to right: 1, 2, 3.
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Pile One
chemistry, forgiving & learning, the world (reversed), page of swords (reversed), knight of pentacles, ace of wands (reversed), wheel of fortune.
Okay, I instantly got this sudden thought that your future spouse will spoil you, a lot actually. Or you both spoil each other. I'm receiving different kinds of messages but let me first begin with what I started. So there are like somedays when the both of you wanna go out and have fun together. Like going out to the mall, shopping, watching a movie, eating out, buying stuffs for your home and all that. And when you're both at home, you would just coop up in your couches and just Netflix and chill ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° (kidding. not.) I actually see this person as a bookish sort, they love reading. Especially novels where they could lose their selves into. That could be you too. I see one of you would just read aloud and the other listens earnestly. I actually got a hint earlier that both of you like to flex your wits and you like to debate about things, a lot actually. Nothing too serious, just things that makes your brains excited and learning about each other's opinions. Oh, and while I was starting to type this, I just saw that when you're both out in public, you're going to turn heads. Those people would just stare at the both of you for a moment because they think you're just a jaw-dropping, amazing couple. Probably the way you both dress, or the way you both talk as very engaging and intellectual, oh and they just couldn't deny the aura that you both permeate. Damn, I love this pile. You're both confident souls. (Dear pile 1, once you're both married, adopt me please lmao.) Oh! AND THAT PROBABLY WAS A MESSAGE TOO. Okay, for some of you, maybe you and your person would like to consider about adopting a child.
Okay, a little earlier I said that somedays you wanna go out together. But I have a feeling that you and your future spouse actually LOVES going out A LOT. And not just in typical places, but like both of you are this kind of people who explores every nook and cranny in their city or country. You both love exploring together. So yeah, when you marry this person, expect a lot of roadtrips and traveling and such. I feel like they like to go on hikings too, or maybe that's you. But don't worry, hiking is not an everyday life for the both of you, HAHA. Just going out here and there is.
One more thing, since the Forgiving and Learning card showed up, I feel like this is just an additional message that confirms that you and your FS don't fight a lot. But when you do, it's when serious things get. You don't quarrel about pointless things. Both of you will go through it logically. But your fights won't last. You'd easily forgive and explain to each each other while also learning something. For some of you, this is just a message for you right now to forgive your past so you can move confidently towards your future. Now, forgiving doesn't necessarily mean forgetting; but you can make peace with what's done in the past and you'd rather choose to leave all the negative energy and not become a victim of it anymore. (What am I a wise, old, bearded wizard with a pointy hat and a staff now?)
Channeled song: White Houses by Vanessa Carlton (i love this song sm)
Channeled words: rain, bush, two umbrellas, mansion, religious altar, sweet, priceless, pool or backyard party, valiant, aisle, dwindling, time, demanding for answers, lightning. (I literally just saw one out my window.)
PS: I forgot to point out. Both of you could be extroverts. But it's also possible for you or them could be an introvert. Nevertheless I do see one of you is extroverted.
Remember to take care and love yourself! See ya! — Ivy
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Pile Two
express your love, this could be the one, ace of wands (reversed), eight of cups (reversed), the hierophant (reversed), knight of cups, the tower.
While shuffling the cards I saw a garden and I strongly feel that the house you'll be living in with your FS has a garden, or somewhere surrounded in greenery. Your relationship with them will also be nourishing. So in your everyday life with them both of you will actually be very romantic. Both of you literally can't go on a day without letting each other know how much you love each other. Oh, and I almost forgot! After seeing that garden, I also saw that your FS will cook you delicious meals every day. And I mean meals that you'll be eating in a restaurant. For some of you, your FS could be a culinary expert, a chef. Or that could be you. I'll point out that you'll rarely eat the same foods everyday, because you'd cook new meals together. Alright, I don't mean to change the topic right away but (AHSKDHSJSH) the same could be said in the bedroom, you know? Everytime you'd make love will feel very new and exciting for the both of you. Since I already mentioned the elephant in the room—I'd say: yes, part of your everyday life would be.. you know, THAT. Don't look at me, that's what I saw in the cards, so yeah. Golly, you can't just take your hands off each other, hmm?
MOVING ON... Okay, I get it now. I could make this reading very short and just say; “Everything is new with your future spouse.” But for the sake of clarity, I'd say right now that the main core of this relationship is actually exploring, learning, and doing new things together. LIKE LITERALLY. I can't stress it enough! Everyday will feel like a new exciting chapter with them! Damn. Oh, and rest assured that both of you will find fun, joy, and love in the things that you do together. Why do I feel like y'all would just celebrate life, dancing in the living room together? Heh.
You two could be very spiritual, but I definitely see them being one. You two would probably spend some time to meditate, learning more and discussing about spirituality, and just enlightening each other's souls.
One more thing; now this may or may not resonate with you at all. But for some of the people who chose this pile, it's most likely that you already know this person—your soon to be future spouse, yes. It's probably someone you're crushing on right now, or a trusty friend who you probably have an undeniably chemistry with, or that smoking hawt neighbor you have next door, I don't know, HAHA. OR... if you're not single and already in a relationship, then this is just a validation that your partner right now is, yes, they're ze ✨ O N E & O N L Y ✨
Channeled song: willow - moonlit witch version by Taylor Swift (omggg this is too beautiful, i want your channeled song sm lmfao)
Channeled words: candies, smile, take me, wooden doors, England, daisies, priest, focus, mars, home, wishing well, forest, cottagecore, dragon, believe, friend, fairy.
PS: There's a heavy cottagecore vibe here, confirmed it when willow came up. So I do feel that you'll be living together somewhere where nature is easily accessible. Could be your house's aesthetic is cottagecore, and/or you or they is such an enthusiast of that aesthetic.
Remember to take care and love yourself! See ya! — Ivy
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Pile Three
romantic feelings, it's safe for you to love (this came out twice), eight of wands, queen of pentacles (reversed), the devil, the hanged man, seven of cups.
Alright, among the other two piles, this is like the most “chill” of them lol. Daily life with your future spouse would probably just be relaxing in each other's arms whenever you're both at home. I heard It's Nice To Have A Friend by Taylor Swift and this lyric stick out the most in my head: “Feels like home, stay in bed the whole weekend. It's nice to have a friend.” Oh and I have a feeling that song would resonate a lot with your relationship with them. It really feels homey and chill, I really love that song. With the oracle card that came out saying that It's Safe For You To Love, I feel like that could be a message for you when you start have a relationship with your FS or when you start developing feelings for them, that it really is just safe for you to love. Your past relationships might have left you wounded and then you're gonna start contemplating whether you could trust your FS to not crush your heart when you give it to them. But the Universe is literally just saying to you that it's safe for you to do so. I just saw 222, omg.
Might I point out that there is just a heavy passionate energy here. And I mean like the you know, you know. 👀 It's scorching in here, HAHA. There wouldn't be a day when your future spouse would stop letting you know and feel how much they love you. Also, I forgot to mention that they have this safe and homey energy around them and you just can't help yourself but to bask in it. They want to make sure to make you feel safe as much as possible and they wouldn't do anything that you're uncomfortable with. They like to take notes of your likes and dislikes. When both of you are free from work you would just be busy pampering each other. And I sense a relaxing atmosphere where both of you could just unwind and relax, having conversations and a glass of wine or two. This person loves taking care of you. Oh, and I heard this person could love gardening, or that could be you. Okay, they really have this Queen of Pentacles vibes to them. They are very nurturing and generous. I also heard this person can be quite of a neat freak, they like to keep things in their proper place and they don't like to see mess, the same could be said for mistakes—they don't like one. They could by a perfectionist. Also, expect this person to be introverted, they're also quite spiritual and psychic. So both of you might spend time together doing things together that fulfills you spiritually. For some of you, this person could be a practicing witch. I heard they're more of a green or kitchen witch. (Now for those of you who don't know, the term ‘witch’ can be used for all genders.)
And last but not least, both of you might be creatives. You'd spend time together doing art, it can be any form of art. This person could lean towards writing, they could be an author. Or perhaps that's you, or both of you. If that's the case, I definitely see some writing activity here. Overall, I sense a lot of creativity coming from the both of you. You two would share and give ideas back and forth and learn from each other. Aw, this is so... ಥ‿ಥ
Channeled song: I Know Places by Taylor Swift (and I just saw 1111)
Channeled words: pastel, canvas, painting, hot weather, coupons, Tracy, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (poem), you have time, happy, skyscraper, glow, singing, miniscule, jumper clothing, dryad, quail bird, dewy grass, portal.
Remember to take care and love yourself! See ya! — Ivy
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rrxnjun · 2 years
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❥ hello! this is y/n and welcome to my new youtube video! to celebrate my 600 followers milestone, I prepared something special: let's look at all the boys I've ever had a crush on and interrogate them with a fun questionare! ❥
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notes. happy 600 followers! thank you all so much for reading my fics and for following this blog! as a celebration, i decided to do something special that i wanted to do for a long time, and that is host this sweet collab!
about. this collab is inspired by one of previous youtube trends, and that is 'sending a quiz to all the boys i've had a crush on'
all the fics will have to follow a similar format! that is the original quiz the reader sent to one of the boys. show us the relationship between y/n and one of the dreamies through your fic!
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rules. the collab has 7 slots (although i'm reserving one of the dreamies for myself!) first come, first serve basis!
the collab also has 7 genre/au slots, first come, first serve basis! it wouldn't make sense for the reader to have a crush on two of her neighbours or to have her have five best friends, so i want to make sure that each member gets a slightly different storyline and genre! don't be afraid to get creative with it and bring something new to the table!
the collab is open to both fluff and angst stories, however, nsfw is strictly prohibited, as i'm not comfortable with it!
minimum wordcount of 3k words!
please be over the age of 15 to join!
make sure to have a discord account, since the majority of communication about the collab will be held in a seperate discord server! who knows, we might even make some new friends in there!
you can post your fics any time before the date of 31st of december! the last drop-out date for the collab is the 30th of october! please make sure to sign up only if you're sure you'll be able to complete the collab! :)
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how to join. send me a message/ask with the member and genre/au you'd like to write for! the genre can be changed later on, but note that once the genre/au you chose is taken, you'll have to think of another one!
once you're added to the collab, please make sure to reblog the collab call post and wait for the link for the collab discord server!
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❥ LEE MARK. the boy next door. | @nakamotos-blog
❥ HUANG RENJUN. my project partner. | @yuroids
❥ LEE JENO. the boy from the coffee shop. | @iceelenemonade
❥ LEE DONGHYUCK. my childhood friend. | @ohmytyong
❥ NA JAEMIN. the boy from the opposite debate team. | @fae-renjun
❥ ZHONG CHENLE. the boy who started a rumor about me. | @rrxnjun (me!)
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if you have any further questions about the collab, don't be afraid to message me!
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