#this is genuinely the funniest thing i’ve EVER seen
acrosstobear · 2 years
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shhhhhh they’re communicating 🤫
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I hope My Adventures With Superman Lex gets in some sort of accident where all his hair gets blasted off like in Smallville
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castielcommunism · 2 years
casgirl deancrit is a noble pursuit that I fully support even if I don’t agree ideologically. samgirl deancrit is good for your health in moderation but can quickly become a poison pill. deangirl cascrit or samcrit is straight up demonic
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OBSESSED with everyone who’s changing their url to buck or eddie + some variation of straight
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dykefever · 2 years
how could i forget about the ‘i look like a pencil’ scene oh i cannot wait to write that
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the-cookie-of-doom · 2 months
Cookie's Fic Recs
I feel like no one really does rec lists anymore! But last night I was feeling and sappy and mushy and decide to put together my own little list of fics I love. These are in no particular order, and they don't follow any real theme/tropes other than I dearly love them all, and you should definitely give them a read!
*I tried to tag everyone I could find a blog for, but if I missed anyone, please let me know I can tag them!
The Instinctual Gravitation Towards Warmth by kimkhimhant (@kimkhimhant)
This is my comfort fic. No joke, this is what I read when I want to die. It’s angsty as all hell, it’s made me cry, but it is so indescribably good. Kim is an addict going through recovery, finding love and family along the way. He hits rock bottom—arguably multiple times—but always claws his way back, always with the support of the people that love him. It’s such a beautifully written and cathartic story, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. But it’s almost certainly the fic I’ve reread the most. 
Error in the Code by BlackwaterVial (@blackwatervial)
Sneaking this VegasPete onto my otherwise KimChay list bc it altered me. I think most people already know what it is, but jic: it’s a sci-fi/cyberpunk/android AU, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. I go feral for androids and this fic delivers in all the best ways. The world building alone makes me weep. But all of the characters interactions, the way we get such an in depth feel for everyone despite the limited PoV, and the most satisfying take I’ve seen on android artificial intelligence ever—I can’t recommend this story enough. 
Idiots & Idioms by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical. This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical.
Silver for Truth by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This fic is the Kim & Khun vs. Tawan team-up we deserve. Kim is a ruthless, demented bitch, that's too cool to beat Tawan to death bc what if he messes up his wrists right before a show?? Big, get 'im. Kim is the feral-est cat ever, leaving behind evidence and bodies for Kinn bc saying "hey bro, I still love you/look out for you" is too much emotion for him. The fic is also from Tawan's PoV which also makes it the funniest thing ever, for reason that I won't spoil <3
The Wiked Lies We Live by shubaka (@shubaka)
Oh my god, this fic. Canon divergence (technically??) where most things happen as normal... except KimChay have been bodyswaped at the start of it. The little twists Shu puts on the events of canon, given it isn't the correct characters experiencing them (such as Big being very confused about why Kim is suddenly nice to him??) are so much fun.
A Portrait of Affection by froginthesun (@froginthesun)
Kim is an artist and Chay is the part time nude model he hires. ‘Nuff said right there, except no it isn’t, this fic is beautiful. Kim’s frustration with his craft is palpable, and so is the way he rediscovers his passion through Chay. The writing is wonderfully detailed, every chapter felt like walking through a museum. And tension slowly building between them—unf. 
Sunshine in My Closet by moneskin 
This is an A/B/O AU that is so satisfying to read. Typical hilarious boundary violations (Chay stealing Kim’s clothes, a bewildered Kim handing over a freshly worn outfit, having barely any idea who this strange kid is) characteristic of the AU, but then the story also delves deeper into more serious topics. Chay has a history of abuse from a past alpha that he has to learn how to navigate with Kim, who is incredibly patient and works hard to make Chay feel safe and loved. Overall a very sweet and comforting read. Seriously, this fic makes me melt.
Your Body Feels Like Disrespect by Blue_Jay (@bluejayfiction)
This fic is so funny because it begins with Kim blurting out, in the middle of an Important Mafia MeetingTM, that he and Chay aren’t having sex, and then wanting to die about it. Followed by Kim’s family trying very hard to both support and terrorize him. It’s hilarious, sexy, and one of my favorite reads when I need a pick me up. (Bless Kinn’s determination to be a Good and Supportive Brother, and Vegas for being the Worst Person Ever.) 
In Silent Screams (In Wildest Dreams) by BelladonnaWyck and StratsWrites 
This is definitely a darker fic. There’s DubCon, Kim is generally Sketchy, but it’s very hot. And I love explorations of his character where he isn’t just outwardly psychotic and cruel. This fic shows the kind of dark that I think Kim could have been, if you just tilted his character a little to the left. He still seems very much the way he is in canon, but he’s also… a lot more calculating and cold, sometimes. I love it. 
Forget-me-always by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
I cannot sing the praises of this fic enough. I think it’s probably tied for IGTW for my most-read fics. I’ve probably read this one more often in reality, but only bc it’s shorter. But oh my god, does it hurt. Kim gets struck with amnesia post-break up, does a little light stalking, and gets Chay to help him learn/remember who he is. In the process realizes that wow his life sucks, and there’s no way he wants to go back to it. Especially if he’s the kind of person that hurt Chay. He would rather start over. (Ofc, he doesn’t get to). This fic makes me cry, it’s so good 
Coffeehouse Play by AirgodSLV
This is a canon divergence AU that I adore. The KimChay characterization is on point. I love that despite everything going on around them, they also get to be two boys that hang out and play videogames and try to shove each other off the couch while Porsche makes dinner. Given the age difference it’s so easy to make Kim Older and MatureTM, but he’s still a kid, and this story never once forgets that. It felt so honest and true to his character that Kim does have a lot of plans, and he’s very smart, but he’s also still so young, and sometimes shit just goes wrong. 
Want and Need by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
God, this fic. T h i s f i c. Post-canon Chay goes to therapy and becomes a camboy (in that order) and it’s delicious. Watching the steady breakdown of his and Porsche’s relationship is so satisfying. Everything one of them does to make things worse feels awful, but is so in character that it’s hard to be mad at them for their decisions. Kim readily giving up control if it means he can be with Chay, and Chay getting a crash course in how to dom. All of it is just. So good. This is such a good fic
Your Look, Through This Lens by WildelyDawn (@wildelydawn)
AU where Chay becomes Kim’s photographer. This fic emotionally hobbled me. Just a fair warning. You will cry. But that said, the ending isn’t nearly as sad as the tags would have you believe! At least in my opinion. I think it’s fairly open/hopeful, and beautiful either way. I love the way this fic shows how Kim balances being Wik while also being part of the mafia. And I love how temperamental he is; always hot and cold, while remaining pretty even as far as how he expresses himself. Always very aloof/detached, just out of reach, with Chay never really sure where he stands/what Kim wants. But at the same time the fic happens just before Kim gets a big break, and the subtle ways he shows his excitement and nerves as things start coming together—it’s wonderful. 
Love’s a Two-Way Dream by giraffeter (@giraffeter)
This fic is dark. Kim atticwife’s Chay and it’s not a good time. But!! It’s not just dark for the sake of it; Kim is a genuine sociopath, yes, but it unfolds slowly. You get a sense of creeping dread as he does things that are just a little bit off, until finally the Big Bad Thing happens. At first he seems normal, playing the part of good and respectful boyfriend. But it just goes downhill from there, and I love every word of it. The ending especially is very satisfying. 
In the Dark of the Night by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
Not to recc everything Bard writes, but… This is a rape recovery fic that I feel handles the subject matter incredibly well. There’s no gratuitous rape scenes, and even with the flashbacks, I don’t remember any of them being incredibly detailed. I think Bard handled the fic with incredible respect and grace. This is another one that’ll make you cry. The way Chay handles his past trauma while trying to have a relationship with Kim is so painfully real. And so is the way Kim wants to help him, but doesn’t really know how. But they figure it out together, and it’s amazing. (Also Kim acquires a stabby child in the form of an OC that I adore.) I just love the path Chay's recovery takes in this fic, it's so visceral and relatable. It's all around just. So good. I love this fic for the same reason I love IGTW and it's because both fics show an excellent depiction of recovery.
Chains and Crowns, A Flower Can Both Make by Sweet_William (@sweet-william-writes)
Incredibly Regency AU. Historical AUs are some of my all time favorites, and this is everything I didn’t know I needed. Sweet_William captures the essence of an Austen-esque style while still making this feel like the KinnPorsche characters. Chay is wonderfully feisty, Kim is delightfully complex, and the various family interactions always had me cackling. 
Simple Little Secrets by CorvusCloudburst (@cloudburst-ink)
Chay sees the future when he touches people. Kim thinks he’s either insane, a spy, or a conman. Oh, and Chay’s visions of Kim? Always sex-related. The shenanigans are endless. What more do you need?? They’re both crazy4crazy and it’s my favorite thing ever. Their banter is snappy and fun, the writing is sexy, and it never once gave me second-hand embarrassment despite Chay’s horrible situations. 
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spacemancharisma · 6 months
actual preteens in the tag calling the hlvrai2 stream “genuinely mean spirited” is one of the funniest things i’ve ever seen
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
Can we get a sequel to the story of reader liking Pavitr, but Pavitr and Gayatri are happily together? Like Hobie or Gwen visit Pavitr and the reader meets them and they form a bond? romantic or platonic, reader just needs a buddy.
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Thank you for everyone who wanted a part 2! Also this is kinda a long one so…I still hope you enjoy. 🦦
@sh-tposter2021 @thebiggestsimpoutthere @ii01vp
Part 1
It had been several weeks since you learnt of Pavitr and Gayatri’s relationship, and it’s been just as long since you’ve distanced yourself from Pavitr. While his absence was greatly felt and while there were times where you felt like being a hypocrite and run back to him, you had to remind yourself of why you were doing this in the first place; for the betterment of your own health and to remind yourself of who you were before ever meeting Pavitr because once upon a time there were chapters of your life that didn’t involve him.
You had to frequently remind yourself that you’ll be fine without Pavitr as he was seemingly fine without you now he had the prettiest girl in Mumbattan hanging off of his arm to fawn over, and all without having to take into account of how you felt about the public displays of affection that’d pierce your heart over. And over. And over again.
And yet while you’ve lead yourself to believe that Pavitr has seamlessly moved on without you, what you didn’t know was that Pavitr had been wanting you to meet his other friends, Hobie and Gwen, for a really long time now and even went as far as to set up the whole thing; only for it to come crushing down on him days later when you walked away from him with tears in your eyes and a forced smile. So when the day of your supposed get together came, Pavitr genuinely didn’t know what to tell Hobie and Gwen when he saw them. He didn’t want to send them away, that would be considered rude and disrespectful of the time that they had both set aside to be here, yet he didn’t want them to stay if you weren’t going to be there.
Fortunately and unfortunately for Pavitr, Gwen and Hobie could tell that during the period between their last visit to Mumbattan and now, something had to have happened for Pavitr’s demeanour to drastically change. ‘So where’s this y/n you’ve been talking our ear of about?’ Hobie asked, looking about the room as though you were going to pop out at them.
‘They’re not coming,’ Pavitr solemnly told them, ‘I’d like to think we’re still friends but it’s been so long since I’ve last seen them, that now…now I’m not so sure. I don’t want to loose my best fiend but I’m pretty certain they don’t want to talk to me.’ Pavitr then looked between his friends almost helplessly as he fiddles with the friendship bracelet that you made him out of habit. ‘All I wanna know is what I’ve done and how I can fix it.’ Gwen stepped forward and pressed a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. ‘I’m sure they’re not mad at you Pav but I’m assuming they just wanted a little space to themselves.’ She told him but it didn’t seem to have helped at all.
‘We can go look for them and get the answer out of them that way?’ Hobbie said but before Pavitr could answer, he was reminded that he had a date with Gayatri later. The thought of his beautiful girlfriend made all his daily worries seep away from his mind as though she was the cleansing he required, there wasn’t a day where Pavitr didn’t count himself lucky in being able to date the most beautiful, amazing, most funniest girl; and he never fails to tells her every day how happy he was to be with her and be able to have the honour of calling her his. ‘Oh I can’t, I’ve got a date with my girlfriend Gayatri soon.’ Pavitr told Hobie.
‘Then how about me and Hobie go talk to them on your behalf?’ Gwen pitched.
‘But we don’t know where they’ll be right now.’ Hobie countered. ‘We’d waste the day away trying to look for them like we’re a bunch of headless chickens.’
‘We might not be on speaking terms but I do know where they’d like to be whenever they want to be left alone.’ Pavitr pipped up before telling the pair of the exact location before they parted ways; Hobie and Gwen to look for you whilst Pavitr went on his date with Gayatri.
Following Pavitr’s instructions, it didn’t take Hobie and Gwen long to find you sat on your lonesome upon a barren rooftop aside from a few weeds and bunches of moss that were growing up and through the cracks within the concrete. One look upon your worn out face told the pair that whatever happened between you and Pavitr took it’s toll on you a lot harder then it did Pavitr; not that they were saying that he wasn’t suffering but he had Gayatri, whereas you probably only had Pavitr to fall back on in times like this but now you probably had nobody. Both Hobie and Gwen were very familiar with the feeling of having nobody in your corner, so it was fairly easy for them to recognise the signs.
‘Is that them?’ Gwen asked Hobie, watching you as you looked out over the liveliness that filled the streets below with the vaguest look upon your face. Hobie shrugs, ‘must be, otherwise Pav wouldn’t have told us to come here if that weren’t the case.’
‘They look-‘
‘Lonely, yeah I agree.’ Hobie finished Gwen’s thought before he started moving towards you when Gwen called out to him. ‘What’re you doing?’ She asks and he looks back at her and said, ‘being a descent human being.’ Before continuing on his way towards you;only to be joined by Gwen not a moment later.
You weren’t fully aware of their presence until you felt Hobie seat himself at your left as Gwen seated herself at your right, but even even then you didn’t have it within you to remove yourself, the company of strangers felt nice to your aching soul because after all humans are social creatures that thrived off of having company. ‘Hey.’ Gwen said, catching your attention first. ‘Hi, I’m sorry but I don’t believe I’ve seen either of you here before.’ You told her, not wanting to come off as rude. ‘You’re right but we’re just paying our friend Pavitr a visit but he’s on a date right now and told us to come hang with you.’ Hobie answered and upon hearing Pavitr’s name, you tensed; Something both Hobie and Gwen both took notice.
‘If you’re here to get me into talking to him you can think again,’ you told them rather sternly, ‘I ain’t getting my heart broken twice.’ You added softer this time as you rested your head atop of your arms that were atop of your knees that you had tucked tight against your chest. ‘What did you mean by getting your heart broken twice?’ Gwen asked, looking over at Hobie who was already looking at her. You chuckled humourlessly as you felt tears once again well up in your eyes, you genuinely thought you were past crying over him but it seemed as though the wound your heart sustained was still bleeding. ‘I had a crush on him, Pavitr,’ you began, ‘but it was obvious that he liked Gayatri more and I don’t blame him, she’s gorgeous, funny, cool, sociable, smart and sweet. It just got to the point where being with him while he was still openly pinning after her was physically hurting me and I didn’t want to complicate things all because I can’t regulate my feelings.’ You finished, feeling slightly better to have finally let it out rather then inside like you had.
So this was the thing that happened between you and their friend. You liked him to the point where you selflessly removed yourself so that your feelings didn’t jeopardise his dream relationship with Gayatri but in the process, you cut yourself off from the only support you ever had in your life and now you were paying the price by suffering through all your emotions on your own. ‘I’m sorry, neither of you should have to be on the receiving end of my grievances.’ You said after a couple minutes of silence, but that soon came to an abrupt halt when Hobie slugged his arm over your shoulder and brought you into his side as Gwen reached out to hold your hand within her own. ‘Don’t ever say sorry for things that ain’t under your control,’ Hobie started, squeezing your shoulder, ‘and besides we’re the ones who asked about it in the first place. So don’t ever feel as though you have to apologise for everything, alright?’ You hummed in response.
‘Hobie’s right, I’m sorry that I made you brought this up.’ Gwen told you, just about to let go of your hand, but you were quick to tighten your hold in a silent plea for her to not go as you shot her a weak smile. ‘It’s not your fault,’ you told her, ‘it was bound to come up and if anything I’m glad you did because had you not I was beginning to get scared that it would come out at the wrong place at the wrong time. So instead I should be thanking you, both of you and I haven’t gotten either of your names yet.’
‘Oh right, well I’m Gwen Stacy,’ Gwen introduced herself before gesturing towards the lad who still had you coddled into his side, ‘and this is my friend Hobie Brown.’
‘Hi.’ You said tearfully as a smile beamed across your face.
‘Hiya yourself.’ Hobie replied as he wiped away some of your tears. ‘Despite crying you’re heart out, you still find it within you to smile. Now that’s a power I ain’t ever seen before and I find it admirable because it tells me that not only are you selfless but strong too.’ He adds and you couldn’t help but feel more tears arise to the surface, causing you to avert you gaze. ‘I’m sorry.’ You said weakly as Gwen felt her heart break for you as Hobie held onto you tighter whilst softly shushing you. ‘Please don’t ever apologise for having emotions.’ Gwen told you as an idea popped into her head as she adds on, ‘would you like to getaway with us? Do something to take your mind off of Pavitr?’ You looked at her before looking at Hobie who, in his mind, had already taken you under his wing and was on board with whatever Gwen had in mind.
‘Only if it’s alright with you guys, I don’t want to intrude on anythin-‘ before you could finish your sentence, Hobie had already begun to stand up before then proceeding to dragging you up along with him, whilst also managing in keeping you under his arm. ‘It’s too late, you’re apart of us now y/n, there is no such thing as intruding in anything when you’re with us.’ Hobie states as Gwen caught up with you two with a smile on her face, revealing her gap tooth as she nudged your side. ‘Your stuck with us now, how terrible is that?’ She joked and you couldn’t help but smile back at her, feeling deep inside that everything was going to be okay now that you had Hobie and Gwen. ‘Yeah, what a terrible fate I’ve been doomed to.’ You joked equally.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
The whole movie is just top tier good shit. One of the top best underrated Disney movies with a great twist on who is bad. Ahead of its time. Plus Leonard Nimoy as the king???
I love the music, I love the adventure, and Helga Sinclair is an excellent villain. Not to mention such a strong cast.
Legitimately one of the most fascinatingly original animated films ever made, with not only a unique art style, but a cast of incredible and diverse characters all written with genuine heart and personality. I personally memorized what I call "Milo's Rant" for a drama monologue project in high school, and it still stands as one of my favorite scenes in ANY movie to this day.
The art style is amazing and it is one of my favorite stories. It was one of my favorite childhood movies and still is my favorite now. My favorite scene has to be the end fight scene in the volcano, though the "ENGLAND MUST NEVER MIX WITH FRANCE" line from Mole still makes me chuckle.
The memes on that guy! Also very likely one of Tumblr's most iconic movies. There's just great stuff in there and I want to rewatch the damn thing now.
The animation is great, the dialogue is INCREDIBLE, its an utterly fantastic deconstruction of the superhero genre, it is CRIMINALLY underrated, and i love it with every facet of my being (: Also my favorite scene is probably "PRESENTATION!!!" Seriously, i CANNOT overstate how awesome this scene is. Its perfect in SOOOOOO many ways!!!
An absolute delight of a film, Megamind is funny, subversive and incredibly emotionally resonant. Megamind is a very relatable protagonist and it might be one of the funniest movies I've ever watched. If you haven't seen it, you should.
Every scene is my favourite, it’s a masterpiece of humour and subversion and plot twists, 10-11 year old me didn’t watch it over 20 times in a row for nothing. I’ve had the opening quote written on my mirror since 2013.
PRESENTATION. it has a really good story, plot, characters, themes, and its really funny and i like it very much.
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crystcllise · 5 months
cursed child london year 7 cast
the other week i got to see the year 7 london cast of cursed child and i am AMAZED!!! such a strong cast of wonderful performers across the board and i was absolutely blown away with their performances! you can tell they really understand their characters and have really worked on the dynamics and relationships with each other to create a realistic interpretation of these beloved characters!!
as always, i’m always watching the scorbus duos to see the little things they do with each other and i just want to say that ellis and harry’s scorbus is such a delight!!! they’re definitely my fav pair now hands down! such a sweet youthful portrayal of albus and scorpius and their dynamic on stage is so so pure i adored them sooo much!!
i got to meet ellis and harry after the show and ellis knew who i was and hugged me im fine
like broadway, i took some very unhinged notes so behold, read below all my unedited notes on (mainly scorbus) but the year 7 cast of cursed child!
james sings the end of his lines and it’s SO FUNNY
it genuinely looked like scorpius was leaning in to kiss albus after he tells him to come to the funeral
harry putting his legs up on the desk and trying to touch his toes while hermione is scolding him in his office and she just 😐
BREAD BREAD WHATS WRONG WITH BREAD??? scorpius was very excited about the bread
scorpius’ hand on albus’ chest when the train started
scorpius protectively putting his entire arm over albus’ chest in st oswald’s when amos pulled his wand out
scorpius as harry was the FUNNIEST SHIT EVER THE VOICE CRACKS AND THE LITTLE JUMPS david absolutely nailed the harry!scorpius mannerisms
“WIZZO!” (jump and finger guns) i love one skrunkly boy
scorpius looking so shocked and terrified when delphi grabbed albus’ hand and kissed his cheek
once delphi kissed albus’ cheek, she turned around to face scorpius and both of them look SO REPULSED like absolutely not get away from me
edge of the forest !!! scorpius looked so happy to call albus his best friend and albus was so shocked and so in awe (people in the crowd literally awwwed at it)
albus looking at scorpius so admirably at the triwizard tournament while he was geeking out
i’ve never seen such longing stares in the staircase ballet what the fuck
delphi’s ‘you two you belong together’ was just sooo knowing like jess!delphi is a scorbus advocate
ellis’ hair 🥰🥰🥰🥰
the collective gasp from the audience when albus said he wasn’t a loser before he met scorpius in the library… OUCH
hermione crying after ron said ‘my hermione’ and trying to hide her tears when ron kept talking to her
SCORPIUS AND THE DEMENTORS !!!! harry!scorpius absolutely devoured idk
scorpius’ scream when albus came up in the water SENT ME he squealed to the rooftops
ITS HARRYYY (the highest pitched scream i’ve ever heard scorpius was VERY excited)
hermione in tears after mcgonagall’s office and rose just running into her arms when she sees her crying oh i love them
intense staring in slytherin dorms holy mother of god
the massive scream cry delphi did in the owlery HOLY SHIT it like mimicked the cry of an augurey bird it was SO GOOD i was genuinely scared for a hot second
delphi’s “looOooooooOove” when looking at scorpius and pointing out albus’ weakness oh jess vickers my queen devours every time + albus unable to look at scorpius and scorpius in utter shock
WAIST GRAB WAIST GRAB AND SCORPIUS’ HAND ON ALBUS’ IM COMING UP when albus and scorpius had to hide from lily with the blanket, albus literally just stood behind scorpius with his hand on his waist and scorpius had his hand on top of albus’ it was sooooo adorable
harry crying in his office after talking to the dumbledore portrait and draco walking in, giving a ‘i ain’t dealing with this’ face and turning to walk out LMFAO
“ugh, is that a farmers market?” steve!draco HATES FARMERS MARKETS HELP
scorpius jumping into draco’s arms when reunited :’)
albus and scorpius literally sitting on each other in st jerome’s, their legs against each other and albus leaning into scorpius’ shoulder they’re so :((
hermione and albus are definitely close and i live for it she was so warm and comforting to him in st jerome’s this is all i’ve dreamed of
“and now i think you’re finding wonderful clarity” and GINNY LOOKING OVER AT SCORPIUS GOD SHE KNOWSS
the staring in the final staircase scene and ROSE WATCHING WITH UTTER SATISFACTION
albus’ hand on scorpius’ chest after rose interrupts and brushing it off with a fake yawn HELP
the closeness after the hug when scorpius says ‘new version of us’
scorpius waving, albus waving, scorpius turning to leave, giggling and waving again I FEEL ILL
david!harry completely understands albus’ love for scorpius and you can really tell in the final scene when albus tells him scorpius is the most important person in his life. he catches on throughout the show and it’s really nice to see him fully accept his son’s bond with scorpius and be content with it!!
like mentioned before, such an incredible cast and i am so sad i won’t get to see them again!!! they are truly wonderful and i hope a lot of you get to see them bc they are fantastic <3
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ninyard · 27 days
I need you to know your in universe aftg Twitter posts are one of the funniest things I've ever seen on this site. Genuinely literally laughing out loud. I love them so much!!!!!!!!
Ahhhh!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
I have so much fun making them every time honestly once I start I literally can’t stop. I’ve been making tweets all day of everyone roasting the hell out of Kevin for his shitty screenshot job. And I can’t be stopped!!!!!!!
Genuinely I’m so happy they make people laugh because they make ME laugh and I’m glad I can share that with y’all.
Some of the things people tag them with crack me up as well like I’m ngl I go through them tags like it’s the morning paper
You are all too nice to me I swear <333
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
Hello. I hope you’re doing well ❤️ I had a few questions (and if you’ve already answered any of them then I’ll just continue scrolling down your blog, as I’ve been doing).
Here ya go!
1. What do you think people mainly get wrong about Usopp? Like, what is a common misconception.
2. How would you describe Usopp’s relationship with each of his crewmates, in so few words (if possible)? I feel like people forget that the Strawhats are friends too.
Just wanted to hear your take.
Kind regards,
You sound so polite, I love it 😭💖 Sending you kisses and hugs for being so sweet 🥰 (Sorry I didn't reply sooner! Busy life)
1 - I feel like the most common one I've seen around general audience/most shonen lovers (I like shonen too, but you know what I mean. You know what type of people I'm referring to) is that they take Usopp's character pretty superficially and instead of reading between the lines (very huge, separated, obvious and easy to read lines, though) they just accept what is verbally said... "He's a coward" / "He can't fight" / "He's selfish" / "He's just funny".
Most people have this misconseption about Usopp's fighting style because they assume that, because it is a long range fighting style, he isn't as powerful as others. When it is not true, by the way. They also deem Usopp to be a coward when, actually? He is just an average person? Like I KNOW the whole point is that he works on his "cowardice" but they just took an average boy with no prior experience of fighting and being a pirate to directly... Fight and being a pirate. Everybody would react like that. "He's not strong and he is a coward" first of all, wrong, second of all, you would be like that too.
And saying he is selfish? Or that he doesn't care about the crew or the people around him? I genuinely do not understand how some people can read him that way... Do you all not know how to... Analyse basic characters now? Another thing people get wrong is thinking Usopp isn't hot/wouldn't pull any girls as if he wasn't the only one with a canon girlfriend waiting for him, but alright.
2 - This is such a good question, actually 😭 I love you for this, anon. My favorite thing ever is talking about Usopp,,, I appreciate this.
Luffy: I love his dynamic with Luffy because despite being his captain, it is obvious that they are best friends. They have the same young/playful mindset and it doesn't feel, like... A job at all? Don't get me wrong, they're all a family, but their dynamic feels way more teen-like? More silly? They're stupid together. Usopp being the voice of the reason vs Luffy being extremely chaotic is my favorite thing. They feel very organic. And then there's this layer of jealousy from Usopp's side and the fact that I think Luffy will never be able to fully understand Usopp's insecurities, but somehow they will always find understanding and support on each other. Usopp is loyal to his captain and all but it feels more of a "I follow him because I consciously trust in him" than a "blind devotion" type of thing. And I adore that. Also, Luffy saw potential on Usopp from the very beginning and it melts my heart. Plus! They're both beetle/bugs lovers! The sillies <33
Zoro: They're one of the most hilarious duos because you would expect Zoro to absolutely hate being around somebody like Usopp, and yet he lets the guy do whatever he wants with him?? Zoro might be Luffy's enabler first and foremost but we forget he is even more permissive with Usopp sometimes and it is the funniest thing. I love it when they have tiny little soft scenes together because Zoro genuinely enjoys Usopp's company and I believe Usopp thinks Zoro's cool despite always being done with him being so dramatic and impulsive when fighting. I feel like Usopp feels safe around him but not only physically. I think he knows Zoro can read him like a book and after what happened in Water 7? I believe now even more than they're closer. Sometimes opening up to your captain is hard so maybe the first mate whom you have an intimate but odd relationship works even better.
Nami: My absolute beloveds. They're both on the same page when it comes to being "cowards" because their fighting styles are different from the rest and they're not built different like most of the crew. They feel so organic and genuine too! They just get each other. They're mischivious little shits together. And when they are not on the same page, it's so funny how comfortable they are around each other to just yell at the other. I think Nami gets Usopp when it comes to feeling weak and out of place but not quite, because she is always trying to make a path for herself instead of being afraid to do so? She's used to fighting on her own and standing up for herself even if it's scary but Usopp isn't, and I think she gets it but Usopp doesn't think she does because she is extremely valuable to the crew, obviously, and Usopp doesn't feel like he is. It's a dynamic with constant support and understanding and so so much fun together because they're most of the time on the same page. That's why they work so well!! They're not normal at all but the whole "we're the only normal people here" dynamic is incredible.
Sanji: If I start talking about them I think I will never finish. I think I've left pretty clear that my favorite thing about their dynamic is that, despite arguing all the time because their personalities are very different (something people often forget like. They argue A LOT. And it's SO funny. They're both the softest and the most annoying thing to each other--) they're always there for each other. Their dynamic is easy to summarize in "they joined basically at the same time, right after the romance trio" / "they do what the other can't do". They both have different types of self-hatred and insecurities that bring Sanji to understand Usopp on a deep level that I don't think others are able to share. It is obvious that Sanji has a clear preference for Usopp when it comes to the guys of the crew and he does treat him differently, not because he sees him as weak but because he sees himself in him. Their relationship is something so personal because I truly believe they're the ones that understand each other the most. I am SO angry they barely have scenes together now,,, Or that Usopp wasn't in WCI,,, Waiting for Elbaf to parallel Water 7 so fucking bad. I have more things to say about them but-- My whole blog is literally about that.
Vivi (very necessary to include her): People don't talk at all about their dynamic and it is so offensive to me because they're so funny??? Vivi's little quirk about forgetting to mention dangerous stuff and Usopp being oh so done with her is the funniest thing. Drum island was certainly incredible for these two. I truly wanted to see more of them,,, I think that if Vivi had stayed with them, she would've understood Usopp pretty well. Screaming for help when nobody can hear you? Feeling oh so weak in comparison to the world around you? She would've been on Sanji's team kicking Luffy and trying hard to keep them from saying any stupid things. More of Usopp and Vivi,,, More of Usopp and Vivi,,, I miss them :( They were so cute :(
Chopper: They're so cute and silly together,, But not only that! They support each other so so much!!! Maybe it's because they're both from the "coward trio" but I just adore how they're pretty much always together. Chopper has this whole thing at first about feeling like a monster, but Usopp finds his abilities so awesome and,, It melts my heart whenever we see them interacting. They're not only hilarious and support each other but they're always finding reassurance on the other and I love it. Not to mention the whole Sogeking thing, too! And Chopper believing Usopp's lies! They feel sooo much like brothers, imo, it's adorable. Chopper might be one of Sogeking's biggest fans but Usopp is certainly Chopper's number 1 fan too.
Robin: I think if I start talking about them I might end up crying, thanks. But. But. But I adore them. They leave the crew pretty much at the same time and yet Usopp does everything to help them save her and bring her back. I think Robin reads him pretty well and can see so much bravery in him that Usopp can't see... While Usopp, despite being a bit weirded out at first by her, sees how gentle and caring and lovely Robin is. And how cool she is, too! Also, they're both big nerds, and I love that. The fact that he did everything he could for her in Enies Lobby despite having left the crew must've meant the world for her. And it's also the whole thing about her wanting to give up on life? I think Usopp, even if it's not on the same level, can kind of relate to that? It is not Sanji/Robin type of bond (which I fucking adore, by the way) but it is pretty personal. Also, hilarious dynamic because Robin is always telling dark jokes and Usopp gets scared easily and I just adore it.
Franky: They mean so much to me. My beloveds. We don't talk enough about Franky regretting having hurt Usopp when they first met and the guilt still haunting him. We don't talk about it enough. We should. Franky was there for Usopp on his most vulnerable moment and I think Franky's personality and masculinity mixed with his pretty emotional side is SO good for Usopp. Because it teaches him to be braver and stronger and himself, and it lets himself feel freely. They have so many things in common and I am from the "Franky father figure" team because their bond looks so,,, So much like that. Usopp getting excited for every little thing Franky makes and Franky quite obviously showing off because he knows he likes it. I think Franky is the one Usopp goes to when there's any problem in his life and,,, It is just so sweet that they always trust each other SO much. It is not only admiration but a deep, close bond. Still not over Franky wanting to overcompensate for what he did to Usopp, though, but- But they're okay now, I swear.
Brook: The sillies!!!!!!! We don't have THAT much of them in comparison to the other characters but every time they interact it is always so funny. Idk how I would describe their dynamic other than it is hilarious,, But I also think we deserve more scenes of them interacting seriously. Brook spent 50 years on his own and Usopp's fear in Water 7/Enies Lobby of being left alone too is so,,, I think Usopp would want to hear more of Brook and make him feel at home because if just the thought of being alone scares him so much, he can't even imagine what it was like for Brook. Usopp is somebody who seems to want to glue the crew together as much as possible and mostly uses fun/positivity (even if fake) to do so, and Brook does the same with music. Like- The fear of being alone. Idkk. Going insane now, actually.
Jinbe: I feel like everybody's relationship with Jinbe is very gentle and silly because he is adapting to the crew's dynamic and getting used to their shenanigans. So no matter what, it is hilarious and sweet. I actually,,, Want to see Jinbe's reaction to Sogeking,,, A lot,,, It'd be SO funny. Anyway- They haven't had much of a break to be together (please please let them be silly post-egghead) (honestly I'd kill for a silly filler arc, ngl...) but Jinbe is extremely understanding and mature and imo he sees a lot of potential and bravery in Usopp. And I'd say Usopp finds comfort on Jinbe but who wouldn't? I think it'd be funny to see a bit more of teasing/playful interactions with them because I love Usopp being stupid and Jinbe being all confused at first but having fun.
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6thofapril1917 · 4 months
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Funny Girl
Introducing: Magdalena "Maggie" Zielinski (ft. Ken Lemmons) I'm so excited to be participating in @blind-dates-fest 2024! Thank you to @mercurygray for hosting. I didn't even realize this was happening until today, but I just knew I had to participate. Meet Maggie, your new favorite ground crew girl - I hope you guys love her as much as I do. Show: Masters of the Air
“And that’s how you clean a hardstand.”
Maggie whooped as she watched the fuel go up in flames. Somehow, despite hardstand cleaning being a near-daily occurrence in the ground crew’s lives, watching the oil burn off the concrete never really lost its allure.
“That’s one hot bastard!” the boy next to Lemmons yelled, voice full of a wonder entirely at odds with the profanity that spilled from his lips. Maggie burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” a small, oh-so-English voice asked.
“Nothing, Grace,” she replied, trying desperately to smother her laughter. “Now try to keep your head still for me, okay?”
For an air base, Thorpe Abbotts sure had a lot of children running around. And by god, had those kids already seen enough war to last a lifetime.
So, in between fixing engines and cleaning hardstands, she and the rest of the ground crew did their best to make sure that their childhood memories wouldn’t entirely consist of air raids and rationing.
Grace was a sweet, shy little girl with a mop of shiny brown hair and perpetually dirty knees. That afternoon, she’d scurried up to Maggie and asked her, voice barely louder than a whisper, if Maggie could please plait her hair the way she plaits hers because she thinks it’s really pretty and she’s tried to do it herself but it never looks quite right.
Maggie had obliged, obviously—how on earth could she ever say no? Besides, she was glad that at least someone on base appreciated her hairstyle. She knew her two twin braids weren’t the most fashionable hairdo on earth, but they kept the hair out of her eyes better than anything else she’d tried. Lord knew there was nothing worse than having to constantly swipe flyaways out of your face when repairing a fort.
Her hands made light work of Grace’s hair. For all that it looked wild and unkempt, it was surprisingly soft. She tied off each braid with a little piece of cord—she wished she had ribbons, but this would have to do for now.
“All done,” she said as she finished tying the last knot. “You look swell.”
Grace turned and smiled, missing teeth and all. 
“Thank you!” she cried.
“No problem, sweetheart,” Maggie replied. “I don’t got a mirror for you, but I think Helen might have one. Maybe you can convince her to give you a donut, too.”
She didn’t have to tell her twice. The girl leapt off of the stack of crates which the two were sitting on and bolted off, braids flapping in the wind.
“That was pretty damn sweet of you, Zielinski.” 
Ken Lemmons had just finished shooing the two boys off the hardstand as the fuel fire quickly petered out. 
Maggie looked up. Had any other man on base told her that, she would have assumed he was making fun of her. With Lemmons, there was never any doubt that the man was being genuine. It was just the way he was.
“Well, not all of us can teach the kids to swear and light things on fire,” she replied.
Lemmons chuckled.
“Hey, you thought it was funny, too. I’m pretty sure the whole base could hear you cackling.”
“Oh, please, I wasn’t that loud, was I?” she asked, face flushing. “Oh, who am I kidding. Getting that little Englishman to curse was the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.”
Lemmons began to snicker. It was contagious. Before she knew it, Maggie was laughing to.
“C’mon,” he said, holding out a hand. “The forts’ll be back any minute. We’d better get ready.”
“Yeah,” Maggie replied, accepting his outstretched hand and hopping off the crates. “I suppose we should.”
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thealogie · 5 months
Re: slap anon—yeaaahhh same. But were there any changes in the way Macbeth antagonizes Macduff over the nights you were there? Because I experienced the most ridiculous whiplash when I saw it. He slapped Macduff right in the face like 5 times and it was tense and definitely kinda awakening something but GOD then he did this doofy chest bump thing that squished his mic and piped clothes rustle at 200 decibels right into my brain and it was the funniest fucking thing.
Also wondering if the p*rter changed up his schtick at all. I’m trying to forget that medieval times nonsense even happened but also morbidly curious
The macduff scene is the same every time. He did hit his mic one night but not the other ones. The chest thump was such a brave choice I thought. (For those who haven’t seen it, macbeth basically bullies macduff into killing him by doing some school yard style slapping and chest thumping and “come on get at me” hand gestures.) It’s so cringe and pathetic and he definitely could have made it tough and noble if he wanted to but he leaned into how pathetic it is. You almost want to look away from him that whole scene because it’s so so embarrassing and it’s deliberately so. He’s such a small man in that moment. God I could just write a whole essay about every acting choice he made in this I genuinely believe it to be one of the few flawless performances I’ve ever seen
The p*rter scene (you’re hilarious and true for censoring that) only changes if the audience members react differently. If they don’t react when he asks their name and where they’re from he’ll say “is it the accent?” or “am I speaking Punjabi?” and then “no I’m seriously asking.” If they say they’re from somewhere in England he says “I’m so sorry” and then gags while he does the “Englishmen” bit. If they’re not from England he’s like “thank god you know I would hate it if you were *gag* an Englishman”
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Hotel Transylvania is the best movie ever made until Mavis finds out Johnny is a human. Legit the funniest thing I’ve seen in ages.
The songs are genuinely ass though. The score is incredible, but all the lyrical songs suck.
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f0point5 · 6 days
It's also interesting how being pretty is so different when talking to a woman and a man. Like I got complimented countless times by female co-workers and friends but very very rarely by men.
I don't count myself as ugly ugly, but I know I'm not conventionally attractive because I'm plus size. I have a more masculine face when I put my hair up or if it's short, and no amount of make up changes that, so essentially I have to put a lot of effort into looking like a conventionally attractive woman for men. I can count on one hand how many men approached me and asked me out my whole life.
And my girl friends think it's weird bec they genuinely think I look good. I trust their opinion on this, and I think I have a healthy view of myself despite being the "ugly" friend.
It's insane how men view female beauty and what you said about their brain activity. I can even find ugly dudes beautiful, especially after finding their personality good. But I just know that men think they're doing you a favour if they give the "ugly" girl a chance. Wild.
The funniest thing is when unattractive guys still always shoot their shot with hotter women and they succeed so much more often then reversed. These uglier dudes wouldn't even blink an eye in the direction of a girl on their level.
Yeah “girl pretty” and “boy pretty” is two different things and there’s overlap but they’re not the same. I think boy pretty is like, “attractive to men” whereas girl pretty is like “objectively nice to look at”. I’m definitely “boy pretty”. definitely not photogenic, features very meh, but it seems to all come together in a way that appeals to men, but I’m definitely not just randomly nice to look at. Everyone always tells me I’m hot/sexy/gorgeous(if the guy is trying really hard 😂) but I think only my mum has ever called me pretty lol
Here’s my other tidbit about men and this is just based on my own experience and all my male friends have confirmed this to me - men date for the validation of other men. So they go for the girl they think has the most social capital, which is overwhelmingly based on her looks. Men are literal clout chasers. Sometimes I wonder if some of them don’t even know what they actually like besides liking whatever they feel like other men can’t get.
Yeah, I used to say that men have no internal regulation system. They lack the self awareness to be like “nope out of my league”. But the last couple of years ngl I’ve seen that change. Now nobody has any sense of regulation. On the whole both genders are at a whack with their expectations nowadays idk dating is the trenchessss. You got women thinking everybody needs to fly them to dubai, you got men living in their childhood bedrooms sleeping on one pillow thinking Sydney sweeney should date them. It’s Brutal out there.
But yeah don’t EVER let any man treat you like they’re doing you a favour. It is never what you bring to the table, girl you are The Meal. If he’s confused he needs to eat elsewhere
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