#this is gonna be the biggest project ive ever worked on
eclipnet · 11 months
!! ava/avm fandom !!
(2024 edit: as of now, i unfortunately don't have time to make AVOT, nor the skills to make it yet, and the project i originally needed it for is no longer required, so unfortunately i won't be making AVOT as of now, but i still wanted to keep the posts up)
hi hello !! :)
long story short: i have a big school project that i need done completely by march of next year, so im making a "educational" parody/inspired video of the "animation vs" series for it !!
its going to be "Animation Vs Oregon Trail", or AVOT for short, and i plan on keeping it still technically educational, but its going to still be enjoyable to watch and (hopefully) similar to a actual alan becker video
it wont be done until sometime next year, presumably march 2024, due to working on this alongside school, (and this entire thing is done from scratch by just me), but its going to be roughly 5 minutes long and im going to try to replicate the style of alan becker's animations in it the best i can !! i only started learning animation over the summer so i cant guarantee itll be the best thing in the world as theres a ton of things i plan on doing in the video that ive never done before animation-wise, but i do still hope it keeps the charm and silliness of alan's animations :)
i have a ton of "concept art"/doodles for it alongside a storyboard thats a work-in-progress so if anyones interested in me posting more about this as i work on it i will gladly do so !!
also my askbox is open so if anyone wants to ask or suggest anything relating to avot ill try my best to respond !! :)
thank you for reading and i'll probably post more updates as i work on it !! :)
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ivy-diaries · 6 months
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‎ ⁎ ‎ ‎ 𓍼 ‎ ‎ ๋ ‎ ◜ &.&. THE IVY INCIDENT ep 1. ◞ ‎ ... ‎ ‎
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The intro plays, and Ivy appears on the screen smiling and leaning into the mic to speak. “Hello guys, welcome to my new podcast, 'The Ivy Incident!!’ This has been in the works ever since I stepped into the dive podcast studio when I came here to film the kpop daebak show with Eric so it's soo exciting to finally show you guys this project!” she laughs as the other staff there are heard clapping.
Laughing, she continues "so in this podcast, I invite my friends from the industry and we just you know, talk and share stories! It's a lot similar to Eric's but mine is more personal if you will because all these people are very very close to me and I've known them for a pretty long time! This episode is just gonna be me cuz this is like an introduction for all the first-time listeners who don't know who I am!" “So I heard Diane has some questions prepared for me, so let's get into it!” 
“let's start with the basics, yeah? Who is Ivy Jennifer James?” Diane asks her. 
“Oh we’re going back to the beginning okay! So as you’ve already mentioned, my name is ivy jennifer james. I was born in New Castle, Australia where I lived till I was five and then I moved to the US where again I lived for five years before moving to Korea when I was eleven. And in korea, i signed with bighit entertainment and when i was asked if i was ready to debut when i was 14 i think? I was like imma do it. So i debuted at 14 under both jype and bighit and the rest is history! And i'm here today hehe”
“What motivated you to pursue a career as a solo artist?”
“Hmm i think ever since i got into bighit, i've always wanted to be a soloist? I'm not really sure why but I always saw myself as a soloist for some reason. Even till now, if you ask my dad he’d say that i was born to do this” ivy laughs and continues “i think ever since i was little ive wanted to something in the field of music and performance”
“Was being a kpop idol your first choice?”
“It was actually! I mean keeping in mind that i started this since i was a literal child, it actually was my first choice. The kids at school did tease me for this but look at me now” ivy chuckles
“Who are your music inspirations?”
“That's a great question and I was literally talking to Jun about this this morning! I dont have one specific inspiration but i think i draw inspiration from any and all artists! I've been pretty inspired by the Beatles and Rolling Stone pretty recently and obviously, Taylor Swift is one of my biggest inspirations out there.” 
“Are you a sweet or savory type of person?”
“It honestly depends on my mood if i'm being honest” she laughs hard “now, im craving something savory! I'd kill for some fries right now oh man you’ve perked up my cravings now diane!!”
“What's the last song you listened to?”
Ivy laughs hard and almost tears up laughing “this is actually so funny oh my god the last song i listened to is actually a helium ingested cover of let me love you by justin bieber which yeonjun sung for me yesterday after a party we went to and let me tell you, it was soo funny!!”
“According to you, tell me 3 flaws and 3 qualities about yourself”
“Ooh, three qualities of mine would be, one, I think I'm kind I guess? Second, I'm somewhat responsible, and third and finally, I think I'm a human sized golden retriever because I'm very bubbly and very smiley smiley most of the time! And three flaws of mine are, one, i’m a big overthinker, i just rethink about every single choice or word of mine a little too much. Second, my moods are based on the weather…”
Ivy laughs at the look on Diane's face “yea.. My mood everyday kinda depends on how good the weather is.. That's why I'm not as fond of the rain because it makes me kind of depressed and I just shut myself off most of the time. Third, im a bit of a perfectionist so i expect any and all things to be a little too perfect.. If its not what i expect it to be, i just leave that and will not ever touch on it again and i know i should change these things and i am trying so.. yeah “
“okay, something similar but three things you like and three things you dislike”
 “I don't like these types of questions!!” she laughs “it makes me think too much to give an answer!! But anyways… hmm three things i like are, one, my husband” she giggles as a small blush is seen on her cheek “well it's true!! I wouldn't have married him if I didn't like him would I?” she giggles “second, i really love what i do so, my career and third, my loved ones! I love my friends and family because they've stuck with me through thick and thin and I'm really grateful for that!” she smiles and gives the camera a little hand heart
“three things i hate are.. Hmm lets see… one, people who do not value privacy. I've said this multiple times and i'll say this again but I do love my fans.. I love them a lot and I wouldn't be here without them. But there are some people who claim that they are fans but do unhinged stuff to get close to me. And like that's why I've sued some people for not valuing my privacy. I got hate for it but honestly I don't care when the privacy and the lives of the people i love are at stake."
"Second, coming back to a slightly normal side, I absolutely hate the smell of fish. I don't know if it's cuz im vegetarian but I always throw up whenever I smell it and third, coming back to a more serious side, I hate the fact that most people on the internet feel like it's their right to comment on us as celebrities or idols or as performers. It's so irritating that they don't even feel sorry for what they say. They don't know how much we over think it and it slowly becomes an insecurity that takes years to wear off.”
“Okay this is your second to last question and the question is, For listeners who may not have heard your music before, can you recommend a few songs that best represent your sound and artistic vision?”
“That is a really good question, oh my god! So I think my discography is quite diverse and I have a lot of songs for different kinds of people who like different things. So the top three songs that i’d recommend to people are, one, vengeance as its called. There's no explanation for that song but I loved making it and loved singing it so that's the first song and second, I have a song called lovers in the night  that i co wrote with seori which I absolutely loved and we had a great time writing the song. And third I think is, my whole album called “for us.”  which i wrote with yeonjun and its songs dedicated for each other and hence called for us!”
“Okay… last question, can you give us any hints of the upcoming guests you have here?” Diane asks, smiling knowingly. Ivy giggles and wiggles her fingers across the camera
“Well I guess I can.. But most of my friends have not given me exact dates of their free schedule so even i’m not really sure on whos coming” she laughs at herself “so that's all i can tell you now because that's just all i know so” she just shrugs as she smiles.
“That's it for this episode and I hope you guys enjoyed this. I'm so excited for all the things we have in store for you guys and I hope you look forward to it!! So this has been ivy so far and thank you for listening to the ivy incident! Have a good day or good night bye!!”
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⋆ ivy taglist ˒ @stealanity @alixnsuperstxr @riikiblr @skz-libby @escapetheash (lmk if u wanna be added or removed)
⋆ priya says ˒ so this is not proofread so read at ur own risk lol <33 but if you've come this far,, please reblog with the bow emoji (🎀) so I know that readers are interactive and writers get the credit they deserve!! so lmk who you want to see on ivys podcast and any feedback tbh!! Happy reading!!
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ofmdee · 3 months
been having some thinky thoughts today, and for a while, rly, abt my Feelings abt breathing underwater and i tried to type something up on twitter but that jsut was not letting me think my thoughts correctly
i love BU........... so goddamn much. it started out as nothing more than a silly idea abt little mermaid ed meeting stede and kind of ballooned into what ive built it up into today. it's so important to me... but it's making me a little miserable right now?
miserable because i dont want to work on it, but i WANT TO want to work on it, i want to tell this story and read the finished product, ive got so many ideas, but i just. cannot get myself to do the actual WORK of making sentences and then staging all the pics........... what used to be a fun little pastime now feels like a chore, an obligation, a compulsion almost. it sucks, but it sucks more NOT doing it, you know what i mean? idk.
i know ive built it up into this big THING to myself, like... idk, i do this so often, i have big ideas and love to plan and organize them and then i get going with such intensity until i abruptly fizzle out. i start things and dont finish them, and i guess i just rly dont want this to be another thing that gets thrown on my unfinished projects pile :/
i have the next 2 parts drafted, but every time i go back to poke at them and edit them i just get so disheartened because it's obvious that my heart wasn't really in writing them, and it's difficult to salvage a rough draft like that. part of me wants to just delete those parts entirely and say fuck it im taking an indefinite hiatus, and i will start fresh when this is fun again! which would probably be the best thing, actually, but... i am reluctant to do that, because i just dont have anything else to rly fill my time rn.
i havent been getting a lot of joy out of... anything, rly, for a long time now, im so bored and apathetic and even my normal go to things arent cutting it anymore. and idk if it's a depression thing or if im truly outgrowing some interests, but either way i know i need to get more Things in my life somehow, because writing and sims are my two biggest pastimes, and then i combined them, and then i got sick of both so ive got so little to go on! so i keep poking at the things that i used to love, hoping to find that spark again 😪 i love these little guys and their little world!!! and it makes me sad that im not actually having Fun with the PROCESS.
it doesn't help that i am constantly torn between man i wish more ppl read my fic!!! i work so hard on it!! and man i never want anyone to perceive me or my writing ever it's so amateur!! idk what i want and idk what i want to DO about it!!
so, idk!! idk where this is all going, lol, i just... wanted to try and organize these thoughts somehow.
trying to reason w myself that at the end of the day, i am writing a fanfiction. that's it. it's not that big of a deal, and yet it feels huge to me, somehow. I don't wanna let down the ppl who are reading it, and i dont wanna let myself down again, either.
BUT it's not supposed to make me feel miserable it is supposed to be fun i am lowkey crying rn because like urghghghgh why isnt it fun?!!?!
so. i think i gotta do some more thinking, because not making any kind of decision is making things worse! and idk, if all of this hasnt put u off of the idea of my fic, here is the series page lmfao i could use some encouragement i guess......
but i am going to seriously put more thought into an official hiatus, because i think i am getting Too preoccupied with it again and it's messing with me!!!
i actually had a decent time doing those kitty ed pics today, even tho they didn't do so hot, so maybe i am just gonna try to focus on that kind of thing, doing stuff that actually catches my attention, and also doing things without the intention of sharing them at all. allowing things to be messy. i get so caught up in the thought of someone else seeing my work that i paralyze myself trying to make it PERFECT.
i had a decent time doing that oneshot from ed's pov as well. so maybe i need to work on projects that are a bit smaller scale. i dont have to say goodbye to BU stuff forever, but i am just so ALL OR NOTHING that it feels like a way bigger decision than it actually is 😓
so i guess....... im gonna sleep on it for a while. think about it and try and come to a firm decision. because if i take a break, i need to REALLY take a break, which includes not thinking about it all the time and constantly beating myself up for not doing it 😅
idk, thank you if you read this far, here are a few kitty pics of ed for ur time:
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cochart · 5 months
I know you probably haven't drawn shuake that long- and what I'm about to ask you is probably gonna be a big project, but would you ever be interested in making a zine of your comics?
Like compilation of my comics? I do want to make a digital zine with comics Ive made so far but idk if I’ll make physical zines. I’ve made physical zines before and I have worked with printers in Seoul so producing them won’t be too hard but idk if I can get the pricing down to reasonable number with how expensive international shipping is. I like physical media, but it’s hard distributing zines when I’m not in the US.
I also don’t know how many people would be interested?
I think the biggest obstacle though is that I don’t want to make cover illustrations lol
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seiga kaku?
im gonna actively try to keep myself concise and to single points because its been so easy for me in the past to get lost in wicked hermit thoughts and veer off who knows where... Part of it surely has to do with how a long time ago i used to have an rp blog on tumblr where i spent everyday thinking about seiga to some extent!
General opinion/How much I care about them: there was a long period of time where i would say without a doubt she was my single favourite character in touhou. I couldn't properly point to any one reason, or any tidy chain of events that might have led to it, other than learning about her, reading and seeing various very formative doujin works featuring her and the th13 crew, and maybe some old-fashioned projecting led me to latching onto every aspect of her... These days, there's a lot of touhous I obsess and go wild over and to even greater extents than her, but seiga objectively has the longest history of making me go a little nuts, whereas even aya took a little more time to nettle into my brain.
I like Seiga a lot and ive thought about her a lot, is what im getting at!
A ship I love: seiyoshi (seiga/yoshika) is funny in that it has a lot of little 'requirements' to me. Like if intepreted as just purely the evil hermit controlling a tool that she herself murdered to obtain, i think thats boring. But likewise, if its intepreted as just the hermit tragically trying to preserve her departed beloved, well that might be better but still lacking to me.
i couldnt possibly get across my ideal backstory for them right now, but the ultimate gist of it is that Seiga definitely did care for the living Yoshika who then died unexpectedly, before Seiga could decide herself whether she would commit to teaching her the ways of the hermit or simply get bored and move on. Her main motivation in performing the most ludicrously evil magic and create a jiangshi was because she refused to let even the natural order of life and death take anything away from her.
....Thaaaat all aside, i think their interactions in present day are just really funny 😄 Seiga 'spoiling' her dear Yoshika who laughs off being a meat shield because its not like she can die again!
A non-romantic relationship that I love: I think Seiga and Futo have the most oddball dynamic among the taoists and also Futo is probably the only one Seiga wouldn't have intense romanctic tension with. Futo who is a weirdo herself, acknowledges Seiga as their wise teacher of the arts (calling her seiga-donno) and yet also does not think of her as above any of them in their little personal hierarchy because Futo knows Seiga has no interest in being a proper retainer to Miko, so all of Futo's formalities almost come off as either sarcastic or as a really esoteric form of endearment. Meanwhile, Seiga probably thought a long time ago Futo would grow weary of things like loyalty and matters of noble blood or talking like an ancient old person, but none of that happened and Futo remains the same as ever, which has been altogether surprising, charming, and exasperating for Seiga (and everone else but they're all mostly charmed 😊)
The NOTP: i guess you'd have to work especially hard to get me to gel with pairing her up with any of myouren temple's folks. I get the temptation since every other taoist has one or two easily paired up counterpart there, but its not enough to just cross a checklist and leave it at that!
(that said, if you were gonna pair up buddhists and taosists thematically, i get why one might put seiga with shou since they were technically most vital in backstory with miko/byakuren respectively, and also because they both have a servant, one jiang-shi and a mouse. but i always thought seiga made a better parallel witn nue personally)
My biggest headcanon about them: most of this post is already headcanon, but as for another 'big' one...
I believe over the last thousand and whatever years, Seiga made semi-regular (as in maybe once every few years or a century?) visits to the tomb where Miko and gang slept, indulging and refreshing her memories of them, chatting up Tojiko who is now a ghost. And then sometime in 2011 right as her hermit senses told her it was finally time to meet them all again, she went to to tomb to greet them all only to find out literally the entire place was gone 😨
so all within like a week or something, Seiga had to go on a mad investigative quest where she discovered they had all been whisked to Gensokyo at some point, had to learn what the heck Gensoyko even is, how to get herself there, and then arrived just in time to get blasted by the incident resolvers. Really busy time in her life!
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: ha... one day, my multi-part seiga backstory fic incorporating every stray headcanon i've ever had. and then i quit writing forever maybe n_n
That aside, a funny scenario would be Okina appearing trying to stir drama because Seiga is basically the reason why Miko divorced Okina. And Seiga has no idea who she is or about any of that because Miko never mentioned it 😌
Something that makes me think of them: pretzels.
also its someone elses fault but luo tianyi is just the seiga vocaloid to me 😑
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raeygina-george · 1 day
All the questions you wanna anwser
(this is from an old ask game)
1. When did you start creating art?
erm idk.... 2019 or so?
2. Do you do art in any professional capacity? (Graphic design, commissions, animation, etc.)
not yet but im planning on being an art teacher
3. What are your favorite subjects to draw? (OCs, your fan faves, etc.)
anime characters..........
4. What's your least favorite part of the body to draw, if any?
hands or really any part of the body that's in perspective
5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
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i'm not particularly proud of any of my pieces but here are some that i still really like :) (i also really like that one mari & sunny lily of the valley piece that i'm not attaching directly bc i don't wanna trigger tag)
6. Favorite and least favorite angles/perspectives to draw?
i don't really have any... what's easiest is just straight-on, but that looks boring, so I can't realistically say it's my favorite... but if it's hard then I don't like it either.... sigh
7. Who are some artists that have inspired you?
see okay the thing is. artists that inspire me seem to always have an art style that i Can't Really Replicate. like i've seen so many of those painterly-style ethereal anime girls and pieces with the most gorgeous fucking colors ive ever seen in my life and they look SO PRETTY but i just Don't Understand Them At All 😭😭
so i'd say rixypill because recently i saw one of their art pieces and the amount of relief it brought me was insane. it was a gorgeous gorgeous art piece AND it looked like something i could realistically achieve. i didn't even really realize it but for such a long time i was trying to turn my art style into Something Completely Different and idk it just made me realize that i could make beautiful art Without having it stop being My Art
8. How would you describe your art style?
pink (with guest appearances from purple, orange, yellow, and blue)
9. What's the longest you've ever suffered from artblock?
several months
10. How do you deal with art block?
i don't <3 (I do challenges with predetermined prompts, and you can add deadlines if that helps you)
11. Have you ever drawn a meme with your OCs or canon characters from a fictional media?
yeah, i think i've made mini-animatics for like 2 vines. i don't do enough art shitposting tho
12. Ever participated in a multi-artist collaboration (3 or more) such as a multi-animator project?
i mean i did like 2 meps when i didn't understand what the fuck I was doing but i don't think those can really be counted........ i've done like art telephones and 3-person art trades but nothing really outside of that
13. What kind of art do you personally not see the appeal of, and why?
i think all art has appeal if you look hard enough
14. Do you prefer to make fan content or original content?
fan content
15. Do you/have you participated in Artfight or art trades in general?
i've done artfight in the past but i don't think i'll do it again because i'm usually really busy in july and even if i'm not i really struggle with doing anything for artfight 💀 i've done a good amount of art trades tho and if any of mutuals are interested in art trading with me feel free to ask :D
16. What was something you used to struggle to draw with confidence/ease, but have now mastered?
i don't think i've mastered anything really 😭 but i'm definitely a lot better at eyeballing colors than when i first started!!
17. Your personal favorite works of art (not made by you) are...?
there are lots of really awesome works in this world that i really like and if i didn't list like 500 different artworks i wouldn't feel like i'd answered properly so im gonna sit this one out lol
18. Do you typically use filters on your art?
yeah, i use saturation filters + gradient maps + blending modes at the end of every piece
19. What's your biggest insecurity when it comes to your artwork?
i have so many 😭 i'm in the "i hate all my art" stage of improvement rn..... aside from that, i hate that a lot of my art is so boring.... like there's not a lot of interesting perspectives or actual Meaning... that's the main reason why i made ychallenge! i want to make pieces that invoke emotion & mean something to me and aren't just there to look pretty
20. What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
fandoms mostly! if i was doing solely originally art i'd make maybe like one thing a year
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dreamsclock · 1 year
hello. hi. as most of u are probably very unsurprised to hear, i have bit off WAY more than i can chew in terms of personal projects. this is now something i am beginning to belatedly realize is A Problem for many reasons. mainly a) i am chronically overwhelmed esp with the biggest exams of my LIFE next months and b) i can’t take on any more projects realistically that i want to begin.
poll + more info under readmore bc i have chronic can’t-shut-up syndrome (adhd)
SO. in order to actually produce content for you guys i am Cutting Back Which Fics I Work On. at least until july. this SHOULD allow me to finish at least some fics and hopefully move on in the summer to other ones, but since im indecisive i thought i’d let YOU guys decide which fics i continue to work on!!! so here’s a poll.
the top five will continue to be worked on, and i plan to finish checkmate + hold him close in the next week anyway. so vote for your next five faves, and from there i’ll figure out which ones i’m gonna continue
this SHOULD help me make a good dent in these fics while also working on stuff that makes people happy :]
IN ADDITION TO THIS. i am also only streaming three times a week. ‘only?’ you might be thinking. ‘sparrow dreamsclock, you don’t even stream ONCE a week!’ to which i say Be Quiet. kidding but i’ve been putting way too much pressure on myself to try and stream every night and then beating myself up when i’m too tired 😭 so hopefully limiting myself to three times a week helps!!
STREAM DAYS: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
I could stream more than this!! But at the very least you’re promised three streams a week unless something goes horribly wrong.
AO3 UPDATES: Wednesday, Sunday
AGAIN this is to try and give you guys some kind of consistency 😭😭 i know im very erratic + unreliable when it comes to uploading so i wanted to try and provide a schedule. no idea WHAT updates these will be, but you know Something will be posted there which is awesome
‘but sparrow!’ you may be saying. ‘you just said the most important exams of your life happen in may!’ to which i say Be Quiet. Yes. I Know. I’m An Idiot. but i wanna start providing youtube content Too!!! whether this be dsmp analysis or stream highlights or original minecraft choose-your-own-ending games i’ve made, i’ll be uploading (hopefully consistently) beginning may!!!! more info to come. unless i forget of course.
ANYWAY. if you’ve sat through all of this then HELLO HI!!!!! sorry. this announcement sounds self important and dumb but honestly even writing this out has eased like a load of my anxieties. ever since the end of 2021 i’ve been so overwhelmed with the frankly dumb amount of projects ive given myself, and it’s most of the reason ive been burned out since then too :’) thank u for being understanding and thank u for being such a source of inspiration for me and thank u thank u THANK U for being the best people ever muah ily
this starts from TODAY Btw!!! will be uploading a chapter of checkmate tonight and also streaming which i’m looking forward to. we’re gonna Chill until summer and then i can go crazy with projects again. but this feels more manageable!!!!
tune in for my stream tonight at 9pm (fnaf time FUCK YEAH) and thank u again :]
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olivsie · 4 months
Idk if I've said this before but the animatic of done for I'm working on is the first animatic ive ever done and also the biggest digital project I've ever done (im mostly a traditional artist, though i plan to change that)
And i think being a Beginner gives me some sense of stability in mind that "hey, it's a learning experience"
Of course because i care about both epic and learning as a creator, I intend to make it look as cool as i can, but I'm not stressing myself with "oh this doesn't look as professional as i want it too" or "it doesn't look as nice as x,y,z" because, no shit it doesn't. The point of a learning expirence is to learn, not be the best you're ever gonna be. It's the first of (hopefully) many rodeos. While you should still try, it's okay to not be perfect in your first go
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hibiscuslynx · 10 months
hi it’s me again. (the anon who said i liked seeing you on my dash) i love hockey and baseball (really any sport atp), and have noticed you do as well, so do you have any New Jersey and New York sports headcanons?
HI! WELCOME BACK! AND OH BROTHER (or sibling/sister) DO I EVER !!!!!!
when that hudson river rivalry hits >>>>>>>>>>>>>
devils/rangers rivalry goes fucking crazzyyyyy in the statehouse yeah its not buffalo but tables are still being broken alright. noses too. you shouldve SEEN the shit that hudson river rivalry was getting up to in the 2010s . nj/ny r the same fucking way btw. fighting ur long-esteemed rival every time your teams meet >>>>>>>>>. i like to think this extends to devils/islanders and devils/sabres matches too bc thats all still new york even tho the rivalry isnt as strong there in the actual sport but i want these goofers to have fun soooo. i say they get really into those matches too. they use sports as a way to ✨bond✨ even though they would kill me if i said that.
nj does not have a baseball team so i imagine he isnt the biggest baseball fan in the world. definitely a hockey, football, and (college) basketball guy to me. new york, on the other hand, may quite possibly be the biggest baseball fan you have ever seen.
did you guys know. that the new york jets and the new york giants play in the same stadium. THE SAME STADIUM!!!! they literally live in the same fucking house. thats crazy. and you know where that stadium is? IN NEW JERSEY. new york is just leeching off of new jersey atp. maybe thats why he’s such a ride or die for the bills actually bc its the one team he has that actually you know is in new york.
i also think they actually play sports yk . the NE has some damn good hockey matches . nj & ny both play forward, nj more of a gritty(ha) fiery guy who does the tough work and quite frankly a little bit of a pest. likes to get under your skin. sneaky good shot. winger, plays either side. ny, on the other hand, is a two-way forward, center, plays damn good defensive and offensive hockey, can double as an offensive defenseman too. u can find him all over the ice, in the right spots, doing what he needs to be doing. not known for his hits but lays good ones.
they also play football too !! i know jackshit about football though so i could not tell you what positions they play. all i know is quarterback 😭 is it basic of me to say ny quarterback? who knows. i dont!
looping back to hockey. theyre both diehard proponents that you should not take fighting out of hockey . mfs r projecting over here. new jersey threatens suicide every time his team does badly. he alternates between being mad at his team for sucking and then muttering “im gonna fucking kill myself” afterwards. (i know you didnt ask abt PA but he does the same. there’s this tweet thats like ‘every person ive ever met from philadelphia is a lovely person who casually expresses suicidal ideation within 2 minutes of talking anout their sports team’ and its the funniest thing in the world to me. does this tie into new jersey hcs? technically, yes, bc i hc theyre brothers ^_^ enough of that tangent) new york does not do that . i just dont feel like hes that kinda guy! he is very passionate about his teams tho. they both are tbh!
this is kind of all over the place but i hope you enjoy anon ^_^ and anyone who happens to read this. this is mostly about hockey SORRY thats what i know and love LMAO
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taegularities · 2 years
hey.. just finished reading "a thousand reasons why" and its currently 2 in the morning 😍😍 I DONT CARE. BECAUSE ITS SO GOOD. SCREAMING. CRYING. THROWING UP. HELLO????
and now if someone made me choose between this book and sbw i would voluntarily kms💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
BEST BOOKS TO EVER EXIST!! I CANT EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVEEDDDD THESE TWO BOOKS UGHHH and not to mention the fact that i still read sbw till now 😍 now im adding this to the list.
and now, istg if i see someone saying some shit about your way of writing imma throw some hands. i aint gonna hold back 🤺
theres another thing i wanna say.. i cant imagine how long it took you to write and edit this, edit all of your incredible works actually. even your future works.. so please take all the time you want and need, you deserve to rest and sleep well. you deserve not to worry about the haters' mean and useless comments 💜 pleaseeee try not to think about them, i know its hard but they dont matter cause theu aint true at all💜 ive read so many of your books by now, and none of them were slightly bad, they all were so good and well-written, with no mistakes whatsoever. this shows theyre only jealous and im so sure they cant even write a decent school essay 🤗
ps. i love you more than your writings dw👀👀
this is SUCH an old ask, and i'd always forget to answer, but here we are 😭
wait, you reread sbw ?! this is so lovely, thank you sarah 😭 also beyond thrilled that you loved atrw so much – since it's based on a movie, it was hard to capture all emotions and moments well, but it was so so fun to write; though (you're right) the editing process was hell. always is 💀 atrw is definitely one of my biggest and dearest projects <3 so your little review here means a lot.
and omg, a few stupid comments mean nothing, really !! what matters a lot more to me is the love and support i get from you all. it overweighs for sure – i always say that the goodness in people on here overshadows all bad things. again, thank you so much 🥺 so many hugs for you <33
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Overwatch Actress Anjali Bhimani Talks Symmetra, D&D, and Making Art For Herself
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Overwatch Actress Anjali Bhimani Talks Symmetra, D&D, and Making Art For Herself
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From theater productions on and off Broadway to TV shows like Ms. Marvel, actress Anjali Bhimani has done a bit of everything, but readers of Game Informer most likely recognize her work voice acting in video games. She’s best known as Symmetra in Overwatch, which is a game role many young voice actors would strive their entire careers to get. Bhimani lucked out; it was the first time she ever acted in a game.
“All I knew is I’m doing the new game for Blizzard,” Bhimani says. “And I knew that Blizzard was, you know, no slouch. They’ve done a lot of really cool things before, so chances were this was gonna be really cool. But I had no idea. I don’t think anyone really did.”
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Symmetra in Overwatch
While Symmetra was originally crafted by a room of writers, Bhimani does say there was an element of collaboration between her and the creative team as they figured out Symmetra’s voice. She likened it to her time in theater – the early sessions spent building the character were like a rehearsal period. Months later, when the game launched, it was like opening night.
The rest is history. Overwatch became a huge success, thanks in large part to its colorful cast of now-iconic characters voiced by excellent voice talent. Bhimani found a lot of success in this niche, but why did it take her two decades to enter the scene in the first place?
“I was a gamer from a very early age,” she recalls. “And then there was a period of time that I refer to as ‘the dark days of gaming’ when I was like, ‘I should be more serious and not into games.’ I don’t know why I ever did that.” 
Overwatch’s reception from its newfound massive community encouraged Bhimani to engage with the medium in earnest again. Since then, she’s been able to appear in all sorts of games, including Apex Legends (where she plays Rampart) and NPCs in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Starfield, and Diablo IV.
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Bhimani volunteers to roll during an episode of Candela Obscura
This re-entry into the world of games wasn’t limited to the screen, however. After encountering Critical Role stars Matt Mercer and Marisha Ray at an Overwatch meetup, Bhimani professed her love for Dungeons & Dragons, which she’d played as a child. She did a rundown of her history for me, as well.
“My brother, in one of his many moments of genius, gifted me a basic set when I was eight, and I fell in love with it,” she tells me. “So I did the first, like, solo adventure in the book. And I was like, ‘Wait, that’s it? I need more. I want to do more.’ So I bogarted his second edition books, devoured them, [and] started playing with friends in school. And that was pretty much that; it was it off to the races, you know? We would play as often as we could.”
Post-high school it was harder for her to find a group, especially in an era where the game wasn’t as mainstream as it is now. But upon meeting and befriending Mercer and Ray, Bhimani had found a group to play with again, eventually collaborating with them years later. Her return to tabletop RPGs was just like her return to video games in two ways: she returned as a performer, doing actual play one-shots and miniseries, and now that she was back, she wondered why she ever stopped playing in the first place.
After a few years playing at tables for both Critical Role and Dimension 20, two of the biggest D&D shows out there, Bhimani and some colleagues made the move to start their own show: DesiQuest. It’s a simple concept: a story set in a South Asian-inspired fantasy world told by an entirely South Asian cast. Bhimani says she first heard the pitch from Jasmine Bhullar, a dungeon master in the space, years before the project was formally in the works.
“When I first met Jasmine, we were doing a one-shot for Critical Role, and she said, […] ‘You know, getting to play with another Indian person is so rare. I really wish that we could sit at the table with all Indian people and do something like that.’ I was like, ‘Dude, sign me up.'” Unfortunately, the pandemic hit, and the project was put on hold. A few years later, she was contacted by producers Sandeep Parikh and Anand Shah to see if she would be interested in joining the project. “They were starting to pitch it to me,” Bhimani laughs. “And I was like, ‘Oh, I said yes to this years ago before you got involved, like yeah, let’s go.'”
All of these recent projects create a bit of a theme with Bhimani’s recent career, and it’s one she’s well aware of. She says in recent years, she’s learned to ask herself, “Hey, are you creating art just because it’s what other people want, or are you creating what you want to be creating?”
“It’s a weird conundrum to be,” she continues. “There’s this weird paradox. Because on one hand, you have to create things that you want to create, regardless of what other people think. But on the other hand, you also want to create things that people are actually going to see and take in and enjoy. 
“I think the inspiration to create something is so pure, and [you should find] a way to make sure that, while you are making it for other people, you are not molding it into a shape just because you think that’s what they want to see.”
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angelcloves · 2 years
8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21 ("Come Closer", "Pumpkin Boyz", and "Halloween Is Scary"), 25, 26, 28, 29 ("Come Closer", "Pumpkin Boyz", and "Halloween Is Scary"), and 49.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? - nobody come for me for this answer but absolutely 'love me more' by mitski. its really one of my favorite songs ever and it unlocks something in me every time i hear it
10. How do you decide what to write? - i have a list of oneshot ideas and then i just start throwing darts when i finish my current project
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? - single characters: hunter obviously. but also caleb. pairings: hunter and willow. usually platonically sometimes romantically. i just really like that bad but sad boy. and then theres also something to be said about caleb and camilla with them both being from lives that they hated so very much and being able to become what the other needed but camilla is my oc so this doesnt count
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? - thats a tough question. the closest i have to disliking a trope is enemies to lovers and im still not like. the biggest fan of it but i dont hate it? ive always been neutral i guess. generally if i dont like something i dont usually change my mind on it
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? - soulmates next question
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? - i dont know if this is cheating bc it isnt finished yet but the coven head au. the dynamics are going to be a ton of fun. you guys are gonna love it. but from the fics i have written? thats the spirit absolutely. it was really fun to get to mess with philip in a totally toothless and mundane environment
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in [insert fic], what would it be? - come closer: more manny dialogue. pumpkin boyz: thats tough. maybe a reaction from an adult? something along the lines of 'youre so responsible caleb' or 'get that wretched thing out of this town.' halloween is scary: more philip being suspicious of caleb. this was hard to answer because these are all really short self contained fics
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write? - wikipedia my beloved frfr <3 other than that the owl house wikia has saved my ass countless times when it comes to referencing transcripts
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? - god this is so difficult because i use to write for the stage. but im gonna have to say no dialogue. i love my sensory details
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who? - YES @/blackyote peeps most of my non request fics early and @/acergi is being an absolute angel and reading all of these shitty vwhatever drafts of the coven head outline as they come out of my brain
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [insert fic]? Explain your choices if you want! - i dont listen to mood music when i write requests. i literally watch bondi rescue on my second monitor for background noise
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! - i have a finished fic sitting in the corner waiting for upload. woe. coven head pilot fic be upon ye. (ive been outlining lately. not much to share there.)
Hunter fought the urge to let his shoulders drop. “Eight hours, Head Witch,” he informed her.
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thrill-seeker-vn · 2 years
Oof I have a few.👀👀👀
1. Do you have any celebrity crushes atm?
2. Whats your process behind character creation?
3. Are you a pantser or outliner?
4. Do you have a favourite kpop band/soloist?
5. What are you and the ROs music taste like?
6? How would you describe your fashion sense and the ROs?
7. What's a story you would love to see turned into an if?
8. What would be your biggest piece of advice for a beginner writer and what did you wish you knew before you started?
9. If I remember correctly you're working in another story that's a fantasy. Could you perhaps spill some of the tea regarding the characters and premise? I'm super excited 👀
10. How has it been working on these completely different projects?
I try my best not to have any celebrity crushes but I've been so bitchless recently that when I got into Ateez I was immediately floored by San 😭😭 so uh yeah that's the only one rn LMIUSFDHDFI
I usually tend to start the story with plot. Through that, my characters blossom; I usually look for a personality I want to embody, and also a character I haven't seen too often. For example, I haven't really seen any Nepali characters in IF, so I'm making a nepalese RO in Witness in Plain Sight. The ethnicities of my characters are often from the ethnicities of my friends who find they don't have any characters they can relate to in media, so the appearance of my character is the third/second thing I think about.
I outline first, but I pants through it!
Oh boy... my favorite boy groups are seventeen, ateez & BTOB, and my favorite girl groups are twice, stayc and ive!! I'm also getting into CNBLUE right now. My fav soloist is Sunmi.
My music taste is a little bit of anything and everything. I love music in different languages (korean, spanish, french, chinese, japanese, urdu, and hindi, lots of bollywood music in general). I think N would like a lot of vocaloid & hyperpop music, while Oli is more interested in alt music, just a lot of music with guitar. Hannie likes classical music, lofi, just anything they can listen to in the background without too many lyrics. When learning a new language, they like to listen to music in that language, too.
I'm kind of experimenting with mine!! If I had a lil more money, I would love to dress fancy and old-timey. (Like the pic, and a bunch of art on pinterest which I can't find the cred for!) I mostly dress in academia, graphic tees and overalls. You can see the ROs outfit types through their posts here: N OLI HANNIE
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7. HMMM... okay something that I REALLY want to see is the great historian 'they were just friends'. I want two ladies to fall in love in medieval times. I would also LOVE something like melvina's therapy, a bunch of short stories that tie into eachother! 8. Definitely do your research!! Reach out to other authors, and create a network of people you can rely on! Not only will it be great for when you decide to go through with your project, but you'll have a community that can help you, inspire you, and that you can talk to when you have difficulty!! For any writers and developers, you can always come to me!! Whether it's an ask, a private message, a discord dm or an email, you can always count on me if you need some help :-) 9. I don't wanna give away too much, but I'll give away a little! Yk how much I love killing off parents in IFs... this IF is an adaptation of the first novel I ever wrote!! It's about magic weilding pirates, set in the Victorian Times! I know it sounds goofy so I'm gonna leave it right there IUDHFSIUDSF 10. A nightmare. I love all of them, don't get me wrong, but I'm a colossal dumbass. I'm really happy I get to do what I love, tho, and I love being able to write!!! I get to do whatever I imagine, and tbh it's the best feeling ever!!
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berryunho · 2 years
hiii I love love The Answer 😭 it’s so fun to read I literally cannot wait to see what happens next. I was wondering, what inspired you to write this story? was there any specific stories/cults that you’ve heard of that you took inspiration from? I love thriller stories so muchdkfk so I’m just so happy to have found your blog!! also do you usually read thriller or do you prefer reading other genres? tysm for sharing your work you’re so talented!!!❤️❤️❤️
omg hi!! first of all thank you so much for reading hehe i'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying it!! and aaaaaaa thank you for the questions omg this might get kinda long (edit from future lauren: yeah it did so im adding a read more lol) but im excited hehe
sooo to answer the first question of what inspired me hehe it was definitely a mix of a few things!! biggest inspiration was me reading mists of celeste and being like "what the fuck. can i do that?" bc ... im sure you've all read it and yk what i mean LMAO its just so good and i wanted to know if i could write something as impactful hehe i had already been a writer but i had never shared my writing or tried to write a longfic so it was a big challenge to start and im so happy i did!!
and soooo after i decided i wanted to write my own fic i figured some things out like i definitely wanted to do an au and i pretty quickly decided that i wanted hongjoong to be an antagonist so i started pondering what situations make Bad People into People Of Power and ... the cult idea plopped nicely into my brain and then everything started falling into place after that hehehe
and YES there are specific cults ALKJFKDJFDK the way im majorly freaking out getting to talk about this thank you again for asking omg anyways. scientologists (so sorry if any of you are scientologists but fr...) heaven's gate. branch davidians (mullet hj is canon in the answer for 1 reason and 1 reason only. david koresh’s mullet.) and like ofc the manson family and the people’s temple (though more so just jim jones himself idk that whole 900 people thing… not intimate enough for the vibe i was going for) and honestly the characterization of hongjoong is derivative of a few irl people too LKFJSDFKLJSD like im not gonna name names bc then yall would be like “oh god …” and judge yourselves so ill save you the torment lol but you could Probably Guess
and yes!! i definitely mostly read thriller/horror novels hehe but i also really love fantasy & sci-fi & lately historical fiction ?? and my favorite book ever is none of those genres hehe i would love any and all recommendations for any of these genres!! i know you didn’t ask this one but im gonna give some book recs anyhow hehehe so my Favorite Book Ever — the secret history by donna tartt … literally in love w this book. the amount of times ive pondered an au…… shhhh my Second Favorite Book Ever — the long walk by stephen king. idk what to say other than literary masterpiece. (its actually super weird but the characters … ugh chefs kiss) the Scariest Book Ive Ever Read — gerald’s game by stephen king. there were just moments of tension that were so perfectly written that it was almost unbearable like wtf not to be that person but like fr i dont get scared by books or movies or documentaries or anything but … yeah this was something an Interesting Series — the southern reach trilogy by jeff vandermeer !! crazy world building very intriguing books a Fantasy Novel — the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon … yes i know booktok book but it was really good okay a Historical Fiction — circe by madeline miller !!!! bawled but it was really good !!! annnnd a Sci-Fi — project hail mary by andy weir ... glakdjfkasj me feeling emotions over a rock alien ... anyways
… SO YEAH AKDJFASDKFJ; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THE ANSWER AND FOR ASKING ME QUESTIONS AAAA i hope i provided some good commentary lol idk hehehe tysm ily <3
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badmemory-a · 3 years
@finalghosts​ sent:  🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊🖊
under the cut thats like 3 dash pages LKTFGNKJNKTRJNJHTR
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addie was the first character i ever played in a twitter group like she was made specifically for the group and ive adored her since day one . shes the biggest mess because everyone was in 2014 and i had to take the biggest hiatus writing her because i could never find a fc that fit her and worked on indie until i started s2 of euphoria and went omg wait maude would work so well for her ??? like shes the only one of my muses that has a full bio and stats page because she’s my favourite. shes literally my best friend. 
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henry is so based off villanelle it isn’t even funny. like she wasn’t to begin with because i hadn’t seen killing eve but i was watching it like omg this funky littl blonde bitch IS henry and the parallels are so wild. but she’s a contract killer and really good at her job and tries to be heartless but she has a really huge heart and sometimes it gets in the way and also i love them
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i hate to say it ............ wybie was also created for twitter rp and in their twitter verse canonically fucked best friends bc she was bored :/ she’s a youtuber and really into film like . film school graduate and uses that to further her yt career because now she doesn’t know if she really wants to work in the film industry as a woc who has a short temper kfjgnbkjdgnd. has never been in a real relationship and doesn’t know if she even wants to be, has a pet bird, LOVE of my life
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lilith was also a twitter rp character on hiatus because i just COULDNT find an indie fc to work for them. she’s a trained and accredited body piercer and loves her job sm, but she also loves unconventional pets like she has snakes and spiders and is scared of dogs. her parents held her to such high standards growing up that she never felt like she was really good enough for them which lead to her leaving home at 17 to try and start her own life where she only answered to herself and now she’s fully self sufficient because her worst nightmare is having to rely on her parents again. biggest fan of music on earth, hockey fan (derogatory) and is both closed off AND a hopeless romantic
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XANTHE IS MY PRINCESSSSSS she can come across as a maddy carbon copy but it’s just that she never thinks and is the BIGGEST idiot. she isnt malicious or mean she just geta caught up in her emotions a lot. canonically ghosted the same girl twice because she kept forgetting to get her number, is still in love with everyone she’s ever dated, has a pop culture podcast because everyone was doing true crime and she went hmmmm y’all weird i’m gonna talk about my favourite tv shows 
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unlike some of my other muses, lydia IS mean. mean lesbians written by lesbians is my favourite trope and i had to give in ? she’s a lil bit of a misandrist, puts herself first before everyone else and had two separate relationships fail because of how close to her male best friend she was, both women assuming she wasn’t actually a lesbian and was secretly in love with him. her brother named his cat after her, because she suggested it as a joke and he followed through. she won’t bite her tongue to spare anyones feelings
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joey started as a little bit of a wishful self insert. sometimes i project my interests onto characters so i can stop annoying my friends and he got sharks. working as a shark biologist, he since retired from that work and is now a biology teacher at a high school, hoping to shape the minds of his students to further his agenda of protecting marine life, but also just really loving his job. he watches every single marine docu or docuseires and wishes he had those jobs, knowing not much could possibly tear him away from his teaching job. 
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primrose is my second film school graduate, but she does work in the film industry. while her original dream was to become a director, she fell in love with the props department and now works as a prop manager, working towards becoming a prop master and getting to be entirely in charge of the whole department. shes ambitious and hardworking and only dates the wrong people <3
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all you really need to know about grey is they used to lie about being a virgin and heavily relate to 21 questions by waterparks. filmmaker but they didn’t go to film school, they just did it for fun on the side and then kept at it enough that they get to just make short films now, accidentally inspired by the movie home again even though i’ve been writing them for years
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im convinced orla is actually evil to an extent. she cares so little about what people think of her that she just does anything, says anything, and doesn’t worry about the consequences. if she loves you, she loves you with her whole being. but if she doesn’t you’re just another face and you don’t matter too much to her. she has two verses, artist and medic, and in both she’s basically the same. in her artist verse she does comic work and is respected in the field, in her medic verse she does her job well but isn’t the nicest to everyone because she mostly gets hired by sports teams and honestly ? they can handle it
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tell me you’re really into film ooc without telling me. arizona is a film reviewer KJNGFBJKNJ she’s also a mean lesbian BUT i wrote her as a mean lesbian before the show came out so :/ she was born into a twitter rp and absolutely shamed the men that annoyed her. she was still closeted and came out so a man would stop hitting on her, absolute whore but living her best life, doesn’t believe in astrology, biggest ego you’ll ever see
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ndntighnari · 2 years
15, 18, 20, and 21
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
When other artists claim they struggle with drawing skintones that are "darker" but theyre talking about literally any skintone thats not paper white or pale pink. Its not that hard if i can learn to shade yalls skin tones you can learn mine and darker. Fuckers.
18. Do you have any larger projects you'd like to pursue? Like comics, shortfilm, a series etc?
Oh for the love of GOD can i pl. Please. Please. Comic. Ive been struggling with figuring this FUCKING thing for years. Its not happening yet. Ill get there. Ill do it. So help me god just as soon as my depression adhd and trauma are under control-
20. What works have you drawn fanart of?
I assume this means series? Uhhh recently its mostly been ace attorney tbh, but i also have done smth for electric bones, bnha, tma, fire emblem and a whole laundry list of other stuff.
21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn?
This is gonna be disappointing but this design for a fancy shawl to match regalia plans id sketched.
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I dont really draw weird stuff unfortunately
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