#this is gross post btw
uruhasbubble-tea · 8 months
hey, do you know that i love vessel from the band sleep token? you probably don't but now you do. i love him so much sometimes idk what to do with this all in my chest. i hope he's smiling a lot these days.
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
The thing is. Bad/gross food is rarely a DISH - when food is bad it's because it's been badly made, whether because of skills or available ingredients. but a dish p much only exists recognisably and has a name because someone likes at least one version of it.
which is to say. there isn't really a way of naming a dish, school of dishes or specific food culture and going EW ISN'T THIS DISH UNILATERALLY CONCEPTUALLY DISGUSTING without denigrating quite a lot of people.
like you don't have to like it in any form. but it's eaten and shared because it's good to a not insubstantial number of people when cooked right.
(and I don't really understand how you approach that with total incuriosity when it's a dish you haven't tried like. ARE rocky mountain oysters good? Maybe! I would very much eat some to find out!!!!)
this is actually something the British food poll did in a way the American ones I've seen haven't really - they described how the food they're imagining is, specifically, badly prepared (grey meat and veggies; unseasoned shepherd's pie). which is wildly tipping the scales by calling it British Food but. like. that is an on point definition of why that food is gross.
(this also applies to American chocolate, which like. Broad category but I think most of us understand this refers to low-cocoa high-sugar chocolate, probably with bucolic acid. so we are being invited to imagine Badly Made Chocolate not. the concept of chocolate)
personally I just think it's very rarely a good or funny idea to shittalk how gross any given food culture is. partly because food is important and culturally evocative for most people, partly because it's very...alienating? to be like WHO COULD EAT SUCH A THING? just because you wouldn't, and largely because to be frank it says more about you than about the food that you have so little imagination or curiosity that you can't imagine why a food might be enjoyable to folks who aren't you.
yes this includes jello salad, I would like to try it. ONCE. if it wasn't appealing to someone it wouldn't be so widespread.
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rapturekiwi · 9 months
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I was able to fashion my dreams And build this winter wonder world
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anongalactic · 4 months
my favorite genre of spandam image. squeaky toy sfx
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basementxdweller · 3 months
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sentientstump · 11 months
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just goofin' around
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steddielations · 5 months
i just think if you talk about queer men having sex like this maybe you should stfu up a little
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Will mostly be reblogging for a while I think, but I’m gonna be real, 70 percent of my reason for making this blog in the hopes of writing was that I noticed a big chunk of CoD x reader posts on this hellsite have readers with like…concerningly low ages. There’s a lot of reader character minor-coding going on, and it’s weirdling me out (no shade to young writers, I know a lot of the reason is that a majority of CoD fanfic writers are 18-25 here, which, yk, fair that you wanna see self-inserts with similar ages).
But as I said, it gives me the ick, so if/when I end up writing x reader, I wanna go ahead and make it clear that I will not be writing a reader character in a romantic/sexual position BELOW the age of 25 at most. Most of the Call of Duty men are, like, 28 at the youngest, and I’m more inclined to write reader characters with matching ages, especially afab readers.
In other words? I’m gonna write milfs and dilfs. I’m gonna write top!reader. I’m gonna write unhinged women that leave the various men of TF141 screaming crying throwing up. I will NOT be writing virginal, innocent, or overly naive reader characters; I do not do minor-coding. Y’all have been warned.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
the psychickers make saiki watch romantic killer and tease him cuz the protagonist is literally him if he didnt have esp
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absul · 2 years
i feel like wayyyy too many ppl think of transmisogyny as a ~special word~ just for trans women, and is why they then try to make up a ~special word~ for trans men
transmisogyny is simply the combined oppression of women and trans ppl. women are oppressed on the basis that they are women. trans ppl are oppressed on the basis that they are transgender. it’s similar to why the word misogynoir exists.
obviously, when one person is a part of multiple minorities, the bigotry that they face from both/all sides combine in incredibly nasty ways.
there is no ‘special‘ word like this for trans men not because they don’t face specific forms of transphobia(obviously they do), but because men are not oppressed solely on the basis that they are men. a point i see a lot in these discussions is ‘but men of color are oppressed!!‘ and the answer is yes, they are, because they are people of color. the word you are looking for for the oppression that moc face already exists. you’re thinking of racism.
not even the majority of terfs truly believe ‘CIS men bad,‘ when they say things like that they undeniably just mean trans women. terfs will absolutely not hesitate to buddy up with transmisogynistic men as long as they hype up their egos. similarly, they will side with fash men for their transmisogynistic views AND their eurocentric(read: racist) beauty standards, because the two go hand-in-hand, believe it or not
again. trans men are oppressed because they are transgender. not because they are specifically men. men are not oppressed on the sole basis that they are men. the word to use is still transphobia, because the oppression they face is because they are trans.
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koheletgirl · 2 years
i actually think we as a community have outgrown the need for toxic ex jet in fics please and thank you
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Yoo hi!!! <33 I know this might come off and im really sorry cause I know this isnt the best time to ask for help but is it okay if you could take a look on the post I pinned for my cat? I pinned it on my blog, if you have an extra time please do check it out. Im terribly sorry, i just dont know what else to do :(( hoping you'd consider to help just by even spreading the word. Please send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately and I hope you're having an amazing day! 🐈
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Scummy scammer. I usually delete these kinds of asks but trying to scam off someone's sick cat is disgusting.
Some advice: if you get unsolicited DMs or asks of people requesting money, wait a few days and search up their user. Someone will have posted about them if they're a scam.
Thank you @kyra45 for your posts!
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THAT WOUND. THAT VILE WOUND. it throbs in time with your speeding heart, and the ache it carries through your veins is oppressive, its hot, it tangles around your jaw and through your spine and behind your eyes. there are needles, sprouting from the lacerations like the most heinous ivy, and it strangles your lungs, rips tears from your eyes, lures bile to your throat. it hurts. oh god it hurts. you cant think, you cant breathe, you cant swallow, you cant see. you cant see. you cant see. you cannot see but you know when your eyes are closed, because there are colors stained upon the backs of your eyelids. they form images of loved ones, of viscera, of bile and blood and blackened mud. its jarring, they make anxiety spike outwards, frantic ferro fluid, frightened from faces too scared, too pained, too dead, too piercing with eyes staring straight at you, straight at you. actually, you cant tell when your eyes are open.
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jakowskis · 10 months
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saint-ambrosef · 2 years
its really weird the way people will be like "btw all christianity is an oppressive CULT and the world would be a better place without its fairytale brainrot!!! judaism's okay tho because it's sooooo different and we like it <3"
not sure how to word this but like...it's gross how some internet atheists go out of their way to defend Judaism as a religion while simultaneously shitting on every other organized religion. especially when their criticisms leveled at other religions would also apply to Judaism too.
idk. it reeks of "well normally we despise all religion on principle, but since you've been previously persecuted we'll make you our specialest little exception and pretend you're ~not like the others~, that way we can pretend to be morally superior by not hating on a historically oppressed community"
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solardrake · 8 months
i *gulp* thuink i wanna *retching* play *hhrreuughh* modded minecraft again
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