#this is inspired by multiple conversations I've been having IRL
fayeandknight · 2 years
I had a long, (I think) eloquent post about this but Tumblr ate it.
So here's the short version.
I can be of the opinion that certain kinds of dogs are poorly bred and shouldn't continue to be produced without hating the individual dogs themselves. Can they sometimes work out? Yes! Are they worthy of love and a good life? Absolutely! Can they accomplish amazing things? Hell yeah!
But do I think they should continue to be bred? No. Because dogs deserve quality of life and breeding unsound dogs, more often than not, produce puppies/dogs with behavioral/health issues and I feel that's a gamble too far into unfavorable odds to be fair to the dogs and the people who love them.
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saltyyetbland · 2 months
I have just posted my fic that I wrote for the Petals of a Rose fanzine on AO3. You can find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57670000
I have a lot of thoughts about this fic, the zine and the qsmp in general so I'm just going to write it all under the Keep Reading line cause this ramble might be as long as my fic lmao.
When I saw that applications were open for this zine, I initially didn't even consider joining. I liked hideduo but I was definitely out of the fandom by then. I haven't even written anything hideduo specific (I only had like 2 QSMP related fics on AO3 and they were more trauma than romance lmao) so in my head I thought that even if I applied, I wouldn't get selected.
And I guess that mentality ironically is what made me decide to impulse apply during my Marketing class at like 8pm.
And somehow I got accepted.
You can imagine my surprise when I get an email with a discord link saying that I got accepted to be apart of this zine. I joined and then I see a bunch of cool artists and writers that I recognize and my brain immediately goes "oh shit, i should not be here wtf" but thankfully I decided to not be impulsive this time and actually stick with this zine.
And then prompt creation starts and then artists and writer match-ups and then it fully dawned on me that art is going to be created out of my fic. And that was such a complex thought to swallow as I struggled with imposter syndrome yet again (it is what it is lol) and just me trying to grapple with the concept of fan creation as a product of inspiration while being a source of inspiration as well (the fan studies/media nerd in me is jumping out).
And then the sketches and conversations from Kye and Bio started and I was just in awe by their skill and effort that it motivated me to try and write better too.
And then after months of me struggling to write the fic, it was done. I had multiple people look over it including my irl writing group as well as a beta reader (shoutout to skelepen) and I then submitted it to the final submission google form.
There is a clear memory I have in which I am simply working and I just check over at the discord and I see a photo in general chat. It is a snippet of my fic and it is Aynee saying that "damn... this fic got hands" and like 4 other comments from other members of the discord basically saying the same thing. When I tell you that this has almost made me cry at work, I'm not joking cause this was the moment when I truly felt like I contributed enough to the zine.
And now the zine is published and it is 500 pages of pure effort and I feel satisfied with myself but I also feel the looming sense of closure that I know stems from the knowledge that this is the end of my qsmp era.
I've been aware of the qsmp since its inception but I only really got into it during the ice prison event where creators like tubbo, mouse and tina joined. And though i only really lurked in this fandom and occasionally posted, i can still see its effects on me today. I have discovered my ever-growing interest of community building in media and cross-cultural communications and translations. I am currently on a 300+ day streak on Duolingo for Portuguese. I was able to revitalize some of my previous knowledge of French and Korean and actually find joy in learning languages, something that I seriously struggled with when I was younger.
And for that, even though my relationship with the QSMP is now a bit more complicated, I am grateful for it opening my eyes and for allowing me to be a part of it, even in my small amount.
All in all, I am proud that this fic has been created. I am proud of this community that I have been apart of. And even though I am closing this era, it won't be on a bittersweet note like my previous fandoms.
So, thank you.
Thanks to Kye and Bio for creating amazing pieces for my fic, skelepen for beta reading my work, Aynee for creating the zine itself, the POAR discord for being such a cool and fun place and to the larger QSMP community as a whole for being a part of my life.
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temporalreverie · 1 year
ponysona ref sheet :3
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[text transcript: Carrie Go-Round, or Carrie for short It/She, Trans Mare, Lesbian Can prance through air with its saddle on. Gives carousel sky-rides to help others. It likes going around again, solving puzzles, helping with problems, music, good fortune, and going around again. Beholden to the whims of its fate & cycles, it tries its best to be carefree but secretly feels aimless at times.]
Extended character bio & art process thoughts below the cut v
Carrie Go-Round is a unicorn with carousel themed magic. Carousel magic works in mysterious ways. It can direct the magic somewhat and hone certain patterns through repetition, but it’s ultimately at the whims of the fate chosen for it. Usually everything works out just fine though.
While actively using its carousel magic and wearing its saddle, it can prance on top of air. It takes others on rides through the sky using this, giving them time and space to think through a problem they’ve been having. These rides can involve a conversation, a magical spectacle of lights and music, or simply peace and quiet, whatever will help the other pony best. Flying, putting on light shows, and making music are all come naturally when the magic is in service of another.
Carrie has adapted an outwardly carefree and playful nature. It’s partially its true self, and partially a defense mechanism in response to the lack of control that the carousel makes it feel. When you’re stuck going around in one big circle, it’s easy to feel aimless and confused. Helping someone else with a problem of theirs always makes it feel better though. It's also fond of rhymes, puzzles, and riddles.
It’s somewhat taller than average. Not very strong, but when its magic is active any passengers feel light as a feather. Both the color and shape of its hair is all natural.
Art process thoughts:
An idea for a ponysona design popped into my head the other day and I'm really happy with how it turned out! Multiple times I've played with designing a ponysona by taking more grounded and literal elements of myself but none of those struck me as exciting or fun. Being freely indulgent and overdesigning a pastel magic horse is way better.
In terms of the drawing itself, this is probably the closest you'll ever see me mimic the G4 artstyle! I referenced a couple screenshots of pinkie to get an idea for scale, and then I cut apart my rough sketch into chunks so I could stretch out the neck & back because I like when the bodies are longer than proportions on the show. This also doubles as making its tallness present in the art but really I would've done that regardless.
The carousel concept is a fun way to tie in the colorful aesthetics with themes of cycles and fate. Girls love to be stuck in a loop of mayyyybe their own choosing. And it also means I get to bring back the saddle & bridle fashion concept Lauren Faust considered for the show's pitch bible. It's definitely kind of weird but in a fun way.
Carrie Go-Round like Merry-go-round but also like Carrie short for Carousel but also like Carry because she physically carries other ponies & helps lift them emotionally. Do you get it.
This is my first time adding ALT text to my images; I did my best to be thorough but not too verbose.
Miscellaneous design thoughts: I love pink and green together! IRL horse coat patterns are so so cute I wish more MLP characters had them. Plus the bubbly shapes on the hooves match her cloud prancing. Duality is everything to me: two different shapes and colors of hair, two symbols on its cutie mark, two little eyelashes. Although I tried less to make it look like me, its hair still has the same general shape (however mine will only rarely form curls like that all on its own). Also the cutie mark arrows being green is a slightly inspired by a real dream I had about getting my cutie mark:
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I've been meaning to make a ponysona for a long time now. All in all this was very fun to do and now I'm excited to draw more of my own OCs and their interactions.
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aeoneskova · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers :)
Thank you so much @ulouism for the tag! <33
How many works do you have on ao3? 7 works are currently available to read on my ao3 :)
What is your total ao3 word count? 569,216 words - i’m honestly flabbergasted
What fandoms do you write for? So far only Harry Potter, though I've been interested in some spiderman or stranger things stuff which I might write for soon.
Top 5 fics by kudos? In order: Honey Honey, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, the Funny Tricks of Time, Seven Dials, Just in Case.
Do you respond to comments? The majority of them! I try my best to answer every one, or at least one if you've commented on multiple chapters in a row :)
Which of your fics have the angstiest ending? this is hard, all my halloween one shots are very angsty but which is worse? James and Lily dying, Marlene and Dorcas dying, or Mary obliviating herself? I'll leave that up to debate lol
Which of your fics had the happiest ending? I'll go with seven dials, considering that's the only fluffy fic I've actually finished, though goflb might take that spot once its done :))
Do you get hate on fics? I had an incident a couple months ago where I got flooded with some nasty comments, and I've had a couple things in the past. But so many people here came to my defence, it was lovely to see and I can't thank you all enough!
Do you write smut? Not yet... I get awkward... and scared someone I know irl will see it... but you never know...
Do you write crossovers? I have a couple marauder fic wips which take a lot of inspiration from other stories, like the Martian and httyd, but I wouldn't mark them as crossovers when I post them cause they're mainly hp
Has anyone stolen your fics? Not that I know of, hope it stays that way lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? No but i’d be open to any requests if someone did want to :)
Ever co-written a fic? No and not sure if i’d want to, i’m a massive control freak and procrastinator so I think i’d get stressed
What's your all-time favourite ship? I’ve gotta say wolfstar, my loves <33 though I do dabble in drarry and perciver, I don't think anything will top them
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you will? I don't think I can pick lmao I have so many idea folders and half finished first chapters that I want to write but I can't balance them all. I suppose I'll go with my wolfstar pirate fic That's Life
What are your writing strengths? I think im good with characters and plot, or at least that's what I enjoy doing most and what comes most naturally to me. I waste so much water standing in the shower thinking through things... I'd say im quite a proficient editor too, but idk if that counts
What are your writing weaknesses? I'm gonna say dialogue cause sometimes when I read back over conversations, they don't feel right and I spend ages tweaking it. And can I say procrastination? I struggle so much in starting writing, but once I get into it i’m fine.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I don't trust google translate enough to write in another language unless I knew myself it was right, so in most cases i’d find a way around it. I don't mind dialogue in other languages if its for a reason, but if that means I have to translate every other sentence it can get a bit annoying
First fandom you wrote for? A Harry Potter x Percy Jackson fic on Quotev that we won't talk about ...
Favourite fic you've ever written? I have to say I'm most proud of Honey Honey, its the only full length fic ive finished but quality wise i’d say Seven Dials is my favourite
No pressure tags: @arakhnee @pretentiouswreckingball @residentrookie and anyone else who wants to join in :)
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jack-daww · 6 months
Fanfic writing asks!
2, 4, 7, 10, 29, 35, 49, and 77?
Ooh, thank you for the ask! Let's see...
2: Where do you get your fic ideas?
Hard to say. I get inspired by just about anything. Stuff I read, conversations I have, situations I've either been in or heard about, you get the gist. When something catches my interest, my brain will start screaming ideas at me until it either leaks oit of my ears or I start writing it down and throw it into the ideas folder. I'm almost constantly spewing ideas, but not all of them are good, so sometimes it just gets put in my notes app on my phone and deleted later for lack of detail.
4: How do you choose which fic to write?
Well, I have a folder on my laptop in which every fic idea gets noted down as its own document. When I finish a WIP, I look through that folder and choose whichever I have the clearest picture of. I usually keep every idea in mind and only need a small reminder of what I had planned for it, so it really comes down to where my mind goes. Sometimes I'll also have a plot for one of those ideas in mind, so I don't need to spend time choosing at all.
7: Post a snippet from a WIP
Well, it might take a little while for me to post this WIP, but have something from my latest oneshot:
"There are shelves upon shelves of books and other nick-knack, making the room look bigger and more cramped at the same time. The walls are full of paintings of all kind and there is a single lamp hanging in the middle of the room."
This story is about a tea shop (vaguely based on a shop I have been to irl) and its weird regulars, as seen by an outsider. I haven't managed to work on it since I got sick, but it's about 1/5 done, I think?
10: Do you work on multiple WIPs or stick to one fic at a time?
Uhm, I do work on multiple fics, but I try to keep it to two at most, a longer one and a oneshot. I mostly write oneshots, so yeah. Sometimes I also work on three (when counting my very long-time project) but more than that gets overwhelming and ends up with me not writing anything.
29: What's something about your writing that you're proud of?
Probably how I write emotions. I'm an angst writer, so you can imagine that a lot of situations I write tend to get messy. But I've been told my characterizations are realistic, as well as how I write emotions, so I'm pretty proud of that.
35: What's your favourite fic that you've posted?
This is hard. Uh, let me take a look at what I've posted. (I am opening multiple tabs to look through my fics for this question and the next one)
This one is probably it? I really like how I wrote magic here and while it's not my typical style (normally I'm not quite this poetic) it was fun to write! I like most of my fics, so this was a hard choice, but I feel like this is a s close to a favourite as it gets.
49: What fic of yours would you say introduction to you as a writer?
This is hard too, damn. Hm, I would say my first fic, but I don't think that would be accurate to who I am as a writer today? My writing has improved over the last two years after all.
I have two different main writing styles and different dynamics depending on what fandom I write for, so I can't really tell which one it should be. I hope naming two isn't cheating, lol.
I think these are pretty good examples of my typical writing style and they're rather recent too, so they don't have as many mistakes as my old fics might have.
The first one shows a group dynamic I enjoy and the second one is pretty good too, though from a different fandom and with a different focus. Both fics are mainly about interpersonal relationships, which is what I mostly write about, and the level of angst my fics reach on average. I was tempted to pick one of my mcd fics for this, but that wouldn't be very representative of my writing.
77: Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
Well, I enjoy writing because I like creating scenarios and trying to get people to feel stuff. But if the question is why I enjoy writing fanfiction specifically, hm. Probably because I like exploring how characters react or playing around with character dynamics? Sometimes I want to portrait a specific dynamic/scenario/emotion and I can do that easier when the characters already exist. Also, the community is nice.
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allylikethecat · 7 months
ally! this is me adding into the conversation about on a friday (the fic that i voted for this week)….i love that fic and have reread it MULTIPLE times (although i have done that with all ur fics lol so i guess that doesn’t mean much). i am so excited to see where that one goes and i can’t wait to further explore fictional!gatty’s dynamic in this one!!!
i am however equally as excited for this weeks ducklings update. fictional!matty in this fic is the epitome of bad decisions and i love him for that🫡
— 💌💌💌
Ahhh Hello Dear 💌!!
I apologize for the delay in response! I was having all the ~inspiration~ for fic writing and have been working on that instead of looking at my Tumblr inbox! (Now that I've posted the new chapter though I just keep... obsessively checking it 💀) I'm so happy to hear that you're still enjoying On a Friday and continue to be extremely thankful and blown away by the fact that you've taken the time to read it multiple times! (And my other fics too like WHAT omg thank you) I was very much nervous about writing a Fictional!Matty Omegaverse fic, and have been so incredibly grateful for how wonderful and supportive people have been! (I will say it does help that IRL Matty has been prancing around very sluttily lol) I'm so excited to share the next few chapters with you guys! Things are heating up (pun intended lol)
I hope you enjoyed this weeks Ducklings update! Things are about the blow up in that one as well and I haven't heard anyones thoughts or gotten any feedback on that one yet and am fully giving myself a complex about it lol So if you wanna let me know what you think (even if you weren't a fan of the chapter!) that would be greatly appreciated as well! Fictional!Matty in the Ducklings universe is going to be continuing to make the bad decisions- he is on the struggle bus 😂
Thank you so much for being so wonderful and supportive and taking the time to not only read my fics (more than ONCE!!!) but to take the time to send me such lovely asks including this one! Thank you so very much! I hope Tuesday is treating you well and that you have the very best rest of your week!
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mirrorballsss · 1 year
Just want to say that for my own mental health-it's incredibly great to see healthy positivity about Taylor and not just marketisation/influence climbing and obsessing about personal details. I broke up with my long term boyfriend after 19 years on the same day all this news broke-and I was so doubly devastated-not because Taylor's relationships tatus was any of my business-but because her music had been such a lynchpin of my strength to leave a relationship that had become so unwell for me. I'd shared Hoax with him over a year ago-Tying the lyrics of 'Give me a reason" to my need for something that had been missing for so long (Intent/passion/etc). And his untreated ADHD being why i felt he had a 'faithless love'. But I shared so much of Folklore with him (mirrorball was all i ever wanted to be for him) that even though so many of these songs are her story-they resonated so deeply within me that they became an intense way for me to directly SHARE what I'd been feeling.
I feel just so utterly broken right now. And scared and alone. None of my irl friends wanna talk taylor and i have isolated myself online with my boyfriend for so long I've never developed any social media presence.
Anyway i just wanted to thank you and the rest of the swifties that are having healthy conversations about the tour and Taylor and earnestly wishing her the best. (Also can I just say wtf: How is it Joe can have multiple albums inspired by him and not literally be pumping out writing and artwork of his own inspired by her?)
tysm for the nice message it really made my day!! i hope your really doing ok and it must be super hard for you now especially. i feel for you and always know that i and many others are always here if you need anything and you are never, ever alone :)
also on the last part i agree too i feel like he could honestly write some banger songs tbh
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pinestripe37 · 3 months
1, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 21, 23, 26, 27, and 36! (this is a TON of questions so don’t feel pressured to answer all of them XD you can pick & choose if you’d like!)
Yayy I am so excited!!
Do you have freckles?
Teeny tiny bit, not really noticeable I don't think.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Yes! I have my favorite Lucy in bed next to me lately and it's nice because she's my special soft kitty from when I was a toddler :)
Do you prefer drawing or writing?
I actually don't know! :0 Because I really really enjoy both! And I'm certainly so blessed to be able to express my feelings through both! I'd say it varies based on the time. Which is also nice because I can just switch back and forth between both whenever I don't have inspiration for one. It's so wonderful that God gives us multiple gifts, and lets us serve Him in such different ways! :'D I've been writing a quite a bit lately but I have been starting to think of some art ideas so perhaps I'll be drawing shortly!
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
Two! One to cover myself with and one next to me in case I get cold. DEFINITELY NOT ZERO ZERO IS THE LEAST IDEAL NUMBER- I have so much trouble sleeping when it's hot because it feels weird to not cover myself with a blanket.
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now?
~ you of coursee <33 I love you friend :')
~ My irl friend who has been so wonderful to me, it's still hard to believe that I'm appreciated, y'know?
~ ahfhijkjh allll my friends really, aaahh I love my friendss :')
~ a person I've been wanting to be friends with for many years and still pray for and will forever pray for. I have faith that if it's in God's Plan someday we will meet again and someday we will be friends and someday we will hug.
~Jesus, definitely, my Lord and Shepherd and Savior and First Love. Being with Him forever in His Presence is the best and safest Place always and He's the One who Saved me and died for me and loves me most. <3
What’s your favorite color?
Mint green and/or teal! :D But really I actually find all colors beautiful, all the colors God painted His creation in are beautiful!
How was your day today?
Pretty good. :) Pretty tiring and I'm probably gonna nap soon lol. Tiring but also blessed and peaceful day, so I'm grateful for that! :')
Do you believe in aliens?
I just stick with the answer of... Only God really knows so knowing that only He knows is enough for me. Leaning not on my own understanding is the way to go with anything I don't know for sure.
What are some seemingly childish things you like?
A bunchh! :D Stuffed animals, playing with toys, a bunch of shows including Peep and the Big Wide World and Odd Squad, picture books (my mom and I both), I feel like probably a bunch of other stuff.
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times?
My favorite favorite Book is forever the Bible. I mean, it's God's Word and I can talk to Him and hear from Him, and He's blessed me with such amazing incredible moments in Scripture with the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and taught me so much, and I can literally read it forever and still be amazed with a new insight from the Holy Spirit each time even after reading a passage over and over because the Word is Living and God continues to teach us through it. Such a wonderful blessing indeed!! :'D
My favorite fiction book would be.. maybe Little Women, or The Vanderbeekers of of 141st street (by Karina Yan Glaser) it's suchh a sweet series :') Ooh, and the Wingfeather Saga! Still gotta finish reading but I'm enjoying those books so much!
Do you like your middle name?
Yes! I've actually had a very interesting and lovely conversation with my friend about name meanings, recently-ish, and we figured out interpretations of my middle + first name meanings that fit my life and come from a Christian perspective, so that was fun! :D
Eeeee thank you for sending an ask, my dear friend!! :D <3
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nothorses · 2 years
i'm not sure if i'm being baader-meinhoffed, or if this is really a thing. it may be a combination of both.
but i have noticed that recently, more and more trans male spaces have started discussing transandrophobia (not necessarily using the term, but still the same concepts), and it was a few months after i found you. /r/ftm, /r/asktransgender, and other trans subreddits have been discussing it more and more.
i want to say thank you for what you have contributed, and that if it ever feels like you're screaming into a void, you're not. people have been taking notice and the things you're discussing have become a lot more in the consciousness of the trans community, at least online.
the transandrophobia discussion, discussion of how trans men are impacted by society, and even discussion on how men are treated by radfems have been picked up and are becoming a lot more mainstream. the transmasculine community is identifying with what you're saying, and is now much more openly talking about it, and i want to say that at least part of that is on you.
i'm thankful, and i think you should be proud.
I definitely can't take credit for that; I started talking about it because I saw others before me talking about it, and I know people have been trying to have these conversations for years prior to that. This is something we, as a community, have accomplished together- not something to be credited to the one (1) white trans man people seem to think is a representation of the entire transmasc community.
That said, I know I have one of if not the largest followings on this site out of all the transmascs talking about this, and I know I hold a lot of sway, and I'm really grateful to all of the folks who've picked up my posts, built on them, and spread them around; and to the many, many others who've made their own posts, and brought these things into the meatspace to share as well! I do take pride in the growth of this community and conversation, I just want to emphasize that pride in myself, specifically, is for the words I've written and ideas I've had. The growth of those things beyond me and outside of me is not mine to take credit for (though it's definitely exciting!!)
(Also, I have met multiple transmascs irl now who have heard of and internalized a lot of this without ever having talked to me before, and that's really cool to me!! The tides are turning, and it's exciting and uplifting and incredibly inspiring.)
Anyway- thank you!! I really do appreciate the kindness!!
I only qualify all this to combat some of the pedestal-ing, and to try to encourage folks to engage with transmascs that aren't me; particularly transmascs of color, who've had their voices erased repeatedly by all sides of this discussion.
If you want to thank me, go follow some folks on that linked rec list!
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whyme-anamayi · 2 years
Oh everything is my fault yall? I dont do as much as I should be? I shouldn't disrespecting adults with swearing? I can use anything as an outlet? I'm not allowed to have time for myself by myself? I am forced to talk to my significant other and friends and or family mwmember but no God forbid I get alone time to recover from fucking spending time with a person(s) since that's how i retain mental clarity and gain patience? Oh my friends like me more than a friend? Of my bf doesn't understand me or anything I say and he's right/I don't get a say/don't bother adding any of my opinions since its just not worth the effort to not blow up in his face? Been bitchy as of late? I'm not allowed to keep what i buy with my own money? I should grow up and act my age? I'm still act like a child to you? I'm not allowed to express myself? I'm not allowed to have friends? I'm not allowed to have an education? I'm not allowed to drive/and or have my license? I'm not allowed to have an id at age 21 going on 22? You're too passive? You're easily persuaded? I shouldt be lacking inspiration? I should work on what I have and not start a new project and finish what I've started? You say you know me better than I know myself?
Ho hoo..
Now.. dont get me even started- Everything is not my fault. Its not my fault I have eating disorders, depression, anxiety, bpd, d.i.d, aspergers, add, autism and more. I never asked to be born. Its other people's faults that either lead to it being my fault or you're the victum making so you won't hurt as much as you do i. Im doing everything I'm capable of doing so. I'm not able to drink nor smoke, I cant use unhealthy habits. I have nothing to let out my rage on. I camt run in my neighborhood since in the past year 5 vans and guys ahve tried to kidnap me thinking im a fucking child. I camt even catch a break with family or friends. One of my friends is super fucking clingy and likes me and I dont in that way on top of it hes a minor. Hes from UK and says 16 is legal age. No. 18 is legal age. 16 is of concent, even if his parents do, I do not consent and on top of it im taken so ima about to fucking cut ties since its so annoying saying he will kill himself or leave me every time something doesn't goes his way. He gets so frustrated and when it does he screams bloody murder having a temper tantrum. I never asked to fucking baby sit damn it. I see family almost every single day now a days and I hate it. I lost most of my friends irl so fuck them. They're fake. Fuck fake people. My bf doesn't want to see things on my perspective nor walk in my shoes. Yoy don't know what I've been through or done.
I'm bitchy due to the fact I have 0 patience anymore and I get annoyed easily. I've gained so much weight. I'm going to relapse again. Its not going to be selfharm. So dont worry. I recently baught clothes a month ago with my own money and now my mother is taking it back. She won't allow me to get my ged, ID, nor drivers liscence.
I'm not passive. I'm passive aggressive. I'll be aggressive when I need to be. I'm not easily persuaded. Sometimes I just don't want to deal with the conversation or it doesn't peak my interest. I dont want to speak.
I have issues. I get distracted. I can never concentrate on one project at a time or I stop entirely thats why i have multiple projects. No one knows me. They just want to say that do they do when they don't. They only see what I show. I dont understand the most of what I do nor say.
In the end I'm my own person.i should be allowed what I want to do as an adult. No back seat driving nor child restraints.
Sorry. This was only to get off my chest
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