#this is just because i changed my mobile theme and was in a pink black and white mood
faunandfloraas · 8 months
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kewpidity · 2 months
kewpie's slapdash tips and tricks for making moodboards
ive been asked a few times about how i make my moodboards and my MethodTM so here it is!
this is an image heavy post and as detailed and comprehensive as i can possible make it, if you have any questions let me know and i'll help if i can!
also, this is made with sites and apps for desktop- i have no experience editing on mobile so if that's what you're looking for im afraid i cant help you, sorry! ↷↷↷
Choose Your Fighter
let's get right into it- first thing first choose a character, or a ship or a series or whatever! i'll be doing a ship because it's a teeny bit more involved than just a single character or series
the ship will be grim x mandy from the one show
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Picking Pictures
obviously the most important part of a moodboard is the Pictures
i use pinterest personally, and finding them on there is usually pretty easy, especially if i have an idea of things i want to include. a lot of people already have boards made up for characters as well, so just searching the character names under the 'board' option will usually get you where you need to go!
but i know some people prefer sources with free to use, royalty free type images, so i included those as well:
pixabay unsplash
you can have as many or as little as you'd like, but personally i prefer the classic 9x9 grid style moodboards, so im obviously gathering 9 photos
as for what pictures to choose, here are some things to ask yourself:
do you have a color scheme you associate with this character/ship? are there any themes that are relevant?
these are the pics i choose for my board- they're raw, unedited, and uncropped, which we'll be changing here in a bit
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notice that ive chosen the color scheme of pink, black, and white because that suits them and is also the colors in their actual character palettes
ive also picked some things that feel relevant to the ship and its vibes- mandy is associated with daisies, so i got a picture with a girl with a daisy in her eye, which i also paired with a skull with a flower in its eye socket, bringing them together with a common theme. there are also little black shoes and a bloody knee for mandy, a psythe and what could work for cerberus for grim, and since their ship is kind of gruesome and mean spirited (affectionate) as well as the show having pulpy vibes, i got a heart shaped steak, a pulpy romance/horror cover, and an old horror movie card with their VibesTM
now that we have our pictures, its time to figure out the formatting! i went ahead and already did that with the pictures above using a site ipiccy, specifically the 'collage' options
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once you press 'collage', you'll open up to this menue, where im choosing the 9x9 grid, but as you can see there are other options there if you wanna use them! then you're gonna press 'add images'
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then you add images here (mine are already loaded in):
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afterwards, you play around with the placement of the images- its okay if they clip or dont properly fit in the box, this is Only figuring out where you want the pictures to go, we'll place them properly later in a different program
when im placing them i like to consider patterns and shapes- top left square is a 'mandy' square, so bottom right should be a 'grim square', as well as echo each other- in this case the flowers in the eyes thing, and so on, even down to the pointy little shoes and the pointy little sythe this part can be v subjective, so i encourage you to play around until it clicks for you
i hope my scribbles kinda help explain visually what i mean:
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also as a small personal tip: when i make moodboards i want to capture the feeling of a character/ship/what have you Without just Saying it. because of that i lean more heavily on the pictures themselves and Only ever use One that has text on it. again this is subjective, but to me its a 'telling vs showing' thing and too many words makes the whole thing feel v cluttered with little room for the actual characters involved
once you're satisfied with your placement, take a screenshot to reference your placement, and then we move on to
PS/Photopea, Templates, Adjustments, and PSDs
this is where we get really into it
firstly, i know most people either dont have PS or are nervous about downloading a cracked version (def do not click this because it is def not a link to older ps files you can dl for free) but luckily there's an extremely comprehensive in-browser option that is totally free called Photopea, which can be found HERE
its basically a 1 to 1 rebuild of the real thing, and since its more accessible i'll be using that to finish up my board!
first, you'll wanna throw your template in there, here's the one im using
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once you open it, you also need to open the pics you chose to use- i suggest doing this one at a time to not overcrowd the program
once the pic is open, copy it and paste it over onto the moodboard, and then right click the layer and set it to 'clipping mask' which will keep the pic within the bounds of just the template:
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then go over the toolbar on the right, press the 'rectangle select', then right click the board and select 'free transform' to move the picture around freely:
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now is where you look at the screenshot you took of the ipiccy placement, and then you simply move the picture in the proper place in the moodboard! you might need to select and cut off the part that doesnt fit neatly into the square
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continue doing this until you have it all filled out, and take some time to properly fit the pics (for example, the pic with the text needed to be (to does this is photopea drag around the corners while in 'free transform, and if you dont want it to scale at the same dimensions press 'shift' on the keyboard while you drag, which is what i had to do with the text or the flower-in-the-skull to make it fit properly))
its important that All your layers are properly set to clipping mask, otherwise it'll be all messed up! so it should look like like this when you're done, and hopefully everything will be layered on the board properly, and we end up with this:
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you could stop here and be done with it, the entire moodboard can be finished now, but i like to tweak things like contrast and value and levels, which are found here in the 'image' section at the top- ive been as tutorial-esque as i can be so far, but this one really comes down to playing around with it and making adjustments until you like the outcome (each layer can be changed individually)
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i try to make it so everything feels even- the blacks match and the whites match and none of them feel particularly lighter or darker or more saturated than the others
so we go from this:
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to this (if you cant tell the difference i didnt do it well ljksdf, its helped further along and made more obvious by the next step) :
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and Finally the secret sauce: PSDs!
these are premade colors/effects that you drop on top of board to help even things out, maybe make some colors Pop
there are a Ton of them free to use on tumblr and deviantart, and Here is a tutorial on how to use them! (its done on mobile but works functionally the same as on desktop)
feel free to make adjustments to the photos more under the psd until it looks right to you
once ive selected and used the psd i wanted, i export it as a png, and this is the result!
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i hope this is helpful and not Too confusing, if anybody has any questions let me know and i'll try to help!
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groggydog · 1 year
Requiem (Interactive Fiction Devlog #1)
(See my previous posts here.)
For today's dev log, I want to talk a bit about design.
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If you've played any of my games, you know that I heavily favor a blocky, high-contrast aesthetic. The Familiar was perhaps the "softest" game I've done.
REQUIEM's design is loosely based on "Neo-Brutalism," a sort of counter-aesthetic to glossy, polished skeuomorphic design.
More about this and my philosophy after the jump.
Here's my entry for Spring Thing 2022, Super Mega Tournament Arc! Notice any similarities? (I love a good box shadow.)
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Usually in Neo-Brutalist design you're also using a lot of vibrant, often clashing, colors. While I did adhere to that with bright pinks and blues in SMTA! I'm eschewing it for Requiem in favor of a more stark black and white theme.
In the top image, you can see the one red Menu button. Normally, that's black and white. But on hover it changes. Only a small number of things do this in the game (battles have a lot of color, for instance, but very little else does), as a way to help manage information and intensity.
So why did I pick Neo-Brutalism?
Mostly, this all has to do with setting. I've imagined a futuristic monastic order, and I wanted the interface to reflect what they might have on their devices. I think the very rigid, boxy interface communicates that and mimics their theoretical black-and-white habits, while also working really well on modern screens.
And since this game is a rogue-lite/RPG, I also know that my players are going to be clicking through a *lot* of pages, and so I want to make sure information is eminently readable, and there are consistent design trends. Take, for instance, the one darker button choice in the menu up above. I'm using weighted menus every so often to help the reader keep up a good pace in clicking through things without having to stop and think critically about it all the time. Sometimes it's enough to just click the bolder button!
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I also like this design because it was very easy to translate to mobile. I've done a poor job in the past designing for mobile, and so it was important that a vertical, smaller, responsive layout was a design consideration from the beginning.
And lastly, I've tried to be more conscientious about accessibility, especially when it comes to fonts.
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@manonamora-if recently helped me out in the Twine discord to figure out (based on this still very useful @idrellegames post [careful with copy and pasting]) how to put this in my own game. The "theme" changes the highlight color from red to green or blue. There are currently two font sizes to pick from (Default and Larger), and three fonts - Monospace, Verdana, and Helvetica. Nothing major, but a bit of customization that was not terribly hard to code in.
And that's it for this week's dev log! I've got a few posts planned ahead already, but I'd love to know what you want to see about my game. Feel free to drop me an ASK or comment with your suggestions.
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mayspicer · 2 years
Hell yeah you're answering some of those (if you want to), it's fun! 2, 11, 28, 44, 51 for the pink bean
Aww yiss. If anyone is interested, this is about Cayden, who can be found in my posts tagged as his name or more generally pathfinder.
This is gonna be long because I'm unable to write short answers. Also I have no idea how to add a read more on mobile, so uhhh, have fun xD
2. What was your original concept for this character? How did playing them change that concept?
The whole creation story is full of randomness tbh. I wanted to try playing a face and had a rogue half prepared for that, but the GM told me to maybe not play a rogue again, so I changed my mind to a sorcerer. A friend was creating his first character ever then, and he wanted to be a typical wizard, so I looked for less combat focused options for my sorcerer and we lacked a healer, so I found that there is a unicorn sorcerer bloodline that knows healing spells and has some nice healing powers. This was my first sorcerer, so I looked for guides and turns out that gnomes are super recommended. I decided on looks and even gender when having fun in heroforge. Thought it will be super funny if a gnome that's gonna be unicorn themed will also be pink and a man. It's a little freaky how he became a serious character that took over my entire brain for more than a year now, considering how he came to existence. Gnomes, man, it must be something to them, this shouldn't've worked. I'm so glad it did tho. Even his name was super randomly chosen, as back then the party was supposed to be 3 people with others joining later, and we thought it would be hilarious if we make some kind of acronym from character names. The word "CYC" (tit would be the same in English ig) appeared, so I looked for male names beginning with C. Found Caden, thought it sounded nice, so I told the GM it's gonna be it. And he went ooooh if you spell that differently, he could be named after a god of beer in Pathfinder. I liked the spelling better, I liked the connotations, boom xD
As for his character, I remember that he was supposed to be more crazy (whatever that means, my first sketches are more mischievous looking), but after writing his backstory and actually starting playing, I think he just stayed pretty much the same. Also the rest of the party put the bar pretty high for the craziness/unchainedness level, so I automatically assumed a more mature approach to compensate lol
I wish I was better at roleplay tho, because it's really hard to try to come across as someone who is by design comfortable in most situations, talks smoothly and is confident and flirty when I'm not and I don't even know how people like this are supposed to act, so I can't even try to pretend hhhh
I just hope that the rest of my group knows how I want him to be, cos we don't really talk much about character stuff outside the game (I wish we did, but it appears that I'm the only one who's been raised in the whole OC culture and I don't even feel very comfortable around some of the people outside of the game hhhh)
11. if they have a pet or animal companion, how do they spend time with them? if they don’t have one, what sort of animal would they be interested in raising, if any?
In one of the first sessions we saved a young black cat, so Cayden had a pet for a few weeks. Named the cat Rybiarz xd (Fisher?) because he said he liked fish (speak with animals hehe). Cayden left the cat in the inn we were staying in, because the inn keeper became our friend and the cat liked it here, so Cayden decided he's not gonna drag the poor cat along with him on the two month journey and who knows what next. If he could have a pet, I see two ways. Either some magical beast, lika a faerie dragon (not really a pet tho, cos they're sentient, but I mean the vibe), something that would be comfortable being on the move, possibly something matching his own energy, or even helping him seem even more attractive to others. The other option is some kind of animal that can swim (and climb?), because the boy Can't Swim. The last session ended in the middle of combat, where Cayden spent 3/4 of it under water, as the fight was with a water elemental which raised the water level and submerged everyone. And this was not the first time something like this happened xD And with him being so smol, he starts having problems when there is like 0.5m of water and if the water covers him, it boils down to waiting for someone to fish him out. A trained animal could solve this problem xD
As for spending time with the pet, it would probably be just playing with it and chilling together. Maybe if it was some special creature, he would be taking it with him to some social situations and play harmless tricks on others, or try to impress others with it, depending on the situation and mood.
28. do they collect anything?
He currently finally got his hands on a Mnemonic Vestment he's been saving gold for, so now he's focused on collecting as many magic scrolls (and possibly spellbooks, generally written magic) as possible, because the Vestment lets him cast one spell per day from such a source using his own spell slot AND not using up the scroll itself. This is super good, because Cayden as a sorcerer has a lot of spell slots, but a very short list of spells known. A new era just begun for him hahah
44. what lies do they tell others?
This is a hard one. I'm not great at creating characters that have many aspects to them. Cayden is pretty honest anyway, and talkative, so every one of his friends probably knows almost everything about his past and about him generally. He had to tell a pretty serious lie in the past and he only confessed to maybe two people (all just in backstory). It was about how the father of his first girlfriend died. He was killed by a unicorn, when he tried to kill it for its horn. The father was hunting magical creatures in secret, so his family didn't know anything, but he wanted Cayden to help him with the "business", as the relationship with his daughter was becoming serious. Why he thought it was a good idea is a mystery, as Cayden's family's past involving a friendship with a unicorn was pretty well known. Cayden helped the unicorn escape, but not before the other gnome shot at it with a crossbow. The unicorn charged and impaled the man with its horn before teleporting away. After spending the night crying his eyes out and trying to make sense of this whole situation, Cayden brought back the father's body back to the family and lied that the man was killed by someone with a spear who tried to mug them, before he managed to scare the attackers away using magic tricks.
I think, more generally, hypothetically, Cayden would lie about his own well being, for example if it meant others wouldn't waste time on him and would be able to save themselves in a critical situation. He would lie to make others feel better if he knew there was no way to help them and if he knew that showing confidence and being optimistic would raise morale of everyone else.
As for non serious lies (I'm not even sure it counts for the question), sometimes his gnome nature comes through, and he's tempted to just mess with someone by telling obvious nonsense information when an opportunity arises, or creating illusions. He doesn't have a heart to leave someone confused for too long though, so most of the time he clears thing up pretty fast.
And of course he tells lies in typical adventurer stuff situations. False names, motivations, all that. "I'm so sorry for shooting color spray in your face I panicked, I just didn't want you to cuff me, I'm on your side I swear, I want to help deal with those people demolishing your holy stairs, I won't be able to do that while magically handcuffed!" *Insane bluff check* *promptly escapes the moment he sees an opportunity*
Currently we're trying to infiltrate some kind of a drug cartel criminal underground, so there is a lot of bluffing involved xD
51. what element of their backstory are you proudest of?
The elements my GM basically wrote for me xD
I'm not the strongest writer, not even moderately acceptable writer, so I needed a little help. We all generated backstory events when creating characters and wrote based on what we got. I couldn't think of a conflict that involved telling a lie motivated by love. This is the one above, about the unicorn. The other backstory element is to rationalize how Cayden got out of his country that was surrounded by enemy nations currently at war I think and travelled through almost half the continent to the Pathfinder lodge in Absalom. I decided he's going to go by water, sailing near appropriately named Isle of Terror. Sure the name is not nice and there are some terrible stories surrounding the place, but near the shore there are real people actively looking for vessels trying to cross the lake. Turns out Isle of Terror is no joke and during a terrible negative energy storm everyone from the crew died, if not by the storm, then finished off by a shadowy creature, and Cayden barely survived this only thanks to hiding in a barrel, and plot armor I guess (it's a backstory after all, and a random event due to my decisions to go this route).
Other than that, I kinda like the part about Cayden even having the bloodline powers he has. One of his ancestors/parents had to have some kind of closer contact with a unicorn and I decided it's gonna be his mother. Before he was born, his country was at war with basically every neighbour and Cayden's mother was helping refugees by hiding them in a dense forest near the border. She impressed a unicorn living there with her determination and pure heart and they formed a strong bond with the unicorn protecting it's forest against unwanted invaders, but allowing shelter for the needing. During those efforts Cayden's mother met his father and after the war, Cayden was born. Later, when he grew up, it turned out that some of that unicorns magic/blessing passed onto his mother and became apparent in him.
I know it's cheesy, but that's about the peak of my writing/storytelling skills xD
For someone that is 52 years old, my boy has a surprisingly uneventful backstory, with 40 years of living peacefully in his village with both parents, having a traumatic experience, and then going out to see the world, hearing about Pathfinder Society on his first big stop and making it his dream to join them. I described his journey basically by coming up with partners he had romantic relationships with along the way and elaborating a little what happened during these stops/stages of the journey. Now I face the joy of meeting this characters as NPC's one day, oof, I didnt think this through. We even met that first girlfriend already. (it was ok, but super stressful, but also super sweet at the end)
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larentsaloud · 3 years
Please make a post for Thyme clothes for EP8. Was he going to wear those yellow long shorts and boots (?) to school?
He looked so endearing this week...so different in body language from EP1 Thyme. In EP1 is was so wound up and ready to pounce.
your wish is my command anon. 
as we have established before, the tiger print is a metaphor for the ‘old thyme’ the one who hoards power and prestige. when thyme is going through a transition phase, you see him quite literally wear the tiger shirt with donuts, or tiger shirt with bananas. 
none of this is done by a mistake, but is a direct reference to his emotional state. you can tell how thyme is feeling by the way he dresses. soft pink / colourful thyme is happy thyme. 
during the bus scene, when he wore the yellow banana tiger shirt, yellow being symbol of jealousy and bananas are literally a way to describe a mad person in some countries, perfectly summaries him emotional state. 
I have seen other’s discus this theory and I have made this connection very early on, so I am glad others are finally appreciating the metaphors and symbolism this show is making. I discussed it here briefly x  
ok now that we got THAT out of the way. let’s get it. in no particular order:
1. Delulu Thyme™️ I’m On A Boat Outfit 
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I love this on hiiiiiimmm! he looks happy and carefree, the blue collar and hem accentuate the nautical theme. I am not convinced about the shorts, only because we got insufficient leg content this episode. I need more LEGS. MORE is MORE. gimme. 8/10 because it looks psychedelic and has anchors. I dig it. I love how pious he is with the buttoned up collar. does it not open? no? are you suuuureeee?
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2. Lost Lil’ Tiger Looking For Owner Outfits
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LOOK AT THAT FLUFF, it’s also purple and would snuggle. 10/10. 
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meow? lemme in? what is this print? I don't mind it. has a 70s disco retro vibe, like when you fall out of the club onto the pavement and chunder all the way home unable to get an uber, the only difference being that this lost kitty has found his way home, but owner not replying. 7/10 because I will cry?
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I can’t believe this is what my parents had to do before mobile phones. they had to GO places and ASK people questions. abhorrent. kudos to kitty tiger for trying so hard. naw. what is he wearing tho? OH IT’S ONLY PURPLE METALLICA CREW NECK. THIS IS FINE. I WILL NOT HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. SAID NO ONE EVER. I AM FULLY UNHINGED. I WANT THIS SO BAD. 15/10. 
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IT’S THE SWAG FOR ME. IT’S BLACK AND HAS STUFF ON IT. I DON’T CARE. IT’S PERFECT WAR SHIRT. ALEXA PLAY war on drugs I don't live here anymore. argh. I am screaming because this is the first time he stands up to her BIG TIME. this is the correct fashun to wear when unlocking a new war path. we approve. do I need to rate it? its priceless. 
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listen, there are few things I will never understand. and one of them would be white socks in black shoes. they stain and stop being white. just why? I know rich people can afford to throw socks away after one use, but what is this? it looks like Versace outfit and I absolutely cannot stand Gucci, Versace or Prada. it’s epitome of ugly fashion made for people who like to flash it. I’m more of a Dior / Chanel girl. I like elegance and style, something demure and long lasting. stylish. that you can fawn over quietly(ISH) but hey. back to thyme. this whole scene took me out. he learnt her moves, but he wasn't expecting to get punched. this outfit  is a no from me? in terms of where it stands on the tiger vs happy thyme scale? I would say he is changing, so this is the in-between outfit. like when you walk in the new neighbourhood wearing designer gear, unaware of the fact you will be an eye sore. -5/ 10
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look even he has hard time believing that his sister just praised him for moving in next door. this outfit is S O F T boyfie vibe, ideal for inviting your friends over and making some. ramen no innuendoes thank you. I love the whole vibe, the nirvana like smiley and pink detail. again we get pink and yellow just saying. minus the trousers. and the Versace sliders. 7.5/10 
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ok I take that back. I have just seen with my own eyes the whole top and thyme? baby? is that a girl spinning the sun / smiley face / her mood with her legs while laying down on the back? who designed this, I need a word. 
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ageofevermore · 4 years
Magic In The Parks
SUMMARY — and maybe he was meant to find love in the happiest place on earth, or maybe they were just strangers in the same room at the same time
NOTE — happy halloween, i’ve been working on this for nearly an entire month. it’s a bit rough around the edges, but i’m super proud of it!
───── ・ 。゚☆゚: *. ☽ .* : ☆゚. ─────
The air is sweeter in Florida, warmer too. Tom’s got his arms full of bags, and his hand held tightly, but he still takes a minute to tilt his chin upwards and inhale the tropical scent of Orlando. He’s spent a lot of time in the southern states of the east coast, but he’s thankful to be in company this trip. The black adidas bag on his shoulder is heavy, but valuable. He can feel the sharp plastic of a crown poking his back through the padding; one of many she insisted on bringing, and his smile widens.
Traveling with a toddler is difficult, and Tom much rather prefers the time of his parental experience where Posie wasn’t mobile. She’s all over the place now, wanting to see and understand the inner workings of everything mechanical. He’s sure he’s answered the question of how a plane flies six times within the last few hours, but he enjoys it. He enjoys everything about fatherhood; even single fatherhood. 
Posie’s been buzzing about this trip for weeks, ever since Tom told her they’d get to meet all of her favorite princesses during the week. He’s seen every movie thrice over, confidently quoting The Princess and The Frog in his sleep he’s sure. It was the requested theme of her third birthday party, and he has his suspicions that her fourth will be all the same in a couple of months. 
“Hold my hand please, darling.” He insists when she pulls away, not wanting to lose his tiny companion in Terminal C of Orlando International. She’s always been a bit of a wanderer, but her curiosity’s grown since landing in Orlando and spotting a plethora of poorly hidden Mickeys. “Thank you.” 
His teams arranged for a driver to escort them to the resort, n0t wanting to risk public transportation. Somehow he’s managed to go unrecognized, but he doesn’t want to leave anything to chance. Posie’s swinging his hand now, her small fingers twisted into his. The feel of her is soft, dainty, innocent even. It’s everything Tom misses when he lays her to bed at night and goes about the rest of his evening without her company. She’s his best mate, and has been since the day she was born.
The black SUV Tom’s put in order pulls around into the terminal, a driver dressed in a black and white suit coming to help load the bags into the boot of the car. Tom’s made a plethora of big moves this trip, like traveling without personal security, and not bringing a car seat for Posie. He’s almost regretting it now, but it wasn’t worth the bulk and invasion. He likes this quality time, something he doesn’t get much of with the amount of active projects he’s signed onto. 
“We’re gonna go see the castle, right, Daddy?” Her small sentences are full of glee, and she’s bouncing excitedly on the tips of her toes. Tom scoops her up onto his hip, handing off the black Adidas bag when the driver, a middle aged man named Phil, asks if he wants it in the back as well. 
“Thank you,” He nods towards Phil, the asian-american nodding as gleefully as he could show behind the thick black mask. “Yeah, we’re gonna see the castle, and all the princesses. What are you gonna sing when you see Rapunzel?” Tom asks. 
Posie doesn’t have to think for a single minute, smiling as she begins the motions of delicately brushing another's hair. “Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine, make the clocks reverse, Daddy, you sing the rest.” Her young voice is innocent as she struggles over syllables, maiming almost every other word in the song, but Tom understands it, and his heart swells with adoration. 
“Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the fates design. Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine. Go ‘head, finish it, love,” Tom encourages, laughing at the shy blush that spreads across Posie’s neck. She presses her cheek into his arm, grabbing his fingers in her tiny fist with uncertainty. “We’ll do it together, yeah? Ready?��� He waits for her to nod before they both softly finish the rhyme Mother Gothel makes Rapunzel sing nightly, “What once was mine.” 
“Good job, Daddy.” Posie encourages, laughing when the button of her nose is pressed and Tom smooths his hand over her head. She’s got flyaways going in every direction, the once cute ponytail he assembled at the crown of her head having slipped down towards her neck with all of her excited activities. She looks a mess, but the sight makes his heart grow fonder. 
“Who’s your favorite?” The driver asks, his friendly question opening the shy toddler up. Her lips split, and her looks between Tom and Phil to make sure it’s okay before continuing.
Her voice comes out like a soft symphony, and shyly her English accent carries through the car. “Tiana.”
“I quite like Mulan.” Tom exclaims, poking his finger into Posie’s side. She squirms away from his touch, a laugh pouring from her belly as she throws her head backwards. “Reckon I could be Mushu, what do you think, mate?” Tom asks Phil, the man under question shaking his head with a laugh. His grin is wide beneath his mask, having been ages since he’s heard a child laugh so wholeheartedly. 
“I think Mushu fits perfectly, sir.” 
Posie’s pressed into Tom’s side, sound asleep for the second time with the hem of his Star Wars shirt in her fist. Tom’s watching her blissfully, occasionally looking down at his phone to straighten out the last of their reservations, but for the most part, he’s devoted to her simple innocence. He had watched her sleep on the plane too, not remembering the last time he had the time to just sit beside her and admire what she’s becoming. 
“I miss that age.” Phil speaks softly. He’s kept quiet for a while, letting Tom just absorb the sweet cuddles he’s being offered, but he couldn’t let the father slip by without sympathizing about just how fast they grow up. “I have two at home.” 
“Goes by in a blink, doesn’t it, mate.” Tom smooths his hand over Posie’s head once more, breathing in deeply to settle the emotions brawling in his heart. 
Tom’s holding her on his hip again, coaxing sleep out of her eyes with the pad of his abused thumb. His fingers and palms are rough from years of stunt work with Sony and Marvel, but he still finds a way to make his touches gentle and sweet for her. His precautions surfaced from the first time he held her, just minutes after her delivery, and his pinky scratched the pink of her gentle cheek. He never wanted to feel that bottomless guilt and sorrow again. 
Posie’s fighting his gentle approach though, emitting soft whines from around her thumb as she poutily shoves her face into the crook of his neck. She’s been asleep for nearly an hour, which is longer than she naps at home, but Tom knows all too well how draining travel can be. They've only just been escorted into their hotel suite, and Tom wishes he had the patience to let her sleep until her sweet little heart's content, but he’s just about buzzing to get everything settled and begin the true festivities of their short trip. A week is not nearly enough time at the happiest place on earth. 
“Come on, darling.” He coos, bringing a hand down the small of her back and patting her bum. She’s as much of an easy riser as Paddy is, though where Paddy’s irritable, Posie’s cuddly. “Don’t you want to go see the pretty castle, love?” 
Posie lifted her head from Tom’s shoulder, petting the bridge of his nose sleepily. “Wanna go.” She mumbles, “Put my Tiana dress on.” 
Tom laughs, lowering her onto the hotel bed. She’s heavy in his embrace still, still mesmerized by sleep, but her eyes are open and buzzing with excitement. She traces the bag of costumes laying by the door, and her little fingers jet out in persistence. He detaches her arms from around his neck, kissing her little knuckles sweetly, before asking her to sit down so she doesn’t fall. She’s not the most coordinated little, and he’s not willing to risk the chance of her getting hurt. 
“Which one do you want, Posie? Yellow or Green?” Tom asks, turning around to look at his daughter. She’s on her feet again, reaching high above the headboard. Her fingers are just barely able to brush across the portrait of the Pixar characters, but she’s absolutely bustling with glee. “On your bottom, please.” Tom advises. He pulls the yellow dress from the bag, deciding against the green dress for the first night. 
Posie owns every princess dress ever, and in multiple variations. There’s about four Cinderella dresses shoved into the adidas backpack, Tom’s just barely managed to convince her to pack half of the collection, though he knows they’ll leave with at least another three in his suitcase when she lays her eyes on the gift shops collection, not to mention after the trip to bippity boppity boutique; which he’s already made a reservation for. He’s excited for the struggle though, because he knows it will have meant that Posie had fun. 
She mindlessly lifted her arms up when Tom came back over towards the bed, and he happily pulled her shirt from her body. At the moment, he couldn’t care for keeping the suite in a tidy order, flicking the shirt across the room, which prompted giggles from Posie who watched wide eyed excitement. “Reckon we can make it a bit messy, huh?” Tom teased, poking at the flesh of her pudgy belly. She’s losing the baby weight more and more every day, becoming almost unrecognizable in comparison to the infant decorating his home screen. It’s a bittersweet realization to have, and Tom feels as though he has the same thought every time she laughs. 
“Go ahead, angel. Throw them.” He encourages after standing her up on the bed and helping her out of her cotton shorts. Posie grins mischievously, doing as she was prompted and releasing the black shorts into the air. They don’t make it any farther then Tom’s shadow, but her head is still thrown back in exquisite belly laughs. 
Tom grins, holding the dress over her head and sliding her arms through the small cuffs carefully. She’s always hated being dressed, whether it was the actual act of putting clothes on, or continuing to wear them. She’s his little wild card, but he can’t help but melt at the sight of her in Tiana’s working uniform. 
“You look so pretty, my baby.” He coos, laying her down on the bed and kissing all over her face. Posie’s squeals and giggles are blissful, her small little fingers trying to push Tom’s scruffy chin away from her cheeks and necks. 
In retaliation, she digs her fingers into his sides, trying to mess with him in the same way he’s instigating her. Tom’s grin in splitting, mocking surprise as he pulls away from Posie quickly to glimmer with enjoyment and love. 
“Are you tickling me, Posie Grace?” Tom retorts, hands planted on the dips of his hips. Posie grinned, standing from the bed and leaping into her father's embrace with gleeful vigor and giggles. Tom’s never heard Posie laugh so much in her entire life.  
He’s damn near certain that his cheeks are going to hurt after their week long escapade, but he’s looking forward to the dull ache in his jaw. It’s been awhile since things have been so easy, and he knows that it won't last even a day past november second, but he’s cherishing it while he has it. He doesn’t ever want to worry about Posie being taken away, but with a growing argument from his daughter's maternal side, he’s not so sure his multiple day work week and constant travel looks appealing in court. 
“Ready, Princess Posie?” Tom asks, shifting Posie higher on his hip as he advanced towards the suites door. She nodded happily, fisting the neckline of his shirt between clammy fingers. She always did get clammy when she was feeling too much of something, a dead giveaway to Tom and anyone else that knew Posie Holland. “It’s gonna be so fun, right?” He pries gently, hoping to settle some of the overwhelming excitement and uncertainty she’s feeling. 
“Yeah!” She babbles shyly, watching her father grab two face masks and slip the smaller one around her ears and over her nose. She wiggles her lips for a minute before accepting the fate of the feeling. 
“We’ve gotta keep this on, remember?” He preaches, kissing Posie’s temple when she nods in confirmation. The entire situation isn’t ideal; Tom never thought he’d be taking Posie to Disneyworld for Halloween in the middle of a global pandemic, but he’s made sure to adhere to all the precautions and plan as strategically as he’s able. He wants to have fun, but he needs her to be kept safe and healthy. “Let’s roll, princess.” 
“Mickey’s over your nose, please.” Tom speaks softly. Posie’s been chattering up a storm about their recent trip around the Dumbo ride, and in her excitement the mask had slipped down. She giggles, clumsily pulling it back up and flashing a wide grin at her father. “Cheeky.” He muses, leaning up against the railing to his left and looking down at the little girl who's all his own. Her face is flush, a blush rising up her neck and around her ears from the heat, and flyaways from her ponytail have begun to frame her face. “Who are we going to see first, hum? How about Ariel, I quite like her.” 
Posie leans into Tom’s legs, wrapping her arms around him tightly. She’s completely overjoyed, but she’s shied away from multiple attractions, and he thinks the décor might be a little more intimidating then she’s letting on. 
“I wanna see Anna!” She beams, and Tom laughs, although not surprised. Her list of favorite princesses is endless, and every minute somebody else gets added higher onto the list. “No! I wanna see Rapunzel, can we see Rapunzel?” 
Tom’s thankful she changed her mind before he had to explain that Anna was located in an entirely different park, and that they definitely wouldn’t make it there by the end of the day. Posie grinned when the group of three ahead of them was escorted into the building, making her and Tom the head of the queue. 
“Do you think Tiana’s gonna like my dress?” Posie grinned shyly, fingering the yellow material covering her little legs. 
Tom nods in confirmation, giving her a look once over just to boost her confidence. “I think she’s going to love it, mate.” He smiles when Posie gets flushed, digging the button of her slim shaped nose into the denim of his jeans. “Do you think Cinderella will like my crown?” 
Posie pulled away enough to check the silver crown on top of her father's head, she pulled her hand up to her already covered mouth, and threw her head back in blissful laughter. She’d found it incredibly hilarious when Tom bought them matching crowns to begin with, she hadn’t even realized he had stuck the silver accessory through messy strands of hair on his head. 
Neither Posie or Tom has time to address the crown, because a Disney employee is smiling kindly at them, and asking them to follow the arrows into the princess greeting space. That brings another level of timidness onto Posie, as she clings to her father's hand and makes sure she walks behind his every step. She’s testing the waters. 
“Look at that, mate.” Tom points out Rapunzel in the line of princesses. She’s first followed by Cinderella, Tiana, and Belle, all smiling easily. Tom’s sure Posie’s eyes couldn’t have grown any wider at the sight and she completely freezes up, raising her arms and pinching her fingers to her palms with a pale flush. The redness that had once been spreading over her body completely replaced by nervousness. 
Tom lifts her onto his hip, a hand cradling the back of her head when she digs her face into his shoulder. Her fingers twist into the hair on the nape of his neck, while she looks Rapunzel over with uncertainty. She’s never been a fan of character costumes, Tom found that out at the Spiderman; Far From Home premier, but he hadn’t expected that shyness to carry over into princess costumes, especially considering she all but lives in her own selection. 
“Hello, Princess.” Rapunzel sings sweetly, her golden locks of hair twisting down her back as she flutters her fingers in Posie’s direction. The purple lace mask she’s wearing is similar to the pattern on the chest of her corset, just like every princess down the lines whose face mask matches their iconic costume. 
The interaction is the same down the line. Posie clings to Tom looking mortified as they pose for pictures at a safe distance, and make brief one-sided conversation, then move on to the next princess waiting. They’re at the end of the line now, and Tom’s growing a bit tired of making conversation with the princesses. They’ve all been incredibly sweet, but he’s not interested in the circular pattern Cinderella uses to mop the floors of her step-mothers house.
“Well, hello there, Princess! What’s your name?” Belle chirped, hands clasping the yellow silk of her heavy ball gown. 
Tom’s about to answer for himself and Posie again, but Posie’s shy wave distracts him. He can feel her skin getting warmer beneath his hands, but that doesn’t silence her this time. A shy frown pulls at her lips, but she looks Belle over with something similar to...trust? 
“Posie.” She whispers, before a shy smile breaks her lips and for the first time since entering the entertainment hall she looks comfortable. 
“That’s a pretty name Princess Posie! What’s your Prince’s name?” Belle asked, flowery hand movements getting a giggle from Posie’s chest. Tom can see the actor's heart nearly melt behind her eyes at the sound, and he chuckles to himself while Posie answers. 
“He’s Spiderman, not a Prince, silly.” Posie whispers, knowing she isn’t meant to be blabbering about Tom’s profession while they’re away on vacation. It’s quiet enough that the other three princesses, who are still heavily in character, don’t hear, but he still looks Belle over with worry that she’ll leak the news to the media. 
He’s made sure to dress down, avoid anything too revealing, and ditch certain aspects of his outfit that are an official identity giveaway to his following. His rolex is sitting in a safe back at the hotel room, his mask is black with a simple mickey design, and he’s instead of his preferred pair of grey sweats, or blue jeans, he’s in black Adidas joggers that he borrowed from Harrison. 
“Superhero, huh?” Belle muses softly, “Well, we better keep it a secret then. We can’t have everyone knowing, right Princess?”  
Posie lifts her head from Tom’s shoulder, smiling widely at the actor. Tom listens constantly as they talk for a few minutes, Posie grows more and more animated with every half sentence ‘Belle’ speaks and it brings back the wave of guilt he’s been surfing for weeks. His specific profession as portraying the live action version of Spiderman could have ruined all of this magic for Posie, it still has the possibility of ruining it for her when she gets to understand what an actor really is. She can only grasp that Daddy plays dress up when he goes to work, but when she realizes that Daddy is Spiderman, and without him there is no Peter Parker in Paris, he’s heartbroken thinking of everything else that ruins. Santa Claus, Disney World, cartoons. He only hopes he has a few more years of this easily achieved joy, before he single handedly ruins the magic. 
“Alright, it’s time to go, Princess Posie.” Tom snaps from his trance after they pose for another socially distanced picture, He’s not sure how ten minutes escaped him so quickly, but in the time that he’s been dreading Posie growing up, she’s found a life long friend in the professional princess actor. 
Belle sings her goodbye to Posie, but when he eyes catches Tom’s she nods, a silent promise that his secret is safe with her. 
Posie’s warmed up to the characters a bit more since their first night at the Parks. She’s not overly excited about meeting them personally, but in close passing she’s bright with awe. The parks had secretly scheduled parades throughout the day, a method of trying to prevent large crowds from forming, but Tom was lucky enough to be in the know of them the floats would pass down main street. He had taken Posie to a few of them, and each time she warmed further to the idea of the Princesses and Princes...she still wasn’t exactly fond of the full body costumes though. 
Tom laughed gently as she plowed into his legs. It was their last full day in the most magical place on earth, and Tom had pulled out all the stops. He had scheduled another reservation at the salon inside the castle after hearing all about it until Posie fell asleep on his chest, a smile and glitter painting her face, and had booked them a reservation at the infamous character dinner.  
At the bippity boppity boutique, he wasn’t surprised that she had requested Belle again, and had gleamed with the same excitement despite the repetition. He was just happy he somehow convinced her to choose a different dress, instead of the same heavy and yellow one. She was spinning around his legs, absolutely bursting with joy. Her hair was tied into a half up half down style, and the bun on the crown of her head was framed by a small silver crown and a dusting of glitter. As the lighting in the waiting area dims, signaling the arrival of Prince Charming who is set to open the doors at six o’clock sharp, Tom catches a sparkle of blue shadow across her eyelids. He doesn’t know where his baby went, but somehow she’s gone. 
Posie’s clinging to her Belle themed pumpkin basket and wand, clicking together the heels of her clear blue heels. There’s a picture of Belle on the front of them, similar to the seven pairs she has at home for every other princess and fairy. Tom’s shocked she hasn’t branched into the Prince outfits yet, though he much rather prefers the days when he comes home from set, and her little body is dressed in his button downs and blazers, absolutely knocked out in the center of his bed like a starfish. 
“I’m gonna get sweets for Hazza!” Posie grins, fiddling with the plastic handle of the bucket. “And some for Paddy and Harry, but Sammy ate mine last time, so he doesn’t get any. Right, Daddy? Sammy’s gotta get his own.” 
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, love.” Tom laughs softly, remembering the day his brother had been caught eating the halloween candy Posie worked tirelessly to collect. “Bet they’re gonna love it.” 
Posie goes on about the candy she wants to get each of the boys as Tom watches for the start of the small ceremony. The dinners are a small gathering, safe with covid regulations, and he can’t help but feel thankful that it’s a smaller audience. He knows it’s almost impossible to go unnoticed now, but he’s reserved a corner space to hopefully stay unnoticed. 
“Whose that, Pose?” Tom grins, pointing out Prince Charming as he rounds the corner. He’s got his arms folded behind his back, white suit with gold embellishments sparkling in the lights of the dinning hall lobby. 
“He looks like Haz!” She giggles, and Tom can’t deny that the actor does resemble his best friend a bit eerily. His eyes are a piercing blue, hair the same dirty shade, the only difference Tom can spot is the slim of his nose which is wider than Harrisons. 
“Do you reckon Haz should be a prince with you, love?” Tom asks, knowing that if he puts an idea into Posie’s head, Harrison has no chance of saying no. His best friends the worst with following Posie’s every desire. 
“He can be the Beast! I wanna be Belle.” Posie beams at the idea, “He can borrow my teddy, but he has to give it back.” 
“Why don’t we get him his own, yeah? I think he’d like his own teddy.” 
“And we can get Tessa a teddy, right? She likes watching Rapunzel with me! Can we get her a Pascal?” 
“Absolutely.” Tom agrees, just as Prince Charming cuts the red ribbon tying the dining hall doors together. The pair of them are ushered into the space a few seconds afterwards, and shown to their secluded table in the corner beside a bouquet of yellow roses.
Tom helps Posie into her seat beside his, eyes filling with tears for a reason he can’t name. It’s the same empty feeling in his stomach that he’s experienced since landing in Florida. It’s his baby girl growing up and not needing him for every small thing anymore. It’s her little personality and sweet soul, her gentle honey eyes and adoration for cuddles and family. He couldn’t be prouder of the little lady he’s raising, but he can’t help but wonder if he’s doing it right. 
He pulls out his phone, taking what has to be the millionth picture this week. Posie grins, her eyes showing specs of gold from the invasion of the flash. The blue dress on her body brings out the tan complexion of her skin, and Tom can’t help but think of how angelic her little life is. 
“I wanna take your picture!” She grins, reaching for his phone. Tom hands it over, pulling a large smile even though the expression is still hidden behind his mask. His eyes squint from the sheer tension of his tightly pulled lips, and Posie’s giggling so much her hands are shaking and the picture comes out blurry, but Tom loves it anyways. 
“Awesome job, peanut.” He smooths a hand over her head when she hands his phone back, tired eyes blinking at him despite the expression of excitement she’s still wearing. She’s been on a sugar high since takeoff back home, and Tom’s anticipating the crash once they get back home to their own beds and routine. 
After Tom orders their meals and drinks, the gentle halloween music kicks up slightly and the princesses and characters start to make their way around the venue. Posie tenses when she sees Mickey Mouse walk down the stairs, his halloween outfit adding to her uncertainty. Tom laughs gently at her reaction, taking her mask off of the table and pocketing it so it doesn’t fall or get misplaced. 
Mickey isn’t the first character to come over, it’s Tinkerbell, and after she drops some candy into Posie’s bucket, she makes flowery conversation before moving along to another table of children. Posie’s starting to enjoy herself by the time their food is served, forking a pile of cheesy noodles into her mouth between smiles and laughs. They’ve been visited by Jasmine, Elsa, and Prince Charming since Tinkerbell’s stop, but she’s ranting about wanting to see Belle. The candy bucket is nearly halfway full, and Tom knows there's going to be a fight about how much she’s allowed to eat before bed tonight. He’s prepared to lose and let her have it all, but he figures the responsible thing to do is break it up and make it last. 
Posie’s deep into a chocolate sunday by time Belle comes into view, and Tom’s quick to grab his camera when he sees the yellow dress get closer and closer. Posie’s face is smeared in chocolate ice cream and whipped cream, which is what Tom expected when he ordered her the treat in the first place. He’s not sure what it is about little ones and frozen treats, but even an ice lolly has her skin stained for hours. 
Her eyes grow wide when she realizes Belle’s standing at the foot of their table, hands gently clasped around the handle of an identical sweets basket. 
“Princess Posie!” Belle grins in delight, letting a few extra pieces of chocolate fall into Posie’s bin. She sends a wink towards the little girl, and Posie breaks into a sweet giggle. Tom watches the actor have the same look of adoration in her eyes at the sound, and he can’t help but notice the subtle tint of yellow around her pupils. 
A conversation about dresses and matching baskets breaks out, and Tom’s sure that Belle has overstayed her assigned time per table, but he doesn’t say anything. He quite likes hearing her and Posie chat about make believe and magic. 
When the actor finally does decide it’s best if she carries on, Tom makes sure to motion her closer. “What’s your name?” He has all intention of putting in a word with Disney management about how excellent she is, but selfishly he wants to test it on the tip of his tongue. 
The air is cold and bitter. Posie’s passed out on Tom’s shoulder, little arms wrapped around his neck and legs hanging limply at his sides. He’s waiting for Harry to pick the both of them up, wanting to get home and fall into his own bed with Tessa and Posie. 
His baby girl’s only just fallen asleep, her eyes rimmed red from crying throughout the entirety of the flight. She’s coming down with a fever from all the travel, and he’s sure the upset of leaving the warmth and magic of the parks has something to do with it.
She’s still wearing her yellow Belle dress, though her little feet are bare and cold because the princess shoes she insisted on wearing kept slipping off of her toes as Tom carried her through baggage claim. It’s the same as how this entire trip started. He can feel crowns, wands, and plastic shoes poking him through his backpack, and he’s surrounded by luggage and gift bags that giveaway where they had spent Halloween week. 
When Harrison pulls the car around, Tom is thankful that the seat warmers and heat are already on, and Posie’s car seat is buckled into place. Harrison shivers when he steps into the brutal cold to help Tom put all the bags into the backseat and trunk, cooing at the sight of Posie. She’s sunkissed, freckles dusting her cheeks and a flush running up her neck and ears. 
“How was it, mate?” 
Tom grins, thinking back to the sweet girl whose name sounds heavenly on the tip of his tongue. As he buckles Posie into her carseat, gently shushing her whimpers when he gets her arms through the chest straps, he tugs off his sweatshirt and puts it over her body like a blanket, before he turns his head to look Harrison over. 
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thehungryplaice · 3 years
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Go Back To The 80s With The Hungry Plaice....
The 80s....What a Decade! I don't mind admitting we are big 80s lovers at The Hungry Plaice, it was the decade of our childhood filled with cheese and the start of the video game revolution and if we could go back in time that's where you would find us, I would love to go back to experience the feelings of being back there but with alot more appreciation for what we had as we didn't have a clue back then how fab that time was. There are loads of 80s revivals around, 80s pop stars relaunching their careers and touring again and TV shows picking up on the 80s themes. We love our 80s vans so much that we currently have two these are our Vintage Fish and Chip Vans Betty and Beryl, we try not to look around and see if there are any more for sale as we would be quite happy to fill up our driveway with more of these beauties!
The 80s was filled with fun, fun and loads more fun from the Neon leggings we all wore to the Arcades full of cool games that we used to play, things back then just seemed so much easier and we were still in the days when it was safe for us kids to be playing out all day without our parents knowing where we were rather than being stuck in your bedroom glued to a game, we enjoyed fresh air and freedom and as long as we were back for tea our parents didn't worry about us. We didn't have rules like we do nowadays, Health and Safety was in it's infancy and as kids we could do pretty much what we wanted, we had metal bars we would swing on in the playground at school with huge concrete stepping stones you'd jump across, I got a scar from banging my nose on one of those in my Primary School and I still think it was character building. At home we had a metal framed bunk bed I'm sure was from MFI, there was a metal netted bottom that the mattress sat on top of, I always used to get my hair tangled up in that and I'm sure I've probably got bald patches from where I had to be cut out to be freed. We had a pampas greenish coloured bathroom set in my childhood home which would be considered Vintage today and lots of brown 80s things around the house like pull down coiled lights in the ceilings. My parents were delighted when they had the chance to put an eye level oven in the kitchen and ditch the freestanding gas oven where you had the grill at the top and try to burn your hands when you were cooking your fish fingers, we did have a microwave at some point and that lead to a rebellion on proper cooking! I remember using libraries alot when I was younger, it was a treat going and picking out books you could take away home, there was a limit to the number that you could have and you had to be careful not to get a fine for taking it back late. Information had to be researched and you couldn't do that from the comfort of home, for school I had to go there to find books on certain subjects and I remember being fascinated when having to use those terminals to look at old newspapers. The music was so much better back then, there was a happiness to songs that just made you want to dance not full of rude words and sexual references like today, we had an array of one hit wonders and big massive stars like Madonna and Kylie, Duran Duran and Wham! The songs still get played today but they sound more superior as we no longer listen to them on cassette tapes.
Cassette Tapes.....they were the days, I forgot how you had to rewind them to the beginning to get to the start and you could use a pencil if the tape pulled out and how there are pauses between songs and of course whilst you can try to to rewind and forward wind you'll never find the start of a song, we are spoilt now that we can do that just by pressing a button. The most embarrassing bit was when I asked my husband if something was wrong with the tape as the pause was going on just a bit too long....he gently reminded me that it was the end of the tape and it needed to be turned over haha!! Of course we all had those high tech Pre MP3/IPod/CD Players to play our music with a set of headphones with the fuzzy ears, my brother had one of the early Sony Walkmans and never let me even see it, I bet that's worth something these days I bought a cheap one off Ebay recently I couldn't help myself! Toys were actual toys there were a few electronic ones around such as Speak & Spell or a talking doll where you had a pull a bit of string and it only said about three words, we really actually played with physical things I had Sindy and some Barbie Dolls in fact I had so much of it I'd carry it all in one of those old large blue plastic shopping bags funny there were sold by Tesco to put into your trolley when they introduced self scanning it seems the technology died a death all those years ago but it now all the range. My brothers had Action Men and loads of model cars, we had a huge floor mat that had map on it with roads and a town that you would drive your model cars around all day on. There were Garbage Pail Kids, Care Bears, Rubix Cubes Train Sets and Scaletrix and as we were a bit more money savvy in those days you'd only get something for your birthday and Christmas not just because your parents wanted you to be quiet!
TV Back in the 80s
When we wanted to watch something on TV we only had a few channels I remember the time before Channel 5 and we had one huge Brown TV in the Lounge where you had to press the buttons on the front to change the channel, I reckon you would have needed a forklift to move the damn thing it was so huge and took up half the room. Days were filled with whatever my parents wanted to watch, there was Rainbow and Playschool when I was little, I remember watching the very first episode of Eastenders (a bad TV habit I dropped a few years ago), programmes were quite limited back then but it wasn't a huge deal because we entertained ourselves as kids, sometimes watching a Film would be a big treat and made special times like Christmas were more exciting sitting down together as a family and watching a film just released on TV that we had never seen before. We didn't mind adverts if we were watching ITV or Channel4 they didn't drag on like you get these days.
I don't remember exactly when Video Recorders came on the market but I know there were Betamax and VHS, we had VHS machine, you could record programmes off the TV and playback at your leisure and you always knew someone who was copying VHS to VHS that would sell you some films. I still used VHS tapes when my daughter was little so they were around all the time I was growing up. Buying a VHS tape was a real treat, you might have been lucky enough to have seen a film in the cinema but there was always a really big delay until they were released on Video or so it seemed. Of course for a really special treat you would go Blockbusters to rent a video but they were quite strict if you forgot your video card I guess computer systems weren't able to let you confirm any of your account details you had!
80s Fashion
Then there was the fashion in the 80s.....wow it was great and brilliant all neon neon neon and bright colours, I had one of those multi coloured white and purple shellsuits and Hi-Tec Trainers. There were punk hairstyles and coloured dyed hair and clothes that didn't match, famous stars created looks from throwing clothes together like Madonna and Boy George. Colours like pink, yellow and blue where everywhere, we had shoulder pads and polka dots, tracksuits and fitness gear, an explosion of trainers and dungarees. There are brands that have come back into fashion nowadays like Kappa and Champion, I wish to god I had kept them all to have them now! We would shop in the local high street and independent fashion shops, I lived in London and would go markets at the weekend, Wembley market was a huge favourite. We had BHS and C&A and a shop called Madhouse in the High Street at the top of the road, I don't really remember when the supermarkets starting selling clothes and the rise of the bigger fashion names back then we were quite limited to only a few shops. I have to mention Woolworths of course, we had one in our high street and I would enjoy just walking around looking at the everything they had including the glorious pick and mix!
Rumbelows.... I remember when you wanted something electrical you could shop at Currys and Comet and even Rumbelows, you always had to go out to buy something and bigger electrical items were never in stock and always had to be ordered and delivered weeks later, we really don't know how lucky we are to have the internet and the ability to order online it saves so much time and give us the freedom of choice to buy from so many different places. Of course the reason we couldn't buy online was because we didn't have the internet in our homes, no mobile phones, I got my first when I was 18 and had to ask permission to call anyone from the house phone, if you wanted to meet your friends you had to arrange it all before you went out and you couldn't check if they were on their way to see you unless you have 10p and phone box nearby. You were lucky if you had a Games Console let alone a Computer....
Gaming in the 80s, well what can I say it put gaming on the map and if it wasn't for those early days I doubt the gaming industry would be what it is today. We had a Spectrum Sinclair 48k first, I'm not even sure what a 48k would be today in terms of processing or storage even a single Word document can be bigger than that. It was bought as a shared present in the family one Christmas and I rarely got to play on it. All I remember is that we had a small black and white TV that we would connect to the computer and you'd have a cassette player connected to, for the Sinclair 128k we had later on I know there was a cassette player connected to the right hand side of the keyboard. Anyway you'd press play and then hear this whizzing buzzing noise whilst the game was loading and the TV would go all fuzzy, sometimes it would take ages and if you had a copy your mate recorded it might not load properly, talk about building your anticipation and then letting you down! The games we had included Daley Thompson, Hungry Horace and Jet Set Willy, I've seen the Spectrum emulator and its a great reminder of the games we had in the days gone by, they now download in seconds....just think what we could have done with all that time we sat staring at a screeching cassette tape player waiting for games to load. We would use the keyboard to play or a joystick if that sort of thing was sold with the Computer you had and your parents could afford one, it was quite easy....left, right, up, down and fire. Us kids would normally have one type of computer, ours was the Spectrum and I know someone on our road had the Commodore and I think there was a Binatone in someone's house, you were royalty if you were lucky enough to have more than one Computer. Handhelds were around then like the Game and Watch ones I don't remember all the different ones they made there were so many sold, we had an early Donkey Kong split screen it was orange on the casing of course I hardly got to play that either, the newer generation of Gaming Consoles like the Sega Megadrive was a big surprise to us kids that you could just put your game in and not long after be playing your game how did that happen! We also had the launch of the Nintendo Gameboy at the end of the decade which changed our gaming lives forever! Another side of gaming that you don't really see today was the Arcades, they were places you hung out with your mates for hours and hours playing Street Fighter and Pac Man, we had a shop on the high street which only had one or two I think it might have been a cafe, when you scored a high score you'd put your three initials in, arcades are mostly for the seaside holidays today full of the boring 2p push machines and fruities, as we know the game industry moved from those high street arcades to bedrooms.... So next time you complain about having to wait whilst you're downloading that highly sophisticated game with the controller I would need a degree to understand how to use think about us kids and our gaming....!
The 80s....wow what a decade
what a time, full of colour, lights and fun, I do wish I could get in a time machine and go back there and have some fun but I know we will never go back to those easy days we will keep moving forwards so instead I'll enjoy our road trips in the vans with the crackling radios....
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bogleech · 5 years
Okay here’s the whole entire text of my original pokemon gen concept under a cut (sorry if that screws you up on mobile)
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I’ve only ever sketched a tiny number of these (like my fly ideas here), but I can see most of them in my head pretty clearly and might sketch more of them by request someday. I originally set my fan-region in Florida, a place I hated living but still had a lot of interesting characteristics. This changed over once I moved to Oregon, and the thing about Oregon is that it has desert, forest, swamp, coastline and frozen mountaintops that are all pretty vast, ancient and in places relatively untouched compared to the rest of North America. This is not only a perfect setting for some really wild pokemon, but makes a believable choice because our Pacific Northwest is pretty popular in Japan.
The different biomes of this region have "deep" areas where the pokemon change. Some also have "polluted" areas. The region is environmentally themed and heavily deals with human interference on the natural world.
The villains are Team Bio, genetic engineerers lead by a mysterious old woman who narrowly survived the original Mewtwo experiment. Her underlings all use "mutant" pokemon, and she seeks to create a new species of hyper-intelligent, pure-hearted pokemon that will replace humans entirely. Along the way is a strange increase in reports of interstellar pokemon activity... I actually tried hard to minimize how many pokemon in this are just “my kind” of concept, but I think I failed pretty hard. It probably does feel like it leans a little more towards Mortasheen than something Pokemon would actually make, but for basically every pokemon that’s one of my “dream concepts” or “most wanted” I tried to come up with one that I thought would appeal more to somebody else’s taste than mine.
Grass Starter: a grass "lumberjack" pterosaur with an axe for a beak. Second stage has more saw-like beak, final stage is a grass/steel quetzalcoatlus (the pterosaur) with a beak and crest forming a chainsaw, no longer flies
Fire type calf whose black cow marks are actually soot. Evolves into cow with craggy black “helmet” and horns of charcoal. Final stage a charcoal-armored minotaur like fire/ground type.
Water Starter is a beady-eyed water shrew with big webbed flipper feet, known to steal shiny objects. Second stage more humanoid, said to dive for treasure. Final stage is water/dark lanky, stripey shrew with a black mask, said to rob boats like a “highwayman” of the river.
Meadows and forest:
Normal type mammal is a spherical porcupine, like a chestnut. Rubs its spines with noxious fruit juices, giving it a multicolored look. Evolved form is a colorful “punk” porcupine.
Early bug is a sticklike inchworm Evolves to cocoon resembling a wooden log on top. Final form is bipedal stick mimic grasshopper, evocative of a cute wooden puppet with a pointed nose.
Basic bird is a hummingbird Evolves to be four-winged and legless, never lands in its whole life. Final hummingbird is a fierce looking hunter that drains energy from grass types like a predator.
Grass type walking bud creature, looks nervous. Evolves to grass/flying orchid-like angelic flower. Alternate evolution is wilted, grey, grass/ghost goth orchid with tattered petals, cute but sad. (evolves this way if it levels up after a battle in which it sustained super-effective damage)
Ground type earthworm sticking out of dirt, cute flower-shaped head. Evolved worm looks like shark sticking out of the dirt, nose looks like its prevo
Electric/dark pikachu-like packrat holding a large coin. Electrically charges its treasure as a booby trap. Actually said to be employed as underlings by the water-type shrew starter.
Bug/poison type grub with fangs. Only encountered in garbage cans. Evolves into a fly pupa Final stage is a gloomy looking, drooling anthropomorphic fly.
Single stage bug/fairy type: a beautiful Maleficent-looking parasitoid wasp. Evolves from any cocoon/pupa pokemon if they're holding a "suspicious egg" item.
Water/grass nudibranch with flower on its back. Evolves to a glaucus, each "arm" a colorful flower that absorbs sunlight as it floats.
Water type fish that "sails" on the sea's surface with its fins. Sleepy looking stingray evolution. Final form is water/dragon deep sea fish, combines some traits of anglerfish and viperfish with eyes on stalks. Only evolves from stingray when you're in the sea trench.
Water/flying marlin with huge, dazzling butterfly like fins.
Water type baby dolphin, fuzzy like a seal pup, only evolves if it has fainted more times than the number of its current level. Evolved form is water/dark, shaggy-furred, fierce looking, battle scarred dolphin with legs instead of flippers, a throwback to the doglike ancestors of delphinidae.
Polluted inlet
Water/poison oil slick with two tentacles and beady white eyes, signature ability changes it to water/fire type if it uses a fire move. Evolved form is an oil slick rising into a cartoon octopus with x's for pupils.
Water/steel fish hook with tiny head and eyes, like a barbed metal worm. Water/steel fishing jig, googly eyes and everything.
Barren Island - just a very big rock in the middle of the inlet
Ghost/poison: a greenish "dodo bird" with a face like a biohazard mask, the ghost of a species that went exinct due to sickness.
Sea Trench
Water/fire bristleworm "snake" Water/fire tube worm "dragon"
Water/ghost wailord skeleton draped in pink fuzz and a garden of one-eyed bone worms.
Electric/flying bird resembling a lightbulb kiwi. Evolved form resembling a neon light lawn flamingo.
Grass/fairy giant sloth with sleepy face, completely covered in shaggy moss with various flowers and mushrooms. Protector of the swamp, able to control plant life.
Grass/psychic sundew, just a pair of sundew leaves atop a sleepy looking oddish-esque bulb. Evolved sundew is mostly a big circular sundew rosette, but a humanoid flower rotates in the center like a music box to lure prey.
Water/fighting borzoi pup with long legs, acts like a water strider. Evolved form is an elongated, elegant borzoi "ballerina" that dances atop water
Water/ground red leech slightly evocative of a vacuum cleaner. A healer that sucks poison from the body instead of blood. May mysteriously appear in your team after walking through swamp water.
Deep Forest:
Grass/ground banana slug with colorful mold spots, learns spore. Evolves into mold splotched, brown banana peel creature, more like a big squid.
Grass/dark autumn leaf in the shape of a bat, has levitate. Evolved form redder, bigger "vampire cape" leaf-bat.
Psychic/ghost cheshire cat with Meowth-like proportions, bright crescent smile. Evolved form just huge smile and cat eyes hovering in the air, beastly cat body fading into view only for physical attacks or when struck.
Rock type humanoid made of transparent amber with a strange mayfly-like bug sleeping inside. Outer body can "break" at low HP and release faster, more offensive pure bug form.
Rock: incredibly huge, stony looking moose with long white fur draped over its eyes and back. Comes in size variations like Pumpkaboo line and said to never stop growing. A truly titanic one is used as transportation through the deep forest.
Snowy patches
Bug/ice velvet worm that spews a freezing liquid. Silly looking, almost like wiggler from mario.
Ice/flying fluffy white bird resembling a tiny Japanese style snowman. Evolves to resemble western style snowman with clawed bird feet, pointed beak nose. A flightless pure ice mountain dweller.
Electric/ice with levitate: a crystalline "UFO" sky-jellyfish with many colorful lights, core body looks like a cute pikmin-esque "alien" inside. Catch by fishing off of ledges into the sky. Mistaken by locals for alien activity.
Lava Tube Caves
Psychic type bipedal pink salamander with no eyes. Evolves into beautiful milotic-like psychic/dragon blind olm.
Rock/fighting spearhead with feet, eyes are just round holes through blade. Evolves to gain a stick-figure sort of body.
Abandoned town
Normal/bug filthy dog, a shaggy pile of fur with goofy eyes and pink tongue. Little black specks jump about it. Ability changes normal moves to bug moves. Evolved form more obviously a dog but still very shaggy, surrounded by constant cloud of black specks.
Grass/electric "christmas tree" made of holly and lights. Found in a burned down house, glowing eyes peer out from beneath it.
Ghost: has a colorful quilt for a body and a pincushion for a head. Found inside houses.
Garbage dump - accessible through abandoned town, possibly what drove people away (includes piles of toys you may investigate to encounter a banette, mimikyu or klefki)
Water/poison: cartoony fish with blank eyes and humanoid pair of legs. Fish for in toxic green garbage pools. Evolves into ground/poison skeleton fish with four limbs, walking like a lizard.
Steel/bug rusty orange silverfish. Eats junk metal. Evolved form so big it wears a rusty car for protection with just its legs and feelers sticking out.
MICROPOKEMON - enlarged artificially in a laboratory where you can also take your fossils.
Bug/fighting flea - spiny black flea with big jagged white teeth. Create from the "pest sample" an item carried randomly by the normal/bug dog.
Poison/fairy germ - fuzzy multicolored mold ball with eyes, stalked suckers. Retrieve "germ sample" from the dodo ghost.
Water/fairy tardigrade - transparent, cute bug stylized almost like a "gummy bear."  Retrieve "dew sample" from moss sloth.
Rock type baby gargoyle creature. Evolves to winged gargoyle with levitate and a few mossy patches. Final form is an elegant griffon-like rock/dragon with an elaborately carved surface
SPACE ARK DRAGON This location is itself a dragon/fairy legendary pokemon so massive you can enter its body. It exists to collect and preserve species from dying worlds. Most common wild pokemon inside is duosion and sometimes Reuniclus. You can also collect "gene samples" from crystalline pods to replicate the ultrabeasts in the same lab you enlarge the microbes and resurrect fossils.
Bug/dark parasitic alien, a little like weird yellow plant suckered to the ground, red flower-like head with an eye on each petal ala the yokai parasite, gyochu.
Bug/dark parasitic alien, a colorful worm with cute eyes and beautiful mothlike wings, a little like the yokai parasite koshi-no-mushi.
Bug/dark parasitic alien, a pale, red and white striped "lizard" with six spindly limbs and a tubular proboscis, inspired by the yokai parasite kagemushi.
Fairy type alien medic, looks like a cute flatwoods monster with heart motif and nurse coat. Flees from all battles unless you have defeated at least one of each of the parasites.
Dragon/electric: the ark dragon's smaller offspring, looks like an electronic space whale.
Dragon/steel, menacing, sleek black starship creature. Rival to the ark dragon, a "world reaper" that attempts to destroy planets that it thinks are already dying.
Psychic/fairy little white, fluffy mothman-like being, an observer that casts judgment on suffering worlds to call one of the dragons (version based)
Normal type legendary is the most human-like pokemon we've ever seen, a serene floating figure with long hair and black, almond-shaped eyes. A genetic experiment to supplant humans.
Electric/fighting: a hulking humanoid beast, almost frankensteinian with asymmetrical features, a failed early experiment.
A "glitched and scrambled" two dimensional pokemon. The result of the earliest known experiments in digital pokemon transfer. Actually literally typeless.
POISON FUSIONS created in the garbage dump:
Weezodor - poison/flying - Garbodor/weezing hybrid, like a jellyfish bag with smog tentacles.
Mukking - poison/water - Weezing/muk hybrid, like a koffing with slime appendages.
Garmuk - poison/ground - Muk/garbodor hybrid, like a giant slug made of trash.
MUTANT POKEMON: mutations of classic first-stage pokemon into creatures slightly tougher than even their original final stages.
Mutant Caterpie - bug/dragon - huge, dragonlike Caterpie with more menacing eyespots, clawed limbs.
Mutant Paras - pure grass - giant paras with far more mushrooms of different colors, body pure white with no mouth and white sphere eyes, actually made only of fungus.
Mutant Venonat - bug/dark - same old venonat with a big shaggy monster body
Mutant Zubat - Psychic - somewhat larger than crobat, has actual legs and a pair of clawed arms instead of wings. Much bigger ears.
Mutant Voltorb - electric/steel - a Voltorb even bigger than Electrode, otherwise looks normal besides angrier yellow eyes...until it splits open to reveal sharp teeth.
Mutant Tangela - grass/fairy - more like its scrapped Gen II evolution but perhaps a lot taller, with two very very long arms.
Mutant Geodude - rock/fighting - HUGE spiky arms and hands but head/body are the same as always.
Mutant Shellder - water/steel - it's the spiraly slowbro one!
Mutant Exeggcute - psychic/poison - bigger and more plentiful but "rotten" looking eggs with gloomier eyes and dark purple goo.
Mutant Eevee - normal - bigger than any of the eeveelutions, shaggy and beastly with the "camouflage" ability. Learns strong attacks of every eevee evolution type.
Mutant Doduo - fighting type with only one head
Mutant Luvdisc - the only one based on a non-evolving pokemon. Angry "broken heart" Luvdisc with record offensive stats for the series, but even worse defenses than regular luvdisc.
Mutant Trapinch - dragon/bug - giant turtle-like Trapinch, redder, spiny, second mouth inside jaws.
Mutant Dratini - dragon/fairy - huge long dratini with longer feathery wing ears, identical wings down body.
Mutant Larvitar - dragon/dark - big, armored green reptile, still has larvitar type head with craggier, meaner horn.
Mutant Bagon - dragon - huge, more t-rex proportioned bagon, spiked shell on head.
Mutant Deino - bigger and shaggier with a ring of five long-necked deino heads
Mutant Gible - dragon/fighting - only usually seen as a huge sharky fin sticking out of the ground. When it emerges, its body isn't much bigger than regular gible.
Mutant Goomy - psychic/dragon - giant goomy with gaping mouth, antennae are much longer, green and stripey.
Mutant Jangmo-o - dragon/steel - same old head but more ankylosaur-like big body, entirely a dark iron color with more pitted looking scales.
ENVIRONMENTAL VARIATIONS no mechanical or typing difference, but new color schemes and decorations on existing pokemon, totally an aesthetic change. Have their own shiny forms.
SEA TRENCH FORMS: Entirely pale pink golisopod line with closed eyes transparent red tentacool line with darker red nodules dark maroon inkay line with blue lights red and purple feebas line
CAVE FORMS: White, eyeless venipede line White, eyeless magikarp line
DEEP SWAMP FORMS: crocodile-green Sandile line with lily pad on head black shelled "freshwater" shellder line with green algae growths pure red and purple colored bellsprout line
DEEP FOREST FORMS: braviary with more hawklike colors foongus line with no pokeball pattern...the original foongus? wolf-spider colored joltik line
POLLUTED INLET FORMS: Dewpider line with all black body and limbs, yellow glowing eyes in dirty green water Grey wailmer line draped in red algae, clumps of barnacles (presumably degenerated binacle) Wingull line with grey and black oil-splotched feathers, tin can on head
GARBAGE DUMP FORMS: Bounsweet line with only grey, brown and black colors, dark spoiled looking splotches Black bag trubbish line with green trash, copper colored pipes Rusted looking klink line, rotates only once every few seconds.
----------GYM LEADERS -------------- In this region the gyms are dual type, and bring back past mechanics and gimmicks as their focus.
flying/normal: a blind, wheelchair-bound old man who specializes in dog and bird pokemon. Uses a baton pass team.
Steel/electric: an astronaut commanding his gym by remote feed from the station. Uses Magnezone, Rotom forms and, surprisingly, a random steel or electric ultrabeast.
Poison/bug: a germophobic lady scientist ironically obsessed with pollution pokemon, always wearing a biohazard suit. Has weezing, garbodor, the fly pokemon and Yanmega. Uses Z-moves, but it's random whether she uses a bug or poison one and on which pokemon.
Dark/fire: an elderly biker lady. Has no gym and in fact roams around the region. Surprisingly challenges you to a third-gen style beauty contest with her frightening selection of pokemon.
Grass/fairy: witchy pharmacist and botanist who lives out in the woods, all of her grass types are mushroom based. Unusually has you team up with her in a double battle against a random pokemon of unusual size and strength, like Alola's totem pokemon.
Ground/fighting: an extremely frail little nerdy guy who likes amazingly fearsome pokemon, hates bullies but kind of is one. Makes you face a horde battle with all of his pokemon vs. only one of yours at a time.
Dragon/rock: a boisterous monster movie director who dresses his pokemon in costumes, gym is a cardboard city. Uses a dynamaxed pokemon.
Ghost/psychic: a horror author, Vincent Price like, lives in a mansion and makes visitors face scenes from his books. Instead of a single battle, he has you face a series of singular mega pokemon behind each "scene." THE LABORATORY This location is of course secretly associated with the villain team, but you can free it up from them in the endgame. Here you can make fossil pokemon, micropokemon, regional forms from past generations, ultrabeasts and even mega stones, but all require you to spend one or more “gene crystals.” You’re handed a number of these through the storyline but it would be very challenging to farm more than that  (think Gen 7 bottlecaps). Spending more crystals at the lab would allow you to finally alter abilities, natures and IV’s at a whim, and for an exceptional cost you could upgrade the BASE stats of any L100 pokemon permanently. This is a percentage increase applied across the board to all of its stats at once, and stops at either 100 total points beyond their normal limits, or a final base stat total of 530 (equivalent to a fully evolved starter) MISC STUFF:
Your mom this gen asks you if you hope to have an easy, challenging, or very challenging adventure. You can return to her at any time to adjust the difficulty again.
When you beat the game, you can make a custom trainer for online battles using the models of other NPC trainer types, i.e. you can finally be a swimmer/scientist/grunt/etc. You can unlock some popular ones from past generations.
You can select one pokemon as your main partner, which not only has it following you, but involves it a little more in the storyline (special events based on its first typing) and gives it some in-game perks.
A special item attached to any one of your pokemon allows your whole team to “share strength,” meaning that their weaknesses are mitigated for each teammate they share a type with. This allows for type-themed teams to be more viable but wouldn’t completely eliminate their weaknesses, and the effect diminishes proportionately for every pokemon that faints.
You can designate a seventh pokemon to be your “team mascot,” a non-combat role with different effects depending on species/type.
A single team can have either the mascot, a z-move, a dynamax/gigantamax form or a mega, cannot mix these.
Legendary pokemon now suffer a stat nerf for every other legendary pokemon on the same team. A team of six legendaries would actually be somewhat below-average in stats.
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Can you explain a little about each of your OCs fashion taste and maybe add a pic of the epitome of their style? I want to see which one is most like my own fashion preferences (if I wasn't too lazy to dress up lol)
All right, what I’m going to do is the rapid-fire. I’m gonna tell you names and what they dress like, since you were interested in finding out who matched, and then you (or anyone else) can ask further asks about anyone who looks interesting one at a time and I will GUSH
Venley (protag hero): Wears deep blues (but not navy). Likes swishy skirts, flowing sleeves, and layering. So much layering, especially leggings under short skirts.
Sophira (hero): Has a style I like to call The Worst(TM). Wears non-complementary colors. Patchwork sweaters and miniskirts. Loves rainbow tie-dye. Will not take fashion advice from Axeline and this is going to be the death of Axeline
Axeline (hero): Mostly sticks to red palettes with long coats and corset lacing but will try anything once.
Siademina (hero): Likes to pair cute blouses with bouncy short skirts. Tends to wear warmer colors or pastels.
Zefiraduc (hero): Purple and glitzy. She wants to be a famous pop star and dresses like one.
Arain (hero): Blacks and reds. If the outfit can allow her to blend pants with something skirt-ish, like a side panel, it’s an extra bonus. Always wears the fantasy equivalent of a baseball cap to go with it (and has emo bangs AND a huge ponytail).
Ailuen (hero): Mostly dresses in comfy things, tees and jeans, but when she wants to go all-out, she will pick a pink prom dress with ruffles and sparkles. A nice compromise is if she puts a fancy pink blouse over the jeans. During the planned arc where she becomes a Lawful Evil for a while, wears a white military uniform.
Alivain (deuteragonist villain): Mostly likes red, but occasionally blue or purple. Is a villain and dresses like a villain. Outfits are very bright and flamboyant. I’m toying with an “evil circus” aesthetic for the entire team and have written down some of him acting as the ringmaster, so go ahead and add a red ringmaster’s uniform to his most-worn. I also want him to have gloves with little claws built in at one point. Capes. And he wears high heels because he likes to feel tall and glamorous.
Versafina (villain): All black all the time. Lots of leather. Prefers pants vastly over skirts because she’s a dancer/martial artist who needs the mobility; also she just doesn’t like the femme aesthetic so much. Though she does enjoy wearing the highest of high heels specifically because training in them makes her more balanced and agile, and if she takes them off, you are dead where you stand.
Phantasia (villain): White cocktail dresses. Swanky and glamorous. Usually more pencil-skirt style or form-fitting than anything that has ruffle. Slits that show off the leg are a fave style of hers. High heels for her too.
Zangary (villain): I’m not entirely happy with his design, but for now, I have him in kinda generic dark clothes with an ostentatious long lavender jacket and a black wide-brimmed hat.
Dweixyn (villain): Pink minidresses/blouses and skirts. Has a favorite trench coat that has pink lining on the inside and is darker on the outside. Always wears sunglasses, even indoors and at night, for the aesthetic and no other reason. High heels for her too.
Belador/Belladore (villain): They’re kind of a rave-themed villain so I imagine lots of mesh tops and glow sticks.
Yridel (villain): I’m not entirely sure what her style is, but it needs to show off her cybernetic limbs. That is a must.
Sherida (villain): A form-fitting red bodysuit with a black motorcycle helmet that prevents you from seeing her face. Heavy-soled boots. Steal aesthetics from Vanitas Kingdomhearts? Me? Nooooo
Lirian (villain): “Sun” palettes, with pinks and yellows and reds. But also blue sweaters and skirts (dull in hue). I toy with one of her quirks being wearing ballet shoes everywhere she goes but I’m not sure if that’s silly.
Rachneira (villain): Wears lots of black. Not just a Goth but THAT Hot Topic Goth.
Tomagi (villain): Pink sundresses, particularly with gold lining.
Calpurniko (villain): Jumpsuits, overalls, beiges and dull colors, white tees, anything she can get dirty and not cry over.
Diamandian (villain): White lace. He is cis male but comfortable enough with his masculinity that he adores ruffles and lace hems. Has a matching white parasol and a white top hat.
Maraya (villain): Victorian-esque dress...blue?...and a big ol’ black cloak that hides her appearance. Her design is still kinda under construction because I started out going one direction and then made a hard left on her character
Anastasios (villain): Tunics and breeches. Greens and browns.
Kaxhalen (villain): He is an alien warlord so I’m trying to design a silver extraterrestrial battlesuit but not sure how to make it look unique
Osmend Osmodias (villain): Shiny golden suits. Fedora that’s pulled down to cover his eyes.
Orianelle (villain): black leather that shows a lot of skin. Tanks and shorts that bare midriff. Tall black boots with heavy soles.
Siersyrei (villain): Navy blue and that’s about all I know for now, though there are reasons I’d like her to have a skirt with shorts underneath.
Clancette (B-team hero): When in civvies, wears a lot of pink “kawaii” clothing. Jackets over tanks. Lots of pins with the fantasy equivalent of Sanrio characters. Rainbow stockings. As a Magical Girl, is associated with the color pink and element of wind; her outfit has a short and wide ruffly skirt and any way a breeze can be implemented into the design is welcome.
Xar/chelyna (B-team hero): When in civvies, he wears button-down shirts and blue pants. As a Magical Girl, she is associated with blue and water, so skirts that are long and wavy and any ocean motifs. Also enjoys a blue top hat.
Loveleigh (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are red/fire-associated. Likes slinky skirts and low-cut blouses.
Fernamele (B-team hero): Both civvies and Magical Girl clothing are yellow/lightning-associated. Another pop star wannabe who dresses in glitz and glitter, with swishy short skirts.
Zelladane (B-team hero): Civvies are sweatshirts, jeans, and heavy rubber boots with a lot of dirt built on them from her gardening. Magical Girl clothing is green/plant-associated, but with pink accents. Any piece that’s green with pink flower decorations on it automatically makes me think of her.
Aoliaoma (B-team hero): Undecided on civvies, but her big character quirk is that she seems perpetually sleepy, so I could see her just forgetting to change out of her full-length pajamas that are probably black satin. As a Magical Girl, her association is black/the void, and she has a short dress meant to look like that of a traditional witch, with a pointed witch’s hat on top.
Ravenille (antihero): Denim jackets and pants. Lots of denim. Silver face piercings and LOTS of them.
Arisia (antihero): I specifically see her in a blue tank top, a brown skirt/shorts and chain mail overlays. Anything with chain mail makes me think of her. Also, tall heeled boots. She might also wear a mask made of chain mail that covers the lower half of her face.
Lunisia (antihero): Pink. Skirts with leggings beneath. Quirky shoes, like black patent-leather with buckles.
Rhodelton (antihero): The ugliest yellow jacket you can imagine over a T-shirt and jeans.
Phaeley (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Black tanks and long skirts. Slightly Goth but not that much. Always wears a black newsboy hat.
Sylvisa (minor character, could be moved to antihero squad): Almost exactly Versafina’s style except more masculine. I should probably refine his.
Dashorra (minor character): Anything that’s split right down the middle as black/white is fair game.
Victorique (minor character): Shiny silver dresses with long skirts.
Isisa (minor character): White toga and gold hair ornamentation.
Phil (minor character): Is literally a sentient pile of green slime and never wears clothes, but if he did, it’d be business suits with tacky striped ties.
Tristabelle (minor character): I usually picture her in a dark blue low-cut dress with a loose, flowing skirt, but I feel like it needs refinement.
Madwyn (minor character): I usually picture her in a form-fitting black cocktail dress, but I also feel like this could be more special.
Diceanne (minor character): I usually picture her in a pink bodysuit with gold accents that lacks sleeves or legs, so I kind of want to do something with this and the concept of tackling the issue of revealing clothing and sexism and how much choice is had in the matter so I guess her final outfit will come to me once I’ve got the arc in mind
Beccatrice (minor character): I usually picture her in a white toga, but unless she and Isisa are part of the same order or class or something, I should probably make hers different.
Sharamantha (minor character): Brightly-colored overalls (pink, green, purple) over white tees. Sneakers.
Eudarmence (minor character): Shiny gold gowns. Any shiny gold gown. Also likes shiny gold hair ornamentation. Has to be the shiniest thing in the room.
Ilyènne (minor character): Either yellow dresses with loose skirts or this specific pink blouse with a huge ostentatious ribbon on the chest that I got in my mind’s eye once.
Riaudne (plot-device character): Pink-and-silver dresses. She’s royalty, but I want to play with her culture not being Eurocentric, so I want to shake up this design somehow but I’m not yet sure how
Aelistene (plot-device character): Brightly colored minidresses (mint green or deep purple), likes hair ornaments.
Magnus (Lawful Evil villain): All white all the time. Looks very regal - jackets, waistcoats. Very masculine as well.
Janiel and Tjeron are both mooks of the Lawful Evil faction and will eventually renounce their ways, but I have literally never pictured them in anything other than military uniforms that I originally designed as black but now have changed to white for symbolic deconstruction reasons
The following characters are still under construction to where I’m not sure of their fashion style at all: Valencindri (villain sidekick), Dr. Hope Lessness (villain), Mercy Lessness (villain sidekick), Lainnhartt (villain), Soligeo (villain sidekick), Khairic Kajé (antihero), Aerokai (antihero), Tredwulfall (antihero), Burqueley (antihero), Liodax (minor character), Ririko (minor character), Ayali (minor character, possibly antihero), Lilianet (minor character), Spectra (minor character), Prettiza and Kyista (minor characters who have to wear the same outfit), Rewnoki (minor character), Delena (minor character), Jaydrey (minor character), Mejame (minor character), Shananadel (minor character), Veline (Lawful Evil), Keiandra (Lawful Evil), or Oquian (Lawful Evil).
I hope this has helped you figure out whose style you match and also see how many freaking characters I have designed and I don’t intend to stop until I have enough to fill a huge fantasy world but then I’ll probably keep going anyway because my mind is apparently hooked on designing now
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How do you make your wallpapers and what program or app do you use thanks
The program I use is Krita! It’s only on PC but I hear good things about Medibang and Ibis Paint which do have Mobile apps!
Wallpaper tutorial under the cut!
So first of all you wanna open your program and make a canvas that is the size of your phone resolution! The size in the screenshot is my usual default, but you can look up “*Your phone* screen resolution” to get the size you need!
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Then you ask yourself three things! “What color? What character? What theme?” For this example I’ll use “Pink, Kaito, and Love core” as the answers! After you’ve decided that you’ll now need to decide if you will use a sprite, Anthology, or merch design! For this I will use a sprite!
Now you take your color you decided on, and make the background that color! Afterwards, you can add your character! Or you can add the character and then color the background- Either or! Also, move around and scale your sprite to whatever size and wherever you need it to be!
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Next this is where you think about how you wanna go about your theme! Used to I would use a pastel Soft Light layer over the whole thing, but lately I’ve been appreciating the screen layers! So I’ll use a darker tone of the color I chose for the background (Usually just kinda,,, go to the other end of that triangle there-) and put it over the whole thing to see how it looks!
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Now I like how this looks! But if you didn’t like how it looked with the colors you picked (Sometimes the screen layer will change the bg a lot!) You can do it on JUST the the sprite! First you’ll wanna make a copy of the sprite layer, alpha lock it, and set it to screen!
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Then you’ll put the color chosen all over the alpha locked layer! (Make sure it’s on top!)
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Now in my case, the first one looked fine so I’ll just go back to the overall layer for the rest of this!
Now let’s add a drop shadow! Krita does have a feature to create them, but for this we’ll just do our own! Like we did up above, we’ll copy the Kaito sprite, only this time it’ll go UNDER our sprite! Set it to alpha lock and then color over it! (Make sure it’s just a normal layer too!) You can use black or the same color you used to make the screen overlay! Black is really only a good idea if you’re already making a dark colored wallpaper or if you have an all over screen overlay, otherwise you might wanna stick with the darker color.
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Now you just take the move tool and,,, move it- I usually like to follow the lighting source of the sprite for this!
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Now is the fun part! Overlays! You can find a bunch of them off of google, and from the danganronpa editing amino! (Link in my resource post! Just look up resources on my blog!)
Now,,, I’m more chaotic when it comes to this so someone else may have a more controlled way of doing this- Typically I just look at the overlays I have, focusing on the ones that match my chosen theme, and just throwing some on and see what I like- 
Because of this, I can’t really tell ya what exactly to do at this point! This is where your creativity will shine through and where you’ll make the decisions! You can use as many or as little as you want!
Here’s my finished project for this! I hope this helped out!
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gh0stbird · 4 years
Okay Now Do The Rest
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Bright but argumentative. I was never afraid of pointing out things I didn’t feel were fair hfhddh
When we were learning numbers kids would often write 91 for nineteen, just flip them, y’know, and Ms. Potter yelled at the class for it. Baby Generiq went into it about how it was an understandable mix up because you do say the number first. In twenty-three you write the two first, so in nineteen it’s easy to assume you would write the nine first.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
8. movies or tv shows?
TV shows. Every book adaptation should also be a series not a movie. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Honeysuckle and sunshine
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Floor hockey! My friend and I used to be brutal and swing at each other’s shins going after the ball. Also it was reminiscent of golf, which I competed in.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
I have an untitled playlist I cycle my current music in and out of, but Newton’s Third Law is my favorite named one!
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
I don’t- I guess the yellow smarties. Don’t come for me they taste like lemonade.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
I assume this means assigned book and not the reports we got to pick for ourselves. Ah, Night was good. Lord of the Flies was fine but way overhyped. Again, don’t come for me.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
If I can tuck my legs into the chair I am sitting in that is ideal!
18. ideal weather?
When you know it is going to rain and you get to stay home
19. sleeping position? (Skipped on accident)
I reeeally like pressure, so either against something or on my stomach.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone notes and a notebook! Sometimes a blank document but I always find it strangely intimidating
21. obsession from childhood?
Warrior Cats, Percy Jackson, and Maximum Ride were my big three!
22. role model?
Aa I try to straw from people I want to copy, but there are talents I look up to. Rachel Chavkin is a brilliant director, and there are so many artists and authors I look up to and who inspire me.
24. favorite crystal?
Obsidian because it’s black like my hea- I’m kidding, I do love obsidian, but it’s Rose Quartz because it’s a very very pretty, soft pink and makes me happy.
25. first song you remember hearing?
The mobile above my crib played Imagine by John Lennon. My childhood room was themed after it as well!
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Swim or sit in the sunshine. Ben and I usually go driving with the top down as well.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Walking through fresh snow is amazing, so are snowball fights and building snowmen.
28. five songs to describe you?
Oh fuck yes
Hurricane - Hamilton
The Reckless and the Brave - All Time Low
Almost There - The Princess and the Frog
All This and Heaven Too - Florence + the Machine
Facade - Jekyll and Hyde: A Gothic Musical Thriller
30. places that you find sacred?
I don’t typically find places sacred, but certain headspaces are very special to me, and time spent with loved ones means more than enough to be considered sacred.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
A black blazer with a white button-down and a skirt.
32. top five favorite vines?
I am in Missouri (misery)
I love you, Bitch
I want a Church girl
Obama’s “I know because I won both of them”
I won’t hesitate, Bitch!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“No worries”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
That fucking PFI bandana boot sale I stg
35. average time you fall asleep?
Somewhere between 9:00 and three in the morning
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Some girl doing bunny ears on her friend. I don’t remember what the caption was
38. lemonade or tea?
Both. Mixed together. It’s called an Arnold Palmer and it is my favorite drink
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
We duck taped out principal to the wall once. Also some kid broke their tray over another kid’s head at lunch one time.
41. last person you texted?
The family group chat, though Beau if Discord counts
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I wear a lot of leggings so jacket pockets!
44. favorite scent for soap?
We had some Lily of the Valley hand soap that was amazing
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy, I think! I’ve never done super heavy into the other two. Though I definitely don’t want to ignore sci-fi because two of my favorite stories are a little science-fiction-y
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
A t-shirt and shorts
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A banana. Generally accepted as a fruit and kind of just rolls with it, but is actually a berry
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
I fucking hate Hamilton-ing on main, but
“And when my prayers to god were met with indifference, I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance!”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
That changes every time Beau and I play HetaOni together, but I have fucking lost it for at least five minutes the last two sessions.
51. current stresses?
I dunno, man, life? My hair could use a wash
52. favorite font?
Covered by your Grace and I’m a big Spectral baby. These are both google docs! I don’t know if that makes a difference.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Patience is important when teaching material, but never be afraid to find another approach better suited to the person you’re tutoring.
55. favorite fairy tale?
Robin Hood!
56. favorite tradition?
My family does homemade Springfield cashew chicken for Christmas!
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Uhh lots of self-acceptance shit no one really wants to read
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I can pop the joint at the center of my foot
That’s all
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I sort of like my role as mom friend, so maybe I could keep that role in a sort of action-based anime that followed a group of friends
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“I am not the protégé to waste your time on; I'm complete!” Jekyll and Hyde: GMT
62. seven characters you relate to?
Lisa Carew - Jekyll and Hyde: GMT
Japan - Hetalia/Oni
Garnett - Steven Universe
Hfhddh that’s all I can say that aren’t my own characters
63. five songs that would play in your club?
I Don’t Like Clubs, but
Overwhelmed - Royal + The Serpent
Backseat Serenade - All Time Low
Go Big or Go Home - American Authors
The Nights - Avicii
Tempo - Lizzo
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
Yep - One from a bad bike wreck. My body rejected the dissolvable stitches so it’s a lot bigger than it was supposed to be
66. favorite flower(s)?
Lily of the Valley, daisies, Day Lilies, and Dandelions! I also love honeysuckles but I don’t know if those count.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Accidentally drank rancid milk once!
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? (Haha, nice)
The fastest, free way to fill up your potions on Wizard101 is to play Potion Motion to level three.
70. left or right handed?
Right handed
71. least favorite pattern?
On myself, animal print
72. worst subject?
I’ve never been intuitively good at History, I do think it’s interesting though.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I don’t like to take it until I can’t move without it.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
Kindergarten? I had mono and then scarlet fever twice, so my baby teeth were pretty much ruined and they all fell out very fast.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Curly fries!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Kalanchoe’s, it literally Window’s Thrill. These babies are fairly temperamental outside and love partial sun, so the window is the perfect spot for them. And! If you keep them happy! They’ll bloom! My personal favorite is the pink bloom.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
What’s wrong with coffee from a gas station? Also I don’t like seafood.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Earth tones!
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
Lightning bugs
82. pc or console?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Podcasts - talk radios actually tend to get under my skin for n o reason
84. barbie or polly pocket?
Barbie, but let it be known I was brutal with mine. We did human sacrifices and the like.
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies, but I’m a slut for whipped frosting
87. your greatest fear?
Losing control!
88. your greatest wish?
A life beyond where I am now. Haha Stop chasing new down the hallway you’re so sexy haha
90. luckiest mistake?
Logged into Omegle in like 2015 and some rando asked me to join their Doctor Who roleplay. Luckiest moment of my gd life.
91. boxes or bags?
Bags! They’re easier to store
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
Sunlight! But in the late afternoon when everything is bathed in orange.
93. nicknames?
Mom is the most prevalent!
94. favorite season?
Fall into winter. Peak leaf crunch!
95. favorite app on your phone?
Discord or Notes
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teenagebeautyqueen · 4 years
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[Image description: a young person holds a mobile phone with a blue case and a paper on the other. the paper has a drawing of an umbrella colored with the trans pride flag. we can only see their upper body. they are looking down and to the left of the image. they're smiling without showing their teeth, and look relaxed. they're wearing a black, loose hoodie and some shorts can be seen at the bottom of the picture. they're also using black nail polish. on the background there is a door and a star wars poster. the other image is a close up of the paper. end ID]
happy trans day of visability to all my fellow trans*!! here is me and my project for peace's day... i personally love it. it's on spanish, but i'll translate it for y'all.
the text on the left says "cada persona que conoces está luchando una batalla de la que no sabes nada. sé amable. siempre", which is the translation of that quote that goes like "every person you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. be kind. always".
the one on the right says "¿qué sentido hay en pelear? ¿por qué insistimos en sabotearnos mutuamente? Todos caminamos por el mismo sendero embarrado, todos nos dirigimos al mismo final." its translation is something like "what's the point on fighting? why do we insist on sabotage each other? we all walk the same muddy path, we are all headed for the same end."
and above the umbrella there's words like "odio", "acoso", "ignorancia" & "discriminación", which mean "hatred", "harassment", "ignorance", and "discrimination".
yeah i'm very subtle.
i've decided to share my story with the world. but i got kinda carried away. it's not s fairy tale, so don't read it if you're sensitive to themes like bullying, mental health issues, and toxic people.
it's been... one ride of a journey, to say the least. i've said a few times that i started to question my gender around summer. but that's not quite true.
growing up, i never was fond of... anything that i associated with femenine, really. this included, but wasn't limited to, any color that wasn't blue (pink and purple get a special mention, i despised them), flowers, clothes too loose or too tight, shorts if they weren't from some sport, etc. i think you get the idea.
this collided with me being afab (aka a girl for everyone including myself) & neurodivergent. i wanted nothing to do with those things. but society wanted me to love them.
5 yo me said she didn't like Monster High. 5 yo female classmate said i was a weirdo. 7 yo me loved football. 7 yo male classmate said i couldn't play because i was a girl. 9 yo me hyperfixated on minecraft. 9 yo pretty much every classmate called me a geek.
so i stoped trying. for a while, i loved pink, wanted to have rapunzel's hair, watched disney channel, etc. but i already was the weirdo. i remember being three and friends with all of them. i remember playful fights for the toy rocket and reading books with the only other boy who could read, to ourselves, each other, and the whole class. but people grow up, and they change. so yeah, i was bullied. always the last one to be chosen, left alone on the bus rides, on my own at the playground.
and you'll be thinking "that sucks, but pao, how is it related to you being trans?"
you'll see, i didn't have many friends. i was kinda alone until i turned 7. then two new kids came to my class. let's call them eva and john. i made friends with them asap. i loved them so much!! they were my first friends since kindergarden. so i allowed myself to let go. i was already hated by most of my peers. why wouldn't i be myself with those who didn't despise me? (i was 7 when i thought this. 7 years old, and i thought that out of 20 people, 18 hated me. and then people wonder why i've got self-steem issues lmao. i'm tryna make the point that bullying in primary school isn't just some mean kids calling you names. i'm currently in high school and it still has its mark on me. but that's for another moment.)
so yeah. i went "wild". eva has adhd too (noice, right? i mean she has her diagnosis becaise she's primarly hyperactive, while i'm primarly inattentive, but we understood each other way quickier than with neurotypicals– even if i didn't know why yet), and john was kinda shy & corpulent (he wasn't fat, but he didn't look slim either), just like me. so we became friends. and i slowly opened up a little, while still playing my role of "the freak kid". i knew i was seen as that AND as the smart kid. double pressure, double bullying. but i had my small circle. it evolved until my current friend group, in which, god bless, there's a trans girl!! (eva's still on it– she's my best friend and i would die for her, no doubts. john can go fuck himself, the goddamned fascist).
but it ain't that easy. it never is. i'm 14 and afab. shit happens. y'all get it.
my first period happened while i was on a school trip (bad), on a hotel with no pads avaliable (very bad), on another country so i couldn't call my mum unless i had wifi because politics & stuff– and i did not have wifi (really bad). cue a lot of dysphoria (even if i didn't know it was that) + not being able to contact anyone. add the fact that i was the second one to have it, and it was some kind of taboo– it meant the other girls wouldn't leave me alone, and the result is clear: one of my worst panic attacks ever, on a tiny bathroom of some shitty hotel room.
from there it went downhill. my body started to become femenine, and the football short didn't make my hips smaller. my face, my oh so alarged face, suddenly became rounder. puberty hit me not only physically, but emotionally. and if that wasn't enough, we, as a class, were entering what's called here "the turkey age", a.k.a. teenagerhood, where looks become even more important. it didn't take long until i hated my body.
[WARNING: from here, this gets hard. mentions of eating disorders, depressive episodes/thoughts, toxic enviroments, homophobia/transphobia (both internalized and external), anxiety attacks, and thoughts of self-harm]
i thought "it's big, it shouldn't be big, it's fat. besides i don't want it to grow so fast. i want to make it stop growing. how? well, i grow up by eating. no eating=no growing".
yeah. eating disorder. when i think about it, i want to laugh. because it only took a few comments and "jokes" for me to be so angry at myself when i should be mad with them. i'm big. always have been, very likely always will. i've been told that i could make a very good rugby player. i probably would. i shared my cantine table with people (😔). and they wouldn't shut up. "[deadname], the rest wants to eat too!", "look at [deadname], she's gonna eat it all!". things like that. i stoped eating. i would pick up the smallest amount of food i could, even if my stomach was begging me to please eat something. eventually, my mum found out. and she helped me to grow out of it. i sometimes releapse, but never for that long. because i went on a whole year like that. and it sucked.
so, last year. socially anxious neurodivergent girl with several doubts on her sexuality gets to eight grade.
i play basketball. since i was little. i used to enjoy it a lot. we weren't a team– we were a family. loved 'em so much, 1000/10 one of the best things of my life. BOOM. now you're old enough & good enough to be on the "good" team. in the good time there's the cool kids. i am not a cool kid. oops. i was left behind, they all laughed at my back, no one cared about me (except one girl, but she was in the group and was scared to act until almost the end of the year. love her for that tho). i felt like shit. i was too scared to go to train. the sight of a ball scared me, because i couldn't help but think everyone was talking shit about me. we went to a national championship and when they went out to the city, they didn't tell me, then sent a pic of them having fun to the groupchat & delated it saying "oops it was for the other group". i had several breakdowns on my room that night. it was such a bad experience i can't even hear the name of the city without tearing up.
not to count that a new girl decided to make my life a living hell. now i know how to deal with her, but then i didn't, and i ended up curled up on the bathroom floor crying.
all while i discovered my own identity. i was so scared of being non-straight i hated myself for it.
it was a tough year and there were times where i would wish i'd never existed. it was too much for me to deal with, and i was just miserable. but i got out of it. remember the trans girl i mentioned? she's closeted, and she told me just this october. but even before that, she was my friend. she bought a new life to it all, a fresh one. i owe her a lot, including accepting myself as i am.
she is here, despite everything.
i am here, despite everything.
you are all here, despite everything.
some of us aren't here. they are the ones we remember. each one of us has our history. i shared mine with you all. it is not an easy road. you know that. it's hard, and it's tough, and it's difficult, and it's unfair.
but we are here, despite everything. the ones who made it, the ones who didn't, the ones who are halfway through it, and the ones who are to come.
we are here. we are trans. and we won't be erased.
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vanaera · 4 years
For the Fanfiction Writer Asks ask meme!!! Because I still have lots to know about one of my favorite writers!! 1, 8, 17, 21, 22, 29, 33, and 47 (Angst Queen)! It's a lot but feel free to choose just the ones you want to!!
Omygod, thank you so much, hon! And sksksk!! I really love a lot of questions!
Here I go
1. How old were you when you first start writing fanfiction?
I think I was 17? I started kinda late into my writing journey bc most of my childhood and adolescence was spent making visual art. I thought it was my passion until I fell in love reading books to analyze BTS HYYH MVs being released. I've always loved books since I was a kid lmao I finished all the books in my elementary school's library and it was huge! (I got like 4 library cards stapled next to each other, completely filled out, every year). However, I only really appreciated how they are mad eand their influence on other's works when I get to study them close up to get BTS MVs (i'm so used to BTS hip and cool MVs since No More Dream and I was shook out of my mind when they suddenly changed things up in I NEED U ASDFGHJKL)
8. Where do you take inspiration from?
A million of films. I fell in love with screenwriting and now I'm learning a heck lot from it and from that, I appreciated film making more. Bc learning it had me learning different types of character arcs to try, how to structure subplots, or even come up with novel story structures that deviate from the 5 point Acts! I think I appreciated stories told in films more than in books now bc the writing was made to be precise to fit in a specific time frame. And I think if you could pull off such a wonderful story with real, effective characters within just 2 hours, you're one hell of a talented being. The films that continue to inspire my writings until now had to be Kill Bill, Fight Club, Plus One, and recently added, Parasite and Snowpiercer. (It's actually been ages since I read books. I don't have much time to read them these days bc I'm in uni and I can only have movies for now).
17. Post a line from a WIP that you're working on.
Hoseok shrugs, “Well, he has a point. We’re exercising our powers determining everyone’s future and dictating what consequence should they have. Indeed, only gods do that and we are no gods.”
- My Time
(I'm sorry this is like an additional teaser abxjkwk. But I'm on my mobile now and this is the only WIP I have. But that doesnt do much bc I prefer finishing one project first after another so yeah)
21. Tell me about athwr writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
I feel you already know this bc I've fangirled about him with you for so many times but F. Scott Fitzgerald. He writes beautifully crafted sentences that are also beautifully bruttally honest. His works always feel so raw and I just love the honesty in them. Another one is Chuck Palahniuk, the writer of Fight Club. I love how he manages to put so many of his philosophical stances in his story and yet syill have one cohesive theme. Not to say he makes a lot of mindfucking stories!
In the screenwriting field, Bong Joon Ho, hands down. I lobe his respect for the fundamental elements and techniques of screenwriting. It is often thought that doing the conventional is a negative connotation bc it is "restricting." When actually, they serve as a guide to wrote beautiful effective stories. And so I think Bong Joon Ho did a good job proving that doing the conventional way is also okay and in the end, you'll still get to make wonderful, impactful stories.
22. Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Hmmm, not that I posted here though. Even if I think I write better now than what I used to in 2018, I only fondly look back at them and appreciate how much they helped me grow in my writing journey. But hmm, I remember writing a real cringey shitty story when I was 16. Never got it online bc I only wrote it in pencil in some notebook. Real shitty bc it was highly inspired by the romantic tropes of Hollywood back in the day that I now think are very toxic. Never got to reread it tho bc I lost that notebook when we moved houses 2 years ago. I don't regret it tho. I don't really feel a great urge to rerwad it.
29. Do you have a story that you feel doesn't get as much love as you'd like?
I'll never let it go but Translucent Fireworks, my first official story here 2 years ago. It has 200+ notes and actually that's really big! However, there's not much feedback about it and that's kinda saddening bc I wrote so many beautiful lines there that to this day I still think, "how the fuck did I do that?" (Bc holy mother of fuck, 18 year old me made metaphors about cracking paint on ceilings and geometry and 20 year old me now is just: HoW?). I just wished more of my readers has appreciated it bc 'til this day, it remains as one of my proudest works.
33. What's the biggest compliment you've gotten?
Out of all the generous and kind words my hons has showered me ober the years, 2 remain that really hits my heart right on. One is when they say I'm their favorite writer (and guess what, you just said it to me rn *heart combusts boom boom pow pow* 😳🥺😭☺️😊😆🥰) Growing up, I found it hard to find friends I could trust on. And so, I made friends out of fictional characters and the writers who made them. Now as I write, I wish to be someone people who are like me who finds it hard to find someone to connect to, can find solace and comfort in my writings. Now the second one bears more weight to me. It's when my readers tell me they felt so many emotions. In such a harsh world we live in, it seems as just everyday seems to get worse as the years pass by. And bc of such exposure to misery and hopelessness, a lot has grown to be apathetic and find it hard now to find happiness in their lives. I want to make things a little bit better for everyone, and so I want them to just....feel. happiness, sadness, anger, frustration - a beautiful variety than just stagnant despair. I want more people to see there's still hope we can feel other than hopelessness in this world. So when I receive a compliment like this one, I feel I've already succceeded one of my major goals as a writer.
47. Here's a fic title - insert made up title. What would this story be about.
Angst Queen. It will about a girl who loves reading and watching angsty stuff that her appreciation for this genre somehow got to affect her values. She now tends to expect that love should hurt for it to be real love bc people only gets to remember pain, not happiness, for joy doesn't bear a scar on the hearts. But in doing so, she tends to get in toxic relationships, or end up ruining a good one that's just about to start. When her bestfriend finally calls her out on it, she learns that maybe she's looking at life with black colored glasses. She decides to embark on a journey to grow out from it. She just didn't expect that the half of those black glasses had already started turning pink the moment her bestfriend told her he'll be by her side on this journey.
Ask me more questions here Fanfiction Writer Asks!
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hellreads · 5 years
hi hi cute !! can u spill the tea on how u made ur navigation header ?? its so pretty oml xoxo
hi there sweetie, thank you for noticing the new headers I made, first of all, think of a theme you want to go with when making headers, make sure it fits the aesthetic of your blog (at least, but maybe that’s just me because I’m OC lol) I was actually set on making a spooky header for my blog but I’m not sure how most people would feel seeing the creepy images so I decided to settle for a clean one and use the lovely Medusa for my main navigation header and the White Envelopes/Invitations for my mobile navigation header.
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next, think of a color palette/combination you want to work with, for this set I wanted to work with clean colors but I have a pink sparkle back-up that I was supposed to set to black & white but it only made the header look messy, I decided this clean aesthetic is much better, btw I do my edits on Adobe Photoshop CC 2018, you can play with a lot of different filters or use topaz on your image in case you want to make the quality better, make sure you set the right size too, check tumblr dimensions online and if you want a gif header make sure the size fits tumblrs ridiculous limitations lol.
lastly, pick a font and how you want to style it, for this set I used two fonts for the modern calligraphy script I used Saturday Champagne but since it looks so sad and bland with the white calligraphy script alone, I decided to use Bebas Neue, a basic font to make the script stand out. this styling isn’t something new, you’ve probably seen a lot of headers using two or more fonts but it’s all up to you how you want to make yours as unique and refreshing as possible! 
tbh doing stuff like this is very time consuming or maybe that’s just me because I always change my fucking mind lol ~ anyway, good luck on your header making adventure love, if you need to ask more questions or need help please feel free to send in more asks or send me a direct message! | 🍒
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sirtadcooper · 6 years
how to make a header
You will need:
An image.
Doodles, textures, gif overlays, et cetera (optional and not covered in this tutorial).
Photoshop (I’m using Elements 18).
Difficulty rating: ★★★☆☆
Making headers is just like making icons, only bigger. You do have to pay a bit more attention to details. My icon tutorial and icon tips posts contain most of the steps you need to make headers. Below I’m going to show you how I go about making a basic header.
We’ll be going from this:
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to this:
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Tutorial under the cut (I’m going to assume you know where to find things such as the Crop Tool and Layer Styles):
First of all, we’ve got to open up that photo in Photoshop (other photo editing software is available). Because headers are larger, I prefer to use things such as promo photos like this one, rather than screencaps. Even HD screencaps can be poor quality once edited, especially darker scenes.
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The first thing I do is duplicate my layer, then I look to see if my image needs sharpening. This is obviously an indoor shot and the photographer has used a high ISO to compensate for the low light. The high ISO causes grain and fuzziness, so I am going to be subtle with my sharpening. Make sure to sharpen the duplicated layer.
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Here are the settings I ended up using. You can see that the Unsharp Mask sharpens everything, including that ISO grain I was telling you about.
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Next, add a new layer and fill it with a solid colour. Pick a colour that doesn’t appear in your photo - something loud, like this blue.
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Make a copy of your sharpened layer and drag it above your solid colour.
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Then click on your Eraser Tool and - making sure you have the duplicated, sharpened layer highlighted - start erasing around your character. Go around with a smaller brush first.
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Then once you have the outline erased, you can use the bigger brush for the rest. (I’m ignoring that grey wall because I plan to crop it out.)
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Looks alright, doesn’t it? Nope! Use the Stroke trick I mentioned in my icon tips and tricks post (linked above) to make sure your cut-out is clean.
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Oh dear! How messy.
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There, that’s better. I erased all of those stray pixels and now it’s a clean cut-out. Well, almost...
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I just wanted to crop out that pesky wall.
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The cutting out is done! Change your Canvas Size to 800 x 450 pixels (or any size you like, so long as it’s over 640 pixels on its longest side as that is the size of mobile themes.
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I gave Joss here a pink background as a placeholder so I could see what I was doing. I duplicated by cut out layer, saving it in its largest form in case I ever wanted it for a bigger edit of some kind. I positioned the copy where I wanted it on my canvas.
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I use adjustment layers to make my image brighter and more contrasty. I start with Brightness/Contrast, then Levels and finally Hue/Saturation.
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Hue/Saturation is one of the more complicated Adjustment Layers to get your head around but it’s worth practising with it. I use it to attempt to correct colour balance. This image has a yellow tint to it that. I wanted to remove some yellow while also retaining Joss’s skin tone. It’s all too easy to whitewash.
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Skin is made up of yellows and reds according to Photoshop. I made the reds darker to keep the shadows on her face dark.
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I made the yellows brighter and used the Hue slider to make them a little redder.
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Once you’re happy (for now), duplicate everything again - your cut-out layer and adjustment layers. Merge the copies down into one layer. This means the brightness adjustments only affect your cut-out layer and not the background.
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By now you should have something like this - an edited cut-out layer and a colour background.
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(I decided that Joss was still too orange so I added another Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer to remove some saturation.) I picked a background colour - mint green. I almost always add a “halo” to my headers and icons. Create a new Gradient Fill layer under your cut-out layer. Choose the white to black preset gradient and use these settings:
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When the Gradient Fill box is open, you can drag your gradient around. Drag it until it’s behind your character’s head.
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Set the “halo” Gradient’s blend mode to Screen or Overlay - for pastel backgrounds, Screen works best. For brighter colours Overlay usually works better. I usually set the opacity to 25% or thereabouts.
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Finally I coloured in Joss’s shirt as it still had a yellow cast to it. I just used a grey Colour Fill Layer set to the colour blend mode.
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And that’s how I make a basic header!
Every step I take here also serves the purpose of making it very, very easy to change colours around later. Joss’s shirt could become red, the background purple. The possibilities are endless!
A couple more tutorials to read after this one:
How to colour clothing.
How to add a torn paper edge to a header.
How to add a brush stroke effect to a header.
How to make a mock mobile theme header.
Thank you for reading this tutorial! All of my previous tutorials can be found here.
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chemicalmagecraft · 5 years
The Gamer Hero, Deku Chapter 9
A/N: Okay, thanks to everyone who contributed to that explosion of suggestions. Was nice. A few things:
Remzal Von Enili: That is an interesting idea and I wish I could find a way to use it.
ImSoBored246: I don't think I'm going to go that extreme, but thanks for the suggestion.
Plasma Dragon 312: That's a cool skill. I already had an idea for PhysEnd's upgrade, so unfortunately that's probably not going to be it, but I appreciate you suggesting a skill and am going to try to find a way to include it somehow.
RavenJ: Thanks for telling me that. WAIT DANGIT! At the very least, you can't tell me his hair isn't antigravity...
To everyone who suggested a fire-type Pokémon for Izuku: Thank you! You all had great ideas and I honestly wish I could pick them all, buuuut there would be some logistic problems with that... The winning suggestion, however, goes to a guest because I liked the Pokémon and logic behind it used and then grew too attached to my design to change my mind. Not gonna say what it is here, though.
And considering how well that worked out, I'd also appreciate any title suggestions for as-of-yet untitled characters and also skill suggestions. Because I highly appreciate any time someone gives me an excuse to do less work, lol.
Yuuei was... surprisingly mundane. I don't know what I was expecting, but after the rush of being taught by pro heroes wore off, it was actually boring. At least it was good for leveling Enlightenment. Though Enlightenment actually leveled rather slowly for a level one skill, probably because it was a prestige skill. I was really excited to see what getting that up would do.
Of course, there was one class that I didn't want to miss one second of. Hero Basic Training.
"I AM HERE!" All Might shouted as he burst through the door in his silver age costume, causing a wave of excitement to run through the class. "Today will be your first class with me, All Might! In this class, you will learn what you will need to defeat villains and save lives! But before we begin!" He pointed at some panels on the wall that Observe told me held our hero costumes behind them! On cue, they slowly came out from the wall. "I'm not the only one who's going to be in costume today! Suit up in your new outfits and meet me at training ground beta!
All Might gave his trademark brilliant smile as he watched us slow-walk through the entrance to training ground beta, somehow in perfect sync. "They say clothes make the pros, class, and you are no exception!" Everyone looked so cool in their costumes!
"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka said as she walked over to me. She had a black-and-pink bodysuit that looked like a futuristic space suit. "I love your costume! It's supposed to be like an RPG character, right?"
"Yeah that was the idea," I said. At first, I'd wanted a jumpsuit with horns that looked like All Might's hair, but when I showed it to Kacchan he hit me so hard I leveled up Physical Endurance (though to be fair I was almost to the next level at the time) and told me that it would be too obvious and it'd make me look like a rabbit. 
Upon threat of further violence, I agreed to change my outfit to something a little more original, and decided to just go with the RPG theme that my Quirk gave me. I had a green waistcoat over a long-sleeved white shirt, dark green pants, my sweet red shoes, white gloves, a small utility belt that I suppose was superfluous with my inventory but still looked cool, and a green hooded cloak that I had include rabbit ears as a joke to Kacchan at first, then decided I liked it and kept it. It all had light armor that didn't mess with the look or harm my mobility but still added slightly to my defenses. The most surprising part, though, was that my request for a sword so I didn't have to waste mana on Bound Blade was accepted. Sure, I had spells that worked well with a sword, but I could also make swords and I didn't expect them to let me have a sword on my first year. "I think yours looks nice too." I also expected that without Gamer's Mind I would have been very flustered...
Ururaka sighed. "I wish I'd been more specific with my costume, this is a little embarrassing..."
"Look at it this way; at least you're not Ponytail or Invisible," Kacchan said with an amused grin. His costume was pretty cool, but I still think those gauntlets looked a little too bulky, even after he had them reduced a bit and include switchable sweat cartridges at my suggestion. I saw he also had the water bottle I'd suggested to keep hydrated so he could sweat more. "One of them's half naked and the other's only wearing gloves and shoes."
"In my defense, I need bare skin for my Quirk, Creation," Yaoyorozu stated.
"Dude, I'm naked, like, all the time when I'm at home," Hagakure told Kacchan. I noticed that her title was transparent. Not fully invisible, but harder to see than it used to be. I shrugged it off as my Quirk making it harder for me to see her title because she was supposed to be harder to see. "And I got points in the entrance exam by sneaking around buck naked and messing around with the robots' innards and stuff."
Mineta gave a thumbs-up. "Naked ladies..." He drooled... Ugh.
"Nobody asked you, Dick-for-brains!" Kacchan shouted at him.
"Now that you're all in costume, we're going to begin with combat training!" All Might told us. "Unlike the entrance exam, where you fought robots outside, today you'll all be fighting each other indoors! Now, can anyone tell me why it is important to know how to fight indoors?"
Almost immediately, Iida's hand shot up. "While it is true that most confrontations between heroes and villains happen outdoors, the vast majority of all fights between heroes and villains are in fact inside!" He was wearing really cool white armor that reminded me of Ingenium and my Observe told me was more to reduce wind resistance than defend from attacks.
"Exactly, young Iida! And so for your training exercise today, you will be divided into teams of two! Those teams will then be pitted against each other, one hero team against one villain team! The villains will be hiding a fake bomb somewhere in the building and it will be the heroes' job to find it! The heroes will win if they capture both villains or touch the bomb! On the other hand, the villains win if they capture the heroes or survive to the end of the time limit! And try not to hurt each other too hard!" Then he pulled out a cardboard box. "And the teams will be decided by drawing lots!"
"Why lots?" Iida asked.
"Pros can't always choose who they're working with, so maybe it's to represent that?" I offered.
"Exactly, young Midoriya! Now, let's see who the teams are!"
In a freak twist of fate that further cemented my decision to no longer grind LUC because it's not that worth it, Uraraka and I, in team A, were put against Kacchan and Iida in team D. Kacchan and Iida as the villain team were given five minutes to get set up, and we were allowed to plan outside while they were in there. I sighed. "What's wrong, Midoriya?" Uraraka asked.
"I know that this might sound a little bit like bragging, but Kacchan's really the only person in the class that I know for sure could win in a fight against me. I think Todoroki might be able to put up a decent fight, but Kacchan knows what I can do the best and his Quirk and magic combined make him a definite threat. Plus, he's the only person who might be able to counter the plan I came up with."
Uraraka grinned. "Then we're just gonna have to do our best! What's the plan?"
I nodded. "First, I'm going to summon reinforcements. Don't freak out." I summoned all of my elementals, including my new fire elemental, Blaise. He wore a light brown long-sleeved shirt with thin black horizontal lines. His black pants, black shoes, and black gloves covered up the rest of his skin below his neck. He had a mane of wild white hair with five wavy red... ponytails(?) arranged in a way that made his head the center of a five-pointed star. He also had a neck warmer/mask in the same shade of white as his hair that was pulled up over his nose. What little skin on his face that was visible was pitch-black, and his scleraless eyes glowed bright blue. He was probably the least human-looking elemental I had.
"Wow, what kind of spell is this?" Uraraka asked as she crouched down a bit to look at Dune. Thankfully, I'd managed to get Dune to switch from a gun to some sort of military-type knife sheathed on her sleeve in public.
"Sup, I'm Dune," Dune introduced herself.
"Halitus," Halitus muttered.
Rayne gave her a wide, toothy grin and pulled out her sword. "I'm Rayne! Need something stabbed?"
"No, Rayne," Blaise sighed as he grabbed her hand and lowered the sword she was brandishing for her. "Name's Blaise."
Uraraka laughed, causing Rayne to give a toothy grin and blush a little. "These are my elementals," I said. "They're able to control the elements. My plan is to use a certain spell I have to sneak into the building." I bit my lip. "Unfortunately, the best way to use it is to have you act as a distraction... Is that okay?"
She nodded. "It's totally okay! I'm guessing there's technical stuff at work?"
"Yeah. The spell, Illusion Barrier, takes me and anything I include into a sort of pocket dimension, and while I know how to exclude my elementals, I don't think I can put you in and not me..."
"I said it's fine!" Uraraka beamed. "That's super cool though! So you can just disappear at will? That's gotta be so useful!"
"Start!" All Might's voice said from our earpieces.
"I'm pulling us in!" I warned. "Illusion Barrier!" Nothing seemed to change, but I knew it worked. "Right, we should probably split up so we can cover more ground. Objects, like the bomb, will still be where they were when I used the spell, but Kacchan and Iida aren't in the barrier. I saw them on my map in the northern part of the building, but the map doesn't show elevation, so we need to check each floor. Let's go!"
Bakugou sighed. This was going to be a fucking nightmare. "I am loath to act on the side of the villains, even if it's just for practice, but if I must, then I shall," Ingenium Junior said.
"'Kay, first off, Glasses, you're gonna have to think like a villain sometimes if you wanna get the jump on the real villains," Bakugou said. "Second off, can you please let me think?"
"Ah, yes. Is Midoriya likely to give us trouble?"
Bakugou gave a deeper sigh. "More like he's gonna fucking appear out of thin air on top of the bomb if I don't figure out a counter to what I'm pretty sure is dimensional fuckery. Deku's got a spell called Illusion Barrier that lets him go to some other dimension of total bullshit or something where everything's the same but nobody's there."
Even through his helmet, Bakugou could see Glasses' wince. "That sounds like it'll be difficult to counter. I will defer to your lead."
"Right, first off, this." Bakugou made a fire ball, using it to summon Pyra. Like Deku's elementals, Pyra seemed to have ranked up, causing her to look older and gain a small bump on her forehead for some reason. "This is Pyra. She's made of fire. Deal with it."
"Hello," Pyra said with a small wave. "I am a fire elemental."
"If I know Deku like I know Deku, and I know Deku, then Round Face is gonna pop out of nowhere sometime soon with at least one of Deku's four elementals to distract us. By the way, Deku has four Pyras of various elements. Deal with it. While that happens, Deku'll make his way over to the bomb in his Bullshit Barrier and just pop back in on top of it. I want you and Pyra to hold off Round Face and the elementals while I try to enact Operation Punch Deku in the Fucking Face from Another Dimension, or OPDFFAD for short. That sound good?"
Glasses nodded. "It does, though I'd like to know what OPDFFAD entails, if you don't mind me asking."
"Step one is to make some kind of sensory spell that can hopefully be used to sense dimensional fuckery. I've already made a spell that I think can do that, but I have to concentrate on it and it's a bitch on my mana. Step two is to try using it on Deku while he's entering or exiting Bullshitland. Step three, try to use that data to sense where Deku is in Bullshitland and then cause my fist to enter Bullshitland with magic."
"There are a lot of ifs in that plan..." Glasses sounded a little doubtful.
Bakugou glared at him. "You got a better plan?"
"On the other hand, this is a training exercise. Why exactly do you think your spell will sense Midoriya's Illusion Barrier?"
"Because I used it on Round Face and felt something when she used her Quirk that wasn't magic, which I'm assuming was her gravity fuckery, which according to Einstein is a type of dimensional fuckery."
"I... do not believe those were his exact words, but that sounds about right."
"Then I got Deku to use his inventory and felt a similar but different feeling, which pretty much confirms it's Fuckery Detection."
"I literally cannot argue with that logic."
"Now shut up so I can detect fuckery." Bakugou leaned on the bomb so he could close his eyes and reach out with his Fuckery Detection. It needed him to spread out a thin layer of mana over the area he wanted to detect, which meant that he wouldn't be able to use it over too large of an area if he wanted to do it for a while. Thankfully, Pyra had given him the general direction of Deku's and Round Face's heat signatures, so he was able to find the two relatively easily, plus all four of Deku's elementals. 
Just a few fucking moments after he got set up, All Might announced that the heroes could start, causing Deku drag them all into Bullshitland. Bakugou definitely felt... something when they fucked off, but he felt like he'd need to feel an exit to get any concrete idea. Still, he definitely felt just the lightest bit of a person-shaped spatial disturbance or whatever the fuck where the heroes were. He was able to follow one of the signals that he thought might have been Round Face until it made its way to the room with the bomb, convening with some other, shorter, human-shaped disturbances.
"Get ready," Bakugou warned, then concentrated harder on the signal. He was just in time to catch Round Face and the elementals getting dumped out of Bullshitland, which gave Bakugou a surprising degree of insight on how Illusion Barrier worked. He felt Bullshitland change when Round Face was spat out, then felt it change back a few moments later when Deku presumably recast the spell. It seemed like there was some sort of dimensional barrier or whatever the fuck that was already there, and Deku called on a part of it to use his Illusion Barrier, which Bakugou figured made sense of what Deku was muttering about when he was talking about his spell. But with that knowledge, Bakugou figured he could maybe punch Deku. He grinned as he felt Deku's signature approaching, then Blast Rushed at it when it jumped toward the bomb. "DIEEEEEEE!"
The plan seemed to be going off without a hitch. Uraraka found the bomb quickly enough and called me to bring my elementals over. As they got into position, I found a spot that was out of the way enough that the villain team wouldn't notice me blink into existence for a moment, but close enough that I could get over to the bomb quickly and not keep Uraraka waiting for too long. I undid the Illusion Barrier for a moment before pulling myself and only myself back in. I'd had a lot of practice with exiting and reentering Illusion Barrier whenever I was switching between empty and skeletons, so it took less than a second. I ran toward the bomb as fast as I could, using Air Aura and Speed Up to get there faster. Within a few seconds, I saw and jumped at the fake bomb, aiming to land on top of it so I could just appear there and win. It looked like I was about to win!
Then Kacchan faded into existence in front of me, screaming, "DIEEEEEEE!" He punched me on the jaw, throwing me back. I was stunned, but more from the shock of Kacchan appeaing out of nowhere in an area I never expected him to than from pain. "You thought you could escape fighting me by fucking off to Bullshitland, Deku?" Kacchan smirked at me. "Fuck that noise."
"How?" I asked. I noted that I could see Iida and Pyra fighting my team as I got up. "Did the skill fail?"
"Fuck yeah it did!" His grin widened and he pointed at himself. "And I was the one who made it fail!"
"I'm gonna stab you!" I heard Rayne say gleefully.
I immediately turned to see Rayne brandishing her sword at Iida. "No maiming, Rayne!" I shouted frantically.
"But he tried to kick the pretty lady!" she retorted.
"No!" I said like I was telling a little kid not to draw on the walls. I turned back to Kacchan. "Sorry, didn't want Rayne to kill Iida."
He shrugged. "That's fair. Now hit me with your bes-" He cut himself off by using his gauntlets to block the flat of my sword. Kacchan being Kacchan, this only served to make him look extremely happy. After a quick test showing that trying to recast Illusion Barrier was futile, I used Air Aura to strike at him with a quick flurry of blows. Even though he wasn't as fast as me, Kacchan was fast enough that he could use both gauntlets to block my strikes. Of course, my plan wasn't to hit him with a sword. Instead, I kept his attention on my sword as I got out the capture tape that All Might gave us. I managed to make a loop with the tape with my hand and then gave Kacchan a particularly hard swipe. When he blocked, I tried to catch his hands in the loop, which would have disqualified him. Unfortunately, he incinerated the tape before it even touched him and then backhanded me, knocking me back. 
I tried to jump over Kacchan, but he Blast Rushed up at me and punched at me again, though this time I Air Jumped away, landing on the side of a pillar. I pushed off of the pillar with eight percent One For All, aiming to get over Kacchan. Unfortunately, he just flew up to me, causing me to to jump up to the ceiling and kick off away from Kacchan. This time, I threw an Air Shot at him, blasting him back and me toward the bomb. For good measure, I threw a Bind at him, which I really should have done earlier. Without Kacchan to deal with, I realized that maybe I might be falling hard enough to damage the bomb, so I braked with air mana. While it didn't stop me completely, I slowed down enough that I touched down on the bomb relatively lightly. "HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might announced.
After the battle ended, All Might had us meet up in the room where the rest of the class had watched our fight for a review of our fight. "Now," All Might said, "who can tell me who the MVP if this round was?"
Yaoyorozu raised her hand. "Surely it's Midoriya, right? He came up with the plan, and it would have gone without a hitch if the matchups had gone any differently."
I felt my cheeks heating up a bit. "N-no, surely the others deserve some of the credit too..."
Kacchan slapped me upside the head. "You won, idiot."
"Yeah, but you three and the elementals also..."
"I won't deny that everyone contributed, young Midoriya! However, you most certainly deserve the spot of MVP!"
My eyes watered a bit. "Thanks, everyone..."
"And unless there are any more questions, let us begin with the second match!" All Might loudly declared. I perked up at that. I was really excited to see everyone's Quirks in a fight.
A/N: And now dimensional fuckery is an actual scientific term thanks to Kacchan. Because it made me laugh and that's about half of how my writing works.
And FYI, Deku's outfit is basically his outfit from the fantasy AU thing in that one outro, but with a cloak to make him more wizardy. Bakugou's outfit is mostly the same except for the changes noted. Everyone else is the same.
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