#this is just me rambling about tlj
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for the deep fic writer asks: 2, 10, 16 & 19
2. what’s a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
Oh god. I'm gonna have to go back quite a few years but I wrote two fics that I have a hard time revisiting. I really need to edit one, though, because I made a creative decision that didn't work.
A Deafening Distance is a Supernatural fic where Dean said yes to Michael, and Sam and Cas are left to pick up the pieces. There is a mini cast of OCs and I thought it would be funny to name the OCs after the actors but some people found it disorienting. I keep meaning to change that but I haven't been able to visit this fic and I posted it in 2010.
Wishing Well was a Cap Kink Meme fill back when kink memes were a huge thing on LJ. It's a CATFA fic and the prompt was "kissing lessons" and it's from Howard Stark's POV and I kept the ending the same as the movie so it was... it's really sad? But it's a good kind of sad, if that makes sense.
P.S. The ficmix I made for this fic still wrecks me.
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
All I can say is, if I can't write I'll go fucking mad. My brain is always on its bullshit. I maybe spent late elementary through early middle school obsessing over 1 ginormous crossover fic that I wrote in my head; it had its own soundtrack and score and the character voices I swear were on point and it was all I could think about. I still remember it all these years later because I never wrote it down. It seared itself in my head. Being able to write is like venting a pressure cooker and keeps me sane and focused.
16. Do you re-read old fics? Is there a time in your writing you won’t go back to?
I will not touch anything I wrote and posted to FFN. I refuse. But I'll re-read old fics I posted to AO3. I spent hours tracking down all my old Transformers fics in my old external HDDs to read and feel sad over the stories I wanted to tell but couldn't. I'll revisit the massive Tronfic that imo changed my life forever and is still my personal standard that I am always reaching for with my newer fics. I'll also click the back button on some of my fics because those stories just don't cut it for me anymore. It's nice to look back on your older work to see what held up, what didn't, what trends you kept, and how much you changed since you posted those fics.
19. If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
My ideal fic would have a deliciously slow burn romance against a plotty backdrop steeped in political conflicts and sociopolitical change/revolution. I think that's one of the reasons why I'm still going so hard and heavy for dinluke; I get so insane just thinking about the parallels between Din and Luke and their respective cultures/heritages, the play on "enemies to lovers" but on a generational scale where Din heard stories, where Mandalorian armor and weapons are designed to fight the Jedi, and Luke? Knows not enough because he has nothing but the teachings of two Jedi ghosts, whatever he can scavenge and salvage of the Jedi Order, stories from people who still remember the Jedi. Din is of an endangered people and Luke is of a nearly extinct people, and while Din tripped and fell into being the wielder of the Darksaber, Luke chose to try to reclaim and rebuild the Order. And they only crossed paths because Din sacrificed his covert for a Jedi youngling and went through hell to reunite Grogu with his kind. It's insane. They're insane. They drive me insane.
I am also so endlessly fascinated by this post-war galaxy, the rippling consequences of the Empire's downfall, the generational conflict between people who grew up while the Empire was in power vs. people who remembered the last years of the Galactic Republic, the struggles of a New Republic building on the ashes of the Empire and memories of the Galatic Republic, all the cartels and crime syndicates/organizations rushing in to get theirs, the displaced peoples either trying to come home or make a place for themselves in a turbulent galaxy, etc, etc, etc.
Uh. Yeah. I'm that kind of fic writer/fandom person.
Fuck that was a really long answer, oops.
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io-lu-art · 9 months
just a looong ramble analysing and rethinking Rey's character and turning whatever conclusions I get to into my headcanon without changing any plot points in TFA because I don't have the energy for that....
First things first. With everything I write here and publish on my blog from now on I refuse to believe that TROS ever existed. Everyone is free to have their personal opinions as long as they don't harass or hate on anyone, and this is mine. Almost every choice in that movie has left me scarred, even up til now, 4 years after its release. I thought I can ignore it, like any other healthy human being, but - oh boy, I cannot. If you are interested in reading another ramble on that, here's the post.
Since I am writing my own take on what could happen after TLJ (you may call it a fanfiction, I'm gonna call it a fanscript since that's gonna be its format), this post serves the purpose of getting my head clear around what's the deal with Rey, analysing, and lying down a solid foundation for my WIP. The story I'm writing has barely reached the end of Act I (out of III) at the moment I am composing this commentary, and I constantly notice that I get stuck with Rey's character every time I have to think about her for different reasons I will address down below.
I will make some rewrites as I see fit and necessary along the way for her character to make sense to me. All rewrites are in Tumblr's
chat style
This post will be linked to my AO3 fancifction as a reference for people to understand how I treat her character as soon as that one will be finished... *clears her throat* ...ANYWAY-
Let's have a look at Rey, shall we?
Rey's introduction.
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When we first meet Rey, there is already a lot we get to learn about her. She's a scavenger. On a pretty much deserted desert planet. Water and food are scarce. She gathers parts during the day to sell them in exchange for food rations.
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She has no friends, no family. She's lonely. And has been for quite a while. And yet, though hard, it looks like a pretty peaceful and stable life. If it were significantly different, we would have gotten introduction scenes of her battling some gangs or other scavengers for parts or something. But instead we were provided with beautiful, peaceful cinematography and John Williams' incredible score.
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She manages. She manages because she has to and has never known to do otherwise. This on its own is already a very solid introduction. And it becomes even more powerful as we are provided with additional context later on, as she tells BB-8 that she's waiting for her family.
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We know who she is, what she does and what she wants. No more questions, right?
Well, this is where it gets confusing, at least for me: there's one shot in Rey's introduction which always leaves me puzzled about her actual wants. It's the moment she puts on the rebel pilot helmet.
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Maybe I am reading too much into it, but it feels like it kinda wants to draw parallels to Luke Skywalker in ANH? What exactly is the purpose of this shot? Is she putting on the helmet just for fun? Is it to show that she is still a kid inside? She seems to enjoy herself. Is it to show us that she maybe wants to be a pilot...? The gesture on its own is too little information to imply that, let alone that she already is a very skilled one, so probably no. Then, is it, perhaps, to show us that she dreams of more? Like Luke, who wanted to get off the planet that is "farthest away from the bright center of the universe"?
The interpretations, especially when looking at it in context to the rest of the movie could go on and on and on.
Quick detour.
The reason it works so well with Luke's character is because from the very beginning, with everything he does and says, it is perfectly clear that he doesn't want to stay on Tatooine. It's his only want when we first meet him.
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Luke has friends who tell him about the galaxy. He seeks adventure.
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And he's very impatient about it.
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Everything he says basically SCREAMS how much he hates it there.
Now back to Rey.
Am I expecting Rey to show the same interest in getting off Jakku with the same attitude and level of energy as Luke, should that have been what TFA was going for? No, of course not. They are (supposed to be) two different characters after all. But I do believe that, given the setup, that helmet scene leaves too much room for confusing and unnecessary interpretation. (More so because I am trying my best to avoid nostalgia bait wherever I can.)
I am not denying the fact that she wouldn't have heard about the wider galaxy, that she wouldn't wonder about what it would feel like, being out there. People travel. And with people traveling, so do stories. So if you want to hint at that, do it subtly, all the while keeping the focus on her biggest want.
I might really just be reading too much into it, but still, in my humble opinion, a way to solve this confusion is cutting out her interaction with the pilot helmet completely. Let me demonstrate.
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Inside her home we already see this self-made rebel pilot puppet. Just like the puppet lying around, instead of having her pick it up and putting it on,
the helmet remains part of the environment, stuck in the sand. There could even be a close-up on it as Rey puts down her empty plate next to it when she has finished eating if you really want to show it. She then rests her arms on her knees and looks up into the sky, following the ship that has just departed from the far outpost into the high atmosphere until it disappears. Waiting.
What is achieved by changing the interaction with the helmet is that it keeps her wants just as clear as Luke's. Luke wants adventure. She wants her family back. Period.
...I rewatched this scene after writing these paragraphs and yes, I admit, in the end it happens so fast that one could probably just let it pass and interpret it as Rey being very bored and using it as entertainment to wait out the days. But even if it were just that, the effects this little tweak would have on the following scenes is quite interesting to look at nonetheless.
The tweak I am going with from now on: Having her not actively wonder about possible adventures at all. She doesn't believe those stories to actually be true, because she's never allowed herself to. She's never allowed herself to actually want to ever leave Jakku.
What would it mean for her characterisation? It would make her slightly more serious and grounded. And the movie (except for the helmet scene) actually already treats her that way. Notice how she, while fixing BB-8's antenna, takes a moment to look at him before asking:
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She's never seen such a droid before. At least not in such good condition. So, of course, she's curious. But when BB-8 says it's classified, she only laughs about it. "Classified? Really? Me too. Big secret," as if to say, haha, yeah, right. She rejects that possibility. And she doesn't bother asking any further, because when she is confronted with the choice to go and explore, she is reminded of her promise to herself, which is that she will wait for her family until they return.
Now, here is where I insert some very subtle "rewriting". When Rey first meets Finn, she is suspicious of him...
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...and should actually remain suspicious,
instead of admiring him and falling into this, let's call it, "excited, fangirly smile"...
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She doesn't know him. She has no reason to trust him. Instead, the tone of this line should be one that reflects her emotions as it slowly gets to her that those stories she's been hearing about might actually have some truth to them, that there might actually be a wider world out there. So make her be gradually interested.
Huh. This man I just forcefully hit to the ground, a Resistance fighter, knows about BB-8 and his classified information. What are the odds of that?
"So you're with the Resistance?" Rey asks suspiciously, looking down at the man.
The man stands up, brushes the sand and dust off his jacket and answers, "Obviously. Yes, I am. I am with the Resistance."
Rey frowns, "I've never met a Resistance fighter before," scanning him with her eyes. Why would there be any on Jakku? Nothing ever happens here.
"Oh, this is what we look like, some of us. Others look different."
Rey cannot help a little smile at his strange attitude. She looks back to where BB-8 rolled off to. Puzzled, she tells him, "BB-8 says he's on a secret mission. He has to get back to your base..." Even hearing herself pronounce that out loud feels so surreal to her. None of this makes any sense. Why-
"Apparently he has a map that leads to Luke Skywalker and everyone's after it."
What? "Luke Skywalker?" she asks, confounded.
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Whether she wants it or not, the plot forces her into the stories she's been hearing of. You don't want to believe they are real? They're real, all right. She has no choice but to run and get along. And later, she does get more and more interested, specifically when she meets Han Solo, the legend himself. Her whole beliefs turn upside down. It's exciting and she embraces it. Why? She's made a promise to BB-8 that she will get him home, and those things kinda come hand in hand.
Rey's physicality.
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Rey is very fast to jump into action. She doesn't think twice about what she's doing. She just acts. Because that's how she's learned to survive all this time on her own. When she but hears BB-8 struggling in the distant sand dunes the first time they meet, she immediately reacts and goes to help (which also shows how compassionate she is towards people - and droids - in need of help).
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And she's incredibly stubborn about it. If I may even word it like this: it's something she carries with pride.
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So she's a good fighter. And I have but one request: DO. NOT. FORGET. THAT. HER. FIGHTING. STYLE. IS. ROUGH. AND. DIRTY. AND. HAS. NO. TECHNIQUE. WHATSOEVER. WHILE. THE. STORY. PROGRESSES. OK? Ok. What else? Ah, yes. Piloting. I don't know which of the two aspects has brought more uproar in the SW community, with the addition of the Force to these 2 points making people call her a Mary Sue, her being overpowered and so on. Let's have a look at that.
Rey's piloting skills.
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She obviously knows her way around the Falcon. And it's plausible. "This ship hasn't flown in years!" It's been there for quite a while. Maybe she has had the opportunity to sneak onto it once. What about her flying skills? Well, that takeoff definitely had me worried. At this point I am even amazed this ship is still all in one piece. Which has me thinking... just a thought...
While trying to get those TIEs off their tail, Rey damages a visibly big part of the Falcon's exterior. "Ups," she comments, hastily checking the controls. Ok... The ship still flies. All good.
"What was that?" Finn calls from the gunner position, seriously worried for their lives.
"Nothing to worry about!" Rey quickly shouts back. All in all, the flight is messy as hell, and the Falcon needs some heavy repairs. But they still manage to get out.
"Nice shooting!"
"That was some flying! How did you do that?"
"Thanks! I don't know! I've flown some ships, but I've never left the planet."
(This is me reacting to their dialogue in the new context:) Yeah, guys, good work! You've almost destroyed the Falcon in the process, but you're alive, so I guess it's fiiiiiine.
What am I going for here? Adding to their level of expectations, which are... pretty low, and hopefully Rey's likability.
And then, later, Han is horrified of the state his ship is in, "Who did that?" Rey doesn't answer his question, but instead immediately offers her help, "I can fix that for you," feeling a bit ashamed of handling the ship of a legend this carelessly. And Han is... well, Han about it.
When would the Falcon get those repairs, you might ask? Eh, *hand gesture* there's plenty of time on D'Quar for that while they discuss how to blow up the third Deathst- *clears her throat* Starkiller Base. And obviously it's not gonna be Rey doing those repairs.
This addition tones down her abilities, puts more focus on her skills as a scavenger and makes her more relatable. I'd also argue that it puts more weight to her decision to eventually decline Han's offer to join the crew because of her wants. You see, once immersed into the real thing, the stories becoming true, meeting the legends, she becomes genuinely curious. She asks questions. Why did Luke leave? What fight? She gets incredibly excited when Han offers her a job. And yet, despite all, she still wants to go back.
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Nevertheless, Rey displays pretty amazing piloting skills under those stressful circumstances on Jakku. After all, flying the Falcon is....
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Her instincts are implacable. One might even say that she*
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She just isn't aware of it yet. It is not until some scenes with Han and the rathtars later that we get the first hint.
The Force.
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Now I might be wrong, but I have a theory, which is that the piloting performance under high pressure on Jakku might have been it. The Awakening.
The Force calls to Rey through Luke's lightsaber. And she listens to it, not knowing what will follow. She experiences the Force vision, and is horrified.
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"That lightsaber was Luke's, and his father's before him, and now, it calls to you!"
"I have to get back to Jakku." Again.
Even when Maz tells her, "You already know the truth. Whomever your waiting for on Jakku, they are never coming back,"
she still refuses to believe that.
Tears run down her cheeks
and she shakes her head. No.
"But there's someone who still could."
Rey frowns. What is Maz implying there? "Luke?" she asks and realises what it's leading up to, and doesn't like it. Her emotions are a mess. She gulps back and keeps shaking her head as Maz speaks.
"The belonging you seek is not behind you. It is ahead. I am no Jedi, but I know the Force. [...] The light. Feel it. [...] The lightsaber. Take it."
Rey doesn't want to hear of it. Any of it.
"I am never touching that thing again!"
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Rey just witnessed complete horror. She is in denial. Keep in mind her clear wants from the beginning of the movie. Ideally her want for her parents to come back should be replaced by the character fulfilling her needs at the end of her arc. But we're not nearly there yet. What Maz tells her about the Force completely contradicts Rey's experiences. She cannot just accept the truth. And how does she handle it? She runs away. She's terrified.
She wants to go back to the way things were before any of this mess started. But the plot doesn't let her run away that easily. It knows she has to face her fears, one being her fear of the Force and one the fear of perhaps never making it back to Jakku ever again.
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It forces her further into these situations, making it impossible for her to get out of them. She's trapped. Literally and figuratively. And fighting her way out won't work this time, the one ability she always relied on to save herself. It's her darkest moment. And if that were not enough, Kylo Ren, this stranger, this man inside that mask, the man from her vision, shoves all her insecurities right into her face.
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"And Han Solo." Rey jolts up. Either out of fear of possibly betraying Han and slipping, giving away a location, or out of rage that Kylo has gone too far into her personal space. Either way, this rage gives her some strength to oppose him. "You feel like he's the father you never had. He would have disappointed you."
"Get out of my head!" He backs away for his own reasons, not wanting to think any more of his father, but still holds onto her mind. Rey does all she can to withstand him, and the longer she does, the more time it gives her to understand what is going on.
And Kylo senses it. What he's trying to do here is not working. Concern washes over his face, which makes him lose control over the situation. The connection opens, inviting Rey to tap into his mind. She's inside his head. Now she understands. She understands she can use this power on him, too. So she does.
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And there it is. She's strong with the Force.
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And that's intentional. Why? For reasons we discover in TLJ and numerous other fanfictions. (TROS? w-what's that-)
She has found a way out of the situation. Now, has she ever heard of Jedi mind tricks? Maybe? But remember what she just discovered: She just tapped into Kylo's mind. So she tries that again on the stormtrooper. Because when she knows how to act, she just does. She's always been confident in her physical abilities and skills. Why would she have to treat this new power any different? And luckily it works, after 3 tries.
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And that's fine. Let's move on. Kylo kills Han. Explosions.
Notice this. Even though she knows she now has these new powers, the same powers Kylo has, she still draws her blaster at him after calling him a monster. She acts on emotion and choses the quick, familiar way.
I actually like to believe that Rey really doesn't know what the Force is and how it works, at all. How would she? Yes, Maz did tell her about it, but how do Force-powers manifest in people? She's never seen anyone use it before, upon meeting Kylo Ren. So in every scene she does use it, she just copies Kylo. That's the only reference she has. Remember how proud she is of her physical abilities. And she is so naive that she just goes and tries it for herself, without thinking of whether it will work out or not. And it works out for her. Because, again, she is strong in the Force.
It's true that her flaw, her naivety, is not really addressed in TFA. It never really backlashes on her. And, to be completely honest, I have no idea how to make room for that without some heavier rewrites yet. But maybe it's not necessary. TLJ takes care of that. TFA just introduces us to Rey as a character after all.
Now, is the force-summoned lightsaber making her overpowered? If you interpret it as "Kylo couldn't get that thing out the snow but Rey could," then yes, yes it is. BUT, if you see it as "while Rey is observing the fight, she sees Kylo trying to summon it, so she copies him, the way she copied him with the mind-tapping, and reaches for it the moment Kylo conveniently gets it out of the snow for her," I don't think it is, though I do agree that in order for the second version to be true, the scene happens too fast with too little shots to explain it. *OP takes a breath* So, here is what I suggest:
Kylo reaches out for the lightsaber. SHOT of the lightsaber in the snow, fidgeting slightly. BACK TO Kylo, pulling anew. BACK TO the lightsaber. It gets free. CUT. Another shot of it flying through the air towards the camera.
SHOT on Rey witnessing that - she is already on her feet again - and immediately reaching for it as well, outstretching her arm towards it.
SHOT of Kylo as he feels the momentum of his pull shift and dodges out of the way. The lightsaber flies past him, into Rey's hand.
Rey has always been fast to react to action. So it would make sense for her to be able to do that. Ok. Now to the fight itself.
*sighs* I don't even know where to start. ...One thing's for sure. Kylo at this point is pretty much destroyed emotionally from having killed his father, but he's still big and strong and aggressive in his movements. Rey, on the other hand, kinda seamlessly knows how to handle a lightsaber, which... is definitely not believable at all.
Let's step back for a moment. Why do we have this fight? Rey needs to get Finn and herself out of there and Kylo is pretty much in the way, so she wants to eliminate the problem. And what does Kylo want? Sure, he is interested in Rey and her raw powers which eventually adds up to them being equals in the Force, so he doesn't want to kill her...
But he also wants that lightsaber, doesn't he?
(God, I am looking at this fight to find any clues and I'm just sitting here, elbows on the table, resting my head in my hands, massaging my temples, wondering, "why the hell are there so many cuts in that fight scene?") (I am no expert in fight choreography, so bare with me as I try to make this work.)
Rey is the one who draws first at him.
She has never wielded a lightsaber before, but knows how to handle a staff... so she treats the lightsaber like a staff within its limitations.
Because remember, HER. STYLE. OF. FIGHTING. IS. ROUGH. AND. DIRTY. AND. HAS. NO. TECHNIQUE. WHATSOEVER. So, pretend we have some well thought out choreography in this part.
Kylo blocks her with ease. Rey is frustrated. The lightsaber feels heavy and difficult to handle. It doesn't take long for Kylo to
get her cornered at the edge of the newly formed cliff.
"You need a teacher! I could show you the ways of the Force!" he exclaims.
Rey considers, out of breath, "The Force?" Rey takes a moment as her mind connects the dots. So that's what these new powers are? Kylo watches her, waits for her to make a move. No time for pondering about the Force any more. Rey moves. Kylo LETS her duck and free herself from his block. She runs, backs away from the crater. He follows her. He outstretches his arm. Rey is stuck. She's literally petrified. Again. Kylo draws nearer. He twirls his saber, now holding it backwards (you know, Ahsoka style). "No," she hisses through her teeth, struggling. Heavy breaths. She closes her eyes. When he almost touches her hand holding the lightsaber, "No!" she RESISTS his force-cage and GOES FREE.
Because, you see, even though Maz told her to "close her eyes" and "feel the light", Rey has never done that before, and when under stress, I do believe she would rather choose a quick, familiar way to get out of the situation. The only thing she knows how to do with the Force at this point is to copy or resist Kylo. She wouldn't know how to to draw power from the Force, yet. She'll have plenty of time to learn that from Luke later, should she survive this fight, so we better continue.
Kylo stumbles back as she draws at him. Rey goes for a swing to hit from above, which Kylo manages to block last second, bringing his lighsaber up from behind his back. As their lightsabers are crossed again he quickly reaches for her right hand, which is holding Luke's saber, with his left hand and moves it aside to his right towards the ground, using his crossguard for more momentum to force her down. He steps his left foot accordingly to keep himself stable. Rey cries out from the unexpected movement. They are kinda back to back. His left shoulder against her right one. The position is uncomfortable. He squeezes Rey's wrist. Rey cries out in pain. Then, she realises how close they are.
Time for some close combat, ladies and gentlemen.
She gives in and lets go of the lightsaber, lets it fall to the ground. Kylo releases her to reach for the fallen lightsaber. But before he can pick it up, Rey KICKS his left hand away with her right heel and PUNCHES his JAW with her right elbow from below. Kylo's head rocks back. He stumbles backwards from the harsh impact, causing him to turn his back to her in order to catch himself. Rey summons Luke's lightsaber back into her left hand, and ignites it. When Kylo turns back to his opponent, left and unprotected side first, Rey is ready to stab him in his left shoulder.
Kylo stumbles back some more, she brings her hands together for another strike leftwards, he barely blocks it, he stumbles back some more, it leaves his posture open, Rey strikes again, rightwards, lower this time, wounding his leg, he falls to his knee, leaving Rey the final blow to provide him with his scar.
The reason I started writing this entire ramble in the first place is a conversation I had with my friend which brought up the fact that Rey should be able to beat Kylo by using her rough, unpredictable moves. Shout out to my friend who, bless her, is willing to listen to and survives every one of my sw rants and who pointed this out in the first place!
Is this a good fightscene now? I have no idea. I hope so? I do have it very clear in my head now though, so I might go and have some fun storyboarding it in the nearest future.
You know the rest. The ground splits, she runs to Finn, Chewie picks them up. . . .
There are some more moments which I believe need some tweaks, like the meeting with Leia, which is just so unfair to Chewie, really, but if I go on and on about this, I would end up changing the entire movie, which I do not have the strength for atm. This ramble was supposed to be about Rey and her alone, so I am done here.
I guess in the end Rey does realise her needs and is able to let her wants aside for a bit longer and focus her hope on actually helping the Resistance and get Luke. Hope that, with finding Luke, she will get to understand these new powers. I do feel like the movie could have provided us with a more emotionally rich reactive scene to the fight and her abilities, and generally just more of those, but then, what am I expecting from a JJ Abrams film? We have Rian for that.
My conclusion? I'm bad with conclusions and summaries, so here you have it, my take on Rey by only adding to the existing dialogue, changing some attitudes here and there, adding a scene, and changing the fight sequence at the end and how she treats the Force.
I do have a clearer understanding of her character now, which was the entire purpose of this ramble, so I guess, mission accomplished. Congratulations on having made it till the end. It was a long ride. I did consider splitting this beast into 2 parts, but while writing this, at one point I just decided to fully commit to it.
You are totally free to, of course, agree with me and stay tuned for my WIP fanscript or disagree, never read through this thing ever again, ignore it and leave it to die on Tumblr's graveyard.
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Before you ask, because I also considered doing that just for the sake of having fun with GIFs on Tumblr (all text gifs are taken from YARN btw), I will not do a post like this on TLJ, since I have no problems with Rey's character there at all. Props to Rian Johnson at this point, for managing to make sense of her with what TFA gave us.
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risingshards · 3 months
Blegh okay I thought about it and after rewatching some eps and reading this again, I kinda like my rambling thoughts on acolyte ep 6 so here goes
Preface: I'm a very very VERY easy to please sw fan and I don't like ragging on shows or movies or whatever this way much these days if I can avoid it with how internet fandom is, like especially with this show with all the hatred and vitriol it's gotten from the incels.
And I've been enjoying the show a ton so far, and ep 6 wasn't bad...just. blech. I have critiques.
TLDR: I was excited for a big thriller mystery in the High Republic era told with a queer lens, and instead I feel like I'm getting a Goodreads review of a scrubbed Reylo fic listing the tropes.
spoilers and me bitching after cut lol
I'm just like why is it reylo now????????
I figured with the mentor swap we'd be heading to Osha turning to the dark side and maybe Mae to the light, but the way it's being put out there feels lacking. Osha is turning so quickly that it felt like i was reading some enemies to lovers romantasy for my book club (at least it hasn't been as awful as the colonizer romance they had me read but that is a LOW bar to clear....). Like a lot of the romantasy books I've read, it feels like setup and taking time to build meaningful connections between characters is ignored for like "oh wow he took his shirt off...he's so jacked....what was i talking about again..." I saw a video with the audio descriptions for the ep and it literally sounded like a romantasy audiobook.
And to note: if you love the enemies to lovers romantasy booktok books, like more power to ya! For me it's like when you stare at one of those magic pictures and you can't get your eyes to cross to see the picture, like "I do NOT understand what I'm supposed to see here."
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Str8 enemies to lovers just kind of blech me out, where the evil one commits various atrocities that make me want to see them get what's coming to them, and then minutes later the good one is like "whoa he's hot maybe he's not so bad..."
Osha being so Jedi-like in personality only to immediately falter at a hot naked dude just feels gross. Like can't we have any other reasons for women in Star Wars to get tempted to the dark side than a shirtless man gaslighting them? Probably unsurprisingly but I REALLY did not like Reylo (I was in a very bad relationship and I kinda put the headcanon onto TLJ about it being an escape from an abuser because it came out right after I got away from that, so that going any other way did not vibe right with me) so maybe it's just residual feelings from that.
Again more power to you if this is your thing I'm not coming at anyone for enjoying it!
I think another thing that's making me uncomfortable is seeing interviews with Hedlund about Qimir about his desire for freedom against those who want him gone being relatable in a queer sense, and like I get that, I feel that. But if that's the character with the metaphorical queer experience why are we doing mega straight reylo 2 with him? And that guy brutally kills one of the queer girls and calls her it immediately after??? It doesn't help that the show started off feeling really queer, and now like 80% of the queer characters are dead and we're doing reylo 2. The "oh fuck yeah REYLOOOO" interviews I've read this week are NOT reassuring in this regard.
There's just something my pea brain doesn't get when it comes to stories with more shades of gray in series that are typically pretty black and white with morality. When a character crosses that threshold so far into villainy, I want to see them face some blow back for it, not immediately start going all "uwu they're torn and hurt aren't they?" about it. In Star Wars generally speaking I want the antagonist to BE the antagonist, not get thrown into this space between protagonist and antagonist that just has me all crossed up. I know there are plenty of redemptions in Star Wars for the villains, but I like it better when it's more mythical about the hardships of trying to save a villain's soul like Luke and Vader than "the lightsaber represents kylo's dick" reylo stuff.
I get that like the morality is probably supposed to be muddled in this show, and we're not supposed to feel good about Osha and Qimir getting closer smash cutting to Jecki's fresh corpse, but again, the execution feels messy when you have the gleeful "OH YEAH WE'RE DOING ENEMIES TO LOVERS BABY REYLO SLAYYYYYYY" interviews. Again I'm a VERY easy to please sw fan, and I've been really enjoying seeing the High Republic era in live action, seeing cortosis and wild lightsaber duels, all the expanded universe pulls, it feels really fresh in that regard. And all the performances are stellar, and having such a diverse cast is incredible.
If we had more than thirty minutes and more than 8 episodes to build to all this it'd feel a lot better. The character development feels like it's on roller coaster speed, but with Knife to Throat and other tropey scenes also seen in a bajillion enemies to lovers romance books nowadays thrown our way to fill the gaps. These scripts feel like they needed an editor to really go over the scene to scene motivations and logic and character work and dialogue, instead of mashing booktok trope buttons, which is also how I feel about most romantasy books I read...
Counterpoint to myself is that Star Wars is built on tropes and archetypes so this is like taking some tropes and archetypes of the current day's fiction and playing with them.
But idk.
Like am I really supposed to care about any of what I'm seeing or is it just gonna be booktok and fanfic tropes thrown my way now to a bunch of characters with muddled personalities and motivations clashing? We don't necessarily need someone to root for, and I'm probably being unfair to a lot of this, but after how thrilling Ep 5 felt, 6 has me wondering what the bigger picture of this show is, because it went from feeling like a fascinating if a bit messy story to one that might just be "Look here's enemies to lovers, knife to throat, corruption, oh and here's one bed!" without as much under the surface of that character and plot wise as I would have hoped.
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dormidoluna · 2 years
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This is my trying to figure out SVSSS basic ages of Moshang and Bingqiu purely for a fanfic. Specifically a fanfic where LBH gets a family but also his mom’s a badass and she has a betting pool with the Southern and Northern demons about LBH’s and MBJ’s relationships.
Just imagine Su Xiyan having MBJ and LBH grow as siblings and then sicking TLJ onto them for romantic advice of demon courting rituals when they meet SQH and SQQ in the future. SXY just having a betting pool and betting it taking longer than 10 years for her kids to actually get married and not telling their human partners.
SXY adopting MBJ only after he’s returned to the demon realm and bullies TLJ in having the (current at the time) Mobei-Jun hand over his kid who is named Mo Xuebao. (Snow leopard basically, mbj was never named! creative liberty!)
MXB (pre SVSSS MBJ) looking at this human woman whose husband is wrapped around her finger, a HEAVENLY demon and lord at that.
“Always go for the men that seem weak but aren’t. Actually, I’ll find you a perfect sniveling, weak man but will kill if needed.”
Turns to LBH who just stares at his mom like. ‘??????’
“A-Binghe, we’ll see.”
cue in the future her meeting post qi deviation SQQ after waking up and going, Ah. He’s perfect for my cute son Binghe. Yes, you will do. SXY pushing her son to SQQ’s sect like. Yeah that one? That one is yours, make me proud.
Thinking about SXY being a transmigrator maybe? Not sure yet but just being SQH’s editor in the past life and this is her revenge for having to real with his rants + talks abt MBJ being his ideal man.
Anyway I just rambled mostly but I’m writing a Moshang fic, specifically SQH going feral and showing the demons that he is worthy of marrying MBJ.
It’s still (roughly) in the works but I’ve made a tumblr to talk about MXTX novels or just talk about my ideas.
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the-force-awakens · 1 year
Thank you for the recommendation!! It's hard finding Poe centric blogs on here.
I was gonna dm you a question about your gifs but tumblr is telling me I can't because we're not mutuals (rude tumblr) so I'll ask you here. Would you be okay with me using one of your gifts for my header? /nf. I promise I'd give you credits if you were comfortable with it, but it's totally fine if you're not.
I also just posted my first bit of writing for Poe and I'm kinda nervous.
I feel like I just keep rambling on in your inbox about whatever thought lands in my head (pls lmk if it gets annoying)
- @happybeepshere
It is, it's very hard! It kind of baffles me when he's one of the main characters of the saga, but you just....can't seem to ever find anything focused on him (or solely him, I'm all for ships but it's definitely hard to find nonromantic creations for him). That said, here's some blogs that love on him (they're all multifandom tho! so keep it in mind): @leiakenobi, @nowritingonthewall, @cal-kestis, @wildfirewildflower, @aimmyarrowshigh, @ladybokatankryze, @karmas, and i'd be remiss not to mention @hermitmoss who is also my qp partner, they don't often post about the sequels (mostly swtor and pt) but they've made me some lovely poe graphics & fics in the past <3 And these blogs aren't active anymore but I occasionally peruse @dailypoedameron (which i actually used to mod way back when i was a teenager, good fucking god I've been down bad for this man for so much of my life) and @dailydameron. You'll mostly find tfa-era stuff and a trickle of immediately pre-release tlj stuff on those <3
I'm sure there's plenty more blogs out there but I'm uh. a hermit.
Yes, I'd be fine with that! It always makes me happy to see people using my gifs for their headers! My only caveat is I do request that gifs made specifically for someone else (i.e gifsets made for birthdays! it'll say in the caption) not be used, but everything else? up for grabs. I appreciate you asking for permission!
Oh no, definitely not annoying. I've had tumbleweeds going on in my askbox for literally ages, I've missed having people rambling away in my inbox! Especially, you know, when it happens to be about the literal light of my life.
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maternalcube · 7 years
you know what i think my biggest problem with kyle ben is? its bc he keeps getting compared to darth vader, and the thing about darth vader is, you never saw the light in him until the very end. thats what made his turn powerful--it seemed like there was no chance it would happen at all. but kyle just... waffles. hes struggling from the start, and the thing that really irks me is he wants?? to be on the dark side?? for some reason?? the light is RIGHT THERE and hes pushing it away?? and yeah snoke was pulling him there too (and wtf even is snoke, honestly, i have questions) but like... was he putting all his self worth in snokes hands or smth?? and then he finally kills him... for... reys approval? i guess? hes just wants to be told hes doing a good job i guESS??? i dunno whats going on there tbh this post is canceled actually.
that would make an interesting parallel between him and rey, i guess. both sorta looking for support/approval from parental figures. and now theyve lost them. so i guess well see how that plays out in ix (also now that kyle has stopped waffling and Picked A Side). still REALLY dont want them to get together because i do Not like hero/villain ships--not where their morals are not only differing but opposing. really doesnt do it for me. and like... i dont know that i want to say that anyone is beyond redemption, not in star wars, but i dont think its reys responsibility to redeem him and i dont like that tlj kind of... set that up? like. if its ANYONES i think its leias, re: parental approval--that might be all that could really reach him. but heck, han tried and that got him killed so maybe hes just a lost cause idk. probably not, bc star wars, but man. what if he redeemed himself. now THERES a concept.
and re: rey trying to bring him to the light... uh, what? what was that even about?? the only way i can rationalize it is that her thought process was like i gotta become a jedi > luke skywalker is a legendary jedi > he brought the big bad back to the light > i should do that too. which is. flawed. redemption through love worked for luke n his dad but like this just feels... skeevy. this isnt beauty and the beast, ya feel (and even that has its skeeviness). 
in conclusion, smh.
also, rose is the best character in star wars now.
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raayllum · 4 years
also idk where it happened in more ‘modern day’ fandom where there’s the idea that in order to be in a fandom, you have to entertain or debate everyone else’s viewpoints on different sorts of fandom things and it’s like. you do not, my dudes. you can just chill in your corner. i don’t like someone’s take on dark magic or a ship or whatever?
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have better things to do with my life than waste time caring about everyone else’s opinions more than my own, thank you very much
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shoeshineyboy · 5 years
fuckin love how my housemate got “you’re literally as bad as misogynistic dickhead fanboys” from me saying “I thought this film was just okay”
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onlyhopc · 6 years
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▸▸ My aesthetic used to be Obi-Wan getting the happy ending he deserved, now it’s just that his legacy isn’t butchered anymore than TLJ's attempted murder of a dead man
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bewitchedbodyandsol · 3 years
💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 🥺🌼💕 (no pressure!)
Ah! Thanks lovely!
I have a strange obsession with the Carlsbad Caverns. I went once when I 12, forgot about it for 5 years. Went on a rampage trying to remember one of the cave room names, forgot about it again. And then last semester I was taking a class and it came up for some reason and I literally have not stopped thinking or talking about them since. My friends who follow me on twitter know I’m a god damn nuisance when it comes to these caves. (The cave room was named Spirit World because the stalactites looked like angels).
I just got my drivers license a few months ago, at 19. Um. That’s so quirky of me 🤪. My brother and I did the same extra curriculares in high school so he would drive me everywhere and there was never really a need for me to get one. I played Drivers License almost non stop after getting it and my little brother hated me for it. And now it’s impossible to keep me off the road.
I’m Chicana! Okay, that’s in my bio but to explain it just means I’m Mexican American. It feels important to clarify that bc I’m a (semi) faceless blog so I don’t want anyone to think anything I say is too outta pocket. Also I’m just really proud to call myself chicana. I love us.
I’ve watched like 3 Star Wars movies and all i remember is that in Rogue One Diego Luna has a cool robot friend. We saw The Last Jedi for my brother's birthday and my family decided to binge all of the movies but i only saw The Last Jedi, Rogue One, and the ending of Revenge of the Sith and I remember NOTHING. I watched The Mandalorian 100% because of my sister’s obsession with baby yoda.
I hate strawberries and bananas. I’ve hated bananas ever since I was a baby, like I ate them once and the smell has made me gag ever since. My little brother loves them I have to leave the room if he’s eating one. And hating strawberries might now seem like a big deal until you find out strawberries are the biggest fruit grown in my area AND I’M DOING AN INTERNSHIP AT A FARM THAT’S MAIN PRODUCE IS STRAWBERRIES
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quatregats · 4 years
hsjhfsdkjhfkjhgjkhfdg so i guess wellerman became viral on tiktok or something???? idk i don’t know what the Youth are up to but anyways my family sings songs every saturday and i taught my parents wellerman last time and this was apparently before it blew up but my dad just sent me an article about it in the new york times this is wild
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random little ramble time :]
just thinkin’ bout The Fugitive since I’ve switched fixation gears and right now it’s that— and also rereading ‘The Scarf’ fics again bc hot diggity dog Mickey they really just butter my eggroll— but just,,, I love The Fugitive ! And I’m vaguely entertained by U.S. Marshalls; don’t get me wrong there. 
But just watching it is- like most sequels- a bit of a downgrade. Reading these little fics, I could totally see it (like that one account I now follow says! They’re neat) as an alternate universe where like Richard and him went different ways, because seriously that man would’ve most probably become the mom of the group to Sam’s dad, but dumbass little angst brain is feeding off the idea he’s de a d— like for example, despite evidence they still put him on death row bc fugitive stuff or he got shot by someone after Gerard and his kids started following the clues as well so the good guys won technically or the worst— Nichols and Sykes + Devlin McGreggor got away with it and also killed Richard; they knew Richard was innocent somehow but they never got all the clues. It’s driving me crazy- so I know I need to Sleep tm.
Because if not I’m going to sit down and write a whole ass fic regarding that and I do not have the strength to not think about it so typing it here is good enough for me so I can sleep at the very least lmao
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spinneryesteryear · 6 years
me: *sees mutuals engaging in meta and spreading positive enthusiasm*
me: :)
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jedihafren · 7 years
On my third viewing of TLJ I think I may have finally fallen in love with Rey. She’s been a character that I’ve ‘loved’, but also have had a difficult time to connect with.I think frequently it was more that I loved what she represented for this generation of girls than it was that I really connected with the character itself, and I think also, even in the first and second viewings of TLJ, I didn’t catch her arc with clarity immediately, but yesterday I went to see it again, and it was just so beautifully clear and I love it. 
Rey’s arc is very much the story of a young woman coming into her own and owning her own story. It happens (necessarily) outside of romantic relationships or family connections, while leaving room for both to become a part of those stories in the future if she so desires it. And this was gorgeous to me because women are so frequently defined by the people we are connected to, or our lack of connection to people, that when this became clear to me, I just got delighted. 
Kylo seeks to use Rey’s weakness about her hope for her family to manipulate her and he’s not wrong that it is her weakness. And that’s noteworthy not because Kylo Ren knows her oh so well and they are perfectly matched (although his own weaknesses are not so very far removed, just the opposite side of that coin - but this ain’t his meta) but because by the end of the film Rey has taken that weakness, that failure, and she has owned it. 
She goes to Luke not even seeking necessarily to become a Jedi, she goes to Luke to bring him back.  He is the hope that the Resistance and the galaxy needs. She’s just a nobody, a girl, not anyone very important. She is seeking her parents or a father figure in every authority figure she meets.  First in Han Solo, and then in Luke Skywalker, and both aren’t places that she can find that - Han because it’s stolen from her, and Luke because in the narrative, he’s bowed under the weight of his own failures - he can’t be hope for her, when he’s closed himself off from it. 
In one of their first bonds, she tells him ‘you’re a monster’ and ‘I know everything I need to know’. She’s closed herself off from any possibility of Ben Solo as anything other than a monster, and Kylo looks at her and says ‘you have that look from the Forest’. Rey’s closed off possibility. It’s a dismissal (however fair) of him that is based less ‘on him’ and more on her unresolved issues regarding her parentage, and the loss of Han Solo, and the fact that this monster is the person that took away from her the possibility of having a father. It’s not just that he did a monstrous thing, it’s that she knows everything she needs to know about why he did it and couldn’t possibly be wrong. She doesn’t want anything that might change her narrative about him as someone who hates his father and killed off the thing that she most wants in her own life. 
She goes into the cave to look for her parents, but instead of finding her parents, she just finds herself. She tells Kylo ‘I’ve never felt so alone’, and there is that connection, facilitated by Snoke, but perhaps touching at something that they both feel - that they are alone and isolated. There’s a whole meta in my head on Kylo Ren and isolation, but it’s for another time, cause again, this isn’t about him. But they share that isolation, Rey from having been abandoned, and her stubborn hopeful belief that her parents would return. What does she tell Finn in TFA? What does she tell Han? ‘I’ve got to get back to Jakku. My parents are coming back for me, and I’m waiting for her family.’ Her entire life is on hold because of a hope in other people whose actions she can’t control. Her isolation happens not because she wants that isolation, but because she chooses to place her hope in something she has no control over. Maz tells her the belonging she seeks is not behind, but in front of her, and of course by the end of TFA she has been sent after Luke, driven by her fight with Kylo Ren and the death of Han Solo, into caring about the Resistance. But for the majority of TFA, she exists in a self-imposed isolation, despite a willingness to reach out and connect with others. 
After Kylo and Rey connect, she fights with Luke and she tells him that Kylo could  be turned, and that if he could be Ben Solo, that could be the tide the resistance needs. This feels like a refrain of Luke’s insistence that Vader can be turned, but if you listen carefully it isn’t, because Rey isn’t initially intending on taking that mantle on herself. She’s appealing to Luke, in what she hopes will appeal to the part of him that believed in Vader. At the end of the fight she holds out that lightsaber to Luke - hoping that he will take it, that this will be what he needs to come back to the Resistance and be the hope they need. That he will go in there and offer Ben Solo the same thing that he offered Vader, and that it will turn the tide, as it did for the Republic in the Legends.  When Luke refuses, she tells him ‘then Ben Solo is our last hope’.  
Once again, the hope - the ‘hero’ is outside of Rey herself. She’s just a nobody, a deliverer of messages, someone who is trying to get the people around her to do the actions she needs and wants them to do, but not someone who acts herself. And yet, the simple act of leaving the island without Luke, with the Jedi Texts - this is the beginning of her taking the narrative of her story into her own hands, because the decision is made on her own, outside of what Leia asked her to do and outside of her completion of the mission she came for - bring Luke back’. So while she still is placing hope in someone she can’t control, she’s taken on some of that hope herself by making a choice.  
Of course, Kylo isn’t going to turn, but when he turns and asks her to come with him, tells her she’s not nobody to him, to come and rule the galaxy with him, her response is one that I noted in the first viewing, but in the third viewing it just shone - it’s not anger, it’s not frustration it’s just genuine sadness: ‘Ben don’t go that route’.  In this moment she realizes he isn’t the hope that she thought he was. There’s a weariness and a resignation, but it’s also the moment where I feel as if Rey truly becomes the hero of her own story. It’s the moment where she realizes that she can’t put her hope in other people, she has to be that for herself.
From there she goes to save her friends and the Resistance. Luke provides the distraction for her to save them all, but at the end of the film, and I think this is important - there’s no anger or hate in Ben Solo/Kylo Ren’s direction. Nor, equally important, is there any willingness to pander. Rey draws a boundary in the sand that says this is what’s okay and this is what isn’t, but it’s not a boundary that excludes Ben other than what his own choices dictate and I think that’s important for both of them actually. They are still connected, and Ren is still very isolated and alone (the last shot we see of him is him, alone in the base - his father’s dice having faded out of his hands - he’s very isolated, and it’s emphasized in the visual narrative of the film as well), but villainy or redemption - that path is his now to own, just as Rey’s journey is now her own.  My feeling from Rey at the end of TLJ is - even more than Leia or Luke - that she believes it’s possible that Ben Solo’s choice is not made, but she knows far more readily who she is, and what she’s fighting for, and therefore, she can set a boundary and hold to it - and that boundary is compassionate and meaningful, rather than something drawn from anger or fear or unresolved personal issues. 
Rey is no longer isolated at the end of the film. She’s put to rest the need to have her parents return to her. She’s not looking for them to validate her any longer. She has returned to the resistance, to Leia, to Finn, and to the possibility of new relationships with those among the Resistance, and the hope of what she can give back to the galaxy. She has an understanding of what failures the Jedi can make, but a hope in what they can still offer, and perhaps because of that will be able to build something even more solid, and I feel - while Kylo Ren may be solidly a villain and never redeemed in Episode 9, from Rey’s perspective, I don’t think that door is closed, but Ren has to do the emotional work for it. She’s not resting her weight on him doing it, she’s not requiring him to do it for her to live her story, she doesn’t need someone else to fulfill her but she embraces those who want to work with her. 
This is such a really beautiful story for women who are constantly told that we need to be nice, that we are nothing if we don’t have family or children or boyfriends or husbands, and it is a story of growing into one’s self not because one relies on someone else for one’s story (thus opening up the possibility for resentment, anger, fear, and the dark side when humans around one disappoint), but because one understands what one has to offer. Rey’s arc is one of ceasing to rely on people - whom she cannot control - to be the hope or validation that she needs, and as she does this she also  leaves the door open to more meaningful connections with Finn, Leia, Poe, Rose, any of the Resistance really, in the future. 
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saltpepperbeard · 7 years
Let’s Talk About The Last Jedi
So I’m feeling So Pumped about this movie that I feel the need to do one of my giant reviews. The Internet had me feeling such mixed emotions going into this movie that I genuinely didn’t know what to expect. I half expected to come out of the movie seething and pissed at every choice made, and then I half expected to be utterly and completely #Shook. And I can genuinely and thankfully say that it was the latter. With that being said, I’d love to get into screaming talking about it for anyone who may have doubts about seeing it, or anyone looking for someone with similar thoughts.
So then! I’ll give a quick spoiler free review before I dive into the deeper stuff. The internet, tumblr especially, made me think that this movie was going to be completely different from how it actually was. I went into the theater expecting certain things to happen that never did. I went into the theater expecting to hate the character choices and never did. I was almost nervous really, preparing myself for this movie to be a Phantom Menace as opposed to a Return of the Jedi. But no, it was its own thing.
In retrospect, the plot had surprisingly very little going on. I feel like the other Star Wars movies take place across weeks, even months. But in this one, all the action felt like it took place anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. Despite this, it managed to keep me incredibly invested, never really slow down, and pack a lot into a short time frame. SO MANY THINGS WENT WRONG SO QUICKLY.
I kind of like that though. It shows how unpredictable and unforgiving war can be. It made it seem more real, more organic if that makes any sense.
Even the characters that were introduced had me quickly invested in them. There was a character who only had maybe 20-30 minutes of screen time, and she ended up being one of the characters who made me cry the most. 
Everything was just nicely paced, characters were handled well, and it was overall just a really good movie. It made me laugh a lot, cry a lot, and come out instantly wanting to see it again. It might not be everyone’s favorite, but it definitely left a lasting impact on me. The amazing new characters, the action sequences, the answered questions, the lore, and the setup for a new movie completely locked me in. It’s re-watchable for sure, and will definitely be higher up on my favorite Star Wars movies.
...Now with that being said, feel free to follow be beneath the cut for more! Just a warning, there will now be Heavily Spoilers and Heavy Opinions™.
The Discourse™: OKAY. So I feel like this is the thing I need to address first since I’m an open air now, because this is what had me lowkey turned off from the movie in the first place. I went into this movie thinking there was going to be a romantic connotation between Kylo and Rey, and was admittedly bothered by it. Force Awakens clearly set up their relationship, with Kylo being drawn to Rey’s power, and Rey being utterly disgusted by Kylo’s actions. So to get it in my head that these two were going to be led in the direction of a romantic relationship had me cringing a bit.
I don’t have a problem with people who write fanfiction and kind of shift/manipulate their intentions for shipping purposes. But to have said motivations be canon would be...a bit concerning considering how JJ set them up to be.
And I can say that when I saw the movie, I was so relieved to see that it followed the arc that JJ introduced. I know a lot of people are holding on to the idea that Rey and Kylo were reaching out to each other, and were romantically/sexually invested in each other. But really, genuinely, I did not see this.
I saw Kylo wanting Rey solely for his power. I saw him craving power and craving leadership. His actions reminded me very much of, ironically, Darth Vader. I saw the same kind of motivations that I did with Vader and the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. Vader wanted Luke to join him in his quest to rule the galaxy, because he knew that having a very strong force-sensitive individual by his side would amplify his power. And I feel that was the same with Kylo. He knew Rey was force-sensitive. Hell, he got hIS ASS KICKED AND HAD A SCAR TO SHOW FOR IT. So he and ultimately Snoke both wanted her on the First Order’s side for that reason.
And then of course, Rey wanted Kylo on her side with the motivation of changing the war. I recall her talking about how beneficial it would be to have him in the light again. And that makes sense; having Kylo on the Resistance’s side would take a huge chunk of darkness/power away from the First Order. It would really change things the frick around if Kylo joined those he swore to defeat. So in knowing that there could potentially still be good in him, Rey pulled a Luke and attempted to bring him away.
Their little force connections were very interesting, but again, I didn’t sense any romantic longing. Any time Kylo reached out to her, he appeared to be attempting to corrupt her. I noticed that he would jab at her weak spots a lot, such as mentioning her loneliness and past burdens. And in knowing that channeling negative emotions such as those leads to the dark side, it can be pretty safe to assume that he was trying to get under her skin and get her to join his purpose.
Rey of course, resisted his dark intentions. She did however, reach out to him once. And I believe this happened because she saw potential good in him. She saw a supposed gate to reach his light side, and attempted to pass through it. She wanted so bad for him to be good again.
And of course when he appeared so close to be redeeming himself, only to shut it all down, she had no problem with shutting him out. She realized at that point that he was irredeemable.
Not to mention that Snoke had been instigating their little “Force Skype Calls” from the beginning anyway. He openly admitted to filling their heads with thoughts and tampering with their weak spots to break the both of them. So it never really was Kylo reaching out to Rey or vice versa anyway. It was all formulated.
SO ANYWAY, I was very much satisfied with the way their interactions played out. And just a PSA, I don’t really have a problem with anyone who ships them. If you like writing fanfictions and what not, imagining what could be, then you are definitely free to do so. I however, do not see any kind of romantic or sexual connotations in their relationship, so I was happy with how things were presented in this movie.
The New Characters: This is the part where I start screaming, bECAUSE H’OH MY GOD. I LOVE THEM????? WHAT GOOD KIDS???????? Rose quickly had me invested in her character with how smol yet heroic she was, and her chemistry with Finn was amazing. And then of course Holdo sjflksjdksds. Jesus CHRIST that woman. I cannot get over her character honestly. I was so frustrated with her in the beginning and felt like she was holding back the Resistance from achieving their goals. But then everything fell into place and her motivations were explained perfectly and??? The part where she sacrificed herself by slamming???? into the First Order ships at light speed in absolute????? silence?????? had me probably tHE MOST SHOOK I WAS IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE??????? AND SHE HAD SUCH A MINOR ROLE IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS BUT MADE ONE OF THE BIGGEST IMPACTS AND IT WAS SO UTTERLY INSANE
Rey: I have to admit, I was hoping that Rey would explore more of that “balance” between the force in this movie. She seemed to give into one side or the other pretty quickly as she attempted to figure out her purpose and who she was as a jedi. But I suppose ultimately at the end, she found her place and decided what path she was taking by shutting the First Order out and aiding the Resistance. I suppose I had it in my head that she was going to master both the light and dark side, becoming a Grey Jedi. I had images of her in my head wielding a double-sided red and blue lightsaber. And who knows; maybe she’ll explore more of this in episode nine. We still really didn’t get to see the type of Jedi she’ll become, and I guess that’s what I was hoping to see in this movie.
I did of course, really like to see her journey as she attempted to figure things out, and the small hints at how powerful she really is. I’M JUST SO READY FOR THIS LITTLE POWERHOUSE TO BECOME SUCH A POWERFUL FREAKING JEDI/FORCE USER.
Poe: I know a lot of people were complaining that Poe’s character was cut down, and he was made to be this “scoundrel” type of character. I even saw people going so far as to calling his character choices sexist because of how he disobeyed both Leia and Holdo. But honestly, I saw nothing wrong with his character choices. It was established pretty well in the first movie that Poe is very gung-ho, that he’s a bit cocky, and that he likes leaping before looking necessarily. And I think this movie only amplified those character traits.
I think Poe is our Han of the new trio. He tends to act before he thinks things through properly, and acts in the hero mindset. I think he would have disobeyed anyone who tried to give him orders, as he was so set on his plans and so invested in saving the Resistance in the way that made the most sense to him.
So he wasn’t problematic. Just a Good Boy who was trying his best and just wanted to save the day for his boyfriend fellow fighters.
Finn: FINNY-FINN-FINN IS BEST BOY. God, I love him. He’s just so good. His character is just so delightful, and I adore how he has the same fighting spirit as Poe. He’s willing to do anything for those he’s fighting for, and I swear to God, if he had flung himself into that charging gun, I would have flung myself down the theater’s stairs. Like I appreciate your sacrifice and character, bUT YOU ARE TO GOOD TO LOSE LIKE THAT SO YOU SIT YOURSELF DOWN. Also, while I love his dynamic with Rey, his dynamic with Rose was super cute as well. I’m glad he was able to establish a good relationship with her, and then also go to Rey in the end. My boy is surrounded by a lot of good friends, and I am So Glad.
Luke: So being overly dramatic must come from the male side of the Skywalker family. All the ladies have it together, but the mEN JUST LOVE THEIR STOMPING AWAY AND THEIR DRAMATIC CAPE FLINGS AND THEIR L’OREAL HAIR MOMENTS. But also let Luke rest, he is tired.
In all seriousness, this was actually another element the Internet had me real worried about. I was honestly expecting Luke’s character to be utterly butchered. Like, I was expecting him to not feel like Luke whatsoever. And admittedly, initially, I was a bit worried there in the beginning. He just seemed so cold and so unapproachable and so just...not himself that I was sitting there like ohgodohgodohgod.
But then I came to realize that Luke had been through A Lot; the poor guy was literally blaming himself for the entire uprising of The First Order. Like, despite Snoke being the one to seduce Ben to the dark side, and Ben ultimately failing Luke as opposed to the other way around, he could not see it as such. He carried the burden of starting everything.
And then I also realized that Luke has been a sassy lil dork since A New Hope. After all, he only wanted to go to Toshi Station to pick up some power converterrrssss! And then when he was learning the ways of the force with Yoda, he was impulsive and even quick tempered at times.
So really, he wasn’t out of character at all. Just really really really tired. 
He also probably saw a lot of his younger self in Rey. And in seeing what he became, and what he thought his actions created, it made him shut himself out, and therefore her as well.
It was so amazing however, to see Luke come back in full swing. Good God. To see him finally warm up to training Rey, all the way to seeing him LITERALLY PROJECT HIMSELF ON THE ASTRAL PLANE TO WHIP HIS NEPHEW INTO SHAPE LOL. LIKE YES. THAT’S HIM. THAT’S LUKE SKYWALKER.
And his death didn’t feel too out of place either. The whole thing with him finally being at peace, and that friggin binary sunset symbolism bullshit that decided to show up and murder me was a great touch as well. It’s like his arc made a complete circle, so his death felt heroic, it felt like he was laying to rest and allowing the new jedi to take his place.
Leia: I couldn’t handle Leia for a few reasons. First and foremost being, I would tear up whenever I saw Carrie Fisher on screen for obvious reasons. Secondly, she’s always been one of my favorite characters in the entirety of the Star Wars franchise, if not my ABSOLUTE favorite. So I of course adored watching every aspect of her personality on screen. I love Leia in the sense that she never has time for anyone’s shit, but is also one of the warmest and wisest characters in the entire franchise. And probably one of the strongest too; your girl has been to every circle of hell and back and hasn’t ONCE been tempted by the dark side. I absolutely adore her.
But what had me really really REALLY shook with this movie was finally FINALLY getting to see her use her force sensitivity. Like of course we got to see her reaching out to Ben and Luke, something she’s demonstrated in Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, and Force Awakens. But tO ACTUALLY SEE HER SAVE HERSELF FROM THE DEEP DARK DEPTHS OF SPACE BY UTILIZING A FORCE PULL???? I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT.
I had actually spoiled that one bit unfortunately, because I couldn’t live with not knowing if Kyle Ron killed his sweet mother or not lol. But even in knowing it, I was still crying and in complete shock in seeing it. I’ve always wanted Leia to show her jedi tendencies ever since I was a smol Star Wars fan. And even though it wasn’t much, seeing her legitimately using the force on the big screen...I’M STILL MESSED UP JUST THINKING ABOUT IT
And also on a little side note, I want to cry every time I think about Leia being able to see and feel Luke when she was on Crait. Her being able to converse with him, and practically reuniting with him just...MURDERED ME. IT WAS LITERALLY THE ONE THING I WAS HOPING FOR, AND WELP THERE GOES LUKE KISSING LEIA ON THE FOREHEAD AND CAUSING MY SOUL TO AGGRESSIVELY ASCEND.
The Creatures: It honestly cracked me up to see how much the Porgs and Vulptexes were hyped up, and then to rECEIVE SO LITTLE OF THEM. Any time they were on screen though, they were very delightful. The one scene where Chewie had a cooked Porg, and he got guilt tripped into not eating it by these little puppy dog-eyed Porgs had me DYING. And also the Vulptexes were heckin’ good doggos. Brought the Resistance out of the salt mines 10/10.
Overall: I would get into even more detail, but considering this whole thing is getting to be a legitimate novel and I touched upon what was most important to me, I’ll just wrap things up by saying I thoroughly enjoyed nearly everything about this movie. I went in with lowered expectations, and ended up being blown out of the water. It definitely has re-watch value. It definitely stuck with me. It definitely kept my fandom spirit alive, and made me all the more desperate to see what happens next.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens now that Snoke is out of the picture, and now that there are other force sensitive users in the galaxy. Please see: that smol baby bean at the end of the movie. I’m very excited with everything this movie set up, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what Nine will bring.
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