#this is like just a fraction of the lore though i have a LOT going on
wr0ngwarp · 8 months
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some refs for my jet set radio explorers of death joke au (that sure is a sentence) because i wanted to put them on art fight (..mostly for warehouse leapusverse lore reasons)
beat and yoyo seemed like they needed refs most urgently cuz beat has a bunch of designs on account of being squirtle and yoyo's design was just hard to parse in the pics he appeared in. yeagh
art fight bio under the cut for ppl who don't have an art fight account
based on PMD: Explorers of Death by sparklingdemon, HIGHLY recommended reading to get a grasp on what in the goddamn is going on here oh this is incredibly silly. so basically a while ago there was an in-joke about jsr and eod in a pokepasta discord i'm in, and i have a bad habit of taking jokes too far. so, of course, i took the joke WAY WAY WAY too far! the entire joke is the idea that Corn in Future retconned og JSR Beat as leader/founder of the GGs, so Corn and Beat are the Myras. no it’s not a joke funny enough to justify how many hours i sunk into drawing these. no attempt was made to change the setting, assign most of the other cast, or otherwise make this au hold up to ANY amount of scrutiny.
---- the base concept (aka reskinned eod plot) is that the og JSR timeline was getting, like, temporally retconned into the Future timeline, but Beat (in the role of Squirtle) refused to accept the changeover so he tried to hold onto his own fading timeline, trapping it (and himself) in a state of perpetual decay until he can take back the timeline. basically everybodys a grayscale rotting zombie it's miserable. also if you think "hey, isn't EOD!Beat less justified than Squirtle because the situation WASN'T life or death until he MADE IT that way" you would be right lmao JSRF Corn (as Myra), being the leader of the GGs in Future, shows up (overwriting the preexisting version of Tab ig) to try to put the dying timeline out of its misery so it can actually be reborn into the Future timeline. for some reason his spraypaint can make the zombies pass on. don't question it. he and Beat are kind of trying to take each other down so one timeline can take precedent here. Gum (as Shadow) is kind of torn between the two of them, with two overlapping contradicting sets of memories and also the most disastrous way to possibly combine her JSR and JSRF designs LMAO. her loyalties are kind of torn as a result and also she understandably isnt a big fan of all the murder going on here ... ...also, because this is a joke au that i did not bother to try to make sense, they're in the goddamn Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers for no real reason. i also tend to call Beat and Corn "Meat and Mourn" though i dont have a nickname for Gum :(. and they have some level of meta awareness that they're in a poorly crafted joke AU based on an existing creepypasta, and yet this knowledge of how inane it all is doesn't stop them from riding it out to its horrific conclusion. ...ha ha? also Yoyo is Bidoof he's just here to be the first to die dont worry about him
---- also because there's something profoundly wrong with me i have the main trio + Yoyo in me and my sibling's joke multi-crossover RP. Corn is MIA right now, Gum is in the Garage with the setting's regular version of the GGs (they are confused and concerned. esp normal!Gum)... ...and, uh... Beat and Yoyo are in the Warehouse. (Pauein 9696 is just kind of there too.) they're... friends? i think......???? they are trapped in there and dont know Warehouse Yoyo is actually the goddamn building theyre trapped in
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in the warehouse, eod!yoyo is kind of... barely coherent, only aware a fraction of the time, and not really able to do a whole lot since he's in such bad condition. he's just kind of taking anything as it happens at this point bc he can't do anything about it, but internally he's very pessimistic both about the idea that Beat can fix anything OR that there's any chance they'll escape the warehouse. eod!beat is... sort of kind of friends with the Warehouse but it's a very fragile friendship prone to arguments since he is trying VERY hard to leave (esp cuz he has UNFINISHED BUSINESS with killing corn and MAKING THINGS RIGHT) but Warehouse Yoyo is manipulatively trying to keep him without letting on that's what he's doing. both of these guys are fucked in the head tbh. at least nobody's judging each other for being walking corpses with weird metafiction elements.
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
Making so much lore for my tmnt fam iteration rn and I love your version of Tigerclaw so much I wanna base mine off of him a little bit. I just love the way you characterize him
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Go ahead! If you reference stuff from my Tigerclaw's backstory though I would like a mention. :)
I didn't mean to make him so soft for the kiddos, so I'm glad everyone seems to like that bit. Xever too; it was always my intention to have Xever 'betray' Bradford and the Foot in the end, but he ended up being way more polite than intended. It just never seemed right to have him antagonize Gale like he does with everyone (particularly Stockman) in 2012. And a lot of it's just me building on the very-I don't want to say one-dimensional, but more kid-palpable? Villain archetypes that were present in 2012. Xever was a street kid who turned to stealing to provide for himself and possibly his family. Tiger Claw was a child who was kidnapped and experimented on, had his sister try to kill him, and became an assassin because that was one of the only ways left to survive while preserving his dignity. Yeah, there are plenty of shitty people like that who would have been shitty regardless, but I choose to believe that most people aren't inherently evil.
Neither of these guys are good people, but they're still products of their pasts. They're still people under all that. Xever might be willing to kill for his employer, but a fourteen-year-old? A kid? Who has never done anything but try to earnestly help him? He'd realistically have second thoughts about that, especially after Bradford starts getting weird about it. And Tigerclaw was a legit child soldier-he might consider that a worthy tradeoff for his power and longevity, but if anyone tries to do to Cass and Gale a fraction of what was done to him, he's going to disembowel them. They're not immune to the power of "damn, I like this kid."
Bradford is just a bitch though, he legit is just a shit person.
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moongothic · 4 months
Went to re-read chapters 1114-1116 just so I could try to properly absorb The Lore because, let's be real, the Lore Bombs have been A Lot and rereading it in one go is good for the brain etc etc
There's lots of interesting things here though
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I'm deeply curious about what the "A & Mu" on the Mother Flame stands for
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It's interesting that even the Tenryuubito have no idea of their own history and how they gained their position in the world, hell they might be even more clueless than anyone else in the world about the Void Century (possibly because if they knew the truth of why they are the Rulers of the World they might reject their position much like the Donquixote did?)
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It was already kinda interesting how even Rob Fucking Lucci was begging to have Kaku spared, and so Stussy showing that same kind of humanity for their friend is just as sweet. Really goes to show how much Everybody Loves Kaku
But it's also interesting because Kaku was the one who seemed to show the most genuine remorse for what he and the rest of CP9 did to Iceburg and everyone at Galley-La. The shock on his face here makes me wonder how he feels about Stussy right now, and if he might respect her wishes just as much (as in, Stussy saying she won't let Kaku hinder the Strawhats even if released; would Kaku refuse to go after the Strawhats even if given direct orders from the Gorosei, for Stussy?)
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And here's what I really did miss when first reading the chapter; I thought the stolen fraction of the Mother Flame had been used as a weapon on its own, but no no, it was used as fuel for another weapon!
We've all been speculating about Uranus for a long time, if it might be another living person the same way Poseidon is Shirahoshi, another battleship like Pluton, or maybe something else
The name "Uranus" would inherently connect it to the sky though, and what did we see but Lulusia being blasted off the world map by an aerial attack
What're the chances Uranus really is a sky ship (maybe similar to Enel's Maxim) and is already within the World Government's hands?
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wishing-stones · 1 year
do you have any general headcanons for baggs?
Prefacing this with: if you want to know more about him, go to his creator and the blog for he and his au Here
I have loads.
It's difficult to pin down stuff that hasn't been mentioned, or that involves parts of the lore/story for Megalosomnia that haven't been revealed yet. So, while I have tons of headcanons about the story and/or other things that might be spoilery, I'll narrow it down to one for that:
-He created Flowey, being the Royal Scientist, and keeps him in a terrarium. It's been stated that he's not really around when the human/Frisk falls, and when you take that clever mind and the latent almost meta-level observation skills of Sans in general into account, you get someone who is unwilling to let his experiments just sit around in pots on a countertop. They were all in their own tanks, and when Flowey woke up, he was stuck in a glass (or plexiglass) cage with no real way out. It's since been expanded, so he isn't in a cramped little box, but he's down in the true lab with no way out. And, predictably, he hates this. He can still save, load, and reset, but... it doesn't do him much good when he's stuck in a tank. They get catty at one another, Flowey tries his best to needle Baggs into making the mistake of opening his tank for even a fraction of a second, but it never works in his favor. The tank is climate-controlled and everything in it is automated with no chance of escape. He's pretty well taken care of, at least.
This is the biggest headcanon I have for MS/Baggs in general. I might be close to canon, I might be way off. But... It makes sense for him to keep the one person he can't control under careful lock and key, doubly so when they can save and reset. All he has to do is get out of that tank once, and everything Baggs has built will come crashing down around him. It's a risk he absolutely cannot afford to take.
But, by the same stroke, Baggs knows who Flowey is, so it would be mutually assured destruction.
Other miscellaneous headcanons include:
-He's not as much of a hard ass as he comes off as, sometimes. I just don't get the chance to write him when he's not preoccupied with something else very often. Dumbassery comes with the territory of being a Sans, though, so he has the capacity for some spectacular feats of goofiness. If someone sees this, he doesn't even bother to remedy it-- he just smiles and more or less says "No one will believe you." (Also, most of what he's been present for when I write him is either a. his job or b. being very guarded around the others. He's starting to show otherwise, though.) -He is a lot more compassionate than he might come off as. While he keeps an air of professionalism about him, if he likes the people he's taking care of or looking after, he's accommodating and thoughtful. He's gentle with the flighty and conciliatory with the upset. His friends and family immediately fall into this category, and you can tell you're in good with him if it starts to feel more intrapersonal-- if he talks about himself at all. -It's known he likes Hot Pockets and Sushi, but in the same vein, he likes bagel bites, pizza rolls, anything else that is pizza-like and thrown in the microwave or oven. It's fast, it's absolutely awful for you, and it's greasy. He similarly likes other similar garbage-tier frozen microwave food, but the pizza-flavored ones are his favorite. He also likes mozzarella sticks. -He likes soaps. There's several he's partial to-- awful human programs that have fallen into Waterfall-- but they're good for background noise. They're terrible, he knows they're terrible, but they're entertaining for the sheer ridiculousness of it all, and no he is not invested in the secret romance, how dare you insinuate otherwise. -He has those glasses he wears around General, but they also come out if he needs to look disarming or have someone trust him a little more or if he wants to make a statement in the company of those who know what he's capable of that he's a complete non-issue right now and off the (proverbial) clock. He doesn't really need them. -He can sew! This is a bit of a necessity, since his (very cool custom) lab coat occasionally takes damage. He has more than one, but if you look very close, you can see just little peeks of fine white thread from a ladder stitch. -And, last but not least the goddamn heelys. They, I think, have been bounced around a bit and displayed in at least one piece of fanart. It's hilarious to me because while he's studious and hard-working, he's still a Sans, and you can never truly rid a Sans of all of his laziness in all areas. Coupled with the fact that he burns the candle at both ends, it makes sense to be able to roll from place to place rather than walking-- or better yet, have someone walk for him. Almost everyone in the lab is used to him catching rides on the back of their coats and just go along with it. It's just something the doctor does, so you get used to it fast if you work with him.
I've been rotating him and his au like a rotisserie chicken since I discovered them, so I've had a lot of time to sit and think about these. He lives in my head rent free so he may as well earn his keep by providing inspiration. Little turd.
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
hello, its me again, the self insert bastard
i have SO MANY thoughts about Jotaro and Kakyoin being childhood friends, it's only for a short time because Kakyoin's dad's job causes him to move around a lot; but they reunite in middle school only for Kakyoin to move away a month later AND THEN, Jotaro gets in an accident where he hits his head and forgets, along with him starting to show an aggressive nature [ due to said injury ] + combined with the harassment he faced because of Japan's xenophobia and then people suddenly wanting to be all over him one the Joestar Genes (tm) kick in
Which leads to DIO trying to take advantage of this bond between the two by sending Kakyoin after Jotaro in some sick mind game and Kakyoin expecting Jotaro to falter in their battle only for Jotaro to not have a single goddamn memory about Kakyoin and beating him stupid.
Which ALSO adds a layer to the scene where Jotaro pulls the fleshbud from Kakyoin's head and Kakyoin being near in tears as he cant understand why Jotaro saved him after very clearly not recognizing him and Jotaro is just, idk bro [ deep down his soul is like I GOTTA ]
theres like so many MORE layer to this when the self insert universe lore comes into play but i dont want to barf it up all at once because i want this to slap people in the face when its revealed in full [ when i can finally write this, i gotta finish the current project im on before diving into more ]
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my brain is full of thoughts
so what if I just. what if I
*bonks Jotaro with more amnesia*
what if in the accident you mentioned Jotaro couldn't remember anything. Like, brain blank, had to relearn a lot of basic skills and is having to essentially start living life again from scratch
Holly is of course a god send through it all. She never expects anything from him even though he's supposed to know who she is, and despite the undoubted amount of pain she's experiencing seeing him like this she lets him get closer and comfortable at his own pace, never making him to do anything he isn't comfortable with. She does what she can to help him remember things, but also does what she can to help him keep the new memories he makes (another symptom of amnesia is having difficulty making new memories too which will honestly just adding more frustration). Maybe she gives him a small notebook and maybe even a video camera to help him out
she doesn't try to mould him into how he used to be and just..... lets him be who he wants to be
and honestly...... when he does start school it's no wonder he retaliates. He probably pestered Holly for months to let him go back to school, but when he does...... the world is crueler than he thought. It's not at all like his home with Holly's warm hugs and phone calls with Joseph's bad jokes and crazy stories and Suzie's gentle encouragement and advice. Instead, it's cruel with harsh gazes waiting for him to mess up and whispers he can just barely hear and rules he can't understand
it frustrates him and scares him but most of all it confuses him. And because he doesn't know how to respond to it all, he retaliates with anger. Anger was easy. It made sense, it was clean cut and knew what it wanted him to do and gave him quick, easy explainations of how to do it
(Holly hates it, he knows. He can see it in how the spark in her eyes dims a fraction every time she gets a call from the school, how her eyes will linger on every bruise and scrape when he comes back home long after the sun set, how she always looks so sad whenever he hangs out by himself without any friends)
((But she never says anything. She still keeps the first aid kit under the sink stocked up, she still makes him his favorite foods (new and old) every few weeks, she still helps him go over all his video footage and journal entries, and in those soft moments behind the wood walls and shoji doors that keep the harsh world out, Jotaro can't help but wish he could remember what to feel instead of anger))
but of course, Dio and Kakyoin have no idea about any of this. As far as Kakyoin's aware, Jotaro simply..... forgot about him. There was no recognition in Jotaro's eyes, so hesitation in his punches, no acknowledgment of the past they shared, of how much they'd meant to each other
And BOY that's painful to learn, that the one and only friend he ever made, who stubbornly stuck to his side no matter what he did to try and scare him off, who accepted Hierophant's existence without hesitation even though he couldn't see the spirit, simply....... forgot about him completely. Whether it was because he didn't care or because in the grand scheme of things Kakyoin really wasn't that important, it burns in a way he hadn't predicted it would
this definitely changes his and Jotaro's dynamic, with Kakyoin trying VERY hard to pretend he doesn't care and is completely unaffected and Jotaro who really has no fucking clue what's up with this red haired kid
and who knows. Maybe Kakyoin was a pinch familiar to Jotaro but he brushed it off since there were a lot of things in his life that felt vaguely familiar. Maybe they knew each other before his accident, but they probably weren't that close since the guy hadn't tried bringing up the past yet. Or even worse, maybe it was a one sided type thing and Kakyoin had no idea who he was at all
(Jotaro tries not to acknowledge the slight disappointment he feels at that thought. His knowledge who he is, who he was, was almost entirely limited to his mother and grandparents who lived across a whole ocean. No friends, no extended family, just the three of them left filling in the gaps. The idea of there being a fourth person who properly knew him, someone his age...... ah, but no matter, it probably wasn't anything)
also for some added angst....... just. when Jotaro starts getting more positive(?) attention at school, what if some people tried pretending they knew each other before his accident to try and get closer. Just to give this boi some ✨ trust issues ✨
and honestly, there are so many ways the reveal and reconnection can go and I don't know which one to pick. We could have the crack-y "Joseph makes a joke about it and Kakyoin's brain soft reboots" to the softer "in a moment of vulnerability Jotaro talks about the amnesia because he's starting to genuinely see the Crusaders as friends" to an angsty "Kakyoin reveals he knew Jotaro in a moment of stress/high emotion and Jotaro slightly flips his shit because This Guy Knew Him And Didn't Say Anything"
there's just. so much and it's so tasty
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foundationsofdecay · 9 months
TDH x Sleep Token #2
Vital Vessels Vindicate is another song from The Dear Hunter that I think resonates a lot with some of Sleep Token's imagery and thematic elements, and not just because of the name of the track.
This post is heavily localized in terms of the lyrics I'm looking at, so while as always I do recommend it, this post will read fine whether you've listened to it or not.
I'm just going to focus on one chunk of lyrics this time, which is the extension of the final chorus, leading into the outro.
We fall beneath the sea of dreams And fail to breathe, until we resurface We fall beneath the sea of dreams And fail to breathe, until we awaken again
So... lots to unpack here. Let's talk about Vessel, death, and choking underwater.
We can see, right off the bat, how this mirrors some of the themes brought up time and time again in Sleep Token's first(!) trilogy of albums, most notably with TPWBYT but we can find this echoed in the other albums as well. Drawing from TPWBYT to start, consider these lines from the very first song on the album, Atlantic:
So flood me like Atlantic, bandage up the trenches, anything to get me to sleep [...] Don't wake me, Don't wake me, Don't wake me up
There can be some debate whether Vessel wants to go sleep or to Sleep, but in either case, yes, it's not just that he is being dragged under like he's being unwillingly swept out and down by a deceptive and powerful current. He wanted this, from the start. He begs to stay asleep, flooded and frozen but in a manner that is its own cold embrace. Whether you consider the trenches to be a metaphor for self-inflicted injuries, or look at it from a lore perspective, it's exactly this. Bandage up the trenches, I don't care, trap me underneath or keep me from falling deeper but just let me be, just let me sleep. I don't want to be here anymore.
Fallen into this sea of dreams, and even as it keeps him from caring to his body's most basic needs, he would rather "crumble like a temple" and "[break] into fractions" than ever wake up. Sleep is the one comfort he has, these dreams are the only thing that he can find any solace or joy in and he'd do anything to have it.
This, in and of itself, is like a self-directed death threat, to those around him trying to wake him up, but he'd "rather be six feet under than be lonely". What is death, really, in the face of these desires? Why would he ever choose to resurface and breathe again? After all, according to High Water, he's confident that he can "hold [his] breath forever". In this, we also have an alternate possibility; if Vessel were to simply hold his breath forever, perhaps he would be able to live forever, sustained by dreams and thus Sleep Itself. Death would be irrelevant, in that scenario, or at least it would feel that way. Effectively, though, they would be one and the same.
Here's the thing, though... even if he thinks he can, he doesn't hold his breath forever. This is depicted in Take Me Back To Eden:
We dive through crystal waters Perfect oceans But no one told me not to breathe And now the weightlessness recedes
There's an abrupt shift, here. He's taken too early of a breath, and perhaps this was a mistake on his part, but the dream is over now. The illusion of this endless embrace with Sleep has been thoroughly shattered. Now, he must decide if he is going to keep falling further and let the ocean swallow him whole, or if he will try to resurface and take a true breath of air, instead of inhaling this salt-loaded sea water where it will permeate his lungs and his stomach, so deeply entrenched that nothing can wash it out entirely. In fact, he's already taken one breath underwater, possibly several, by the time he does resurface (if you believe that he did at all). It's already begun.
There is, however, a glimmer of hope in all of this. In Rain, Vessel understands that situation, he finally can see the damage that was done both to and by him, and he desperately wants to be washed clean. The salt on his hands aren't the half of it, and he seems to realize that now. The remnants of this time aren't just on him, it's inside of him, practically part of his very being at this point, just as entwined with him as he is with Sleep.
It's true that he's been ordered to remain awake for the foreseeable future, that what happened in Atlantic can never happen again, but that's nothing compared to this. He can leave the sea, can leave that situation behind him, but the remnants and their effects still cling to him and continue to harm him.
He's tipping his head back, not just spreading his arms out but opening his mouth wide to drink it all in. Asking to be cleansed with pleasure, not just on the surface level of his skin, but completely saturated. This, he's saying, is what will truly heal him.
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ask-the-substitute · 1 year
Hey!! Psst! I know it’s probably not going to get continued in the ask blog way, I get that it’s a commitment, but do you think you’d ever write a blurb or something on how this would have ended? Just so we can know!
hi!! moth here!! it has been a WHILE since I left you guys hanging with this so I should probably say something
first of all I'm really glad you guys enjoyed this enough to check up on it like this, and I am so so sorry I abandoned it 😭😭 I might get back into my puppet history interest when the new season comes out but I'm still not sure if I'd be able to pick this back up, if I get inspiration I'll absolutely try though the substitute is still my blorbo love that guy
but about writing a blurb about how it was going to end and what my plans were, I'm going to be completely honest between personal matters and The LORE on my main and everything I completely forgot what my plan was and I didn't leave myself good notes 😭😭😭
this does give me an opportunity to go back to the drawing board if I ever do return to this because I remember I wasn't quite happy with the plan I had for the very ending, like the details of it? I'm glad I at least got to giving the substitute his body and everything where there was a fraction of that happy ending, I just need to workshop the rest of it if get the chance!!
but again like thank you for these it makes me really happy and surprised that people still like and think about this project of mine?? it was made with a lot of love for this character and I'm glad it was enjoyed, actually met my partner @marine-beats through it so that's fun!!!
genuinely hope I can end it properly for you guys someday, thank you :]]
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nyseehallow · 1 year
Hetch, Red, And Others Like Him: Genloss Mini Theories
A lot of the theories is just me trying to make sense of Hetch's existence in the bigger scope of genloss cause honestly he's pretty sussy. Also, there'll probably be lots of lore inaccuracies and all theories could be easily debunked when the founder's cut gets released. Still, I hope there's still some substance in my rotting brain :)
!! Spoiler Warnings Ahead !!
General Background
At the end of episode 3, I find it strange that we don’t get much of Hetch’s personal motives and intentions as to why he “finds” people for the cast; why he still bothers going on with these experiments. Though that isn’t clear, I don’t think his motives matter as much in the context of the general lore of the entire series. But, I do think his presence on gen 1 will say a lot about the plans of the founder and the prevalence of “generation loss” in the lore. Because of this, I’ll be dividing this into different mini theories and connecting it into one big theory:
The color red on Hetch and the red censor box
The inauguration and its connection to Hetch
Infinite generations = more people like Hetch
The Theories
1st Theory: The color red on Hetch and the red censor box
From the 3rd episode, the symbolism of the black box has been made pretty clear: death or something similar to it (ex: the box closing on Ranboo). But for the red censor box, it hasn't been shown at all in TSE literally. My theory is that it's shown more figuratively in TSE, that the person under the red censor are people who are given a purpose by the founder. In TSE, that would be Hetch. I have a couple of reasons why.
In this pic from Gen 0 with the video titled: T_1, the person censored with a red box is the one teaching the genloss symbol to a class of students.
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And looking back, it's similar to how Hetch has been running these social experiments with the help of Showfall, brainwashing the cast into propaganda that keeps them in a time loop of death. But why draw this similarity? Well, it has something to do with the color red. While there are a few characters with the red motif, Hetch is the only character who has full autonomy and control over the cast and Showfall in all eps of gen loss with heavy use of the color red. Not once have we seen him being explicitly mind controlled or reset by Showfall. Instead, his red motif appears whenever he tries to "hack" into the system or even just simply talking to Ranboo in ep 3.
Examples below show Hetch appearing with red glitches whenever he communicates to Ranboo in ep 1 & 2.
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In ep 3, the screens behind Ranboo turned red when Hetch announces the results of the audience, controlling the box trap and Ranboo's fate of death.
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It signals to me that Hetch knows his control over the cast and control over his affiliation with Showfall but is being held back by the founder. He was able to say the full truth to the cast and us the audience but not the outside world past the mall's exit doors. In short, he has control but not the entirety of that control. Hetch is only a fraction of it.
This pic shows that he was once those students but is an outlier amongst everyone (outliers will be called as "chosen ones" for now).
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It leads me to my next point as to how the founder picks these chosen ones (referring to Hetch) to be part of a generation.
2nd Theory: The inauguration and its connection to Hetch
In the vid: T_2, us the viewers are being interviewed and asks us some weird "would you rather" type questions. I won't analyze every question, but the last 2 questions are vital to my theory that the inauguration is a final test for people who are chosen by the founder.
"You or Them?"
If we were to compare it to Hetch's character progression throughout TSE, he was very much willing to let the cast members die and being rebooted back to the show. And yes, while he did "help" Ranboo and got himself "killed", he still came back to life and ended up killing Ranboo. My speculation is that the founder wanted the chosen one to be selfish enough to be able to put themselves over others, but not enough to betray the founder in the end.
"Are you Alone? Yes or No?"
Okay I will say this one may be grasping at speculation since we don't know if Hetch was ever with someone during his inauguration but the fact that he was alone in delegating the show raises a lot of questions. He was alone in hacking into Showfall, he was alone in helping Ranboo, and he was alone with the responsibility of making these experiments go to plan. I think that the founder is just making sure that Hetch truly was alone and that Hetch wouldn't suddenly just try to go off not doing his purpose. But what is Hetch's purpose? The next theory is mostly speculation so take it with a grain of salt.
3rd Theory: Infinite generations = more people like Hetch
Whew... you somehow made it this far. With the last video posted on the genloss channel, we finally get to see the founder and how TSE has all been taped/recorded from the start. Now don't get me wrong, it would be safe to assume that the story of Gen 1 would be continued in Gen 2 or at least be connected to one larger story, but Ranboo has said otherwise.
Ranboo answers a question from a chatter about this. (credits to @/GLUpdate on Twitter for the screenshots)
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So since Gen 1 and Gen 2 will most definitely have an entirely different plot from each other, what if the founder had inaugurated these chosen ones to individually make sure that each generation will take place? I'm not saying that Hetch will be a reoccurring character in all of the generations but I do think that people like him who are given a purpose are making sure that there will be infinite generations. It's really just a question of how far the rabbit hole can go, how far can the founder can really go into these generations. And with that, comes betrayal.
The Actual Big Theory
So what's the connection with all three of these theories? The real big theory I have for people like Hetch and the future of genloss is that there will be a generation where a chosen one will try to really get full autonomy of the founder's plan, trying to break this cycle of infinite generations. This is why there's an inauguration taken place to make sure that these chosen ones will be kept at bay and won't do anything stupid. And it's also why the chosen ones are kept separated and alone; they know too much. In short, the founder is not to be trusted and that the chosen ones are being held back by something twisted that make them continue doing bad things (possible ex: killings) for the founder and their own generation.
Thank you so much for reading this :D! I will be genuinely surprised if this somehow doesn't get debunked immediately once the founder's cut gets released kek :) Feel free to ask me questions about this theory cause I would love to hear your thoughts :DD!
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Re: Nexus V.
Barking, growling, scratching at the walls, kicking in doors, engaging in acts of extreme vandalism, relegated to a bystander as my mind constructs an immersive universe and rips it apart at the seams, cheering my psyche on in the background as it tears itself to shreds. As someone whose universal response to inconvenitences of any degree is to instantly self-destruct in a way that leaves as much collateral as possible, N darling is such a captivating ̶v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶d̶s̶h̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶f̶r̶a̶c̶t̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶q̶u̶e̶n̶c̶e̶s̶ ahem protagonist. Regarding the annotations at the end, she was only a little difficult to identify with, but that was just because her audacity comes in a different form to mine, but in a very acceptable and necessary way. And you were very right that the Horror of (percieved) Womanhood™️ binds all Afab individuals on an intrinsic level. Its so easy to identify with because it IS shared identity for a whole lot of people.
She's so nuanced that it's easy to root for her and become invested, though, regardless of how much you see in her beyond the physical aspect, which is also an incredibly meaningful of a trait for a MC to have. Spending so long with her commentary is both hilarious and endearing, too, so at a point it will become harder to NOT like her.
Anyway just phoning in to say I am so, utterly, not normal about your writing, the experience I've had reading has been ingrained in my psyche. Truly, words fail me in terms of any articulate feedback. The passion and effort it takes to maintain such a comprehensive universe and keep it at such a consistently immersive and relevant scale. And the characterisation??? Phenomenal. Genuinely superior in ever way to the massacre they made of recent 'canon' HCQuintet Lore (looking at you companion mission dialogue that contradicts all known character lore to date).
I have been put. THROUGH the wringer. Experienced the full cycle of the spectrum of human emotion. Gone through every stage of Grief. Ranged from being absolutely infuriated (in the best way possible, on behalf of Ms Phaeles who has been absolutely victimised) to tickled pink, to devastated and hopeless, to. Aww they're kissing again Yknow what, if you ignore all of the context, actually this wouldn't be so bad .
Is this what it feels like to be laundry. Round and round the washing machine I go being thoroughly deprived of all the accumulated layers of defense I have spent my time cultivating.
I feel both a sense of closure and the looming foreboding feeling that I will devour any further scraps with no regard to the delicate balance I need to maintain to function like a human being for the foreseeable future. I feel like im experiencing a fraction of what an addict that has to be weaned off after exposure feels ajdjsksnsnsn
What a ride, thank you for all of the flavour you've added to my life recently, I am deeply appreciative and I hope I can reflect even a fragment of that in this absolute nonsensical rambling < 3
FJGKSJFDKL !!!!!!!!!! i loved reading your thoughts on n darling, she's a protagonist i care for deeply now 🥺
'Spending so long with her commentary is both hilarious and endearing, too, so at a point it will become harder to NOT like her.'
this is what i was hoping for by having the story take place exclusively from her POV!! there were a few times i felt tempted to switch to kafka's perspective, but i stayed strong. since a main concept in the story is exploring minds, it made sense to me that the MC's emotional state and thought process is well-known to the reader.
'And the characterisation??? Phenomenal. Genuinely superior in ever way to the massacre they made of recent 'canon' HCQuintet Lore (looking at you companion mission dialogue that contradicts all known character lore to date).'
OH GOD the companion mission... i have no idea what was going on over there. very confusing storytelling, ig ?? the quality drop in writing felt tangible. not all of it was bad, but what was bad overshadowed any decent glimmers. i've always considered characterization to be the most vital aspect in fanfic, since characters are what inspire people to read/write them 99.99% of the time. blade was a bit tricky at first, but by the third chapter, i felt more confident writing him.
'if you ignore all of the context, actually this wouldn't be so bad'
this got me GJSKDLS so many of my stories could be summed up like that 😭😭
reading this was an absolute joy, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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kevin-sedai · 1 year
The WOT Nielsen numbers are worrying me a lot, they're 44% of what they were last season for the first 3 episodes not only did they not get better but they got so much worse and idk if we might even get a s4 let alone the entire 8 seasons they have planned. I love the show but it's not popular at all, the big shows for example on Twitter get dozens if not hundreds of tweets with 10k likes or more, wot barely even has a few that surpass 1k. TSITP which costs a fraction of WOT and is half its length got similar numbers. Bezos is a huge fan of the expanse and they still cancelled it with 3 books left and a cut final season with 6 instead of 10 eps
To be honest, I haven't really kept up with the ratings. But if that's the case, I'm not surprised. I got two people to try to watch the show, and one person is still watching it and enjoys it, but the other couldn't get past ep 3 of last season. The fact that this is a large world with a lot of lore and it's only getting 8 episodes makes it difficult to do. The last few episodes I thought were very good, because they let the story build the world instead of trying to do world building by spending a whole episode explaining a concept.
Other problems are the media saying it's a "new game of thrones" and people who don't want any changes from the books. The former being ridiculous. There's no reason why every fantasy show has to be compared to GoT, especially when that series isn't done by the author and the show ended so abysmally. The latter, I can understand. The story is so important to people that they're protective of it and they want it done justice.
I've liked seeing the characters I love so much on screen. I like going in my character tags on here and seeing faces to them. Josha has been killing it as Rand. You can tell he cares for the character and how he portrays him. And my best friend, Maddeline, is getting all the awards for her work this season (I do, in fact, make those rules lol). So, if the show does get pulled, I'm just here for the ride until that happens.
I hope they ride the momentum from the last three episodes. These were the best of the series, in my opinion. And if they continue in the direction they're going, I think they'll get to keep going. I hope we get all 8 seasons they planned, though. It feels like Wheel of Time to me, and that's all I could ask for
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erigold13261 · 2 years
NSR canon lore ask! Why do you think citizens of Vinyl City seem to be not too interested in the revolution or politics in general? We don’t get people who are scared of B2J or NSR except Mia, and although we do have the city all messed up due to hooligans in the last act, there doesn’t seem to be anything else going on. Maybe we aren’t getting the whole picture… hmmmmmmm
Pretty sure we do get graffitti and NPCs talking about the revolution around beating Sayu or Yinu, not just right at the end, but I may be wrong on that!
We definitely have media coverage because of Tataiana's speeches, Zam's radio, and the Newscaster. So people ARE obviously interested in the revolution itself. Enough that there are people calling into a new radio show that doesn't have a big following just to get to talk to B2J.
But to answer your question a bit more. It is because we only see a part of the city.
Vinyl City is HUGE. It has to be. It is the music capital of the WORLD and hosts 5 MEGASTARS that provide a lot of power (like NSR is a power company, they have to be at least providing to other cities/towns nearby, not just the main city itself). So you have to keep that in mind when looking at the surrounding of the game.
We only get to see small parts of the city. Little pockets that are HIGHLY pro-edm as they take place right outside the megastars' venues/galleries/homes. So of course it will either be harder to vandalize those areas (or for them to STAY vandalized as they would quickly get cleaned) or people are too scared to show support for rock in those areas.
If you just look at Dream Fever, and I think Metro Division, you can see that there is a LOT of space under the floor/stairs. Vinyl City is not just a flat city, but it has layers above and below it. It has it's own flying cars and multiple highways (for regular and flying cars). It has houses and businesses on all different height levels. So really are just seeing a FRACTION of the city itself.
Because of this, and the fact that we are in very pro-edm areas, of course people are not talking about the revolution much. They trust Tatiana and NSR. There's no reason to give attention to something that will be over quickly. Or at least that is what many people thought.
Of course once it looks like NSR is going to fall that rock-supporters are going to come out en masse and start messing up the place with a lot more freedom. They have nothing to fear anymore. People who are pro-edm aren't going to SAY they are pro-edm a lot of the time. Not when the face of the Rock Revolution are beating the shit out of kid's pianos and war veterans.
I'm not surprised a lot of people aren't talking about the revolution. You are playing as Mayday and Zuke. The people CAUSING the revolution. Unless you support the Rock Revolution you aren't really going to be calling those two out, especially when they always have their weapons on them.
Though I do guess we should have more Mias in the game then, more fearful people. But that might be because these people are starting to see the flaws of NSR. They can still like EDM but not like NSR. So they support B2J as they fight but not enough to jump ship from EDM to Rock, which is what most would feel they would have to do to support B2J.
It's a very tricky situation given the NPCs we have. They almost all seem to love NSR/EDM, but also don't talk about the politics much. This could also be the fact that society in Vinyl City just doesn't talk about politics in public. There are many countries/societies that try to keep those things out of the common public. You talk with your friends about that stuff, not two randos who happily chat with you for for like 20 minutes (and even if you did know B2J, again, why would you tell the face of the Rock Revolution that you don't support them?).
Because we do get NPCs that do support B2J, like Yiruk and Gigi, and others who oppose them openly like Mia (and kinda Zed and Kayane?). But the one that does fully tell them to basically fuck off is absolutely afraid of B2J. Mia is part of NSR, and B2J have no problem going after NSR people. At least that is probably what is being said internally to keep direct employees in line.
Even the people who do support B2J don't seem to be super actively supporting them. They aren't sending in advice or giving them an actual helping hand, not like Kliff is (but we know he has ulterior motives). So they are just as inactive as the anti-rockers who do nothing to actually stop B2J.
Um, I am losing my train of thought and can't remember what else I was going to say about the support vs. the opposition of NPCs.
Anyway, I do think we aren't getting the whole picture. But that is BECAUSE we are playing as B2J, we don't see the whole city, politics are probably not discussed with strangers, and most of the areas we do visit are very pro-edm leading many anti-edm/pro-rock people to stay away from those areas.
I'm sure if we could play the game from an NPCs perspective, or get more interactions from them when not being May or Zuke, we could get more information out of them and see what they truly think of the Revolution. But that is just not something that can happen right now.
Like Tatiana even states that people/B2J are trying to pressure her to step down. She says how B2J have influenced the votes/people. So obviously there are things going on behind the scenes/outside the scope of the game play.
But it is all implied because having the game tell us AND show us this is just bad game design. You want to usually do one or the other, not both. It allows for more nuance and cleaner message to get across without a bunch of fluff/filler (not that filler is bad, especially in a story based game, but too much of it can hinder game play/storytelling).
So just from a game design point of view, not showing every single person who adamantly supports or opposes the revolution is a good thing. I do think we could have gotten a few more of them, but having Mia and Kliff as the extremes of both ends is good enough. It's better than repeatedly beating the message over the audiences' heads I guess.
Basically, just believe the game when they say there are supporters/opposers to the revolution. You can't always go into super precise details, so taking the word of the game is usually good enough. (Not using this as an excuse for stories that have massive plot holes or bad story writing, but not being able to show every tiny detail when a lot of it is implied or even explicitly SAID is fine to just take the word of the game on this matter).
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goose3gg · 2 years
Why can’t I commit [to a new Nintendo Switch Game]?
Recently, I’ve been on a mission: find a new Nintendo Switch game to distract myself from the games I’m avoiding playing [Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley,  both come to mind] and I’ll tell you exactly why I’m avoiding those games. In my opinion, it’s a huge challenge trying to find 
As a female gamer, sometimes it’s challenging digging through the buzzwords of the gaming community. I hear one end of the spectrum is “Cozy Games” and on the other side is... Rogue-Likes? First person Shooters? Street Fighters? Puzzle Games? Why is the only descriptor I can find of cutesy, organization, relaxing games default to this weird code word of “cozy?” Trying to find games that I’ll like based on this weird criteria, where unless the game is overtly cutesy on the outside, a single creator must deem this type of game “cozy” for it to be labeled as such. I’d love to get into a feminist, gendered debate but the subject at hand is still myself, attempting to find a Switch game I’d enjoy, digging through countless reviews of different types of games.
Why can’t I play Animal Crossing? Although I did purchase the Animal Crossing themed switch, I am not a historical Animal Crossing player. I actually grew up playing Pokemon, the card game and the DS/Gameboy games. I will admit, I am currently avoiding my current Pokemon Diamond Victory Road victory, I know I need to make my team stronger but alas I just don’t feel the commitment for it at the moment. Many game reviewers discuss how they believe that this current edition of Animal Crossing is the weakest, the least structured, and laziest, is the term most often used. I don’t hear many positive reviews of this game, due to its lack of consistent updates, and in my opinion, lore and add ons. Nintendo didn’t put much effort into the downloadable content of Happy Home Paradise, and in my own experience, I didn’t have fun in the game until I used the only two available cheats that Nintendo has somehow allowed to slip by, being; the ability to use other people’s designs for pathways, buildable objects, etc, and treasure islands. Both reminded me of the Sims cheats I used to use, bb.infinitemoney, etc, to allow for things that crutched the game, or allowed more of a freeplay version. I quickly acquired every item I could ever want, and after furnishing my house, I got bored pretty quickly. Because everyday is time synced in Animal Crossing, meaning that everyday you log on, whatever time of day it is, it’ll be the same in the game. I know a lot of people that time jump, meaning they change the time and date on their Switch to unlock things in Animal Crossing, I personally thought this was a little excessive, but to each their own. I just didn’t find the villagers interesting enough to keep me coming back, to be honest I never understood how turnips worked, and I just wasn’t convinced to keep playing the game. The last time I played Animal Crossing was about 3 hair colors ago, if that gives you an idea. 
Why can’t I play Stardew Valley? Stardew Valley has lower stakes than Animal Crossing, and is definitely easy to get back into. Again, I didn’t grow up on years of Stardew Valley, so I know very little about the lore and the long term actuality of the game. I enjoy going into cult classic games like these two cold, so I can be surprised and enjoy the game to its fullest. I also find it a big challenge, however I know if I look too hard into gameplay advice I’ll get stuck on how to perfectly play the game which is simply impossible. Stardew’s days are much shorter than Animal Crossing, and the game is also a fraction of the price. In my experience, playing Stardew can feel slightly rushed, and challenging to get everything done right. Right now I’m entering Spring of my 3rd year and I am not very proud of my farm or my organization in game. When I see how well organized streamers are I definitely feel as though I’m playing the game incorrectly. It’s an enjoyable game but because I haven’t researched the lore sometimes I feel like I’m missing the bigger direction or meaning in the game. Because Stardew takes itself a little less seriously than Animal Crossing, I find myself more easily coming back to a less intimidating game. 
Finally, what games am I considering to avoid these Cozy Gaming classics? To give you a more rounded idea of the games on my Switch, here’s some games I’ve bought/downloaded.
I just finished Coffee Talk and Cozy Grove, working on The Lego Harry Potter Collection, I couldn’t get stuck on Garden Story, Life is Strange: True Colors [I might’ve watched too many streams of this one.. I don’t wanna larp. I’m sorry], CatTails, AER, The Last Campfire, Danganronpa/Doki Doki Literature Club [I just haven’t gotten around to it], Scott Pilgrim is just a tad too challenging for me alone, I’m working on it as well. I’m so tired of reading these same titles over and over again, and I refuse to download the organization games just because they’re so short. I was interested in Inscryption, so I started watching some streams of it to see if I’d like it and I’m still unsure. If anyone has any recommendations, I’d love to hear some but I don’t know if the problem is just me. I enjoy these games, I just would love something fresh and not a super huge commitment. I’ve been watching some Breath of the Wild streams which inticed me, but I’m also not a Legend of Zelda person. Maybe I need to branch out, maybe I need a kind stranger on the internet to recommend the perfect game for me. 
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artisticbunny · 1 year
Right HELLO! I been out for a few days haha sorry ya missed me! Saturday’s my off day and I went to an art museum yesterday to see my works! (And the many others) Also been working on my hair a lot this weekend and stuff to get it done and out the way for the next month, so sorry I’m late! But I’m here now!
So! In regards to your ✨wonderful✨ tale of Whispering Willow, how about some Corey lore?! (I know I’m going for like all most abstract guys lol I was gonna make a joke in regards to fractions but later—) Half dead, ALSO BETRAYED BY HIS TEAM! Big brain enough to have a potion on hand tho! Ôwô
Was it in cold blood this time!? It sure smells like cold blood bro. No way that was fraud or frame or lies!! HIS TEAM LEFT HIM FOR DEAD!! AHHHHHHHHHH I CANT!
(But gosh dang I hope I’m wrong at the same time lol. Also writers block utterly terminated! Yeah! Random Bonus question too tho: anything ur working on currently? Just school or something more? If it’s a secret that’s cool of course, but if it’s shareable I’d like to know! :D Oki I’ll buzz off now lol I need to finish an essay before I get marked down ^^” keep being awesome as always! Love ya Bun! <333)
Sorry for how long it took to answer this!!! I’ve been busy too >w<
Tw for gore, because Corey DEFINITELY didn’t get away unscathed!!!
Cory’s story isn’t super complex, they mostly just wanted to provide for their family!
Corey was an adventurer for hire, in simplest terms. He would go and join other adventuring teams for short quests. They never really stuck with a single group for longer than one or two quests, always on the move, and only taking a fairly small cut of the reward as compensation. Corey’s mentality is that others have families they need to feed too, he doesn’t need as much for his small family than others may need for theirs. His family consists of his mother and his little sister. he loves them dearly. Corey knows the work they do is dangerous, but he genuinely enjoys what he does, and is the main breadwinner of his family.
When Corey was betrayed and left for dead in Dread Caverns, everyone thought they died. His mother and sister were distraught. They tried to murder him so they could have just that little bit more of the money. It was their greed that pushed them to commit murder. Obviously, they told the guild it was an accident in the cave that lead to his death.
Though nobody knew, Corey WAS still alive, technically. He tried for months to find a way to get out, but with his limited range of movement, it proved too difficult to climb out of the caves on his own. Though there was ONE good outcome from his being betrayed: now having no heartbeat, he was basically invisible to the beasts that roamed the cave system. The same beasts that feed off of the fear of their prey. The first person to find him came soon after they realized this. Some random adventurer, trying to collect minerals and resources from the cave in order to study it’s properties. Corey tried approaching this person to ask for help, but as soon as he stepped closer, they freaked out. Corey is, quite literally, walking death. He has his head smashed in, cuts all over him, his lip split in half, dried blood running down his face, and even the limping walk of a zombie. To be completely fair, seeing him come at you in a dark cave like that, I don’t really blame the guy for practically pissing his pants! It doesn’t really help that Corey is partially mute, only really able to get out short sentences at a time, so on top of it all, he was completely silent walking forward XD
The adventurer practically bolted out of the cave after that, and told the guild. Thus birthed the rumor of the “King of Fear”, believed to be behind the properties of Dread Caverns.
Many would come over the next few years, none of them willing to listen to reason. They tried to kill Corey. Out of self defense, Corey ended up killing them.
He would rack up quite the kill count before Brook came along. Corey hates what he’s had to do, and hates that he’s begun to kind of like it in a twisted weird way. They hate themself because of this. They feel evil. They think they’ve started going insane. Being isolated in the dark for years with only the occasional battle, it was akin to torture.
Brook, even while terrified out of her mind, was the first one to actually stop and listen to him. She helped him to escape and finally see the light of day after years underground.
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Here’s the boy!!!
To answer your last question, yeah I’m mostly working on schoolwork right now haha! But I’m also working on a new profile picture since the one I have currently was originally made for Halloween XD I’ll finish it soon and post it for you guys to see when it’s done!
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cogmented · 2 years
hiiii i saw ur tags on my post!! i know nothing about breaking mc but i understand ur excitement completely!! i have no idea what they did but im so excited to find out!! this team is so cool they have cool abilities AND cool lore AND cool dynamics AND a cool aesthetic!! thwy make me INSANE. hope u dont mind me dropping this in ur ask box i just need to ramble about them somewhere
YOU R SO OKAY !!!! i loveeee what is going on rn
ermmm spoilers and wht not!
like WHAT !?!!? there is so much more of a crazy element to breaking da game than im used to, especially when used in the context of a pvp heavy turned lore (more so circumstance and event) based server like it ACTUALLY COMES INTO CONFLICT RAHH we r usually just a bunch of gamers sitting around in little test servers (i was more so an in-game code guy rather than an exploit guy, im basing all my inner technical knowledge on what my friends r thinking from the context ive shown them)
im SOOO interested in how the characters play out here, like with the tyrant groupchat and some of the key players in there (pangi, reddoons, planet, SPEPTICLE !?) and how THEY were the ones supposedly getting big power
i think planet knows a lot more about what's going on than what vitalasy thinks (i have a theory that planet's trust barrier was given by spoke, maybe it couldve been given by vitalasy to more so keep him quiet? but ive been brain rotting over a planet and spoke team up so im mad biased) and spoke is much more of a leaker than i thought! he is definitely one of the least secretive members about all dis and whatnot, but his ideals are geared towards fun fun for every1 (himself)
also vi is showing phase 2 rn this is going to be FUCKING INSANE ! im soo sosoooososososo exited omhgg kicking my legs laying on my stomach twirling my hair and drawing hearts and stars around the word exploit in glitter gel pen and giggling
this has been SUCH an interesting season im still stunned by stream viewers who say s3 was the best but maybe im a nerd whatavar whatavar ....
i am going to rant and you are going to listen to me >_( hahahahaha muahhahaha but s4 has been so new and interesting from the START. those two main groups forming at the village and the outpost and their outliers was the domino effect of extremes. im on red's side here when he said that that was the main catalyst for WHY duality duo went to the lengths they did, and how THAT, the moment subz stepped into the end to see the main island completely wiped was SUCH a crucial moment to the rest of s4 development
that was the known start. that's what, to everyone else, was the beginning of consequence
but now, there's the added factor of the plan before s4, but these extremes were needed to make a reason to use these exploits in an interesting way. yeah okay, leviathan is not a threat anymore. TO US THOUGH!!!! ONLY TO US!!! because we know everything, we know what's going on and leviathan has NO IDEA what they're in for, but what does terrain, leo, ANYONE ELSE think about them? Are they scared? probably !
but seeing this as a viewer.... a watcher haha of everything we KNOW a FRACTION of how much danger everyone is in. we dont know to WHAT EXTENT !!!!! HOLY MYSTERY !!!!! im so so so excited to see how they use this
we saw how jepex and mapic and spoke used it in jepex's latest video, but they have MORE INFORMATION SINCE THEN !!! AND INFORMATION THEY DIDNT REVEAL !!!! vitalasy is SO FUCKIGN AWESOME. SOOO COOL.
it has gotten so intertwined and complicated and layered i shouldve taken notes because im sure my memory has been warped and whatavar but WOW. RAHHHH. it's not JUST exploits. it's been zam's paranoia and terrain's frog plotline and anguish and medusa and the prison and and and no end and then no end^2 and all the teams and the betrayal and hate and the flowers and dandelions and the sun moon and stars and chaos and destruction and meaning and trust and love and care and and and
i go crazy on a friday evening i dont know i love lifesteal lots and lots
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web-pets · 9 months
HEY i just wanna say im rly curious abt the lore uve got going on w/ yamcha & broly like tell me abt what ur cooking if you don't mind (⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠メ⁠)
after trying to make some sense of it in my brain, here's some stuff! ( of course this isnt fully everything as it only covers like, a fraction of the au in my brain )
☆ multidimensional/star crossed dudes bc that is my favorite trope
☆ yamcha is from universe 7 while i havent decided for broly yet
☆ zbroly exists along with sbroly bc they're technically two different people ( headcanon that two of the same being can exist in the same universe as long as they're not identical )
☆ the kamehameha somehow sent broly to universe 7 instead of the sun ( maybe a tear in the dimension? )
• this left him heavily wounded but he survived out of spite
☆ yamcha finds broly after a group of space poachers try to kill him bc they think they would make a lot of money off of him ( i like to imagine broly still has his tail )
☆ first few meetings after that were interesting to say the least ; broly was still hostile as he wasn't trusting of yamcha yet
☆ yamcha doesn't try to "fix" him or tries to tell him how he should act; he lets broly have his own autonomy and allows him to make decisions for himself
• that being said if broly's actions cause the destruction of innocent lives, then yamcha will step in to protect those who need it
☆ i feel like through this method, broly comes around to actually appreciating life in some way
☆ not a pure hearted individual though, he will try to kill someone if he believes they deserve it
☆ he's a bastard at heart and loves getting on yamcha's nerves
☆ the same can be said for yamcha, he will not hesitate to annoy him
☆ through broly, yamcha regains the passion and drive of fighting for and protecting others as being around him more and more ignites the want for fighting
☆ the two come to care for each other eventually; they have their own ways of expressing it
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squi-she · 1 year
Common Ancestries
I haven't given up on posting my Mimicverse campaign setting stuff yet, there's still a lot more info in my lore folders, and I WILL inflict it upon you all. Enjoy! Oh, and here's a link to the doc itself in case you want to read it there.
Tellith is as vast as Earth, with just as many ancestries and cultures that populate it. This is but a fraction of a fraction of the complexities and finer details of these groups. 
The two most common ancestries are elven and dwarven, and most common folk have some amount of each in their family tree. In most societies, racial identity is secondary to their political or cultural identity. An elf raised in the Irongears will likely feel more kinship with a dwarf from the Irongears than an elf raised in Balta. Nationally speaking, some nations tend to be more traditionally dwarven, others more traditionally elven, with demographics skewing one way or the other. 
Elves usually stand between six and seven feet tall (1.7m-2.1m), with a bit of a margin on either side, though it varies by heritage to a certain degree, with cavern and woodland elves being the shortest. They generally have slender builds with long limbs, narrow features, and long, pointed ears that turn and flick in response to noise. Elves mature slowly and age even slower- they typically reach adulthood at 40, and can live up to 300 years, with some elders reaching as old as 500. 
Fun fact: Elves are often stereotyped as prim, proper, cold, and emotionless, but that's just a matter of appearances. Elven faces simply aren't as flexible and expressive as some of the other ancestries, and they often consciously suppress the only easily-visible signs of emotion they have- their ears. Their ears naturally tend to perk up when they're happy, droop when they're sad, flatten back when angry, flush red when embarrassed, and wiggle or even flap when thrilled or excited. Elves can control their ears consciously, to a certain extent, and in most elven cultures, failing to limit the movement of one's ears is regarded as childish or embarrassing. 
Dwarves usually stand between three and a half and four and a half feet tall (1.1m-1.4m), and typically have broad, sturdy builds, with short legs, wide hips, barrel chests, and broad shoulders. Dwarves reach physical maturity at 25 years, but dwarven culture puts more focus on the social elements of coming of age- young dwarves, regardless of gender, are traditionally not considered "proper" adults until they've completed their school or apprenticeship and started a career.  Dwarven families are usually close-knit- clans live together in large clan halls, sharing living, eating, and often working spaces with their family, well into adulthood. Dwarves often live more than a hundred years, and it's hard to say what their 'maximum' age is- Elder dwarves can remain healthy for a long, long time. Elders are deeply respected and carefully cared for by the entire clan, and while some still-active elders claim to be more than 200 years old, it's likely there's some degree of exaggeration at work.When the clan hall gets too cramped, either the clan expands it, or one or more families branch off and form their own clan. While dwarves are regarded as stoic and rigid by many surface societies, surface dwarves are in fact descended from the radical, rebellious offshoots from a proto-dwarf ancestry native to the underdark- the ones that sought freedom from the stifling order of their society.
Fun Fact: Dwarven culture places a great deal of importance on hair. Long, well-groomed hair is the go-to style for all genders- Those who have more physical professions where long hair might be hazardous tend to favor large, gathered braids, while those with physically non-demanding jobs favor loose hair, or many intricate smaller braids. Beads and decorations, often shiny, metallic, or jeweled, are often used to show clan affiliations and personal preferences. Cutting one's hair or beard short is often a sign of disgrace, exile, or rebellion. Specific braiding patterns and decorations have cultural connotations, and can identify much about a dwarf. The myth that all dwarves grow beards stems from ancient dwarven art- in paintings and murals, figures were typically depicted facing the viewer, and if they didn't have a beard, artists would give them one matching the style of their hair so as to display their braiding style.
Ancestries and bloodlines mix relatively freely on tellith, and the resultant interbreeding often results in children sharing traits of both parents- repeat the process enough times and you end up with those whose heritage is too thoroughly mixed to decipher. These 'humans' are becoming increasingly common in the last century, but are far from being the most common ancestry on tellith. They have no traditional culture of their own, usually living as part of the culture they were born into. By virtue of probability, humans are usually some combination of elf and dwarf blood, but other ancestries are not uncommon. Humans average about five feet (1.5m) tall, but they vary widely, and can be anywhere from four to seven feet (1.2m-2.1m) in height. Humans reach maturity at 20, Depending on the specific heritage of their parents, their lifespan can vary widely, bu. Some religious groups that preach against interbreeding regard humans as the culmination of such sin- they often believe that the races were sculpted by the gods individually, and mixing bloodlines is blasphemous. 
Fun fact: The word 'human' comes from a draconic word that means basically 'humanoid' or 'mortal', and is often used broadly to refer to most common humanoids. In a way it's sort of a shrug- you could say "I'm 3/8ths elf and 1/8th orc from my mother's side, and from my dad's side I'm 1/4th dwarf and 1/4th havlin" or you could say "I'm human". A lot of humans will still gladly give you the full breakdown if asked.
Halflings, or "Havlin", as many prefer, are probably the most common heritage beyond elves and dwarves. Havlin stand about 3 feet tall (.9m). While they often have strong ties to "tallfolk" communities, the physical differences in size can be troublesome, and require a great deal of accomodation, so communities don't often freely mix. Traditionally, havlin communities tend to be either nomadic or agrarian. Havlin nomads used to set up semi-permanent tents when making camp, only moving a handful of times a year, but it's becoming increasingly common for them to live out of wagons, instead. Agrarian havlin communities favor open, hilly terrain, and are usually walled or fenced to keep the larger predators away from their homes and livestock. Havlin reach maturity at 15, but very few live to see 100.
Fun fact: Both agrarian and nomad havlin communities make extensive use of a domesticated animal known as a brixa- a relative of goats and sheep, brixas are phenomenally versatile and hardy livestock that stand about. Brixas can can be farmed for wool, milk, or meat, and with the right breeding and the right kind of training and care, they can serve as a companion, a watchdog, a pack animal, or even a mount! The only drawback is their appetite. They're primarily herbivores, and they prefer leaves, but brixas can, and will, eat just about anything if given the chance, and it's said that a brixa is never full. They're known to dig holes while looking for roots and tubers, eat fabric, break into unguarded fields to devour the crops, and even kill and eat small animals if the opportunity presents itself. More than one havlin has had the horrible moment of discovering their brixa's face covered to the horns in blood after munching on some unfortunate beast that got too close. They are also known to enjoy chewing on bones, which can help keep them occupied enough not to cause mayhem in the search for more food. 
Traditionally speaking, goblin and non-goblin societies have had something of an antagonistic relationship. Goblins tend to be nomadic, living in clan or tribal groups out in the wilderness, or at the fringes of 'civilization'. Their traditional way of life has become harder and harder as cities and towns tear up forests for farmland and expand further and further out, leaving fewer and fewer wild places for the goblins. This, of course, has led to a great deal of conflict, and the goblins have not fared well in such battles, lacking the centralized organization of humans. Many have resorted to banditry to survive, which only causes further friction. Those goblins that give up and try to join 'civilization' find that it has a very different set of social norms and customs, and often struggle to integrate themselves while overcoming their people's reputation as primitives or criminals. Physically, goblins stand about two to three feet tall (.6m- .9m), they reach maturity at 12, and rarely live more than 60 years. The goblin language and social structure is remarkably complex, contrary to popular belief. There's a great deal of words and grammatical rules regarding the relative status and distinct roles of the speakers, which causes a great deal of confusion when learning other languages.
Fun Fact: Hobgoblins are not a natural subspecies of goblin, they were originally created by mages seeking to produce a cheap, disposable fighting force. On the isle now known as Mor'Daka, opposing magocracies raised vast hobgoblin armies and pit them against each other for almost a hundred years (a war that would later come to be known as "The War of Cousins", which apparently sounds more profound in goblin)- the conflict only ended when the hobgoblins realized they outnumbered the mages a thousand-to-one, joined together, and rose up against their former masters, taking over the isles. Since then, magic use on Mor'Daka has been heavily regulated, causing a boom in alchemical and mechanical innovations.
While there are still orcish nations on Unzu and Rei-zhe, on Doro, the last traditionally orcish nations were conquered many centuries ago. Modern orcs are often the descendants of those orcs who fled or were taken as slaves during these conflicts. By the time slavery was officially abolished across Doro, most orcs were many generations removed from their original heritage, having no history or culture to call their own. Seeing no alternative, most orcs simply assimilated into society wherever they found themselves, often working as laborers or soldiers. However, some orcs seek to rediscover and reclaim their former culture, learning orcish traditions from old relics and teaching their children the language, embracing traditional orc values- with mixed degrees of success. Orcs reach maturity at 15, and average around seven feet tall (2.1m). 
Fun fact: Orcs don't stop growing once they reach adulthood, they simply grow more slowly. This is thought to be tied to orc's remarkable resilience and natural healing, allowing them to survive and recover from even grievous injuries. Upon first reaching maturity, most orcs are typically around six feet tall (1.8m), but can grow up to almost an inch(2.5cm) a year thereafter, with some fluctuation based on diet, activity, and injuries. Orcs don't experience aging normally- their natural regeneration keeps their cells from growing "old", but as the body grows larger it puts greater and greater strain on them, causing symptoms similar to old age in other humans. The strain eventually becomes too much, usually once the orc has grown to between eight and nine feet in height (2.4m-2.8m). An orc that is regularly hungry or injured will grow slower than a well fed orc living a peaceful life; the peaceful orc may only survive to fifty or sixty, while the other may be able to live to a hundred, with some luck. Humans with strong orcish bloodlines enjoy the best of both worlds- while half-orcs do age, they do so significantly slower than their non-orcish family, and simultaneously while they may continue to grow past adulthood, it doesn't happen nearly as quickly as with full orcs- half-orcs regularly live past 200, and legends speak of an immortal half-elf half-orc martial artist who has been honing their combat skills for a thousand years or more.
In terms of sheer numbers, gnomes are the least populous of the 'common' ancestries, but they are very widely spread and well-integrated into various communities. Though most commonly found living among havlin and dwarves, there are few major cities in Doro that don't have at least some small gnometown region. While these places are generally friendly and welcoming, and often known for their art and music, most humans find gnomes a bit difficult to keep up with- they tend to visit these districts, or move in for a short time, but rarely settle permanently. Gnomes themselves rarely stay permanently, for that matter- there's a lot of movement between gnome communities, and many wandering gnomes find it reassuring to know that, wherever they end up, they can find a gnometown there. Gnomes average about three feet in height (90cm) but they vary widely, and can be anywhere from two to four feet (60cm-1.2m) tall. Gnomes reach adulthood at 20, and can theoretically live forever, as long as they can stave off the bleaching- in practice, it's somewhere around 200 years. 
Fun Fact: Gnomes are driven by particularly powerful, albeit flexible, intentions, which suffuses their body and soul. A such, unless the body is destroyed, dead gnomes will almost always spontaneously rise as mindless undead. While not always hostile, they tend to move to continue what the gnome's soul was trying to do at the time- however, as mindless creatures, they are incapable of any sort of complex task, and can easily be contained by doors. The exception to this are gnomes that died by succumbing to the bleaching- their corpses are inert of the intent usually used to animate an undead creature, trying to make a zombie out of a bleachling corpse simply doesn't work, in the same way it wouldn't work if you tried to make a zombie out of a lump of dirt.
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