#this is literally canon and i don't accept constructive criticism
slaviccryptid · 4 months
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cristinfox · 9 months
Things I think about Tsukinami that make sense in my head
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Man, I've had Tumblr for about a year and I've only just come to write something here. I'm even surprised at my ability to forget such a great app. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Well, here are some opinions about the Tsukinami brothers, I hope someone has the same perception as mine, or whatever, just understands what I mean. Remembering that these are just opinions and ideas taken from somewhere in my head, that have no real relationship with someone's life. Some canons and headcanon too.
❖First of all, I think it's crazy that people who say that Tsukinami would be “liberal” guys. Like, I don't know, they would let their partner do whatever they wanted after some time together where they had more trust, or something like that. Dude, honestly, in MY OPINION, they wouldn't do that. On the contrary, in my view they are extremely toxic and invasive, your partner would barely have freedom, or personal space, just the bare minimum.
❖Another thing I find strange is the fact that some people say that Carla would never go to extreme lengths to restore her own bloodline. Like, there are people who doubt that he would be capable of sexually violating his partner to get what he wants and, bro, I'm sorry to say, but he would. In the game itself you can understand that this supposedly happened to the protagonist, so I can't believe he would respect his partner's time to, I don't know, have sex and his partner conceive.
❖I also see Carla as someone very desperate to have children, so I can't see him as a 100% gentleman, in my head you either accept having sex with him willingly or fuck off.
❖Another character who would be like this would be Shin and I believe it would be even worse, because the guy is a sadist to the extreme. Like, he wouldn't respect his s/o, much less listen to what his s/o has to say, on the contrary, he would literally treat his s/o as someone who simply exists to satisfy him and meet his needs.
❖Another thing that I don't want to believe is that Shin, in my theory, is very similar to his father and also a great playboy daddy's boy, consequently I think he took several toxic traits from Giesbach, so yes, I I think he would actually cheat on his s/o. I'm not saying it would be a betrayal in a sexual way, but I imagine him a lot flirting and hitting on other women, even kissing or going out with them, letting her touch his body and vice versa, but not going to the extreme. Just to show your s/o that you're not the only one. Simply because he is a brat.
❖The Tsukinami for me are very complex characters, partly due to the countless traumas they had in childhood and also because of their strange principles, such as the fact that I faithfully believe that they are somewhat "sexist" and for that reason they see women as inferior and naturally submissive to their male supremacy. So man, as much as I like the brothers I can't ignore these ideas that may or may not be true.
Well, these are some of my opinions that may or may not make sense. Remembering that these are MY OPINIONS and that you should not base them on the anime/manga/game. If you have anything you would like to comment on, feel free, I accept CONSTRUCTIVE criticism! (Sorry if there are some errors, my main language is not English.)
I hope you liked it, see you later!
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masterqwertster · 9 months
Been thinking about it, so:
Bells Hells C1 Class Swap AU and the Spark of Rau'shan
The fun of AUs is at times taking the paths canon didn't...
Also this is really long so I put it under the cut.
So! Bells Hells still makes the trip through the Shattered Teeth, meets Evontra'vir, gets sent after the Spark, successfully retrieves it, goes back to Whitestone for the Quintessence Array.
Things go a little different in that when talking dunamancy with Allura, she does recognize the Echo Knight powers as such, though obviously different since Ashton's come in different forms. And still takes a look at the half-beacon brain and titan shard.
The big change though, comes later that night, when Fearne brings the group together to declare that she can't take the Spark, despite everyone else pushing for her to do it.
See, Fearne's power, her fire, comes from the Moonweaver in this AU, a Prime Deity who stood against the Primordial Titans, helping destroy and seal them. When Fearne held the Spark, she could feel Rau'shan's dislike for the gods, for those who serve them. So she knows the Spark won't accept her as its vessel.
Fearne also points out that this disqualifies Orym for the Spark as well, seeing as the little paladin is also devoted to a goddess.
Ashton volunteers themself in the ensuing silence of realization and states an unwillingness to back down unless someone else truly wants to have their life changed like that. No volunteering someone else for it anymore. He also points out that someone has to take it, otherwise Ludinus Da'leth is going to send someone to collect it for him, and that would be really fucking bad.
Imogen, as the first person to volunteer Fearne, thinking she had the perfect solution to bestowing the Spark, looks around to everyone else, hoping someone will step up and stop Ashton's bad idea.
No dice.
Chetney thinks Fire Titan powers would be cool as shit... but doesn't want to be constantly risking burning his carving projects to ash. ...And secretly worries that his limited time left among the living would leave the group in lurch on such an amazing (and likely necessary) power. If trying to take it doesn't make his old ticker give out.
Laudna won't take it on the grounds that she's kind of a mushroom colony and fire would burn her out. She doesn't want to burn, to die (again). (Yes, Delilah would still like it. Especially as All Minds Burn's influence is pushing her out and breaking her tether)
Laudna's rejection helps Imogen not want the Spark. She doesn't want things that will hurt Laudna or put distance between them. (Even if Imogen is starting to long for a power she doesn't have to worry about disappearing if they stop all this Moon Bullshit)
And while FCG is willing to try, they don't actually want it. ...And he has some concerns about his constructed nature meaning that trying to add a great power like the Spark to him without making adjustments to his built-in parameters might just overload his power-core and explode him. Or cause a critical (literal) meltdown.
So by default and desire, it's agreed that Ashton gets the Spark.
Now, because they have lots of warnings that this could kill Ashton and yet they're trying it anyways, things become a planning session for "What can we do to give Ashton the best odds of surviving this?"
Which is actually quite a bit given their party composition, as:
Paladin (Level 8 or less) Orym has:
Bless: 1st Level. 1 minute Concentration. Component of A Sprinkling of Holy Water. +1d4 to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws. I would guess they didn't try this in canon since Ashton's Probability Matrix didn't help and is basically the same thing. Though whether that failure was because it was Ashton's thing or just no boosts to Saving Throws in general… only Matt knows. Also, the Component being holy water... it might evaporate and negate the spell depending on if the holy water needs to touch the targets rather than be in the caster's hands
Cure Wounds: 1st Level. Restore 1d8+Your Spellcasting Modifier HP, +1d8 per level cast above 1st. Raw healing with the drawback of burning the caster
Heroism: 1st Level. 1 minute Concentration. At the start of its turn, the target gains Temporary HP equal to your Spellcasting Modifier. Kind of functions like Fearne's canon Aura of Life in that it would bounce Ashton up with each turn, though with Temp HP instead of the real deal. But that does provide time for real healing
Warding Bond: 2nd Level. Components of 2 Platinum Rings worth 50 gp each that must be worn by you and the target for the duration. +1 to AC and Saving Throws, and Resistance to all Damage. Drawback of taking equal damage yourself when the target does. Lasts for 1 hour, until you drop, or you and the target are separated by more than 60 feet. Or the spell is cast again on you or the target, or voluntarily ended by you as an Action. This could definitely help keep Ashton up, though there is a risk of Orym going down as well. And the Platinum Ring Components get tricky if the wrong arm/hand crumbles off of Ashton
Lay on Hands: Paladin healing pool of 5×Your Paladin Level HP that can be parceled out via touch with an Action. This can be used to either help keep Orym up for Warding Bond or just on Ashton in general. Though best not combined with Heroism or Bless since they're touch-based and touch burns, forcing a Concentration Check
Cleric (Level 11) Fearne has:
Aura of Life: 4th level. 10 minutes Concentration. Any ally in 30 foot radius regains 1 HP at the start of their turn if they are at 0. Fearne's canon MVP for keeping Ashton up
Aura of Vitality: 3rd Level. 1 minute Concentration. Restore 2d6 HP to one creature in a 30 foot radius of you with a Bonus Action. FCG's canon MVP for pumping extra health into Ashton. Also, since it's a Bonus Action to pump healing with this, it leaves room for a Spell Action to do even more healing
Beacon of Hope: 3rd Level. 1 minute Concentration. Affected creatures regain max HP possible from healing. Runs support for everyone else healing if Heroism is used to cover the role of Aura of Life
Bless: Possible boost to Saving Throws
Cure Wounds: Raw healing with the drawback of burning the caster
Death Ward: 4th Level. Drop to 1 HP instead of 0 from Damage the first time. Negates instant death effects that don't deal Damage. One Get Out of Jail Free card, though less useful with an Up Every Turn spell going on
Heal: 6th Level. Restore 70 HP. Good for one big burst of healing.
Healing Word: 1st Level. Bonus Action. Restore 1d4+Your Spellcasting Modifier HP, +1d4 per level cast above 1st. Raw healing without touch, so no threat to maintaining Concentration while throwing on more healing, but doesn't jive with Aura of Vitality Bonus Action healing
Druid (Level 11) Laudna has:
Aura of Vitality: Bonus Action for decent healing as long as Concentration is maintained
Cure Wounds: Raw healing with the drawback of burning the caster
Goodberry?: 1st Level. Component of A Sprig of Mistletoe. Produces 10 berries, eating one restores 1 HP and enough nourishment for 1 day. I think the berry would burn like the potion did, but it is potential to pop Ashton back up.
Heal: Good for one big burst of healing
Healing Word: Raw healing without touch, so no threat to Concentration, but is also a Bonus Action vs Aura of Vitality
Ranger (Level 8 or less) Imogen has:
Cure Wounds: Raw healing with the drawback of burning the caster
Goodberry?: potential to restore 1 HP in a pinch
Bard (Level 7 or 8)/Artificer (Level 3 or 4) FCG has:
Cure Wounds: Raw healing with the drawback of burning the caster
Healing Word: Raw healing without touch
Heroism: Temporary HP to bounce Ashton up every round
Boldness Elixir?: Alchemist Artificer's get Experimental Elixir, which allows for the random creation of one of six mini-potions. Boldness works like Bless, plus 1d4 to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for 1 minute. Best to take that before they start absorbing the Spark, otherwise evaporation. If it works at all
Honestly, the only ones who can't contribute any healing or help? Ashton and Chetney (which also says something about the healing game of Vox Machina. It's likely part of how they managed so well without their cleric Pike most of the time). So really, having Ashton or Chetney take the Spark gives them the best odds for keeping the absorber up.
Bells Hells meets with Percy and Allura the next day and declare their intent for the insane and a need to delay the Moon Scouting Mission for another day. So hey, you've got more prep time for these awesome plans you've come up with!
It's stupid and crazy... and the only option they've really got at this time, unfortunately. And well... Percy and Allura have seen crazy and stupid work, so might as well let them try. While hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.
Percy takes them all down to the Ziggurat as both a place of power to help the ritual and somewhere mostly isolated to keep the damage away from his people and city. Allura throws up the Magic Shield Bubble.
Bells Hells readies their spells, throws down what they can beforehand, and get Ashton hooked up in the Quintessence Array (in their skivvies to spare what's left of their clothes after the lava bath).
The ritual begins, with Ashton expanding and breaking and burning like canon.
Except when they fail a Save and explode, Ashton tries to Echo out of the explosion. Though instead of creating a single Echo to uselessly swap places with, Ashton accidentally splits themself into three bodies, three vessels, for the powers he contains:
A burning efreeti-like fire genasi Ashton, Vessel of the Spark of Rau'shan. Basically what Ashton would be like if he were still soft with canon!Fearne's Demi-titan style and a general fire genasi aesthetic layered over it.
A hulking, more Elemental earth genasi Ashton, Vessel of the Shard of Ka'Mort. Ashton's canon Demi-titan Form. Maybe a little bigger and more jagged. Also, the glass in their head is dark, no firework lights, though still an opal brain under there.
And a galaxy-winged aasimar Ashton, Vessel of Dunamancy. Basically what Ashton would have been without the Shard of Ka'Mort but still influenced by his half-beacon brain. Also, the gold scars and glass are still there, which looks odd on "human" flesh, but does help Bells Hells know that these are all Ashton.
The three Ashton Vessels are also connected by tethers of power, similar in appearance to a Twinned Witch Bolt, though with dunamantic flavoring as the Dunamancy Ashton is putting them out to the Titan Twins.
It is not, however, a Witch Bolt, but rather Ashton's will keeping the two Titan Fragments from running wild and attacking and/or exploding while also trying to draw them all back together into one being. But the Fragments have a bit of will of their own that latched on to similar sentiments in Ashton and are resisting him. Duna-Ashton is holding the Titan Vessels still for now, but that's not going to last and they still have to finish the absorption process/ritual.
So Bells Hells (who loaded up healing and support spells) has to protect Duna-Ashton from the Titan Vessels for the remainder of the minute (might be most of the minute, might be only a few Rounds) or the Titan Vessels will break free and try to escape the Magic Shield Bubble to go out into the world to instigate the Elemental Chaos that the titans ruled over before. Keeping Duna-Ashton up isn't easy as the Titan Vessels are pretty strong and HP heavy while Duna-Ashton does sort of try to fight and protect Bells Hells too while not being super buff. On the plus side, there's no range on the Will Tethers and there's a chance each Round that Duna-Ashton can Stun one or both of the Titan Vessels (I'm thinking WIS Save for the Vessels or Contested WIS Checks, Disadvantage for the Titan Vessel if Duna-Ashton is focused on only stilling one of them instead of both).
Eventually the absorption ritual ends and out of an immense cloud of steam emerges Ashton's new volcano Demi-titan Form (no rejection this time as there's no one else to really take it anyways). Basically his canon Demi-titan Form except that the jade is darkened and the amethyst turned to citrine as pointed out could happen with all that heat in this cool post, with lava fissures across them and the gold glowing hot. Also maybe bump the height up another foot or two for the colossus of two Titan Fragments.
Nobody can believe that fucking worked. What the hell have they just helped bring into existence?
Anyways, once Allura is reassured that Ashton isn't about to explode again to much more disastrous effect, she brings the Magic Shield Bubble down so Ashton and Bells Hells can go experiment with his new form a bit on the backside of the Ziggurat. (Ashton thinks they could have forced their way out of the bubble if they had to, but that would have been bad and dangerous) Mostly it's playing with Earth Glide and a few really basic fire spells as taught by Professor Fearne Calloway with assistance from TA Laudna. Ashton even pops off an Echo of his new form, which is just as capable of moving through earth as him (he doesn't mention bringing out the Echo felt like he might split into pieces again. He's sure that'll go away with time, right?).
Eventually, the Demi-titan Form ends, reverting Ashton back to his normal form, including coloring, with volcanic replacements for anything that broke off with still glowing lava veins and maybe a few random citrine crystals among the amethyst of their hair, or a citrine streak or undercut could be cool too. And hot sunny day beating down on a rock heat from his skin.`
Exhausted but generally satisfied with the outcome, Bells Hells totters off for bed.
But that night, either the Moonweaver or Nana Morri contacts Fearne and beckons her to return to Ligament Manor to receive the power of her heritage, just as her friend has.
So Fearne brings it up the next morning, setting off a debate of More Power vs Do the Mission. Which ends in her favor because Nana Morri can fuck with time so they don't loose any and might actually gain some (104 years from Fearne's perspective vs 6 years from her parents' perspective. Fearne is 112, Ollie thought she was 14 when reunited, 14-6=8 years with her parents, 112-8= 104 years with Nana), Laudna would like more time to get into her All Minds Burn shit, and Ashton fesses up about their Echo ability feeling unstable while hoping a bit more time will let everything settle right. Also, it's a training opportunity in general. Time to heal, time to focus, time to ponder and think. A moment to fucking breathe that they haven't really had since Bassuras the first time around.
Allura agrees to cart them to and from the Fey Realm (and gather information on an Archfey for the Arcana Pansophical on the side) given time shouldn't be an issue of more than one more day's worth of delay (which isn't great, but hopefully shouldn't be catastrophic).
They arrive, Morri agrees to make the Manor their training/general retreat, and sends Fearne on her way to talk with Birdie.
So hey, Fearne's got the blood of a minor archfey/fey lord in her veins. Plus she was raised by an Archfey. That has to count for something, right? I'm thinking either Fearne gets some fey or Bearer of the Lightless Flame('s kid) type of personal upgrade, or Birdie stole something powerful from Zathuda (besides the Moontide Crown that Ira still has) or Morri has a weapon/tool that Fearne is now ready for that requires some fraction of inherited power/ability from one like Zathuda.
(Honestly, I would have loved for Fearne to get cool fey stuff for her upgrades, really explore that background, and let Ashton keep all the titan stuff that fits into their background in canon. So I'm doing it here)
Nana helps Orym set up some cool (likely quite dangerous because it's Nana Morri) training stuff for Bells Hells. Probably with a focus on stealth and teamwork given the mission ahead of them where they will be sneaking and relying on each other more than ever.
Chetney makes his deal with Morri.
Ashton's shit does settle down in the couple of days Bells Hells takes there (it's only a few hours in Exandria since 104:6=17.3:1). Though there's probably some close calls at first, maybe even an Ashton Vessels rematch. His Echo patterns are slightly different now. There's (Perfect Copy) Volcano Genasi with Swords, (Mirrored Damage) Earth Genasi with Hammer, (No Damage) Fire Genasi with Pistols, and (Same Damage) Hishari Aasimar with Spear/Glaive. And the Demi-titan Form Echoes are Volcano Titan, Earth Titan, Fire Titan, and Lava Titan. Difference between Volcano and Lava is: Volcano is solid rock with lava veins, Lava is all liquid rock and goopy.
Laudna... might have trouble with connecting to All Minds Burn? Cross-dimensional communication can be tricky at the best of times. But if cut off from the hive, she does get to work on cultivating the psychic abilities it grants without a thousand other voices in her head by using her own strain of it.
Not entirely sure if Orym makes his deal here. Paladin is definitely less Just a Guy than Fighter, even if some of his levels are also in Inquisitive Rogue. On the other hand: Baby Dunamantic Volcano Titan, Baby Archfey of Fire, Exaltant Ruidusborn, Undead Member of a Psychic Fungal Hivemind, Old Man Werewolf, and Ancient Murderbot vs Halfling with a Little Faith Magic (Mostly Smite). Though I will say: Insightful Fighting's Sneak Attack without Advantage+Smite would absolutely wreck house. Sneak Attack+Smite on a Crit? Devastating.
So I think any further decision on Orym's deal is going to have to wait until we see what Orym actually got from his canon deal: spells/abilities(warlock level?) or a free Call Nana card (or like, a general immortality for the group).
And of course, there's room for inter-party drama during their break/training montage.
Then it's back to Exandria for the Moon Scouting Mission!
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butchsophiewalten · 11 months
Firstly, thank you so much for your constructive response. Replying to your post about Jenny&Jack's name problem.
1. I have no idea what makes you think that I blame Jenny for her inconsistent actions. I'm just trying to justify a point that seems illogical to me, and I'm turning to you bc your analyzes are really reasonable and I'd like to know your opinion.
2. I'm not saying its a plot hole and I'm not saying it's a HUGE one. It doesn't take detective deduction skills to ask my question, and I thought about it within the first 15 minutes of reading the /sophiewalten page. I understand and accept that there are conventions in a horror series, but this thing isn't that hard to rationalize, so why not do it? Feels like 'this too shall pass' energy.
3. In order to connect the '74th summer missing people, Jenny only needs to know Sophie’s surname and... Okay, it's a pretty absurd explanation, like not knowing your girlfriend's surname? whom you've living together for at least a year? I didn't even think about it. Sophie hides it? Sophie doesn’t know her own surname and lives with a different last name? Jenny just doesn't bother to find out such obvious information? It seems like a topic for another discussion.
4. The examples I gave in the original post are not literal, but are evidence of how much resonance the Walten family's case had among the Brighton society. I didn't mean that everyone there listens to the same radio station, reads the same newspaper and watches the same news channel for a 7,000 people town. I meant that Jack and others weren't some kind of no-names, unlike ordinary BSI workers, about whom Jenny for some reason knows and even saw&remembered their missing posters (she calls Ashley 'very pretty'. So the some random girl image from four years ago remains in her memory, but the fairly famous businessman name doesn't?).
I'll admit I realized shortly after I answered that ask that it was directed less specifically towards you, and moreso broadly directed at the gist of your complaint as well as a bunch of other similar complaints I've seen that I hadn't given myself the opportunity to talk about before. Which isn't particularly fair to you, so I'll stay more specific to your particular criticism this time.
I'm sort of confused by this. I'm trying to imagine what you think a better version of the /sophiewalten scene would be. You're saying you'd like it more if when Sophie didn't remember her father's name, Jenny filled her in on it being "Jack Walten", which is a name she remembers as a locally famous person from her childhood/early adulthood who disappeared. Which is.. fine? But that ultimately relies on rewriting Jenny to have information which she is clearly not supposed to have canonically. Information which (in my opinion, anyway), could spoil some of the most interesting opportunities for storytelling that The Walten Files has. I think it's actually really important, narratively, that Jenny has as little information as possible regarding Sophie's family, so that Sophie can seek that information out for herself and obtain it by actually interacting with the story, instead of just being told by another character. So, let's assume that's not what you mean, and what you're actually saying is that when Sophie brought up not remembering the name of her father, Jenny, in response, should have given some sort of excuse as to why she doesn't remember his name either. The name of her girlfriend's father which she isn't aware has anything to do with Bunny Smiles-related info that she may or may not have. I don't think I need to explain why that would feel really weird and unnatural, actually. I think it would bog down the scene very unnecessarily and take away from one of The Walten Files' only examples (so far) of interesting, character-focused exposition. The thing I'm additionally implying here is I think the knowledge Sophie has of how her missing family relates to BSI exactly is incredibly limited, and I don't think she's given any information about that connection to Jenny so far, because we have yet to see her do so. All Jenny knows is that her girlfriend's family disappeared. She doesn't know it actually has anything to do with Bunny Smiles, and even assuming she *does* remember that major missing person's case from her childhood, she isn't supposed to have made/remembered the connection between those disappeared people and the modern BSI, much less between both of those things and her girlfriend. If we were to get a textual explanation from the series as to why exactly she hasn't made these connections that would be fine, great even! But I think it would actually be really bad if that explanation occurred in /sophiewalten specifically. I think it would really weaken that scene. You have to remember we're literally only 1/4 of the way through the series right now, it has plenty of time to patch up little holes like this if it decides to do so. (That said, I really don't even think this explanation absolutely needs to happen? I'm sure it would settle people with opinions like yours, and that's all well and good. But, like how you say you were asking that question within the first 15 minutes of reading /sophiewalten, I very much wasn't. I'm struggling to articulate what exactly I'm trying to get across here, except that I was and am willing to suspend my disbelief far enough to just accept that Jenny doesn't have any more information here than Sophie does without additional explanation, because I think anything otherwise would have made what is legitimately a very good scene between those two characters a lot worse.)
I think I accidentally effectively addressed your other two points already. They are addressing a point which I personally think is fundamentally moot. I do not think there needs to be any explaining of whether or not Jenny knows Sophie's surname or why there's a line subtly implying Jenny's lesbianism instead of explaining why she doesn't remember the children's restaurant entrepreneur who was on the cover of Livingston Today Magazine eight and a half years ago
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ehlnofay · 2 years
literally just stop a tes fan lmao...there are other fantasy games out there, or like. literally just make your own world, it's really easy if you hate the games so much (I say this as an ex-tes fan)
HA. this is the first time I've gotten an ask like this... I feel Important. thanks lmao
as a serious answer - less for whoever asked this and more for anyone else who doesn't understand the way I interact with the media but whose lack of understanding is actually in good faith - if I hated the games and everything about them, I wouldn't have continued to play them, much less made a blog about them and dedicated so much of my creative energy to fan content. We both know that I don't view this franchise as in all ways awful and irredeemable; we both know that there are things about it I like. I would not be here if there weren't.
However - and again, I dearly hope that we both know this - deriving enjoyment from a piece of media does not make it flawless. This is the case for everything, from the works of Shakespeare or Austen to the D&D web show I've watched religiously since I was fourteen. Consuming media critically - learning to recognise the flaws of something you enjoy and accept that those flaws and your enjoyment can coexist - rather than simply receiving its messages unquestioningly and refusing to consider nuance is so crucial, especially when fictional media is so central to how people interact with one another.
There is a lot I dislike about TES. Its handling of sensitive topics is often hamfisted at best and feeding heavily into dangerous narratives at worst, and refusing to acknowledge that would be irresponsible and cowardly. But at the same time, I derive a lot of joy from this world, its stories and lore, and most especially the pockets of genuinely lovely communities that have sprung up around it. I've met some very cool people through being active in this fandom space. I've seen some absolutely incredible ideas and fan creations working to refute the bigoted undertones (or just blatant overtones, as the case may be) in canon. I've written pieces that aimed to provide a counter-narrative to the harmful ones presented by the games' reductive portrayals and been told that they really touched people (which was so deeply heartening to hear). It isn't that I believe my amusement is more important than the bigotry its source upholds and perpetuates, but that I believe that by acknowledging that bigotry and working constructively and in tandem with the beautiful fan community to rectify it in our own space, maybe I can produce more caring, sensitive narratives and offset the harm a little bit.
(Also, I don't know you and I can play video games however the fuck I want.)
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
what was that anon talking abt about how eruri shippers are white supremacists or the ship is tied into white supremacy? I dont like the ship either but I've never seen that (im not saying it doesnt exist or that I dont believe them at all, I'm just curious). Can you please elaborate if you know what they were referring to? /genq
On a different subject- just some constructive criticism, your response to that anon left a really bad taste in my mouth because you made your dislike of a random ship about how the Evil Gays are trying to "advance their agenda" through gay shipping...I get what youre trying to say but that is a REALLY loaded phrase in relation to gay issues, as were several other phrases you used, for example, saying gay shippers are delusional, biased, and self centered for projecting their sexualities onto characters. I also hate when ppl misunderstand characters canon relationships and try to pretend their fanon ships are supported by canon. I also hate eruri bc personally I just do not like the ship. But blaming gay people for it is more than a little fucked up lol like you could just say you hate eruri without dragging all gay people into it and making this statement about how the gays are evil for experiencing fandom in a way that you dont like. ESPECIALLY since straight people never have to worry about representation, while a lot of queer ppl "project" their sexualities onto canon characters due to a LACK of that representation. I'm sorry but someone saying "I think Levi is gay" LITERALLY does not hurt you at all, while it might be extremely validating and beneficial to somebody else. If you want to make posts critically analyzing AoT and discussing aspects of the fandom you don't like, you also have to analyze your own biases and how they might affect your posting.
I don't know what they're referring to, as I said. I've never seen any "white supremacy" in the eruri fandom. People love to throw that term around. They love to see racism everywhere.
Look, I'm going to get blunt here, because this is basically the second time in as many weeks that I've been criticized for using general language when referring to a general group, and accused of targeting a specific group. That's an assumption on your part because you're looking to be offended.
When I say "they" and "them", I'm talking about shippers IN GENERAL. ANY SHIP. Not just "gay" shippers or "gay" ships. And I'm not talking about shippers as a whole, but the ones who attack others for not accepting their ship as canon. And when I say people are projecting themselves onto these characters, again, I'm referring to people in general who do this. Whether that's their sexual orientation, or gender identity, or whatever. People project all the time, and then want to force their view of these characters, super-imposed with their own, personal traits, down everyone else' throats. I'm talking specifically about the group of fans who attack everyone and anyone who doesn't accept their headcanon version of these characters as canon. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You do.
I never blamed gay people for anything, ffs. I never said gay people are "evil". What's "fucked up" is you putting words in my mouth that I never said and then accusing me of being homophobic based on these made up words. I never said people calling Levi gay is hurting me, either. I said focusing on his sexuality and making his sexuality the most essential aspect of his person when discussing his character is distracting and potentially leads to bad interpretation because it literally has no bearing ON his character. His sexual orientation is irrelevant to who he is. People who make their entire identity about who they want to have sex with or who they're attracted to will often project that onto fictional characters, and then get mad at anyone who doesn't do the same. You're doing it right now. And when said characters sexuality has nothing to do with who they are as a character, doing this is harmful to ones ability TO UNDERSTAND said character.
I'm not biased toward gay people. Again, that's all you making assumptions because you want to be offended.
And I don't hate eruri. How hard is it for you to read? I've stated multiple times, in multiple different ways, that I've both written and read countless eruri fics. Some of my favorite AoT fics are eruri and it's the ship I primarily engage with when reading AoT fic. But I guess you just missed that little detail. Convenient for you, since it doesn't support your desire to see me as some homophobic bigot who's insensitive to the gays.
But whatever, I guess.
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chaos-has-theories · 6 months
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
HI BESTIE. Sorry that there r 1000 of these unfortunately I love asking questions and such. Also for some reason when I went to copy the questions individually on my phone it copied the whole post?? So I had to go in and manually delete all the ones I didn't want. Sad. AND THEN. When I pasted it in it registered them all as different paragraphs so I can't select multiple in a row to delete them. Hell on earth
Well, posting it; don't worry, I love answering questions, but I will be splitting this up into two posts.
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Ok assuming 10 is "I genuinely like it better than writing and am looking forward to it the entire time" and 1 is "hates it hates it I refuse to edit if I can get away with it" I'd say.... maybe 7? I find the process super interesting (and I should hope so, since I'm eyeballing it as a real-person adult job) but it does feel more like work than the first draft flow state. I'm more likely to push it off, which might be in part because I don't have as much experience with it yet.
That said, I got an editing homework last week and just did it IMMEDIATELY because I thought it was so interesting. So.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
*very deep breath* Mantra: just because today sucks doesn't mean that everything sucks!!! (Note: this was written like a day after you sent the ask. Today doesn't actually suck, it's just a little exhausting.)
1. I love that I've been more confident in actually sharing my writing. It feels like the moment you make it far enough up the mountain to enjoy the view. I hope you know you played a solid part in getting me that far.
2.I've recently started doing Things again or more that I've been neglecting these past few years. Meeting up with friends one-on-one, reading books, taking classes - I'm in a swordfighting class now, something I've been meaning to do for a literal decade. I'm proud of myself for finally biting that bullet.
3. I got candy :D
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I think it was probably the combination "do beetles have blood" "what happens if you electrocute a beetle" "how many volts are in an overhead electric line" "how many volts are needed to kill an elephant"
It was a story about dragons.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Stolen right here on tumblr, written on my wall and my diary and the advice bot on my discord server, and passed on to my friends until they were surprised to learn I didn't come up with it. Thank you, that one tumblr user's teacher.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Aiyo, I've got a couple where I feel like I might not be the right person to do it.
I started writing "no place like home" anyway (trauma, trauma, and raising children with hopefully less of it). I have accepted that noone else will ever write my introspective canon-compliant TwiYor fic on the topic of sex work. I wouldn't actually want to let anyone write my modern Little Princess AU, even though I'll definitely need references if I decide to make her half-Indian on her mother's side. And there's so much more I wanna do with the Timetravel AU.
But - I LOVE my friends' writing, I love to read it and cheer it and go wild over it; but with my dream themes, I either accept that I'm my best option, or I don't know who is.
Maybe I just need to make even more writer friends.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ok like. Any. Then any that would want to talk about the silly little lore bits I like to sprinkle in. And then anything that implies that my writing is good enpugh to go deranged over it. I'm positively hooked on those.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
Phew. Um.... I KNOW I overuse commas, and sometimes I don't even use them correctly. I THINK there might be a few too many adverbs, too. And sometimes I get too absorbed in the thinky bits and forget that things are supposed to happen.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Sometimes I just DO NOT vibe with the tenses. Either they're inconsistent, or it uses present tense when for some reason when for some reason my brain insists it should be past tense. Either way - and they're other reason for this to happen, but not as often - if I'm on the first paragraph and find myself doing more mental editing than actual reading, I usually head back out.
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soulrph · 2 years
For OCs, like when is is mandatory to like everyones OC? Some people have very stupid character backgrounds or it's literally just themself in cartoon form. The worst being a child of their favorite ship. I mean all to them for doing what makes them happy, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. Not everyone is creative or talented to make a good OC. Its like the saying: everyone can make art but not everyone can be an artist. Anyone can create a character, but not all of them are going to be good. Suck it up, don't get offended when you get criticism and keep practicing. Whether you asked for criticism or not is irrelevant, if you put something you made out for the public to see that's what you're going to get. If you don't like it go hide in a hole.
nonnie, i was going to delete this, but i want to give the same level of respect to anyone who enters my inbox, so here we go. further messages of this sort will be deleted, though, because nobody has time for this, and i'd hate to waste any nonnie's time.
you can substitute the word "OC" for "canon character" throughout that entire rant you just placed in my inbox. i know this isn't intentional. i also know that's what makes it funnier still.
nobody is actually demanding that you like all oc's, though. in fact, if i recall correctly, the message conveyed is that OCs and canons are actually one and the same in terms of structure and delivery. the beauty of your response is not only that you failed to read the message, but also that you somehow designed an entirely false narrative to be angry about. it's like when you're constructing an argument in your head in the shower. nobody said that you had to love all OCs, but god bless you, you made a powerful argument to ensure that we understood that you wouldn't!
now. in response to other arguments that you made, again, arguments that were based in your own head and not actually contradicting anything in that psa, i simply won't entertain an argument. there are stupid canons also. canons that obey the very guidelines that you resent. but you mightn't be ready to have that conversation just yet, so we'll continue on!
because, my love, once again, nobody actually told you to love all OCs. this is a fact. the post only highlights that the boundary between original and canon characters is non-existent. this is a fact. the purpose of that post is to try and offer insight to misguided individuals who believe that OC creators have something to prove in the RPC in order to be a part of it. more to the point, to convey a message to those that think that the members of this community are somehow lesser than them, and demand that they somehow perform to a higher standard just to be worthy of one bigoted individual's acceptance.
this is a fact.
i'll conclude now because i have to go make a billion OCs to force you to love. kidding! (after all, haven't we already clarified that nobody asked you to love all ocs?)
but i will conclude now because i think we both know i won't be able to say anything to change your mind. it's fine. your anonymity tells me far more than your message did!
regardless of my tone, nonnie, i do hope you have a good day. go outside. touch some grass. look after yourself. maybe step away from the dash? reread that post, because unless i became hopelessly illiterate, it doesn't present any message that deserves this confused response.
anyway! take care! drink some water if you like! i'd hate to tell you what to do!
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iholli · 3 years
Look, okay... No one is gonna like this lmao but I'm going to say it.
Just because "they paved the way," does not mean "we have to forgive everything they did wrong because that's all we have."
Everyone, I mean EVERYONE, is saying this because Lumity is canon now. btw, haven't watched it yet, it's not on Disney+ and that's what I have, and I don't mind TOH spoilers. Anyway.
And Lumity isn't *just* canon-- both characters are well developed, it's pretty healthy, it's really cute, and it's right in the middle of the series-- so we get to see it develop!
But. *but.*
"Steven Universe made this possible! LOK made this possible! She-Ra made this possible! We have to accept all these as perfect because they made representation on screen possible!"
No. We don't. And if you thought, with constructive criticism, about it, you'd know that we do not, actually, have to just roll over and accept the terrible excuses for predecessors Lumity had. Okay?
I'll start with LOK. god. where do I start. I watched ATLA and LOK back to back for the first time. I guess that was a mistake because after the series I just could not put down, LOK was like a slap in the face. Uninteresting male characters there to be the love interests for Korra to go back and forth with. Even more uninteresting female side character that I would, frankly, rather have been the star. And the main character...oh god. Korra is literally the worst, most hated character troupe I have. She's already perfect, a complete overconfident jackass, and gives no shits about anyone as long as she gets to do what she wants. Sorry. Someone had to say it. It's why I can't stand Captain Marvel either. And she's the Avatar, in fact, the worst one ever. She *loses the connection to all the past Avatars,* for crying out loud. And when she's thrown in the dirt, powerless, helpless, she does... Absolutely nothing to change. Cuts her hair, I guess. Saves the world, I guess, but she's still just *so. unlikeable.* And after this constant back and forth between the two guys [I barely remember the names, but I do like Bolin] she's... Suddenly dating Asami? I mean-- there was some hints and stuff leading up to it, so I can't really say I have a problem with the ship. In fact, the ship itself is fine. But literally everything else about the trainwreck that was LOK-- not fine.
Moving on. Steven Universe. Which I have not seen, definitely do not care to. I could barely finish the first episode. To get to the point, everyone worships this show for all the representation and how awesome it is. But... What about all the issues? The racism? The abusive relationships? The racism? "But they had the wlw wedding on screen!" Okay, that's great! As far as I can tell, the ship is fine! I mean, it's a little sus that the couple spend the entire show save five minutes fused into one person, but the ship is fine. But you can't just ignore everything else that happened, considering-- again, the racism, the abusive stuff or whatever the deal is with Lapis, the literal Nazi redemption thing ["but they had a bad day" is not an excuse, sorry]... One ship in this whole mess doesn't make the rest of the series flawless. And, apparently, the wedding wasn't the scandal everyone tries to claim. Considering there's like, four seasons, a movie, and another series after that episode.
Anyway. Finally. She-Ra. We all know how this goes. Because, obviously, this is C*tradora we're talking about. Do I have to say it? We got four well made seasons of the cat being mentally and physically abusive towards the person she claims to love, her victim finally choosing to stand up for herself and be her own person, and that person then ends up with her abuser in the last shitty season. Not to mention throwing the disabled, poc characters under the bus, or ignoring literally everything else the cat did before that moment of confession. which was gross in and of itself. "But my wlw rep!" my dudes, Glimmer was right fucking there. End of story.
The point is, you can't just hero worship these shows because "they paved the way for Lumity." It's fine to say something like, well, these couples happened, so we could have something like this now. Something good. Something that wasn't forced, that didn't involve one or both characters being boring or, worse, toxic, that didn't involve the rest of the show being awful in one way or another. TOH is an all around awesome series. It deals with all kinds of issues, without being racist, or ableist, or apologetic to any number of problematic characters.
Do you really want parents to see something like LOK, where the main character solves everything with aggression, or SU, which forgives actual Nazis for no reason, or She-Ra, which pairs a victim with her abuser-- is that what you want representation to look like? Because if I saw that, and saw that this is what the LGBT+ wants to say is good...well. hopefully you can do the math.
It's fine to acknowledge where the fight started. But don't pretend like the origins were flawless. Don't just roll over and accept whatever comes your way. Be critical. Demand better. You deserve better. You deserve healthy, developed relationships, without forgiving the problematic for no reason.
Update;; so this is like well over a year old and keeps getting notes for some reason, I still hate all the above series. That's not really the point of the post. Y'all still need to recognize that these are big issue series, that there are way better things out there to point to for representation, and that's all I was going for. We deserve better. Stop accepting shit that barely passes as showing representation at all just because it was the starting point. Or at least stop holding it on such a damn pedestal.
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emoprincey · 3 years
wait those all are such good questions i can’t pick uhhhhh ❤️👔🐀💕💬 (or if that’s too many just answer the ones you want to lol)
Ty for the ask!! Ooh these are some great questions
Favourite side - Surprising absolutely no-one, my favourite side is Virgil! He's probably my favourite character of all time in any show ever tbh. Mostly because I relate to him a lot, but I also just love his attitude and his fashion sense
Opinion of Logan - I love him sm!! He's definitely the kind of brand of character I usually like lol, by which I mean nerdy and tries not to show his emotions. Also i can totally relate to being obsessed with space gjfjhjj
Opinion of Remus - It took me a long time to fully understand Remus. I didn't like him all that much at first, I think he frightened me a bit tbh. I think a big turning point was when I read One Chance to Change Your Fate (which is awesome, anyone who hasn't read it should go and do so) because I really like his characterisation there and it kinda made me reconsider my feelings about canon Remus
So anyway yeah, now I guess I see Remus as just a kid (ik he's 32 but you get what I mean) who lashes out when he feels like no-one's listening to him and people don't understand him. And like. I've been there, so I appreciate him a lot more now
Most heartwarming scene - That moment where Roman says to Virgil "you make us... better" is definitely up there, also a lot of Accepting Anxiety where the other sides are showing they care about Virgil
Special mention to like 90% of Virgil and Logan's interactions because they're literally so supportive of each other (and they're In Love, I won't take constructive criticism on this)
And the bit in the five-year anniversary where Patton, Roman and Logan were saying how much they love Virgil 🥺
Did I already mention that Virgil is my favourite character? /j
Line that stuck with me the most - Ooh, that's a tough one, there's a lot of good lines. I guess Janus' monologue about self-care in svs redux was something I Very Much needed to hear and it's helped me a lot to think about that
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I don't get the attitude. I ship Kataang. I think Zutara is stupid. All I'm saying is that before TLOK came along I was pretty sure that if we visited the gaang 10 years later it was going to be something like Katara and Aang broke up but stayed friends and Aunt Wu's prediction came true in that Katara ended up marrying Zuko or some other bender and Aang and Meng got married and had all these airbender kids. I didn't think they were going to be allowed to stay together and TLOK was a pleasant surprise. No it was great from certain standpoints for Aang fans but I wasn't asking you about that from an Aang point of view. I'm asking you if you would have been cool with Katara and Aang married to other people since without TLOK, it's possible that the post-canon stuff would have eventually had them with other people. It's not a gotcha, it's not a trap, it's a question.
I WISH the writers allowed Aang and Katara to get with other people if that was how they were going to write the both of them: have his embittered kids drop so much knowledge on the man we thought we knew from the previous series in an entirely hard to watch scene and shitting on people who'd even try to contextualize by having Kya and Bumi mock his and Tenzin's circumstances and not have any other third party like a flashback, or an appearance from Aang or Katara offered up to the audience to even try to fix any misunderstandings on a meta level. No, we get the living embodiment of Aang's inadequency in Bumi, who's actually so depressing and gross as I know he would smell bad if I ever met him. I especially HATE that this is used by fucking antis who admit to have never watched or enjoyed the sequel show as another reason to hate on my ship, LITERALLY ANTAGONIZING ME. I know you want Aang to irrefutably be guilty of something...but oh, my God! They make up stupid reasons from the original canon to make their situation in the sequel plausible which just comes off as extremely spiteful. Another reason to hate TLOK, it makes people view the original canon in a very specific and restrictive way.
It'll be controversial for Aang and Katara to not stay together given their bond, but in a good way because that'll be something memorable from an otherwise unremarkable sequel. It'll make everyone happy, including Kataang fans as they'll have full freedom to imagine things differently for Kataang instead of holding onto a very mediocre attempt at interesting storytelling. Also, it'll put their dynamic in a different light for many as I said already, in a way that'll truly allow more experimental fics with them (as I want more interesting Kataang plots).
Aang and Katara have good communication! Aang is not ableist! Although she is very forgiving of him, Katara doesn't let Aang get away with everything!
Another thing: you can't say Aang always gets the short end of the stick in terms of writing then take liberties to say all sorts of things about his character from said writing (mostly apparent in the sequels actually, so come on) and then expect people to respect what you have to say afterwards. Same with Katara. Dealing with bad writing constructively is criticizing it, not accept it for an obvious agenda you don't even bother to hide.
It's not too hard to believe for me that Aang wouldn't be a greater parent with anyone else as he's naturally just going to be a very busy man, so his worst case scenario in that regard is often times not far from his best case (though, with someone like Katara as the mother, many fans justly think it was weird for their famiy dynamics to turn out the way it did because no matter how much she personally coddled Aang by fans' standards, when she recognizes a wrong, she does something about it - her kids didn't seem adept at masking their emotions or were inarticulate in their experiences, at least Kya wasn't). I'm just saying though, I believe a child who suffered from neglect to the degree Aang's kids did with their mother still very present wouldn't turn out the way their kids did. I'm not saying I don't believe what they have to say despite my bias, but I do at least refuse to just take the situation put out for us as is since it just feels...awful.
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wakraya · 4 years
Most fandoms have badfics and darkfics that completely bastardize the characters and makes them way OOC, but usually they're ignored and left to the folks who wanna read them and enjoy them. Why is HS2 any different? Why can't folks who don't like it just leave and not flood the tag with hate and contempt? Is it because HS2 is a "sequel" that people feel they have to accept as canon even though it's been stated many times that HS canon is what the individual wants it to be?
Idk, I'm just sick of seeing nothing but contempt when I'm looking for genuine conversation and meta to read and think about.
but for real i've seen people reblog a post saying they're pretending not to see homestuck 2/that it doesn't exist and minutes later reblog posts criticizing it. whatever happened to pretending it's not a thing?
It’s more complicated than that. Despite them being ‘Dubiously Canon’, the Epilogues and HS^2 are officially supported exploration of stuff. As such people will hold them to both a higher standard, and follow them more closely. The statement of Dubiously Canon can help to assuage the dislike of some people, but it’s not something that everyone CAN or WANTS to follow. Like with Comic Books, it is a choice to not want to read an arc or what certain author has done with the characters, but currently the options presented are still quite limited, with the Epilogues on one side, and Pesterquest on the other, there are only two Timelines of this ‘officially supported Fanon’ thus far. So while I understand the authorial intent behind calling them Dubiously Canon, and I really enjoy the concept, I also know that people aren’t just going to do that and it’s unfair to expect of everyone to just be okay with this model at first. Ultimately, it just means that the current officially sanctioned content has, well, contentious stuff, experimental and dramatic and messing with characters, and so, burnt out fans jump at the sight of bad things happening.
That said, I do think comparing HS^2 to bad darkfic that bastardizes characters OOC misses the point of what HS^2 is going for majorly. Wanting to stop the contempt and hatred in the tag is fair and really the reason why I’ve been vocally supporting this stuff so far, so I will defend them as actually entertaining and not pieces of trash. Things have been OOC and Badly Written since before the Retcon, according to the Fandom. It has happened with literally every single controversial update. And I encourage detractors that don’t enjoy the content to let it go and curate their online experience to not have to deal with HS^2! Criticism can be good, but subjective hatred looping onto itself and continuing to go ahead regardless is not constructive. 
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ebitchwriting · 2 years
Welcome, welcome one and all! This is the official writing blog for:
So far I only have one fanfiction, Dragged Into The Blood, a Resident Evil(game) fanfiction that focuses on an OC that is mostly canon compliant, but will eventually diverge from the canon once we get further into the timeline. I also have a one shot in the fanfiction site called Thrown Into The Blood, and it was made for a fan that wanted to see how my OC, Lea Anderson, would react to meeting Alice. Yes the W.S. Anderson films aren't great but hey I was excited to get this much fan interaction that I wanted to do something nice. Currently Dragged Into The Blood is under a revamp.
I welcome constructive critisicm and suggestions from my readers! The purpose of my fanfiction is experimenting with different writing styles, perspectives and lenses, and genres and to see how impactful my writing is and how it can be improved on!
I have only one rule if you choose to follow, comment, and criticize:
BE FUCKING CIVIL! I will block anyone who decides it's acceptable to harass, stalk, or suicide bait others. I do not care what the situation is, that is just abhorrent behavior and it will NOT be tolerated.
You don't like how dark my fic is? Don't read it. Back out of it, remove it from your history. Fuck it, block me so you don't have to see my mug pop up in the tag. Don't like a comment another reader made, for literally any reason? Block them, don't engage, just fucking block them. Or just ignore them.
Now that we have that out of the way, enjoy yourself!
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hellsbellschime · 3 years
That Dany stan is really idiot for barging in correctly tag Post. Only for not listening your opinions and continuously shouting her half baked rants. I mean Dany is criticized from S3 in show for her racist storyline including slavery. She end up as Hitler as predicted. Yet her so called fans don't ready to accept it and harassing people.
And this is what I don't get. Like, you're 100% entitled to your own opinion even if I think it's completely incorrect and has almost no actual textual support. Ultimately, I don't give a shit what any rando thinks, because fandom for me is about having actual interesting and constructive conversations with people. But as you said, to start an argument with someone who posted something in the anti Dany tag and to deny the literal canonical facts of what have happened are absurd. FFS, to look at a line where Dany literally complains that the Yunkai'i are engaging in the slave trade in front of her instead of hiding it and say that she is an abolitionist is insane to me, but for real if anyone can look at the freaking litany of quotes I pulled and still say Dany is not a bulldozer fucking shit up everywhere she goes and doing almost nothing to actually end slavery, then there is no reasonable conversation that can happen even if there are opposing views involved.
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