#this is more for my own benefit at this point
favvn · 1 day
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I love how Kirk and Lenore's first meeting goes. He is returning back to the planet with the full intent of speaking to Anton Karidian after looking into Kodos/Karidian through the ship's computer, so his plans are altered when Lenore tells him her father doesn't meet anyone personally or go to parties. He decides to charm Lenore instead. And right away, the dialogue gives a tell: "You saw Macbeth. That was my father."
Macbeth here can refer both to the play itself and the titular character in the play, the Scottish general who is told by a trio of witches he will be king, and he is so consumed by the ambition this prophecy brings, that he murders King Duncan to ascend to the throne. He and Lady Macbeth kill more people to keep their crimes secret and retain power, and the two descend into madness amidst a civil war. Does any of this seem at all familiar, perhaps, to Tarsus IV's revolution, Kodos' declaration of martial law to gain control, etc.? ("The revolution was a success [...] I was a soilder in a cause.")
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And Lenore goes for a sip of her drink to stop talking. She wants this line of conversation to go nowhere, both because of her father and possibly because she is aware she has said too much. By linking her father to Macbeth, she inadvertently recalls Kodos and Tarsus IV. Remember, she knows that Kirk is a survivor of Tarsus IV, so it is in her interest to play coy and keep Anton Karidian out of the conversation. (In other words, this whole scene is a game of cat and mouse. Kirk wants to use her to get to her father, Lenore wants to kill Kirk to protect her father.)
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But Kirk is the one to link her to Lady Macbeth, and rather than respond, "My name is Lenore when I am not on the stage," Lenore plays along. By coyly hiding behind the role of Lady Macbeth, she inadvertantly allows Kirk to see how the Karidians work, assuming Kirk knows his Shakespeare. (In all honesty, this dialogue is more so for the audience's benefit. Had Kirk realized it was Lenore right here, I think even Columbo himself would call bullshit. Still, picking out these details makes for a fun rewatch.)
In the play, Lady Macbeth pushes her husband to action and cleans up after his mess by killing Duncan's guards. Lenore was born after the Tarsus IV massacre so this is obviously not to say she pushed her father into a massacre, but she has decided to dispose of the survivors lest they come back to cause problems for her father. It's in this way that Lenore is like Lady Macbeth as the two women commit further crimes to hide the initial crime perpetrated by the one they love and to retain power.
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These two are playing unspoken 3D chess, but this is the extent of their conversation. Awkward! Still, it is neat that Kirk ignores Lenore's opening for more information about him. He just takes her phrasing and throws it back at her and then asks a question to actually get her talking.
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Regardless of Kirk's own knowledge of the play, it is still fun that after saying, "So, Lady Macbeth. Interesting," Kirk then asks, "What's your next move?" This would be akin to asking, "Who do you intend to kill next?" but since the Macbeth references are for the audience's benefit, Kirk's intended meaning is, of course, "Where will you perform next?"
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Still, Lenore Karidian just gives him a look as she takes a sip of her drink, as if she understands all too well the layers behind this exchange.
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It is by the end of this exchange that Lenore finally tells Kirk her name, and it is by asking how well she played the role of Lenore Karidian. The earlier exchange on the couch might have been odd, but this goes to show Lenore's willingness to play a role, even at the expense of her own life. She's no longer making nods and winks towards the theater. Her life is one long act in a play. Her killing the survivors of Tarsus IV is just as much for her own peace of mind as it is for her father at this point. (Need I remind anyone of the fate of Lady Macbeth?)
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imaginesangie · 3 days
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Anyway they won’t allow comments OR reblogs (my guess is so they can stay in their echo chamber and so they don’t have to own up to spreading misinformation) so I’m going to debunk this misinformation here on my own post.
Sharks are, in fact, NOT on the verge of extinction, that is clear by a simple Google search. Certain sharks species are ENDANGERED or VULNERABLE which has nothing to do with JAWS and everything to do with the fishing industry. Of course because they are endangered and vulnerable they RISK extinction in the future but they are not 'on the verge' of it.
List of endangered and vulnerable shark species
Sharks, rays, and similar species are killed NOT because of an American movie but because of overfishing of sharks. In certain cultures, shark fin soup is said to be medicinal and provide a wide range of health benefits. Despite no evidence of such being true, certain cultures still fish for sharks for their fins alone. This is deadly because of the way sharks breathe. They need to be in motion in order to breathe and without their fins they slowly suffocate to death.
Source of why sharks are currently endangered
Last, lets finally bring up JAWS and why this argument doesn't prove the point of "fiction can affect reality" in the way they think it does. JAWS causing people to be more afraid of sharks did NOT cause shark-finners and shark overfishing to occur or get worse. The "JAWS effect" doesn't actually exist in any meaningful way beyond people from the USA being more afraid of sharks. JAWS did not have that much of an impact in other parts of the world where shark fishing is common. Of course the movie JAWS DID inevitably lead to people killing sharks, but not nearly to the scale most assume. Shark-fishing tournaments were set up and fishermen at the time would catch as many sharks as they could. This did lead to a big decline of sharks in the US east coast due to the overfishing. Keep in mind that this, however, does not account for the millions of sharks killed for their fins every year.
Did JAWS have an impact on the way people (especially in English-speaking countries) saw sharks? Yes it did, the uneducated masses at the time had no idea how sharks actually functioned. Did JAWS cause a decline in shark populations in the US? Yes it did, fishing contests put in place greatly affected the sharks in the East coast of the US. Did this have a greater impact on shark populations as a whole and their decline? Nope! The biggest reasons sharks are endangered as they are now is because of overfishing, shark finning, and bycatch (catching a fish and then discarding it because it isn't the fish you desired/can sell).
Link 1 about the "JAWS Effect" myth
Link 2 about the "JAWS Effect" myth
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Hello, have you seen the latest ch of MHA 423? Is it true that bkdk really killed kurogiri? How do you feel about shigaraki dying in the end and deku reaction towards it? Sorry for asking too many questions but I really can't stand those bkdk killed kurogiri allegations and your metas of bkdk are really good.
Anon, I'm gonna be honest with you. My feelings can be summed up as follows:
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Stuff like this is the reason you don't see me posting reactions every chapter. Jokes and conspiracy theories and "omg what if" posts are all in good fun, but every week, some people talk like this is The Absolute Last Word on every plot line even vaguely referenced in the chapter.
And I don't get it at all. When I'm reading the new chapters, the most I can tell you is that I have fun and I find it interesting. I'm engaged. I'm curious to see what comes next and how it's gonna pan out. I definitely have my own thoughts, feelings, and hopes! But I put them in a little stasis box of anticipation, ready for when I can find out more.
So when people lose their shit over something, it just feels so unnecessary to me. Especially something that happens right at the very end of the chapter, because more often than not that's the jumping off point for the next installment, as opposed to a cut-away to a different scene.
How many times have we gotten a cliff-hanger or shocking ending to a chapter, only for the very next chapter to reverse the event or reveal we were misled about its meaning? How many times has that happened in this very scene?
The reason I can write thousands of words analyzing Deku vs. Kacchan 2 is because it's over. The entire event is complete. Maybe there will be future chapters that reference it or inform our view of it, but it's done. This final arc isn't done--hell, this scene isn't even remotely done!
Furthermore, I am of the opinion that people saying bkdk killed Kurogiri probably don't like Izuku or Katsuki to begin with, so I really don't think anything out of my mouth is going to persuade them one way or the other. And I'm certainly not going to waste my breath trying to argue about something we'll have an answer for in like, two weeks.
Ongoing series thrive on making you want to know what happens next. Me personally, I'm having a good time wanting to know what happens next.
I guess the only thing I want to ask the people making these claims is: Why do you read mha like you're waiting for it to upset you? Why are you expecting this series to disappoint you?
The answer isn't for my benefit, just so you know.
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melled42 · 3 days
Forgive this soul for the wall of text I wish to invoke upon you as I want to indulge in a little analysis.
The second part to the changes comic I found to be rather notable. The look the Lamb makes upon hearing Narinder's request to see their siblings again is by far the most striking. It is perhaps some of the most life we've seen in their eyes for a long time. The resulting panel afterward of them glancing in thought at Narinder's little joke is also rather telling. I believe in that moment upon hearing his desire the Lamb got hit with a sudden and stunning revelation: For the first time in perhaps their entire life, they want to commit a selfless act. The Lamb wanted to do something solely to the benefit of Narinder and to grant his desire. Sure, by bringing the Bishops back to life the Lamb has a few more minions to command and they can flaunt their position of power over the conquered gods, but overall the Lamb has little to gain by bringing them back to life; in fact they may even become liabilities. For one, if they retain their memories they may conspire against the Lamb and sow dissent among the flock. Secondly, by resurrecting the fallen Bishops the Lamb must coexist with the very beings that sought their destruction and made their life hell. That trauma, however repressed, will most likely surface. However it's the fact that the Lamb wishes to do all of this for Narinder's sake that I believe elicited that reaction. Because deep down, I think this desire utterly terrifies the Lamb. The Lamb has been used to being in full control over their life. Even while evading capture they found ways to control the situation and turn every incident to their advantage. Heck, even as they were about to be executed they chose to die on their terms and consciously give up even though they could have perhaps found other ways to escape. Now as the leader of the Cult that Lamb has grown very used to controlling the lives of every one of their followers and friends. As the Lamb even puts it to themselves 'I've had everyone under my control for decades.' The Lamb is used to everything being in their hands at all times. By even remotely having this desire to do something for someone's else it means that the Lamb has lost some control over their life. Whether directly or not, Narinder has established some control and influence over the Lamb. His own desires now become the desires of the Lamb. The Lamb has certainly done things in the past to appease Narinder but the Lamb got something out of it everytime in return, namely to keep Narinder under the Lamb's thumb as much as possible. That's why they were vexed so badly at the audacity the Fox had to suggest that their connection was a deal instead of a law. The Lamb doesn't even want to fathom the idea that Narinder can walk away from them. But now realizing that Narinder has things that he wants that the Lamb may not want but is willing to grant them, is inherently terrifying to the Lamb because it both indicates a loss of control and a change of their character. The Lamb wants to deny every possibility that they can change if only to maintain their sense of security. What the Lamb has to decide rather quickly is what they're willing to sacrifice in order to keep what they have. They're already going to have to make a rather significant sacrifice to the Fox just to make the resurrection of the Bishops possible. Now they may have to sacrifice entire parts of themselves just to keep Narinder.
I have thousands more thoughts but I do believe that is enough rambling for now. Thank you kindly for listening and have a wonderful day.
wow i didnt know asks had such a big character limit. I'm crying here
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you're on point for a lot of it, the only real thing missing is a character trauma related to things that I haven't dropped yet for the next big comic.
I'm always worried i'm either over explaining or under explaining every comic. I'm glad a lot of the things I'm putting out there are getting picked up on. thank you so much
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spiribia · 2 days
My animal shapeshifter MMO post was honestly more something to roll around in my mind palace for fun than a true "materialize this" call to arms, and it likely is more interesting and plausible in theory than it would be in action, so we all must be aware that I'm still just playing pretend in saying any of this, but I don't mind at all if players can identify who else is a player. This is actually part of the point of it being a fake multiplayer game in my brain. Theoretically, player-typical actions like spam repeat actions would be considered odd and socially punished by NPCs. This is not to fully dissuade players from identifying each other. You could have a reputation system among fellow animal NPCs of whatever you currently are, and higher rankings within this would afford you benefits (ex. in social pack animals with hierarchy, you have a mob hunting with and defending for you, and you get priority access to resources that they may come across. For loner animals, fellow loner animal NPCs may be more respectful of your territory boundaries and less likely to try to snatch resources from you). You would incur a small reputation or some such penalty for repeat jumping at someone with at least one NPC peer in the vicinity. I imagine some players would decide that doesn't matter enough to them to reroute their behavior, and some would look for subtler means to work around this.
Players can jump up and down back if they are also a player, even at a cost, but in any MMO in the world there is a significant population who are players but do not respond back to social inputs. I imagined it less as "ooo there's no mechanism by which players could tell ever" and more that for the most part you are steeped in this non-zero chance it's a real person. Imagine if cleverbot had a disclaimer that some of the time it actually is a real person responding to you, but that it won't tell you when. I want you to be starving to death as a wolf and your NPC pack is starving too and as you are chasing a deer it begins signaling to you that it is actually a player, and I need you to evaluate whether or not that changes your course of action at all. I want there to be actual in-game benefits of integrating with members of your own species and for players to be unable to shapeshift until they die, meaning that if you encounter another player but you are a wolf and they are a deer, you could elect to travel together odd pair style, but they cannot help you hunt, and you will not get any sort of buffs, and your reputation with other wolves will decay over time as you are forgotten. I want you to have to decide whether it's worth it to sacrifice your reputation to signal back to someone you may never encounter again and have no way of concretely identifying again in the future, unless you come up with some kind of musical code, which is part of what I meant by using the musical language to identify each other (I've seen a few comments that this is an overly poetic sentiment and players would just jump instead). Maybe they'll hit you with a unique do-re-do, do-re-do sound output when they see you again in a different animal body. And then you're like oh hey it's the do-re-do person.
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restesdelune · 1 day
****Meet the Grimes****
A second chance and heartbreak
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A new life on the road
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A united front
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A well deserved reunion
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What a family ❤️‍🔥
The Last Grimes
Some context before a rant:
I can’t believe some people still exclude Michonne and RJ from the Grimes family. I saw an old post with Judith tagged as #TheLastGrimes, and a recent one claiming Michonne wasn’t Judy’s mother? I beg your pardon? (yes, it was on twitter).
Since the early days on the mothership, TWDU fandom has been so oblivious to racist bias and tropes, to the point of marginalizing Michonne fucking Grimes from her own family, the hero, supermom and wife, who *actually* raised "the last Grimes" mind you!
We really don’t respect Black women, their labour, their love and loyalty, neither irl nor in fiction.
This shows up everyday in very real ways in our lives. Whether for Black girls, gals, wives, girlfriends, single mothers, baby mamas, widows and their children. Whether they gave birth to their children or not, whether they’re mixed or not, Black motherhood is systematically denigrated. I wouldn’t recommend to anyone who doesn’t see how disastrous these optics are to engage with this.
The disrespect of Black women, the erasure of mixed children, claiming ownership of kids one didn’t raise, minimizing the bonds of a new family... See, I don’t fuck with that bs and it will be read as anti-Blackness and misogynoir on my part. People can argue with a wall.
The Grimes all chose each other, went to hell, and only some came back. A lot of us wanted nothing more than to see them reunited and finally at peace, and we did. Such canon is too much for some. Not for me. It was well-earned, by the characters as well as by the audience, and so refreshing in such cynical times. On one hand, I wish I could see more of them, on the other, I’d rather not have anyone mess it up (shout out to our TOWL S2 truthers out there though ^^).
I honestly pity those who’ve imprisoned themselves in blood lineages and narrow 'legitimate' families, unable to grasp the gifts of community and found family in a freaking post apo zombie show. That must honestly be depressing in deed...
Whether we are called dramatic or aggressive, Richonners will keep calling this out, especially Black women who don’t even need to do anything to deserve those exhausted epithets in everyday life. We see the double standards, we see the fans defending their buddies’ racist takes, the apparently infinite plausible deniability and benefit of the doubt afforded to some, never to others. It's not bright, it's not new, and we know the game.
No wonder this fandom can feel so segregated sometimes.
Anyway, if you’d like for me to expand on this lmk, I’ll always have more to share. Thanks for reading.
Happy Shipping
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robotbeetle · 13 hours
Saw a tiktok edit of the three male origin characters to the song Soldier, Poet, and King and a handful of comments made the point ‘Wyll is all three’ and they’re so so right. Thinking about that means so much to me and you can almost see it as a progression.
Wyll as a soldier is how he starts; a blade to be wielded for justice. You can see this from the view point of him being Ulder Ravengard’s son and wanting to make him proud so badly. Or from the view point of him pacting with Mizora to become a protector of the people who cannot protect themselves. Everything he does is for the benefit of others and usually in service of a greater power.
Wyll as a poet is him as person really. Who he is outside of the blade of frontiers. A lover of ballads and dance. Someone who believes in happily ever after and knights in shining armor. I mean have you heard some of his lines? My god.
Wyll as a king is him becoming fully autonomous and coming to find his own way to dish justice. This is more literal thinking about his grand duke ending but applies to the blade of avernus ending as well. He comes to realize he doesn’t need some greater power, not his father’s, not Mizora’s, and . He is the heart of the gate now and it falls to him protect it.
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hotwaterandmilk · 2 days
So I decided to pick up physical copies of The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions from Yen Press on a whim the other day. I've been in such a nostalgia hole about Ragawa's works thanks to the Hanayume 50th celebrations and I remembered her manga adaptation of Konohara Narise's novels had restarted not that long ago. It made sense to get the books and begin a catchup re-read before the fifth volume comes out in English.
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I'll be honest, I don't remember much about the Kyuketsuki to Yukai na Nakamatachi novels or manga from when I first encountered them. I had the first two manga volumes in Japanese at one point, but gave them away when the manga went on hiatus years ago. However, upon beginning my catchup re-read in English I was struck by how much the story resonated with me now.
If you've never read the series before now, long story short from Yen Press, "When a vampire from Nebraska named Al gets frozen in bat form, he winds up in Japan under the care of a dark and mysterious man covered in a bloody scent!"
I'd like to get into why I think this series is worth picking up now and for that it's probably easier to throw my ramblings under a cut.
I feel like the humorous elements of the series are what get talked about in the (admittedly scant) English language reviews for the series and, while the whole setup can be quite amusing, the more serious elements are what actually makes it stand out from other vampire tales with romantic elements. While everything is exaggerated, there are some very "real" aspects that help The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions stand out in an endless sea of vampire tales.
For example, Al being bitten by a vampire wasn't a ticket to easy street. There was nothing glamorous about what happened to him. That bite ruined his life and through no fault of is own, he rapidly became destitute. Vampirism in fiction is often shown leading characters to social isolation, but not necessarily to poverty. Given that Al has lost everything that connected him to his previous life, it makes sense that in our current capitalistic society he'd also lose access to even the most basic things our societal identities afford us -- including housing.
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So yes, it's amusing that this bat-boy ended up flash frozen and shipped with some meat to Japan. However, the circumstances that led up to that outcome are given the weight they deserve. You truly do feel for Al in these moments because haven't we all been, at one time or another in our lives, perilously close to losing everything? These fleeting glimpses at the past sting in otherwise rollicking segments of the story as they should. Everything beautiful in Al's present is something that he didn't have during his lowest points and you truly feel for him as he works to prolong these moments.
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Another serious moment that lifts the series even higher in my eyes is when it becomes aparent that Akira has access to human remains. Rather than handwaving away the access to blood as a convenient way to get Al the nutrition he needs, a significant amount of time is dedicated to the ethics surrounding the situation. The gravity with which all lives should be handled post-mortem and just a generally respectful examination of embalming as a process.
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Unsurprisingly, I find the portrayal of Al's "incomplete" vampirism as a form of disability to be a compelling take on the mythos too. Al gets almost none of the "benefits" of being a vampire due to the whole process "not being done properly." What this leaves him with are a lot of things that make his everyday life different from not just humans, but "complete" vampires as well.
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These differences mean he struggles to feed himself properly, feels significant levels of pain, and his body is often weak or doesn't behave the way he wants it to. The cause here is obviously fiction, but the way Al's acquired disability impacts his capacity to function to an acceptable level in a society of "normal" folks (both human and vampire) really struck me as ringing true, at least for myself and my own disabilities.
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Yeah, I'm not going to turn into an adorable bat (and truly, bat Al is A D O R A B L E) but the struggle to make use of the few good hours in a day when my body works to a degree, that's so goddamn real. Al wants to contribute to the household, to pay back Akira and to be a functioning member of society... but it's not as straightforward for him as it is for others and that's something I appreciate being explored here.
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Another thing that stands out to me is Akira's sexuality. While there are a lot of misunderstandings with Al and Akira that lead to people assuming they're lovers, when Akira is pushed into a corner about having a lover he shuts this down by describing himself as being frigid or having a low libido (in very blunt language).
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I feel like the depth of this is conveyed well in the English translation by the subsequent line:
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While at this point in the series Akira hasn't labeled his sexuality as being either demisexual or asexual, this is definitely something that it feels like the narrative is leaning towards. Particularly when Al clarifies the difference, in his limited language skills, between the physical and the romantic.
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Akira is still figuring out what is comfortable for him in terms of dealing with people, so it makes sense that his progress regarding intimacy has only accelerated after meeting Al. The batty vampire is pushing him towards understanding more about himself and how he chooses to interact with those around him, but the ball is still very much in Akira's court regarding whether he'd like to explore either the physical or emotional aspects of their relationship further. I found that really refreshing?
That this story allows the dark-haired, brooding hero who is one part of our lead will-they-or-won't-they, to assert that he doesn't feel the same level of physical attraction that others do. That he isn't entirely confident in this either, that it's a part of himself he's never opened up about before, that it's something Al uncovers and isn't suddenly changed to fit what is acceptable. But that it doesn't lessen Al's interest in him, it's just part of who Akira is... gah! It really resonated with me idk. I love some smut, but I also appreciate it when a story focused on something as sexual as vampirism chooses to eschew this in favour of raw emotional edging instead.
I've pushed the more serious elements of the text in this ramble, but before I wrap up I should really note that there are some very funny moments too. For example, Al's bluntness here when he speaks Japanese.
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The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions isn't the best work of vampire fiction I've ever read, but it uses its recurring themes of isolation vs. the need for connection to craft an enjoyable narrative. One that I feel lingers in my mind a bit more than others. While Al's unique form of vampirism leads to some absurd escapades, the story is elevated by having its emotional core remain grounded in the intrinsic beauty of everyday human interaction and how even fundamentally different people can connect in small but significant ways.
Blah blah blah, you should check it out, I can't wait for the next volume, etc.
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muddy-water-1997 · 3 days
Agency with Benefits
TW: Nothing in this chapter A/N: I hope you enjoy this little fic I've started putting together in preparation for my Creative Writing Degree, which begins later this year!
Chapter 1 - The Concert
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After what felt like an eternity, you finally found yourself outside the venue, the place you had eagerly anticipated for months. The daily countdown on your lock screen was a constant reminder of the approaching event, making the wait even more thrilling.
Checking your phone, you grinned. Five minutes until the gates opened.
"Hey, slow down!" Your friend's voice called from behind, breaking your stride. You turned with a smile and beckoned her to catch up. The excitement was contagious, and you couldn't help but share it with her. 
"Sorry. I'm sorry!" You retort, chuckling at her anxious running, trying to catch up with you while eagerly looking around to ensure no one was staring in her direction. 
"I can't believe you made me drive five hours just to run off without me." A swift, soft shove to your shoulder made it clear that she wasn't angry. Shrugging it off, you grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the entry barriers.
"I haven't waited this long not to get barricade..." You said, hurriedly presenting your tickets to the unenthused-looking ticketman at the gates. "...If we hurry, we're still in with a chance!" You shrilled excitedly, choosing to ignore the defeated look given in response. Your best friend had no interest in Kpop, nor did she understand anything about the people you were seeing, but she could tell that you were happy, which made her happy. She wasn't going to let you go to this event alone. Plus, in her eyes, this was the perfect opportunity for her to get more embarrassing photos to show the masses on your birthday.
Finally, through the gates and into the massive arena, your grip still firmly around her wrist to make sure she doesn't get away, you push your way through the already amassing crowd towards the front of the stage. You knew that getting to the venue earlier would give you the best chance, and you were right, but the push-through was still getting more difficult by the second. 
"Perfect!" Your free hand finally felt the cool metal of the barricade before you. "I can't believe we made it." You laughed to yourself, freeing your friend from the now clammy grasp of your hand. While she looked at her surroundings, confused, you could tell that she was excited to experience whatever was about to happen. 
You had spent the last five months trying to educate her on everything. Members' names, album titles, song titles, and even tried to teach her some basic Korean so she could feel even a little involved. You adorned her with her very own Skzoo before leaving the hotel and made her pick out her favourite member to keep an eye on throughout the performance.
As you chatted with the excited folks pushing their way into the arena, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed, amplifying the screams of anticipation. Suddenly, the stage erupted with a dazzling display of lights, and the thumping beat of the backing track reverberated through the air.
It was only a short time into the concert that you realised there was a very high chance that you were losing your voice. You didn't care at all, to be honest. For every song that started blasting, you kept turning to your friend, shaking her shoulders, screaming, "This is my favourite song!" and being met with enthusiastic nods. For someone who knew nothing about Stray Kids or Kpop, she seemed to be having the time of her life, dancing along to track after track and even pointing out some of the songs she recognised. 
Casting your eyes over the eight sweaty and energetic men running around the stage, it was still surreal that you were there after all this waiting time. But, as soon as it felt like it was starting, the end was nearing. Whines of disappointment filled the area when Bangchan finally hit the audience with his "... Unfortunately" line. Everyone knew what that meant, and after the last song finished and everyone said their goodbyes, people started to pile out of the venue. As exhausting as it was to be there, you honestly didn't want to leave, and just as you were one of the first people in, you found yourself being one of the last ones out.
As you and your friend stepped out of the stuffy building, you both laughed in unison, the fresh evening air hitting your faces. The excitement of the night still pulsed through your veins. You saw the large arena building towering above you, its imposing structure illuminated by the glow of streetlights. "What do you say we hit up a bar?" you suggested as you strolled along the side of the building, the night sky above you twinkling with stars.
Your friend looked at you with a hint of surprise and scepticism. "A bar?" they said, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "You know you're not exactly a regular drinker, right? I mean, you usually only have a drink on special occasions..."
You made a compelling argument to her, insisting that this event was exceptional. "This is a special occasion," you said, hoping to persuade her. After some persuasion, she finally agreed, and both of you quickly turned to Google Maps to search for bars in an unfamiliar city.
As you walked down the path, she glanced at her phone and pointed ahead, saying, "There's supposed to be a good one down the road." You turned your head in anticipation, following the direction of her finger towards the bar. The path was made of uneven concrete, with cracks and bumps that made walking difficult. Despite this, you hurried along, eager to reach your destination.
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20001541 · 23 hours
What is your favorite quote from afo? Adore your blog btw :)
thank you 💜💜💜💜
I would say my favorite has to be this one from 374
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for heroes and villains alike this sentiment remains true. we see how many of the heroes were influenced as children by the great heroes they saw on tv so they wanted to be like them. we see this a lot particularly with all might as so many point to him as being their inspiration to becoming a hero.
and with the villains we see how a lot of the trauma that turned them what they are today stems from their own childhood. we see how toga was abused by her parents for her desires, how endeavors neglect after shoto's birth made touya obsessed with getting his father to look at him, and how being an orphaned child growing up in the streets during a time of chaos made afo want to force everyone to look at him just like the way the villain in his comic did.
characters remembering their origin in bnha is important as it reminds them of where they came came from and what they're working towards, which inspires them to keep going even when it gets difficult. some of the biggest power ups we see are done shortly after a character begins to recall their origin. people smarter than me have done whole metas on this, and I can't find them right now, but bnha makes a point to emphasize how childhood shapes a lot of who we are today.
I remember I used to say this quote hinted towards afo having a terrible childhood himself considering the way he turned out and I was correct in that assumption.
my second favorite is his rant to kurogiri while playing with some toy blocks in vigilantes where he describes how society creates its own villains and allows him to exploit those it rejects to use for his own purposes. he doesn't have to take an active role to create more villains, society does majority of the work themselves and he benefits from the results. society's own apathy and cruelty towards those who don't conform to it's standards allow people like afo to take advantage of those rejects.
and I can't forget his iconic oopsie daisy when cutting off one of endeavors arms
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and with chapter 423 out....
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yeah :')
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actualbird · 2 days
“I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel all that great for me because—” Luke knows the answer. ‘Because my self-loathing hangups extend all the way to my dick, so anything that feels like indulgence is a no-go!’ But that is way too depressing of a thing to say. “ —it’s only me who’s feeling good. Does that make sense?” “No, that makes…less sense.” Marius narrows his eyes, looking as if he’s trying to do advanced math equations mentally. “Like, duh, that’s probably the whole point of masturbating, Luke. That it feels good for you.” Luke winces, not really knowing how else to put this without making this conversation even more of a boner-killing downer. “Well, I guess things feeling good for me tend to actually make me feel like shit?” “That—” Marius’ eyes shine with way too much sincerity and solemnity as he goes on, “—is the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life.” - Luke has trouble getting off on his own so he just doesn’t touch himself much. Marius proposes a…masturbatory solution. Allegedly for the mental health benefits. [Written for MariLuke Week 2024 - Day 2: Touch Starved]
🔞this fic is n/s//f///w ship: marius/luke 4.4k words, masturbation, frotting
HELLO MARILUKE NATION, i am participating in @marilukeweek!! here’s my entry for Day 2: Touch Starved. aka the fic where luke hates himself so much he cant get off and marius helps ;3
i hope someone out there enjoys this!!
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thebirdandhersong · 3 months
Do you guys have any tips or resources for students with ADHD? There's a girl in my dorm who is dear to me and who's seriously struggling in her studies and really needs to pass this semester. It's taken a bit of a toll on her heart and her mind, not being able to focus and finish tasks and do well in her studies, so if you guys know of anything that's been particularly helpful, I would appreciate it so, so much.
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atissi · 8 months
if you are 1) currently in a university where your student healthcare covers hormone therapy, and 2) in a good financial, emotional, and social position to start hormone therapy, i would recommend pursuing it. because in my experience, it's a huge pain in the ass to get an endocrinologist once you're on your own
#unless you live near a planned parenthood or another equivalent to that#but in general you might as well take advantage of the mandatory student health insurance while you have it#it's also cheaper than you might expect. my vials cost $40 CAD for 4 months and then the injection materials are like a couple dollars each#for me i got a therapist with the university and asked them to recommend me to one of the uni's doctors#so i got to skip some of the waitlisting process yay#and then even after getting access to hormones i went to the clinic maybe 5 or 6 times because i needed a nurse to help me with injections#all of which was 'free' because it was with the university#now that i'm graduated though i need to find a new endocrinologist and it turns out the process is WAY more complicated on your own 🤡#of course your mileage may vary depending on how based your school is but it's definitely worth checking imo 🤷#beepbeep.txt#wanted to say this because i basically didn't use the uni health services until my last year and i was like 'wow#'i'm actually getting so much shit for free right now'#like i was seeing a therapist and a dietician and the endocrinologist and a nurse simultaneously at one point#and i might've missed out on all that if i didn't have someone tell me how easy it was to get help if you ask the right questions#so there's my word of wisdom for anyone who might benefit from it.......#also going to post tips about injections later because i think that would also help people out 👍
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wonder-worker · 1 month
J.L. Laynesmith taking the 'Buckingham Did It™' route for the murder of the Princes in the Tower AND the rumors of Edward IV's bastardy ... I have to laugh
#my post#history media#this was in her book 'Cecily Duchess of York' which I have ... Thoughts on#I really liked it overall - it was meticulously researched and gave me information that I hadn't previously known about Cecily#However this often contrasts with Laynesmith's own very evident biases assumptions and conjecture#and the effect is very jarring#This becomes slightly more pronounced after 1464 and actually ridiculous after 1483.#She also suggests that Henry VI may have genuinely died of a melancholy-induced stroke like Edward IV claimed which is just...lmfao#I don't know what to say at this point lol#To be fair she does specifically note that he died shortly after Edward arrived in London and that most contemporaries believed#it was far too convenient#which is far more acknowledgement and culpability than she gives Richard III whose culpability for the 'disappearance' of his nephews is#literally never touched upon - the blame is conveniently dumped on Buckingham#honestly the whole Deal with Buckingham is so odd. dude was a political neophyte; was given a primarily ceremonial role by Edward IV#throughout his reign and was younger than Richard (who was a seasoned politician). What makes you think Buckingham of all people#was some kind of political genius and making decisions over RICHARD of all people lol?#anyway#This book was pretty decent with Margaret of Anjou which was great#it was less decent with Elizabeth Woodville which was not so great :/#some of the assumptions it made (for Cecily's benefit naturally) were so weird#and the way she 'reassessed' Elizabeth's role in 1483 was very distasteful#I might make a separate post on that because it was very annoying#(also claiming Henry Tudor landed with 'a small band of Lancastrian exiles' - yeah no. the majority of the 'exiles' who supported him were#Yorkist aka Edward IV's supporters who opposed Richard. because this was very much an internal civil war between the dynasty#and Henry became a claimant only after being chosen by Yorkists after the October risings made clear the Princes were dead#the claim that challenged Richard's was Elizabeth of York not Henry's. let's not twist words here)#(ALSO I'm sorry but William Stanley certainly did not choose to commit his troops to Henry Tudor because Henry was 'his brother's stepson'#he did that out of loyalty to Edward IV and his children as Henry was the chosen claimant of the Yorkist faction#hence why he may have betrayed Henry VII in the 1490s for Perkin Warbeck who pretended to be Edward's second son. so jot that down)#you really see these small minor details which are very much chosen purposefully and paint a very different picture lol
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gaytobymeres · 4 months
i think the point of a university-level education is a bit lost on some of my course mates...
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ancient-day · 10 months
I understand that traits don't necessarily say something about the Persona-User, but I've always found it interesting that Robin Hood and Loki help with support skills rather than offensive skills. The only support skill they have is Debilitate, so it only aids Goro a little on his own. It reminds me of Arsène's Pinch Hitter trait because when in a party all on his own, that does nothing for Akira. They both benefit most from having allies to make those traits more useful.
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