#this is my SECOND time drawing ruth
machinepilled · 11 months
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FINAL PAGE IN MY SKETCHBOOK!!!! gawd this took for EVER but this is my fav sketchboob so far omg
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dazed-and-confused23 · 4 months
Dear Hearts and Gentle People 19
Summary: While in Goodneighbor, you find out that Cooper was a famous actor before the war, and ask him to tell you about some of his favorite ones. Much to the amusement to you and Hancock.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader , John Hancock x Female Reader
Warnings! Drinking and Drug Use. Movie references. Fluff and Domestic Fun.
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The three of you are drunk as a skunk, high as a kite, and having the time of your life in the old state house that John calls home. You sit curled against the mayor, watching Cooper, who, in his delightful mood, had decided to regale the two of you with movie quotes and scenes that he'd done back before the war. It had started after he'd made a comment about being a better actor than the one they'd been watched on the fuzzy TV screen.
You had laughed and demanded that the ghoul show you a scene or two from the movies that he'd stared in.
Cooper stands across the living room table, a crocodile grin on his face as he quotes one of his films, his accent thick with a southern draw, "You ain't never heard of Wellenbeck prisoner of war camp, West Virginia?"
You shake your head, playing along with the ex-actor, and John snickers beside you, his laugh smokey and rough from the hit of jet he'd just had. Cooper continues, strutting around the room as he tells his story.
"Oh, Major Marquis did more than bust out. Major Marquis had a bright idea. So bright you hafta' wonder why nobody never thought about it before."
He skips over the other dialog, unable to remember half of the other men's lines, and continues. He gives you and John a look under the brim of his hat, "There was a rookie regiment spendin' the overnight in the camp. Forty-seven men... burnt to a crisp. Southern youth, farmers' sons, cream of the crop."
You gasp dramaticly, eyes wide as you clutch your imaginary pearls. Coop had told you a bit about the movie, set sometime just after the first Civil War back in 1877. You wish you could have seen Cooper back then, but this was just as good. The bounty hunter sets the scene, a small pit stop way up in the mountains.
He suddenly switches up, expression becoming a bit feral at the edges as he gives you and John a mean grin. He explains that Major Marquis has them all lined up against the wall after two men died from poisoned coffee. His voice is sarcastic, disbelief coloring it.
"So you finally decided I'm tellin' the truth 'bout bein' the sheriff of Red Rock, huh?"
He steps away from the wall, turning dramatically and stalking forward, hand under his chin as if he is pulling his thoughts together, "John Ruth was one mighty mighty bastard. But the last thing that bastard did before he died was save my goddamn life."
Cooper pauses and points at you, "You didn't. You were sitting there all quiet like when I poured that cup."
He spins on his heel, his duster flapping and his spurs jingling as he paces the room, "Both of you. Just watching me, waiting, waiting for me to drink myself to death. So what was the plan, Joe Cage? I drink the coffee, OB drinks the coffee, and John Ruth drinks the coffee? And you two sit around and laugh while we roll around on the ground, holding our bellies, screaming in pain?"
You and John are hooked after the speech, eyes wide as the two of you watch Cooper stomp across the room, grab a chipped coffee mug, and stalk over to them. You jump when he slams the cup in front of John, a nasty smile on his face.
Cooper pulls out all the stops, reaching for his side arm and aiming it at John, who looks more than a little nervous at having the hand canon pointed at him. The ex-actor mimes pulling back the hammer and then swings the barrel of his gun at the coffee cup, a snarl on his lips as he glares down at you and Hancock.
"Drink it."
Cooper keeps the scene going for several long seconds before breaking character and stepping back, shoving his side arm back in his holster and spreading his arms, a grin on his face, "Well?"
You burst into laughter and clap, snickering at the look of relief on John's face and the self-satisfied one on Cooper’s. The ghoul across from you bows before loping over to the couch and plopping down between you and John. He sits back and lights up a cigarette, smug as can be.
"Told ya, I still had it."
Ps. I own nothing here.
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fridgrave2-0 · 6 months
alright, I watched the holy trinity aka tgwdlm, black friday and npmd. here's my highly subjective opinions about them !!
first of all, I like all of them, but some more, some less. I'm not dissing or hating any of them, and pls be chill if you like it more than I do
the guy who didn't like musicals: plot 6/10. very simple and basic, still nice though. if I had a nickel for every time I saw a plot with alien possession and blue shit, I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird what it happened twice. paul and emma are cool, little cute couple. songs 5/10. sorry I have to be honest, but it was insanely hard for me to watch tgwdlm and pay attention when they start singing, what is an issue for a musical. sometimes I was even thinking about skipping them (I know it's a crime I'm sorry). most of the songs I forgot right after they ended, but two of them are SUCH bangers what they kinda overcompensated my experience. yeah I'm talking about "join us and die" and "let it out". they fucking killed it.
total: 5/10
black friday: plot 8/10. i enjoyed it so much I can't even describe. most of the characters are charismatic and likable as fuck and I cried like a bitch from tom's song in the beginning. everything about lex, ethan and hannah is a chef's kiss, I was SO invested. and LORE. so much lore I needed that. songs 6/10 HEAR ME OUT! i loved them, I cried at them, I enjoyed them, but personally I don't find them catchy. i don't want to relisten them like actual song in a playlist. would I want to hear them in the musical when I'll rewatch it? absolutely. besides that? not my cup of tea.
total: 7/10
nerdy prudes must die: plot 9/10. unpredictable, crazy, wild, funny. i loved every second of it, every character and every twist, even if I unwillingly spoilered ghost max thingy to myself. maybe it's my hyperfixation talking, but this is the only musical in the trilogy which I want to study with a microscope and rewatch forever. it's the best thing what happened to me in 2024. max is my bbg, pete and steph are fucking cute, grace is a menace and I love it for her, richie is a second bbg, ruth is my queen. minus one point only for max's dad existing, I hate his guts (and maybe for not giving bryce more singtime she's so good omfg. but about it later). SONGS 11/10 HOLY SHIT. the last time I could've relisten all the songs from the musical over and over again was hamilton and npmd just destroyed it like the nuke. the vocals, the music, the lyrics, it just changed my brain chemistry. i was listening to the npmd song for fucking hours in a row while drawing and i wasn't sick of it later. THE SUMMONING god the summoning holy shit!!! highschool is killing me, literal monster, hatchet town, COOL AS I THINK I AM, JUST FOR ONCE-- I just love all of them so much I can't.
total: 10/10
now it's nightmare time 🔥🔥🔥
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koreyeet · 4 months
i wanted to give my nextgens an update with designs and slight changes to lore
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Howl (she/her)- Knuckles and Rouge's oldest daughter, acts like an only child and is pretty much Knuckles 2.0 where she refuses to leave the island for most things and is a huge nerd in echidna history and prides herself in her ancestors even though she technically isn't one of them, also she dies at 18 bc of some selfless sacrifice and becomes a ghost like Tikal.
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Meg (any pronouns)- Shadow's adopted son that took him way too long to acknowledge the fact and technically Rouge's adoptive nephew-son, he was found at around age 3 as a trash child on a mission Shadow and Rouge was on, Shadow didn't want him but when Rouge yelled at him to suck it up (mostly bc she had a newborn at the time) so he kept him until he found Meg's parents, 13 years later that never happened. There was also an incident where Shadow was trying to make Meg a citizen or something, tried to name him like Mario or something, Rouge scolded him about how bad his names are, then Shadow scribbled it out in crayon and replaced it with Mega (after Omega), didn't want to be scolded again and scribbled it out again, never submitted the papers and now Meg thinks he's named after the shark but in reality Shadow's not messing with Rouge and he isn't allowed to name anything else and his son isn't a registered citizen.
He's a chill guy who gets along with the strangest people, mostly hangs out with Howl to train or look after the M.E, and thinks of her as a sister, he also hangs out with Rouge and takes after her a lot especially when he presents feminine, she is the one that promotes that confidence, but with his "sister", Seven he is a bit spiteful towards her for the favoritism she gets and has been slowly drifting from Shadow bc of that, but he still has his best friend who he can vent to her about it.
-was born without hands so he now has cool prosthetics
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Seven (she/he)- Shadow and Zero/Infinite's unintentional tube child, the favorite one, she was the last creation done by Eggman before he died and her purpose was to be like a final weapon, but his plans where foiled, she emerged early/ was not fully cooked and the two edge lords where now dads. She was raised sheltered and is considered very well behaved considering her and her dads where created as weapons, she isn't all that strong only having the powers to project holograms and phase through walls, not really being told her origin and is really confused if she is a foster or their actual child, which eventually leads to a crisis about what she is.
-was the tax benefit motivator in the enemies to forced room mates because of house arrest to tolerating each other to allies to team mates to married for tax benefits to lovers arc
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Ruth (she/her)- Second daughter of Knuckles and Rouge, she takes after both her parents with brains and brawn, probably has the closest relationship with them and loves to accompany them in treasure hunts, she takes after Rouge the most in her love of gems, but is more into the non-polished dirty ones, she's decently skilled in stealth and combat from her mom's training and thinks the other two (Seven and Ringer) are just dumb.
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Ringer (he/they)- Sonic and Amy's oldest kid, imagine an adhd ridden child who has barely a filter and gets distracted so easily and that's him. He's a little menace who possesses Sonics speed, although not fully, and has the itch for seeing anything and everything. He's has a group with Seven and Ruth where they do whatever, girls nights, sleep overs, secret missions, sneaking out, etc. They get in trouble so much.
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Drill (he/him) - only son of Knuckles and Rouge, he's basically Bark but a child, he never talks, only glares, he is a dear to babysit though because all he does is sit there drawing in the dirt and wants to be left alone unless your Ghost, then he loves being around her. Eventually when he's like 16-17 he becomes her body gaurd when she gets her time guardian job.
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Ghost (she/her) - daughter of Silver and Blaze, she is mute and very anxious around anyone except her family, Marine, Drill, and Gardon, she was raised mainly by Silver bc he's a good malewife and inherited his psychokinesis, allowing her to float most places and create a wave lifting everything off the ground, her powers are very unstable, triggering every time she as a breakdown and since she was coddled so much she never really knew how to handle is so now she's just struggling.
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Herb (she/they) - daughter of Lanolin and Trois, works very closely with her moms and has a huge intrest in hero work and helping others, generally really happy and makes a bunch of friends unless she fails then se gets sad for a while. Her hair can act like an extra set of punching gloves.
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Hound (he/him) - oldest son of Lanolin and Trois, teenage angst because he got mugged as a 13 year old and is trying to find the perpetrator who took his sword, it turned into an investigation on finding an uncle everyone denies exists and he isn't vibing with this conclusion. Really uptight and snappy, he gets mad easily, especially at his sister, he's working close with Junebug and Cream on his case since everyone else tells him to give up or gaslights him.
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MJ (they/she) - Metal Sonic's creation - was meant to be minion to their scheme but ended up being like a child to him, but they didn't want to be apart of the scheme so they ran away to the restoration, failed to blend in, got taken in by his aunt Belle, had to convince her parent to not kill anyone, and is now just vibing. They tend to keep to themself, only being around the mechanic area and assisting their aunt with whatever she needs, not really going out there in fear of retaliation.
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Bug/ Junebug (any masc pronoun) - oldest twin of Espio, he's upbeat and hyper, kind of a combination of Charmy and Cream when they were younger, which is expected since they work for them as a junior detective and would rather take action now and solve the case rather then waiting for people to come to them, leading them to get into some dangerous situations, one that scarred both him and his brother, ever since then they've been mostly the same but even more stern about his work and goals.
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Zeki (he/him)- the other one, taking after Espio in the ninja shit, recently got reckless trying to save his sibling and lost an arm and partial vision in one eye so now Espio is being really protective of him. He's really serious about everything and compared to the other twin, he hangs out with his dad more and is really serious and prefers to think things through so something doesn't happen again.
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vilnmelling · 4 months
Figured I'd do a little intro!
'Sup! My name's Vil N. Melling, and I go by she/her pronouns. I'm 19 years old, I'm from quaint little Sweden, I'm a rare species of Hatchetfield fan that's cishet (I was brought here by a couple of lesbians: my sister and her girlfriend), and while I'm not officially diagnosed, if I'm not neurodivergent there's just something unrelated that's terribly wrong with my brain.
I'm a writer currently swept up in a Hatchetfield hyperfixation. While I'm nerding out about Hatchetfield, I'm also writing my second book and editing my debut novel. NPMD also managed to suck me back into fanfiction writing after only writing original works for two years!
Hatchetfield favorites
Characters: Richie's in first place, closely followed by Paul. After that it's a big ol' tie between Ruth, Emma, Miss Holloway, Wiggly and for some reason, Trevor.
Musical: Nerdy Prudes Must Die easily takes the cake for me.
Songs: High School Is Killing Me, The Summoning, Let It Out, Bully the Bully, Literal Monster, What If Tomorrow Comes, Time Bastard and Virginity Rocks
StarKid actor: Jon Matteson, if you couldn't guess from that list of favorite characters (and from a whole bunch of my posts)
Hatchetfield ships
Ships I ship: Paulkins (Paul Matthews + Emma Perkins) (favorite) Lautski (Stephanie Lauter + Pete Spankoffski) Flipschitz (Ruth Fleming + Richie Lipschitz) Lexthan (Lex Foster + Ethan Green) Barneston (Tom Houston + Becky Barnes) Holloduke/Holloweane (Miss Holloway + Duke Keane) Swedish Barbecue (Trevor Lipschitz + Rudolph) I can see Tedlotte (Ted Spankoffski + Charlotte Sweetly) Legally Blonde (Gary Goldstein + Linda Monroe) in a "they have a regular affair" kinda way Alice and Deb if they work a bit on trust and boundaries And of course, Henry Hidgens and his six boyfriends
Ships I'll gladly stay away from, please and thank you: Max and Richie ANY Human x Lord in Black Paul and Emma with anyone but each other (they are fucking meant to be)
Any ship that wasn't mentioned in either, assume I'm neutral about it.
Other fandoms
Arcane. Arcane's undoubtedly the best story I've ever seen. It's the main inspiration behind my steampunk fantasy trilogy, and I fucking adore it.
Newsies. The first musical I liked! (The only other musical I actually care about-). It was my 2021 hyperfixation, as evidenced by the fact that I have an (now inactive) Instagram fan page with 700+ posts. If you wanna check it out, it's newsies_square.
While I'm not really active in any other fandoms, I do really like The Umbrella Academy, the Grishaverse (more specifically Six of Crows), The Good Place, Encanto, Gravity Falls, Modern Family and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Other platforms
I'm all over the place, baby B)
Instagram: vil.n.melling_cant.write (writing tips + writing memes + incorrect quotes + occasional content about my books) vil.n.melling_cant.draw (where I post my drawings) vil.n.melling_stealfromtherich (a page just for stuff about my book (titled Steal From The Rich)
YouTube Vil N. Melling. I've published one NPMD analysis (as well as a couple of other analysis and writing tip videos), and I'm planning on making a good few more of them!
TikTok vil.n.melling_cant.write (mostly book marketing, but also a few writing/reading memes)
I'll soon have my first Hatchetfield fanfic up on AO3, at which point this will be updated to feature my handle there!
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poryphoria · 9 months
so anyways if you people know anything about me you know that id rather chew my arms off like a caught rat than draw humans for like, more than 2 seconds. so me and @realuity have been working on striking everyone in hatchetfield with a Sinister Beam Of Fursona, one at a time! this is the future LIBERALS want for starkid productions
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mainly focusing on npmd at the moment but we've given tgwdlm a little thought too :]
•steph is an alligator snapping turtle
•petey & ted are alpacas
•richie is a white booted rackettail hummingbird
•grace is a double merle cocker collie
•ruth is a caecilian
•max is a bigheaded ant (i cannot Believe they are actually called that
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and paul matthews is a garden eel! OORAH
some misc doodlies n stuff lalalalallaa
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wheels-of-despair · 11 months
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Enough | A Make Up Story | Tom Grant x You | Series Masterlist
Chapter 5: Not Going to Unfuck Itself Words: 2.5k
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The guy you almost hit with your car was right; this was not great for your back. You flipped over on the couch, hoping to unfuck your spine by lying on the opposite side, which meant you could see him now. He snored lightly with his mouth open, his forearm shielding his eyes from the morning sun. He looked so peaceful when he slept.
You close your eyes and try to concentrate on going back to sleep. Ninety seconds later, when you accept that sleep is not going to come and that your body is not going to unfuck itself, you drag yourself off the godforsaken sofa. Maybe food would help. Or at least standing by the stove would help straighten your spine out.
You quietly pull your pancake-making supplies out of the cabinet, but freeze when the bag of chocolate chips slides toward you.
Jade loves chocolate chip pancakes. You thought that chocolate combined with syrup was overkill, but the girl had a sweet tooth like you wouldn't believe. The smell of them would wake her from even the deepest slumber and draw her to you. You loved how she'd kiss the back of your neck before shuffling to the table with her plate and smothering the already-sweet atrocity in even-sweeter syrup.
Looking back, you don't know why you didn't just make yourself a plain batch, instead of choking down a sickeningly sweet chocolate-flecked one with her. But you did it, more times than you'd care to admit. You even pretended to enjoy it. Like an idiot.
You decide to leave the chips out. Tom doesn't seem the extravagant type. You didn't think you could stomach seeing or smelling one of Jade's favorites anyway. You shove the bag of chocolate to the back of the cabinet and close it, then get to work on a batch of plain, normal pancakes. Just like you. Nowhere near interesting enough for a person like her.
You'd been so focused on thoughts of Jade, you hadn't heard Tom get up. You nearly jumped through the ceiling when he tried to squeeze by you on his way to the bathroom.
"Are you alright?" he asked, tone somewhere between concern and amusement.
"I'm fine, I was just in the cooking zone and didn't hear you creep up on me."
"I didn't creep, I… pancakes?!" he exclaims when he sees the stack you've been building on his tiny stove.
"…do you not like pancakes?" you ask apprehensively.
"I love them, but I fuck them up every time. Always fall apart on me."
You hold up the mixture and squint at it as you calculate. "One more on the way."
"I'll be back before it's done." He darts into the bathroom, and you try not to laugh at how cute his eagerness is. You fill the water cups and set the table while the last pancake cooks.
True to his word, he's back in a flash. He sits down as you transfer the final pancake to the stack and place the plate in the center of the table. His eyes are nearly as big as they are. You double-check that you've turned the stove off and sit down with him.
Tom eyes the stack between you, stabs the top one with a fork, drags it to your plate, then brings one to his own. You smile and reach for the syrup, struggling to get the top open. Tom holds out a hand. You give it to him and watch him open it with ease.
"I loosened it up for you," you say stubbornly.
"Sure you did," he grins, passing it back to you. You give your pancake a quick douse of syrup and return the bottle to Tom.
"Do you surf?" Tom asks through a mouth full of pancake.
You shake your head.
"Thought I might go out today, try to clear my head."
"Good idea."
"You wanna come? Get out for a bit? It's too cold for anybody else to be down there." You understand what he means: "anybody else" is code for "Jade and Ruth".
"Sure," you smile, taking another bite of your pancake.
After breakfast is over and the dishes are done - Tom washed, you dried - you dressed in jeans and a sweater and made your way down to the beach. He brought you a blanket to sit on in the sand, but it was so windy, you ended up wrapping it around you like a cape.
You listened to the wind whistle as you watched Tom struggle in the distance. In the movies, it looks like surfers are one with the waves; just gliding through them effortlessly. It looks like Tom is taking out all his aggression on the water, and the choppy waves are fighting him right back.
You trail your hand through the sand in a calming motion, trying not to fret on his behalf. Tom knows what he's doing. He probably does this all the time. You glance down occasionally when you feel something hard, instinctively transferring a few tiny seashells to your pocket. Can't take a vacation without bringing home a souvenir.
When Tom disappears beneath the surface of the water, you stand up in a panic. You stare at the spot where he went under, and when he doesn't reappear in a few seconds, you begin scanning the surrounding area with frantic eyes. He finally pops up, and you heave a sigh of relief. You walk toward him through the sand as he stumbles out of the water.
He's coughing when you reach him. You wrap your blanket around him and stand at his side until he catches his breath.
"Had enough for today, Surfer Boy?" you tease when you're sure he's alright. He shoots you a glare and starts coughing again. You slide an arm around your shivering friend and climb the sandy slope on your way back toward the caravan park.
Tom takes a warm shower while you make him a cup of tea. Neither of you speaks again until he's drained the last of his cup.
"Another?" you ask. He shakes his head.
"So that was a brilliant idea," he says bitterly.
You chuckle. "You alright?"
"Yeah, just got banged up a bit. Cleared my head, though."
"Um, I think the phrase you're looking for is 'scrambled my brains'."
He laughs sarcastically. "D'you wanna watch a movie? You can pick. I'm too tired to care. Just wanna lay here and not think."
You nod, and he points to the remote sitting by the television. You pick it up, and he slowly turns himself from the table to the TV. You hope that spot is more comfortable for sitting than it was for sleeping.
You drape the blanket you'd slept under across his lap and settle in the corner, flipping through the channels until you find a comedy marathon. During the second movie, you remember that you brought popcorn. You pop it and return to the couch, sitting a little closer to Tom so you can both reach the bowl.
Being here doesn't feel odd, although it probably should, given the reason you're with him. It just feels like two friends hanging out. It was exactly what you needed; no thoughts, no worries, just some dumb movie you feel like you might've seen before.
When dinner-time rolled around, you offered to reheat last night's leftovers. Tom was so tired and achy from his encounter with the sea, he barely even tried to argue. You would've won, anyway. He was in no condition for a fight. You brought the steaming bowls of pasta to the couch and ate there.
During a movie that hadn't elicited a laugh in over twenty minutes, you decided it was time to call it a night. You'd spent an entire day doing and thinking about nothing together, and felt better than you had since… the incident.
"Take the bed, you got your ass kicked by the ocean today," you order, reaching down to pick up a few stray pieces of popcorn that had fallen between you. Maybe if you were able to stretch out on the sofa, it wouldn't be so bad.
"And I can still hear your joints creaking from last night," he counters. "You take it."
You both cross your arms and stare at each other.
Tom breaks first.
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, he eases himself off the couch and holds out his hand. "C'mon."
You raise an eyebrow.
"I will if you will," is the only explanation he offers.
As if on cue, your back begins to twinge, making up your mind for you. You get up without taking his hand, not wanting to cause any more strain on him after his oceanic ass-kicking. You stop by the tiny bathroom to change into PJs, and join him in the bed by the window that wasn't there.
Oh, holy hell, lying flat on your back is amazing.
But the way your brain activates as soon as it's dark and quiet isn't. Shut up and sleep, dammit. Stop thinking about Jade. Stop thinking about that surely horrifying mechanic's bill that's headed your way. Stop thinking about the knowing looks and "I Told You So's" you'll have to face when you go home. Stop thinking about how you're in bed with a guy you barely know, who also just had his heart broken.
"What are you thinking about?" Tom asks. Guess sleep isn't happening for either of you tonight.
"Would you take her back?
"If Ruth knocked on your door right now, and said she was sorry, and that she loved you, and that she wanted to be with you. Would you take her back?"
"Is it really that simple for you?"
"It's not for you?"
"Nothing's ever simple with Jade," you chuckle bitterly.
"You'd really take her back? Now?"
"I really wish I could say no, but…" You heave a sigh.
"How long were you with her?"
"About five years. On and off."
"On and off?"
"She… she comes in waves. She'll show up, and stick around for a week or two, then just… fade away."
"You were okay with that?"
"No," you breathe, feeling a weight pressing down on your chest.
"How did you meet?" he asks quietly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"It's okay," you whisper, closing your eyes to fend off the tears. You take a deep breath and tell him about the Halloween party, and finding her again a month later. How she made you feel when she was there, and how she made you feel when she wasn't. How every time she showed up or called, you didn't think twice about dropping everything to be with her. How you hated having to deal with everything you'd put on the back burner when she reappeared and threw your universe off-balance. How saying goodbye hurt a little more every time. How you wished you could just say no to her, and stop wasting your life waiting on a happy ending that would never come.
And then Tom tells you about the day he met Ruth. How he was so nervous when he invited the new girl who just moved in down the street to hang out with him and his friends. How he couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was so cute and silly and fun. He took her to see some shitty band she was crazy about for their first official date, and kissed her at her doorstep when he brought her home. Took her to school dances, spent holidays together. They did everything exactly the way they were supposed to. She was the only girl he'd ever loved. The only girl he'd ever been with. The only girl he'd ever imagined a future with.
He told you about how different she was when she came here to be with him. By the time he'd packed her things, he barely recognized her. She was quiet, and distant, and giving him strange looks whenever she was actually around, and coming home drunk. He'd never even seen her drink before the day she met Jade.
You wanted to hate Ruth for hurting Tom, but the truth was… you understood. There was just something about Jade that pulled you into her wake. It had happened to you too. Although you like to think if you'd been in a relationship with someone as sweet as Tom, you wouldn't have looked twice at anyone else. Even her.
At some point during your heartbreaking tales, Tom had reached for your hand. You remained lying on your backs, not daring to look at each other. But that simple touch was a source of great comfort as tears leaked on both side of the bed.
"Oh, fuck," Tom groans after glancing at the clock on his side of the bed. "I've gotta be up in a few hours."
"Shit," you mutter, feeling guilty for keeping him awake.
Neither of you makes a move, hands still clasped in the middle of the bed as they had been for hours.
"Thank you," you whisper, as a way of saying good night.
"For what?"
"I've never been able to talk about her like this with anyone before," you admit, feeling much lighter than you had at the beginning of this conversation. "Everyone else in my life hates her so much, I know better than to bring her up. I've kept it bottled up for so long, I guess it had to spew sometime… sorry it happened all over you."
Tom snorts. "Don't be," he says, hand squeezing yours. "Do you feel better?"
"Yeah," you breathe. "Almost makes me wish I'd made someone listen to me years ago. But if I'd done that… I guess I wouldn't be here with you now." You finally let go of his hand and turn to face him. "Hate to break it to you, Guy I Almost Hit with My Car, but I think you're kind of my best friend."
He laughs, a genuine laugh, and turns to face you in the darkened room. "I think you might be mine too, Girl Who Almost Ran Me Over."
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Covert Eyes (21)
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Prologue| Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
Masterlist of fan fiction
Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland)
Warnings: Stalking behaviour, anxiety, language, sexual references, angst, smut, heartbreak, gunshot wounds and recovery, abduction, hostage situation.
Summary: Lucas takes notice of a young woman, Amy, but his obsession and want to get to know her begin to spiral out of control. Amy is now working for MI-5, after being recruited by Ros. But will her involvement with Lucas cause even more problems and heartbreak?
Official soundtrack list:  here
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in.
The first day back was quiet, slow and fairly uneventful. Amy remained with Tariq, scouring CCTV footage from a new case that had landed on the main desk of section D. Lucas was in a three hour meeting with Ros, Jo and Harry, discussing the Robert Spiller case. 
“Lunch time in a bit,” Amy said, swivelling on her chair, in her usual child-like manner.
“You are obsessed with food,” Tariq chuckled. “Are you sure Lucas feeds you enough at home?” 
“I know my priorities, and food is one of them.” With that, Amy opened the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a Mars bar from a multi pack. “Want one?” 
Tariq chuckled again. “Go on, then. I was supposed to be starting back at the gym tonight. Looks like I’ll have to forego another day.” 
“Come on, one chocolate bar won’t hurt you.” 
Once Lucas’ meeting was finished, he dashed out of the room and over to Amy’s desk. He perched on the table next to her, looking down as she smiled up at him from her chair. His heart filled with so much love for her, that he knew he’d never felt anything like this before. Whenever her large, green eyes focused on him, he found himself dissociating from the world around him. He reached out and took her hand, holding it for a few seconds, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles. Then his thumb grazed her engagement ring. 
“I’m going to be home late tonight,” Lucas said. “I’ve got a fair bit to do on Spiller, and Harry’s asked me to brief the Midlands team who are going out tonight on surveillance. Will you be okay going home on your own?” 
“Of course I will. I’m a big girl, after all.” 
Lucas sighed. “Aim, I just worry, that’s all.” 
“Come on, let’s go and grab something to eat. I think I’ve driven Tariq mad keep talking about food.” 
“You’ve got that right!” Tariq’s playful voice came from across the room as he walked away, ready to make another mug of coffee. 
Amy left the office around 5:15pm that evening with Tariq and Ruth. All three of them ventured out into the cold air, pulling their scarves and gloves on tighter. They separated, going in different directions. Amy continued on towards Lambeth Bridge, crossing over it, weaving between fellow commuters and tourists. The sky was pitch black and littered with silver stars, as if someone had thrown glitter against a silk backdrop. 
Amy took her phone from her pocket and saw a new message from Lucas. 
Be safe. I love you. Xxx
Whenever he said or wrote those words ‘I love you’, Amy still felt a slight pang of disbelief amongst her excitement. Thankfully, that voice which had always boldly told her she would never be enough, was gradually turning into a whisper. 
She looked out across the river at the London Eye, watching the colours change. One day she would come out early, grab a coffee, and sit down at the riverside and draw it; she’d already planned it all in her mind. Maybe even draw Big Ben and Parliament. Amy had always liked coming out into London when it was early and few people were yet roaming the street. She felt comfortable and safe, being more alone and less likely to be disturbed. 
Lucas took the underground back to his and Amy’s flat. For the duration of the journey, Lucas flicked through photos of himself and Amy. A few of them were from New Year up in Coventry, with Amy’s brother in law and nephew photobombing in the background of one, and in another, Amy’s dad had been caught to the side, his eyes closed and his mouth puckered, just ready to take a sip of beer: not the most flattering of poses. His favourite was still a photo of them snuggled up on the sofa together, Amy with her head on his shoulder, grinning childishly. They’d only been together two months or so when he took this photo, and already they both looked happy. 
It was around seven weeks away from their one year anniversary, and Lucas had begun thinking of gift ideas. He had already brought her jewellery for Christmas. And Amy’s birthday was also approaching, being the last day of January. Lucas had been taking mental notes of items Amy had mentioned, like a pair of tartan Converse she been eyeing on their last shopping trip. Then there was Valentine’s Day! It was all coming together in one swoop. However, Amy’s training was due to start the second week of February, so Valentine’s and their anniversary would need to be celebrated over their available weekends. 
It had been strange that she had not text him that evening since leaving Thames House. Normally if one of them was in the office and the other at home, they would text back and forth. Their texts were usually about what meals were planned for dinner and what film they would be watching, with some playful banter in between. 
Upon the walk from the underground station to their street, Lucas checked his phone. No new messages. 
Maybe she had been tired and went for a nap ahead of him returning home. Possibly? But doubtful. It was rare, if not completely out of character, for Amy to not text him while they were apart. 
As Lucas turned his key in the lock and opened the door to the flat, he was surprised to see that no lights were on. Normally if Lucas returned and Amy was already there, she would leave a lamp on in the hallway, which cast a faint light through into the kitchen and dining area. 
Immediately he sensed that something was amiss. It was just past eleven at night, so Amy was probably in bed, either reading, scrolling on her phone, or sleeping. 
Lucas went to the bedroom. Dark and empty. 
He called her name and stepped into the bathroom. Nothing. 
Lucas took his phone from his pocket and found Amy’s number and called. 
“The person you are calling is not available…”
Lucas growled and then called Harry. 
“Lucas? Is everything alright?” Harry Pearce’s professional yet concerned voice came. 
“Have you requested Amy go back in?” 
“No, why?” 
“She’s not at home. All the lights were off and she hasn’t told me she’s going anywhere, which isn’t like her.” 
“Maybe she’s met up with a friend. There are many reasons she might not be home. Try not to worry.” 
“Thanks, Harry,” Lucas said, sighing in frustration. He knew her. Amy would never have left the flat without leaving the lamp on, and certainly would never have disappeared so late and not told him. Even if she had bumped into a friend on the way home, for instance, she would have still text Lucas to let him know she would be late returning home. 
The only other person who Lucas could think of who might have seen her was Debbie from her old work place. But Lucas didn’t have her number to contact. For a minute, he sat down on the bed, on Amy’s side and looked at her bedside table. Her current reading book, an empty mug, a Tinkerbell figurine, a black Moleskine journal for her doodles. 
Of course no one would believe him at this point that Amy was missing; no one knew her patterns like him. He picked up her purple pyjama bottoms and felt dread fill him to the core. Something was definitely wrong. Even if no one could yet see it. 
“Where are you, angel?” he whispered. “Tell me where you are.” 
By the time it had turned midnight, Lucas knew with absolute certainty that Amy was missing. He grabbed his Belstaff jacket from the hallway, and picked up his keys off the small table next to the letter rack. At the front was an electricity bill that had come that morning. Lucas eyed their names: Miss. A. Holland and Mr. L. North. She’d been so happy when their first joint mail had come, giggling happily. 
“One day, not too far away, and it’ll say Mrs. A North.” Something so simple had made her so ecstatic. It was in those moments, when something so simple made her smile, that Lucas fell even more deeply in love with her. 
Back on the Grid, Lucas logged on to one of the computers. Only one or two people flitted past him, disappearing down corridors, until a familiar face appeared from around the edge of one of the computers. 
“Malcolm?” Lucas exclaimed.
“You’re in late.” The middle aged man was shocked to see Lucas in the office so late of a night. “Are you back for the Spiller case.” 
“I think Amy’s missing,” Lucas told him. “She never came home tonight. I got back and the flat was empty and there were no lights on. She always leaves the lamp on in the hallway when I get in after her.” 
“Maybe she forgot…” 
“Malcolm, I know her. I live with her. She hasn’t text me all evening, which is unlike her. We constantly text. Can you run all recent footage in the area and track her phone?” 
Malcolm started by opening Amy’s employee record. Her photo filled the screen, and as it did, Lucas smiled sadly. The memory of her lying unconscious in hospital surfaced. His beautiful Amy. His wife-to-be. The future Mrs. Lucas North. 
“What’s her mobile number?” 
Lucas reeled off her number by memory, and Malcolm entered the number into the tracking programme, whilst he run her photo against all CCTV in London. Amy’s photo remained locked on the monitor in the left hand corner as random faces appeared and disappeared, within milliseconds, hundreds of faces being analysed. 
“Her phone was last monitored by a local cell tower at 5:32pm. Coordinates show that she was at South Bank…”
“Heading for the train home,” Lucas interrupted. “That must have been when I sent her my last text message.”
“Her phone has no reception and hasn’t been used since, not even on the Wi-Fi.” 
Terror racked through Lucas and he eyed the faces which were still flipping, none of them staying on screen for longer than a quarter of a second. A blur of eyes, noses, skin colours and hairstyles. “Come on, angel,” he whispered. “Come on! Give us something.” 
A match appeared on the screen; a scene of Amy walking past a pub enlarged on the screen. An address appeared and the coordinate of the building. “South facing camera from the front door of The King’s Head…”
The rest of Malcolm’s words seemed to dissolve away as Lucas began writing down the address of the pub from the screen. “What time was this?” 
“Just before she got to the underground station. Did your search then include all the underground lines?” 
“So she didn’t get on a train because she would’ve been picked up on the cameras. Can you check all the vehicles parked in that street and also within a half mile radius, see if anything stands out? And…” Lucas’ voice broke and he hung his head, resting back on the desk behind him. 
“We’ll find her,” Malcolm reassured. 
All Lucas could see in his mind was Amy in his arms, and blood staining his hands and shirt. He could hear her whimpers as he held her, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. There was no way he could let that happen again. It was his duty to protect her, first and foremost. Fuck everyone else. Only Amy mattered. 
“This has got to be connected with Sarah. Why else would anyone target her?” Lucas asked, tears beginning to well in his eyes. Even in death and the bitch wouldn’t leave him alone. 
An hour later and Harry and Ros had arrived, both with a coffee in hand to attempt to wake them. Harry immediately approached Malcolm, who was sifting through all the vehicle registrations that had been in the vicinity of where Amy was last seen. 
Meanwhile, Lucas was sat at Amy’s desk. 
“Is he absolutely sure Amy is missing?” Harry enquired, whispering to Malcolm. “Could he be jumping the gun on this one?” 
Malcolm sighed. “I wouldn’t have called you in, Harry, if I didn’t feel there was something wrong. Amy was last seen here,” and with that, Malcolm pointed to a map on the screen. “CCTV footage caught her walking past The King’s Head, approaching the underground station. Then she went out of shot. None of the underground cameras saw her. She must have disappeared in that street.” 
Ros stood next to Lucas, remaining silent. She felt sadness at the sight of him with his head held low. Next to the time when Amy had been shot, Ros had never encountered Lucas looking so beaten down. 
“I’m not going to say it, Ros, but you know I’m thinking it,” Lucas sighed. 
“I know you all too well by now, Lucas. Of course you’re thinking it. And you still blame me for recruiting her.” 
Lucas stared at Amy’s empty Winnie the Pooh mug on the desk and felt as if his whole chest were compressing, about to implode. 
“You shouldn’t be here. We’ll take this from here. Go home.” 
Lucas looked up at Ros, his ice blue eyes full of turmoil. “How can I go home? I need to find her.” 
Harry walked over. “Ros is right. You can’t be working on this. You’re far too close to her.” 
“And that’s exactly the reason I should be working on this. I knew as soon as I got home that something was wrong. I know her behaviour, her ways. You need me to be on this. You barely know her yet.” 
“Lucas…” Harry began sternly. 
“No, Harry! She’s almost died once because of me, and now I know in my gut that this is connected to Sarah again. I’ve pulled her too far into my life, and it’s constantly putting hers at stake. I should never have got involved with her. I shouldn’t have ever spoken to her in the café and just ignored that want to get to know her…” Tears fell down Lucas’ cheeks in quick procession, and he put his hands to his face, weeping behind them. 
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @linasofia @xxbyimm @knittastically @middleearthpixie @guardianofrivendell @asgardianhobbit98 @meganlpie @luna-xial @evenstaredits @missihart23 @quiall321 @sazzlep @lemond57 @rachel1959 @mrsdurin @catthefearless @the-fragile-heart-of-a-lady @glassgulls @aliasauthor @solairewisteria @littlebird-99 @court-jobi @heilith @absentmindeduniverse @albionscastle @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @bookworm-with-coffee @danzalladaggers
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ninesdb · 8 months
Olympian Bucky AU
Okay, a few people said they would love to hear more about my AU, so here we go! @btwxsixesandsevens @realmamabear79 @milady-elessar
Ill start with saying that i did archery as a teenager, but i had a bare horse bow. So it was just 1 piece and didn't have any sights or stabalisers or whatever. I did have my lessons with people that did have those, so i do know a little about it, and all the other technical stuff is from the 'net. So if you know more about (recurve) archery than i do, please let me in on all the insider knowledge!
For those not familiar with archery, this is a recurve bow. Its the one used at the olympics.
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And here is a picture with all the technical terms that i will use from time to time:
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The compound bow is from my research the most common in the USA (it has a lot of power and is good for hunting), its also allowed on the paralympics. Bucky will be using the recurve tho.
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Now to my ideas:
Bucky was born in Shelbyville, Indiana in 1987. The oldest of four, Rebecca (1989), Ruth (1991) and Esther (1999).
While they live there he just did some boring sports popular in the USA. Kinda switching between things if thats a thing over there, but none really stick.
Then they move to NYC in 1999 when Bucky was 12 years old because of his parents' work. One of his new classmates in NYC did archery and Bucky was invited to tag along to a class once.
And for the first time in his life he actually loved a sport. He loved the silence and accuracy that it required. He also loved that it was an ididivual sport so he wasnt dependent on a teams skill. Just his own.
So he asked his parents if he could join too who after some doubt allowed him to start. They didnt have a lot of money to spare, but he could use a bow from the club and the lessons didnt cost too much. It did help that Rebecca waw more into art and drawing so her hobby was pretty cheap. Bucky is extatic that he can start and he goes to lessons every week and practised his technique and strength whenever he could. He didn’t have money for his own bow and the first competitions he actually used one of the club’s bows that he always used during the lessons. He actually came second out of many kids on his first competition.
Meanwhile he was doing small jobs in the neighbourhood to earn enough money to buy himself a decent bow with sight and stabilisers. It cost him 400 USD to buy it all, because secondhand left handed bows were hard to come by so he had to buy it new, and it wasn’t the best quality, but it was so worth it. He could actually practise everything even better at home even without a target to actually practise at in their apartment.
When he started going to competitions more frequently it was often his coach driving him, because of his parents busy schedule and the fact that there were three little sisters at home too.
At 14, Bucky already competed at the national youth championships. By now he’d been able to upgrade his bow to a better and heavier bow (draw strength) and also a bigger one because his pull length had increased a lot with how much taller he’d gotten over the last few years.
But now i have an appointment so be back later with more!
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soulsuckrrs · 11 days
That one time Ruth & Leroy decided to fight & I wrote it as a drabble, enjoy.
For context: Ruth said something sassy & offensive to the vampire prince 🤷
The shadows that all but engulfed Ruth's limbs shuddered as he strained against them, his typically blue eyes sharp and flecked with a silvery blue glow as they met the reflective eyes that stared him down. Clawed fingers constricted into a fist and made the shadows grip at Ruth harder and he groaned from the pressure. The dark haired vampire eased closer, floating on the shadows like the ethereal creature that he was, drawing closer to Ruth with intimidation lacing his predatory gaze.
This annoyance should not have been putting up so much resistance but Leroy always did enjoy a good challenge, even if it came from such a young magic user and especially when it came from someone with so much life pulsing through their veins. Leroy could hear the steady pounding of the witches heart within his ribcage and for a fleeting moment he wondered what it would be like to pluck that organ from Ruth’s chest. This made his lips quirk in an intrigued and amused grin, exposing his elongated and deadly fangs.
"Do you want to try that again little witch?" Leroy asked with heat in his tone as he closed the distance between the bound witch in his shadows, he stopped far enough away that the other couldn’t reach him if he were able to break free from his strong hold. The vampire could smell the determination rolling off the witch in waves, just like his energy it was invigorating and Leroy fed off of it as much as he did the sight of the other so constricted. “Perhaps, though, your tongue will learn some manners, hmm.” It was as much of a suggestion as it was a threat and Leroy was eager to see how this witch proceeded with the combination.
Ruth was outmatched, hands down, he knew from the second those words had slipped past his very unfiltered lips that he had fucked up. The shadows had constricted around him far quicker than he’d been able to react, instinctively his magic engaged and vibrated his entire system ready to defend himself as he tried to wiggle within the shadows and test the limitations of this power. It seemed he was posing more of a struggle than the vampire had anticipated because the shadows tightened around Ruth like some vice and he couldn’t help but grunt out a soft growl, eyes flashing with a pulse of power that made the shadows around him quiver and caused the vampire to tilt his head in a curious and cat-like manner. Fuck, why had he opened his god-fucking-damn mouth? Ruth couldn’t help but mentally kick his own ass before this literal ancient being had the chance to do that physically.
“Yeah, sure,” Ruth grunted, still struggling and pushing his magical energy outward against the pressure of the vampire’s shadows. The witch certainly knew how to get himself into tight situations but because of that he had also become quite talented at getting himself out of trouble just as quickly. Ruth was sure getting out of this little pickle would not be as easy as he thought it would be, this vampire was a strong adversary but he hadn’t been trained by just any witches. Despite being the rebellious piece of shit he was to his family, they spent no less time training him to be as lethal as possible with his abilities. Mastering the small things, the little magics, and the spells that could get him out of this situation or at least away from the problem at hand. "I'll mind my manners." Ruth finished with a fierce growl, forcing a blast of telekinetic energy outward to put space between his body and the shadows constricting around him. It was a 50/50 chance gamble and Ruth was pleased to find it worked.
It only lasted a few seconds but it was enough for the young witch to vanish and reappear away from the approaching vampire. Teleporting. Leroy made a noise, almost a hum of feigned impressed amusement before his eyes flashed with a dangerous glint. Ruth was ready, however, posed in a defensive stance, crouched some and prepared to ward off more shadows with the crackling light energy that he'd formed in his right hand, his own eyes electric with a glowing blue silver like lightning. There were a few moments of silence between the two as they stared at one another and then the vampire cackled, a laugh that pierced the silence so abruptly it sent chills down Ruth's spine.
“Aww, you want to fight, little witch? Fine, I won't kill you for your insolence… this time,” Leroy said, body contorting just slightly, fingers more claws than actual human digits and his face, once stunning and sharp, was twisted into something grotesque and beastly. The vampire snarled and another beat before the two took off at blinding speed, colliding with a loud and shattering noise. The vampire prince laughed, the sound as deafening and cruel as the sound of them colliding in battle, shadows rolling viscously against the bright sparks of electric magic.
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The Bookstore 2
Warnings: None as yet.
Summary: A mysterious strangers comes to your bookstore.
Character: Jorah Mormont (Modern AU)
This is for my Jorah Bean, they know who they are ;) and to anyone else who likes this teddy bear. Darkness to come, promised. As well, as usual, as I so desperately beg of you, please let me know what you think. Love!
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Cardinal’s Cafe is busy as you wait in line for your noon time cappuccino. You hoped to take a longer break from the store as your eyes were starting to get tired from squinting at your weekly sales spreadsheet. You could just go upstairs to your apartment above the shop but that only made it harder to go back.
You step up and take your mug from Doris. You forgot you said ‘for here’. You’re stuck now and there’s nowhere to sit. You back up and look around, drawn by subtle movement to your right. You glance over as your name lilts off the man’s tongue.
“I’ve a seat available if you don’t mind the company,” Jorah offers as he stands, an open palm towards the other chair at the table for two.
“Only if you don’t mind,” you answer sheepishly, “it’s packed in here, huh?”
“Please,” he comes around and pulls out the chair for you. It’s not entirely peculiar in the town of retirees.
You place your cup down and sit as his fingers unintentionally brush your sleeve. He steps around you and resumes his seat across from you, framing the saucer beneath his cup with his long fingers. You warm your hands against the sides of the porcelain mug and sniff as you look out the window.
“I was on my way to the shop actually,” he intones, drawing your attention back, “I finished the books. I think I underestimated my free time.”
“Oh? Any good?”
“The first was a fun romp but the second… not entirely a satisfying end,” he takes a sip of his black tea, “do you know if the food is any good here?”
“That’s kind of a subjective question but I don’t mind it. I tend to go more for the bakery but… I’m cutting back on all that.”
“Sweet tooth?”
“Deadly,” you confirm and dare a sip of your cappuccino, carefully not to singe your tongue.
“How about Medley’s? The restaurant?”
“It’s not bad,” you nod, “I mean, there’s not much choice around here, is there? As long as you have a strong stomach.”
“It’s also the deli and they butcher their own meat. They’re hardly shy about it.”
“Ah, I will keep that in mind.”
“Pretty slow everywhere here,” you say, “I hope you’re serious about retirement.”
“Slow is nice. Safe,” he says as he leans back and fixes his lapel, “how did you end up here?”
You smile, “how do you know I’m not from here?”
“That could be an answer.”
You take another drink and eye the coffee cake in the display, wondering if it’s worth it to get up and order. “My grandmother owned the shop before me. Put my name on it herself. She needed a caretaker and I just finished uni at the time.” He listens intently, planting his elbow on the table and steepling his fingers beneath his chin, the soft fuzz grazing along his fingertips, “she had a couple years left but they were rough.”
“I’m sorry,” he says mournfully, “I know how hard loss can be.”
“It’s life,” you swallow your emotion. “I’m sure you know. What about you? You got a family in tow? A partner?”
His cheek dimples and he pulls his hands apart, showing his left and wiggling his bare ring finger, “never got to that part. Just me. Lonely old man.”
“Free,” you correct him, “means you can just do whatever you want.”
“And you? Are you… free?”
Your brows nearly meet as you consider his question. It’s harmless. At least twenty years between you, he’s being polite. Like Ruth does when she asks about your love life. If you can call it that.
“Was in something long-distance for a while. Didn’t wanna leave the shop so that’s that,” you tap your fingers on the handle of your mug, “so guess I am too.”
“We should start a club,” he kids, “we don’t have to quilt or anything.”
You can’t help but chuckle and give another longing look to the case of cakes and pastries. Your mouth waters and you drown the temptation with a taste of espresso.
“Looks good,” he comments and you guiltily retract your stare.
“The cake.”
“Like I said, cutting back.”
“Yes, you did, but it’s okay to still have some.”
“Don’t tempt me, please.”
“Ah, but it’s fun,” his blue eyes gleam.
You shake your head, “really, I’m not–”
“Oh, you must be the new one,” you’re interrupted as Diane blusters over from the counter, “well, look at you. How dashing, you are!”
You look up as she gives a flirty smile and slurps from the plastic lid. Diane’s the type to fill the shop with her voice as she recounts the filthiest gossip. You glance at Jorah as he maintains a courteous veneer.
“Hello,” he says evenly.
“But I see you’ve already hopped on the young one,” she sneers, “bit old, aren’t ya?”
“Di,” you warn, “we’re just talking.”
“Right, right, I’ve not even introduced myself. Diane. I run the local book club and the founder’s lodge.”
“Founder’s lodge?” Jorah wonders though hardly sounded interested.
“Yes, very exclusive. We arrange local events. We’ve had art installations and the like. We also run the Christmas market.”
“Fun,” he muses dully and empties his cup.
“You didn’t tell me your name, handsome?”
“You’ve not stopped talking about yourself long enough to let me,” he stands and wipes his mouth with a napkin, “if you’d excuse us, we were having a conversation before you waltzed in. I’m certain you’ve got some important task to do for the Founder’s Lodge or what have you.”
“Why I– Oh, feisty.”
“If you would,” he gestures past her, “I’d like to get through.”
“I am being polite, sir, the least you can do is tell me your name,” she says, aghast.
“Polite isn’t interrupting a stranger, now if you would kindly move, I would like to claim that last slice of cake,” he waits only a moment before stepping around her decisively.
She juts her jaw out at the affront and scoffs. Her eyes fall on you and she sniffs, “hm, he must be rich, eh? Just like nana.”
She spins, spilling some coffee on herself as she storms towards the door. There’s some chatter as the door chimes and you peek over at Jorah as he stands unaffected in line, coolly taking out his wallet as he moves up to the till. Well, you don’t expect you’ll be hosting any book club meetings at the shop soon.
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capybaraonabicycle · 8 months
Hiya! For the writers truth & dare ask game, I'd love to know about..
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I'm btw planning on reading more Righting Reflex in the evening, I just really need to get at least one and a half more tasks done today for my portfolio. Sending you much love 💚🦎
Thank you, love!! This is way too long, so I will put it under a 'read more'
🕯️On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
Maybe a 3? Like, I don't hate it but I'm not too fond of it either. I enjoy reading what I have written more often than not and I like putting [GERMAN WORD] or [TBD - WRITE SMTH ABOUT XY] ever so often while writing, but I don't enjoy changing the story afterwards much. I rarely change big things, usually only a scene or two and a few expressions. That said, I have to read every scene like 15 times before posting to scour for errors - and I am certain I am missing so many anyway.
🍄Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Okay, let's go with fugitive Doctor/River. (Did you expect this by any chance? ;) )
You know this bit:
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[ID: two gifs from The Husbands of River Song of River saying "Do you know who you remind me of? My second wife!". end ID]
People have been speculating that she is talking about 13, which I get, definitely. But I want to argue that it is the superior interpretation that she would be talking about the fugitive Doctor (or another incarnation the Doctor has forgotten about but where would be the fun in that?). For the following reasons:
Vibes. This is the important point. River says 12 reminds her of the wife, so they have to be alike-ish. And I feel like 12 and the fugitive Doctor have a certain similarity in their demeanour. I think a big thing is how they hold themselves upright, actually, but also the whole Danny calling 12 an officer when the fugitive Doctor actually is one. Also the underlying kindness both of them possess and the end-life-crisis. They both lose all of their companions (Clara, Bill and Nardole vs Karvanista, Gat and Lee - one lives on but they can never see them again/forget about them, the other two die (or that's what they believe at least) and it is their fault) and I would argue they both are thinking about not regenerating this time. (I reckon the fugitive Doctor does not have a choice though.)
Loss. See the last point. The Doctor loses everything in fotj. Give her her wife, at least, please. Let River bring her some love and companionship <3 13 loses a lot as well but she's got Yaz. Which also leads us to:
Thasmin. Like, you know, if River had been tangibly in the 13th Doctor's life in any way, thasmin would have kissed. 100%. They didn't, so River didn't marry 13, simple as that.
Timelines. River does not know about more faces of the Doctor and well, 13 is older than 12. Of course, she could lie to her and yes, River gets married a little carelessly, so she might have married some John Smith!13. But if she met the fugitive Doctor - who seems very different from the timelord she knows and has no recollection of the Doctor's life, it would be easy for her to draw the conclusion that the Doctor is just some other person going by that name. And the fugitive Doctor would forget about her, of course. There's also a good possibility, River isn't actually married to the Doctor but to Ruth.
Time, Doctor's side. Honestly, 13 just doesn't have enough time to get married to River. Am I still hoping we will get those two on screen (or audio) together? Of course! But 13 is kinda busy, most of the time we either see her with the fam (who don't know River, see lotsd) or very occupied with stuff (like apocalypses or prison).
So, yeah, headcanon: The fugitive Doctor is River's second wife.
(The first is Cleopatra, right? Like Idk if there is canon confirmation but it feels true.)
❄️What's a dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? (also, which character would be involved)
Okay, when I read this question, I thought I wouldn't have any idea. But I have. Several. Lets start. Fics I would will into existence if I could:
Full-length Little VVomen.
I know we won't get the movie, but I'll gladly take it as a novel fic. Just for an explanation: Little VVomen is a parody trailer for a crossover of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women and the horror movie VVitch (I assume, I don't actually know VVitch). And it is glorious. Just -
- If it's about a girl, make sure she's married by the end. - Does it have to be to a man?
lives in my head rent free. I want a full story of Jo March saying gay rights, writing spells and sacrificing innocent men, pretty please <3 And I really, really want to know what's up with the Sean!devil.
This is the trailer btw:
Anyone write this please? (If I could choose, I'd ask Sean and Sinead who wrote the trailer, but I fear, I am already stretching the definition of fic here and using the authors of the og trailer probably defeats the purpose of this question.)
2. Strax fairytale!! written by you :)
Strax as a fairytale protagonist is SUCH an inspired idea and I am hoping very much that you will get round to it some day. But I can't really tell you anything about that that you don't know better yourself.
Or, maybe, I can: I have become kinda enarmoured with the 'Strax as the faithful Johannes' idea, I have always adored that tale, mainly for the tragedy and extremely strong friendship theme. Like, it is so clear that the king's most important relationship is his friendship to his servant. The princess is lovely but they barely know each other, yet. And I think there is SO much potential to improve the abduction scene and the ending. So, yeah, I have been turning that around in my head a bit.
But no matter which tale you will pick, if you ever write a fic for him, I am sure I will absolutely love it!
(also, like, I could mention any of the fairytale ideas you have told me about, here)
3. Heather is an integral part of s10 by @marvellouspinecone
You remember that genius powerpoint Pine made, I assume? Wouldn't it be spectacular if someone wrote that as a fic for me to read? I would choose Pine as the author because she understands the vision best, of course. But, like, I am so grateful already that the powerpoint exists for me to read and dream about :)
(Hi, Pine, not sure you want to read the whole post, but you might see the tag. This is not a request, please don't understand it as such, because that would be incredibly impudent on my part. This is just fancy ideas of mine and a praise to your vision <3)
4. Tenteen is played by Jo Martin by DiscipleOfBrad
So, I actually enjoyed the 60th anniversary (at least wild blue yonder, that much very much had a premise of my type of dw ep) but I still believe we could have done better than bringing back dt for the umpteenth time. (Listen, he is lovely, don't get me wrong, and I liked '14' too, but just - )
I have written a post about why I think making the fugitive Doctor's face return would have been a more interesting choice and I would still love to read it as a fic.
I don't really care whether it would be a simple retelling of the three eps with her instead of tenteen or a completely different tale. I WOULD like to see Donna though (because can you imagine?? Also that scene where Donna just acts like she knows the Doctor all of a sudden? When the Doctor doesn't even really know herself but feels like she should?) and if we could spring for some Karvanista on top, that'd be ace <3
I would give this one to DiscipleOfBrad because I trust them to write a convincing fugitive Doctor. I really enjoyed her in The Cul-de-Sac (which btw I can highly recommend if you'd like some soft thasmin and an intriguing premise. There is a heavy side of whouffaldi, though, I'm not sure whether that is your thing?).
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity (or energy⚡if you like)
I feel like it always helps me to get myself into a 'I can't do anything else now anyway' situation? That's why trainrides are so good for writing. I just need to be in a situation where I can't take care of more pressing matters, so it won't feel overwhelming if I don't take care of them?
Like, I will rather scroll tumblr than work on my thesis but I won't write. But if I am away from wifi, I might not be able to work on the thesis anyway, so I will easier find the peace of mind (and hence energy and creativity) to write?
Idk maybe that's just me. Maybe it's not working at all either. Honestly, I don't quite know where energy, creativity or motivation to write come from. They just knock and then they're there.
🏜️What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Well, obviously, I adore long comments, who doesn't? But just saying 'long' feels both greedy and like cheating, so let's talk content.
I think, what excites me most in a comment is when I can sense the enthousiasm? It doesn't necessarily have to be for the content of my fic, I had someone write 'YOU MADE A CROSSOVER FOR THESE TWO FANDOMS?? THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE!!" and it made me smile for a day. Just, I write those things because I love the characters and themes and if someone shows that they share this passion? That's community, that's what we're searching for, isn't it?
But also I got a comment today that was just a bunch of predictions about the next chapter of my current fic and that felt amazing! Generally, when people notice things or I feel they have been paying attention, that is SO GOOD. That's probably also why we love long comments. I mean, generally, every second you spend reading the comment is gold, so the longer the comment the more seconds there are, but also a long comment will usually go into detail. Make predictions. Notice things. Talk about how they perceive the characters and why something made sense/surprised them. Quote your fic back to you. And like, all of that is so much fun. It's like reading your story again, remembering why you wrote it. It's the best feeling in the world.
I very dearly love comments.
🌸Do you have any pets? If you do, post some pictures of them
I don't 😭 The place where I live doesn't allow pets and besides, I am away a lot and not planning on staying in this town much longer anyway. So, yeah, it'd be difficult to have a pet. I really, really want to though. Preferably a cat but I'd be so happy with a dog as well. Or a turtle? Or bunny? Or a lizard? I think you could make me happy with almost any mammal and many types of reptiles <3 (not much into insects or fish though. And I feel weird about birds in cages.)
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crashdevlin · 1 year
Another Second Chance 19- Why Wait?
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Another Second Chance Masterlist, Happily Ever Eventually Masterlist
Author’s Note: The final (hopefully) installment of the Happily Ever Eventually RPF series.
Summary: The final chapter. The end of Happily Ever Eventually. No mas. Y/n gets her life together and finally finds her Happy.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Word count: 3458
Story Warnings: 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!!, oral sex (fem rec)
“Misha, seriously, dude.” I roll my eyes at the plans he’s got up on the screen-share. He’s worked out a preliminary plan already. I can’t even begin to imagine how he got this shit drawn up so fast.
“It’s going to be amazing, I promise...and I’ve already put together a group chat for the rehab. Everyone that’s going to help will be in the chat. I’ve added Jared and Jensen, of course. I texted a few of the others and I’ll add them as they confirm.”
“Meesh. Shut up for a minute, okay?”
“Okay.” He sounds a bit offended, but I need him to hear me.
“Okay. So…” Straightforward honesty. “I’m excited about this project and I’m so glad that you’re excited too, but you gotta calm down. You can’t Misha all over this. We all have other projects going, right? Those projects, Midsummer especially, take precedence over this house.”
“But if we put all our focus on the house we can get it done in a few weeks!”
“And I’m telling you that is not going to happen,” I assert. He looks shocked at my tone. “Look, I’m a mom before anything, then I’m an actor and a producer, then I’m an owner-builder for this house...in that order. If it takes a little longer to get the house done because I’ve got higher priorities, then it takes a little longer. If that’s a problem for you, I will pay the General Contractor the $60,000 he quoted.”
Thankfully...Misha laughs. “Sorry, I know I can be too much sometimes. All right. We’ll do this in slow-mo. I’ll get everybody on board and divvy up tasks and then we’ll figure out a timetable that doesn’t clash with anybody’s projects. I will not Misha all over this shit.”
I let out a sigh. “Okay. Thank you.”
“No problem. Do you like the designs I did, though?” he asks, drawing my attention back to his screen.
“Oh, yeah, definitely. Where’d you get the idea to get rid of that closet by the garage entrance?”
We get into a conversation about his various visions for my new house and the inspiration for each. When we get off the chat, I’m more excited. I’m excited to do this project, I’m excited that it’s gonna be on my terms. This is going to be great.
By Friday night, the group chat for the rehab has been filled out with Kim, Bri, Rob, Ruth, Rich, Jason, Giles, and Alex.
“I’m gonna add somebody to the group chat,” Jay says as he fiddles with his phone. We’re sitting on the couch, watching Fast Times for the gazillionth time.
“Who?” Half of everybody we’re both friends with is in the chat.
“Somebody who’s good with his hands. He’s agreed to help out.”
My eyebrows go up at the evasion. “Jay?”
My phone beeps as he sets his phone down and a few more before I get to the coffee table to pick it up.
<<Jensen: Hey I added my dad to the chat.
<<Misha: Your dad?
<<Jeff: ya needed someone to swing a hammer?
<<Jared: DAD!
I look over at Jay and he’s got this shiteating grin on his face. “When’s the last time you saw Jeff?”
I scoff. “We met once, Jay. Him and Hilarie were in town for Jeff’s birthday.”
“And you spent the whole party hiding in your drink because you were so nervous. Maybe you’ll actually talk to him this time.”
I look down at my phone. I’m not sure exactly what it is about Jeffery that makes me so shy, but if I had to hazard a guess, it’s that voice. I bite my lip as the others chime in about Jeff helping out.
<<Kim: Do we even need to come if you’re gonna be there? You’ve got this, right?
<<Rob: No1 was this excited about me helping
<<Misha: Oh we know how well you swing a hammer, a hatchet, a baseball bat etc
<<Jeff: Do we have a date on this
That’s a question for me.
>>Me: Three weeks is what we’re looking at. I’ve got all the subs scheduled for the week after that
And Misha will chime in next.
<<Jared: Anything that’s not finished after the subcontractors week will get finished out by me, Misha, and Ackles.
<<Misha: What’s left will get done by me, Jared, and Jensen.
Timing needs work, Misha.
<<Jared: I JUST said that
<<Jeff: Hil and I will be there. She’s got a good eye she can help with anything you need designwise
<<Alex: Wow this really became a SPNFAMILY event
I smile.
>>Me: Wouldn’t have it any other way, Al.
“This is gonna be fun. Even if we never get finished and I have to get a contractor, I think this is gonna be fun.”
Jay nods and pulls me into his lap. “It will be fun. Even if we fuck it up, we will all be together and that’s what matters, right?”
“Exactly right,” I say, smiling. He’s giving me that look. That…’everything is amazing’ reverent look. I love that look. “I have a question.”
I have to ask. Five years ago, I wouldn’t ask. Five years ago, I’d let it boil and explode all over my psyche. I know how unhealthy that can be now. I have to ask.
“So...you know I went and saw Dr. McAuliffe the other day, right? First appointment since me and you started seeing each other again and she, um…” I close my eyes because his eyes are getting to me and I have to ask. “She expressed some doubt about the thing you told me about the...the dry spell you broke with me on the yacht.”
“Baby Girl,” he whispers.
“And I really wouldn’t ask because I want to think you wouldn’t be dishonest with me after everything but if I don’t ask then it’s going to fester and I want to do the healthy thing and nip that in the bud before it gets to that point and-”
“I didn’t lie,” he says and I blink my eyes open to look into his. “I get the doubt, but I didn’t lie. From the moment I left you behind in Vancouver to the moment you started rubbin’ on me in that movie theater, no one touched me but me.” He reaches up and cups my cheek. “I’ve been told I was punishing myself. I feel like I was just saving myself for the right woman to come back into my life.”
Well, that...damn Dr. McAuliffe for making me doubt him. “I believe you,” I whisper. “I’m so sorry that I-”
“Never feel bad about asking questions to make yourself feel better. I’m glad you asked. It’s better than letting it fester, right?” He’s so understanding.
I lean in and kiss him. The hand on my cheek moves to the back of my neck and he pulls me into a deeper kiss. Our tongues move across each other and I start rolling my hips a bit. He gets hard in his jeans and I start to feel that tingle of wetness. He moans into my mouth and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his lap harder.
“Bedroom?” I offer. He picks me up and carries me all the way to the bed. I pull my shirt off and toss it to the side of the bed. He hisses and bites his bottom lip as he looks down at me, grabbing his shirt and pulling it off over his head.
He’s leaning over me, kissing my neck and shoulder, before I can really think too much. He starts kissing his way down my chest into the valley between my breasts. God, he’s good at that, nibbling kisses with just enough suction and teeth. “Get this off,” he whispers, pulling at my bra.
I reach under me and undo my bra with one hand. Jay immediately takes a nipple between his teeth and tugs. I gasp and grab a fistful of his hair. His tongue starts soothing where his teeth dug in and I just let my head fall back and my eyes close. I just let myself feel as he kisses all the way down my body. The rest of my clothes find the floor, too and then his tongue is on me. Fuck, his tongue is good. There’s almost nothing better than cumming on his tongue.
“Can you grab a condom?” He backs off the bed and unbuckles his belt as I reach over to grab a condom out of the side table. I stare at him as he drops his pants. This is just...such a beautiful sight. Especially when he smiles all cocky like that. “You’re staring.”
“Nah. Why would I be staring?”
“I have no clue why, but I think you might have the hots for this old man.”
"I don't go for old guys," I respond as I rip open the condom. "So you must not be as old as you think you are." I offer him the condom with a smirk and he takes it.
"Hmmm. Your delusions work in my favor so I won't point out how old I really am."
"I'm not delusional and you aren't old. Shut up and kiss me," I demand.
He chuckles and puts on the condom, laying over me and kissing me for a few minutes before I get frustrated with waiting and reach between us to line him up with my pussy.
We move together. It's nine different kinds of perfection. We kiss and I scratch my nails down his back as he thrusts into me. He moves to kiss down my jaw and along my neck.
"This is why I couldn’t fuck anybody else," he whispers. "Never be like this."
God, when he says things like that…
I shouldn’t feel guilty about trying to move on, right? I shouldn't feel guilty about Will.
So...I won't. Jensen chose not to try to move on. Jensen focused on other aspects of his life without me. He chose to keep the torch lit and...fuck, I'm glad he did, but I had to try to move on. It was part of my growth.
"Get outta yer head," he mumbles into my skin before leaning up to kiss me.
Right. Not supposed to be thinking. "Sorry," I whisper into his lips.
He thrusts into me and I gasp. Fuck, that's good. "Love you so much."
"Love you too, Jay."
And I do. I love him so fucking much.
"Y'all, seriously. This is...insane." How else am I supposed to describe this group standing in my yard? A dozen actors and musicians in matching blue coveralls with their names on them, each with a hammer in their hand. "Who coordinated the outfits?"
Jay and Kim both raise their hands. "We needed a uniform," Jay says, smirking.
"So we had these made up and here are yours!" Kim pulls out a pair of coveralls and holds them up. Instead of my name, it says "HBiC" over the breast pocket. I can't help but laugh. "It's your house, your project, and we aren't going to do anything without your consent. Right, Collins?"
"I already agreed to that! Jeez!" Misha complains.
"Go slip that on and we'll get started on the demo," Jensen says as Kim hands the uniform over.
"He's usually trying to get her out of her clothes, so this is an improvement," Jared teases and I chuckle as I rush into the house, running into the half bath off the living room.
By the time I get out of there, everybody is waiting in the kitchen. "All right, boss. Where you want us to start?" Jeff asks and I bite my bottom lip as my face heats up. Why does his voice do that?
"Ummm, M-Misha has the, um, the plans. I think we only need five or six people in here to demo the cabinets and a couple to take down the walls for the closet that's coming down and the rest of us can head to the master bath to start demoing that nasty counter and the toilet and then we can play with the flooring samples and the, um, p-paint."
"Mind if I?" Jay lets the question hang but I know he's asking for a bit of control. I nod and he smiles. "All right. Jared, Jeff, Misha, Bri, Richard, and I will take the kitchen. Alex, Kim, Jason, you can break the closet. Everybody else head up to the master. We can get this all knocked out quick."
Good delegation. "See you when we get to a stopping place," I say, going to my tiptoes to kiss Jay's cheek before I go up the stairs to the master bedroom.
Things move smoothly, especially considering the complete lack of experience most of us have with this sort of work. We're sweaty and burning hot by the time we get the bathroom torn apart.
"Water? Pretty sure Manns brought a cooler full of drinks," Hilarie offers and we all nod and leave the bathroom.
Jay's talking, I can hear him as I'm coming down the stairs.
"-will be great for the resale on it. She's gonna be able to sell the place for at least a hundred grand more than she paid."
"She hasn't even moved in yet and you're already trying to get her to sell?" Jeff asks.
"Well, no, not yet. She wants her own place for a while and I get that, but when I ask her to marry me, we'll probably move in together." I stop in my tracks halfway down the stairs. Everybody stops behind me. Marry? What?
"You're planning to pop the question?" Rob asks.
"Already?" Rich's voice.
"Yeah, bought a ring, just gotta figure out her size and get it altered." What? What the- My stomach is suddenly in knots.
"That’s great!" Jason.
"Um, isn't it a little-" Misha starts.
"Early? You've only been talking since September," Jared says. His voice is a bit judgmental.
"We're in love. Why wait?"
"Because you're pushin' too hard and you're gonna scare the woman away, dummy." Jeff? How does Jeff know how this is gonna affect me and Jensen doesn't?
"Jeff's right. She's always been a 'push too hard and you'll push her away' kinda woman," Jared says. Thank God our friends are here to talk him out of this.
"You need to wait, Jensen," Misha advises.
"I don't really want to wait, guys. I've been waitin' on her for five years."
"You're an idiot, Ackles," Jared says.
"Don't scare her off, dumbass." Kim. "We just got the gang back together and you're gonna send her back to her corner where she only talks to me and Bri?"
"What am I, chopped liver?" Misha asks. Hello, fourth grade.
"With onions," Kim snaps.
"Gotta go with them. They know her better than most, right?" Al Cal with the quiet wisdom. "Just slow your roll, man."
"Well, too late. I've already got the ring in my sock drawer."
"Don't give it to her!" That was a few voices.
Shit. I hope...I can't listen anymore. I push past the others and run up the steps as softly as possible. I end up in the office because it's the closest to the staircase. Hilarie and Ruth follow me in. Giles, I guess, doesn't know me well enough to be involved in my drama. I get that. He's Misha's BFF, not mine.
"Hey. You okay?" Hilarie asks as I throw myself down in the corner.
"Lovely, you're going to be just fine. I know that was a wee shock but-" Ruth starts.
"It's too much. I just...just a few weeks ago, he suggested moving in together again and I told him it was too much and now he's got a ring? I have to...I can't think about...what the fuck is he thinking?"
"He was thinking that you weren’t listening," Hilarie says, running her fingers through her hair.
"He's moving too fast. I have to tell him…"
"No, you don't!" Hilarie shakes her head. "You weren't supposed to hear that."
I know that. "I know, but I can't hold it in! That isn't healthy!" I bring my head down to my knees and bury my face as Ruth rubs my back. "Honesty is the utmost. I have to talk to him and tell him that-that it's too much. He should know it's too much."
He should already know! I told him that it was too much, too fucking fast last month and now it's...Jesus fuck, I can't-
"Hey." Misha's voice makes me sniffle but I don't look up. I just need to breathe and think and- "G said you might need me."
Misha drops down on my right side and wraps me in a hug. "I heard him. He wants me to marry him. I'm not there yet."
"I know...and I think he does too. He just really wants to fix it all and have the happy ending."
I look up. Ruth and Hilarie have stepped back to the middle of the room, Giles is standing in the doorway. "I don't want to have to tell him 'no', Misha...but if he asks anytime soon…"
"I know and I think he's not-"
"I'm not gonna ask," Jay says as he walks in the room. "Misha, can I have the room for a few?" Misha kisses my temple and stands, giving Jensen a pointed look before he follows the others out. Jensen closes the door and turns to me. "So, you heard me."
He sighs and leans against the wall across from the one I'm sitting against. "I know. 'Too much, too fast', right? But ya gotta see it from my side, Baby Girl. I love you. I love you with everything I have to give. I have been loving you for so many years and…" He licks his lips and puts his hands in his pockets and he looks very Dean in this moment. "I fucked up and ruined our opportunity to get to our happy ever after five years ago and I just want to...I just wanna get there. I just want us happy."
"I am happy, Jay," I insist, standing. "But if happy for you only happens when I have that ring on my finger and we're living in some huge house and we've rushed into some commitment, then that’s too much pressure! That puts me in charge of your happiness and I-"
"No, no, I am happy. I'm very happy. I'm just...you know that old Rascal Flatts song? 'Why wait another minute for something we shoulda done yesterday?'" he sings. "But I understand where you're comin' from. I understand that it's a lot of pressure and it seems like I'm rushing to get it going and I'm not trying to pressure you into doing anything. I wouldn't ever wanna do that to you. So I'm not gonna ask." What does that even mean? He smiles as he steps closer, pulling his hands out of his pockets and moving to caress my cheek. "I've got the ring. You know I have it, I know you’re gonna wanna wear it someday. When you decide you're ready to have the same last name as your son, you just let me know and I will dig it outta the sock drawer. Won't even get down on one knee or anything. You say when you're ready and I will make you my bride."
That...takes the pressure off. "Okay, Jay."
I lean up and kiss him. "Sorry I freaked."
"Sorry I made you freak." He smiles and nods at the door. "Thirsty?"
I nod and follow him out. Everything is gonna be okay.
It took a while, a few weeks longer than Misha predicted, but the house is beautiful. The paint and flooring and countertops that Hilarie helped me pick out go so perfect with the new stain on the cabinets. There's so much space...and the fence we put up is taller and prettier than the one I had at the older house.
We have a moving service, but we still load a bunch of boxes into the back of Jensen’s truck and drive them over. It's kinda crazy to be here. Life changes, right? I've said it before. Everything changes always but…
I'm in a great place. New home, great love, my wonderful kids in the backseat playing tic-tac-toe. Things have never been this good...and for the first time in my entire life, I don’t fear things going bad. For the first time in my entire life, I'm happy with no reservations.
I knew I'd get there...eventually.
Author's Note 2: That's it. That's the end of Happily Ever Eventually. Do they get married? Who knows? Do they ever have another breakdown? No tellin'. It's over. I'm done. No more.
I just love these characters so much!
Fuck, I'm just gonna have to keep writing them, aren't I? Dammit!
Well, I guess now's a good time to let you guys know...
First part: Permission Granted 
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I'm retelling the whole story from Jensen's POV (and going a little bit past where the story ends here so that those questions above get answered), so if there's some specific bit you were wondering "What was he thinking here?" Let me know and I'll make sure it makes it into the new series!
The Kitchen Sink Tags- @flamencodiva @sacriceria @lyarr24 @440mxs-wife @nancymcl @stephv213 @mariekoukie6661 @beachy2014 @alwayskeepfightingsweetheart @cosicas-cuquis @queenoftheunderdark @myheartbelongsintz @squirrelnotsam @akshi8278
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dd20century · 6 months
The New Formalist: Edward Durell Stone
“A great building should be universal, not controversial.” --  Edward Durell Stone
New York Times architecture critic Paul Goldberger wrote in his obituary of architect Edward Durell Stone:
Edward Durell Stone's career as an architect was marked by a dramatic reversal of direction. He gave up a position as one of America's leading advocates of the International Style just as that austere modern style was gaining wide public acceptance, and he began instead to evolve a personal style that was lush and highly decorative, the very opposite of the International Style. (1)
This shift would be influenced by a woman, Durell Stone’s second wife, Italian designer Maria Elena Torch. As Durell Stone said, “Maria's fine Italian hand began to show in my attire and my work. Both began to move toward elegance.”
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Edward Durell Stone on the right having dinner with (left to right) architect William Wesley Peters, Stone's then-wife Maria Torch Stone, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Photo credit: Charles Rossi.
Edward Durell Stone’s Early Years
Architect Edward Durell Stone was born on March 9, 1902, in the college town of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Durrell’s grandfather Steven K. Stone was a successful businessman, Durrell’s father “Benjamin Hicks Stone (1852-1942) graduated from Emory & Henry College, in Virginia, in 1873 and returned to Fayetteville to run his father's business” (2). In 1885 Benjamin Hicks Stone married Ruth S. Johnson, an English teacher. The couple “had four children, the youngest..., Edward Durell Stone” (2).
Young Edward showed early artistic promise. His mother encouraged him to take up drawing and woodworking. J. William Fulbright was one of Edward’s childhood friends. Fulbright would go on to become a United States Senator. The two men remained life-long friends. Stone attended the University of Arkansas in the early 1920s but was unsuccessful in all of his courses except drawing. His talent came to the attention of the head of the “university's art department, [Elizabeth Galbraith who] recognized Stone's talent and encouraged him” (2).
At that time Edward’s older brother James Hicks Stone was an architect practicing in Boston, MA. Elizabeth Galbraith reached out to the brother asking him “to take an interest in the boy” (2). Edward spent the summer of 1921 in Boston visiting the city’s architectural landmarks with James. The experience made an impression on the young Edward, leading him to his calling. In 1922 Edward moved to Boston and found work as an office boy at the architectural firm of Strickland, Blodgett & Law while he studied at the Boston Architectural Club at night. There Edward met architect Henry R. Shepley who hired him to work as a draftsman at Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott. Shepley would become Stone’s most valued mentor. (2)
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Edward Durell Stone, Radio City Music Hall, Auditorium, (1932), New York City. Image source.
Stone’s Early Architectural Career
“In 1925, Stone won a scholarship to Harvard University's School of Architecture” (2) and also studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1927 Stone won the Rotch Travelling Fellowship which gave him the resources to study in Europe for two years. (1, 2) Stone returned to the United States he moved to New York City, just before the start of the Great Depression in October 1929, where he was hired by, “a consortium of architects designing Rockefeller Center. There he worked on what was to be considered his first major early achievement, the design of the interiors of Radio City Music Hall” (2).
 “In December 1930, [Stone] married Sarah Orlean Vandiver (1905-1988), an American tourist he had met and courted in Venice. The couple had two sons, Edward Durell Stone, Jr. (1932-2009), and Robert Vandiver Stone” (2).
Donald Deskey was one of the architects that Stone worked with on the Radio City Music Hall project. This association led to Stone’s ‘first independent commission in 1933, the Mandel House, in Bedford Hills, New York, built for owners of a prominent department store” (2). Deskey served as the interior designer on that project. (2) “The Ulrich Kowalski House, also in Mt. Kisco” (4) was built the following year. With the success of the Mandel and Kowalski Houses, many more commissions followed, and in 1936 (3) Stone established his architectural firm at Rockefeller Center (2).
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Edward Durell Stone, Richard M. Mandel House (1935), Bedford Hills, New York. Image source.
Stone and The Museum of Modern Art
From 1936 to 1939 Edward Durell Stone worked on what Newsweek magazine called, "the first large museum in America to be built according to the streamlined, ultra-modern 'international' style of modern architecture."(5) The project was the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. Stone collaborated with Phillip L. Goodwin. Stone served as design architect while Goodwin produced the architectural drawings. (2) During this time Stone was also designing a home in Old Westbury, NY for MoMA president Anson Conger Goodyear. (4)
In 1940 Edward Durell Stone drove across the United States. Traveling to Arizona and Wisconsin, he met with architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright’s use of materials and decorative patterning manifests itself in some of Stone’s later work. In San Francisco, Stone appreciated the use of natural materials used in regional architecture. His greatest takeaway from the trip, however, was his disappointment at how extensively Americans had marred the natural landscape. Quoting Durell, “I scarcely encountered a place where land was used wisely and where what has been built is beautiful” (6).
Edward Durell Stone's Service in World War II
As the United States had entered World War II, Edward Durell Stone enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces in the summer of 1942, “and was stationed in Washington, D.C. Stone entered as a captain and was promoted to the rank of major in November 1943. At his instigation, the Army Air Forces established a Planning and Design Section in July 1944” (2).
As chief of this section Stone was responsible for “the master plans for airfields in Alabama, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas” (2).  He also designed the Continental Air Command headquarters at what is now known as Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. (2)
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Edward Durell Stone, William Thurnauer House (1949), Englewood Heights, New Jersey. Image source.
Stone’s Post-war Work
After the war, Edward Durell Stone reopened his architectural practice. Most of Durell’s commissions during this time were residential. The most notable were the David Stench House (1947) Armonk, NY and the William Thurnauer House in Englewood, New Jersey (1949). (2) Stone’s homes of the late 1940s ‘indicated the increasing influence of Wright — his buildings became lower, more horizontal, and relied more on the use of wood” (1).
 His non-residential projects included the 300-room El Panama Hotel in Panama City, Panama, “notable for its pioneering use of cantilevered balconies in the construction of a resort hotel” (7). In 1948 Stone designed Fine Arts Center for the University of Arkansas in his hometown of Fayetteville, AK. The center featured works by Alexander Calder and Gwen Lux, friends of the architect. (2)
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Postcard photo of Edward Durell Stone's El Panana Hotel (1946), Panama City, Panama. Image source.
Read part two of The New Formalist: Edward Durell Stone.
Goldberger, P., (7 August, 1978). Edward Durell Stone Dead at 76; Designed Major Works Worldwide. https://www.nytimes.com/1978/08/07/archives/edward-durell-stone-dead-at-76-designed-major-works-worldwide-a.html
R. L. Skolmen and H. Stone, Edward Durell Stone: Life. https://www.edwarddurellstone.org/
Smart, G., (2024). Edward Durell Stone, FAIA (1902-1978). https://usmodernist.org/stone.htm
Wkikpedia.com, (7 February, 2014). Edward Durell Stone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Durell_Stone
"The Glass-Temple Museum: Modern Art Display Takes Over Own Building in New York," Newsweek (22 May 1939): 32.
Edward Durell Stone, The Evolution of an Architect, (New York: Horizon Press, 1962), 92.
Britannica.com, (n.d),.Edward Durell Stone, American architect. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edward-Durell-Stone#ref81069
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peachy-lemon83 · 2 years
Y’all, everyone likes to give Luka sh*t for being alumatized twice, especially since he knows Ladybugs and Chats identities. But like…Alya, who Marinette TOLD about her secret has litteraly been akumatized at least three times. And she isn’t even the record of know characters either. Of course we have Mr Pidgin who’s been akumatized 72 freaking times, but also of more known characters Juelka (who is a precious baby and I love her so much so no hate on her) has been akumatized a minimum of four times.
And I know people keep saying, yeah but Luka got akumatized bc of Marinette 2 separate times, but like 1) we all know Luka and Marinette is very toxic tbh, it’s not purely Marinette, Luka is amazing but very selfless. He doesn’t fully talk to her about how much that stuff hurts him, nor does he demand her full love. Which anyone who you’re dating deserves to know that you love them, and they’re not your second choice, something Luka wasn’t really given. 2) Lukas first time being alumatized can’t really be blamed on Marinette, she did nothing wrong there. All she did was stand up for her friends. It was Bob Ruth (if I’m remembering his name correctly), XYs dad, that threatened Marinette. Which then lead to him being alumatized. Yes, she was involved, but no way the problem there. And tbh I think of Luka as a fairly protective person in general, while he most likely wouldn’t have gotten AS mad if it was someone else in Marinettes position, I would definitely think he would still get mad. In my point of view, Luka didn’t get mad when he was the one being talk to, bc like previously state the boi doesn’t really stand up for himself. He probably saw it more of a personal attack then one on his friends. But Bob Ruth directly threatened Marinette.
In this Ted Talk I would like to say that the Love Square is toxic, but honestly so is Lukanette (Luka x Marinette) and Adrigami (Adrien x Kagami) (idk either ship name tbh). Adrien doesn’t seem to really see Kagami as freedom from his “pretty boi model” life, which leads to him not rushing back when they have an akuma, often leaving her by herself. And Marinette just doesn’t have the communication skills to talk to Luka in a healthy way.
Personally I think the only way to save the love square is to have Marinette get over Adrien, with Chat, Adrien falling in love with Marinette (not completely getting rid of their admiration and love of Adrien and Ladybug) but having it in a way more healthy way. And falling in love with the way more real side of them. (Another reason why I don’t think Kagami really seemed right with Adrien, she fell for the serious model Adrien, while more real than the one Marinette originally becomes obsessed with, still not fully him. She even brushes off his ‘silly’ side in Lies, when she tries to draw him and he does the Chat pose)
Tho I’m gonna be honest here and just say I personally really like Marinette x Kagami and then Lukadrien (mainly bc of the representation, and they seems to have a way easier time communicating with each other)
I’ve also seen a lot of people being Adrino, and while yes it has representation, it takes away an amazing couple who have shown good communication skills, and know how to support each other and when they need to discourage things from happening (Like Nino being Alya’s common sense on what stuff to post on her blog, when she’s taking the reporter stuff too far, making sure she’s actually safe during akuma attacks). And on the other side we have Alya helping Nino understand social cues a bit better. I honestly think we need more of Alya helping hold Nino back and sane but personal opinion there. I mean this is all my personal opinion but…
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novelmonger · 9 months
For the book rec exchange this year, I’m gonna give you a couple of options and let you pick, because I can’t decide (and I don’t know whether or not you’ve read the second one):
The first is Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer, which was my favorite book that I read last year. It’s a fantasy Eros and Psyche retelling that draws on a lot of elements from its derivative fairy tales such as Beauty and the Beast, but it’s also VERY much its own thing. The world is beautiful and fascinating, I really liked the main character, and the dialogue was pretty dang good. I wouldn’t quite call it Queen of Attolia-levels of exceptional, but it was one of the best fairy tale retellings I’ve read in a long time. (And I read The Goose Girl last year!)
The other is Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones—please please forgive me I’ve you’ve read this already, I genuinely can’t remember if you’ve said! What can I say about it? The writing is clever, it’s hilariously genre-aware, the dialogue is so funny, and the romance is just *chef’s kiss*. It’s an absolute classic, and if you haven’t read it already, I feel like you’d get a kick out of it.
Ooooh, that sounds interesting! I think the only retelling of Eros and Psyche I'm familiar with is Till We Have Faces, but I mean...that book is amazing and I love it; it's one of those books I can point to and say, "This book changed my life, but please don't ask me to put into words exactly how." XD And of course I love stories reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, which is my favorite fairy tale! So yeah, I'm going with Echo North.
And yes, I have read Howl's Moving Castle, but that's okay if you didn't remember! What a great book. So much fun. I also love the Studio Ghibli movie, regardless of how many liberties it takes with the source material. Actually, my favorite book set in this world is Castle in the Air, and the protagonist of House of Many Ways is so incredibly relatable to me with her desire to just sit at home and read books and eat pastries XD
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