#this is my art at age 14 and age 19 respectively
byteofsoup · 1 year
Me age 9: what if i drew awesome dragons fighting
Me at age 14: Real artists draw beautiful portraits and landscapes, but I don't. What's wrong with me? Nobody will ever respect my art like this. I should change my approach to art fundamentally and never enjoy it ever because the old masters™ didn't experience joy
Me at age 19: what if i drew awesome dragons fighting
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justrainandcoffee · 21 days
Sinners (James Delaney x fem!oc) I
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Summary: Sister Agnes Hill wasn't always who she claimed to be. There was a time when she was Inés Serra, a Spanish girl that went to London with her father and brother when the patriarch lost everything he had. It was there that she also met James Delaney. "Stay away from him" her father warned her. And she should have listened to the man.
Series warnings: Everything that Taboo is, including incest. || Religious theme. || Dark themes, like murder. || My oc is a nun. || Unrequited love, for now at least. || Angst. || Not fluff at all in this series.
Words: 2.8k.
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Author's note: The name Inés Serra is the Spanish version of Agnes Hill. They mean the same. All my ocs are named after flowers and there's one called "st Agnes" || I wrote some dialogues in Spanish but their translation is next every line.
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Inés Serra arrived at London with her father Fernando and Felipe, her eldest brother from the coast of Cantabria, Spain. Specifically, the city of Santander after the patriarch lost absolutely everything making business with a Portuguese man who stole from him. But it was legal and Fernando Serra couldn't do anything about it. He put his signature not knowing the consequences of it.
Fernando Serra was a traveller merchant sailing through the seas where he met Horace Delaney. It couldn't be said that both men became friends, but they had a mutual respect for the other and a relationship based on trust. Something that it wasn't usual those days. Not in times of constant wars, at least. Both men, collected several enemies but the other weren't one of them. Widower and without places to go, Fernando sold his last possessions and bought three tickets to England, hoping that Horace Delaney could help him. Maybe his children could have a future in the Capital city. Perhaps his daughter could marry a rich man, even that could help. But Inés was still a little girl and was only 8 years old. Felipe Serra, his son, probably could work for Delaney trade company as well, he was 13 years old was old enough to work.
Horace Delaney received them and same as Fernando. Their respective children were more or less the same age. Delaney was weird man, but Fernando couldn't complain about it. He never asked him anything and Fernando didn't bother him at all, except for the times that they talked about job. Felipe, few years older than James, preferred to work at his father's side instead of focusing on his studies. On the other hand, Inés was admitted in a school for girls.
For the next seven years, Inés studied in London where she learnt the local language along with Latin and French as it was usual. She learnt history and art. They taught her how to sew and to paint. And they taught her to respect the King and God like they were the same person.
But when Inés was 14 years old tragedy knocked on the Serra's door. Working on the docks, Felipe cut his hand with an old knife. It didn't seem to be that serious at first. It bleed but they put bandages on his hand and the young boy could keep working. But few days later he got fever and couldn't move from his bed. In less than two weeks, a terrible infection affected his whole body and Felipe, only 19 years old, died a summer night. His body was buried in the cemetery in a funeral that only his father, sister and Mr. Delaney assisted.
Inés left school a year later to stay with his father that never seemed to recover from his Felipe's death.
It was there that she started to pay attention to Delaney's son.
James was a young boy that never seemed to talk too much, but he was well educated and courteous. As far as Inés knew, he was always polite to her and her father. It wasn't until Inés started to live with Fernando that she really got to know James. The past years, he was just the firstborn of her father's boss: the heir of their fortune.
And there was also Zilpha, his half sister. Inés loved her poor brother, he was a good boy and always protected her but the relationship between the Delaney siblings, in her eyes, was totally devotion the one with the other. Zilpha was the same age as her but they studied in totally different places. Her social status allowed her to go to a better school so Inés didn't know her at all. And to be honest, the Delaney girl didn't seem to be interested in being friends with her at all.
"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Inés said once to James when she found him in the city. She started to work as governess for a rich family not long after she left school. She was still young but her education was enough to do an acceptable work teaching and taking care of those kids.
"It is, Ms. Serra," he said, smiling.
Inés confirmed that moment, that she was falling in love with James the instant his blue eyes met hers. Even when he was an impossible dream. The few last weeks, she had spent her free hours looking at him through the distance.
"Aléjate de James Delaney," her father said once he caught her looking at him. "Su madre murió en un asilo. Rumores dicen que alucinaba y era un peligro para los demás y ella misma. Y Horace no está cuerdo del todo tampoco. Si ambos padres están enfermos, sus hijos también". (Stay away from James Delaney. His mother ended in an asylum. Rumours says that she was hallucinating and was a danger to the rest and herself. And Horace isn't completely sane. If both parents are insane, so are their children.)"
Inés nodded.
"Vas a encontrar un buen hombre algun día." (One day you'll find a good man)
And yet despite the warnings, Inés couldn't stop looking at him.
Inés probably could never forget the day that everything changed. It was an afternoon that seemed to be night because a heavy thunderstorm. She was returning home after work when she saw them even when at first she thought it was her imagination, but it wasn't. There, under a tree and believing there were no one, James and his sister were kissing. They were kissing in ways that the church and also society forbade.
Maybe she was young, just 15, but she was old enough to know that everything about that absolutely wrong. The closeness between the siblings was darker than she, innocently thought at first. Inés ran inside her bedroom and thanked the rain that disguised her tears.
Her father was right: the Delaneys were sick.
Inés, that usually found an excuse to talk to James now started to avoid him completely and that didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Are you going to work?" he asked days later. "I have my horse, if you want to."
"I'm fine. Thanks, I prefer to walk this morning."
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes. I'm sorry, Mr. Delaney I've to go."
James looked at her, walking fast and disappearing from his view as soon as she turned the corner.
Inés thought about telling her father what she saw, but she was afraid of the consequences that the revelation could cause inside the family and Fernando Serra still depended on Delaney generosity to keep working. So she said nothing, but the girl started to resent Zilpha. Her money, her education, her last dress and her relationship with James. World wasn't fair and it wasn't Zilpha's fault that she couldn't afford those dresses or the professors she had, but the envy started to grow inside her like a cancer. But it was especially because of James. Maybe it wasn't Zilpha's fault that she was poorer, but it was that she had James' attention. Because it was wrong, it was forbidden and Inés was sure both siblings knew that. In top of all the things Ms. Delaney had and Inés didn't, the other girl also had the love of the only person that Inés felt she could give her heart.
Maybe his sister didn't notice anything because Zilpha never really paid attention to Inés, but James did notice the way the teenage girl who used to greeted him every time they saw each other, suddenly didn't do it anymore. And it was clear now that she was avoiding him. If James' suspicious were right, then it was better to him to talk to her. His life, after all, was going downhill no matter what. His insubordination against the East Indian Company could cost him his head and his love for his sister already condemned him to hell, and he was barely 16 years old.
He wrote a letter to her asking Inés to find him at the port. There were always people there and none were going to pay attention to two young friends talking.
The wisest thing to do was not going there. It'd have been clever if she'd have listened to the voice in her head, but she didn't. First, because she was just 15 years old and then, because she was madly in love with the boy who sent her the letter asking her to meet him.
James saw her coming, she was wearing a blue dress and a hat with a veil covering part of her face. James was sure that boys did pay attention to her because she was pretty and her Spanish accent help her to be more captivating. Sadly, for him, the only thing he noticed looking at her was that she wasn't Zilpha.
"Am I late? I couldn't leave in time the house where I work because one of the kids is sick. Poor boy, but I guess he'll be fine soon."
"No, you're just in time, don't worry."
"I'm glad then. What do you want? Your letter said it was urgent, but you didn't say anything else."
"Mmh. Yes. Inés, I know that you know. I know you saw us- my sister and I. I don't know exactly what did you see, but I know you're avoiding me because of that."
Inés stared at him for a moment before looking down, playing with her gloves.
"Under the tree. A thunderstorm months ago, you and her were kissing."
James sighed. Yes, he remembered now. It was Zilpha's idea and he accepted because he didn't know how to say no to her.
"No. Don't. I know enough to know that it's bad and I don't want to be involved in that. I don't want explanations… Mierda- fuck." Inés felt her eyes filling with tears and hated herself. "Te amo," she finally said to him.
She shouldn't have said that, but if she didn't say it, the envy, the hate she felt towards Zilpha it was going to be the end of her. Tomorrow morning she was going to ask her father to send her to Ireland, or maybe back to Spain to start a new life far away from James and his sister because the only thing that Inés was getting of all that was corrupting her heart.
"You don't love me," James said. "Give your love to a good man, because you're a good woman, Inés. I don't deserve it."
"Don't tell me what do I deserve or what I don't. And I do love you, so bad I love you. My father is waiting for me, James. I have to make dinner for him."
She hated her weakness in that moment. She hated her voice trembling and her tears running down her face.
The boy that James was back then, wasn't the cold man that he was destined to be and even when probably he was just motivated by pity and a bit of compassion, he kissed her. Inés felt his hand first on her waist and then him bringing her closer to him. She let him guide her. Inés felt she was dreaming, because she dreamt about it but even there it wasn't that good as it was now. Her hands were caressing the back of his neck, as James pushed even closer to him.
She loved him, so it happened that she offered him her virginity when the kisses weren't enough and James took it. It was behind a cantina, while she was sitting on a barrel. Probably, Inés thought, Zilpha was even privileged enough to be in his bed and never where they were now. Not where probably people passing by, and ignoring them, just believe she was a cheap whore. Another one of the dozens that were there.
At least he didn't hurt her and it was as gentle as he could. She hid her head on his neck when both of them climaxed. They kissed again, slower this time.
"Te amo," she repeated. But he didn't answer back, just tucked her hair behind her ear.
James pulled up his pants and helped her to get off the barrel.
"Goodbye, James." Tears were burning her eyes, but the girl didn't gave him the chance to do nor say anything because ran away from there.
Her father wasn't there when she arrived to the house and Inés was grateful for that. She cook something for him and left a note saying she didn't feel good and didn't want to eat.
Alone in her bedroom, the girl hugged a pillow to muffling her sobs, while she remember what happened.
She couldn't bear to see him next to his sister. Or watching her clinging to him, while she whispered something to him. Inés couldn't bear the idea of them pretending to be siblings during the day when they were lovers during night.
James sought her the following days but not avail. He wanted to apologize but didn't know how. Even when he didn't force her to do anything, the barrel, the cantina felt so bad to him. She was a good person, she didn't deserve what he did.
But destiny was ready to play its cards and the apologies should wait ten years, if the man he was about to be was still willing to apologize to her.
Ten years later: 1813.
Inés Serra was dead as her brother was and also her father. Fernando Serra died seven years ago probably because his liver failed after drinking just rum for over a decade. But Inés died two years before him and in her place was now Agnes Hill.
Sister Agnes, specifically, the one who worked in st. Bartholomew hospital, helping people and near the American man surnamed Dumbarton.
She didn't trust him but the hospital did and she was there just to follow orders. So far, the doctor besides being a weird man who loved chemicals never bothered her or the other sisters ever. Yet, everything about him didn't like her.
Agnes started her day as always. Her little and modest bedroom faced the streets and the morning workers always woke her up. She prayed before having her breakfast and after cleaning her space, went like always to the hospital.
"Thanks, sister," a man in wheelchair said to her, after she helped him to sit there and wheeled him outside to enjoy the sun.
Agnes heard the voice of sister Clarice, telling a man "just follow the smell." She saw his back and hat but not his face. She didn't care, probably another one looking for Dumbarton.
Agnes forgot completely about the unknown man, the American and even Sister Clarice, because she was talking to her patient. He was a funny grandpa always talking about his son and granddaughters and he made her laugh, but it was getting cold and he should return inside.
It was when she was heading to another wing, when Agnes saw the man wearing the top hat and she felt her heart stop. Ten years passed, she knew that. She even could say how many days passed since he left.
James Keziah Delaney is dead. She heard the rumours about his death one time she left the monastery to visit her father. James Delaney died in the sea.
Or he was alive, or he was the devil visiting her.
James' eyes caught a nun staring at him and for a moment he didn't pay attention to her until he looked at her again.
It was her. Clearly older, but it was her.
James turned to walk towards the nun but she wasn't there anymore. James looked around but didn't see her. He was busy, he couldn't stay there for a person who escaped from him once again. Through a peephole of one of the many doors that the hospital had, she saw him walk away.
And Agnes knew that even when Inés was dead, the feelings she believed dead as well, were still there. Burning her like the infernal flames around the Devil.
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lemonxlimee · 6 months
Okay well I'm bored so here's some of my osc headcanons
Outdated as of May 29th 2024
Pencil and Pen are siblings. Pencil is older by a few years, and Pen has trouble being apart from her for too long due to his RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder). Marker is their cousin, he's younger than them both.
Tree, Leafy, Flower and Grassy (in that order) are siblings. They usually don't acknowledge this because the age gaps between them are so big, but Flower and Leafy have a propensity to favour each other since their ages are closer and they grew up together. Their ages in BFB are: Tree: 27, Leafy: 19, Flower: 18, Grassy: 6
Woody is a cousin. He's 17 in BFB.
Silver Spoon and Knife are brothers. They don't know that; Silver Spoon was raised in a rich neighbourhood by their mother, and Knife was "raised" by his "father" somewhere else.
Firey and Match are half-siblings. Firey is a little older than Match.
Firey Jr is the result of a failed Firey recovery. The former likes to think of them as brothers, but Firey would rather not think about the little one.
I also agree with the idea that Firey is a fireafy child, but I don't like fireafy so I choose to ignore it.
Paintbrush and Broomer are cousins, and they have lunch over their art every other weekend. Paintbrush is The Broomer Boys' album artist.
Gelatin and Lollipop are not related, but they think of each other as their sibling. Gelatin is younger than Lolly.
Fan and Paper are cousins.
Coiny and Nickel (bfb) are twins, but Nickel is younger.
If they were to be humans, Yin and Yang would be conjoined twins.
Book, Journal and Casey are siblings.
Fan and Fanny are siblings.
Black Hole has alexithymia. That means he has trouble identifying his emotions and often feels as if he doesn't have them.
Liy used to be an assassin; that's why she found so much joy and fulfilment in being part of Death PACT.
Because of his RAD, Pen has convinced himself he and Eraser are soulmates.
Two's birthday is 2/2/2002. They're the third-youngest Numeric Algebralien, the only younger being Four (4/12/2004) and X (7/28/2008).
Golf Ball made herself prosthetic arms, but she rarely uses them as she finds them to be "a hassle." Tennis Ball wears him, though, only because he feels an obligation to use GB's invention (since she made it for him, and it would be rude not to accept a gift!)
all the Electric contestants (Remote, TV, Robot Flower, Lightning and Fanny) are in an alliance. Price Tag and Profily are honorary members.
Coiny is dyslexic. That means he has trouble identifying words and letters and often spells and reads things incorrectly.
Bell loves Christmas music and often forces her teammates to go carolling with her every morning in December.
Blocky is great at physics (some of his pranks wouldn't work unless he carefully calculated them first, so he needs to be at least a little smart). One time, while helping nanny one of Rocky and Grassy's playdates, he noticed GB building a contraption where the support beams were slightly too small, and he helped her fix them. Much to the surprise of everyone involved, Blocky ended up being an asset to the scientists.
Firey speaks Spanish, and Taco is fluent in Mexican Spanish; they often can be heard muttering to each other about their respective Grrrs. Neither Leafy nor the rest of TLTDBGSI know this.
Pie wakes up at 3:14 AM every single day. Since Fanny is a light sleeper, it bothered her for the entire 6 months they had to room.
Fanny isn't much more grateful for having to bunk with Marker, either -- if it were up to her, he'd be sleeping in the yard.
Needle was the kid who tries way too hard in gym class but no one complained because WOW can she kick that ball
Like all metal and electric-based characters, Nickel can zap people by touching them, if the conditions are right. The only exceptions to this are Balloon and Goo since they are made of rubber-based materials.
Pillow smells like lavender
Match has autism
Book speaks 5 languages - English, French, Latin, Greek and German
Firey Jr is very skilled in lockpicking. He usually uses this to get into Firey's gas stash (their equivalent to candy).
Leafy is bigender, she/it
Golf Ball is unlabelled (who has time for silly things like this when there's more important things (science) to be done??)
Book is mtf
Pillow uses she/it
All the algebraliens are agender
One uses he/she Two uses they/he Four uses he/they/it Five uses she/they Six uses she/he/they Seven uses he/it Eight uses he/they Nine uses any/all Ten uses he/they Fourteen uses it/he Fifteen uses she/he X uses he/they Pi, tau, euler, and i all use they/it
Lollipop is mtf
Fanny is a demigirl
all the mechanical minds are agender and just go with whatever pronouns
Pie (canonically?) Uses she/they
Pen is ftm
Sexualities (there's a lot here)
8 ball is aroace Balloony is gay Barf Bag is asexual panromantic Basketball is lesbian Bell is ace lesbian Black Hole is aroace/gay Blocky is gay Bomby is aroace Book is lesbian Bottle is pan Bracelety is VERY lesbian Bubble is lesbian Cake is gay Clock is demi/bi Cloudy is gay Coiny is bisexual David is ??? Donut is pan Dora is ??? Eggy is demi lesbian Eraser is bicurious (thought he was gay for AGES until Teardrop) Fanny is demi/pan Firey is straight Flower is lesbian Foldy is straight Fries is straight Gaty is unlabelled (sexuality doesn't matter to her as long as she has friends, and if she falls in love, oh well!) Gelatin is aroace Golf Ball is unlabelled (who has time for silly things like this when there's more important things (science) to be done??) Ice Cube is unlabelled (too focused on REVENGE >:D) Leafy is bi Liy is demi/ace Lollipop is lesbian (obviously) Loser is gay Marker is asexual Match is lesbian Naily is bicurious Needle is bi Nickel is gay Pen is gay Pencil is lesbian Pillow is lesbian Pin is bi Price Tag is unlabelled (rimshot) Profily is aroace Puffball is pan Remote is unlabelled/asexual Robot Flower is unlabelled (what is sex.?) Roboty is aroace Ruby is lesbian Saw is lesbian Snowball is straight Spongy is aromantic but wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to have any relationship Stapy is straight Taco is demiro/demisexual Teardrop is bi Tennis Ball is straight Tree is pan TV is aroace Winner is gay/ace Woody is bi/ace Yellow Face is ??? All the Speaker Boxes are aroace Four is bi Two is unlabelled X is bi
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nerdieforpedro · 6 months
Nerdie’s Fic Picks - Volume Six!
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All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. YOU are in charge of your own reading experience!
Main fic recommendation list
1. two pack habit & a motel tan by @trulybetty (Frankie morales x f reader)
2. Door Number Three by @morallyinept (Javi G and reader)
3. El Punto de Olvidarte (Part three of Mejor Sin Ti) by @fhatbhabie (Javi P and female reader featuring asshole Joel Miller)
4. Cave In by @javierssunglasses (Jack Daniels x f reader)
5. Bloody Kisses - Part One - Less than zero by @perotovar (Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Tim Rockford)
6. going to make you sweat by @undercoverpena (Javier Peña x f reader)
7. To the Flame chapter 10 by @pedroshotwifey (dark Javier Peña x f reader)
8. Tension by @notjustjavierpena (Javier Peña x f reader)
9. Taurus by @magpiepills (Joel Miller x f reader)
10. 18 x heart candies by @trulybetty (Dieter Bravo x Bryony - ofc)
11. Cruel Summer by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo x plus size reader)
12. Respected by @kteague (Javier Peña x reader - Diosa) SA warning
13. Dámalo by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Javier Peña x f reader)
14. Salty Sweet by @pedroshotwifey (Javier Peña x plus size female reader)
15. Scandal by @wannab-urs (Dieter Beavo x f reader)
16. My Girl by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Din Djarin x f reader)
17. Masterpiece by @morallyinept (Dieter Bravo x f reader)
18. Fairy Gold by @julesonrecord (Ezra - Cali Gold Rush AU x f reader)
19. For the Record by @wannab-urs (Dieter Bravo x f reader)
20. Imagine (Drabble) by @bonezone44 (Ezra x Frankie Morales
21. Sanctuary by @fhatbhabie (Dieter Bravo x plus size f reader - wife)
22. Like Real People Do by @fhatbhabie (Frankie Morales x reader)
23. Love’s a weed: new dress drabble by @tinytinymenace (Frankie Morales x Ruby - OFC)
24. Mine by @toomanystoriessolittletime (Din Djarin x f reader)
25. Breakfast is Served by @maggiemayhemnj (Joel Miller x reader)
26. IRL part three @han_shot_first by @grogusmum (Javier Gutierrez x plus size f reader)
27. bloody kisses — part two: i don't wanna be me by @perotovar (Shane “Dio” Morrissey x Tim Rockford)
28. Longing by @creedslove (Javier Peña x f reader)
29. Cherry Wine by @julesonrecord DDNE (Jack Daniels x wife reader)
30. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 1 First Contact by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
31. Should’ve Stayed Bored by @pedroshotwifey (Chump Joel Miller x f reader
32. To The Flame chapter 11 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x f reader)
33. Que Creías? by @fhatbhabie (Marcus Pike x plus size female reader)
34. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 2 Juniper Cottage by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
35. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 3 Making Breakfast by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthing f reader)
36. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 4 Freaking Out, On The Outside by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
37. A Galaxy Far Far Away au: Part 5 Di’kut by @grogusmom (Din Djarin x Earthling f reader)
38. The Wolf & The Lamb by @morallyinept (Dave York x plus size female reader)
39. A Work of Art by @boliv-jenta (Lucien Flores x f reader)
40. Roommates 1 You’re Joking right? By @punkshort (pornstar Joel x f reader)
Happy reading everyone! Remember to like and reblog all these amazing writers' fics. 🥰
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kosmic-kalamity · 9 months
sorry i died for a few days, i had school + i was sick all week but didn't know it
i'm working on some digital art and some more sketches for my silly trolls au, so for now i'll just share some miscellaneous thoughts i've been having about it:
- in this au, i'm using my own age gap headcanons for the bros. so, at the time of the brozone split, branch was 2; floyd was 13; clay was 14; bruce was 16; and john dory was 19. poppy is 2-3 years younger than branch, and viva is 2 years younger than clay.
- viva has been the acting ruler of pop village since she was 19, king peppy's grief over the lost of poppy leading him to retire early. poppy and branch became co-leaders of the putt-putt trolls when they were 16 and 18 respectively, after the original leader passed and they were deemed best for the job.
- instead of the snack pack being viva's best friends, her relationship with them is a bit more complicated. having found cooper as an egg not long after poppy was lost, he became something of a little brother to her; so, to viva, the rest of the snack pack are both her brother's friends and are kinda like little siblings to her.
- neither clay nor branch sing in this au (at least, not at first), though for different reasons: branch doesn't sing because singing killed his grandma (at least in his mind), and being lost during the escape only worsened his state; clay doesn't sing because, despite having already begun to gain back her colors by the time of the first movie, the lost of her entire family was a wound that never truly healed.
- i've also been considering having branch or poppy being the one kidnapped by velvet and veneer instead of floyd, since both are believed to be dead in this au and i think it would be interesting. should i make the change and have either of these two kidnapped, it'll be the other that goes on the hunt for brozone. so if branch is kidnapped, poppy will be the one to look for his missing brothers; and if poppy is kidnapped, branch will be looking for his brothers to help her.
- speaking of lost siblings, like in canon poppy isn't aware that she has a sister; the only hint of a past she has is an old hug time bracelet she doesn't remember being given to her. branch remembers all of his brothers to varying degrees, the one he remembers most being clay since he'd came back before the tree escape. and clay and viva both know about poppy and branch - their mourning of their lost loved ones helped spark their friendship - but viva isn't aware that clay had other siblings.
- also i'm gonna mention this now so i don't forget, but the reason i haven't talked about floyd, bruce, or john dory all too much for this au is because they remain mostly unchanged. all that really does change is floyd probably not being kidnapped and instead just…doing his own thing. solo career shit yknow. this au is more so centered around clay, branch, poppy, and viva overall.
anyway these are some silly thoughts, and i'm gonna get back to drawing :]
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
— Whumptober 2023—
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hey everyone! this year, i've decided to participate in the 'whumptober' event. the whole inspiration behind my take on this event is based on @topguncortez and her whumptober masterlist. you can check it out here! just a reminder that while i am participating in this event, i have a life outside of tumblr as well.
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on that note, here are the rules:
-one topic will be assigned to one character which will take place on one of the 31 days. there will not be more than one character per day.
- a list of prompts can be found below. you may submit a request for a character and a certain prompt. however, if that prompt has already been filled, unfortunately, it will go to the first request. once a prompt has been filled, it will be crossed out.
- here is a list of the character that i write for. please view this before you request as some have been added that I haven’t yet wrote for.
- the masterlist for this event will be kept a secret until later on. i'd like to keep it a surprise which pilot gets which prompt :)
- asks for each day won’t be answered publicly but the day will be crossed out immediately after the ask is received
- days/titles may change depending on what i end up writing at certain times.
- and lastly, i have final say on which prompt goes with which pilot and is posted on which day. please respect this.
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— Prompts —
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1. Beautiful Sorrow
Flowers | Gravesite | Widowed
2. Famous Last Words
Death I Wounds | Coughing up blood
3. No Mistakes
Parental abuse | perfectionist | alcoholism
4. Fall From Grace
Cheating | Love triangle | Divorce
5. Head Above Water
Drowning | Thalassophobia | Overwhelmed
6. Part Of Me
Miscarriage | "It's all my fault" | Blood
7. Push And Pull
Friends with benefits | Unrequited love | Conflicted
8. Pick Your Family
Disowned | Homophobia | "Why can't you love me?"
9. Pins And Needles
Paralysis | Disability | Arguments
10. Blood In The Water
Death | Ejection | Guilt
11. Darkest Hour
Self harm | “You can't leave me like this" | Ambulance
12. Take It All Back
Arguments | Break-ups | Age gap
13. The Company We Keep
Abandonment | Death | Suicidal thoughts
14. I Remember Everything
Unrequited love | Drinking | "Stay. Just till the sun rises"
15. Cut Me Open
Experimentation | Torture | Surgery
16. The Feeling Of Floating
Drugging | Rape | Fear
17. Heart Of Ice
Hypothermia | Flatline | Confession of feelings
18. Make You Whole
Amputee | "I can't make you whole" | Anxiety
19. Bottom Of The Bottle
Alcoholism | Death | Depression
20. The Art Of Pain
Cutting | Self harm | Blood
21. Sleep When You're Dead
Insomnia | Anxiety | Nightmares
22. Touch Of A Feather
Nerve damage | Hospitals | Outbursts
23. Angel Like You
"I'm everything they said I would be" | Death | Grief
24. Picture Perfect
Mental breakdown | Panic attack | Anxiety
25. Broken
Infertility | Arguments | Break-ups
26. Don’t You Trust Me?
Rape | Fear | Loss of trust
27. Sinking Sun
Cancer | Final goodbye | Death
28. Agony
Parental abuse | Burns | Beating
29. Gambling Man
Betting | Secrets | Arguments
30. Never Had A Chance
Religion | Homophobia | Fear
31. Break Me
Unrequited love | Toxic | Self-doubt
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— Thank You! —
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velmashaircut · 1 month
A few years ago I rated some OPM ships, I'm going to do it again and compare results to see if I changed my mind about any of the ships
Saitama/Genos: i ranked Genosai low last time due to Genos being 19, I was 16 at the time of making the list and I thought it was wild a 19 year old was being shipped with a 25 year old. Im 19 now and I’ve realised I shouldn’t take the ship too seriously since opm isn’t real, and both are adults so the age difference isn’t as big of a problem I made it to be. Both are mature enough so I no longer have any issues with the ship. The fanfictions and art for the ship are nice, and I like how much they both care for one another, which I think was made clear at the end of the MA arc if it wasn't obvious already. I’ll give the ship a 6/10, I like it but I’m not crazy about it.
Tatsumaki/King: At first I didn’t like this ship but I'm on board now! I think it’s cute. The fanfics for these two have won me since they have a good dynamic, and we get to see some nice Tatsumaki characterisation. In the manga, it’s nice to see that King is one of the few people Tatsumaki seems to respect and have faith in. My only issue with this ship is that Tatsumaki is under the impression King is strong af, which he clearly isn’t. Even though he isn’t omitting this information willingly, she doesn’t know who King truly is. I still love it though, 8/10.
Flashy Flash/Sonic: I love this ship too, and the manga and webcomic are to blame. I’ve always liked childhood friends to lovers troupe and that is what Flash x Sonic basically is. The fanfiction and fan art are great too, if you haven’t been able to tell already, the fanfiction and art do impact my view on these ships. 9/10, even though it’s my favourite opm ship, I don’t have much to say about it other than I think it’s great.
Atomic Samurai/Iaian. Ik I said a 6 year age gap is wild so you would think I wouldn’t like this paring because it’s a 14 year age. But Iaian is in his 20’s so I can at least turn a blind eye to a 14 year age gap. Again, I’m also a fan of this pairing. The MA arc in the manga has given Iaian a bigger role in the story and thus more dialogue with Atomic, it was really endearing to see how much Atomic cares for Iaian. 8/10.
Gorou/Badd. I know this ship is probably the second most popular in OPM but it’s ranked low for me because I don't really care for either character so I don't care for the ship much either. There's nothing wrong with it though, just isn’t my thing. 6/10
Fubuki/Psykos: same as the ship above pretty much. I see the appeal, but I’m not appealed. The fanart is cute af tho. 6/10
Drive Knight/ Genos: I became a fan of this pairing recently which really surprised me. I think this is mainly because it could go in multiple directions depending on Drive Knight's allegiance. The recent webcomic chapters are not helping. There's not a lot of fics out there for these two but the few I read are pretty nice. Also, there is this one artist, can't remember who they are, but the fanart they make for this pairing got me on board. 8/10.
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goodluckclove · 1 month
Things You Might Want to Know
So I recently realized that I spend most of my time here talking and forming relationships with young creatives, and that might look weird in a vacuum. Especially since it's something I plan to continue doing along with all my other machinations.
So I thought I'd give some information about myself all in one place. It's more than I might need to give, but it might put someone at ease.
My name is Clover Gardener, and I'm in my late 20s. I am an Agender individual in an asexual marriage and I'm in the process of medically transitioning. Currently I work as an author, but I have experience in technical writing, ghostwriting, social media management, food service and administrative work. Oh and theater. I worked backstage for some community theater productions. These are all like Employment Jobs I've Had to Include On My Taxes, but I've also done more short term gig work/weird jobs that didn't work out. I dropped out of college.
At 16 my first one-act play was produced. I proceeded to form a small youth theater troupe just out of high school where I wrote, directed, and produced three full length plays at festivals and other venues. I also took a play I wrote at like 19 and got invited to a reading at the Last Frontier Theater Festival in Valdez, Alaska a year later.
In regards to writing, I completed my first novel when I was 13 after only making it through a fifth of NaNoWriMo the year before. I've completed 11-14 novels since then. I honestly can't really remember at this point. Only maybe four of them left the first draft stage. One novel, Blind Trust, is self-published online. I also have a few short stories available in online literary journals. At one point I had an arts column on a small culture website but they're harder to find now.
I have taken three writing classes at varying points in my life and didn't find them helpful other than as an opportunity to keep practicing writing and maybe get some good feedback.
In terms of interacting with young people, there was actually a six year period of my life that was primarily dedicated to youth mentorship and advocacy - specifically for queer, neurodivergent, and abused youth, a lot of whom were passionate about the arts. I was way less stable enough to do it then compared to now, but I tried my very best. Supporting young artists and queer youth has been an intense passion for mine since I was 14.
It's my ultimate dream in life to form some sort of youth empowerment program in the arts, or at least a writing program where everyone is respected regardless of age or experience. I'm kind of working towards making that happen. I just want to see how accessible I can make it as opposed to doing something just within my city.
Anywho, those are my general qualifications for talking to teens about writing and creativity. I also have a full history of trauma and disability, but this seems slightly less important to talk about here.
I will say though that if you are a person, of any age frankly, who is ever looking to compare notes or seek support or guidance on anything mentioned above, my DMs are always open. You can also email me at [email protected] if you'd like. I like getting emails and I would love to gain new perspectives.
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gabrielokun · 1 year
Hi. You watch a lot of dramas/series. Do you have any favorites? If you do, what's your top 20 favorite Asian BL dramas/series?
Hi, anon)) thank you for asking. Sorry, it took a while) but I have to prepare a visual representation to compensate for the lack of writing skills))) english is hard T_T
anyway, here are some of my favorite things
Love by Chance (2018)
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The show that started it all (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡ Yep, my first Bl therefore I just must include it. Is is a good show? - not really. BUT! AePete are my babies, I love them. Nobody does it like them ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
2. My Only 12% (2022)
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Childhood friends to lovers done right! My favorite show of the last year. It is a slooooow burn but it's so worth it! Very lively and real boys. great family and friend dynamics, kind of meh last story outside of CakeEwi but still…If you want some great friendship slowly blooming into romance this is the show
3. Kieta Hatsukoi (2021)
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Super cute show. All characters are amazing, story well written, minimum hurt all the comfort. Good girl-not an enemy (im really easy too please ( •��̯ ₃ •̯̀) xd)
4. 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii (2020)aka Cherry magic
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JapBL are totally for me when they do fluff, (cause their angst is on a such level I need a lifetime to process it xd)
but this one is so fluffy (ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀)♡ They make me happy and I grateful for it
5. My Ride (2022)
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Speaking of fluff °ʚ(´꒳`)ɞ° Other couples are kind of boring But! Mork's uncles, MorkTawan's adopted son (still a bit salty we didnt see him again, Tawan should've had more parenting time, he is clearly a great dad ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚) natural growth of their friendship into love *_*. This one is good!
6.Color Rush (2020)
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I love soulmates. Its short, simple story but with very interesting and original idea.
7. Hello Stranger (2020)
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Such a simple story but the way it was done is amazing! Falling in love through web camera (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡ Characters have such an incredible chemistry even tho they have minimum personal contact(kudos to actors they done well)))
I Will Knock You (2022)
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Okay, yes age gap not for everyone. But again it was done very respectful. ૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა I love love love Noey's ˖°.✧aesthetic✧˖°., his room is my fave ngl, i want everything he has))))I love this delusional king He was so sure Thi is into him from the second they met and i live for it.
9. Until We Meet Again (2019)
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I love soulmates 2. I just love this show. Its gonna traumatize you and then comforts you with cutest fluffiest boys that going through it
10. Vice Versa (2022)
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I didn't like it at first
Puen annoyed me too much ૮꒰˶> ༝ <˶ ꒱ა but then I binge rewatch it in one weekend and I just fall for it. Its so good))) I love soulmates 3 and it's super pretty. I love colors
11. About Youth (2022)
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Show where I love main and second couple the same ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ thats rare))) Again very simple story but told beautifly
12. HIStory2 Right or Wrong (2018)
Let's talk HIStory. They kind of getting worse imho. 4 and 5 were just fine. thats sucks ʚ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ɞ i still love them tho
HIStory2 Right or Wrong (2018) 13. HIStory3 Trapped (2019) and 14. HIStory2 Crossing the Line (2018)
are superior for me. but just watch any of them they all are worth your time
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15. Our Dating Sim (2023)
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Second chance romance done very very right!
16. Oxygen (2020)
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Good fluffy fluff. P'Phu and his bunny are so precious. Main are cute and sweet and adorable. Ignore weird girl and doctor everything else is just so lovely
17. Light on Me (2021)
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Love triangle done right. Good light fluffy show that did hurt so good (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
18. To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories (2022)
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I love how they told this story
19. Not Me (2021)
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its hard to explain how good this show is, its more serious than usual bls, great acting, amazing story, strong message told through not just cinematography but art and dance too. its truly great show
20. Triage (2022)
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Time loops are fun
+ some honorable mentions
Ingredients (2020)
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not a show))) just an add but damn. It such a feel good little comfort add Jeff and Gameplay have an amazing chemistry, simple slice of life stories but so good , mutual pining done so well
anything by strongberry, literally just go at their YT chanel and enjoy ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
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emmmm that a long post sorry
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Bad Moon Art Studio, accessed at their gallery here
[Sponsored by @justicegundam82, who's been having me convert monsters from both Epic Level Handbook and Serpent Kingdoms for a while. And this one is from both! I do find it interesting that the greatest of the nagas, rather than being neutral or being posited as an ancestor or patron to all nagas, is explicitly chaotic evil. I'm going to be working this into the Age of Monsters/Great Game stuff, believe me. Also, thanks to this excellent art, I gave my version both disintegrate and Still Spell]
Ha-Naga CR 20 CE Aberration This human-headed serpent is enormous, its head the size of an entire human, and its body as long as a caravel. Its scales shimmer in color but default to a pearlescent white.
Ha-nagas are the most powerful and magically gifted of the naga lineages. It is a shame, therefore, that they are universally evil. Every ha-naga is self-absorbed to the point of megalomania, and they respect nothing else besides the gods, and even those only grudgingly. Most ha-nagas like to view themselves as divine incarnations, extinction level events, civilization destroyers, and other over the top entities. They have the power to back these claims up on a practical level. Spirit nagas view ha-nagas with a combination of envy and awe, and most ha-nagas have one or more nests of spirit naga minions.
In combat, a ha-naga would rather avoid violence altogether with its mesmerizing gaze. Most ha-nagas have charmed victims to slow down dedicated enemies with, and they do not hesitate to allow said charmed victims to be slain in its stead. If a ha-naga’s mind-controlled allies turn on it, they merely become additional targets for its spells. Ha-nagas tend to like big flashy spells that deal damage over a wide area, and then focus fire on any healers or fellow casters left standing. If they are allowed the freedom of an open-air location for combat, they take to the skies, flying gracefully like a snake swimming through water. Their slam attack is a grasping loop of their coils, and their stings contain venom that causes flesh to decompose within seconds.
Ha-nagas are enormous, and as such require enormous lairs. Abandoned and ruined cities are a favorite, with the ha-naga nesting inside of a temple complex, coliseum or other monumental building. They are very tactile creatures, and often sleep on mounds of treasure in the way that dragons do. Dragons are the only creatures ha-nagas feel remotely threatened by, and some ha-nagas make a habit of eliminating all of the dragons within a comfortable radius of their lairs (and stealing their hoards) before settling down in a location for good.
A ha-naga is about 100 feet long. Their lifespans are best measured in centuries, and a ha-naga can survive two or three millennia if not slain in combat.
Ha-Naga CR 20 XP 307,200 CE Colossal aberration (evil) Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +36, scent Defense AC 34, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (-8 size, +12 Dex, +20 natural) hp 372 (24d8+264) Fort +19, Ref +22, Will +23 DR 20/good; Immune charms, compulsion effects; SR 31 Weakness corrupted Offense Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect) Melee slam +22 (4d6+9 plus grab), sting +22 (2d8+9 plus poison), bite +22 (4d4+9) Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. Special Attacks charming gaze, constrict (4d6+13) Spells CL 19th, concentration +30 9th (5/day)—meteor swarm (DC 30), wail of the banshee (DC 30) 8th (7/day)—fire storm (DC 29), horrid wilting (DC 29), power word stun 7th (8/day)—greater arcane sight, greater teleport, regenerate 6th (8/day)—disintegrate (DC 27), greater heroism, heal (DC 27) 5th (8/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 26), cone of cold (DC 26), nightmare (DC 26), wall of force (DC 26) 4th (8/day)—cure critical wounds (DC 25), divine power, freedom of movement, scrying (DC 25) 3rd (9/day)—dispel magic, displacement, lightning bolt (DC 24), slow (DC 24) 2nd (9/day)—alter self, mirror image, resist energy, scorching ray, spiritual weapon 1st (9/day)—cure light wounds (DC 22), identify, mage armor, magic missile, shield of faith 0th—bleed (DC 21), detect magic, ghost sound (DC 21), light, mage hand, message, read magic, stabilize, touch of fatigue (DC 21) Statistics Str 28, Dex 34, Con 32, Int 31, Wis 29, Cha 33 Base Atk +18; CMB +38 (+42 grapple); CMD 58 (cannot be tripped) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials (B), Extend Spell, Flyby Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Stealth), Still Spell, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +39 (+51 when jumping), Bluff +35, Diplomacy +35, Fly +39, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, planes) +34, Knowledge (history) +37, Perception +36, Sense Motive +33, Spellcraft +37, Stealth +41, Survival +36; Racial Modifiers +12 Stealth Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Senzar, Undercommon SQ camouflage, compression, flight, metamagic mastery Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Camouflage (Ex) A ha-naga gains a +12 racial bonus on Stealth checks. It does not need cover or concealment to make Stealth checks. Charming Gaze (Su) Range 60 ft.; effect charmed (as per charm monster) for 20 days; save Will DC 31. The save DC is Charisma based and includes a -2 racial penalty. Corrupted (Ex) A ha-naga is treated as an outsider with the evil subtype, as well as its actual type, for spells and abilities affected by creature type. Flight (Su) The fly speed of a ha-naga is a supernatural ability. Metamagic Mastery (Su) A ha-naga does not need to increase the casting time of a spontaneous spell in order to modify that spell with its metamagic feats. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 33; duration 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d8 Con damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution based. Spells A ha-naga can cast spells as a 19th level sorcerer. It treats spells from the cleric spell list as being on the sorcerer/wizard list. It does not gain any of the other class abilities of a sorcerer, such as a bloodline.
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riverjphoeniix · 5 days
|| PARTNER SEARCH 9/19/24 ||
Intro ➯| Hi hello, if you’re looking to give the icon a name, I go by Jude. I am 28 years old and live in the Midwest (CST) I would say that I’m a fairly laid back writing partner with a wide arrange of interests. However, if you’re looking for someone to write slice of life, cheerleader and bad boy, fluff or purely smut I may not fall exactly into that category. However, I have been writing for well over 14 years (YIKES) and love diving into new and expansive stories!
 Content I enjoy/prefer ➯ | I feel as though it is important to put the content I prefer above writing preferences just so it is clear, and I don't waste anyone's time ♡ I will always, always, always prefer writing dark content above anything else. This means mature themes such as addictions, crime, toxic relationships, gangs, apocalyptic, dystopian, angst and drama will always come first. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I don't write anything other than that. I've written and enjoyed celebrity and small town plots before but preferred them if they involved some of the themes I have listed above (I almost never deny them! )
 I have almost no major triggers but would prefer to discuss any you may have as to respect those boundaries ♡ As for smut, I would prefer it not to be the main focus of our stories. It can be involved, just not majorly. I do primarily f x m and f x f. Every day, I am gaining new inspiration for characters through various types of media. Click this link here to see my navigation that leads to all sorts of helpful information!
 What I enjoy in a writing partner ➯ |
 I would say that my writing style could be defined as strictly literate. Which means when I send a reply, it should be expected that I will send multiple paragraphs in response. This doesn't necessarily mean that I expect the same in return, either! I would much rather have quality over quantity as long as we are both having fun and enjoying ourselves ♡ Nothing makes me happier than world building as well!~ If world building is ever an option, I always much prefer it! I believe that the more characters are involved, the more chances there are for character development and various obstacles to create. Not only that, but I think always having extra characters to stir the pot makes things SO interesting. I also prefer not be the one to only write the male roles and prefer if you’re upfront and honest when it comes to playing male roles. Please do not be open to doubling if it's just a means to getting a ship that you’ve been wanting. I will more than likely notice. That means not favoring and only responding to roles where I play a male, and neglecting the roles where I play a female. Keep it fair. Partners also must be 21+ and understand that replies will not always be quick and fast. I often work, and I am working on my personal art business which means I may be online and responding when it comes to just having fun and chatting, plotting, head-canoning and sending ideas -- but I could be working on art on the side as well! Nothing makes me happier than having a partner where we both respect when each other is busy or when we are taking a moment for either personal reasons or mental health. I also prefer to use real face claims as opposed to drawings/anime/etc.  Helpful info ➯ | If you have any triggers, anything that is off limits, anything that makes you uncomfortable, PLEASE do not feel shy to let me know ahead of time. Even during, before, or after a reply. DO NOT HESITATE. It does not matter at all the time, what matters to me is your comfort and your boundaries. I will not be upset, and I will completely understand. As for my triggers and my boundaries, I do not do any plots involving minors, massive age gaps, incest, bathroom kinks, or vore . If you are hoping for a major choice to be made, please feel free to do it if you feel this would add to the story – HOWEVER, if it involves something extreme being said or done to my character, I would prefer this to be discussed with me beforehand. Thank you! I look forward to writing and making some cool stuff with you <3
 Feel free to like this post or DM me and I will get back to you! ♡
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I stumbled upon this blog and I’d love to give moot matchmaking a try! Apologies for this being a bit ramble-y
You can call me Twig, I’m queer and my pronouns are she/they, you can use either or both, idm. I don’t feel comfortable sharing my exact age but my comfortable range is 14-18 for moots, if you’re 18 yrs old, or a bit over (no one over the age of 19 at all pls), I’ll interact just please respect my boundaries c: It’d be cool if we’re interested in similar topics but that’s not a requirement at all
~*^Stuff About Me^*~
I’m super new to tumblr like I made my first ever account like yesterday so bear with me I have like no idea how any of this works and I might ask for help from time to time.
I rant/ramble about different things a lot and I’m open if you want to rant/ramble about different things too! My blog is most likely going to be where I brain-dump, talk about random stuff, post occasional doodles and reblog content I like. Feel free to message me or interact with any of my future blogs. I might come off as kind of random and all over the place but once you get to know me I promise there is a method to my madness haha
Some of my interests are MBTI( ENFP here! I love mbti content PLS talk to me about mbti content /lh), WC, original characters, Gacha (yes I use gacha, if you don’t like people just because they use the app,  respectfully, dni!), pjo/hoo, some webtoons (favorite at the moment is the D!ckheads by gummibunni), drawing/art, reading, etc! If you are curious about my kins list hmu and I’ll give you the list As for my music taste, I LOVE music of various genres, some artists I like are Mon Laferte, Friday Pilots Club, Will Wood, Mistski, Ghost, Tally Hall, Jann, Destroy Boys, The Crane Wives, and overall I listen to anything from different types of spanish music, to steampunk, alt/alt rock, pop, indie bands, to musical soundtracks. Music recs and youtube music playlists are ALWAYS appreciated. As a side note I’m learning spanish so if you speak spanish feel free to speak spanish w me sometimes but fair warning I can understand the language better than I can respond in it.
Well you heard Twig, if you are in between the age of 14 and 18 and share similar interests as them, please interact with this post and get into contact with them. Thank you.
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madamlaydebug · 10 months
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Savion Glover
Born: November 19, 1973
Birthplace: Newark, NJ
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Savion Glover is an American tap dancer, actor, and choreographer.
Glover was born to a white father who left the family before he was born and a black mother. Glover's great grandfather on his mother's side, Dick Lundy, was a shortstop in the Negro Leagues. He managed eleven Negro League baseball teams, including the Newark Eagles. His grandfather, Bill Lewis, was a big band pianist and vocalist. His grandmother, Anna Lundy Lewis, was the minister of music at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, NJ. She played for Whitney Houston when she was singing in the gospel choir, and was the one who first noticed Savion's musical talent. She once held him and hummed some rhythms to him, and he smiled and joined along. Glover graduated from Newark Arts High School in 1991.
Glover stated that his style is "young and funk." When asked to describe what funk is, he says it is the bass line. "Funk is anything that gets one's head on beat. It is riding with the rhythm. It is a pulse that keeps one rolling with the beat." Gregory Hines, a tap legend, was one of Glover's tap teachers. Hines stated that "Savion is possibly the best tap dancer that ever lived." Glover liked to start his pieces with some old school moves from famous tappers and then work his way into his own style. Hines said it’s like paying homage to those he respects. When Honi Coles died, Savion performed at his memorial service. He finished his dance with a famous Coles move, a backflip into a split from standing position, then getting up without using one's hands. Glover rarely does this move because it wasn't his style, but he did it because it was Coles' style that he wanted to keep alive. "I feel like it's one of my responsibilities to keep the style." Henry LeTang called Glover "the Sponge" because he learned very quickly with everything thrown at him. LeTang taught the Hines brothers back in the 1950s and taught Glover for a little while before having him work for "Black and Blue," a tap revue in Paris in 1987. Many legendary tappers taught Glover such as LeTang, the Hines brothers, Jimmy Slyde, Dianne Walker, Chuck Green, Lon Chaney (Isaiah Chaneyfield), Honi Coles, Sammy Davis Jr., Buster Brown, Howard Sims, and Arthur Duncan.
He has been teaching tap since he was 14 years old. Glover created Real Tap Skills, and started HooFeRz Club School for Tap in Newark, New Jersey. Wanting to bring back the real essence of tap, Glover claimed that he is on a mission to reclaim the rhythm that was lost when tap dancing was recycled after many generations. At age seven, Glover drummed in a group called Three Plus One. In the group, he demanded that he dance while he played the drum. Glover has a heavy foot for tap. He dances hard and loud in every step, and teaches his mentees that one must learn how to "hit," a term related to one's ability to express oneself, complete a tap sequence, or say something.
Thank you, Black American page
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I'm in a weird place in life, story time.
Every hour in my day is spent staring at a screen while sitting in my couch. Studies? Online. (Currently in vacation so yeah, not even studying) Friendships? Online, and currently very few (2 to be exact). Therapy? Online, once a week. Mental stimulus? Reading random posts on all sort of subjects online. Do I leave my house for anything, ever? Very, very rarely. Irl friends/companies? My ex, only him (he's not a monster, I assure you). We see each other every weekend and occasionally after he leaves work on a weekday when I *need* to get out of the house even if it is for just one hour to grab a coffee and watch the street.
I feel like I'm floating in the void of outerspace, completely lost.
Recently, I've been bombarded by my own thoughts of projects I abandoned. If you're reading this, brace yourself, this gonna be long. From 8 years of age I took great interest on reading, writing, acquiring knowledge (not always useful), learning languages (here am I fluent in English now). 12 years of age, I absolutely loved writing on notebooks (I'd always carry 3 of them EVERYWHERE in my backpack, each for a different topic). I would also spend hours on end drawing anime/mangá style art. 14 years of age, I got my very first tablet and began trying digital art and painting, while maintaining all the rest. I carried on all of those interests and hobbies until my 15 years of age.
In between 12 and 15, my privacy was breached many times and I got bullied for my art, for my texts, for my attempts creative expression as a whole. I was not one to express verbally already (actual autism, selective mutism), because talking felt unsafe and bullying made that worse. Overtime, artistic and creative expression felt less and less safe.
Until by 15 years of age I got into an abusive relationship and dropped everything. I lost my voice, and what was left of my ability to express myself along with my dignity and self-respect. I just gave up for good on trying to express myself in any way.
Got out of that relationship at 17. Entered another one with an alcoholic, made some attempts at trying to start writing again, on private, password protected journals on a website I won't disclose. Again I was forced to let someone read my stuff and had verbal stones thrown at me. By 19 I left that relationship, and entered another one. Healthier one, but not perfect, still with some toxic traits because nobody is perfect he is unable to understand some things about me and is unaware of others, all he knows is I'm traumatized (got PTSD from the 2 previous relationships), mentally fucked and hard to deal with. [He also has untreated ADHD (which doesn't favor him being able to listen to my long explanations of what's actually going on with me), and a very critical personality (though he means to be constructive, he lacks sense. Both of us think he might be autistic as well as he does identify with it, but he can't focus on learning more about it as he can't for any other psychology or neurodevelopment/neuroscience topic, at least he tried).]
I again tried to recover my interests and means of creative expression through art and stuff, but as a critical designer he'd give his unsolicited opinion and again unknowingly take away my freedom of expression by accident when he was only trying to help, he was unaware on how his comments hit me in a very different way and I was unable to communicate that to him, explain, or make him aware. That relationship ended by unrelated reasons when I was 22, in May. Just over a year ago. It was very hard to deal with the breakup and he remains as my only in-real-life friendship/social interaction other than my mom and occasionally grandparents.
I am currently 23 years old, I want to try to recover/reclaim my life, my voice, my creative power, creative expression, writing, drawing on paper, doing digital art. I started by beginning in oil painting, my paintings are unfinished and have been sitting in my shelves for months now with no new alterations. I feel like writing and I know not what to write about because there is this huge block which is something in between a creative block and a sense of danger/unsafe in my chest.
I feel like drawing on paper but I don't even try all the progress I worked so hard on making in my skills between 12 and 15 was totally lost. I don't know what to draw anymore (nothing comes to mind) and when I try it feels like everything is too ugly. Digital art is even worst. It's worth mentioning I lost any precision I had with a pen or pencil (I also shake a lot due to Anxiety and PTSD). So I decided to focus on other areas of life, started college online in a unrelated subject, while pursuing this technical degree online I'm also trying entrance exams for another university in a totally different bachelor (psychology) to do both at the same time.
I made projects that would suit well this focus on other areas:
Finishing oil paintings.
Reading Tarot/Sibilla/Lenormand professionally.
Teaching English conversation.
I have not taken a single step forward in any of those. It's like I'm petrified into staring at the computer and doing the same things over and over again:
Talking to online friends
Browsing random knowledge
Reading random books
I have lost my capability to organize my life/tasks and move things forward, completely. The only thing I'm moving forward is college which is now on break.
The wish to express myself creatively is calling me constantly, yet the block still stops me. The biggest advance I made towards that is rambling about my personal life in this anonymous page which I'm constantly paranoid about being linked to my identity or figured out by anyone in real life (specially my ex who's my only friend, or the closest I got to one. He has my back in a lot of stuff) for no special reason other than the feeling of unsafe exposure.
I will keep on trying to improve my organization. I will keep on trying to regain my power of self-expression, be it artistic, textual, visual, and even someday verbal! I know this will be a long battle, and any support is welcome since I have no means to express to anyone irl (other than my therapist) that I need that support. I must not give up even if any drawbacks shove me straight back in my isolated cave. I hope someday I'll be able to produce quality art again, in texts or images, and post it here, and eventually somewhere not anonymous. If I get there, I will be proud. I just don't know how to start or what to even try first, but somehow I will figure, wing it! Any advice is welcome. If you read this far, thank you very much for giving so much attention to this fragment of the story of my life, that truly is much appreciated.
Thank you, Tumblr. This is indeed an amazing website.
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adrianicsea · 2 years
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I posted 11,802 times in 2022
That's 10,324 more posts than 2021!
1,623 posts created (14%)
10,179 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,095 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#saw - 822 posts
#adam faulkner stanheight - 365 posts
#save - 358 posts
#lawrence gordon - 357 posts
#asks - 281 posts
#chainshipping - 237 posts
#art - 215 posts
#lgbt - 205 posts
#sleeping with ghosts - 198 posts
#me - 192 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but real shit he’s been working on this overall subject matter for over a year now and it is insane the stuff he’s dug up and learned about
My Top Posts in 2022:
163 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
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Cary Elwes & Leigh Whannell filming “the love scene,” Hacking Into Saw: Behind the Scenes (2004) (x)
196 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
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Sparkle on! It’s wednesday! Don’t forget to be yourself!
368 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
saw 2004 homophobic lawrence cut
1,635 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
not to be a tumblr old or whatever but i remember when the sapphic label/flag was first making the rounds on here and one of the first things that came in the wake of it was a push to make a comparable label/flag But For Boys. and the flag i remember seeing was pretty much verbatim the sapphic flag, But Blue, and it’s like.... man not everything needs to be about us! we don’t need to have our own version of everything! and we ESPECIALLY do not need it to be all in blues/greens “so everyone knows it’s about men” like that is KINDERGARTEN level gender roles and cis/heteronormative!!!
and another thing that kills me about it is that like. there ARE flags that are specific to the identities of gay men that have been around for fucking ages! there’s a bear flag that’s been around for decades and looks awesome! there’s a twink flag that’s existed since at least 2000 and it breaks my heart that it’s so underused/hard to find because it’s SOOOOOOO cute!!
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honestly though what it really comes down to is respecting and honoring the culture and history of gilbert baker and his rainbow flag. it is NOT anyone’s fault that the rainbow has been so co-opted by corporations, and we don’t do our community any favors by forgetting what the rainbow flag was created to represent. is it not beautiful that the rainbow flag is for all of us? all of the colors standing together to hold us all, just like we’re all supposed to look out for each other?
2,242 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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a-tiny-frog-girl · 2 years
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I posted 427 times in 2022
That's 122 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (14%)
369 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 130 of my posts in 2022
#froggy speaks - 84 posts
#g/t - 70 posts
#giant/tiny - 50 posts
#gt community - 45 posts
#borrowers - 42 posts
#sfw gt - 41 posts
#gt - 33 posts
#g/t community - 32 posts
#froggy arts - 26 posts
#froggy writes - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#like its not just one bad thing that completely goes away when theyre sage again
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey You!!! You in the g/t community, reading this!! I love you!! If you make work, I'm amazed by your creativity!! Thank you for being such an amazing person! (if you are thinking this isn't really for me then you get a special x2 multiplier on my love for free >:) )
138 notes - Posted May 3, 2022
tiktoks that there would be if borrowers existed and hung around humans
borrowers seeing themselves in the mirror for the first time and not passing the mirror test for a few minutes
humans annoying their borrower friends by just picking them up and bringing them wherever they are going (the comments call the human mean even though the borrower is clearly laughing the entire time)
borrowers in places that are surprising, like on the roof for some reason
PRANK WARS (I would pay to see borrower vs human prank wars 😭)
borrowers learning human slang or learning about animals they've never heard of before like whales or okapis or smth
how to make tiny things for your tiny friends (food, furniture, etc)
house tour but it's inside the walls
two tiktokers find out they live in the same house, one a borrower, one a human
showing my borrower friend places they've probably never seen
one borrower gets really famous by pretending to be human and clowning on them for all the silly things they do
the best fabric/paper clips/etc for borrower crafting
138 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
im bored, I should be writing but here's some of my favorite borrower headcanons instead (ask your headcanons or ask for more of mine or clarification!! I love this stuff!!)
borrower "culture" isn't really a thing. If you found two borrowers from separate places and asked them what holidays they celebrate or if they have a hierarchy, they'd most likely give you completely different answers (that means the rest of the list is basically only true for some borrowers in my head)
borrowers don't track time like humans. Ofc they still have like morning and evening and so on, but they don't have hours or minutes or years in the way we use them.
Adding to the last bit, borrowers don't do birthdays. Since they don't really have numbered days, at most they remember whether they were born in early or late (insert season here). Age is counted by seasons and being an older borrower usually means being respected far more.
borrowers don't really do gender. it's really not a big deal when you're fighting for your food and life constantly. Pronouns are just things they borrow from humans, they're not really attached to them.
skirts and dresses are impeding to most borrower things so wearing them is either luxurious and shows that a borrower doesn't need to work or lazy. Again gender isn't really a thing so they can be worn by anyone as long as they don't need to be constantly alert.
hair length is usually a personal decision. Long hair is warm and can be tied up easily, but can get caught in things and does take maintenance. Not as much maintenance as human hair would at that length, but still some. (borrowers can usually brush the tangles out of their hair with just their fingers.) Short hair is a lot more permanently out of the way but often needs to be cut fairly regularly to stay at that length.
hair color can affect what length borrowers choose to keep their hair at. Black haired borrowers might keep long hair and even put it semi down so they're harder to see in the darkness. Red or blonde haired borrowers might have to keep it short because it could easily get them spotted.
borrowers that live/work alone tend to be more cutthroat than colonies of borrowers. They can't rely on much and if you are hindering their work they will cut you loose so fast.
on the other hand, colonies tend to be more strict about rules and such. The rules vary greatly, but they tend to stick to them and not forgive even small transgressions. Basically if you're a rule breaker you're gonna get yeeted.
if a lone borrower is crazy, it's kinda just like eh, they're alone so long it makes sense for them to be like that. Often if they aren't like actually just randomly biting people, they can still be decent ally's.
if a colony is crazy, you're fucked. That is a borrower cult, my guy. They have already completely convinced themselves and each other that they are the sane ones, there's no way to get through to them. Plus they tend to have the numbers to do really bad things, for instance: sacrifices.
some borrowers do have religion!! It can be anything from whatever religion the humans had put through a game of telephone or something humans would consider to be a lot like witchcraft!
Borrowers often get their names from 1. human names (usually misheard or misspelled) 2. something precious to the parents, like how some humans are named after gems 3. just a random word that someone heard and decided would make a good name, or 4. another borrower.
moving house is just as dangerous if a borrower moves into somewhere with borrowers already as if it's an empty place. The best scenario would probably be a group of borrowers too small to be considered a colony that don't mind sharing or a recently evacuated home. (you would have to consider why they left, though.)
borrowers sit wherever they goddamn please. on the floor? yep. on the edge of a table next to a drop that would definitely kill them? yeah, sure. on top of a borrower sized table? it's comfy! wherever they happen to be standing and find out they're going to be there a while? just plopped down on the spot. They are also incredibly fast at getting up, so there's no worry about being stuck sitting when something happens.
beds aren't really a thing for borrowers either. They have to be able to sleep wherever they are so they don't get tired and make stupid mistakes. The closest thing to a human concept of a bed would probably be a few comfortable scraps of fabric in a bit of a messy nest. Easy to move and rearrange. Some borrowers just sleep on the ground or cuddle with other borrowers.
Candy is as precious as gems. Unfortunately, just about as useful as them, too, but sweet things are hardly ever left out or abandoned.
The main overarching rule for borrowers is don't get caught and if you do, don't reveal the rest of the borrowers to humans. Different rules spawn from this like don't speak to humans or don't go out during the day or whatever, but those are the ones all borrowers basically would get as a kid.
Borrowers are kind of desensitized to violence and death. All their lives they are constantly thinking about it possibly happening, and depending on where they live, may have seen many others bite the dust. It's just a part of being a borrower.
Borrowers have INCREDIBLY dark humor. They'll absolutely be joking about how their best friend got severely injured the moment they're safe. Maybe even before depending on the borrower.
Some borrowers are more animalistic than others. It's a trait that's sort of passed down like what eye color you have. Some borrowers have cat-like eyes that adjust to the dark well but are mid sighted and color blind. Some borrowers can purr or chirp. Some are more capable of eating raw meat or random stuff they find on the ground. Some have tails for balance or animal ears.
Many borrowers have weird special talents that seemingly come out of nowhere. One may be able to jump stupidly high while the other can smell everything and discern what is going on in the next room.
borrowers get overstimulated SO EASILY. loud? no thanks. lots of movement that they try to automatically track all at once? eugh. bright colors that hurt their eyes and distract them? bad.
crows and borrowers often have symbiotic relationships. Borrowers share a little food and time/conversation and the crow distracts the human or gives them a ride or protects them from other animals. they are friends <3
Most borrowers don't have any other name than their first unless they live in a place with a LOT of other borrowers and need to distinguish where they're from.
TLDR; I never stop thinking about borrowers. I am a borrower nerd. I will keep on talking about this forever.
172 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
it was at this moment they knew.
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they fucked up.
204 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
you can use these as you like, this could be an ask game too!! they're gonna be all over the place, sorry bout that lol
"How did you do that?" "What, like it's hard?" "YES-"
"You made this for me? That's incredible!"
"I'm gonna fight that guy for you." "Please don't..."
"Are you scared of me?"
"Why didn't you just ask for help?"
"So I'm kinda stuck... Don't laugh at me!"
"You can leave now. If you want to."
"You... saved my life. Why?"
"You're pretty incredible, you know." "Me?"
"You can sleep now. It's safe, I'll protect you."
"You'll never lay a hand on them again."
"I don't need a controller my size, I'll beat you at Mario Kart with this one!"
"I've been told you've never watched a superhero movie. Spiderman or The Flash?"
"I don't know if you can even hear me right now, but I'll miss you."
"You're really sick, you should go lie down. I can take care of this for you, don't worry."
275 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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