#this is my design for how he would look around Stone Ocean
Little doodle of my Don GioGio design!
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teaboot · 1 year
I spent a lot of time alone outdoors growing up.
A lot of time.
It got to the point that some days I'd be sitting in the back of my dull beige classroom, and on the outside I'd be staring out into nothing but on the inside I'd be remembering how it felt being barefoot and knee-deep in sun-warmed mud, cutting my palms and soles to bits against craggy rock, leaning into the wind and screaming into the ocean, sprinting through the woods and standing dead silent in the dark in a wheat field in a thunderstorm, and feeling grit under my nails and bone and wood and rock and metal in my hands
And I'd look around at my stupid, flimsy pressboard desk, and the beige walls, and the grey ceiling, and feel soft, stagnant air circulate through the vents in delicate, dainty little puffs against my cheeks, and listen to kids my age who I couldn't understand and didn't feel connected to talk about things that made my brain go numb and melt out my ears while some fake-smiley adult pretended they knew how I felt
While back home where my siblings didnt know me and my parents didn't like me the house would be dark, empty, and cold, day after day, and the only satisfaction I knew I'd get would be if someone twice my size and three times my age got in my face and fucking tried it,
And I'd think,
This isn't real.
This is designed, and this is weak.
This is cardboard façades with nothing inside, this is tissue paper, this is Styrofoam packing peanuts and puffed rice wafers and the bottom three millimeters of day-old room-temperature water
And I'd get so fucking angry, so frustrated, just so stone-cold livid, helpless and furious, that sometimes I'd start to cry, not because I was sad but because my teeth were soft and round and dull and my fingers felt like they were brand-new pink pearl erasers splitting in half and everything was too much and not enough and all I needed in the whole wild world was to shred the air to pieces for the crime of being too fucking empty, too fucking soft, not *real* enough, like a wild animal clawing into prey only to have puffy cotton candy and soap bubbles spill out, sweet and tasteless and saccharine where it should be hot, bright, loud and solid and sharp.
So when the English teacher- a tall, thin man with glasses who smelled like strong patchouli and liked to ask us to "talk about our feelings" asked me to write about my life, that was what I wrote.
He told me I had a "powerful gift" and smiled, flashing straight, dull, soft round teeth.
I remember he'd ask me every day if he could read my work aloud to the class, every single day, and every day I would say "no", until one afternoon he just took my paper off my desk and did it anyways.
I was a rule-follower. Never broke the rules, never stepped out of line. I would never just leave class in the middle of a lesson, so I guess for a moment I was someone else.
I don't remember hearing him start to speak, but I remember sprinting out the door, hearing it slam behind me, and just not stopping until I was somewhere outside with the grass and the sky and the sun and a ringing inside my head.
After a while, I went back, and by then I guess he'd finished talking.
I sat down at my desk and finished the lesson.
I thought I'd be in trouble or something after that, but nobody mentioned it.
After the bell, I went home to the dark, cold, empty house and waited for something to fight.
That was years ago. Decades, now.
To tell you the truth, though, I don't think anything has changed.
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witheredtoashes · 11 months
birds and their wings
Okay, okay, everyone.
Here's my piece, aka predictions, for the Phil and his wings lore.
He's not getting them back. Or at least, he'll be the last one.
Because he wants them.
As far as I know, phil is the only one to be actively asking the federation, admins, and Cucurucho for the restoration of his wings. Not only that, I think while it's a very common headcanon or belief that Jaiden, baghera, and quackity have wings and are avians, and this is accepted by the creators themselves, they've never wanted wings. They've never asked for them. Correct me if I'm wrong, since I don't watch them often, but the other avians on qsmp are birdlike and like to be considered birds, but.. it's not ingrained. And I say these things in comparison to Phil.
Day one, barely into the stream when he was on the train, Phil talked about his wings and them being clipped. IMMEDIATELY addressed why he couldn't fly, because flying is utterly ingrained into his movements, his thinking, and everything he does. If he's not flying, there has to be a reason.
Fast forward, Phil's getting more into lore. All of his lore is about the eggs and the federation, or his wings. Being a bird. It's starting to show in everything he does, and it's purposeful.
He's perching more, when he's idle. He's always perched high in his hardcore world or even in qsmp, wanting to get the best viewpoint to see what's around him, what dangers there are, and get a look of the land. But, he's perching in places where he doesn't need to do all that.
In forever's office. On the wall, which he knows is safe and knows the surroundings of. Whenever he's idle, he will parkour and climb to the highest spot he can reach every single time, out of boredom. But it's an instinct, and it's one he's PURPOSELY tying into being a bird.
Another reason- he's more birdlike than all the other avians. It shows in his movements, his words, even his morals. He thinks like a bird. It shows in every part of his character, not just design.
Phil treasures nature and natural things over everything. He likes large open spaces. He perched and builds on the wall, and then he COVERS it in grass and transforms it into a place bustling with life and nature. Natural, wild, a place where animals can thrive and live, like a forest. Somewhere where a bird would flourish.
Not only this, it's in his hardcore world. Which we KNOW is canon. Everything he builds is connected to nature and wildlife, or at least large open spaces he can soar around. Endlantis? The sea and life taking over the barren end, and it's BRIMMING with plants and animals and growth. The ocean monument? Come on, self explanatory. Nethervoid? It's a void, barren of life, but he has pockets of life and animals within it. It's wide open, letting him soar through and admire it and fly without fear. The spawn islands? Literally pockets of floating life. The wall around his spawn? A artificial stone structure, cold and unforgiving, being taken over again by nature, weathered away, and covered in vines, trees, and moss. Life is everywhere.
Now, qsmp.
Jaiden shows Phil his wings, right? She says she just "busts them out", like she's had them, fully functional the entire time.
One of Phil's first questions is "can you fly yet?" Because that's the first thing he'd do if his wings were whole. Hearing Jaiden is too shy, he groans like he's disappointed before saying it's alright. He asks if she's always had wings. He says he's glad she's got her wings and that SHE CAN FLY AGAIN. After complaining of his own fucked up wings, and how he can no longer fly.
Phil adds more lore to his wings, and connects back to them again. He says that with the damage and the amount of feathers clipped, he has to wear the heavy backpack to balance himself, because he's so used to their weight. Now that it's off, he can't walk or move properly without that weight being fixed. It's such a natural part of him that he adjusted to, he can't live without them.
When Jaiden spoke of caging the birds she's found, Phil paused, and he got that hesitant joking along but please don't be serious voice he often uses, saying "You let them out of the cages though, right?"
He's concerned of the detriments of being caged, and how birds need to be free and fly. Exactly what he can't do. He calls the island a cage.
Now, all this MIGHT be because of the cage for a cage punishment, right? But I don't think it is. I think this instinct was already there, and that lore built onto it and got him to show it more.
He's mindful not of being trapped in a cage again, but the harm of being trapped and confined and not able to fly. We all saw how he went a little insane in that birdcage, right? Dreaming of hardcore, thinking he was in there for weeks, and how it left him shattered and unable to trust himself and his reality without outside assurance. Aka, the pheonix. He didn't call cucurucho out for fucking with him, he questioned whether.. it really was real, and maybe thats why he couldnt lasso it. He relaxed when cucurucho said it saw the bird in the picture, and still hung onto that moment and HOUR LATER, saying it was still fucking with him.
And in the birdcage. He saw all his fellow birds, imprisoned, and the next time we see him? They're all free. They're flying around in the little space they can, while he's grounded.
Outside of that, he croons over every bird and keeps it safe. But when it comes to running out of cages, he lets the birds fly freely again in the SAME stream he found them, instead of making new cages. He looks after them. He knows the importance of freedom, and that's why he's an anarchist, that's why he hated the elections and the federation, that's why he plans and avoids shit not only to keep his little fledglings, his eggs, safe, but to also save himself from being forced to make a decision via blackmail or threats. That's why he didn't enter the election in the first place. He's spiteful and treasures his freedom over everything.
What I'm saying is, his instincts, choices, and nature is tied to being a bird, and being part bird is tied to every part of him. Moreso than the other avians.
So what does this mean for him getting back his wings?
Well, he wont.
It's power over him, now that the eggs are gone. Not a threat, because those make him spiteful and prone to lashing out- uncontrollable.
It's a promise of what he could have, given he behaves. If he listens to the federation.
The minute he has his wings, he's free, there's no more power. He's too buffed as a player to have them taken away again, he's too interconnected with everyone, and everyone will rush to his aid if he says he needs help. They'll never be able to harm his wings, and now, he's too anxious and cautious to fall into a trap. He doesn't trust the federation in the first place, immediately assuming their goal is to kidnap people, and he DEFINITELY doesn't trust messages from the eggs/about the eggs because of the birdhouse. We see this with fit, because when fit tells Phil he got a message from his eggs, Phil IMMEDIATELY asks him if he's sure it was real. Light and cautious, he won't step on the trap again, and he won't let anyone else either.
So, they keep his wings away from him. Taunt him with them, with the idea of getting them, in order to keep them in line. Why do I know this?
Well, they've already started.
Again, Jaiden has her wings. Early on, she goes to Phil's house with them, and he sees them and REALIZES the federation is restoring wings, or at least allowing people to use them. Getting his wings back becomes a possibility, while they use Jaiden to parade that fact around.
Quickly after this, Phil starts to ask the federation to restore his wings. Immediately when he sees them come to his house (coincidentally, some time after Jaiden comes and with Jaiden there.) he asks for his wings. They laugh at him.
Phil gets a quest from cucurucho, the being he constantly curses out and hates on, and he TAKES THE QUEST. Because he sees he can get a reward- something that isn't set in stone or written down. Something he can bargain.
So he does the quest, and then when cucurucho comes to reward him, he starts to bargain.
"is it my wings back? JK you wouldn't do that"
"def worth it for the god apple. still no wings though, y'know. Still no healed wings.."
"Yes, yes I did, thank you."
"Maybe repair my wings? Maybe repair my wings a little?" AND HE TURNS HIS BACK TOWARDS CUCURUCHO AND SH OWS HIM HIS CLIPPED WINGS,, "I can take off my backpack- oh, no, he's gone."
He turns his back to someone he knows has a gun, considers his enemy, and doesn't trust in the slightest. HE TURNS HIS BACK. In order to extend his wings and show them to cucurucho, show it the clipped ends, the most important part of him, as if to gain sympathy or further plead his case as "this is something that is broken, please fix it." To set things to right.
Cucurucho laughs, and leaves. No wings.
This leads me to believe that the federation will continue to ask tasks of Phil, because he is strong and smart and will get them done, and he will use it as a leverage tool of "hey, I'm helping you, why don't you help me?" And continuously ask them to restore his wings.
But they know that. And they'll say no. He'll do more and more.
Eventually, hell realize they're not going to give them to him. He's smart. Hell catch on. So what do the federation do to give him hope?
They give others their wings. They show him that there's a chance, because OTHERS are getting their wings, so why not him? He must not have done enough, it has to be a possibility. He can still work, and he can get them. He just has to do more.
Hell continue to work, because he sees it as a possibility. Subtly, they'll play him to be their strongest pawn.
And when he doesn't get his wings, even after all his work, I think he'll start to resent those with their wings. Jealousy turning into a little bit of hate, a little bit of bitterness at something so important to him being treated so lightly, not as priceless as he would see them. Not as treasured or appreciated. Hell be taunted with their freedom and how little value they give to it.
Everything recently has been trying to divide the islanders. Taking away their uniting goal, protecting the eggs. The create nerf scuffles. People working with cucurucho, their enemy, and foolish ratting everyone out. There's tension, and secrets are being kept, unlike before. But who's been allied with everyone, and who everyone trusts, despite it all?
Philza, with his honesty, plain to see goals, and lack of a motive or physical thing he cherishes over his friendships. There's nothing to use against him.
Until now. His wings. A way to create tension in Phil's life, a way to make him bitter, a way to control him.
By offering him his freedom, they'll be pressing him into a cage even smaller than before.
A cage made of glass, impossible for him to see.
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sokacoke · 27 days
Compiling some questions and information regarding indigo park from unique geese's live streams.
Some clips might not be long enough for the full answer due to YouTube only being 60 seconds so just keep that in mind.
A bit of the older ones could contain stuff that aren't up to date that I forgot to remove because I was making this in my notes for like 3-5 weeks so lets uh. ignore those!! (ill delete them later maybe)
'I think comparing Issac to fucking Willam afton is such a sad comparison'
Credits to @lunozapp for the clip
“Will there be any boss fights?”
‘That’s a hard thing to say. I’m gonna say no.’
“How old are Rambley and his friends?”
'They’re all over 18. Probably around there early 20s at oldest.  They’re younger but I don’t really have set ages for them.'
“Would Indigo park be rated M?”
'I would argue indigo park chapter 1 could get away as teen but I’d like to rate it up as a M by chapter 2.'
“Is chapter 2 going to take place under the park?”
'No. There might be parts under but chapter 2 won’t.'
“Rambley has been left alone since the park closed. Has he practically sat alone for that long?”
'In all technicality, he was sitting there alone and abandoned for many years. He’s not fully aware of what’s going on, but he is you know?” 
“Do you have any plans for future chapters?”
'The entire greater story has been set in stone for months and we don’t have any plans to change it.'
'There’s stuff in chapter 1 that people won’t realize are important to the plot until chapter 5.'
“Is mollie macaw an antagonist?”
'Depends what you’re saying when you say mollie macaw. Antagonist is a strong word.'
“Is the raccoon evil?”
'No. You guys just buckle up. you’ll see.'
“Did you expect for Rambley to be popular with the furries?”
‘I made a joke that it would be popular within it but nothing in the game was designed to be furry. It was just like “hey we need parody’s of Mickey Mouse and Disney characters” ending up creating characters I really liked.'
“Do you know that there’s already NFSW art of Rambley?”
'It’s the internet sorry. If you make NFSW stuff I just ask you don’t send it to me or inject it to the rest of the community. Keep it separate, these are like my children.'
“How many versions of the railroad did u go through?”
'It took quite a while. We would get to a point where we kind of liked it and then be like “oh I don’t really like this it doesn’t flow really well.” I think the great thing going into chapter 2 we have a better understanding of what we want the game to look. Chapter 2s going to be mainly a lot of the rides. It was kind a deal where I wanted you to feel claustrophobic but it was hard to deal with those open environments. I’m not gonna announce anything crazy but chapter 2 will start in the queue and lobby for oceanic oddesy'
“How many chapters will there be?”
'The game plan is five.'
“Is this the last time we will see Mollie? Her death screen mentions she can copy voices but that wasn’t shown. Will be shown again to do that mechanic?”
'The voices were less of a mechanic and more of showing going on when she’s talking throughout the game. All the dialogue is something she’s heard during game,behind the scenes of the park or something that a guest has said.'
“Is Rambley the bad guy?”
'What part of the game made you think Rambleys the bad guy? No.'
“I trust Rambley with my life. If he betrays us I’ve already forgiven him.”
'Yeah, you don’t need to worry about that.'
“Whys the main character so jacked?”
'It’s just the character model I had I was using. We might change it.'
Critter cuff
'I was big against the idea of having one mechanic. They saw poppy playtime and instantly thought “every mascot horror needs a mechanic.” The critter cuffs important but I also want different fun mechanics that can be worked into it.'
“Do you plan to add more characters?”
'There will be more characters added into chapter 2. There may some returning characters. Obviously Rambley will be the focus of every chapter he’s ur buddy through ur journey. We do have a new set of characters.'
“Will there be another credits song in chapter 2?”
'We don’t want to start planning stuff until we know for sure how much money is there budget wise.'
“Where’s the cat?”
'There originally was just a regular ass cat that was in the and was in the game for quite a while. The model we had didn’t look like it fit the world and the animation looked stiff. Maybe we bring it back.'
“What were the stealth things in the files for?”
'Originally there was a section where Lloyd would follow you and you’d hide. I definitely want to do some stealth stuff where you have to hide under stuff I think that’d be a lot of fun.'
“Will Mollie return?”
'Do you think Mollie will return?'
“Is Rambley sentient?”
'He’s fully aware of everything around him but he’s programmed to behave a certain way. The best comparison would be GLaDOS or Wheatley from portal. Programmed to act a certain way, but also aware and able to see stuff around them and react.'
“How long will chapter 2 be?”
'We’re aiming chapter 2 to be just a little bit longer then chapter 1. We want each chapter to be a bit longer than before. I’d say for chapter 2, two and a half
'The only character that won’t have much influence is clearly Mollie.'
“What about Lloyd?”
'Lloyd’s cool and Lloyd will be important. That is all I can say.'
“Will there be other AI companions?”
'No. It’s just Rambley the main mascot.'
“Is there a possibility of a major overhaul of chapter 1?”
'There’s room to improve it a bit. In the future, I can see us doing a full on remaster of chapter 1.'
“Never make Rambley a creep I will not forgive you for it”
'You got it.'
“What’s the estimated gap between the chapters?”
'Year to Year and a half, maybe two. Chapter 2 is definitely 2025.'
“Don’t be fooled?”
'There was a lot more potential do something with that. If we had more budget then it would be really cool where you’re running through the pipes and you have to listen for Rambleys voice through the pipes and sometimes it would be mollies voice. It would be Rambley guiding you and then you hear Mollie trying to sound like Rambley.'
“It hurts Lloyd”
'That’s the funny thing. I don’t wanna get TOO deep into it but this was kinda just random text. I’ve seen 5 or 6 different interpretations of what people think it says.'
'Without spoiling anything I do think multiple ending’s for the final chapter would be kinda cool.'
“A lot of sexual tension between these guys”
'Shout out to the furries because I’ve seen every combination of characters being shipped and it wasn’t until today that a single female character was involved that all. Not mollie not Nonbinary with Salem it was literally just the 3 men'
“Does Rambley canonically sing Rambley review?”
'Yes he actually does. It’s in between chapter whenever ur going into chapter 2. The player could turn around and find a way out now but he actively wants to keep going with Rambley.'
“The voice and creator of indigo park”
'I don’t voice anyone expect for Jackson and another character that no ones found yet.'
“Are you ever going to get a console support?”
'So we will eventually but to be honest with you I don’t want to do that until we have like chapter 3 out. At earliest if chapter 2 becomes massive then maybe as a bundle, but I don’t know.'
“Is chapter 2 free?”
'No it won’t be.'
'Other then a few minor tweaks we have the first few minutes of Rambleys dialogue at the beginning of chapter 2 written out.'
'I don’t think we’ll ever do a fox character. We were brainstorming some of the characters in chapter 2 and thought “oh maybe a fox would be cool” but we were looking at the role that this character would have to play if they were a fox and thought “at some point we’re just making knock off foxy from fnaf”'
“What the species”
'I cant disclose that sorry chief. There are other animal based cartoon characters in chapter 2 if that satisfies you. Furries rejoice I guess? I feel like it’d be harder to do a human villain.'
“How hard is it to make an idea of a character?”
'All of the characters we make need a purpose. It’s layers of talking through stuff and ideas to get stuff we like. The designs for them aren’t done but the idea for them is there and i am in love with them.'
“So the character design isn’t finished but have you made actual development of the game?”
'No. We’re working on chapter 1 right now. Again we’re looking at a year and a half or two years until chapter 2 cuz I’m not gonna rush it or my team. We’ll have little animations stuff and between yeah we’re not gonna do anything with that.
“Update is bug fixes, trying to get controller support working,revamping some of the environments and I’m bringing on a new modeler for some of the monster designs. Not confirming but i think Finley is going to get a full on redesign for chapter 2.”
“What chapter are you most excited for?”
'To be honest with you, i think chapter 3 is where we’re going to start doing the crazy shit possible and then chapter 4 is planned to be the most bad ass chapter i could ever think of. The story gets moving chapter 4.'
'It turned out that jakeneutron who’s my head animator, was going to Disney at the same time I’m at Orlando. We met up and we took so many pictures for reference. We went to universal studios and it was my first time we ever went to universal so I took so many pictures'
“Refs for what?”
'For indigo park bro. Dude I needed anything theme park and I got so many ideas for the future of indigo and stuff.'
“Salem news or I’m not here”
'Do I wanna put out Salem news..Salem is important 👍'
'I’ve kind of teased it a bit but we are working on some minor chapter 1 before chapter 2 just so there’s a bit of a quality jump so it’s a little bit more in the realm of where we want it to be.'
'We are working on some environmental updates. Working on some new assets to put into chapter 1. Which should make stuff feel cooler in my opinion? '
'To accompany that one thing we didn’t have a lot of is that environmental music in regards to what they would have in a real theme park. Like if ur waiting in a queue in a theme park there’s a lot of music and stuff that they play that is custom to that. Let’s say you were waiting for Rambleys railroads, what would that sound like? So maybe a little bit of new music?'
New potential song in clip link
“Character hints?”
'I think you will be soft introduced or at least see the character designs before chapter 2s out. Right now at this point of development there are four new characters planned.'
“Is there gonna have a obby theme?”
‘Probably not really. I’ve talked about a little about a mechanic that we started to workshop and figuring out how it’ll work in the lore and gameplay elements but I probably won’t talk about it again.'
“Will there be a haunted house ride or a dark ride?”
'I want to do a haunted mansion parody hopefully chapter 4 or 5. Not in chapter 2 it wouldn’t fit.'
“Space mountain?”
'I have ideas for a space mountain and I can’t tell you what chapter that one will be in.'
'It’s funny cuz I’m reworking all of the chapter 1 environments and I’ve been thinking about it. There’s a fair enough of stuff that theorists haven’t caught onto yet that I hope will be super obvious in the future. I’m super excited to see what people do with chapter 2.'
“Will you be selling art prints maybe with posters?”
'We might do posters. There’s some new poster art coming for chapter 2 and I’m gonna leak, the (chap 1) update.'
“Now will they all have villain roles?”
'I dunno. I’ve already told you guys about some of them actually you guys just haven’t figured it out yet'
Talking about the 4 new characters
'I will say the chapter 1 update will have new secrets for you to find and some of it will help you figure out stuff in chapter 2. We are cooking is all I can say.'
“Whats ur favorite out of the 4 originals we know about since u said 4 new characters”
'Yeah let me just reveal one of the characters. No. You guys won’t- actually? You guys will know about some of the characters WAY before chapter 2 comes out.'
'there’s a little bit of the new queue! A little bit of a step up. I mean hot take but. Looks a lot better I think.'
Queue in clip
'We’re still working on it but this is what Mollies landing pad looks like now. This feels more themed.'
New mollies landing pad in clip
“Can you make an update trailer for the indigo park update so people know it exists?”
'Yea we will. We’ll change it.'
Extra notes worth mentioning:
it’s been said that there will be a meme ending for chapter 3 though I’m not able to find the clip at the moment so if anyone somehow has it u should tots send it my way
When he's talking about the 'Other character he voices that no ones found yet' it might be possible he’s yapping about the reverse Llyods Limos line Context:
Video is from forgottenstudios1987 on YT
The cat been brought back!
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Another part of the new rambleys railroad queue song.
More of the New Rambleys Railroad Third link is just a very subtle railroads gift shop but it counts i think
Other landing pad clip
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willofwinnie · 10 months
Baticul is a Safety Nightmare
Baticul is a city full of pride, fontech, nobles, and safety violations. Looking at the city it is easy to tell they prioritize fontech over safety. From the first step into the city, this is clear. I know much of this could be graphical limitations, prioritizing certain areas, and assets that were more important to go elsewhere. 3d and game design are super difficult but this was fun to go through and notice all these things. This is a long post.
The Docks:
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First entering the city, you are met with an enormous concrete or stone dock likely mainly used for cargo and large ships. Aside from the potential slip hazard from the material, I likely wouldn't have paid much mind because Baticul needs the ease of transporting these freight boxes. That would have been my mindset if this also wasn't used for public transport and a general public meeting place. This entire front portion of the dock is completely unfenced except for the areas reserved for the cargo. That fence-looking structure in the first picture extends out to the side next to the guard and is not a fence along the edge to keep people from falling like I originally thought. This man next to Luke is one wrong gust of wind or shoulder bump from dropping 35 or so feet, during low tide, into the ocean (approximate dock height is assuming the guard is around 6 feet for reference). This is also the place where you meet the little kid cowboy, Misika, who has the same falling risks as the man. I am curious about how many people fall in when it is a busy time of year. However, looking at the line across the side of the dock, it is clear that this is at low tide. The difference between the top of the dock and the high tide line seems about 10 feet or so. Ocean tidal range difference for low and high could be 30+ feet, so a 25-foot difference checks out. The ramp shown in the right image may extend left far enough so that, if people happen to fall in, they can get rescued by the guard. Even if death risks aren’t as high here, open water can be dangerous. And even if people can get easily rescued, that does not mean the rest of Baticul is safe.
The First Level:
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As we move on to the main portion of the city, we get dropped off by the gondolas. Directly to the South, we see a kid looking over the edge of a non-roped-off section of one of these drop-off points. He is also one wrong gust away from being a Baticul missing person statistic that was solved by looking at the bottom of wherever this leads. None of the gondola entrance points have it roped off when the gondola is not present. At least the fences surrounding this area look solid, unlike the rest of Baticul.
The next biggest point is the large fence gap at the base of this staircase to the East. This seems like an unfortunate series of events waiting to happen, let alone the safety risks of having a large gap leading to a long fall.
The third, more nitpicky, point is the simple railing found around Baticul. The gap in that could easily fit a small child through it and could pose some potential risks for parents not keeping a close eye on them. But at least those sections have a form of railing at all.
The Second Level:
This level seems fairly okay even if the fences are simple railings. Plus this area seems more of a military section than a public place. I will give this one a pass.
The Third Level (The Palace):
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Starting strong, The palace has many fence gaps next to stairwells. The first is the edge of the stairwell leading to some guards near the top of the first set of stairs. The second point is the lack of fences next to large fall areas. In the first picture above, you can see the gap in the fence from the top of the stairs and the remaining fence. There is also a large flower patch between this fence and the drop-off. I’m sure Baticul gardeners are capable of standing on their own two feet, but this seems like a blatant disregard for worker safety. I suppose Batical has no concept of OSHA yet. Or that Baticul cares more about people stepping on their flowers than the safety of their gardeners working on said flowers. The third fence gap is near the palace, as seen in the second picture. This is mirrored on the other side. This drop seems a little too much of a drop and could cause some damage, especially since people can break bones from simply falling down some stairs. The last point for safety is the open body of water for the monument with the tiniest, likely slippery walkway. I will give Batical some leeway because of the fences and guards surrounding it. If only they surrounded the drop-offs with the same care.
Fabre Manor:
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I know this is also part of the Third Level, but this deserves its own section for safety hazards just to give it the context needed. The main issues come from the open water shown all over the center courtyard space of the manor. It looks to be around two feet based on Luke’s 5’7” height. Two feet of water is very easy to get submerged. The open water is concerning because of Luke, and how he was a baby when he first arrived home, a baby that can’t swim. It is also slightly questionable if Luke knows how to swim at all since he was locked in the manor all his life. In the picture, the cube decoration goes all the way into the water. This is important because it shows that the walkways only sit on top of the water. With a baby replica running around that doesn’t know how to swim, getting trapped under the walkway seems like a surefire way to get to the Fon Belt early. Yes, there are guards and maids around, but drowning is largely silent and can take only a matter of seconds if someone were to not pay attention. One can only hope someone is around to hear the initial splash.
It is also odd that Luke's room is fenced with simple railing rather than ornate fencing like the rest of the courtyard. Yes, this is likely due to drawing more attention to Luke's room and the curved edges of his porch. In general, his room seems out of place, like it isn't supposed to be a bedroom at all. But that is a different discussion altogether. Right below his room is more open water and a sizable drop for a potentially curious replica toddler.
Baticul, only the strongest may survive this city!
Anyway, I hope you found some enjoyment from this long ramble! I simply think too much about random potential safety issues with fictional cities haha.
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justjams2003 · 10 months
Fast Pace-5
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic.Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis
Word count: 2,7k
Part 4~Part 6 (coming soon)
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The bedroom is simply beautiful. There is a huge window showing a beautiful view of the ocean and the bustling city. It even has a balcony with a small table to sit and watch the waves form and crash. The place is beautifully decorated, not a single thing is misplaced and there is staff that dotes on your every need. It's like one of those you would get as an advertisement on the HGTV channel.  
You remember now how you and your mother would watch it during the day when your father was out working. Your taste and hers are complete opposites. While you love big grand archways with walls that seem to have grown out of the stone, she likes sharp corners with bright colours that could easily give you a headache if you look for too long.  
The room is perfectly as designed, except how it was designed is not how you would prefer. There is nothing that can be found wrong... Well, except for the fact that, while the bed is huge and looks as soft as a cloud, there is only one of them. "I must apologise, Hermosa, my cousin has not yet made accommodations for you. I have to admit, he did not think you'd be coming." Carlos scratches the back of his neck and glances around the room.  
You furrow your brows, “Why wouldn’t I come?” You ask, having to raise your head just to meet his eyes. He lets out an embarrassed laugh, “He believed I was too forward and should’ve just invited you without explanation. But, Hermosa, I am an honest man and wouldn’t dare lead you on.” He sends you the wink you’ve grown so used to, but still makes you flustered.  
Before he can speak further about the matter you just smile up at him, wanting to spare yourself any more redness. Changing the topic, you speak again: "The sofa looks much more comfortable than that old bed in my apartment. I don’t mind at all sleeping there." He scoffs and shakes his head. He doesn’t even hesitate, "No, absolutely not, Hermosa. I will sleep on the couch." You glare at him and cross your arms.  
"You have a race. If Caco or someone on your team or even Charles heard that I let you sleep on the sofa they will chew me out." This time he rolls his eyes. "If anyone dares even try glaring at you, I'll fire them in the spot." Your mouth flies open, and your glare grows stronger. Not that the thought of it doesn’t ignite a strange primal need in you. More so that you can’t believe he’d fire someone maybe even important on his team, over you.  
"No, you will not." Without even realising it, your bottom lip pushes out and your eyes stay firm. This would be your first impression of the team. You don’t want them thinking you’re some gold-digger, who orders Carlos around any which way. He raises his brow. "Do not give me attitude, niñita. You will not fight me on this." His voice is stern and his eyes are hard like a rock. You can see there is talking him out of this. Once he sees your fight fizzle out, he continues.  
“I do appreciate that spark of yours and you know I’ll give you anything, but never above your health.” His voice is stern but has the undertone of concern. It flatters you; you’ve always had to take care of yourself. Discarding personal care for survival. “I promise you my health will not be affected by sleeping in the couch.” His jaw locks tight and he crosses his arms. 
Those big biceps flex as he works to contain himself. In your mind, he’s far too caring. In his mind, he feels the need to tie you to the bed. “We’ll see what happens.” It’s all he says, but you can tell words linger on his tongue. “What will happen is that you will sleep on the big, plush, fancy bed. Then you get a full night’s rest and win on Sunday.” You beam up at him, trying to gauge what cracks his rock wall.  
He grins at your words and rolls his eyes. He can easily tell what you’re trying to do. He then motions his head to the bathroom. “Go refresh, we're leaving in an hour to go eat and buy you some clothes." This you can agree with, after all they are the conditions, you had decided on. While the hoodie you're wearing is comfortable, allowing you to hide under Carlos' heated gaze, Netherland's current weather is hotter than France was. 
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You had decided to walk, you wanted to enjoy the weather. Yet now you’re starting to see big fluffy clouds starting to form. Carlos had decided on the restaurant and seemed to know exactly where he was going. “Um, Carlos...” You say, struggling to keep up with his fast pace. He slows down and waits for you to catch up. “Wait for me,” you laugh, and can’t help but compare your height.  
He too grins and walks slower. “Could we maybe buy the clothes before we eat?” You ask, hoping he says yes without question. “Yes, of course, may I ask why, querida?” Very suddenly, your worn-out sneakers are the most interesting thing in the world. He senses your hesitance to tell him and encourages you. “We did not eat on the plane, aren’t you hungry?” This only makes you groan, why is he so attentive? 
“You’ll laugh at me,” you mutter, now the reason feels so stupid and insecure. He raises his brow, “If you want me to be serious, I will,” he shrugs and eyes you. He knows how to get the information out of you and won’t be shy to. “I don’t want to be bloated when fitting the clothes. Then I won’t like how anything fits and I’ll feel bad about myself the whole day and I won’t be uplifting like you want.”  
You ramble on, hoping the explanation will make the reason feel less silly. You can see on his face that he’s trying to stay serious. “No, you can’t laugh.” The bad habit of biting your lip creeps up and once again you can’t help but notice the new tear on your sneakers. “I’m not laughing, I’m not laughing, I promise.” He takes deep breaths to compose himself, but like promised, he doesn’t even smirk.  
He takes your hand and then pulls you close, compelling you to look up at him. “We can, I don’t mind. But you must get comfortable with me and know that I think you are el más bello even if you’ve just finished a whole platter for two.” A wild laugh escapes your throat without any control. Some of the other pedestrians even stare just a bit, but you’re chuckling too much to even notice.  
And Carlos loves it. He loves seeing you laugh like this, not a care in the world. It makes him feel like he’s on the top of the world. Because to him, not kingdoms, nor gold, nor any other riches in the world can compare to your laughter. “That’s because you haven’t seen me after Wings Wednesday.” You add on his words which only causes you to giggle more.  
His brows furrow and he gently takes you by the arm guiding you to follow him down a different road. “What is Wings Wednesday?” He asks, moving so that he is on the side of the road, making sure that no one else even dares to bump into you. “I keep forgetting you don’t know these things. I feel like we’ve known each other so long,” you mutter, not thinking that he can hear you.  
“Anyways, Wings Wednesday is at a restaurant near my apartment. Every Wednesday they have botomless wings, me and some of the other chefs go every Wednesday. You should see, we’re like rabid dogs because you don’t really get time to eat after the long shifts. Not to mention we usually sneak some wings into some old butter containers.” You laugh, remember the glares you got the first time you did it. Soon, though, the waiters turned a blind eye.  
Carlos doesn’t lose attention for a single moment. His ears stay glued to every word you speak and this time makes sure to keep a slower pace.  
The first stop was a store with a Dutch name you’re not entirely sure how to pronounce, most of them were names with sounds you don’t know how to enunciate. You got mostly basics, comfortable jeans, plain T-shirts and pyjamas. After that, you went to the cutest little boutique. It felt strange for Carlos to take you here but once you walked in you fell head over heels.  
It’s a vintage resellers shop, small in size but the heart of the person running the shop is huge. “Carlos! So good to see you! Come give Hans a hug,” the man is short and grey but full of energy. He smothers Carlos in hugs and gives him a kiss on either side. Then his eyes lay on you. “Carlos! Who is this beauty you have brought into my store? Already with so many shopping bags? Why you no come to me first?”  
The man looks almost disappointed by the bags that the Spanish man insisted on carrying. Though, he is quick to get over it. Still his words cause you to beam and go pink. “Hans, I’d like you to meet my new girlfriend. We’ve come to get some outfits for the race weekend. My chica linda is quite fashion-focused.” He shoots you a wink which makes Hans grin wildly.  
“I have just the thing for a schoonheid such as you.” Then he wanders off to the back of his shop into a storage room. You glance to Carlos, and he already knows what you want to ask. “He used to work in the town I grew up. He worked for Chanel once upon a time, he’s one of those people who have the best stories. He’s been here, he’s been there. But eventually, he moved back here, but I come to visit every time.”  
After a few minutes, he comes out with a handful of clothes on hangers. “You and I...” he allows you to give your name and then continues. “...we will have those paparazzi foaming.” He then holds out the most beautiful dress. It’s leather, black and white with a zipper in the front and a halter top collar.  
“Oh wow,” you can’t help but mutter out, almost scared to even touch the material. “This one is vintage Alice McCall, it wasn’t shown on the runway. But, als ik moest raden, I’d say early 2000s. Very trendy at the moment.” He then ushers you behind the changing curtain. It fits you like a glove, almost as if it was tailored for you.  
You shove the curtain to the side to show them and Hans lets out a gasp. Carlos, however, his eyes look like the storms that sink ships. His jaw is clenched, and he doesn’t say a word. “You like it?” You ask, feeling unsure, this would be the first thing that you choose for yourself. “¿Gustar? No, mi amor, I love it. I knew bringing you was a good idea.”  
Hans smirks and nods to Carlos. “You know it.” Then he goes over to his pile again and pulls out a royal blue trench coat with fur on the collar and wrists. Along with it, knee-high boots in the same colour. “You see with these I’d wear with, uh... eenvoudige, white dress. Tight of course to show off that figure.” He winks causing you to giggle and a grimace to cover Carlos’ face.  
“Ah, no, you mustn't be like that Carlito. You have the pretty girl, why not show off? That is why you bring her, no?” Hans pokes the taller man in the side with his elbow. It causes you to giggle and then go through the rest of the pile. While the two bicker, you find it at the very bottom of the pile. It’s real leather. Red and black. A vintage Ferrari jacket.  
It catches Carlos’ eye instantly. He stands up and takes the jacket to inspect it. “This one I do like,” he says, carefully pulling the jacket over your shoulders. “Yes, yes. I’d gotten this one last year and had been saving it for someone special. And you are special to Carlos so it must go to you.” The driver stands back to really take a look at you. Those dark browns of his are comparable to a 100-year-old man finding the fountain of youth.  
He looks to be starving for years and now he sees you, a feast. A sinner who’s allowed a peak into the Garden of Eden. “I won’t be able to drive. I’m going to crash.” He laughs and then shrugs his shoulders. As if it is a fact and there is no changing it. You give him a slight hit on the shoulder. “You shouldn’t talk like that. Things like that realise.”  
His eyes show amusement and he rolls his eyes. “No, but it is the truth! I won’t be able to leave your side. I’m going to have to fight off anyone who even looks at you. I can’t keep my eyes off you, I’ll drive right into the wall.” You can't help but roll your eyes at him, and yet at the same time feel the butterflies spring around in your stomach.  
“Perfect for the chica linda. I’ll ring you up,” Hans smiles and while he scans the items, he continues the conversation. “The weather is going to turn soon, have you gone to the beach yet?” He asks while Carlos takes out his wallet. You shake your head, “No, I didn't even think of that.” And then the thoughts fill your mind.  
Is it too much? Does this count as a date? Or is it just normal Sugar Baby duties? Will you go on dates outside of the race weekends? Is the only time you'll be together when you're shopping and at the races? Is it wrong of you to want more? You should be grateful, right? “We'll get some swimwear next.” He says after paying, of course adding an extra few hundred to the amount.  
He always knows what you're thinking when you're thinking it. But the thought makes your stomach curl. From hunger too, but the thought of having to fit into swimsuits or worse even bikinis in front of him causes bile to rise in your throat. “No, no. It's-It’s fine. I'm sure you're busy and have things to do.” He shoots you a glare, like said before, he knows instantly what you're making a fuss about.  
He takes the bags, all of them, and after saying goodbye to Hans you both leave the store. “Y/N, what did I tell you?” He asks after walking to the swimming-themed store in complete silence. Even now you stand dawdling to enter the store. “I know, I know. I'm sorry. It's just this is our first weekend together and I-” You're not sure how to explain yourself.  
You feel like you’re squandering the best opportunity you'd ever have. You felt amazing in those dresses, especially until Carlos’ gaze. But things are moving really fast for you already. He's paid off so much already and you can't help but feel the pang of guilt in your stomach. Is it wrong for you to want things to go slower? Or at least to have started slower?  
Carlos sighs and nods. “Si, I see. I think then today we've done enough, no? We have to go to the gym after eating.” He explains but that too is like a pang in your heart. You'd completely forgotten about that. And as you walk to the restaurant, you can't help but drag your new Adidas against the pavement.  
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My taglist is open! If you wish to be tagged in this story alone, please comment or reblog with the words 'tag'. And if you wish to be tagged in all my posts please comment or reblog with the words 'tag all'
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ang3lik · 2 years
Hello!! Could we possibly get a Roxto x tattoo artist Reader giving Roxto his first tattoos after he completes his rite of passage? I think that would be so cute!! <33
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲
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#pairing:: implied rotxo x fem!reader. #w/c:: 549. #na’vi translations:: mawey (calm), irayo (thank you), nìprrte’ (my pleasure).
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rotxo, a new warrior of the metkayina clan, the boy who had just recently completed his iknimaya, the rite of passage into adulthood.
everybody had cheered as he stood in the ocean, water lapping around his waist as he cheered, proud of himself of taming his skim wig. you stood in the crowd too, applauding and chanting his name along with your friends as he got closer, hugging all his friends and yourself.
eventually as he has spoke with the olo’eyktan and tsahìk, who had congratulated him on completing his iknimaya, he had chosen his best friend ao’nung to accompany him in receiving his first tattoo. as you arrived in your marui, a small wooden table had been placed in there by mbira, a small bowl of ink and a pricker.
you giggled as ao’nung patted his friend on the back, looking to rotxo to tell him he could lay on the mat. he tried to calm himself down, as he lay down, giddy to receive his first tattoo but nervous. you kneeled next to him, ao’nung kneeling on the opposite side as you wiped his chest from any spare sea water, placing your hand gently on his chest, helping him to calm himself, whispering “mawey, rotxo, mawey.”
he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, inhaling deep breaths of the air and slowly letting it go through his mouth. ao’nung watched on remembering the way you had calmed him too when he received his first tattoo. after he had opened his eyes once again, looking at you with confirmation that you could start, you picked up the poker, dipping it in the black ink and stared the intricate design on his chest.
he winced at first, ao’nung snorting in amusement. rotxo glared at him as he tried to distract himself a pice of cloth hanging from the roof flapping around in the windy air. ao’nung had eventually distracted him, telling him of the tattoos that they would receive in the future together.
the process didn’t take too long, only around two hours as you joined in on their chatter occasionally. you leaned back on your ankles looking at your design in wonder and amazement. every time you created one of these tattoos and marked a clan member they always looked completely different to you.
their bodies looking stronger and braver. more warrior like. the two metkayina’s turned to look at you as you smiled sweetly at them. rotxo still lay there, stiff as a stone as you patted his stomach. he lifted his head looking down at the new marking on his body in wonder.
ao’nung started to rant about how good it looked, how cool all of their friends would think it looked and how more girls would fawn over him now. rotxo paid no mind to his words as he only had one girl in mind. the girl who had stuck by him, the girl who he had grew up with, the girl who had been the first to mark his body, you.
he looked to your face to see you sweetly smiling at him. is lips curved up in a soft smile too, a slight nod combined as he thanked you.
“irayo, sweet girl.”
your heart warmed at the familiar nickname.
“nìprrte’, sweet boy.”
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @gr4veyardg1rl
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smurphyse · 1 year
Bloodied Up In A Barfight | Spencer Reid
Smurph's Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 3 of Routine Maintenance
Warnings: barfights, fistfights, mentions of death, tension, arguments, BAU talk
Summary: You head to Tooky's bar to tend bar for Holly, and a fight breaks out. Later, Spencer finds something out about you and things get worse.
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After a long irritating day of trying to fix a toilet in Room 2, I went up to my apartment for a nice hot shower, stared out the window for a bit like always, then made my way to Tooky's. 
It was one of my favorite spots in town. Nestled in the middle of the bay on the beach, the ramshackle bar held a special place in my heart. It was where I first kissed Ernie right before an eighteen year old me went home with him that night we met. If only I'd known what happiness would come after that night, I would have cherished it more. 
A whirlwind engagement, three years of bliss and love and the sea, all culminating in one violent night that took him from me. I should have known I wouldn't get to keep him or my happiness. 
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I tried to shake away the crushing weight of my own memory as I did every day driving through these streets, but some days it was harder than others. Instead, I focused on driving my shitty old VW bus around the pothole that Spencer hit on his first day. With a smirk I noticed it was bigger than the day he got here. 
A majority of the seating was laid on the sand, hand placed stones that Tooky herself had put down when she first came here. She’d turned this beach into a paradise of hammocks, tables, and a small theater with a sheet hung with the ocean behind it. The woman was ancient, but she was more than happy to show off her much younger forty year old wife Vera who looked at her like she was made of gold. 
The bar was open, little cut tiles shaped in the design of fish and the waves outside under a wood top. Glasses hung from mounts just in reach for servers and the mirrored back held all the tequila and alcohol a girl could ask for. Tooky had small swings on the outside of the bar walls, and the patrons used the windowsill as a table. People already milled about though the sun was just beginning to set, the ocean blue shimmering with the bright pink-purple of the fading light. 
“Hey Tooky!” I called as I stepped in, that old familiar smell of cigarettes and palm fronds washing over me like the sand in the wind. 
Tooky, aged like the mountains and canyon ranges around us, rested on a stool behind the bar. Blue and pink neon flashed over her silver braids, the ends of which laid in her lap they were so long. Turquoise and sandstone jewelry hung from her long earlobes and wrinkled wrists, and she gave me a big smile and a wave when she saw me.
“Honey Bee, c’mover here!” The silver backed bracelets clacked with her movements, her sundress swishing along. Tooky Builds-the-Fire was as old as the sea itself, but she didn’t let it slow her down. She was as full of light now as she likely had been as a kid.
I made my way over and gave her a big hug. Her spindly arms held me in a death grip, nearly cracking my back. She let me go and placed a kiss on my cheek and gave a sneaky pat on my backside. "Where's that lovely wife of yours?"
Tooky pointed a shaky finger toward the beach, "She's helping the band get set up. You know how much she likes the music."
"Hey Honey!" Micah called, carrying a box of bottles from the kitchen, his long braids hanging over his shoulders. He set them on the counter and pulled me in for a quick hug. He pointed at Tooky, "Thanks for helping mom out tonight. Holly doesn't do so well here during this time of year."
"Oh, I don't mind," I told him with a smile. I set a hand on his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. "Besides, gives me something to do other than fix toilets all night."
Micah gestured to his uniform, "And you couldn't say no to the town sheriff, right? Cuz I'm so intimidating and all."
"Oh, Sheriff Builds-the-Fire, you are the only man in this town I both fear and admire."
"As it should be," Micah grinned, crossing his arms over his chest. He wasn't much taller than me, and the fact that he looked almost exactly like his mother made him insecure at times. People didn't tend to take him seriously. 
Micah pointed over to the corner of the bar and leaned in close enough to whisper, "Your boy's been here all day drinking his feelings. You might wanna check on him."
Sure enough, there was Rico in the corner hunched over a glass of whiskey. I could see the liquor in his eyes all the way from the bar, and I sighed before putting my stuff away in a locker in the kitchen, then made my way over to him. 
He was drawing on a cocktail napkin, and even before I came up to the table I knew he was drawing a picture of Ernie. Rico had painted the mural of him outside Collie’s, and Ernie was the one who bought him his first sketch set. The two of them had the same crooked smirks, always together no matter what. Even when Ernie and I took over the inn for Mattie May, Rico would stop by every day for lunch just to hang out with his best friend.
I slid into the chair opposite him. He didn't bother to look up. "Do you need me to take you home, Rico?"
He shook his head slowly, "I'm doing just fine here, Honey."
I couldn't stand it, his standoffish pose. He was on the defensive, but I could never resist poking the bear. It was something Ernie loved about me, but it was something Rico became easily frustrated by. 
"You should go home, get some sleep."
He finally looked up at me. His eyes were wet, red rimmed and exhausted. My shoulders sank with the weight of his gaze, and he knew it. 
Rico swallowed thickly, "You gonna marry me?"
"I didn't think so," he said softly, waving a hand. "I knew the first time I asked that you'd say no."
"I do love you, Rico. Okay? I'm just…." The words spilled out like a geyser, but it needed to be said. I was never going to marry him, no matter how much I wanted to just to make him happy. "I can't stand the thought of you hating me because of this."
“I don’t hate you,” he said earnestly, but I couldn’t help myself.
“Rico, I can’t have you mad at me because I don’t want to get married. I’m not ready to do it with anyone-.”
"I'm allowed to be mad,” he cut me off firmly. “I'm allowed to be upset, okay? I know it makes you feel guilty but… it can't be my problem if you're not going to marry me. I need to feel what I feel, too. You’re not the only one who’s sad and fucked up around here."
I looked down at my lap and nodded as the tears welled. My voice strained as I tried to keep myself together. "Yeah… I know."
Rico pushed his empty glass toward me, “Will you get me another?”
I got up on shaky legs and took it with a trembling hand, “I’ll have Vera bring it over.”
I didn't even know why I was so upset. I didn't want to marry Rico, and the only real reason we'd started up in the first place was because of a drunken night last year. We were both lost without Ernie, and the thought of having to go on without Rico as at least my friend killed me inside. 
Turning on my heel, I made my way back to the bar, the glass hung loosely in my fingers. I pushed it across the bar where Vera had made her way to, cleaning a glass with a cloth. “Hey, Vera. Can you get Rico another one?”
She leaned on one leopard-printed hip and shook the washcloth at me, “You don’t wanna serve your boyfriend?”
I felt tears threaten to spill as I shook my head, “Can you just take care of him for me tonight?”
“Sure, Honey,” she said quietly. Vera filled the glass with Rico’s favorite, pressed a hand to my cheek as she passed and gave me a smile. Her bouncing blonde curls made me feel better, as did looking over just to see Tooky watching her backside with a lopsided grin. 
I let out a breath and decided to take over for her, picking up a glass to clean. When I turned toward the door I nearly jumped out of my skin at Spencer Reid sitting on the other side of the counter with a cheeky smile and a wave. 
“You, uh, you made it out Mr. Buzzkill,” I said shakily, trying to covertly sniffle. It didn’t work, and he squinted my way.
“Are you crying?” I waved a hand in front of my face and shook my head, but I couldn’t help glancing over to where Rico sat in the corner talking to Vera. Spencer twisted on his barstool enough to look at him with a furrowed brow and a frown. 
“I’m fine,” I told him, and he turned back to look at me. His face told me he obviously didn’t believe me, but there was no way in hell I was going to talk to him about this stuff. “What can I get you?” 
Spencer watched me for a moment, a pair of not-quite hazels searching me in an almost analytical way. He seemed to scan me and know in that moment that if he pushed me I was going to freak out, so he pulled out his wallet and a ten, then slid it toward me. 
“Bourbon, neat,” he decided. 
I pushed the bill back to him, “First one’s on me.”
“You know, nobody around here will let me pay for anything."
"You should take it and put it toward something fun like seeing the sights," I told him with a watery grin. I leaned over the bar and put my chin in my hands. "There's a lot of great places around here."
Spencer made a face and nodded, his gaze flicking down to my boobs. He made no effort whatsoever to disguise it and smirked like a cat, "I've got sights aplenty right here."
With that I snatched the ten and held it up for him to see, then stuffed it down my bra, "Just for that, I'm keeping this."
Spencer leaned back and laughed, "You earned it."
I poured Spencer his bourbon and made my rounds, waving hello to the people who came in. Nell ambled in after a bit, waving goodbye to Bernie before coming inside. Rose and Mattie May came up to the bar, trapping Spencer between them and Lonnie and Lloyd on the other. He conversed with them lightly, clinging to his bourbon like it was a lifeline, but I saw him eye the twins with caution. 
Lonnie and Lloyd Evarts were fraternal twins who just…sucked. They were assholes, and I avoided them and their leering every chance I got. They drank as much as they wandered around town picking fights and bothering people.  
Lonnie was the oldest by a few minutes, with a beer belly, rough gray speckled beard and greasy hair. Lloyd was tall and lanky, over a head taller than his brother, and liked to speak with a low creepy voice. They just liked to be a bother, so I got them their drinks and went on my way. 
I sang along to the music as I worked, the band playing soft acoustic rock as the street lights came on and the hot sun turned into an only slightly cooler night. Sweat made its way under my arms under the heat of the lights and errant conversations, but I tried to keep myself busy and not focus on Rico. 
Eventually, I couldn't really help myself. He just looked so damned lonely in the corner by himself. I poured some water into a big cup, ignoring Spencer's watchful gaze and pleading eyes to save him from Mattie May's questions and went over to Rico. 
Setting the water in front of him, I slid into the chair next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He sighed heavily and met my gaze with a watery smile. 
"Hey," I murmured, giving him a squeeze. 
Rico licked his lips and chuckled, "Hey."
He covered my hand with his and returned my squeeze, "I think I need help getting home."
I leaned my chin on his shoulder and nodded, "I already called Micah. He's on his way."
Rico let out a long sigh and glanced up to where Spencer was sitting stiffly next to Lonnie and Lloyd. He waved a drunken hand that way, "My mom says he's really nice. He knew she was Basque just by her accent."
"She even brought him karouga," I told him playfully. "She might ditch your dad for him if you're not careful. Augustin is gonna be traded in for a new model."
Rico laughed quietly, slurring a bit, "She said the same thing about me and you. Said he may have eyes for you."
"Oh, well if Augustin is on the table I'll take him."
"You're sick."
I reached out to palm his chin and smile brightly. "You kinda look like him. Maybe that's why I think you're cute."
He groaned and pushed at me, "You're disgusting. I'm gonna throw up all over you if you don't shut up."
We laughed together for a moment, and it faded into us watching one another sadly. Twelve years of grief and friendship tied us together, Ernie the knot that kept it all from falling apart. I pressed my lips to his shoulder, breathing in the scent of smoke and sweat on his skin. 
"Collie and Augustin would have been great grandparents," I whispered, and he nodded, his hand absentmindedly reaching out to palm my empty stomach. I placed my hand over his, "They still will be. You have time, Rico."
His fingers tensed, then released, his thumb rubbing circles for a few seconds before he pulled away. Rico ran a heavy hand over his face and let out a grunt that told me he was trying to contain his emotions. "We shouldn't have a serious conversation right now. I don't know if you know this, but I'm pretty drunk."
"Drink your water and we'll settle the tab."
It took a few minutes, and some spillage, but he finished it. Rico held out his hands like a child, and I took him by them both and hoisted him to his feet. A handful of wobbly strides later and I got him up to the bar between Lonnie and Spencer. 
"Vera, can you settle his tab? Stick it on my card."
Rico set a heavy hand on Spencer's shoulder, who stiffened up tightly from it. He leaned in close to drunkenly whisper to him, "How you likin' the town, hipster?"
"It's Spencer," he said slowly back, flinching away from Rico’s breath. "It's…fine. How's my car?"
Rose leaned back enough to tug on the back of my shirt for my attention, "Did you call Micah?"
"He's on his way." I swatted at Rico, who was leaning far too heavily on a stranger he didn't know or even like very much. "Rico, leave the man alone."
"'M being polite to your guest, Honey," he told me flippantly. I shook my head and gave Spencer an apologetic frown. "Your Jeep's got a lot of miles on it for the year. How long you been on the road, man?"
I spotted Lonnie smirking at me out of the corner of my eye, trying to catch my attention. I did my best to focus on the receipt for Rico’s frankly astonishing amount of drinks he'd had today. 
"Two years. I've been just about everywhere," Spencer told him sheepishly, and he put a steadying hand on Rico’s chest to keep him from falling on him and out of my arms. 
I signed the receipt and slid it back to Vera, but as I turned back to Rico and Spencer I felt an unfamiliar hand on my backside. Glancing over my shoulder, I spotted Lonnie grinning at me with tobacco stained teeth. 
"Back off, Lonnie," I snapped. When I pushed at his wrist, his grip only tightened. "Ow! Goddamnit, Lon-."
Rico twisted off my shoulder before I could stop him, ripping Lonnie's hand from my ass. Spencer got up sharply from his stool and stepped up next to him, his hand going for his belt. 
Lonnie wasn't phased, and he ignored them completely. He loomed over me and cocked his head, his equally nasty brother standing behind him. "I hear Rico didn't knock you up. Lloyd and I are more than happy to step in, do what he can't."
"Back off, Lonnie," I urged, trying to keep Rico behind me. "Tonight's not the night."
"I think it's a perfect night," Lloyd sneered, grinning at me like the creep he was. "We'll show you a good time, Honey. Let you feel a real man for once."
"You boys better head home if you know what's good for you," Rose spoke up, and when I looked back he was up on his feet too. 
“Mind your business, old man,” Lonnie snapped. I was closer to him than I ever wanted to be, stale beer and cigarettes washing over me as I struggled to keep Rico in place and standing. Lonnie knew that Rose and Rico had served, and both were certified badasses, but Lonnie and Lloyd both served too, and for some reason they thought that gave them the right to fuck around and not find out.
“I’m talkin’ to the lady here,” he continued, reaching a dirt stained hand out to push back my hair. I swatted him away but he wasn’t phased, nor by the sudden silence that overcame the bar. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and it was my least favorite feeling in the world.
“I don’t want to talk to you or your brother,” I told him in a low voice, hating to be the center of attention. “I’m taking Rico home. You two just enjoy your night.”
I pulled on Rico’s arm until he moved with me, staggering and glaring at the twins over his shoulder. We barely made it two steps before Lonnie called out again.
“Maybe I’ll find you one of those nights you’re walkin’ home alone, then, bitch!”
Rico turned on a dime, the droopy effect of alcohol reverting to fierce stupidity. I was caught between them, his chest against my back as he swung a heavy fist toward Lonnie. It connected with his cheek with a loud smack of Rico’s knuckles. 
Everything seemed to explode in a millisecond. 
Lonnie barely flinched through his own alcoholic haze, his fist barreling toward me before I could react. A blast of pain cracked across my vision, a bright haze of red and white bursting over my sight as my body twisted from the force, a sharp yelp bursting from my chest. 
I hit the ground hard, my wrists and knees taking the impact. Yelling echoed in the back of my mind, the sounds of fists hitting flesh and broken glass. Hot blood dripped down my nose and chin as I struggled to blink back into focus. Somebody had their hands on my shoulders, which I feebly tried to push away. 
The napkin Rico had drawn Ernie on lay on the floor beneath me, trickling droplets of iron red beading the surface before bleeding into the paper. Memories swirled in my mind as I gazed bleary eyed at a drawing of my dead husband. Blood and the whipping wind jerking my hair from my scalp… sharp lightning cracking and thunder booming around us… the sight of the love of my young life bleeding out in the ocean. 
Then just as suddenly as it all began, it stopped. 
I looked up cautiously to find Rico on his ass next to me, clutching his nose, but that wasn't what made my heart stop in my chest. It was Spencer.
Lloyd laid flat on his belly with Spencer's boot between his shoulder blades, struggling to get up. Lonnie's arm was twisted behind him and out, Spencer pinching between his thumb and his pointer finger with one hand, the other tangled into his hair. 
"Get the fuck off me, man!" Lonnie snarled, but Spencer just twisted his arm further, earning a strangled yelp from the drunken asshole. 
Mattie May and Rose both had their arms under my armpits, hoisting me to my feet. Hastily, I snatched the napkin from the floor and enclosed it in my fist. I could hear her speaking softly to me over the ringing in my ears, asking me if I'm alright. All I could focus on was him, and the shift in his body. It was like staring at a whole other person.
"Apologize," Spencer snapped, his dark eyes sharp and more focused than I'd ever seen. Even with a handful of drinks in him he was steady and strong, his grip unyielding. "Now."
“Fuck y- argggh!” Lonnie tried, but another sharp turn on his shoulder had him howling. “Okay, okay! I’m fuckin’ sorry, man!”
“Not to me, dumbass,” Spencer growled lowly. Keeping one foot on Lloyd’s back, he turned Lonnie to face me and my spurting nose and lip. “Apologize to her.”
“I’m… sorry,” Lonnie gritted out, but the burning hatred in his eyes told me he wasn’t, and that this wasn’t over. 
“Alright!” Micah’s voice sounded out as he sauntered into the bar, and all turned to him. His weathered hands planted on his hips as he glowered down at the Evarts brothers. “That’s enough, boys. Head home.”
Rose pushed me gently behind him as Spencer released the twins. They both got to their feet rubbing their shoulders and scowling at me. Micah knew me well enough that I wasn’t going to press charges, so he waved them out of the bar and went for Rico.
“I’m guessing I have him to thank for this escalation?” Micah grunted as he bent down. He and Rose looped their arms under his and pulled him to his feet as he tried in vain to quell some of the blood flow.
“Yeah. I’ll help you get him to the car,” Rose replied gruffly. He kissed Mattie May on her cheek and I avoided the sight painfully as they drug Rico out of the bar.
“Honey, lemme look at ya,” Mattie May urged, tugging on my jaw. When I wouldn’t turn she instead twisted in front of me, slightly obscuring my view of Spencer.
I watched him and his reddened cheeks, the way his hands started to shake now that the fight was over. I watched him watching me back even as he snagged his bourbon off the bar and downed it in one go. 
“I’m fine,” I muttered. She ignored me, as did Vera and Tooky, poking and prodding around. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t seem to look away from Spencer. He couldn’t look away either, it seemed, just gazed at me with a deep bone aching sadness and shame I’m sure reflected in my own eyes.
Another squeeze down my arm, a sharp rocketing pain that burst through my wrist. It was enough to drag me away from Spencer Reid, my angry gaze flicking to Mattie May, “Ow! Goddamnit!”
“Let’s get you some ice, Honey,” she replied quickly, her former nurses’ training kicking in. Before I knew it I was being dragged around the bar and into the kitchen, but when I looked over my shoulder Spencer hadn’t moved his gaze from me, but something had changed.
The sadness had switched to grief, and a little bit of fear.
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The world spun as the girls pulled Honey into the kitchen. Spencer watched helplessly as the door swung shut, his body shaking and too stiff all at the same time. 
Is this who I am now?
He could see her through the window, see that she was okay and talking. One of the women blotted her nose with a dish rag as Mattie May pulled out a first aid kit. Spencer leaned against the bar for support, but he was certain if he looked away from Honey he would crumple into a ball of tears. 
Spencer was an idiot, reacting like that. The first sign of trouble and his training kicked in, that old familiar chivalry he’d thought he left behind on a cool DC morning as he skipped town like a ghost. He saw Lonnie and Lloyd, looking too much like the men he’d met in his work, and worst of all…
He saw Honey, frightened and too hard-headed for her own good to not back down from a fight she couldn’t win. You can’t win against men like that, people with their minds made up… and all he saw for a moment was Maeve with Lonnie’s fist heading right at her. His agent training burst out of him without permission, and the next thing he knew it was like after prison again, stopping some asshole from messing with Tara… when he was out of control and pissed off at the world.
Is this who I am now?
A heavy hand on his shoulder made him flinch and duck, turning sharply to find Rose looking at him with his dark eyes. Spencer’s heartbeat pounded in his ears, his breath struggling to return to normal. Rose motioned to the barstools in front of them, pretending as though he didn’t notice.
“Sit down, son.”
With a shaking hand, Spencer took a deep breath and pulled out a stool. He slid onto the cool leather and gripped the bar while Rose went around the other side. He pulled a bottle from the bar wall and poured him another drink, then pushed it toward him. Spencer snatched it like a man dying of thirst and poured it down his throat. 
"It's a good thing you did, taking over like that."
Another deep breath, count to five, let it out. 
"Bar fights are a dime a dozen. Don't worry too much about it. Lonnie and Lloyd aren't stupid enough to press charges."
The glass barely had the chance to hit the bar again before Rose poured him another. Spencer lifted it to his lips, just moments away from temporary salvation in the arms of liquor when he spoke again.
“Ex-con or cop?”
His only reprieve from the world hung mid air, just out of reach of his mouth as Spencer stared shell-shocked at him. “What?”
“Mattie May says you didn’t serve, but you don’t like fireworks.” A quirk of his heavy brow told Spencer he wasn’t getting out of this one. “Your hand went straight for your belt, like you were reaching for a gun. You got that haunted look in your eyes like a man who's seen some things. You didn’t serve so… ex-con or cop?”
Spencer swallowed thickly. The cool beads of condensation from his bourbon trickled down his hand and wrist. Rose sighed, “Nobody’s judging here, son. We welcome all kinds in this town, as you’ve surely noticed.”
Is this who I am now? What would ever be the right answer to that question? Both. Neither. 
Spencer’s heart weighed a thousand pounds as he stared painfully back at Rose. Licking his lips to prepare himself, his jaw quivered. His voice shook as he admitted for the first time in years, “FBI. Almost twenty years.”
Rose didn’t say anything about that, but the slight twitch that etched across his weathered features told Spencer everything he needed to know about his thoughts. Really? You? How could someone like you be capable of such a thing?
“Thank you for your service,” he said instead.
“Don’t,” Spencer replied. 
He downed his drink, pushed it forward for another. Rose obliged, tipping the spout over the rim. Spencer found himself looking once more to the kitchen window, his eyes sliding over without much thought. Honey seemed pissed off as ever, glaring at something in her hand as Mattie May wrapped her wrist with an Ace bandage. The distinct swell of a coming bruise tattooed across her cheek and lip, her nose red from cleaning blood away.
“She’s fine,” Rose’s voice came through, tearing his gaze away. “Honey’s taken harder hits than that.”
"Her husband?" Spencer asked, a bit unsure of such a bold question. "That why she wears that ring?"
Rose scratched his chin as he thought. His eyes wandered around the bar, seeing who was close. When he was satisfied nobody would hear, he leaned on his elbows on the bar. "You know, Honey don't look like it, but she grew up catching lobster on a boat off the East Coast."
"How'd she end up so far from home?"
"I don't know specifics," Rose muttered with a shrug. "Her daddy was a real religious type. Made it clear one day she could live there with his rules as gospel, or leave. She left, hitchhiked until she met Mattie May at a truck stop on her way home from visiting her sister."
A sweet genuine smile stretched across his cheeks, "She brought her to town. Honey met Ernesto. It was…instant. They just fell in love like that."
Sigue viviendo, Ernesto, Spencer remembered, thinking back to the mural outside Collie’s. 
"Yeah, those two were something else. Before she came along, Rico, Holly Henson, and Ernie were just three boys who came back from Iraq with hell to raise. They were wild. Honey walked in one day and those boys all turned into men. She showed them they could be more than haunted."
Spencer couldn't help but squint at his words, glaring at Rose as he downed his fourth shot in as many minutes. Rose dutifully poured him another, continuing on, "They all loved the water, fishing. Honey trained in water rescue back in the day, and she still went out when they needed her. Ernie and Honey would go on these week long trips up and down the coast. Ernie used to wear his ring on a chain around his neck so it wouldn't get lost.
"One day they didn't come back on time," Rose said, and this time it was his eyes that became haunted. They traveled back to a time Spencer couldn't see, remembering something he didn't know. 
"They got caught in a storm, a big one that came outta nowhere. They tried to get control of the boat, but a lightning bolt hit the deck, blew the damned thing into pieces."
The breath caught in his chest, Spencer's body subconsciously leaning forward as he found himself wrapped up in the story. He could hear Honey griping about being left alone, but it all seemed so far away. 
Rose sighed, his dark heavy gaze landing on Spencer's once more. "Some tourists found her a few days later holding onto a piece of driftwood. She was holding his body to her by that chain with his wedding ring on it. Hers had slipped off in the waves."
Spencer looked over to the kitchen window once more. Sure enough that ring hung around her neck. She fiddled with it as she stared dead eyed at what looked like a napkin, rolling it between her fingers. 
"She brought my Ernie home to me," Rose spoke quietly, earning Spencer's undivided attention once more. 
"He was your son." It wasn't a question. 
"Yeah, he was a good egg." An unspoken declaration of devotion from a man going through unimaginable pain. 
"Goddamnit, I'm fine!" Honey snarled, stomping her way out of the kitchen. It seemed to be her favorite word. "Leave me the fuck alone!"
The door swung behind her like a dog's wagging tail. She squinted at Spencer and Rose as she came out, but Rose reached out a hand for her bicep, pulling her back to him. 
He tapped her chin, "That's a good shiner, kid."
Honey's scowl morphed into a slow chuckle. She shook her head and pulled away from him with a big grin, "You're a dick."
Mattie May made her way out of the kitchen next, inching her way back into the main room as if she was a bit fearful of Honey’s wrath. Her arms made their way around Rose's waist as she watched her flit back around the tables.
"Will you stay with her? Help her close up and drive her home?" Mattie May asked Rose softly. "I don't like the idea of her alone after what Lonnie said."
"Yeah, but you know Honey. She's gonna growl at me all night about it."
Spencer's mouth opened before he could think to stop it, "I could drive her home so Mattie May doesn't have to go by herself."
Both of them turned surprised to an equally surprised Spencer, but they were far more amused. 
"Boy, I know you've had more drinks than the five I poured you," Rose told him sternly. "I wouldn't trust you to drive a stationary bike right now."
"Well, that is true," Spencer replied, realizing in embarrassment the slur of his voice. "She can drive me home. There's no way I'm finding my way back to the inn by myself anyway."
They looked at one another, seemingly having one of those silent conversations couples do when they've been together long enough. Not so funnily, he used to have similar ones with the BAU. 
"Okay. You two be careful, though," Mattie May smiled. "Gets pretty dark around here at night on the beach. There ain't many streetlights."
"Will do," Spencer replied. He saluted her with his drink and polished it off, welcoming the amber gold and the edge it took off with it. 
He vaguely registered Rose asking Honey to drive him home, focused on drowning his feelings in his bourbon. After a few more hours, the patrons shuffled out. The old woman behind the bar and the pretty blonde left before closing time, and eventually it was just him and Honey alone. 
She ignored him mostly, avoiding his gaze as Spencer tried to avoid hers. She made her way behind the bar, pulling out trash bags and tying them off. 
"You didn't have to do that, y’know," she muttered, and when he looked up she was watching him through her lashes. Her cheeks flushed a dark pink, only making her bruise look darker. 
It was already blotching purple, and by the morning it would turn black and blue. Part of her lip had split, and god help him, it pissed Spencer off more than anything. 
"I can take a punch, Mr. Dreary," she said when he didn't reply. She pointed at his glass. "You didn't need to do that. You obviously didn't want to."
"Oh, I wanted to." 
Her hand reached out, fingers loosely grabbing the tumbler. She twisted it for a moment and bit her bottom lip as she thought. "He was trying to hit Rico and missed. He's a drunk asshole."
"No, he wasn't." Spencer told her. Honey's brows twitched, but she didn't say anything. "He may be a drunk asshole, but he aimed right for you in a place that would bleed the most and bruise the worst. I'm sure he's had plenty of practice accidentally punching women."
"And you know so much about that?" she challenged, stubborn as ever. "He's all bark and no bite."
"I know more about it than I'd like." Spencer's own hand found its way across the bar, clasping around her good wrist. "I've seen hundreds of Lonnie's. They seem all bark and no bite, but they're impulsive. Especially when they're angry. When he said he'd wait for you to walk home alone one night, he meant it. He'd have no problem finding you and raping you in the street before leaving you there."
Her jaw clenched tightly, but she nodded with tears in her eyes. Honey cleared her throat and held up one of the trash bags, "You might as well make yourself useful. Dumpster’s through the kitchen."
Spencer slid his hand from her and got to his feet. He rounded the bar and took it from her hands, his legs more than a bit unsteady. 
"You okay?" she asked quietly, watching him nervously. 
"I might be on my knees painting the inside of the toilet later," he told her with a watery lopsided grin, "but I'll be fine."
Her laugh was all he needed to walk away from her, smiling to himself. She chucked quietly behind him as he made his way into the kitchen. It was dark, illuminated only by the red light of the EXIT sign. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he passed through the hot room, still emanating heat from the hours of serving up burgers and fish fry to the patrons.
The night was only a few degrees cooler as Spencer pushed open the heavy back door and stepped into the alley. It reeked of stale beer, piss, and sand, making his nose curl up. He tossed the bag into the dumpster, the bottles inside hitting the inside with a loud clang. 
He gripped the slatted wall for support as he turned inside. His legs didn’t want to cooperate along the shifting sands, his veins mostly alcohol by now. Tugging the door back open, he stepped back inside into the glowing red blanketing the kitchen. 
"Get away from me!" Honey's voice came from the bar area. 
Spencer's body kicked into gear, his hand going to his belt for a gun that wasn't there. His badge wasn't either, and he was drunk. Old familiar instincts blazed to life, his ears picking up on a shuffling to his right. Spencer turned just in time to see the business end of a baseball bat coming toward his face. 
It connected with his nose, the fragile cartilage cracking under the force. Spencer was swept off his feet with the impact, landing hard on his ass on the concrete. The bat came down again as Honey screamed in the other room. 
Blinking blearily through the pain, Spencer's foot shot out, his boot catching the side of his assailant's knee. The man screeched in pain and collapsed, clutching his kneecap and howling
"Oh fuck, Lonnie!" he cried out, and Spencer recognized him in the dark. It was Lloyd Evarts. 
The swinging door flung open and in came the bastard Lonnie himself, dragging Honey in by her hair. Fresh blood dripped down her nose under the red lights, and he tossed her to the ground before swinging a heavy foot out. It caught Spencer in the ribs, his movements slow with the alcohol and stun of the hit to the face. 
“Take that, you piece of shit!”
Lonnie kicked him again, and again. Spencer tried to swing out his fist, but caught nothing but air. Lloyd was on his feet in Spencer's drowsy haze, stomping down on his shoulder and side as he tried in vain to get up from the floor. 
If he didn't get up, he'd probably die. 
The unmistakable rack of a shotgun ran ice water through his veins. He couldn’t see Honey, couldn’t find a way to pick himself up to get her the hell out of here. What an embarrassing way to die for who he used to be… shot on a cold floor in a town he didn’t know or like, trying stupidly to protect a girl he didn’t want to be attracted to.
The gun blasted out with a loud boom! that rattled the kitchen. Spencer braced for the all-too familiar feel of bullets in his flesh, but they didn’t come. Instead a loud howling ripped through the room through the ringing in his ears.
Another pump of the gun, the clattering of a spent shell casing petering across the concrete. The gun went off again, followed by the screech of a wounded animal. The blows stopped battering his drunken body, shuffling feet and screams echoing around him.
“Let’s go! Go, go, go!” Lonnie’s voice cried out, followed by them scrambling out the door. 
Spencer rolled onto his back, vaguely registering the gun hitting the ground. All the fight was gone, and he was just a pair of black eyes. The EXIT sign glowed ominously above him, the acrid smell and copper taste of blood in his mouth. He couldn’t breathe through his nose, sure that it must be broken. 
“Spencer,” a soft voice came, full of tears and worry. 
A shadow moved in front of the sign, dark and surrounded by the red light. Soft dark hair glimmered even in the darkness, and Spencer reached a bruised hand up to run his fingers through it. He palmed her cheek, his breath catching in his chest as his brain struggled to remember where he was.
“Spencer, stay awake,” the voice said again. “I’m going to get some help.”
It was so quiet, shrouded in darkness and mystery. Familiar, but where was he again? He didn’t know. He didn’t really care, either. His thumb ran across her cheekbone, a slight hiss of pain escaping lips he couldn’t see. Her skin was warm, the fresh scent of saltwater and sweat washing over him. All he wanted was a hug, someone to hold him until he felt better. 
“Spencer, can you hear me?”
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Smurph's Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Notes: PLEASE tell me what you think... Also, what do you think is going to happen next?
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CM Forever Tag:
@thedancingcostumeyoungadult @muffin-cup @simplyparker @spencerreidsmommy @hotchandspencearedilfs @gspenc @kbakery @nomajdetective @givemeth @hoshihiime @halloween-is-my-nationality @reidselle @thisiscalmanditsdoctorreid @dreatine @thebloomingeagle @fortheloveofwonderland @theforgottenwinter @parkerreidnorth @reidselle @randomhoex @scargarcia-magshotchner @stitchwrites @pygmygoat-bicyclehelmet @cle13 @aysixdy @elhotchner @directioner5life @elhotchner @loveeee2134 @preciousbabypeter @la-stuffs @stories-you-wont-hear @hotchlover @fortheloveofwonderland @lokiandhisdagger @bellanutellababyyy @dark-night-sky-99 @straightforbuckybutgayfornatasha @maltamurdock @charelletjee @kansas-reid @zephyrmonkey @spencer-reid-wonderland @spencersprettyslut @im-sure-its-fine @tvdstelenaforever @teddylupintonks  @lilibet261 @kneelforloki @dirtytissuebox @almostgenerallyalways @whovian378 @cl0udyqu33n @thegettingbyp2 @averagestudent03 @the-sun-died-out @squishycalumxo @sebastiansstanswhore 
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@dottirose @lfaewrites @padsfirewhisky @wheels-upin-thirty @f-me-reid @justanothercmblog 
57 notes · View notes
chiarrara · 6 months
More ab the art school au:
I was thinking about Nanami and at first I thought he could’ve been in packaging or industrial design(bcs of the whole corporate salaryman thing) but the more I thought about it and his cursed technique the more I think woodwork would be a good option for him(lots of measuring, lots of physical work) . In this au I think he quit art for a while because he realized how much the academic art world was draining him and everyone else and realized how awful the industry can be so he went on to have a normal job. But you know what sucks more than being forced to pump out art quicker than you can manage? Being forced to stare at a Microsoft excel sheet for 8 hours a day. So if he went back and became a teacher at the school, I think he’d be teaching one of the “normal” subjects (math or history for example) but would still let students ask for art advice he has.
I actually haven’t thought about Yuuta as much but I think he’d do amazing ink illustrations(he’d be a dope tattoo or manga artist), so I’d say he’d either be in fine arts or graphic design. His drawings are mostly black and white with just a small pop of color and he’d use a LOT of cross hatches and lines. I think at least a few people asked him to design their next tattoo for them.
Since you mentioned Dagon, while I do think that sealife and the cycles of life would fascinate him and he’d definitely incorporate that into his work, what I do think would intrigue him more is the fear of the ocean, how vast it is, and how little we know about it. I think he’d do amazing mosaics using things he finds on the beach like seashells and stones,( Kind of like the thing you mentioned with Hanami combining art with actual plants) which he gets by foraging on the beach for a few hours every weekend(and that’s also why his house has sand everywhere). I think he’d also love the fucked up looking fish at the bottom of the ocean. He’d also love doing very large murals and mosaics just because it helps emphasize how massive ocean is
Nanami: okay no so I'm thinking about what you were saying in the other ask about the parallels between the art world and the jjsorcery world, specifically the working conditions. And thinking about Nanami getting burnt out, but then going to a place where he has no creative outlet and he's getting just as burnt out anyway, maybe worse. Like if he's going to be overworked at least he's going to be somewhere he can get paid to create and have resources supporting that. I can just imagine how soul draining it was to be somewhat cut off from that.
I love him being a math teacher thoooooo :) he has such high school math teacher energy. Not like Gojo who has PROFESSOR energy, but tired button up and slacks hs math teacher teaching the same subjects over and over again trying to get kids to understand trig and geometry and logarithms. I'm just getting so nostalgic for my old hs and cc math teachers lol, they're so silly.
Also it would be so neat if (like his cursed technique) he just had a knack for eyeballing measurements and getting them near perfect when woodworking. And I wonder if nobara would like to be mentored by him......
Yuuta: awwww I love Yuuta as an illustratorrrrr. reminds me of my lil emo friends and me in hs drawing on anything and everything and honestly making some pretty cool designs. Always black ink or pencil haha. I love to think that he would be designing tattoos for his friends, and then maybe just kind of get a reputation, like his skills getting around by word of mouth and he starts designing for a lot of people.
I also can imagine him doing a series of stylized portraits of his friends. Do you think he still would come into the art school pretty depressed & lonely and then make good friends? Is Rika around?
Dagon: okay this is so so so so so cool. The mosaics, him like tracking sand in everywhere, spending hours just collecting things on the shore. but omg i can picture the large like gallery wall murals of sea glass and shells and fish bone.... ugh like it's so beautiful in my mind I love this au
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soupbabe · 1 year
This might be stupid but I just finished Stone Ocean and keep giggling at this concept, what would Maggie and her brothers think of JJBA if they ever saw it?
DUDE ONE OF MY FAV THINGS IS CROSSING OVER MY INTERESTS literally I've been thinking about drawing ocs in JoJo cosplay- Maggie would be dressed up as Jolyne 🤭
Maggie doesn't it get it. Action stuff isn't her thing and she doesn't like how bloody it can get. I think Part 6 could be her favorite part and her favorite JoJo would either be Jolyne or Jonathan!
Vincent loves it! He likes how creative the designs are and he appreciates the fresh stories that come around every part. I can see him really digging Part 5 (literally he can and will write extensively about how deep the story goes and he adores every ounce of symbolism this part offers), his favorite JoJo is Giorno!
Bo is kind of in the middle. He gets a kick out of the music refs and likes to watch them fight. Though I think he called it gay at first before actually getting into it 😭 His favorite part is Part 2 and his favorite JoJo is either Joseph or Jotaro! Literally just because he thinks the fights are badass and the jojo's look cool 💀
Lester embraces the weirdness of JoJo! Probably the first one to really get into it. Like I fully mean he read the manga before the anime came out- he's a total graphic novel nerd imo. I think he'd enjoy Part 7, his favorite JoJo is probably Johnny or Josuke.
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sepyana · 1 year
Jjba Stone Ocean Ep 13-22 Thoughts
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50% Crying about F.F. %40 Sports Maxx arc %10 Making fun of Anasui. Also Pucci is there.
Ep 13-14
A lot happening this arc. I don't really know where to start. Let's talk Ermes first.
Turns out, Ermes ended up in prison to get revenge on her older sister's killer, who is getting out of prison in a year. Araki says Ermes's position in the story is like Polnareff's (in the stand commentaries iirc) though their arcs are handled very differently.
The most important one is that Ermes's revenge is framed as a good thing. Polnareff got Avdol "killed" in his pursuit. Much like Ermes, he didn't care what would happen to himself as long as he got his revenge. Kakyoin says Polnareff shouldn't go sacrifice himself. They both lack self preservation. They both run on their own and refuse to get help from others. Ermes straight up ran in for the kill and got severely injured for it.
What I'm trying to say is Ermes's revenge is framed as good (mostly) while Polnareff's is framed as bad. Her sister comes from the heaves to hug her when she kills Sports Maxx. She does it alone at the end too. If her arc was a counter-argument to part 3's in some way it would be one thing but it doesn't do that at all. If Polnareff's arc never happened I wouldn't have cared about the message of this arc but It's so hard to ignore it when part 6 is basically the direct sequel to part 3. It's looks like Ermes just got lucky that no one got gravely hurt or kicked the bucket.
I don't wanna be mean. Pol is one of my favourites and I already like Ermes a lot. I don't wanna make it sound like Pol's arc is great either. It has it's own issues.
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There is still a lot of stuff I liked though. I liked the visuals and the music of this arc especially. The shot of Ermes landing the killing blow along with the music is obviously amazing, it's over the top but I adore that. The music playing is Dio's world iirc. It plays at the finale of both part 3 and part 4 when the main casts face off against the villain. It plays here because Sports Maxx is Ermes's main villain. I don't think Sports Maxx is cool enough to deserve this theme but I like the effect regardless. I appreciate it when music from part 3 plays every now and then.
This might just be me being an F.F. fanboy but I really liked the part when they shot the alligator straight in the mouth. Determination is one of my favourite tracks from part 6. I might like it a bit more than the main theme.
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So she can use her strings to sense movement in the area around her. Ok. Okay.
(This bit is from later episodes but it fits better here)Talking to Sports Maxx, Pucci says "There is a fixed amount of souls in the universe". And then he talks about how if someone had thousands of souls at once. Now I know that this is referring to the green baby, I initially thought this was because there weren't enough souls. Since the number is is fixed souls would get divided in the afterlife maybe. It's sort of interesting to think about. If there are too many souls do they get destroyed? Or jjba has already reached the limit and souls are getting reincarnated. Reused, if you will.
Pucci does care about Dio but I do think their relationship was more transactional than he would like to admit. It's not as bad as Dio but Pucci does treat everyone around him like tools, and cannot trust others enough to connect with them. The concept of heaven is too vague for me to comment on it right now, though I do think it is not as different from Christian kind as you might think at first.
Ep 15-16
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Anasui is a character that exists. I saw him way before I got into jjba. I liked his design back then and he still has one of my favourite designs now. I remember seeing a post saying "How can such a naked character have this many articles of clothing" and I think about it every day.
Personality wise... I'm sorry but he is just so fucking boring. He is a murdered that likes disassembling things and he loves Jolyne. That's it that's the whole thing. His specific obsession with "marrying" her could be interesting potentially. Then you could ask "Why does he care about marrying Jolyne so much? What is his view of marriage to begin with? Any personal history about that? Maybe his worldview might relate to it. etc. etc.
Another interesting thing is why he is with Weather and Emporio in the first place. Emporio says Weather is the only person who keeps him in check. I am interested in seeing them interact now.
It's a shame they changed Anasui's gender early on. I love problematic lesbians, if my adoration for Shiori and Homura means anything.
The survivor fight could have been shorter. That's all I'm gonna say I thought it was kinda boring tbh. Other than Jolyne flipping off the guard 4 different ways.
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Ep 17-18
F.F. my best friend F.F.
I don't really have much to say about episodes 16 to 20 as it's mostly fighting. I think Dragon's Dream is a cool concept and it was executed pretty well. What can you do against an enemy when fate has their back? This arc also has the issue of being too long I think. Some of the bits drag on for too long.
Jolyne tunning to save F.F. despite all her injuries... My heart... I love them..
Ep 19-20
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Jotaro not letting anyone take off his hat while in a coma, with no memories and half a soul. Jjba is pretty funny when it wants to be.
Jotaro injuring himself and it just happens to spell Jolyne. And the same cuts show up on Jolyne too. I get some families in jjba have psychic links but this is too much. My suspension of disbelief can only go so far. I can excuse the Dio bone plot but I draw the line at this.
Anasui actually tells F.F. to push Jolyne so he can hug her with zero shame. F.F. rightfully calls this sexual harassment. How does plankton who entered society like a few weeks ago has better morals than him. Get your shit together Anasui.
People loathe Yo Yo Ma. I don't think it is as bad as some say. Don't get me wrong though, it is bad. It's main problem is that it's really fucking boring. I shit you not I almost fell asleep while watching this which is absolutely huge for someone like me who takes an hour to fall asleep. It's not the worst part of jojo but it is up there.
Ep 21-22
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Well after the pretty boring stretch we got the last few episodes we get this gem -> completely ignoring the green baby thing
Wow so much to talk about that Dio and Pucci interaction huh. I was initally iffy on what Dio's character was going but I'm loving it.
Do you remember Dio's whole peace of mind way back in part 3? I mentioned it while talking about Kira but I never thought it would be relevant again. Arakkiiiiii please more of this.
So firstly, this pretty much confirms peace of mind is what Dio seeks despite talking about humans. Dio from birth had absolutely zero time to chill, he couldn't trust anyone, he couldn't depend on anyone. Pucci is the person he is closest to but even then he cannot fully trust him.
This is just speculation from my part but maybe that's what heaven is? That serenity, the ease. For someone like Dio who has made so many fucking enemies by this point that peace of mind is not really possible for him outside of reaching heaven. Much to think about.
Also Leonardo Da Vinci is a stand user. This is the jjba equivalent of Joan of Arc being a magical girl in pmmm to me. Why would you tell me this.
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Araki can't play with my heart like this. I thought F.F. might make it for a second.
F.F. started to have flashbacks and all I could think was "It's so over". The fight with White Snake was incredibly tense. Having a stand disc like that on hand was a good idea from Pucci.
The moment when Weather caused rain to help F.F. was so hype. It's a good comeback. I always love seeing White Snake suffer. He is annoying as shit.
Jolyne hugging "Weather" was really wholesome despite what we learn later. Despite what Anasui thinks I don't think there is gonna be a romance between the two. More like a positive male figure in her life (Which she seems to lack).
Then here is my least favourite insulting my fave and you already know what I'm gonna say. It would be one thing if Anasui talked shit about F.F. after Ep 22. But Anasui just keeps going on about how they don't deserve to live and that they are lesser because they aren't human and dude. F.F. hasn't even done anything. They only told you to stop being a immature baby about Jolyne hugging a guy when they've got Pale Snake to deal with, rightly so. I'm not even mad I just have no idea why he is reacting like this. All this shit talk over nothing and F.F. still decides to save Anasui instead of themselves.
I didn't see the reveal coming at all. It's was as much of a surprise to me as the characters because 1. I am dumb 2. I don't think Pale Snake has shape shifted up to this point.
Pucci's remarks about how much Jolyne has grown is definitely true. I thought she was just as immature as the other protags despite being older than most of em but that's definitely not the case anymore. My girl ate the musrooms growing on her bedframe in prison. Just to get a chance at saving her father. She has definitely grown... Stone Free grew with her too.
F.F. is not the most unique character. There are so many media that has handled "someone with a newly acquired consciousness learning what it means to be alive" trope way better. But I still found it heartwarming. They are just happy to be there and I appreciate that. They have memories and people dear to them. F.F. didn't have a life before meeting Jolyne. Living a life gave them a reason to sacrifice it for their loved ones. They have a soul now and here come the tears again
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Love getting emotional about jjba because I will look at what I am actually crying at and it's the goofiest most nonsensical shit ever and I instantly stop
One thing that's weird is why F.F. without a body looks like Atroe instead of their normal design. Their soul too. I know why they did it and it was the better choice probably. To us Atroe look is F.F. Plus it's easier to make it emote than the Foo Fighters form.
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minmin-pal · 1 year
ahh aighto, so following the guide list and watching part 1 n 2 in close succession, 3 then 4 then rohan ova, then 5 and 6. on the liveaction one, ngl i wouldn't really have much complaints about the fact it's not art, always fun to experience a fandom in its entirety like all the cool different mediums and stuff like that, especially for how long jjba's been going on for, there's so much to explore :D
okay not gonna lie, i may have desperately needed that warning about no characters being safe lol i get way too invested and attached to them so the head's up is appreciated ;; (/gen) i don't know why i'm kind of very curious about that though now, i haven't seen any author ever just straight up kill of characters (well i have but ya know?) especially main ones? got me on the edge of my seat now ngl. i'm also wondering whether i should just stave off the manga for now till after i finish the anime and that jazz, dunno to be able to binge the manga and feel it properly tbh
and ohh alright, i was reading another guide just now and it linked the "Stone Ocean OP / Opening" from yt and i see what you mean by cgi, i dunno how they do that so i'll assume it's like 3d models, the way the 3d bits fit the 2d animation style looked so cool and aaa the expressions are just so uniquely styled and all from what i've seen of a 1 minute clip lol but glad u were still able to enjoy the season tho tbh (/pos)
and oh!! there's tarot connections? aa i'm so excited to see how they do that, it's always super fun to see those small little references and u can giggle since your like "yay i got that ref :D" (/lh/hj) might have to grab some kind of bingo to see how many refs i catch haha (/j) but alrighty, noted, no research on kira will be committed, i mean aside from me searching for his design yesterday lol (/lh)
i don't know if it classifies as spoilers much but from the guide i read it said that around part 3 they switched to entities called strands with random powers? that was basically the gist of what i got before i stopped reading so is that one of the differences that separate part 1/2? but oh wait what? why would they say to skip :(? isn't it just more fun in general to start from the very, very start? and oh! joseph! i believe you've mentioned him before but i never heard of jonathan before, his hair looks super cool tho omg and no cause fr :( the uniqueness is part of the appeal isn't it? jjba already has the reputation of being: funky, unique and just being so alive, i don't get how someone would start watching an anime with a rep like that and not watch the first 2 seasons just cause ;; (/lh) awh help i'm getting attached to joseph now, he sounds so sweet tbh (/pos)
and yooo i get why you said "they really did that just cause they could" now" tbh that's a tad more impressive as opposed to just doing the special effects to big scenes, kinda feels like a flex about the artistic control they got over the season tbh (ya know, since like- creators don't really often get that much artistic autonomy with their shows anymore?) i really like that bit now actually ill be honest (/gen) 
and yes rohan is for real representing all side-characters doomed to only appearing for like 5 minutes or having no voice lines lol (/joke/lh) but ahh i'm actually interested in his character development now, the sillyness of him being the only one that could publish manwha properly whilst everyone else couldn't has piqued my interest xD (/lh) oh wait no, your point does actually make a lot of sense though if people demand utter copies from canon then it wouldn't really be as fun tho i dunno, creative liberties are very cool and ngl i could see it somewhat bombing if they did make it irl anime type ya know? idk but seems like the kind of thing twt would poke fun at :') (/lh) i'm glad about how it seemed to turn out though, poster looks super cool too 
and oHH you like aot? yay :D! i haven't watched in a while but unfortunately, i may have spoiled myself- kind of? i've seen the designs and new art style but the lore lost me even before i last watched a couple of years ago, have you caught up with the manga? what's your thoughts on the story and just general stuff like that if you don't mind me asking? feel free to not censor spoilers for this one, my brain's already pieced together bits of lore whenever aot would go trending on social media lol (/lh/nf) but yay hope you had fun with your brother while you watched it! (/gen)
i dunno why i always imagined that motion to be like a croak-type 'laugh' lol, but yeah denji's character definitely seems very funny haha tho course there's the serious story bits, not sure why but he actually somewhat reminds me of mineta? albeit of course denji's a lot more fleshed out and established (i'm not really caught up with the bnha manga so i dunno how mineta is currently, though tbh the similarities kind of end with their primary motivations centering women? (i dunno if i phrased that right, i hope the idea got thru tho ;; /lh)
wait oh noo, i've seen the anime already but this clip compilation is actually so sweet omg ;; i love yor but for some reason the first few episodes of loid being practically a single dad has my heart in a vice grip lol, they really did do the family dynamic between them so well (/gen) and ohh what are your thoughts on uhm- what's his name? yuri briar? yeah that's his name, the uncle and niece dynamic between him and anya was adorable to see lol
i finally found an proper working site with the english trans for the comic lol, i myt finish it in abt a day so i can ask some indepth questions about that when i do :D (if you don't mind ofc!) ngl being able to relate to a character however flawed really shows how well the writing was done (/pos) and wait that frame actually looks so pretty omg?? the artstyle is to be adored tbf, there's so many details and you can almost tell the emotions even without the text woah. and ohh! wait his been your layouts? i saw the holding knife banner but i didn't recognize the artstyle till you pointed it out (/lh) 
help naur,  disliking sm that you don't remember his name is very cool lmao(/hj/lh) but oof, i already don't like him from this one frame i see,  ah- i'm kind of excited to see this dude that comes before him now lol. and yeah the 'brown haired boy' archetype is definitely a hit or miss, have you ever watched 'a silent voice' by any chance? i can see your fond of found family/slice of life and genres like 'killer in love' (assuming you read from the genre /lh, eng is failing me rn im srry) what are your feelings or thoughts on other genres? maybe like- time travel/romance/reincarntion (is that just isekai actually?)/comedy/action maybe? i heard shield hero was pretty popular, do you like that? 
honestly, i get how you feel about one piece ngl:') i've watched a ton of analysis videos on that but it's always a whiplash to see the diversity in the male characters then see the female characters, coming from a vid i watched they said "It's like there's no middle ground, your either made into the standard body type (the girls in the images:') ya attached ) or your made 'grotesque' (the video cues a photo of big mama)" tbf i don't actually know big mama's character and there isn't really anything wrong with being that weight but i do get the gist of the idea the vid was talking about (artstyle side ofc), 
and oh, i''m gonna be honest i've never actually understood the whole highlight thing, i always assumed they were all sweating when i saw the shine if that makes sense (/hj/lh) but yeah, i can get how it's p much  a redflag or at least can makes someone uncomfy (/gen) 
and yay, ty for clarifying on that, i don't realize how much the text piles up till i send the ask ngl, and oh wait- i never really noticed the ideas might have felt disconnected tbh, flowed p fine for me though i may just not have noticed it /lh)
and oh, i don't really mind it lmao, feel free to call me mikey or custard (it actually sounds silly in a /lh way lmao haha /pos/lh) feel free to choose whichever, i don't really mind tbh
last bit- omg min (r you alright with me calling u that btw?/nf) did jjba s1 outro make the "we'll be right back" meme sound?? i'm questioning everything i know rn (/j/lh)
happy morning (very long response)
(also poorly formatted. every line break is answering its corresponding one in ur ask) (in most cases im so sorry :sob:) mhm!! theres a whole lot of extra stuff to read aswell-- like after part 4 araki didnt just make the rohan ova, he also made "dead man's questions" which you probably should also read (not watch as theres no anime version) after part 4-- it follows a character who dies in part 4 which is why i wont say ANYTHING about it. i heeaaavily advise you to not even search it up- like at all its mc is a MAJOR character spoiler like not until youve finished part 4 okay
also, despite no character being safe, i wholeheartedly push you to still love and care about every character your heart Will. shatter atleast once, but thats the fun in it really? i started jjba after watching the original naruto, so the first time a main character, like a *main* died i was just shellshocked the entire time i was waiting for them to bring the person back cause it was like You can't be serious? i REALLY dont wanna gas it up but the ending to part 1 was genuinely wild aswell W series
for the stone ocean cgi i didnt really mean the into but in animation itself for some scenes they used like 3d models and such for the powers and effects, and it sometimes might not be noticable, but when you see it. you see it and its like theyre really doing that and its genuinely so cool
the tarot connections are mainly part 3's thing- the way they names most abilities at least my favorite being death (13) mainly because the episode had me SO intrigued- honestly my favorite jojo episode other than this episode in part 4 (will not disclose [spoilers] but its the "bites the dust" episode- youll know it when you get there) hearing the ability names; it was always great to go "hey i know that band!" but i must say if youre watching the anime with subtitles, or in dub, what you read is not the stands name (or hear if dub) the stand name in most cases, will not be the same as it was originally, as well, copyright purposes really, so in western versions the name the person says (for sub) will not line up with the subtitles man in the mirror for example in the subtitles is reffered to as "mirror man" , so if you get to the part with stands, just know you might not be able to like get some references unless you listen to the japanese name not that it matters it just popped into head lol
and yes thats the big change really, the reason people say to fully skip part 1 and 2 the lack of stands which is so childish.. like really? you dont like the main fundamental parts of the series cuz they dont have big punchy monster powers? i assume youve met johnathan by now, judging byyour comment on the ending music YOU WILL (PROBABLY) LOVE HIM hes just a sweetheart like a mary sue mc but in a not mary sue way
yayaya :DD the team behind jojo REALLY can take the liberties they want and thats probably because the manga/araki is weird as hell like think. uh. spy family you just couldnt do the stuff you do in jojo there, not even story wise but art wise everything is so "polished" and set? like i dont wanna say polished, because jojo is *very* sleek looking but like you get what i mean
where was i.... honestly, jojo side characters (unless theyre like minor antags that get beat in one episode) are really prevalent as the seasons go on and one thing i can REALLY applaud araki (as if i havent been applauding him for EVERYTHING) is that he doesnt forget characters if you meet a side character that isnt evil, you Will. meet them again at least once something i like in part 4 (can you tell its my favorite part?) is that all the characters sort of have their own episode (even the sidest of side characters) when you watch it itll make more sense, but like the side characters arent just plot devices i guess youll see them roaming the street and the characters'll walk past the same bg characters multiple times, and that bg character genuinely wont matter i think it goes hand in hand with the whole everyone knows everyone small town theme but it's still super cool and yes!!! i get so dissapointed when i see irl anime reboots and they are literally just cosplaying the characters nooooo!! the point is that its in real life!!! make the story your own!!! yeah i loved aot :D its not a favorite of mine but its top on my lest i should do like a tier list or something of all the mangas/animes i can remember ive watched ive watched a whole lot actually theres not a lot else to do when youre a shut-in :sob: im all caught up with the aot manga the ending. had me shellshocked genuinely had me blinking like.. thats not okay where was my happy ending??? my overall overall thoughts are is that.. well.. i really love when mangakas just through your expectations out the window and thenh grabs them back and spits on them and throws them out another window just to mess with you so i loved aot; the lore behind the titans and everything? confusing but once i got it they had me rolling over in my bed sorry if ive been getting off topic alot by the way . _ .
croak type laugh is what i meant thanks for giving me a solid term :pray: and !! what i like about csm is actually something i saw in a rant on reddit and i have this issue where i repeat what ive read or heard verbatim solike. what im saying next is not only my thoughts but csm isnt really.... about the lore it isnt about the backgrounds and the world building its about denji and his personal growth and!! the growth of the people around him too https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/103xnqk/rant_i_hate_how_people_misunderstand_the_point_of/ ^says it much better than i ever can also... i think the biggest difference between mineta and denji is that denji knows what consent is also that denji is a person, whilst mineta is sorta just his character trait (one was made to be disliked, one made to be liked aswell) i am So glad youve seen sxf its just so charming honestly like,... i love happy slice of lifes sm nichijou, lucky star, shows like that and spy is just such a good show, its heartwarming whilst also definitely being about a spy trying to safe the country by adopting a kid and getting married the family dynamic is just c: -- i dont really love or hate yuri him and anya are cute together but... ive never really liked the obsessive brother trope and that Is yuri's entire character mainly so idrk how to feel about him hes not a bad character though i will say
and yES!! when u finish it i'd love to hear your thoughts and questions :pray: and!! being able to like characters that r super bad people is such a major sign of good writing and having bad characters that causes your reader physical pain is also a sign of good writing
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i genuinely love this artstyle it feels full of color. and is in black and white :kneel:
nameless white haired guy is just really insufferable from what i remember hes just gassed up too much by the people that surround him so his ego is the size of the lotte world tower the dude that comes before him comes into the manga EARLY like EARLY- chapter three i think theres another person just like him, more like him than the guy i was referencing, "arata" hes bad too but not.. as bad. the guy i was referencing assuming youve read to atleast chap 3 is the hooded weird guy with black hair I can't remember his name either. :grin: i love him though his name is just not said other than one time i think; (sorry this is so..... discombobulated- m reading ur ask then directly responding here. i need to start using transitional phrases) i have watched + read a silence voice, i loved it but i watched and read it in like the same 2 days so i cant tell you small stuff i liked its like cramming studies before a test. you absorb it for a day but afterwards youre only left with how you felt- in this case i remember crying at the end- and the ending but i dont remember specifics or like the traits i loved minus.. nijimiya? i think? was a sweetheart. genuinely adorable i loved her and her little sister as well as shoto (i think is his names) character development. kids are assholes; he was an asshole kid and he grew up and was Not an asshole kid whats not to love for other types of genres... i like horror but i dont like horror mangas/animes that are 'scare' horror idk how to describe scare horror but like.. if stuff r creepy just to be creepy its just not enthralling i love psychological horrors though things like oyasumi punpun or junji ito's stuff (notably uzumaki) i like dramas aswell but like. neon genesis type i think you could sum up my taste as things that are depressing at their core... minus slice of lifes. and like every other romance
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i think those would fall into the isekai category for comedy and action though i dont mind it honestly all depends on the thing itself-- i dont like sports mangas but i watched blue lock since it looked cool to me and i didnt hate it not a favorite, but its not under like c tier i havent heard of shield hero honestly-- but i did check it out the designs are nice but i dont think ill watch it
the ONE reason i wont watch one piece is the femals character designs i know its like a 1000+ chapter manga, made by a male mangaka which is a bad sign because to make manga, you must like manga people who like manga enough to write it probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all, so like yeah hes never met a woman other than his mother so he cant draw them but come one you mentioned her so i have to bring her up
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come on man. is this really it? just like you said, its either they fit the mangakas beauty standard for women or they are grotesque theres no in between at all and the men designs are so different and unique and vibrant!! he could make more unique female designs he just doesnt :sob:
for the highlights on skin type thing. i have exactly one example in mind- now as a preface peni parker (the girl) is fifteen miles morales (boy) is seventeen im not insinuating anything being illegal here, and if you think that it wouldnt be my point, so ihave to make a point here that that is not what my problem is as a second preface, miles morales looks like this
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i sound silly as hell right now. "of course miles looks like that- whats your point? arent we talking about art highlights??" (art is not mine. of course it isnt its.,... look at it...)
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I'm not going to comment on the bulge. I won't comment on his lips. I won't even comment on the fact that this is ship fanart, for a ship that... if you've watched itsv or atsv just feels wrong the one thing i immediately picked up on was how they highlighted that line on peni's thighs theres alot of stuff you can just tell by an artstyle the person who drew that i can honestly say is not a good person even if they didnt draw miles like... that... i wouldnt trust them around children highlights alone my point originally wasnt that i didnt like how they look, it was more that you can tell alot about people by the way thy draw just like how you can tell a bit about someone based of their vocabulary the person who drew that Is a pedophile i can just feel it things like that
I DONT MIND THE TEXT PILING UP :pray: IT MAKESME RLLY HAPPY TOI RECIEVE THESE I AM DELIGHTED THE FLOW IS ALSO FINE!! :thumbsup: u can call me whatever (min, minjae, minmin, minpal, 8, 8pal, palpal... i dont think theres any other names associated with this acc)
and last but not least the end IS the meme i had the same realization youre not alone
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stories-from-peter · 4 months
One In A Thousand
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One Saturday morning my mother got a phone call from the principal of my high school. I was not in trouble, he just had a question. He wanted to know if I would give up a Saturday morning to represent the school. I would be writing a test that didn’t count for any of my marks. I agreed since I was representing the school and it would cost me nothing even if I performed poorly. A week later my mother had another call from the principal. The following Saturday I was to travel to another school, go to the lunch room, and get further instructions.
The next Saturday I took the bus to John Oliver High School and found myself in a crowd of students around the same age as me. The lunch tables had a small pile of paper face down at each seat. We were instructed to take a seat and at exactly 8 AM we were to turn over the papers, write our name on the first page, and start answering the questions. We had 3 hours to complete the test.
The questions were a mix of everything. Some questions were like the ones you see on an IQ test, others were math problems, and some were just general knowledge. The pile of papers was quite thick so I thought I should not waste any time. If I had trouble with a question I decided to let it wait until I answered all the others and then go back to it.
I managed to answer all the questions without too much difficulty. Many of the questions were on subjects I was interested in, especially science. I looked up at the clock to see that less than an hour of the allotted time had passed. I didn’t want to be the first one to hand in my test so I started checking all my answers to be sure there were none wrong. That took about 35 minutes so there was much more than an hour to go and I was still too shy to be the first. At last, another student walked up to the front and handed his test to the supervisor. One other student was heading in that direction as I took my turn.
A couple of weeks later my mother had another call from my school. I was invited to be part of a group of science and math students who would take part in a series of seminars over the next two years. The test was given to the top 3% of all the science and math students in Vancouver and only the top 25 were invited to be part of the group. There were 850 kids who wrote the test so that meant the top 25 were chosen from a group of about 28000. We were instructed to go to Kitsilano High School on a Thursday evening a couple of weeks later.
On the designated Thursday evening we entered a classroom overflowing with students and their parents. Dr. E.N. Ellis explained that the project was funded by the Joe Berg Society and that seminars would be given by local university professors on a variety of subjects. We were entertained by an exhibition of scientific glass blowing before we learned more details of the group. Before we left we were given a problem to solve related to the first seminar which was to happen a few weeks later. This was a regular feature of the seminars. Each seminar ended with a problem to solve for the next one. The seminars were fascinating and many covered subjects which none of us had heard of. Each subject was the work of the professor giving the seminar. One seminar on radio astronomy was given by Bernard Lovell, director of the Jodrell Bank observatory. He happened to be visiting UBC for a series of lectures and someone convinced him to do a seminar for us high school students. Some other seminars I remember well were on genetics, gem stones, human physiology, and neustonic fungi. Neustonic fungi live in the thin layer of surface tension on top of the ocean. How’s that for a specialized habitat?
We took a field trip to UBC to see the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance lab. The lab was filled with huge blocks of beeswax to capture stray neutrons. That prevented the lab workers from getting fried at work. There were also large tanks of liquid nitrogen used to cool the apparatus. The discovery of superconductivity and our knowledge of NMR eventually led to MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) which has become famous for giving us images inside bodies without the damaging effect of X-rays.
I had to move to Ottawa at the end of Grade 11 but I was able to go back to Vancouver for my final year of high school. One more year of Berg Seminars was a big reason for me finding a way to get back to the city I loved.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Primus - My Name Is Mud (Official Music Video)" on YouTube
Trump trying to vary his son and as far as character Robinson and his son was riding on him said you made my name mud he had the stupid top out there but it's really Trump's tarp he says you're just like torturing him into doing stuff to you and doesn't do anything. He's just like Garth he's asking for it so I'm going to give him a little present and we'll see if he can figure it out and that son and daughter say never he won't ever figure it out he's a huge prick and a pill and a massive f** and a loser. Who mentioning the mouth of Missouri and Mississippi and several other places including Charlotte harbor and near the mouth there would have tons of skeletons and people who investigated and can't figure out why they're there or how they're getting there and our son says I know how they all got there and have a job for your idiots Moon falls a industrial sized warbler, industrial grade. So if you would have got it but didn't say anything cuz they're worried it might be true and the whole fact of the matter is if the poop that's in the rivers and harbors was ejected into the ocean and it was just poop it would cause massive amounts of red tide instead the acid from turn the couch it in cow s*** into a viable source of nutrients for green algae and kelp and other things and really they overcome the crop part of it and they're designed to the human part they overcome slightly not completely and kelp is going to be off the list things people can eat there's not much of that going around anymore but there will be so we're putting an alert out and we're going to keep sending it but right now people need to know that some people are not many Tommy have to experiment Tommy f did an experiment and others maybe a few around here and he says probably not yet and it's true. Did the walls around the Midwest are made out of K2 poop and a couple other ingredients and they are harder than hell and as the day goes by they get harder by the end of the year the new walls put up recently within the past few weeks we'll be harder then all of the Stone that's found underground including petrified it is extremely hard and there are people going to look for this poop right now and to harvest tons of it and to see if it works that and there are successes growing tobacco Jenna had a success and dja and a few others they're the Indians in the low desert and they are testing it out there and it grows faster than hell and they put a little in after it's treated they don't detect anything nasty in the tobacco and it's true but it's just like every other stuff people wanted sold all the standard stuff you can find and the max are into it
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Hahaha what I'm saying is he doesn't have to know who I am and it's true I was just Chris Guy saying Melissa was with me and he knows it's not Melissa and for Christ's sake this is hell she looks different and sounded different and I guess I'm going to go try and make a wall out of this s*** it's probably going to suck and other people going to start harvesting it for planting tobacco cotton we need a ton of cotton and it makes devices it is not used too much but okay it makes clothing and we need it there's a few other plants that can be grown and trees and more and a lot of trees and bja should be interested but he's stupid very fast trees will grow very fast and it says you just fly over and dump it or you make it liquid and pour it into the forest and he says wow that sucks it might be a bug problem but that's an easy way to do it I agree with something it can be done that way so he's probably going to go up there and try that I'm going to try and make the wall out of this s***
Hahaha and we did have the kids who do it and we're having the bugs do it in the aquifer to keep people from dying and they eat the poop and stuff too
Thor Freya
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rat-loves · 1 year
the brain train has left the station boys, on my shit AGAIN woth third round of hcs 😤
i honestly love the idea of nico growing up on a little farm- it's a perfect, quiet escape for the family, and gabe can feed off of large livestock when he isn't working- its not sus to buy 4 cows when you have a farm, right?
was probably homeschooled after a few interactions with other kids went south- his vibe seems to freak alot of kids out, even when he's not trying to. got a little upset at first, since he doesn't really have friends, but got used to it. all he needs in his life are his parents now
gets flustered super easily when he realizes hes being approached/hit on- extremely suspicious of them and will openly question their motives
can sleep just about anywhere, but has nightmares and doesn't rest well anywhere but in his own bed, with his nest of blankets
he honestly let his parents design his room, he doesnt really care much about how it looks as long as its comfortable, but he does keep little trinkets on his shelves and desk, like a skull mug he got to match with gabe, or a crystal chunk thats supposed to bring luck to the family
if you get chickens for the farm, he is enthralled- tiny, stupid dinosaurs? yes please
snow had actually never seen the ocean up close before, so the first time hes taken to the beach he is SHOOK- it makes noise?! you can smell the water from how far?! warm sand!!!
i think he would have grown up on a mountain range, living in a nice but isolated cabin with his dad. he doesn't really see other people but he's very comfortable otherwise— knows the mountains like the back of his hand 🥰
utterly fascinated by peoples attempts to climb the mountain and camp out during the winter- humans are fragile, why would they subject themselves to such conditions?
his room is very neat, and cozy- lots of plush/fur, thick fabrics and dark woods
goes for really really long walks after an argument, especially with gabe- has found himself a town or two over before he realizes it
love the aesthetic of him growing up in an old stone castle in a sprawling pumpkin patch/corn field combo, with really fancy window work and intricate doors, but then scuffed up wooden floors and clawed up stone brickwork 🥺
his room looks surprisingly cozy but a little medieval, like he's larping or something lmao
very fond of candles and smelly things, has gotten so bad he can pinpoint someones perfume notes from across the room
paint is a little bit spoiled, hes an LA baby and you KNOW gabe's place is nice, but very heavily secured 😮‍💨 cameras and gates galore- luxury but little privacy even from his family (he doesnt really mind as much as he used to, he knows its for his and mamas protection)
pastel leds and fairy lights all over his room, has a four poster bed with sheer curtains and lights that look like stars- will NOT sleep without his star lights turned on 😤
has a MASSIVE stuffed animal gabe won for him at some fair, refuses to get rid of it even though its kind of low quality and old
sat down with gabe and his abuela to start building a family recipe book to keep around 🥺
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years
Masquerade || billionaire!Bucky
Billionaire!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: Sneaking into the infamous James 'my friends call me Bucky' Barnes' elaborate party seemed like such a simple task until you met the charming man himself. Everything about him pulled you further into his orbit and who were you to fight gravity. Warnings: 18+ only, implied smut, nudity WC: 2331
|| Main Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist || Masquerade || Facade || Charade
Reblogs and comments are much appreciated my sweets - love Ollie xx
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The decadent soirée was in full swing when you arrived, masked acrobats swinging high above the hall that was full of almost black roses. The elite list of invitees were already mingling over expensive flutes of champagne and their polished taste indulged in the White Gold caviar pristine hostesses offered as hor d'oeuvres. You declined the creamy white eggs but accepted the alcohol as you felt like an imposter in their midst.
“Do you have eyes on him?” Your handler asked through your ear piece.
“There’s three who match the description but the masks make it difficult to be sure.” You whispered discreetly as you pretended to admire the roses.
“I’m sure you will come up with a solution.”
“Black velvet.”
You turned at the sound of the man who had stepped in beside you and found one of the three possible suspects you had pegged as the owner of the mansion you were in. His deep blue suit set his eyes alight and the silver mask he wore was inlaid with diamonds you were almost certain were real. Even though you knew everyone who was invited was rich, he screamed luxury: from the tailored suit to the air of arrogance that clung to him as strongly as his sharp cologne.
He caught the quizzical look even through your black laced mask and chuckled to himself. “The roses.”
“Oh, they are beautiful.” You said as you followed his movement, his gloved fingers reaching out and plucking a stem from the bouquet.
“Because they are forced to be.” He said as he offered the single rose to you. “They have been modified to reach perfection. Something you seemed to have achieved naturally. I’m James, but my friends call me Bucky.”
“I’m y/n.” You said as you inhaled the sweet scent of the bloom and fingered the sharp thorns that lined the stem. “Does that line usually work for you?”
“9 times out of 10.” He quipped back with a charming smile. “I knew you stood out from the others. Should I just give up now?”
“I didn’t take you for the type to give up so easily.” You shrugged and slotted the flower back into the bouquet. “Or take advice from a woman.”
“Is that what you think of me?” He asked, his dark eyebrow peeking over the top of his mask. “I love it when a woman tells me what to do…in the right situation.”
His ocean eyes were turning to obsidian as he took in the curve of your breasts swelling over the designer dress you had been given for the party and down its length to the daring slit that revealed your leg. You could feel his eyes undressing you and he smirked when he caught you pressing your legs together needing to apply some sort of friction between.
“This used to be a royal embassy before my family bought it.” He said, looking around the room lined with paintings that were probably worth millions each. “Would you like a tour?”
You were nodding before your handler confirmed what you had already realised, he was your target. The target, James, cocked his elbow and you slipped your arm through his before he began to lead the way out of the grand hall and up a pair of intimidating staircases. Your heels tapped loudly on the stone steps and you realised just how quiet it was away from the party, there wasn’t a single person on this side of the palace.
You came to a stop in front of a pair of dark portraits and your head tilted to the side with familiarity. “These are Rembrandt.”
“You have an eye for detail.” He smirked as watched you inspect the paintings.
“They are extremely well made copies.” You whispered as you stepped closer and eyed the detail of the brush strokes and the lighting cast across it.
“Who said they were copies?”
“I saw these quite recently at the Louvre and I haven’t heard of their sale, that would certainly make the news.”
His smirk widened as he began to walk further down the hall with you in tow. “The Louvre would never admit they were displaying counterfeit artworks, imagine the embarrassment.”
You were beginning to feel like a lamb to the slaughter as you walked past a Monet and Klimt next, hundreds of millions of dollars in artwork in a ten metre span. It was no wonder the Barnes family had been running the criminal world for so long, they had infinite resources. And you were hoping to topple it all with a pretty dress and a pair of tits, what were you thinking.
“This wing was the original palace built for the House of Savoy in 1875.” James said as he opened a gilded door and let you through first.
“Keep him talking.”
“What is it now?”
He shut the door with a smirk that sent a lightning bolt straight to your core and instead of taking your elbow he placed his hand on the bare skin of your lower back. “Guess you’ll just have to find out.”
You were hyper aware of the smooth leather glove that was pressed to your skin and you were grateful for the daring dress once again as he led the way to another double door that was carved and covered with gold. You had never seen a more opulent room as you took in the space that was larger than your entire apartment. The double height ceiling housed a glass dome that let you see the brilliance of the stars above and you couldn’t help but stop to stare at the sight that looked unreal.
“Are these the same stars as outside or can you afford bigger, better ones of those too?”
His laugh rolled over your skin and his blue eyes almost glowed between his mask. “I like that. I’ll have to ask Elon, see if he can get me some bigger stars. Drink?”
He slipped the empty flute from your fingers before you could answer and made his way to the bar that was set up in one corner with a dark red leather sofa beside it, facing a warm, glowing fire.
“Do you have any tequila?” You asked as he grabbed a bottle of champagne from the wine fridge.
“I have AsomBroso Reserva Del Porto or Clase Azul Extra Añejo.” He said as he held up two bottles that you clearly didn’t recognise. “AsomBroso it is.”
“Mhmm, sounds good.” You nodded, still kind of thrown by how well he rolled his r’s when he spoke. "You speak Spanish?”
“Sì, ¿verdad?” You shook your head at his question and he grinned as he poured two shots of the amber liquid. “My father made sure I was fluent in a handful of languages to cover most of the countries we have business in.”
The way he said it contradicted the smile he had and you were sure it was not something he had a choice in. “Just how much is a handful? Out of curiosity.”
He handed you one of the shot glasses as he answered. “Almost 30.”
You nearly dropped the glass as your jaw did and a small splash of the golden liquid slipped over the rim and along your finger. You swapped the glass to the other hand and raised your finger to your lips to catch the wayward droplets on your tongue. Your eyes connected over your finger and the whole energy in the room changed as he licked his lips at the sight and you raised your glass to his before tipping it back. It was unlike any tequila you had drunk before, smooth with a rich warmth that reached your belly immediately, definitely not your more affordable Jose Cuervo you normally drank.
“Wow, that’s seriously amazing.” You gasped when the slight burn in your throat eased and you looked disappointed at the empty glass.
“You should have tried the caviar.” He teased as he took the glass and you followed him to the bar this time, leaning against the countertop as he refilled the glasses.
“You were watching me.” You smiled to yourself, impressed you had gained the billionaire’s attention that fast.
“I keep my eye on everyone who comes into my home uninvited.” You choked on the shot you were about to take and began to step away from him but he caught your hand and pulled you flush against his body. “Uh-uh-uh, where do you think you are going, beautiful? The party's just beginning.”
Your mind was racing as fast as your heart and you tried to think of ways to get out of his grasp. “I’m a cop.”
“What the hell, y/n! Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“Nice try, doll, you think I’m going to believe you're a cop? You’re wearing a Givenchy dress and Louboutins, which are admittedly from last season but still more than a cop could afford.” He laughed and stroked his knuckle gently over your cheekbone. “Plus, you have too much sex appeal.”
“Thanks, I guess.” You said with an eye roll. “Fine, I was curious as to how the other half lived and my friends bet me I couldn’t get within 100 feet of the party.”
“And what did you bet them?” He asked as he relaxed his hand so his fingers were almost laced with yours.
You looked down at your hands and made the move yourself, curling your fingers between his before looking up into his baby blues through your mascara thickened lashes. “I bet I could fuck the host.”
His lips tipped up at the corners but he caught himself before he could really smile at the thought. “Why should I believe you? You could actually be a cop for all I know.”
“Rich men like yourself must have contacts at every police station along the Eastern Seaboard, I’m sure you could check-”
“Careful now, y/n.”
“-or…I could prove it right now.”
His eyes were darkening by the second as your hand trailed up his hard arm, knowing beneath the glove and the layers of clothes was a very advanced piece of technology. His eyes were screaming at you to prove yourself and when his lips parted in anticipation you couldn’t hold back. You rose to your tiptoes to reach his ruby lips that were calling you, even with the heels he was too tall, and you laced your fingers in the long strands of his hair. His lips were softer than you imagined they would be and they moulded to yours as he deepened the kiss, tongue lashing across yours as you fought for dominance but gave in as his hands roamed your body.
“Tell me we don’t have to trek across this mansion and climb an Everest of stairs to find your bedroom.” You begged as you unwillingly broke apart for air.
“Not quite.” He chuckled as he tightened his fingers around yours and headed to the doors set off from the library corner.
You crashed to his mattress in a sweating, heated mess and tried to remember how your legs were meant to work but the back to back orgasms he had pushed you through had rendered the limbs useless. With a satisfied sigh, James fell to his pillow beside you and brushed a hand through his messy hair that stuck up at different angles. He had been right, he certainly took orders from women and every direction you gave he did without question. You could only say he was the best sexual partner you had ever had.
“Holy shit.” You giggled as you snuggled into his arm that he opened for you. “That vibrate function was fucking insane.”
“I guess there’s some perks to losing an arm.” He chuckled as he looked at the black and 24k gold plates that had replaced his left arm. “Hell of a silver lining.”
You swore you had been bewitched everytime he smiled at you the way he did, it stole your breath in an instant. It had only gotten worse as your masks had been tossed aside so you could kiss the sharp shape of his jawline, seeing it all come together was a masterpiece.
“Oh shit, where’s my phone?” You asked aloud as you tried to find where you had dropped it with your clothes but you couldn’t see it anywhere.
“It’s safe on the dresser over there.” He said as he nodded to the set of drawers. “You are quite careless when you have a mission, or should I say bet to win.”
You pulled yourself from his arms and padded across the plush carpet to retrieve your phone and opened your camera. “Smile, I have to prove I won.”
He dragged the sheet over his hips to protect his modesty and he laughed when he caught your pout behind the phone, which was capturing the perfect image of him. “I better not see that shit on TMZ.”
“Oh no, I don’t want to share this with anyone, I might even take a loss on the bet so those horny bitches don’t get to see it.” You said seriously as you climbed back into bed and dropped your phone next to his. “Should I apologise for making you miss your own party?”
“I’m pretty sure I’m the one who made you miss the party.” He quipped back as his eyes greedily drank in the sight of you naked against his sheets. “How about next weekend?”
“The clone of his phone has been successful.”
He pulled you closer and kissed the sweet spot he had found at the base of your neck and begged you with his deep voice. “Come and miss another party with me.”
“Congratulations, y/n, mission complete, payment transferred.”
You grinned as you pulled back to capture his sincere eyes and despite knowing it was a bad idea mixing business with pleasure, you were addicted to him already. “That sounds perfect.”
Click here for part two.
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