#this is my first susato ! she's cute and i like her
jidem · 1 year
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001 dungeon meshi or 002 susahao :3
i sense a long post so this goes under a cut
| dunmeshi |
Favorite character: I can't choose for my mental health. sorry. I love them all too much
Least Favorite character: ughgh Toshiro. next question
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): ooh...5? Okay so Farcille, Labru (it's not a must-have for me but I like it romantically or platonically), Laios x monsters, Chilchuck's messy relationship with his (ex)-wife, and lastly. Cithis x me
Character I find most attractive: goddd there are so many hot people in this manga and I'm aroace. it depends on the day but top contenders in no particular order are Kabru, Marcille, Laios, Cithis (see above), and Falin. and we can't not love Kui sensei for giving us the Senshi fanservice the world needed.
Character I would marry: I would marry no one but...objectively speaking? OF COURSE Senshi
Character I would be best friends with: Chilchuck !!
A random thought: The moment where Mithrun cries because "even vegetable scraps have their uses" made me feel like I'd been revived from the dead. dunmeshi is so good.
An unpopular opinion: hmm I don't really know?
My canon OTP: canonically no one like. "ends up together" in the super official sense and I'm happy with that! however farcille can count...i think anyways. it's not even coding it's plain as day
Non-canon OTP: like i said, any ship qualifies !
Most badass character: Senshi, because truly what is more badass than caring for the dungeon ecosystem and your friends' health and wellbeing by cooking them a balanced diet out of monsters. all with a single cooking pot too
Pairing I am not a fan of: Izutsumi x anyone. that girl doesn't want a romantic interest nor does she need one <3
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ...no one? I'm gonna finish my reread soon but I highly doubt I'll find one that I'll think was screwed up
Favourite friendship: The whole party warmed my heart. that hug healed me. ALSO honorary mention to Mithrun and Kabru because again the feeling of being restored and learning to feel again is so real. honorary honorary mention to Izutsumi and the rest of the party because that is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life
when or if I started shipping it: "when I fall under your intense gaze..." I very nearly pointed at the screen and went "YOU'RE BISEXUAL!!"
my thoughts: they invented sapphism actually
What makes me happy about them: I love how Haori does not fucking hesitate to keep flirting with Ryutaro upon finding out that he is in fact Susato. what a queen
What makes me sad about them: the fact that their reunion in-game occurs when Susato is coming back, rushed, on what she assumes to be a family tragedy; and what she finds instead is Haori having been through a horrifically traumatizing event in her absence. both of these girls trying their best to study and have careers in Meiji Japan. the world makes it so fucking difficult for them.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: it's not so much a specific thing done in fanfic as like, an overarching trend that people tend to fluffify them a ton. i get it they're cute and lighthearted but they're also sixteen-year-olds in a world that is unfair to them. that being said, i also don't like the idea of making them 'tragic' for the drama of it all. let them be happy, but also give them depth basically!
Things I look for in fanfic: i don't read a ton of dgs fic these days but i look for good Haori background and characterization
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Gina, Maria...and that applies to either of them lol
My happily ever after for them: marriage marriage fraud (I can't take credit for this idea, since I first heard it from Seven ofc! but it's so real to me)
[ask game]
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dullahandyke · 5 months
Also I'm gonna try making one liveblog post again ‼ heres case 2 part 2
Was prompted to go into nikolina's cabin but I paused for a sec and sighed and panned to the right and there sholmes was hanging off of a desk bug like. It took several moments for me to gather the strength to engage with him
Sidenote I hate the new names for the Russian characters... pavlova? For real? What were their og names I'm gonna Google it
Ok borchevic isnt that much better but it's not fuckin pavlova!! So
Also I love the susato sprite where shes turned to look at something in the background with u... all the sprites of characters turning towards things of interest r so nice it rlly makes the space feel real. Adds on to the killer cinematography in here
Also also I need to get more like sholmes. This is a bad thing but at least he is not masking (I also dont do a lot of masking but I could do less of it)
DHHWJWJAK HIS FALLING ANIMATIOM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY HIS BOXING ANIMATION.... he is so comical and animated I love it. Need that to be me
Hes so real for that tho. Singing is so fun if u keep me from singing I'll kill u dead
Also I love his little cap flip animation. A bit stupid but that's fine
(I already have plans to add a sholmes sticker to my laptop once I finish this game)
Everyone has headaches 🤨 I personally blame a gas leak. Those r always happening on old shit arent they
Nikolina has dresses n shit in her wardrobe she didnt before... what did she unpack or something ? Maybe the cat did it. So helpful
Also the bookshelf being in the cabin is so cool the way it's set into the wall like that... dream house feature. Fuck a pool I want a book hole
I like the solution to the locked room being the ship tilting that's nice and fun
'Isnt there anyone who can help me out of this mess' ryuu calls. Deep breath. Pan left. Sholmes is hanging off the coat rack
Love sholmes w the tiara... u just know iris has So much fun doing dress up w him and he is equally as delighted
Btw the logic and reason spectacular continues to fuck
Asougi on the floor during the spectacular.... :(
Also poor nikolina she seems so scared
Love how susato knows Facts and Knowledge... RIP girlie you would have loved pub quizzes
Ryunosuke naruhodou objectum ally... 'well if the teapot is her friend that's fine, we're all different' ryuu I trust u w my life
LOVE IT WHEN RYUU DOES THE SPECTACULARS hes getting in the facking groove!!!!!
Also love how smooth all the sprites r... the mocap so awesome
We need to get ryuu and susato some kittens.... they would love Cute Kitten Video Compilation
Sidenote I love asougi's shin things. Cunt-tastic
I have to say this is rhe first aa game that I'm not watching a playthru of or cheesing with a walkthru and I'm having fun yippee!!!
I do wonder how long the case is gonna be tho
The percussion in all this music is so awesome
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Wait hold on a sec. If ryuu was being framed then that means there was someone else who knew ryuu was stowing away
Sidenote but I've been wondering, what did ryuu tell his family about him going to London? Becauss it seems like literally only he and asougi knew if they weren't even letting susato in on it. Did he tell them he was going somewhere totally different? Did he just disappear? Is he now on the missing persons list? I mean I Guess he could be an orphan but theres that whole ryutarou thing and I'd imagine he would need at least one additional family member to pull that off
We need to get susato access to wikipedia I think she would love it
We also need to get sholmes access to a fidget cube
Ryuu? We can get him access to a nice hearty meal. He deserves it
Ryuu getting distracted by strogenov's beefy arms... 🤐🏳️‍🌈
Nikolina... she looks like a small sad kitten
Wahhhhhh asougiiiiii... so niceys to nikolina...
Whenverr they show asougi I get so sad.. . RIP gayboy I loved u
The final deduction of the wardrobe.... :(
The music is fucking w me too...
I know she killed asougi but cant we let nikolina go.... everyone is being so hard on her she is 15
Case over.... AAAAAAA!!!! now I am hungry but bubbles is atop me so ig I'll just answer texts... if shes still not up by the time I'm done then we'll see about starting case 3 but doubtful
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beevean · 1 year
I remember how a long time ago you made a top 10 list of your favorite characters ever.
Wanna do another one? 'Cause I think there have been a couple of new additions in recent times :P
Oh yeah, I did, a lifetime ago! Yeah, it needs to be updated :P but I won't rank them, I'll put them in chronological order of when I decided "yes they're my blorbo now"
Sonic the Hedgehog
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If fictional characters can be considered your childhood friends, Sonic is mine :D
He's a simple, but nuanced character. He's freedom incarnate, he has an attitude and can back it up, he's cocky but kind and friendly. The only principle that binds him is helping people in need, not because he has to, but because he wants to :)
Dr. Eggman
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You can't talk about Sonic without talking about Eggman :P much like Sonic, he's a simple character but quirky and compelling enough. Dude just wants to conquer the world because he thinks his genius needs to be appreciated by everyone, and he will prove it to you.
He's one of those villains full of style, bombastic, both lighthearted and cruel without one trait overshadowing the other. Sometimes the games simply show you his personality through the environment, such as CD's wretched Bad Futures or Adventure's colorful Egg Carrier. He's a destructive force of nature with an amusement park as his evil lair. An icon.
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My favorite protagonist of all time. What can I even say about him? A character with 30 years worth of development, the symbol of the eternal, perhaps futile, struggle against fate, the incarnation of determination in the face of the whole world that wants you dead. He's more than one of the most iconic manga characters in history: he's an inspiration.
Bojack Horseman
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Another one of my favorite protagonists, and almost the complete opposite of Guts. If Guts is an ideal, even with all his flaws, Bojack is painfully relatable. Bojack throws all of your flaws and bad thoughts and mistakes in your face and you will see yourself in him whether you like it or not. Still, he's charming and sympathetic enough that you always cheer for him to finally find the happiness he so vehemently struggles to reach.
Samus Aran
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The her <3 the woman of all time <3
A great example of how you don't need dialogue to showcase personality. With all games combined, you can tell Samus is a serious, professional person, confident enough to explore hostile alien planets all by herself, cold and efficient during missions but still with some empathy. Metroid games have an unique environmental storytelling, and Samus is the emblem of this. Also, you know, she's super cool :P
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou
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You'd think Ryuu is nothing more than Phoenix 2.0, and yes, they're similar. But I very much love his own character arc, how he started out as nothing and then ended the first game declaring that he's willing to become the enemy of the whole British Empire if it meant protecting a young reject of society. He also grows out of Asougi's shadow, fights him with everything he learned from him and his experiences, and his relationship with Susato is so cute, and he forms a strong bond with Barok dragging him out of his depression... favorite AA protagonist bar none.
Barok van Zieks
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I once used Edgeworth as my favorite AA character. His Dracula version beats him by a landslide for me :P
I mean, obviously he relies a lot on Edgyboy: he's cold, painfully sarcastic, has a similar backstory of the death of a close relative making him jaded... but I prefer Barok both for his own character arc, for how much he suffered in 10 years and shouldered the moniker of the Grim Reaper because he thought it was the best thing for London, blaming the entire Japanese population to flee from the truth he secretly suspected (which, uh, is not good at all, but it makes sense in universe), until Ryuu shows up and turns his whole world upside down, revealing finally what kind person he is - oh, the way he showers Ryuu with praise <3 and also, most importantly, this guy is hilarious, the absolute peak of quirky prosecutors. Legjection, anyone?
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Shadow if I liked him :P
I think I said everything I needed to say not long ago - gorgeous design, effortessly cool attitude, a likeable personality that evolves through the X and Zero games, aloof but honorable to a fault, loyal to the few friends he has. I can't really explain what makes him so charming, but let's just say, no wonder he stole the show :P
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How did this happen? When I finished CoD my thoughts about Hector were "oh he's cool, he's kind of like Guts if he looked like Griffith lol", and now I am drowning in fanfiction and analyses and dying on the most lonely hill that he's the best character in the series D:
Impeccable design - sure, he's yet another Long Haired Pretty Boy in Kojima's arsenal, but his silver hair is iconic and his outfit is super cool and says everything about his seriousness and no-nonsense attitude. Beautiful character arc, of him starting out as jaded and cold and willing to participate in genocide, but slowly reclaiming his own humanity, the nature that rejected him through no fault of his own, and affirming his own agency, and selfishly throwing everything away and that being the best choice he could have made. He said that he wanted power, but in reality he just wanted a place to belong to, and he finally found it in a peaceful cottage. Also his powers are so fucking cool and he can swing all sorts of weapons, from the Dragon Slayer Killer to a Piko Piko Hammer, the range <3
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He may be doomed to be second favorite. But not in my heart <3
Fucked up babygirl of a war criminal who can wear makeup better than me. He takes you in because hehe funny emo guy voiced by Liam O'Brien going full tiddies out and wearing the most pathetic excuse for pants. Then, oh, he's actually Hector's foil in nearly everything. Oh, he started out from the same place of wanting to exist in peace, but he chose loyalty to an ungrateful Lord over freedom and he dearly paid for that. Oh, the tattoos might symbolize how far he'd go to give himself to Dracula. Oh, he saw himself as a weapon and saw nothing wrong with it. Oh, Hector carelessly destroyed his whole life in one feel swoop and no wonder he hated him so much. Oh, the Curse brought to the surface the darkest parts of him but he didn't use to be this way. Oh, he might have suffered from one hell of an inferiority complex. Oh...
He's cool and he's campy and both a shameless asshole and a tragic victim, I couldn't ask for more <3
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thelocalmuffin · 2 years
hi!! hope youre still taking them but 42 for susahao?
42. Out of Pride
This one was actually one of the most challenging ones for me, so I hope you enjoy it. It's about 500 words.
Heads up that there are DGS spoilers. Also I used Haori's Japanese name, I just really don't like her localized name.
She’s made it on time.
Haori had left work to make sure she didn’t miss Susato’s first victory in the courtroom as a fully certified lawyer. She has taken the identity of Ryutaro Naruhodo, a cousin of Naruhodo-san during the trials and had passed the certification with flying colours.
Now she is a real lawyer.
Haori waits in the lobby, standing near the entrance as Susato walks out in her Ryutaro disguise, looking as handsome as ever. She comes out with her father, bowing to him and saying something in the distance. As soon as their conversation is over, Haori decides to join them. 
“You’re back!” Haori gasps as she rushes over to Susato. “How did it go?”
“Oh, hello, Haori. Thank you for stopping by.” Susato’s voice is still deep as she bows with a smile. “As for the trial…it went well. I think.”
Susato’s not usually this humble…
“You did wonderfully.” Her father smiles at Susato, grabbing her shoulder. “I think Naruhodo-san will be relieved to have a competent lawyer to help with the trials.”
“You think I’m ready to do this alone?” Susato seems stunned as she blinks. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. You didn’t even need my help today, but I’m here as long as you need me.” Her father assures her. “Well, I do have to get back to the university. Do you need anything else for today?”
Susato shakes her head.
“I see. I’ll see you at dinnertime. Haori, shall we?”
“Oh, yes, I better get back to work too.” Haori smiles with a bow. “I just came to support your victory.”
“There’s no way you could have known it would have been successful, though.” Susato taps her chin with the cute little pout she has.
“…Or console you if it didn’t go well.” Haori admits, looking away with a blush. “I just wanted to be there for you. Well, either way, I’m very proud of you.”
Haori swallows her nerves as she steps forward and leans in, pressing her lips on Susato’s own. Susato doesn’t even blink, leaning into the kiss seamlessly like they have so many times before. She pulls away, not wanting to keep her mentor waiting any longer.
“Well, I should have guessed with you two spending more time together.” Yujin sighs with a chuckle. “Well, let’s go, Murasame-san. We got some experiments due in the upcoming week.”
Haori’s face turns beet red, looking away as she scurries after her boss.She had been so caught up in the moment, she hadn’t realised her mentor was still there.Well, at least Susato’s father isn’t upset at her. 
Turning around to Susato, she mouths an apology. Susato just nods with a smile of her own and waves, turning towards her client. Following her boss outside, her embarrassment ebbs away, just happy that her partner is successful.
Hi, I'm still taking prompts! Please use the prompts here and ask. Also, I have written a 20 and 23 a couple times, so I'm going to politely ask if those two prompts aren't used. Thanks!
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4ragon · 1 year
How about Susato and Gina for the ask thing?
Hell yes, I'll do both! Let's go with Susato first.
Sexuality Headcanon: Susato :clap emoji: likes :clap emoji: girls Gender Headcanon: I feel like Susato has a sort of complicated relationship with gender that she should explore more. I'm not sure how to word this. Maybe like nonbinary, or gender fluid? A ship I have with said character: I do really enjoy susahao. They're girl best friends! What's not to love! A BROTP I have with said character: Her and either Ryuu or Asougi. Both are completely different relationship dynamics, practically opposites, but man. They're just so important to me. A NOTP I have with said character: Already said it in another ask, but her and Ryuu as a ship makes me uncomfortable. A random headcanon: I think Susato is the best at keeping in touch with everyone that they've met in London. She absolutely loves being someone's pen pal. She was Haori's pen pal when they were in London, and when they moved back to Japan, she would write to everyone back in London all the time, especially Iris. General Opinion over said character: She's one of the smartest characters in Ace Attorney and I adore her. She's so very different from the other female assistants, and I think that really helps her stand out and shine.
Next, Gina!
Sexuality Headcanon: I. Have never actually given her sexuality much thought? Huh. I don't particularly ship her with anyone. I could absolutely see her as aroace, or gay. Gender Headcanon: Same with gender, I've never really thought about it. I feel like she's the sort of person who just never really felt strongly about gender one way or another. Like she thinks of herself as a girl but doesn't really have any attachment to that label, you know. A ship I have with said character: Again, I don't really have any strong feelings on Gina ships. I've seen some cute ones, though. Gina and Susato is really cute. Also Mini keeps drawing Gina and Maria Gorey, which is conceptually fun. A BROTP I have with said character: Gina and Iris. Hands down, so much fun. They're buds. They're pals. They're practically sisters. Gina cares about this bubbly little girl so much. I love them. A NOTP I have with said character: I don't know enough about Gina ships to know what's out there. There're certainly some age gap ones I'd feel uncomfortable with though. A random headcanon: I think many years down the line she would help make an orphanage in the East End. She'd name it after Gregson. General Opinion over said character: Truly one of my favorite DGS characters. One of my favorite defendants in any AA game. I'm a sucker for characters who have deep seated trust issues, if you haven't noticed by now.
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cosmickestrels · 1 year
Please tell us your Thots on Barok and Gina for the ask game!
I'm going to do Gina first bc. you'll see.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi as well as demiace/demiaro
Gender Headcanon: Girl but also in a v loose sorta agender sense. I think it really boils down to - she honestly just doesn't care. Being gendered is fine, not being gendered is also fine, but she doesn't feel strongly either way
A ship I have with said character: Goulstrade! Ginasusa & ginasusahao are also noice, but I don't have any preference here
A BROTP I have with said character: I already mentioned her siblinghood with Iris when answering previous ask, but Kazuma worsties are the funniest thing I've seen in some time and I love it. Also her found-family-ism with Herlock is super cute and just...!!
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't rly think of anything specific, so just apply the same NOTP rule as Susato
A random headcanon: Ever since she was v young she loved horses and when she had a chance she would sneak out even to just look at horsies. Even now she hopes one day the Scotland Yard will asign her a horse (or she manages to buy one)
General opinion: V good character, but divines i wish she had more screentime!! One of my faves ever since my first playthrough and yall make me like her even more <3
And now. Barok my... yes <3 (anon what did you do. now i wont shut up for a week)
Sexuality Headcanon: Aspec first and foremost. He's definitely grayace with strong leaning on ace, but what flavoring of aro is he? Nobody knows and certainly not him. Don't even ask him what gender he likes, he'll bluescreen
Gender Headcanon: Guy... maybe. I think he never really questioned it bc he didnt need to, but at the same time he also wasn't raised with strict gender roles so he has a vague understanding of what a 'man' even is. Also considering everything that happened in his life gender is just so, so low on his thinking-about list. I can absolutely see him just realising he's agender as well as being just guy[tm] and everything in between.
A ship I have with said character: Vanlock my beloved,,,,, thank you for making me rotate them in my mind again (I mean this in a good way!). Both Barok & Herlock are such strong personalities that I can't help but love it. There are just so many aspects of them that i love!! Starting from the very surface level opposites (sad vampire - essentially a sunshine) to the more complex stuff like the fact that they're balanced just right to be able to find support and solace in each other without one of them auto devolving into a 'i-can-fix-them' state. I mean it - at the very core they're both flawed or even broken people. Barok's is just way more visible because he's all 'mysterious' and angsty and Herlock is mostly masking it with being silly. Anyway if I write any more this will turn into an essay,,, Also DLC case English side my beloved
A BROTP I have with said character: Aside from the canon friendship with Albert probably Runo post-canon whatever kinda friendship thing they have going on. I mean with how big-hearted Runo is and with Barok showing that he can change & repent for being, well, collosal asshole I can easily see them being friends. I can imagine something similar for Susato but she should be allowed to throw him to the ground first
A NOTP I have with said character: Him and Kazuma is probably the clearest "no" for me. Worsties turned cordial turned maybe eventual friends sure, but I feel like there is too much grievances and trauma between them to result in any sorta healthy relationship
A random headcanon: You even wondered how he's still so flexible? Barok is still practising ballet. In secret of course!
General opinion: Easily one of my favorite DGS charas and by a landslide my favorite prosecutor (I know my avatar say otherwise lol). He's incredibly complex and honestly I just have a soft spot for characters that are just so trauma ridden. I have opinions about that part of his arc and I would just rewite it to hating Asogi's specifically and Runo by extension since they're associated/friends. But at the end of the day and what really solds Barok to me is that he shown that despite being fucking awful he can change. He's not an immovable rock, he can understand being wrong, hell, he can apologise. Try to be better person. I can't help but adore that But yeah he absolutely should have his ass handed to him once or few times, no denying that (I could say also much more but divines I really dont want this to turn into an essay lol)
[ask game]
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blennie · 4 years
I’m so glad that I get to play dgs with both games ended because I hear that the first one ends with a lot of unanswered questions so I don’t have to wait too long :)
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wobster109 · 3 years
Clouded Kokoro thoughts (spoilers)-
This whole case was just so persistently sweet and human. I mean, it was definitely uncomfortably filled with racism (by intentional, purposeful design), but still. I just want every character to be better off and have a good life. There’s newlyweds constable Roly Beate and Pat Beate, all scraggly and covered in patches. He works long hours and just wanted to take her out for their anniversary, and she loves the single rose pitifully wrapped in old newspaper that he presents her, and doesn’t complain about their sparse life.
Then there’s old married couple John and Joan Garrideb, and they’re just full of secrets… secrets that are gradually revealed throughout the case. But the last secret came when John took the stand. Despite having a fight where Joan slapped him and threw stuff and him and literally caught the apartment on fire, he voluntarily got on the stand with her… no small feat as he has a bad knee and is chair-bound! His apartment is two flights of stairs up, and he wasn’t even summoned, but he took the stand anyway so his wife wouldn’t have to be alone.
And standing there, for the first time, I could see him from the back, revealing the back of his robe stained and worn through at the seat, and it broke my heart! And that’s what he does through and through, doing his best to keep up appearances when his life is going to pieces. He wears a ruffled jabot and military medal over his tattered and stained bathrobe. He pretends to have a maid whom he can’t afford. The house is falling down around his ears. And his undergarments showing through his robe is just tragic. I- I just want him to be happy in his old age.
I’m falling a little in love with goofy old Herr Lock??? There’s some weird chemistry in their Great Deduction dance. And he called me partner. And he invited Susato and me to live with him! And oddly, every time I try to write him off as a ridiculous fool, he turns around and proves me wrong. Like when he revealed he hadn’t actually accused Natsume-san, and had only deduced his location. Or when he wrecked Natsume-san after the trial.
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Will I end up shipping Herlock Sholmes x Ryuu? Maybe?? Idk??? Not fully over Kazuma yet but I’m feeling something for Sholmes here!
Ok, Ryuunosuke is pretty cute when he’s confident and making deductions. Way cuter than when he’s sweating and twitching in court lol!
One complaint though… why are the cases so easy? They are long but each step is fairly obvious. Especially “pursue” is super obvious… too obvious in my opinion. The visual thought bubble, the audio exclamation, and the ! sign on the circular slider.
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But beyond that, what evidence to present also feels too obvious. Too often, we get evidence and then it’s used in the very next step. I remember in the original trilogy, I had to think (and honestly, guess) a lot of the time, and somehow that made it more satisfying.
Bruce really came through for me. I thought he was a sleaze ball last time, but I’ve misjudged. I’m sorry I tried to pin Milverton on him.
Prosecutor van Zieks came through for me too. I loled when he told Joan he “couldn’t recall”, hah! I’m not surprised - this is case 4 out of 5, and prosecutors tend to turn into my allies around then. Will I end up shipping Ryuu x Reaper? Shipping with the prosecutor tends to be a thing that happens in Ace Attorney games, so maybe?
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I was all set to love Kazuma forever, but I have to say, Barok van Zieks is incredibly beautiful. I mean, lots of characters are cute or cool or even attractive, but not many are beautiful. Miles Edgeworth is beautiful. Barok van Zieks can give Miles Edgeworth a run for the title.
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characteroulette · 3 years
well all rightie then, it’s time to analyse how DGS1 handles grief really well in my opinion
(once again, spoilers for all of DGS1)
(also some spoilers for the original trilogy games) (and a little of DGS2)
okay So my thesis statement here is that Asougi’s character in DGS1 is the vessel through which Ryuunosuke and Susato’s grief is explained. Everything about how they relate to Asougi is their dealing with their grief in a simple message: Loss hits hard, but you have to continue to live and love. Life Goes On, shaping that grief into yourself if you allow it.
We start off with Case 1 as our baseline. The set-up. It’s a routine to show what life is like for Ryuunosuke before tragedy. (Fitting for an AA protagonist to have their baseline of normal being accused of murder.) This case does a really, really good job of setting up Asougi as our friend, our partner, whom we might spend the rest of the game with.
(I mean, the death flag’s kinda obvious if you’re genre-savvy; the mentor must die so that the student may grow into their own. But Asougi’s so likeable! He’s confident, genuine with Ryuunosuke, comfortably teasing, and looks at you with the same eyes as Klavier. What’s not to love? Also that small hint of something deeper is so tantalising that for it to go unresolved is pretty unthinkable.)
It’s important for us to see how much Asougi means to Ryuunosuke, how much the two really are best friends. This set-up is pivotal to what happens next in Case 2: the drop.
The way Ryuunosuke reacts to learning about Asougi’s death is real. He tries to deny it at first, can’t bring himself to believe it. Especially since he’s been accused of the crime! But the moment he sees that photo of Asougi that Sherlock took, that’s where the truth of it hits and he can’t run from it anymore. All he can do is try to push past that biting grief to at least solve his friend’s murder and set things right.
Susato’s own grief is portrayed really well here, too. She’s so angered and clouded by it that she totally ignores the fact that Asougi and Ryuunosuke are best friends and believes Ryuunosuke to be the murderer. Really, she just blames Ryuunosuke because it’s easier that way, since the wound cuts just as deep for her.
What really strikes me, though, is how the whole case isn’t just a one-note misery. Like real life, the two slip into sadness when they remember their dear friend, but they’re still able to joke around. They still get upset or sarcastic or excited. Because, though their grief affects them immensely, the message is that life continues. It can’t just stop for them like it did for their friend; life goes on. Not out of malice, but out of necessity.
Also, the way Sherlock acknowledges their grief is pretty great. That felt hugely validating to me, how he tells them that their mourning is important and how his jovial, joking tone was never properly taking that into account. The way he continues breaking in at the end to lighten the mood, too, is his own genuine way of trying to help, exhausting though he may be. It’s appreciated, at the least, to keep us the players from breaking down into tears as the conclusion rolls with no real satisfaction at the mystery being solved.
That final conversation between Susato and Ryuunosuke, at least, is hugely cathartic to make up for that. It sounds like it should feel rushed, honestly, dealing with the majority of the grieving process in just Case 2, but it doesn’t at all. It seems properly healthy, like the two are doing their best by confiding and taking comfort in one another in order to celebrate Asougi’s goals, to keep going where he can’t. Ryuunosuke and Susato both form their resolve here to continue to live, not just for Asougi, but for themselves as well. For life’s sake.
Because, again, life goes on.
(A brief tangent: Seeing the contrast of this story versus the original trilogy is also a really neat sort of view into Shu Takumi’s growth as a writer. Or the AA series’ growth as a whole. How Edgeworth handled his grief by never really acknowledging it in AA1, how he basically ran away from it by refusing to live as a sort of punishment against himself, is really sad. Then Phoenix handling his grief in JFA by turning to anger and resentment is just as heartbreaking. Phoenix disavows himself from it, trying to spare himself the pain by denying it, which only hurt him more and he had to have everyone around him break him out of that awful mindset. Then in T&T it’s Godot’s grief which drives the plot, as he turns his anger on Phoenix unjustly. He blames Phoenix for Mia’s death and lashes out at everyone instead of allowing himself the time to properly grieve.
And then DGS1 comes along to say that maybe the answer is just that life goes on and we have healthier ways to reconcile with our grief and it’s just real neat to see!)
In Case 3 and 4, we can see through Ryuunosuke’s discussion with Lord Vortex (/Stronghart) the continuation of his handling this grief. It’s a burden, one Ryuunosuke doesn’t fully understand, but he fervently takes upon himself because we want to live for those we’ve lost. (It is the Wright way, the Naruhodou way, to take on the aspirations of the friends you’ve lost. To mimic their mannerisms, their ambitions, in order to keep them close to your heart.)
(That’s a whole other can of worms I could dive into, honestly, how their decision to give Ryuunosuke all of Phoenix’s poses for the whole ancestor vibe while ALSO making it clear that Ryuunosuke took them from Asougi to begin with, it’s just. It’s good, it’s perfect, it’s the same brand of gay the series is known for and I’m love it.)
You also see, as the trial of Case 3 progresses, how Ryuunosuke is basically just living off of ‘what would Asougi do?’ as Susato coaches him along and it’s fun and bittersweet all the way through. Case 4 is where he gains more confidence in himself, but he still defaults to thinking of Asougi’s unwavering trust in him to help him and every time it’s handled with tenderness and shows just how much Ryuunosuke loved his friend.
And, if you’re like me and take every opportunity to examine Asougi’s badge and present it to Susato (/others), you see how they continue to grow with their grief. It starts off with both of them being unable to say much, still weighed down heavily by Asougi’s loss. Though they are continuing and life goes on, it’s still a wound too fresh to approach and hard for them to properly explain.
By Case 5, though, the two of them are more conversational. They’ve found their words, they’ve mended that wound as much as possible so that life won’t leave without them. It still hurts, of course, but it’s easier to think about. It’s easier to reconcile when they’ve been working hard and making friends and continuing to live. It’s small, but the progression is there and I really appreciate it.
Speaking of Case 5, though, everything about this one, in regards to Asougi, is pure catharsis. It really is like they’re looking their grief right in the face and accepting it as a part of themselves. Ryuunosuke looks back on his friend not just with fondness, but with gratefulness that Asougi could make such a big impact on his life.
(This is similar to the whole Phoenix and Mia thing, I feel, since Phoenix often thought of his mentor with the same sort of tone. At least, I think so. Remarkable how Phoenix’s grief can mirror the finalised version of Ryuunosuke’s with the help of spirit channeling! /joke)
Ryuunosuke and Susato have etched Asougi into their hearts and their persons and it’s just really, very good I like it a lot.
(okay time for a few paragraphs on DGS2 and Asougi)
Case 1 one DGS2 is a neat look into Susato’s mind and thought process. You can definitely tell she’s still just a 16-year-old with the mistakes she makes and how she tries to handle her own arguments, which is very cute. We also get to see her actually talking to Asougi’s grave and then see how her own relationship with Asougi has influenced her style (/poses) and aspirations. (Ryuunosuke, too. It’s cute to see how she’s ended up a mixture of both of them.) And it’s a great rug pull moment for the player, since the way that the grief is handled in DGS1 is so good and (almost) final that hearing Asougi might not actually be dead is a bit like digging up old wounds. I mean, we went the entirety of the first game coming to terms with his death, what do you mean his body went missing??
(Case 2 serves as a reminder. Like haha remember how Susato and Ryuunosuke both love Asougi and are sad about his death? Here’s the baseline again, get ready to have it wrecked!)
And Case 3 is phenomenal, too. The way Van Zieks is so understanding in his response to showing him Asougi’s badge is just. It’s perfect, he’s so gentle and empathetic that it shocks Ryuunosuke (even though Ryuunosuke did the same understanding and concern for Van Ziek’s situation Ryuunosuke please). Then the way that Ryuunosuke sees Asougi, disguised in a cloak and mask, and immediately recognises him. To me, that really shows how much he loved his friend. He knew Asougi for about a year and it’s been about nine months since Asougi’s death, yet Ryuunosuke recognises him just by the way he carries himself.
But, to him, Asougi is dead. He’s made peace with that. So, even if it plays on his mind, he can’t allow himself to think that. He puts it out of his mind completely and doesn’t think on it again.
At least, until Susato (who reacted very realistically by shutting down the possibility that Asougi might still be alive because that means Sherlock lied and she couldn’t take having that hope break her worse than before) sees the exact same thing just as immediately and shouts after him. The fact that they both see this disguised man and know it can be no one besides Asougi is insane. It’s love. It makes me cry, I wish they could’ve hugged him during the big reveal (though I know Japanese culture’s just not like that).
Anyway, DGS2 diatribe over. Back to the conclusion.
The whole of DGS1 is just a masterful example of how grief doesn’t have to destroy you, of how life can go on and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and how channeling that grief into motivation to keep their memories alive can be powerful. That it’s okay to still feel grief even as you heal, that it’s okay to have fun and keep living even as you mourn. Life is a mixture of levity and tragedy and, to me, DGS1 nails that mixture with perfection.
Absolutely legendary. Join me next time when I dive into the main theme of DGS2, which is literally ‘the dead will come back to life to haunt you’ thanks for coming to my essay talk
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bailey-reaper · 3 years
How about in which the s/o is a new cafe owner whose shop is really near the court house with Barok being one of the first customers (it quickly becomes Barok's go to place to relax). They don't know who Barok is at first being new to London and the two get to know each other quite well. Cue Ryunnosuke and crew walking into shop one day hoping to get something only to find the Barok actually smiling and laughing at something the s/o said.
Headcanons (When Hell Freezes Over...)
Notes: Oh that's a really cute idea! I do like coffee shop-style AUs for that slice of life (and slice of cake) perspective!
Content Warnings: Ryū's certain the end of the world is coming; Barok can smile; help??
Just his luck: the place he usually goes after a rough day in court is closed due to a plumbing problem. So, he turns in the other direction and goes in search of another bakery or cafe to pacify his grim mood.
To his surprise, a new establishment has opened –– about the same distance as his usual place, but in the opposite direction. A delightful scent of cake and coffee drifts out on to the street; he figures it's worth sampling this place at least.
"Welcome!" the person behind the counter greets him warmly, and introduces themself as the proprietor of the cafe; they recently moved to London and have poured all their resources into setting up this place, so every customer is greatly received.
Barok's impressed at the range of goods on offer, and the adventurous flavours; he decides on a blood orange & chocolate torte along with a cup of drinking chocolate, then he takes a seat to wait for his order to arrive.
A short while later, his order is ready and upon trying the offerings he's taken aback by how good they are. The drinking chocolate is incredibly luxurious, with dense notes of cocoa swirled balanced by the addition of milk, while the torte blends the flavours of orange and chocolate together delightfully. It seems the proprietor is very skilled in culinary matters.
Thus, their little cafe and bakery becomes his new regular haunt and soon enough they're greeting him on a first name basis (after he was pains to stress that his status as a noble was of no consequence when it came to attending their charming premises with a view to enjoying their fare)
One day, having sung the praises of the little cafe, Iris took her family – Sholmes, Ryū and Susato – there to try the wonderful cakes and delicious drinks. As they walk in, they hear a familiar voice and yet it has a far lighter note to it; followed by a cheerful reply and the same well-known voice breaking into a laugh.
Ryū stares, wide-eyed and dumbfounded, at the sight of Lord van Zieks smiling and laughing as he engages the person behind the counter in conversation.
"Am... I hearing things?" he looks at Susato, "Susato-san that's... Lord van Zieks, right?" she nods, "But... he's smiling and laughing!? I didn't think he was physically able to do either."
"Well... it seems not when it comes to you, Naruhodo-san," Susato replies, before smiling behind her hand, "It's rather sweet to see him in a good mood, isn't it? I wonder if he realises that he's falling in love with the person he's talking to..."
"W-wait what?! He is?!" Ryū does a double-take from Barok to Susato, "How on earth can you tell that?"
"Oh, well... it doesn't take a genius, just look at that softness to his gaze and listen to the tone of his voice. He's undeniably smitten."
It's at that moment that they realise Barok has turned his attentions to them, and is looking at them with a most stormy scowl, "What on earth are you lot talking about and within earshot no less?! Cease your idle gossiping!"
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"Ah! My apologies, Lord van Zieks," Susato looks away, "I didn't realise you'd overheard me..."
". . . Yes. Well. I did," yet all of them can see how hotly he's blushing. It looks like Susato-san hit a bullseye!
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write-like-wright · 3 years
since you did the prosecutors before can we get exes headcanons for them (like what they would be like if they were ur ex LMAO)? if this is too broad u can pick ur favorite aspect of it (u dumping them, them dumping u, seeing them in public one month later 🥰 etc)
skjdksfnfjnf this is so funny yes!
Being their ex: Ace Attorney rival prosecutor edition
Miles Edgeworth
if you thought he was awkward while you were dating, wait until you see him after your breakup
he does NOT know how to behave around you at all anymore
mostly attempts to avoid you
may or may not pull another one of his "prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death" stunts
goes to Europe for a few months to compose himself and figure out how to proceed
he's especially stumped if you are somehow obligated to interact, either through work or maybe if you live nearby
tries his best to be civil and gentlemanly, but it's painfully obvious he'd rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment
I imagine you'd have mutual friends, so before every group outing he asks if you're going to be there
something may suddenly come up if the answer is yes
*cough, cough* "I can't, I'm sick"
"boo you, Edgeworth"
I'm assuming you broke up either because of how much he works or because he fears for your safety because of your relationship
maybe it was just a heated steel samurai discussion taken too far
Franziska von Karma
oh boy, this is not gonna go well
so cold to you in the public
throws around a "foolish fool" or two your way
grips her whip so tight her knuckles turn white
cries when she gets home
absolutely cannot forgive herself for allowing someone to know her so intimately and see her in her vulnerable moments and then they're just... gone
probably puts her off dating for a while
if I had to guess why you broke up, I'd assume it was due to her intensity or competitive nature
Diego Armando/Godot
this man has many, many exes
not much changes in his demeanour towards you
he's as cool and as smooth as ever, but is careful not to cross over into the flirty territory
you're either addicted to caffeine or absolutely repulsed by it at this point
walking by a coffee shop makes you uncomfortable
don't know why you broke up, but you get back together at least twice before separating for good
Klavier Gavin
Klav remains his good old, friendly self
will drop an album about your breakup
expect a lot of hate from his stans
the media hounds you
you get invited to participate in a few reality shows probably
he feels bad and tries to defend you
offers to make it up to you by taking you out for dinner
you hook up
you break up again because you can't stand the constant scrutiny and him being away for long periods of time
rinse and repeat
Simon Blackquill
there are so many potential reasons why you could've broken up
too intense? scary at times?? manipulative without even realizing it??? spends half his life savings on a fancy katana???? who knows with him
goes full emo
do you guys know that canonically those marks on his face are from crying so much in prison? yeah (they're apparently starting to heal too, good for him)
acts all tough at work, goes home and cries to HIM - Gone With The Sin blasting at full volume
flip-flops between being a gentleman and a jerk should you meet in public
makes a few snarky comments about you and your relationship to hurt you, then has a minor freakout when realization.exe kicks in and he notices you actually are hurt
apologises by sending you cute bird pics
"Look at what Taka did today."
"He's wearing the bandana you bought him :)"
"Please respond I'm so sorry don't block me"
You eventually remain friends so you can get bird visitation rights
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
acts polite and smiles sweetly, but occasionally ends the conversation with "I will pray for you", not unlike a hostile southern lady
you miss him and his expensive haircare and skincare products
you can definitely live without the 8-hour sermons
perhaps the cultural differences were too hard to overcome? or maybe it was the constant travelling? in either case, you mutually decide that ending your relationship would be for the best
I imagine dating literal royalty would be exhausting
Barok van Zieks
make no mistake, this WILL cause a scandal
no matter the reason for your separation, get ready to deal with some serious gossip
everywhere you go, you notice people whispering about you
"I hear they ended their betrothal with Lord van Zieks."
"Well, I say! Can't imagine dealing with the Reaper myself."
everyone wants to hear your side of the story and any potential dirt you may have on him
Barok acts as gentlemanly as ever, as befits a man of his standing
he's a solitary man, but his solitude soon leads to loneliness and resentment
his consumption of fine vintages increases by tenfold
whatever it is that happened between the two of you must have been major
betrothals are not lightly ended, especially with the heir of a powerful noble family
might not even be your doing, perhaps family got involved
perhaps, his family reputation has been besmirched? ahem
Bonus: Kazuma Asogi
poor Kazuma can't catch a break
Ryu gets a tear-stained letter written on 18 sheets of paper, front and back
"Oh, dear," Susato sighs. "I suppose this means the wedding is off."
while he's no lord, he is a prosecutor in the service of Her Majesty and the news of a courtship ending would be scandalous
perhaps, for that reason, and fearing how the public would react to your relationship (it is Victorian England we're talking about after all, Van Zieks' views are far from unique), you chose to keep it a secret
at first exciting, your secret meetings and whispered words soon become tiresome
the fear of being caught is always gnawing at you
he may lash out initially when you leave him
offers to make your relationship public, to hell with the society
you both know it's a bad idea
"This is all your fault." he sighs as he pours himself another chalice of Van Ziek's fine vintage.
"My fault? How is your poor performance today in court my fault, my Nipponese friend?" Barok spits out. "You have been distraught for days now, man! Pull yourself together!"
"Not you specifically," Kazuma brushes off. "Your kind."
"My kind?"
"Stuck up posh twats."
Gina walks in just as they're about to draw their blades
listen babes I'm a Kazuma simp this is the only way i could envision dumping his ass
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dullahandyke · 4 months
and now part 3 of the case 4 liveblog! during this one mam audibly commented on how much i was writing in my note book lols
ok yiss we're back boyssss it's been like a week? wowza
ah. i had forgotten i was still dealing with the garridebs when we left off. :grimace:
yeah i don't like dealing w them can we leave pls
sholmes music is banging tho
oh no susato do Not look to these fucks as an example of a romantic couple
hi shamspeare i like your vibe
god the costume jewelry is a sight to see in the 1900s tho. boy who gave you a sceptre
hiiiii natsume it's been too long... i also like your vibes
sholmes eavesdropping... girl weren't they speaking japanese????
love love love when susato turns to look at me. are you seeing this shit naruhodo-san
can't get over natsume's sopping wet pleading face
'natsume's room s cursed' are we sure that's not just a gas leak
i like sholmes's thing about belief it's v sweet
ASOUGI FLASHBACK!!!! hi asougi :)
sholmes's trout dinner.... pov dinner date w herlock sholmes he leaves you for a doohickey
love susato's fist pump sprite.... patron saint of 'we are so fucking back'
20th feb.... huh that's tomorrow. contemporaneous playthru stays winning
'do all literary people take things so literally' first off youre one to talk ryuu second off autism on autism violence????
christ bvz's cracking out the wine early
bvz you're not doing yourself any favours by toasting to the victim's death
also i love susato's description in the profiles.... a huge help to ryuu always <3
also nice to have a non0murder case for a change. usually have to go to the audio cds for that
christ they really did give us precious little evidence from that investigation huh
boooo bvz don't waste good wine like that
ok predictions: blunt knife tip + lack of actual death = green is in on a plot to frame natsume
literally where would we be without susato. god bless
also ryuu appreciation he's so cute. little shaking sprites... his kind cow-like eyes have bewitched me
bvz's blue eyes unnerve me... get him some brown contacts. or at least dark grey
ryuu going back to nervous sprites... dw my boy it will be ok
also donut lips juror 5... :frowning2:
love ryuu's little wall slam. him klav + mvk are a holy twinity
fairplay leading the jury is also for sure some 'get natsume found guilty + we'll find you innocent' deal
yes ryuu know your rights do the examination <3
gregson in the background of the courtroom during the summation examination... lol
banging music continues to be banging
juror 2's freakishly tiny mouth irks me... girl how do u eat
ryuu should have called juror 2 a racist idiot to her face
ryuu why did you think asking garrideb abt natsume's character would workout
u can tell i don't play new games by how impressed i am by the animation of ryuu pacing as the camera follows him. real movie magic right here
surely juror 5 would've seen natsume if he jumped the trench tho... bvz what's the plan
booooooo once again bvz is way less cool without the cloak
points. the lovecore fucks have been spotted
also according to jules, your man was originally irish so in my mind he continues to be such
points at roly. autistic as fuck to be chewing his chin strap
'patrolling the beat is the most demanding work in the world' clearly someone's never been in the tumblr trenches
if i knew the beates irl i'd literally die from romance repulsion but patricia gets a pass for being cute. she needs to divorce that cop and get herself a real man (me)
society if this game treated fat women with even an ounce of respect
disliking the persistant domestic abuse jokes(?) this case... so uncomfy
the beats theme does not... feel fitting. for either courtroom or investigative scene
love ryuu's confident smirk... he's so >:)
bvz you need to get susato tossed so damn badly
'one of britain's guiding principles is tolerance' lol. lmao even
bvz's scowl sprite looks like 'eat yo sandwich bitch! the fuck you looking crazy for
i can so vividly envision juror 2's instgram it's awful
my god a third abusive wife... i have a feeling it's abusive wives instead of husbands bcos abusive husbands are more likely to be taken seriously/not treated as a bit joke and i dont like it
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How about a Platonic Sholmes and Ryuu with a gn Child reader where they do a nice family thing or smthn :) you've been doing awesome work these past few days! Don't forget to hydrate >:(
a/n: hi ✨ anon ! i made the kid around 5 years old in this ask if that's okay, i thought it would fit best ! hopefully i'm still doing good work considering i've been away for a bit gnfvsgegsfs i'm going to be cranking out these requests more now. anyways, i hope you enjoy !
sherlock and ryuunosuke with a kid headcanons
he's adopted another kid ?! that's not a surprise seeing how he's like a perfect dad and whatnot. he's perfect because he's so bubbly around children and can be the Cool Dad to some. he's not cruel, he is very leniant and can push the rules to make things seem more fair but if there's anything he's serious about he can and will make himself clear.
he definitely buys the kid all the cool things he thinks they'll like, he's a mind reader and the kid loves all the things he buys. sherlock also makes cool things like plush toys and little robots for the kid.
i can also see the kid bringing one of the plush toys that sherlock makes for them with them when they go out of the house for an outing or if they're simply just shopping at the local market.
he loves to bring the kid on little adventures, nothing dangerous but little outings with iris too to make it the best family outing ever ! he loves to bring you two to the park to have a picnic that you all helped prepare stuff for like the food.
the kid brings their plush to the picnic and hugs it while they're walking to a nice spot in the grass, sherlock holding your hand tight and the wicker basket in the other.
sherlock's drinking nice tea that iris made and is loudly talking to the two of his kids. he loves the both of them and to take a day off from work to relax with his little family he's even more happy than the happiest person in the world !
iris is nibbling on some sandwiches she prepared with her little sibling and smiling at all the words sherlock's saying, taking mental notes because these things could be used in the new script she's writing.
suddenly, sherlock's little kid pulls themselves up from the grass with little flowercrowns (iris taught them how to make them) for both iris and sherlock which flatter them a lot !
sherlock is quick to take off his hat to put on the cute crown of flowers, thanking his little darling and pulling them close to give them a hug and a kiss on the forehead, ruffling their hair too !
iris thanks her little sibling and tells them that she loves the crown, it's so cute and she can't help but squeal in delight, taking the crown and asking how she looked. the picnic is full of hugs, smiles and overall enjoyment !
ryuunosuke is the overly worried and stressed parent of the bunch, worrying about if he's a good parent and always has someone babysitting his kid while he's in court, maybe a certain professor mikotoba......
he is frantically trying to make sure the kid doesn't get hurt and if they do, he's picking them up and sweating buckets as he brings them to the counter to set them on and see to their injury.
he is awkward with kids at first but he learns, susato is a big help to him and his kid sees her as their big sister (found family my beloved) and ryuunosuke as their respective dad. susato is so calm and collected that it makes ryuunosuke jealous. she can help when his child is crying with ease and ryuunosuke would have to go to a lot more lengths to make them stop (they stop crying if he trips on an open shoelace bet).
one day ryuunosuke took his child on a walk with their big sister susie and saw a cute little toy shop a bit ahead on the street. the little kid pointed off to the shop with glee, running off to inspect the contents of the window.
ryuunosuke stuttered as he got a scare at how fast his child could run ! susato chuckled at the eagerness of them. they really reminded her of ryuunosuke. he rushed up to see what was up and saw his kid staring into the thick glass.
he looked in the shop and saw that his kid was staring at the cute eyes of a plush mouse with big ears (guess who hehee). he looked into the sparkly eyes of his kid and back at the plush. he sighed and took out his wallet to see what money he had for the plush.
the plush was.. what ?! did he have enough money for that ?! he frantically looked in his wallet with sweaty palms and double—triple—quadruple checked that he was short of money and wasn't hiding any coins.... which it wasn't, that was the sad truth.
ryuunosuke put the money back in his wallet and sighed in defeat, apologising to his kid with a hand on their shoulder. he didn't like admitting he didn't have enough money for the plush but it was the best thing to do. that is until susato rushed up to them with her hand holding something.
"n-naruhodou-sama ! wait !" susato had noticed from the start that his kid was fascinated with something in the toy shop and watched the events unfold in front of her. "i have the remaining amount of money here to purchase the plush toy, here you go." she offered the last couple bits of money to him as a wave of relief washed over him.
"t-thank you, susato-san !" he put his hands together in a big thank you, "i'll pay you back as soon as possible !" smiling at his kid, he took the two into the shop to purchase the cute plush ! susato was met with a hug from two people (and a plush mouse) and smiled at the thanks she was getting.
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klapollo · 2 years
How do you feel about Juniper being set up as an interest for Apollo? Bc I totally forget its even a thing...when I do remember its just boring and kinda weird
It's......I dunno. I think it's kinda cute in a way? And I always kinda saw it as a sort of homage to the sect of the fanbase that adores him, though I could be completely wrong on that.
I can't really say it's a detriment to Juniper because she DOES get a lot of lore out of Turnabout Academy. I think it's really bizarre that she went to school to be a legal professional and then proceeded to go live in the woods and very much not be a judge, but that's not really connected to her love for Apollo. Her entire narrative is a little disjointed. Not the worst in the new games, but kinda odd.
I think it's kinda weird when the games give the protagonists any kind of canon, present day (read: not Iris) love interests in general, which is why i'm glad they cut the "sexy rival prosecutor who seduces apollo" idea. It's one thing to have romantic tension/chemistry between characters that can be read as something else, like with Phoenix and Maya (yeah yeah I don't like it either but I personally think capcom is kinda on board there), Ryuu and Susato (see previous parenthetical lol) and even Mia and Phoenix in the first case. I think it's a little rough and tumble when you give one of them a canon bf/gf and I sincerely hope they never do it lol
Canon narumitsu/klapollo/junithena would be fun FOR ME but it'd never happen so I'd appreciate if capcom would let me enjoy my little fantasy by keeping them single and I'm sure lots of ppl who like other difficult/impossible pairings would feel the same
wow this went into a tangent im SO SORRY
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bagadew · 3 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Case of the Unbreakable Speckled Band (Part 2b)
Last Time: It turned out that my man Hosonaga hadn’t been kidding when he said he’d lay his life on the line for us, and was beaten up by the killer captain for letting us have a look around first class. As if that wasn’t enough, he then stood before us looking like the Knights of Ni, and gave us Kazuma’s autopsy report, revealing that Kazuma died of a broken neck. Now I (Ryunosuke) get ready to inveterate, and I (Eleanor) get ready to take the captain out!
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So it shall be.
Susato’s pointing out that it might be a while before we’re all back in Japan, to which I say: It will happen, I can wait
Now on with the actual investigation.
Out in the corridor Biff Strogenov the 1 ton sailor has finally left his post, meaning that we’re free to look for cute animals investigate my beloved Kazuma’s death in cabin number 2!
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Wait, that voice? Could it be? Has he returned to us?
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Yeah boy!
Oh... he’s not in our immediate vicinity and we actually do have to go in cabin number 2, so I guess we’ll see him again later!
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Ok game, I get it! I have to remember why we’re really here and not get immediately sidetracked by the faintest wiff of an animal.
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Wait...... does she finally believe in us?
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Right we’ve got a saucer on the floor, meaning that whatever Nikolina keeps as a pet eats off of it. This seems to make my snake theory less likely, but it does back up the idea that the ‘speckled band’ Kazuma saw could have been the tail of something like a tabby cat.
The books in the bookshelf have toppled over, just like they had in Kazuma’s cabin. I wonder if the ship made an emergency stop to let Nikolina onboard and that’s why they were all thrown to the left?
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Again Susato, I’m pretty sure Strogenov realised Nikolina had a pet with her the second he helped her on the ship and saw her suitcase wiggling.
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Everybody comes for Ryunosuke...
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Hang about... the bolt pulls to the left, the same direction the books fell in!
If someone new Nikolina was coming on board (*cough*The Captain*cough*) they could have killed Kazuma and left the door unbolted, safe in the knowledge that when the ship stopped the bolt would slide into place!
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(This is how I felt when Kazuma bought up Curare in the last trial.)
Ok, due to my being a bad influence on Susato, she gave the cabin bell pull a good tug, but fortunately it seems that none of them work (which is very odd).
Finaly both the teapot and bin are empty, which could mean anything or nothing at all, you never can tell with Ace Attorney.
Other than that, I think that’s it for the cabin. I was expecting to be interrupted or something, but I’m pretty sure I’ve looked at everything. Now let’s go into the corridor and see if there are any Himbo Detectives knocking about out there!
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Hell yeah!
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I agree Ryunosuke, the man’s a glorious Jack in the Box!
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Go an tap his back Ryousuke, I want to see if he jumps!
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Come on everybody, clap along!
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So tell me Susato, hows that image of the Great Detective holding up?
Because mine’s doing great!
Looks like Herlock’s been looking at the Ships log, and he’s picked up on the fact that it’s practically blank from 2am onwards, which interestingly is just after the time Kazuma’s diary says he was killed. I’d also imagine this is when Nikolina arrived onboard.
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Also Ryunosuk actually payed Herlock a complement!
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Something’s happening? What’s happening???
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(Though I don’t know why I’m surprised. I already guessed the rest of the ship was drugged so they wouldn’t see Nikolina while she was being smuggled onboard)
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Has Susato realised too?
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And off he goes! Singing all the way!
What a wonderous man you are Herlock
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I think she’s worked it out!
As expected of the daughter of the Professor of Pathology!
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You know I don’t know if I’ve ever really taken the time to appreciate the level of detail Ace Attorney has sometimes. Like this is exactly how I’d describe the sort of headache you get after being knocked out by drugs.
Susato’s left it for now, and I can’t work out if she’s already worked it out, or if she’s still puzzling it out. Either way, I think she’s got this.
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(Ok, I’ve clearly missed something here...)
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Or no, I haven’t!
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The alarm’s going off!!!
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(Clinging to each other Susato and I (Ryunosuke) managed to not die when the ship crashed to a halt.)
Now’s the time to see if the bolts slide closed though!
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(I’m talking about me, not Batman)
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Shit! We’ve been rumbled!
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Hosonaga cares for us so much
I care for you to Hosonaga!
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(Honestly I’m surprised the sound of me lowering a crown onto my own head didn’t somehow reach the game world.)
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Yeah Naruhodo-san, let Hosonaga in so I can show him my unbearably smug face!
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That’s not a very nice way to talk about Hosonaga Ryousuke!
(Sorry I couldn’t resist that joke)
So we have indeed been rumbled lads, and with at least one more part of this case to go it’s not going to be plain sailing
(I’ll see myself out...)
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