#this is now the most professional and put together rp blog i have
boosterrs · 1 year
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VERSE ONE / MAIN VERSE : meet booster gold, the greatest superhero you've never heard of! after coming back from the 25th century and spending years trying to make a name for himself as a popular superhero and failing, booster is enlisted by one rip hunter to protect the timeline & multiverse from an array of threats. a responsibility some would question giving to booster given his reputation as a "lightweight." and second rate hero, only in it for his own gain, however this line of thinking only helps for booster to protect the timeline and do his job properly, as not only can he not tell anyone what he does, but who would believe him anyway?
VERSE TWO / JLI : fresh from a fantastical time four hundred years in the future after fucking up his own life, michael jon carter, also known as booster gold is the tall, blonde sell-out belonging to justice league international. the public love him while his co-workers and peers largely only see him as a joke but booster thinks he's living his best life, though sometimes it'd be nice if other superheroes took him a little bit more seriously.. or at least if skeets could be less sarcastic.
VERSE THREE / BAD BOOS : michael's never really had the easiest hand in life, his father left when he was young to persue his one true love of gambling while leaving his wife and children behind to fend for themselves. as such, money was always a struggle despite how much michael's mother worked. then, suddenly she grew sick and michael and his sister were informed that she could be saved, if they had the money for the treatment and of course, neither of them did. but michael was not going to let that stop him. he started out rigging his own games, throwing them in a bid to make enough money to pay for his mother's treatment. then, then things escalated. he went from throwing games to holding money, to running deliveries then eventually to being involved in thefts and it wasn't all to help his poor, sick mother anymore who had rejected him and any further help from him once she found out about his secret. during a job that took him to a museum in metropolis that'd went wrong, michael had to think of a way to escape capture by the police and think of it fast! fortunately he'd found himself in just the right place and right time to find a time sphere that could take him not only somewhere else, but somewhen and after stealing the security robot that'd been following him around, michael did just that, landing in the late 20th century.
VERSE FOUR / VAMPIRES : uh-oh! something has went horribly wrong! the planet has suddenly, almost overnight been overrun with a vampire plague which has shown no discrimination in taking heroes, villains and regular people. the undead army grows by the day, booster is quickly running out of friends to rely on as he tries and scrambles in the how of fixing this whole mess! he was only gone for an hour!
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kavkasia · 4 years
hey jade I know you said you're busy but 👉👈 could you tell us more about your georgia of? i love the vibes I get from him and I'm not very well versed in the history of the caucasus so I'd love to hear more about him 👀
You know the way to my heart... ❤️
I’m going to ramble, so if you want me to expand on anything don’t be afraid to send an ask about it! I’m just trying to compact my notes and not write one giant paper LOL.
Human Name: Giorgi (Ilias Dze / Ilyich) Davitashvili
Giorgi — His first name actually started as a joke (Georgia... Giorgi... very clever) but it also works well. The patron saint of Georgia is Saint George: a military saint which has been popular in Georgia for centuries (parts of Georgia post-Christianization are believed to have combined the cult of Saint George with the cult of the pre-Christian moon god Armazi). Giorgi is also the most common male name in Georgia and the name of many Georgian kings.
Ilias Dze / Ilyich — He doesn’t actually use his patronymic anymore, but during the USSR he did have one because Obligatory Russification Time™. It’s after Prince Ilia Chavchavadze, a major contributor to the revival of the Georgian national movement in the late nineteenth century and widely considered to be the “Father of the Nation”.
Davitashvili — A Georgian surname roughly meaning “David’s child”. It’s a reference to the Bagratoni King David IV of Georgia (also known as David the Builder) who is famous for keeping the Seljuk Turks out of Georgia at the Battle of Didgori. It was under his reign that Georgia began to experience its Golden Age and much of the Caucasus region fell into Georgian hands.
He is around 2500 years old (physically he is in his mid-late 40s).
He considers himself to be an ancient nation like Armenia and Iran. Not that he’s wrong! It’s just not often acknowledged by others who aren’t familiar with him.
[steals bits of this from my RP blog because I got tired from linking wikis in an upcoming section oops]
• hospitable • sociable • stubborn • prideful • short-tempered • charismatic • confident • passionate • brave • spontaneous • lazy • sincere • boisterous •
Ok, listen. He is a bit of an asshole I’m not going to lie LMAO.
He is the type of guy that argues a point even when he knows jack shit about it (he knows more than a professional!!).
He has an opinion on everything.
He is super prideful to the point where he genuinely believes his culture is superior and his language/food/people/etc. are the best.
He has a bit of a temper (the kind that just jumps out with some build up) and he is sensitive to feeling slighted.
He is a flirt but it is not cool at all. He is an attractive guy (I have a reason lol) but he uses the worst pick up lines.
At the same time:
He is very devoted and loves genuine relationships. If you gain his favour he will do almost anything for you (there is also the reverse of this though).
He is so hospitable he is famous for it.
He treats his guests with the utmost respect.
He can be very chivalrous towards women (but it can come from a sexist place oops).
He is very friendly once you break through his initial serious shell.
He loves jokes and anecdotal humour.
He loves rugby, wrestling, football, singing, dancing, wine, this movie, and eating absurd amounts of (hopefully Pasanauri) khinkali.
He hates rules, not having enough money for cigarettes, if you put on a seat belt when he’s driving, criticism, refusal, and being called “Gruzia.”
He also plays the panduri.
Before I start, I have to say Giorgi is not a collective personification of Georgia. Giorgi is actually the personification of the Kartlians! He just has the title of Georgia and so represents the nation on the international level (and also the domestic level depending on the situation).
Start (~5th century BC)
I pinpoint his “birth” to be around when several Anatolian tribes settled in Eastern Georgia and merged with the local tribes. He had a couple caretakers who were like siblings or sibling-parents.
Kingdom of Iberia (Kingdom of Kartli) (302 BC–580 AD)
In this period he gets baptized, starts loving God and Jesus (becoming the second nation in the world to adopt Christianity) and says no to paganism (but lowkey-highkey pagan practices were kept up for a long time).
Also, Iberia is the Greco-Roman name that is used for the area. When you see Iberia, know that it’s Kartli.
Principality of Iberia (588–888)
He is just trying to live his life but the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Iran are ruining everything by fighting over the area. He also continues to love God and Jesus.
Kingdom of the Iberians (888–1008)
Lots of politics. Honestly, I hate it here.
Kingdom of Georgia (1008–1490)
The Battle of Didgori happens during this period and it was the best moment of his life. He has several amazing rulers including King Tamar. Lots of wars against the Byzantine Empire, various Turkic states and more. Eventually, the kingdom breaks up.
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Kingdom of Kartli (1478–1762)
Here he gets fucked over by Safavid Iran multiple times and also works as a weird slave soldier too so life is great.
Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti (1762–1801)
He has a short marriage to Kakheti that ends after he gets completely fucked over by Russia and then forcibly annexed into the Russian Empire.
Georgia Governorate (apart of the Russian Empire) (1801–1917)
There were actually several governorates in this period but for the sake of simplicity I’m going to list it as that one.
I have a small write up about the time here.
Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic (1918)
The Caucasus splits off from Russia. Giorgi represents Georgia and the TDFR (Armenia and Azerbaijan are also there as co-representatives of the TDFR). The Entente will later say they need to stick together but they forget one crucial detail:
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Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–1921)
Georgia splits off from the TDFR. Time to create a republic with a socialist government! Amazing! Too bad he’s the wrong kind of socialist according to the Bolsheviks and gets brutally stomped by the Red Army in 1921! 
All his neighbours want to fight in this period as well. The Entente also won’t commit to helping Georgia until it’s too late because they were suspicious of him after he had been forced to ask the German Empire for protection in 1918.
Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic (1921–1991)
Listen, the USSR was terrible, but at least Georgia was actually one of the nicer Soviet republics because he won the geographic lottery. He even got stereotyped as being the rich republic.
We just aren’t allowed to talk about Russification or the purges or the discrimination or the fact they would only print Georgia’s most iconic piece of literature in Russian.
(Oh, it’s also my headcanon that until 1936 he shared the title of USSR with the other republics.)
Georgia (1991–present)
1990s sucked. 2000s sucked. 2010s sucked. 2020 sucks.
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Best friend. Best girl. His Suliko. He loves her.
(I also have way too many dumb AUs for them 😭)
Other best friend. They call each other by their proper names because fuck Russian names. Also, this video is them (Giorgi is the wrestler).
They were married at one point in time. He is closest to her out of all the other Kartvelian regions (it’s the Eastern Georgian solidarity).
He is like a brother but they only really acknowledge that when they’re in a good mood or when one wants something from the other. It’s a love-hate relationship that has gone on for centuries.
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They are... okay. They go from tolerating to disliking each other pretty quickly. He hates when he hangs out with her and Turkey and they only speak Turkish to each other so he ends up being a third wheel that didn’t want to be here in the first place but his economic situation means he has to show up.
They had major issues but things are fine now, I guess.
Okay, Giorgi actually still has some issues, but Iran just wants to come over for a vacation sometimes.
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BUT YEAH UM... that’s Giorgi. This is all mostly surface level stuff so again, if you want me to expand on anything just ask. Thank you for the ask and ily. ❤️
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violetsystems · 4 years
I can’t really tell if my mood is better or worse on Sunday mornings rather than the typical Saturday.  Things have reached a point where it’s just not worth explaining how awful life can be.  My life story at this point is slightly more convoluted than a side job in Cyberpunk 2077.  It’s also seemingly just as insignificant.  That is until I realize I’ve been writing here weekly for over two years at this point.  I’ve been posting on this platform for what seems like over a decade.  The value of this kind of journaling has been impossible to gauge.  I just paid a full year for LinkedIn to keep my career contacts alive.  I post in the hashtag cybersecurity almost every day.  I have a solid list of five contacts that follow my company.  I post the zero day news as it happens.  I promote my brand and employability.  As if this is the only thing that is valuable.  A twenty year resume with management experience that gets picked over by AI and human just the same.  I also forget sometimes I’m a musician.  I was reminded last night when I posted the RP Boo “Bangin’ on King Drive” video.  I was at that video shoot.  Years ago I would just run into Bu in the street with his wife randomly.  I appear nowhere in that video as I was edited out much like I was the only artist edited out of a Pitchfork review for a footwork compilation from Japan that protested Nuclear proliferation.  If there were any more alarming trend for me it’s that most of what I try to succeed at is locked beyond a brick wall.  I sit here from week to week trying to figure out ways to keep myself from disappearing.  I worry about where I can actually pivot and when.  I lay awake at night alone in my bed calculating what my runway for cash positivity is before I have to leave this city altogether.  It sometimes feels completely futile and useless.  Everybody in America is winner take all when there’s nothing left to take.  It’s cutthroat and we’re all in this together at the same time.  The amount of bullying I have to process per day has left me broken down and angry ninety percent of the time.  And yet angry is a shitty look for me.  I lose at video games all the time.  And lately I feel as if I’m living in one.  To explain that any further gets into some territory of oversharing.  I’ve written paragraphs upon paragraphs about my life here.  And yet nobody seems to acknowledge I exist other than here.  Which leads me to believe a very few amount of people actually have the reading comprehension over 140 characters to look deeper into someone’s life, liberty and value therein.  I think sometimes that it shouldn’t be this hard.  That something is very wrong and deeply troubled about it all.  And there’s not much I can really do about the things I’m up against when it’s only me fighting it from day to day out here.  So I’ve fallen back to what I know.  We are still very much in the middle of a pandemic.  I’m happy the relief bill has passed.  I’m waiting to pay my taxes until it’s official.  Which puts me back in the same mood I’ve been in the last eight months.  A complete state of abandon.  This nefarious field of people watching you every day waiting to pin something on you.  It never comes because I know better than to fall back into that trap as much as I can these days.  
The worst of this mindfuck is over for me.  I don’t actually really care too deeply about how wrong things are.  Mostly because I’ve done my best to make due under impossible circumstances.  You’d think someone like me after all these years would have something to celebrate.  I kind of do.  My birthday didn’t matter to anyone really out here much last month.  It was a clear indicator that I had no real peers out here anymore.  As evidenced as how everyone in footwork I helped back in 2014 has literally just ghosted like the rest of my professional network.  I had a couple of things to fall back on.  But it’s impossible to fall back onto anything when people would rather pretend you didn’t exist.  I’m always supposed to read into these psychotic projections by society because somehow I’m supposed to realize more is expected out of me.  I can’t figure this out completely.  Like I brought all this upon myself.  That’s the vibe I get from day to day.  That because I don’t share my plans, agenda, or strategy with the real world I’m shit out of luck.  The irony is that I do share it verbatim.  Week to week.  In a very coy, oblique way this is true.  But I am also a writer.  This is another talent I’ve been taught by society that has no value.  I wrote emails for my bosses for years on my days off.  On my birthday even.  This doesn’t mean it is worthless.  The audience is out there.  If it weren’t I would have quit sharing my feelings a long time ago.  I’m fairly aware at some point I’m going to have to put this all behind me.  Hopefully when the world wakes up and returns to normal like nothing ever happened.  That’s going on as we speak and I don’t even have a vaccine in my arm.  It’s a constant state of fear and missing out projected back at you.  That the reason I’m not happy is totally because of what I choose to take on in my life.  And I’m supposed to get the message when people don’t actually communicate.  I had this strange realization yesterday when I discovered all my videos were closed captioned.  I watch movies with subtitles all the time simply because I love to read.  My videos barely get ten views if that.  I often think content is content.  If you put it out there someone will eventually find it and wonder about it’s value.  In the age of semi-spiritual machines it’s true that the algorithms seem to be the only curators out there listening.  Everything I say out loud is transcribed and mothballed somewhere on Siri’s or Alexa’s servers.  When I take a screen shot of the things I say off the top of my head, I’m often aware that something acknowledges I actually said them.  It’s just nobody human really wants to pay attention. They are hardcoded over my videos as proof of the value of my words.  Not like you can sell the speculative value of it yet.  The first tweet is being auctioned off as a NFT and you wonder how worthless I have to feel at this point.  I’m sure we all feel a little of this deep down.  Disconnected and in some sort of weird emotional exile.  I think it just makes me realize more of what I am connected to.  A history of authenticity.  A life that trades the catwalk for the streets as brutal and unforgiving as they are.  Nobody can stop talking shit about me.  But it’s almost always a hallucination.  For a person who puts it all out there, I must be a shitty fucking writer.  I can spend week to week writing the same thing.  That I’m completely abandoned and ghosted out here on my own.  And how it’s less unsafe and more simply a degraded quality of life when it comes to my rights as a human being to be happy.  I’m supposed to get the message when nobody can bother to read mine.  The writing is on the wall I guess.
So instead of pining on and on about it which I just did for two paragraphs, I still look for solutions.  I still broadcast weekly to let people know I’m still alive.  I make funny jokes to myself and screencap them to mask deep emotional scarring that is no fault of my own.  I literally feel trapped and under duress almost all of the time.  And yet, I don’t really have the luxury of taking the shit when I’ve had the hope choked out of me until I can’t breathe.  If the answer is to keep ignoring the problem, it’s hard to be me.  Because nobody can leave me alone.  No one seems to have any sense of dignity as to what I’ve been through.  I never claimed to be a victim.  That’s not really me.  I’ve survived and been resilient.  I can see that working a six figure corporate job in New York or China is probably more worth my time in the not so distant future.  I can also see that I’m worth more than what people sell me short for.  I know we are in a dangerous time of confidence tricks.  I don’t really have much to lose other than cash positivity.  I can wait this out until the end of the summer for sure.  And then I start to think about spending another winter being hunted and shunned at the same time.  Mentally I can’t fuck with this city after what it’s done to me alone.  I can’t keep being a superhero for people who can’t be bothered to understand how painful it is to be taken for granted after all these years.  I just give up on everything in the past that isn’t working and move forward as best as I can.  Just like they threw the entire contents of my office in the trash I can let it go.  There is a very real emotional exhaustion I have to deal with from day to day.  The level of psychological torture and abuse I’ve witnessed first hand in this city is at a level that is unlawful and unhealthy.  I know too much about what it’s all connected to.  And I know I’m better than all of this.  I don’t know how to proceed.  And this is a very real and dangerous situation that I am stuck in the middle of a shark tank feeding frenzy of well meaning but rabid idiots and the pricks that prod them with a sharp stick.  I don’t have a future here in this city.  I don’t have a future in this state or country if you wanted me to be real about.  And yet I have so much potential if I just hold on for one more year.  For one more decade.  For another forty years when they turn my blog into a NFT after my death like I’m the next Van Gogh.  Everybody will talk about how they knew me and how tortured an artist I was.  I was so misunderstood and it was beautiful.  They’ll fund a school with the proceeds that kicked me out the door because I was a blight on their payroll and budget.  And I’ll be a digital ghost just the same.  I feel like that very ghost now every waking fucking moment.  It is a pain I cannot describe in words.  It is a suffering that is goaded on in the worst syndicate driven way.  I have nothing good to say about any of this shit anymore.  I have no more room to break down and make things worse for myself.  I just have to adjust my schedule and manage my emotions with it all because it’s my fault.  This is the message I keep hearing in my head projected by silent looks as I picked up my prescriptions on foot avoiding everyone who wants to see if it’s true.  If I really am the bogeyman.  The source of the problem.  Someone to blame.  The scapegoat for everything that is wrong with the world.  Convenient but ultimately not worth my time to humor.  Which is why I don’t really know what to do anymore other than to stay inside and wait for justice.  If there’s anything poetic about it, it’s that it runs pretty seamlessly at 1440p.  Much clearer resolution than what this city wants to offer me after what it’s put me through.  <3 Tim
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sworntoprotect · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent (the mere existence of a post-canon verse is diverging from canon) / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. He started off as a tertiary character in the mage origin/Broken Circle quest in DAO, then ended up becoming something of a staple tertiary/secondary character in DA2 and DAI.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I’m not entirely sure how people feel about DAO Cullen’s appearance but DA2 and onwards he got himself a glow-up and an unwitting thirst trap reputation. What made ramen boy appealing in DAO for some is that if you played a female mage Warden, he’s “the one who got away”... because he literally booked it down the corridor if you got too flirty.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Perhaps? If you take a stroll through his tag, despite being a Templar, he’s not often portrayed as someone who’s fighting (*winkwonk*).
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK. Some in the fandom might even call him overrated, depending on who you ask. 
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. In DAO he begs for you to kill all the remaining mages in the Circle Tower, and you can accept or decline to do so. In DA2 he solicits a few quests and eventually sides with you to defeat Meredith. In DAI he’s the Commander of the Inquisition and a vital part of the war council. Overall, he’s there to provide a pro-Templar outlook for the character. 
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. He’s met every game protagonist thus far and had some level of personal/professional relationship with them. 
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. In DAO he was a newly minted Templar. DA2 he was elevated to Knight-Captain very quickly which got his name floating around Kirkwall, and of course by DAI he’s the head of the Inquisition’s forces so he’s even more well-known throughout (at the least) Ferelden and Orlais.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Both. The common people and fellow Templars would look up to him, whereas mages and pro-mage sympathisers would absolutely have an issue with the role he’s played over the years.
How strictly do you follow canon? — As closely as I can, without lingering too deeply into the “problematic views” part of his character. I don’t seek to erase them or ignore them, and I don’t have too much issue writing them for the sake of being genuine, but I also don’t want to write him as if he’s some mustache-twirling villain because he is not. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Since he was 18 years old, Cullen has suffered and struggled through adversity after adversity (torture, sexual assault, brainwashing, night terrors, drug abuse, and a healthy spoonful of “all my friends are dead”), and yet maintained a soft heart underneath the steel wall of being a warrior. His goal since childhood has been to serve and to protect, and his self-awareness, loyalty, intelligence, and drive to make himself a better and more caring man is what sets him apart from others of his ilk who in his shoes would’ve broken a long, long time ago.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — He’s a man who’s allowed atrocities to occur by not standing up to speak against them, has perpetuated the cycle of mage abuse by the hands of others, can be callous, closed-minded, and aggressive, and has a strong prejudice against mages that wasn’t properly resolved in his “redemption” arc – nor was his lyrium addiction/withdrawal.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  He’s the type of muse I gravitate towards: bookish, devoted, protective, a softy under all the stone, endearingly awkward. More than that, though, his story intrigues me. Cullen has gone through a lot (he’s either the luckiest or unluckiest person) and watching his trajectory throughout the series has been really interesting. I’d like to provide him proper growth and development that he wasn’t entirely given in the games, or that wasn’t explicitly shown.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My amazing roleplay partners with all the good work they put into their characters and the love they have shown me and my character so far. I love you guys <3  (<-- keeping that answer bc agreed)
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok. Still, I would love to have more feedback to see how i can improve even more. (<-- keeping bc agreed)
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF I write quite a few of them that never see the light of day, and I constantly and randomly sling little thoughts at my rp partners as they come to me. As for this blog itself, I’d prefer to have my headcanons evident in my writing, so I don’t post things about Cullen’s favourite colour or what he likes to eat for supper every night (and that’s absolutely no shade to people who do post headcanons that way; I honestly wish I operated the same way lol)
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. There’s a few on the blog already, hidden in plain sight.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. Even when I don’t want to think about him, I end up thinking about him. But I like thinking about him, so...
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? I’m still fairly new to the fandom and I’ve been learning a lot about Cullen, what people think about Cullen, what Cullen thinks about himself and others, etc. etc. Plus there are other, more well-established blogs for him out there. I’m honestly surprised I got more than 20 followers tbh.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I'm my own worst enemy with this one. Like, I know I’m alright but I’m not good enough for myself.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. Some things do bother me a lot more than others, but any annoyance I feel is pretty quickly done after I vent about it. Then I typically forget after a while.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I’m always open to constructive criticism that both highlights what I’m doing well and considerately points out what I could improve upon. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Of course! I enjoy delving into his character and wondering the “what ifs” of various situations that may or may not occur. And if we can write it together in a thread? Even better!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  No one owes me an explanation as to why they have an opinion, but yes I would like to know why. Maybe I misinterpreted something, or overlooked something. Maybe I made a mistake. I’m human. It happens.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — It only bothers me if it’s directed at me. I fully acknowledge that Cullen is controversial and has a very contentious past (or present) that rubs a good amount of people the wrong way. You don’t have to like him, but I do take some issue with people purposely twisting facts to make him out to be worse than what he actually is. I’ve considered writing a post about it truthfully but I don’t want that unbridled hatred to come to my doorstep if/when someone who’s not a fan of him reads it. It’s not worth it. Might do it anyway though. I don’t know.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Please do. Politely. English is my native language but I’m still out here making mistakes. smh @ myself
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I’d like to think so, yes. I have a very high tolerance level for a lot of things, don’t get easily triggered, and I’m always willing to chat about character stuff or irl stuff or... anything, basically. 
tagged by: @orsino-the-enchanter tagging: did you read this? then it’s you
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babbushka · 5 years
Babbushka’s FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Hello everyone!
I thought it might be helpful for you all to see my answers to some frequently asked questions that I receive.
1.The Basics
Hello! I’m Babbushka, I’m a fanfic writer for the ADEU (Adam Driver Extended Universe). You can find my fics in my Masterlist, or on my AO3. I have a personal AU/self ship with Flip Zimmerman, which you can hear about or avoid, using the tag ‘personal au’. I am very anti-reylo.  
2. What do you write?
I write reader insert fanfiction for the Adam Driver Character Extended Universe. The characters I write for are:
Kylo Ren in a variety of AUs
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (Any ‘canon’ Kylo Ren content is from a Canon Divergent!AU that I have, where Kylo has crushed the Resistance and reigns as Supreme Leader with his Empress (You))
Edwardian AU aka BB!Kylo 
Biker Gang!AU
Ancient Emperor!AU 
Bond Villain!AU
Criminal Prosecutor!AU 
Flip Zimmerman 
Pale (from Burn This on Broadway), 
Clyde Logan 
Charlie Barber 
Paterson &, and/or Paul Sevier 
Sevier Twins AU
Various Saturday Night Live characters (like Cameron Bissel lol)
If a character isn’t listed, like Adam Sackler, Matt the Radar Tech, Jude, etc., that means I don’t write for them. Please do not ask me to write a character that is not listed here. 
3. What will you not write?
I will not write reylo, nor do i want any of my writing to be associated with reylo. Please don’t tag my fics as reylo if you reblog them, and please please please don’t insert Rey into the reader, it just makes me so incredibly uncomfortable and the ship fully disgusts me. I also will not write “””bendemption”””, any fics about “””Ben Solo”””, or any fics set in the D/LF canon of TROS. 
I will not write heavy angst (such as breakups or divorce between reader and the character, infidelity/cheating where the character is cheating on reader or vice versa, torture or violence against the reader, MCD/reader death, hurt-no-comfort, dub-con, non-con). I also won’t write ddlg/daddy kink, breeding kink, monster aus, or a/b/o.
Whenever it’s ready to be updated. Please stop asking me this question you guys lol I do this in my free time for fun, I have a lot of factors that affect the timeliness of fic/chapter updates. I am so grateful that people like my writing but I am just one girl who is doing her best. I really appreciate everyone’s patience!
5. Can we send in prompt requests/submissions for Sinday?
YES – please check my description for when I am accepting prompts. Please don’t ask me if I’m accepting prompts if the description says I’m not. I keep it updated, I promise.
While I am always accepting prompt requests or submissions, I reserve the right to deny or delete any prompts I don’t want to write. I will usually always respond to the ask saying that I won’t write it, so you don’t have to wait around for something that never comes, because I do believe in being courteous.
Any prompts that request themes, tropes, kinks, or characters/ships that I have listed above will be deleted and you will be blocked. Please give me the respect of reading through my guidelines, if you wish for me to make content for you.
6. I’m confused about some of the terms you use and events you have on the blog. What’s sinday? Is it different than After Hours or Sleepover? What’s the difference between requests, headcanons, and thots?
Sinday = On the first Sunday of every month I open up prompt submissions. I always make an announcement post when sinday has arrived, and now with the new pin feature i’ll be keeping those announcement posts pinned to the top of the blog when it’s the appropriate day.  If you’re ever unsure, the description at the top of my blod says either “prompts are open!” or “prompts are closed”. When in doubt, just check there and you’ll know if I’m accepting submissions! 
Zannah After Hours = This is usually a part of Sinday, where later in the evening I post the nsfw/smutty content. This means prompts that people have sent in, oneshots that i’ve written of my own accord, and any art i’ve made that I want to share. But Zannah After Hours can happen any day of the week lol, especially during sleepovers. 
Sleepover = A chance for us all to hang out! I reblog a bunch of ask lists and ask games, people send in questions, or they send in asking for advice, or telling us about their day, or anything else they’d like to share. We talk about all sorts of things, it’s a great way for us as a community to just hang out and spend an evening together. I often will like put on a face mask and get snacks or something, or have a movie on in the background to help make it feel like we’re all sleeping over at my house and giggling together! 
Prompt Submissions (also called Imagines) = These are scenarios that you guys send in to me, that you want me to write. It’s usually only a sentence, an idea you guys have, and then I get inspired by that and write out anywhere from like 500-1k words based around the idea. These can be sweet, silly, angsty, or smutty! For example: “what would happen if Flip heard someone catcalling you?”
Headcanon requests = These are topics you guys send in that you’d like for me to go into some detail on in a casual way. It’s not fully fleshed out prose writing, but is instead a series of bullet points listing how I think the characters would respond to a scenario, or how they feel about a topic. For example: In what ways does Pale show he loves you?
Thots/General Shenanigans = These are just opinions that you guys have that you want to share with the world! It’s not expecting writing from me, it’s just you guys shouting out into the void and us all shouting back! For example: Clyde Logan is so thicc and I want to climb him like a tree.
7. Do you have a taglist for when you upload new writing?
Yes! Please see the link in my description, which will take you to a google form. You can select which characters you’d like to be notified for, as well as what type of writing (chapter fics/oneshots/prompt fills). 
8. Can you help me develop ideas for my fic?
While I am very flattered that you would consider me, I’m going to have to respectfully decline. I spend so much time developing ideas for my own professional writing and my hobby fanfic, that my brain tends to be fried and I’m of no help to anyone lol
9. Will you be my beta author?
Again, while I am very flattered, I will have to decline. Editing takes up most of my own free time, and I’m afraid I’m fried by the time I would be able to edit your stories.
10. Do you do RP threads?
Generally speaking, no.
11. Can I send you writing that I’ve done through the inbox/submissions box?
No. While I am flattered that you’d like to share writing with me, I really prefer to be tagged in a post you’ve made yourself, rather than posting your writing for you. You can tag my directly via the @ function, or you can use any of the following in the # section of the post:
for babbushka
I track these tags so if you include any of them, it’ll show up on my feed :)
Please understand that just because you tag me in something, doesn’t mean I’ll automatically share it. I only reblog writing I really enjoy, because I’m not really willing to compromise my personal standards lol. That’s not to say that if I don’t share your writing that it’s bad!! It’s just not for me, and that’s okay :)  
12. Do you have a masterlist?
Yes! I have compiled an ultimate masterlist that has links to my individual character masterlist posts. You can find those here, or via the link in my description if you’re on mobile, or via the link on my blog if you’re on desktop! 
13. I’m not sure if you’ve written this before but -- 
Please, please, please check the masterlists before sending in something if you’re unsure. Chances are, I’ve written it and you can read it right away, rather than wait for me to tell you it’s already been posted 6 months ago lol <333
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Square One (ooc ramble)
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So I thought I’d make a quick post talking about my continued journey into getting my Spicy Mental Health™ treated and how all that’s going. TLDR, I may have isolated the problem as to my noticeable decline with attention span over the past year or year and a half, but the good thing is that there’s probably a very easy way to fix it! Which is definitely good to know!
It gets pretty long winded and vent-y, too, though, so be warned. This is just a Real Ass Scoot Moment With Scoot Being Real, so keep that in mind.
So here’s a realization I made quite recently about my medication. For the longest time (I’m talking nearly 10 years or so) I assumed I didn’t have ADD, I just had anxiety and depression which was mimicking those symptoms. I believed this strongly, and for years despite getting legitimately diagnosed back in middle school (I think I was 13), before my anxiety diagnosis when I was 16. I think this is due in part to a REALLY BAD reaction to the drug Ritalin, which is notorious for making you feel like you’ve drank 10 coffees all at once. I honestly think that experience traumatized me so badly I truly thought I just didn’t have ADD at all.
I also probably believed this, in part, due to the anxiety medication I was on later, which did a great deal more to helping my condition. I won’t say which ones I was on because that would be TMI, but when I moved to Boston in 2016, I was on three different medications to treat my anxiety and depression. One was ancient and I’d been on it since I was first diagnosed back in 2009. One that was prescribed later when my Rock Bottom™ years started (I’m guessing 2011-2012). And then one I got at the tail end of my Rock Bottom™ years, in March of 2014. That last one might have been the one that Defeated The Evil and go the monkey of rampant, unchecked depression off my back for good, as well as a few key lifestyle changes.
Sometime when I moved here, I got a psychiatrist that, in retrospect, was fucking terrible for me. She barely listened to me at all, would shut me down when I came up with solutions she didn’t like, and ultimately discouraged me so much that I stopped doing anything more than going to her to get refills, and totally stopped going to therapy all together. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about my problems anymore, including her, because it was just so discouraging going to her about anything that she tainted the whole process for me. She shamed me for my weight, for not being social and making friends in a city and a part of the country I was totally unfamiliar with, and just never ever seemed to listen to me.
The most egregious case of this is when she fucked with my medication. Remember that list I just gave on the three types of meds I was on when I moved up here? Yeah, now I’m just on the last one. She took me off of the first two in 2016 (I think? Maybe it was 2017 -- my memory is shit), completely against my wishes, and she went totally cold turkey with it, too. I went to her, telling her that I ran out of those two maybe 10 days or so ago and though I wasn’t experiencing any withdrawal symptoms yet, but I’d really like to get back on the combination that had already taken me so far, and she literally refused. Saying “Oh, well, you’ve been off them both for so long already, so let’s see how it goes. I really don’t think you need to be on that much.”
It struck me as weird and panic inducing, even then, but she was adamant about it, saying that she didn’t want to risk me getting Serotonin Syndrome from taking so much medication for depression at once. Which, alright, fair enough, but she didn’t even try to ween me off of them. She just cut me off. But I trusted her judgement as a professional and certainly didn’t want to get sick or even die from taking too much medication, so I listened to her. And I never had a huge, unprompted depressive episode, so hey, maybe things were alright! 
There’s a catch though. The second drug I was introduced to, approximately in 2011? Remember that? Yeah, guess what. I did my own research recently and came to find out that it’s also been known to aid significantly in patients that have ADD but don’t want to be put on stimulants like Ritalin. Because if you have anxiety as well as ADD, it makes you painfully aware of that racing heart sensation. For the past 2+ years, I’ve felt my attention span slipping in ways I couldn’t understand or control, all because someone who didn’t really know me (remember, I’d only moved to this region a few short months before I even saw her) decided to play God with my life and not listen to my totally justifiable fears. 
I feel like all that time, all those abandoned threads and plot ideas, all the shit that I blamed myself for because I just couldn’t understand why it was so hard to pay attention suddenly!!! Is all her fault. I listened to everything she told me to do and then got so conditioned to never questioning her or talking to her about my problems anymore, that I didn’t even raise the difficulties I was having that were adversely affecting my life for what seemed at the time to be no reason at all. I feel cheated and angry. I might have cried a little bit when I realized it. 
The good news in this is that, 1) I don’t have her as a psychiatrist anymore THANK GOD. Last I heard, I think she was leaving the practice (probably because she was treating other patients as terribly as she was treating me), but she’s definitely no longer with the business I frequent. I’ve only met with my new psychiatrist once, and he already seems so much more kind than her, and I’m grateful for him. And 2) getting back on the medication that I was yanked off of should be an easy enough process. I really just have to talk to my new guy and tell him what I want. I’m not interested in going back on the first, because afaik, it wasn’t doing much for me anyways, and maybe serotonin syndrome actually is a problem I should be worried about taking all three at once. But at least I’ll have the two that helped get me through Job Corps and the most stressful move of my life helping me out again.
More than that, I’ve started going to therapy again, and that’s a huge relief as well. I miss my old therapist, but she seems to have moved to another office of the same company that’s slightly further away, but I love the new woman I go to see. She’s so friendly and easy to talk to, and she’s also from out of town, so we get to crack jokes about New England Drivers™, which is always fun, lol. More than that, she’s helped me see that there are good qualities to me instead of All The Things I Want To Fix, like my creativity, sense of humor, and passion for caring about and defending my friends and those I care deeply about. 
If we’re being honest, when I look back at these past years, it still kind of hurts. I can see quite clearly the break where my dwindling attention span started impacting my life and my presence in the RP community (technically it happened before I went indie, which means you guys have been dealing with 2 Braincell Scoot this whole time... My deepest apologies), and how it just kept getting worse and how frustrated I was with myself and things I couldn’t change about it. 
But that’s also the good thing about all this. I can and will get better, hopefully sooner rather than later, and I hope you guys will be around to reap the benefits. I love you guys, and hopefully I’ll be able to get to some replies soon! Either on this blog or any of the three others. 
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
Nanny Anon 2
Nanny Anon 2
Sept. 17
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Sept. 18
NANNY ANON, well’ I’ve packed and ready to go ,himself came to say goodbye and thank me for being in the wee-ones early development, It was quite touching. The mistress had the maid drop off a card reference last night and left this morning without a word. ( no surprise there). M and her mistress are looking forward to next week when I move in to the P. And I can’t wait to start a new chapter with a loving family. It sounds wonderful and never again will I have to utter the words ‘ all too…………”
Sept. 22
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ I’m having a wonderful day with little C&L , M is taking G to see Star Wars so I have the the wee-one and little C. This afternoon we’re going to bake fairy cakes , although little C wants to make Unicorn cookies and take them to school tomorrow … it’s a privilege to be in a loving home with such a wonderful mistress and adorable children, last night I cried with joy. And M and I have such a history of professional duty together. What a joy for a white Lady TTFN 😌😌
Oct. 3
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, we have been Sooooo busy with the little ones while the mistress and W have been engaged on royal duties. The mistress is such an understanding and compassionate woman she insists on the nannies as being part of the family and treats M and I the same. We have such fun with the little ones , there’s a tree house in the gardens which C seems to have turned into a Unicorn palace with daily visits from her school chums ‘ it’s a hoot ‘life is good for a white Lady TTFN.
Oct. 5
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, both M and I are getting a program together while the mistress and W are away, we both want to take them on a scavenger hunt at high grove with C&C. Unicorns will probably be involved and G is into Star Wars. So it’s going to be a full itinerary. Little C is platting her hair at the moment and loves the tree house playing with her school chums. It’s a wonderful life for a white Lady. TTFN.
Oct. 6
NANNY ANON, Hello Darlings, Little G came back from the match with a football signed by the team , and C had a book explaining the women’s World Cup. G is now officially a fully fledged supporter, such a fun day, the children are so exited I can see bed time will be fun. M and I are getting ready for an outing with the little ones as soon as the mistress and W depart for the tour. There off to the in-laws today so M and I are go into F&M for tea …… TTFN.
Oct. 15
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M and I have just returned with G&C from Thorpe Park ‘ I’m exhausted!! We went on all the rides, Little C wanted to have another ride on the Big Dipper ‘ o dear I nearly lost my breakfast ……… they had toffee apples and candy floss and G had to have tree rides on the water Shute ‘ I came over all emotional remembering Diana doing the same ride with W&H. O DEAR ‘ all too much for a white Lady 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 TTFN 😢😢😢😢
Oct. 19
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, The mistress and himself returned to a rapturous welcome from the children ‘ lizards ,Unicorn costumes and hugs lasted for over an hour , it was a joy, I think the first stop was BP so we waited a while but it was an exiting evening. This weekend M&I have the time to ourselves as the whole family are going to the country. We shall have a spa weekend in Bath and indulge in a lot of R&R. All To much for a white Lady. TTFN
October 20
NANNY ANON, hello darlings,” O joy and jolly japes”Tonight we all trip over to the in-laws to watch the“ Docudramarama” the mistress has asked her sister to come and himself is off to pick up C&C ! M and myself are busy making savoury and sweet popcorn 🍿 boss baby is having fun strapped in the Bouncer and G&C are playing 🦎and🦄 , it’s a joy to be part of a loving family ‘can’t wait for the fun to begin. God bless the future monarchy. TTFN.
Oct 27
NANNY ANON … hello darlings, still about ,things are hotting up for Halloween 🤡👹👻 the children are expected to wear their creepy costumes and my darling mistress is taking them and other little ones around the the village with the parents. M and I are going as the Markle Sisters 👯‍♀️ So don’t expect to return without egg 🍳 on my face 🤣🤣🤣all too much for a white Lady TTFN
Oct 28
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, WELL, WELL, WELL, I’m flabbergasted absolutely stunned darlings, I’ve just received an invitation from my previous mistress and himself to a private meeting in SH London for the opportunity of returning to her employ. Apparently the wee one is missing his nanny!!! and this is causing a lot of headaches for the mistress as she wants to be able to leave the wee one with a nanny she knows will be a bonding influence. I’ll keep you all updated as to my decision darling.
Oct 29
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ salutations to all who grace the blog of our beloved Skippy. 🐼. WELL , I’ve made the decision I was debating on yesterday. I’ve decided to remain at KP in the employment of the present mistress ( god bless her and himself) because I ‘ much like M have fallen in love with little 🦄🦎And 👶. It���s a constant privileged challenge to be part of this family, The Sunday night gatherings looking at the social media laughing at the ageing train wreck. Love to all. TTFN. 🤣🤣
Nov. 1
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Little C is refusing to change out of her Halloween costume 🦄, and we’re all going down to Sainsbury’s to buy some giant marshmallows to roast for the rugby match. When C digs her little feet in there’s no movement. The mistress is having quite a debate with the little one trying to see reason. In the end the RPO got her to change by promising her he’d find a police helmet as a substitute. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN
Nov 4
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ O joy!! Today M&myself take little C and G (with their poppies) to RP zoo with RPO. ( one of the zoo keepers are going to fix a Unicorn to a zebra 🦄for little C.) and G will gain access to the reptile house to look at all the 🦎🦎 “ what larks pip old chap” the mistress is having some down time back at KP with little L. Afterwards we’re all of to Harrods for 🍨🍦. So much joy for a white Lady. TTFN.
Nov 9
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Nov 11
NANNY ANON , hello darlings, my day off with M. We are exhausted darlings, absolutely knackered. Little C had a sleepover with four friends (fiendish demons) , OMG it was the sleepover from hell , first’ we put them all in the nursery, made up beds and lots of 🦄🧸🛴🏓🍪🍿🧁🍕👧👧👧👧stuff to play with and favourite eats. Only problem they didn’t want to sleep, himself had a few words to Little C at one in the morning because of the screams. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN. Bless.
Nov 18 (Royal Variety)
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, tonight M and I had too draw lots as to who went to the RVP. I lost , so I’m looking after the little ones. The mistress spent the afternoon getting ready as the dresser fitted the last tucks to the bodice. My goodness she looked magnificent when she walked down the stairs all the little ones cheered and clapped. Tonight it’s a treat, we’ve ordered 🍕 PIZZA and knickerbocker glory’s such a joy. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Nov 19
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, a wonderful evening was had by all at the the RVP. The mistress and himself stunned all who met them with there relaxed countenance, early that evening the little ones started to write a present list to Santa. Little C was the most vocal inquiring how Santa arrives on his sled and parks his reindeer on the roof of KP and shimmy’s down the chimney ( she’s now asking to sleep near the fireplace to meet Santa ???? ) all too much for a white Lady,TTFN. 🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅
Nov 21
NANNY ANON, M and I went to see “ The sound of music “ tonight, we both love the film. We spent the day with the little ones and C had somehow got hold of one of the mistresses cameras 📸 and was ( would you believe it) taking photos of M G boss baby and me. I asked her to give me the camera as it was mummies and all I got was , NO !! later I saw the snaps she took and was surprised. I returned the camera to the mistress who looked amused. Little C been watching mummy. TTFN. 📸📸📸
Nov 22
NANNY ANON, haddow darlig 😷🤧🤧 I dink I got vlue, my node I’d all blogged up , god a rodden hed and snoddy node. The lidda wonds is so fuddy, lidda C broughd be up bregvast od a tray. Bledd, da midredd called he dogta ad he gave be sum pawasetamol , M Id doig grate. Ib dink I’ll ged sub shudii , ord doo buch for a wide Lady, DDFN.
Ohhhh flu has hit KP! Hope you have a quick recovery 😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, still a bid bunggd up, but I’m sure I’ll be ok within the week, M and I are looking after little G and boss baby today,the mistress has gone to a shopping mall outside London with little C for Christmas shopping. Things are hotting up for the holidays and this weekend they bring the Christmas 🎄. Then we can have real fun dressing it. Back to wee boss baby 👶. TTFN.
Dec 3
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M&I very exited,tonight is the school nativity play and the mistress and himself has invited us. G is a wise king and little C is an “angel on high” …… M wickedly suggested boss baby could be baby Jesus 😱😱, But I don’t think the school is ready just yet. Little C has to say “and behold ‘ the three wise Kings” can’t wait, it’s going to be a hoot!! We all helped to make the costumes , G wore his this evening and looked very regal ( prophetic), and little C with wings.
Dec 7
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, is the mistress pregnant ‘ all I can say is little Lottie wants a pony for Christmas and himself has quite rightly affirmed that she’s much to young. I think in a couple of years great auntie Anne would be the first to help her into the saddle. We’re all looking forward to the forthcoming banquet ( I wonder if the mistress will wear the emeralds)’ enough gossip, all too much for a white Lady, TTFN.
Dec 8
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Lottie has just returned from a visit to the “stables” at the royal mews. (Enough said) , himself has retired to the lounge after breakfast 🥞, pancakes and crispy bacon 🥓 with maple syrup to laugh at the Sunday tabloids. The mistress is having a “late morning” so M and myself are busy with boss and George who is finishing his homework 📚. Another Sunday joy. TTFN.
Dec 10
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, it’s manic at KP , in a good way !! the mistress is becoming enthusiastically involved in her tennis lessons, ( several professional players lining up to coach her) my lips are sealed, Little Lottie is on a mission … it’s a day long mantra from the darling girl , anyone who she thinks will have sway with W&K is propositioned about the “pony”. I think some of her older school chums ride out. I bet Gan Gan soon enters the equation. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Dec 11
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, busy this morning ,decision to choose what C&G will wear for the Christmas walk to the service , winter coats and warm socks are the key. It’s going to be a joy seeing them for the first time at the Sandringham service with W&K. M and I are going home for Christmas M has invited me to Spain with her family, wonderful and the food darlings, I’m in for a real treat. Little Lottie will certainly have a pony ride for Christmas I’m sure, Such joy!! TTFN.
Dec 13
NANNY ANON, hello darlings , we have cancelled our holiday In Spain 🇪🇸, duty calls darlings, we had a chat with the mistress and himself last night and decided we’re going to accompany the family for Christmas, it’s our love for the children and to help the mistress, a joy really. Also the BP PR are briefing the DOD of C about forthcoming commitments. On a lighter note, tonight’s Blog night 😂😂😂 skippy,pg,and troll the colonial Banshee. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Dec 16
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Little Charlotte is Bewildered as to why there are no unicorn pony’s. The answer Zara gave was Unicorns are different , pony’s are special, clever Zara!! Lottie is full of questions, ( that age) it’s a daily challenge of wits. Last night was blog night, such fun ,all the usual suspects, where is @printskylie ? Never miss pg and her interpretations, so clever , the mistress loves skippy and Hunnymae , duty calls!, all too much for a white Lady, TTFN.
Dec 16
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, O’thank you all so for your messages, the unicorn presents 🎁 look fab. I’ll pass on your message, but I’m sure the the mistress has all information directed to her MPC. ( amazing device). W&K are both very high Tech. My life is full of love and joy, I’ve got Lottie a picture edition of “ The night before Christmas”
Dec 17
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, the children all sat watching TV, and watching mummy and daddy make cup cakes and roulades. EPIC . The kitchen is now centre of the universe, Lottie and George M and I making cup cakes and roly poly Christmas chocolate logs. Lots of mess and icing sugar. 👦🏼👧👶🧁🍰🍪🎂🍩 it’s boss baby, “ Mary Mary” Christmas 🎄 we are blessed, TTFN
Dec 18
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, himself is taking C&G ice skating this afternoon, I think this is another diversion from pony’s. It’s a dismal afternoon,raining in London so I think the little ones will enjoy the outing , the mistress is off to play a few sets of tennis with her coach. M and I are going to check online for some new clothes for boss baby, he seems to grow by the day!! This is a busy time leading up to a family Christmas, I think it’s Sandringham this year but arrangements are 
Dec 29
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, such a busy Christmas, the little ones were so exited with presents and gifts from the public. The mistress had a clearinghouse Of presents 🎁. A large amount of them go to local hospitals. Believe me they are talking thousands!! There’s a pink Flamingo in Little Lotties bedroom though.M and I are going to have a wee holiday over the new year, it’s been a wonderful Christmas. All too much for a white Lady,TTFN. ( sorry for no posts) been V. busy with the little ones.
Dec 31
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M&I and a bottle of celebrity plonk, our night off so it’s on with a movie,feet up and relax. All the i are crossed and the Ts are dotted , o dear the drink 🥤 has taken effect ………… we both wish shoo a happy new year and prosperoush , prosperoust, positives, O you get it , we never normally celibate like this , o dear, all too much for a white Lady ,TTFN. 🍹🍷🍾🍸🥂……��……☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
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kitsune-kirei · 6 years
TW: Self harm, suicide, manipulation, ect.
Recently I’ve seen some posts going around that have been affecting me heavily as an individual, posts that have triggered some very unpleasant memories. I felt like it would be wrong of me to just sit back and let these posts affect people I know without saying anything, without sharing my experiences.
I think there is something important we should discuss, especially in an online community.
I want to talk about how to distinguish if someone has survived a suicide attempt, VS someone fabricating suicide as a manipulation tactic. 
( Edit: I am not making this post as an excuse to call someone out on fabricating crisis. I am making this post to open the discussion about manipulative behavior. Never accuse someone of lying or fabricating a self harm story. And please read everything before jumping to conclusions. This text post is very long, and if you skim you will miss very, very important points and nuances to my words.)
I debated for a while if I should even post this, and asked for the opinion of multiple people. The last thing I want to do is trigger anyone who’s going through self harming thoughts and feelings, or sound like I’m trivializing a topic as serious as suicide. Though after seeing some of my friends affected by the topic of this post, and feeling manipulated myself; I decided I would post about my own experiences, to help people distinguish if they are being manipulated with self harm.  I’m motivated to write this because of the lack of information about what happens if someone survives a suicide attempt, especially if its involving a person you know through online interactions.
I think its very important to have a discussion about, especially with how serious of a topic suicide and self harm is, and how easy it is to fabricate a self harm story and manipulate online. I’ve seen and heard of suicide being used as a manipulation tactic in RP communities especially.
I want to start off with saying, its all right to seek attention if you’re suicidal. Its all right to reach out to friends and people who care about you. If a tumblr blog is all you have to reach out to others, then its okay to ask for help publicly. Don’t ever feel guilty about reaching out to others if you need help. I cannot stress this enough. ‘Seeking attention’ has such a negative connotation behind it, and we need to change our mindset about these two words when they’re put together. 
Below, I’ve put some numbers to multiple suicide hotlines across the world. Call them if you have no other option for relief. Its not shameful, it’s self care, especially if you don’t have anyone around, and you feel so bad and far gone that you might hurt yourself.  
USA Suicide Hotline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
European Suicide Hotline: https://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/
Australian Suicide Hotline: https://www.gogentleaustralia.org.au/suicide_help
Asian Suicide Hotline: http://suicideprevention.wikia.com/wiki/Asia
I sincerely hope that if you have self harming thoughts, you’ll take care of yourself and reach out to people you can trust. Either close friends, or one of the numbers provided above.
Again, I cannot stress enough, if you feel like self harming or ending your life, PLEASE SEEK HELP AND REACH OUT TO TRUSTED INDIVIDUALS.
With that made clear, I’m going to I’m going to talk about some signs to tell if someone is manipulating you by sensationalizing a suicide attempt online.
I really didn’t want to get personal with my own experiences... And even now I have a side that feels very ashamed that I’m talking about this so openly and posting it publicly. I realize though, that I have to provide some sort of backup to what I’m about to say, if I want to try to educate others about the topic at hand.
I’ve attempted on my own life twice now. I’ve been admitted to hospitals, and day programs where we weren’t allowed to leave until they knew we were better. I’ve made friends from these programs that have also attempted on their life multiple times.  I’m not saying this to gain sympathy, I’m saying this because I’ve experienced first hand what an attempt is like, from both sides. I’ll be taking from my personal experiences and some of my friends that were lucky enough to survive their own attempts.
Disclaimer:  I am no expert when it comes to this topic, and I’m not claiming to be. I can only provide my own experiences for help. 
Also, these points will be written from the perspective through the internet, and not face to face.
EDIT: These points are also made from the perspective as an USA citizen. I cannot speak about experiences from other countries, like Europe, or Asia. Your experiences will differ based on Country, or the state you live in.
Again, please seek professional help if suicide and self harm has been a constant throughout in your life.
Below are the points I’ve written up from my own experiences what happens when someone attempts suicide, and red flags to look out for if you suspect you’re being manipulated online.
1. The biggest red flag that you could possibly get that someone is sensationalizing a suicide attempt, is if they have access to a mobile phone or a computer only a few hours after they said they were going through with suicide. Anyone who’s survived a legitimate suicide attempt, and found, will most likely be admitted into a hospital, and ALL ELECTRONICS WILL BE CONFISCATED, for days or weeks depending on how severe the attempt was. They will NOT let you have internet access, and you will lose contact with this person for days, sometimes weeks if the hospital finds physical proof that they tried to end their life. The hospital takes multiple blood tests to see if you have any abnormal amounts of drugs in your system, and check your body thoroughly for any cuts or bruises.
Again, HOSPITALS DO NOT GIVE YOU PHONE / INTERNET ACCESS DURING THIS TIME. YOU LOSE YOUR RIGHTS WHEN YOU ATTEMPT SUICIDE, AND ARE FORCED TO STAY IN THE HOSPITAL OR PSYCHIATRIC WARD UNTIL YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS DEEMED STABLE. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.  This process can sometimes take weeks or months depending on how severe your mental state is. The reason you lose your phone and internet access is because they don’t want you to get triggered from anything you can potentially see online, or talk to people that could make your situation and mental state worse. If nothing was found in their blood tests, no outwardly self harm injuries are found, and their mental state is deemed safe enough for them to be alone, their phones and rights are given back and they are released from the hospital. 
If someone is online or on their phone right after a supposed suicide attempt, its almost guaranteed that they’re sensationalizing.
(Edit: Your experience on this will differ based on where you live. Example: Its been brought to my attention that the UK will not do this in most cases. Though from my knowledge, most US states confiscate your phones. Not all, but most.)
2. They provide too much information. If they give you a very detailed run down on their situation and exactly everything that’s going on, they’re probably lying. There’s an excerpt perfectly explaining this from an article here:
"When someone goes on and on and gives you too much information — information that is not requested and especially an excess of details — there is a very high probability that he or she is not telling you the truth," wrote Glass. "Liars often talk a lot because they are hoping that, with all their talking and seeming openness, others will believe them."
If you see the person in question online, and they’re posting about their suicide experiences with a run down about every single thing that’s going on, (doctor visits, medications they might be receiving, mental evaluations being performed), its a sign that they’re sensationalizing the situation, especially if its a play by play, or if they’re posting about it as soon as its happening.
3. They post publicly about their attempt in detail and in excess. I’ve never met, or experienced anyone who’s attempted suicide, that wants to broadcast their attempt publicly. When you fail an attempt, you try to distance yourself from the attempt as much as possible, and will probably only speak about it to people who are very close to you, if you even choose to speak about it. The feelings that come after are failed attempt are HUGE waves of guilt, shame, and regret. You especially feel guilty about the people you’ve worried, and hurt with an attempt. (I cannot stress how hurt the people close to you get after you attempt suicide.)
People are (usually) very apologetic and self loathing/deprecating after trying to take a step as drastic as self harm. They’re ashamed, withdrawn, and very quiet, especially when it comes to the topic of their attempt. Attempting suicide is one of the most traumatic experiences you can go through, and most are very unwilling to go into detail about how they attempted, or what happened after. The last thing you would want is for you actions to be broadcasted publicly. If someone is publicly posting their experiences after a supposed attempt, their motivations are probably to gain attention from someone specific, or multiple people. It doesn’t have to be, but its most likely the case. 
(On a side note, I’ve seen public apology letters being posted online from people who have attempted. These apologies and letters are not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about when the topic of someone’s suicide attempt is brought up over and over, post after post in detail.)
Edit: This point above is talking about when someone posts about their suicide publicly right after their attempt. It is possible that someone who has actually survived an attempt to start to post online about it, but in my experience, its very easy to tell the difference between someone trying to manipulate a situation to gain sympathy, compared to someone who is posting because they’re seeking help / comfort / don’t know how else to cope. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE WHEN SOMEONE ACTS ON ANXIETY, AND WHEN SOMEONE IS ACTING ON THE NEED TO MANIPULATE AND SKEW A SITUATION, or to manipulate sympathy from others. Anxiety tends to feel frantic and desperate, manipulation is calm, collected and thought out. This is not true for every single case on self harm, but it usually is in my experience.
4. They show no signs of remorse. A little bit of what I talked about above relates to this point. If you see little, to no signs of remorse or regret for an attempted suicide, they’re most likely using it in a manipulative way. (Edit: I want to make it clear what I mean by no remorse. If someone seems cheerful, proud, or even smug about their suicide attempt, its a red flag. People who have actually survived an attempt can also emotionless, or feeling ‘dead’on the inside afterwards. Not everyone who has attempted will feel sorry for what they did, but it usually will be coupled with ill feelings about them self or the situation.)
5. They try to guilt trip, shame, or use their suicide attempt as an excuse for someone to stay in their life, or to gain more attention/time from a person. This is a touchy subject, especially since you are absolutely not in the right state of mind when you survive an attempt. But it is still a red flag if someone uses their attempt at their life to guilt, or scare someone into feeling like they need to stick around. If you find yourself in this situation, please know that it is not your job to pick this person back up and make them feel better. Distance yourself from toxic behavior if you must. (Edit: I also want to make this clear, people who are under extreme spells of anxiety and franticness can start saying things along the lines of guilt tripping, but there is a huge difference when someone does this frantically and desperately form a hightened state of emotion, vs someone making calculated ultimatums). 
Edit - Other red flags to look out for (Again, your experience might differ depending on the situation)-
They suddenly backpedal from their claims as soon as you provide options for professional help.
They leave a suicide note that is passive aggressive, aggressive, guilt tripping, or done with an air of spite.
They claim they were in drastic circumstances (Ex: ‘I was passed out after what I did’, ‘I took a lot of drugs’, ‘my stomach was pumped’, ‘I died for a moment and they had to bring me back to life’) ; And then they claim they were released from the hospital only after a day or a few hours. If this person is released from the hospital only a few days after such a heavy claim, its almost guaranteed they’re lying. If a suicide attempt was as serious as these claims, you are kept inside the hospital for a lot longer than just a few hours or a day, without access to the internet or a phone. (Especially in US states, I can’t say the same for places like the UK). 
These five are the biggest red flags that someone is sensationalizing a suicide attempt. Of course, there are so many other points, and different factors when someone tries to take their life, especially since no experience is the same... But these points are commonly found in cases where someone is fabricating a suicide for manipulation.
I also want to stress these points:
Manipulation, and seeking attention are two different things. Seeking attention is often done because someone needs help, and the person doesn’t know how to properly ask for the help they need. Manipulation is a form if emotional abuse, and is primarily done to force someone to feel a certain way with guilt or by demeaning them; or to try to gain attention from someone that has cut them out of their life, to force someone to stay, ect.
What happens in the hospital during treatment is not pleasant, by any means. Usually the hospital is a huge source of trauma after someone survives a suicide attempt. You’re usually put in isolation in a room by yourself, and housed with others who are having their own mental heath issues in rooms close by. Here’s an article that details one story out of many traumatic incidents that happen inside the ward where they keep individuals who cannot be trusted to be alone without hurting themselves, or others. (Warning, its graphic.) https://www.omicsonline.org/suicide-attempt-after-deliberate-self-poisoning-in-the-icu-2155-6148.1000284.php?aid=11686
If you suspect someone is fabricating a suicide, do not under any circumstances, accuse them of lying. 
Again, for the people in the back: 
I am not making this post as an excuse for you to call out someone on suspected fabrication. DO NOT DO THIS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 
It makes you look like the villain, and you might push the person into actually trying a real attempt; or you will accidentally shame someone who really has tried to take their life. Act with compassion, patience, logic, and understanding, for them and yourself. If you want to offer them support, provide helpful links and encourage them to seek extra, professional help, and stay away from the topic of their supposed suicide as much as possible. Cutting off a person is entirely an option as well. When someone is showcasing toxic behavior, it is not your job to make them feel comfortable. If you need to, take the steps to distance yourself from them as much as you need. Again, I am no expert in this topic, but these are the things that have been told to me, and things I’ve seen that help a situation like this.
Edit: If you are unsure of what to do in a situation that involves someone in crisis, please seek professional help. Any incorrect actions you take can push someone to take their life. Be careful, be cautious. Again, do not accuse anyone of lying about self harm.  
I’m  sorry if this post was triggering in any way... And I’m sorry if it was a difficult and uncomfortable read. I couldn’t just sit by any longer without saying something on the matter, especially since I see similar situations happen so often in RP communities. I really hope that I was able to provide some insight on the topic, so others who haven’t experienced this can tell when they’re being manipulated. 
Edit: I want to make it clear that I do not want my post to be taken as ‘gospel’, or my words as the only things that happen after a suicide attempt. This post is only supposed to remind people to be mindful and aware if they feel they are being manipulated, not taken as fact, or ‘if this person is doing these things, they are for sure faking it’. There are so many nuances and different situations when it comes to this topic, and if I were to try to address all of them, this post will be as long as a novel or two.
Please, stay safe friends. And use your better judgement. If your gut is telling you something isn’t right, its usually correct. 
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saturatedcoffee · 6 years
How to put Roleplaying on your resume
And other skills you’ve picked up along the way.
I’ve gotten so many discord messages since my last post, both from other rpers who include roleplaying on their resume and others who are hesitant to. So, for those of you who want to be able to use this as a marketable skill, or want to know how you can improve your current resume roleplay listing, I’m here to help.
Please note - I am not a professional resume writer, just a broke ass twenty-something who was written too many resumes. The examples used below are generalizations taken from my personal resumes that have resulted in me getting the job. Use your best judgement, but, if in doubt, feel free to shoot me a message!
Also, I am primarily a forum roleplayer. While this can be used for other forms of roleplaying, you may have to change more of these examples to better fit your experiences.
Tips for your basic roleplay writer
As your basic roleplay writer, you excel at mostly one thing - writing. Perhaps you’ve picked up other skills along the way, like graphics or coding, or you’ve become familiar with software like Google Docs. These are all important skills you use professionally, so be sure to include them in the Skills section of your resume. Employers often refer to these as “soft skills” and it’s extremely difficult to find employees that have those skills and actually demonstrate them, so these can really help you stand out.
But the most important thing is to be able to include some examples. Find your favorite roleplay post and include it in your portfolio. Gather together your best moodboards, signature graphics, or avatars. Link to your resource site galleries or your rp tumblr tag. Demonstrate that you actually have these skills and that they’re more than just words on paper.
Here’s an example of some of the things I list in the skills section of my resume.
Writing: website content, blog articles, social media, coding markup, collaborative articles, 
Software & Languages: Google Drive, Microsoft Office, WordPress, Invision Power Board, Tumblr, Photoshop, Gimp, Pinterest. CSS, Javascript, HTML, JQuery
I also include three of my favorite roleplay posts I’ve written, and I’m building up a coding tumblr to showcase the things I’ve coded for rp, which I will include on future resumes. While hobbies sections of a resume are very outdated, this is a subtle way you can include this particular hobby. And employers generally like you more for it!
Tips for your roleplay staffer
Staffing a roleplay is, or rather should be, a whole different ballgame from being just a roleplay writer. Because, if you’ve staffed your roleplay the right way, it has now become a well of marketable content you can actually show to your potential employer. You have actual proof of your management skills and abilities you can link a live version to, even if the site has since closed. Don’t take that for granted! That kind of content is very valuable to a potential employer.
And now, aside from listing your abilities in the skills section of your resume, you have the opportunity to list your staffing experience in the list of jobs you’ve had experience with. Because your web forum is, essentially, a brand, and staffing is your job.
Aside from listing basic rp duties, if you do social media for your rp, or even advertise for it, those are marketable skills. If you use particular software to make things for your rp, like maps or timelines, ads or trailers, include that. Each rp is different, and there are many different forms of roleplaying. So tailor the below example to your experiences and include achievements that are relevant to you.
Web Community Administrator - Site Name and link, 2017-Present
Wrote, edited, and maintained all web manuals across web pages
Moderated community engagement & content across platforms to enforce community rules and regulations
Consistently maintained brand voice across publications by creating style guidelines and consistent posting rules
Collaborated with community members on site content to create engaging SEO statistics
Built a successful user and readership base by building advertising strategies across multiple web platforms.
Tips for your roleplay coder
I am partial to the rp coder, specifically of forums, because I am one! Being able to code anything is such a skill these days, and employers like it a lot more if you tell them you do it for fun. Even if you’re not applying for a coding job, it’s another fun fact about you that makes you stand out.
If you’re a coder, I would suggest having a portfolio of your work somewhere. Either on a resource site they can access as a guest (codepen is great for this) or a blog, forum, or website they can see your work on. 
Here are some generic examples of things you can put on your resume, but tailor them to your specialties!
Web Forum Designer - Site or Portfolio name/link, Date-Present
Designed interactive web templates and mobile-first layouts to increase web accessibility
Maintained multiple web forums via back end control panel of Invision Power Board
Increased user engagement by ##% by designing intuitive interfaces
Built brand style guidelines to improve brand recognition, increasing website hits by ##%
Tips - and disclaimers - for everyone
The best tip I can give to anyone about writing a resume is to tailor each resume to the job you are applying for. Use keywords used in the job listing. Use terms like KPI or ROI where necessary. Use specific examples of the things you’ve done in concise sentences. Where you can, avoid being vague. Show your worth. Link examples!
The examples I used above are very generic and are meant to be used as a place to start from for everybody. I cannot stress it enough that you still need to tailor these examples to your experience and skills. For example, if you designed interactive web templates, link to your coding tumblr tag or resource gallery. If you wrote and maintained web manuals (see site rules, plot, member groups, etc.), link to that forum or those pages or put a (see below) and include them in the examples you send along with your resume. Use percentages where appropriate and include trackable data where you can to help illustrate your positive impact on that site.
However, when putting your resume into website instead of uploading it as a .pdf or .doc, this can be difficult. So use your best judgement.
How to tell a potential employer you roleplay while in an interview
So now that you’ve gotten through writing your resume, let’s assume you got the interview! Congratulations! You used your skills to stand out a little bit from the 800 other applicants that put in for the job. But you still have to make an impression out of the 20 other suits coming in for the interview. *Gulp*
I’ve found that the easiest way is to mention it when they ask you the infamous “Tell me about yourself” question. This question is your elevator pitch, so work it in in a way that’s quick and will make them want to ask you more about it later. Don’t make it the focus, just drop in a line and move on. For example:
“I’ve been working in media for the last five years, but I would like to focus on web media in particular. I’ve been writing for websites in my free time for the last decade, and found this is the area I’m most passionate about...” I’ll let you imagine how the rest of that elevator pitch goes.
Now my interviewer will probably ask me about all this experience I have writing for web that’s not exactly spelled out on my resume. But I’ll have those experiences, either listed in my skills section or as a job listing, to refer them back to.
So now you’re probably wondering, when they do ask you about it, how to not be weird about it. Because rp is...actually really weird I mean the amount of sex I write about is unreal, yo. But you really only need get into the basics. Tell them you enjoy writing, and that you enjoy writing collaboratively. And through that passion, you’ve learned how to effectively manage web communities or taught yourself CSS. When you talk about your passions in an interview and how they’ve lead you to pursue professional advancement, you really stand out. You become “that girl who loved writing so much she became this dope ass graphic designer” or “that guy who loved writing so much he became this insane web developer.” It shows not just passion, but a breadth of skills and curiosities and gives you much more potential to grow within a position than other candidates.
While talking about your roleplay experience, offer to send them examples of your work when you get home. The amount of times I’ve mentioned my creative passions in an interview and had the non-creative interviewer want to know more is too damn high. But not only does that give you the opportunity to send a thank you email, but gives them something to click on and remember you by. Which is a make it or break it part of most interviews.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk
That’s all the advice I’ve got for you, kids. I apologize for it being so vague, but I wanted this to be usable by the largest amount of roleplayers it could be. If you have questions, or want to know how it could be used to highlight your own skills more, feel free to drop me an ask or friend me on discord and shoot me a message! I’m always happy to offer some suggestions to you.
And if you’re already doing all of this, why don’t you share your own experiences? How has using rp on a resume helped you? What other tips do you have? And how can others make the most of their experiences to help them?
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sugapop-rp · 5 years
*:・゚Ɯιѕнℓιѕтѕ Oƒ Ɯιѕнєѕ
              ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ hi, hi! tis bunny anna here and i thought i would decide to make a little wishlist for my muses! i figured this might be handy for in the future because who knows right? so read below to see what i have in mind for my muse beans and if you are interested, please like this post and/or send me a message so we can chit chat about them :) 
note:you do not have to be mutuals with me to do any of this (obviously lol), you can be a random peep passing by that is curious and that’s cool with me! you liking this means i shall be sending you a message instead thus make sure there is a way for me to do that (dm or ask). this will be also updated as time goes on depending on what new idea/muse i may have at the time
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Choi Ha-joon, 26 and is an elementary school teacher
“muse a sings like an angel but is really shy so they only sing in the shower. everyday,muse b, who is their neighbor, listens to their singing and thinks muse a is actually a professional singer. one day they meet at the elevator of their building and muse b really wants to ask for muse a to sing a song for them, or just compliment them. but how will they do so without making things awkward? and to top this situation, muse a is also a lotattractive.“
give me that cliche old high school lovers see each other again after school by accident, the feels hit them once again and oof. make it angsty, make it fluffy, idc just give me some of that!
ha-joon is a book lover so what if ha-joon keeps coming to this book store that also involves your muse. they get to know each other for their enjoyment of books but the plot twist of this all is that ha-joon doens’t know your muse is not only an author but one of ha-joon’s favorite writers!
you left your USB flash drive in the library computer and i had to go through your files to figure out who you are and i ended up reading the entirety of this book you’re working on and wow you’re actually really good???? 
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Kris Yamada, 26 and is an assassin
so lowkey when i made kris i got a bit inspired by the video game “assassin’s creed” so would be interested to do something loosely based around that. something like say your muse is working for the enemy organization that kris’s order doesn’t like. they meet and get closer (friendship or romantic, doesn’t matter) and go from there? very basic idea i know lol but can be fun i think!
give me assasin buddies, bro this is something that kris is in need of lol. sure he can be like a grouch sometimes but he knows how to have fun! he used to live the wild life so let’s do some wild friend antics lol
speaking of used too’s...why not bring something back from the past for kris?  say maybe an old friend from kirs’s childhood? they can maybe meet on the street one day and they may want to ask questions because of kris suddenly dropping all contact? or we could do the more cliche idea of said friend is now a target and oops, now kris is stuck in an oopsie :’)
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Song "Hayes" Hyeok, 26 and is an indie music producer. 
hayes doesn’t have the best relationship with his parents (this can be read in his bio here) so maybe one day his parents may want to do a surprise visit because he does have good contact with his sister and she praised alot about him. his parents (specifically father) wants to see how “amazing hayes is doing”. cue hayes trying to make things not go south because his parents are not fans of the fact that hayes likes boys...so to see him having a boyfriend/fiance/husband may cause some problems to put it lightly. this could include hayes pretending not to be in a relationship with your muse or pretending they are just roommates. a bit of a heavy idea so far in this list, i know but it is something i would like to explore for hayes. 
rival music producers, just give me some of that drama lol
a mentor type friendship where hayes could take in your muse under his wing to help them out in the music scene
“🌟–– we had a really ugly break-up and didn’t talk for a long time but oh hey, you’re at this party too and we’ve had a few drinks and now we’re kissing and … oh, all that wasn’t supposed to happen tonight but we’re sort of on better terms now and yikes!!! i might be falling for you again …”
“muse a is in an accident which leaves them without memory, and muse b had been on their way to break things off with their beloved muse a. when they arrive at the hospital the only thing muse a remembers is how in love they were with muse b, and muse b is forced to keep coming back to positive. muse b is trying to move on, trying to find a way to tell muse b that they want to leave them, but find themselves falling back in love withmuse a. muse a of course, eventually get their memories back, even the ones up until the last moments before the accident where they remember the fights and tension and out of the silence ask ‘youre leaving me arent you?’ but by this time muse b is entirely in love with muse a again, and muse a just feels hurt and decieved“
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Sarla Dunnavant, 26 and is a businesswomen (no longer active)
give me that cliche idea of the businesswomen falling for their secretary or something similar, i’m weak for cliche’s and this one would be just fun as fudgecakes lmao.
enemies to lovers;your muse is a rival to sarla’s company and they sort of can’t stand each other ??? but like ??? respect each other at the same time ??? it’s weird but they think they cannot stand each other but one day during some business event, they find out they actually like each other and can get along (can be romantic or platonic)
based of this iconic post
ok hear me out...a sugar baby plot? it doesn’t have to be a schmexy plot either! it can be something like out of kindness (and boredom becuase what else can she do with her money) she will give gifts to your muse. like you want that fancy make up collection? alright, your college? paid off at the moment as we speak. want a lifetime supply of donuts? she can do just that. all she asks is to spend time with her and just chill out. 
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Angelica Heartorne, 25 and is a vampire huntress
legit anything vampire stuff related. i am not going to be flippen picky. 
just because she IS  a vampire huntress doesn’t mean it has to be ONLY to vampires. she is multiverse so she can be a hunter for anything supernatural really. this can be something discussed for sure but she is versatile, she doesn’t have to stick to only human like leeches lmao.
a bit of a weird but funny idea that jsut came to mind? but what happens if angelica was dating someone right? but what if that person she was dating...was a vampire and she had no idea about this until by accident or something? please this sounds hilarious to me and would love to rp this out.
“ muse a enters a coffee shop and was in such a rush that she forgot her wallet, as she explains what happened to the worker and ask for them to cancel her order, then suddenly there’s a hand that hoovers over her head and money is slapped on the counter incoming muse b paying for her. muse a is like wHAT THE FUCK ! I AM AN INDEPENDENT WOMEN I DONT NEED ANYONE TO PAY FOR ME, but she turns around and meets eyes with muse b who is beyond attractive. muse a then stumbles and ask how she could repay muse b and he tells her to sit down and enjoy her coffee with him “
“you said you’d call me in the morning but the voicemail you left had her voice in the background”
“ Humans start out at birth with milk white blood. The more crimes they commit, the darker their blood becomes. One day, you meet your soulmate. Skip a few years, and things are amazing… Until your soulmate trips, falls, and exposes black blood… “
based off this post
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Jeong Jin-Gi, 25 and is an indie artist
“ Don’t give me one-sided unrequited love, give me two-sided unwanted love. Both sides are deeply in love with the other and both sides are like ‘fuck, really?? them??? really?’ “
“ ok so hear a sister out… i want an actual HEART WRENCHING  celebrity  &  non - celebrity thread. like muse a meeting muse b in the most random place and muse b KNOWS  muse a is famous but they’re not gonna say anything but on the inside they’re secretly freaking out. but they get to talking  &  muse b kinda forgets that they are because they’re just so normal and they have so much fun talking to them,  and muse ahas a rich lifestyle  &  is the most popular person in the world,  yet the only thing they wanna do is be with muse b. but dating the most famous person ever comes with the DISADVANTAGES.  i want the ugly stans drilling them over dating their favorite star,  i want the paparazzi making up stories about muse b  &  giving the constant break up  -  conspiracy’s,  i want the late night drama filled phone  -  calls about “ maybe this is just too much for me  “  &  muse b seeing muse a in a new picture released with ANOTHER  apparent love interest,  and i want new songs released by muse a that’s a little  T O O   emotional to just be a careless piece of work.  i just want the constant back  &  forth between them  & them wondering if their love is strong enough to overcome the difficulties or if all they are is a love that was never meant to last. “
jin ain’t no angel, he’s a bit of a person with an addiction to drgs so give me anything surrounding that. dealers or pals that find out about his addiction, anything really. just want to dive deeper into this side of jin
“i’m trying to start a celebrity gossip blog and you are an effing trainwreck so now i’m lowkey stalking you in hopes of getting a humiliating story” au
plot idea : muse a was a punk, and muse b did ballet. what more can i say? muse a wanted muse b, but muse b would never that secretly she wanted muse a as well. all of muse b’s friends stuck up their nose because they had a problem with muse a’s baggy clothes. five years from now, muse b sits at home. feeding the baby they’re all alone. b turns on tv, and guess who she sees? muse a rocking on mtv.
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James Yeeun, 22 and is an art student in college
“im gonna claw myself apart. we watch netflix together and i keep a respectful and responsible distance; you lean against me to pause the screen. ask if i want cookies. i can’t stop staring at your lips. what? i say. i knew what you’d asked me even as you ask again, i just don’t want the moment to end. we’re just friends. we’re just friends.”
okay but how about an “i’m in my twenties and sick of still being a virgin, so one night when i’m drunk i think it’s a good idea to dm my old celebrity crush who is no longer really that famous anyway and ask them to take my virginity – wait why did they just dm me back?? giving me their number?? i don’t even remember doing this” au
“You kissed me on the playground the day before you moved away in the 4th grade and now your dorm is right across the hall from mine” AU
would love to do something where james could realize he DOES like boys as well. this is something he isn’t sure off himself so i would like to dive into this background of james.
so i was watching tiktoks last night and i’ve came across this story time and would love a plot for it… so muse a had a bad childhood for varies of reasons one thing lead to another and they were kicked out of the house, so they ended up couch surfing.. this enters their fear of the dark because they would wake up in the middle of the night not knowing where they are and everything is just dark and scary, so they begin sleeping with night lights or any sort of light that they have. well moving into college means roommates and muse a is too embarrassed to mention how they’re scared of the dark to their roommate. so first night, muse a wakes up screaming and enters muse b aka their roommate into their room and they’re like ?? are you good? finally muse a breaks and tells muse b what happened to them and then next night muse a finds a night light in their room, however, that night they still wake up screaming. muse b wakes up as well and just tell them that they’re ok and that they got them.. second year of college goes by and they’re not roommates anymore. first night moving in, it happens again.. muse a wakes up screaming only to find that muse b texted them that ‘they’re in their new apartment and that everything is going to be okay.’ it could turn into beautiful friendship or maybe something more?? i just want it pls
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Rose Price, 23 and is a rebel along with school drop out
lowkey i legit got inspired by the video game character “chloe” from “life is strange” but i decided to do my take of chloe if that makes sense so...rachel amber inspired plot xD to those that are a bit confused, rachel amber the character is someone chloe befriends during her time when life is a bit downhill to put it lightly. they get close (some would say even romantic) and up until the final years of high school...rachel is gone. now in the games, rachel isn’t alive BUT i was thinking why not twist this around? make said missing friend (this would be your muse) show up out of the blue? with no answer as to why they just “left” and simply goes back to how things were. 
“gimme muse a just finished their sentence in jail and they lost contact with most of the people in their former life. on the day of his release, the gate pulls back and their high school sweetheart who they lost contact with years ago muse b is in the parking lot. “
  “i drove two hours to the closest video rental store that’s still operating and you were checking out the only copy of the movie i was after“
“we both decided to take a [yoga/fencing/cooking etc] class and we’re the only two assholes not taking it seriously and everyone else is giving us dirty looks but we keep grinning over at each other“
jsut give me any fxf plot ideas man. i want rose to get some love :(
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Daehwi Goe, 24 and is an indie video game creator/works at a cafe
" give me a plot where both muses are each other’s pen pals that end up falling in love through letters please. threads would be in letter format up until they finally meet each other. please. “
“ imagine that you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. people are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they know and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “sorry i’m so late, babe, traffic is crazy right now.” and he quietly adds, “i’m Michael. just go with it, yeah? whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” and so you do go with it because he’s being sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time. “
“we broke up right before a giant roadtrip our friends planned and we don’t want to bail on everyone and ruin the trip so yay, looks like we get to spend a five hour drive and a weekend in a cottage together.”
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Adagio Seo, 20 and is a warlock
just give me that chilling adventure’s of sabrina plots man...it’s why adagio was even made lmao.
adagio while yes, i did made him specifically for that show universe, just like angelica he is mulitverse so he’s not off limits to that show only. if you want him to be in a harry potter au? cool with me. a normal college au? also cool with me. want to go full on twlight, even better lmao. just because he is mostly for the show, doesn’t mean he’s not expandable :)
“ does the “i slept with you the other day and i didnt know we had a mutual friend and now we’re sitting across each other for brunch and it’s awkward because i ran out when you were asleep” au exist bc i need that fic “
ok so adagio has an interest of necromancy but like the thing is he’s bad...like really bad at necromancy lmao (there’s a reason he skills in herbal) so like just give the whacky shiz that can happen when doing necromancy wrong. 
basically anything warlock/witch plots, throw them my way! want my wild warlock to have some love :(
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Simone Hines, 22 and is a worker at the garden section of homdepot
the happy florist who delivers one flower to the boss of the hardcore law firm across the street everyday, just to make their day a little bit brighter
plot #001: in which muse a is really insecure and struggles with their self-esteem, so muse b, their best friend, starts secretly sending notes with all the reasons to love them.
plot #013: one day, muse a wakes up and finds themself to be in the future, seemingly married to their high school enemy, muse b.
any plot with a soft, sweet, submissive male that needs to be protected at all costs because he’s naive and doesn’t know how to speak up for himself with a girl that’s dominant, rough around the edges, not afraid of anything, and is ready to take on the world.
  tbh i just need a long distance relationship plot where they cry on skype bc they miss each other so much and they have passive aggressive texts bc of what’s on each others snapchat stories but then the fluffy moments when they see each other at the airport and all the desperate please don’t leave me again sex and i just need a long distance plot  
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Levi Kim, 24 and owns his own cafe
highkey want a ‘someone wrote your phone number on the wall of a bathroom in my dorm with ‘call for a good time’ and i just texted you to let you know that i scribbled it out and oh wait you’re actually funny and easy to talk to and now we’re talking every day and i might have a tiny little crush on you even tho  i don’t even know your name’ plot
i got up at 2 am to get some snacks at the convenience store down the street and opened my door to find you trying to sleep on the floor of the hallway because your roommate has his fiancée over so i guess i’ll lend you my couch for the night AU
it’s 3 am and you’re blasting off classic rock at full volume and your music taste might be awesome but sOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO FUCKING SLEEP YOU SHITHEAD
utterly obsessed with the niche but incredibly romantic concept that is “late night radio show host falls hopelessly in love with and pines for recurring caller, oblivious to the fact that the person calling in whenever they’re on air is also in love with and pining for them after finding comfort in listening to their voice every night on their long commutes home”
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Park Hades, 23 and is next in line for the Park corporations/modern day greek god hades
look i’m glad you have a healthy sex life and all but will you please try not to pierce a whole through my ceiling with your bed thanks
i have a policy of not giving my real name on dating apps and apparently you do the same. we have a good conversation so we decide to meet, but oh no … it turns out you’re my ex. yikes!!!
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goldxnclara-blog · 6 years
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[ ELIZABETH GILLIES, female, she/her ] //:…loading vibe. CLARA BLYTH ALDRIDGE-WEST just joined vibe. their profile shows they’re a TWENTY-EIGHT year old EDITOR from LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. it’s nice to see some new faces around here. the vibe they put out is AMBITIOUS, but also MISTRUSTFUL and i hope that doesn’t stop their search. they have been on FOUR vibe dates in GENERATION ONE.
hello everyone! Damon here. i’m 18 and use they/them pronouns. i’m in gmt+0800, so i’ll tend to be a little late to events. being in the future, though, i can say with some confidence that you’re looking at a nice cloudy day. i’m currently on break after having completed my gce a levels, and am applying to university as well as part time jobs, so i’m just taking advantage of these few months of freedom to venture into the rp community. i’ve been rping for about six years and writing for about eight, but i’m always interested to learn and experience more. you can find my indie & musing blog here, and my rph blog here; my Discord is @agentn0vak#2056 feel free to hmu. on to Clara!
some things about my girl:
she certainly looks friendly enough at first glance, but she’s in professional mode most of the time and... isn’t really personally interested in many people
she’s a good boss, she’ll treat the people who work for her well - most of them actually like her, because she knows the value of appreciating your employees
she’s bi. but also have fun finding someone she likes enough to set her work aside for.
that’s why she joined Vibe! she’s not really looking for a long term relationship but she wants to get to know people outside of her work
she likes people that can help her to relax, but also have their shit together
if she doesn’t care for them she’ll drop them pretty quickly though. that’s why she’s only been on four dates that haven’t been all that successful lol
she can hold her alcohol, but she doesn’t like one night stands - you gotta earn it from her, honey
she doesn’t like her siblings, talking about them in front of her is an instant dealbreaker
since her family’s pretty influential you’d have to be living under a rock to not know her last name. as a result she likes to introduce herself with her middle name, going by Clara Blyth so people won’t try to use her for her power. she’ll only let you know her last name if she thinks you’re trustworthy
she’s been terrified ever since the visions started - although of course she hasn’t told anyone. she’s worried that there’s something wrong with her, like a brain tumour or something, and she’s gotten it checked but the doctors couldn’t find anything. she’s in control of herself 24/7 but these visions are something she can’t understand and they have her genuinely fearful for her life
plots/connections i’d like to see:
okay so this girl has definitely toppled her fair share of famous people, so i’d love someone whose life has been affected by her journalism - maybe you’ve got an uncle who went broke because she exposed him for exploiting foreign labour or whatever - not that she cares about ruining people’s lives because she thinks they deserve it, but it’d be fun for her to run into people like that sometimes
maybe someone she used to know when she was younger! she’s been all over the world, even spent a few years living abroad, so she might have met your character when she was a little younger
someone she’s met through her work? there's always interns or part timers or even... informants?
some friends from her college days, or even past Vibe dates??
there is so much we could do, i’ll be messaging people with ideas soon enough but if you have your own feel free to let me know!!
a quick breakdown of her history (this is so long honestly only the first and last bits are really important but i couldn’t help myself sorry):
Clara was born to Leopold Aldridge-West, a business mogul, and Portia Emerson, a socialite whose family broke into the hotel industry. she has two older siblings, Isla (34), and Cedric (32). Leopold’s name has been linked to various investment projects, financial services, and the entertainment industry.
Isla is her father’s right hand man, and is expected to take full command over all his companies as he prepares for retirement. at present she is already in control of his South American branches. Cedric, on the other hand, is more interested in politics, and works for the Attorney General of California.
while her family has a number of living estates in select countries, they currently reside in different states, with Clara having moved out into her own townhouse.
right from the start Clara was viewed as a backup to her siblings. while they were groomed to take over the Aldridge-West legacy (if not the companies, as was in Cedric’s case), Clara was set on a path to financial management in support of Isla.
she didn’t like it, but when your father has his fingers in half the businesses in California and is extending his reach into East Asia and South America what is a little teenage rebellion worth? so she kept her head down and followed her parents’ instructions dutifully.
in college, she took a journalism course as a bonus, and it changed her worldview for good; she realised she wanted to be part of the truth, speaking up on behalf of the people who didn’t have a voice themselves.
now that she’d found a purpose in life it was like she was a changed person. against her parents’ wishes she switched majors to journalism, and when she returned she joined the ranks of a fairly well-known investigative news site, the LA Inquirer. she started from the bottom as a journalist, but utilised her connections to chase down leads. in just three years she’d already written a number of successful articles that toppled her father’s business rivals.
she rose through the ranks quickly, where she met her mentor - Marek Czajka. he was tough and didn’t care that her family was powerful; he mentored her all the same, opening her eyes to the shit that goes on behind the scenes. things like corruption, exploitation, if it was a white collar crime he’d seen it. and the more he showed Clara the more she realised just how much she could change through her journalism.
Marek ultimately welcomed Clara to an anonymous network of whistleblowers that got their information just as illegally, and retired to leave her his legacy. with all the power Clara had, she grew ambitious and controlling, utilising various methods to gain information under her family’s noses. now editor at the LA Inquirer, she’s aware of just how much power she has, and the people she could destroy with what she knows.
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chyna9 · 6 years
The Character
First off, welcome to my Joanie ‘Chyna’ Laurer roleplay blog. This is an introductory post where you shall find details about the version I play of hers, her history and the way it branches out into an alternative version among various other things.
First things first, everything involved in Chyna/Joanie’s career up until she left to wrestle in New Japan Professional Wrestling in 2002 after her departure from WWF is very much the same as past.
She left WWF for twofold reasons. First being the Stephanie McMahon/Paul Levesque affair which had blossomed during their own storyline together, something that was kept hidden from her for well over a year until she discovered texts from Stephanie going way back on his cell phone after an argument when he wasn’t in the room. At that particular moment, she knew the company was sure as hell not going to favor her if it was going to be her vs the boss’s daughter. Despite of having plenty of well wishers backstage, she knew she had hit the glass ceiling for her ambitions with this obstacle. Yes, she was wrong, yes, she was cheated, but like many things in life, this was unfair and the fax that she received at the end of it all was nothing moe than a gigantic slap in the face of one of the most recognizable women the company had ever seen.
Second reason for her departure from the company was a more professional one. Embarking in women’s division was something that Chyna always had little interest in. Being a professional, she did the run, feuded with Ivory, but her heart had always belonged in men’s division and with boys was where Joanie had felt most at home with. So going down from coming precariously close to challening for the WWF Championship to duking it out against Ivory or Trish Stratus was something that Joanie had never been particularly keen on. So when she demanded a main event program during her negotiations, she was quickly rebuffed before being put in women’s division subsequently.
Afterwards, she did some TV spots before accepting an offer from New Japan Pro Wrestling to be the first woman signed by company to compete with men. Her run with NJPW was phenomenal one as Japanese pro wrestling had never seen a woman as unique as her, doing the things that Joanie was doing. She was bench pressing guys twice her size, brawling with them, hanging out with them. In Japan she developed an interest in Jiujitsu which led her returning to United States in 2003 training at Danzan Ryu for next two years before doing few fights in a tie up with UFC in 2006 upon honing her skills. Booked against men in fights that generated massive media buzz, the encounters were brutal and her success outside scripted arena was a mixed one.
She retired from MMA in December, 2006, exactly one day before her birthday. Since then, Joanie has done sporadic professional wrestling appearance, TV guest spots and for most part prefers to teach French and English in Japan while Japanese in United States, dividing her time between Tokyo and Los Angeles. She has made peace with WWE when Vince McMahon called up her one night, making her an offer to make a return to mark RAW anniversary for one last DX reunion, which she agreed to and since then continues to show up on WWE TV as well as NJPW every now and then, even for an angle or two, a schedule that she finds comfortable. She does not like nor hate Stephanie McMahon/Paul Levesque, having moved on over her heartbreak despite of how much bitter she had been in initial years over the issue.
She has legally changed her name to Chyna, but is fine with being referred as both Joanie and Chyna. She’s friednly, courteous and respectful, an intellectual. But to those who try to undermine her, are rude to her, shall be dealt with in the stern manner that often leaves them biting their tongue for trying to mess with Joanie. She has had few relationships after Levesque but none of them have been long term. She still does modeling occasionally and runs her own website www.joaniechynalaurer.com.
This is a brief outline. It can be tweaked/modified according to story, RP needs. For an outline about her hobbies, preferences and other stats, I shall post a second post offering details about that.
1. Joanie did not date Sean Waltman aka X-Pac.
2. Did not do reality television, sex tape or porn.
3. Did not get addicted to drugs or became an alcoholic, except occasional drinks and marijuana intake.
4. Did not her muscle mass and still remains very much fit.
5. Did not undergo cosmetic surgery after 2002.
Professional Wrestling, Science Fiction, Celebrity, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance, Fantasy, Mixed Martial Arts
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Fond Memories
A story arc based on a truly epic RP with @cefmua56, this fic will have several arcs. Some will be posted on my blog, some on Cef’s. We hope you will enjoy this as much as we did! This time around, it’s adorable fluff. 
Pairings: Logicality
Warnings: I mean...it’s fluff. There’s hugs, but it’s all good. 
Patton bounded down the stairs at the chime of 10:00 a.m. A little later than he would have normally, but he decided since Thomas stayed up late last night, he would make breakfast an hour later. He slid into the kitchen and started the burners, beginning to make scrambled eggs and bacon. Happily humming the Winnie the Pooh theme song, he began to set the table casually making silly conversation with the spatula or the silverware in his hands.
Logan had been awake for quite some time, as regardless of Thomas's horrifying sleep schedule, he had work to do and the work would not wait. He was exhausted, frankly, but he knew he needed to press on. He heard Patton cheerfully nattering away in the kitchen, and could smell breakfast (bacon, maybe?) being cooked.
Now that Logan thought about it, he truly was rather hungry. And coffee would certainly help increase his productivity. The fact that he would get to see Patton was an entirely inconsequential component to his decision making process...or so he told himself as he wandered down to the kitchen.
Patton heard the footsteps of Logan as he wandered down the kitchen, when an alarming thought occurred to him. "Oh no Sir Spatula! I forgot to start the pot of coffee!" With haste he ran over and did just as he said for Logan and whoever else wanted to drink it that morning.
"Phew. Thanks for reminding me. Eheheh! My reputation might have gone SPLATula!" He giggled at his own pun, flipped the bacon, and mixed the butter in the eggs. Sighing, he stared up to the place he knew Logan would soon appear not a moment later.
Logan paused for a moment, hearing Patton speak, and vaguely heard him make yet another awful pun. Oh dear! It would seem Patton was going to be in one of THOSE moods today.
In all honesty, there was a small part of him that enjoyed puns, they were an interesting form of wordplay after all, but he would rather die than admit it. Even if the glowing smile that spread over the moral side's face whenever he complimented him was objectively adorable, true professionals did not use puns, ergo he could not encourage that sort of behavior. As he walked into the kitchen, he felt something in him ease slightly to know that none of the others were awake yet. These quiet moments in the mornings, when it was just the two of them, were his favorite.
Patton looked up at the stairs, wondering where the footsteps he heard had gone off too. He sighed sadly and turned his attention to the table behind him, only to find Logan standing right there in front of him. Patton jumped in surprise, clutching his heart in mock fright.
"Oh! Heheh! Good morning Logan! I didn't see you there. I'm making breakfast! Oh and I got your coffee started. It's BEAN brewed as we speak." He chuckled to himself at the pun and turned back to the scrambled eggs that were needing his attention.
"Good morning, Patton. I apologize if I startled you." Logan paused, then decided to ignore the pun in favor of trying to maintain Patton's emotional equilibrium.
"Oh, it's nothing Logan. You know me! Jumpy and jump-started, while jumping for joy!" Patton stirred the eggs just a little faster than normal, giddy at the fact it was just him and Logan in the kitchen. He could recall many times from years past where it was just the two of them at breakfast together before the inevitable other warring pair came down from their rooms to start the day out with tension. It was nice having the brisk, calm atmosphere for a change.
"Thank you for starting the coffee. Breakfast smells delicious. Is there anything I can assist with?" Logan offered, his head cocked to the side in question.
"You’re welcome Logan! Just having Sir Spatula help me out over here is all! Eheheh! I might have forgotten to set the water and orange juice on the table if you want to do that. Otherwise I can get it!"
Logan nodded, moved to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice and a pitcher of water, then set both on the table. He then turned back and grabbed a few glasses and plates, efficiently setting the table. It was the least he could do for Patton, especially considering that he was cooking the meal.
"Do you have any plans for the day?" Logan asked, trying to make conversation. He wasn't very good at it, generally speaking, but somehow conversing with Patton was always...easier...than with the others. He chose not to consider why that was.
Patton only just realized how scrambled the eggs were becoming and toned his movements down before it got out of hand. He let them simmer before flipping the bacon, then got out a bowl to put the eggs in and a serving spoon to go along with it.
"Well," He shut off the burner after placing the eggs into the bowl and setting them on the table. "There isn't much room for family activities since Roman's on a two day quest. He said he wouldn't be back until sometime tomorrow." Patton then grabbed a plate with some paper towels and set the bacon on them to (hopefully) remove at least part of the grease. Shutting off those burners, he continued his thought.
"And Virgil probably won't be up for another five or six hours! He went to bed super late last night! I was actually gonna ask to see what you were doing, Logan. I mean the only thing I had actually thought about was making strawberry shortcake for dessert after dinner tonight."
Logan's heart most emphatically did NOT skip a beat at the prospect of being able to spend time with Patton! He refused to acknowledge any such thing. He thought carefully about his schedule, about the tasks he needed to accomplish and the progress he had already made. Technically....he was ahead of schedule. He could spare two hours, perhaps a little more, to partake in a joint activity without putting Thomas behind.
"Well, I am somewhat ahead of schedule, so if there is a joint activity you would enjoy, I would be more than willing to spend some time with you today. Was there anything you had in mind? Also....I am very partial to that particular dessert, so I'm glad you are choosing to make it." Logan grabbed his mug and filled it with the freshly brewed coffee, adding cream and sugar as he liked it. He sat back down and waited for Patton to join him. There was something very peaceful about knowing he was going to have some of Patton's undivided attention.
Once Patton heard that Logan had actually suggested in spending time with him, a single butterfly inside of him that had been dormant for quite some time began to fly again. He had finally figured out why they had always fought in past videos. It was the tension from the other two that rubbed off on their dynamic, causing both mind and heart to fight.
Hearing that from Logan's mouth, brought forth a sense of comfort that had long since been forgotten in the depths of his very soul. It almost made him cry it moved him so much, but because of who he was, Patton was able to hide that particular emotion flawlessly.
Carefully setting the bacon on the table, he responded back to the logical aspect. "Really!? With me?! That's great to hear you are ahead of schedule! I honestly can't remember when the last time you said that was! It's..." Patton stopped to look at the kitchen calendar immediately lost in his own train of thought. "It's been awhile..." He shook his head out of the clouds and listed off a couple things they could do together.
"Well...we could watch a movie or bake something. Oh! I know! I had been meaning to organize some of Thomas's trinkets and memories in my room! It's still kind of a mess down there. But, I had never gotten around to it. Then I got a-thinking. Which side has the best organization skills out of us all of us? That's you Logan! I didn't know if you'd be busy, so I didn't ask sooner. What d’ya say?" He sat across from Logan and smiled widely. "And don't worry about the room affecting you. We can just organize them up here in the common area!"
Logan smiled, pleased with the compliment and with the activity that he knew he would enjoy. He really did love organizing and categorizing items.  "That would be most agreeable, Patton. I am sorry that I have been so busy as of late. I realize we haven't had as much time to spend together as we usually do. I hope you can forgive me for that?" Logan carefully started eating breakfast, sipping his coffee in between. He was immensely pleased to be able to make Patton smile.
Patton gave a smile so genuine that he thought would never cross his lips again, almost causing his cheeks to pink slightly. "Well of course I forgive you Logan! I know how busy you are!" Patton also began to eat breakfast, pouring himself a glass of orange juice and taking a few bites of his bacon and eggs.
"You used to talk to me about the different things you did for your work. When we ate breakfast together you would go on and on about all the kinds of things you had to do that day! Sometimes you would even show me your to do lists! Do you...remember all that? You were so excited when you were talking about your interests that I was sad when it was always interrupted by...them."
Logan adjusted his glasses, thinking. "It can be difficult for us to connect properly when we are refereeing yet another pointless argument between those two. Perhaps it would be possible to schedule a time each day to see one another? Even if it's only to converse for a brief time? I have...missed your presence."
Patton's cheeks flushed, his gaze onlooking his food, seemingly lost in thought. "Well I know right after lunch is when everyone goes back to do their own things. Roman usually goes off into his kingdom and Virgil either sits on the couch and listens to music for hours on end or goes to his room. That time works for me, but you usually are busy then."
He takes another couple bites of his food before continuing. "There's also early morning, like we used to do! But wouldn't Thomas's schedule be thrown off if we did that?"
Logan considered this for a moment. "Perhaps. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. His general habits, as far as timekeeping  and schedules, leave a great deal to be desired. I could shift a few things, leaving the early mornings free for us. Thomas is rarely productive early in the morning anyway, so it wouldn't be a great loss." His cheeks pinked slightly as he glanced at Patton. "Would....would that be acceptable?"
Patton had to look down at the floor he was smiling too much. He probably could have squealed right then and there in excitement, but he had to contain himself if he didn't want to scare Logan off. He knew how much emotion Logan could take by now, since living with him basically all his life.
He covered up his embarrassment by looking at his shoe if he had dropped something on it, then looked back up still with the same giddy grin as the old Patton would have. "Yeah! I can make that work! I make the most out of an early morning! Oh! I can see a change DAWNing on the horizon!” Patton thought about his pun then quickly shook his head. “Yeah that one wasn’t my best.”
Logan groaned out loud, rolling his eyes towards the ceiling. "Truly, not one of your best, Patton."
"Eheheh! But...thank you so much Logan. I really have missed hanging out with you too." He finished the rest of his food, and began to take care of his plate. He sat back down after throwing his garbage away, smiling the whole time. "You wanna help me with my room after breakfast then?"
Logan cleared his plate, and started doing dishes. It was an unwritten rule that whoever did the cooking was exempt from cleaning, and Logan enjoyed cleaning far more than Patton did. As he washed, he looked up at Morality, smiling softly. "That would be acceptable."
Patton's cheeks flushed for about the third time. "Aww Logan! That’s very sweet of you. I honestly don't remember a time when anyone else did the dishes after breakfast besides me. Well maybe that one time Roman and Virgil made that mess in the commons and I had them do a bunch of chores as punishment." Patton chuckled softly, looked down at his feet, and began to rock back on forth on his toes, unsure of what to do.
"I really did miss you Logan. So often us aspects get caught up in our own jobs that we forget to hang out with each other. I'm almost losing heart whenever I try to set up movie night or something for us all to hang out together...it always ends up on the sour side of the spectrum. I just love you all so much, but whenever something like that doesn't work out, I blame myself and ask, 'Is it me? Did I do something wrong?'"
Patton just realized that he had ranted his true feelings to Logan and quickly covered his mouth, glancing away from him. "Sorry you didn't need to hear all of that.  It'll all be okay!" He turned back around and smiled at him.
Logan dried his hands and reached out, placing a hand on Patton's shoulder. "Patton, I am glad you said something. If you are ever troubled, I hope you know you may always confide in me. I am ...not always good at deciphering emotions, but I am your friend and I will always provide comfort and support when needed. I will speak to the others, and we can plan a Family Movie Night for later in the week. I'm sure they don't realize how their bickering impacts you, and if they did it would immediately cease. You are extremely important, Patton. To all of us. You do not have to suffer in silence. And...please, don't ever think that our general dysfunctions have anything to do with you. You are....the best of us." Logan's cheeks flushed a little, but his eyes were steady and earnest. He rarely said anything he did not mean, and he meant every word of this.
"I know you are a tactile person, and enjoy physical expressions of affection." Logan cleared his throat, straightening his tie nervously. "Given that you were distressed, I believe a good friend would offer you a hug, at this point?" He tentatively held out his arms, not really sure if this was the correct course of action.
Patton's smile faltered as he heard his friend talk. While Logan was speaking, Patton wanted nothing more than to throw himself into Logan's arms and just cry, but he held himself back and waited until the logical aspect's speech was finished. When Logan did offer a hug, Patton had to keep his melancholy tears from pouring out and carefully accepted Logan's hug, wrapping his arms around him. He did his best not to squeeze too tightly or cry as a sense of nostalgia back to when Thomas was a kid overtook him. "Your hugs are still the best Logan. Thank you."
Logan chuckled at that, and his stiff embrace became softer, warmer. He gently squeezed, feeling Patton snuggle in closer. He could only hope the other Side couldn't feel the pounding of his heart. "I'm going to need your expertise as to proper form and duration. I.... haven't done this in quite some time. I had forgotten how pleasant it can be." His words were quiet, little more than a hushed murmur.
Truthfully, when Thomas was a child he and Patton had hugged often and with gusto. As Thomas had aged, Logan found himself saddled with increasing responsibilities and duties, and had been forced to "grow up" much faster. He'd stopped giving and receiving hugs somewhere along the way, and it was only now that he took into account how touch starved he truly was. Patton would give him endless hugs, if he asked, but Logan had gotten used to the cold, to the deprivation. Every point of contact on his body lit up, and he felt a soothing warmth seeping into his bones. Yes. Hugs were definitely good.
Patton chuckled with him, the sadness escaping from his eyes. "It’s so nice to hear that even after all these years you still like hugs." Patton took a chance and gently put his hand on Logan's back, rubbing in slow, small and smooth circles.
"Perhaps....we could engage in this activity more often?" Logan asked hopefully.
"Of course Logan. I have enough hugs to give that could fill the Grand Canyon! I would be more than happy to help you. And it would also help me in return."
Patton smiled fondly, slackening the embrace to see if Logan would try to remove himself from his hold. He did not want to hug Logan longer than he wanted to be held, lest he accidently push the Logical aspect away again.
Logan felt Patton start to withdraw, and although he could have happily stayed in the hug for some time yet, he also understood that he must follow the Moral side's lead. So, he loosened his hold, reluctantly releasing Patton. "I am always happy to be of assistance to you, Patton. Shall we start organizing now?"
Yes. A task. Better to focus on a task and not the soft warmth in his chest when he saw the genuine happiness in Patton's eyes. Feelings...the bane of his existence. And these feelings were sticky sweet strands that wrapped around his heart and pulled until he had no choice but to obey.
Patton felt Logan begin to draw away as he loosened his hold. Biting his lower lip once with sadness, he understood as he released and hung his hands casually at his sides.
Patton blushed as he came in contact with Logan's eyes once more. He could recall all the times that Logan looked at him. With harsh eyes or soft, but no matter what he did he couldn't get over just how truly amazing Logan's eyes were. It was nice to know that Logan was still the person he was all those years ago, even if he was more professional.
Patton had to forcefully remove his gaze from Logan's stunning eyes as he asked his question. "Oh yeah! I'll show you all that we need to organize. Patton beckoned him and did a full one-eighty, walking out of the kitchen and out into the common area.
Logan followed quickly behind Patton as they made their way to the commons. "You do realize that as a construct of the mind and not emotions that I can withstand exposure to your room without ill effects, don't you? I understand if you would rather not take the risk, of course. It is, after all, your room. I will assist you whatever you decide."
Upon hearing Logan's words, Patton spun around gleefully. "That's true! You should be fine and dandy in there then! And you are welcome whenever you want. I will warn you there are a tooooon of boxes down there. I was just trying to figure what I should keep in "Memories" and what I should chuck in "Forget" or "Long Term Storage". It's SORT of a problem. Eheheheh. You'll see." Patton walked over to his place by the curtains and stood proudly. "Ready whenever you are teach!"
Logan nodded, and they both sank down into Patton's room. Once there, he took a moment to steady himself, then looked around. The room was covered with multiple trinkets and memories. Some stuffed inside boxes, some laying on the floor. The boxes littered the room with different designs or labels on them. There was a pile of stuff from Thomas's old relationships, a pile of stuff from his high school and college, and huge pile of other miscellaneous memories that needed to be sorted. Numerous photos scattered the ground and the stairs held multiple stuffed toys Thomas had played with over the years, some of which Logan recognized.
To the left of the staircase where Virgil would have normally stood, hung Logan's old necktie, pinned to the wall in a slightly tacky fashion. "Welp! This is my room." Patton stood proudly, but flushed, his eyes drawn to the old tie he had forgotten to put away.
Logan glanced around, taking everything in. His eyes lingered on...was that his old tie? Why on Earth would Patton have that? It was certainly a memory of Thomas's, to be sure, but it was also his physical possession. When they'd switched outfits, and he'd created his new tie, his old one had mysteriously disappeared. It would appear he now knew who had it, but the only thing he didn't understand was why. Why would Patton want to hang on to an old piece of his clothing? It didn't make any sort of logical sense. He turned to Patton, ready to question the other side, but something on his face gave Logan pause. He looked...flushed. Was he sad? Upset? Guilty? Ugh, emotions were so utterly frustrating! His curiosity was eating at him, and he simply had to know.
"Patton...why do you have my old tie? It is illogical to keep it, so there must be an emotional response driving the action. I am not angry, I am merely confused. I don't understand....could you explain?"
Patton's heart stopped as he heard the logical side's question. Logan must have picked up on his embarrassment and of course he had to point it out. Patton quickly turned his face to Roman's side of the room, trying to hide his face from Logic as he walked towards the strip of fabric. Taking it down from the pin it was on, he held it back out to Logan.
"There's a lot of memories behind this tie Logan, and I just couldn't see it disappearing from your memory or any of the others so...I kept it here. Back when you helped Thomas make the vines and even before it became your signature trade mark Logan! I was just so tied up with it. Eheh. You can take it back if you want it though. I stole it because it reminded me of who you once were." Patton smiled at him sadly. "Who all of us once were." He then tried to lighten up the mood. "I almost swiped your unicorn onesie too, but I didn't know if you still wore it. It's still one of my favorite memories during the Sander's Sides videos."
Logan blinked, staring at the tie in Patton's hand. He was feeling...a great many things and all of them at once. "Patton....you should keep it, but just know that the memories of those times are not linked to that strip of fabric. I can never forget the Vines, or the fun we have had. And it was...fun. I am pleased you did not abscond with my onesie as it is quite comfortable and I do use it for "comfort" days. Whether the tie is in my possession or yours, the memories and emotions affiliated with those memories do not change. We have changed, admittedly, from what we once were. I believe that is true for all of us, even you. I may be....somewhat different....now....but I have not forgotten who I was. I would very much like to be that way again, if given the opportunity. It is just..."
Logan trailed off, looking down at the floor. "...It is no longer my place to be that way. I am meant to provide explanatory exposition. If I am not intelligent enough, if I do not fulfill my function correctly, what value am I to the group? There is nothing I do that cannot be easily accomplished by one of you. I am replaceable. Ergo, it is imperative that I function at optimal efficiency to demonstrate my value as a part of Thomas."
Patton almost dropped the tie at Logan's words, a great deal of sorrow beginning to encompass his facial features. So this was the reason. This is why he was always so cold and professional. Though Patton was overjoyed he had finally opened up, his heart wrenched out all the joy that could have been gotten by that fact. He couldn't handle it. Patton's heart broke for him and he hugged him right there, taking the logical side into his grasp.
"Logan, do you honestly believe that about yourself?! There is evidence in this room that shows that statement is just not true! And you know me, I'm all for honesty. Can I show you? Just how special you are to this family, and to me?"
Logan froze for a minute, surprised by the vehemence of Patton's actions and words, but he slowly relaxed in Patton's hold. He truly did enjoy the hugging, it was a thing he'd sorely missed. "If you wish, Patton...." it was said softly, and Logan didn't dare fan the small, stubborn spark of hope in his heart that whispered that perhaps he was wrong, perhaps he wasn't boring and useless.
Patton hugged him for a little bit longer, before he slowly let go. He then walked behind the logical aspect towards the hallway and rummaged around in the pile that held all of Thomas's high school and college belongings. He handed Logan three different photos that he found, also showing him Thomas's graduation tassel.
"So these are just a few things that are special about Logan Sanders. This first photo is when Thomas passed his last elementary exam. Guess who has the thought process for taking tests? You do! And this second photo here, these are Thomas's long lost friends in middle school! You have the information about loyalty and deep friendship! Remember love isn't always a feeling, it's also a choice! And you play a big part in that choice by analyzing a friend's loyalty, and recalling different actions to take based on the friendship between them and Thomas!”
"Yes, I suppose that is true, but Virgil could just as easily memorize materials for tests, and since Thomas has graduated from college and does not intend to further his education, such skills are now useless. Virgil also excels at analyzing the loyalty of others, albeit with a more negative viewpoint. With assistance from you or Roman, that could also be easily done by others." Logan understood what Patton was trying to do, he really did, but he couldn't help pointing out these facts. It was in his nature to question, to point out errors and inconsistencies. He knew this would likely be frustrating to Patton, but he honestly couldn't help himself.
Patton took a deep breath and continued. "But he still needs you to fill out paperwork. I may have his memories but remember what thomas said about you at the beginning of the Sander's Sides videos? You represent all of Thomas's facts he's ever learned! Without you he couldn't tell time, he wouldn't be able to know what Pasta is, or what he likes and dislikes. There would be no depth to our Thomas as a person, if you weren't around! I wouldn't be able to love some of the things that Thomas does if you weren't there to spark the interest!" Patton almost reached up and cupped Logan's face, but thought better of his actions.
Logan stared helplessly at Patton, his heart pounding in his chest and yet feeling lighter than it had in months. "I...these are just facts...easily learned by others....I..." Logan trailed off, unable to articulate his thoughts properly. He wanted very much to stay here, in the circle of Patton's arms, with the moral side looking at him in that wonderfully warm way, for the rest of his days. He wasn't entirely certain what that feeling meant, but he knew it was a fact.
Patton's left hand brushed Logan's right as he turned to face the side in front of him "They don’t represent learning Logan. We are not human, we are only parts of a human, and that trait is specifically yours to use. And Thomas loves to learn, you know he does. I know he doesn't learn as often as he used to, but he's starting that Astronomy class next semester right Logan? I always loved that spark of wonder in your eyes whenever our little guy learned something new. You used to talk so much about the things thomas learned, that it would annoy Roman to no end causing both me and Virgil to chuckle. But it was all in good fun. I miss that spark of wonder in your eyes."
Logan couldn't contain his excitement as the Astronomy course was mentioned. His entire face lit up and he beamed at Patton. "Have you seen the course material?! Oh, it is going to be incredible! There's so much new information to learn, space is so vast and infinite! Did you know that we can only detect about 5% of the matter in the universe??? The rest is made up of invisible matter (called dark matter) and a mysterious form of energy known as dark energy, which I do not know nearly enough about! I am extremely pleased Thomas chose to pursue this course of study."
Logan did an excited shimmy, gleefully imagining homework assignments and exams. He calmed for a moment, his smile still unusually wide and bright. "Thank you, Patton. I had been doubting myself for quite some time. You are remarkably good at lifting the spirits of others."
Patton's bright smile returned as Logan's long lost excitement did as well. He even let a blush dance across his cheeks as the logical aspect shimmied and talked about his fascination of astronomy.
"This is amazing Logan! I'm so happy! And don't be afraid to share anything you learned! I'd love to hear all the raps you make up about it!" With excitement, he took Logan into his embrace again and hugged him tight. "Logan, Can you promise me something? Please, if you’re ever doubting yourself again, don't leave it to fester like a wound. Please come and talk to me. I will remind you as many times as I need to how special you are. I don't want this iciness to ever form between us again."
Logan melted into Patton's embrace, a small noise of contentment involuntarily pulled from his lips as he burrowed into the warmth offered. "I will gladly make that promise, Patton, but only if you will swear the same. Should you ever feel as I did, please come to me. I am not always adept at emotional response, but I care very much for you and...I find it of utmost importance that you be happy. It is now a requirement for my own happiness, which is unusual." Logan pulled back from the hug, smiling at Patton. He knew he was probably saying too much, but he was determined to make Patton aware of his personal significance.
Patton giggled at his adorable noise, but decided not to comment on it further and relinquished his hold. "I will Logan. I promise just as you had. As for my happiness being a requirement for your happiness, I'll do my diddly-darned best that it doesn't falter. And if it does, well I got my bestfriend back and that’s enough happiness for me!"
Logan adjusted his glasses, feeling lighter and happier. "Well, let's get sorting, shall we?"
"Oh! I forgot that's what we came in here to do, isn't it?" Patton giggled to himself. "Yes! Let's sort things out in here, even though we kind of already did. If you want to work on photos, I need them in chronological order. The ones scattered on the floor are duplicates, don't worry about those. Each pile should hold a box of photos. I left the school ones for you, cuz I thought you might enjoy looking through some of them. I'll start with Thomas's acting career. Chuck something my way or tap if ya need me. I'll likely have my head in the clouds to be able to hear that well."
Logan started in on the photos, quickly flipping through them and putting them in appropriate order. Each photo represented a significant memory in Thomas's life. A great deal of those memories were from his academic career. Friends he had made, subjects he had studied, papers he had written, awards he had won. Logan could recall of these moments with perfect clarity, but it was pleasant to see each of these memories preserved in such an aesthetically pleasing way. It made him...happy...to look at these memories, to see all of the accomplishments.
Patton was right. He had done a great deal with Thomas and had a fair amount of influence over him in past years. It was only recently that Logan had felt his value was lessened. And, as he got to the more recent photos, he found less and less of them. Thomas had graduated, he had completed his academic career and gone on to do well on YouTube. He had no need for further education, but he had signed up for the Astronomy course (which Logan was very much looking forward to) as a placation. Logan knew it was not a sign of more, knew it was foolish to hope that Thomas would continue to grow and learn, but he couldn't help the small spark of hope that burned...that WISHED.
He looked over to Patton, who was happily sorting through Thomas's acting photos. He had illogical hopes here as well, but none of them would ever come to pass. Clearing his throat, he straightened the organized stack and walked over to Patton. "This set is completed. What shall I work on next?"
Patton was busy organizing brochures, pictures, and playbills from all the musicals and shows Thomas had ever seen or been in. He was delighted that his host had a passion for the stage and it brought joy to his heart whenever he saw him acting his heart out. It brought his mind to Roman, and how close they used to be as kids, but Roman was different now and he had to accept the fact that things might never be the same between them.
It was what had his spirits in the dumps these past couple years, but this new found friendship rekindling with the logical aspect seemed to fill the hole in his heart where all three of them used to stand equally. Why did Logan have such a precedence over his soul? Was it possible that he thought more of him than he thought? Buried sideways to the waist in Roman's pile, he looked back out of the hole to see Logan’s shoes standing next to his legs.
"Oh I'm sorry Logan. Did you say some- Oof!" Patton had moved to get up and bumped his head on the 'ceiling ' of the pile, forgetting he had dug a tunnel into the side of it. Thus everything above him caved in and landed directly on top of him pushing him to the ground. "Oh no! The mountain of drama has caved!" His chuckles sounded muffled underneath the pile, signaling to Logan that he wasn't actually hurt.
Logan grinned at Patton’s comment and swiftly started moving items, uncovering the moral side. As soon as he could see Patton's face, he reached in and hauled the him out of the mess and to his feet. Logan had always been remarkably strong, likely due to Thomas's strength with rational reasoning and thought. It had occurred to him that this fact might be disconcerting to the others (especially Roman) so he used it sparingly. But, in this case, he had to get Patton out of the pile to ascertain that he was unharmed. Patton's well-being was of the utmost importance. Once he'd set Patton on his feet, he quickly scanned him for injuries.
Patton could feel the weight of Thomas’s drama career lifted off of him as Logan began uncovering his body from the pile. His breath slightly hitched as Logan helped him out of the pile, all the while giggling in the process. Once Patton was on the ground again, he felt Logan's eyes scan every inch of himself, his heart skipping a beat at the amount of concern displayed in Logan’s eyes. "I think I'm okay Logan-" His voice dropped out as he noticed a painful sting on his right wrist. He looked down at it then frowned slightly at the small paper cut lingering there.
Tagging Random Folks:
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jaclynnicole-blog · 4 years
Sitting in my bedroom staring out the window watching the rain pour down as it has been all week here in what most call “sunny” Florida. The irony in that it rains quit a bit over the Summer. Listening to one of my favorite Musicals/Soundtracks, wearing some of my favorite Broadway Attire that I have purchased attending some of my favorite shows and just reflecting on what has gone on since I last sat down and written a post on this blog (August 2019). Almost one year since I took the time to write out my birthday experience and NYC trip I had last March (2019) which I now realize would be the last travel experience I had since everything has gone on this March (2020). Wow. that is really crazy to think about. March, being my Birthday month, I had plans to go to Disney to celebrate ON my actual Birthday (March 28th) which was quickly changed after COVID-19 started making its way around in March and everything was shutdown, including all theatre (Broadway, Tours, Local Theatres etc.). Around March 13th, Broadway announced their shutdown until at least April. We didn’t really go anywhere for the weeks leading up to my birthday. On my actual birthday we ended up staying in and just spending time with my parents and family who I live with (blessed to have been able to be around them at this time). My mom and I always shared a birthday month and my dad was not far off early April. At first I think many, including me, only thought it would a short temporary break from everything and not thinking much of it. Thinking back to December... right around the week of Christmas I had ended up with an on and off fever everyday for a week and along with that came a what felt like a never ending dry cough. I rarely have any respiratory issues but as you may know have other health related challenges I deal with everyday. We actually had family visiting that whole week I wasn’t feeling well, which I felt so exhausted but we rarely see them so I made the best of it and tried to enjoy them and also keeping my distance. the day they arrived drove to visit my grandma (my dad’s mom) who wasn’t doing so well herself and was in her early 90′s. She was always so healthy this just came out of nowhere and she was not getting any better. The day my family left a few days after Christmas, is when my mom started not to feel well and she had the same symptoms. Actually I woke up one morning to her sitting up on the couch and she had told me she slept there all night because she woke up not being able to breathe with my dad having to help her. It was for sure a scary moment. Soon after my family left, we had gotten a call and my grandma had passed away...It is definitely an interesting and empty feeling when you realize you have no one to call grandma anymore. My Nanny (my mom’s mom) had passed in 2015 after battling Alzheimer’s. Thinking back now definitely feel like COVID-19 could have been around a lot longer than just March that’s for sure. After all this happening in December, all hopes for a better 2020 was for sure on my mind. 
In January, I took my sister to see The Musical Aladdin in Tampa at The Straz Center (was her Christmas gift). We had a wonderful time and got to reconnect with an old friend I used to dance with at the same studio. I have two sisters and normally don’t get to see them much (one lives out of state). My sister in Orlando is the one who I went with and was so special because rarely do we ever spend time together alone. The carpet ride in the show is by far probably one of my favorite moments that has stood out from any theatre show I have seen. By the end of January, there was one moment I was waiting for since I would say October 2019 when we purchased tickets to see The Waitress National Tour. I had seen the 1st National Tour in Tampa with my cousin awhile back in April 2018 and fell in love with the musical and the music by the amazing Sara Bareilles and just knew I wanted to introduce my mom to the show. My mom rarely attends theatre unless I really mention a show so much she decides to go to keep me quiet LOL. So as part of my Christmas gift, we had planned to see Waitress together. On January 23rd 2020, my mom and I headed to theatre after picking up our tickets the day before. RP Funding Center in Lakeland, Florida is where we ended up. Flash back to March 2019 when I had saw a show there for the first time (since we moved only 15mins from this theatre) which usually from Tampa we are about one hour. I remember them listing the shows for the next season and hearing Waitress, I jumped out of my seat and kind of made a fool of myself sitting next to random fellow theatre fans (attending a show on my own) and just so happy and smiling so big about this knowing I would be able to see Waitress again and introduce this beautiful show to my mom. Flash forward to that night January 23rd. First time my mom was in this theatre (near our new home) and it had been a year since we went to see a show together, we saw “Anastasia: The Musical” on Tour in Tampa in April 2019 which was wonderful. Back to Waitress... My mom and I were in the the fourth row I believe all the way to the right of the theatre. They were wonderful seats and to see a brand new cast take on this incredible show was so beautiful. Enjoying our pies we bought, sitting together and seeing my mom was enjoying the show just as much as I was. Now this theatre is a little different and the show was only going to be here for the one night, and we took it all in. After the show, even though they didn’t have much time the wonderful cast came out the stage door and greeted every fan that was there to see if they would be able to get a chance to say a quick hi to some of the cast. I walked up to the little one Adriana who was touring with the cast for certain performances and chatted with her and her mom for a quick moment. I was a bit hesitant to walk up to some of the older cast members of the show (not the most comfortable making conversation with anyone new...) but little by little I did say hi and the last person I had gotten the courage to go up to was Bailey McCall, who was the current “Jenna” of the show and tour. I quickly said hi to Bailey and took a quick photo with her. What I would have said to Bailey if I had the courage to that night: Bailey truly took the role of “Jenna” and made it her own. The connection between her and the audience was unbelievable. The raw emotion Bailey put into her role was seen from the very first moment. I knew they had to get going pretty quickly but the whole cast stayed out as long as they were able and were so generous with their time.
Come February. The first weekend we ended up flying to New York for my grandma who had recently passed and there only three nights... that Sunday before had left I decided to head into NYC alone to see The Musical Frozen for a second time to see some of the young talented kids in the show who I had been talking with for a few years. Suri Marrero (”Young Elsa”), one of the girls in the show had invited me to meet with her after the show and I had ended up seeing Fiona (”Young Anna”) who had performed with Suri that night. What a wonderful memory from that night and to think back now my last professional theatre show I would see most likely for awhile (most likely one year at least). 
Ok so flash forward to end of March after my birthday... Things seemed to be getting worse by the day and being kind of told to stay in until further notice was at first not bothered by it much, but as everyday seemed to get longer and longer and the days just going by I felt like I for sure needed to start some sort of routine or something to keep me going. Especially since all photoshoots and anything related outside physically to my magazine was put to a hault like everything else. I didn’t realize how much I have missed taking photos and photography since I had stopped. When I first started my magazine, I had relied on someone else to help with photos and slowly little by little I had started doing my own photoshoots especially locally here in Florida. I decided to put out a submission request to have talent from anywhere out of state of Florida to submit their story for me to feature them on the cover (starting in April), which normally I do not do and have a separate spotlight and page I use to feature talent (as most who I feature on cover I usually meet in person and get to know them before doing anything.) So already I was adapting to something new. As the days went on, I came across a Disney Animator, Michael Woodside, who started posting how to draw videos of Disney characters. Every week day he would draw a new character. I don’t think at first I felt like I would enjoy it or let alone even draw anything close to a Disney character especially since I had tried it at Disney World (live) and didn’t even come close. It all starts with a circle. Really. I started with Mickey and ended with Minnie. Looking back I can tell and see how much I had improved since day one. He then took a break so I haven’t really drawn much lately, but I hope to get back to it soon. As I started taking on these drawings... come beginning of April and Broadway and theatre extended their shutdown and I just knew this was just not something that was going to go away anytime soon. I didn’t realize how much theatre has had an impact me in the last few years. Long story short, I didn’t really see my first professional theatre show until I was 19 in California, at a camp for girls with Turner Syndrome (19 was my last year and chance to attend the camp). They ended up taking us to see Wicked (2007) at The Pantages Theatre. Megan Hilty (”Glinda”) and Eden Espinosa (”Elphaba”) were incredible. That was the first time I was introduced to theatre physically (first time was Legally Blonde with Laura Bell Bundy on TV for an assignment in college). And my first professional show on Broadway was even later in 2015. Being born in Florida, it was for sure not often I saw any shows but I think all of this being introduced later and closer to my 20s makes me appreciate it even more. Also had found out Frozen would not be coming back to Broadway when everything settled and shows opened up. I was devastated and had a little cry but realizing afterwards how my last professional theatre show I had seen before this all started was Frozen on Broadway... that night now means more to me than I ever thought it would. I felt like I just wanted to help everyone in the theatre community from the talent on stage to those behind and in front of the stage and all around it. What could I do to help? Really at home? I was missing theatre and music so much and I would say every single person whether they realize it or not, has used music, theatre or something related that has helped them through tough times and not being able to go out for the little things and so much we take for granted this time at home has and still has made me think a lot. Being able to attend theatre is a privilege and is not something that anyone can just do. I have been blessed to be able to see various tours around and so grateful to have family still living in New York that I can stay with when I feel like I am missing theatre and New York. Not knowing when all of this would settle and things would be safe enough to even go out in general let alone see any shows wherever they might be was for sure hard to grasp. I had saw something that inspired me to try to help raise awareness and funds for an organization that helps those in theatre/arts and really anyone in Entertainment throughout their lifespan, The Actors Fund. Virtual Concerts and meetings had just started getting around and was something I saw an opportunity to try and use my platform and my online magazine to help and at the same time bring music and theatre to anyone around the world. What technology can do these days, is for sure something we also use for so many things but leaves such a huge opportunity to use our voice and platforms for good. I would say at first, it took me a good minute to figure out how I would go about this. Instagram was the app I was most familiar with and have seen many go live (video) before but rarely used it as again I am not the most comfortable in front of a camera or talking much. If I did go live it was to showcase the talent I was featuring and only focused on them. This was all so new to me, and something I was at first really hesitant about. I just still knew I needed to do something to help the theatre community. I thought about an all day concert and music on Instagram Live and to fit in as much talent as I could maybe just a short 10-15min time slot for each talent to perform one song and answer a quick question or two for everyone to get to know them a little. I started mentioning it to a few talent I had connected with through my online magazine and who I had previously seen on National Tours/Broadway etc. to even see if any of them would be be willing to lend their voice and take the time to do this during this time. I think one of the first few I had connected with was Bailey McCall and David Socolar who I had recently seen perfrom from the latest Waitress National Tour. Bailey and David were so sweet and so supportive and were for sure willing to join the concert. The first one was set for Saturday, April 18th. It all came full circle when I was able to connect with Christy Altomare (who I had seen perform twice on Broadway and had sang me Happy Birthday on my last trip to NYC) and she had said she would be able to perform at the concert. Arielle Jacobs (most recently came off of Broadway as “Jasmine” from Aladdin) had mentioned sending in a Press Release to Broadway World and so from there, the concert was well on its way to happening. Flash forward to the day before the concert I was all set and ready for the next day but also really nervous. The anticipation for sure had taken over with it all being so new and not knowing what to really expect. Re connecting with so many I had met and meeting a few for the very first time (I had been speaking online to for years). I just kept telling myself it was all for a great cause. Now at the time, Instagram didn’t have a Donate Button available during the live videos at the bottom of the screen while everyone is watching, but that had changed later on after the first concert. I was able to put the button in the story but overall the first concert was a success. I ended up in my room all day (and had so many who were able to participate) I didn’t really even have much time to eat. It was such a fun day of music and I would say the second it was over, I had this odd feeling inside of me. Not sure what exactly it was, but the big question was was I going to continue this once a month or just let the one month go as planned? Nothing was certain about the outside world and what was going on, and I decided that continuing the concerts once a month for The Actors Fund would be something that everyone could rely on and look forward to while everything else was at a stand still. I think consistency and routine is something every person needs especially right now. Working out a few little technical difficulties here within the first few concerts has for sure given me some challenges but overall, working on planning our 5th Concert now for August 22nd and it for sure won’t be one to miss. I cannot believe it is almost August already. Being so hesitant at first about these concerts and knowing I am not really one to make conversation or feel like it is easy for me (As you can see I am more of a writer than speaker) I have to say I didn’t realize how much these concerts have had a major impact on me personally. Mentally, at first not knowing what to really do with this time at home and being in one place for long period of time not knowing when this will all settle for sure has gotten to me... but planning these concerts has kept my mind busy and what a blessing it has been to be able to still focus on something I am so passionate about theatre and my magazine while being at home. Keeping me busy each and everyday and the consistency for sure has helped. I am always thinking of something more and what I can do to help others and to make each concert even better bringing those all around to one place. I do not know what the rest of the year 2020 holds but I do know that when theatre comes back it will be stronger than ever and the first show that I see (and anyone who is able to) will be one to remember. I for sure know there will be happy tears (from me) the first show I see out of this. For those in theatre and anyone that works beyond the stage my heart is with all of you each and everyday. Attending a show at any theatre in the near future I sure hope is not taken for granted. I for sure know that I will taking in every moment of the experience like it is my last. I know that may seem a bit harsh but even in life live everyday with no regrets. Do what makes you happy and never take the little things for granted. The past few months have taught me so much. 
“Music is The Universal Language” 
There are so many beautiful languages. We may not be able to speak all of them, but the one language we can all understand is music.”
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seblaine-rph · 7 years
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THE ADMIN'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY: a SEBLAINE-RPH chapter by chapter guide on building and admining a roleplay group
Chapter One - Making a Blog
So you've decided that you want to open up a roleplay of your very own. My first piece of advice is as follows; don't panic. Remember that even before the moment of conception, you aren't alone. If at any point you ever feel unsure, or would like another opinion, there are a vast number of people out there that would love to help you out. You never have to panic, no matter what the problem. Personally, I am always open to giving advice, helping with the process of building your plot/character biographies/other writing, production of graphics of any kind, theme makeovers, and the request of any other help you may need. I'm not the only one out there either, there are plenty of other RPH and other help-based blogs out there too. Most other roleplayers don’t mind giving opinions either, so you can always ask your friends.
1.) We're going to start, in this guide, with making your blog.
Some people prefer putting their main pages on sideblogs, but there are things (like submitting promos and shoutouts*) that are made more difficult by that so others prefer main blogs. Take a moment to consider what you want in this instance. There are guides out there and people you can ask if you want to do a bit of research, but in my opinion the decision comes down to one question. If you're planning on making a bigger group, something long-lasting with big needs, then you probably want to make a main blog. If you're making something simpler, something less serious (but of course still has your interest and devotion), or something smaller (like a 2x2, 3x3, or 4x4) then you could be fine with a sideblog. The only reason I've personally ever used a sideblog for a main was so that I could always be available to questions sent there within seconds, even while I was roleplaying. I had made a small group that consisted of less than a handful of characters and once I had those few roles filled, there was no further need for the main other than for organization and event announcements, so it just worked better to have it right there, attached to my character blog. If it had been on its own main blog, I may have forgotten to log in and missed questions sent to it.
*If you choose to make a sideblog, then you can use your rps/writing/personal blog to ask for shoutouts/promos. Some blogs that post those don't accept shoutouts/promos from anything but the main though, so keep that in mind. 
2.) Once you've chosen, the first thing you'll need is a url.
Remember that this doesn't have to be perfect just yet, because you can change it at any time, but if you have any ideas that you really like, it's smart to save the url immediately so that nobody else gets the same idea and snags it first. Before you forget, head into the settings for your blog and turn on your ask box, the anon feature, and your submit. There are new on-blog advertising features that you need to turn off now too. At the time that I'm writing this, there are two of them and they're listed together. There is now also a “non-chronological posts” feature that you’ll have to turn off too once it starts. Because Tumblr is finicky, it's a good idea to make your ad blog right now too, and you might as well throw up an ooc blog while you're at it. For those that have never made a roleplay before, these two blogs (ooc and ad) for your roleplay will be sideblogs. The ad blog is where you'll queue your ads so that you don't spam your main and therefore the dash. The ooc blog will be a private blog that you click the option to password protect so that your players have a little community to talk out of character with each other. This helps with plotting and keeping your players connected ooc.
In order to create a new sideblog, click the little person button (on the top right of your screen) and click +New, then write in your url and do the captcha. You'll want to make a post on your main and on your ad blog right now, so that Tumblr registers them as new blogs. You don't have to tag either post or put anything you'll actually keep in it, all you need to do is make a post because your blogs won't show up in the tags until two days after your first post. Sideblogs follow the same rule. Posting on them now allows you to hit the tags as soon as you’re ready to advertise.
3.) Now that you've got the basics set up, it's time to pick a theme.
You can ask around the RPH community, check the rp themes and rp theme tag, browse an RPH’s theme tag (here’s mine), or look through your favorite theme maker's blogs to find the perfect one for you (my original themes). 
When choosing a theme, you want to consider your group and its needs. Do you want a lot of links on your main page or would you prefer just a few links and the use of a full navigation page? Do you want a lot of room on your sidebar for a long description or will a scrollbar/a smaller space do? Also remember that if you choose to use a page with popup windows, you'll want to have mobile links up for them too.
A lot of people like to go with fansite themes, which all have a top header and side column(s) for information that make your main page look professional and streamline. There's room for a lot of information and links on some of these too. You can find fansite themes with sidebar columns that are so long that they have to scroll with the posts, but there are those that remain stationary as well. Some of them have font or navigation links as the top header, with no image, which are good for those of you that don't want to have to make a bunch of graphics for the main. 
Another go-to theme type for roleplay mains are container themes. One of the things that you have to remember with container themes is that you want people to be able to see your main page, so you want to use one that doesn't have a tiny container. I've seen themes that are so small that the posts are 150px-250px wide with a 150px height window of appearance, which forces people to use 6px font and gif icons that are 25px by 25px so that it "looks aesthetically pleasing," but that translates to "absolutely unreadable" for a good number of people. There are a lot of container themes out there, and a lot of them have really small spaces for posts. You can edit that yourself though, or ask for help from the theme maker or an RPH if your favorite theme comes with a tiny container.
4.) There is more to do once you've got a theme, now you need to customize it.
No matter what theme you use, or what type of theme, you can always edit the html to make it better suited for your needs. If you can't do it yourself, there are plenty of RPH blogs that would do it for you.
Before doing anything else, you should be sure that:
Your theme doesn't have any fonts that are below 12px. Some fonts are larger than others, but anything that you actually want people to be able to read cannot be smaller than 12px. It is relevant to mention that 16px is the standard for accessibility in font sizes, so your fonts should be closer to 16px than 12px, but any smaller than 12px is just cruel.
Your posts are 500px in width. On some themes, you can justify using as small as 400px on the post size, but no smaller. When the post size shrinks too much, it's harder to read and the font html tends to shrink too in order to compensate for the smaller space. When changing the post size, I always use cntrl+f to search for the originally used post size px, so that I can change all of the other applicable html locations (ask size, tag size, the entry div, photo set size, etc) as well.
You might have to change other things because of those two bullets. Containers might need to be edited, margins changed, etc. Those of you that want to change other aspects of their themes can do so now. Put everything on the main page where you want it. Consider this the first step in customization.
Then make your theme graphics. This is where you really start to see your roleplay becoming something specific and personalized for your plot. Use imagery that is relevant to your plot. Keep diversity in mind by choosing imagery that represents as many different types of people as possible, if you're using people in these graphics. Remember that you don't want your graphics to be too dark to see, but you also don't want them too bright to see-- and you definitely don't want to whitewash anyone. You may wish to use a PSD (<-link to psd tag) so that all of your graphics are edited the same and therefore look the same, just beware of those three problems. Almost any PSD can be edited and altered in the name of making them work properly. Again, there are RPHs that will gladly do this for you or give you advice, if you want the help.
Your theme colors should match your graphics, and can be taken directly from them if you want. I prefer to, it just makes it easier to ensure my graphics match my theme. It also helps to choose a lighter or darker variation of the color on the graphics that still matches, when you don’t want to use the exact same colors.
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When choosing colors for your main blog, make sure that everything is still accessible. You want to make sure everything matches and looks aesthetically pleasing, but aesthetic means nothing if you can't read your blog. For instance, if your background is dark, the font you put on top of it should be light. If your background is light, the font you put on top of it should be dark. If you have a bright pink background and a bright yellow font, it is very likely that it will be completely impossible for anyone to read. Accessibility is not just important for those that have a difficult time seeing, but for you as well; if people can't read your blog, they won't stay on it long enough to give your group a chance.
5.) Your theme basics are done, now fill out your rpg information.
I'm going to do a whole new admin guide for this, so it won't be as detailed as it could be. I will link that guide as soon as I finish it.
Know your rpg and what you need on your page. Different groups require differen't information. For instance, if you're a supernatural group, you may want to at least link to information on all of the different species involved in your group. If you're not running a supernatural group, that's obviously not necessary.
As far as the basics go:
You'll need a sidebar description, something catchy that draws people in and makes them want to read more. Make sure it gives a clear reading on what your rp is about.
You'll need clear navigation. Most groups have a navigation page, but you also want to make use of your navigation buttons. All themes have a different number of them, make use of them with the most important links for your group. Remember that if you have popups on your theme, you're going to want to have mobile links up for that material too.
You'll need a clear set of rules. Most of these are the same thing written over and over again, so really consider your group and what is important to you as an admin to make sure yours are as unique as possible. If you have any requirements, this is where to put them. Age restrictions, instructions for nsfw or mature content, activity limits, dash rules, and ooc stuff all goes here. The point of a rules page is that you want to be able to say, "you knew this was expected of you" if any problems arise. And you can add to this! If you start up your rp and someone does something you absolutely do not want to see in your rp again, feel free to make an amendment and add it to your rules.
You'll need to consider what other information you need on your blog as well. Some rpgs require applications, others are appless. Some need to have their plot explained further, others can cover it in the sidebar. Whatever your needs, make sure everything is clear, not too long-winded (people will tune out if they aren't engaged), linked clearly for ease of navigation, and double checked for proper spelling and grammar.
6.) So you think you’re done, now get a second opinion.
At this point, you can tell that your blog is done and ready for information to be put on it. It looks pretty, it has graphics on it, all of the information you want it on your blog, and you're certain that you can read it.
Double check that last statement. You can ask a friend or you can ask an rph, but now would be a good time to make sure that everything is accessible. You want to make sure that your theme is the right theme. You want to make sure that you've got a good font and font size, for both your page html and your graphics. You want to make sure that your information is clear and concise as well as attention-grabbing.  It's really easy to miss out on stuff, and we all have different screen sizes, so it's really important to get a second opinion.
I do theme reviews and opinions on rpgs as a whole, but you can go to almost any rph for the same service or simply ask your friends for their opinions.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: The 10 Best Tape Measures
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Best Tape Measure
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this post. This means that at no cost to you, I will receive a small commission if you purchase through my link. I will only ever promote the products and services that I trust and 100% recommend. You may read my full disclosure policy for more information. Thanks for supporting my business in this way.
For this post, I have put together a collection of the best tape measures currently available.
Updated: December 5, 2019
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MY TOP PICK: If you are looking for the best overall, I recommend the Stanley 25' Powerlock because it features a mylar coated blade for durability with a 1 width for easy reading.
A durable, reliable tape measure is an essential tool for any professional or DIY'er.The typical length is 25, so it works for most everyday tasks.
However, depending on what you are working on, you may need a different tool for the job:
If you need the dimensions of something large:
Example: the interior dimensions of a room. Consider using a laser measuring tool.
If you need the dimensions of something very large:
Example: the length of a piece of property. Consider using a measuring wheel.
If you need the precise dimensions of something small:
Example: the diameter of a ring. Consider using a digital caliper.
The following tape measures use the latest innovative components to meet your needs and help to ensure you do your best work.
So here is my list of The 10 Best Tape Measures.
1.Stanley 25' Powerlock Tape Measure
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Stanley 33-425 Powerlock 25-Foot by 1-Inch Measuring Tape - Original Stanley
The Stanley Powerlock 25-Foot by 1-Inch Measuring Tape is a classic, and for good reason.
Standard features include a lockable blade for precise measurements and minimal slippage, a belt hook for easy access, a 1-inch wide blade for easy reading, and 16-inch and 19.2-inch stud center markings.
Plus, Stanley has added a heat-treated spring to increase the tape's lifespan.
Blade is coated with mylar to help it stand up to abrasion associated with repeated use.
Patented Tru-Zero hook doubles as a pivot for drawing circles and arcs, and it automatically adjusts to handle inside or outside measurements.
2. Kutir 25' Tape Measure
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Measuring Tape Measure By Kutir - EASY TO READ 25 Foot BOTH SIDE DUAL RULER, Retractable, STURDY, Heavy Duty, MAGNETIC HOOK, Metric, Inches and Imperial Measurement, SHOCK ABSORBENT Solid Rubber Case Kutir
Both inch and metric tape measure.
Sturdy matte blade measuring 0.15mm thick stand out till 7 ft, this 25 foot tape measure is strong and durable.
Casing of our retractable measuring tape is made out of a top grade rubberized material that is conveniently shock-absorbent.
End of the measuring tape is outfitted with a powerful magnet, helping you to get a proper measurement.
Simply attach the end of the ruler to any metal surface to keep it in place while you get the measurements you need.
Bold easy to read large numbers, that provides accurate measurements for carpenters, builders, hobbyists and more.
3. Komelon 25' Tape Measure
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Komelon SM5425 Speed Mark Gripper Acrylic Coated Steel Blade Measuring Tape, 1-Inch X 25Ft, White Komelon USA
An evolution of the original Komelon Gripper and its design, now with the Speed Mark fractional graduations.
Blade on the Gripper Speed Mark is acrylic coated.
Includes fractional graduations printed on the blade making it quick and easy to read.
Easy grip, thick rubber jacket surrounding its ergonomic compact case.
4. Magnelex 33' Tape Measure
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Tape Measure 33-Foot (10m) by Magnelex, Inches and Metric Measuring Tape for Construction, Home Use and DIY, Smooth Sliding Nylon Coated Ruler, Strong Belt Clip, Impact Resistant Rubber Covered Case OZNC Global Ithalat Ihracat Ltd. Sti.
Supurb magnelex solidrule tape measure 33-foot (10m) will make all your projects go far easier. We started by making this tape much more reliable and durable.
2-in-1 inch and metric tape measure.
Ergonomic design insures this tape measure is easy to grip, easy to hold, and non-slip in wet conditions.
The highly durable ABS case is covered in rubber, protecting the inner mechanism, the tape, and the overall construction.
Very smooth, reliable tape for both extension and retraction.
The blade is nylon coated on both sides to give you a tape that won't break, crack, or split.
Strong stop button keeps this tape from slipping while you make your markings.
Easily lock the blade with one hand.
Functional, sturdy belt clip and strong wrist strap.
5. QuickDraw 25' Tape Measure
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QUICKDRAW DIY Self Marking 25' Foot Tape Measure - 1st Measuring Tape with a Built in Pencil - Best Steel Tape - Power Locking Tape Ruler Imperial Blades LLC
Built in pencil: Quickdraw is the first tape measure with a built in graphite dispensing wheel.
Easy and accurate: quickly make your mark with pinpoint accuracy.
Rugged nylon coating.
9+ feet of standout.
Durabile and a strong recoil every time.
6. Komelon 25'Tape Measure
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Komelon SL2825 Self Lock 25-Foot Power Tape Komelon
The Self Lock Series features a unique self locking mechanism that allows the blade to extend smoothly.
Push button release that insures complete control when retracting the blade.
The series also provides an impact resistant rubberized case and a nylon coated blade for maximum durability.
7. Stanley FatMax 25' Tape Measure
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Stanley 33-725 25-Feet FatMax Tape Measure Stanley
The Stanley 25-Foot FatMax Tape Measure is reinforced on the first three feet with BladeArmor coating for maximum durability.
A Mylar polyester film extends the life of the entire blade.
Cushion grip built into the case for a non-slip grip and impact resistance.
A top forward blade lock design makes it easier to lock and unlock the blade.
Heavy, heat-treated spring provides long life and smooth blade recoil.
The tape blade measures 25-feet-by-1-1/4-inch with a 11-foot tape standout.
Bright yellow, easy-to-read blade has 16-inch and 19.2-inch stud center markings.
8. eTape 16' Digital Tape Measure
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eTape16 ET16.75-db-RP Digital Tape Measure, 16 Feet, Red eMeasure
eTape16 digital tape measure revolutionizes not only the tape measure but also expands its utility.
Large digital display provides easy reading while the advanced features are readily accessible.
Features include:
Three memories.
US or Metric units.
Centerline calculation.
Inside/Outside measurements.
In addition to its advanced features, the eTape16 incorporates a sleek modern design.
Made of poly carbonate plastic, the eTape16 is made to last in the most rugged of environments.
9. Lufkin 25' Tape Measure
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Lufkin L1025B Black Widow 25' Tape Measure Low Glare Matte Finish Hi-Visibility Blade Markings Lufkin
World class test and measurement manufacturer Lufkin brings you the new Black Widow 25' tape measure.
1-3/16 dual sided black blade.
Consecutive inches to 16ths on both sides.
Vertical read out on back of blade with horizontal on front, a 10 foot standout for longer reach and efficient measuring, reversed color blade for improved legibility in low light conditions.
Hi-Viz Green marking for excellent contrast.
Matte Nylon blade coating in conjunction with black blade offer reduced glare in outdoor applications dual
End-Hook grips on all sides makes marking and measuring easier rugged rubber over mold housing for increased impact-resistance.
10. Swanson Tool 25' Tape Measure
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Swanson Tool SVPS25M1 25-Feet Magnetic Savage Proscribe Tape Measure Swanson Tool
The Magnetic Savage Proscribe tape measure from Swanson Tool features a patented innovative, retractable scribe guide and centering pin to help measure and mark to cut lengths and radiuses.
Patented Proscribe integrates several valuable marking functions, including the compass-like ability to measure and scribe circles, as well as the chalk-line-accuracy to measure and mark/score straight lines.
Retractable 1-1/2" rigid scribe guide allows contractors to transfer a specific measurement by sliding the guide along the edge of a board or drywall sheet, while the reinforced tip is used to mark the work piece.
Users can also easily position a case knife or carpenter's pencil against the tape's metal tip to cut, score or mark the desired width.
The tape's heavy-duty metal tip also helps draw forward the scribe-guide element (when unlatched) through two magnets mounted to the innovative guide.
Clearly marked every 1/8" from the 1' mark and up, the wide blade marks off feet, as well as Inch.
Available in 16' and 25' versions.
I hope this list of the best tape measure was helpful.
If you think I left out one that is important or have a suggestion for a future article, let me know in the comments below.
Brandon Hubbard, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/the-10-best-tape-measures
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