#this is one of my fav wowaka songs
vocalsynth-songs · 1 year
Prism Cube by wowaka ft. Hatsune Miku
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sippywippy · 5 days
tf2 music headcannons
got the idea playing project diva with a mod adding tf2 models lol
also this is NOT serious dont be mad if i mischaracterize them or go against canon ir whatever yapayapa idgaf!!!!!!1!1!1!!!
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— DEF a vocaloid fan, his fav would be miku
— listens to artists like wowaka, reol, deco, samfree, DEF giga
— i think he would like romeo and cinderella ... a lot
— also i think he would listen to soundcloud rapper type music and hype them up in the comments on 7 different alt accounts
— america national anthem and other military songs 90%
— the other 10% is like. green day idk (i dont listen to green day)
— honestly i think they would also like vocaloid,, fav is probably rin
— mostly junky, daniwell, and would listen to ohayodel because that mv is 1million percent them
— liike sea shanties and medieval music idk
— oh my GOD korpiklaani.....a,,lcohol songs,,,
— ik they finnish but shhhh ...,,,ssh
— what do u think (texan country music)
— just for spice i think he'd like industrial stuff
— i think he would like,, slow songs most of the time ,, perhaps
— i have no examples dot dot dot
— if hes freaky he listens to sexy music (you knwo)
— the only one i've made a (30min) playlist for dot dot dot
— ok!! loves scary bitches!! gay vampires yes!
— also probably likes pisse (only german artist i listen to) and like christian death maybe idk
— i think hed listen to podcasts he seems like anpodcast guy
— ummm also would listen to those top 10 creepy vocaloid songs
— fench
— probably listens to that one stupid basic stereotypical spy song ion remember
— umm also listens to like . that one genre of fancy pants music thats also like soooo cunty i have NO idea whatnim thinking of
— could be a reach but i think hed like athamay !!
— proabbly liie sad emo rock i hav no idea huys
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dixiedingo · 1 year
:00 ya tagged me! In a Lil about me game. Whoa!
I'll tag @visceravalentines , @pastelwizard , @early20sfailingplenty, @sunnygang , @ijustdontknowsometimes
Nickname: Dingo!
Age: 22 as of a week ago lol
Height: 5'1"; would be 5'3 or 4 if my spine wasn't goofy
Song in my head: Will Stetson's cover of Ashura-chan
Sign: Pisces sun, Aries moon, cancer rising ^_^
Sleep: Dubious. I usually have to get high before I sleep cause I'm a nervous wreck half the time when I'm sober :'))
Last google search: "Dog facing camera meme"
Dream job: content creation! I'm working on it now. I've got a video in the works actually. I'll prolly end up posting sometime next week. It's a bit behind (I wanted it out before my birthday) because the file corrupted, and now my uncles graduation is tomorrow so I'm traveling tonight :'))
Wearing: blue pinstripe overalls with a tear in the inner thigh, a "having fun with chainsaws" TCM shirt my ex bought me, green plaid, and peeling green tortoise shell glasses uwu
Fav instrument: I'm biased, but I love the cello. In middle school I signed up for orchestra and both violin sections were too full and I didn't wanna be basic and go with the viola :')) and I didn't wanna lug around a huge bass. So I picked the cello. I made it to regional, actually! I was technically 12th in state?
Fav song: Rolling Girl by Wowaka ft. Hatsune Miku (rip King I miss u </3)
Fav authors: I haven't read enough books to have a fav author so I'll do fav director here. Most the books I read are esoteric in nature if not psychological anyways. Plus I'm bad at remembering names lmao; even with normal celebrities. If I haven't seen them in at least two or three movies, I probably won't know their name :'3
As for my fav director, it's Satoshi Kon! Perfect Blue was a master piece and it's a shame he died before he got to make more movies. Paprika was also super good.
Fav animal noise: cicadas! They remind me of an old horror anime I love, and remind me of when I was a kid and I wasn't allowed to have a cell phone so my friends and I used the landlines to do a multi way convo :'))
Runner ups are kitten purrs and the scream a red fox does when it finds its mate. (Red foxes mate for life (usually) and make a special scream when they find their "one" where they hold each other's arms and tell the forest to fuck off <3)
Fav color: most shades of pastel and anything red. But I especially love wine colors (they make my skin look prettier uwu)
Last song: .... will stetson's cover of Ashura-chan
Last series: I've been rewatching Hell Girl to try to finish it this time. I think I stopped on 8 but I don't remember what the hell happened |D
Sorry I'm a chatter box. I don't talk to many people often ^_^;; I'm working on some trust issues haha
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digi-log-conversation · 11 months
was tagged by @digboye to make a playlist that spells out my URL! you can listen here on YouTube. these are the songs included:
Marble Water / Seirou Okamoto telephone / Vylet Pony How Do I Life / Em-One & Answered - Emmaculate / l4ureleye Mirror / Porter Robinson まだダメよ (mada dame yo) / Yuki Kajiura and I'm home / wowaka
i think it speaks some amount of volumes that most of this is not popular music in the slightest, and that i am just a bit of a nerd loser. i do listen to normal music i promise, but since it was my name and the letters were limited, this was what came to my mind out of my fav songs. i also tried to pick tracks that would hopefully flow pretty well in playlist form. here's a different playlist that represents me a little better.
anyway ive been thinking about changing my url for a while so maybe if i end up doing that i'll make another playlist. for now i'll tag @aquacycle @knightofgames aaand @youtubepoopmusicvideo.
see below for embeds of all the songs!
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kafus · 1 year
of course rolling girl is the wowaka nostalgia fav of choice for most people but i gotta say. Prism Cube is one of my favorite wowaka songs. i don't even know why i just think it's beautiful and always have. i'm unsure if it's my favorite on his unhappy refrain album but it is certainly up there if not my favorite
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3m29s · 2 years
hiii i was tag by @staycgrls 🙇🏽‍♀️💗
name: maureen
sign: gemini <3
height: 1.67 cm (don’t know in feet)
time: 12:34 pm
birthday: june 3rd !!
fav band/artist: hitorie hitorie hitorie hitorie hitorie <33 <3
last show: i'm watching the terror and omg 👩🏽‍💻
last movie: meet the robinsons
when i created my blog: 2 years ago (a baby)
average hrs of sleep: like 6 + all the naps i take through the day.
followers: 🙊🙈🙉
what i post: pretty pics n the things i like.
do i get asks: not usually.
other blogs: 🙊🙈🙉
instruments: i have a kalimba but i’m not good at it </3
dream job: comic artist :)
what im wearing: distressed straight jeans and spaghetti strap shirt w a bigger shirt on top (?
dream trip: i want to go to japan in may.
fav song: nichijo to chikyu no gakubuchi, both the og by wowaka and the one by hitorie 💗 also lately ive been listening a lot of mucc so sei to shi to kimi.
and im tagging @lapinn @shibarisa @slugx @tomoyoo @tilapiaaaa (only if u want to <3)
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
hi : ) do u have any fav vocaloid songs? have a good day ! !
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm songs..well let's see... pinocchio-p was my favorite producer for several years, some favorites are akkanbee da , doushite chan theme (both the original and the + are good but the + version is my faovrite) , 1year , whatever yama says goes, pretty much everything from ~ zero-go + proliferation of imamura is really good and creative vocaloid synthpop, #1 most underrated pino-p song is its always other ppl who die off that album
these days i listen to a lot of dennoko p who is very underrated, whole vocaloid crescendo album is so fucking good, extremely creative and innovative and beautiful and heartfelt, they also make a ton of really good comedy tracks , i cry and sigh overnight has quickly become one of my favorite vocaloid songs ever , this one always makes me laugh. its bitpop vocaloid with a lot of interesting breakcore type sampling. very innovative
im also really into babuchan recently. very particular vibe that is hard to describe. i really like it though. highlights include lan mth sci sct + extremely beuaitufl frozen kid, really consistently good producer, pretty much any album of theirs you listen to will be really good
i also love wonderful opportunity who i consider the undisputed masters of rin and len and make cute and fun light rock. twin masters best, positive club vs negative club best, 8hit best . nothing particularly inventive but i love them.
If u want something fresh go listen to utsu-p's vocaloid metal. so good. espescially love "i thought i was an angel" (Go figure)
in terms of generaaaalllllllll not artist specific reccomendations , my favorite classics are cosmo@ bousou-p's disappearance of hatsune miku series (ESPESCALLY the intense voice of hatsune miku), meltdown iroha sasaki is probably one of my favorite songs of all time, anything ryo espescially odds and ends+ love is war was like 10 yrs ahead of its time, of course wowaka's entire discography is legendary, old utau stuff like fukkireta, triple baka, teto territory, gocha gocha urusee, etc are really fun cute time capsules that i regularly return to, and i ve had o kotowari shimasu stuck in my head perpetually for like 8+ years
thats all that immediately comes to mind : ) hope you have a good day too
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twig-gy · 7 months
my fav ghost and pal songs that i neeeddd to listen to super slowed down are pathological facade and their deathbody and uncanny mashup but the songs i like listening to at normal speed are aura and appetite of a people pleaser :}
as for wowaka songs my favs are rolling girl and unknown mother goose (i prefer listening to english covers by will stetson for those songs if u wanna know that too!!!)
throwing in two of my other fav miku songs too :} magical doctor and the disappearance of hatsune miku
if u have any song recs for me i would rlly love that!!!!!
oooo thanks !!!! we like the same songs :)
also ofc ofc i have recs !!! well at this exact moment i’m listening to CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE by R.I.P/RIProducer which is really really good. i like all pinocchiop songs to ever exist but schevenigen is really underrated and it has breakcore + milk miku. (idk what breakcore to listen to but i like it. all i listen to is kyancer by emray or yt playlists)
frog96 is great . every single song. but i alr said that so
0 o is probably the most obscure person i listen to ? idk if you can even search their name? here is one of their songs tho be their 665th sub because all their songs are really good (https://youtu.be/kinzfm9GrbI). wait the exact title is “0 o - イヤイヤイイヤ / flower”
oh iyowa is really good i need to listen to more of their songs !
PEPOYO, ferry (don’t listen to them enough) and most recently i’ve been listening to ime44 are cool too!
most of the time i don’t listen to eng covers even if they’re good bc i think jpn sounds better and it’s not like i’m processing the lyrics actively anyway. but there’s a really good solaria cover of 🔪🔪🔪 (yknow the kikuo song?) by corvumi and there’s a really good cover of hitogawari like. they sound insanely good. by chuu_sii
at this point i should just pin my playlist to my blog . maybe
also Abu-Se-Kun
also also Tower of Sunz by Yuuki-P is . maybe actually one of my fav vocaloid songs? and cat allergy by ael (iirc) is definitely one of my faves
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angelcloves · 1 year
if you like rolling girl definitely listen to wowaka's other songs--his most popular ones are unhappy refrain, uraomote lovers, world's end dancehall, and unknown mother goose, and some underrated favs of mine are bokuno sainou and reversible doll. tsumikino ningyo, nichijou to chikyu no gakubuchi, tosenbo, in the gray zone, and zureteiku are also pretty good. sorry that's a lot ^^;
man i used to LOVE wowaka (rest in peace). at one point i used to be able to sing two faced lovers but that was many years ago. maybe one of these days ill dust off my webcam and dance worlds end again because god that song is SUCH a classic
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diludae · 2 years
I'm sry for the spam but do u have any experience with psekai?:o
I've played several songs on it (mainly wowaka, he's my fav artist)
So far I've cleared Roki on expert, Unknown Mother Goose on expert, and Dissappearence of Hatsune Miku on hard. I've cleared other songs, those are mainly just the ones I play.
Other than sekai I'm also a vocaloid fan in general, I don't know all of the "best" songs or references but I dabble in Project Diva and drink the occasional vegetable juice here and there.
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rabblerauser · 5 years
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mou ikkai, mou ikkai! 
thank you, wowaka.
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odasketch · 5 years
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Unhappy Refrain was the first CDs I ever bought. RIP Wowoka.
commission info/ko-fi
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crowsynth · 3 years
top fav Miku songs??
my current top 3 are:
indoor stalker love pop - nashimoto ui
kusare-gedou and chocolate by pinnochiop
chain girl -re alive- by noburu
but my all time favorite will probably always be rolling girl by wowaka because it was one of my first vocaloid songs and ive listened to it for almost a decade :)
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blueskittlesart · 4 years
what are some of your favorite vocaloid songs? ive only heard a few but id like to listen to more and i think it’ll be interesting to hear which ones you like!!!
ok ok so most of these are going to be miku because 1. shes the most widely used and easiest to find and 2. i only started getting into other vocaloids very recently but i’ll to my best!! if you’re looking for more songs i highly suggest @vocaloid-tunes, they post songs by request so you get a lot of variety and they also tag by character, producer, and release year so it’s easy to find what you’re looking for! my favorite producers rn are neru (does a lot of work with rin and len, idk if he’s still doing vocaloid stuff tho, known for dark/disturbing lyrics) giga-p (as the list ur about to read clearly shows lol, still producing) and mitchie-m (still producing, his tuning of miku is unrivaled) 
my fav songs, in no particular order: 
rolling girl (miku) by wowaka
world is mine (miku) by supercell
childish war (rin and len) by giga-p and reol
wah wah world (miku, rin) by mitchie-m and giga-p
mahou mitai na music (miku) by OSTER project
meltdown (rin) by iroha(sasaki)
love trial (miku) by 40mP
ODDS&ENDS (miku) by supercell
gimmexgimme (miku, rin) by hachioji-p and giga-p
drop pop candy (rin, luka) by giga-p and reol
YY (miku) by 23.exe
tokyo teddy bear (rin) by neru
dreamin chuhu (luka) by emon(tes.)
mind brand (miku) by Maretu
the disappearance of hatsune miku (miku) by di-jo and circusP
chinchin-pui-pui (flower) by yuro mashima
SNOBBISM (rin and len) by neru
Bad ∞ End ∞ Night (miku, rin, len, luka, kaito, meiko, gumi, gackpo) by  Hitoshizuku-P and Yama△ (this song is a story and is actually the first song in a series!! i rlly love all the songs but this is the first + my fav) 
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haganez · 3 years
ohhh spiderbyte I get it now! it's a v cute name!! you said you like vocaloid so what're your fave songs?
EAT - utsup (i love when utsup uses rin and i really love metal songs so if u like metal too i recommend!)
Magnet (cover with utaus meiji and renri) - Hez-Kun ( if u prefer more natural sounding voices these two sound very very real)
nichijou to chikyuu no gakubuchi - wowaka (wowaka was such a great artist its hard to pick a fav :( i recommended his unhappy refrain to any new person )
yin yang relationship - wadatakeaki ( hes my favorite vocaloid producer i love every single one his songs and he uses my favs a lot!!)
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aqua-terra-ventus · 3 years
congrats on loosing some teef! i hope everything heals up okay and that you feel better soon 💛💛💛 did they give you laughing gas and if so did you do anything silly? also wondering if you have any songs, shows or movies that are your favorite or that you'd recommend? :>
Hi Ollie!!!! :DD I’m feeling pretty good so far actually! (which is great dsfhgjg) I’ve just been taking my prescriptions and icing my jaw as much as I can. Luckily they put me to sleep for the procedure, I had to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled. I don’t remember doing anything super silly, but I do remember the first thing I did when I woke up was asking the nurse if I was allowed to swallow XD. Later in the car on the way home I cracked my mom up (she was driving me) when I was having trouble seeing straight from the anesthesia, so I covered one eye and said I could focus my eyes like that. My mom jokingly asked if I was gonna be a pirate with no teeth, and I seriously answered back that, “Mom most pirates already have no teeth because they get scurvy” and she thought it was hilarious LMAO
As for songs, shows, or movies!! (I talk a lot so I put this under a read more adsfgjgjh. I apologize in advance XD)
I’m not sure what your style is but! Recently I’ve been getting into this hard rock/indie rock/metal-esque band called Dance Gavin Dance! I’ve had two songs by them on repeat recently. First is Inspire the Liars and second is Chucky vs. the Giant Tortoise (still not sure why it’s called that, but it’s a banger)
Next I would recommend my current favorite song, Unknown Mother-Goose by Wowaka. I’m also not usually a fan of English covers but I think Will Stetson’s cover of this song is just as good as, if not better than, the original. He’s got an amazing voice and the lyrics resonate extremely well with me. This was also the last song Wowaka ever released before he tragically passed away in 2019, and I think that Will Stetson’s cover is a lovely tribute to him.
I’m also currently really obsessed with these two songs by Pinocchio-P! Loveit and Ultimate Senpai!
I also 100% recommend a band called Red Vox! Their new album Realign is so fantastic.
If you like Undertale and electronic music, PLEASE do yourself a favor and check out SharaX on youtube. She does remixes and original songs, and she is one of my all-time favorite music artists. She is insanely talented and underrated!!!!
Right now I’m watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and hoooo baby is it good. I love it so much and I only just started season 2. And I know it only gets better from here!!! I’m also rewatching Avatar: the Last Airbender and I plan to also rewatch Legend of Korra afterward. Both fantastic shows!!!
My all-time favorite tv show is a fun little show called Chuck. :D Zachary Levi plays the main character, it’s got a great acquaintances/to friends/to lovers slow-burn romance, the entire main cast is so lovable and funny, and it’s about spies!
My favorite cartoon is, no surprise here, Gravity Falls :D
I love love love cartoons, my top 5 are probably...
How to Train Your Dragon (all three. they’re all so good. the third made me cry more than any movie ever has.)
Tangled!!!! My fav disney film and my ideal romance. I have the BIGGEST crush on Eugene, and by extension, Zachary Levi. XD
MEGAMIND!!!! God I cannot get enough of this film. My second ideal romance. Call me weird but I am very in love with that dumb blue alien man. Not to mention the score is so fuckin good!!!!
The Iron Giant. I’ve loved this movie since I was a wee little lad. I used to call it The Iron Giant Robot as a little kid. It’s such a beautiful, unique, and moving film. Every time I watch it, it makes me cry!
Number 5 switches around constantly, but for now I’m gonna say Treasure Planet!
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