#this is pretty damn good news
conderkyl · 1 year
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divorcedfiddleford · 10 months
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here have a few doodles from the past few weeks. theyre mostly ford. you don't have a problem with that, do you (image IDs in alt text)
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rotyolk · 9 months
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heyyy we noticed you from across the bar and now we're gonna make you solve our riddles three
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ricky-olson · 3 months
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Well the good news is: definitely high enough that if we jump, we die. So that’s good. The Search For The Golden Tim Tam: $100,000 Prize
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some-pers0n · 1 year
"TF2 fans when Volvo does the bare minimum L + ratio dead game–" shut up and look at her. Her name is Slivia. The map maker confirmed it. Perfect update.
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loving-jack-kelly · 6 months
also hi hello modern newsies time. modern spot has absolutely perfected the separation between his work and personal life. he has one real friend at work who knows both sides of him but when the random guy who from the office who barely knows him runs into him at the grocery store he's like whoah. you have a septum piercing and dress like you belong at a punk rock show and are apparently funny enough to make the twink next to you laugh out loud every other sentence. and spot is like yes :| and what about it :| and never mentions it at work again
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retros-artandstuff · 25 days
vriska + a transmasc dave doodle
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#tryna get into colored pencils again we'll see how it goes#its been a while since ive done a good tag ramble#but like i dont hv anything to ramble about#my art#traditional art#doodles#fanart#homestuck#homestuck fanart#dave strider#dave strider fanart#vriska serket#vriska fanart#oh actually i do hv smth to ramble about today#that being scheduled posts#yknow scheduled posts are actually really convinient and helped me quite a bit#like i used them for a couple months and honestly really liked useing them cuz it allowed me to hv a pretty consistent posting schedule#but in the end i just didnt feel right with it mostly due to the fact that even with it set to post three times a week it felt weird to hav#some of my drawings posting weeks after i finished them. like they were old news to me already but they were barely being released to every#one else it just felt weird for me ig. not to mention that like on the rare occassions that i didnt have anything to post i felt obliged to#draw smth just so i would have smth to post and most of the time that led to me being unhappy with my art. so now ive just decided like fuc#it imma post whenever i want and honestly im really happy with that even if i might be going a little trigger happy with the posting button#recently lmao. ive just been drawing a whole lot and hv so much to post its insane. hell i still hv things in my gallery that i needa post#but ill save those for the next couple of days lol but yeah thanks for coming to my very long ted talk/ramble and goodnight 😴#damn im such a yapster what the hell
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optimistpax · 6 months
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Transformers: Drift miniseries continuation but it's Above Snakes. I am urging you to see my vision
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hershelwidget · 12 days
A collection of things I’ve screamed into the void with mild hope that the void would scream back (it did. on several of these)
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I am so sorry but every single word uttered here is canon to YLS’s already insane lore. yes even the one about Jack Skellington. yes even the one about Dimentio. yes even the one that ties into MSM/TBoCI. yes ESPECIALLY the one about Captain Barnacles.
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gardenwolf-arts · 5 months
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Love this thing. The VONE
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junowritings · 3 months
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Had to take a quick break between requests to give my characters some love lmao.
Been falling back into New Vegas at the moment and my main courier Bentley always goes through a little revamp every time I do! So here one of probably many doodles about em + an older ref sheet I made a few months back.
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victorluvsalice · 1 month
Sims 4 Valicer Outfit Fun III -- Dark Academic Crystals Edition!
Time for another "I've been fucking around in CAS making outfits for Victor, Alice, and Smiler" lookbook post! This time focusing on outfits created in response to me getting the Crystal Creations stuff pack recently! So, without further ado --
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This is Victor in the outfit I most wanted to put him in ever since I saw the previews for the clothing you got with Crystal Creations – that vest and shirt combo is PERFECT for a slightly more casual Victor. :) The black pants aren’t bad either, and I rather like the little boots. Another Valicer In The Dark look, I think!
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While normally I’m all about the blue with Alice, I really liked the forest-green swatch for this particular dress, so here it is. :) It’s a very pretty outfit (though looking at it, I can understand why some people were like “some of these clothes look like they should have been part of Realm Of Magic”), and I like it in combination with the patterned tights, and the other new set of boots.
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Back to traditional blue swatches with Alice here – I had to try this dress on for size as well, and I think it looks pretty on her. Though I suspect this is something I’d be more likely to give a “teen” Alice over a “young adult” one... Maybe if I ever do that save file where I have Alice, Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Smiler all grow up together. :p As I had this outfit replace one of her formals (hence the fancy necklace and bright white stockings), I decided to pair it with the fancy crystalline shoes you get with the pack too – VERY cool-looking. :)
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Okay, this is an amusing one – I was using Smiler to hunt down new clothes that I hadn’t clicked on yet from any pack, having thrown them in one of the comfy sweaters that you get from Crystal Creations (in the black swatch, because obviously it doesn’t have a good yellow one – dark academia is not know for its bold colors, after all) – and I stumbled across a pair of ripped leggings from Werewolves that I had apparently never properly clicked on. A pair of leggings –
That came in a “one yellow leg one black leg” swatch that was perfectly Smilerish! :D So yeah, I had to show them off – with a quick pair of mini-shorts thrown on to help hide Smiler’s, uh, bulge a bit better. XD But yeah, don’t those look very them? I’ll have to find a “real” outfit to use them in, instead of this monstrosity. :p
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Here's Smiler in some real pants to make a proper outfit for them -- and honestly, I rather like the combination of the yellow slacks with the nice loose black sweater. :) Probably should have gone with black shoes over the yellow ones, but I was literally just messing around in CAS with all the new clothes I could find, so... Oh, and you may notice that Smiler's got something around their neck?
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Yeah, it's the new double-strand necklace made in conjunction with Simmer arethabee! You see, I also used Smiler to clear out some of the stuff in the “head” section of CAS (including all the new hairstyles from all my new packs that I hadn’t looked at yet – let me tell you, Smiler does NOT look like themselves if they don’t have this specific weirdass haircut), which meant that Smiler got to be the one to show off this cute little necklace! I rather like it – and not just because it comes in Smiler-appropriate colors. XD It’s simple without being TOO simple, you know? And it does look like something Smiler might wear. Or Alice, come to think of it. I’ll have to play around with it a bit more.
Enjoy this handful of new looks! And be prepared for a few more in the future, because I also did some playing around in CAS in response to the SDX "new swimsuit stuff" drop last week on 5/14. XD First though, another Chill Valicer Save update -- see you then!
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coridallasmultipass · 2 months
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Goddddd, Dorothy is waifu for laifu, I s2g. Can't wait to see what conditional saviour bullshit she pulls from this stunt.
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mejomonster · 25 days
I genuinely like long hair. I aspire to have long hair and look like a lot of men whos looks i admire.
I got compliments on looking so feminine and pretty recently
I cannot tell u how urgently i desired to shave all my fucking hair off. How unpleasant it felt to just Bam get reminded the way i intepret my own choice for wanting to look Any particular way in this world is always overshadowed by anyone outside me deciding theyd Prefer me a certain way for their own reasons
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jorvikzelda · 1 year
I started reading Lord of the Rings (bought Fellowship of the Ring like… last spring but never got around to starting) and I’d just like to say. Holy fuck what a slow book. You mean to tell me I’m over a hundred pages in and this man is only just leaving the Shire? Sign me up for MORE I love this shit. Tolkien said “I will take exactly as much time as I want to describe things and you will like it”. AND I DO
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