#this is probably the closest i'll get to writing a holiday fic
evelinessa · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @aawrightworth! Thanks Topaz! <3
1. How many works do you have on A03?
25 currently. Technically, I have 26, including what I wrote for the Ace Attorney Holiday Exchange, but that won't be added to my profile until after creator reveals.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pretty much exclusively Ace Attorney. I have one Hades Game fic and one DGS one (which AO3 technically classes as a different fandom than AA).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Of course, the only two smut fics I've written are both in here 😂.
Mile(s) High Club
Locked Inside (The Key to Your Heart)
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Isle of Eros
After All This Time
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, however, most of the time I'm very slow at getting around to it. I try to match the same amount of time and effort the commenter made when responding, but I sometimes get anxious and overthink my response, which delays me getting to it. I'm working on responding to everyone I haven't yet, and then hopefully will keep up with it from there. Regardless of how long it takes me to respond, please know that I read and treasure every comment. It makes my day when I get that email! 🥰
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is a very hard question lol. I'm predominately an angst writer, so I've written some pretty angsty endings. It's hard to think of which one is the most when I feel like a lot are fairly equal. If I had to pick one, then probably The Time Loop Ritual. The ending stands on its own as very angsty, but I've been told the epilogue/sequel fic, All That Remains, has made people even sadder.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is hard as well. I've also written plenty of happy endings, and not sure if one stands out happier than the rest. I think I'll go with He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I've seen. The closest was something that could be interpreted as a backhanded compliment, as well as a comment that pointed out a flaw in my writing for one of my early fics (which I was already well aware of). But both those comments also contained praise.
9. Do you write smut?
I've only written two smut fics, but I do have some WIPs I hope to finish someday. I want to write more so I can become comfortable with it, but writing it sort of intimidates me TBH. Most of my ideas don't involve smut, so there hasn't really been a need to. But I also know I'd probably come up with a lot more smut related ideas if I wrote it more and became more comfortable writing it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't and don't know if I ever will. I've tried to brainstorm a Hades Game Thanzag and Narumitsu one before. I came up with some vague ideas for that, but don't know if I will ever go further with it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of, but if anyone ever wanted to translate one of my works, you are free to do so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! @aeronwolfao3 and I wrote Coffee and Chrysanthemums! It's currently unfinished, but we will continue to work on it one day.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
NaruMitsu/MitsuNaru, of course ❤️💙❤️.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Well, I have a list of 50+ fic WIPs that are in various stages of progress (from a vague several sentence idea, all the way to mostly having a first draft done). That huge, ever-growing list is also why I've been putting off my response to the WIP tag game from a few months ago lol. I also get new ideas fairly often, and I prioritize my writing based on any events and exchanges with deadlines (which I participate in regularly, and also give me new ideas each time). That's all to say that as much as I'd like to get to every idea on that list, I most likely won't. I don't have a specific WIP to mention here, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Angsty emotions, especially those resulting from grief, loss, and tragedy. Dialogue. Emotional inner monologue. Creating small little sentimental moments between characters that one of the characters can recall.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Super fluffy content, especially with very little/an absence of plot or conflict. Character and setting description. Writing body language without sounding repetitive or awkward. I've still done all of this decently enough, but it's harder for me and comes less naturally. And I don't utilize description nearly enough.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Maybe someday I'll include some German dialogue for Miles or Franziska or someone else who it would fit for. But I probably will have someone fluent look it over first.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ace Attorney! While it wasn't my first posted fic, one of the fics I first worked on originated as a script for a comic back in May 2021. It was through the encouragement of some people in the fandom that I started writing and adapted that script and comic idea into a fic: Keeping Up Appearances. My first actual posted fic (not including my co-written fic which first chapter was published two days earlier) was Never Meet Your Idol, a drabble written for a prompt on Discord.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Another hard question. If I answered this last year, this would probably be much easier to answer, but now I've written so much more that I'm happy with.
I'm gonna put two, since one of the ones I really like is still unfinished, and part of my joy is because I know the full extent of it (which the readers don't have that benefit). The one I'm talking about is my 1-2 canon-divergence fic, A Demon’s Justice. There are two chapters out so far that I'm both mostly content with, and five planned chapters still to go. I first thought of the idea almost a year ago now, though I didn't start actually writing it since the summer. It's grown a lot since I first envisioned it, and will probably be close to 30K by the time it's finished. While I won't know how I feel in total until I can read the whole finished version, I am excited to write more and for what I have planned.
For finished, this one is much harder, and I feel like my answer fluctuates. For now, I'll go with The Lies We Tell As Our Secrets Are Held. The idea came to me in the shower when I was brainstorming fic ideas for NaruMitsu week this year. The storytelling style is a bit different than other stuff I've written. I think it achieved the feeling I was trying to capture, and I'm happy with a lot of my descriptions.
Tagging: @azalawa-scroggs, @almarnatiaam, @gloucesterroad @wobster109 @aeronwolfao3 @theinkhiddenwithin @ziskandra @zombiekittiez @enisywrites
Tagged some people that I haven't noticed were tagged yet or haven't noticed them doing it already, but also, anyone who sees this, feel free to do it as well!
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thenookienostradamus · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Okay so this one looks insanely fun; I couldn't not hop on board. Tagged by the fantastic @nocompromise-noregrets. These are some juicy questions!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 45. Oh shit I just realized I have one fic for each year of my life.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 957,606
3. What fandoms do you write for? Many of the ones I have written for I don't anymore, but I've written for some enormous fandoms like Hannibal, Tolkien/Silmarillion, Star Wars, Sherlock, and SPN, a couple biggish ones (Detroit: Become Human , Midnight Mass, and Foundation -TV), and a shitload of tiny fandoms including The Alienist (TV), The Following, True Detective, The Exorcist (TV), and Preacher (TV).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Cernunnos (Hannibal) - 1,189; Misericorde (Hannibal) - 727; Exit Music (D:BH) - 716; The Detective Doth Protest Too Much (D:BH) - 638; The Stolen Prey (Hannibal) - 579.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! It's super important to me to take time and thank people who have commented. Also I'm not super crazy popular so I don't get a shit-ton of comments anyway. They're all gems!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hm. Most likely Nightmare Angel, my lone Supernatural fic which nobody reads because I kill Dean and send Sam on an automobile-assisted vengeance quest. Listen, it's a book-based AU and the book isn't exactly the happiest.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably This Night at the Edge of the World, which is a surprisingly poignant modern AU take on a Star Wars crack ship. Matt the fucking Radar Technician. Who knew?
8. Do you get hate on fics? Rarely. I've gotten a couple of comments along the lines of "Why didn't you do x?" or "If this was my fic I would have..." and I've found that a lot of those come from people who are well intentioned but possibly neurodivergent, so I try to be kind.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep. All but 8 of my fics are Explicit-rated. Not sure what is meant by "what kind" - but like...hopefully the sexy kind? This is a reflection of the reason why I read fanfic. If I want character development, an engrossing story, an ingenious plot, whatever, I read original fiction. If I want to read about make-believe people banging, I read fic. I don't like longfic or romance or slow burn or whatever. Reading fic, for me, is purely for horndog reasons.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I guess the closest I've come to that is the Techienician ship, AKA Matt the Radar Technician (Adam Driver's undercover Star Wars character from a Saturday Night Live sketch) x Techie from Dredd (2012) as played by Domhnall Gleeson.
11. (there doesn't seem to be a question 11) Free space! I am loving the recent proliferation of interesting, complicated female characters in media!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Uh. I think so? Not sure if it was on AO3, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Tons of them, actually. Which is weird because I typically like to write alone. But I've had some amazing collabs. I cowrote one of my Following fics with a friend (we've since lost touch). I wrote a crackfic called It's Hard Out There for a Balrog for a reverse bang, collaborating with @melkors-big-tits and his ridiculously amazing art and awesome ideas. My fave collab, of course, was the extraordinarily cracky Kylux holiday fic, Merry Huxmas, which I co-wrote with my sister, @gefionne.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Uh...I don't really have an all-time favorite. Just whatever is occupying my mind at the time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm not entirely sure I'll ever finish The Unresisting Heart, which is a Maglor/Sauron fic. It was an experiment in style and I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I'm in the frame of mind to finish. I keep telling myself I'll finish In Eorum Nominibus, my Midnight Mass Riley/Father Paul fic. But again...not sure.
16. What are your writing strengths? Characterization, probably. I'm pretty decent at putting together a plot with a lot of moving pieces. Dialogue. Also making things not read like fanfic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I sometimes miss opportunities for character interiority, especially with a fast-moving plot. I try not to, but my writing is vague sometimes. I don't particularly think it's a weakness, but fic readers love flowery, pretty language and I refuse to write that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Largely unnecessary. If you do, translate. But throwing words from another language in makes you sound like a non-native speaker trying to appear cool. If you're fluent in another language, why not just write in that language, too?
19. First fandom you wrote for? Well, if you don't count Mary Sue stories written in a spiral notebook before the computer era, probably The Matrix. Revolutions, specifically. It's not posted. It will never be posted.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Exit Music. Because its totally invented AU plot went on to inspire an original novel that may or may not be published before I die. People really do not want to read "unlikeable female characters." Sigh.
Tagging some new friends, including @mycapeisplaid and @madsmilfelsen, plus some beloved old friends: @thefangirlibrarian, @niennawept, @ruiniel, @i-did-not-mean-to, @cilil, and the obligatory @gefionne because she has the same parents as I do and also because she's awesome.
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @isagrimorie (thanks for the tag!)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
only 9 lmao. you're never gonna guess what my fic writing weakness is.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
108,636 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Doctor Who (and various related fandoms. though funnily enough i've never posted a new who fic), Star Trek (currently just Star Trek Picard but i have a few Voyager wips too), and a single Steven Universe fic.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
this happiness is hell on earth – Steven Universe fanfic about Pearl and Rose's toxic relationship and Pearl learning to recover after the series
And They Became Monsters (the fall of great men) – Gallifrey/Bernice Summerfield/DWEU fic that's a novel length character study of Irving Braxiatel and started as a way to explain his timeline and then i was carried away by the themes.
The Office – a somewhat silly Gallifrey fic where Romana and Narvin fight over an office following Enemy Lines when Romana takes over the CIA
A Holiday – a fluffy Eighth Doctor audios fic where Eight, Liv, and Helen go on vacation and accidentally run into the Doctor's past...
What is Beautiful – Gallifrey fic where Narvin and Leela explore one of the Axis worlds alone and Leela makes Narvin see the beauty in the world
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to! a few comments always get lost in the email weeds but i try to make an effort to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh this is hidden lore because i wrote it before i had an ao3 account but i posted a Gallifrey fic called Hope in Times of War in 2015. it was on my old tumblr so i doubt that is survives online but was about Gallifrey succumbing to Rassilon's military dictatorship during the Time War and Romana, Brax, Leela, and Narvin all being separated and i remember Narvin was executed as part of military executions and well... no one else had a great time either. i've learned that i prefer writing bittersweet endings to purely angsty ones.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i don't tend to go for outright happy 'everything's fine' type endings. the closest is probably What is Beautiful because it doesn't have much of a plot other than some musings on Narvin's character growth.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
on the one SU fic i wrote, i got a weird hate comment an hour after posting it and the commenter edited it like three times so it was no longer hate but just... vague disapproval and complaining about... not even my fic but just the standard interpretation of the show. anyways it didn't bother me but i did think it was funny how bothered this person was over the canonical fact that Pearl and Rose had a toxic relationship.
other than that, i don't really write for big enough fandoms or write controversial enough things to attract any hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
none published :) i've written some smut but i've been far too insecure to publish it because 1) i'm very ace and i think it shows in my writing and 2) some people i know irl have my ao3 and i tend to be conscious about how things i post could escape online containment. if i do publish any smut i'll probably publish it anonymously.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
again – none published. i have a few Gallifrey fusions i've sketched out before and one Gallifrey/Voyager crossover that i wrote a few pages of over the summer.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but i would welcome it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope! i think my writing habits are far too erratic to be a good co-writer but i love sending ideas back and forth with people.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
the Gallifrey ot3. not even necessarily in a romantic sense, just in a 'these characters' lives forever revolve around each other and they can never escape even if they want desperately to leave' sense. Gallifrey was the first fandom that i was really dedicated to and spent a lot of time thinking about so these characters have permanently left a mark on my brain.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i only have one posted WIP that i am very much intent on finishing but as for my eternal drafts i have two notable ones that i still work on occasionally but will never be published in their current form:
Star Trek Perseverance – i challenged myself last spring/summer to create my own 20 episode season Star Trek series that i would want to see in the world. it's a slight AU of the end of Picard s3 where Seven and Raffi were given a new ship called Perseverance instead of the Ent G with a mostly OC cast of main characters and a more similar 90s vibe of an episodic series with different tones. i have an outline of all the s1 episodes and a few of the "scripts" written but yeah... writing 20 full length episode scripts is simply too much for me to tackle but i'm toying with the idea of adapting a few to prose/taking out the AU elements to publish because i do really love the "episodes" i wrote and it was fun to experiment with some comedy/light hearted stories which i tend not to write.
also during lockdown i started a 'Romana survives the Time War instead of the Doctor' AU of new who and i sketched out an outline of s1 (and some other big season plot points) but only wrote about 10 pages. it has some excellent writing tbh but given how long it would need to be, it's destined to live forever on my hard drive and in my head.
16. What are your writing strengths?
character voices 100% if i feel like i can't find a character's voice for whatever reason then i simply will not write for them. even when i go back to my old work, i cringe at the pacing/grammar errors, but generally i think the character voices are pretty on point.
i also like to think i've become pretty good at adding rhythm and pacing to my prose when i put in the effort. it's quite hard to do sometimes but it's so satisfying when it works. i'd never claim to be a poet but i love writing prose that just feels good and melodic to read aloud.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
... finishing things. or just committing to projects and ideas that i can actually follow through on.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oof. i know enough Spanish (and Russian to a lesser extent) to get through some dialogue but i would very much want to run it by a fluent speaker first. however neither Spanish nor Russian have ever come up in my fics.
the only non-English languages that's come up in my fics are French and Latin. the French was for an abandoned fic and i asked my French-speaking friend to translate. the Latin was for ATBM and i'm pretty sure i ended up taking the line out because i didn't know any Latin speakers(?) (i mean it's a dead language so.... readers? translators?) and was too shy to ask a stranger.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
technically i wrote some HP fic in a notebook when i was 8 though i didn't know what fanfiction was at the time. (obligatory note that i'm not a HP fan or supporter right now given JKR's bigotries and hate speech)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
And They Became Monsters (the fall of great men) without a question. i poured my heart and soul into that beast and was the first time i wrote something that felt like Real Writing with Layers and Themes. when i was done i felt like my writing meant something more than the usual short fic i'd write. like at the end of the day it's a fanfic but it's also a critique of Great Men histories, a dissection of how art and the ways we view art perpetuates imperialism, studying how abuse causes abuse in cycles, how egotism stems from insecurity and slowly eats away at the self, how the self is just a performance and mask of something no one can ever name, and how sometimes the only thing you have to do to break away from cycles of tragedy and violence is to ask for help. (sorry i'm being too pretentious but i am very proud of my work on that one)
it was also the first time i feel like i put real effort into small details and experimented with them like tense – the story is told from the perspective of two versions of the same character and depending on the POV, the story is either told in past or present tense. there are even a few scenes when the two versions meet and i still narrate one's actions in present tense while the rest of the scene is in past tense to drive in how the present-tense character is quite literally out of place. there are also quite a few sections that i purposefully wrote as fragmented and run-on sentences to mimic the thought processes of someone having a breakdown/ideological crisis.
if i had to pick a favorite excerpt it would probably be the confrontation between the two different versions of Braxiatel:
He sighed. “You believe this is my fault? Deferring responsibility? Are you sure that you have grown up?”
“You were the one who lied. You told me I was a hero. You told me I would win the War. My future is Gallifrey’s future. Don’t you remember that?” Braxiatel wouldn’t rise to anger because he was better than that, he would never give up the game. (It’s always been a game.) 
“I told you that you mattered. All children believe they matter.” Neutral, impassive, infuriating. He wasn’t belittling. Maybe to him, Braxiatel was still a child – the wayward son fallen far away from a distant and demanding father. Maybe that was the truth. What a cruel family he’s created. Just another cycle. Ad infinitum.
And here they were, blame circulating around and around. Things would never be resolved. Things would never heal. Braxiatel didn’t even want to heal. He wanted to leave this jagged cut deep inside – so deep that maybe the wrong Braxiatel felt it – because if there was an ugly scar for all to see that meant all the hurt was real. His bitterness and anger was justified because wasn’t healing just erasing? Forgetting the hurt meant letting it happen again and again, and there’s another cycle because he just can’t seem to get away.
Tagging: I can't remember which of my mutuals are fic writers but if you see this feel free to fill it out!
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eurydicees · 4 years
lmao i only spent like 40mins doing this so rip if there’s any typos or inconsistencies, but it was super fun to write. @falling-pages this one’s for you (based on this post), i hope you’re feeling better and not too hurt! 
the one where kyoya falls
summary: for tamaki’s christmas present, the host club goes ice skating. kyoya does not know how to ice skate. it goes about as well as you would expect. gen fic. 
words: 1252
warnings: some swearing
“It’s going to be fun,” Tamaki says, grinning. 
His cheek go pink when he smiles, and Kyoya rolls his eyes. “Fine.” 
As a general rule, Kyoya does not do winter. He does not do snow or cold or ice. There is a list of things that Kyoya Does Not Enjoy, and winter is at the top of the list. 
Unfortunately, there is also a list of things that Kyoya Does Enjoy, and making Tamaki smile is at the top of that one. 
Which is how Kyoya ends up standing on shaky legs on an ice rink, desperately trying to stand straight up. He’s wobbling, gripping tightly onto the wall. He’s wearing his warmest gloves but he can’t feel his fingers, and his toes are freezing too, for that matter. 
“Kyoya!” Hikaru calls from across the rink. 
He and Kaoru are skating right towards him, speeding up, in perfect sync. They’re both perfectly comfortable on the rink, and Kyoya has never hated them more. He is in a decidedly awful mood. 
“Come on,” Hikaru yells, “have some fun!” 
Kyoya curses under his breath, but dares to, just for a moment, let go of the wall. It’s fine. This is fine. He can do this. He looks away from the twins for a minute and to the ice. He takes an unsteady step forward. 
Then he hears a yell and Kyoya barely has time to turn and shout before the twins crash into him. They push him into the wall, hands and bodies everywhere, until they’re in a pile of ice skates and coats and a murderous Kyoya. He struggles to sit up, pushing both of the twins off of him. 
“I hate you both,” Kyoya mutters, trying to pull himself up. 
Kaoru is laughing, and he stands up with ease. It’s unfair. “You love us, Kyoya.” 
“I don’t,” Kyoya says.
Hikaru stands up then, too, crashing into Kyoya again. He doesn’t fall this time, just grips the wall tighter. Hikaru knocks his shoulder against Kyoya’s shoulder, just hard enough to make him wobble on the ice skates. “You do.” 
“Fuck off.” 
Hikaru laughs then, too, and then grabs Kaoru’s hand to drag him away. Kyoya watches them go, making loops around the ring and laughing. They let go of each other’s hands and do some fancy spin. Kyoya doesn’t know where they learned to ice skate, but he’s jealous of their ease. 
“You okay?” someone asks, and Kyoya turns around again to find Haruhi standing in front of him, her cheeks pink from the cold. 
“I’m fine,” Kyoya says, trying to find any sense of composure. But he doesn’t let go of the wall, and that ruins the effect a bit, considering that Haruhi is standing so steadily. “Where did any of you learn to skate like that?” 
Haruhi turns to the rest of the rink, which is empty except for the host club boys. Honey had rented it out for them as Tamaki’s Christmas present. As much as he hates it, looking at Tamaki skating in rapid circles with Honey, Kyoya could tell that it had been a good present. To be fair, though, Tamaki isn’t hard to please when it comes to gifts. Kyoya could probably give him a rock he found on the ground and Tamaki would be happy about it. 
“I don’t know,” Haruhi says, eyes following Tamaki as he spun around, leg stretched out in a dance. “I just figured it was a thing all rich people did. You know, get special lessons in unnecessary forms of entertainment.” 
“You know how to skate,” Kyoya points out. “Clearly it’s not just a thing of aristocracy.” 
Haruhi shrugs. “My dad and I come here every year during the winter holidays. I’m no expert, not like— that.” She waves a hand over towards Mori, who does some form of a spin and stop that Kyoya has seen in hockey games. “It’s just fun.” 
“Fun,” Kyoya scoffed. 
“Buzzkill.” Haruhi shoots him a grin, and then skates off to join Mori, where he’s now swinging Honey around in a long arc. The blades on his skates could kill someone if they got too close, Kyoya thinks, but no one else seems to have much concern about that.
Kyoya takes a deep breath and lets go of the wall, trying to do a strange step-slide-step-slide motion to get him closer to the door where he can exit. Maybe he’ll be able to find hot chocolate and sit on the benches for a while. He’s perfectly content to just watch the others. In fact, he’d probably have more fun that way. 
“Are you not having fun?” 
Kyoya sighs, turning around. He does it in tiny stomps, the blades of the skates digging into the ice. He can’t feel his feet. “I’m having fun,” he lies. 
Tamaki sees right through him. Tamaki has always been able to see right through him. “Do you not know how to ice skate?” 
“And I have no desire to learn,” Kyoya tells him. 
That just makes Tamaki pout. Kyoya rolls his eyes, but before he can say anything else, Tamaki brightens up again. “I’ll teach you!” 
“You absolutely will not—” 
But Tamaki has already grabbed his hands. “I’ve got you.” 
He starts skating backwards, dragging Kyoya along with him. He slides completely out of his own control, but Tamaki holds on tight to his hands. He doesn’t look backwards, just keeps going. Kyoya’s legs are shaking as Tamaki drags him along. “I’ve got you, Kyoya. It’s just like walking.” 
“It— it is not just like walking,” Kyoya stutters out. “Don’t let go of me.” 
“I’m going to let go,” Tamaki says, completely ignoring him. “Just glide.” 
“Don’t you dare—” 
Tamaki doesn’t listen. He lets go of Kyoya’s hands, then slides to the side so that he’s next to Kyoya instead of in front of him. He laughs as Kyoya stumbles forward, taking all of the momentum he had and gliding forward. He’s not steady by any means, but he’s moving forwards, both arms out to keep himself upright. He’s looking at the ice below him, his ankles wobbly, and so he doesn’t see the wall until he— 
—crashes directly into it and folds over like he’s a piece of paper and the wall is a rock. He swears loudly, a string of curses echoing around the ring. Because the world hates him, he bounces off of the wall and down onto his butt, landing hard on the ice. He’s dizzy, sure that his vision is about to black out at any second. His ribs ache and he can’t catch his breath, and everything hurts. 
He can hear Tamaki, behind him, laughing. He skates over with perfect form— that bastard— and arrives next to Kyoya without coming at all near the wall. “Are you okay?” 
Kyoya flops down onto his back, closing his eyes and catching his breath. “I hate you.” 
“Don’t be mean,” Tamaki says. Kyoya can hear a shifting noise, and when he opens his eyes, Tamaki is sitting next to him. Tamaki looks over, eyes bright. “At least you moved across the rink.” 
Kyoya blinks, then sits up to look behind him. He really did make it across the rink. Now he’s going to have to make it back across the rink again to get to the door. He sighs, defeated, and flops back down onto his back, staring up at the ceiling of the indoor skating rink. “I’m just going to lie here.” 
Tamaki only laughs.
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woodchoc-magnum · 3 years
Not specific to any story, but I’m amazed by how much and how fast you create your stories, you’ve written amazing pieces and in what seems short amounts of time, how do you do it?
It’s honestly amazing and each time I get an email that you’ve posted something I get excited because I know I’m in for something good.
Hope you have a nice weekend! ✨
I genuinely don't know - I'm always thinking about whatever fic I'm working on, I type pretty quickly and I always write when I'm at work as well. On a good day I can smash out a few thousand words; on a really good day (i.e. a boring day at work) I can probably write about 10k. 😅
I get bored at work very easily (because I hate my job) - and I always have my Google doc open with whatever fic I'm working on in the background, and when I need a break from thinking about work, I'll write for a while. I actually find it easier to concentrate on whatever fic I'm working on when I'm at work, because I can't look at Tumblr/YouTube, so there are no distractions (and no, work doesn't count as a distraction, if anything it distracts me from writing!).
And then this may come as a surprise (not really), but I don't have much of a social life to speak of - two of my closest friends recently moved away, and I see my best friend on Saturday nights but other than that it's just me, my cats and my computer (which I'm fine with - I don't want a partner or anything). Plus since the pandemic I haven't really been away on holidays or anywhere, and I don't want to go out right now because of COVID, so... yeah, I have a lot of free time.
Writing has always come very easily to me and I don't know how to explain it. I just find an idea that excites me and then I write-and-write-and-write until it's out of my head!
Pre-911 I was writing a lot as well but they were stories with original characters. Since Buck and Eddie set up permanent, rent-free residence in my brain, they've been all I've thought about for the last two years. Not super great when my ultimate goal is to publish a book, but I figure it's all practice and it's only making me a better writer.
I'm really glad you enjoy my fics! 🥰
inbox me random-ass questions about my fics
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svltburn · 3 years
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great news, briloved! totally using this as an excuse to write gallavich and andriel. 5. bar/restaurant au + 30. holiday fic, except i don't try very hard to make it fit the prompt or canon bc i'm me and this is my party. also p.s., as promised, this was written on my phone. directly under the ask. in a parking lot. it's not getting edited. it's also why i had to post this as a screenshot, bc i accidentally posted before it was finished and had to delete it so you couldn't see (;
• after graduation, dan gets a job coaching in chicago, so all the foxes are visiting her for the holidays
• neil drags andrew to the alibi this rundown bar he found bc he can't imagine kevin day, queen of exy, being caught dead there, and he needs a break
• mickey and ian come in to celebrate their engagement, which happens in november in this au bc i say so
• ig set the year after dan graduates for aftg, and obviously s10 for shameless, no i will not be taking questions
send me two prompts and a ship // read on ao3 // read on tumblr
"Why?" Andrew asks, peering up at the sign hanging over the rundown bar. The Alibi Room.
"Because I wanna get away from Kevin for a bit." Neil answers.
Andrew slides his gaze to Neil, his expression blank. He looks back up at the sign. "You're the one that wanted to come to this little family reunion. Why are you and Her Royal Highness fighting now?"
"We're not fighting." They are, but Neil didn't want to get away from Kevin just to have to talk about him. Neil is sure Andrew hears that statement for what it really means, so he's grateful when Andrew let's the subject drop and reaches for the door handle. They'll likely have to talk about it later, but for now, Neil follows Andrew into the warmth of the bar.
The inside of the bar is just as, if not more, rundown than the outside, with greenish-yellow lighting and decor that, aside from the flat screen television mounted on the far wall, probably hadn't been updated since the early 1980s. It has enough customers scattered around at tables and the bar that the chatter would drown them out if they want to talk in relative privacy, but not so many that it's overwhelming.
At the end of the bar closest to the door and furthest from other customers, Neil orders whiskey for the two of them and watches in silence while the unusually friendly bartender tries to make conversation with Andrew. "I've seen some of you guys' games on TV, but you know, I just don't get the sport," He said as he poured the first drink and places it in front of Neil. "I mean, not that you guys aren't totally impressive and all, but I don't get what the point is. I owe a gym, you know? If you guys are ever looking for a place to work out in Chicago."
Andrew gives the bartender an unimpressed look the entire time he's talking. Once he receives his own drink, he turns away from the bartender entirely, bored gaze focusing on the baseball game playing on the television for a few moments. Neil opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off before he gets the chance. "I'll throttle you if you make a comment about wanting to watch Exy right now." Neil closes his mouth and bites back an amused smile as Andrew turns forward on his bar stool again, choosing to stare at the wall behind the bar instead.
The baseball game isn't Exy, so Neil doesn't really care, but it is mildly more entertaining than staring at the wall, so Neil returns his attention to it before too long. He's finished his drink and ordered another by the time noise erupts from the doorway. Beside him, Andrew tenses, but doesn't make to leave. Neil sees Andrew watching him in his peripheral vision, so he turns to see what the commotion is about.
A rowdy group of people that's nearly as large as the Foxes were Neil's freshman year filters through the door. One of them, a sparkly eyed brunette who can't be much younger than Neil breaks away from the helm of the group to pound his hands on the table closest to the door. "Ladies and gentlemen," He announces once most of the customers have turned their attention towards him. He takes a step back from the table, giving a sweeping gesture towards two men still standing near the entrance, wrapped up around each other. "May I present the future Mr. and Mr. Gallagher-Milkovich?"
---- The taller Future Mr. Gallagher-Milkovich - Neil thinks he heard someone call him Ian, but he's not one hundred percent sure - is probably the biggest lightweight Neil has ever seen, even after two and a half years of college. He's had one beer and Neil isn't even sure if he finished it, but he's up, stumbling around the bar with his betrothed. They must be regulars here, since the other customers got up to help the giant wedding party in moving tables off to the sides of the bar to create space for a dance floor. Neil is also pretty sure that the person who offered up their smartphone to play slow songs over wasn't someone who came in with them.
When the song ends, another one that Neil doesn't recognize starts, but the grooms break up from each other. The dark haired one goes to retrieve his own beer from where he left it on the table, and Ian makes his way to the bar alone.
There's a shot and a glass of some clear liquid waiting for him when he arrives. Neil didn't see the bartender make the drink, but he hopes it's water. Even the shot seems ill advised. He leans over, grabbing the bartender by the arm and tugging him into an uncomfortable looking hug. "Thanks, Kev. For... like. Everything." Ian whispers, except he's drunk and it's not that quiet, since Neil can still hear him over all the other noise in the bar. The bartender, Kev apparently, pats his back and grins when they pull apart. "Of course, man. You guys are family."
He reminds me of Nicky, Neil thinks, watching Ian hold Kev hostage in an across the bar hug. He decides it best not to mention that to Andrew, who still hasn't made to leave, but has been getting steadily more tense the more strangers that filter into the bar.
He thinks it's strange, given Andrew seems to have no problem with all of the unfamiliar people that swarm around at Eden's Twilight. He's ready to chalk it up to the fact they're away from home, but he's startled out of his thoughts when Ian turns away from the bar. His arm catches on the drink he'd been ignoring, and he turns just quickly enough that it sends the drink sliding off the bar and into Andrew's lap. Ian looks entirely surprised, like the glass had materialized out of nowhere, but after a second for the shock to wear off, he's quickly pulling napkins from a dispenser and stepping closer. Neil is about to warn him off, but Andrew hisses, "Don't." It's only when Ian stops, handfuls of napkins inches away from Andrew's wet lap, that Neil realizes he was talking to Ian, not Neil.
"Are you okay?" Ian asks, taking a step back and setting the napkins on the bar in front of them instead. He moves slowly, and Neil can't tell if it's because he's trying to keep himself steady or if it's because of whatever he sees on Andrew's face that he feels he needs to fear.
"I'm not the one marrying a cartoon mouse." Andrew deadpans. Once Ian has backed off a few steps, Andrew grabs the napkins he was offered and starts using them to try to wring some of the water out of his soaked t-shirt. Neil isn't sure it's going to do him much good.
Neil is right, it doesn't do much good, as after a minute, Andrew gives up. He finishes the remainder of his whiskey and drops the wad of wet napkins into the empty glass on the bar. Then he turns to Neil and says, "Give me your jacket. We're leaving." Neil offers up his jacket without another word and watches as Andrew breezes out of the bar. He starts digging in his jeans pockets in search of his wallet so he can pay for their drinks, but is interrupted by Ian, who is still lingering by the bar.
"No, no! Wait, let me.. Let me pay for them. 'M sorry I ruined your date."
Hearing his scheme to avoid Kevin with Andrew referred to as a date makes Neil hide a grin, a private joke with himself, though he's sure he'll share it with Andrew later. He won't say no to free drinks, though. "Okay. Sorry for crashing your engagement party." Mickey, who Neil gathers is Ian's fiance and not a cartoon mouse (though he's about as big as one), approaches to wrap himself around Ian's side. Ian rests his cheek against the top of his head and grins like the happiest person in the world.
Ian waves when Neil turns to leave, and Neil idly waves back before opening the door. He exits the bar into a cloud of Andrew's cigarette smoke and walks past without stopping. When he feels Andrew fall into step beside him, he thinks he may be willing to go back and fight Ian for that happiest person title.
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starjunco · 3 years
Tagged by @garbria -- making me be reflective, how dare you! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Right this moment I have 10.
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
23,192. 8,942 of which were posted this week o.o Guess I can be productive...
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just FFXV. Unless you're counting RPs based on fandoms in which case...six? Possibly more? Fandoms make great quick-start rpgs XD
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fifth: A tie at 13 between The Goddess' Gift and Adventures Retold: Bedtime Edition. Considering the second has only been up a couple days, we'll give it the place. You can't beat Cor and Prompto bedtime stories. Especially when they're poking fun at the OG Chocobros.
Fourth: Storm Gallows with 14. Random idea that I hadn't planned on writing but just hit me like a truck in the middle of the night. Still, it was my first Nyx fic and first of the Whumptober fics and I'm really happy how it turned out. I'll probably do more in this Wild West AU when I get the time.
Third: Winter Solstice Cocoa with 20. First day of Winter Dad!Cor Week for the prompts of winter holidays and hot chocolate. It turned out very well and I don't think I can do better for pure happy fluff.
Second: Black Knight, White Pawn with 22. Much, much whump. Nyx has a bad day--okay alot longer than a day. My mind flits from one idea or project to the next rapidly, but it's stewing over this again, so hopefully a new chapter soon.
First: Prompto's Wild Ride with 24. I'm glad this one did so well as the first idea I started working on for Whumptober and went through several versions. Cor, Prompto, and a pair of colorful chocobos.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yep. I try to leave them whenever I can think of anything at all too. Kudos are great, but you can't beat comments for encouragement: they're special and personal.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Does an unfinished one count? If it does, Black Knight, White Pawn. The ending will, eventually, be happy, but the chapters until then...
7) Do you ever write crossovers?
Haven't in fic yet. I've combined different fandoms for the convenience of shared reference in rp games.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not yet. Hope I won't. There's a huge difference between constructive suggestions and hate after all.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, but if I did, I probably wouldn't have the courage to post it, lol.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. Don't think it's likely as they haven't been up long. I am curious if there's any search programs out there to check on these things. Maybe anti-plagiarism ones.
11) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Closest thing I've come is A Song of Hearth and Home which isn't co-written but instead inspired by @ertrunkenerwassergeist's awesome fics, using her worldbuilding/history. And it's a poem/song, so not sure if that counts.
12) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
LuNyx, hands down. It's what brought me to the fandom really, especially @annaoi's wonderful art. I also like Crowna (Crowe/Luna). Promptis has grown on me as well.
13) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
FFXV. It's what brought me back to fandom after something like a decade and a half. Not that I wrote back then, but I did read.
14) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oof...uh...that is a really good question? Probably Black Knight, White Pawn or Storm Gallows just because they were fun to write and I got to try out some things with them. Tags...umm...@awlwren if you want to, no pressure
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daisylincs · 4 years
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Today is, officially, the last day of 2020 - so it's literally just in time that I'm getting to @aosrecweek's amazing challenge. But that does go to show the nature of this crazy year a little bit, right? Time has just been INSANE, and I honestly cannot believe it's so close to over.
That said, I want to put it out there that everyone - absolutely everyone - who created something in this mad year, is a SUPERHERO. Like. We could have hidden away in dark corners, curled into little balls, and lost touch with our creativity entirely - but instead, we made some of the most fantastic content I have ever seen. And, excuse the language, but that is fucking amazing, of each and every single one of us. We're bloody INCREDIBLE, you guys. We really are.
Now, the rules of this challenge dictate that I've got to start with some of my own things, then repeat with the same number of creations by other people. So I'm going to do that, and I apologise for the sheer length (and self-plug-iness) of what is about to follow - but, bloody incredible, remember? I really mean that. 💜💜💜
My Own:
you could call me babe for the weekend - 19k of Spideychelle being oblivious, mutually pining IDIOTS while being snowed in. And, you know, fake dating. (This thing was SO MUCH FUN to write and though, yeah, it got completely out of control, as evidenced by the 19k, I still really love it.)
'tis the damn season - my first attempt at writing a multi-chap, and, yeah, it only has one chapter as of now, but I really love said chapter. Basically, it's Daisy and Mackelena being friends, and honestly just the BEST friends - I adore the style I managed to achieve in this thing. Plus, the Skimmons I have planned up next is going to be da bomb.
the closest thing - Philindaisy plus fake family. Also; amusement parks. And for a fangirl like me - well, it was pretty much a dream come true to write!
oh valley of plenty - in this fic, I basically told myself, so AoS won't give us Huntingbird in the finale? Fine. I'll just do it myself then - in the fluffiest way possible. And that's exactly what I did - making them, and their kids, be best friends in Perthshire.
maybe life should be about more - a very angsty Skimmons and Daisy-centric AU, focusing on the internalised homophobia Daisy has experienced through her life, and shaking it off (and eventually, y'know, getting together with Jemma.)
and it's dark in a cold december (but i've got you to keep me warm) - Fitzsimmons just make such a supreme pairing for hurt/comfort, what with how insanely well they understand each other and care about each other, so I'm really glad for the Fitzsimmons Secret Santa giving me the chance to write this! Basically, this follows our science duo through a stressful mission on Christmas Eve (so yes, it's a mission fic!!) and realising that the two of them can do anything together.
july second - ahhh, one of my personal favourites to write! Daisy birthday surprise fluff will always be top-notch for me, especially for all the team-as-family fluff you can add in, especially especially that this is set in Staticquake times! Also, it's from Hunter's point of view, which will forever be the most insanely fun thing to write, I do think.
i just wanna be with you - man, I'm such a big royal fan, so getting the chance to write a modern royalty AU for my OTP was nothing short of amazing!! This is Princess Daisy and her fiancée Lincoln Campbell at their official engagement interview
see the line where the skye meets the sea - shameless season 1 bby Bus Kids fluff, featuring movie nights, singalongs and... so much fluff your teeth will rot. Also I'm really freaking proud of the pun in the title okay
'cause all that you are is all that i'll ever need - Huntingbird waking up together fluff (because, fight me, Huntingbird in their sweet moments is one of the sweetest things you will ever get to read or write.) This is also my, fluffy, take on the origin of the Franny's Saloon keychain.
we love you, we love you (and we hope you love we too) - aha, my first polyship fic! Also my first try at some actually fancy HTML formatting (forever thanks to Kat for explaining.) Both of these things combined to form a fic that even I think is ridiculously fluffy and funny, and kinda amazing, at that.
and man I don't know where the time goes (but it sure goes fast like that) - Another Bus Kids movie night fic, but this one set post-season 7, and reflecting on how far they've come. A little bit more hurt/comfort-y than it's pure fluff prequel, but still super fluffy and soft. And, of course, with a happy ending.
she shares my dreams, i hope that someday, i'll share her home - snowy Fitzsimmons fluff, complete with them falling in love at the Winter Olympics, as you do.
then you walked in and my heart went boom - 16k of Dekesy for the wife, and remarkable for that, because literally a month ago from this, I hated Dekesy with my entire soul. Then I started reading Kat's fics, and, well, fell in love with them... so much so that I wrote sixteen thousand words of enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, bed sharing holiday fluff for them.
a love like that - a Fitzsimmons Cinderella AU, featuring my two favourite science babies, in true science bby style, falling in love over science and how stupid the whole courting thing is. Also, Daisy makes a brief appearance, and she's the freaking best.
ever after - ah, probably the one single fic I'm proudest of. A post-season 7 Daisy character study focusing on her emotional rollercoaster re: losing her family/things never being the same again, which just achieves... an emotional level that I have never managed to replicate again. I was full-on sobbing while writing it, and, guys, it also part-holds the Closest To Making Kat Cry prize.
blue - Daisy character study spanning snapshots of seven seasons, and before - but tied together by something blue in every moment. Researching for this, and finding all the blue moments, was very interesting, and immensely satisfying, especially since all the moments where a little bit of blue was present actually combine to chronicle Daisy's journey on the show remarkably well.
who is that girl I see - the one time I decided to write straight angst, and straight angst with no happy ending. Melinda May post-Bahrain, folks.
take my hand, take my whole life too - aww, the first thing I wrote that I really and truly loved. A Staticquake and Fitzsimmons Actors AU, featuring a proposal on set and INCREDIBLE amounts of fluff and softness.
hold out your hand, 'cause friends will be friends - the wife's favourite, and, as second fics go, pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. It's a Soulmates AU for Staticquake and Mackelena, with the focus being on DaisyMack friendship, and lots of denial, angst, and guilt about finding their soulmates. (They figure it out eventually, don't worry - it's me, of course I made them happy.)
Fitzsimmons + Fake Dating moodboard - Fake dating will always be FAB, and picturing it out in a moodboard - especially for my clueless bby best friends in love - was the best, and super satisfying.
Staticquake + Orange moodboard - One of the cooler ideas I had for Trick or Treat (which I still have not finished, heaven help me) was to make a series of moodboards for my OTP plus different colours. This orange one is just so light, and cheerful, and happy, and honestly I kinda adore it.
This Philindaisy + Family Moodboard - making moodboards can be insanely frustrating when you just can't find the photo that fits exactly right. With this one, however, I found all the pics I needed pretty insanely fast, and, better, the whole thing just worked, and really nicely so, too.
This Bus Kids + Baking Cookies moodboard - there's absolutely NO faults to be found with tiny, adorable Skye, Fitz and Jemma concocting choc chip cookies - but I'm actually doing a tiny cheat here, because, cute as my moodboard here is, the accompanying fic by my love @eowima is the SWEETEST and best thing you could ever wish for!!!
This Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week Photoset - Day 3 of Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week focused on an emotion, and I picked confidence and power, because honestly, it's nothing short of amazing how confident and powerful our gorgeous girl has become.
This Daisy Johnson Appreciation Week Photoset - One of the times I wish I could gif, because this quote about struggling though never giving up just suits Daisy perfectly. The photos I found are cool, though, and I mean, it's Daisy, so that's already absolutely fabulous.
Other People's:
I managed to find twenty-six of my own things that I liked enough to put up there (because, yes, I'm that big a dork, 26 things for me being 26 is the way to go :D) Anyway, now that gives me the amazing chance to spotlight twenty-six of my favourite creations by my FANTASTIC mutuals! 😍
To start, my wife - Kat said I couldn't put everything she's ever written on here, so, ugh, I guess I'll just do my top five then. *grumbling* Everything by Kat is on here in spirit, though!!
Chasing Cars (even after the story ends) by @aleksandrachaev - the epic Dekesy roadtrip AU and incredible Daisy character study itself, which, I do believe, finishes today!! Words aren't enough to describe how freaking AMAZING this thing is, or how spectacularly well characterised. Just: if you haven't read this yet, you are missing out. You will laugh, you will groan, you will want to wrap Daisy in a very tight hug, and you will probably cry, too. This fic just has it all, really!
there goes the maddest man this town has ever seen by @aleksandrachaev - the post-season 7 Deke-crashes-the-Framework-Zoom-call fic I didn't know I needed (but spent the next two weeks rereading every single night.) It is absolutely INCREDIBLE, with all the Deke & Team feels we missed in the final outro scene, and honestly just the most fantastic writing. I cannot recommend it enough!
To Box It Up And Start Again (everything must go) by @aleksandrachaev - bloody hell, this BROKE me. Deke never really got to say goodbye in canon, but Kat gave him the chance to do it here. And, my freaking GOODNESS, she made it so incredibly bittersweet and heart-shattering. 10/10
i am a leaf on the wind by @aleksandrachaev - a little bit of a stretched-out, reflective moment in the season 7 finale. As Daisy lingers on the edge of death, she reflects on all the lives she could have had - and, man, what a study in bittersweetness!! This entire fic is utterly incredible, and something I think all Daisy fans should read.
Falling Into Place by @aleksandrachaev - here's a tiny cheat from me (sorry, babes, lmao) because technically this isn't one fic, but a series of three. Way too amazing to miss out on, though!! Set mid-season 7, this has the Chronicoms go after a young Mary Sue Poots to kill Quake before she can become a problem for them. They stop the Chronicoms, yes, but not without a TREMENDOUS dose of feels and hurt/comfort. There's also a wonderful little dose of Dekesy friendship, and then an adult adoption (!!) that honestly made my entire day to read. Actually, that's true for the entire series - I really canNOT yell about it enough!!
destroyer of worlds by @bobbimorseisbisexual - a study in incredible parallels between Jiaying's daughters. Utterly breathtakingly done, this will give you ALL the feels for this small and complex Inhuman family.
Muscle Memory by @robotgort and @bobbimorseisbisexual - a Huntingbird!! Bones!! AU!! And also a collaboration between two of the most fabulous Huntingbird authors in the fandom - honestly, what more can you ask for?! This will make you laugh, and gasp, and wince, and keep you guessing at each new plot twist (and also screaming at your screen for Hunter and Bobbi to get their acts together and TALK ABOUT IT.) In short: it's completely and utterly amazing, and I cannot, cannot recommend it enough!!
You Belong Among the Wildflowers by @libbyweasley - a freaking incredible Scis & Spies Regency AU! I only just started reading, but I was hooked all the way through, especially on the way Libby writes all four characters' complex relationships (and their attraction, and their history!) Everything about it is just completely stunning, and I for one cannot WAIT for these beautiful idiots to figure out they all belong together.
Family Snapshot by @tomatobookworm - if it's family fluff you're after, especially Staticquake family fluff, look no further! This tremendously soft and utterly amazing fic follows a day in the lives of a pregnant Daisy and her husband Lincoln, and their not-so-little family of Inhumans, both adopted and biological. There's also shopping with Grandma May, lots of feels, lots of shippiness, and just AMAZINGNESS all the way through!!
Best Day Ever by @loved-the-stars-too-fondly - Jemma and Daisy want to adopt a pet, and make a very special trip to Wisconsin to do it. Also, whether he knows who he is or not, Jemma has an important question to ask Cal - and just, AHHHH, everything about this is utterly stunning! For starters, Aubrey's writing is FANTASTIC, and the scene she sets is absolutely beautiful, and so very bittersweet. I was actually misting up a little with happy tears towards the end of this - really, I cannot recommend this enough, to any Skimmons fan.
so why don't we go somewhere only we know by @loved-the-stars-too-fondly - more Skimmons (platonic this time, though), more hurt/comfort, and, yes, again, more absolutely INCREDIBLE writing. This one is canon compliant, following a shaken Jemma struggling to sleep after Maveth, and how Daisy finds a way to help her out. Incredibly sweet, tender and BEAUTIFULLY written, this one was an instant favourite the moment I read it!
Unspoken by @anxiouslynumbme - a birthday fic for yours truly, and, honestly, one of the most STUNNING Staticquake introspectives I've read. It follows Daisy and Lincoln in a beautifully tender missing moment in season 3, with them both realising their feelings, and just... AHHHHHHHH, everything about it is utterly incredible!! I cannot, cannot recommend this gem of a fic enough
the thing about water droplets and ruffled hair by @que-mint-tea - here's another fic that proves, once and for all, how good Kat's Dekesy is, because it managed to convert T to write some Dekesy smut. And, oh my GOSH, what Dekesy smut - so goshdarn angsty, but so FANTASTICALLY characterised and written that it leaves you more than a little breathless, and gaping at your screen. The first chapter initially left us on the most HORRIFIC cliffhanger, but then T fixed it, and it's just... this thing is really a whole new level of emotional writing, raw and gripping and intensely perfect for both of these characters. My haw still drops whenever I think of this thing, and how utterly AMAZING it was, so yeah. Fic rec!!!
beautiful stranger, there you are by @justanalto - I do believe I still owe Serena a long and very gushy comment on this thing, because, MAN, does it ever deserve that!! Pipsy and fake dating, with the most HILARIOUSLY incredible writing, plot and characterisation, and honestly just a giddy "askhdfkhsfh" whenever I think back to how much I enjoyed it. Yup, it was that good.
Jumping to conclusions by @eowima - a very special one, because it marks my love Océane's first venture into writing AoS fic! It's an AU of 1x06 (the Fitzsimmons episode of s1) where Fitz does actually jump out of the plane to save Jemma. Realisations of feelings, and some of the most genuinely FANTASTIC Fitz characterisation I've read in a while, follow - and, yup, I was shouting at my screen for them just to get together already. Amazing stuff, really!!
Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit by @eowima - okay, this. This. Another gift for me, and one that I will probably treasure forEVER, because it is just?? so?? utterly?? perfect?? Just for starters, the title is a Hamilton reference - and then the theme of Hamilton references continues into the fic itself, I'm delighted to say. There's also the most BEAUTIFUL, playful Skimmons friendship, and teasing, and then of course the bet about who can make out with their crush first... Staticquake & Fitzsimmons perfection. And all rendered in Océane's delightful, best-thing-ever-to-read writing!! I'm going into a giddy keyboard smash just THINKING about this, so yeah, cannot recommend it enough.
lullabies and clear blue skies by @springmagpies and @bobbimorseisbisexual - okay, I never thought I'd catch myself shipping FitzBobbi, let alone shipping it this hard, but... wow. Maggie and Al teamed up to completely blow me away, and MELT MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART with the sheer cuteness of this!! It features Fitz, Bobbi and adopting two daughters, and it's just the most tender, beautiful development through that little family - I love it so, so much.
We made all the wrong choices by @browneyedgenius - the winner of the AoS Angst War 2020, how could I not include this one? It is such a well-deserved win, though, whoa - I was sobbing, full-on sobbing, at least twice while reading. It follows the season 5 team through the events of the time-loop, after they failed to save the world - and, oh my gosh, it ripped my heart right out of my chest, but beautifully so. Everything about this fic just hits so hard, and it's written so well - yeah, really a most AMAZINGLY deserved win, for an utterly SHATTERINGLY incredible fic.
I threw stones at the stars (but the whole sky fell) by @nazezdha321 - this is Z showing us all how to write a backstory for a minor character, and write it so well that everyone's hearts break all over again when she dies. This one is about Victoria Hand, and it builds a stirring and profound childhood for her, also making her rise through the ranks of SHIELD and just her entire character mean so much more. Really, fic-wise, this is goals, and I take my hat off to you, Z, 1000%, for writing it.
in which the universe is put together by @besidemethewholedamntime - Rebecca's emotional writing, particularly Fitzsimmons' emotions, is incomparable, and she proves it all over again in this fic. If follows Fitz and Jemma before, after and during the bloodwork, and I just... wow, honestly. The emotion!! And the characterisation!! Absolutely stunning, and honestly all I could wish for in a we-had-time fic.
Agents of SHIELD Season 8 by @egumal - THIS. This, this, this, oh my gosh - as fix-it fics go, this has to be the most spectacular one I have ever read. What it does is find a way - a potentially canon compliant way, too - to bring back Lincoln Campbell, and reunite Staticquake. Basically: just about as season 7 finishes, the Astro Ambassadors get an unexpected visitor from another timeline, who asks them to come help out against Hive. Case in point, Daisy meets her lost love again (... but he has no idea who she is) and also has to relive the Fallen Agent drama. It all gets even more complicated when Kora restores Lincoln's memories, and Daisy meets the full team Deke has assembled around him in the 33 years (for him) that they've been apart... in short, this is one of the most thorough, well-written and downright SHOCKING plot-twist-wise fics that you will ever read, and honestly, saying "I can't recommend it enough" is an understatement. This thing is thd BEST, plain and simple!
Black Roses aren't real (but you and I are) by @ohwriteiforgot - ahhhh, a fic that will always have an incredibly special place in my heart, because it introduced me to one of my best fandom friends. The main focus is on Clintasha, it's true, but it's also a crossover with AoS in the sense that Clint was adopted by Coulson and May. Also, Daisy is his little sister, and their bond is gold. Also - there's Staticquake!! And flower shops!! And rivals to friends to lovers!! All I'm going to say is, what more can you ask for?!
A book to shield my story by @maybebrilliant - Staticquake High School AU, ahhhhhhhh!! There are only two chapters out so far, but the way this is shaping up is making my DAY - with Daisy as the new girl who meets Lincoln and his group of friends, and, though her foster parents are absolutely shit, starts to find actual happiness in a school for the first time in her life. Also - THE REFERENCES. Guys. I'm crazy for those, and in this book, so are my favourite dorks, Daisy and Lincoln - and let me tell you, it's nothing short of the best thing ever.
This AoS Finale Gif Edit by @heysteverogers - AoS really has been the most INCREDIBLE journey through the years, but what's really made it special is the company - and that's summed up perfectly in this gorgeous gifset. Also, the graphics on this are just, ahhhh, stunning - I'm in awe, and I've spent very long periods of time just looking at this thing in a state of heart-eyes.
This AoS Finale Gif Edit by @jemannesimms - combining Auld Lang Syne and the final scenes of my favourite show was a raw emotional - but utterly brilliant experience - for me. It's just so absolutely beautiful, and perfectly suited to the team, and their goodbyes!! Breathtaking editing work here, too.
This Daisy as Peter Parker and May as Tony Stark moodboard by @agentsofcomedyandchaos - ahhhh, a crossover of two of my favourite fandoms!! And what a lovely one, too - the colour scheme, quotes, and just the whole FEEL of this is absolutely genius, and I am guilty of being inspired by way too many fic ideas by it. Stunning stuff!!
And... whoa, that was long, but I really do feel that we deserve a bit of a proper pat on the back after creating such magical content in such a messed up year. So that's the note I'm going to leave you with for 2020, my friends: hell-year or no, look at the absolute beauty we were still able to create!! We really are freaking amazing, guys.
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