#this is revenge to fish
notstinky · 6 months
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TIMING: April 1st, 2024 LOCATION: Mistwood Park; chapel above Annalise Bellowmore's crypt / Nora's residence CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A SUMMARY: Thea wants to do something nice for her friend!
The amount of things you could learn on the internet was astounding. Thea's love for school was tested against the copious Youtube videos that educated her on the diet of bears—who needed a degree when BearLuvrxxNarutoxx seemingly knew everything about bears? And from bear videos into cooking videos, Thea's plan was perfect. What could she give Nora that Nora couldn't steal for herself? What could she give Nora that someone else probably wasn't also thinking of giving? (One of several of Thea's "worst" fears was giving someone a gift that someone else had already given them)
The answer was obvious: meatloaf.
Like a bat out of hell, Thea planned, tested and sampled various meatloaf recipes of her own creation. As BearLuvrxxNarutoxx had pointed out, polar bears were one of the most carnivorous out of the bear family. Some other bear might have enjoyed berries in their meatloaf, but Nora wasn't some other bear. Nora—friend, bear, bear-friend—was getting a mix of meat and fish, glazed with honey and lovingly made over the course of weeks. It was like Surf N' Turf if it bad. Which it was. Thea prescribed very religiously to the idea that the thought counted.
It wasn't made better with the addition of several candles, sitting out the mound of glazed meat. She'd tried to reform the meatloaf into the shape of a traditional ham though the result brought to mind landfill trash mountains and elementary-school science fair projects. Thea was a new, strict, devout convert into the temple where the thought super duper counted, even more than the result, maybe?
Thea stomped over wild roots and prickly weeds, meatloaf sloshing. She reached the chapel with a smile.
Thea couldn't say what she wanted to say: sappy things always got caught in her throat, twisted itself against her tongue and came out all wrong. She couldn't say that she admired Nora more than she'd ever admired anyone else—there was something about her nonchalance, her resilience, her rebellion. She couldn't explain how much it meant to her that Nora knew that she turned into a monstrous wolf and didn't seem to care much; and knowing that Nora turned into a bear soothed her like hot tea on a winter night.
Most of Thea's feelings about her friend could be explained in strange metaphors. Would Nora understand? Would Nora get it if she said Nora was like Dubhe—first star of The Big Dipper, the Great Bear? Pointed at Polaris, how many thousands of people had looked up at Dubhe and found it joined in the web of other stars? Found that it led so kindly to The North Star? Found that it could be mapped into the shape of a plough with its friends? In thousands of languages, Dubhe was given magnificent names: bear, eye, first. In terms of stars, nothing mattered as much as the names you gave them. For a younger Thea, Dubhe was "little friend"—as it had helped humans for centuries, it too had helped Thea find Polaris.
Stars were mutable: tools, divine vestiges, eternal mysteries. It didn't matter what a star was, or where it would go, or how some tiny creature thousands and thousands of miles away was probably drawing a big-boobed anime version of it on the internet. You couldn't touch a star. Whatever meaning you gave to a star didn't matter at all to the ball of burning gas. Stars didn't make dreams come true, stars didn't love you. Thea could call all the stars special and yet it didn't matter and it wasn't true, there were an infinite number of stars and anything by virtue of being infinite, wasn't special, and Thea knew that. Why stars? Thea couldn't say. Maybe it was just enough that the star was there and that it'd meant something to her.
Why Nora? Thea had even less hope of explaining that. Maybe it was just enough for her that she had a friend, and that it was her birthday.
All she had was a stinky meatloaf and she hoped it said just enough. So, despite the fact she called her friend's name dozens of times, and her throat burned, she waited inside the chapel. She took a few steps towards the crypt and tried again and waited. The candles had gone out hours ago, wax dribbled on to her meatloaf. Under her hat, Thea's lobes burned. She couldn't put her hands in her pockets, because they were occupied with the meatloaf. And anyway, it wouldn't matter, because Nora would show up eventually.
Maybe she could have just left the meatloaf with a note, but the thing about meat was that it went bad. So, she waited. Her ears had stopped feeling like they were attached to her head. It was the thought that counted here.
She took her phone out and tried to text Nora—not delivered. She turned to social media—user offline. She googled "symptoms of frostbite" and thought she maybe had that. And still, she waited. Thea knew it was stupid, she felt stupid ringing in her frigid bones, most of the time she lived and breathed stupid...but the thought. Thea had never felt very dog-like before, yes she had developed a new affinity for peanut butter but that was probably unrelated to anything, but now she felt like her nose was pressed to the crack under the door; her ears at attention; curled up on a welcome mat; what else was there to do? She waited and waited and every snapping branch felt like it could be Nora but the air, carried only the remnants of her smell—not all of her.
In the morning, the meatloaf had been picked at by the wildlife, strewn around the chapel in soggy clumps; Thea's back hated her and her ears were definitely frostbitten.
Did the thought still count if there was no one to count it?
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 3 months
Today is the 2 year anniversary of the release of character book #3, this character book gave us lot's of info on tenjiku + the kawata twins and gave us these official arts!
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earlycuntsets · 4 months
this whole thing
from the making of i'm not okay
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*Y/N meeting the Akashis for the first time*
Senju: You look just like the wooden carvings Haru-nii made of you!
Y/N: *looks at the walls, horrified to see it decorated with carvings of her/his image* 😨
Takeomi: He has a knife.
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omgpurplefattie · 1 month
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0xeyedaisy · 2 months
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he lives rent free in my head :]
(i also love how he's based off a betta fish, they're everywhere in asia and they are my fav fishies)
WAAAA THE FIRST ONE IS SO GORGEOUS!!! LOOOVE YOUR SHADING VERY YUMMY AS ALWAYS 💖💖💖💖 And the second one is very cute and sweet :3 💗💗💗💗💗
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magpiedraws · 1 month
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Last art fight backlog post - probably my favourite revenge I drew this year think the line work turned out nice on this one Famine for @charon-cries
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bloodybrainz · 2 years
"they're just like me fr"
the "they":
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itsfantasticac · 19 days
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Autumn-themed arcade game fanart, submitted to Arcadia magazine in 2006.
Arcadia magazine No. 78 (Nov. 1, '06), pg. 158
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stagbeetleboy · 8 months
I adore your beta fish Palpatine art!!!
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He’s soo fun! My vision for the emperor is really cool I can’t wait to finish him!!
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merakiui · 8 months
pulling dorm uniform trey on the 30 free tenfolds twst gave out while wishing for it to be dorm uniform jade feels like a kick in the ribs... T_T wrong suspicious vice housewarden!!!!
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loudqueengarden · 8 months
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A Group Of Two Is Always Awesome 😎🌑🥂
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beolh · 8 months
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Hanagaki Takemichi- 11th Commander of the Black Dragon
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 11 months
I've never imagined this but after reading that wakasa is second most obsessive/heaviest lover, i can see him proposing 2 months into dating. And then turns to stalking if the other person rejects. Tiny men in tr r scary af.
I feel like he bonds with people really quickly and then once he has he doesn't want to let them go. He kinda gives the vibes of someone who doesn't like being alone, especially with his thoughts. Although he's quiet (at least compared to some of the other guys) I feel like he likes being around others and when he does bond with people he's fiercely loyal to them. I'm also pretty sure that this obsessiveness/ clingyness/ heaviness gets worse after he loses Shinichiro.
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zrllosyn-art · 2 months
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Marie for @psalidodont on Artfight
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bestanimatedmovie · 5 months
Revenge of the Underrated
15. Help! I'm a Fish vs Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
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Help! I'm a Fish
"It's a Danish movie from the early 2000s, so it already has that uncanny valley feel of being unfamiliar to the average American viewer, and is almost entirely 2D animated with 3D only used to help instead of being the main medium. It's about 3 kids that stumble upon this scientist's lair and the youngest of them, Stella, accidentally drinks a potion that turns her into an aquatic animal (a starfish for her) thinking it was Kool-Aid (or lemonade, depending on the dub). Her brother, Fly, throws her into the ocean not realizing that the starfish was his transformed sister and he and his cousin, Chuck, drink the potion (a flyfish and a jellyfish respectively) so they can search for her in the ocean. Along the way, they accidentally drop the potion into the sea which gives sentience to a pilot fish and shark, the main villains. They then start to administer the potion to any fish they find.
I heard about the movie from a Youtube review and then watched it for myself that night. It was super fun and I could totally see this being a fever dream movie from some unsuspecting 8 yo. Part of the reason I say that is because the movie isn't afraid to have its dark moments. Fly gets slashed by a crab and almost DIES. Chuck has to do a risky mission in order to get Fly and Stella back to the scientist's lair so he can turn them back. Stella admittedly didn't do much, but she's 4, she gets a pass. She makes a seahorse friend, so that's good. The parents of the kids track down the scientist in his lair and confront and are ready to beat him up before he manages to show them the video of Stella turning into a starfish (the scientist planned to drink the potion on camera to prove it works, but forgot he had to get the antidote, leaving the potion alone and getting Stella's transformation on camera). There's even a moment where you think Chuck's mom straight up (accidentally) stomped on Fly's fish body before you find out it was just a stuffed fish and Fly is a human again.
As for the villain, he was a fun little sleezy villain, immediately creating a dictatorship with his newfound intelligence (he had a whole song about it). And Fly uses that against him by tricking him into drinking more of the potion to become smarter. Unfortunately, the potion doesn't just give fish human intelligence, it MAKES them human, and the last you see of the villain is him drowning and floating away as a half-fish, half-man igor. Horrifying but so, so awesome.
The animation is spectacular, the voice acting is great in both English and Danish (plus Chuck is voiced by one of the dudes from Breaking Bad), and with actual peril for the main characters (I forgot to mention that they would be stuck fish if they didn't take the antidote in the next 24 hours). I'm definitely going to find a CD of this movie to show/traumatize my future kids + niblings. "
Really cool animation, really interesting storyline and fun songs that stick to your brain like a fever dream
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
Red Shoes is a Snow White retelling that features a plus size princess and teaches that it's who a person is on the inside that matters. It contrasts Merlin, the male lead, who is normally conventionally handsome but cursed to be a "hideous" (actually quite cute) dwarf, a form he's desperate to escape, with Snow White/Red Shoes who is normally an adorable plus sized princess (ie not the traditional beauty) who is trapped by necessity in the form of a thin traditional princess, a form that she's incredibly uncomfortable with. It's ultimately about being your true self, loving who you are, and looking past appearances to find the beauty that lies within. Also, Patrick Warburton is the magic mirror.
It's an adorable, sweet movie that deserves more people to know about it! It was so fun and funny that after I watched it the first time, I turned around and immediately rewatched it with my husband (like he came in during the last 5 minutes, and we immediately started it over).
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