#this is ridiculously long but i love the scenery
cloudyfacewithjam · 1 year
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SAS Rogue Heroes - Season 1 Episode 4
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irndad · 22 days
don't date coworkers- s.r.
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a/n: i literally wrote this very fast and also i hope you like it pls go easy on me!!! reader has a policy they don't date coworkers. spencer is so angsty abt that !! also sorry for dropping a new fic at 2am LOL wc: 1.7k
She’s really, really good at talking to people. 
It’s one of the many traits Spencer adores about her. She moves through crowds with ease, and she can charm her way into any piece of information from whatever city cop they need a favor from. She integrated into the team faster than anyone could’ve expected. This is a strength not all profilers have- they know what it takes to know what makes someone appealing, but rare is the ability to be as charismatic and charming as she is. 
She’s good at talking to him.
She’s worked at the BAU for about a year now. 13 months, 7 days and 8 hours since she walked through the doors of the bullpen for the first time, beaming at him for the very first time. Give or take. 
Spencer wouldn’t be surprised if everyone knew that he was in love with her. He’s halfway certain she does, and is being too polite to mention it. Normally, Spencer is incredibly regimented about boundaries. While the BAU is his family, and there’s no real way to deny that, he knows that he’s less than ideal to go out with. He’s stocky and he never cuts his hair (even though she swears it’s cute longer) and he’s an awkward guy- gangly and tall and just ill-fitting to be part of the scenery of her life. 
It’s a Friday, and a rainy one at that. It’s one of the blessed ones where they don’t really have a case, just paperwork to catch up on, reports and her desk faces a window. 
Normally, when Spencer gets his work done (a good four hours before everyone else on a paperwork-only day), he’d head out. Catch up on whatever Russian novel he’s been chipping away at- but she’s here, and he’s made her favorite tea. 
“I thought you could use a treat,” he says, walking over to her desk. She looks up at him, brushing overgrown bangs, “It’s not really a great one, but I’ll get you some scones on the way to mine, yeah?”
She looks up at him, dropping her pen and focusing entire energy on him. He feels a bit overwhelmed, like an ant under a magnifying glass. 
“Did you know that I adore you, Spence?” 
He is very much not aware. No amount of her saying it will ever make him know. She takes a long sip from the mug. He knows how much honey she likes in it. He studies how she looks, eyes closed serenely, completely invested in what he’s given her. 
“You’ll be taking her home, pretty boy?” Morgan snickers, in a not altogether unkind manner. 
“Fuck off,” she says kindly, not taking her eyes off of Spencer as she rebuffed Morgan’s teasing. 
“Easy, easy,” Morgan laughs, “I’ll leave your boyfriend alone.”
If she has anything to say to that, it doesn’t come out then. 
He’s still bright red, though. Morgan is amused, and Spencer knows that she really, truly adores Morgan. Spencer loves him too, but it would be nice if he laid off the jokes. 
She doesn’t date coworkers. 
He knows this because of the first time they’d met, when he’d been walking in carrying a croissant for Garcia and a coffee for JJ, and saw what can only be described as a truly ridiculously beautiful woman in the bullpen. 
She’d been leaned back, smiling openly as Morgan tossed some random pick-up line towards her. He remembers it now like he can still hear it, her lilting lovely voice carrying just the right amount of warmth to make this not sting, or at least sting as little as possible. 
“I’m sorry, Derek,” she had said, “I make it a point not to date coworkers.” 
Which of course is fine. She can date whoever she wants, and it’s a good policy to have personally. And Spencer’s never really be the kind of guy who excelled at getting dates. He knew from the first minute that he saw her that even if she didn’t think that way… well, it wouldn’t be him, who she picked. 
Now, they are very close. So close that she drives him home from work every Friday. Which usually includes staying at his shitty apartment and watching VHS tapes of documentaries and Doctor Who. 
He wants to kiss her every Friday. All, the time, really. It’s kind of plaguing him. Clearly, she likes hanging out with him. Something about him is appealing. It’s foolish to assume that it’s more than friends, especially for someone like him to be with someone like her. 
She doesn’t date coworkers. 
“I made sure the film tonight has subtitles!”
“Are you saying film because this film is foreign, Spence?”
“I promise it’s worth it!” He says excitedly, “And they’re really done well. You won’t have to have me whisper the translations to you in real time!”
“I didn’t mind that,” She laughs then, a real laugh, “but I’m glad we’re getting to hang out tonight.”
It’s funny- they’ve done this so, so many times, but he never stops being thrilled. 
Sometimes, when the summer air is forgiving enough, they walk home from the office. She takes the train in, and they walk back to his place. Tonight is one of these nights, and god- she looks lovely. She’s tied her blazer around her waist, and the sunset hits her face in that gorgeous baroque painting kind of way. 
“You’re very pretty,” he hears himself say before he can stop it. He’s endlessly pleased when she preens at the praise. 
“You’re not so bad yourself, Doctor,” she says, shoving her hands into her pockets, a nervous gesture. He wants to hold those hand, intertwine her lovely delicate fingers with his bony wispy fingers. 
“You’re being nice to me,” he says, looking down at his shoes. They’re stupid. He should wear loafers, or some other shoe that doesn’t make him like half-child half-geek. 
“I’m being accurate, actually,” she says she bumps his shoulder. 
She’d be a wonderful girlfriend. He lives in the world this can happen quite often, in his fantasy. She laughs at his jokes and tells him he’s kind, and good, and she means it. He’s lucky to have this much of her- more than anyone else on the team! Spencer knows he’s her favorite. The way she’s looking at him now, how she give-up her Fridays to spend with him, on his ratty couch, how she always listens. Whenever they're both on the jet and he falls asleep, he always wakes up with a blanket on him. She's so good at loving people.
Being her favorite on the team does not mean he’s in the running to be a boyfriend. But he’d fucking want to be. He’d be a good boyfriend. Spencer, he’s gone so far for her. He fantasizes about getting her flowers that have symbolic meaning.
“Are you okay, boy-genius?”
“I’m better than okay. Do you want popcorn?”
She wants popcorn. He sets the movie up, and she gets comfortable on his couch, curling up with his purple felt blanket, and his mind betrays him with unhelpful images of what it might look like if she was his, if this is what he came home to. 
Don't picture welcome home kisses, or movie nights or being wanted. Don't.
It’s very, very hard to focus on the movie.  
She’s touchy, with him. He’s not sure if it’s because she could never see him as her boyfriend, but he’s grateful as she leans her head on his. She smells like peonies. When the credits roll, they stay like that for minute- her head on his shoulder and one of her legs thrown over his. 
He wonders, not for the first time, if she feels the same way about him. If things were just..different, then they’d be kissing under the haze of his TV right now, if he’d know what that chapstick she carries with her every day tastes like. 
“Do you ever wonder what it’d be like if we met under different circumstances?” he says, once time passes and he speaks instead of thinking.
“Hmm?” She hummed, relaxed eyes flitting their gaze over to him.
“Like, at a bar or something.”
“But you hate bars.”
“That’s why I said or something!”
Her lip juts out adorably, “But then I wouldn’t get to see you in your element.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, resting his neck on the top of the cushion. The AC is a little too much in the room. He wonders if she’s cold. “But who knows. Maybe we’d date, or something.”
It’s the dumbest thing he’s ever fucking said. Both because it was a dumb way to say it, but because it was an advance. He feels white hot shame lick at his spine when he looks at her, and hears her laugh. 
“I don’t think so, Spence.” 
“No,” shitshitshit, “I didn’t mean-“
“I mean, if you don’t want to date me now, I don’t think meeting at like, Whole Foods would’ve been the difference maker.”
It’s then he hears it- the piece he couldn’t place in her voice, when she gets like this. It’s being resigned. 
“What are you talking about?”
“C’mon, Spence,” she says, another bitter chuckle coming through, “You know how I feel. I haven’t exactly beens subtle.”
“But you don’t date coworkers. You have a rule.”
She looks at him with no recognition of what he’s saying. 
“No, because you told Morgan that, it’s the first thing I ever heard you say.”
“Yeah, but-“
“And yes, okay, you’ve been my favorite person almost as long as I’ve known you and yes, I would fucking love for you to be my girlfriend, but that was your rule!”
“You want me to be your girlfriend?”
He doesn’t get the chance to say anything else before, well- before she’s kissing him. More aggressive than that, really. Crawled onto his lap, arms around his neck, and where she leads Spencer is all too happy to follow. His body is not great at moving on instinct, but his whole nervous system feels alive- the weight of her in his lap, the feel of her waist under his fingers, the way he’s allowed this. It feels like such a pleasure, hedonistic in a way he’s never, ever been allowed to experience.
“You had a rule,” he says dumbly when she pulls away. His lips are wet. He’d like to go back to kissing, thank you very much. 
“You’re the exception, to every rule, Spencer.”
When he kisses her again (which he’s allowed to do now, holy fuck) Spencer decides he’s going to spend the rest of all time earning that status. 
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katszumi · 5 months
bakugou hated defeat. he was never one to forfeit anything. if he could challenge the ocean to a battle, he would and sincerely believe he’d win.
once, he admits defeat to the universe and chooses to let you slip through his fingers.
when he began to fall in love with your sweet manner, delicate touch, warm smile and witty behavior, he also began to hate himself.
he hated the way he was when it came to feelings. he knew he wasn’t able to express his emotions like a good boyfriend should. he was intolerable, insufferable. something that couldn’t have mixed with you.
love was a foreign concept to him, something he couldn’t grasp but something he desperately wished for deep down, no matter how many times he brushed it off or ridiculed the idea.
bakugou knew love wasn’t designed for him, and he wasn’t ever going to let his silly imagination deceive him otherwise.
but, he knows his heart never stands a chance. especially tonight when he finds you on the terrace of ua. the night-sky wrapped the area in its darkness, the crescent moon illuminating the brightest color it could, and the silent night bringing the greatest solitude it could.
bakugou attempts to leave you be, but your eyes find him faster than he originally thought, him being pulled into your magnetic, overwhelming aura.
“hey,” he begins, a slight waver in his voice from his nerves. “not enjoyin’ the party inside?”
you chuckle slightly, waving his question off. “just needed some air.”
bakugou nods in response. he folded his arms over the railing, taking in the scenery around them.
it was the last night for the third years at ua, everyone celebrating their triumphs, losses, friendships. it was the last time they’d be within this building all together, the last time bakugou could silently admire you from afar. he’d always think about his last day there, wondering if he’d be shouting from excitement. he wasn’t close to thinking that he’d feel like his whole world was coming down.
you were planning to travel to the united states to start your hero debut, receiving an offer there that you just couldn’t pass up. he remembered the moment when you told him so vividly. you wore a huge smile, basically jumping out of excitement. that was the first time bakugou came to the realization that he couldn’t have you.
truth be told, he was scared of breaking paths with you. anger, sorrow, fear. you shone a light on all of those emotions. it felt like his anchor was gone. breaking every stable piece off of him one by one.
“so, what’s next for you? don’t think you ever told me your plan.”
in his head, bakugou replies with, that was on purpose. he wanted to remove everything from his mind. go with the flow and live in the moment until it was officially time to get started on his new path of life. but, he figured there was no more time to put it off.
“stay in the city for a bit. kirishima talked about collaboratin’ on an agency, so been givin’ that some consideration.” he replies somberly. “i don’t know really, just gotta find something to keep me busy.”
you echoed bakugou’s action from earlier, nodding to his statement. a small sigh parted your lips, partly from exhaustion, but also from sadness.
“you scared?” it came out as a whisper, as if it was a taboo subject to never touch on, and frankly it was when it came to bakugou.
he waited to respond, pausing for as long as he could before the silence turned uncomfortable.
“yeah.” something so simple but spoke so much considering bakugou would never admit such a thing. “you’ll be okay though. you got an offer some of us wish we could have, and i heard the states has good job opportunities.”
“i don’t wanna go.” first it came out as a mumble, bakugou unsure if he just understood the words that came out of your mouth.
“i don’t want to go.” this time, your voice was much more stern.
“the fuck you talkin’ about? you’ve been excited for this shit the day you got the letter, now you don’t wanna go? as if.” he was aware that he came off a little too defensive, mostly to shield his heart from catching a little bit of hope, he didn’t mean to come at you so harshly.
you peeled your eyes away from him, purposely avoiding his eye contact. looking at him seemed more like receiving a scolding from a parent more than anything right now.
“i mean, the united states? i’ll be there alone, no family, no friends. it’s not the money or opportunities i’m concerned about, bakugou. it’s about my happiness.” you explained. “isn’t that something you’re thinking about too?”
bakugou weighs his options. he thinks he has nothing else to lose, but he also considers the fact of you breaking his heart even more than it is. besides, you were smart, he knew you were going to take the offer anyway no matter how bad your nerves were eating you up.
“you can’t think with your heart about things like this, y/n.” he knows he’s an asshole. he knows you’re looking to him for the reassurance you want to hear but he just can’t give it.
“i’m not! i just want to be happy doing the things i love and that’s not possible in an environment i cant stand to be in.”
“you don’t know that yet.”
“i’m getting a pretty good feeling.”
“because you’re scared.”
you shrug, “so what? you don’t know how i feel. you’ll be here with your mom, dad, and all of your friends. i’ll have to start over from scratch in a country i know nothing about.”
he scoffed, his eyes darting away from your figure. “right because you know exactly how i feel.” his tone bled with sarcasm.
“you don’t tell me how you feel for anything, so sorry for taking an educated guess.” you retorted.
“you never ask to begin with.”
“as if you’d even tell me. you think i haven’t noticed you avoiding me these past couple of weeks? you don’t even talk to me anymore.”
now the roles reversed, you stared at him, bakugou not daring to look into your eye.
he shifted in his position, beginning to become uncomfortable. he replayed in his mind what he should’ve done moments ago instead of coming to speak to you.
“nothing to say?” you were playing with fire, not caring that you were poking the bear. “guess that’s not anything new. you just do whatever you want, say whatever you wish without thinking of the other person, because you’re ‘katsuki bakugou’. the man who cares about none other than the title of being the number one hero.”
“that’s not fuckin’ true and you know it.” he snaps his head towards you.
“do i?” your eyes searched his. “maybe a few months ago i would’ve, but you’ve been treating me like an outcast recently. i thought i mattered to you! i thought we were something!”
“what do you want me to say here?”
“i want you to be honest.”
bakugou clenched his teeth, his jaw sharpening from the action. of course he wanted to be with you, there was no other girl that he could imagine being with. but it just couldn’t work. you weren’t made to be with a monster, and he didn’t deserve to enjoy something so sweet as you.
so, bakugou opted to refuse the truth once again, brushing her off.
“you’re just too good for me.” he simply replies. “don’t waste your potential here. go to america.”
bakugou takes no more time to indulge in your erratic behavior, so he leaves you at the terrace, the noise of the party being heard the moment he opened the side door.
he wanted you more than anything. if the universe loved him a little more, then maybe things between you two would work out. but because of his shitty luck and vexatious attitude, you two just didn’t match.
he also knew there was just someone you were bound to fall in love with in america.
bakugou wasn’t going to lead you on to make a stupid decision. even if that meant destroying himself in the process.
the morning after, your name wasn’t to be found on any of his socials, and his messages to you turned green. if he didn’t know before, then he definitely knew now that he burned anything he had with you.
pt two
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vettelsvee · 2 months
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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oscar piastri x gf!reader
summary: reader is quite insecure about herself due to fans and paps comments, and oscar tries to comfort her
word count: 1206
warning: wait till the end and tell me if you'd like a part 2 *kiss kiss*. reader feeling insecure about herself and thinking she's not good enough (remember: you are good enough, don't hear what others say!). use of y/n. corrected the translation at almost 1am so i apologize if there are mistakes
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback as well as comments and reblogs are truly appreciated! <3
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After a long day in the paddock, and after a race that was supposed to be the highlight of the season but ended in a DNF for Oscar, your boyfriend decided to cheer both of you up by inviting you to have dinner in a fancy restaurant. You have been in a relationship for several years since you both were high school sweethearts, so sometimes the romance wore thin. Today, he wanted to give his best after a day worth to forget.
Lately, he had noticed that your behavior was a bit strange. You seemed uncomfortable with yourself, and your self-esteem was at an all-time low, judging by the unpleasant comments you had been making lately about herself. Moreover, the media and "fans" criticism didn't help either, as paparazzi and journalists had been harassing and spreading rumors about Oscar cheating on you, or that you have been gaining too much weight for Piastri’s liking. All of them, among others, were damaging your relationship slowly. 
For those two reasons, and because he felt like changing the scenery after the weekly training stress, Oscar told you that you would go out to enjoy a peaceful dinner. He was conscious of all of those criticism, and he was going to remind you how special you were to him and most of it, how perfect you were for him. Also, that you shouldn’t give a damn shit about others opinions, specially when Oscar was the one dating and loving you.
Although you initially resisted to go because you didn’t want to be the center of attention once again, you finally accepted because you knew it hadn’t been an easy day for your boyfriend. You dressed in a beautiful electric blue dress he had gifted you for you birthday las year, and decided not to wear makeup and jewelry. However, you still felt nervous. It was the presence of paparazzi, who followed you wherever you went, made you feel increasingly insecure about yourself and your relationship once again.
In those moments, you thought that Oscar deserved a girl better than you.
"Love," you addressed you boyfriend, a bit hesitant. "Do I look fine like this?"
"My God, Y/N… You're perfect. You always are."
You looked at yourself in the mirror once again. You tried to fake a smile, but you didn't like what you saw in front of you.
"I don't know… I feel a bit ridiculous in this dress," you explained. "Do I look too fat? I don’t think this color suits me very well either..."
"Don't say that," Oscar scolded, approaching you. "It looks amazing on you. Do you remember when I gave it to you? You loved it! You have been wanting it, for months actually, and even though you didn't say it, your face said it all."
"Yes, I remember perfectly, but the problem is that I don't feel comfortable with myself," you continued. "I'm tired of everything that's being said about us and the opinions people seem to have about us. To be honest with you, every day I feel more like… well, that I don’t deserve to be in your life. At least, not as your girlfriend.”  
Oscar sighed. He knew you were right. He was pretty conscious about the media and obsessive fans’ behaviour towards you, and he didn’t like that part of fame either, especially when it was for no reason, and because they had no right to comment on your relationship, which was definitely private, but not secret.
You started to cry shily. He did nothing but hesitate to hug you and make your head rest on his chest. He immediately starting to stroke your hair while gently rocking you from side to side, trying his best to calm you down.
"That shouldn't worry you because you're the most important person to me," he assured you. "I love you just the way you are, for the worst and the better, and I’ll keep doing so every day for the rest of my life, ok?."
"Yeah, I know," you said, pulling away from him quite angrily, "The thing here is that I don't care about what you think, but what other people think. I hate that there are people who are spending their free time, or not so free, making theories about us as if we were a Marvel movie!t”
"Don’t," you exclaimed, interrupting him, "I understand, and I respect, that you're a public figure, but that doesn't mean I can't be tired of the treatment I receive from girls that are in love with you! Aren't they such big fans of yours, and do they admire and love you so much, that they can't have a minimum of respect for the person you share your life with?"
Oscar knew you were right.
"Don't let that worry you," he explained. "What matters is that you and I love each other, and it's not a fake relationship like many out there, so don't let the negative comments affect you. Remember: those people don't deserve even a second of your thoughts."
"Well..." you replied simply. "It's difficult, Osc… I feel like people are analyzing and judging me all the time, no matter what I do."
Your boyfriend sighed again. He didn't know what to do to calm you down. Seeing you hurt made him feel really bad. Although he was familiar with the daily attention and hate comments, it didn't mean you, his girlfriend, had to get used to them. He felt frustrated and worried for you because, even though he knew you were aware that negative attention was part of the deal you signed when you started dating back in high school, it didn't mean you weren't bothered by seeing the love of your life being constantly mocked.
Oscar started thinking what to do. He wanted to make you happy, but if going out to have dinner isn’t what you desired that night… 
"What do you think if, instead of going out, we stay here, at the hotel?" he proposed to you. Immediately, you seemed a bit cheered up by the suggestion. "We can order something and have dinner in bed while watching a movie or a series you fancy."
"Really? You don't mind? I'm sure you already had the reservation made, and I really feel so bad..."
"Of course I don't mind," he explained, giving you a kiss on the forehead. "You are the most important thing in my life, so I will do whatever it takes to make you feel better."
Your eyes were still red, but you tried to feel better and fake you were ok. You hugged Oscar and thanked him again for what he just did.
Immediately, you both snuggled up in bed while watching a movie you chose, while Oscar phoned to the hotel’s reception so you could have room service for dinner. Pizza, most specifically, as you wanted it and told your boyfriend.
You didn’t know, but that moment made Oscar the happiest man on earth. He made you smile, even amidst the sadness. However, it was time to start thinking how he could propose to you in a different way because your insecurity, sadly, ruined his plans to kneel and pull the question.
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artethyst · 4 months
~ Leaves In A Sky Full Of Stars ~
Eris Vanserra x Rhysand’s Sister!Reader/OC
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“Remind me again why we are here?” Eris grumbled, signature frown plastered upon his unamused face.
“Because,” you enunciated, turning you attention to the babbling bundle secured in your Mate’s arms, his innocent eyes drinking up the frosty scenery around him in awe. “Just look at how happy he is!”
As if to further your argument, little Silas appeared squeal in agreement, his tiny legs kicking in glee as the High Lord carefully adjusted his hold on his delighted son- the boy’s excitable wriggling sending his already paranoid heart racing.
He thought he looked ridiculous.
Togged up in Winter attire- even though he could regulate his own temperature, you had insisted he don the furs of the Court you had travelled to as it would be “courteous”.
You thought he looked adorable.
His pale cheeks flushed, the rosiness only serving to bring attention to the delicate spattering of freckles across his tall nose- the fluffy material over his ears.
“My son looks absurd.”
“Our son looks absolutely darling!”
The boy in question too was swaddled, though instead in a mini snowsuit- little tufts of his red curls peeking from the soft fur that lined his puffy hood.
If he was squishable before, he was absolutely coddle worthy now.
His grabby hands were warm as ever, being unable to regulate his powers so young, the familiar heart emanating from his small body was a welcome comfort in Kallias’ court.
At first you were worried he was overheating, absolutely terrifying Eris one night when you shook him awake, frantic and near tears over the sleeping babe who was content as could be- his father’s curls wild with sleep and chubby cheeks flushed in innocent delight.
“Eris he’s burning up!” You were hanging off your groggy husband’s bicep in terror, watching his tired face meld into one of exasperation as you both were comically peering over the babe. “I-I think he has a fever- we must get the Healer-”
“My Love,” he let out, a tired smile on his wearied face, “it is normal for an Autumn babe. Ask my mother, it was the same for me as was with all of my brothers.”
“Darling, he is fine,” he pressed a gentle kiss to your temple whilst securing his hand around your waist, his other moving to hover over the baby’s rosy cheeks, absorbing some of the heat so his little face became a complexion your heart could handle. “See?”
You sighed, your thumb coming to skin over the perfect cheek of your infant, not wanting to leave him.
“Can…Can we have him in our room?”
Eris sighed, unable to prevent a tender half smile gracing his features.
“I thought we agreed with the Healers that it was best for him to remain in his own chambers, hmmm?”
You huffed, pouting up at your husband with those twinkling violet eyes he had never once had the strength to deny.
“I am High Lady am I not? I can do as a like.” You stuck your nose in the air as Eris chuckled lowly, careful to not disturb the cooing babe who gently stirred in his cot, with an attitude he could only compare to your brother’s.
“If it will settle your ridiculous fears, My Star, I will bring him to our chambers.”
“You’re only saying that because you wish to go to back sleep.”
“Who am I to argue with my High Lady, hmm?”
That seemed like so long ago, the babe in question now able to babble in almost intelligible sentences and hold up the weight of his own head.
“Viviane and Kallias are our friends-“
“Your friends. Frankly, I would much rather-“
“High Lord. High Lady.” Eris was cut off by a warm voice- starkly opposed to his icy appearance. Kallias’ strong hand was mirthfully brought to Eris’, who shook it back with a mirroring fervour despite his earlier words.
You had to fight back a laugh, struggling to ignore the vexation he was hurtling down the bond.
Behave, you spoke into his mind, you should be grateful they invited such a grumpy Firehead as you into their home.
You didn’t have to look back at your husband to know he had rolled his eyes, adjusting Silas on his hip as he begrudgingly followed Kallias, an undeniable ghost of smile on his downturned lips as his son began cooing in awe at the glimmering structure they were entering.
“Dada!” He grinned, his little dimple pulling Eris from his mood, “brrrr!” A chubby finger pointed at the glacial carvings as he mimicked the noise you had been teaching him to help learn the seasons.
“Yes Silas, very clever. It is indeed cold.” Eris pressed a light kiss to Silas’ head, causing the babe to giggle, the noise a welcome salvation to the High Lord.
“Precisely why I wanted to stay in Autumn…” Eris mumbled, agreeing with his son continued to note how freezing the temperature was.
At the sweet sound, you smiled back at the pair, pausing your conversation with Kallias to look upon your favourite boys, so alike in appearance it was sometimes scary.
“He wants you to say it,” you watched as the older male’s face contorted, perhaps finally understanding why his son kept repeating the noise. “He likes it when you copy him.”
“Brrr!” The boy said again, his wide eyes hopeful as he stared up at his father who, if anyone, could never deny his son.
“Yes Silas…Brrrr.” Eris relented, his voice notably dropping in volume as he made the noise, refusing to look you in the eye as you gave the other High Lord a wicked grin.
“You were not wrong High Lady,” Kallias smiled, “the High Lord of Autumn truly is powerless when it comes to his family.”
After a lengthy stroll around the grounds, you all joined Viviane in the drawing room. She squealed and brought you into a vivacious embrace, words tumbling from her mouth before you’d even had the chance to remove yourself from her iron grip.
“Oh I have missed you so! I have so much to tell you-“ it was then she let out a soft gasp, spotting Silas squirming in Eris’ arms. “Oh my! He has gotten so big!” She cried, moving to swoop him from Eris’ arms who you noticed was especially reluctant to hand him over.
You had noted that he had become increasingly territorial and protective over his son since his birth, at first thinking it was only because there had been a chance he was going to die, but even after Madja had saved him- you both, his worries had only grown.
You knew why.
Even if he never admitted it out loud. That despite everything- all his efforts to undo the suffering his father had caused, he still had many enemies.
Enemies that would love nothing more than to hurt him by taking away the things he loved most.
Silas frowned as he was transferred into the loud woman’s arms, his father’s infamous frown plastered ridiculously on his teeny tiny face.
Viviane attempted to make him smile, bouncing him on her hip and giving his little freckled cheek a gentle, cool peck.
“Do not mind him Vi,” you teased, finding your place in Eris’ free arms as he secured you against his chest immediately out of habit. “He has inherited more than just his looks from his father.”
And your words appeared to have a double meaning when your son’s grumpiness fell apart just as quickly as Viviane could coax it out of him with extra cuddles- just like The Lady of Autumn had assured you her own son had been a complete softie for at that age.
Eris payed little attention to the words Kallias was spewing- a proposed trade agreement that would be advantageous for both sides involved. He was far more focused on the glass of alcohol that was rather difficult to source in Autumn, hoping to be done sooner rather than later so he could spend some time with you and Silas without politics looming over his already troubled mind.
He took a small swig from his goblet, relaxing as the liquid warmed his throat, his slender hand coming to skim against his jaw as he read over the papers he had been presented with.
“You are lucky Eris,” Kallias spoke with honesty, causing the auburn haired male to look up at him and follow the other male’s eye-line to the grand window which displayed the winter gardens below where the two females and young boy were playing. “I remember a time where many High Lords- myself included, would have done anything for the Princess’ hand.”
Though a harmless comment, it made Eris’ blood boil. His possessiveness never once dwindling since the bond had first snapped for him all those centuries ago.
“I know.” Was all he replied, a smugness to his tone which complimented his signature smirk which did not fail to falter his façade. “I am a very lucky male indeed.”
“Years ago my wife told me she wished she possessed the kind of love you both do,” his tone was wistful as he watched his own mate with a biting fondness in his eye. “A passionate, suffocating kind of bond. One I was once afraid might melt a heart such as mine.”
“Careful, High Lord,” Eris’ smirk grew, “from experience, I must advise you. It is never wise to deny a lady’s desires.”
Kallias laughed, removing his gaze from Viviane who was making delicate snowflakes and sending them gently whirring against Silas’ button nose which had turned pink from the cold.
“We are trying for one ourselves…” Eris interpreted from his tone that it was a difficult subject, Fae pregnancies were rare and testing, even without the stresses of ruling a Court. “We can only hope they will be as much as a blessing as young Silas.”
It was Eris’ turn to become wistful then, focusing on his own Mate, even from afar catching the charming blush atop her fresh complexion as she twirled about the snow with their son.
Their son.
A phrase he had never thought he’d have the pleasure of saying.
“You are a steadfast man, Kallias. Your wife brings so much joy to my own I can only begin to imagine what a delight your offspring would bring her.”
Kallias knew that was as close as any compliment he could wrangle from the man, so clasped him on the shoulder with a heartfelt nod as Eris moved beside him, freshly signed papers left on the desk as they both stared at their entire worlds.
Eris knew, in that moment, watching as his son waddled across the pale terrain to his mother, who crouched down with awaiting arms, the expression he loved most written all over her breathtaking face, that there was nothing worth living for, if not them.
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redroomreflections · 1 month
How Not To Become A Tiktok Star
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Reader has a tiktok account and she decides to do the "I think you're bad in bed" prank on Natasha.
note: I really don't know what this is. I saw it on tiktok and decided to write it. if i cringed you also have to experience it.
this can be any universe really.
w/c: 1k
You and Natasha are about to head out for a drive, and you had a fun idea to capture a bit of the day for your TikTok account. You'd set up the camera before she slid into the driver's seat. You placed the phone on the dashboard, using a small, inconspicuous car mount that you’ve cleverly tucked away. The mount is just the right height to capture both of you without being too obvious. You adjust the angle, making sure the camera is aimed perfectly to catch the both of you.
"Are you recording us?"
You nod silently. "Just for memories." You inform her. You sit back into the passenger's seat and watch the scenery go by.
"So…I was thinking of going to Target later and getting us a few things for the house," Natasha tried. "I think I can get in and out without being recognized."
"Sounds good." You nodded. "If we need more detergent, I'll add that to the list."
"Ok, and maybe some new sheets. Those are getting pretty old."
"They are pretty old, aren't they?" You continue. The car ride is silent for the next few minutes and you glance at the camera to make sure it's still recording.
"You're awfully quiet today," Natasha mentions. She's so used to you talking up a storm whenever you get the chance.
"I'm just tired." You shrug. "It's been a long week."
"I feel that." Natasha nods. "Anything on your mind?"
You pause dramatically, picking at your nails before you look at her. "I need to tell you something and I kind of don't know how to say it." Your heart beats in your chest. How could you explain this? It's a prank so of course she will be clueless but you are unsure of how to go about it.
"You can tell me anything," Natasha said.
"Ok, so the truth is," You begin. "Lately, I've been feeling like you've gotten a little lazier in bed." You say.
Natasha looks over at you with a blank expression. "What?"
"Like you've been kind of boring in the bedroom." You repeat.
Natasha shakes her head in confusion. "What do you mean by that? Boring?"
"Well, last night, for example. It was your turn to go down on me and it wasn't really your best work."
"Really?" Natasha asks, surprised. "You didn't seem to have a problem."
"I was too embarrassed to tell you."
Natasha's face falls. "Wow. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's been like that for a while and I didn't want to hurt your feelings," You reach across the console to grab her free hand. "I just want us to have fun together."
"That's what I want too." Natasha agreed.
"We used to have fun."
"Yeah." Natasha agrees.
"So much fun." You nod. "I just think maybe you can practice a bit more? Try some new techniques or something."
"Oh...well," Natasha's face turns a bit pink and she glances between the road and you. "New techniques? Where do you suggest i practice this?"
"I don't know." You shrug, keeping the smirk off your face. "Maybe start with me?"
Natasha stares straight ahead. "Oh, well, I can try. But I'm not really sure where to start. Can you give me a specific?"
"Hmm, yeah. I'll just go into more detail." You decide.
"Go ahead."
"I guess when you have sex with a woman, you just have to remember the pearl is the center of the universe," You censor yourself for Tiktok of course. "I don't know if you've forgotten where it is or..."
"No, no," Natasha shook her head. "I'm very familiar with where it is. Yours especially."
"Ok, because I'm not sure if you're aware, but when you go down on me, you don't pay enough attention to it," You tell her. "It's almost like you don't like the taste."
Natasha makes a face. "What? That's ridiculous. I love your taste."
"But you're not doing enough."
"You need to be better. Not even just licking around my pearl, but actually sucking it. Really, just doing all that. All the things that are important."
"You know, I'm very confused about where this is coming from," Natasha turned on her indicator to turn into the parking lot. "Like I said last night you were very happy with my performance. Unless you were faking it."
"Of course, I wasn't faking it," You shake your head. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I didn't know how. But it's not only that, there are other things too."
"What other things?" Natasha asked.
"I feel like you're not very experimental. Like, I want to have sex in more than just the bed." You say.
Natasha nods. "I guess Tony's lab wasn't experimental enough."
"Babe," You gasp. You turn to the camera and sigh. "I'm going to have to edit that out."
Natasha parks the car. "Why are you saying all this? Is something going on? Are you recording still?"
"Yes, I'm still recording," You admit. "This is for my Tiktok. It's a joke."
"A joke? I knew it had to be," Natasha shakes her head. "Are you going to upload that?"
"Oh, wow." Natasha finally gets a good look at you. "I know this wasn't one hundred percent the truth. You're always so exhausted after we finish. Also, the things you say there's no way you're not getting what you want."
"What does that mean?" You play dumb.
"Oh, baby, fuck me," Natasha pitches her voice higher. "Don't stop. Don't stop." She fake moans and pretends to be you in the moments of passion and pleasure.
"Oh, shut up." You playfully swat her. "I don't sound like that."
"Yes, you do," Natasha chuckles. "Some days I can barely get you to go multiple rounds. You practically fall asleep with me still inside of you."
"Shut up!" You laugh.
Natasha shakes her head at the absurdity of it all. "I can't believe you got me so good. I really thought we were having problems."
"You're cocky," You scoff.
"And you're the queen of the universe, baby." Natasha grins, leaning over to kiss you. "Let's get this over with so we can get home and you can show me how much I don't suck in bed."
"I can't upload this to Tiktok," You sigh.
"Well put it with the other videos that we can't upload."
"Good idea," You reached for the camera and shut it off. So much for being a tiktok star.
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withleeknow · 7 months
rue de rivoli.
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pairing: hyunjin x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, semi edited lol, a little sappy and very self indulgent and inspired by a very specific instance in that one hyunjin vlog in japan 🤷‍♀️ word count: 0.9k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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hyunjin might be the worst - and you mean it, the worst - travel partner.
it’s all because of that ridiculously expensive camera of his and the little hobby that he’s taken up on.
“hey,” he calls out softly, trailing a few steps behind you as he raises the camera up to his face again. “hold it right there.”
you huff out a breath in mild annoyance, blowing some hair away from your face as the air escapes from your lips.
“seriously? you’ve taken a gazillion pictures already. this is the third time you’ve made me stop in the past thirty minutes.”
“but the lighting is just perfect.”
“we’re only here for a few days! i can’t see all the places i wanna see if you keep making me stop every two seconds!”
it was cute at first, how he kept asking you to stop in the middle of the street to snap a photo of you. it made you blush every time he did, because he would take another brief moment to admire the final product on his camera’s display screen and tell you that even though the photo turned out great, it could never truly capture how beautiful you are through his eyes. then he’d press a kiss to your cheek or a swift peck to your lips before taking your hand and tugging you along, en route to the tourist attractions that you’ve yet to come across.
to be fair, it’s still cute, and despite your feeble irritation, you still let hyunjin take his photos every time he asks. mostly because he would start sporting a gigantic pout on his face, coupled with the way his eyes widen like a puppy begging for a treat.
“please? you look so pretty right now. pleaseee?”
you acquiesce - of course you do - because who can say no to a cute whiny hyunjin?
you roll your eyes half-heartedly, and a bright grin immediately spreads on his lips because he knows that he’s getting what he wants, the smile so brilliant that it brings out his whisker dimples and turns his eyes into adorable crescent moons.
he patters over to you on light footsteps once the shot has been snapped, proudly showing you his handy work even though you secretly think it looks the same as any other photo of you that he’s taken - sometimes it’s your side profile with your hair covering half of your face because you’re too awkward to look directly at the camera, sometimes it’s you in random poses because you’re never sure what to do with your hands while getting your picture taken.
“did you even take any photos of the scenery?”
hyunjin shrugs, pretty indifferent to your question. “yeah, a few.”
“a few? give me that, let me see... you’ve taken two hundred and sixty four photos so far and only a few are of freaking paris?!”
another shrug, then cue one of the corniest things he’s ever said to you in your entire life. “you’re prettier than paris.”
sure, it’s a massively cliché thing to say, and a teeny bit cringeworthy to hear if this were a sappy romance movie. but coming from him, you know the sentiment is entirely genuine because hyunjin is nothing if not one of the sincerest people you know.
it makes you short-circuit as you stare up at him. the sun behind him softens by a fraction as it starts to make its descent, and the slowly fading sunlight looks as though it’s found a home as his personal halo. to have someone as beautiful as him tell you that you’re prettier than the city of love itself is quite honestly a little surreal, no matter how long you’ve been together.
“that was the cheesiest shit ever,” you comment, pretending to gag but knowing perfectly well that he can see the rosy flush on your cheeks. you mutter something else - for good measure - along the lines of never going on a trip with him again.
hyunjin laughs that endearing signature laugh of his, then he twists the cap back on the camera lens and once again lets the device dangle from the strap around his neck. he pulls you toward him with ease and kisses you deeply with a smile on his lips, one that’s warmer than the parisian sun could ever hope to be.
no, hyunjin isn’t a great travel partner. yes, mostly because he takes up all of your time trying to take pictures of you instead of letting you freely wander to the spots that you’d spent a lot of time bookmarking on google maps beforehand. he might be the worst person you’ve gone on a trip with because when you’re travelling, you like to be productive with your time and be able to do everything you set out to do in the limited number of days you have.
but even then, maybe it’s not that terrible having to miss watching the sunset in front of the eiffel tower because more exquisite than all of the most renowned artworks displayed in the louvre and more enchanting than any view you can spot from montmarte is your hyunjin that you adore, who’s kissing you in the middle of a street which name you can’t even pronounce.
any irritation you had from before slowly melts away. you don’t even care (that much) that you’re in the city of love.
any city is love when you’re with him.
(even when he messes up your travel plans sometimes.)
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki (italicized = can’t tag)
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 04.03.2024]
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dawndelion-winery · 7 months
I Met You Once, I Loved You Twice
Celebrity au! Their persona, and then their true self, it seems like you were meant to love them regardless
Ft. Childe, Furina, Kaveh, Scaramouche (Wanderer), Wriothesley
[Idol! Childe, Actress! Furina, Racer! Kaveh, Artist! Scaramouche, Athlete! Wriothesley]
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You knew him before the fame, before the glitz and glamour; when he was just Ajax
And as horribly sappy as it sounds, you've loved him since day 1
Falling in love with Ajax was like slipping on ice while you're hiking up a snowy mountain
You get a little too caught up in the scenery, a tad bit too comfortable being around him
And suddenly, you fail to notice the patch of ice and slip, tumbling down the cliffside, your affection for him snowballing into something greater
And so you support him through his dreams of becoming an idol, writing to him while he's a trainee, making care packages for him
Anything for your Ajax
And when he finally debuts...
Oh boy, all the fans calling themselves his partner? They could dream on
You called dibs on him before any of them even set eyes on him
Besides, how could they even fall for someone just from watching them perform?
That was answered for you the first time Ajax excitedly insisted you watch him in the MV
You're not exactly proud of your reactions to seeing him come up on screen, but he seemed happy enough about it
Falling in love with the idol Childe was like drowning
Holding your breath, choking and flailing
It's dizzying until you finally succumb, which doesn't take long at all
And once he's converted you into a fan?
He's such a little shit, whipping out the idol persona for a smidge of free fanservice just to get you flustered at the most random times
And he's back to your sweet old Ajax in seconds too, acting like nothing's amiss
The world's greatest actress finds that the world is her stage
Ever perfect, ever entertaining, her splendour is unparalleled
It was impossible not to adore such craft, and you easily fell in love with her acting just as one would fall asleep, gently and blissfully without even realising
Immersing yourself in her works, you develop a sort of fanaticism, delving deeper to find her interviews
She's beautiful whether or not she's filming, you find
So much so that you can't help but wonder how much of it is true
And so when you do, by some trick of fate, meet her, you feel compelled to ask
It's a dark, foggy evening, and you're taking a brisk walk along the forest
Who would've thought you'd bump into her then?
And so you strike up conversation, eager to interact with your favourite actress
And when you broach the topic of her facade, you notice she gets a tad bit defensive
So you apologise and back off, meaning well, hoping to see her again
And you do: these late walks become a regular thing, and slowly, you start to know her for who she really was
It's almost like meeting her for the first time all over again, and it very well may have been if you don't count the act as meeting her
Falling for Furina, your friend, was like taking an ice bath
Frigidity seized you almost instantly, and yet, as you stayed longer, the more pleasant it felt, almost soothing in a sharp sort of way
Not just anyone could race in what was known to be the pinnacle of motorsports
And Kaveh? He was brilliant, the light of Ksharewar, the face of the team
And frankly, a very charming face
Often regarded as one of the prettiest on the grid (if not the prettiest)
He's really raking in the viewers
Imagine people seeing *1* edit of him getting out his his car post race and suddenly they're invested in races
Ofc being a new fan, the gatekeeping you have to put up with is ridiculous
"I bet your favourite driver is Kaveh because he's handsome."
As if he's not one of the most talented to ever grace us with his presence?
He gets so involved with the car's engineering honestly he should just build the car himself too atp
He is speed on the track
And falling for the light of Ksharewar through the television screen is an adrenaline rush in and of itself
So bumping into him in real life was just breathtaking
You sincerely hoped you didn't come off as some crazed fanatic with the way you rambled on about how much you loved seeing the way he pushed the car to its limits and everything
Overall it was a great once in a lifetime experience and you planned to treasure it
Until it was just a once in a lifetime thing and you seemed to bump into him a fair bit ("Hey aren't you that fan that completely went off about the car that time?")
Once you'd started talking to him more frequently, the rush of meeting him started to fade into less of a frenzy, and more of a bubbling excitement
Falling in love with Kaveh was like taking a breath of fresh air and letting the chilly breeze fill your lungs, a crisp clarity creeping through your senses
But from the faint flush of pink on his cheeks, perhaps the opposite was the case on his end
You've heard of artists with depression, now what about artists with borderline personality disorder?
The first time you'd met him, you didn't even know it was him
You'd been at an art gallery admiring the works signed off by Kunikuzushi when a stranger stood beside you
"You've been staring at this sculpture for a pretty long time."
"I like it. I don't think I've ever felt such yearning embedded in stone."
The stranger didn't respond, but nodded in acknowledgement and continued to stand beside you
Falling for Kunikuzushi was like falling in love with shadows
It was no more than a feeling, a yearning, a desperation much like what he portrays in his works
Everything you knew about him seemed to drown in sorrow, loneliness, and self destruction, yet having never met him, you were sure this was only one small aspect of his being
Which left you ever curious
Curiouser still was that same stranger with the odd navy blue hair who always seemed to happen to bump into you at these exhibitions
Without fail, he'd prompt you to speak, as though digging for your thoughts on each piece
Not that it bothered you, the stranger felt familiar, and had become a welcome face
Warm was his presence and gentle was his gaze, yet a detached coldness kept you from him
He was beautiful, you noted, like moonlight, with all it melancholic splendour and grace, like the paintings and sculptures you loved so dearly
And so you found yourself falling for a beguiling stranger whose name you knew not
You loved him like the sea loves the shore, always reaching for him, but pulling back in uncertainty
"You're oddly silent today," he notes.
"I was thinking of how much this piece reminds me of us. It's weird, isn't it? How I'm seeing things, drawing links to some stranger."
"Not really. I made it like that for you. We don't have to be strangers."
Baseball player Wriothesley who has his fans swooning at his charming grin and chuckle
A real heart stopper (he could beat me with his bat)
Fans adore him regardless of whether they're simps (they are) because he's good at his job
The only people who hate him are fans of the opposing team
The way his arms flex with every swing, in this essay I will-
He's built like a tank and plays like one too
So obviously you'd expect him to be a pretty confident kind of guy
And he is
He's a charmer, a smooth talker, and painfully level headed
So why was this beefy cannon suddenly bashful over your incessant praise?
Just look at him, which of his fans haven't fallen completely smitten?
Falling for the star player was like stepping into a big city for the first time, and being wowed and blinded by the lights and massive skyscrapers
But Wriothesley was a soft person at heart
And oh so very vulnerable to affection
For every compliment you uttered, he'd readily deflect it, but when they just didn't end?
Boy was he at a loss
He did end up treating you to coffee, so that was nice
But he was very obviously avoiding your gaze which he deemed to raw for him to meet
Yet it is that exact raw adoration that he can't quite dismiss
He knows how superficial fawning can be, yet there's an undeniable gratification when it comes from you
So he keeps you at arm's length, letting you in ever so slightly, but never too close despite not pushing you away
Falling in love with Wriothesley was like planting a seed and nurturing it as it grows
The germination takes place out of sight, the results unnoticeable until it finally sprouts as a fragile sapling
Discouraging as it may be, with continued work, it does get easier
And when he's secure enough to trust you entirely...he promised to return all your efforts tenfold
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating
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thebellearchives · 1 year
For your event, fluff prompt 13 for gojo satoru please 👉👈
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~ satoru gojo ; jujutsu kaisen
✧˚ · . S Y N O P S I S : you’ve remained silent about your feelings for your long time friend Satoru for a while now, but when he’s the one being silent it’s suddenly not so normal
‧₊˚ c o n t e n t s : gn!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, reader is also a teacher at jujutsu high
‧₊˚ a / n : hope you like this anon because absolutely love how it turned out! i think it’s one of my favourite shots i’ve written!
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The view from the classroom’s window wasn’t exactly breathtaking. Your eyes examined the training grounds below, covered by the night sky and the wind blowing through the tree branches. Insomnia had been your most trusted companion for a while, so even though you were tired from the workday for some reason your brain wouldn’t stop buzzing. The classroom’s door opened, a sigh escaped your lips knowing perfectly who had closed it back and walked up to you.
Satoru decided to stand next to you, resting his lower back against the desk just like you had been doing for the past thirty minutes or so. Both of you stared at the calm scenery in a comfortable silence, you wondered how much longer would it take him to start talking but as time passed he didn’t say a single word. Restless, your eyes furtively glanced at him, but he remained silent and holding that characteristic smile of his.
“Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” you chuckled, curiously searching for an answer in his hidden eyes.
“What? Can’t I enjoy a moment of tranquility with my dear friend?”
You tried not to show how sour his comment had tasted to you, holding your smile and shifting in your place.
“Yeah, friend” your eyes went back to the window and quickly followed the conversation somewhere else “this friend of mine isn’t usually so silent. In fact, I doubt he even knows what the words “shut up” mean.”
The sorcerer snickered, jumping up and sitting on top of the desk.
“Just say you miss my beautiful voice.”
“Oh Satoru, I’m so glad you’re here, I missed your voice so much” you sat on the desk too, close to him.
“My beautiful voice” your friend corrected.
“I missed your beautiful voice so much!”
“I know dear, that’s why I came looking for you. I have this special ability of knowing when your heart sings for me so I run to find you and bless you with my presence” he leaned back and clocked his head towards you, a cheeky grin on his lips.
“You’re so considerate” you laughed, leaned in closer to him and flicked his nose.
“Ouch!” whining, he rubbed his nose and pouted “I’m so nice to you and you hurt me like this”
“Aww, sorry baby, let me kiss away the pain, alright?” you rolled your eyes, having no intention on actually following through.
“Alright” he grinned again, taking the bandages off his face.
As soon as his white hair fell down on top of his forehead his long lashes flickered towards you, stunning sky blue irises making sure to stop your heart immediately. He rested his weight on his elbow, keeping his undivided attention fixed on you and yours on him. The man was gorgeous, he had always been. And yes, it was probably so cliche of you to fall in love with your long time friend Satoru Gojo, but when he looked at you like that with that playful smile of his and those beautiful eyes there was no stopping the butterflies that fluttered uncontrollably inside of you, that longing for his love that burned deep down in your heart.
“Well?” he rose his eyebrows “where’s my kiss?”
You laughed again, making him laugh along with you.
“What makes you think I’m gonna kiss you?”
“I don’t know, maybe those deeply in love eyes you’re giving me”
Your face flushed immediately, you bit your lip for a second before giggling.
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
His smile never left his face, he just licked his lips as his pupils examined your face and rested on your smile.
"When you laugh like that, it’s just - you're so beautiful, you know that?"
You probably blinked a bit too much, your eyes opened wide. It was normal for Satoru to make frisky flirty comments like that towards you, enjoying all the reactions he could get from you. But this one… this one was different. His fingertips then traced your jawline, guiding you closer to him. And so you followed, as naturally as chasing river flow, heart beating loudly in your ears. He tilted his head slightly, and then he softly kissed you. Lips caressing yours in a loving motion, a bit insistent, just a little bit curious, licking your lips and taking advantage of the surprised gasp you let out to explore your mouth with his tongue for a while. Your hand shakily traveled up his chest and your fingers weakly grasped the fabric in between. The kiss stopped just as softly and delicately as it had started, both of you lingering on each others mouths.
“I knew it.”
“I always had a chance, didn’t I?” a sly smirk tugged from the corner of his lips, you frowned.
“I liked it better when you were silent” he giggled, but you smiled and kissed him again.
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☕️ CM Meet Cute Fics 📚
Hey friends! I want to start by saying thank you so much to everyone who participated - You are appreciated and the diversity only makes these events better.
Without further ado, here are all of the entries + recs for the Meet Cute Challenge! 🤗
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@emberfrostlovesloki 's Masterlist of Entries: This lovely prolific writer has entered several fics, which include Hotch/Reader, Emily/Reader, and Spencer/Reader fics! Check out their page for even more!
P.S. At the end of this post, I included all my fics for this challenge!
SFW S.R./GN!Reader
Heart Language by @foxy-eva: Spencer has a crush on his doctor (and the feeling is mutual)
Warmth by @cecedownbad: A mystery man stumbled on to you, his gestures alone changing the dim scenery into a bright fantasy.
And in the Beginning... by @milla984: After spending a day at D.C.’s multifandom convention, Spencer spills his coffee on Reader.
(Not So) Stupid Things by @railingsofsorrow: Reader is a detective on a case the FBI is called to work on. While trying to make a good first impression, they forget that Spencer doesn't shake hands.
Frights & Fractures by @therealmsdelulu: Spencer accidentally gets hurt in a spooky attraction and Reader, a scare actor, breaks character to help.
Style Theory: Fashion student Reader meets their favorite scholar and teaches him a lesson in self-love.
SFW S.R./Fem!Reader
The Perfect Seat by @/foxy-eva: Reader's never liked crowded trains until a handsome stranger fell right into her lap.
Funny Thing Fate: Autistic!Reader is tipsy and lost in D.C. when she spots a man she thinks might be able to help.
Coffee Caramels by @007reid: Reader sits next to a stranger in the theater, but the two end up bonding when there's a technical glitch.
Every Single Day by @astrophileous: When his daughter demands to hear the story of how Spencer and Reader met, he must oblige.
War and Peace & Coffee by @drgenius-reid: Spencer meets a lovely stranger in a coffee shop where they read together.
NSFW S.R./Fem!Reader
In Full Bloom by @/foxy-eva: A random interaction between Spencer Reid and Reader leads to weeks of longing and yearning until they decide they have spent enough time being strangers
Get Lucky: It’s 3AM and a pipe burst in Reader’s apartment. She is soaked, angry, and forgot her wallet and phone. Her neighbor Spencer tries his best to make the night not terrible.
Elevator Pitch by @reiderwriter: Getting trapped in an elevator is never fun, but at least the attractive man sharing the metal box of death has an interesting idea about how to can pass the time.
And for my Next Trick... by @reidmotif: Reader and Spencer unknowingly match costumes at a Halloween party.
Assorted Fics (A.H., D.M., E.P., T.L., P.G.)
What a Ride by @alluring-andrayav: [SFW, Hotch/GN!Reader] Whilst on a bus ride to work, Reader gets knocked into a very handsome strangers lap.
Midnight by @foxy-eva: [NSFW, E.P./Fem!Reader] Emily is the most stunning woman Reader has ever seen, so she makes sure their night together doesn’t end anytime soon.
Falling for Me Already? by @alluring-andrayav: [SFW, Derek/Fem!Reader] It's Reader's first day of work, and her heel breaks. Thankfully, Derek is there to catch her.
Supervisory Special Agent by @alluring-andrayav: [SFW, Derek/Fem!Reader] Reader already met Derek, but neither of them realize it for a ridiculously long time because she has much bigger issues to worry about.
October by @gaelic-symphony: [SFW, Temily] The couple arrives in a couple's costume.
Adding It All Up by @masterwords: [SFW, Hotch/William LaMontagne Jr.] Hotch follows Reid and Jack into a haunted house. Inside he meets a ghost and stumbles right into some unexpected arms.
Collision by @codename-mom: [Gen Fic, Hotch & Penelope] A brand-new BAU is forming but there is still someone missing. The team masterpiece: a technical analyst.
Co-Creator NSFW Entries (S.R./Fem!Reader)
Devil in the Backseat: Reader is a little too much for Spencer (he’s into it).
Yellow Light: Everyone thinks Reader is dangerous. Probably because she’s Cat’s sister. But is that why Spencer likes her?
Big Bad Wolf (Part 1, Part 2): Spencer is overwhelmed by the apparent innocence of an elementary school teacher he meets on a case.
All Legs: Tall!Reader. Spencer meets a woman at an event and finds he really wants to be under her heels.
Co-Creator SFW Entries (S.R./Fem!Reader)
Serendipitous: Spencer’s pretty sure Penelope mixed up his blind date.
Dead Air: Professor Reid is hesitant to be a guest on his old student’s true crime video series, but is surprised to find it’s not so bad.
Porcelain: Autistic!Reader has a meltdown in the cafe. Luckily, there is a Dr. Reid nearby.
Baggage Claim: Autistic!Reader is having a hard time at the airport.
Mister Spencer: Reader has a crush on her child’s teacher.
Maddening One, My Goddess: Spencer has a one night stand… on February 13th. The next day, he is confronted with a familiar face on his pre-planned double date.
Studious Shadow: Reader’s crush won’t stop avoiding her at work and she thinks he might hate her.
Stranger Danger: Reader is a single mother having a very bad day.
Happy Reading!
Is your entry missing? DM me and I'll add you!
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hotteoki · 2 years
boyfriend skz things - happy 1k followers!
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notes: this was long overdue so i rushed it a bit, but thank you everyone so so much for 1k! here’s a lil celebration that was not proofread 😭
©️ strayedstars | do not repost
chan (방찬) - flirting
despite being in a long-term relationship with him, chan will never stop complimenting you, opening doors for you, spoiling you with gifts etc. it’s so frequent to the point where the others have long given up on making fun of him, opting for a simultaneous groan whenever the both of you share any type of interaction.
just as chan was about to lean in to kiss you, jisung interrupted from beside you, “the parents are at it again!” this created a trend for everyone to follow, screaming a few “get a room!”s or “not again!”s. chan pursed his lips, “i really look forward to the day i move out.” you laughed, “you don’t mean that.” “no i really do.”
minho (민호) - sending filter videos
it was very well known that minho is an avid filter user, using sending random videos to stays on bubble and laughing about them. little did anyone know, the amount of videos or pictures minho posts online were only 1/5th of how many he sends you. without even counting them, you could confidently say that 90% of your gallery was him with some ridiculous filter.
"min, stop sending me stuff, my storage is running out because of you." minho blinked at you slowly, before turning his attention back to his phone, ironically already filming a video with him as a bumblebee, "no." you laughed, "what do you mean, no? i quite literally have more pictures of you than me on my phone-" "good."
changbin (창빈) - reminding you to drink water
knowing how much changbin cares about his health, it was safe to assume that he would care just as much about yours. before he began dedicating his time in the gym, it was always you reminding him to stay hydrated. changbin used to be the most forgetful person ever, and would always be too busy working to drink water. however, after you switched jobs, you were often too stressed to eat or drink at all. thank your lucky stars that changbin is basically a walking alarm.
a glass of water was wordlessly placed beside your laptop on the desk. "binnie, i just drank some literally 5 minutes ago," you looked up from your screen to meet his stern eyes. "no, you drank a sip of my water over an hour ago," changbin crossed his arms, staring pointedly at the clock. you knew he wasn't going to budge until you finished every last drop of that glass, so you complied, downing the water. it was only then did he smile proudly, kissing your forehead quickly before leaving to wash the glass.
hyunjin (현진) - drawing
everyone knows how much hyunjin loves art, most of the pieces he posts on instagram were of flowers, or sceneries. however, he has a notebook that is dedicated to his drawings of you. he knows how you aren't confident in yourself most of the time, but he's determined to prove you wrong. whenever you were with him, hyunjin would always have his notebook and pencil in hand, ready to sketch you.
"what are you always drawing?" "hm?" hyunjin hummed, gaze still fixating on his pages. "i mean, you're always drawing something, can i see what it is?" his cheeks turned slightly pink from your attention, "i'll show you when i'm finished." "but you work on a new piece every time?" hyunjin paused, thinking of a reply to that, "i'll show you the entire book when i'm done. i have around 11 pages left or so anyway." you nodded, satisfied with that answer. hyunjin smiled to himself before continuing his work on your eyes, he always thought they were the prettiest he'd ever seen.
jisung (지성) - petting
it started off as a subconscious movement, you were pretty certain jisung hadn’t even realised doing it until you asked him why he was stroking your arm out of nowhere. he responded with a blush, moving away before you could stop him. it was when it happened again that you told him you found it adorable, and that was also when jisung kissed you for the first time.
“i never got to ask you,” you said, nudging jisung's foot with yours, earning a hum from him. “why do you always pet me?” the hand that was caressing your thigh halted, before continuing as jisung thought of an answer, “i don’t know. i think i just got used to petting bbama, and now i pet you.” you kissed his cheek lightly, smiling against his skin, “fair enough.”
felix (용복) - baking
it was regular for felix to bake a batch of brownies for the members and staff, and usually they would all be devoured before you could even get your hands on one of them, which is why felix would always bake a smaller batch reserved just for you. sometimes they would have chocolate chips in them, or m&ms, whatever you were craving, they would probably be put in the brownies.
"yah, felix, do you have any more brownies?" minho yelled from across the room. "no, sorry, that was all!" felix called back. "what do you mean? you literally have a box of them right there?" jeongin pointed out. felix immediately reacted, extending his arm until it was out of jeongin's reach, "they're not yours." "they're mine!" you added in, walking over to felix and taking the box from him, kissing his cheek as a thank you. "ugh, not in here," minho recoiled.
seungmin (승민) - taking pictures
much like hyunjin, he's an avid believer of capturing the moment. seungmin carries a film camera with him at all times, knowing that if he used a regular camera, you would ask to see the picture and instantly ask him to delete it. by using a film camera, you wouldn't be able to see the picture, and seungmin would be able to print them out without your knowing, and pocket them in his wallet.
"when did you take this?" you indicated at the picture of you in his wallet, you swore you've never seen that picture before. "a while ago," seungmin shrugged, taking his wallet from your hands. "do you just take pictures of me out of nowhere?" you laughed. "yeah, all the time. i thought you knew that." you blinked, "i did not." "well now you do."
jeongin (정인) - letting you wear his rings
jeongin's usually very reluctant about letting other people borrow his things, but when he saw you trying on some of his rings, he knew he would let you have anything you wanted that belonged to him. it wasn't even a possessive thing, he simply thought that it warmed his heart to know that you loved him so much you would wear a reminder of him every day.
"hey, can i borrow this for tonight? it goes with my outfit." without even looking up from his phone, jeongin nodded, "sure." "innie, you're not even looking," you stated teasingly. he smiled, "i don't need to. you can keep whatever you want." you gaped, "really?" jeongin switched his phone off, beaming at you, "yeah. what's mine is yours. not my clothes though, i need them for my ootds."
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icycoldninja · 3 months
I dont think this has been asked before, so how would the dmc 5 boys confess?
You're right, this hasn't been asked before. Might be a little on the short side but I hope you enjoy!
Sparda boys + V confession headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante takes a while to accept that he has feelings for you because he's afraid that in getting involved in a relationship, he will ruin your life.
-Eventually his depression floats away and the extroverted, flamboyant Dante you know and (secretly) love returns.
-He decides to put on the most ridiculous show ever for you, complete with fireworks, loud music, and goofy dancing. Right as it ends, he pulls out a big cardboard sign that reads "I love you" and holds it aloft for a few moments before flipping it around. The other side reads "will you be my girlfriend".
-And that's Dante's great confession. Who could say no?
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil didn't want to confess at first; he believed a motivated individual such as himself had no need for love and that he should leave you alone and let his feelings rot.
-Of course, all that changed once he saw you again, and how you looked at him so endearingly with those eyes.
-He decided to take you somewhere remote yet beautiful so he could dispose of you if anything went wrong for the scenery and nervously confessed to you there.
-Your giddy reaction startled him. He didn't expect you to be so happy to hear he loved you, but here you were, squealing, giggling, and strangling him with hugs.
□ Nero □
-Nero was really anxious about confessing to you. He had no idea how to do it, where to do it, or what to say, and he couldn't go to anyone for advice because he'd be mortified if he did.
-One thing was for certain, he wasn't gonna back out of this decision. You were going to find out he loved you, one way or another.
-He decided to just approach you one day and blurt out his feelings all in one, extremely long, hardly intelligible sentence that confused you at first, but warmed your heart once you decoded it.
-After that, Nero kinda just stood there as you hugged him and told him you loved him too--then he started blushing after you kissed him.
● V ●
-V was very excited to confess to you, as he'd prepared a 3 page letter complete with a lovely poem, which he would deliver to you via Griffon.
-His handwriting was beautiful despite his shaky hands, almost as beautiful as the meaning of the words he wrote.
-You sent Griffon back to get V so you could confess to him in person, and while he was a tad bit nervous to go, V went, and was all the happier for it.
-He can see his future in your eyes; he knows you're going to have a happy life together.
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theflashesoflove · 1 year
obstacle I
Larissa Weems x f!reader (nsfw) – series
part I :: part ll :: ao3
summary: Could you be more careless? Talking to a stranger online and sharing the most intimate moments of your days with her? The way you trusted her was almost ridiculous, but the way she talked to you made you sure that this grown woman wouldn’t even consider harming you in some way. One would think you were a fool who would regret her messages one day, one would even point a finger at you and say how perverse all of it was. Luckily, no one knew. Except for Lydia, your mistress, to whom you granted not just your body, but also your heart.
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a/n: i always dreaded writing series, but this woman inspires me so much that i'm finally up for the challenge. i hope i will be consistent with my writing enough to bring this story where i want it to be. filthy, angsty and gentle. i think there will be two or three more chapters and it is also crossposted on ao3. btw i have a vague idea of what architects do so if you notice some factual mistakes let's pretend that in my silly imaginary world things work this way. the names of the chapters are lyrics from interpol's 'turn on the bright lights' album (it's brilliant, a huge recommend if you like male manipulator music like i do haha). proofread, and i hope it doesn't sound as broken as i think it does. (bracing myself) let's set this little bird free into the wild.
general warnings/tags: unhealthy online relationship, dom!larissa x sub!reader dynamics, sexting, nudes, masturbation + angst and all that stuff to come
chapter word count: 4k
Part I: you are linked to my innocence
Sitting on the balcony, you admired the sun slowly crawling up from its slumber, painting the sky with faint yellow and pink shades, warming up the cool earth. The view before you made you smile. Perhaps having trouble sleeping had its benefits – you could admire such a beautiful sunrise and feel at peace for at least the next hour, before the world would wake up and start swirling around you, overwhelming and demanding. 
Thinking of someone who was also so very demanding, you pulled out your phone and started recording the serene scenery. You tried to hold your phone still, though it was hard because of the chilly wind that made you shiver. Ending the video, you opened the messenger and sent it to a woman who made your heart sing just like the morning birds sang, greeting the sun.
You scrolled up your message history with her for a bit, smirking. What a sweet little relationship you had, one time you would send her a beautiful view out of your window, the next time – a picture of you touching yourself in the most sinful way.
Couldn’t sleep again? and What a lovely view, she replied an hour later. Not as lovely as you, though, she added after.
Her name was Lydia and she had just the right way with her words. She would text you, Send me a picture, and you would rush out of your meeting to the bathroom to send her a selfie. She would text you, What a beautiful shirt you are wearing, unbutton it for me, and you would spend a bit more time in the bathroom sending her picture after picture. 
You didn’t know what she looked like. She rarely sent you pictures in return, and you had only one 10 seconds long video of her touching herself. Her fingers were slender, her nails were painted a burgundy red colour, and she had those plush thighs that you wanted to squeeze with your hands. She was a woman of exquisite taste – taste in music, in foods, in lingerie.
You never asked her for more. It was entirely your choice to reveal your face on one of the first videos you sent her. She once told you, Don’t call me by my name on those videos, call me your mistress. You obliged. You always did. An impulse to ask the woman if she could reveal her face bubbled up inside your chest from time to time, but you pushed it away, never willing to make her uncomfortable. Perhaps there was something she didn’t like about herself, perhaps she wanted to be more mysterious and enticing, perhaps she just needed a bit more time – and it had been a year! Never being a selfish one, you suppressed your questions and played by her rules. 
She knew a lot about your life. You didn’t realise that you barely knew about hers. You knew that her work was stressful enough to make her speak to you in an especially dirty way in the night, urging you to send new videos for her to let off steam. You could only imagine her, spread on her bed to your sinful sound and pleas. You would tell her, i wish i could see how pleased my mistress is right now, nudging her to send you a picture in return. The woman would just answer, Don’t doubt it, I am very pleased with my darling girl, thank you and end the conversation until the next morning. You knew that she played piano and was popular in high school, though a bit overshadowed by her best friend at the time. You knew that she liked long walks in nature, ice skating and that her favourite season was autumn. She never pressed you to share any details about your life, but you did it nonetheless. 
It all started rather accidentally, and you told her millions of times how glad you were that she found you. There was an old record player that you wanted to sell online, and you even gave out a Fleetwood Mac vinyl in addition to it for free. The woman contacted you, anonymous at that time, though she contacted you too late, and the record player was already sold. It didn’t stop the two of you from continuing the conversation, talking about music and antique pieces of furniture she adored. After that, everything escalated quickly – topics changing topics and bringing you into dynamics you didn’t know you would enjoy this much. She teased you a lot, and at first you acted shy and hesitant, bending under her dominance and unravelling your own fantasies over time. She wrapped you around her finger, and on one particular evening you sent her your first video. The woman made it clear that she was hopeful to receive more of those in the future. 
Could you be more careless? Talking to a stranger online and sharing the most intimate moments of your days with her? The way you trusted her was almost ridiculous, but the way she talked to you made you sure that this grown woman wouldn’t even consider harming you in some way. One would think you were a fool who would regret her messages one day, one would even point a finger at you and say how perverse all of it was. If you told any of your friends about Lydia, they would tell you that you went nuts. They would tell you to stop texting her immediately and delete the chat to destroy the blackmail material that you’d shared with a stranger. Luckily, no one knew. Except for Lydia, your mistress, to whom you granted not just your body, but also your heart.
Back in the day, you suggested moving the conversation from reselling website direct messages to a more convenient messenger, one that the woman hadn’t heard of before. It took her two days to create an account for contacting you there. Her profile picture was a bush of red flowers, her personal information included just a lyric of a song she liked, and all of it was only for your eyes to see. Not much, but her empty profile on an app which she signed in just for you never aroused any suspicions. Well, sometimes it did, but then she would ask you how your day went and the sweetness of the texts the two of you shared washed your worries away. 
In fact, it wasn’t all about sexting. You could see that she was genuinely interested and caring, and you didn’t send her pictures and videos every day, after all. Maybe… three times a week? Five if she was desperate. She woke up earlier than you if you managed to fall asleep the night before and always brightened your day from its beginning with a sweet ‘Good morning, darling’ message. She always wished you a good night and checked in throughout the day, answering your texts and moving the conversation forward. Sometimes she would even send you flowers, and a delivery man would call you and ask for the address. The man would appear on your porch with a delicate bouquet later, a card attached to the wrapping would say, ‘To my favourite girl – L’. You could only giggle and smile to yourself for the rest of the day. No matter how hard you tried to get her number to send something in return, the woman would always brush you off. You can send me a picture in return, she would text you. That was exactly what you would do next. 
You’d always start with pictures. On days when you felt especially good about yourself, you didn’t even wait for her to ask. Undressing, you would send her several pictures, losing yet another piece of closing on every photo. Sometimes it would take her too long to reply, and you would record a video for her in advance. There wasn’t any surface in your house that wasn’t caught on camera while you would thrust your fingers inside, making it all pretty and appealing to look at. The sounds you made were an absolute turn on for her, and you always ensured that you put on a good show. It wasn’t even necessary to try hard, you would just recall all the dirty messages she sent you over the course of your relationship, you would imagine how it would feel to be held by her, how those long fingers would pound into you, how her lips would tease your flushed skin. You had a good imagination, and it was enough. The tiniest bits of her that were available to you – all of it was enough, that was what you were trying to convince yourself of. A hopeless romantic you were, blindly expecting that one day she would surprise you and reveal herself, and tell you how much she wanted to meet you in person. Still, it never came. That day never came, and you tried not to overthink it. You were supposed to be grateful for what you already had, after all.
I have a very important meeting today and I just know that it won’t go easy on me. Can you please bend over your desk for me this evening, dearest? Lydia texted you a few hours later after receiving the video. 
of course, mistress, you answered playfully. your boss doesn’t give you a break, huh? ;)
Thank you, darling girl, I’ll be waiting, she replied, ignoring the message about her boss. 
You made sure to text her during your lunch break, checking if she didn’t forget to eat in between her piles of work. She told you that she had a snack and it was very nice of you to bother. A couple of hours later she asked how were you feeling since you didn’t get any sleep last night. You told her that you were running on energy drinks and green tea and she jokingly scolded you for the energy drinks part. It made you bite your lower lip, how caring she was for you in return.
The desk in your office was never neat. Scattered papers, your laptop always on charge, heated up with architect software. You hunched over the plan with a pencil in your hand, making sure that the plumbing system of the building made sense at all. Working in a reconstruction and restoration company, you never really got a chance to do the part you studied for in the first place. Always checking other architects’ plans and fixing their mistakes for them, not having the opportunity to do something of your own. Your days were filled with somewhat ridiculous tasks yet even those managed to make you feel the struggle of workload.
The surface of your desk shuddered when your phone buzzed with a reminder about forthcoming meeting, and you straightened, feeling a familiar ache in your lower back. You threw on a jacket, took your phone and notebook and left your office, politely smiling at coworkers passing by. 
The meeting went as smoothly as always – at least you enjoyed the working atmosphere of the company. Your boss talked about the updates in the company policy and proceeded to inform the staff about upcoming projects. He announced that the Principal of Nevermore school contacted them for the reconstruction work, and your coworkers didn’t even try to hide their opinions on outcasts and how infamous the school was, especially after the causality that happened a few months ago. Not paying attention to their grumbling, you thought it would be a great opportunity to finally show your skills, and your boss thought so too.
“Y/N, you will take over this project. I’m passing you the papers with details, I feel like the time to shine has come!” he said, approaching your seat with a folder in his hands. Some of your coworkers sighed in relief, glad that they wouldn’t be involved with Nevermore. It made you wince – you never thought badly of outcasts like the majority of others did, the idea of being hostile towards someone just because they were different made you nauseous like it would do to any decent person. “The Principal insists on cooperation, and I have to warn you – you will probably have to visit the site more times than would be necessary for a usual project. I hope it won’t be a problem,” he said with a light smirk.
You smiled and bit your cheek, anticipation tingling on your fingertips. “No, it won’t be a problem. Thank you,” you uttered, taking the folder. “When am I supposed to start?” 
“Next week. We arranged a meeting with Principal Weems, she said it was very important for the school, and I quote, ‘to thoroughly negotiate the reconstruction process’.” 
The school was enormous, but the work was connected to a relatively small part of it, a tower that was destroyed recently. You spent the rest of your evening studying the documents – an old plan of the school that included the tower. It was impressive how old this building was. Besides, you would be taking part in preserving and reconstructing the historic site, the whole prospect of reconstructing a part of Nevermore ensemble sounded like a dream coming true. The fact of such a project being granted to you to work on would be unbelievable if deep down you didn’t know the reason for it. It seemed that no one from your company wanted to work with Nevermore, but the school was about to pay generously, so they had to find someone to 'deal with the outcasts'. How foolish your coworkers were for declining such an opportunity, you thought, smiling to yourself.
Back home, you didn’t bother to change into your indoor clothes, knowing full well that you would need to be completely naked soon anyway. Having had a quick meal and relaxed on the couch, closing your eyes for a little too long than you planned, you finally entered your bedroom and started setting a scene. Sometimes the lengths you went to make a perfect video for Lydia made you embarrassed, but how could you do it any other way? The woman’s attention was worth all of your efforts. You cleaned up your desk, returning previously forgotten mugs to the kitchen, shoving papers into the desk drawer and moving the pile of laundry laying on the floor out of frame. The curtains had to be closed for the last sun rays entering your bedroom not messing with the lighting on camera, the cosy shine of a garland and the dim light of a bedside lamp would be enough to illuminate your form in the most lovely way. You checked your reflection in the mirror and wiped away a few particles of mascara from under your eyes. For a second you tensed, your insecurity taking over. Would Lydia like you as much if she saw you in person? Wouldn’t she be disappointed that a flawless image you tried to create for her wasn’t as flawless in real life? Perhaps that was why she didn’t want to meet up in the first place? Did she already know that wasting the time of her busy schedule would completely disenchant her perception of you? You took a deep breath and shook your head, backing off from the mirror. It was alright. She liked you. Still you desperately wanted to be perfect for her. 
The next thing you did was distract yourself with having fun and a bit of a struggle with setting up a phone stand out of books. After you were sure that your phone wouldn’t slide down halfway through the recording, you set a 10 seconds timer and started slowly unbuttoning your shirt to catch the process on camera. The photo turned out just the way you wanted from the first try, revealing the right amount of skin and a glimpse of your lingerie. It didn’t even matter in the end, but you were always attentive to details. Completely taking off your shirt, you grabbed your phone and took the second picture – a close up of your lacy bra, nipples visible through the fabric, collarbones calling to be showered with your mistress’ kisses. The sound of timer counting down rang across your bedroom once again, you unhooked your bra to send it down onto the floor and stepped back, already topless, unzipping your pants and craning your neck to the side with a soft smile on your lips. Oh, how much you loved spoiling Lydia even if sometimes it stressed you out to the point of worrying about your imperfections. Your pants made their way onto the floor as well, out of the frame, of course, and as the next timer started counting down, you rushed to your desk to bend over it prettily, exposing your cheeks for the last photo. Then, you returned to your phone and sent pictures to Lydia, smiling to yourself at the thought of her ending her tedious day of work and seeing your message.  
It took you a fair amount of time to warm yourself up for the video by bringing yourself to the edge with a vibrator, uncomfortably sprawled in your chair and growing hotter with every second. You barely managed to stop yourself from climaxing, removing the vibrator from your clit and standing up on wobbly legs to continue your filming session. The phone was settled into its makeshift stand again, the sun finally settled, not peeking through the curtains anymore, which made the scene look especially intimate in the dimmed lights, and you were ready to absolutely ruin yourself for Lydia. After pressing the record button, you bent over your desk once again, and massaged your cheeks, squeezing and pulling to reveal your glistening sex. Having satisfied your need to tease the woman a little more, you spread your legs wider and took a toy that rested on the desk the whole time.
Teasing your wet entrance with the toy, you pleaded into the silence of your room, “Oh, please, fuck me… fuck me, mistress, please…”
By the time you finished, you were worn out – the position was rather uncomfortable, especially when you had to work with your hand from behind. You pressed the side of your face against the surface and sighed happily, “Thank you, mistress, you are so good to me.” There was a deep red mark of the edge of the desk on your knee, the wood was digging into your skin almost the whole time you were filming after you decided to move your leg higher for better access and view. The awkward scene of you grunting as you lifted yourself from the desk and padded over to your bed to stop the recording was cropped out later. 
An hour passed by, and Lydia finally answered your messages, saying that she was done with the meeting and work for the day, ready to witness you coming undone for her. 
You look absolutely ravishing, dear. Let me see how you used that toy on your pretty pussy?
are you already in bed? You asked, trying to withhold the sweet video a little longer.
No, darling. I’m taking a bath right now, she answered, arousing the urge in you to ask her if she could give you at least a glimpse of her body basking in the warm water. You didn’t ask her. 
I need you, came a text seconds later, and you couldn’t resist her anymore. 
The video went on for about 11 minutes, you didn’t know if you should have made it shorter or longer for her liking. You wondered how long it would take her, you wondered what she would use to pleasure herself and how it would feel to be with her in that moment, spreading shower gel all over her breasts and teasing her with your thigh pressed against her core. You wondered how it would feel to just settle in her lap, wrap your hands around her shoulders and hide your face in her neck, revelling in her presence.
The waiting after sending her those kinds of videos was the most tortuous one, you didn’t yet know if she liked the video or not, you didn’t know if it met her expectations, you didn’t know if it even made her wet and eager to pleasure herself. Sometimes you were afraid that she wouldn’t even bother to watch it or to reply to you ever again. Fifteen minutes later, you got a response – 1 attachment. Your heart somersaulted against your ribcage, and you hesitated for a moment before tapping on the notification, prolonging the excitement of not knowing what she sent you.
Those beautiful thighs. Oh, how much you thought about them wrapping around your head, how many times you rewatched the only video she sent you, remembering the patterns of stretch marks along her skin. She looked especially soft and rosy, her wet pubic hair neatly covered her sex, and the foam melted around her body, glistening on camera. The water was steamy and her hand rested on the rim of the bathtub – you could only assume that she was completely spent. 
i would eat you out until those gorgeous legs are shaking, you texted after a while of staring, unable to think straight.
Not before I would be done edging you for hours, she cheekily answered. And before you could think of a suitable response in the same dirty fashion, she sent her next message, Thank you, dearest. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.
A smile spread across your features, so wide it almost started to hurt. You plumped down on the bed and nuzzled your nose into the pillow, vainly seeking her scent that was never there in the first place. Contented that the woman felt about you this way, you closed your eyes and tried to imagine her. Imagine, imagine, imagine – it was the only thing you could do. In that moment, you hopelessly wanted to press yourself into her, to cling to her body and dissolve in her warmth. How much you yearned for her to give you real proximity, to caress your sides as she would bury her face in your hair and fall asleep next to you, breathing peacefully. Or she would let you lie down on her chest and listen to her calming heartbeat, holding your hand and circling your skin with her thumb. 
A couple of red heart emojis were sent Lydia’s way and you locked your phone, turned on your back and looked at the ceiling. Fulfilled and deprived at the same time.
by the way, i was given a new project today! You texted Lydia five minutes later, remembering that you forgot to share the exciting news. i’m so happy, they finally gave me the big girl stuff to do haha
That’s amazing, dear. I’m very proud of you, Lydia answered, making you blush. 
The next Monday you were on your way to Nevermore – it felt very exciting to leave the office for once to see the site of reconstruction. To your surprise, it wasn’t that long of a ride, you expected the school to be more distant from Jericho than it was. Driving along the road that was framed by thick forest made you want to pull over for a second to take a picture of towering trees, branches tranquilly swinging in the wind, the sun peaking through the leaves. However it would be a bad idea, unless you wanted to be late for the meeting more than you already were.
The building of Nevermore astonished you from the first glance. A dark fantasy, elaborate decorations and old-fashioned high ceilings. You arrived at the brink of evening – Principal Weems didn’t have time for the meeting until 5 p.m. – and the golden hour made the school look even more otherworldly. You didn’t need a tour since you had an insight on what the building was like inside, and the location of classrooms and halls didn’t really change over decades. Approaching the Principal’s office, you adjusted the collar of your shirt and fixed your hair – this was serious, you had to make a good impression on the client. 
a/n: oh, larissa... honey, you've got a big storm coming
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kyoghurts · 3 months
"you're weird, girl. i like you."
synopsis. the closest you’ve come to attain the stars is through her soft eyes and saccharine lips, and the greatest gift the cosmos has given you was the opportunity to fall from the sky and into the arms of a girl whom you cannot live without. ( fluff | 2.4k wc )
notes & disclaimers. i am truly a sap. enjoy reading this abominable & tooth rotting flowery sapphic oneshot. (dont bother w the weird interests the reader has in this fic its for the plot ok + dont play the game i mentioned it is not recommended <3)
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“please stop.” you hid your face with both of your palm, an exasperated sigh departing your lips — kiyoko shimizu with her sweet snicker in response, something that inevitably melts you on the inside.
she gifts you yet another imitation of one of your stupid lines from two years ago. long lashes of hers shining like specks of stars against the neon lights, lips tilted with a teasing smile. her slice of mint choco cake on the table a crescent empty and left forgotten, her focus solely on you and your reactions. “whatever you say, captain obvious. though you’re probably just trying to make up an excuse to see me.”
four years sounds so far for you, nostalgic in the way that you wouldn’t have imagined yourself outgrowing something that was once considered an inherent part of you, and now you’re reminiscing how flirtatious you were with your lovely girlfriend in a cafe, the night of the city wide awake, your memories flashing before you as if you were driving fast, the scenery so vivid yet fleeting all the same. you wouldn’t have imagined yourself falling so head over heels for a pretty girl until you blurted out the first thing that popped into your head, your flirty streak so prominent back in your sophomore year.
“that was one of the first few times we interacted. summer classes, right?” you mindlessly sway your drink in your hand, before taking a sip on the straw.
kiyoko nods. “we always bumped into each other in the hallways, sometimes in the same neighbourhood, yet,” she huffs a chuckle, “what made you suddenly take an interest in me is when you saw me reading your favourite manga.”
you know this scene clearly, and you’d like to drive back a u-turn once more, “that was just the start, pretty.”
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it starts as that. you see her across the classroom, a rare occurrence more to yourself than for her because you’re not the type to go to school early, but at times like these, you simply just woke up without needing your alarm to do the job for you. the sight of her frightens you, just a little, but enough to trip your feet and end up hitting the cold floor like a corny romcom classic mc would do.
congrats to you for achieving something first thing in the morning, though.
“you alright?” it takes approximately 5 seconds for you to register that in. footsteps approach you with slight haste, a hand comes into view, when you take it, the softness of touch blows you away. her skin slightly cold against your warm one (or perhaps its the other way around?), her calm eyes shone despite her glasses, and looked at you in quiet concern. something about her presence screams elegance, and you’re here being graced upon a beauty well deserved of its reputation.
when you stand and try to regain back your remaining dignity left in your body, which you’re sure its hiding between your teeth as you suck in a breath, seeing your shoes instead of the pretty girl in front of you, you nonchalantly say, “yeah, ‘m fine. thanks.”
she turns back to her seat, watching her as you realise how close she actually was to where you usually sat. you’re both under a class you don’t pay much attention to, but maybe this time, you might just be a little more considerate so as to not doze off every time your boring teacher arrives anymore.
(is this what you call infatuation at first sight? that’s ridiculous. you think, but the blush permeating your cheeks as you push your chair and sit, right next to her, says otherwise.)
you sift through your bag to check if you forgot something, skimming through your notes and lists when you hear pages softly turning from your left. curious, you flicker your attention to shimizu and nearly jump doing so.
she’s reading one of your favourite mangas of all time.
“no way! you read them too?”
shimizu blinks, wide eyed and surprised. “yes? i always read them in the morning.”
ah shit. maybe you really need to pay more attention from now on.
days after, you’ve learned a lot more about her than the lessons of your shared class, and you can’t seem to take your mind off of her even if you try. you learn that she likes her nails perfectly short and shiny the same manner your lip gloss glint against light, you notice how she tucks strands of her dark blue hair specifically behind her left ear when she’s reading or generally focused on something, eyes never leaving her subject with intensity you’re a bit apprehensive to break. she likes her writing neat and highlights perfectly aligned and in the right coded colours (compared to yours, which you ruin them by making it a rainbow). you like the way she tries to talk to you, and insists that your presence is never unwelcome, reciprocating your smiles that leaves you breathless, and letting you stick close to her every morning before your day runs its course.
if you allow yourself to pause your running thoughts, she’s actually the first friend that lets you roll off your flirty tongue and you receiving mean remarks in lighthearted tones, first friend to keep the energy you exert in your shared spaces; your yapping sessions and her quiet forms of reciprocation. she’s the first friend that’s gotten you this giddy and up to your feet, made you do things for her even without asking. and the thing is, when she doesn’t refuse, it certainly makes you wonder how lucky you are, to be able to touch an experience of unbridled fulfilment and happiness. this is not something you’re used to—proves of how special shimizu is, the first girl that makes you so happy in the most mundane yet fun ways.
there are many firsts that you have experienced with shimizu in just a span of 2 weeks and a half. and maybe one of them—albeit spontaneous and unexpected—might change a major part of you, leaving you no option to run away.
it’s precisely when the sun bathes shimizu in gold that seemed to erase anything else in your sight, when the classroom is your world and she’s right at the center of your vision, sitting in the usual seat in the usual time and in the usual quiet elegance that she carries herself. you greet her good morning and sit beside her, like any other day, but that voice of hers saying it back to you sounded so sweet and genuine, your chest warm like the hot showers pouring into your skin. she asks you something, and you wonder if she notice how you’ve been staring at her mole on the underside of her lips with awe, her miniscule smile’s enough of a distraction.
you stagger out a ‘what?’ and desperately compose your thoughts from running rampant like scattered monkeys on the loose. smoothing your shaky breaths into an even out pattern, all while waiting for her to repeat herself.
“you play psychological horror games, right?”
“yeah? what about it?”
“i found one last night, i tried to play it for you.”
“…” truly, you didn’t expect for her to pick up one of your questionable hobbies like it’s normal. you’re about to reassure her that she doesn’t have to do such things if she’s not comfortable when she follows up with “it kept me up that bad. but i enjoyed it nonetheless.”
you’re so bewildered that you couldn’t think she’s telling you the truth. but you had to ask, “…what’s the name?”
“therapy with doctor albert krueger-”
“no fucking way”
“hey. language.”
by now you’re standing in front of her while she sits, dumbfounded at your sudden outburst. the curious and weird stares of your peers retrieves you back to your senses just as quickly, awkwardly shuffling your chair closer towards shimizu and hide your face dramatically. you try to whisper instead. “that game’s underrated and particularly niche for a reason. it has its own kind of creepiness that you can’t find elsewhere. dream therapy turning out to be a method of luring you and turning you into a dream eater or some zombie slave? and you say you enjoyed that?”
perhaps you’ve gone delusional, but shimizu’s complexion don’t exactly turn this rosy pink, almost as if she’s blushing. no no, you’re definitely just being delusional.
(and yet for some reason. your face burns at the possibility that she might be feeling shy at the moment. part of you is in denial of this, but your internal self is just as jittery as she might look. god, could she actually get anymore cuter?)
and then she averts her gaze and stammer, eyes locked on her lap as she mumbles. “isn’t that the p-point? to creep you out in the most uncomfortable shivering way? that it never leaves your mind even after you’ve finished it?”
it’s your turn to look away as you swallow. tentative as you ask before the thoughts in your head starts pulling your tongue back. “…you’re weird, girl.”
that sounded funny to you, so a huff of air makes way into a fit of giggles. your heart is being weird too, beating so strongly against your chest as if it wants to leave your body. shimizu can only watch, speechless, still blushing. though the moment you set your eyes on her once more, it’s only then that you knew, that whatever you’re about to say next, may or may not be understood of it’s message clearly like you do.
(you remember being 7 years old was a heaven of the youth before your brain develops the sense when someone is really, really attractive in your perspective. and you’re not sure which is worse, either that you’ve had your very first crush on a girl or that you punched a guy for calling you out a weirdo in front of the girl. maybe the latter was bound to happen, maybe the former was a mistake.)
(right now, you’re certain the claims are switched, because you’re no longer a stranger to being a giver of affection. the way you give them is important, you can’t close your eyes and imagine that whoever you like could be anyone else. right now, you want to give these feelings to shimizu kiyoko if she lets you, you’ll grasp any possibilities presented in front of you, especially when she’s in full view.)
“i like you.”
fuck. if she asks you if you’re flirting now or if you’re confessing, you can’t promise yourself to say the first.
shimizu gets even more redder than you’ve ever seen, making your jaw drop as she softly say, “i know.” eyes falling back on her lap, repeating “i know you do.”
you turn uncharacteristically demure, crossing your arms on your desk as you rest your head against it, sighing in relief, heavy blush soaked on your lifted cheeks as you smile hard that it hurts.
and everything else is an afterthought.
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“can i have a sip?” shimizu glances towards your drink you’re holding, then looks at you, expecting.
you pull it back slowly, narrowing your eyes. “say it back first.”
“you didn’t say it back when i told you i liked you.”
her stunned silence makes this little attempt of yours so worth it, you hide a smile as you wipe your mouth with a tissue. “kidding, here-”
“i like you. i like you a lot. we’re girlfriends for a reason.”
she snatches the drink before your heart pounds too harshly to fully feel it in your chest, you wish it was her pouting right now instead of you as you cross your arms in a playful and childish act. “…you’re lucky i’m nice for you to let you play unfairly.”
“indeed i am.” she giggles, light and feminine and everything you’re not. you can’t waste a breathe not being by her side anymore. everyday is a chance to dream, but dreaming can only take you so far, it’s not enough, you want her to be this close to you as much as she wants to. as much as life allows you.
so when the both of you are at the front of your shared apartment’s door as the keys slightly jingle in her hand and about to insert through the doorknob, you place your palm on top of hers so suddenly she forces herself to look at you wide eyed. she asks you in that soft tone of hers what’s wrong, but nothing is ever wrong when it comes to her.
nothing would come to you to change how you feel for her. you’re a giver of affection, that much you’re certain in all your years of living, but as selfish as this sounds, you want to be the one receiving, too.
“i know i sound like a broken record here but when i asked you out like, four years ago. uhm, i really do want to be yours.”
you lock through the gaps of her fingers of that your own. your face mere inches away from her, skin warm and drizzling in its apprehensive passion. “i am yours. and that you are mine?”
you promptly gaze at your intertwined hands, smiling. “dunno i just. want to hear you say it, is all.”
she pulls you by the waist with her free hand, rubbing in slow movements just the way you always like it. under the moonlight’s command, she presses her lips with yours and parts you with a gift full of stardusts collecting your eyes. she whispers, “i have been yours all this time. so much that your sappiness grows into me, so much that i can’t see myself without you.”
(you truly are a weird girl, kiyoko. my one and only weird girl.)
you push the door open together and shut the world like an afterthought, the same habits you do when you’re home.
(and that your definition of home is both a place and a person simultaneously.)
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notes. this was supposed to be a short drabble but then i remember that the fucking title dialogue is actually based off of a real conversation i had w someone (as well as the psychological horror game part) + got a lil emotional with the part where i inserted the childhood flashback thing bc it touches a slight part of myself and BAM i overdid it. oh well. didnt say i hated writing this tho <3
© kyoghurts ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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pedges-world · 24 days
"Pike's Place"; Roll-a-Trope Challenge
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I fell hard for these two, in an unexpected way. A few valiant attempts in the past (Charcuterie Challenge + A Different Happy Ending) set me on the right path, but it wasn't until @morallyinept's "Boyfriend Vibes Masterlist" and @burntheedges "Roll-a-Trope Challenge" that I managed to really sink my teeth into this delectable winter treat. Since y'all love them as much as I do, I've started a slow burn Winter Series with the assist of @inept-the-magnificent!
Triggers: profanity, car trouble in snow storm, heartbreak, discussions of pandemic, slightly tipsy Pike, mostly fluffernutter...
Episode One: Pike's Place
Episode Two: The Holiday
Episode Three: Elf
Episode Four: Coming October 14th!
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The windshield wipers were beating at the same flurried pace as your heartbeat as you gripped the steering wheel fixedly. Looking out at the swirling flurries of wind and snow your skin began to take on the same pallid white quality as your eyes darted furiously across the pristine landscape. California Girl, you sulked, huffing heavily in frustration.
WHY had you listened to your therapist? This was the most asinine, ridiculous escapade yet, as you watched the fuel gauge dipping lower and lower. It had been the strangest of four years, shifting from the pandemic, to working from home, to becoming more and more isolated every day. Watching your world get increasingly smaller, and feeling helpless to do anything about it. Pre-pandemic you had already felt isolated, and after four years of relative solitude you had almost become accustomed to the depravation. Almost. So, what had your therapist recommended? A change in scenery. Get out more! Feeling depressed about the holidays? Grab a few sweaters, a bottle of Merlot and take your emotional baggage with you! You scoffed with self-deprecation, wondering if a death by blizzard would be quite as cinematic as it sounded in your romance novels. Snagging a last minute Big Bear Airbnb had been easy this week before Christmas, but finding it was proving a bit more challenging. Good Old Bessie the Hyundai had limped along for years, but the heater had long since sputtered into a quick demise. Not a real problem in California, until now, you reasoned, thankful you had dressed in a head to toe snowsuit from your East Coast college days. Quite honestly, you were surprised it still fit, but you were steadily growing more and more aware that your Girl Scout training from childhood did not prepare you for a snow-pocalypse, regardless of how fashionable you were.
Straining to see any signs of civilization you thought you caught a small flickering beam of light, as you groaned upon hearing the tell-tales signs of impending doom. That metallic clicking sound had only intensified and it was just a matter of time before…BOOM!…a small popping sound backfired into the snowy stillness as gears shifted and ground to a halt, bringing Bessie to her final resting place in the glassy tundra.
Welp. So ends the life of J. A small death, for a small person…you rolled your eyes dramatically. Get a grip woman. You didn’t get 56 Scout Badges in Arts and Crafts to merely lie down on the ground singing “Do You Wanna Build a Snowman”. Live! Live goddamit! You smirked, weighing your options. Cell phone coverage was dotty at best. You could wait for a philanthropic passerby, but it was a week before Christmas, and you hadn’t seen one car on the precarious drive here. Wherever here was.  Watching the steady stream of soft snow cascading onto your windshield you re-assessed that flickering beam of light before you. You MUST be hallucinating, but it seemed like a small cabin with puffs of smoke billowing from a chimney of some kind. It was a fuckin’ Norman Rockwell painting for heaven’s sakes. Or “Misery”. You pulled the snowsuit hood up over your head and took a big breath. Only one way to find out.
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After trudging the 100 or so feet from Bessie to Norman Rockwell, you were trying to cast a foreboding figure, though this was proving difficult in a hot pink snowsuit from the 90’s. You confidently held a crowbar and cell phone in either hand, delusional that this would be off putting to a potential serial killer. At least you would look fabulous in the Real Life Crimes Documentary, you rationalized, banging on the door with your crowbar and attempting to seem simultaneously friendly and capable. Your teeth were chattering together with anticipation or cold, as you thought you heard a rustling sound behind the wooden door. You plastered a frozen smile on your face, hopeful the occupant wouldn’t ignore Elle Woods in the woods, as the door flung open violently to reveal...
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Happy Holidays, Pike. Marcus grumbled to himself, pouring another glass of red wine and swallowing a coal lump of annoyance. Was this really the best idea? he wondered, settling in for the Christmas Movie Marathon on AMC. If he was trying to get over a heartbreak, he wasn’t sure “It’s a Wonderful Life” and a bottle of red was the way to do that, but in a blizzard there were only so many options. Fresh from his disappointment of the moment he bit his lower lip, watching George Bailey drunkenly meander around snowy Bedford Falls, on the hunt for redemption. He looked over at the sorry state of affairs in the kitchen, as piles of Thai Food containers dotted the landscape, thanks to a week of DoorDash and Instacart. How had he arrived at this pathetic excuse of a Christmas? Hoping to clear his mind of women altogether, he had settled on berating himself for constantly falling in love at the drop of a pin. Okay, he was a romantic, he frowned with irritation. And why not? He was on the Art Squad, he wasn’t Rambo. He wriggled his socked feet, thankful for the fire in the fireplace and nodding at George Bailey’s plight. That’s right, Jimmy Stewart, maybe it’s better to just go it alone. Not everyone has a Donna Reed. You can’t just expect love to show up on your doorstep, it’s better to think realistically and recognize your own limitations. George Bailey dangled precariously over the Bedford Falls Bridge, watching the snow fall into the murky depths. Just a couple more steps and….
Pike jumped about a foot, as George Bailey paused to notice Clarence the Angel jump into the waters before him. What was that?
Pike sat up, adrenaline coursing through his slightly intoxicated frame, gripping his chest with surprise. Was someone knocking at the door? Who could possibly be wandering around in a blizzard? He took a quick glance at his somewhat disheveled state, stubbling beard, gray sweatpants and thread bare white t-shirt. No time to clean things up, he scoffed, stumbling to his feet and flinging the door open to find…
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Hello gorgeous. A pair of saucer shaped brown eyes blinked back at you, as you stood poised between crow bar and cell phone. “Howdy!” you shouted, quite a bit louder than anticipated watching his face register several emotions simultaneously, gulping in surprise.
Howdy? What the fuck? Were you Annie Oakley? Your eyes quickly took in the situation, eyeing his broad frame, gray sweatpants and patchy beard. This was the cutest serial killer you had ever met, you smirked, shaking the sexy thoughts out of your mind as quickly as they entered. “Sorry to bother you this fine holiday season…”
What the fuck was going on? Had you forgotten how to speak to other humans? You sounded like a character from an old film noir. Willing yourself to act normally you continued, “My car is konked out on the side of the road, and I wondered if I could use your…landline, sir?”. Okay. Stop talking. Stop with the words. You held your breath attempting to appear…like anything other than your awkward self. Apparently you had rendered this hunk of a man temporarily speechless. He was probably mortified at your inability to string together a sentence with two hands and a crowbar, but the silence began to stretch in front of you. A reddish tint bronzed his adorable cheeks as his eyes registered surprise, delight, confusion, irritation? There seemed to be a lot happening in this moment of indecision but speaking wasn’t one of them. You shifted with discomfort, licking your chapped lips and chattering loudly.
“Oh my gawd, yes!” he finally bellowed, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into the warming living room and slamming the door behind you. Flakes of snow were dotting your eyelashes but you thought you caught the broadest of smiles immediately hidden by a facade of a frown. 
“Uh, please, make yourself at home…miss” he countered, running to mute the television and tidy up slightly. You took the moment to gather as much information as you could, gazing at Jimmy Stewart’s flickering countenance. Seemed like you had burst onto a cozy, Christmas Hallmark movie for one. Tipping your snowsuit hood off and shaking like a golden retriever you watched the gray sweatpants dart into the kitchen, as he wiped food containers into the trash bin with a long sweep of his forearm. 
Glancing over at the side table you noticed a badge of some kind and a lanyard that read “Agent Pike: Art Squad”, featuring a smiling, clean shaven version of the business lumberjack you saw before you. He grabbed a suit jacket strewn over the kitchen chair and returned to look at you, wide eyed and confused. Cutting quite the figure in gray sweat pants, fuzzy socks and suit jacket, you plastered your lips together to avoid giggling. Alright, this Crime Documentary was progressing just fine, you found yourself with the helpful detective, not the serial killer, after all. He bit his cheek with embarrassment, taking a final helpless look around the living room. “How can I help you?” his voice cracked comedically.
Oh I can think of a few ways, you scandalously surmised, wondering if your holidays were starting to improve. Maybe this was going to be a Christmas gift neither one of you would soon forget…
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Thank you @unknown-till for the cool winter dividers!
@realjensenackles1 @groovy-hippie-chick @maddiemadden @kadifromtheblock
@beefrobeefcal @sawymredfox @strang3lov3
@aotfantasmagorias @inept-the-magnificent @djarins-cyare @lemonwizard
@timelordfreya @schnarfer @devineconjuring @quicax3 @joelalorian
@bitchwitch1981 @wordywarriorwrites @janaispunk @pedroswife69
@katiexpunk @i-own-loki @vaininsane@yorksgirl
@spookyxsam @mermaidgirl30 @mandolover37 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
@joelmillerisapunk @jennaispunk @sheepdogchick3 @marcus-is-my-muse
@susanpaul111 @littlemisspascal @zaniasky @shaunasflannel
@anelva @shinyanchorobject @brittmb115
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ihopeinevergetsoberr · 6 months
the counterpart
chapter 6 — done it warning, done it now
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art cr: @zaunitearchives our most faithful viktor lover <3 (can you guess which one of the inspo pics belongs to me?because i wasn’t joking when i said i might start using my pictures for these silly frames — I‘M DEDICATED to this fic okay)
word count: 2,2k
VERY nsfw, horny idiots in love, dialogue dialogue dialogue, explicit language, public masturbation, vehicle sex if you will. some porn to prepare you for the chaos i may or may not cause in the next chap 🫣
part 7
“Do you ever feel like a pawn?” 
He turns around and his weary head tips deeper into what little comfort an old bus seat could provide, honeyed eyes a confused reproach pointed at your sheepish smile — had you dawdling over the halo of sun rays slipping prettily into the dark scatter of his hair, turning chestnut into rich, warm bourbon. 
“Since when are you interested in philosophy?”
It makes you stumble over an innocent chuckle; fingers grow flush and hot against his, threatening to slide out of the warm press of hands — to satiate the sudden whim of cradling his face and dipping your thumbs gently into the sharp lines of defined cheekbones. 
“Answer the question, Viktor.” 
Oh the forwardness. Always gives him the urge to comply no matter how ridiculous the request is — be it a hypothetical silly ‘what if’ or an actual firm demand. 
“I don’t project on inanimate objects, milackú,” he maneuvered smoothly out of your prudent trip, placing a cheeky kiss on the curious arc of your mouth. “But, in order not to digress — yes, I suppose I do. Quite occasionally. In your arms.” 
“Smooth. Bravo, Viktor — that was so sweet I might have to see a dentist now.”
“Don’t forget to send me the bill.” 
You gawked at the tooth gap in his proud grin with a hopeless sigh, leaning closer to tuck your face into the crevice of his slender neck. Couldn’t care less about the other passengers — nor did they care about you, to be frank: your seats were hidden in the back corner securely enough. Lips pressed to the fresh love bruise, so poorly covered with a mess of his unbuttoned collar — a not so humble possessive remnant of the morning tryst in his room. You craved a change of scenery: ravishing only one bed quickly becomes boring and unfair to its just as much ravished owner. 
“No, but seriously,” you kept prying, words a muffled mumble against the slim of his skin — had you smiling when you caught the subtle scent of soap on the barely exposed collarbone, and his hand found tender leverage in your hair as thoughts drifted to the delicious things he did to you in that bathroom this very morning. Even longed to hold him there for a little longer — if not for the damn bus, that was now rapidly moving towards your opportunity to flaunt. Or to become a pitiful disgrace. Unfortunately, so far you were only leaning towards the latter. 
It was Viktor’s idea. To play a local tournament — a somewhat silly for a person of his rating gathering, that he had no valid reason to attend. And yet he was so insistent on taking you there, held your hand so securely tight as you tried to fruitlessly convince him of your incompetence. Well, not incompetence, per se — you were simply a tad bit rusty, with a long forgotten dream of ever turning your passion into something professional. Endured a lengthy back and forth filled with his soft persistence and your capricious reluctance (which was secretly just a failed attempt to cover your incitement). 
Because you loved the competition. Used to live off the thrill of having people at the edges of their seats, consumed their defeated groans alongside each captured piece, and forcibly swallowed the spiteful comments spinning at the tip of your tongue during each bitter post-defeat handshake. Adored the elegant gall-spitting on the checkered board, and loved hearing people whisper malicious things whenever you entered the room. 
What happened to that version of you? Was it still there — a sharp tiny warrior, or ‘that pretentious little cunt’ — a title you wore proudly after a certain querulous opponent had revealed it to you generously all these years ago?
Well, certainly. Angry girls grow up shaped into furious women, but your fierceness is now only imposed on men, poetry and lechery. Anything but tournaments. 
And — while chess still owned your heart — you had to bow your head to the countless obstacles of life, aiming for stability; fed the vigorous child inside you countless books and analyzed hundreds of games, hoping that, eventually, that stupid yearning will be sated. 
But now you had him — your bright opponent, rated strong intermediate and highly respected in narrow circles. A player of great potential — he was everything you could’ve been by now, a living proof of one’s passion and major coexisting peacefully. Your personal Czech serpent, the gentlest hangman of your fortitude — eager to get you rated, to make you see your skills through his meticulous eyes.
So here you were. Entwined with him in the contentious privacy of this backseat, harried with occasional chokeholds of your nervousness. Viktor was waiting for your point, all flushed ears and uneven breath. 
“What I mean is,” you sighed again, tongue dancing skittishly over the front row of teeth, “don’t you ever feel so small and utterly unimportant? Like everyone else is so much more valuable?” 
“But pawns are very important,” he protested, coaxing you to quit hiding from his acute eyes, “I delivered checkmates with pawns countless times before. And so did you.“
You couldn’t argue with that logic. Just sank deeper into his arms and watched the light run through his dilated pupils — the slipping boredom of the city both of you were getting out of today. 
“Yes, but would you rather lose a pawn or… say, a rook? Or a knight? Or quite literally any other thing?” reluctant to bend to his attempts at soothing your restless mind, you refused to retreat and sweetly troubled him further. His smirk curled atop yours in a curt little touch — but one can’t kiss away a worry that excessive. Even as determined as he was to try. 
“Depends on the circumstances. Surely, choosing to lose a powerful piece over a less significant one sounds unreasonable when you put it that way — but we both know it doesn’t exactly work like that.” 
His sigh — or was it the rough scorch of the sun? — was making you melt; took care of your misery like the acidic little thing it is. Big palm stirred over the hem of a cotton dress, tracing it with a tremble, then slipping cautiously underneath — to curl around your thigh and pin it to the seat like a gentle shackle. You could still make out the grip through the sheer restraint of fabric; had your legs clenching together to trap it viciously into a crate of skin and soft little hairs: they stood on their ends oh so treacherously, each shiver palpable under the calluses of Viktor’s fingers. 
“Moje laska.” There it is again. Turning you into a dumb pile of freshly discovered weaknesses — he could burn you to ashes that very moment and you’d gladly let him get away with it, as long as that hand stayed so close to home, damp from your sweat and whatever beads of slick seeping through the soaked ruin of your underwear. If only he could reach down and throw а quivering thigh over one scrawny shoulder, tongue a trail chasing the wet deliciousness of your lust after him — just how he likes it: sweet, slow and salacious. The holy trinity of your fervent undoings.
“You’ll make them all feel like pawns,” you felt him sting the shell of your ear in a tortuous whisper, his caress tenderly cruel against what little composure left between tense legs, “I can promise you that much.” 
“We have a tournament to play, and that’s what you’re thinking about right now?” you tried to snatch the power out of his hands, but tripped over his long middle finger — so viciously close to the swollen folds. He could’ve grasped the shape of them through the obstacle of fabric if only you approved of the mischief. 
“We have a tournament to play, and you’re wasting our precious time on baseless self-consciousness. I am merely providing a pleasant distraction,” he explained, then resigned to offer you a moment of hesitation. “Unless the setting is too public for you, of course. I don’t mind proceeding in private, with less prying eyes nailed to your potential, eh… agony.” 
“My, you’re shameless.” 
“You’re one to talk. So? May I?”
Gaze quickly flipped through the row of potential witnesses, failing to notice a single giving a fuck one. Viktor waited for your permission with patiently bated breath, watching your throat move when you gulped, slightly strangled. 
Lips protruded into a line — a show-off of a smirk at the eroded crumbles of your sanity. Because, indeed — your writhing was needy to its very core, legs tumbled in to coax your salvation out of him. Impatient, fitful, stubborn — your demand was impeccable in its tacit delivery, emphasized the urgency when a single fingertip brushed the entrance soft and languid, then found the wet, laced at the edges barrier. White and see-through, with a silly bow sitting prettily right on top — he watched you put them on fresh out of shower, all damp-skinned and weak-kneed, the swift slide of light fabric over the divine thick of your thighs. It’s a shame he couldn't see the mess he’d made out of them. 
A well-rehearsed route: a casual slide inside the delicate garment, a timid swipe over each plush fold. Immutable, but you liked it — begged for more into his rouge under the white shirt shoulder. It matched you so effortlessly. Though his attire was sticky only from sweat. 
Torturous. Purely, perfectly, obscenely tortuous — that’s how his finger felt, hot and slick, in a precious little roll against the swell of your clit, and you found hold of his lean thigh, nails a sharp anchor in the gentle flesh of it — squeezing hard enough to cut through his pants. And his little chuckles —  these warm brisk spurts of muffled laughter. They had your free from gnawing at him hand pressing tight against your mouth, pushing the debauched whine back into your throat until it was practically strangling you, swallowing hard to keep everyone present unaware of the stage of bliss you were going through in that damned seat. As tempted as you were to scream at the top of your burning lungs — it was best for your audience to remain unconcerned. 
Don’t get caught, don’t attract attention, don’t fuck it up — but god was it difficult when you needed so much more than just these restrained, demure cirles against your aching clit. Glassy-eyed and so tense, you silently pleaded him to keep going — a second away from rolling into his lap to fall strung up on his just as much aching cock and have him thrust your heart out in that very grimmy seat. And he would do it, always so happy to please — no doubt muttering swears towards the oblivious handful of other passengers, mourning the urge to tend to as you deserve it — full-course and thorough. 
He probably won’t fuck you in public ever again. Not where he couldn’t pay you every last neck kiss and every last lewd little word, at the very least. 
But for now he tormented you meticulously towards the sweet climax — clockwise, calculated, gentle. With an occasional flick of darkened eyes over each potential witness: to make sure he’s the only one to savor your collapse, the ever thoughtful protector of your pleasure. And there he was in your ear again — with a filthy helping of pleasantries spoken softly to ensure you get what you want. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Voice satin, motions timidly flawless. He had a bit of a hard time pronouncing it, choked on a humm so utterly awe-struck. “Oh, the things I’d do to you if only we were alone. The things I’m tempted to do to you — to hell with privacy. Being quiet doesn’t suit you, milovaná.” 
And you finally spilled. Heavy head dropped back in what could’ve been a loud lustful moan — mouth formed an eager O under the slam of your sweaty palm. Buckled knees and tiny convulsions — you came not nearly hard enough in comparison to what he usually puts you through, yet it still lanced through you and turned limbs numb, clit was sore from the remnants of your dissolving arousal, throbbing under the generous stroke of his fingertips. 
A slow orgasm — both in delivery and departure, a taunting treat that left you delightfully dizzy. You captured the warm sight of him through the fluttering cover of lashes, myriad white dots biting roughly at your vision, rubbing rudely into a sunny line that melted the ends of his wild hair into a lighter shade. His hand slid away, tremulous. Left a glossy trace all the way up to your shaking knee. Thin wrist caught a little cramp. 
“Breathe.” A sultry reminder upon the slope of your shoulder as his lips found some skin in a brief kiss. Cheeky. Self-pleased. Had you nearly sobbing in fresh desperation when he wiped two glistening fingers to a fetched out handkerchief ostentatiously. Absorbed every drop of you and tucked it back into his breast pocket — to wear you there lewdly next to his heart. 
You’ll need a few cigarettes back-to-back to recover from this.  
The bus needed fifteen more minutes to spit you out gently into the hostile arms of the competition.
tags: @thehistoriangirl @zaunitearchives @blissfulip @queen-of-elves @vyshnevska
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