#this is supposed to be fanart but i think it's kinda funny to make people guess who this is supposed to be
hoofpeet · 7 months
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corrodedbisexual · 4 months
The original plushie
Steddie | G | ~4.1k | AO3 link
This fanart of Eddie sleeping with a bunch of stuffed toys by @baleful-blurbs infected my brain and refused to leave until this ridiculous fluffy thing got written 😭 Please make sure to reblog those wonderful sketches to support the artist who inspired the plushie silliness♥️
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Featuring: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, seriously beware of cavities, Light Angst, Plushies, Childhood Memories, POV Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Good Parent Wayne Munson, Requited Love, Cuddling, Getting Together, Boys In Love
The mortifying ordeal of Eddie's crush discovering his secret plushie cuddle nest turns out to be not so mortifying after all. Steve even starts borrowing said plushies to take back home with him; some time later, Eddie finds out why.
Snippet under the cut
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“Who’s this?” Steve asks, grinning as he pokes at the teddy’s ridiculous smiley face. 
“Oh. That’s… that’s Mr. Boogers.” Eddie huffs and rolls his eyes. “Please don’t ask.”
Still grinning, Steve turns to him. “Well, now you know I gotta.” 
Eddie groans, rubbing a hand across his flustered face, and figures he might as well tell the story now that he’s dug his own grave. “He was, uh… kinda defective from the start, there were some stitches loose around his nose and there was stuffing coming out of it, like… well…”
Steve giggles. “Boogers. Gotcha.” 
“Yeah. Wayne grumbled about it and wanted to ask for a different one, but I was already in love with this one and clung to him and refused to trade. Cos like, you know how plushies of the same type are supposed to be identical but they’re really not ? And one of them has that perfect face and the others just seem off?” 
Eddie blushes, thinking now would be the moment he finally gets ridiculed for being twenty years old and having strong opinions on plushie faces of all things, but Steve just smiles and nods.
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I once spilled some gouache on a Mickey Mouse I owned and instead of washing him, mom just bought me a new one of the same series.” Steve sighs. “It was obvious 'cos his eyes were a little closer together and his smile wasn’t crooked to the left. I knew he wasn’t the same Mickey.” 
Again, Eddie’s heart aches for little Steve, like pretty much any time the boy reveals stories from his childhood in a tone too lighthearted for the words spoken, in Eddie’s opinion. Rich people really don’t value anything, huh. (With Steve being the obvious exception.)
“Yeah, see? You get it!” Eddie exclaims, pointing at Steve and putting more excitement into the words than he feels. Mostly, he just feels relieved and pleasantly surprised at how unexpectedly he and Steve managed to bond over their shared fondness for their childhood toys. “So anyway, Wayne relented and we took this funny guy home, my uncle patched him up, but the nickname stuck. Mr. Boogers. Boogie for short.”
Steve laughs again, but there’s nothing malicious about it as he looks back to the teddy in his lap and flicks his ear.
“Nice to meet you, Boogie,” he says with an affectionate smile that makes Eddie want to burrow his face into the mattress and giggle like an idiot. 
And maybe scream a little, because what the fuck. It should be illegal for your crush to talk cute to your goddamn childhood plushies.  
Whole fic on AO3
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somewhat-insane · 4 months
Okay, so, I know a lot of people were discouraged after the LMK S5 trailer. The art is different, yes, but remember there are still people working behind the screen; passionate about this story they're trying to tell. To rebuild faith and re-spark hope, I'm going through the trailer frame by frame and sharing anything cool I find. (There is some (what I hope is) constructive criticism in here, but I would like to reiterate something other fans have said. DO. NOT. HARRASS. ANYONE. WORKING. ON. THE. SHOW. They're doing their best with what they have available to them. We're lucky Wildbrain decided to pick the show back up because if they hadn't, we may not have gotten the rest of the story.)
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They've been brought in front of the council to discuss their car's extended warranty. ALSO WHERE IS MK'S JACKET AND BANDANA? THEY WHOLE ASS PROBABLY SNATCHED THIS POOR BOY OUT OF HIS BED WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING
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Don't worry, babygirl, I still think you're pretty ^3^
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Okay, they gave him his clothes back, phew.
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Hehe, tiny monkies.
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At least our child is still adorable.
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Synchronized heart attack.
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He is so traumatized, lol. Someone brought up how this design for the circlet wasn't the previously established design in the show, but it COULD be based on the design used on the cover of the Journey to the West novel (as seen below)
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It's not exactly the same but the shape is similar.
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I'm realizing while doing this that Wildbrain doesn't use as many smear frames as Flying Bark did. As funny as it is to pause and see something like this in season 1-4:
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It makes the animation look a LOT smoother and more energetic. Flying Bark also seems to use more frame-by-frame while Wildbrain probably uses more tweening. I suppose it makes sense though because Wildbrain is more used to 3D animation and the 2D animation they have done in the past is more paper-doll-like and doesn't need as much bounce and action.
Back to the trailer, no need to dwell.........
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Oooh, wait, this frame actually kinda goes hard. I'm kinda hyped... I should draw this.
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You know what this makes me think of...? Did any of you guys ever play that game called "Journey"?
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It's a beautiful game with beautiful music. Y'all should play it if you haven't. Oh, and sometimes if you're playing at the same time as someone else in the world, your games will merge and you get a little play buddy :3
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Genuinely love how distressed he is here.
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Looks like we're still gonna get cool backgrounds and background character designs!!!!
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This looks like it may be some kind of storybook or memory sequence like when Chang'e was talking about how she found the ring in S3 or when LBD was talking about Macaque's death... what memory do you think we're going to be exploring this time?
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This goes pretty hard. I would paint this on a wall or something.
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Mk is flabbergasted.
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Yay!! Mk has the support he needs. ALSO MORE SANDY
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They're mortified. Probably because they just watched a giant dragon and white tiger fucking evaporate.
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Hehe bord
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I can't wait to see fanart of him. I'm so excited!
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He's thinking about kissing him, honest.
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I think he's purty
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I've run out of room for pictures, but I hope this helped get y'all all hyped again for the new season! Have hope, stay strong!
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akosijayjay · 7 months
January and February dump
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This is my most recent work of Lloyd, and my most recent work in general. I made this in the computer room at school with a painful high-sensitive mouse. We have these special course thing in our junior high, so every tuesday after class, I get to be in the computer room. For six hours... (My course is Visual Graphics Design. I'm kinda regretting it now since I've been thinking of becoming an architect... I can't change my course now since it's too late. Which is stupid.)
I'll try to draw more there! I really like drawing with a mouse cause I like the challenge. And since I'm not accustomed to a high-sensitive mouse, it'll be a bigger challenge for me!
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I made these two in traditional then polished them digitally since I straight up just used a pen. I rarely use a pencil nowadays so I can learn to fix mistakes without erasing it. Usually it ends up looking like chicken scratch but I'm getting better.
My Harumi one is so bad lol.. When I was making it, my classmates around me were messing around and moving the chairs in the process, making me have to draw strokes with shaky lines. It's not that noticeable though since I made the lines thicker.
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I was planning to make something for Rebooted's anniversary but I got busy... (And lazy) The PIXAL one was inspired by an animatic I saw.
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If you compare the previous Arin portrait, yes, they don't look the same. I'm trying to find a look for Arin, as I do with every character, that I'll be satisfied with.
By the way, I'm kind of basing Arin's hair with my classmate's hair. Which is funny because my other classmates compared this artwork to my classmate, who looked nothing like Arin but have similar hair, commenting they're the same. (I'm not mad because I actually find this a bit humorous)
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I was trying to make an animatic and this was going to be the sketch. But then again, I got busy and lazy. (Mostly lazy)
I accidentally changed their facial features a bit by accident on the second page because I forgot to reference the first page. It was tiring flipping pages every 5 seconds, ok! Also, I drew it after 2 days when I drew the first page, and I didn't have a design I liked for them yet. (...I just noticed Jay has different eye colors in both pages...)
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I think I'm sticking to these looks for Lloyd. I'll try to make it accurate to this. (I think I did great with the first image of this post. Though, I made him too round for my liking.)
Discard the growing beard post redesign Lloyd has. That beard thing was supposed to be where his chin was until I realized it was too small. And it's still too small.
Child Lloyd is so cute! The eyeshadow wasn't intentional at first, but then it got me thinking, what if Lloyd had an emo phase? And now emo child Lloyd is my headcanon.
Pre redesign Lloyd kind of reminds me of TommyInnit, and I find it quite funny. Maybe it's the facial gesture, I know a lot of TommyInnit fanarts with that silly face.
For Dragons Rising Lloyd however, I want him to have long hair with his post redesign face. I'll try to make full body designs of the 4 Lloyds.
You guys probably don't care, and this is the first time you've seen me because I don't have an exact artstyle and I dont post as much, but I'm going to put descriptions now since this blog is going to be a silly little art dump! And blog posts are supposed to be descriptive. Which I should've done in the beginning and explained my works..
If you liked my art, thank you!
If you saw me before and told me I did well, thank you and I'm sorry!! I know my previous posts have gotten comments and I'm sorry I didn't respond.. I'm not trying to be ungrateful, I just don't know how to express my appreciation for your positive feedback! Or just reply in general... I get nervous even when I'm wearing my mask..
Please don't hate me, I'm just really anxious to show my work to people I don't know to the point where I might think people disliked my artwork when it's the opposite..
(I'll probably copy paste this in future posts now lol. But I AM thankful that some of you guys think my works are great!)
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the-kk-crow · 2 years
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Back ALL THE WAY IN FEBRUARY 2022 I was like "hey guysss I want to do one of those "Give me four ships to make fanart of" memes! Send me ur ships!" and I got TWELVE DIFFERENT PEOPLE with TWELVE DIFFERENT SHIPS.
So I decided. I'd just do. All of them?
Terrible idea, like 10 months later, I've finally finished it. Why did I do that. Anyways enjoy your rarepairs and not-so-rarepairs.
If people want these individually posted then tell me and I will!
Errorink - Error is big loner angry hates being touched and Ink is energetic touchy feely. I feel like for any art that is supposed to describe ink/error relationship you have to have Ink: :D and Error: D:< and so I had him hug him lol.
Cream - they are just cute soft fluffy. Cross carries Dream as a way to show that he "supports" them, lol
MareNight - Black Apple Blues is adorable and you should all read it
DreamNight - I tagged it dreammare because it's the common tag but I decided I would be wrong to not give it a more accurate name lol. Idk much here I just know that Dream is the more :yellow_heart: one in the relationship so it's funny. Also coup timeline for variety in outfits and that is when they are more comfortable. Why is Night scandalized? idk lol
DrInk - Funny shipname. This ship was most popular in the star-sanses era in early fandom where energetic baby Dream was at its most dominant so the ship was always very energetic, and though my dream is SAD I thought I should still represent that with the movement of the picture!
Crightmare - blame @wyrm-in-the-apple
Desporlue - I just think Two Scary Murder Lookin Guys being all interested in the totally normal kinda cute well adjusted fellow is really funny
NightKiller - This shipname is funny. Back in 2019 I always saw it as Killer constantly following nm around and nm was annoyed about it but TOLERATED IT
Criller - fucking castle fic. This ship used to be a rarepair once you know. But yeah the dynamic everyone does for this one is always "Killer is annoying bastard and Cross wants him to go away and then they bang I guess" and I have barely seen any variation on that lol
Despor - my pet now! Man that was hard to draw
Bleam - It's like DrInk/Cream where Blue is the more dominant caretaker but also it's energetic
Bloss - they were both royal guards once that's cool
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disdaidal · 3 months
Giving you a character: Billy, of course. :p
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Of course, Billy Hargrove was to be expected :D
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How I feel about this character: I have strong and complicated feelings about this character. He's a bad boy, the kind of guy I would have absolutely hated in high school but also the kinda guy who would not be boring at least. :D He's loud and obnoxious and parties like an animal, but his taste in music is impeccable (I love rock and metal and music from the 80's and I will not take criticism for that). He's got pretty eyes (that curly mullet is... well, let's say, H&M did it better <3), a nice body and a great fashion sense (denim-on-denim and leather jackets ftw) and he drives a Chevrolet Camaro from '79 like a madman. He can also be pretty funny when he wants to be, ridiculous even. So, what's not to like really? :P
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I mostly ship him with Steve, Eddie and Argyle (the last two are totally crack and fanon but who gives). I think Billy and Heather could've been hot, more than friends, maybe even friends-with-benefits if not an actual couple. Just sayin'. I've seen some great headcanons, maybe even fanart of Billy and Chrissy and I think, you know, the princess and metalhead setting could've worked with them, too.
As for my most 'problematic' Billy ship, I actually really like Billy and Hopper. There's this whole daddy kink thing involved I suppose. Lowkey my favorite crackship Ted and Billy as well. :P I'm also very supportive of Billy and El in general, I think the actors had great chemistry in s3 and I can see why some ship them, so I suppose I lowkey ship them (in spirit), too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Though I ship Billy and Heather romantically, I also love seeing them as 'gay besties', supporting each other and protecting each other. It's one of my favorite headcanons in this fandom. Same goes for Chrissy I suppose, if not romantically involved.
Though Billy had his issues with Max, maybe even than beyond just normal 'sibling-ship', I still enjoyed their relationship a lot. It's clear that they spent a lot of time together (whether they actually hated it or not), and that they deeply cared for each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character: The majority of the fandom seems to think (or at least acts like) Billy is the worst character in the show and at least used to actively bully and harass Billy fans and shippers (his actor got his fair share of that also I hear). Though Billy was definitely not the nicest character or even particularly 'goody-good' (he was a bully and quite shitty at times actually), acting like he's worse than Dr. Brenner, for example, is bullshit. We clearly did not watch the same show.
Also, for other Billy fans... He might be your baby, but he's not an actual baby. He's not really your son or child and you don't need to 'protect' him from the haters who can't separate fiction from reality (just block them) or tw/anti Karen or any other character you don't like in favor of Billy (you're no better). Billy can also be shipped with characters other than Steve (male or female, older and younger, even self-inserts) and just because you don't like it, doesn't make the ship automatically 'problematic'. It just means there are people out there who like different things than you and you need to learn to suck it up and look away. It's for the best.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. That Billy wouldn't have faced such gruesome death. He wasn't a good guy, but he didn't deserve to die, especially so young. I also wish we could've seen what really happened between him and Max between seasons 2 & 3 because clearly their relationship improved there. Such wasted potential.
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bberetd · 26 days
Hey there! Since you also reblogged the post saying you want people to send you asks (actually I even reblogged it from you), here I am to ask you a question. A potentially very tough one. Ready?
If you had to pick only one (1!) favorite Mario character who would it be and why?
I'm just trying to get to know my mutuals a little better, y'know?
But most people seem to be using that 'send me asks' post as another opportunity to say mushy stuff to each other, so let me also do that! I'd like to remind you that I'm very glad that I'm following your blog. You're certainly a fun and kind person, and must say I like you very much 😀❤️ Thanks for always supporting my art, it really means a lot to me.
Also please teach me your ways to draw so fast, I just finally finished sketching my latest fanart today (yeah, that ambitious one) and it took embarrassingly long. And this one is supposed to have a proper lineart too💀
Oh, that reminds me: I'm really excited for your animations! Once I'm done with my current fanart, the next bigger fan project on my list is also one animation I've been thinking of, so I hope we'll be able to motivate each other a bit 😁👊
OH just oneeee? 😩
Whew, okay, well... while Daisy has a huge place in my heart (especially lately, as you can tell 😹), my all-time favorite will always be Luigi.
See, the funny thing is that I hardly cared for him before the movie, and even a little after I watched the movie. My first favorite Mario character was actually Rosalina when SMG came out, because I was SO obsessed with space when I was younger (and still kinda am), and blue was and is my favorite color (such a deep reason, right? :P)
I always tend to lean towards the underdogs of a franchise, yet I don't remember the exact moment that drew me to him. There were just a bunch of edits and videos of him flooding all of my social media pages when the movie hype was still fresh, and I guess one day I decided, "yup. that's my guy."
I think the moment that really solidified my love for him was when I replayed Luigi's Mansion (I kiiinda played it before, but I was 4 and just pressing buttons lol... it's strangely a core memory for me). His bravery throughout the game despite his evident fears and anxieties is just... so inspiring and real to me, genuinely. And a little bit of him shone through his commentary of some of the objects throughout the mansion, which was also endearing 😆 The game gets creepier the deeper I think about it, and I just can't help but give him more flowers for going through it three different times!
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plus, he's just so happy and awkward and silly. how could you not love him?!
But in short, he's my favorite because he's relatable to me, and I find his little quirks adorable and endearing.
yet despite all that, he knows when to lock tf IN. that's my hero <3
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Mugi!!! I couldn't be any happier that we're friends and moots! You've blessed my timeline with your gorgeously detailed art and commentary, and I'm so grateful you support my art just as much ♥️♥️ I admire and like you very much as well, you're amazing <3
as for quick art, basically-
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and thank you!! the animation might take longer because classes start tomorrow for me, and year 3 of uni is definitely gonna be more challenging and, er, expensive. 🫠 Hopefully I'll learn to manage my time better so I can make decent progress every day, but I do know where I want to go with the animation. Big yes to motivating each other!! I know that ambitious art will be PHENOMENAL when it's dropped, and I can't wait to see your style in motion! :))
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I was gunna do the predictions bingo but honestly I am not feeling the juices rn. So maybe just a hopes list?
The obvious first one, Smith comes back as a human in some shape or form. Adjacently, this ends up as the ending of the OP shows up. I think Obari has been very direct in saying how much the OP is representative of the work and the scenes we don't have are the section where Bravern rolls out with the TSes and Smith demonstrating his pick up game. One of the news articles for a mech focused site has a thing about spotlighting TSes that show up in the later half and I don't know if they meant series as the whole or just the ep lol. Anyway, significant Smith helping lift Isami up scene pls.
I'm uh, not a Brave/Transformers focused person but I am in it for men kissing so I totally get people who want to keep Bravern but I like me a human Smith! Smith wanted to be in a bot and he's. In a bot. The same way we exist in our meatsuits. So I don't count it as a bad end either.
I think ideally we have both Bravern + Smith existing together... somehow. Actually it'd be so funny to have them both fight for Isami's attention. That being said some of the cute fanart where Smith can transform is probably my personal fave? Just throw in a magical girl show while we're here??
Oh at the very least
Isami figures out Bravern is Lewis Smith
I don't think there's any way we can get to the end without this happening so specificity. Isami finding Smith's dog tag in the cockpit is probably going to be the most obvious option. It's kinda brutal but I'm curious what the cockpit looks like "off" since it's like a projection orb or something.
It's related but imagine. A tokusatsu suit in there. I asked last week "what the fuck is 2m tall human man Isami Ao supposed to do against giant robot. What if he gets a hero suit + sword. Clearly Brave Printer can do anything so.
Actually I wanna know more about that but I feel like that's just something that doesn't need to be answered rn.
Another time loop??
It'd be kind of fun if Isami finds some sort of time loop trigger inside of his cockpit. Because I think it'd be kind of amusing tbh. That being said I don't really know where I'd want it to go. Lewis goes to when Bravern is introduced which I guess is because that's his time of need? And Lulu goes to when Bravern is "born". I don't really see it but people feel like Isami's shift from crying -> hero who makes everyone happy is too drastic so maybe somewhere in there but honestly I think its because there's only 12 episodes lol. Maybe because it's Isami the fusion moments are save points?
The thing about a last time loop without Deathdrives means we don't get Lulu and Superbia so that would make me pretty sad so maybe not that far back lol.
Deathdrive Lore
I think the key to that kind of thinking is finding out why the Deathdrives are here to begin with. Like, Bravern came into existence _after_ they were already invading so why are they all here with the motivation to get a death from Bravern specifically. How does that work. Did Cunus know something about it and tell everyone?
Actually that would be interesting like, Bravern's existence is what brings the Deathdrives to this... world? Timeline? Reality? in the first place so they end up stopping Bravern from existing at all. That would explain why its both Smith and Isami coming out of TSes in the last scene but not the uh giant holes in the city behind them. I think it'd be a cop out to like, find some way to defeat the giant mechas in the giant mecha anime without a giant mecha anyway. Covering my bases though.
Anyway, what is up with them. What is the gluttony one doin with all that magma (is he going to make a new island??). Why is Ira so mad.
Isami Lore
I need the equivalent of the "when I was a kid, I wanted to be a dude in a skintight suit" but for Isami. Maybe the opposite? I think the post got too eaten by the draft system for me to post but I think it'd be interesting to see Isami be a parallel to Smith in that he lost people close to him but he went for the inverse conclusion where there are no heroes. Actually that would be such a callout for the last episode to start the same way as the start and also the big reveal. Or is that too repetitive? I'd also like to see how he befriends Miyu and Hibiki.
I think after everything I'll put together a "episodes I wish we had in a full season" list because I think it'd be fun to see more of what this man is cooking. Will I dip my toes into doing it myself? Probably not! Despite the amount of words here I'm not a great writer.
I don't think I'm actually capable of writing a review, I'm capable of being critical but I'm also not that discerning if that makes sense. Plus I lack so much extra context in the greater universe of everything this show references it wouldn't be particularly useful.
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gauntletqueen · 1 year
Okay so! I saw Across The Spider-Verse. I wanna say some lil thoughts. First off, without spoilers:
I thought the first movie had prepared me for how visually captivating and groundbreaking this one would be and I was WRONG. They took it SO much further in this one and it is SPECTACULAR. The way they play much more with the art style depending on the spidey-person and the universe is incredibly fun to see and impressive to think about.
Now for a LOT of thoughts concerning spoilers:
I am SO glad that they used the fact that it's a two-parter to take the time with its story. Plenty of slower moments, room for talking, etc. I knew it was gonna be a To Be Continued, but was worried the movie would be at a break-neck speed to cram in as much story as possible like with the fuckin uuuh avengers movie with Purplo The Mean Man, and I am SO GLAD!!! That they didn't!!!
Next off I was never a fan of Peni's design in the first movie. It felt too much like that "trying to be anime" thing that western cartoons had going for a while, and I can now only imagine that the creators had planned from the start to have her grow into her comic book design between movies, which is VERY GOOD. (I had already assumed that SP//DR's design would be comic accurate in this movie after its destruction but it's nice to see :> )
On that topic, I do thing it's a bit of a shame that Peni, Noir and Ham didn't get to be in this movie, really. I understand why! Use this one to flesh out the new important characters (and they are very good especially Hobie) so it doesn't feel cluttered when you put them all together in the third one. But I was looking forward to seeing them...
Now let's have a little intermission. (it's relevant I promise) Please meet Carapace, my Spider-Sona, who I created after I had gone to see the first movie back in 2018:
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I won't bore yall with the details, but basically she got her powers due to outside intervention causing a shift in her universe. Her getting these powers resulted in that universe's Peter Parker, the one who was supposed to be Spidey, to die. Carapace is characterized as sticking very closely to her own morals even if it might harm in the long run, even when people tell her and show her what she is doing is dangerous, and eventually this leads her actions, as well as her very existence to endanger the entire multiverse despite her best efforts.
So. you know. I thought that was interesting. Given. Yknow. The movie
Okay moving on. Spider-Gwen is the only spidey comic series I've actively read, so seeing her story and her artstyle explored more in this movie was a delight! It's also just really nice how she's more of a pivotal character this time around, given a lot more focus. I'm happy about that :> (also can't believe we now know why she has sneakers in fortnite wow)
The Spot! Was spoiled for me. But not like, in much detail? I had, after seeing fanart against my will, pieced together that he was the guy that got a bagel thrown at him in the first movie, and that he had something to do with "Canon". Now as someone who's read homestuck, and has consumed modern media in general, the use of the word Canon worried me. I was worried they'd break the fourth wall and get all annoyingly meta and stuff. BUT they didn't! They did get meta with it, talking about the canon events that make a spidey-person, but never broke the fourth wall. It was handled carefully and it works! Maybe that's why Ham isn't present in this movie... He'd definitely ruin that now that I think about it. As for The Spot, he's not the most compelling villain. He's funny! it's a funny concept for a villain origin. "Just take this one-off gag from the first movie and turn him into the main villain." But by doing that, by making him Funny and Pretty Dumb In Concept, and then turning him into an Actual Real Threat whose motive is that nobody takes him seriously, it WORKS. We the audience are PART OF THE PROBLEM kinda I dunno I thought it was neat.
Miguel is mean to Miles >:| Stoopid poopoo head >:| (but it's cool that he's like a parallel to Kingpin from the first movie)
As for the whole "different versions of the movie in different theaters" thing, that was spoiled for me, thoughI didn't know what was different heading in. Apparently it's like, Lyla doing some funny little bits? Whatever. I can only assume needing to re-animate perfectly good scenes for no reason other than "aah gotcha! Neat right??" is definitely something that contributed to the reported terrible working conditions and crunch during production. It's a fun reminder that even a film that is so strongly about art, about pushing back against conformity and those that want to control you, is still being made by a giant corporation, and according to that corporation, the workers don't matter, only the product's ability to money. I can only hope that the animators get enough time to work normally on Beyond the Spider-Verse, which I'm sure will be also a phenomenal movie despite the higher ups' demands, just like this one.
Also they said ASS and CRAP in it!! Wow!!!!
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problematiquearts · 1 year
actually. fuck it. bro strider 4channer to furry pipeline:
his first fursona is one that he makes as a joke. its a smuppet and for maximum irony it's drawn in the mlp style. no one *really* gets just how funny this is
but hey i turns out hes like... actually pretty decent at the mlp art style? someone on /b/ (bro strider 4channer canon) asks him to draw fetish art of one of the ponies and that's *hilarious*. porn of a kids show? Fucking phenomenal. never been done before. show stopping. you will never understand the levels of irony he's on. drawing porn of a kids show, that he watches because its funny for him, the manliest man ever, to watch a tv show aimed at little girls about the power of friendship. Fetish art that he's being commissioned for by some loser who's actually into the fetish and doesn't see the hilarity of human sexuality like he, the ultimate chad thundercock, does. weird way to say you get no bitches but go off, king <3
draws weird crossover saw/mlp art for the lols. (you just dont get it. you dont understand the irony. you dont see his vision.) Rainbow Dash in a reverse bear trap. Pinky Pie as john kramer, but the depressed one with straight hair.
then equestria girls comes out. he has Opinions. Why make them human and keep the fantastical skin tones? Theyre not even horses. Ridiculous. At least stick the pony heads back on them shits. Rainbow Dash still best girl
He does just that. put them pony heads back on those human bodies stat. Cue the 'lol furry' comments on /b/ for that one. And actually, wouldnt that be hilarious? who would think *he* would be a furry at first glance? Comedy has never been so sweet.
Hes a furry puppet porn artist now. He's gonna make popular furry crushes to do snuff in puppet form. Gets really into the muscle bara types of furries. Also horses, hes already committed to being a clopper. Might as well commit to the bit a little more and just make it all cartoon horses.
... this is feeling less and less ironic as the days go by. so many people think hes like these freaks online and he's still doing the occasional commission for whoever is brave enough to approach him on his mountain of weird fetish porn. when finally..... finally....... someone asks him if he as a sona because they never see him draw his own stuff.
Well... no. he didnt. he had an old smuppet mlp oc but that... well its not that it wasnt him, it was that it wasn't.... really a sona in the ways these people meant it. And hes supposed to be committing to the bit right? double or nothing. So he does some research. (its a 3 day binge of every how to guide on deviantart and furaffinty) About how to make a fursona. I mean that doesnt... he not *really*, ya know? its an ironic thing.
So he makes the hottest horse-man youve ever fucking seen just as a way of taking the joke full circle. of course bro doodles him occasionally, sticks him in a smuppet kigurumi and everything.
and then he gets his first piece of fanart. it's like... actually good. they drew him his fursona with a loving kind of detail and Bro doesnt... know how to take that. This genuine affection for something he's done without expectation of reciprocation is kinda frying his brain. He doesn't respond to the post or the message. he does make it his profile picture though.
and someone asks about his puppet videos, if he makes all of the plushies himself? Maybe if he takes custom orders. And asking about the puppets genuinely is like a cheat code to get him to talk, even if he's got short responses. his first special interest was the muppets and that slid into puppetry so easy it was like breathing.
so he says the exact specs are a trade secret, but yeah, commissions were on the table for the right price. And that's how he gets roped into making his first fursuit. It turns out surprisingly well! Bro is a perfectionist and years of sewing famous characters and celebs into snuff fueled stop motion sex dolls has given him a lot more technical know how than you might think.
one thing leads to another and Stratos Fur rolls around. he doesn't buy a ticket. But he does make an excuse to himself to be near the convention center/airport. Someone's seam rips and he insults the shoddy workmanship. This is how he makes friends <3
'You paid for that crap? the stich tension alone would be a waste of good thread. Gonna fall apart under its own weight in 6 months.'
oh yeah smartass? what's your suggestion, then?
'get your money back. Or find someone who actually knows what they're doing. aint my wallet screaming'
As much as it's a dick thing to say it does kinda make them laugh. Finally, a non fetish based insult. Bro watches them go to sew it up themself and clicks his tongue. 'Whip stitch is gonna look like shit on the outside. Use an overlock.'
it's clear they have no idea what the hell that means. He huffs. 'Gimme the needle 'fore you hurt yourself.' And he slav squats right there for the next 15 minutes sewing a straight line without so much as a hair out of place. Human touch isn't nearly so bad through a layer of foam and fabric, as it turns out.
I've lost steam here but what's important is that Bro realizes that the fursuit limits human contact and theoretically would just be like piloting a giant furry mecha + inability to be over stimulated because he's being lightly squished by foam on all sides in a dark place. he can chill even while he would normally be freaking out. personal fursuit time babey.
Also important to me is that his asshole behavior correctly reads to other socially awkward assholes as 'not actually trying to start shit. human connection is just hard' and he gets adopted by the furry catgirl coders. he let's it happen because they remind him so much of Roxy and he's always had a soft spot for her, even if he denies it all the time.
having friends his own age who share his interests is good for him. support system to teaching him a few good coping mechanism to getting him on an ssri to hey if that's not working you wanna try my mood stabilizers? I switched to a different brand and I like just ordered a 3 month supply of the old ones to oh shit, he's kinda normal now. he really does need to be on those, huh?
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mysticbeaver · 9 months
2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 18, 19 for Eddy (I know I'm too late, but I would like to know, please).
Thanks for the ask!!! No worries about it being late:) Good to chat (even if I talk a load of bologna 😁)
Under the cut
2.Favorite canon thing about this character?
Because I can't think of anything better right now, I'll say his seemingly vintage taste in music. Although maybe it ties in with everything he owns being vintage hand-me-downs. And on second thought, it's hard to say if Barry White and Tom Jones are supposed to be old-school in-universe, considering the kids' idea of party music is 60s surf rock haha.
6.What's something you have in common with this character?
You know, I always think I'm mostly an Ed and an Edd, but then I think "maybe we all have the three Eds deep down inside of us 😁" guess I sometimes like to imagine situations in which I could be a show off/be funny in front of an audience... A very Eddy desire.
7.What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I always love older fanart of him just having that slightly disheveled look and maybe smoking a cigarette, looking cool 😁 makes me imagine him with that slightly chiller demeanor (assuming he grows out some of his temper and controls his euphoria whenever he's got some big idea hehe)
8.What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Boring answer, but like everyone else I have not much interest in negative adult Eddy portrayals where the creator blatantly doesn't take the BPS developments into account. Give this kid a chance for chrissakes! Thankfully this is limited to some more, ahem, 'casual' fans 👀
14. Fashion aesthetic for this character.
In my lack of fashion sense, I'm just gonna mention a picture in my mind...leather jacket? (Maybe because of @torra-and-the-toons 's design?) Coupled with worn baggy jeans...
And is it weird I can see Eddy looking good in that sweater/collar-shirt combo if he were to dress more elegant? I swear I've seen it somewhere in fanart. Or him just wearing a hoodie... Is there look Eddy can't pull off??? Talk about a stubby no-neck chump 😎
15. Favorite ship?
It's... EddEddy, isn't it. Interestingly, it was never my OTP, and I wasn't interested in it when I first got in the fandom, but I slowly made myself learn to appreciate it. Nowadays it's certainly a ship I "default" to with those two characters. On the other hand I once went through a KevEddy phase... I still have a soft spot for it (no doubt thanks to lovely fanart by @mar-saturn and @chocowhomps ). It's also very interesting to me that there's at least 3 people I know of currently in the fandom (or who were actively in the fandom in the last year or so) who managed to ship both EddEddy and KevEddy, mmm 🧐...
18. Relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
First thing that comes to mind is his brief mentoring of Jimmy, even if it's a negative influence. "They grow up so fast... *dries tear*" And his one-on-one friendship with Ed is interesting to think about, especially how it might have started considering Edd supposedly came a little later in the picture (not by much though as they were still very young)
Also his crush on Nazz is kinda cute... I headcanon they'll be easy friends once they're a little older :)
19. Relationship they have in canon with another character that you don't like?
Honestly I'm stumped! Can't think of anyone right now haha. Maybe his disrespect of Rolf's culture/hospitality, if that's a thing? But I can't say if that's necessarily despicable or just part of the character's writing in certain episodes, or what.
Thanks for the ask again!
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jinkicake · 2 years
BIG MOOD PATHETIC SCARAMOUCHE IS SO FUNNY HES RLY THE LITTLE MEOW MEOW😭 need him to be absolutely obsessed w me but he’s too embarrassed that he wants to hold my hand so he pretends to hate me and im like “ that’s mice sweetheart what di you want for dinner?” Saw someone make a dc where you ignore him for like 5 days and he’s on his knees begging like “PLEASE LOOK AT ME” like thats so real to me😭😭 bc once you’ve given him affection he’s gunna do everything to keep it within his grasp😔 ALSO HE DEF WOULD TIE YOU UP AND LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN💀 childe and singora are so casual about it😭 when he comes back they talk like you’re not even there “how long have they been here?” “I lost count after the fourth hour” “ they’re still conscious I’m impressed” like he’s such an asshole but he will do the 🥺🥺👉🏼👈🏼”can I have a hug” afterwards💀 love that for him. Keeps him in my pocket like a little purse dog, he’s my guard dog boyfriend bc he will kill first and ask questions later. “ I don’t like how he looked at you” “he’s the waiter” AND YOOOO DONT EVEN LET DOTTORE UGLY ASS COME CLOSE TO YOU ITS OVER FR-don’t like his new design he’s just a creep like I was the “clones” back the short haired funny scientist dude like I like them unhinged in a clown way!! He’s fuckable, the abusive leather daddy dom on the other hand😒 like he’s fun if he has a tired annoyed uncle personally like he lives to bully childe. But just going around threatening scaramouche and collei bc I forgot he did experiments on her too in the manga is musty like that mask is lame!! WHERE IS THE CLOWN KING😡- he would reflexively go for his throat like he opens his mouth and suddenly his throat is slit “ my bad I got anxious” SGDHSHS UNDERSTANDABLE😭😭😭 and the streets is saying he’s gunna have a claymore??? BE SERIOUS HES A SCIENTISTS TWINK WHOS HUNCHED IVER IN A LAB ALL DAY HE CANT CARY THAT SHIT?? Like he only experiments on KIDS bc he could never kidnap a whole adult like imagine he tries to get itto?? HIS ASS WOULD BE DEAD IN 10 SECONDS!! HE CANNOT FIGHT DELUSION OR NOT!! I would beat his ASS like if you don’t get your ass out my face looking like an X-ray 😒 like be bothering all them people bc he wants so ass he weights 70 pounds soaking wet so he needs to borrow childes body weight
no exACTLY. listen, i love mean!scaramouche as much as the next person but if he's not obsessed then i dont want him. pathetic!scaramouche is the best scaramouche
i saw this scaralumi fanart of him drunk at a bar and diluc calls lumine to calm scara down and when she answers hes like 'hey ugly' and she hangs up and he starts crying again and ugh it's too perfect like that artist captured his best side with that simple fanart heheh
HAHAH yeah scaramouche is the worst bc he would do something so mean to you like ignore you while working but the second he finds out youre mad at him he'll be begging for your attention like he didn't just starve you for two days.... hes a great yandere me thinks-
Scaramouche = purse dog is the best comparison ive ever read T T
okay hear me out... i can forgive all the heinous crimes dottore has committed but i draw the line at him being UGLY. Maybe if he were cuter I would also be obsessed w him but he's so..... eh- LOL i like the clones better than him! (rip to the clones :-(() but also.... him being ugly is kinda the appeal? am i right??? i can never make up my mind-
dottore is supposed to have a CLAYMORE?! WHAT THE HLLL,,,im very confused about his leaks bc i heard that the shit company can't let characters be playable if theyre evil and tbh i dont want him to be redeemed bc he literally cant be redeemed and hes fun as a psycho like??? idk idk idk im just focused on sexy yelan in 3.4 she will be mine!
also isn't dottore one of the top three strongest in the fatui??? right i think....? i seriously dont know how but tbh i dont care! i just focus on mr hottie soooooooooooo sexy capitano teehee
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soona-kit · 1 year
every so often ill look on the msm yt community post with my deedge art and ill just. look through the comments and giggle. some of my findings are, but are not limited to:
-a few people saying "this kinda looks like cropped r34 iunno mannne" (it isnt)
-a LOT of people asking "why he got a big chest though" or "yoo mommy milkers.." (that was supposed to be the chin that deedge has in game. i just drew it a lot bigger/fluffier to make it fit more into my style but hey. to each their own)
-one of the top comments being "this really puts the COLD in the cold island boss" (extremely true)
-actually theres just a whole bunch of people asking why deedge had a big chest jts probably like half the comments at this point (ITS THE CHINNN ITS THE CHINNN RAHHHH)
-a comment that says "this is the worst fanart i have ever seen" with a reply saying "not that you could do any better" (theyre probably right)
-comments that dont even relate to the topic at all (why are you here)
i'm not sure whether i should feel proud or mortified 💀💀
also some related to twitter:
-the usual comments with shard->gem conversion, facebook issues, and that guy that requests things that are not getting in game
-a lot of people asking "why does it say sensetive content?"; for those of you keyed in to my twitter activity (probably like 3 of you now that i think about it) all my media posts past the congle drawing got flagged as sensetive because... uh i have no clue actually. i was fucking around in the settings a little bit and i mightve messed up big time so. lol. im taking a break from twitter for a bit anyway, just for mental reasons (twitter is toxic asf), and all the sudden attention on my account, but also to see how long this issue takes to get fixed. so yeah.
reddit has not that many, its all just people congratulating me. all 3 platforms it was put on adjacent to the monsterpiece shoutout (i put it on the msm subreddit BECAUSE of that shoutout) have that comment in common. i just kinda wanted to put spotlights on the yt comments first and foremost because i thought they were funny. so lmaoooo
and the thing is, im not even mad. people are just like that. the funny thing is, the last time i drew deedge (see the old art dump post) the fluff part actually looked like a chin. but you know, we change, we grow (maybe.)
but im glad i got featured anyways, because that means more people can see my art, wnether it be new followers (which is a total of 4 since i last checked in to my twitter) or just a blow up of that one post. it makes me happy to see that the game i love and appreciate... loves and appreciates me back! it truly warms my heart.
anyways thats it i guess. have a nice day. make sure to not objectify your local deedge /hj
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daydreamteardrop · 1 year
Hello, Ranboo Tag! Ive come to share my words after being unessacarily passive aggressively bashed on Tiktok.
See, it started with a tiktok saying that genloss doesnt seem that scary after ep1. The opinion matched with mine after watching the first ep, so I wrote the comments something like "yeah, i thought I'd be scarier"
Some people tried to change my opinion by genuinely explaining how the next episodes are supposed to have more "horror", yknow? Other people just went straight to passive aggressively bashing me, with stuff like "what about Ranboo screaming let me die, huh? 🙄", Overall everything in the spirit off:
"what about *insert thing from ep 2 or 3*, idiot? Should've been more patient"
With a lot of aggression or ways to make you feel stupid. Here's the thing, I find it funny yet sad.
Oh noo, I had my own opinion that othwr ppl shared so i agreed!!!! Where are the people's minds at.
I was a bit dissapointed by it, because when i think back to 2021 and Ranboo announcing him working on genloss (yknow, 2020 - 2021 the era where everything was still fun) he said he was inspired by The Walten Files among other things. So thats what i expected: a vhs style analog horror. That wasnt what I got, so it threw me off a little bit, but I nontheless gave the first ep a try. I didnt like it that much, not because of it not being what its supposed to be, it just didnt appeal to me. Which, and idk if those kinda fans knew that, is completely fine!
You are not obliged to watch everything the cc pushes out and to like everything they do or say or release.
I have the attention span of a fetus, I would never be able to sit through ep 2 and 3. And i generally didn't feel like it, bc yknow, I didnt like it. So why would I.
And generally it all boils down to me thinking, wow. 2021 to early 2022 really was better.
Ive been in this fandom since November 2020. Ive been there for almost everything, excitedly watching it all and having fun! I never missed Ranboos or Tubbos stream, bc I was a huge beeduo fan. I made fanart and their videos helped me fall asleep.
And then everything started to dull at around May 2022. The vibe changed and me and probably many others, as I have heard others say the same, started to feel like this isnt enjoyable anymore. Call me and those people hung up on the past, but yknow, sometimes people loose interest, get more casual about things and idk, act like a responsible person distancing themselves from this thick responsibility of "like everything and watch every stream" when everything had dulled down and you dont feel the same you felt back then.
I was only in the fandom with one foot anyway. Occasionally watching Tommy, James Marriot and recently gaining a bit more interest on the QSMP. If i speak on my feelings and thoughts on the dsmp fandom changing, I'm sure even more people would bash me, even though its a genuine opinion and not whatever delusional hatecrime some ppl may think.
I genuinely hope that Generation Loss goes great for Ranboo and that he has fun doing it. And that the people who like it can enjoy and have fun.
But Im not obliged to and I dont wanna hear the bashing. If i read it, i laughing, just to be clear. But i think i got my point across.
If youve read this far, thank you for your patience, have a lovely day.
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applepi00 · 2 years
Because I’m not done talking about it, here’s some meta nobody asked for about When the Sun Goes Black
I’ve probably mentioned before that it was originally conceptualized as a Chuuya centric fic, but as you all probably know by now I have a thing about guilt so writing this story from Dazai’s perspective just came so much easier to me. It just felt more natural to be writing from the observer position, unable to actually do much but watch and note and feel about it.
I’ve also mentioned that part of the hospital scenes, particularly the first one with Dazai crunching himself in a chair was inspired by some fanart. Further more the repeated image of lying awake next to some one was inspired heavily by Famous Last Words by MCR, particularly the bridge: “I see you lying next to me / With words I thought I'd never speak / Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead / 'Cause I see you lying next to me / With words I thought I'd never speak / Awake and unafraid, asleep or dead”. Though on that thing about keeping watch, and how it does come up a few times, I thought it would be a really nice touch for care without it being too touchy-feely? Because it almost comes off as practical, but it’s so firmly entrenched in motivations that it does feel like something skk would do for each other: Dazai, private as he is, would want his privacy maintained should he be unable to uphold it himself, likewise Chuuya would want his autonomy in place wouldn’t want to be poked and prodded at more than necessary, and because they know each other so well this is a thing they do for each other: Dazai watches that nothing more than necessary is done in hospital, and Chuuya watches that nobody sees any of Dazai’s private moments of weakness.
The fic itself was written with the intentions of being gen/platonic, because I don’t think knowing someone is inherently romantic and I don’t think intimacy whether physical or emotional has to be romantic either, however I did tag both the platonic tag and the ship tag when I actually posted because I know some people would be inclined to read it as slash or pre-slash, which is their prerogative and I don’t particularly mind. (And also maybe I hoped it would boost interaction, I’m well aware that gen fics don’t often get as much attention as ship stuff, as of yet that may have been a good call considering the stats). So however you want to define the relationship in this fic is I suppose based on your perceptions, I define it simply as partners but whether you want to call it friends or QPPs or romantic or whatever else is up to you the reader.
I also realized while writing it that I have kinda conflicting thoughts in my head of Dazai with medical stuff: there’s old headcanons rattling around about medical based traumas that I don’t really vibe with as much now that we have more canon to work with, another marble thinks it’s funny if Dazai doesn’t know anything medical —like doesn’t even know how to take blood pressure doesn’t know— despite being fostered by a doctor, and a third part (the part that reared during this) was that Dazai just has medical terminology rattling in his skull with no actual use for it (hence, listing phenomena by proper terms in the fic, a specific bone being where he lays his head by habit, etc). That last marble is entirely because I had to take anatomy for three years as part of my animation program and then fell down way too many medical rabbit holes and decided to make it everyone else’s problem. I kinda like the flavour of it though! I might use a bit of it in later things too, like the vampire fic or Tattoo, but we’ll see.
I think the vampire fic would be a good fit, it’s gonna be whack because I never write anything set in the current canon or later because I don’t know what I want to do with the Rats or Decay of Angels or the Hunting Dogs or any of the other factions we have running around now. (Probably I’ll not deal with it at all and just do a little one room, two man play for the vampire thing, look guys I have no idea how they’re going to resolve this current arc and I’m very stressed that the British are going to be even worse somehow and bigger stakes and as much as I think Agatha’s design is nice I’m SCARED)
Anyway. I’m really happy with my gen fic even if it took me multiple years to remember to actually write it (thanks Savvy for listening to me ramble in 2019 —I hope you see this because I can’t recall if you have a new account and your old one is deactivated, and thanks @feralrookie because I definitely rambles at you about it too and I appreciate you a lot)
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siren--squid · 5 months
i need to know your south park opinions/hot takes/whatever you want to say about south park
My biggest opinion on South Park is to just let the fandom do whatever they want with the characters honestly, and I don't mean like bad shit or weird shit with the kids. Obviously.
I mean like, normal fan shit.
Like, if someone wants to write a fanfiction where Eric Cartman was an awful and terrible child of literally eight years old but grows up and gets better and actually ends up as a sweet guy then just let them, if people want to ship things like kyman then literally who cares? Especially if they're doing the redemption arc Cartman thing.
If people want to draw anime teenage versions of the boys then who cares, it's actually really funny
Gender and sexuality HCs? Awesome, everyone everywhere does that, yet I've seen people say it's "just cringe" with this fandom? Yeah, this is FANDOM of course it's cringe, "but the show itself would make fun of-" nobody cares! The show makes fun of EVERYTHING dude! Have fun! You think Stan Marsh is a girl? Awesome! Butters as well? Epic!
This is SOUTH PARK. Go crazy.
If you personally disagree with something or dislike it, then just move on. Who cares if people are doing cringey fandom shit with the adult comedy cartoon. Who cares if they're shipping Cartman with people. Seriously it's never that deep
Unless people are doing harmful and dangerous shit, it's fine. Like, it's kinda funny??
Side note, because its funny as fuck:
I've been watching this show since I was the age of the main characters, I've been in the fandom since we were drawing Kenny as a lanky anime boy with purple eyes. I remember being like.. maybe seven at MOST sitting on my dads carpet while he watched this show and i played with littlest pet shops.
I remember those slide show fanart music videos of twink anime boy Kenny to "time of dying" by three days grace. This fuckin show introduced me to three days grace lmfao
I've seen some wild shit around here, the uwu-ification of Kyle for weird Style shipping purposes, etcetera etcetera. But this shit is literally so.. normal, in fandom spaces?? Yeah it's weird or silly or something but, meh.
I cosplayed Wendy to my first day of fifth grade.
I wore a neon pink jacket almost identical to Kennys in middle school. This show is like fucking stuck with me for life lmfao
I made a paper cut out of Kenny and another of Tweek and glued them to popsicle sticks and carried them around everywhere when I was a kid. (My dad hated those things, "perfect show for a kid to be watching" as if he didn't introduce it to me)
Whenever my mom lost me outside she'd do the "Oh my god, they killed Kenny" thing to find me, but I wasn't allowed to swear as a kid so I couldn't finish the line, I'd just run to her.
This show is a special interest for my autistic ass and it really, really shows. I stopped in my tracks in a Walmart to buy hats that reminded me of Craig, when I was supposed to buy new shoes and pants. (I did not, in fact, buy shoes.)
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