#im gonna get eaten alive probably
siren--squid · 2 months
i need to know your south park opinions/hot takes/whatever you want to say about south park
My biggest opinion on South Park is to just let the fandom do whatever they want with the characters honestly, and I don't mean like bad shit or weird shit with the kids. Obviously.
I mean like, normal fan shit.
Like, if someone wants to write a fanfiction where Eric Cartman was an awful and terrible child of literally eight years old but grows up and gets better and actually ends up as a sweet guy then just let them, if people want to ship things like kyman then literally who cares? Especially if they're doing the redemption arc Cartman thing.
If people want to draw anime teenage versions of the boys then who cares, it's actually really funny
Gender and sexuality HCs? Awesome, everyone everywhere does that, yet I've seen people say it's "just cringe" with this fandom? Yeah, this is FANDOM of course it's cringe, "but the show itself would make fun of-" nobody cares! The show makes fun of EVERYTHING dude! Have fun! You think Stan Marsh is a girl? Awesome! Butters as well? Epic!
This is SOUTH PARK. Go crazy.
If you personally disagree with something or dislike it, then just move on. Who cares if people are doing cringey fandom shit with the adult comedy cartoon. Who cares if they're shipping Cartman with people. Seriously it's never that deep
Unless people are doing harmful and dangerous shit, it's fine. Like, it's kinda funny??
Side note, because its funny as fuck:
I've been watching this show since I was the age of the main characters, I've been in the fandom since we were drawing Kenny as a lanky anime boy with purple eyes. I remember being like.. maybe seven at MOST sitting on my dads carpet while he watched this show and i played with littlest pet shops.
I remember those slide show fanart music videos of twink anime boy Kenny to "time of dying" by three days grace. This fuckin show introduced me to three days grace lmfao
I've seen some wild shit around here, the uwu-ification of Kyle for weird Style shipping purposes, etcetera etcetera. But this shit is literally so.. normal, in fandom spaces?? Yeah it's weird or silly or something but, meh.
I cosplayed Wendy to my first day of fifth grade.
I wore a neon pink jacket almost identical to Kennys in middle school. This show is like fucking stuck with me for life lmfao
I made a paper cut out of Kenny and another of Tweek and glued them to popsicle sticks and carried them around everywhere when I was a kid. (My dad hated those things, "perfect show for a kid to be watching" as if he didn't introduce it to me)
Whenever my mom lost me outside she'd do the "Oh my god, they killed Kenny" thing to find me, but I wasn't allowed to swear as a kid so I couldn't finish the line, I'd just run to her.
This show is a special interest for my autistic ass and it really, really shows. I stopped in my tracks in a Walmart to buy hats that reminded me of Craig, when I was supposed to buy new shoes and pants. (I did not, in fact, buy shoes.)
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pan-de-nomena · 6 months
sometimes i think about how we dont really see older aged trolls in the franchise and how they probably kept sacrificing themselves to save the young ones from being eaten
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allisamemory · 2 years
3.3 Archon Quest Interlude Spoilers
I have a lot of thoughts about this cutscene but the most prominent one is… he continues the tradition of Anemo boys saving the traveler!!
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I wonder how things will play out from now on. He told us to tell the Raiden Gokaden descendants that he’s the one behind everything, but is it really that simple? He also still has Ei’s pinion, so maybe that will be of use in the future
And now for the ultimatum. Everyone, Raiden Jun (it doesn’t allow space so its just his given name like Yoimiya)
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Also whoever the hell is this? Istaroth? Alice? Or maybe Focalors?
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rtgame · 2 years
also speaking of media i feel like my fatal flaw is enjoying things
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gaytoddhoward · 20 hours
i kind of need to be like skinned or put into a meat grinder or something . lol .
#personal#vent#vent in tags#maybe i can just boil myself alive instead#im so SICK of being the one to be actively concerned with all my friends' health & having to tell them to take care of themselves#'yeah i threw up from a hangover on the way here and i havent eaten in like 3 days and i dont do anything other than work and sleep'#ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME#'i only shower once a week' we can tell 'and i dont ever use shampoo. and im still surviving off a diet of just top ramen and dr pepper'#MY BROTHER IN CHRIST. TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOURSELF#'i havent made a doctors appointment for this possibly life threatening issue yet' im actually going to start sobbing .#IM NOT. MAD AT ANY OF MY FRIENDS TO BE CLEAR#but god its so fucking tiring. to be one of maybe two people to actually go 'hey that is really concerning please take care of yourself'#and then i cant fucking. take care of myself & i dont have the energy to think about my friends health anymore and i feel bad about it#i am NOT the pinnacle of health. but got damb !! if ur gonna not take care of yourself please do not tell me about it i get so so worried#& then my mother . god. waves vaguely at any interaction i have with her. doesnt make it any better#im so sick i need out of this house & out of this town get me outta here ! id thrive in pokemon put me in the pokeverse or some shit PLEASE#if ur the one person who i mentioned in tags thats also on tumblr pls pls know i am not mad at you im just so stressed always#& i care for u so deeply & it worries me so bad that u/ur family havent made more progress towards getting the issue solved .#(u probably won't see this post anyways but if u do. i just want it to be clear)#ANYWAYS it just crazy how i can bounce so rapidly from 'im not even human' to 'i am Too human'. and iam so so sick .of it.#if a single customer even makes eye contact with me at work tomorrow im going to gnaw my left pinky off in front of them i stg
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pyrriax · 7 months
back to being soooo normal about Things. this playlist is back to being stuck in my brain forever again
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specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Rick Grimes x sister!reader - my family
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omg im so happy you're writing for rick and daryl! Could i request a Rick x sister!reader where they weren't together when the infection started and thought that the other had died but she's found by someone from the group and taken to alexandria? - Anon 💜
A/N: due to the fact I’m on season 2 we’ve changed it a bit :))
You weren’t sure how long you had been running, and you were scared to stop running.
You were exhausted, you had the worst pain in your ribs and nasty cut down your arm that by some miracle hadn’t gotten infected.
You were scavenging whatever you could, food, medicine, bandages, a few bottles of water that you were trying to make last.
You learned the hard way you had to go for the head, so you kept a few knifes at hand, trading them in when you found something better.
You were in a forest, abundant with sticks, and that’s what you made use off, sharpening the largest and strongest ones, always keeping a couple tucked under the straps of your bags just in case one broke.
You hadn’t seen any other living people, and as much as you wanted to try and find your family you didn’t want to risk them being one of those creatures, you couldn’t bare that thought, so you kept running to keep yourself safe.
If they were alive you would find them somewhere, they had to be alive.
Sitting on a large rock, you were taking a small break, making sure to keep on eye on everything around you.
You heard a noise and you picked up your stick, spinning around only to find a crossbow pointed at you and you looked at the owner in fear.
“Please don’t kill me…”
“Your arm, you been bit?”
You quickly shook your head, putting the power bar your were eating in your mouth and unwrapped the old bandage with your free hand, showing him the jagged wound.
You took the food out your mouth and looked at him.
“Cut myself on some glass escaping those things, that’s all. It’s not healed right though, still bleeds.”
He grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand up so he could look at it.
Then he threw your arm back at you.
“The fuck you doing out here?”
“If I had to take a guess, probably the same as you. Running, ran from the city.”
You nodded.
“I lived there, saw what was happened, made a break the moment I could, knew a refugee sight wouldn’t hold long.”
“Can’t tell if you’re smart or stupid.”
You shrugged a little, holding your food out to him.
He rose a brow in question, and you made a gesture for him to go ahead and take it.
“I got more.”
“Well I sure as hell don’t want no half eaten one dumbass, what else you got?”
You laughed a little, and opened your bag, pulling out another one for him, and he took it without thanks, and you zipped your bag up.
“What’s your name?” You asked.
“You tell me first.”
He looked around, and you did the same thing.
“Foods hard to come by now, why’d you share?”
“My brother always said I was too kind for my own good, I guess that was right. But we’re all in the same shit world, gotta make sure the ones alive stay alive.”
“Your stupid, that’s gonna get you killed pretty fast out here.”
You rolled your eyes, and you put your bag back on your back, grabbing your weapon and jumped down from the rock.
You smiled up at him.
“See you around I guess Daryl. Oh, and here.”
Looking through your pockets, you pulled out a few more power bars you held them out and he jumped down, taking them from you.
You began to walk away.
“Hey, hey wait a second, where you going?”
“I don’t know, just… just somewhere I guess.”
He nodded his head and walked over, he looked you up and down.
“Come on.”
He walked the opposite direction and you looked at him in pure confusion.
“Well hurry up, I ain’t getting myself fuckin’ killed because your dumbass is still standing there.”
Jogging over, you walked alongside of him, and he picked up something from a tree, which held a few small dead animals.
You didn’t say anything about it, knowing you had to do what you needed in order to survive these days.
Neither of you said anything, he didn’t exactly strike you as a bug conversationalist, and you didn’t want him to change his mind about you coming.
Maybe in days long gone you would’ve thought twice about following a stranger, but no you didn’t have those luxuries, he could’ve killed you before you realised he was there, and he didn’t.
In order to survive you needed company, you couldn’t do it on your own, and you wouldn’t be able to keep going along for much longer you knew that.
He led you back to a camp, with other people, and you raised your weapon.
“Put the damn stick down moron.”
“I don’t know if they’re safe.”
“Then why the fuck would you follow me?”
He snatched the stick from you, pushed you back a few steps and you winced, covering your ribs with a pained groan.
“Because I can’t make it on my own asshole.”
“Wait here.”
You nodded, slowly sitting down next to a beat down truck, and watched as he went to go talk to others.
Being able to sit down your pain finally caught up with you, and you passed out from exhaustion and pain.
When you came too again, you were on a bed, somebody holding your hand and you turned your head.
She looked up.
“(Y/N)?! Oh god you’re alive, wait here!”
She got up, running out and not even a few seconds later she came back with more people.
The boy jumped on the bed, and you groaned a little bit laughed as you wrapped your arm around him.
“Carl.. hey buddy.. hey…”
“You’re alive…” he sobbed.
“Yeah bud, I won’t let a few suckers bring me down.”
“Carl come on, let’s wait outside.”
Lori introduced you to Carol, and Carol looked you over.
“Dale thinks you’ve probably bruised a couple of ribs, nothing too bad. But your arm we don’t have the medicine for that.” Carol said.
You slowly sat up, swinging your legs over the bed.
“I do, my bag.”
Lori handed it over and you tipped everything out, showing a few bottles of antibiotics.
“Grabbed what I could when I saw the chance.”
“These will work, keep taking them a few times a day.” Lori said.
You nodded and looked out the window.
“Come on, let’s introduce you to everybody, you can stay with me and Carl, and I know Shane wants to see you.”
“Shane? And.. and Rick…?”
Lori looked at you, and you clenched your jaw.
“Lori.. where’s my brother…?”
“Ask Shane…”
You pushed yourself up, moving past her and out of the RV.
You looked around and found Shane, and you made your way over, holding your hand out as he went to hug you.
“Shane where the fuck is my brother? Where’s Rick?”
“He.. (Y/N) he was.. he was shot before all of this… I.. I tried to save him but I.. he was dead…”
Tears burned your eyes and you shook your head.
“He’s not dead…”
“I’m sorry…”
“No… no Shane my brother ain’t dead, you hear me!? He ain’t dead!”
You dropped to your knees despite the pain, and you rested your head on the ground.
“He.. he’s not dead…”
Lori knelt next to you, hugging you tightly as you mourned the loss of your brother.
You didn’t leave the tent for days, you stayed in there, refusing to talk to anybody, refusing to leave.
You looked up at Carl, and he walked over, sitting next to you, resting his head on your side.
“Do you think my dad could still be out there…?”
“Yeah… he.. he has to be bud…”
He nodded his head, and you ran your fingers through his hair, soothing his quiet cries.
You stared to move around after a week, but you still needed time to rest and fully heal so you couldn’t go on runs or help with much, but you watched the children for everybody.
Carl mostly kept to your side if he wasn’t with his mom.
“I’m cold.” Sophia said.
“Alright, wait here I’ve got a spare blanket in my bag.”
You made your way back to you sister in laws tent, and you stepped in only to freeze at the sight of your sister in law making out with your brothers best friend.
They quickly pulled apart and you grabbed your blanket.
“(Y/N)…” Lori whispered.
“Didn’t take you all that long to get over him huh?”
“No.. not its.. it’s not like that..”
You shook your head.
“I’ll find somewhere else to sleep, and both of you better stay the fuck away from me.”
You left, making your way back to the little girl and you wrapped her up in your blanket.
Going back to the now empty tent, you grabbed your things and set them down by a fire.
“Are you leaving?” Carl asked sadly.
“Nah buddy, I’m staying, I just want somewhere else to sleep for a while cause you snore so loudly.”
He hit your arm and you laughed a little at him.
You didn’t want to share a tent with anybody else, so as they all went to bed you stayed by the embers of the fire.
“Ain’t gonna help much if you die of cold or exhaustion.”
You glanced up, and you shrugged a little.
“Rather not stay in the same tent as my sister in law right now.”
Daryl looked at you, he knew what was going on of course.
He didn’t speak much but he saw a lot, so he knew why you didn’t want to stay in the tent with her.
“Get your shit.”
You looked at him.
“Let’s go.”
You pushed yourself up, and you followed him to his tent where he kicked some stuff aside, gesturing with his hand down the middle.
“You stay on your half, I stay on mine. I ain’t sharing my shit with you though.”
You sat down, putting your bag under your head and he sat down on his stuff, sharpening a few sticks.
“Hey Daryl?”
“Shut up.”
You laughed again.
He said nothing in response.
After a few minutes you felt something hit you in the face and you looked at the sweater in confusion but all he did was get up and leave.
You didn’t want to speak to Lori or Shane, if you wanted peace you would stay in Daryl’s tent knowing that nobody dared to go near it.
“Come on, we’re going to have to talk about what happened!” Shane hissed.
“Get lost!”
“She’s your sister! You can’t just ignore her! She’s beating herself up because you won’t speak to her (Y/N)!”
“Well she should’ve thought about that before cheating on my brother!”
You stormed past Shane and he grabbed your wrist making you wince in pain.
He let go, and was shoved back, and Daryl pushed you towards the tent.
You looked at him but said nothing as you made your way there and Shane left you alone.
“Just break his nose, shuts every guy up.”
“Rather let him suffer knowing he’s the reason I won’t speak to him or her.”
Daryl half shrugged.
“Whatever then, I’m going huntin’. Stay in the tent.”
You nodded and he left.
You decided to take a nap, having sleepless nights made keeping a level head hard, it was easier to sleep knowing that there wasn’t many walkers during the day.
What woke you up was the commotion, and you got up, grabbing your weapon, hand on your ribs as you walked up to the main camp.
You heard Daryl shouting.
“Daryl?! Hey! What’s going on?!”
He pushed himself away from the people, and he looked at you.
“Those fuckers left my brother to die!”
You placed a hand on his chest.
“Then we go find him, alright? Get your stuff, you and me, we’ll go get him. Okay?”
“You can’t go out there asshole, you’re hurt.”
“I don’t give a fuck, he’s your brother. We’ll get him back.”
He nodded, placing a hand on your shoulder and followed him down to his tent to help get everything ready.
Steps came closer and he grabbed his weapon.
“Are you in there?” Lori asked softly.
“What the fuck do you want?” You snapped.
“Come outside, please?”
Sighing, you put your knife down and got up, making your way over to the front of the tent and stepped out.
You looked at her, then your gaze snapped behind her.
“Oh thank god…”
Rick rushed over, pulling you into a hug and you yelped in pain, dropping to your knees.
He quickly dropped in front of you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, hey, are you alright? Are you okay?”
“Bruised ribs…”
He nodded, pulling you in for a more gentle hug this time, and you hugged him back, tears streaming down your face.
“You’re alive…” you whispered.
“Course I am….” He whispered back.
Rick held you closely, not wanting to let you go.
It was one thing thinking he lost his wife and son, but he couldn’t bare the thought of loosing his little sister as well.
He placed his hand on the back of your head, trying to hide the fact he was crying.
“I got you… I’ve got you… it’s alright…” he whispered.
“They… they told me you died Rick…”
He pulled away, smiling at you.
“I’m alright, you see? A little worse for wear but I’m alright, we’re safe…”
You nodded, sniffling a little, you clasped your hand tightly around his, and he held back just as tight.
“Whatever goes on now, we go through it together, like when we was kids, yeah?” He asked.
“Us against whatever crap life throws…”
He nodded, giving you smile.
“Yeah.. yeah exactly…”
He looked at you, and he pulled you in for another hug, and you glared at his wife from behind his back and she slowly walked away.
You weren’t going to tell him what you saw, he was safe, and you weren’t going to do anything to put your brother in danger.
You pulled back and looking at your brother again.
“You smell like shit Rick…”
He chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“Well thanks, I missed you too.”
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mucherbuncher · 4 months
Daryl x Reader
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daryl x reader fic
requested by my mutual
this is my first time actually writing a one shot on tumblr and honestly i’m so exited. i’m still tryna figure out this app bc i literally downloaded it feb. 7th so plz forgive me i’m just a girl. also ignore that none of the “i”s are capitalized i really don’t care.
no warnings other than talking about eating sun disgusting ass food
if i do a part two there’ll be sm!t 🫣
I drew into the dirt absentmindedly with my fingers, bored out of my goddamn mind while Daryl cooks a snake over the fire. I didn’t look at it, because as queasy as i already was from hunger i wasn’t gonna make it worse. I had already eaten a few worms yesterday, something i’d never thought i would’ve done. To be honest, it was Daryl’s idea.
I had been doing everything to stay by his side after the prison fell, including silently obeying him and following him around like a lost puppy. I probably could survive on my own, but having someone by my side made it way easier. I got lucky being stuck with him, at least in the survival sense. Emotionally, or even socially, he was on airplane mode. He barely spoke, barely even looked at me. I didn’t mind it so much for a day or two, but it’s about to be day four. I couldn’t take it anymore.
He used his dirty knife to cut the snake in half, then peeled the skin off. It sorta reminded me of those giant gummy worms that you could get at a candy store, except pink and charred with visible bones.
“Here.” He reached across the small fire to hand me it. I looked up in disgust, hesitantly reaching out to eat the… thing.
It was chewy, like a well done steak. It didn’t taste like that though. It tasted pretty earthy, almost like a bug or something. The closest thing i can compare it too was grasshopper flavored fish. Wow, so appetizing.
I ate my entire half, and ripping off a small piece of rib bone from the spine to clean my teeth. I stared into the fire, like Daryl did. I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth, unfortunately only spreading more dirt onto my face. Daryl looked about the same.
“What are we doing?” I blurted out, my voice a little hoarse from not talking all day.
Daryl looked up from the fire, staring at me blankly. His eyes practically glowed that pretty steel blue color, and I already felt slightly unnerved from his stare.
“Are we even gonna try to look for anyone, or are we just gonna keep running everyday?” I continued on, my voice growing stronger as I felt more emotions setting in.
“No point.” He grunted after a few seconds of silence.
“But there is. We need the rest of the group, they could all be still alive, together, maybe.”
“Look around, do ya see anyone waitin for us?” He spat, his voice getting a little louder.
“Your a tracker, so track.” I hissed, my eyes narrowed as i felt more and more frustrated with this man.
“Fine. Get yer ass up.” Before I could even think or retort back, He grabbed his crossbow and started kicking dirt into our little fire.
“Daryl, it’s dark…” I muttered, suddenly feeling small at the way he’s acting so pissed.
“This whatchu want, right?” He grabs my arm and yanks me upwards, and I stumble a little before tearing my arm back.
“Stop. Stop it right now.” I stare into his eyes, clenching my jaw a little in anger.
He starts pacing, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He’s trying to hide his face from me.
“There ain’t no point… what if- what if they’re all gone? I can’t… i won’t…” He wipes his eyes with the back of his arm, and i realize, he’s fucking crying. I can handle children crying, even other girls. But when a grown man cries… it makes me want to start sobbing.
My heart sinks and i feel an awful twinge in my stomach. I shouldn’t have pushed him. Fuck me…
“Hey…” My mouth has gone dry, i’m not totally sure what to do here. With the fire gone, and only the moonlight to allow me to see his face, im struggling.
“S’ not… I don’t know what to do.” He chokes a little, and that was my final straw. I pull him in towards me, grabbing his huge tan arms gently. I take the back of his head and put it against my neck, rubbing his back gently. His hands fall limply at his sides as he gives up.
“S’ gonna be alright. We can start lookin tomorrow, alright? You’ve got me. I’m here.” I speak softly and slowly as i reassure him. I’m hoping i’m saying all the right things. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly, restricting my breathing a little.
I hold him there for a long time, rubbing his back slowly as he silent cries into my shoulder. It felt right, comforting him. I was good at it. He needed this badly, and i hoped my optimism would rub off on him.
I pull his head off my shoulder, cupping his face in my hands. They look tiny here, holding him like this. I wipe some of the tears off his pretty face with my thumbs. His eyes bore into the ground, not meeting mine. I knew he felt embarrassed, but it was just the two of us. I wasn’t going to tell a single soul, nobody could make me spill his secrets even through torture.
I brush away some of his greasy brown hair, kissing his forehead gently. His eyes snapped up to meet mine. Shit… was that too much? I force myself to keep a calm expression, gazing at his puffy red eyes.
“M’ gonna start the fire again, okay?” I say gently. He nods, taking a step back and sitting down on the ground.
I fumble the lighter a little in my hands as i grab the kindling, and a small flame peeks through. i slowly start adding more fuel, until a steady flame is going. I scoot back to sit next to Daryl again, gently guiding his body down until his head is resting on my lap.
His huge body weighs down on my thigh, but I honestly didn’t care at all. I brushed my fingers through his messy hair, careful to not tug on any knots as i did so. He looked sorta beautiful like this.
Wait what the fuck. My mind started racing. This man was easily forty years old, covered in dirt and sweat and walker blood. Id known him and treated him like a friend for nearly two years now, but now… I treated him as if he was glass. He probably felt like it, broken after standing strong against all the hardship he’s faced his whole life. I knew bits and pieces, how he depended on Merle since he couldn’t rely on his shitty dad. His mom has been gone since he was a child.
I needed to be here for him. He’s become my protector, but I, a young woman, cared for him in a way i hadn’t for anyone else in a long time.
His chest rose and fell peacefully, and I knew he was starting to fall asleep. There wasn’t much to protect us from the elements other than a small wool blanket we’d been sharing for the past few days. I grabbed my bag, and carefully moved his head off my thighs to rest on the bag instead. I stepped around his body and curled up against his chest, making myself little spoon. I grabbed his crossbow, curling that close to my body just in case. I felt his arm swing around me, pulling me just a bit closer than i already was.
“Ya okay here?” He asked, speaking softly into my ear.
“Mhm.” His deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. I closed my eyes, smiling just a little. What a funny man.
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foggyforest4169 · 9 months
'𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔' 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗 '𝚜𝚘𝚊𝚙' 𝙼𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚜𝚑
A/N: It's Johnny boy's time to shine! I thought we should give ghost a rest and if you were sick, realistically he'd tell probably tell you to man up.
Summery: You have the man flu and Johnny takes care of you
Squeaky clean: Where are you? 7:30
Squeaky clean: Pick up the phone babe 9:56
Squeaky clean: Oi are you dead? 12:17
Fuck me, I feel like absolute shit. I read through the messages with bagged half-lidded eyes. It was 1pm on a Tuesday and I'd just woken up after a restless night of throwing up, constant aches and fever-induced dreams.
To be honest I wasn't shocked to see all the messages... ah shit I didn't tell Price... oh well fuck it. I ignored the banging pain in my head and opened my phone, squinting my eyes to avoid the blaring light and type a quick reply
Me: Dont get your knickers in a twist Im alive
Me: Im sick. Just woke up
I couldn't help but smirk, I swear this man reads my messages within a nanosecond. Before I could even Reply to him, he'd already sent a message
Squeaky clean: I'll be over in 5
Me: Wait no no you're at work
Read. that fucking Scottish bastard left me on read, although it did bring me comfort to know that someone cared for me. I laid my phone on the beside table as I felt my head throb... fucking hell... I rolled over and closed my eyes to try block out the light... soon the door open and I heard the big Scottish Mohawk man slowly creep in... a soft smile on his face while I shivered under the blanket
" Johnny... you should *cough cough*... fuck....... go back to work... i don't want to get you sick..." I said as he ignored you and came closer... feeling your forehead before rubbing your cheek
"Shut up, you're my boyfriend... I'm not gonna leave you here sick now ill go get you a cup of tea so you can take them paracetamol" He said with a smile as he bad his way yo the little kitchen in your room and put the kettle on
"Soap I-"
"And don't you dare try to retaliate you look like shite now just relax... have you eaten?" He said with a stern voice while you nodded your head and let out a low yes. He just nodded and soon he came over with a perfect cup of tea, just the way you liked it.
"Thank you Johnny" You said with a soft smile as you took the tablets and drunk the tea. Once you were you were done you said something a bit unexpected
"Honey... can I... can we cuddle" You muttered as you saw the smile grow on Soap's face. You weren't a touchy person unless it was him so without hesitation he nodded and opened his arms. You crawled in and buried your face into his shoulder while he laid you down and rubbed your head, smiling as he liked your touch... it was warm and sweet, unusual but pleasant,
And with his warm touch and comfort, you feel to sleep in him... softly snoring and drooling while he scrolled on his phone and held you, making sure you were comfortable and finally getting some rest. He could tell by the dark heavy bags that dragged down your eyes and all though he's seen you in worst condition with wounds and blood covering you, he hated seeing you like this; so exhausted and weak. It wasn't like you to get ill so he was gonna be here and care for you, making sure you get better.
He gave Price a text and since you two had no up coming missions he allowed a week sick leave. So now he sorted everything for you he rested easy, scrolling on his phone and rubbing the back of your head, his hands softly running through your hair. Soon enough you were both asleep, holding each other close and allowing a moment of peace in between the chaos of being sick. You two were remained peaceful until around 1am where you woke up and had to run to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet, holding onto the bowl tightly as the stomach acid burnt your throat. The putrid taste of vomit in your mouth as you sat against the wall, your breath heavy after spilling all the contents in your stomach.
"Handsome... are you okay, why are you up at 1am?" Soap said as you looked up at him and just rested your head in your knees trying to gain some sort of energy, your head throbbing while your eyes shut to try block light out.
"I just threw up... sorry did i wake you?"
"No no it's okay come on, wash your mouth out and I'll go make you some soup with some bread" He said as he knelled down and kissed your head, rubbing the back of it. He helped you up and then left to go make soup, leaving you to wash your mouth to try spit all of the acid and get rid of the horrid taste remaining in your mouth. Then you made your way to the kitchen, sitting down at the table while you watched your boyfriend make you some soup and bread. A soft smile on his face while he served you your soup.
"There we are baby, eat up and then we can go back to the couch" He smiled as you saw the pills and some flat lemonade for after. Johnny washed up and you slowly ate enjoying the sweet creaminess of the chicken soup, dipping the bread into it and enjoying your meal until you finished, taking small sips of the water while you took the pills to stop the pounding in your head. Once you were done you went up behind Soap and gave him a gentle hug, using the strength you had.
"Thank you love, now come back to the couch you can do that in the morning" You said as you gently kissed his neck while he smiled and nodded, both of you going back the couch, cuddling close as he gently rubbed your head while you held him tightly, soon falling asleep again, feeling comfortable and warm while your sweet boyfriend held you close.
"I love you handsome" You said sleepily as you started to fall asleep
"I love you too" He replied and kissed your head
A/N : Hope you enjoyed this, this has been in my drafts for a while now so that's why there's a little shift from first person to second person. Also the song of the story is just a nice relaxing song I didn't know i could fit it into the story. Anyway have a great day, bye!
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leonscape · 4 months
i feel like we all perceive the suitors differently based on who we are and idk why or what compelled me to make this post but i’m sharing anyways
i’ve seen people hc sexualities and i feel like i have a unique view because im ace but i also don’t call characters gay just because? i have never developed feelings for anyone nor do i participate in discussions about who’s hot and who’s not. im kinda not wired that way so i feel like that makes my perspective different.
i think it’s interesting when people call the suitors gay and ship them because they’re actually straight, meant for a female audience. it’s not heterosexual content and i think it really comes down to how the characters are written, and the type of person viewing the characters.
disclaimer: this is my opinion you do not have to agree with it, but i do ask you to be respectful. you do not need to argue your opinion or against mine so let’s keep it chill
okay let’s start ^_^
jin is straight there’s literally no arguing this one. his love of women is very intense but he’s just being one of the bros unapologetically? i think everyone can agree on this one.
chevalier hear me out is ace. i bet he’s the type to read erotica with a straight face and it truly is for the plot. it doesn’t bother him and he doesn’t pay attention to that kind of thing. if we take out the otome aspect out of ikepri, he’d just be aroace fr. and i think this way because he tells emma to prove that romance and love has worth. so i don’t see him attracted to men and i don’t think he’s attracted to women either he just falls in love with emma because she’s the beauty to his beast romance?
clavis probably is also ace, gray ace. in my post about ace hc’s i said he’s probably ace and im pretty sure that was before his route came out and now after having played it, i still stand by that. i think sexual attraction isn’t important to clavis. i think he’s more worried about abandonment and figuring out if this person is his ride or die kind of person. i just think his priorities are different and maybe that’s why it seems like he comes off as ace. i do not see him being attracted to men.
leon is straight. maybe it’s jin’s influence and i see them as very similar. maybe it’s purely just my perception of him. i have heard that some people think his bi because everyone is charmed by him? but i just don’t see him reciprocating that kind of preference to guys. i think he also has a hard time reciprocating energy towards women too. idk i guess i imagined him talking to a nice girl, everything’s going well, but his stomach drops as he reminds himself that he’s a fake. he doesn’t let people get too close to him otherwise he will get eaten alive by the guilt from deceiving them but he’s also afraid to tell them. i mean how is he supposed to tell his partner when he hasn’t told his closest brothers? the brothers that he’s grown up with and grown close to? i also just think he’d be enthusiastic about being a dad and starting a family because he didn’t know his parents and he didn’t even have the luxury of having leon’s parents either so i think it would mean a lot to him to start a family and give his kids a mom and a dad. wait this isn’t a post about just leon i got carried away oops but does this mean i think leon is ace? nah he’s just afraid that his insecurity in his identity will damage the relationships he has and the illusion of leon.
yves is ace i don’t care what they say his spicy content feels very performative and fan service-y to me. i said he’s ace in my ace hc post too so i still stand by that. he gets embarrassed when he talks about it so i don’t think he’s really comfortable in his sexuality? me personally i project onto yves just a bit?? like im just gonna say that desire does not equal sexual attraction because i get confused and uncomfortable about it sometimes so i have to remind myself. i think he wants to participate in those types of acts but feels conflicted. also i know he’s the resident femboy and that’s more likely to get him labeled as gay or something but i actually don’t see him being into men but we know he’s an ally from that one bond story of his.
licht, i swear im not doing this on purpose because of my own biases, but he’s ace too bro. he doesn’t really pay attention to sexuality and attraction and stuff. or maybe the more traumatized or mentally ill they are the more i think they’re ace. wait that’s not true i’ll get to nokto after this. yeah idk licht is depressed af so he don’t have time to think “mmh men” or “mmh women” or “mmmhh both” there’s no attraction until after he established a relationship so yeah i guess he’s demisexual.
nokto is gay. okay fine i’ll say bi. weeell ok not naming names but kinda because it’s a small fandom and it’s not hard to figure out. but my perception of him has definitely been influenced by fandom. now i just think he likes men
luke is honestly i don’t know i guess he’s straight. he doesn’t do sus things and he just seems like what jin was like before his addiction to breasts and to “the sand in the hourglass” (assuming jin wasn’t always a pervert like that).
i do not have enough information on gilbert
keith is straight you cannot tell me he wouldn’t have a wife and 10 kids if he was born a commoner. he’d be a farmer just plowing the fields, growing medicinal plants, and providing for his family. he just seems like a straight up guy (see what i did there) making an honest living and obeying his wife who is in charge of the household.
silvio is another straight guy. attracted to women but doesn’t want to be because his money attracts the wrong kind of women.
rio also straight he’s probably only attracted to emma actually so yeah i know we joke about it but i think this guy really just only likes emma
finishing off the list strong with my sariel ace hc. yeah he’s giving the “i’m too busy with work/school” ace tbh. he’s like the professional guy that ignores the flirting but every once in a while it does affect him if he’s interested. but i don’t think he experiences much attraction and maybe he doesn’t have time either?
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mojo-chojo · 2 years
im so sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere but in the 'how grian and scar met' comic,,,whats the significance of the ring???
i haven’t answered to this yet because i was hoping to draw it but since i realized im probably never gonna actually manage to draw it, here we go:
the ring was first made by etho for bdubs, so that when they’re apart bdubs can see where etho is and can also find him when needed. it’s a ring with redstone in it and some mana in it that etho is using unconsciously.
unfortunately, bdubs lost it when he was doing his goblin business and dropped it in the forest. some unfortunate human found it, got eaten by pearl and then pearl decided to give it to grian as a birthday present because she thought it looks pretty and grian would like it.
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in the meantime bdubs was panicking about his ring to impulse in icandy and scar so happened to hear it, decided its his time to shine and offered bdubs to find his ring for some shiny precious stuff bdubs ove to hoard.
scar then found out a certain harpy is in the possess of the ring he needs to find, found grian and tried to get the ring from him except that he is not very sneaky and got caught
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and then scar used his charismatic talking to get away with the ring alive, promised grian to give him something more special the next time they meet, except scar never returned and the next time scar got into the strip club part of icandy saw grian dancing and almost got killed if impulse didnt stop them both
oh and bdubs got his ring back before etho came to visit him again
so yeah the ring is the cause of these characters to meet
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The Mind Flayer
pairing: Steve Harrington x Female Byers!Reader
WC: 8.8K
warning: cursing (please message me or leave a comment if i forgot something)
summary: will is having an exorcist moment. an old player enters the arena. oh also, steve and reader are getting a bit...touchy.
A/N: ALL PART UNDER THE TAG -The Byers Harrington Story-
I’m making the stancy thing go away asap cause like, just no. like steve did love nancy, but he’s getting over it quicker. THIS IS A FF IM GONNA DO AS I PLEASE
series masterlist
give applause to @alecmores​ for being my proof reader/beta reader/ whatever it’s called.
previous chapter  next chapter
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It was a whirlwind once the two cars reached your house. Everyone was rushing out, limbs being pushed and shoved against someone else. You threw the door open and jumped off Steve’s lap, rushing into the house. Jonathan was laying Will on the living room couch, Joyce fussing behind him with her hands constantly moving and not stopping. Mike and the other kids storm into the house, Hopper, and Steve close behind them. You looked around the room trying to see where Bob was, he wasn’t in Hopper’s truck so he had to be with Jonathan when they left.
“Mom, mom, where is Bob?” You grabbed her shoulders.
She was shaking, her eyes red-rimmed with tear tracks covering her cheeks. She looked frantic, her eyes were haunted and hopeless as if she were in a daze. You turned your attention to Hopper now since he seemed to be in a more stable condition to answer your question.
“Hopper, where is Bob?” Your voice was firm.
His lips were in a thin line, and his nostrils flared. A hand rested on his hip, the other ran through his hair and then rubbed at his beard. His eyes darted over the place, not once staying focused on you.
“Hopper,” you grasped the arm that was resting on his hip, “what happened to Bob?”
He sighed then pulled the both of you away, further into the kitchen. You didn’t like this. He was quiet, Joyce was shaken, and Bob physically wasn’t there. You were panicking. If it’s the answer you think he’ll give you, you would fully blame yourself.
His hands held your shoulders, “(Y/n), he helped bring the power back on, but-” You knew where this conversation was going, “No, no, no,” you refused to believe it.
“(Y/n), they got to him before he could make it.”
You started to thrash out of Hopper’s grip, the kitchen felt suffocating. The feeling of watchful eyes on you, everyone judging or throwing sympathy at your state, was too much. You shoved at Hopper’s chest to try and push him away, but all he did was pull you in tight. His arms wrapped over your shoulders, your face pressed into his chest making your vision dark. Your hands clung to the jacket he wore over the hospital scrubs. Sobs choked out from your throat, tears staining the teal shirt and wetting your lashes, streaking your cheeks.
This was why you didn’t want to bring Bob into this mess. He was such a kind man and he honestly would do anything for your mom- or even your family- after only a few months. He was your boss and slowly became a father figure for you. And now you lost him to some fucking demodogs. He was probably being eaten alive at the lab right now, dying alone. You only saw him a day ago, happy about your ‘treasure hunt’ and helping Joyce.
“(Y/n), I’m sorry… he saved us though. We wouldn’t have gotten out of there if it wasn’t for him,” Hopper tried to justify his death.
You moved out of his embrace and wordlessly left the kitchen, heading to the backyard. You just needed to be alone, the silence and fresh air hopefully would help in calming you down. Sitting on the bottom step with your feet on the grass, you pull your heels to the step and bend your body forward to make yourself small in this moment. Your face is buried in the circle of your arms, your biceps covering your ears. Everything was so quiet at that moment it was like you were the only being on the planet, your lips tugged upwards a bit without your permission. It was one of those sad smiles, ones where they come unconsciously, laughing at your pain.
You were probably alone for five minutes before you heard the loud creaking of the back door hinges indicating that someone joined you. You didn’t bother looking up, wanting to ignore them and enjoy the quiet until they spoke, since you won’t do it first. It was quiet for a minute or two before they cleared their throat, but said nothing, still, you ignored them.
Then they sighed, “(Y/n)?” It was Steve, “are…is everything-” “No, Steve, I’m not okay and everything is not alright!” You didn’t mean to shout, but your anger flared.
“Bob is dead ‘cause of me,” you hissed. “He wasn’t supposed to be involved in any of this, but we needed him to find Hopper, and being brought to that lab was practically a death sentence.”
“Woah, (Y/n), no,” Steve fretted, “Bob- Bob didn’t die because of you, it’s not your fault, (Y/n).” You ignored Steve, “first it was Eleven who died ‘cause I wasn’t there, now it’s Bob 'cause he was dragged into this,” you rambled.
A gentle hand on your shoulder, “(Y/n), we just had a similar conversation about an hour ago.”
“Steve, it’s different though.”
He removed his hand, “Oh? how is it different? Tell me,” he demanded.
You wiped at the snot and tears, “you didn’t know about the Demogorgon, you weren’t even involved with any of that yet. My mom started talking about Will with her conversations through the lights that night and the following morning. And that same day, I saw and talked with Will through our living room wall. I became involved, I saw El use her powers,” you wiped your nose, “I didn’t stay with the kids at the school that night, all of them could have gotten killed. But El was the one to sacrifice herself for them. She saved them and I never even got to thank her for finding Will.” Tears fell down your cheeks again as you recalled the memory, the feelings you felt.
Steve ran a comforting hand over your back, “But that’s not your fault either, again, it was the Demogorgon. Both times it was the Demogorgons' fault. Why are you trying to blame yourself for things out of your control?” He huffed.
You had to stop for a moment.
“My dad,” was your response.
The man who constantly beat you for such simple reasons, playing it off as discipline and punishment for your mistakes, when a simple mistake could have been dropping a plate on accident. The man who shortened your childhood with each slap, with each whipping of his belt. A man who constantly saw flaws within you and not accepting you for each crack, only creating more.
“Hey,” Steve was now in front of you.
He was on one knee and his hands rested on your knees, head dipped down to make eye contact with you. His brows were raised and he licked his lips, rubbing them together. He did it two more times. Steve then brought one hand off your knee and ran his knuckles along your cheek, catching stray tears and wiping them clean. Your breath hitched at the intimacy.
“I’m sure Wonder Woman blames herself whenever she can’t save someone, but she has people who are there to help,” Steve tried to comfort.
“Steve, I don’t think you’re good at pep talks,” you joked, a wet laugh followed.
He dropped the hand from your cheek back to your knee and squeezed, “yeah, I didn’t have many of them growing up.”
“Hey,” you knocked a finger against his chin for attention, “shitty dads club?”
He exhaled a laugh, “more like a shitty parents club.”
“Sorry to break it to you, but I only have a shitty dad. I’m grateful for my mom,” a whisper to the winds.
Your bubble was back. Just the two of you, no one else existed on the planet.
You stared down at the four hands, yours resting on your thighs while Steve squeezed and rubbed your knees. Slowly and stealthy, you stretched a finger out, your pinky on one hand and your ring finger on the other. You were scared, but you suddenly felt brave at this moment to cross another line you made in the sand. Light as a feather your two fingers touched Steve’s, a silent invitation, a question for him that only he could answer. You hesitated in looking at him, not brave enough for that.
Before Steve had time to do anything, grasp your fingers or retreat, the back door opened again. This time the patron stormed down the steps and that gave away who it was, Jonathan. Steve stood up and away when you saw Jonathan standing beside you on the last step. You braced your hands on your thighs and stood up, directing your attention to your brother. He had a nasty glare thrown at Steve, his chest huffing, you scoffed at the sight. Suddenly you remembered your earlier argument and also the car incident. So you chose to pick a fight with him right now.
“Well, looks like you finally have time for your beloved sister,” you griped.
Jonathan huffed, “(Y/n) come inside,” and grabbed your bicep.
You pulled back and away, now standing in the grass just in front of Steve. A cross of your arms over your chest is your armor at this moment.
“No, Jonathan, ‘cause we have some unfinished business to talk about. Starting with: why did you fuck off with Nancy for two days and not tell me? Cause I think we have enough time right now to discuss that. Or, or, how about you brushing me off when I wanted to join you and Nancy earlier, huh? Why did you let Nancy go with you, but not me? Your sister?”
Jonathan took the last step, both of you standing in the overgrown yard. Your nails dug into your biceps, fighting off the cold chills and also restraining yourself. Jonathan was scratching at his head with one hand while the other rested in his pocket. And you knew Steve was still there since you didn’t see him leave and you could also feel his body heat, a walking furnace.
Jonathan didn’t answer any of your questions, “Okay. Since- apparently, these are college-level questions, I’ll ask small ones. First, where did you go? What was so important that needed to happen now?”
Jonathan sighed, “(Y/n), I can’t-” “We went to Illinois,” a voice interrupted.
You turned to the back porch and saw Nancy walking down the steps, joining the three of you. You wanted to turn around and look at Steve but held yourself from doing so. It would hurt to see him looking at Nancy with a certain gaze, lovestruck or heartbroken.
“Why’d you go to Illinois?” Steve asked the question.
Nancy stopped on the last step, she was the same height as Jonathan now. And the two of them looked at each other, silently talking with their eyes only, and that’s when you started to notice it. Something changed in those two days, you could sense it. The way their hands wanted to reach out for the other, their closeness in the dim lighting, how you can tell their eyes were lingering over each other’s features.
“Jonathan…” You walked closer to the pair.
Jonathan was evidently confused, you went from being hostile to suddenly approaching him as if you were a scared mouse. You ignored the shared looks from the two and grabbed his bicep like he did to you earlier and tugged him towards the shed. You spared a glance over your shoulder, Steve and Nancy closer together and both of them watching your retreating figures.
“(Y/n)-” “Did you and Nancy have sex?” You whispered.
Jonathan blanched at your outright question, so you knew it was true. 
“What- What makes you think that (Y/n)?” Jonathan brushed it off.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m pretty observant, Jonathan. People-watching is my favorite pastime at school. I notice things.”
“Oh! So if we’re talking about people watching, what about you and Steve?” Jonathan fired back.
You stole a glance at Steve, “I- I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tried to change the topic's direction, “Steve and Nancy just broke up, and I’m not even sure if it’s official. So, you would have helped Nancy cheat on Steve.” You were talking out your ass just to ignore Jonathan.
“(Y/n), don’t play dumb. I noticed earlier, you two are touchy-feely with each other.” “We were consulting each other,” you shrugged off.
“Oh, you think douchebag Harrington will solve your problems? Is his supposed charm rubbing off on you?” He seethed.
You were taken aback, “What the hell is your problem with him, Jonathan?” “My problem is that you suddenly forgot all the shitty things he’s done!” “I didn’t forget, I’ve seen him change. If you would pay attention-” Jonathan got louder, “He didn’t even know you existed after middle school! His ‘friends’ were jackasses to you constantly, and he didn’t stop them!”
“Okay, first off, Carol and Tommy have been jackasses since fifth grade. Secondly, what about Nancy?” He got defensive now, “What does Nancy have to do with this?”
“She pretty much ignored you after seventh grade, and once all this shit happened, she’s running into your arms. Are you happy that she and Steve broke up? She broke his heart and you finally got your chance with her. Finally got the upper hand on Steve Harrington,” a harsh whisper at the end.
Jonathan sighed, his shoulders slumping, “(Y/n), I just want what’s best for you, and Steve Harrington is someone I don’t trust.”
“How about trusting me, your sister? When I say Steve has changed, why can’t you believe me? I’m the one hanging out with him, getting to see his real personality. Maybe if you made an effort, you would notice.”
“Also,” you added to your point, “Steve wants to try and work things out between the two of you, but you don’t bother.”
“Fine, whatever. After this is over, I’ll talk with Steve or some shit.” Jonathan hissed. “Whatever, I’m still pissed at you,” you rolled your eyes. “Why did you leave me behind?” Leaving the Steve/Nancy argument behind and going back to the actual one.
“I- I wasn’t thinking, (Y/n). I don’t know what you want me to say.” Jonathan argued.
“Oh, but I think you were thinking ‘cause you yelled at me to stay like you were giving a dog a command.” You gave a shove to Jonathan's shoulder.
Then you used both hands and shoved at his shoulders, using most of your strength. You did it again, and again, Jonathan stumbling slightly at your action. Then you beat your fist against his chest, your anger flaring once more.
“Why did you leave me behind? Why! Why Jonathan!” You shouted.
Something within you was ignited in a fire, “You promised we would deal with this together! You would be there for me and I would be there for you! We promised never to leave the other out of things!”
Jonathan gripped your wrist, “(Y/n)-” “Am I too weak for you? Huh? Still that useless bitch that Lonnie would always yell at!”
“No, just-”
“Worried I’ll be useless again like that night at the house!”
Jonathan then harshly tugged you into a tight hug, his arms caging you against his body, your arms immobile. You struggled against his hold, either from anger, panic, or both mixing. Eventually, your body went slack against Jonathan’s, his arms holding you up. His chin was digging into your head, your face tucked into his chest, nothing but darkness clouding your vision and Jonathan’s breathing filling your ears.
“You’re not useless, and I didn’t leave you behind ‘cause of that.” He stroked a hand over your hair. “I didn’t want to drive you into danger. Mom and Will were already in there and if you were with me, I would’ve had full tunnel vision, only worried about my family.”
You rubbed your face into his chest, an excuse for a nodding of understanding coming from his side. You fully have tunnel vision when it comes to your family or people you care about, you’ll do anything to save them from harm. But having Jonathan yell at you, push you to the side, it just felt like Lonnie was yelling at you.
“Please don’t yell at me again,” you asked, sounding like a scared child.
The two of you may have been yelling at each other not even five minutes ago, but that was different. It felt different to you, it felt like a protective sibling fight. But outside the lab, you saw Lonnie yelling at ten-year-old you. It almost felt like an actual slap to your face, something that came out of the blue.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm from it, I hope you know that” a hand smoothing over your shoulder blades.
“I do, just…”
“I know,” and he did.
The two of you stayed in the embrace for a moment or two longer, having resolved some problems, and maybe brought up new ones that aren’t too important tonight.
“Hey, Scooby Gang!” a booming voice yelled.
You pulled away from Jonathan and turned to the porch, Hopper standing tall and with authority, “come inside! Henderson has information,” and he walked back inside.
You and Jonathan shared a look before heading back to the house, Nancy, and Steve seemingly still outside. You flushed a bit at the thought of either one hearing your entire conversation. Jonathan rejoined Nancy and the two went back inside, and before you could follow Steve held you back with his grasp. You stared at him, bewildered at the action.
Steve’s eyes danced over your face, it was as if his fingers were caressing your cheeks. Every inch tingled, lit with fire. His eyes bored into yours deeply, like he was trying to convey a message you didn’t understand at this moment, but it was one you wanted to decipher. 
“Everything…” He trailed off.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. It’s- It’s okay, Steve,” your free hand landing over his, “let’s see what Henderson’s got,” you cocked your head to the house.
“The Mind Flayer,” Dustin blurted as he threw Will’s d&d book onto the kitchen table.
“What the hell is that?” Hopper questioned.
Everyone except for Joyce was huddled together, listening to whatever idea came to Dustin’s mind in the past fifteen minutes. You stayed near the back, your tail end digging into the countertop with your feet crossed at your ankles and hands supported by your sides.
“It’s a monster from an unknown dimension. It’s so ancient that it doesn’t even know its true home.” Dustin answered Hopper’s question with character lore.
As Dustin continued to babble off DnD lore, you looked at everyone’s faces, watching their expressions. Hopper looked pissed and annoyed at whatever was coming out of Dustin’s mouth, Mike and Lucas were just listening, already knowing about this creature. Steve was just as confused as you were, wondering what the point of this conversation was, Jonathan quiet and stone still. Nancy was peering at Dustin, her brows furrowed with her arms crossed across her chest, and Max was just listening, blank-faced.
“Oh my god. None of this is real, it’s a kids' book,” Hopper argued.
Dustin argued back, “No, it’s a manual. It’s not for kids. And unless you know something that we don’t, this is the best metaphor-”
“Analogy,” Lucas interrupted.
“Analogy?” Dustin huffed, “That’s what you’re worried about?”
Everyone silently watched the scene, “Fine. An analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is.” Dustin flapped his hands about.
“Okay,” Nancy interrupted Dustin, “so this mind flamer thing-”
“Flayer,” you corrected the same time Dustin also fixed, “Mind Flayer.”
She just sighed and looked down at the manual, “what does it want?” Her question was directed at Dustin.
“To conquer us, basically. It believes it’s the master race.”
“Like the- the Germans?” Steve stammered.
A hand flew to your face, ‘oh god’
“Uh, the Nazis?” Dustin corrected him.
You could hear the embarrassment in Steve’s response, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, the- the Nazis.”
“Uh…If the Nazis were from another dimension, totally.” Dustin allowed. “Uh, it views other races, like us, as inferior to itself.”
“It wasn’t to spread, take over other dimensions,” Mike added.
Now Lucas spoke, “We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it.”
“That’s great. That’s great. That’s really great. Jesus!” Steve was frazzled.
He walked away from the crowded table and joined you in the back, he copied your posture and hand rubbing at his temples. His hand digging into the counter, and his pinky brushing against yours. It causes an involuntary shiver to race up your spine, a breathy exhale in response. A glance at the table your eyes met Jonathan’s, his brows raised at your duo. A jerk of your head as your response to him, you looked away and tuned in back to Steve’s presence. A kick of your sneaker against Steve’s foot pulled his attention onto you.
“Are you okay?” You tried to convey the message with only your eyes and furrowed brows.
The hand that rested against his temple ran through his hair, and he bit his bottom lip with a sigh. That was your answer, he was frustrated but he was fine.
“We kill everything it controls,” caught your attention.
“We win.” “Theoretically.”
“Great,” Hopper tugged the manual out of Nancy’s hold, his patience waning. “So, how do we kill this thing? Shoot it with Fireballs or something?”
Dustin chuckles at that, “No. No, no fire- no fireballs. Uh, you summon an undead army, uh, because…” You saw the deadly look being thrown at Dustin, “...because zombies, you- you know, they don’t- they don’t have brains, and the mind flayer, it…it…It likes brains.” Dustin stammered through.
“What the hell are we doing here?” Hopper slammed the book down, he was over it.
“I thought we were waiting for your military backup.” Dustin retorted.
“We are!” Hopper yelled, you flinched a little.
“How are they gonna stop this?” Mike demanded. “You can’t just shoot this with guns.”
“You don’t know that! We don’t know anything!” Hopper fought back.
“We know it’s already killed everybody in that lab.” A flash of Bob crossed your eyes at Mike’s statement. Your fingers curled deeper into the cool countertop, the edge digging into your palms.
“We know the monsters are gonna molt again,” Lucas added.
“We know that it’s only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town,” Dustin spoke.
You were so tired of this already and you haven’t even reached the final fight.
“They’re right,” Joyce’s soft voice entered the room. 
Everyone turned their eyes on her, you stepped away from the counter and made your way to her figure in the hallway, “we have to kill it,” her voice was like broken glass. 
You could see the tension that was held in her shoulders, and how her hair was a bit unkept. You threw an arm over her shoulders and pulled her into a side hug, wanting to comfort her at this moment.
“I want to kill it.”
Hopper walked forward, “me too,” his voice was quieter now. “Me too, Joyce, okay? But how do we do that?”
Joyce sighed at Hopper, making sense of his logic.
“We don’t exactly know what we’re dealing with here.”
“No.” Mike’s squeaky voice spoke, “but he does.” And you already know who he’s talking about.
You watched Mike leave the kitchen and entered the living room, his eyes set on Will’s unconscious body.
“If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it’s Will. He’s connected to it. He’ll know its weakness.”
Max questioned his logic, “I thought we couldn’t trust him anymore? That he’s a spy for the mind flayer now?”
Everyone was now out of the kitchen and on the threshold of the destroyed living room, all eyes on Will as he slept.
“Yeah, but he can’t spy if he doesn’t know where he is.” Mike reasoned.
“What does that mean?” Steve asked.
“We need someplace we can blackout, a room that he wouldn’t recognize.” Mike clarified.
“We could… We could use the shed. Clear it out and cover the windows,” you supplied a place.
You and Hopper shared a look before he stormed out of the house, the back door slamming behind him.
Everyone split into groups.
All three Byers stuck together in finding fabric to cover the shed. Dustin and Lucas dug through the trash for something, and Mike and Max were in the kitchen. Nancy and Steve were in the shed once Hopper threw everything out.
Once everyone got what they were assigned or looking for, your groups met at the shed and went to work in making sure the shed wasn’t recognized by Will or the mind flayer. Every inch of space was covered in blankets, old carpet, and whatever was available and held together with duct tape and staples. A chair was set up for Will once Jonathan grabbed him from the house.
Everyone except you, Jonathan, Hopper, Joyce, and Mike went inside. The kids seemed hesitant but knew there were already enough people in the shed, not wanting to cause any alarm. Nancy and Jonathan let their hands graze across each other before parting ways. You watched them with broken eyes, then looked away catching Steve’s eyes before he turned away and left.
Now it was just the final touches before Will could be awoken. You tied him in white cording, you hated every second. Every twist tighter around his wrist, tying his ankles together, his torso being trapped against the taped chair. Mike set up a light that would shine directly onto his face, keeping everything and everyone hidden in the shadows.
“All right, you ready?” Hopper quietly asked Joyce.
“Yeah,” she sounded both hesitant but assured in her decision.
Hopper looked at you and Jonathan, you gave a nod of your head as his confirmation. He walked toward Will with a bottle of house cleaner in his grasp. He squared down and dosed a cotton ball in the strong smell and held it under Will’s nose.
After a second, Will’s head jerks up, his eyes blown wide. He looked everywhere, trying to decipher what was happening or where he was. He was struggling against the cording, his breathing ragged.
He didn’t look like Will. He has paled significantly, like a cold has taken hold of him and it hasn’t broken anytime since. His skin was coated in a thin layer of sweat, strands of hair sticking to his forehead.
“What? What? What is this?” He grunts against the restraints.
“What is this? Why am I tied up?” No one spoke.
Joyce walked forward, she lowered herself to his height, “Will, we just wanna talk to you. We’re not gonna hurt you.”
He ignored her, “Where am I?”
Hopper joined them, he held the mind flayer drawing Will made a few days ago, “You recognize this?”
Will didn’t answer, “Do you recognize this?” Hopper pressed. Will shook his head no.
“Hey,” Joyce cooed. “We wanna help you. But to do that, we have to understand how to kill it.”
Will got hostile, “Why am I tied up?” He yelled in her face. “Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up? Why am I tied up?” He kept repeating.
You had to cover your ears, and just mumble the alphabet to yourself, a panic attack rising. Will continued his yelling, this thrashing in Hopper’s hold. The lights start to flicker, and Will’s voice gets twisted and distorted at times. You had to shrink further into an already small space, this wasn’t about you with a tiny panic attack, this was about Will who was possessed.
He soon started to slow down, his words getting quieter and his body slouching forward. Hopper released his hold on Will and Joyce moved from her crouched position to a chair sitting directly in front of Will. His breathing was ragged, it was the only thing filling the room, other than your murmurs.
“Do you know what March twenty-second is?”
Will didn’t answer, his gaze blanked.
“It’s your birthday, your birthday. When you turned eight, I gave you that huge box of crayons. Do you remember that?”
He was so excited at the sight of getting to have every color in existence. Blabbering off different ideas he was gonna create.
“One hundred and twenty colors. And all your friends, they got you Star Wars toys, but all you wanted to do was draw with your new colors. And you drew this big spaceship, but it wasn’t from a movie. It was- it was your spaceship. A rainbow spaceship is what you called it, you must have used every color in the box.”
She continued to talk about the memory, how she brought the drawing to work, and showed it off proudly to everyone who entered the store. Will just watch, just breathing and saying nothing.
“Do you…Do you remember the day dad left?” Jonathan stuttered.
Will now face him. Jonathan walked closer, moving beside Joyce.
“We stayed up all night building Castle Byers…the three of us, building it the exact way you drew it. And it took so long because you were so bad at hammering.”
A choked laugh escaped you, a delightful moment in a bad memory. He missed the nail every time.
“And then it started raining, but we stayed out there anyway. We were all sick for like a week after that, (Y/n) about two. But we just had to finish it, didn’t we? We just had to.”
Then Mike spoke to Will, talking about the first day they met. On the first day of kindergarten, both of them were alone and scared. How Will said yes to Mike being his friend. You remember Will coming home that day and animatedly talking about how he made a friend, a giant smile painted on his face, you were so proud of him.
“Will, baby…if you’re in there, just please…please talk to us,” Joyce begged. “Please, I love you so much.”
It seemed like he was about to respond to Joyce, give everyone the confirmation, but he didn’t, “Let me go,” was all you got.
Everyone sighed, you weren’t getting through with Will. Suddenly Hopper wrapped a blindfold around Will’s eyes and ears. You were perplexed, but he only crooked a finger at the four of you and walked to the door. Everyone left with Hopper just behind. You waited for Hopper, but he continued forward, walking back to the house. Hopper rushed in and hastily grabbed a notepad and a pen, sitting at the table, and began to write something.
You stuck to the back of the kitchen again, still shaken up from Will’s repetitive screaming. It brought back bad memories and started to trigger something in your mind. Your arms crossed over your chest, the palms running in soothing motions over your biceps. Hopper was talking about morse code, saying Will was talking to them, but you zoned out. You let your mind go blank, the repetitive motions calming you down.
“(Y/n),” the voice sounded garbled like they were underwater.
It was like you were a zombie, with no response and sluggish movements.
A warm, but clammy touch on your cheek made you flinch from your head and come tumbling back into reality. You leaned back, the hand dropping from your face. You were perplexed at the sight of Steve standing so close to you, his back turned to the others, only focused on you.
“Sorry. I just- Jonathan said you had a- a panic attack…in the shed, earlier. You were kinda out of it when you came back.”
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” He said every word in a whisper, a message only for your ears.
You didn’t trust your vocal cords to form words, so you nodded your head instead. The conservation and moment was over when Jonathan walked to the door with his boombox in hand. That was your cue to head back to the shed with your group.
So, with a final look at Steve, you left the house and hurried behind Jonathan, trying to get up to speed on the new plan.
So, the new plan was pretty simple.
The four of you would take turns with Will, each of you shares a memory with him, something that held a bit of meaning. A memory that could keep him conscious, allowing him to tap a message in morse code. Which Hopper would relay back to the others through the walkie-hidden behind his back.
Jonathan went first. He placed his mixtape into the cassette player on the boombox, Should I Stay Or Should I Go was playing through the speakers. He talked about the first time he played this song for Will, how Joyce and Lonnie were fighting in the living room and the music drowned them out.
“And it was the first time you got into music. Real music.”
You would disagree with that statement, but now wasn’t the time to argue about your music taste…yours was better.
Mike talked about a campaign they had. Big insects in a sewer and how they were still on level one when they had to defeat them. Mike was throwing out D&D terms and techniques that you didn’t understand, half the words sounding like they came from Star Wars or The Hobbit.
“Then you cast Fog Cloud and saved us. You saved the whole party.” Like he was trying to do right now.
Joyce talked about different times when Will noticed someone needed a friend. Helping a little girl that was crying in the sandbox at the park, giving some boy his Tonka Truck cause he lost his. How he was always caring about people’s well-being before thinking about himself and his own needs.
Finally, it was your turn.
“Will, do you remember that time when we were drawing?” April 1980
Will was home earlier from school this particular day and you stayed home since you weren't feeling good the past few days, but you started to feel better this day. It’s like you could smell the color in the air, finally able to breathe through your nose instead of your open mouth. And you took a shower, your hair was greasy, the skin was sticky from night sweats, and you could barely leave your bed two days ago, but you took the opportunity to shower when your legs didn’t shake from your body weight. 
Walking to the kitchen was when Will entered the house, so happy to see his excited face. It lit up the warmth in your chest. 
“Hey, buddy,” you ruffled his hair as he stood in front of you.
“Are you feeling better? You don’t sound like a cat anymore.” He and Jonathan joked that you were coughing up hairballs. It was hilarious to them, but you couldn’t find any energy to smack them.
“Ha ha. Yes, I feel better. I even showered, but couldn’t clean my sheets… Would you be a doll-”
“Will, come on! Please! I just need you to get them off my bed and throw them into the washer and dryer. I’ll have Jonathan put them back when he’s home.” Your hands clasped against your chest, bottom lip jutted out in an exaggerated pout.
You knew he was gonna do it eventually, even Will knew he was gonna do it, but he was pretending to ponder over the request. Wanting to keep you on edge.
He tapped a theatrical finger on his chin, “hmm. If I do this for you, will you come draw with me?”
You grinned at the request, “I would have done that even if I didn’t ask.”
“Yeah I know, sometimes I just want to hold you hostage.” And he ran off to his room before running to yours, backpack gone. You were taken aback by the phrasing, a giggling slipping.
Once your laundry was in the dryer, you and Will made an artist mess at the kitchen table. Crayons, colored pencils, markers, and blank white paper covered every inch of that small table. Probably should have used the dining table, but it was too late.
You were doing simple designs. Flowers, grassy hills, decent mountains, sometimes just doing simple looping that formed something in the end. You would check in on Will every on and again, he was being very quiet. Every time you tried to lean over and glance at his paper, he would pull back and turn the paper away from your view.
“What are you hiding?” A sly remark.
“Nothing, it’s a surprise.”
“Oh! A surprise, for whom?” You poked fingers into his ribs.
He squirmed away from the offending digits, even moved to the chair across from you. You just grinned at the dedication to art, choosing to not bother him further, and went back to the quiet, only sounds of your breathing and the movement of whatever was in your hand against the paper.
After about two hours of drawing, mostly quiet with the radio playing in the background, you tried to get another look when you got up from the table and went to the bathroom. On your way back you tried to sneak past Will, but you didn’t do a very good job since the only thing in your field of vision was a piece of paper with the words GET BACK written in red crayon.
“Can’t I get a little peek?” You asked when leaving Will’s side and heading back to your chair.
“In a little, I’m not finished,” he murmured.
“Okay.” And you felt him alone again after that.
Jonathan came home an hour later, you immediately asked him to put the clean sheets on your bed. Better to ambush him now than to wait later. He said Joyce would be working a bit late tonight so he was gonna make the three of you dinner.
“Can’t we order out? Just tonight?” You pleaded.
Jonathan huffed, “what is it you want so badly?”
“I really want a Benny’s burger, oh, and a milkshake! Please, Jonathan! I need something cold for my throat.”
Will soon joined in on your pleading, and after a moment Jonathan dropped his head. Bingo. He grabbed his coat, wallet, and keys and headed out the front door, his car engine turning on after a second and his headlights left the living room.
“Always caves,” you chuckled.
You headed to the living room ready to watch a movie in the meantime. You popped the VHS of Grease into the player and waited for it to load the screen.
“(Y/n),” Will’s tiny voice called out.
You turned away from the tv and glanced at the kitchen, Will standing at the end of the hallway with his paper in hand.
You beckoned him forward, a hand dangling over the side, “what’s up?”
“I…I drew this…for you,” he was nervous.
You gently took the paper and held it with both hands in front of you. You scanned over the drawing, a drawing of you. He used crayons to fill the page with color, the box Joyce bought for his birthday this year. Your hair was shaded in, eyes bright with life only Will was capable of capturing in a drawing. A smile adoring your features, apples of your cheeks full.
It wasn’t until you saw a drop of water land on the paper did you realize you had tears in your eyes. Quickly you wiped your face and eyes clean, not wanting to ruin an inch more of the paper.
“I…I love it. Thank you, Will.”
You immediately stood from the couch and grabbed Will into a tight hug, not giving him an inch of space.
“I’m gonna put it in a frame and hang it on my wall,” you mumbled into his hair.
When you finished retelling the memory the house phone suddenly went off, Will’s head snapping at the noise. He was alerted. You panicked, but the phone stopped after the second ring. A sigh of relief was cut short when the phone rang again and then stopped again. You watched as Will’s eyes zoned out then started to close, his eyes zooming behind his lids. 
“Will? Will, can you hear me?” You clasped your hands over his cheeks.
His breathing was heavy, he was panting.
“It knows. It knows where we are,” Hopper crouched beside Will.
Joyce came into view with the filled syringe and plunged it into Will’s upper arm. His head went limp. Everyone stood still for a moment before Hopper, Jonathan, and Mike headed out of the shed, the monsters screeching in the close distance. Jonathan came rushing back inside a minute later.
“They’re coming!”
“What?” You jumped to untie Will, everyone joining in to get the task done quicker.
“Come on. We gotta go.” Hopper commanded.
Once Will was freed Jonathan carried him to the house, and everyone rushed out. Everyone now gathered in the living room, Will’s unconscious body was in his room.
“Get away from the windows, are you guys stupid!” You yelled at Lucas, Max, and Mike.
Hopper was holding two guns and held one out to Jonathan, “Do you know how to use this?”
“Can you use this?” Hopper repeated.
Just as you were about to step forward, Nancy beat you to the punch, “I can.” And Hopper threw her the rifle.
You went for the ax instead, lining up at the front with Nancy and the rifle, Steve and his bat, and Hopper and his gun at the end. The four of you kept an eye on the window and front door, watching and waiting for any movement. The screeching slowly was getting louder, they were getting closer.
“Where are they?” Max asked, but no one had an answer.
It went quiet, too quiet. It made your heart race faster. Then a loud thudding noise to the right of the house made you jump, everyone turning at the noise.
“What are they doing?” Nancy questioned.
There wasn’t any more noise from the dining area, a snarling noise back in the living drew the attention. They were groaning, screeching, rustling the bushes at the front of the house. They were toying with their food.
Then it all abruptly stops and it’s deadly silent again.
You held your breath before one of them crashed through the open window and was thrown across the room. Everyone screams in surprise and terror. All of you waited with bated breath for movement, any moment for it lunges and devours each one of you. But no movement, not even a twitch, it was dead on impact. Hopper trudges forward slowly, every one a step behind.
“Holy shit,” Dustin whispered.
“Is it dead?” Max voiced.
Hopper kept his gun aimed at it, his foot coming into contact with its flowering head. It rolled to the side, it was dead. Everyone’s guard lowered, sighs of relief filling the room. You lowered the ax to the floor, the handle slipping from your grasp. But your heart spiked when you heard the creaking of the front door. Guards were up, guns were pointed. You watched as the locks slowly undid themselves and the door was pushed open.
Your mouth was agape at the sight before you.
Walking through the threshold, there she stood, in all her glory.
El was dressed in a black shirt and oversized blazer with the sleeves rolled up, light denim jeans cuffed at the ankles of her white converses. Her hair was slicked back, you could tell it was longer since the last time you saw her. Her eyes were smudged with coal black shadow and she had a line of blood slowly dripping from her left nostril.
“El?” You voiced what everyone was thinking.
You watched the scene before your very eyes.
Mike and El walk closer to each other before they collapse into a tight embrace. Mike’s head rested on El’s shoulder, his body hunched from the year of growth. El’s hands clinging to Mike’s jacket, her tears rolling down her cheeks.
Mike pulled back, his hands on her upper arms, “I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for-”
“Three hundred fifty-three days. I heard.”
She’s been alive this whole time, for a whole year she’s been alive and in Hawkins.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were there? That you were okay?”
“Because I wouldn’t let her,” Hopper’s voice interrupted.
A rage formed within your heart.
“The hell is this? Where have you been?” “Where have you been?” And Hopper pulled her into a side hug. They were arguing like they’ve…been…
“You knew?” You were irate.
Hopper knew, you’ve told him before, how you wished you stayed at the school. How you blame El’s death on your selfishness, wanting to go with your brother then watch the actual children. You’ve been beating yourself over this for a year, but it was pointless. She’s been alive this whole time and apparently staying with Hopper. “You’ve been hiding her,” Mike was just as furious as you, but his anger came from a different place, “you’ve been hiding her this whole time!” He slammed his fist into Hopper’s back.
“Hey!” Hopper grabbed his shirt, “let’s talk, alone,” and they left the living room before a door closed, shutting them off.
Lucas and Dustin throw their arms around El, her own wrapping over their shoulders.
“We missed you,” Lucas’ voice was muffled.
“I missed you, too,” El confirmed.
It was such a nice sight for once, the kids were happy to see an old face, as were you. You waited to have your moment with Eleven, content with watching them during this peaceful moment.
Suddenly El jutted a hand out and stuck her thumb into Dustin’s mouth, you were taken aback at the action.
“Teeth,” was all she said.
“You have teeth.”
Oh yeah, Dustin grew in his front teeth over the summer. Would not stop showing them off for the first two months. “Oh. You like these pearls?” And he did a bad Chewbacca growl, which is something he also did for a few months at random.
“Eleven?” Max stepped forward, you could tell she was a bit nervous, “Hey. Um, I’m Max.” She held a hand out in greeting, “I heard a lot about you.” But El didn’t shake her hand or even smile at the girl, she just brushed past her and walked towards you.
You wanted to consult Max, but right now you needed to remind yourself El was alive. Her arms wrapped around your waist, her face hiding in the crook of your neck. Your arms over her shoulder pulled her in tightly, your face pressing into her slicked hair.
“I’m so relieved you’re alive,” you hummed in her skin.
You pulled apart, hands resting on her shoulders. A brilliant smile was on her face and you were overjoyed at the sight. A knuckle knocked playfully into her chubby cheeks.
“I love the new look.”
A wet chuckle, “bitchin’.”
“Yeah, it’s bitchin’.”
You wanted to spend more time with her, but knew she wanted to talk with Joyce. And also right now there were more pressing matters at hand, so you freed her with a quick kiss on her hair and watched Joyce embrace her.
With El now with Joyce, you walked to Max and the two boys. Her guard was up, arms protective over her chest, eyes looking everywhere, her shoes scuffing into the wood flooring. You taped a finger on her shoulder drawing her attention to you now.
“She doesn’t mean anything rude, she just wants to see familiar faces.”
Max shrugged her shoulders quickly, “yeah, yeah I- I understand.”
“I’m sure the both of you would be great friends in the near future.”
“It’s not like it was before. It’s grown.” Hopper sighed, “A lot. And, I mean, that’s considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs.”
“Demo-dogs,” Dustin had to clarify.
“I’m sorry, what?” “I said, uh, Demo-dogs. Like Demogorgon and dogs.”
You placed a hand on Dustin’s shoulder, “Now’s, not the time, Dustin. Please.”
“Right, yeah. Sorry,” and he shut his mouth.
“I can do it,” El said to Hopper.
“You’re not hearing me,” Hopper sighed.
“I’m hearing you,” she said firmly, “I can do it.”
“Even if El can,” Mike added, “there’s still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies.”
“I thought that was the whole point,” Max was confused.
“It is, but if we’re really right about this…I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer’s army-”
“Will’s a part of that army,” Lucas mentioned.
“Will could die,” anguish struck your heart.
No one knew what to say. The plan needed to happen, El had to close the gate, but if doing so caused Will to die, you would do anything to forfeit it all. Joyce stood from the table and strode to Will’s room, you followed a step behind with Jonathan on your tail. Soon everyone walked down the hall and went to Will’s room. He was still laying on his sheets, his chest moving up and down to show his breathing, but his body hadn't moved an inch.
“He likes it cold.”
“What?” You weren’t sure you heard Joyce.
“It’s what Will kept saying to me. He likes it cold.” She walked to the open window and shut it closed, “We keep giving it what it wants.”
“If this is a virus, and Will’s the host, then…” Nancy, ever the smart one.
“Then we need to make the host uninhabitable.” Jonathan finished.
“So if he likes it cold…” you stated.
“We need to burn it out of him.” A wrathful tone seeps through Joyce’s sentence.
“We have to do it somewhere he doesn’t know this time.”
“Yeah, somewhere far away,” Mike and Dustin noted.
Everyone tried to think of a place, somewhere we could stache Will without worrying about the mind flayer coming a second time.
“I know where,” Hopper’s deep voice realized.
“Are you coming?”
With Will waiting in Jonathan’s car, Hopper gave Jonathan the directions to his cabin in the woods where Jonathan and Joyce would burn out the flayer from Will and once that was done, radio Hopper and El would close the gate. Ending all of this for good. But when Jonathan asked if you were joining the two of them, you hesitated.
You wanted to be there for Will, so badly, but you knew you weren’t needed there. With the other three kids staying behind, you were learning from last time and staying with the kids. If something were to go wrong, you would be there to protect them from anything, even if it were to kill you.
“I’m, uh, I’m- I’m gonna stay here. You won’t need me anyway.”
“Are- Are you sure?” You heard the wariness in his voice.
“Yeah. I’ve always been the best babysitter,” you joked, trying to loosen the tension.
So, with a ‘see you later’ hug from Jonathan and an ‘I love you so much hug’ from Joyce, you headed back inside the house. The kids were waiting in the living room, the boys saying their goodbyes to El, making her promise to come back, “for real this time,” Lucas emphasized.
You made a detour into the kitchen, getting a drink, or just mindlessly walking around your house when you saw light from the backyard. Stepping closer to the sink and peering out the window, you saw Nancy and Steve standing beside each other. The two of them looked through the pile of stuff Hopper threw out of the shed earlier, looking for heaters, or anything for extra warmth. You couldn’t tell what they were talking about, and the dark distance didn’t allow you to gaze at their faces. They just stood in front of each other for a minute, maybe even two, before Steve walked away and back to the house.
You made haste to get away from the window, not wanting Steve to know you were spying on, what seemed like an intimate moment between the two. As you were making your exit from the kitchen, the back door opened telling you Steve was back. And if that wasn’t enough, his voice calling your name stopped you dead in your tracks. You spun around to face him, curiosity openly displayed on his face.
“Hey, uh, are you…are you going to Hopper’s cabin?” Then he backtracked his question before you could answer, “That’s dumb, of course, you are, he’s your-”
“Actually, I decided to stay behind,” your answer stopped his ramble.
His head tilted, a confused puppy came to mind, “oh. I just…I just thought since…”
“I know. I just…I just thought you guys would need me more.” A shrug of shoulders, “I can put up quite the fight when I’m not panicked.”
A laugh was shared between the both of you.
taglist: @heartyhope / @preciousbabypeter / @dessxoxsworld / @piper3113 / @animiacorn​ / @burn1ngw00d​ / @drxwstxrkxy​ / @m-rae23​ / @noisyeggsmoneystatesman​ / @yournan69​ / @thats-s0-ravenn​ / @ameliabs-world​ / @mayonesavegana​ / @gracella0709​ / @gengen64​ / @alecmores​ / @choclate32 / @stvrdustalexx​ / @redheadedfangirl​ / @agustdeeyaa​ / @yappydoo​ / @liberhoe​ / @hehehehannahthings / @ladybug0095 / @sweeter-innocence-fics / @j-6o / @voteforevilthoughts /
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ebonybow · 8 months
oh so we can choose which blog to reply to posts from now but im still sending asks from my stupid dead blog. anyway sex pollen scargrian 👀👀👀👀👀👀 if u dont mind
Augh I KNOW pls Tumblr, catch up!!!
I have a whole bunch of this sex pollen written but it's mostly from the start of this year, and it needs some major rewriting because I feel like I didn't have a proper grasp on their voices yet. Premise: Grian falls into a weird spore blossom cave and comes home feeling unwell, and Scar checks in on him a few times, clueless as the sex pollen fever progresses.
Sex Pollen:
Grian’s various pieces of armor are scattered in the hall outside the bathroom, as though he’d flung himself into the shower or bath the moment that Scar had left the night before, though his elytra are neatly hung in their usual spot near the door.
And then, he finds Grian in bed in his room, tucked into the back of the base, bare shoulders peaking out from beneath his bedsheets. The air is stuffy back there, almost muggy with the windows closed, and Grian is asleep face-first in his pillow.
So Scar does the most sensible thing and checks if he’s still breathing, leaning in close.
“Scar,” Grian startles awake and Scar lets out a hoot of surprise, stumbling backward to avoid being headbutted. “Why? What are you doing here? Why?”
Grian's voice is rough with sleep and confusion as he clears his throat, blearily pushing himself into a more upright position in his bed.
“Checking you’re alive,” Scar intones, as cooly and matter of factly as he can. He’s definitely not distracted by just how shirtless Grian is, as he – seemingly self-conscious – gathers his sheets and pulls them close around his torso. 
Grian is– small is the wrong word, despite the height difference. Grian is strong. You don’t haul blocks around for hours on end every day without building some muscle. 
“It’s morning?”
“It’s morning. Your bedhead is adorable.” That’s a normal Scar Thing to say, right? “Anyway, you’re breathing, so. My job here is done.”
Grian's gaze visibly softens again at Scar's flustering, and he slouches back a little bit in the bed.
"No, sorry. Sorry. I'm glad you're here," he says, and it sounds like an admission. He's still so very pink-cheeked, a reflection of the night before, but now Scar can see that it goes all the way down his chest between his pecs. He looks warm. Hot. "I'm glad you checked in on me."
It's like watching glass fog over, the way Grian's eyes cloud, suddenly hazy. He licks his lips.
"You got any water on you?"
"Well sure," Scar says, slipping his pack off his shoulder to rummage through. "Have you eaten? I have, ooh, I brought an apple."
"You brought snacks?" Grian asks, sounding somehow weaker this time, eyes wide and glossy as he looks up at Scar, accepting a bottle of water from him.
"Of course," Scar smiles, and sets an apple down on Grian's nightstand, and a small tub with some watermelon. "Who else is gonna take care of you?"
Grian suddenly makes a strange and very un-Grian noise, like a choked-off whimper, lips parting on an inhale before he bites down on his lip. Of course Scar is staring at his mouth now. Of course he is.
"Uh huh," Grian says, suddenly intent. "Scar, I need you to fuck me."
Had Scar been looking anywhere but Grian's mouth, he may have thought he misheard. Except, he literally sees the words come out of Grian's mouth.
"You- huh. You want me to check that fever?" He says, moving to get up off the bed as Grian's hand shoots out to stop him. "I might have a thermometer back at my place."
"No, Scar, listen."
"You are clearly delirious."
"I'm not. I mean I am, probably, but listen."
It's not hard to break free from Grian's grasp, and Scar takes a step back to catch his breath. The room is stiflingly warm, even more apparent now than before.
"You- you want to take care of me right?" Grian  rises to his knees just to get closer to Scar again, clutching his bedsheets close over his lap to at least preserve some dignity, Scar assumes.
"Of course," Scar says, but it comes out weaker than he'd appreciate. The words have an entirely new meaning now but his answer is still the same.
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bluiex · 11 months
i put it in google docs to check the word count it’s a bit over 1000 words so that’s fun, but without further ado, i present:
funny things i have read in smut:
“Then he hit the bundle of nerves that fanfic readers are all too familiar with.”
“Luckily he is also a slippery motherfucker.”
“inexperienced in the art of giving giant people hand jobs.”
“Getting cock blocked my a church!”
“I’m not a food (name)”
“unsure why (name) was treating him like he was at the dentist”
“Also when they arrived (name) threw a plushie at them, hitting (name) square in the face.”
“I-uh I wh-uhm I”
“Breed! Breed! Breed! Mate! Mate! Mate!”
“(name) smiled “sure just don’t kill me””
“(name) would probably just scold them and then offer some advice and (name) would probably just laugh and offer to punch (name)’s stomach or some bullshit. “
“She then sauntered her way back to the over-eager man laying in an idiotic position on the bed, probably trying to be mock-seductive.”
“"What? Don't you like what you see?"”
“he let out a shaky breath and stood up straight(gay)”
“(name) finds out where all the missing orphans went, and no, it’s not Technoblade.”
“(very unimaginative for a nonhuman, what were his parents thinking?)”
“it was at that moment that (name) had internally asked himself three questions: am I really considering sex with a dragon? Is this really what my life has come to? Dragon fucking?”
“" Sorry gang I have to take the fattest piss in the whole year."”
“"I just don't think you are gonna be screaming pickles in the middle of fucking-"”
“Angry at (name) for even having the audacity to be alive and breathing.”
““Look, I’m your chambermaid not your chambertherapist,””
““I saw a man purchasing cocaine from another man.” He mentioned offhandedly.”
“"Fuck you" he responded, lowering himself to lay on the monsters chest and stomach.
'That's what your doing'”
“Author: Am eating cucumber”
“(name” smirked with delight, reaching down to poke at his cloaca”
“he got so many new experiences (yes, even beans on toast)”
“”did you just.. call me dude in a romantic way?”
““Were you expecting me to say ‘it’s dishonourable to attack when not ready!’?””
“(names) hands are shaking so much that he might actually shoot one of them in the foot. Which would seriously kill the mood.”
“Is he not also deserving of being a sexy pirate with huge tits?”
“He doesn’t know what he’ll do if (name) pulls away and starts talking again. Cry, probably.”
“sorry i was possessed by an evil spirit called homosexuality writing this”
“im normal *paces around my cage*”
“i need to fuck this himbo.”
“am I saying that gay sex is the solution to relationship problems? Absolutel- *dies*”
“and precisely nothing changes between Pearl and Scott.”
“the real fantasy here is having a shower that's big enough for more than one person lmao”
“not like he was thinking of boneing (name) or (name) anytime soon.”
“(name) has eaten (name) out (wow that's really a sentence I just typed)”
“Tea anon *shakes you like a maraca*”
“because holy hell (name) has got to have some absolutely incredible thighs”
“I know that we all universally agree that (name) has the biggest dick on the server”
“I just think they should fuck and it would solve all their problems. Or make them worse, but at least they’d have fucked <3”
““tiddies plz? May I have a face full of them?””
“(especially after he's been fucked into the next century by her-)”
“When he is satisfyied and (name) is a right mess and a little hard- (name) just leaves lmao”
“You have my utmost respect and love person who suggested it I will give you a handshake”
“Hi I have a headache the size of Texas but that doesn’t stop the Headcanons from plaguing me like visions.”
“(name) just walkin around butt ass naked, dick out :sobs: /pos”
“getting the fucked and bred into the next century-“
“"he's a fucking dumbass jesus christ i want to bear his children"”
“(name) lingered, because he was a simple man, and couldn’t turn down a chance to look at (name)’s ass. In his defence, it was not a bad choice. Man.”
“Not that burying his face in (name)’s tits was a bad time,”
“(name) slurred out a grumbling complaint, so far from any word that (name) was almost impressed.”
“(name), I am going to set you on fire, please.”
“(name) raised his eyebrows at (name)’ choice to not wear underwear. The man was truly feral sometimes.”
“This goes even harder (hehe)”
“Why do school work when imaginary men can fuck in our heads *gets run over*”
“Unfortunately, it covered all of (name)’s actual ass,”
“his eyes relaxing and focusing in on the much nicer view of (name)’s chest.”
““Are you saying that to me, or my boobs?””
“little panting sounds as he tried to remember how to breathe.”
“He needed to scream into a pillow, like, now. And then do other things with that pillow”
“She could talk to him however the fuck she wanted after riding him like that.”
“And my god if anyone saw his back they'd think he got attacked by a bear or something “
“(name)’s sense of time is a little – hah! – fucked right now.”
“resisted that dang mouth”
“(name) has two tits!”
“a worker is giving him a weird look for clearly having boner while staring at some bell peppers.”
“He really was a friend shaped nugget”
““If it's not a booty call I'm not interested,” “
“(name) bussy canonically has the power to unlock peoples closeted inner fruit”
“the glass was so fragile that gay sex was enough to shatter it”
“just waiting for (name) to calm down. (name) also waits for (name) to calm down.”
“and enjoy the ride””
“nor does (name) actually get off on being commanded to fuck. (well, he might. i've never asked.)”
““I’m at a vulnerable time in my species transition and you’re making sex slave jokes?””
““Well, stop being horny for five seconds and let me finish explaining.””
“Gotta have a weird gay thing going with at least one of your friends at all times.””
““Oh no, your dick is broken! I’m prescribing you blow jobs~””
“trying to look calm and collected. like a cucumber.”
“giving it the sloppiest toppy he could in his state.”
“Breed! Breed! Breed! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I felt that. LOL
““Are you saying that to me, or my boobs?”” FAVE FAVE FAVE
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degreeofdisorder · 3 months
young royals s3e5 episode reaction:
well I really hope the cliffhanger isn't horrifying bc this week is gonna be really fucking long
let's fuckin do this
"tired" and it's just him contending w the fact that erik might have been violently homophobic
i can excuse [rolls down a 6ft long papyrus] but I draw the line at being racist - august, probably
"family" LMFAO sure dumbass
seriously those girls are acting like sara and felice broke up (and I get it, friendship breakups are horrifying but damn)
I feel like micke is gonna die. idk.
his own letter? why?
oh. hello ludwig. i forgot what your voice sounded like.
"it's hard for her to show weakness" yeah well so it is for all of us. be a mother. show up for your son.
naaaaaaaaaaa volvete serio ludwig
wdym he was perfect. are you serious. do no adults in this show have the slightest bit of common sense?? you're talking to erik's spare my man. erik's little brother who now has to take on everything erik had to do. be the most fuckin for real rn
of fucking COURSE
"it'll be nice to celebrate you. and to meet simon too" ok that was sweet.
yeah wille being in the choir was starting to feel too weird skfjdkfjd
okay? calm your tits my man? simon hasn't said anything?
oooooookay kristina jr.
ohhhh it was sara's locker. ok.
oh micke is dead isn't he
also is this the writers acknowledging the nonbinary wille headcanons bc.......
I can't believe wille likes doing his nails. that's so fuckin nonbinary of him.
god I wish micke had been dead. that is SO much worse.
pls don't get into a car crash sara
linda honey no. it doesn't fit him perfectly it's goddamn huge on him.
love shouldn't be this hard I agree linda
oh fuck me
oh her little face sara no
oh sara is breaking my goddamn heart
wilhelm, why do you have nail polish remover in your room
omg malin was willing to be bribed. back to fanon malin we go (after the shit show that was season 2)
okay this is killing me inside. this is too much.
simon's FACE im
I know he must have felt disgusting sjfkdjfk
after pretty much 3 years of a polar opposite fanon interpretation I cannot *believe* I'm witnessing kristina and ludwig being genuinely happy about meeting simon. this is so insane
august are you staring at sara's boobs
oh a rolex
I missed sara and felice I'm ngl. I love my tiny baby girls
oh kristina is about to throw up isn't she lmfao
ludwig is being weirdly nice. this is so strange.
ludwig and simon chatting away while kristina is about to choke and die
hold on. IS kristina gonna die?
even during wille's birthday they can't stop yapping about erik. my god do royals genuinely only care about their firstborn? god
class bad boy slfjdlgj I think they had to have done that on purpose. I mean vincent didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of giving him another award. I can assure you.
august is such a *sad* character oh my god
oh of course she kissed him.
"please don't leave me alone with your parents like that again" honestly wille they could've eaten him alive
my god wilhelm you're being SO NASTY
oh ldkgldjgldjfldjffl
I can ASSURE YOU during my s2 liveblogging at one point I basically wrote "[points at ludwig] AND YOU" bc i was so fucking done with his bullshit skrjdlrkdlrkld
to hear wille going AND *YOU* is fucking sending me help
me rn:
Tumblr media
my god this is the most cathartic shit I've seen in my life
I knew the cliffhanger was gonna be that
but I didn't expect them to cry like that nor did I expect ME to cry like that
bro I'm sobbing I can't wait another week
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curltee · 8 months
(my bros commentary while watching THC1 )
"Are those his dogs? Hes crying cuz its badly photoshopped"
"Crying while carrying a whole ass gun"
"Bitch thats the point of a present"
"Whats this suspicious nightclub theyre going to."
"Does she know how phones work?
"Shes the dumb bitch in this group"
"Straight up, the drama team needs to learn how to take phone calls like he does. Fake phone calls"
"Um whys he looking like that when he injects her?"
"The sexual tension of this scene right now...wild. Pls tell me rn that this is secretly a torture porn???"
"Ofcourse hes gonna take it personally you twig"
"He can be a gardener"
"What a gentlemen, he even carries him"
"Dang he got a screamer here. And i thought those two girls were bad enough"
"Im sorry i just cant get over the shape of his fucking head"
"Hes like attractive, but in a creepy way"
"jenny gives me the mom come pick me up im scared deal"
"Can we appreciate that he has the decency to not hit the women. Yeah straight up he just awakens them so calmly. with the girls its like "hi besutiful goodmorning!" Then just fucking smack the guy on the face
"Id rather let him wake me up by smacking me than creepily stroke my hair like that"
"Why not hit that glass with your butt?"
"Why is he apologizing for not shooting her?"
"Oh my god shes really is the dumbest bitch alive. I thought jenny was but no"
"Fuck both jenny and the asian dude bitch runnn"
I could watch somebodys head cut off but not a butt removal"
"Okay but why the guy who screams alot placed at the front ???"
"Dang should have put jenny at the front to get a head action. unless hes into dudes"
"Do you think he has sex with it? If so which end would he prefer more? Or do you think he sees it as innocent but creepy way? Like this is my centipede child i love you"
"If he gives them painkillers does he only have the choose one but triple the amount of painkillers?"
Poor girls, one is literally eating her friends ass...forever"
"Okay so..nazi european madman. kamikaze shithole..What racial slur would be next"
"His chicken noise reminds me of squilliam"
"Is he dying? Oh shitting my bad."
"Did he atleast take their tongues out? or do they taste everything? Thats jsut nasty "
"These dudes are definitly not trained to be cops. They just claimed they are on a random day "
"Why do they dressed like our uncles?"
"Out of all stairs why the spiral ones"
"A wild human centipede 🎶 got chased by a doctor 🎶 will the centipede make it🎶 or get eaten alive 🎶 find out in our next episode of planet earth"
"Oh yeah hes licking it. thats gross"
"He really just crawled themselves into a room with no plan. its going good so far"
"So did she just assume the glass was still broken. Does she have no concept of time. Probably not "
"The amount of grunts they had to record for this"
"Thats a deep cut"
*Heiter got shot* "Thats satisfying"
"Annnnd shes dead. or passed out atleast. Oh no shes really dead"
"I swear they hold eachothers hands very much"
"Oh they shot this scene really well. Like the angle and everything. Props to her can translate dread into her eyes. This is makes me sad."
"Imagine being in the middle and your counterparts are fucking dead. Thats gonna be her motto is she survives this"
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