#this is the greatest thing I've ever made truly I peaked here
lizzstitch · 1 year
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꩜ Black Leg Sanji ꩜
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popculturebuffet · 9 months
Mutant Month: The Marvel Super Heroes: Dr. Doom's Day!: Hawkeye is an X-Man Now (Patreon Review for Emma Fici)
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Hello all you happy muties and welcome one and all, wether you fly, shoot rays out of your eyes, make pasta in your nose or your heart can shoot an all inspiring ray that teaches people how to truly love themselves and then explodes them inside out, all are welcome for a celebration of 60 years of the strangest heroes of all, the outlaws, protectors of those who hate and fear them, those undergoing a fall, the uncanny, astonishing, amazing, dark, immortal, red, blue, gold, black, and green, the
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As I haven't remotely hid on this blog but will repeat for newcomers, I love the x-men. Their my faviorite superhero team and are easily my faviorite franchise in comics, with spinoffs from New Mutants, to X-Factor to X-Men red all ranking among my faviorite comics ever. I love these characters dearly and haven't covered them nearly enough on here so I decided to celebrate the 65th anniversary with mutant month... and while we're a few months late due to moving and such, this month happening was never in doubt and wills tand as a yearly celebration of all things x.
So to kick this off we've got an odd little note in x-men history, one I wasn't even aware of till asking my good friend emma what animated apperance of the x-men she'd like to cover.. and finding out their first wasn't on spider-man and their amazing friends like i'd thought but much earlier, on a show known for awesome theme songs, shoddy animation and not much else. Yes folks before costarring in the friendly neighborhood, before all the 90's tastic spandex, before 2000s teenage angst and awesomeness, and before the last gasp till a revivial of said 90s spandex, the strangest heroes of all became the allies for peace and teamed up with one of the first mutants to combat the greatest evil the world had ever known on a barely animated marvel cartoon. Also hawkeye was there. So join me under the cut if i've peaked your intrest as we inter the limitedly animated world of the sub mariner and his allies for peace on the marvel super heroes!
The Marvel Super Heroes wasn't just the first animated apperance of the x-men, but the first marvel animated series PERIOD. Create din 1966 and running for 65 episodes (with each episode having three chapters to it but seeming to tell a complete story). The series was made on a budget somewhere BELLOW a paperclip and a piece of string, a singular bottle cap. They simply scanned the actual comics, barely aniamted them, added some effects and for lip movements used Syncro Vox. For those unfamiliar with it Synchro Vox was a super cheap effect where they cut out the characters mouths and had real human mouths recite the words. And if you say "Well jee whiz jake that sounds like a styigan nightmare from the deepest depths of my subconcious" then your right on the money. There's a reason it didn't outlast the 60s.
As you can imagine this .. looks pretty bad and it's better ot just read the actual comics. The actors TRY, they do, but static, barely perserved images on a screen just can't match the panel work in the original jack kirby art. Congradulations Marvel Super HEroes, you found a way to somehow make JACK KIRBY ART not work. I hope your proud.
It's only lasting impacts are , and i'm completely convinced of this, serving as the inspriation for this incredibles short
At first I thought it was cheap animation in general but knowing now this cartoon uses synchro vox and seeing this cartoon again.. yeah. Good on you crew for doing such an incredibly deep cut and making it work on it's own.
The other is the theme songs. The theme songs for the most part slap.
YOu'll also recognize the Iron Man theme song as they used a jazzy instuermental in his film. And given it's the best of the bunch it's easy to say.
There's two themes missing from this. The first is the shows theme itself. Which is... a lot.
I mean they did get namor down pretty down pat.
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So kudos. Speaking of Namor his absence from that montage kinda speaks to him as a whole. As doe shis theme being a bit.. less than the others
It's not bad, but you get they just didn't quite have Imperius Sex Machine as defined as the other 4. Captain America at the time was a man of action, who fought for the people and was a symbol of all of america has to offer. Iron Man was a playboy who kept people at a distance. Thor is a god full of the majesty and wonder that brings, and Hulk.. well okay Hulk's theme is just goofy but damn if it isn't fun and still gets the point across. But namors is "Look at him ain't he powerful. He rules a kingdom. So for those less familiar with the prince of the deep who might of missed wakanda forever, a quick recap: Namor started as a golden age super hero, one of Timely, the future marvel comics, first, and one of the big three of his day with the human torch, a diffrent one than the one who'd later flame on with the fantastic four, and Captain America. LIke most timely heroes he vanished to the sands of time for a while. So cue the Fantastic Four and the true birth of the marvel universe. And since Marvel coudln't just let their bigger names of days past simply lie around, they put the human torch moniker on our boy johnny storm. And once the fantastic four proved to be the hit they were, they decided to bring him back via this book to test the waters.
It's a clever return too: Naturally the person to bring namor back is Johnny Storm, the new human torch and spirtual successor to the original who Namor famously battled in the golden age. Johnny was a teen at the time and ran away from home eventually ending up at a homeless shelter.. and finding NAMOR. Turns out since wwII (an increasing gap but unlike most in comics one that dosen't need to be handwaved as Namor is immortal), namor lost his memory and grew a beard. Johnny uses his power to burn it off
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And unable to convince namor he's a freaky fish guy dunks him in the bay. The good news is this brings Namor back. The bad news.. is this brings namor back, who sees his kingdom in ruins and wages war with the surface. The four are able to mostly repel him, and Namor ends up taking a liking to JOhnny's sister Sue. These became his primary character traits: wanting to lash out at the surface, and wanting to nail Reed Richards girlfriend and later wife. Seriously just a few years later the guy buys AN ENTIRE FILM STUDIO when he hears Reed's gone bankrupt simply to try and win her over. As other books sprouted up he'd appear in them, mostly to punch the hero or be courted by various supervillians to team up with them as he was the hottest guy in prom. And that's where the decision to make HIM the 5th pillar of this show really makes me tilt my head. Namor isn't a TERRIBLE character. He's not one I like a lot, but it's simply because outside of his stint with the x-men, where both Matt Fraction and especially Kireon Gilleon really nailed him down: arrogant, but not without honor, powerfula s hell and knows it and while certainly willing to go after someones partner does so because he senses a lack of passion. Dosen't make it okay. Also as seen above it shows his tastes are wide, varied and awesome.
The problem is most of the time he's just an angry fish man with a pretty standard power set and a fairly boring kingdom. Wakanda forever completely redesigning it really helped the MCU version.
But just thinking of the remaining superhero books they could use while fantastic fours rights were elsewhere, as were spideys, they still had ant-man and the x-men. (The avengers were around but were largely saved to adapt in cap and iron man's shorts). I get it to a point: Ant Man had recently been canceled and X-Men.. weren't exactly a hit.
See the early x-men adventures.. aren't great. Their not terrible, there's some good ones as i've read them, and it's not exactly a big secret in the x-men fandom or marvel fandom as a whole that while the CONCEPT for the x-men was great: a new evolution of mankind with powers, that next step being largely teens and young adults struggling to control them.. but Stan Lee and Jack Kirby had no idea what to do with this. Stan 100% created the concept of mutants so he wouldn't have to make up an origin for every superpowered villian or hero. You can only use good ole radation so many times before people catch on and Thor, Cap and Iron Man all had super unique origins that coudln't easily be replicated. The most they could do thor wise is bring in another god from another mytholgy with herc.
But it was at it's core just weaker versions of the kinds of stories he told elsewhere and fell HEAVILY into
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Ant Man baffles me as while yes, his book was canceled.. they still had a WHOLE series to mine stories from with interesting visuals. He was still an avenger and he and jan played off each other decently when it didn't fall into Smilin Stan really not knowing how to write women.
SO I KINDA get it as Namor was more the default.. but it still felt like a weird choice given they didn't have mcuh to work with where he wasn't the villian and actively seemed to refuse to adapt any story where he was. IT was just an odd choice to pick someone who at the time was mostly an outright villian and most of whose character arc from that was in books they woudln't use.
So when you have to use WHATEVER you can, what do you do? Well if your this show.. you do something profoundly bonkers and hilarious.
The Actual Episode:
So.. this episode is a mighty marvel frankenstien's monster.
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NO not him. He wasn't around yet. NO this episode is clumisly stitched together from two diffrent ff issues. Fantastic Four #6 and Fantastic Four Annual #4
The first makes sense as it features Namor teaming up with one of marvel's best villians who they apparently could use in both shows: Doctor Doom. They simply had to replace who his nemesis were. And that of course is where our futuraly uncanny x-men come in, simply slapped into the baxter building and given the ff's reputation and relationship fighting doom. Oddly they woudln't actually fight doom during the 60's like everyone else. Eventually though he did leading to this awesome cover
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Granted FF writer at the time John Byrne didn't like the story because Doom was tricked by X-Men enemy and my boy arcade and tried to retcon it but that's a story for another day.
Point is the X-Men hadn't fought doom.. but given they were more generic superheroes at the time having them step into the ff's roll actually makes a lot of sense. And they even had some panels they could use from the x-mens series of them battling namor.
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Yeah for some weird reason they decided instead to mash this story.. with FF Annual #4, the wedding of Sue Storm and Reed Richards. An issue that I haven't read but i'm bound to cover eventually for my annual February superhero wedding special
It is famous enough for me to have the gist though: Sue and Reed get married but this being a superhero comic, some action gets thrown in. In this case Dr. Doom decides to gift them EVERY SINGLE AVALIABLE SUPERVILLIAN in the marvel universe. That's not hyperbole. Pretty much every villian who could from street level guys to the big bads like Kang showed up to try and beat the shit out of the ff.. but this being the wedding of two public super heroes, every super hero in the marvel universe short of spidey (who didn't seem to show up, loner that he was). IT comes off at least from a distance as a big old celebration not just of the happy couple but of how much the marvel universe had grown.
As a result though the first half of this episode is just a lot of fighting and feels really disjointed esepcially once the ff #6 adaptation kicks in as there's never really any resolution to the "all the supervillians are given a subconcious signal to fuck with my arch enemy's wedding day. " part of the plot. Or here it's because the X-Men are getting a major award. Which is nice given how their usually treated.. but for some reason here their called "the alliance for peace".
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Look if you had to rename the x-men, and why on earth would you even back then at their weakest, why not the peace patrol, the peace posse, Cyclops and those other 4, the Beast Brigade, the Merry Mutant Marching Society, Not-The Fantastic Four, The Fantastic Five, The Sesnational Six, Uncle Charlie's Funtime House Band, Scotty Dosen't Know, The Teen Angels, The Alps, The Marvels, The Recess Monkeys, Code Yellow, The Mutants, XX-Men, The New Justice Team, Fruit Punch, We Hate you Please Die, Hated and Feared, Diaper Time, Stars and Garters, or Suck it Erik? Did they only have 5 minutes? I did and I came up with all of that, so how.
At any rate the first few minutes is just a lot of fighting. Again they HAVE an issue with namor. I get not wanting ot use all of it: Wanda and Pietro were still in the brotherhood of evil mutants at the time and it was back when Magneto was less "one of the most complex, compelling and awesome characters ever" and more "Dollar Tree Doctor Doom". But you HAVE PANELS OF THESE CHARACTERS FIGHTING NAMOR
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There's also some with beast. So there was more than enough to do that and still use bits from ff #4. Just have doom narrate he's having mole man attack them. Instead once the fighting stops most of the x-men vanish, widdling down to just xavier who, thanks to using the wedding panels, is in his best baby blue prom tuxedo.
Oh and instead of just angel and professor.. we also get the greatest of all x-men, king of kings. Hawkeye. Yes for no reason other than they could crop other characters out easier probably, Hawkeye shows up a lot in the second act and is implictly a member of the defenders of peace. So in this reality, playing Mephisto's Advocate, either Hawkeye's a mutant with super sharp aiming ablities, or Hawkeye came to the X-Men to tie one of them up to prove he could join them instead of the avengers and Xavier was like "Fuck it come on in bud."
The rest of the ep is.. fine. Namor is asked to team with dr doom, then is betrayed by doom. We do get some awesome over the top stuff as Dr. Doom needs to use the grabber to pull the x-baxter building into space. So namor SWATS MEOTRS AWAY then chases Dr. Doom and ethan hawke into space and somehow survivies. IT's the cheesy kind of fun I want
So yeah.. for a first x-men in animatoin apperance this is pretty bad. Their barely featured as a team, Jean hardly gets to do anything, and it's two stories that just don't work together welded together. We have to assume at the end new york just.. burnt to the ground because Dr. Doom left all the other super villians int he world on. Or like the actual story the watcher just said "Fuck this' and ended it. Either way it's a pretty bleh episode and even the weird as hell way the x-men are used dosen't give it much of a recomednation.
Thankfully next up in x-men month we have something a bit more fitting as it's time for one of the greatest x-men stories of all: God Loves, Man Kills. Thanks for reading.
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howldean · 1 year
If you had to choose who would you say your top 5 favorite SPN fan artists are? <3
if i had to choose, i would meet my untimely death by exploding tesla right before answering this post, but alas, god laughs down at me and thus!!! here are a few of my favorite fanartists IN NO PARTICULAR RATING OR ORDER because i could probably list like 30
@/skepticalfrog you live on forever in my heart. he made me birthday art of dean in a lil party hat and it's truly one of the greatest things i've ever seen. i miss him :,)
@naughtystiel LOVE THIS FUCKER RIGHT HERE. spectacular art, very soothing to look at, and just. oof. the shading and the colors and all of it hits the right spot. (plus the best dtiys ever)
@fruitmixtape unrelated to the fact that i am like 13x12 dean levels in love with merv, his art makes me so happy!! i love a destiel kitchen scene and he is THEE ceo of destiel kitchen scenes
@sketchbookdean *SHAKING WITH UNCONTAINABLE EMOTION* i have two of his works as posters and a cas shirt from him, he's a delightful human being, and exceptionally talented. it will make you cry
SPEED ROUND @angelhannah fucking love my floor time shirt, @redwing i actually have a bit of a problem i now own four redwing pieces @limbel destiel but make them the cutest lil guys on the planet @free-birdies !!!!! never over trueform cas at the gas station @enochianribs HEATH!! amazing. no further comment (lying) i think of that cassie art at least once a month. in love @depairt literally one of the best artists i know. peak destiel
and so so so many more but you said five and i named eleven my bad i love you spn artists you're so skilled and amazing and give me light
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a-tale-never-told · 7 months
Honami. In most universe's SHE'S a member of the Reserve Course and taking her place is a spoiled brat who's good for traditional dancing and not much else. Yet she's still the same person personality wise that she is in your class
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Aren't you explicitly forgetting that I said to NOT bring Honami into this? I mentioned that aside from Honami and Hajime, any member of the Reserve Course can be used as an example, yet you blatantly ignored my demands and went with Honami instead.
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Nagito? Shut the actual fuck up for once.
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Honami what are you-
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Relax, Mahiru. I've got this.
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*Sighs* Komaeda, I don't want to argue or fight you simply because of the fact you're my dear classmate and I love all of you here. I appreciate so much the kindness and camaraderie of this class, and I truly am glad to be an Ultimate, as I finally feel special to be perfecting a talent since I was a little girl and to be around such genuine amazing people in my life. Mahiru, Ibuki, Mikan, Chiaki, I value all of you here and I'm proud to say that I enjoy being friends with each other so much.
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But when you not only constantly put others down for simply not having a talent and basically insulting them over it, you had to resort to attacking one of my best friends in order to prove your hypocritical, self-righteous point! Multiple times, in fact!. And yet you absolutely had the gall to call Hajime a degenerate loser when you don't even know him personally.
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Let me make this clear, Komaeda. I don't appreciate people insulting my closest friends, especially if it's someone that I know personally. I've tolerated your hope-filled rants for long enough, and I have to say that this is the saddest and most pathetic excuse I've ever seen you make. Insulting someone's parents just because they paid him entry into Hope's Peak? How moronic do you believe people are that they would make fun of this?
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As someone who got to know him personally from the Reserve Course, as well as outside Hope's Peak, I can confidently say that Hajime Hinata is NONE of what you described of him. He's not a bigot. He's not worthless. He's not pathetic. And he is certainly not trash! He's quite the opposite in fact.
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Hajime is truly one of the greatest and coolest people I've ever met in my time in the Reserve Course. Sure, he's cynical and a bit aggressive at times, but he's genuinely so pleasant to be around. He's kind and thoughtful to others despite all of the self-esteem issues and insecurities he possesses. He always tries to give advice to others and supports them even at the expense of his own ambitions.
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Do you want to know how exactly I got into the Main Course? It was because of Hinata and his selfless attitude. I haven't told you guys about why I'm in the Main Course or how exactly I passed my exams, didn't I?
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No, you have never told us anything about how you got into the Main Course and became a part of our class. Do tell, please.
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Gladly. When I started out in the Reserve Course, I was desperately trying to pass my exams since I would always fail and slip up when I reached the final obstacle of the exam. Mahiru and the girls tried to reassure me that it wasn't my fault and that I was trying my best, but it never helped to calm down the ugly feeling of failure and disappointment I had in my mind.
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I felt as if I had tried my hardest and given it my absolute all that I could pass and become an Ultimate, only to achieve failure at the last second. My schizophrenia didn't help me either, in reality, it made things exponentially worse. You want to know what's the hardest part about having schizophrenia and dealing with it? It's that feeling that everyone is out to get you, always making fun of you, judging you for every single little thing in life.
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I've had to deal with this condition constantly every day, telling me that everyone hates me and that everything bad in my life is my fault. It's gotten to the point where I become a paranoid mess when it comes to interacting with others because I never know if they are genuine or not. I was hesitant to trust other students and people aside from Mahiru and the others, but that's because I knew them before coming to this academy!
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The worst part about schizophrenia is that it makes you severely doubt every single aspect of your life. You start to doubt your friends, others around you, and who you interact with if they are truly your friends or not, and if they really care for your well-being. It's gotten to the point where I even doubted my own FATHER for God's sake for believing in me! I didn't even know if he was supposed to be helping me and consoling me like a good dad, or if he was just manipulating me and saying those things to prevent me from questioning the society we live in.
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Throughout this period of my life, I couldn't trust anyone, simply due to the influence of the voices inside of me, telling me that they didn't care for me, that they were out to judge me and betray me for the smallest of reasons, while constantly telling me that this is all my fault, that I'm useless and pathetic, that I could never even dream of having friends or being a part of the Main Course, and that I was always destined for failure and suffering wherever I go and whoever I meet. I lost WEEKS of sleep just from these constant projections of paranoia alone!
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I seriously was at a low point in my entire career as not only a Reserve Course student but as a person attending Hope's Peak in general. Not only do I have to pass an extremely difficult exam that will guarantee, but I also have to deal with my crippling schizophrenia in the process of training and studying to pass the exam! I was severely doubting whether or not I was truly worthy or not to pass the exam, become a student in the Main Course, hang out with my childhood friends, to even be a part of this academy or society at all!
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But throughout this difficult time of being uncertain about my future in Hope's Peak, Hajime was always there to comfort me and give me advice on how to perfect my skills on a level good enough to pass my exam. He was constantly giving me support and archery advice and even volunteered to take days off from studying just so he could help me with my archery training.
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Eventually, the day of the test came. I was supposed to hit four bullseyes at 6 targets with my eyes completely closed shut with a blindfold, all at once. Honestly, nobody would've even gotten past the first bullseye after taking off the blindfold. I was only given about 20 minutes to prepare myself and I was only given 5 stacks of arrows each. It was difficult, but Hinata and the girls were there, cheering me on to succeed and simply perform my best, no matter what score I got.
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So I simply took a deep breath, tried to focus on the target, and fired the arrows into the target. When I removed the blindfold, I saw that the arrows had hit all of the targets, with near-precision aiming and pinpoint accuracy. I was overwhelmed with happiness and relief, to the point where I actually started to cry tears of joy in the middle of the course, and gave Hinata and the girls a massive hug and thanked them for all of their support throughout this difficult time.
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I remember that day! You were so overjoyed at the thought of us being your classmates and being a part of our class that you couldn't even stop leaking tears of happiness for 4 days straight! I can't even imagine how much it must've felt to be a part of the main course and come to see us!
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More than you could even imagine... I wanted to get into the Main course more than anything... to be with my close friends and spend the rest of our high school years together. And in the end, I got something even more incredible at that, by being part of such a wonderful class and being friends with some of the most talented and kindhearted individuals I've ever met. I made so many friends in the Main Course, even if they were a bit strange. But in the end, I actually enjoyed the class more than I thought, and I ended up getting attached to those guys more than I expected to.
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We've been through some wholesome and life-experiencing moments together as a class, doing multiple different activities that Miss Yukizome set up for us in order to bond with one another, like trying on a kimono for the first time, having a picnic at the city park, and even skiing in the Austrian Alps in the winter! I've created healthy bonds with my classmates and made so many memories with this class over the span of a year, and I truly feel like I'm actually a part of something bigger. For the first time in years, I truly have people who care about me and support me in whatever I do, be it archery or anything else I enjoy.
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And I all owe that to Hinata. Thanks to him, I got a chance to become an actual person and have friends outside of the ones I made since childhood. I have a wonderful and incredible teacher that I'm blessed to have, and I got to be part of an amazing class with kindhearted and respectable individuals. So I have to honestly thank him for that, as without him, I probably wouldn't be where I am today. But I am, and it's all thanks to his advice and wisdom that I was able to succeed and become part of a truly incredible experience that I wouldn't trade for anything.
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nowplayingblog-main · 5 years
Guns Don’t Kill People
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read on AO3
Written for @irondadbingo
Tony woke up to a bright light in his eyes, surrounded by darkness. He had heard about the light at the end of the tunnel just before you died, but he somehow felt that if he was dead, or even dying, that he shouldn't be in this much pain. Even if the last thing he remembered was his own missile blowing up in his face.
He turned his head, and the room he was in came into focus. Or maybe “room” was too kind of a term. The walls were rough, uneven, wet rock, and the furniture that made up the area was thrown together, rickety and dirty. In the center of the room was a steel beam that Tony hoped to God wasn't holding up the place. At the other end of the room there was a sketchy looking bunk bed, with a boy - maybe in his then years - laying lopsidedly on the top bunk, staring lazily at the ceiling, as though he we're on drugs.
Turning his attention away from the room, Tony felt around his face, feeling a tube coming out from his right nostril. In a moment that was probably not his best moment of judgment, Tony pulled on the tube, which caused a burning sensation in his nose, and triggered his gag reflex as the tube brushed past the back of his throat. He stopped, but that felt even worse. Tony continued to pull out what he now realized was a feeding tube until it was completely out - gagging the entire time.
He threw the offensive tube across the room, and sat up in his cot, trying to move away to walk around the room, get a better sense of his surroundings, but he was stopped by a tugging sensation in his chest, which sparked extreme, crippling pain that Tony hadn't been fully aware of. Tony looked down at the stained bandages underneath his shirt. From underneath those bandages there were cables that led to a car battery at the side of the cot he was once lying on. He wrapped his hand around the cords, ready to tug.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” The boy on the bunk said tiredly, as though he were half asleep. Tony looked up and saw that the boy was staring at him, his pupils dilated. He looked as though he wasn't truly there.
He turned his attention back to his bandaged chest. The pain underneath them had become unbearable. He tore away the bandages to reveal a monstrosity - a hunk of metal in his chest, surrounded by red, irritated skin.
Tony fainted.
The next time Tony woke up, the kid was cooking something over a fire, which was shabbily built near the center of the room. The kid seemed less delirious than he had been earlier, but there were moments when his hands paused, or he would catch himself leaning too far to one side.
He sat up, and the tugging at his chest reminded of the presence of the metallic monstrosity in his chest.
Tony looked up at the kid. “What did you do to me?”
The kid met his eyes, and Tony could see his pupils were still slightly smaller than normal, especially for someone sitting in a dark, cave like room.
“I didn't do anything to you,” he had an American accent, which surprised Tony, and his words were slurred. “I'm not a doctor. But I did give them the idea. It's an electromagnet. You were hit with a lot of shrapnel, and it was going to pierce your heart. They got out as much as they could, and whatever was left in there is being stopped by that magnet.”
“I'm sorry, are you high right now?” Tony asked brashly.
The kid went cross-eyed for a moment, and leaned a little too far to the left, catching himself before he could actually fall over. He looked sheepishly back up at Tony. “It's not my choice.”
Before Tony could ask what he meant by that, there was a pounding at the door, strains of Arabic filtering through.
The kid stumbled to his feet, placing his hands behind his head, “Get up.”
Tony remained seated, eyes trained on the door.
“What are you, crazy? Get up! Do as I do!”
Tony stood up, placing his hands behind his head, mimicking the boy, just as the armed terrorists barged through the door.
There were seven or eight men, each armed with what Tony recognized as Stark Industries issued weapons. Then, another man walked through. Clearly the leader.
He walked up to the kid first, speaking in Arabic. Tony couldn't understand a word he was saying, but he spoke with a praising tone of voice, but in a somewhat condescending tone.
After a while, the man turned to Tony, continuing to speak in Arabic.
“He says welcome, Tony Stark, the greatest mass murderer in the history of America.” The kid translated, which stunned Tony for a moment. “He is honored.”
The terrorist leader cut him off continuing to speak in his foreign tongue.
“He says he wants you to build him a missile - the Jericho missile, which you were demonstrating earlier.”
The man pulled out a black and white printed picture of the Jericho.
“That one,” the kid supplied, somewhat needlessly.
Tony looked up at the man, eyeing the armed men behind him.
“I refuse”
The torture that followed would haunt Tony for the rest of his life.
The next day, Tony was being led outside. It was blindingly bright, but when his eyes focused, he saw several of his weapons, as well as assorted parts and pieces from what Tony guessed were cars and explosives.
The kid was there. He was being restrained my a much larger man, his arms pinned behind his back. He had guns trained at his head at all times. The poor kid seemed to be taking this all in stride, as though he was used to it.
The leader was speaking again, and Tony looked to the kid for a translation, feeling bad about the position they were in.
“He says, what do you think?”
Tony grimaced. “I think he has a lot of my weapons.”
The leader spoke again. The kid translated. “As you can see, they have everything you need to build the Jericho. You will write a list of materials, and get to work right away. When you're done they will set you free.”
Tony glanced around at the armed men around him. Some of them stood on top of the rocky peaks. One of them stood out among the rest, and Tony suspected he was the leader of all of them, even the guy he was talking to right now.
He held his hand out and shook it with his captor.
“No he won't.” Tony said, mostly to the kid.
“No. He won't.” The kid agreed.
That night, Tony was laying on the bottom of the rickety bunk bed. He thanked his lucky stars that the kid appeared to weigh no more than a feather - any heavier may have caused the whole thing to capsize.
The kid was more alert now than Tony had ever seen him. He was sitting upright on the bunk. And Tony could tell by his positioning that he was staring at the door.
“You got a name, kid?”
“Peter,” he said softly, his voice wavering, but it wasn't slurred.
Tony hummed in acknowledgement. “I'd introduce myself, but -”
“I know who you are.”
Tony nodded silently.
“It's scary isn't it?” Peter said. “How many weapons they have. How many parts.”
“Yeah,” Tony said softly, “they weren't supposed to be the ones who had them.”
“Have you ever heard the saying, 'guns don't kill people, people do’?”
“Yeah, what's your point, kid?”
“You make the guns,” Peter explained, “and once they're out there, you can give them to the people you want to have them, you can guard them, but somehow, some way, they're going to end up in the hands of the people you don't want to have them. And the guns don't know any better. They won't just stop working. They just do as they're told.” He took a breath.
“I don't quite understand what you're trying to tell me,” Tony said passively.
“That's okay. Maybe someday you will.”
There was pounding at the door.
“What's going on?” Tony demanded. Standing up and putting his hands behind his head. “They said they wouldn't come until tomorrow.”
“They're not coming for you,” the kid assured him, climbing off the top bunk.
The armed men crowded into the room, and grabbed Peter by his arms, pinning them behind his back, tying them too tightly with thick, dirty rope. Those who weren't busy tying the poor kid up had their guns aimed at his head.
“Woah, woah!” Tony exclaimed, “What's your deal, what are you doing to him?!”
A few of the gunman swiveled toward him when he spoke, turning their guns on him
“It's fine Mr. Stark,” Peter assured him. “They have you here to build weapons. I'm here for the same reason.”
Tony had no idea what that meant, but just as soon as the had entered, the terrorists left the cave, locking the door behind them. Tony was alone.
Tony had managed at get a couple of hours of sleep between his tossing and turning, the pain in his chest, and his worry about a teen-aged stranger keeping him awake.
When the sun had finally started to shine through the small, thin window near the ceiling, the door finally opened again. Tony stood up, placing his hands behind his head like the kid taught him, and once again armed men came into their room, Peter hanging limply from where they held him by his arms. They dumped him onto the ground, and promptly left.
The poor kid was covered with his own blood, which oozed sluggishly from small cuts littering his body. The back of his right hand was bruised, and displayed a puncture wound above his vein. His arms were covered in puncture wounds, really.
His breathing was ragged, and Tony knew that being thrown into his stomach wasn't doing him any favors. He slowly moved toward the kid, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you with me, Peter?” He asked gently.
The kid groaned, the sound trailing off into a whimper.
“I'm gonna move you to the bed, okay? It's probably not a good idea for you to stay on the floor like this.
“M'fine,” Peter insisted, his words slurred so severely it took Tony a money to realize he was speaking.
“No, you really aren't.”
“M'Okay...really...I've...done this....'fore” the kid turned his head weakly to one side, his eyelids only half open.
“C'mon kid,” Tony insisted, hoisting him from underneath his armpits. “Up you go.”
Peter whimpered and whined as Tony staggered over to the bed. It wasn't hard to carry him, the kid was pretty light, but Tony had an awkward hold on him due to his own gaping injury in his chest, and he had to stop every so often to go back and shift his car battery so that he wouldn't get disconnected.
Once the kid was on the bed, Tony could tell he was pretty out of it, not to mention exhausted.
“Why are they doing this to you, kid?” Tony tried to ask, “What do they want from you.”
Peter's reply was too slurred for Tony to discern. He lifted one of the kids eyelids and saw that his pupils were blown.
“They're keeping you on pretty heavy drugs, aren't they?” Tony removed his hand from the boys face, resolving to wait to ask him in the morning.
“From what I can tell they're trying to create some kind of super soldier serum,” Peter told him the next time Tony asked. He was sitting up in the bunk, since Tony wanted him to rest, even though Peter insisted this wasn't the first time this had happened. “They have some kind of notes from way back in the 40s or something -”
“Steve Rogers,” Tony realized. “Captain America.”
“Well, it didn't work at first,” the kid said. “They injected me with something, but it didn't do much - nothing bad, but nothing good either, at least for them. I kept feeling dizzy, and passing out. Then they got these new notes, a whole lot more modern. From what I can tell, they're coming from some company in America. They only started recently.
“They injected me with this new serum. It was crazy. Right after they injected it, it was like my senses we're going haywire. It was so bright, and loud, and everything I felt was so intense and uncomfortable. They thought it was a fluke at first, but when I woke up the next morning it was like everything evened out. It was still intense, but I'd adjusted. And I was stronger. Way stronger. I fought back, and I almost escaped. Now they keep me on the drugs to make sure I don't try anything. I also think my metabolism increased, because they started giving me less food, to keep my strength low.”
Tony listened to the kid as he cooked they're extremely low rations over the open fire. “so they want me to build them weapons, and they want you to become their weapon.”
“Sort of,” Peter shrugged, “I get the feeling I'm just their guinea pig. They're just using me to perfect their formula, before they give it to their more willing soldiers.”
“How did they get ahold of you?”
“I was visiting with my parents on a business trip. They're geneticists, and they were here doing research,” Peter's eyes glazed over, “They shot at the car, broke the windows. My father was killed in the driver's seat, and my mother was shot a moment later. I kept waiting. Waiting to die. When they broke into the car I thought they were going to kill me. But instead they just knocked me out and I woke back up here.”
Peter looked up at him with apologetic eyes. “They had your weapons, Mr. Stark.”
Tony focused on the kids dirty, worn down sneakers, sitting beside the bunk, not willing to meet the kids eyes. “I'm sorry.”
“It wasn't your fault.”
“I made the weapons,” Tony insisted.
“It's not like that,” Peter countered.
Tony decided to change the subject. “And what are they gonna do to you when they're done?”
Peter looked him in the eye. “Kill me, I would think.”
Tony met his gaze. “I won't let that happen.”
“Why?” The kid asked. “You hardly know me. Besides, you've got your own life at stake.”
“I don't have to know you,” Tony said. “You're a kid. You have so much more to live for than just this. You deserve a chance to live.”
“Mr. Stark, with all due respect, I don't have any reason to stay alive, my parents are dead. There's nothing left for me. Do you even have a plan to get out of here?”
Tony looked up, eyeballing one of the camera he had noticed we're stationed around the room.
“We'll see.”
Later that day, the cave was crowded with people carrying things inside. Tony was barking orders, Peter standing close by translating as fast as he could.
Soon the workspace was set up to. Tony's liking, well lit and equipped with everything he needed. There once open and large room was suddenly full of Stark Industries weapons and mechanics.
Once everyone had filed out of the cave, Tony began to work, sketching out blueprints for his big project - as well as a smaller one, one he would need to start working on as soon as possible. Glancing over, he caught Peter staring at the Stark Industries logo on one of the missiles. He looked like he wasn't really there.
“Kid,” Tony called, causing Peter to jump, snapping out of his reverie “Come make yourself useful.”
Peter cautiously came over toward him. Tony picked up a long tube - a missile. The kid stopped walking.
“Relax, they took out the explosives before they gave them to me. They're crazy, but not stupid. Now watch.”
Tony very meticulously and carefully broke apart the missile extracting what he needed. Until finally he pulled out a small piece metal with his tweezers.
“Okay, we don't need this,” Tony threw scrap pieces over his shoulder.
“What's that?” The kid asked.
“Palladium,” Tony said. “About .15 grams of it. I need at least 1.6, so why don't you start breaking down the other eleven.”
The kid was actually a very good helper. When he wasn't drugged up to his eyeballs he had remarkably steady hands, and he clearly knew how to break stuff apart the right way.
“I used to do this all the time, back at home,” Peter had explained. “I would get old broken computers from the thrift store, break them down and rewire them. I made some pretty cool stuff, or at least I liked to think so.”
Tony had waited for moment when Peter was more aware to have him heat up the palladium in the crucible and pour it into the sand mold Tony had constructed. Tony couldn't do it himself, since he had to hold onto his car battery.
“Careful,” he warned. “We only got one shot at this.”
“If you stop psyching me out,” the kid countered, “I might be more steady.”
Despite their banter, Peter had successfully poured it into the mold, and the next morning Tony pulled out a freshly made ring of palladium. By that point the poor kid had returned from one of his torture sessions and was the equivalent of a vegetable lying on their bunk.
Tony got to work, installing all the pieces, soldering and wiring, until his finished product whirred to life, glowing a faint blue in front of him.
Peter materialized over his shoulder, and it was at that point Tony noticed how much time had gone by.
“What's that?” The kid spoke in an awed whisper.
“It's a miniature ARC reactor. I've got a bigger one at home, powering my workshop.” Tony explained. “This one will keep the shrapnel out of my heart.”
“What does it generate?”
“If my math is correct - and it always is - about three gigajoules per second. Enough to power my heart for 50 lifetimes.” Tony turned and made eye contact with Peter. “Or something big for 15 minutes.”
The kid looked at him with wary eyes. “What are you planning?”
Tony stood up, leading the kid over to his blueprints, flattening them out to show him his other project - his much bigger project.
“Woah,” the kid breathed.
Tony wasn't sure how much time had passed before he was almost completely done with his project. He had about a week of work left to do, when once again there was a pounding on the door.
He and the kid exchanged nervous glances. It wasn't anywhere near time for Peter to be taken away again. They stood, hands behind their heads.
Man flooded the room, all armed with guns - no surprise. What was different this time was that the old leader, the one Tony had grown used to seeing, wasn’t there. Instead, another man took charge, a man Tony remembered from his one trip to the outside world since being imprisoned here.
“Relax,” The man said.
Tony and Peter tentatively let their hands fall to their sides. The man circled them, and began examining Tony’s blueprints. Tony’s heart leapt in fear. He doubted than man would be able to piece together what he was making, but still, it set him on edge.
“The bow and arrow was once the pinnacle of weapons technology. It allowed the great Genghis Khan to rule from the Pacific to the Ukraine,” The man gave up trying to make sense of the blueprints. “Today, whoever has the latest Stark weapons rules these lands. Soon it will be my turn...”
The man turned to Peter, and started having a conversation with him, no longer talking in English, so Tony couldn’t follow along. Suddenly, Peter was forced to his knees, and his head was shoved down onto an anvil. Tony’s heart raced, unsure what to do. He didn’t want to let the kid get hurt, but he knew trying to help him might make things worse. The man picked up a set of Tony’s tongs, using them to remove a hot coal from the fire, and started maneuvering it towards the kids head, still shouting at Peter in a foreign tongue.
“What do you want, a delivery date?” Tony asked stepping forward to try and help the kid against his better judgment. The armed men quickly trained their guns on him, shouting words of warning, on Tony stopped, raising his hands in surrender. He looked around, trying to think of something that might help them. He looked to the man who was still holding the hot coal with his tongs, too close to the kid’s face for comfort.
“I need him,” Tony insisted. “He’s a good assistant.”
The air was still and tense. The room became so silent that Tony could hear Peter trying to take deep, calming breaths. Finally the man dropped the burning coal, signaling to his men to let Peter go.
“You have until tomorrow,” He warned, “to build my missile.”
Then they left.
Thankfully, the kid wasn’t dragged away for experiments again, which let them work more efficiently on the suit throughout the night. What would have taken a week was now being done in one night.
“What did they want?” Tony asked while hammering at the metal chest plate to give it shape.
“They’re onto you,” Peter warned, working on the wires and electrical work. “They kept asking what you were really building. I told them that you were working very hard on the Jericho, but it was very complex.”
“We need to get this done before sunrise,” Tony decided. “Otherwise they’ll come too soon and we won’t have a chance.”
By the time the light behind their small window had begun to turn orange like the morning, Peter was helping Tony into his suit, and they waited for the data from a small, old computer to load so that they could power it up.
“Say it again,” Peter prompted.
“41 steps straight ahead, 16 steps from the door, fork right, 33 steps, turn right,” Tony rattled off.
Peter took a shaky breath and nodded.
“Hey,” Tony said, trying to sound as calm as possible, “It’s gonna be fine.”
Peter nodded again. “Say it again.”
Tony knew it at this point, but he repeated it so that Peter could feel better.
“Almost at 100%,” Peter reported.
“Okay, remember than plan, kid. Stick to the plan. Remember your checkpoints, and make sure everything is clear before you follow me, okay?” Tony looked Peter dead in the eye, and the kid gave him another shaky nod. “It’ll be fine, It’ll -”
There was banging at the door. Peter gave a shaky gasp looking fearfully at the door. There was shouting.
“Say something to them,” Tony prompted.
“They’re speaking Hungarian,” Peter said. “I don’t know how to speak Hungarian.”
“Speak Hungarian,” Tony pressed, “Just say something in Hungarian.”
The kid’s eyes were wide with terror, and he loudly called out a couple of wavering words. It didn’t appear to work however, because the door was opened.
There was a loud ban, and both Peter and Tony felt the wave of the explosion that had been a trap that they had set on the door. It was supposed to be how they got out of here, but it was too soon.
“Okay, times up kid, we gotta go.” Tony moved to disconnect his suit.
“No!” Peter shouted, “You need more time -”
“Kid, we don’t got time, we need to make our move, now!”
“You stay here and wait for it to power up,” Peter said. “I can buy you a couple of minutes.”
Then, the kid ran to one of the bodies of the men who had been at the door, picking up one of their guns, then he ran out the door.
“Kid!” Tony yelled. “Kid! Stick to the plan! Stop!”
After several agonizing minutes of waiting, the loading bar on the computer reached 100%. The lights flickered, before the eventually powered off. Tony disconnected himself from the cables, and maneuvered the suit out of the cave, through the hole where the door had once stood.
Tony found the kid near the mouth of the cave, laying over a pile of sandbags, bleeding and panting. Tony had successfully picked off everyone inside the cave, and seeing that it was safe, he knelt by the kid and raised the helmet.
“Kid, c’mon, we have a plan and we’re gonna stick to it.”
The poor kid moaned in pain, whimpering when Tony rolled him over. He was bleeding profusely from his stomach. Tony could tell he had been shot. Peter let out agonized shot as Tony pulled one of the kid’s hands over the wound.
“Keep pressure on that, okay? I’m gonna deal with those guys out there, then I’m gonna come back, and we’re gonna get out of here okay?”
Peter whimpered. “- hurts, it hurts. Mr. Stark. Please. I don’t wanna die.”
“Shh,” Tony soothed. “You’ll be fine. Just put pressure on that wound and I’ll be back in a few minutes to get you, okay? You’re gonna be fine.”
Peter nodded, pressing down on the wound, he yelled from the pain.
“Shh,” Tony soothed. “I’ll be right back, okay kid?”
He closed the mask and made his way outside.
Just as Tony had killed all of his captors, the suit lost power. He shed the heavy metal and took of the protective extra layers he had worn underneath of it so he wouldn’t get dehydrated too quickly.
He raced back to the kid, much more mobile now that he didn’t have the suit on. Remarkably, Peter had managed to sit up, and the wound underneath his hand was somewhat healed.
“The experiments,” Peter explained. “They didn’t drug me last night, so I’m stronger now, and I can heal quicker.”
“Yeah, but it still isn’t good that there’s still a bullet in there,” Tony said. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”
When Rhodey found them with the air force helicopters while they braved the desert, Tony had never been more relieved.
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