#this is the land of wrath and frogs
beansinjeans · 11 months
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Rainbow Killer
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
When I was in third grade I got Weird with writing. It makes sense in hindsight. Oppressed people find their own ways of carving out space for themselves.
The first bit I did landed me in trouble more immediately. I was given, god knows by who, one of those enormous giant pencils. I loved it. My tiny nine year old body was consumed with love of this pencil that was roughly 1/3 of my height. I insisted that I would only use this pencil in school.
It was an unlucky year to be stricken with whimsy. My third grade teacher was a tyrannical Japanese woman fueled by her dislike of children. I suspect the cultural divide between how she expected children to behave and the reality of American children broke her.
She was three foot nothing and getting berated by her was the first time I’d ever looked down at an adult. I also saw her once standing next to her white 6’ behemoth of a husband and tried to conceptualize how two such disparate people had sex. I never could.
If you think I’m exaggerating her wrath it’s worth noting that my best friend at the time developed a stress disorder from this woman and I fell into a bizarre stutter that cleared up the moment I was out of class. In her classroom breaking down crying was a weekly occurrence.
But despite the frigid conditions, I persevered. I stayed silly. I brought my enormous novelty pencil to class every day. It was an act of rebellion that I sank my teeth into and refused to let go. I could barely sharpen it because its girth defied standard sharpeners the way I defied my teacher. This was my pencil.
When she attempted to confiscate my giant pencil I rose an unholy ruckus. This would not turn into the confiscated holographic Charizard, my tamagotchi, or my little pop frogs that she never returned to me. No. This was my goddamn pencil. There was no rules against enormous novelty pencils and after a heated week of debate she finally conceded I could use the hated thing.
It was stolen by my kleptomaniac friend a week or so after that a fact I’d only discover at the end of the year. But my tiny mind was convinced the evil teacher had stolen it.
In retaliation, instead of resuming normal behavior I decided that I would do all my writing upside down and backwards. No one, least of all myself, could explain why I felt this was necessary. Maybe I felt I’d be cool like a spy, maybe I just needed to buck the teachers hateful authority, or maybe I was just a little autistic kid.
When taking notes or writing essays I’d arrange the paper to be upside down. It may surprise you to know that my penmanship was actually quite decent, albeit I wrote a little more slowly than my classmates. That’s why it took the teacher a while to realize what was going on. There wasn’t a drop in the quality of my writing.
Unsurprisingly she hated it when she found out. She lambasted me both privately and in front of the class to write normally. I asked if my writing was illegible. She had to admit that no, it was not. I shrugged. I did not see a problem.
Like the pencil my new writing fixation was cited as being a distraction to the other children. But similarly she didn’t have an easy way to make me stop. She marked me down, gave me several talking tos, and generally bullied me into writing like everyone else.
All attempts at correcting me simply ran off my back. I had found a way to cope with how miserable she made all of us, by inflicting misery back upon her. I was unswayed for the rest of the year.
When I graduated up into fourth grade and had a teacher I adored it suddenly stopped. I looked at the paper and thought, Well that’s silly, and flipped it the right way round.
I can still write upside down, though, a testament to my worst year in public school.
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hraeiou · 21 days
I won’t be doing this for the kids’ planets because LOWAS would sweep so hard it’d be unfair
BEFORE YOU VOTE: your answer should be decided entirely by the LAND ITSELF, NOT THE CHARACTER (looking at you, vriska)
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thecreaturecodex · 15 days
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[The Pathfinder 2e Bestiary 3 introduces three new sprite lineages, all of which are some manner of anthro. I love all three of them and will be retro-converting them all to 1e. I like how the bat sprites are neutral good by nature, reflecting how the image of bats has changed from their universally monstrous nature in the days of 1e D&D. Also, it's scientifically accurate! Vampire bats practice altruistic bloodfeeding, and sometimes even adopt orphaned kits]
Nyktera CR 1/3 NG Fey This tiny humanoid has a wrinkly face with large ears and little fangs. Bat wings grow from their back, and they have furry arms and legs.
Nykteras are sometimes referred to as “bat sprites” by lay people. Despite their sometimes frightening appearance, they are kindly creatures who value hospitality among all other things. They nest in caves or trees with mundane bats, especially those with similar physical features and ecologies. Different colonies of nyktera feed on different foods, usually fruit or insects, but occasionally fish, frogs, nectar or even blood.
Nyktera colonies are seen as oases of calm, and even evil creatures will often behave themselves in a nyktera colony for the promise of a safe place to sleep, fresh water and even minor healing services. That being said, if a nyktera’s hospitality is abused, the creatures will fly into a rage and fight. Their physical attacks are fairly weak, but nyktera are capable of firing sonic bolts from their mouths at range. Nyktera families are large and often extend over whole continents, and those who have abused the hospitality of one nyktera will usually find themselves spurned by all bat sprites in turn until they make amends.
Nyktera CR 1/3 XP 133 NG Tiny fey Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.,low light vision, Perception +7 (+11 when hearing)
Defense AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 size, +3 Dex) hp 7 (2d6) Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +5 DR 2/cold iron Weakness wrath of spurned hospitality
Offense Speed 10 ft.; fly 40 ft. (good) Melee slam +0 (1d6-3) Ranged sonic pulse +4 touch (1d4 sonic) Space 2 ½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Spell Like Abilities CL 1st, concentration +4 Constant—speak with animals (bats only) At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13) 1/day—create water, cure light wounds (DC 14)
Statistics Str 4, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 17 Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 9 Feats Skill Focus (heal) Skills Acrobatics +8, Diplomacy +8,Fly +16, Heal +7, Perception +7 (+11 when hearing), Stealth +12; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception when hearing Languages Common, Sylvan, speak with animals (bats only)
Ecology Environment any land andunderground Organization solitary, pair, flight (3-12) or colony (13-48) Treasure incidental
Special Abilities Sonic Pulse (Su) As a standard action, a nyktera can fire a pulse of sonic energy. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 20 feet and no range increment. A creature struck takes 1d4 points of sonic damage. Wrath of Spurned Hospitality (Ex) If a nyktera is betrayed, it must succeed a DC 20 Will save. If it fails, it flies into a rage, as per the spell, attacking its betrayer each round until it succeeds a DC 20 Will save, the nyktera or the target of its ire is slain, or if the traitor flees.
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blankdblank · 7 months
1989 Quidditch World Cup Masterlist
Anaticula Year One Summer Break - Quidditch World Cup
Summary :
Rock meet immovable force. The price of a stolen name is set to be far more than most would dare demand. But a young girl is poised to take on Cornelius Fudge, Ministère des Affaires Magiques de la France Luc Gerard, and anyone else behind the interwoven plots to keep hidden the identity of a nameless Witch stolen away by Morfin Gaunt back in 1935. Two Ministers, a former Supreme Mugwump and countless Aurors chose to place themselves as obstacles around circumstances none of them understand.
But said Witch guides the Granddaughter she possessed on a path to find the family left lost searching decades for hint of where their lost child had been. The Quidditch World Cup is fair cover when a plot is afoot. But after the confetti settles Fudge's try to cover his own culpabilities in several prominent murders are in plain view once all distraction of the all enamoring tournament has faded. Now the Wizengamot is summoned and the Minister is on the wrong end of an investigation that will severely cripple all he has worked for thus far.
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Chapter 1 - A fox in the coup
Chapter 2 - Off to Australia
Chapter 3 - Round One Day One - To First Lunch
Chapter 4 - Round One Day One - Everybody Wants to Be A Cat
Chapter 5 - Round One Day One - Letters
Chapter 6 -
June 23rd Day 2 & June 24th Day 3 - Hello Neighbor, Won't You Be My Friend?
Chapter 7 - June 25th Day 4 & June 26th Day 5 - They Think You're Trying to Eat Them
Chapter 8 - June 27th-29th Days 6-8 - Ghost Snakes & The Death Pool
Chapter 9 - June 30th - Traveling to Tanzania
Inspirational art/images for Tanzania Host City Round 2+
Round Two July 1st-9th Masterlist :
Chapter 10 - Don't Forget Your Hat
Chapter 11 - Apologies From Bond
Chapter 12 - Yusuf Kama
Chapter 13 - The Adopted Miss Weasley
Chapter 14 - He Loved Her
Chapter 15 - Friend of Newt, Friend of Mine, and the Collector of Pine
Chapter 16 - Petals and Plots
Chapter 17 - Puffins
Chapter 18 - Daughter of Death, Seahorse's Niece
Chapter 19 - Pegasus Race
Chapter 20 - France Welcomes the Young Miss Gaunt
Chapter 21 - Owl Firing Canon
Chapter 22 - Snake Scales and Heroic Tales
Round Three - July 10th-17th Masterlist :
Chapter 23 - Sunflowers and Scalding Turnips
Chapter 24 - Pair Dadeni
Chapter 25 - We’re Holding A Fancy Garden Party And You’re Invited
Chapter 26 - If I Had A Sickle For Every Vulture I’d Own Sherwood Forest
Chapter 27 - - Wrath of the Whimsy
Chapter 28 - Blue Moon Celebration
Chapter 29 - Sisters From Other Misters
Chapter 30 - Maroon Darling
Chapter 31 - To The Beginning Again
Round Four - July 18th-25th Masterlist
Chapter 32 - She's So Lucky She's A Star
Chapter 33 - Presents For Petunia From The Grumpy Pumpkin
Chapter 34 - Burn Baby Burn Rule Skirting Inferno
Chapter 35 - Grandpapa Mr Truffles The Chocolate Frog
Chapter 36 -Such A Pity the Pretty Damaged Thing Exploring the Watery Deep
Chapter 37 - Tumbling Tophats
Chapter 38 - It's Raining Acromantula's
Chapter 39 - Sour Apples Upon the Parade
Round Five - July 26th-31st Masterlist
Chapter 40 - Bludger, Beater, Try Not To Die
Chapter 41 - Warm Milk
Chapter 42 - We Slither at Dusk
Chapter 43 - Shock and Awe and Fwooper Claws
Chapter 44 - I Fell
Finals - Round Six - July 31st - August 5th Masterlist
Chapter 45 - Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow
Chapter 46 - Changeling Prince
Chapter 47 - Barty Jr and the Potoo Bird
Chapter 48 - The Tiny Lantern and Litany of Woes
Chapter 49 - Minerva's Foxtrot
Chapter 50 - Reeds Greener in Other Ponds
Chapter 51 - All Aboard
Post Cup - Masterlist
August 6 - Two Cakes
August 7 - Sign Here
August 8/9 - In Lands Where Merlin's Laws Fail
August 10 - Slither On By Friend
August 11 -
Chugging Along To Merry Old London & Dursleys Go To The Ballet
August 12 - Purchasing Sherwood Forest & Maleficent and the Court of Morgan La Fey
August 13/14th - Hello Diggory & The Two Old Saps
August 15 - Cornelius Fudge v Matriarch Gaunt
August 16 - Wales Magical Beasts Aquatic Reserves & New Zealand Snake Talkers
August 19 - The Stolen Button & Secret Flock
August 20 - Sprouting Beaks and Breaking Doors
August 21 - Unkind Truth
August 22 - Pounds Sterling
August 23 - Gemstone In A Pile of Pence
August 24 - Climbing Cow
August 25 - Babies Have Claws
August 26 - WWW First International Order
August 27 - Oh the Woe To Be Eaten By An English Garden
August 28 - In Search Of A Look At Me Aren't I Important Kind Of Frame
August 29 - If You Give A Dancing Cacti A Lemon
August 30 - Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
August 31 - I'm Just Crackers About Cheese
- Continue onto Year 3 at Hogwarts Book in series -
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too-antigonish · 3 months
Nobody messes with Ms. Frazil on Morse's watch...
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Snarky Little Shit Sunday? I'm not sure if this fits the bill. I think a spirit of wrath and vengeance is pretty snark-adjacent.
This is S1E4: Home. Dorothea has just been roughed up, presumably for investigating connections between the Booth Hill land deal, Badeley College, and organized crime.
Morse is not amused and confronts the master of Badeley College, the man he believes to be the instigator:
MORSE: You deny you threatened her?
FROBISHER: Young man, that's a grossly impertinent question.
MORSE: Condescend to me, Master, and I'll frog-march you across that quad, down the High and into Cowley police station! In handcuffs! Do you understand?
Morse's transformation from Mr. "Any such recompense would leave us both open to charges of bribery and corruption," is complete. He and Ms. Frazil have officially bonded.
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fanonical · 11 months
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jozor-johai · 6 days
The Dornish in TWOW
Just looking at a bunch of things we know, thinking about potential future developments.
Maybe this is in part to defend why we need to care about the Dornish plotlines—I don't think GRRM introduced these for no reason, and as I'm trying to point out, those four chapters in FeastDance, plus our two from TWOW, have placed Dornish in a lot of different plotlines. If these start to converge at all, the Sand Snakes are suddenly going to be a very valuable and knowledgeable power bloc.
In fact, let me say: looking at all these moving parts, I don't think there's any way that Doran has a "master plan" ... yet. However, they've got agents in so many places that if they all report back to Doran—and Doran plans in response, say midway through TWOW maybe—then we might see a whole bunch of storylines shift at once.
In the Aegon/Golden Company situation:
Arianne Martell, along with Daemon Sand and Elia Sand have joined up with the Golden Company at Griffin's Roost. Arianne has left for Storm's End, where Connington is waiting, apparently having taken the castle.
Interestingly, we also know that "Spotted" Sylva Estermont (Santagar), another member of the Arianne-Myrcella plot, has been hurriedly shipped off to Greenstone to marry the elderly Lord Eldon Estermont. However, Greenstone has been taken by Marq Mandrake of the Golden Company, and Jon Connington has arranged for Mandrake to bring any noble captives from Greenstone to Cape Wrath—and, now that Spotted Sylva is an Estermont, that means her. I suspect that means we see Sylva and Arianne reunited quite soon.
Meanwhile, in King's Landing (which the Golden Company are undoubtedly heading towards)
Nymeria Sand has been sent to King's Landing to officially take the vacant Dornish seat on the Small Council.
Tyene Sand has been sent to act as a septa and gain the trust of the High Sparrow, meaning the Dornish are also trying to have an agent within that power bloc as well. Since we last see Cersei accompanied at all times by a septa, we might see Tyene and Cersei interact in TWOW.
If Arianne is still with the Golden Company by the time Aegon reaches King's Landing, it's possible that we might see Nymeria and Tyene reunited with their cousin within the city walls.
Meanwhile, in Oldtown
"Alleras" aka Sarella Sand is in Oldtown, working with Sam and formerly Archmaester Marwyn "the Mage." They will probably be witness to whatever Euron pulls down there so would also be a useful source of information.
Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea—
In the Dany plot arc:
Archibald Yronwood and Gerris Drinkwater are in Meereen, down one frog. To get the Tattered Prince's help with the dragons, Quentyn Martell promised to give Pentos to the Tattered Prince once it was taken (and in the process, promising it would be taken). Barristan utilizes these two Dornish to transfer the terms of that deal to the Barristan-"Dany"-Shavepate coalition, which they agree to in exchange for a ship to Dorne to return Quentyn's bones.
This is quite interesting, because it places these Dornishmen as the hinge to a number of moving parts. For one, it means Barristan is relying on them to confirm the terms of the Pentos agreement with Team Dany. In addition, it means that they will become a potential source of information for Doran Martell as to the situation in Meereen (chaos as of now) and Quentyn's fate. I suspect that Doran will not be pleased with Quentyn's fate in Meereen.
I also suspect that a report of the current situation in Meereen will look like this: Dany is missing, the dragons are out of control, and the remaining forces on Dany's side are in chaos fighting a losing siege. Depending on when Arch and Drink leave Meereen to return Quentyn's bones, Doran might get a pretty unflattering picture of Dany's situation—which he may then use to calculate his next moves.
However, as Arch and Drink return home, they may cross paths with a few other Dornishmen:
Andrey Dalt, who we last saw with Arianne in The Queenmaker**,** is currently en route to Norvos to stay with Lady Mellario, estranged wife of Doran Martell and mother to Arianne, Quentyn, and Trystane, is in Norvos. This is also where Areo Hotah is from, and I sometimes wonder if we've heard so much about it because we'll see it at some point. If we don't see Andrey on his way to Norvos, we may see Andrey in Norvos if Dany stops there on her way out of the Dothraki Sea.
Garin of the Greenblood, who was also with Arianne and Drey, is en route to Tyrosh. I'm personally quite convinced we'll see Garin again because he's been identified with a jade earring and a single gold tooth—which will make him very easily recognizable from another POV. Dorne under Prince Doran Martell appears to have a very close relationship with Tyrosh: as a girl, Arianne played in the Water Gardens with the green-haired daughter of the Archon of Tyrosh, and might have been sent to Tyrosh herself if not for Mellario's objections. If that had happened, she might have been betrothed to Viserys Targaryen there, in secret. If the current leaders of Tyrosh are at all like that Archon, Garin may be headed for a very cushy placement in Tyrosh, perhaps under the Archon.
Meanwhile, in Dorne:
Last we heard, Trystane Martell was meant to accompany Myrcella Baratheon back to King's Landing by land, led by Ser Balon Swann. However, Doran intends to waylay this plan by getting Myrcella to request that Balon to hunt down Darkstar...
Gerold "Darkstar" Dayne has fled, apparently to his home in High Hermitage, following the disaster of the Myrcella expedition.
If Doran's plan goes off as intended, then Areo Hotah, Obara Sand, and Ser Balon Swann will be traveling together to High Hermitage "to beard Darkstar in his den." It's hard to say what exactly is going to happen here, but that's another moving part to keep track of—and one that will potentially, finally, introduce Dawn to the story.
Besides that, the youngest three Sand Snakes are all over Dorne—one each in Hellholt, Sunspear, and the Water Gardens. Ellaria Sand is with her youngest in Hellholt. I don't think they're major players but it's good to keep track of them.
Final Thoughts
After compiling all this, I’m realizing I’m much more interested (and convinced by) a unified Dornish effort yet to be created. There’s no way that Doran is able to see the future perfectly enough to plan ahead of all of these variables, but one power player having all these points of access is going to be pretty rare and valuable moving forward.
And, as I’ve suggested in the post here, I think it’s likely that the information they get about Dany might be biased and outdated by the time it reaches Doran, which could lead to a miscalculation.
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rainiishowers · 8 months
Obey Me As Incorrect Quotes Tumblr Posts
A/N: I thought I'd add a little spice to my incorrect quotes, that's the only reason. They may be worded differently for different reasons If you recognize any of these you get one of my home made treats ---- Diavolo: Being happier has been triple legalized! Fun times are coming soon!! MC: Is.. Is that a threat?? Diavolo: Yes!! ---- Satan, in one of his moods: What's a mob to a king, what's a king to a god, what's a god to a non believer, what's a non believer to a poisonous dart frog?? Asmodeus: What's a poisonous dart frog to a king? Mammon: What's a poisonous dart frog to another poisonous dart frog? MC: A friend :) ---- Solomon: What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their skills in a hotel lobby? Luke: What? Solomon, sing-songy: Chest nuts boasting in an open foyer~ ---- *Lucifer heavily sighs randomly at dinner* Mammon: What's up? Lucifer: The word heck is a combination of "Hell" and "Fuck" yet it is treated as the lamest word when really it's double as bad. MC: Just like how shucks is a combination of "Shit" and "Fuck" and then there is the fact Goofy has been saying it all the damn time ---- Asmodeus: Rules of fashion: You think it's pretty? Wear it. MC: Okay, but I dunno how I'm gonna wear you. Solomon: You clearly haven't read Silence of the Lambs Lucifer, sarcastically: This went to a great place. ----
Diavolo: You heard of alphabet soup, not get ready for.. Diavolo: Times new ramen! MC: I said this to Lucifer once and he left the room just to scream. ---- Luke: If brains are biological computers, why don't we lag? Mammon: You can't tell me you never walked into a room and forgotten why you were there or lost a train of thought for a moment Beelzebub: One day I was walking home from RAD with Belphie and momentarily panicked because I thought Belphie wasn't with me/ ---- Mammon: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Beelzebub: Salads. Because anything could be a salad. There's fruit salad, potato salad. What's stopping you from making pizza salad, or even ice cream salad? All you need to do is cut it up and there you go, it's a salad. Asmodeus: It sounds like you thought about that before Beelzebub: I have, yes. ---- Mammon: Finding a needle in a haystack isn't hard, just burn the hay. Leviathan: Find the hay in the needlestack though. Mammon: Big magnet. MC: See this is why I think y'all are sleeping on Mammon, he thinks of things like this ---- Belphegor: Humans are so funny sometimes. I remember when I was younger, there was this vacant lot in the human world. Whenever one of us broke our toys but didn't want to face the wrath of Lucifer, I took them and buried them in the lot. Some dude tried to develop the land, but got scared at the amount of rotten toys and convinced everyone the land was haunted. Mammon: We should use this opportunity to buy the land.
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jay-marti · 5 months
[Carnage rages through the city as an explosion rocks a city block]
[Dancing through the chaos two combatants trade sword strikes, parrying blows, although one clearly has an advantage]
Lorelai: “Prepare to meet the wrath of a true hero!” [She swings an ornate long sword wildly, each strike being parried, this does not dampen her spirit]
Megumi: “Give me a break.” [The Ten Shadows Sorcerer blocks the barrage with a double sided simple blade, catching his less battle hardened opponent once more and delivering a true strike with his free hand]
Lorelai: [The Cursed Energy infused punch sends Lorelai flying back through the air, but her launch is halted prematurely by a large bioluminescent Manta Ray flying through the air, acting as a magic carpet for the Augment Inscribed] “You’re not getting away that easily!”
Megumi: [“She’s tough, I need to create some separation”] “Rabbit Escape!” [Fushiguro weaves a handsign in the shape of a Rabbit, following which many hundreds of lagomorphs clot the street and push the sorcerer away from Lorelai]
Lorelai: “Two can play at the Bunny game!” [She grins as a troupe of Anthropomorphic Bunnies clad in ninja robes appear from behind Lori, all drawing their various weapons and tearing through the horde of shikigami]
Megumi: [The trail of rabbits has lead into the entrance of an abandoned movie theater, where a small muffle comes from Fushiguro]
Lorelai: [Her squad thinning the ranks of the ten shadows, Lorelai makes her play, the Devil Ray charging through the remains of rabbit escape and into the lobby when]
Megumi: “NOW!” [Divine Dog Totality leaps from Megumi’s side and tears through the Ray causing it to disappear from right under Lorelai’s feet, she goes tumbling across the floor]
Lorelai: [The Augment inscribed slowly rises to her feet, fixing herself a bit before making eye contact with her enemy] “wha-“ [she gasps suddenly]
Megumi: [The Ten Shadows user’s hands are clasped together] “Domain Expansion:” [Shadow engulfs the theater as a black liquid covers the floor] “Chimera Shadow Garden!” [An army of frogs begin to emerge from the ground, swiping at Lorelai]
Lorelai: “This is like-“ [She’s cut off as she’s struck in the back]
Megumi: [Megumi emerges from behind Lorelai, striking her with another heavy cursed energy infused punch]
Lorelai: [“This guy’s tough! If I’m gonna beat him I need to get out of these shadows…” Lorelai stands still for a moment, waiting…]
Megumi: [In an instant Fushiguro pops out once again to land a powerful strike when…]
Lorelai: [“NOW” The moment Lorelai notices Megumi, A dream bubble expanded out from her hands, engulfing the both of them]
Megumi: [Megumi stumbles to his feet, he sees around him a large flat square floor, like the ring in an old martial arts anime, completely devoid of anything that could cast a shadow, excluding himself and Lorelai, “This Domain is something on another level, maybe even one that could rival Gojo’s!”]
Lorelai: [Lorelai stands opposite of Megumi, she smiles, supremely confident in her maneuver “So how are we gonna do this, well it may be a bit cliché, but let’s bring out a classic” Lorelai presses her hand to the floor and under her grows a titanic mass of chocolate and burnt marshmallow, it roars deeply and towers over Megumi, Lorelai standing on its head] “SAY HELLO TO THE END” [She yells out from the top of Graham’s head]
Megumi: [He looks in dismay and pain at what has transpired, he gave his everything and yet he was in a losing situation, he thought of what was at stake and what his role was in this world, he sighed and grinned at Lorelai] “I agree.” [He clasps his hands in front of himself as if he were steering a wheel, cursed energy swelling] “With this Treasure, I summon, [A large beast begins to unfold behind him as a small legion of frogs and dogs stand before the ritual] “Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General, Mahoraga.” [The Grotesque Angelic Shikigami stands behind Megumi] “Goodbye.” [Megumi smiles before being belted out of the way by the Divine General which stares down the S’more Kaiju.]
Lorelai: “BRING IT ON!”
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prospitsdream · 1 year
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thecharlieverse · 2 months
Untitled Fairytale Story
(this is technically the book I've worked on the longest though, admittedly, I have had a break for a couple years, ignore that it still doesn't have a title I hate titles. this one is also planned to be a series)
SYNOPSIS: Elias Charles hated his life. He had his parents, who started ignoring him ever since he came out as trans, he had school, where he was failing nearly every class but English, and he had books, which were pretty much the only good left in his life. And a book of fairytales he got from the library seemed like it was going to change his life, when he ended up waking up within the pages. Fairytales were real, and now Elias was being roped into being a main character and stopping evil.
Elias Charles, 16. He is pulled from our world into the Fairytale world through a magic book and starts on the journey to defeat the Enchantress.
Jack Spriggins, 16. Jack is the first person Elias meets in the Fairytale world and becomes his best friend, getting dragged through every adventure with him while able to share his past with a beanstalk and a giant
The Enchantress, Immortal. She is the villain of our story, with the powers of shapeshifting and a penchant for sorcery and poisons. She wants to take over the Fairytale world for her own rulel
Crimson Cassidy, 18. Otherwise known as Red Riding Hood, or even just Red, she is known in some circles to be a scam artist. She befriends Elias and helps him out with her girlfriend Amber.
Amber Verity, 19. Otherwise known as Goldilocks, Amber is known in some circles to be a thief. She claims to be descended from King Midas and helps out Elias with her girlfriend Crimson
Eliza Charming, 44. The Queen of the kingdom Elias lands near, she is the one the Enchantress wants to kill most. Married to King Chase, she has long mourned the loss of their daughter.
Chase Charming, 46. The King of the kingdom Elias lands near, he has been called one of the most benevolent kings their kingdom has ever had, partly due to his wife's kind influence. He has mourned their lost daughter.
Bellarose Thornhill, 25. The princess of a long abandoned kingdom, she has remained in her empty castle with her books to keep her company. She knows the most about the history of the land and of the Enchantress, and has only avoided her wrath by staying hidden
Cane Thornhill, 22. A frog, cursed to be so after not helping the Enchantress find his sister. He has been trying to find a way to reverse it but until then, travels the kingdom
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tavtiers · 2 years
A Theory for Accurate Homestuck Quest Planets
Influenced by classpecting, I devised a way to create canon accurate Quest Planets (to a fault) based on a character’s god tier. 
Homestuck planets seem to follow a pattern of Land of (Class) and (Aspect). This is a chart of examples of canon planet components matched with their corresponding classes and aspects. The numbers indicate whether the component is first or second in the Land of (1) and (2) template. 
In order to form a planet you must come up with a component that fits into the category laid out by the class and aspect. For example, say I am a Page of Life. The Page’s category is earth. Life’s category is anything that symbolizes the Life aspect. So a Page of Life could quest on... say the Land of Pebbles and Overgrowth, where Pebbles = Earth (Page) and Overgrowth = Life Aspect. The order does not matter for any classpect but Space players.
Special Cases: The planets of Bards and Princes contain components for both their aspects and their opposites, instead of a unique class component. For example, a Prince of Space would quest on a planet like the Land of Clocks (Time) and Frogs (Space), instead of something related to the Prince class. Likewise, Space players will always have Frogs as the second component of their planet. Always. The only time this rule is broken is with a Bard or Prince of Time. In this case, their planet would contain a Space themed component that is not frogs. The planet might look something like the Land of Stardust (Space) and Clocks (Time).
All aspect symbol examples come from dahniwitchoflight.
Edit (2024): Post has been changed to include Muse and Lord. These planet components are based on speculation.
Muse (the Mutable): n/a
Sylph (Shine): Rays 1
Page (Earth): Mounds 1, Sand 1
Seer (Flow): Rain 2, Flow 2
Heir (Darkness): Shade 2, Caves 1
Rogue (Cubes): Pyramids 1, Little Cubes 1
Bard (Ghosts Both): Both Aspects
Maid (Underground): Crypts 1, Quartz 1
Knight (Haze): Heat 1, Haze 2
Mage (Thought): Brains 1
Witch (Clarity): Frost 1, Glass 2
Thief (Valuables): Treasure 2
Prince (Ghosts Both): Both Aspects
Lord (the Immutable): Colours 1
Space: Frogs 2 [Always Frogs & Always 2nd]
Symbols: Objects, Dimensions, Frogs, Art, Fashion
Void: Neon 2, Silence 2
Symbols: Darkness, Water/Liquids, Pumpkins, Secrets
Breath: Wind 1, Zephyr 2
Symbols: Pneuma, Wind, Wings/Flight, Bubbles
Life: Helium 2, Dew 1
Symbols: Growth, Plants, Animals, Food, Youth
Mind: Krypton 2, Thought 1
Symbols: Disguises/Glasses, Brains, “Outer Self” Your False Pretenses
Rage: Wrath 1, Tents 1
Symbols: Immovable Objects, False/Counterfeit, 'Demons’
Hope: Xenon 2, Angels 2, Mirth 2
Symbols: Unstoppable Forces, Truth/Authenticity, 'Angels’
Heart: Tombs 1, Tea 2
Symbols: Hats, Souls, “Inner Self” Your True Uniqueness
Doom: Fire 2
Symbols: Decay, Explosions, Bombs, Fire, Skulls
Blood: Pulse 1
Symbols: Flesh, Metal, Shackles/Chains, Rings
Light: Light 1, Maps 1
Symbols: Light, Probability, Eyes, Data
Time: Clockwork 2, Melody 2, Mayhem 2
Symbols: Moments, Velocity, Clocks, Sound, Music
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Fanning Flames
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An Eris & Lucien Vanserra Fic
Chapter Six has been uploaded. Read it here.
See below for a preview.
Beron was on edge. Not that it was all that surprising. They were little things at first—the typical responsibilities that came with being a High Lord.  Like the countless letters and documents that he had to sign (which Eris had taken care of and signed himself), and the courtiers and their inconsequential reports (which Eris read through and dutifully sorted only the mildly important ones into neat piles for Beron to look over later). And then it was the farmers who demanded more of this and less of that. With everything adding up, eventually all it took to push Beron over the edge was a poor servant breathing too loudly.
Eris, thankfully, was able to avoid most of his wrath. The hard slap across his face no longer burned on his skin and his cheek returned to its usual color. Aside from that and a few verbal threats, it was nothing he hadn’t experienced before, and certainly nothing he couldn’t handle. Even still, he knew how to pick his battles, and fighting with Beron was one he rarely ever wanted to pick.
Deciding his best option was to avoid his father during these rages, Eris took a walk around the Autumn Court with Lucien in tow. If anyone asked, it was because he was familiarizing his little brother with the land. Truthfully, though Eris would never admit it to anyone except himself and Mother, he did it to spend time with Lucien and also to keep him out of Beron’s way.
But 15 minutes into their escape out of the Forest House, while they’re both traipsing through the leaves, Eris was really starting to regret his decision.
Where are we going, Eris? How come the leaves fall from the trees? How many leaves are on one tree do you think? I bet there are at least 50 on one branch. What do you think—more or less? Where are your hounds, Eris? Can we go see them?
Question after question after question after question. They were endless.
He thought taking Lucien out to the pond would help, where the land was quiet and all you could hear were the croaks of frogs and birds and the gentle ripples of water on the pond’s surface. All around, they were engulfed in the most beautiful shades of reds and oranges, with the trees overhanging into the water and creating an umbrella of sorts over their heads. The thin layer of mist that lay above the water was cozy and inviting.
When he was younger, Eris used to frequent this area all the time since there were plenty of frogs and snails to catch and observe. Foolishly, he thought that maybe Lucien would feel the same way, that he would feel the calm atmosphere and reflect it outward.
He was still new to this brotherhood relationship thing they had going on, but Eris thought that, perhaps, he could teach Lucien some of the activities that he once enjoyed when he was a youngling.
Unfortunately, the quiet only seemed to egg Lucien on. It was almost as if the silence was a personal challenge for the boy. Like he absolutely needed to fill every possible second with sounds. From his incessant talking, to his boots squelching, to his humming. He was so gods damned loud that all of the frogs jumped skittishly into the water from even across the pond and quite possibly the pond adjacent to them.
Eris watched him in bewilderment. The boy was crouched by the muddy water, hands ready in front of him. He was talking to the frogs. As if he could catch them by coaxing them.
“Do you ever stop talking?” Eris bit out.
It startled Lucien who jumped in his squat and landed on his butt with a grunt. And then he giggled. And it echoed around the quiet pond.
“My butt is going to be all muddy,” he laughed.
Eris stared at him. He wasn’t sure how it was possible, but the boy started giggling even more when he saw the exasperation on Eris’s face.
“Do you ever stop being so serious?” Lucien quipped back after a few seconds, his voice teasing and light.
Continue reading here.
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AU WORLDBUILDING - Blight of the Yellow Crown
Origin of the Menticide Mushrooms
A crown of yellow sitting atop the brow of a large frog goddess. Imposing and terrible, She had appeared before his people with grim decree. Her voice, deep and gravely as she spoke.
I have traveled far and ride, in search of a land to call my own...
As the new god of this land, she expected those to reside there to forgo all local traditions and customs to bow to her and her religion alone.
The Old Faith...
The Leaf-Cutter tribes of Attinia refused her decree. They already had a god and a religion. They had no need of her's.
The goddess grew angry and wrathful, unleashing a plague of famine and frogs across their lands. Or tried to.
With their sacred fungal crop, a gift from their god, the Ant tribes easily weathered her famines, deep within their underground cities. Her frog spawn were numerous but mindless and without instruction. They fell easily under the might of the ant warriors.
They were victorious. And the Outsider God had been unable to take the lands of Attinia from its people.
The goddess had cursed and spat. Enraged at the ants insolence.
This land was to be hers. Any who would not serve the old faith would be destroyed by it.
Yet she was incapable of enforcing this solemn tenet. The ants were numerous, crafty, and blessed by an Elder God. Their sacred crop was the gift from one far more powerful than she. Her famine magic was unable to wither it.
The Crowned Goddess would not stand for this and with the help of her fellow gods concocted a plan quite insidious. This was not the first time a species of mortals stood in the way of their hegemony. And like before, they were culled to extinction for their heretical ways.
The Ants were formidable, but they had one glaring weakness, their reliance on a single source of sustenance, their Fungal Panacea . If there was a way the goddess could get rid of it, the ant would surely fall.
If the gods could somehow manipulate a specimen to parasitize the ants and their fungas crop, they would finally be able to rid Attinia of it dominate lifeform. Clearing the path for the Old faith to take root there.
After decades of searching for a means to destroy the ants divine food source, the goddess came upon something extraordinary. Another mushroom species of godly origin, this one with an insidious but beguiling quirk. It was parasitic, needing to feed in a living host to propagate.
With the combined power of their divine crowns, the gods were able to repurpose the organism. And released over the lands of Attinia and waited. They cared little for the effect it would have on the surrounding environment, only that it served it's purpose.
The calamity was named the as The Red Blight.
The red mushrooms spread accross the lands of Attinia infecting the Sacred Fungas of the Leaf-cutters. Without their crop many colonies fell to ruin. Starved of nourishment from having only relied on it for ages.
Some risked consuming the menticides but quickly succumb to it poison. It destroyed minds of those who consumed it, turning them into mindless husks. Hosts to spread its corruption far and wide.
The Leaf-cutter tribes would dwindle until only one remained, searching desperately to find a cure and keep starvation at bay.
The frog goddess was triumphant in culling the Ants. And their land becoming her to claim.
She dub her new domain Anura.
None ever learned what happen to the great colonies of the Leaf-cutters. Until...
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i-am-minty-fresh · 1 year
One Piece and Sublimity
!Spoilers for Gear 5 and Wano!
Y’all I’m teaching you some college level shit and I'm getting no credit for it, but let’s go. 
Beauty and the Sublime is a concept in philosophy (specifically Edmund Burke) to describe the natural world. Beauty is supposed to represent the aesthetic things found in nature (grassy hills covered in flowers, birds nests, rainbows, etc.) and the sublime are scary ‘acts of god’ more or less (I’ll get more into it later). So what does this have to do with One Piece? Well to Burke? Nothing. But that fucker is dead so I’m gonna do whatever I want. Contrary to Burke I’m gonna talk about beauty generally which would include more than just the objective natural world (once again the guy is dead so I can do whatever I want), so let's think about what is beautiful about One Piece.
The Settings, the Relationships, and the People. 
The setting is kinda self-explanatory so instead of explaining let’s all just appreciate how pretty this shot of Wano is…
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The relationships are things like the crew and their dedication to each other, a king and his love for his subjects, parental love, shit like that. 
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The people are things like their dreams, their drive, their passions, and stuff like that. 
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What we know about One Piece villains is they aim to destroy these beautiful things. 
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So where does the sublime come in? The sublime is terrifying. A beautiful storm, a mesmerizing fire, a brightly colored toxic frog. It’s almost like beauty’s venomous bite, a reminder that nature has the ability to destroy whatever it wants without care. In a world where the ocean sparkles against moonlight, that same water glistens against the sun as tsunamis tower over skyscrapers ready and willing to kill whoever is in its way…
Luffy is this Sublime Power. 
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He is beautiful. Loving his crew, his brothers, his friends with all his heart. His dream and his corresponding drive. It all makes him so beautiful he can’t help but draw others towards him. But in the end he is truly sublimity. Love breeds protective wrath, dreams build unstoppable objects, and Luffy is nothing else but that reminder. Sublimity isn’t protective. It isn’t a direct response to beauty. Sublimity is a balanced scale. You may have destroyed Wano’s land for years, you may have killed a mother a decade ago, you may have seemingly destroyed an entire civilazation out of fear…but tides fall as long as they have risen. Bad luck is all you can justify blaming when a child, representing nothing less than all the beauty you have ruined, arrives. He is a storm, a tsunami, a fire, a brightly colored frog you should have left alone. The best part is he was avoidable. If you had fled, or hid, or kneeled he would have passed by without a word. When you decided to fight him you became no less crazy than a man on the tallest tower waving a sword at the sky while it storms.
While the rain sings, creating harmonic rainbows for all who survive to bask in, lightning dots the Earth looking for those few arrogant men who cover themselves in metal and challenge the heavens. 
A man who calls himself god or king finds himself in the company of the tallest trees as his mortality is just as fragile.
(@howcomethatthisishappening I thought that you might also enjoy this one...let me know if you don't want me to do this)
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