#this is the last yelling into the void
bymcr · 10 months
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soft-cryptids · 1 year
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They are just so father & daughter, your honor. 
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cobaltfluff · 4 months
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one last night
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actual-changeling · 1 year
i fully believe that if tess hadn't gotten bit, she would have gotten them to wyoming in a month and a half with sam and henry in tow, fixed ellie's survivor's guilt, bullied joel into growing the fuck up and feeling his feelings, and then settled in jackson with them once she realized the fireflies are fucking stupid and have no clue what they're doing.
and she would have looked incredibly hot the whole time
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titiro · 2 months
Grumbo week day three: Nightmare/Sleep
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What is grumbo without a little last life angst :)
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
One of the best parts of Fellowship of the Ring is finding out about Aragorn and Bilbo’s friendship. Like I’ve seen people talk about how they collaborated on the song together, but I have yet to see people talk about this:
“[Bilbo] turned to Strider. ‘Where have you been, my friend? Why weren’t you at the feast? The Lady Arwen was there.’”
Bilbo Baggins, The Fellowship of the Ring pg. 261
Like. Bilbo was definitely one of Aragorn/Arwen’s chief shippers and no one can change my mind about that.
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I bring forth the promissed Tails angst headcanons!!! cuz god forbid I go to sleep on time and stay asleep. Most of these (all of them actually I think) are stolen or derived from works of other people over the time I've spent in this fandom, so y'all are more than welcome to add your own!!
This one got way longer than anticipated
× Not in any particular order, but my favorite one is gotta be that those two brown foxes always seen bulling Tails are his older siblings. "Oh but they don't even look similar!!" Shh Tails has leucism, which brings its own share of problems and an extra mutation to get ostracized for. Buuut the crux of this headcannon is that irl fox family structures work like that. Unlike wolves who playfight with no real harm meant, fox kits engage in lethal baby fights, usually ganging up on the weaker and smaller ones of the litter, while the parents continue doing their best taking care of the ones that remain.
× While the topic of not so great family is up, Tails got his gambling habits from his dad. Before he ended up abandoned in the woods, that was the only way he heard was a "quick and easy" way to make money. And back in the day when Sonic was struggling to make the change, Tails offered to help in any way he could. (This is more wholesome than angst but remember!! Gambling is the ultimate evil of the world!!!) That is to say, speedrunning getting banned from every casino he visited (this is cannon actually)
× Besides many other not exactly ideal horrible things his parents done to him, one of the smaller ones was that they refused to read him bedtime stories. Absolutely fucking not. So he ignored the jealousy he felt towards his siblings and learned to read on his own very, very early on. He also cried the first time Sonic offhandedly offered to read him a story book.
× Tails is really good at hide and seek, specifically the hide part. He had to learn to be good at it if he wanted to avoid another bruise or broken bone. He doesn't really enjoy the role of seeker either, bro still hasn't found his parents (could've worded that more seriously but I'm in a silly goofy mood) as such he also doesn't like the game.
× And he feels the same about Tag. Not a big fan of being chased down for the sole purpose of than being faced with sudden physical contact. I'd say it gets better with time as most of his insecurities do, but he refuses the play as he ages up, he has no time for that!! He's a responsible adult now!! (He's 11)
× He's also really good at swimming cuz he had to learn how to swim, if he didn't want to get drowned multiple times over.
× He likes it best when he's sleeping on an elevated surface since thats where he felt the safest. Because no one would think to look for an animal who's most adapted to dig a burrow up between tree branches.
× Also one is really big fan of Tails' namesakes subconsciously twirling together into one when he's uncomfortable around someone. Even years later when he no longer feels any insecurity about them or his capability to defend himself, he kept the habit.
× Tails' fur coat is really thick and shiny now that he can properly take care of it. It hides a lot of scars and the visible ones are usually assumed to be from work accidents. Most of them are much older than his ability to tinker freely however.
× Now I bring to the table something sillier; Forever short king Tails. Listen I love older/adult Tails taller than Sonic as much as the other guy, mainly cuz I Understand that frustration of your younger siblings growing taller than you, but for today's angst purposes, he had (has) really poor nutrition and extremely stressful environment, which stunted his growth, so he shall be short forever.
× Tying into Tails not getting to eat as often when he was a literal toddler; while I generally don't feel the need to have explanations or extensive backstories for likes, dislikes and phobias of a character, someone said that when Tails was a tiny guy and starving, he learned that chewing on mint leaves helped satiate the hunger just a bit so mint remained as his comfort food and I hadn't been the same since
× And at last, way back when, all alone in a tiny cave he found and took refuge in from time to time, especially the days he felt not so well, he was almost sure he'd die of sickness once. Tails was no stranger to getting sick or wondering if hed make it through another day, but with this one he genuinely felt like he was dying. Since then, he has fully accepted that any night could be his last. For a kid not even in the double digits, he is pretty lax about the idea of suddenly facing death for good. Sonic is not a big fan of that.
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marcsnuffy · 22 days
I don't think that differently about Kaiser now
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kuravix · 9 months
Listening to Link Click opening theme songs after the season 2 finale is so
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authenticcadence18 · 1 month
I miss the person I was a year ago. two years ago. more social. happier. doing more creatively.
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kideternity · 10 days
I appreciate Gennai explaining that SkullGreymon was not necessarily an evil digimon or an evil evolution, just not what was needed nor wanted at the time
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lonely-night · 2 months
I wonder if keeping a journal/diary really can help me ease my anxiety and depression
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actual-changeling · 4 months
y'know the david tennant sequin pillow (which michael OWNS and i will never get over that) is iconic, but if you think that's the worst the internet has to offer—never. thank you to @nightgoodomens for the inspiration to find more.
so! have a handpicked selection of david tennant faces i found on etsy.
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a spoon and two different mugs so your breakfast can consist entirely of david tennant
does your car smell boring? no worries. david AND michael are here to help. michael sheen probably owns three of each.
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the amount of air fresheners with his face is concerning.
apropos smells. do you like to pray? now you no longer have to do it alone; enjoy the company of the david tennant prayer candle while smelling a date with david tennant.
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you know what else goes will with candles? books. and you always need a nice bookmark and comfy outfit, right?
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obviously, kept the best for last. seeing this has scarred me forever and caused infinite amounts of psychic damage, so to keep any unsuspecting scrollers from getting cursed like me, you can find it under the cut.
i'd ask "why" but i don't think i want to know the answer to that question.
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onlineghosts · 6 days
i have to say i was not at all a strong enough man thing to withstand the impact of only ever having seen vague tumblr posts about how harry du bois was like the Worst Invention Of Evolution just to open the game and actually finding the most relatable portrayal of anything ever and grappling with that
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kindlythevoid · 11 months
Hey squad, I just got emotional over one of my least problematic fav classics hero, Odysseus, and how he went to war for a decade because he loved his family and how he spent the next decade searching for that family and how his family had such faith that he would crawl back to them that they waited the twenty years for him.
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