#this is the smartest idea i’ve ever had-
sammydem0n64 · 1 year
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Some of y’all are gonna enjoy this one
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ceilidho · 5 months
take me home, country road
You have nothing on your person apart from a hastily packed suitcase and the dress you came into town wearing, on the run from trouble back home. Too bad John's missing a bride that matches your description. Or: the 1800s (mistaken) mail order bride au (chapter 12) [note: trigger warning for a pretty rough spanking scene with a belt and minimal aftercare. if you need to, you can skip to the midway point (there's a line between the first half and second).]
first chapter >> last chapter
He keeps your hands tied behind your back on the ride home.
All that does is confirm the fact that he must know. Graves must have tracked him down or perhaps he was approached by someone who did consider your sudden arrival in town suspicious. Why else would the sheriff chase you all the way into the mountains on horseback and then take you back with him? He would’ve within his rights to leave your thieving self to wander alone in the woods and succumb to the elements.
John doesn’t say a word the first hour of the ride back. You can feel the anger emanating from him though. He almost shakes with it. His anger somehow upsets you more than whatever is left to come. 
“Anytime you wanna start talkin’, I’m all ears,” John finally says, breaking the silence. 
You keep your lips pressed together, stubbornly silent. There’s no use giving yourself away before you’ve learned how much he knows. You haven’t built this life of yours with loose lips. 
“I don’t know what in the Sam Hill has gotten into you,” he continues, and his voice is cobblestone tread rough in the night. “Running off all by yourself. There ain’t nothing out in these parts except outlaws and highwaymen. There are men out here that’d love to get their hands on a woman like you—not even a knife to defend yourself with. You haven’t even got a scrap of food on you, never mind water. You’d’ve been dead in a week if the men out here hadn’t picked you off themselves.”
His words make your stomach ache. You know that there are worse things out there. A thousand gruesome ways to die. You’re less of a lady than John might think—you’ve heard stories. You’ve brushed close to that reality yourself. You wonder how he’d take it if you were to tell him about what had happened back east. 
Maybe running away this time hadn’t been your smartest idea, but it had been your only. You can’t fault yourself for the instinct to survive. 
“I know,” you mumble, dropping your chin to your chest. 
“You gonna explain to me why you stole my horse and ran off in the first place?” he asks. 
It’s the strangest interrogation you’ve ever heard of—sitting on the same horse with your back to the man questioning you and your hands tied together at the wrists. You wonder if you leaned back whether you’d feel his heart beating furiously in his chest. 
You remain mulishly silent though, reticent to answer the question.
“Maybe I’ve been spoiling you,” he continues, trying to rationalize it to himself. “After the fuss you put up those first few days, I thought a bit of structure and discipline would do you well, and it did. Giving you a bit of slack was my mistake.”
You frown at that. Those don’t sound like the words of a man with any knowledge of the circumstances leading to you running off. He might not even have come across Graves at all in the hours since the man made his appearance in the general store. Otherwise, you can’t imagine how he wouldn’t make the connection. 
Still, you can’t make yourself come right out and say it, even though every iota of your being aches to let the truth out. Call it nerves overpowering the need to be truthful and good. You vacillate between honesty and self-preservation, but each avenue feels like being dropped into a nest of vipers. 
But he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know. If he knew, he wouldn’t question you like this. It’s a boon you can’t give up, not yet. Not when the thought of his inevitable righteous fury fills you with dread and self-loathing. 
“I don’t have to explain myself,” you spit out suddenly, and it’s not you saying those words but something ugly and sad in you. “You’re not my owner.”
“I damn sure am your husband though,” John growls, winding his free hand around your hair to tug you back into his chest. “And I know these parts far better than you, little miss. Beyond running off on me for no good reason when I thought we put your reticence behind us, you went and put yourself in danger the likes of which you couldn’t even fathom.”
“I’m not an idiot,” you snap. “I know what men are like.”
“You’re telling me you pulled that stunt knowing what kinda danger is out there in the woods?”
“I wasn’t thinking!”
“I know you weren’t,” John grunts. “That’s the issue.” 
The rest of the ride home is uncomfortably quiet. John keeps one hand clamped on your waist while the other holds the reins of both horses, the two walking alongside each other back down the trail towards the house. The ride home is a lot longer than the ride out into the woods since John refuses to let either of them go faster than a slow trot while your hands are tied behind your back. 
He snorts in derision at your suggestion to undo your binds. “That eager for your punishment?” 
That gets you to zip your lips. 
When you get drowsy, John tips your head back and makes you sip from his waterskin. His hand fits carefully around your throat to hold your head in place, his fingers curling around to just graze the nape of your neck. Your throat pulses under his palm when you swallow. It’s far too intimate for how restless you feel, damn near shaking out of your skin, but it briefly shushes the voice in your head until he pulls his hand away. 
A shadow under the doorway of the house startles you at first before it takes a step into the faint light of the setting sun and you recognize the bristly blond of Simon’s shorn head and the red bandana shrouding the bottom half of his face. The tension ebbs back into you when you realize with creeping humiliation that the black horse you rode home on must belong to him. 
He watches the two of you approach with predictable disinterest, his eyes betraying nothing. The shame is excruciating. 
John brings the horse to a halt some feet from Simon, not bothering to greet him. You wonder if it’s the anger choking him or if this is just routine, men trading favors in silence lest a word in gratitude break the spell. After dismounting himself, John helps you down, all but picking you up and lifting you off the horse. 
Simon doesn’t say a word to either of you when he takes the reins from John’s hands, giving him only a curt nod and you a cursory glance before leading his horse away to mount. He doesn’t spare you a backwards glance before taking off back towards town. You watch him over your shoulder while John guides you up the porch steps and into the house, until the shape of him disappears into the horizon. Then the door shuts behind you. 
Alone now, your attention turns back to John. He stares down at you consideringly, a hand planted on the door he just shut until he lets it fall to his side. You can see the gears turning in his mind, weighing something out. 
It wouldn’t be right to call it anticipation; it’s not quite dread either. 
“I don’t make idle threats, you know,” he says, apropos of nothing. 
His words make you frown until you glance down to find him undoing his belt. Your blood turns to ice. He tugs the thick strap until it comes sliding out of each loop around his waist. The buckle rests heavy in his palm, thick fingers curling around it, and when he bends the belt in two, you already know that he intends to follow through with his threat from earlier, the one you said you’d gut him for.
“I’ll scream,” you warn, heart in your throat. It almost chokes you. “I mean it. I’ll scream like the devil.”
“Don’t go makin’ no empty threats now, darlin’,” he says in a low voice, almost taunting. You can hear the hard edge in his voice though. It’s not something he craves, but he’ll take it. 
“You touch me with that thing and I’ll never forgive you.” 
John’s eyes go hard. “I’ll just have to take that chance.” 
And then he’s on you.
He hooks an arm around your waist when you try to rush past him back out the door and it forces the breath out of you. 
You struggle as best you can with your hands tied behind your back, trying to wriggle out of his hold even as he heaves you up into his arms and climbs the staircase towards the bedroom. The steps creak under the added weight of you in his arms. The screams come tearing from your throat, ripping your vocal cords and nearly sending you into a coughing fit. 
“Let—me—go—” you shriek, kicking out wildly, hoping to catch something that’ll make him lose his balance. 
“All that squirmin’ ain’t making me feel more merciful,” he growls. 
John kicks the bedroom door open with his foot when he reaches the top of the staircase. The room looks ominous without the oil lamp lit, the shadows growing in the corners swallowing up the end table. The bed is just as you made it this morning, the sheets pressed tight and neat, and you only get a second to take that in before he marches towards the bed and throws you down onto it.  
You hit the bed hard, bouncing slightly. He sits down heavily enough to jostle you and when you try to roll away on instinct, a hand catches you by the bicep and pulls you back. He hauls you across the bulk of his thighs this time, far different from your first meeting back in the sheriff’s office all those weeks ago. Your feet don’t even touch the floor this time around, dangling in the air and flailing for purchase. 
“You brute—you bastard!” you screech.
“I’m not gonna be as charitable this time,” John says, yanking your dress up and your drawers down until your bare bottom is exposed. You gasp at the cold air, murmuring something like please, please, please under your breath. “Even if I knew why it was you decided to run off, that doesn’t excuse the fact that you did. You coulda been hurt or worse out there, darlin’, and I’d never have forgiven myself. I’m gonna make sure the lesson sinks in this time.”
He folds the leather belt to hold it in one hand, leaving the other to pin you down over his thighs, making sure you don’t wriggle out. The leather is cool at first when he drags it over your butt. It makes your breathing pick up. It’s so gentle that you can almost trick yourself into thinking that it’s all he intends to do. 
The first lash comes so quick that you barely register it. The second knocks the wind out of you, and then the pain sets in. 
It stings something fierce. Where his palm hurt that first time he bent you over his desk and spanked you, the belt burns. It goes deep and it lingers when he pulls the leather away from your stinging bottom. 
“Hurts like the dickens, don’t it?” John asks, not bothering to wait for confirmation before bringing the belt down again. “You’re lucky it’s only ten this time.”
You howl into the bedsheets, eyes tearing up and spilling down your cheeks. When you try to cover your ass with your bound hands, John grabs them and pins them to the small of your back. 
“What’ll you never do again?” he growls. 
“Say it, darlin’: I’ll never run off on my own again.”
“I’ll—n-never gonna—oh, it hurts, John—please—”
At some point, you must say the words he’s looking for. You lose count of how many times his belt has struck across your ass. Like thunder coming after lightning, you feel it and then you hear it. The sharp snap comes as a second wave of agony in and of itself. 
Your throat is stripped raw by the time it’s over. The aftermath finds you with a puddle of drool under your cheek, hair matted to your face. Sweat slicks the backs of your thighs and down your spine. Even the gentlest brush of John’s hand over your backside, the belt deposited off the side of the bed, makes you flinch, the skin there tender to the touch. You’ll surely feel it deep in your bones come sunrise. 
Too exhausted for anger, all you can do is lie there. It sits heavy in your stomach though, a pit at the center of you. You want to say, who gave you the right? The answer burns a ring around your finger though. You want to say, you don’t understand, it had nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with him and you. 
You can tell he wants to say something. It gets choked in his throat, but you can hear it in the way his breath draws in, like he’s trying to coax it from his chest but it simply won’t come out. 
“Stay right there,” John rumbles instead, shifting you onto the bed to let you lie on your belly. 
You moan in pain when he moves you, sniffling into your arms. The crook of your elbow is sticky with your tears and snot. 
The bed dips under his weight when he comes back. You flinch violently when he draws the skirt of your dress up again and smooths his hand over the tender cheeks of your backside, spreading a cool salve over your skin. The first touch of his hand makes you hiss, tears beading in the corners of your eyes again, but then the cool sinks in, alleviating the ache. 
He does that for another few minutes in silence. Gentle, tentative touches, only stopping when the salve has been spread evenly over your bottom. He’s quiet when he shifts you up the bed until your feet are no longer dangling off the end. You’re distantly aware of him taking off your shoes and tucking you into bed, but the events of the day have finally gotten the better of you. It would be easier to push a boulder up a hill than crack even one of your eyelids open.
Time passes slowly; sluggishly. Your thoughts can’t quite catch up with it, either too quick or too slow. You’re stuck in thoughts of the desert, caught in a sandstorm that manifests too suddenly for you to take cover. All you can do is close your eyes and wait it out. 
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Morning comes like a brutal summoning into the waking world. 
It hurts, but you expected that. Before your eyes even open, you’re aware of a throbbing pain coming from your backside. You wince when you shift to your side, squeezing your eyes tight. You contemplate rolling over and taking your chances with John’s temper. The thought isn’t as appealing in the light of day though. 
It takes some time to get out of bed and when you do, you have to step tentatively from floorboard to floorboard, the ache making it decidedly uncomfortable. You can’t imagine what sitting down will be like. Riding a horse is just out of the question. 
From the bedroom window, you see John standing in front of the house with Simon, back again not even twelve hours later. With the window closed, you can’t hear their conversation, nor can you read their lips. Their exchange doesn’t last long though. After another minute or so, and a nod goodbye, Simon walks back over to his horse standing nearby and lifts himself up and over onto the saddle, taking off towards town. 
When John turns back towards the house, you see him glance up towards the bedroom window where you stand. The circles beneath his eyes are dark, pronounced. On another day, you might’ve ducked out of sight or jumped away from the window, but now you hold his gaze. 
He breaks your stare first this time, heading back inside. It’s less satisfying than you thought it’d be. 
You spend the day resting in bed and avoiding John for the most part. He spends the majority of the day out of the house. You hear him downstairs in the kitchen around midday, fixing himself up something to eat, and you listen attentively to the scrape of the chair across the floor and the pan on the stovetop. Like the day he brought you home, he brings you up a tray only to leave it at the door, rapping the door with his knuckles to let you know before heading back downstairs. 
When he comes up for bed, you’re already lying down with your back to the door, the oil lamp left unlit. John doesn’t say anything to you as he changes into his nightwear. He smells fresh when he climbs into bed, like he bathed in the creek out in the woods. You breathe in deeply, trying to keep your breath quiet enough to not disturb the silence. The pillow under your head is saturated with his scent. You turn your nose into it when he lies down on his back instead of curling into you like he usually does. 
Your chest aches at that simple denial. There’s a wall between the two of you and you know where it came from. Any trust that you’d built lies in ruins now. 
Perhaps that’s not quite right though. It’s a romantic notion that you’ve been building something together all this time, but it doesn’t feel right now that you have the wherewithal to look back and reflect. All this time, whenever you’ve touched, you’ve held him steadfast and at an arm's length away, stopping two degrees short of intimacy. 
Deliberately effusive; and worse, you’ve called it affection. 
The tenderness in your heart is the worst of it. There’s a bruise there, and it’s been there awhile. It’s only grown with your recent troubles. You tell yourself every year that you’ll air it out come spring, but then the winter comes and it freezes over again.  
The pillow under your chest grows damp with your tears. 
Your dress the next morning is cornflower blue. The wheatfields are golden stalks swaying in the breeze. It’s a pleasanter day than how you feel. 
The ride into town is as painful as you thought it might be. You wince with every stride, your bottom still tender as a rose. John’s arm tightens around your waist when you squirm, like you might slide off the saddle and try to flee again, and you bite your lip to hold back the urge to snap. 
The little bit of independence you’d grown to enjoy is snatched away from you. You expected that as well, but that loss of privilege comes with a biting ache. You fight the urge to gnash your teeth and bark at him that you’re not a child when he grips you under the arm and leads you down the road. It wouldn’t do you any good. 
When John leaves you off at the general store, you’re surprised to find Kate back, hale and hearty. She looks up when the chime over the door jingles and raises her eyebrows in greeting. The sound makes you flinch, memories coming back unbidden. 
You look over your shoulder to say something to John before he leaves, but the door is already closing behind him by the time you turn around. Your lips are pursed on a word that dissolves in your mouth. It has a bitter aftertaste. 
“Thought you wouldn’t be back for a few more days,” you say instead, turning back to Kate. There’s already a chair pulled up for you by the wall and you make yourself comfortable there, grimacing at first when your sore backside touches the wood before settling in. 
She shrugs. “Plans changed. Gaz and I made it back late last night.”
You frown. “Gaz?”
“Kyle Garrick. Sorry—slip of the tongue. You’ve met him already. He used to go by Gaz way back when.”
“Way back when?”
“Not my story to tell. You should ask one of them, if you’re curious.”
You are, but not enough to ask. “Maybe.”
The two of you lapse into silence after that exchange. Before leaving the house, you remembered to bring with you some needles and wool to pass the time. They’re not as familiar in your hands as you’d like them to be, but you suppose, barring the possibility of Graves or another bounty hunter showing up in town to cart you off, you’ll have time to learn. 
The thought leaves you anxious. It feels distinctly more possible now. 
“You met Miles while I was away?” Kate asks, out of the blue.
Your head comes up at her question. “Miles?”
“He was minding the store for me while I was away. Said you came in the other day.”
You swallow reflexively. “Oh. Yes, I suppose I did meet him. I didn’t stay long, since you were gone and all.”
She hums and looks back down at the book in front of her. You feel nervous all of a sudden. 
“He said you were very helpful,” she says abruptly, breaking the silence. You flinch. “Told me some gentleman came by with a warrant for a murder back east and you were kind enough to take it to your husband for him so he could keep minding the shop.”
Your throat constricts. She pins you under her gaze, unblinking eyes staring into yours but not looking for anything. Wispy blonde bangs brush along her forehead when she tilts her head ever so slightly. 
You nod instead of answering. 
“Did you give it to him?” she asks.
“I didn’t have a chance to. The day got away from me,” you say tersely. 
“I heard something about that. Kyle said John had to borrow Simon’s horse the other day. Said something about him taking off in a hurry.”
Again, you don’t answer. It feels like without knowing it, you’ve crossed over a threshold. 
“Do you still have it?” Kate prompts when again you don’t respond. You don’t tell her that you don’t because in all the fuss the other day, it must have slipped out of your pocket and drifted off into the wind. “The warrant?”
“No,” you whisper, shaking your head. 
“That’s alright. I have a good enough idea about what it might’ve said.” 
Sweat beads on your upper lip. She all but says it outloud. You’re as still as a ferrotype under her gaze, imprinted in place, unable to move so much as a muscle or force a word past your stiff lips. 
“You’re under no obligation to tell me or anyone,” Kate says, and her voice is suddenly gentle, softer than you’ve ever heard it before. “I’m sure you had your reasons. I won’t be telling John, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Oh. Thank you,” you breathe, throat so tight that the words almost don’t come out. 
It’s the closest you’ve come to admitting to it, tangentially or not, and even now it’s spoken only out of the corner of your mouth. You don’t think you have it in you to recite the events sequentially. Even in the privacy of your memory, it comes piecemeal, in fragmented images that flicker across your mind because maybe to remember it whole would be too much. 
You don’t say much more after that, and neither does Kate. That wasn’t the point of bringing it up, you think. You'd know if it was. 
When John comes to fetch you at the end of the day, you leave without saying goodbye to Kate. Only a stiff smile before heading out on your way. If she returns your smile, you don’t notice it. To John, you simply duck your head and follow him out the door, letting him help you up onto the horse without a word. 
If it bothers him that you refuse to speak to him, he doesn’t show it. 
It’s so many steps back that you might as well be back where you started. Maybe even further back, a voyage gone so wrong that when you look over your shoulder, you can’t make heads or tails of where you came from. The trees from the other side of the trail never look quite the same. 
If you could open your mouth and say it, you would. If you knew he’d listen. But you don’t think John is that kind of man. Against the gold of the setting sun, he cuts a figure from times of yore. He speaks plain while you tend to speak in fricatives and bilabial stops, incapable of enunciating the words. 
You feel like a wound on the world. Getting it wrong again and again. 
It’s an old pain, one that started back when you were too small to hold it all. Now, you’ve grown large enough to hold it, though it holds you back in turn. You remember your parents studiously ignoring first creation like some noxious cloud billowing from the chimney. There’d been too many children for them to care about the runt. Shipped off to your aunt’s and uncle’s just for the cycle to repeat itself. 
It’s an old grief, this one, friendly because it nudges at your hips when you brush by, striking in the blue-green. And when it burns, it burns.
“John, I—” you say when he helps you down back at the house. 
He stares down at you, waiting you out. Your mouth goes dry, the truth beyond your grasp again. Your heart aches when his brows furrow and the lines around his eyes crease again, frustration welling beneath the surface. 
You understand. It sits under your skin too. 
"Go inside," he says instead when you don't go on. "I'll bring in the horses and start supper."
Your God sits at the edge of the bed, wholly lacking praise. It’s not His fault that it’s been awhile. These days, you can hardly muster up the energy to say hello. You gargle saltwater before you bathe and scrub your skin free of blood, waiting for the next morning to come.
And you think, lying on your side while John sleeps on the other side of the bed, wouldn’t it be lovely to get it right now, rather than in retrospect?
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efflorescencesims · 9 months
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→ t-shirts with a bunch of random things i enjoy! ☆ new mesh, bgc ☆ 11 swatches + 2 bonus swatches ☆ feminine frame / teen-elder ☆ custom thumbnail ☆ disabled for random please lmk if there are any issues, since this is my first real piece of cc!!
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*ೃ༄ download (sfs)
since this is a thank-you gift, you will find the thank-you notes under the cut (quite cheesy + long)
first of all: thank you so much for 100 followers!!
i especially want to thank all my mutuals for being such amazing people, hyping me up every time i post and blessing my feed with their incredible talent. i don't normally like singling people out because of my fear of leaving people out but i wanted to give a special special shoutout to @miralure and @simulatd because they are literally the sweetest people ever!!
my page is almost a year old but i've only been consistently active since october and if you look at my earlier posts you can definitely tell my edits have gone through a few transformations. even now i’m not entirely sure what my niche is. i wanted to thank you guys for supporting me even when i give you whiplash while trying to figure out what i want my page to be!
i feel a little proud with the progress i’ve made last year, or rather in the last few months. i’ve started learning how to use blender (which i never thought i’d do) and honestly it’s the most fun i’ve had in a while!! it allows me to realize my silly ideas and has almost no limitations. i’m still very new to it, but i’m looking forward to the this year and to all the progress i’ll make.
as for cc making, i have so much respect for cc creators and what they're able to do. going into this with no experience and time to practice (because i gave myself a stupid time limit) was definitely not my smartest move. these shirts honestly don't look the best, which is a little disappointing but if you don't want them, just ignore them and look at the preview instead (which kind of sucks as well) !!
if you read all of this: thank you!! and if you didn't: thank you still!!
i know i'm a little late but nevertheless i wish everyone a happy new year!! i'm so excited to see what this year has in store for us <33 much love & see you soon (because i do need a short break after this...)
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reallyromealone · 3 months
I’ve been soooo obsessed with the babyhaul series.So,I was wondering if you could do an ep where the babe finally develops his quirk.Aizawa dropped the babe at the U.A daycare and a few hours pass and he gets called to the office bc his little one developed their quirk (You can pick the quirk bc I have no idea what it should be)
Feel free to ignore this <333
Title: quirk
Fandom: bnha
Characters: Yamada, Aizawa, Nedzu
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: Yamada x Aizawa
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, fluff
Quirks were fun.
Especially when you get a call that your toddler rearrange the structural design of a block into a pile of sand, causing the daycare staff to have to call the parent to said daycare.
"What did he do?" Aizawa asked exasperated as he and his husband sat with their three year old, (name) sporting a cool quirk suppressant bracelet for children as he played with his papas fingers and wedding band "well it seems he developed his quirk, he turned a wood block into sand and then his cookie into a ducky toy and began crying when he didn't have his cookie anymore" the head of the U.A daycare explained and the two teachers shared a glance.
(Name) Had his biological father's quirk.
"Thank you for telling us, if you could excuse us" Aizawa lifted the little one In his arms as they went to Nedzu, they knew this time would come but god they wished they had a bit more time. (Name) Was confused as his dad's looked serious "papa! I got my quirk!" (Name) Tried to make conversation with Yamada who smiled down at his son that was in Aizawas hold "yeah, now we gotta see uncle Nedzu to teach you how to use it" (name) looked confused but just went with it, uncle Nedzu was the smartest guy ever so...
"Uncle zuzu! I got my quirk!" (Name) Said excitedly as he was freed from his dad's hold and set in the ground, waddling/ running towards the principal "So I have been told little mouse, very exciting" Nedzu said handing a cookie to the child who went around his desk to see him properly since he wasn't able to see above the desk.
"The commission isn't to know about his abilities so we can work that to our advantage" (name) was sitting on the carpet with his toys, playing happily while the adults put their plan into action, the daycare trained and signed enough NDA's to make a judge sweat "We will begin quirk training immediately, if he can do something like that without breaking a sweat now... That's something to keep close tabs on"
It was well known that quirks could be more powerful through generations, evolving into something even bigger than itself and (name) had no reaction to using his quirk even by accident, turning wood to sand wasn't an easy feat after all.
"It will only be for an hour a day, he is still quite young" Nedzu showed them folders he had prepared, a very cohesive and airtight plan that had the parents impressed "there's even snack time" Aizawa said with a huff, it fit in for their pick-up time for Eri and everything.
"And if course I'll be there in case something happens" Aizawa said looking back at his son who was in his own world.
That night, Aizawa and Yamada sat with their tot and explained a little bit about his quirk, (name) was already mentally developing faster than they were expecting, they were sure that Kisaki did something to cause that as the boy seemed to be understanding things faster and better than his peers.
"I can make cookies..." The power (name) realized he has was a horrifying realization to the parents who couldn't help but laugh at the fact that making cookies was his first instinct.
"Use that power wisely" Yamada snorted as they went home, they had some things to order and have lunch, (name)s choice.
373 notes · View notes
zo3mess · 24 days
Pest Control
Summary: So, Adrian has a girlfriend… And it’s not you. But that’s fine, it’s not like you have a secret crush on him, right? And it’s not like she treats him like an absolute shit while you have to hear every night how great she is. Maybe someone should help Adrian get rid of that gold-digging leech.
Warnings: 18+, toxic relationships, Adrian is a meanie, reader is a simp and makes questionable decisions, unrequited love (unless…), blowjobs, voyeurism, foul language, fem!reader, no Y/N
Word count: 4.3K
Extra songs for this fic
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Note: Wow, this was pain to write. I literally wanted to scrap it every time I worked on this. Anyways, I’ve been thinking about requests I guess? Idk if anyone would be interested, but if you are, just write a message and I might come up with something. Anyways, enjoy this mess <3
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You thought Adrian was a smart guy. You’ve listened to him bragging about precisely picking up clues about criminals’ weak spots just from simple observations. You’ve seen him put together who is the killer in the detective series you watch together.
Well, you just have to forget about that time when he thought he could talk himself from that mess he got into when he accidentally revealed his secret identity. Vigilante mask messily thrown under the passenger seat didn’t make it when he gave you a lift
Still it was a shame to see him lose all that perception and common sense when a pretty girl paid attention to him.
Sadly, that pretty girl wasn’t you. Not that you mind of course. You just hated how he talked your ear off with odes on her beauty. Great ass this, big tits that, but you caught up all those small details that he seemingly missed.
How she conventionally forgets her wallet every time he takes her out. How she checks his phone for “cyber threats” when the only true threat is her. How she is always late with her mortgage payment, at least that’s what she tells him, and when he lends her money, suddenly a new pair of heels occupy her shoe rack.
Every shift with Adrian ended before you even realized, you just discussed stupid things when you do the dishes or shoot funny faces at each other across the restaurant. But ever since he got into a relationship, he had his head full of her instead of all your shared interests from before. Over and over again he talked about Meghan.
Just like now, he yapped and yapped, getting all mushy and soft to the point where he almost forgot that he’s supposed to be bussing tables with you.
“She said she loved me, would you believe that?” Even when he was turned away from you he couldn’t hide a cheery grin that formed with his words. He was just so happy, while you practically felt your heart shatter.
“And do you… love her back?”
“I- pfff, of course I do. What kinda question is that?” He answered right after you asked, like he was 100 % sure about his feelings. You knew him long enough to know, that Adrian was far from a person who had his thoughts and feelings together.
You decided not to sow any doubts into his belief, he would shut any of your argument down like the stubborn guy he is.
“You would like her, you know.” Such a simple statement, such an anger trigger.
“You would like her,” you mocked his statement under your breath while kneeling in front of the electricity box from the other side of Meg’s house. “Yeah, I would like her six feet under.”
Hey, maybe it was not the smartest idea to flip her electricity off for seemingly no reason, but God, were you furious. Meghan had Adrian wrapped around her dainty little finger and he acted like her little pet, doing tricks for the smallest signs of affection.
So what if you wanted her life to not be so perfect? At least for a little while until she figures out how to switch the electricity back.
Vigilante would send a bullet right through your head for doing this.
Though you were sure he would never ever-
Well… Maybe he would. Crime is crime, no matter how great friends you are. You were safe for now, he didn’t have time tonight to watch cheesy romcoms with you and laugh at the stupidity of it. Apparently, he had business to take care of, which could only mean he started his stake out earlier than normal.
Just when you were about to stand up and leave in silence, unseen by neighbors if you got lucky, you heard voices. Not exactly near you, but close enough to make you nervous.
Voices. Conversation. Slam of car doors followed by slam of front door… Shit.
The logical part of your brain screamed ‘Run!’ but the other part of your brain, which usually stands behind those kinds of petty actions, tells you to wait for Meghan’s annoyance and confusion once she finds she can’t even switch a light on.
Silent steps, moves like a ninja, if Adrian saw you he would totally compliment your cat-like walk from the electricity box to the side of Meg’s house. Though he would not compliment the fact that you were too eager to snoop around and look inside her house through the half-open blinds.
You expected Adrian’s girlfriend to barge in with her friends of some sort, but genuine surprise spread across your face when she came in with Adrian, who had his hands full with various shopping bags.
So this is what he meant by business? Being a slave in shopping fever?
And he didn’t even have the guts to tell you honestly why he couldn’t hang out after the morning shift like usual.
And what shocked you even more was the situation that unfolded in front of you. Meghan practically launched at Adrian, making him drop all the bags on the floor. She locked him in a messy and steamy kiss that made your stomach twist.
Oh my god. You shouldn’t be watching that, right?
But it was so endearing. It didn’t take long before she slid to her knees and undid Adrian’s jeans with skilled hands and took his dick out. If only she didn’t block your view with her head…
Adrian gasped and writhed under her hands, you have never seen him turn to putty so fast. He gets all wobbly, whiny, and cuddly when he has too many drinks in a bar, which is probably the closest you could have gotten to see this side.
But this? A Whole next level.
Pathetically beautiful.
“Shut up, Adrian.” Meg’s annoyed order sent a shiver down your spine. This just gave you another piece of evidence of how horrible she was.
What fool would shut down an angel’s choir right before them? You only got a taste of what his vocal cords could do amid pleasure and just that was making your insides jump in unexplainable need.
Adrian unfortunately complied. He clamped his palm over his mouth, muffling any noise that threatened to escape as she took him in her mouth. Despite his tries though, a few loud groans still traveled to your ears.
You’ve heard him groan in pain when he sliced his hand by broken glass at work or when he stubbed his toe on your coffee table. But hearing him groan in pleasure? If you could it would be the only sound he would make next to another moans and whimpers.
This was just so wrong. You mentally kicked yourself that you haven’t dipped already. To be fair it wasn’t worse than cutting off electricity in her house, at least in a legal way. In moral ways, this was worse.
But it truly was a sight to behold.
Just from this distance, you could see the way his lower stomach seized with each bob of her head. Or how he stopped his hips from thrusting further. Chest heaving with each shallow breath. One hand dug in the wall he was leaning on, the other hid half of his face desperately trying to shush himself. Usually twinkling eyes shut tightly under his aviator glasses alongside furrowed brows accompanying the whole look.
This boy belonged to an art gallery. And if not there, he could be an art piece in your home, your eyes alone would replace a thousand others.
Maybe all it takes for someone to realize their feelings is to watch a friend get a blowjob. Because right here and there, kneeling next to the window and peeking through blinds, you feel…
Jealousy. That is what it was all along.
You wished you could take Meghan’s place and kneel in front of him rather than hiding and watching the nasty scene in front of you. You just couldn’t tear your eyes away, at least not until it was all over.
Eventually, Adrian cried out loudly and slammed his hand against the wall. That’s where you realized he was not only forbidden from moaning out loud but also forbidden from touching her. Considering this was her way of paying off Adrian...
Meg quickly stood up and ran towards the sink the second Adrian stopped flaring inside her mouth. Why was it breaking your heart to see her spit out his cum down the drain and immediately rinse her mouth with water. And poor Adrian followed her decision to not swallow with a disappointed look.
There must have been something really appealing to guys to have their girls swallow everything they so generously give them. The idea of part of them staying inside their loved ones for the rest of the day.
Except in this situation Meg owned Adrian, not the other way around. At least that much was clear, it made sense she would never allow something so intimate.
It was hard to act nonchalant around Adrian those following days. The second he came through the door you lost ability to talk normally, hell, you forgot how to walk like a normal human every time he was nearby by.
To be fair, there was such a mix of emotions coursing through you it would be a miracle if you acted cool. Jealousy, anger, guilt and… Attraction? No, that can’t be. Every person would feel this weirdly if they saw one of their closest friends getting oral.
It’s like when you experience that strange phenomenon where you dream of someone close to you and suddenly, upon waking up, you realize you have a huge crush on them. It's like your subconscious mind has played a trick on you, ‘Do it for the plot’ as the youngsters say.
Thinking about it afterwards, it was foolish to switch her electricity off. At least it calmed your raging nerves for a while. Give or take few minutes until your mind set off when you saw Adrian getting a blowjob and all of a sudden you developed crush on him.
And now? Well… How else are you supposed to calm nerves from one-sided love?
Alcohol. Drink it over.
Is it a solution? Yes. Is it a good one? That’s debatable.
You don’t even usually drink, at least not in some dingy bars, but it is the only thing that makes you forget about that ache in your chest. You sit by the bar, occasionally spilling sorrows to the barman that clearly let your complaints one ear in, one ear out.
At the point where you felt tipsy and dizzy, you settled on leaving the bar as long as you had some dignity. Phone numbers started mixing, names on your phone were way too blurred.
But the one thing that sobered you out was a woman that walked past you with a man by her side. You knew her, right? She looked familiar?
The pair settled in the booth at the very end of the bar, seeking darkness and privacy, illuminated only by few fairyl ights that hovered over the booth instead of those sharp reflectors by the bar.
The unstable bar stool barely held you up as you leaned towards that woman you have totally seen before. By some squinting and ears dropping you finally figured who it was…
With someone that wasn’t Adrian.
But that fine, it could be some old friend, coworker, maybe brother or cousin-
“Holy shit, they’re making out.”
“Congratulations, your eyes are still working.” The barman chimed in and slid you a bill, impatiently tapping his finger on the counter.
You had to sleep on it, That sight haunted your mind even the day after, when hangover brought you down but your mind was clear enough to think about the thing you saw yesterday.
Meghan. Was in a bar with some macho man that definitely wasn’t Adrian. And they were basically sticking tongues down each other’s throats…
This was wrong. So wrong. Poor Ade had no idea he was being cheated on. Well, it’s not like you haven’t anticipated it, but he couldn’t see it coming.
You would be a bad friend if you didn’t do anything about it. But coming onto him and saying something like this? Adiran would only laugh in your face and tell you to stop fucking with him, his perfect little girlfriend would never do that.
So… What if you gave Meghan a chance? You still had her number from that one time where Adrian tried to do a common movie night. It never happened.
Either she comes clean herself or you will tell Adrian. She does not need to know he probably won’t believe you either way.
Give her creeps, scare her… That’s the plan. You just had to text her from hidden number and wait for karma to do its thing.
She never answered back to that menacing text, days passed and it seemed Adrian and Meghan were still going strong. You almost thought nothing will come out of it.
It almost became the time where you prepared yourself to tell him the truth but…
Until one day, Adrian was acting weird on a shift. Not that it is something unusual, he is weird in certain aspects, but this time it was different.
He did offer you ride home like always though and there was no way you would refuse, at that time you didn’t thought it would be any different.
Not until you actually got into his car…  Familiar environment, same car fragrance, same little silly figure holding motivation quote on his dashboard. Yet your gut screaming that something is not right. Especially when Adrian just sat there, hands on the steering wheel without even starting the car.
“My girlfriend called me,” He started off with a calm voice, but you knew damn well where this was going. “Well, ex-girlfriend now…” He corrected himself with such a nonchalant demeanor like it was nothing.
You just sat in his car, silent, not daring to even flinch. Calm before storm, as they say, now you finally know how it feels.
“And well you know, apparently one of my psycho coworkers was threatening her and stuff.” He chatted away with such grace. Completely undisturbed like he was talking about his favorite pizza toppings. It was pineapple by the way, if anyone was wondering how psychotic he can be.
Why was he so calm? Somehow it was scarier than if he screamed at you right away.
“She said I wasn’t worth dealing with this bullshit, would you believe that?” A way too loud chuckle rang in your ears. You couldn’t decipher if he was actually amused or faked it for the sake of it.
Oh you wanted to turn invisible or at least hide from his piercing eyes. He could see almost every twitch in your face that erupted due to him. Every jerk of muscles in your tense expression and every nervous blink that only revealed your blame.
“And on top of that, she took like 120 dollars from my bank account? Funny huh?”
That didn’t even surprise you, Adrian gave her his credit card for undisclosed reasons. What did surprise you was the lack of emotion behind his ‘jokes’.
You were fucked and not in the good way.
“And I just find it interesting that the person she described sounds a lot like you. So, what the fuck did you do?” Oh, he shoots you that look. That disappointed and angry look that was even more telling than any word could possibly be.
“I did what I had to do. She was with you just for your money, can’t you see that?”
“She loved me!”
“She used you!” You spat back instantly, someone might argue it was maybe even too harsh, but it seemed that all grace left the moment he confronted you.
No other comment followed, no argument, no justification for Meghan’s actions. He just stared at you, a mix of emotions mixing behind his irises and it made you wonder whenever he realized that your words had some truth to them.
The silence that followed made the air near right suffocating, sparkling with tension that could set off with one wrong word. But you take the chance anyway.
“You should be with someone who actually likes you for who you are.”
“Yeah, right,” Adrian scoffed and shook his head to himself, “You mean with someone like you? Don’t be ridiculous.”
Oh, how did that sting. Words laced with mockery and annoyance.
Someone like you…
 Of course he never saw you that way. You were just an insignificant part of his life. Just another coworker, someone he can pass time when he’s bored but nothing more.
“You say that you care and you show it by making my girlfriend dump me. How is that caring?” He didn’t stop flaring hurtful words at you with a choked-up voice. And it made you wonder for a split second if he knew how much he was breaking you. He could be cruel, but would he unleash that side on you?
“You don’t know shit, Adrian!” You couldn’t take it anymore, with an annoyed screech you left his car and slammed the car doors as hard as you could.
Sultry night air pooled warmth over your body the second you left his car and stomped back towards the restaurant. You were ready to beg any of your coworkers for a lift home now that Adrian wasn’t an option.
And in the span of a few days, Adrian lost two people he cared about. Their titles were clear, girlfriend and friend, but those mixed-up feelings hiding behind simple names made his head dizzy. When Meg left, he didn’t feel sadness or loss. It was more disappointment that soon turned into anger directed at you.
Who were you to make decisions like this for him? It was your fault she left him without a word and a few dollars lighter. Well in the grand scheme of things it was just a few.
But all things considered, your departure somehow hurt more. When you slammed the car doors in his face he felt sad. Genuinely. Your actions hurt him, of course, but the feeling only dug itself deeper into his soul when you parted ways on bad terms.
But again, he was never particularly an expert at deciphering his emotions. So whatever he felt, it might as well be a simple betrayal with no extra complexity.
And when it came to you, well…
You knew you fucked up. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No matter what Adrian believes, you had good intentions. They might have been laced with your own selfish needs, but that doesn’t change the fact that you just wanted to help him.
 What else you could have done except for this? Talking about it wouldn’t make him see clearer, you tried. Leaving him be would be the easiest option, that didn’t seem like a good solution. At this rate, he would lose all his money because of her and probably get all washed up. Just a perfect boyfriend ATM for her.
After many shifts where Adrian completely avoided you and didn’t even shoot you a glance, you finally come to terms that you lost him. There won’t be any more movie nights where you stuff your mouth with cheap popcorn or inside jokes you occupied yourselves at work to make the shift run faster.
Maybe there was a side to his girlfriend that you didn’t see. Light touches in the morning when Adrian spent the night, fleeting kisses, jokes they shared, but what would be the chance she had a heart and used it to love him.
She still cheated on him in that bar. It was her. Totally. No doubt. Right?
A warm storm was brewing in the night sky when you got to your bus stop, the pleasant smell of rain carried itself through the streets and small raindrops wetted your hair and stuck it to your skin. Those kinds of summer storms were nice when you didn’t have to wait for a dingy bus to take you home.
Especially tonight it seemed like the bus would never come. You waited, waited, waited… It either broke down or the driver just decided that he won’t take a turn to get to this specific bus stop.
Either way you were getting drenched, cold and impatient, already settling on calling overpriced taxi or walking home in a storm.
You began walking in direction of your home until a familiar car slowed beside you on the road But even then you didn’t stop walking, you knew damn well who it was but you weren’t gonna give him the satisfaction of acknowledging it. Sebring’s window got rolled down “Need a ride?” and that was when you finally stopped and took a peek on the driver that had almost too soft of a expression plastered on his face.
That ride home was quiet, yet surprisingly peaceful. Neither of you dared to say a word, either because you didn’t want to interrupt the calm between you or because you simply had nothing to say.
One of those times when you meet up with an old friend after such a long time. When you have to warm up a bit to their presence.
And gods, did you miss him. More than you’d care to admit.
Blinding lamp lights flashed through the car window and slow jazz played from the radio on the lowest volume. And just then, when you finally felt a sense of familiarity you talked “I meant well.”
“I know.” Was all he said back before you settled on silence again, much lighter silence.
From time to time you both stole a glance at each other, but Adrian had to focus on the road and you averted gaze from the fear of being caught staring.
How did you never noticed how pretty he looked in the night light?
He stopped in front of your house, a strong deja vú washed over you, but before you could have exited the car yourself, Adrian jumped out of the car and walked over to open the door for you. It’s not like he haven’t done that before, but after you have been through it was an action you didn’t expect.
Without a complain you exited the car and just stood there on the pavement. In warm summer night that would be almost too quiet if it wasn’t for the light drip drip drop of the rain.
You were both searching for words, for apologies. Both sides were wrong and for the first time in your lives, you both knew you made a mistake. Mistake hidden by a good intention. Mistake hidden by a natural reaction. Mistake made by bad decisions, confused feelings and horrible communication.
“You planted a bug in my head, y’know,” Adrian eventually started, rubbing his hands together, “I- I’m—Sorry for acting like a jerk”
You should say you’re sorry too for sabotaging his relationship that seemed horrible to you, but maybe, just maybe, it was more tender than you anticipated.
Actions speak louder than words, right?
You take a hesitant step forward, but when Adrian doesn’t budge, you lock him in a mundane hug. That type of hugs you gave each other on drunken nights as you stumble your way home, filled with raw emotion and honest care.
Adrian’s back… And you couldn’t be happier.
Who knows if it was that sheer happiness or if you grew too confident from the fact he forgives you, you don’t have anything to lose at this point, right?
Your hand sneaks behind his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. You noticed that he is in need of a trim, but that could wait for better time.
You slowly moved your head from the crook of his neck, up and closer, until your cheeks were smushed together. In same way, those droplets of rain was giving this encounter sort of somber vibe, Peace, comfort, calmness…
And when he still didn’t budge, you dragged your face closer and closer, lips almost dragging across his cheek and then...
And then...
Butterflies in your belly were set free. They spread all across your body, making your fingers tingle as you held his face close to you, making your heart stop beating against your own ribs and against his chest. Sparkling electricity in your lips as you connected them with his own buzzing ones.
Adrian himself didn’t know what drove him to kiss you back. Did it matter anyway? Who the hell knows if his motivation was just a need for a quick rebound or if he finally discovered hidden feelings for you…
After all, you were in his arms and it was all that mattered.
That’s where you belonged all along, no matter neither of you knew it until this moment.
It’s a slow mangling of lips, strong and a little bit messy. Too much saliva, too much tongue in wrong places and yet, it was all you ever wanted, all you ever dreamed off.
Coming home. You think to yourself when you pull away for air.
“Do you want to rewatch Fargo with me?” You murmured against his lips, shit-eating grin on your lips. This was an offer you know he can’t refuse.
“Fargo and chill?” Much to your discontent he pulled away from your embrace, but all wrongs turned right when he took you by the hand and pulled you behind him towards your front door with unseen confidence.
And the second those doors shut behind you, theirs was no doubt you were both in the right place.
Sometimes life works out in the messiest way imaginable. But as long as it does, who are you to judge.
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munsonslove · 1 year
Five Times (part one: 1-3)
(18+ only)
summary: A stressful day at work leads to Eddie promising to make you cum over and over until your head is empty.
wordcount: 4.7k
tags/warnings: fem!sub!reader, dom!Eddie, established relationship, smut, dumbification, degradation, praise kink, choking, spitting in mouth, hair pulling, biting, squirting, overstim, dacryphilia, fingering (fem receiving), oral (fem receiving), he’s kinda mean in this but like in a you want him to be a lil mean to you way not like he’s an actual asshole way
a/n: listen. i’ve had a very stressful year and the idea of just being allowed to be dumb and not have to worry about anything is very appealing. part 2 with more smut to come...
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Today marked the one month anniversary since your (well deserved) promotion. You could finally say with confidence that your career was more than just taking notes and getting coffee for those in higher up positions. Still, this growth came with hard work, late nights, stress, and snide remarks from the men at the office who chalked your success up to low cut shirts worn around the boss. Which is ridiculous cause you’re not even sure that man had ever seen your clavicle, much less any cleavage.
Thankfully, this stress subsided by your wonderful relationship. Although Eddie loved and respected you, he knew that sometimes the responsibilities of adult life weighed on you like a million tons. He genuinely thought you were one of the smartest and most impressive people he’s ever met, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t give you what you needed. And what you needed was an escape from the overthinking and worrying- permission to turn your brain off and give yourself over to pleasure. 
There was a tell you subconsciously gave when your psyche craved that escape: when you pass through the entranceway of your shared home and Eddie comes to welcome you at the door, instead of greeting him with a smile and hug, you simply keep your arms limp at your sides as you collapse into him and bury your face in his neck.
That’s precisely how your arrival happened this evening, and Eddie wasted no time in wrapping his arms around you as he tenderly kissed your temple and led you to the bedroom. Along the way, he spoke no words as he helped you strip yourself of the restricting uniform of your day to day life. Heels are abandoned at the front door, a few feet from them a discarded blazer, then a little farther down the hallway was a crumpled pile of nylon that was once stockings. 
Now inside the room, Eddie sat you down on the edge of the mattress as his nimble fingers undid the buttons of your blouse and unhooked your slightly-too-tight underwire bra. Once your top half was completely bare, you laid back and lifted your hips up so that he could slide your skirt and panties down your legs in one quick motion.
As you settled into bed and got comfortable, Eddie tossed the worn clothes to the side and looked down at you with dark eyes. After flashing a crooked grin, he climbed onto the bed and rested on his knees. Kneeling before you, he starts laughing quietly.
“Well, well, well,” he whispered, mostly to himself. “Look at this pretty little prize I have all to myself.”
He didn’t permit any talking yet, so you remain silent. Instead, you laid there in anticipation while waiting impatiently for his next move. His calloused fingers leave goosebumps in their wake as he trails them from your belly button to your waist. When they reach the end of their journey, his hands suddenly grip with determination as he moves you how he pleases. Your body is pliant and powerless while he arranges you the way he needs you to be, something that he is glaringly proud about.
“You’re tired of pretending, aren’t you? Pretending you’re not my mindless little doll?” he murmurs with a smirk, and your thighs instinctively twitch to shut from the wave of arousal his tone sends through you. “Well, I doubt I could fuck the stupid out of you, but I can try.”
His assured, unwavering certainty was soul shattering. What once was hesitant enthusiasm is now teetering on full blown alarm when memories flood your brain of your doting boyfriend nearly bruising your pelvis from the valor he exhibited in washing away your bad days with orgasms. That turning in your stomach only heightened your senses, pulling feeble whimpers out of you with embarrassingly minimal contact. 
“My pretty girl,” he tutted with a mischievous lilt. “Need me to turn that brain off, huh? How about you let me play with you?”
You nod in response as the butterflies in your stomach turn violent and almost make you feel sick. Finally, all thoughts of whether or not paperwork was filled out correctly and filed in the right places are gone, and the only thing you can think of is Eddie’s burning hot touch on your skin.
“Wha’sa matter? Can’t use your big girl words?” he asks, slurring a bit as the lust clouds his senses. “That’s alright, I’ll do all the talking. Just focus on turning off that brain,” his voice is now growing low and raspy, and you feel his fingers twitching on your waist as he resists the itch to touch you. “That’s what you’re best at, isn’t it? Being my sweet, dumb girl. The only thing you’re good at is being a drooly little mess for me.”
What he’s saying should be demeaning, but it only makes you more turned on. His grip loosens as his fingernails scratch their way down toward your center. When he reaches your mound, just above your slickened lips, he slows down. Obviously, he wants to make you desperate enough that he can watch you squirm.
“Nnngh,” you whine, exasperated. “Eddie, please…”
“Needy fucking slut,” he chastises, but his eyes reveal more amusement than authority. He has to hold back the huff of laughter that threatens its way up his throat as he continues. “You’re gonna wait like the good girl I know you are. You wanna know how I know?”
Your eyebrows pinch together as you try to not cry from the frustration, and you make a small humming noise while shrugging your shoulders.
“Because,” he starts as his fingers finally make contact with your aching cunt. They slide easily along your folds, causing a choked gasp in reaction from you. “Only good girls have wet pussies like this. That’s my proof- good girls have wet, dripping pussies. And you’re always dripping for me, aren’t you, princess?”
“Mhm,” you agree as your legs open wider. The amount of concentration it takes to not buck your hips into his touch is overwhelming, but you manage to bear it. “Oh, please Eds. Need it so bad.”
“I know you do, sweetheart,” he cooed patronizingly, leaving one short peck between your furrowed brows. “But do you deserve it?”
Your toes are starting to cramp by the force they’re curling in with. “I- I think I-“
“You don’t think, you obey,” he corrects sternly, cutting off your stuttering. “You’re a brainless toy for me to use, don’t you know that?”
“Yes, yes I know,” you moan while nodding your head harder, hoping that your compliance will make him want to speed up his process.
Your plan succeeds, but not as much as you’d ideally hope. Eddie’s curious touches migrate from skimming up and down your slit to rubbing at the very top, effectively granting your clit just enough pressure to have you wanting more. A few stray tears fall from their ducts out of relief, and velvet soft lips wipe the moisture away before you even detected it. The rough pad of his middle finger glides smoothly around the bud thanks to your wetness- pushing it up, down, and side to side with ease. His other hand is pressed flat against the inside of your thigh, both holding your legs open and occasionally caressing comfortingly.
“This cute little button needed some attention, did it? Are you happy now? Done being a whiny fucking brat?” he asks, chuckling mockingly. You’re writhing and sighing, almost too distracted to respond, but you do manage to nod your head. Eddie’s not satisfied with your wordless answer.
“Getting dumber already?” he goes on to add, and his hand freezes between your legs. “I asked you a question, silly girl.” Though trying to portray total control, you can tell he’s suppressing a smile.
“Y- yes!” you supply shakily, your stutter making your panic apparent. “I’m s- sorry. I’m done being a br- brat.”
Eddie tsks three times, as if scolding a pet. The implication of that has you shuddering once again. His hand continues its ministrations. “And what do we say, hmm?”
“Thank you!” you gasp out as his pressure and speed both increase. “Oh, thank you.” Your calves tremble, despite how still you’re trying to keep them. 
“God, look how messy this little hole is for me. She’s fucking begging for my fingers. I think she’s gonna cum real fast, how ‘bout you?” he asks, his eyes glazing over as he languidly strokes your sensitive clit. “Stay still now, baby.”
But it’s impossible to not squirm as Eddie pinches and rolls the nub between his fingers. He’s ruthless and tooth-rottingly sweet all at once. You wriggle in his hold, your muscles jerking of their own accord, rutting your hips into his expert touch. Weight pushes you deeper into the mattress, forcing you to still- per his previous instructions.
“I know, princess, I know,” he comforts. “It’s hard to follow orders when your brain is so empty. Just keep those pretty eyes on me. You can at least do that, can’t you?”
You fight to not let your heavy eyelids flutter shut. It’s a struggle, but Eddie’s eyes being laser focused on yours makes it slightly easier. As he continues rubbing your clit so perfectly, his other hand moves to cradle your jaw. His thick thumb frees your bottom lip from where it was trapped between your teeth, and breaks the barrier into your more than willing mouth. He presses down on your tongue, just far back enough to slightly trigger your gag reflex but careful to not cause too much discomfort. Then his hand retreats, breaking the trance that had you fixated on his hypnotic gaze. 
You whimper a weak protest as your tongue extends over your chin and attempts to follow his fingers. This effort brings your head a couple inches off the pillow, only to have it slammed back down when he unexpectedly grabs your throat. The cool metal of his rings are a stark contrast to your heated skin. With his palm now pushing into your windpipe, you let out a puff of air in shock and wrap your hands around his wrists. 
“What’s wrong, baby? Can’t breathe?” he asks, but the way he says it suggests that he doesn’t actually care. He’s clearly enjoying the way you’re currently clawing at his forearm.
You try to plead for mercy, but can’t find the power to form a sentence beyond weak gasps for air. All you can do is try to blink away the blur in your vision as your head gets hazier and hazier.
He responds with a merciless laugh, then loosens his grip just enough to allow oxygen to enter your lungs once more before leaning forward and spitting into your still open mouth without warning. The force of it hits your tongue and causes his spit to splatter onto the roof of your mouth. You can’t help the volume of the broken moan that involuntarily leaves you. You also can’t help the way your hips buck up- making his fingers slip from your clit, which only turns your satisfied groan into a distressed whine.
“Poor thing,” he hums while putting on a faux-sympathetic pout, his lower lip jutting out sarcastically and his eyebrows upturning. 
He leans down to gently kiss your cheek, so light and quick that you barely even feel it. All you can focus on is his weight on top of you, chest pressed to yours with his arm wedged in between so that he can continue lazily toying with your clit, much to your relief. Eddie’s nose trails along your cheekbone until his hot, humid breath is tickling your ear. Lips move against your earlobe as he whispers his next words.
“Do you even realize how fucking pathetic you look right now?” he asks. “You probably don’t care though. Too much of a desperate fucking slut. Say it.”
“I’m a desperate slut,” you immediately comply.
The hand being used to lightly choke you breaks contact for a moment, only long enough for Eddie to push himself up onto his knees, before returning to its place on your neck. From there, he can comfortably look down at you while he continues to squeeze your neck and bring you closer to orgasm.
He grins at you like he’s proud, eyes wet and sentimental. It almost sounds loving the way he says, “That’s right. My desperate slut.”
Everything’s gone fuzzy. Any outside stimulant other than the man on top of you can’t reach your senses. It was like the two of you were covered in a heavy blanket, instead of being in the cool open air of your shared bedroom. The rest of the world felt so distant- a million miles away- that you couldn’t even remember any of the stresses that were previously bothering you. The pressure Eddie is applying to your throat isn’t tight enough to drastically affect your airflow anymore, so he and you both know that this is just the natural effect he has on you.
“Are you there so soon? I’ve already rubbed your mind away?” He sounds almost disappointed as he shakes his head disapprovingly. “We just started. Why do you have to be such a greedy whore?”
You know he’s just playing into his role. You know he doesn’t really mean it, and that he’s only trying to help ease you more into the headspace you crave so badly. But still, you feel the overwhelming urge to do whatever it takes for him to call you a good girl.
“I’m sorry. I can hold it,” you try to assure, without being entirely sure that it’s the truth. The tightness in your stomach is growing at an alarming rate.
“Don’t bother,” he tells you, sarcastically exaggerating a bored sigh. “What, you didn’t think I was gonna let you off that easy, did you? Surely even you aren’t that dumb.” His face leans dangerously close to yours as he emphasizes that last ‘you’, and his voice turns low and threatening. “I’m gonna make you cum a minimum of five times tonight, might as well get one over with now.”
And with that guarantee, you feel the dam break. He never even got around to fingering you, but you had a suspicion that that was next on the list. Rough kneading at your breast and lips once again attaching themself to your pulse point is what tipped you off that he had finally released your throat. Your head was thrown back- giving his mouth easy access- and your knees bent as your thighs squeezed together tight, trapping him there. Though, the quiet sound of your breathy moans and beauty of your scrunched up face made him want to stay there forever, so he personally wouldn’t describe it as ‘trapped’. 
“Good girl,” he growls, sounding crazed and cruel. “Look so cute like this. Sound so cute too. Like a fucking pathetic slut.”
His left hand began pinching at your nipples while the right’s movement on your clit remained throughout the duration of your climax, not ending until teary begging for him to stop alerted him to your overstimulation. He decided to allow you a moment to breathe, but only briefly. As your chest rises and deflates rapidly, your earlier suspicion proved true. Eddie’s vow of at least five orgasms was no empty promise, it was an oath. His middle finger slid eagerly down your puffy lips until reaching your entrance, where you promptly stopped him.
“Eddie, wait!” you exclaim, pushing his still determined hands away and attempting to cover your mound with your own. “I can’t cum again so soon!”
He outright scoffs at that, finally tearing his attention away from the area you’re pointlessly failing to defend to stare at you incredulously. “Now princess, we both know that’s not true. Who are you trying to fool?”
To an outsider this might seem mean, but you know that one utterance of your safeword would have Eddie’s dominance melting away in an instant. Truthfully, his dedication to ruin you with a second orgasm so closely followed by the first only excited you more- something that is no secret to him. You were still nervous about what he was going to do to you though, and this was made apparent from the way you crossed one ankle over the other- effectively shielding yourself from his touch.
“Aw, is someone shy?” he asked, feigning sympathy. You nod, but it’s ineffective at changing his mind. “I don’t care. Spread your legs.”
You didn’t set out to follow his order so willingly. His brash way of speaking had your body moving without any input from your brain, shifting each ankle to opposite sides of the mattress and baring yourself to him unabashedly despite your inner modesty.
“You’re mean,” you complained with an exaggerated frown, downplaying the rush of wanting that soared through you.
“Yeah?” he snickered as his hand returned to its spot between your legs, coating the slick from your previous orgasm on his fingers before forcing them deep inside you all at once. “Well you’re wet.”
Without warning, the two middle fingers of his right hand bury themselves to the hilt before curling upward, expertly finding their favorite spot inside you within seconds. The small band on his ring finger pushed past the threshold of your opening, entering into you. It was insultingly obvious the way you could differentiate the cool, smooth metal from his warm, rough skin. You could even feel the ridge where bare skin now became shielded by silver jewelry. That bump and the sensations it caused on your sensitive inner walls were so addicting. The intensity was almost too much to brave, but after all this time you trusted Eddie to know your limits even better than you did. 
His free hand finds purchase on your waist, holding firmly as if to silently instruct you to stay still. Whispered curses slip through your gritted teeth, and they only slightly assist you in enduring the direct targeting of your g-spot. While you couldn’t see his expression, you had a feeling the sight of you wiping away the water pooling at your eyes was only stirring Eddie more.
“Keep crying,” he says, trying to sound intimidating but unable to keep the fondness out of his voice. “Not that it’ll get you anywhere, but you look real pretty crying under me.”
“Please, please I wanna-“ you start, only to be interrupted by your own abrupt gasp when he begins moving. He’s pumping in and out of you at a pace that- while not slow- he’s well aware won’t be enough.
“Christ, do you hear yourself? ‘P-p-p-please,” he mocks, mimicking your expression. His condescending tone lacked any compassion, despite the grin that betrayed his features afterwards.
“Please, Eddie,” you try again, hoping that he’ll hear your overwhelming lust and take pity. “I wanna cum on your cock.”
“Oh? What happened to ‘I can’t cum again’, hm?” he asks. He does seem to feel a little sorry for his teasing, however, seeing as he hastens to what he’s discovered in the past to be the perfect tempo for you. “You’ll get my cock when I say you can have my cock and you’ll be grateful.”
All you’re able to do is nod in agreement, being far too weakened to fight back anymore. Eddie’s perfect aim has his fingers finding your g-spot with each forward lunge of his arm, and it’s barreling you toward another orgasm far too quickly. The muscles in your neck move involuntarily, and you steal one last glance at your lover before your head is thrown back completely. He’s watching you, eyes wide with adoration- which would fill your heart if past experiences didn’t tell you that meant for a very long night (and a very sore morning). 
The crown of your skull is flat on the pillow beneath your head as a long guttural groan escapes from somewhere deep within. Your fated second climax of the night shows no remorse, stealing all the breath from your lungs and leaving your legs shaking. Eddie also lacks remorse, his fingers never losing speed as your walls clench around them. Arousal gushed over his hand and onto the sheets, leaving a sticky mess that you were too gone to care about. His comforting touch settles over your spasming diaphragm in an halfhearted attempt to help calm you after you start to thrash, but the way he drags your orgasm out with quite a few more thrusts than necessary proves how much he is enjoying this.
“There you go, princess,” he purrs. “Feel all of it, you deserve it.”
It was like your body had become too tight, cramping your stomach from the strong contractions. Simultaneously, it was also as if you were exploding out of your goosebump-littered skin. While somewhat sensing the strain of your vocal chords, you couldn't recognize the voice echoing profanity throughout the room. All you could manage to focus on was the sound of Eddie coaxing you through your comedown, his usual baritone barely audible as he shushed you and stroked your hair.
“Catch your breath baby, nice and slow. We’re not done yet,” he murmured softly, the devious glint in his eyes returning when his promise sent an obvious shiver down your spine.
“Such a good little slut,” he praised, “Probably have no idea how fucking hard you’re making me right now. Don’t have much ideas about anything, really, other than how bad you wanna be fucked stupid.”
“So bad,” you agreed, barely able to comprehend what was being said to you. “So, so bad.”
Confusion floods you when he rolls his eyes at your response. There’s a quiet muttering coming from his moving lips, something sounding like ‘... -proving my point,’ but you’re too caught up in the way he closes the distance between his and your mouths.
Time stills as you allow his kiss to absorb you and melt your mind. You’re not sure exactly how long it took until he determined that you were ready for more, but you suspected that he was purposely granting you time to recover before enacting his next course of action (ever the gentleman no matter how inexplicably turned on him disrespecting you made you feel). He kissed you breathless until that ache in your bones returned, the need for him coming back in full force. After what could have been minutes or hours, Eddie parted from your still desperate body.
He pushed himself off of you leisurely before positioning you horizontally across the bed. Hands sank into the dip of your waist, seizing both sides of your torso and dragging your pelvis to the very edge of the mattress. Then, he fell to his knees on the carpet and hooked your legs over his shoulders. His arms wrap around from the underside of your thighs, holding them in place and leaving no room for resistance. Now that he had you exactly how he wanted you, he mouthed at the delicate skin of your inner thighs- gentle nips and kisses to the left before switching and unexpectedly biting down on the flesh of the right. You yelp at the unexpected sting, and though he was careful not to draw blood, there will surely be a darkened mark replicating the shape of his canines there the next day.
“Is my girl ready for number three?” he asks, smiling up at you looking entirely too sure of himself, yet somehow remaining endearing. “Gonna drain what little is left inside that pretty head. Gonna make you lose some IQ points.”
You’re now completely engulfed in euphoria, the natural high from an overproduction of hormones in your brain is incomparable to any substance you’ve sampled before. While still distracted trying to control your smiling in this loopy state, Eddie takes the opportunity to catch you by surprise. He licks a long stripe up your glistening sex, spanning from your leaking hole to your swollen clit.
Ditzy giggles are interrupted by a choked gasp, and the bed sheets loosen from the corners when your hands grasp at them and pull. This reaction produces a smirk from the man between your legs. You feel his lips stretch wide, the movement slightly lifting your clitoral hood and allowing access for his teeth to scrape against the sensitive bundle of nerves underneath. It’s too much, and you instinctively try to scoot backwards, only to be reminded that he’s holding you in place. Though obviously aware of your attempts to escape his busy mouth, he shows no signal that he plans to ease up. 
His technique shifts from long flat licks into stiffening the very tip of his tongue and flicking it back and forth over your clit. He keeps this up until you’re squirming under him, only to relax his tongue once more and allow the muscle to melt against your center. It’s messy and uncalculated, and you can feel his drool dripping down over your ass and wetting the sheets even more. You’re not surprised the simple act of eating you out has Eddie salivating, he’s been obsessed with getting his mouth on you whenever possible since the beginning of your relationship. In fact, for those first few months, it was pretty much a guarantee that he would cum in his pants like a teenager anytime he gave you head.
Like a psychic, Eddie moves away from your clit right as the build up begins. But before you can whine any complaints, he starts fucking his tongue in and out of your hole. When you look down at him through hooded eyes you’re almost shocked at the sight of him completely engrossed in your pussy, his cheeks covered in your wetness with eyes screwed shut. The underside of his nose and his chin press harshly against you as he tries to push his tongue out as far as it’ll go.
He’s moaning into you, clearly enjoying the taste. For a brief moment you feel slightly jealous, wishing to have him in your mouth as well. You forget all envy, however, when he pushes further into you and shakes his head left to right, the vibrations from his moans present as ever.
The force with which his fingers dig into your flesh is sure to bruise the fat of your thighs, but you don’t notice the burn it’s causing until after being released. He looks up at you through his lashes and you watch as his tongue leaves your hole. With a devilish glare, he spits harshly directly on your clit before returning to licking and sucking it, the entire time his eyes never moving from your face. One arm unwraps itself from around your thigh so that he can extend out his pointer and middle fingers before plunging them into you. The other hand disappears to where your eyes can’t follow- but given how his moans picked up in ferocity, you were certain about what he was doing. Not only did his palming of himself make him louder, but it had his tongue pulsating against you and shoving you further over the edge to your orgasm. 
All hope of lasting longer was lost when he curled his fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion, forgoing fucking them in and out to instead massage the spongy spot inside you. This, coupled with the way his lips were now focused on suckling your clit, had you tugging at his curls while you yelled out in pleasure.
This many orgasms so quickly after one another was slightly painful, but in a confusing way that only made you crave him inside you even more. Using your grip on his hair to yank him off of you, you sit up to see him on his knees with a crazed look in his eyes. His entire lower face from his nose down was glistening with the combination of your cum and his drool, and the sheets beneath where you sat didn’t feel any dryer.
“God, baby,” he groans, his voice completely wrecked with lust, “please tell me you don’t need a minute, cause I’m about to bust right now.”
Now that you’re not laying down, you’re able to peer over the edge of the mattress and see his hand at work, rubbing harshly over the zipper of his jeans to try and offer any sense of relief.
“I’m ready, Eds,” you pant out while nodding, still needing to catch your breath.
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Summary: What happens in the Drama room before D&D sessions stays in the Drama room.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, (P in V) smut, unprotected sex, MINORS DNI. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: I really can’t get enough of this man. Some parts of this have been written when I’ve in fact not been sober, so 🥴 I hope it’s still readable. If you liked this, please like/comment/reblog/follow as it helps me and every other content creator out there. Thank you!
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“C’here, sweetheart. We have 15 minutes before the sheep arrive.”
You looked up at Eddie from where you were rearranging the chairs around the table. For the last fifteen minutes you and Eddie had been prepping the drama room for the weekly Dungeons and Dragons session before the other Hellfire members would arrive.
“Exactly, we have 15 minutes. That’s not a lot, and we’re still not finished setting your campaign up!” You snorted, laying out all the dices and different verity of snacks on the table. While the idea was not the smartest, it did make you tingle a little just like the thought of having sex with Eddie always did.
Eddie put the campaign filled binder down on the table with a smack before strutting over toward your figure. His hands grabbed a hold of your hips, softly tugging your body closer before pressing a loud kiss on your lips.
Eddie pulls back, your just faces inches apart. You can smell his cologne, the cheep kind that you could get from any drugstore, but did it fit him. He looks into your eyes, smiling devilishly.
“[Name], tell me what you desire, and I will fulfill your every wish.” Eddie says, staring deeply into your eyes. You could clearly see what he wanted. He wants you, and you want Eddie in return. You hovered your lips above his, teasing crooning, “I want you to make me see stars.”
Eddie looks down at your lips and gives you a slow smirk. “Oh sweetheart, I can do that.”
He leans in and kisses you long and slow. You respond in kind, hands plastering themselves against Eddie’s narrow waist. He eventually pulls away and looks at you, his breath heavy and cheeks flushed. You can tell his heart is racing just like yours is.
Eddie’s lips travel down to your neck, nibbling at the delicate skin. You throw your head back with a shallow moan, his lips vibrating against your neck with the groan he lets out in response.
With no time to lose, you pulled back to grab hold of Eddie’s black jeans and made quick work of tugging open the belt holding them up on his waist. You yanked down the fabric, boxers following just a second later. He laughed low and raspy, “Eager now, are we?”
You kiss him to shut him up, tugging down both your skirt and panties at once. Eddie and your matching shirts would have to stay on this time. “How about you put your mouth to better use, baby?”
Eddie groaned, “Shit, [Name]. It’ll be my pleasure, and yours too, I bet.”
His ring adorned hands guided you backwards until you leaned far back on his throne, the chair only he ever got to sit at, and now you. Eddie dove his head between your thighs like a man starving.
If you were to say a certain sex act that Eddie was the best at, even though he’s damn good at everything, then that would be oral. The way his tongue and lips moved sends sparks up throughout your whole entire body every single time.
Your hand threaded itself in his wild dark hair when Eddie slipped one of his thick fingers inside your cunt. Hips grinding inventory against his mouth in response to a second finger, “So good, so fucking good Eddie.”
Despite Eddie’s mouth feeling like absolute heaven on you, the time wasn’t on your side. You gave a small yank on his hair, pulling his head away. His lips were red, swollen and covered in slick.
“It’s your turn.” You rose up from the chair, and firmly made Eddie sit down where you’d been just a few seconds earlier. Sinking down on your knees before him, you hand wrapping around the firm length.
Eddie moaned a bit too loud for comfort as your mouth took the tip inside, wrapping warm and wet lips around the flesh. “Shit, [Name], that feels fucking amazing.”
If you had the time, you’d be slow and throughout when giving Eddie a blowjob. Instead, you bobbed your head sloppy up and down his cock, lubricating him for what was to come.
Sooner than you’d like to, you pulled away to stand up. You move to straddle Eddie’s hips, hovering just centimeters above his cock. Eddie asked, “Is this what you want?”
“Yes, baby, want you inside me.” You murmured. Lining him up, you slowly start to sink down on his length. Eddie tips his head back with a long moan. You mewl, face seeking refuge between the crook of his neck. The pressure was quick to subside to hot lust.
Your hips start moving against him. You pulled his bottom lip between your teeth, softly biting down on the flesh. Eddie moaned, eyes fluttering open to find yours, pupils blown wide in lust.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Eddie says as your walls clench down on him, you feel your entire body shudder. His hand grabs hold of the back of your neck and pulls you closer to kiss you.
“Oh, fucking shit. Jesus Christ, you feel so good!” He groans into your mouth, breath hot and intoxicating. You felt every single inch of him inside you, hitting all the parts that make you see stars.
Eddie wasn’t necessarily larger than the guys you had been with before, but he felt so perfect inside you. Like he was made just for you. You let out a sound that was somewhere between a mewl and a moan.
“That good, huh, sweetheart?” You nod and squeeze your eyes shut. Even when he’s deep inside you, Eddie could still bring himself to be a cocky little shit. He kissed your collarbone, switching between each side, leaving wet kisses in his path.
The heat in your belly was steadily growing hotter, the building orgasm crashing closer with every movement. You whined, “Eddie, I’m close!”
“Fuck, sweetheart, me too!” Eddie groaned, lips trailing back to kiss you, but he was breathing into your mouth more than actually kissing at this point. You jolted when one of his fingers made contact with your clit, rolling the nub with the time of your thrusting.
You didn’t have time to react before the orgasm came crashing right into you. Your eyes must have screwed shut because all you saw was black, and you were almost completely sure that you were screaming. Distinctly you could make out the sound of Eddie groaning against your throat.
When you finally regained vision, you were panting heavily. Eddie was slumped against you, arms wrapped tight around your trembling body, fast hot breaths warming up your neck. “Holy shit, [Name], I can’t feel my legs.”
You laughed shakily, nodding in agreement, “Me neither.”
“Love you, sweetheart,” Eddie’s head left the crook of your neck, eyes locking onto yours. His cheeks were flushed a gorgeous shade of red, as well as his lips. You indulged yourself a long kiss, Eddie melting further into you with a sigh. You muttered onto his lips, “I love you, too, Eds.”
You retreated, eyes traveling to the clock on the wall across from you. The time said 5 minutes left until the other Hellfire members would roll in. “We have 5 minutes to get dressed before the guys arrive.”
The softening length slipped out as you stood up, his come dripping down your thighs. Eddie stood up, taking his handkerchief from his pants and gave it to you to whip yourself clean, “Thanks, honey.”
Dressing yourself took but a minute. Your hair, along with Eddie’s, was tussled but not enough to fully reveal what you’d been up to. Eddie smiled that satisfied smile of his, eyes running up and down your frame.
“When we get home, I’m so going to ruin you.”
You smirked, biting your lower lip teasingly, “Looking forward to it, Dungeon Master.”
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
lyrical lies
i am a fuckinf degenerate and i’d like to apologize for how disgusting i have become.this is the longest thing i’ve written in a while..i’ve gone off the deep end if it isn’t clear🤭
here is more rick stuff not one person asked for find it here and here and here and here and here and here
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✰let’s be honest rick is his own warning, smut , afab reader, age gap!!, calling him god, a bit of manhandling, a bit of dacro (?), shitty porn trips turned full blown story
“he doesn’t bite..just go ask him”. summer whispered, nudging you towards the garage door.
you shook your head in muted panic. you’d seen how angry her grandpa could get over small things and the last thing you were going to do was set him off over a stupid question.
“why don’t you do it summer ? this was your idea, plus he’s your grandfather”. you shot back.
she looked just as scared as you were. “he’ll totally yell at me if i go in there. he can’t be mad at you, you’re a guest”.
“yeah but what if he does ? i don’t want to get on his bad side”.
summer took hold of your shoulders. “y/n. the quicker we get this done the quicker we can get away from my grandpa and do something more fun”.
the garage door opened suddenly caused you both to jump back in shock.
there he stood , an annoyed look on his face. “i’m right in the middle of something very fucking important- is there a reason the two of you are bickering right in front of my god damn door”?
his piecing gaze was enough to make you want to cry. “i..we need help on a science project mr. sanchez sir”. you managed to say fighting back the urge to turn around and leave.
he cocked his head in amusement, his demeanor softening a bit. it was clear you had played right into his ego for better or for worse.
“that’s it ? why didn’t you just say that come in come in”.
you followed him into the garage the papers clenched in your hands.
“not you summer, you - you forbidden from entering. i know you went through my shit two days ago”. rick said, slamming the door in her face.
if only that had actually been the reason. he couldn’t wait to have sweet,innocent little y/n alone. every since she’d bonded with summer over some college tour bullshit he was obsessed. he needed you and needed you bad, as embarrassing as that was.
“what can i help you with sweetheart”? his voice as sweet as saccharine.
you fidgeted with the papers once more. “well i have this project based around quantum physics and since you’re the smartest person i know i figured you’d be the best person to ask mr. sanchez”.
he couldn’t help but smile at that. he WAS a fucking genius and hearing it out loud always made him puff up in pride.
and she has manners too. this was not going to easy. it’s not that he cared about his granddaughters feelings - quite the opposite. but if summer were to find out how he really saw her friend she’d stop bringing you over. and that would just make things a million times harder for him.
“you’re not wrong, i am the smartest person you’ll probably ever meet. and lucky for you i have something that’ll give your professor a run for their money”.
as he rifled through us cabnets filled to the brim with countless inventions he piped up “and sweetheart”?
you felt yourself melting into his trap. “yes sir”?
“you’re a grown fucking woman right ? you can call me rick”.
you were like putty in his hands at this point and he’d be lying if he wasn’t loving every second of this. and it only took 30 minutes. maybe you weren’t as innocent as you acted but he wasn’t complaining.
not when you sat atop his lap so pretty asking- no begging him to please you.
“p-please mr. sanchez” you whined, wrapping your arms around his neck and grinding yourself against his leg. “i want you to touch me , use me please, please mr. sanchez”.
oh god how could he say no to those sweet noises. he’d take you apart right fucking there if he could but alas his family was home and they did not need to catch wind of the things he was doing. he messed with the idea of erasing their memories in his head for a while but figured it would be way too much work in the long run.
“fuuuck. i’ll give you everything you want and more but you have to promise me you’ll shut up. i would hate for your best friend to walk in and see what a slutty mess you’ve become”.
you nodded your head vigorously, happy to finally get some kind of satisfaction. as terrifying as rick was you’d be lying if you said the way he towered over you with such control didn’t turn you on.
“you’re so obedient- smart girl. do me a favor will ya ? get up and lift up that skirt for me , let me see what i’m workin with here”.
you did as you were told, climbing off his lap and giving him a slow twirl.
“good girllll”.
he clenched his hand into a fist. holy shit you were a fine piece of ass. he couldn’t wait to make you his. fuck what summer thought he was going to fuck you so good you’d come back for more.
“fuckk you’re a pretty thing huh ? it’s a wonder you haven’t already been claimed, guess it’s a good thing you came here cause i plan on doin just that”. with those words he was was hovering above you pressing your face down on the metal surface of his work table.
“you look even b-better like this holy shit” he admired from his standing position.
“fu-fuck mr. sanch- rick”. you corrected yourself mid sentence. drool was already starting to pool beside your mouth but you barely noticed with how hot and bothered you were growing.
“mmm that’s a good girl”. he flipped your skirt up. and pulled your panties down to your knees ignoring your small please for him to be gentle.
he smiled- a shit eating grin looking at how soaked your sex was. “you poor thing- i’ve d-denied you much too long haven’t i ? left this perfect pussy empty for weeks? how did you ever survive”?
usually he engaged in a little foreplay only because his partners were so dead set on it. but he was far too eager to do any of that bullshit right now. he’d been waiting for this.
without so much as a warning he thrust himself inside you, a scream leaving your lips.
his hand flew to your mouth covering it word word word
“shhh shh shhh. i know how much you love my cock but you have to stay quiet. got it y/n”?
he removed his palm for a moment to hear you answer.
you don’t answer though. you’re a babbling drooling mess already. the feeling of his cock filling you up and stretching your walls felt like heaven.
“you’re my god rick - please decide what to do with me and treat me like your slave. you control all my actions i’m nothing but your stupid worldly servant to fill with seed when you please”.
he was a bit taken aback as that comment seemed to come out of nowhere. when it sank in it gave him even more of a reason to keep you to himself.
if he wasn’t carful he’d be giving beth a new little sibling. but oh fuck- she looked and sounded so perfect begging for him.
“fuck yeah i am your god ! i’m a god among men and you’re my mortal pet i can use as i please”.
the whine that escaped her throat was almost pornagraphic. it was hard to keep your composure under the circumstances.
“good pet”.
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beforeimdeceased · 1 year
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what can i say? i missed academic!rival abby…
academic!rival abby has a very serious problem with her tongue, which she usually has to make up for with her muscles.
her figure towering over the crude and judgmental woman that had formerly been in front of you. suggesting that your ideas were pathetic and impractical. that no one would ever let you do anything in their offices, except for file paperwork.
abby can see you’re taken back, biting down into your tongue. stunningly holding composure. you excuse yourself to the bathroom and end up walking out into the cold night.
“you wouldn’t know smart if it smacked you in the face. your company is crumbling, i’ve seen your stocks, and let me tell you something about impractical. impractical is you thinking you’re an entrepreneur when you’re really just a disgrace and a forever COO.”
after reading the poor woman to filth, she’ll come out to find you: crouched down holding your face in your hands. “hey, what’s the matter? don’t let that idiot get you down.”
“she’s right though. i’m not cut out for this. i’m not like you. you’re gonna be a doctor someday and i’ll be stuck with my head in the clouds.”
and she’ll remain silent for a moment, crisscrossing her legs and joining you on the ground. the bottom of her pricey dress pants ending the lives of a small family of large ants.
“you are the smartest person i know. and you have the most brilliant ideas. you’re going to go farther than anyone i’ve ever met because you have the heart for it. you have the heart for anything.”
you look up at her and she smiles, running the pad of her thumb over your cheek to catch a tear. “and that heifer in there is about two more dr miami sessions away from looking like a lab experiment.”
you laugh and her heart goes warm.
the first time you and abby, who had formally been your rival, sleep together it’s passionate and heated. on a school trip to paris, funded by the lovely mr anderson himself, she ensured that you were bunked together. you’d seen a slip in your grades (from 99 to 98, god forbid) and you planned to study until your eyeballs fell out of your head.
“i don’t understand why you’re working yourself to death!” her voice will travel from the hotel room’s bathroom to its lounge area where you resided. “you’re already smart.”
“you don’t get it abby. i need to be smarter. god i’m so fucking tired.” is a frustrated sigh. she’ll mumble something along the lines of i told you so— just go to sleep and you’ll turn around to argue with her. surprised to see she’s standing over you with a serious look on her face.
“you being up is keeping me up. you need to chill the fuck out.”
“don’t tell me what i need to do anderson. you need to get out of my fucking face.”
you’re both breathing heavy and leaning in. the air around you seems to push you closer together, your lips clash. it’s as if igniting a flame, her hand on your lower back deepening the kiss. you humming because it feels so good to be in her care. she’ll pull up for air and you both look at each other like “what the fuck did we just do?”
but it wasn’t bad, something you both can agree on. all the way to the bed when she cups at your clothed cunt, making your legs shake. “this why you all tense? just haven’t been touched right?”
you nod and try to let out a breathy “yeah.” but it’s caught in another kiss as her hands pull up your shirt. her tongue toys with your right nipple while her thumb plays with your left. working at the bundle of nerves building in your stomach.
she’ll move her head back up to your neck to leave sweet wet kisses, a couple hickies in the mix. you’re so wound up you think you might fucking explode. you needed her so bad it was making you sick.
“abby please. please fuck me i need you.” you whimper into her ear. she shifts gears, nearly tossing you off the bed from how quickly she changes positions. kissing your cheek before going further down. “don’t worry, i’ll take good care of you.”
and ofcourse whatever that night was, it was big hush hush. whatever happens in paris, stays where?
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blythsholland · 6 months
I’ll take care of you
Pairing: Peacekeeper!Coriolanus snow x female!reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of blood, injuries, fighting but nothing too descriptive, alcohol consumption. use of she/her pronouns.
WC: 2.2K
Summary: An injured Coriolanus arrives at your door in the middle of the night.
AN: Here it finally is. Sorry for not posting sooner. This is my last ever semester of college and I’ve been quite busy. Hope you enjoy! <3 Let’s pretend the events of part 3 of tbsosas don’t happen. Sejanus is still alive, Lucy Gray is not a mystery. Coryo actually likes his life in District 12.
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Moving to District 12 was not as bad as Coriolanus had expected it. Sure, he asked to be sent to twelve to be closer to Lucy Gray. But he did not expect to encounter you instead. You were a pure soul, the sunshine on a cloudy day. The first time he saw you, it was like love at first sight. You were only helping an older lady in the market, but he was captivated by you. Since that moment, Lucy Gray had left his mind, only being occupied by you.
Sejanus had noticed Coryo's gaze. He knew his friend was infatuated. And it certainly took a lot of convincing and courage for Coryo to talk to you.
"You should go and talk to her. I can see that lovestruck gaze from a mile away."
"I don't know Sejanus. What if I make a fool of myself in front of her?"
"Coriolanus Snow, you are the smartest guy I know. I assure you, everything will go smoothly. Now go."
And he did. He walked over towards you without an idea of what to say. Nor even how to talk to you. But he did, and he was glad Sejanus made him go. Meeting you was the start of something that would become more.
His visits to the market became frequent. He would buy stuff, but the main reason was to see you. Eventually, both of you started a small friendship, oblivious to the lingering feelings both had for each other.
“Hi Sir, what brings you in today?”
“You know I don’t like it when you call me Sir. Coryo is just fine.”
A chuckle left your lips. “I know. I am just trying to be professional. I take it you are here for those apples from last time.”
“They are delicious, what can I say?” He took a bite from an apple, giving you a wink. The blush creeping on your cheeks made him smile. “Are you free tonight? I heard The Covey are performing.”
"Why? Are you going to ask me on a date?"
"Actually, yes. I have been finding the courage to do it recently." He confessed. And it was true. You made him nervous, something he never really felt before.
“Coriolanus Snow, a peacekeeper, needing to find courage? I don’t believe you.”
“Well, when you have the most beautiful woman in front of you, it’s easy to get nervous.”
“That was smooth.” A giggle escaped you. Compliments towards you were a rare thing. But you could not lie. It made you feel something. You have been waiting for him to ask you out for a while. “I would love to go with you…” You hesitated.
“But not tonight. I am sorry Coryo.”
You moved to help a client with their products, leaving Coriolanus there. He was confused as to why you had said no. He waited until the client left and walked to you again.
“Can I have a reason why? You seemed happy about it.”
“Believe me Coryo, I am happy. I have been waiting for you to ask me. But not tonight. My grandma has been ill for the last few days. And I need to take care of her.” You explained.
And it was true. It had been a hard few days. You had been working because you made a deal with your cousin. He agreed to take care of her only if you give him a percentage of the earnings you gained at the market. Earnings that he would get drunk on, no less. But it was something, at least.
“But you should go still! Enjoy a nice evening with Sejanus and the rest of the boys. We will have our date at another time. I promise.”
He delicately placed his hand under your chin, gently lifting your face. His gaze lingered on you, admiring your beauty. "I will hold on to that promise." His lips met your cheek, placing a soft kiss before he walked away, leaving you there, a blushing mess.
The Hob was crowded. It was mostly district men and Peacekeepers everywhere. They were there to get drunk, dance, or find a woman for the night. And Coryo was glad you were not there with him. For some reason, the place felt tense tonight, as if something were to happen.
Coryo and Sejanus sat down just as Maude Ivory came to the mic to introduce Lucy Gray. Everyone erupted in cheers the moment she came on stage. It was clear everyone loved her. It made Coriolanus proud. Cheating on the games might have gotten him to be a Peacekeeper but he did not regret it. Lucy Gray was back where she belonged.
"Good Night, everybody! I hope everyone is having a good time. We are The Covey! Now grab a drink, grab your partner, dance, and enjoy."
The music started. Everyone started dancing. The Covey brought a joy that made people forget about their problems; life in District 12 was good, and nothing else mattered. Coryo and Sejanus were drinking and enjoying the music until they didn't.
Billy Taupe, Lucy Gray ex-boyfriend, walked in. He was drunk, ignoring Mayfair, the Majors daughter, who was trailing behind him. They were arguing. She was questioning him, while he just ignored her. And it continued until Billy Taupe reached the stage where Lucy Gray was. He tried to touch Lucy Gray when Mayfair stopped him. This action made Billy push Mayfair away, causing chaos to erupt.
Men started picking fights while others started circling Billy, clearly mad at what he did. Instead, he ignored them, going back for Lucy Gray. And then, a sudden punch landed on his face. It was Coriolanus. He had been watching the scene unfold carefully. His feet took him there without processing what was happening. He wanted to protect Lucy Gray. Billy's fist landed on Coryo's nose, making him stumble. He had surprisingly hit back even in his drunken state. Coryo felt a rush of blood fall from his nostrils. The faint taste of blood on his lip let him know he also had a cut. This just made Coryo's fists land back on Billy's face. Three consecutive punches landed on his face until someone pulled back Coryo. It was Sejanus.
"Let's go Coriolanus. We cannot get in trouble." And so they ran, leaving the place. Once they were far enough from The Hob, they stopped running. Finally catching their breath, a laugh escaped both of them.
“Who would have thought I had to save your ass this time? Billy got you pretty badly.”
"Fuck off." A chuckle left Coryo, reminiscing back how he was the one to save Sejanus during the games. “I guess we are even now.”
The blood had started to dry. His face was hurting. He could not go back to the barracks in that state. They would question what had happened, and Coryo didn’t want anyone to know. He also didn't want to create more chaos. He had hoped that if other peacekeepers saw him, they would cover-up. Or that maybe they were too drunk to remember what had happened.
“I cannot go back like this, Sejanus. I don’t want them asking questions.”
“And where are you going to go? We can come up with something and lie. Tell them you stumbled over something and fell.”
Sejanus was right. They could make up a lie and get over with it. But something in Coriolanus did not want to do that. “I don’t want to lie this time. Cover for me. Tell them I'm not feeling well, that I went to sleep early. I don’t know.”
“And where are you going?”
“I think you have a clear idea.”
It was probably past midnight. Your grandma was fast asleep in her room. You, on the other hand, tried to sleep. Something did not feel right, as if something had gone wrong. Your cousin was somewhere doing who knows what, and you hoped he was not in trouble.
A sudden knock on the front door startled you. Confusion took over you, wondering who might be at this time of the night. You put on your nightrobe and took careful steps to the front door. While preparing for the worst, your mind drifted to your cousin. There was the possibility of him getting taken by a peacekeeper for causing trouble. However, when you opened the door, you were surprised by what you saw.
Coryo stood in front of your door. Blood dried up on both his nose and lips. His nose already had a bruise forming. His bottom lip had a cut on it.
“Coryo? Oh god, what happened?! Get inside.”
Doing as told, he entered. Your home was lovely for what it was. He had seen you outside a few times and even greeted you once, so he knew by now where you lived. He followed you carefully towards your bedroom, mindful of your sleeping grandma.
Your mind was going through every possible scenario. Something had gone down at The Hob. Part of you also wondered if your cousin was behind it. Coryo sat in your bed after you told him to. He waited until you came back with some medical supplies. It was limited. You would only use them if they were necessary. Not that Coryo needed a lot of it, to be honest.
“This is not a lot but is going to make you look better. Now, tell me what happened.”
And so he did. He told you everything from the beginning. What Billy Taupe did to Mayfair, what he tried to do with Lucy Gray, and how Coryo got there before Billy tried something.
“I am happy you defended Lucy Gray. That guy is an ass. I hate that my cousin is friends with him. And I bet that is why my cousin is the way he is. Though I am not thrilled he got his fists on your gorgeous face.”
A hiss left Coryo's lips at the sudden contact with the alcohol.
“Sorry. I should’ve mentioned it was going to sting a bit.”
“Don’t worry, angel.”
Coryo was entranced with you. The candle illuminating the room made you look so angelic. He could not believe that such beauty stood in front of him. He had no doubts. He was falling in love with you. You noticed his gaze on you. Those blue eyes of his filled with love and admiration for you. Your heart was racing just by being so close to him. It felt intimate. And it did not help the growing feelings for him. You were also falling in love.
“And done. You are all better now. ”
You were about to leave and put the medical supplies back when Coryo's hand grabbed yours, stopping you.
"Coryo, what are you-" Your breath hitched as Coryo placed a small kiss in the palm of your hand. Your heart started racing at the action, so sweet and so delicate.
"Thank you, angel."
"Anytime. I'll take care of you whenever you need me to."
Coryo got on his feet and stood in front of you. He pulled you closer to him, leaving little to no space between the both of you. It was as if time stopped. There, in your small room, your eyes never left each other. Slowly, his hand took hold of your cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb. His gaze lingered on your lips. He needed to kiss you.
"Can I kiss you, love?"
Too entranced by him to utter a word, you just nodded yes. Warmth blossomed in your chest, and butterflies fluttered in your stomach. You could feel your heart pumping as he closed his eyes and leaned in. His other hand went to your cheek while yours rested on his shoulders. Coryo's lips caught yours in a soft kiss at first, and it did not take long before you kissed back. You felt giddy. You had wanted to kiss him for so long, and it was finally happening. His lips were soft against yours. It was electrifying. Your lips parted slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue. The soft kiss soon turned hungry. Coryo could not get enough of you. Your lips were too addictive. Needing a moment to catch their breath, they ended the kiss in a delicate one. He leaned his forehead against yours, a big grin on his face.
"I wanted to kiss you for so long. I really like you." He confessed, and it was true. He felt things for you he hadn't felt before. And it was scary yet exciting.
"Want to know a secret? I am happy you did. I wanted to kiss you too, Coryo." You took his hand still on your cheek and pressed your lips against it. " I really like you too. I have for a while."
And there you were, smiling at each other, happy that feelings were mutual. Coryo leaned in again until his lips brushed yours in a soft kiss. He wanted to kiss you all night long and even stay the night, but he couldn’t. At least not yet.
"I need to go now, and sneak in but about that date... you still own me one."
A giggle escaped from you. "I know I do. I did not forget. How about you and me, tomorrow at the lake at four o'clock?"
"It's a date."
Tags: @gracieroxzy @vivi-wtz @jefferson-in-the-tardis @phoward89 @cxp1d @loverandqueenofdragons @acidaciruela @astarborntowrite
(the ones that aren't tagged is because for some reason it didn't let me tag you)
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thatgirlstrawberry · 2 years
Study Break
Feb, Request-6
In which Y/N asks Spencer’s help with studying and they get a little carried away
Warnings: smut, semi-public sex (library), Sub!spencer, soft/nice dom!reader, handjob(m rec), fingering(f rec), shy!spencer, praise, finger sucking, both reader and Spencer are over 18 years old!!!! He doesn’t ever say he’s a virgin but you can defo tell so virgin!spencer
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Spencer could stare at her all day.
She was so pretty with her pencil between her teeth. The white jumper she had pulled over her black tank top fell off of her shoulder, showing more skin than Spencer could handle.
“So, existentialism is rooted in the philosophical idea that humans have free choice, and because of that free choice, we can create purpose and meaning in our lives. Existential theory suggests that we have a choice in who we desire to be.” Y/N read from the text book. She sighed and groaned, leaning back in her chair.
Spencer stared at her smooth skin that glowed under the light of the secluded section on the campus library.
She opened one of her eyes. “Need somethin’ Spence?” She asked, her voice sweet. Spencer swallowed and shook his head. “We’ll thanks for agreeing to help me study.” She sat up. “You’re like the smartest guy here.”
“Y-you’re w-Welcome.” He said quietly, clearing his throat, looking away from her.
She looked at him, trying to get him to make eye contact with her. “Why won’t you look at me?” She asked with a small, innocently seductive smile on her face.
He gulped again and glanced at her thighs that showed from her skirt. “I- you uh… you’re really pretty.”
Y/N tilted her head. “Aw that’s sweet, Spence.” She smiled. “So, I make you nervous?” She asked, her fingers dancing on his knee. “That why you won’t look at me?”
Spencer bit his lip and nodded a little, glancing at her hand on his knee. He looked up and stared at the lazy smirk she held on her lips.
“You’re pretty too, did you know that?” She asked in a hushed tone. His eyes were still on her lips as he shook his head.
Her hand reached up and grabbed his chin, lifting his head so his eyes were on hers again. Her other hand was still sliding up his thigh. “Is this okay? I’ll stop if you want.”
He shook his head, his heartbeat picking up. “I… I don’t want you to stop.”
She smiled and leaned forward, kissing his lips softly as her hand slid over his crotch area. He tended and kissed her back shyly.
She pulled away from him and stared at his red face. “You’re a good kisser.” She nodded, taking her hand off of his face. “You ever kissed anybody before now?”
He nodded. “A… long time ago.” He nodded.
Y/N jutted her bottom lip. “Has anybody ever…touched you?” She asked.
Spencer shrugged. “Touched me?”
She smiled at him. “You know… made you feel real good.” He shook his head now understanding what she was talking about. “Why don’t we take a study break, huh?”
He bit his lip and nodded.
“I can make you feel real good if you want.” She asked, her shoulders raising a little as she leaned forward to kiss his neck. He bit his lip and glanced around.
They were in the back part of the library, a place where no one really went.
He nodded again as Y/N’s lips kissed his neck. “Tell me you want me to make you feel good, Spence.” She whispered, gently biting his ear.
“I w-want you make me feel good, Y/N.” He shuddered as her teeth grazed the skin on his neck.
She sat back in her chair and slowly lifted one foot up, setting it on the empty space on Spencer’s chair. Her skirt rode up, almost completely showing her panties and Spencer diverted his eyes.
“Oh, Spence. You can look if you’d like.” She nodded, scooting closer to him, her knee bending causing more of the skirt to flip up.
He gulped as he looked down at her shiny smooth legs before trailing up to her white panties.
She leaned forward again to press her lips against his as her fingers played with the zipper on his slacks. “I’ve never met a boy who dresses as nicely as you, Spencer.” She whispered in between kisses. “Never met a boy who looks so cute in glasses either.” She smirked against his mouth.
She finally pulled the zipper down and Spencer’s body froze a little. “You gotta be quiet for me, Spence. We are in a library after all.”
She kissed him again as she reached into his pants and palmed him lightly. His chest rose and fell faster and his breaths were beginning to turn audible.
Y/N felt his already hard length under her hand. She bit Spencer’s lip before sliding her tongue into his mouth. She hummed at the tease of his minty fresh and pulled away still palming him through his underwear.
“You need more baby?” She asked, seeing his mouth fall open a bit. He nodded. “You give and you get.” She told him, grabbing his hand and guiding it underneath her skirt. “Do you know what I want you to do?” She asked.
Spencer shook his head. He truly didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He didn’t even think he comprehended the words correctly because he was too distracted by the fact that he was touching her and she was wet.
“I want you to move rub me. Make me feel good.” She breathed kissing him slowly. Spencer’s hesitantly began to rub hr clit over her panties, afraid he would do it wrong. Her hand moved a little faster against his hard on. “Is it okay if I touch you under the boxers?” She asked, kissing his jaw.
“Y-yes.” He whispered. “And c-can I… t-touch you under your Um… panties?” He asked shyly. He was close just thinking about how good her pretty hand would look wrapped around his cock.
“Of course you can, baby.” She smiled. Her hand dipped below his waistband and she took his cock out. He hissed and shakily moved her underwear to the side.
His cold fingers made contact with her clit and she let out a moan, stifled by his shoulder. She bit down on it and started to moved her hand up and down around his dick. “You have the prettiest dick I’ve ever seen.” She nodded.
Spencer squeezed his eyes shut and kept his lips clamped shut as he felt her hand move faster. His fingers circled her clit a little faster and she moaned, lifting her head off of his shoulder and looking at him. “You can put them in if you want to, baby. I would love to feel your fingers.”
“I- i don’t know how.” He said, a little embarrassed but quickly letting the feeling was away as her thumb ran over the tip of his cock, spreading.
“It’s really easy.” She nodded, kissing him. “All you gotta do is push them in and out. It feels really good.” She smiled. She used her other hand that wasn’t pumping his dick to bend three of his fingers down, leaving the pointer and middle out. Her mouth dropped open as she guided them down to her entrance.
“Go ahead, baby. Put your fingers in me.” She instructed.
She gasped quite loudly when he did as she told him to. “L-like this?”
“Yeah, baby just like that, fuck—“
He started to thrust them in and out as her hand moved faster around his length. He bit his lip trying to hold in his loud moans.
“You’re doing so good for me.” She moaned quietly. “Fuck, baby you’re a natural.” She kissed his lips. “You’re gonna make me come,” She smiled as her hand worked faster.
“M-me too. I’m gonna c—“ He was cut off when she gasped and he couldn’t control it anymore. He came all over her hand just as she came all over his.
She looks up at him and then down at his dick. “You’re so sexy, Spence.” She smiled.
“I’m sorry— I didn’t mean to I just couldn’t h-hold it—“ She interrupted him by pulling his fingers out of her and putting them in her mouth, sucking her juices off of them. He tilted his head and his mouth dropped open again.
“What, you want a taste?”
He hummed and nodded.
“You’re gonna have to wait for next time.”
Baby Spencer is such a sub. Like bro whimpers, bro begs—
Anyway! Thanks for the request!! I love ya to the moon and back!!
Also more or the sick surprise series is gonna come out! I’m so glad y’all liked that one :)))
Feel free to request anything you’d like!
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dracoxsworld · 2 years
Reunited. - Harry Potter x Reader
Warnings: Oral both f and m receiving, teasing, dom harry, p in v etc.
a/n: Of COURSE I had to write about my boy harry again.
EDIT: Typos :/
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3 months.
It has been 3 months since you’ve seen Harry. You couldn’t even write to each other because of his muggle family being extremely against anything to do with your world, but none of that matters now. You arrive to the Weasley’s burrow, with your trunks and suitcases full of school supplies, robes and clothes for your upcoming school year at Hogwarts.
“Y/N? Is that you?” A girl with bushy brown hair asks, coming out of the burrow. “Hermione!” You exclaim, dropping your luggage and running into her arms. You both squeal in your hug.
“How’ve you been? How was your summer?” You friend asks as you both walk back to your luggage you had left. “It was great! Mum and dad were of course, busy all the time. So I had a lot of me time. How was yours?” You asked.
“It was fun, I got to study for our O.W.L.S all summer! I should’ve started before our last year ended, though.” Hermione chuckles nervously.
“Hermione, we don’t take out OWLs until the end of the year,” You said. “Yes, but this is the most important test we will ever take! I have to study, if I don’t study, I’ll fail, if I fail, I won’t graduate. If I don’t graduate I won’t-“ “Hermione!” You interrupt her, turning towards you, dropping your bags once again to put your hands on her shoulders. “You are the smartest witch I know. You will probably get the highest grade,” Hermione takes a big deep breath of relief, ending with a smile. “Thanks y/n.”
You and Hermione enter the burrow, Mrs.Weasley sees you immediately and gasps. “Miss. l/n!” She runs to you immediately just like you ran to Hermione, and pulls you into a tight hug. You talked about your summer with Mrs.Weasley while greeting the other Weasley family members. Ron comes up to you and ruffled your hair before pulling you into a tight hug. “What do you reckon we okay a quick game of quidditch while you’re here? I’ve been getting better.” Ron says during the hug
“Ron, I told you to start studying for your O.W.L’s!” Hermione exclaims disapprovingly. “Relax, ‘mione. I’ve got loads of time, I haven’t seen y/n for months!” Ron says, wrapping his arm around her, she gives him another disapproving look but dropped the subject, her frown turning into a smile.
“So where’s Harry?” You ask anxiously. “He’s not here yet, dear. I believe he’s going to be here any minute.” Mrs. Weasley says, putting a roast in the oven with a flick of her wand. As if you summoned him simply by saying his name, you guys here a CRACK outside the front door. You all pile towards the door, looking out the window. There you see the boy who lived, with his black messy hair, round glasses, and green eyes. Despite a group of people looking at him for his arrival, his eye’s immediately land on you; he smiles, ear to ear, through the window.
“Open the bloody door, Ron!” Hermione exclaims, motioning towards you. “Alright alright!” Ron buffs. Ron opens the door and Mrs.Weasley squeals as she engulfs Harry in her arms. “Oh my boy!” She exclaims swinging Harry back and forth. “It’s always good to see you Mrs.Weasley” Harry says with a strained voice, as he’s being squeezed in the hug.
“It’s like we’re not even here.” Ron jokes, nudging George. “We’re not the chosen one, mate.” George respond, laughing softly.
Each person takes turns greeting Harry, leaving you for last. He finally turns to you after shaking Fred’s hand, his eyes instantly brighten up, and a bigger smile grows on his face. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up. He plants kisses all over your cheek. You giggle from it tickling, and he lets you down. “Hi,” you say simply. “I’ve missed you.” You added. “I’ve missed you too, you have no idea.” Harry responds. He ticks your hair behind your ear and kisses your cheek, whispering “I’ll show you how much I’ve missed you later.” Causing your cheeks to quickly turn into a rose color. Luckily, Harry seemed to be the only one to notice.
The rest of the night consisted of catching up, each of you talking about your summer, Harry’s being quick and simple of which him saying “Just waited on when it would end.”
Hermione went on another O.W.L’s tangent. After her vent, everyone head off for bed. You made your way to Ginny’s room, where you had set your luggage, until you felt a hand on your arm, you turn around to see Harry. He put a finger up to his lips, and you nodded, his hand slid into yours, guiding you into the guest bedroom the Weasley’s had set up for Harry. He led you into his room.
Once you both had entered, he placed his hand on the door behind you, and pushed it shut. He stood in front of you, stretching his arm with the palm of his hand still against the door. His green eyes looked down on you, scanning your body. You felt your cheeks go hot instantly.
“I have missed you. So much.” Harry begins. He leaned down to the crook of your neck, softly kissing you, up your neck to behind your ear. “God Harry, I- I missed you too.” you whine. Goosebumps form on your arm making the hair stand up. Your hand reached to the back of his head, gripping his hair, causing him to grunt in your ear. “Already moaning for me, baby?” His hand leaves the door and lands on your waist.
“On the bed, baby.” he says into your ear, slightly pulling you away from the door, before pushing you lightly towards the bed.
You sit in the bed and lean back, holding yourself up on your elbows. Harry steps between your legs, hanging off of the twin sized bed. He gets on the bed to where he’s above you, leans down to kiss you. It starts out slow, and soft. “God Harry, I’ve missed you.” You mumble in the kiss. “What’ve ‘ye missed ‘bout me?” Harry mumbles back, between kisses. “Everything. Your hands,” You begin to list things off you missed about him. All the things you’ve longed for the past 3 months. You stop the kiss and grab his hand.
“Your lips,” you continue, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him down to kiss you again.
“God; your hair.” You whine, running your hands through his messy hair, even messier from your hands gripping it just a few moments ago. Harry stares at you with eyes full of hunger. He picks up his wand that was in the bedside table. (That was really an old box) “Muffliato.” he said quietly; keeping his eye contact on you. You loved that spell, mostly because you knew what was going to happen after it was cast.
Harry immediately leans down, attacking you neck with bites, and kisses. His hands fly down to the hem of your shirt, raising it up, and quickly breaking the contact of his lips from your neck to pull the shirt over your head.
To his surprise, you prepared for this, wearing a dark red lace bra. “Oh my fucking god, y/n.” Harry groaned out. You smile up at him, blushing again. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Holy fuck.” Harry stammers out, running his hands up your stomach to your chest, squeezing your tits, one in each hand. You moan at the feeling. He leans down again, this time his attack aimed at your lips. Your hands sneak down from his hair to the button of his jeans, unbuttoning it. “Oh ‘yer excited?” Harry says, again between hungry kisses. “Harry please-“ you whine.
“Be patient, baby. You’ve waited 3 months and have done great so far.” Harry coos. “But go ahead.” he added, sitting back up straight, letting you continue to take off his pants, seeing his hard cock in his boxers. He pulls down yours, revealing your matching panties to your bra. “You’re kidding, so filthy.” Harry scoffs, practically ripping the remaining little clothing you had on your body off.
You tried to reach your hands to the hem of his boxers, but he quickly grabbed your wrist and shook his head. “Be a good girl, and wait.” Harry scolds you. You pout your bottom lip. Harry’s fingers run down to your lower stomach, causing goosebumps to once again appear on your arms. Your pussy was already so wet from him just kissing you, his fingers lightly touch you and you whine.
“So wet for me baby, god you’re perfect.” Harry says, looking down at your sex on his fingers, glistening in the light. You watch as Harry lean down inbetween your legs. You buck your hips up towards his face, wanting him now. “Baby; you have to be patient. Be a good girl, or I’ll have to stop.” You moan in response, trying you best to keep your hips still now. After a moment; Harry leans back down, and you feel his tongue in-between your folds, slowly licking up your liquids. Your hands tug at his hair.
Harry hums as he licks you up, causing vibration against your heat, warning another moan from you. “Harry!” You yell, slapping your hand to your mouth not wanting to wake anyone. Harry immediately stops and looks up at you. “No one other than me is going to here you, Angel. Scream my name.” Harry demands, going back down on you, now using you like a toy on his tongue, pumping it in and out of you, while licking your clit every now and then.
Your moans grow louder. “Harry! Please.” you beg. “Pleas what princess?” Harry asks, still down by your heat, kitten licks on your clit. “Let me cum, please Harry. Let me make a mess, please.” You cry, tears forming in your eyes from your desperation of pleasure.
“As you wish.” He smirks, finally giving you the pressure and pace you needed. You finally release, you feel your hot juices leave your used and sensitive hole, you feel your thighs squeezing his head. His hands can wrap around your thighs, squeezing them as he licks up your cum. You squirm from you being sensitive, but still love the feeling. You quickly sit up, hands rushing to the hem of his boxers. “Can’t even wait for me, baby.” Harry chuckles down at you, pulling down his boxers.
His cock sprang free, leaking with precum. You wrap your hand around, slowly stroking your hand up an down his cock, your thumb running over his slit, covered with precum. He groans in response. You quickly switched, now he was sitting on the bed, you were on your knees in front of him. You quickly took his cock into your mouth, using your hand to steady it. Your tongue lapped over his tip, earning a groan from him. “God. Your mouth is so fucking perfect.” You suck up and down his cock, hearing him groan and moan your name.
You bob your head up and down faster and faster, eyes shut tightly to focus on not gagging, as you can feel his dick hit the back of your throat, leaving precum dripping down as a treat.
“Eyes on me.” Harry demanded, yanking your attention up by pulling your hair. You moan in response.
“Fuck baby. You’re so good to me. God I have fucking missed you. You’re so perfect for me.” Harry moans out. You yourself moan at his words. His dick twitches in your mouth. It’s red, angry, and full. Your eyes innocently look up at him, humming as you suck his dick. With a few more licks across his tip, and a few more hums from you, he spills into your mouth, some landing on your chest, to which he yells out your name. Your tongue catches some of his cum, swallowing it like the angel you are.
“Fuck. Baby, come here.” Harry says, motioning his hand to come up on his lap. You oblige happily, straddling yourself above him. Harry handles his dick underneath you, and grabs your hips, lowering you down on his cock. Harry continues to groan out, as you moan his name. You slowly bounce up and down in his dick, your tits moving up and down as you do so.
“Harry, fuck.” you moan, but don’t stop. “You’re so tight, y/n. Such a perfect angel for me. So wet.” He groans. “You’re mine. Do you fucking understand?” Harry says, his hands slapping your ass as you continue to bounce on his cock. “y-yes harry, all yours.” You respond, seeing his green eyes go almost black, full of lust. “That’s right. Keep your eyes on me.” Harry demands. “My fucking slut. Does my slut want me to cum inside you?” Harry asks in a raspy voice, hands on your hips slamming you down on his cock. “P-lease cum inside me..” You beg, feeling the knot in your stomach grow. “That’s it. Take it angel. Take it.” Harry groans. He finally releases inside of you, and you release on his cock, both of you moaning the loudest this time, each others names. “Fuck y/n.” Harry moans, pulling you off his cock, covered in a mixture of both of your cum. “I’ve really missed you.” You say, looking down at the mess you’ve both made, then innocently looking down at him. “Round two tomorrow morning, before we leave for school?” harry asks, reaching over for a tissue to wipe off his release still on your tits. “sounds like a plan.” you agree, blushing harder.
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halfbloodprill · 7 months
brat taming w/ luke pls pls pls pls pls
authors note- so sorry this took me a sec to get to. i’ve been so busy with school ugh 🤦‍♀️ anyway, i love this idea smmm thank u for the request. pleaseee keep sending requests guys! anyway- enjoy!
degradation | name calling | fingering ( f rec.) | doggy style | jealous reader | jealous luke | he fucks the attitude out of you
flirting with the random guys from the ares cabin was not the smartest move, but only way to get back at luke. your day was going great until you went to visit luke during his sword fighting training. you were so excited to go visit your boyfriend. you stopped dead in your tracks as you approached the sword fighting arena and your smile dropped. you knew your boyfriend was popular and many whispered about your relationship, but the blatant flirting from this random girl was too much. she was batting her eyes as luke grabbed her hand to adjust her grip on the hilt of the sword. she looked up through her lashes and bit into her lower lip, begging for a reaction from luke but he ignored.
“ hey that’s much better!,” luke exclaimed at her progress.
“only because you’re such a great teacher, luke,” she said playfully and shoved him in the chest lightly. that was the last straw for you. the way he wasn’t even brushing her off bothered you. so you ignored him for the day.
now it was the time for the nightly bonfire and you sat on the complete opposite side of luke, nestled between two guys in the ares cabin. you were giggling and lightly touching one of their forearms, making a show to express the great time you had as you flitted between both of them. you could feel luke’s hard and unwavering gaze as he watched his girlfriend shamelessly flirt with two campers that she didn’t even know.
Luke had enough when he finally saw you lay a soft hand onto the one on your lefts chest. He got up quickly and stormed around the fire to you. His anger rolled off of him and fed into the flame, making it rise higher, almost high fiving the stars.
“Get up. Now,” luke said firmly.
“Aw why? I’m having such a good time right now,” you responded as you glanced between the two Ares children.
“I’m not gonna ask you again. get the fuck up or I swear to the fucking gods.”
His tone was harsh and demanding and made your eyes widen. He had never spoken to you like this before.
“Hey you shouldn’t talk to her like that,” one of the Ares kids spoke up.
“I wasn’t fucking talking to you. Get up now.”
So you did. You quickly sat up and before you could say goodbye, Luke firmly grasped your wrist and dragged you to the empty cabin.
“Gods you’re such a fucking slut, ya know that? Flirting with not one, but two guys is even a lot for you. You just need so much attention, you attention whore,” luke spat out vehemently.
“Maybe if you weren’t flirting with that fucking girl at the sword fighting lessons I wouldn’t act this way!” you spat back at him.
Luke quickly crossed the room to you and forcefully grabbed your face.
“Watch your fucking mouth. Don’t you ever speak to me like that.”
Your eyes were wide. This was a new side of Luke entirely. He had never put his hands on you like that. Your lips quivered.
“Yessir. ‘m sorry, sir,” you said in a small voice.
“Aww- now i’m sir? glad you know your place. You’re my little girl, but you’re not being good. We can fix that, yeah?”
You nodded eagerly at his words.
Now here you were. Leaning back into lukes chest as his hands toyed with your clit and two fingers plunged into your tight, warm cunt at an unforgiving pace. You mewled at the pace he had set. Luke was leaning over your shoulder to watch as his fingers disappeared into your hole, cream gathering at the base of his knuckles.
“Luke- cant. Cant take it. It’s- It’s too much, please,” you whined as your hips were bucking into his hand.
“Oh no baby. You can take it. You would’ve taken it if it was those two guys, so you’re gonna take anything i give you, slut. That’s all you are at the end of the day. Just a hole to be filled.”
You threw your head back onto his shoulder as your eyes screwed shut from the intense amount of pleasure you got from his fingers.
“Fuuck feels so good. I can take it. I’m your good girl. Let me cum, please!” you continued to squirm on the bed.
“Oh yes baby. You can cum. you got it. Let go for me yeah?” luke praised into your ear. His warm breath on the shell of your ear was enough and you felt that knot in your stomach snap. You let out a loud moan at this feeling but still felt his fingers plunging into your puffy cunt.
“Cant. cant take it anymore. Please stop. Luke Please! It’s too much,” your words slurred together at the overstimulation.
“No you’re gonna take it. Thought you were my good girl. I guess not. Maybe that other girl has better pussy than you. Should Ingo find out?” luke mocked.
“No! No! ‘m your good girl. Only me. I was- was made for you-Fuck!” you were his. and he was yours. you two were destined to be together and this wouldn’t be foiled by some random girl that wasn’t even claimed. she has no right to luke much less a cabin at this camp.
“ That’s what I thought, baby. Now come on. Lean forward. let’s see how good you take this cock,” luke said before lifting you up and pushing you onto your hands and knees. It was a few seconds before you felt his tip sliding through the wetness of your folds.
“Mmm this pussy is so good. listen to her. she’s so wet. wish you could see how pretty she is. My favorite girl. So fucking perfect baby girl.”
Without easing in, luke thrusts in one go and fills your cunt with his cock.
“Oh fuckkk,” luke groans out as he bottoms out in your sweet cunt. “That’s a good pussy. Feels so good. So tight, like it was made just for me. You were born to just be my cock sleeve. That’s all you’re good for, baby. Taking cock. You wanted to take their cocks instead of mine. Cock hungry slut,” luke ends with a strong thrust that make stars burst into your vision. He pulls out completely and thrusts back in fully. His grip on your hip is tight, sure to leave bruises. He’s moving at an incredible speed. He’s hammering into you. The cabin is filled with the sounds of your squelching cunt, the sound of slapping skin, and the groans, moans and whimpers you two are letting out.
“Lukeee fuck please. This is so good. I’m sorry sir, I’m your good girl. I’m yours. Only yours,” you say as your face drops into the bed and furthers your arch.
“That’s a good girl. You know what your purpose is. You’re mine. Gonna mark you as mine. So everyone can see this shit. You belong to me you fucking slut. don’t ever forget that shit again. Such a fucking brat. I treat you like a princess and this is how you repay me? I shouldn’t have even let you cum.”
You whine at the threat. Lukes pace is unrelenting. His cock is glistening with your arousal and it’s dripping down your thighs and puddling into the sheets. He feels himself getting closer. You both feel the sense of your impending climax. after a few more thrusts, you cum. your cunt clenches around his cock.
“Oh shit baby. You’re so good. Yes that’s a good pussy. Good girl my sweet little girl. Gonna have to make you full. Make you my breeding bunny. No one is gonna mess with you when you’re full of my cum. Gonna cum in you as many times until it takes. You’re mine.”
And with that, luke shoots ropes if his seed into you, leaving you twitching at the foreign feeling.
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mattybsgroupie · 2 months
wishing the happiest of birthdays to my favorite boys 🤍
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my favorite boys in the world, i can’t believe you guys are turning 21. i am so extremely grateful for having you in my life. in the lonely and incredibly sad days, you were my best friends, making me laugh and allowing me forget about my problems — nothing is ever that serious when i’m with you. you guys never failed me. every time i needed someone to talk to, i’d go to you and you were always there, ready to put a smile on my face. my blue eyed angels, you have no idea how many times you’ve saved me 🩵.
yesterday was terrible, but i got through the day because of you guys. my mom always asks “who are these boys and what do they do? you always laugh whenever you watch them” and it’s true — i never feel anything other than happiness when you’re with me.
thank you for being so genuine, thank you for always speaking your minds, thank you for sharing your hearts and your lives with us, for making us feel like we’re part of it. the funniest, smartest, cutest, most handsome boys i’ve had the pleasure to fall in love with. thanks to you, i was able to meet people who already deeply changed my life for the better, and many others i know i’ll take with me for a long, long time.
and now for my matty b, my prince charming, my boyfriend, my love, my everything. you’re the light of my life, my source of inspiration. no matter how much i write, words will never be enough to describe my love for you. thank you so much, my sweet boy.
happy 21st, my darlings. i hope you have an amazing day — and please, share it with us later! whether it’s eating pizza at home with the boys or getting completely drunk at a club, i will love it anyways. all i wish is for you to be as happy as you make me. nicolas, christopher, matthew, i love you endlessly. happy birthday 🩵!
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ultram0th · 4 months
Wolfe Glick's New Career
Part 1 │ Part 2
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"Damn it!” Blue, working in his home office, heard Kevin groan from the front door.
He pushed himself away from his desk and walked downstairs, trying to figure out what was wrong. In the entryway of their home, he saw his shirtless, hairy boyfriend clad in nothing but a skimpy jockstrap that struggled to contain his massive bulge. He was frowning as he glanced at the porch, the door swinging wide open so that the whole neighborhood could see his buff frame.
“What is it?” Blue asked, placing a tender hand on Kevin’s hairy pec, trying to fight back a smile as the other man shuddered at the touch, his jockstrap-clad bulge twitching.
Kevin tried to focus on the issue at hand, even as he leaned further into Blue’s touch. “Someone stole our package,” he whined. “Again!”
At the sound of the ruckus downstairs, Nick made his way down and over to the other two. He was still naked from his interrupted stream, his hard cock bobbing out in front of him with every step he took. The only thing he wore was a cowboy hat— something that was a permanent fixture of his wardrobe. “What’s goin’ on?” he asked, his thick country boy accent as prominent as ever.
Blue crossed his arms in front of himself. “It seems that there’s been some porch pirates in the area,” he mused, trying to think up a solution.
Kevin snorted, “Maybe if we had a guard dog to scare the thieves away.”
Nick nodded in agreement. “Some big fella who would scare any of them robbers away. That’d do the trick.”
An idea started to form in Blue’s mind and he began to smirk to himself. “A big, strong guard dog?” he hummed. “That’s a pretty good idea…”
— — —
“…so make sure you like and subscribe for more Pokémon content,” Wolfe Glick said into his webcam, giving his usual sign off for his next video. He clicked on the red circle icon, stopping his recording.
He glanced at the time on his computer, and shot out of his seat once he realized that he was running late for his appointment. The World Champion Pokémon player was an avid streamer, and with Worlds coming up, he was starting to feel the pressure a little bit. It wasn’t anything too terrible, but Wolfe figured that the smartest thing to do would be to talk to a professional before any of his anxieties grew.
After doing some Internet searching, Wolfe had stumbled upon the homepage of a certain hypnotherapist named Blue, who claimed to specialize in work-related anxiety. After one phone call, he’d made an appointment with the hypnotherapist, hoping that he could use his expertise to help him dominate at Worlds and maintain his top position as the World’s Greatest Pokémon Master.
After leaving his place, Wolfe made it to the hypnotherapist’s home office just in time. He parked his car in back and made his way up to the front door.
He barely had time to knock before the front door swung open, revealing the doctor. “Welcome, Wolfe,” Blue grinned. “I’ve been expecting you. Please come in.”
The streamer followed Blue inside the home, noting how cozy it was. There was the faint smell of musk, as if there was an at-home gym on the premises. Plus, he could see a variety of consoles and gaming memorabilia.
“You game?” Wolfe asked, finding playing video games a safe way to form a connection with a new person.
Blue nodded as he led the other man into his office, gesturing towards the sofa for him to relax on. “From time to time,” he said. “My boyfriends play a lot more than I do. They actually stream for a living.”
Wolfe nodded to himself as he took the offered seat.
“But you didn’t come all the way here to discuss gaming with me, did you?” Blue asked, grabbing his notebook and pen. “Tell me, Wolfe, what’s on your mind?”
The streamer shrugged his broad shoulders, and the bottom of his polo lifted with the action, giving Blue a sneak peek of his happy trail. “I’ve just been feeling a little stress and anxiety over this competition that’s coming up,” he admitted. “It’s nothing too much, but I just wanted to talk to someone to make sure I stay grounded.”
Blue nodded, humming to himself in thought. “You know,” he finally said, “there are some hypnosis treatments that I can offer you to help keep your stress levels down.”
“Sure, let’s try it,” he said, leaning back into the sofa.
The hypnotherapist fought to hide his mischievous smirk as he grabbed his pocket watch out of his coat. “Now, just focus your attention on the watch and listen to the sound of my voice,” he said in a smooth tone. 
Wolfe did as instructed, and he instantly felt relaxed as he watched the pocket watch swing left and right. The sounds of the Blue’s melodic words lulled him into a deep sleep, and eventually his eyes glazed over and his jaw was slack as he fell under Blue’s control.
A wide grin stretched out Blue’s face. “Now Wolfe, I want you to listen to every command I give you,” he said, his voice slow and deep. “Tell me if you understand.”
“I understand,” Wolfe repeated in a monotone, his eyes still fixated on the swinging pocket watch.
“Now, Wolfe, you may continue your streaming career, but you’re also going to take up another passion: Bodybuilding.”
“I will take up bodybuilding,” Wolfe repeated.
“You will look into bodybuilding and you will grow consumed with the thought of getting bigger. And you won’t listen to anyone who questions this new desire of yours.”
“I want to get bigger.”
Snap! Blue snapped his fingers, jolting Wolfe out of his daze.
Wolfe jerked back in his seat, rubbing at his temples in confusion. The last thing he’d been able to vividly recall was arriving at the doctor’s home. Yet, after that, everything was fuzzy. He struggled to recall anything during the hypnosis session, but a thick fog seemed to solidify in his brain, effectively blocking it out.
The streamer continued to massage his foggy head as he tried to piece together anything. However, he soon realized that the mild panic he’d felt earlier in the morning was gone. Whereas, he’d felt a little apprehension about the upcoming Pokémon tournaments, he didn’t feel worried in the slightest now as he sat in front of Blue.
The man perked up. “It worked!” he gasped in surprised. “Holy crap, it actually worked!”
Blue smiled to himself. “Of course it did,” he chuckled. “Now, let’s go ahead an schedule you a follow-up…”
After scheduling another session, Wolfe left the doctor’s office with his head held high. The cute streamer was in awe that the hypnotherapy actually worked, and he was planning on telling all of his friends about the miracle worker that Dr. Blue was. However, all of his elation fell down to the ground when he saw his reflection in the tinted windows of his car.
Wolfe deeply frowned when he examined his body.
He’d worn a simple polo and some shorts for his session, so his limbs were easily visible. However, the man grew self-conscious when he saw how stick thin and tiny his arms looked. He flexed one arm, feeling immense disappointment when his bicep barely created a lump. Looking down at himself, his chest seemed embarrassingly flat, showing absolutely zero traces of muscle whatsoever. And his legs were like toothpicks: thin and simple.
Never before had Wolfe ever felt self-conscious about his body. Being a streamer, he tended to not get as much exercise as he’d preferred to; however, all he seemed to be able to think about as he stared at his slender reflection was that he was so small and tiny.
Without a second thought, Wolfe got into his car and sped down the road to one of the local gyms in the area. He hurried inside and paid for a membership, immediately heading towards the weight pile…
— — —
There was a knock on the door, and Dr. Blue left his office to go answer it. He swung it open widely, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull as he saw his altered client.
“Good morning, Dr. Blue,” Wolfe smiled as he entered the house for his follow-up appointment.
It’d been about two months since his last visit, and although he’d known that the results would be drastic, Blue still wasn’t fully prepared for what he saw.
Whereas before, Wolfe had been rather slender and toned, this new hunk was packed with solid muscle. Still wearing the same sized clothes as before, Wolfe’s new muscles stretched every fabric to the limit. His arms had grown, making the tight sleeves of his polo bunch up near his rounding shoulders. The bottom of his shirt was lifted a little bit due to his growing pecs that were now so big that the streamer couldn’t button up the polo at the top. His legs had grown a bit too, forcing his usual strut to take on a little bit of a waddle.
“Wow, Wolfe, you’ve been working out, haven’t you?” Blue mused, quite literally drooling over the growing gamer.
Wolfe blushed a little bit. “Yeah, a little bit,” he said, flexing a sizable bicep, causing the fabric around his arms to rip a little bit. “I’m still nowhere near as big as I’d like to be though.”
Blue smirked a little as an idea formed in his head. “Well, I can help you out with that too,” he offered. “If you’d like, of course.”
Wolfe eagerly agreed and nearly threw himself down onto the couch, sitting up straight as he readied himself for another hypnotherapy session. His stress levels were already at an all time low, so if Blue could help him out with his workouts, then he’d feel one-hundred percent at peace. Over the past few months, Wolfe still streamed and prepared for Worlds; however, whenever he wasn’t playing Pokémon, the stud was in the gym. He worked out religiously all in attempt to bulk up. Although he was gaining some impressive muscles in such a short amount of time (and he’d already gained about twenty pounds of pure muscle), he was nowhere near feeling big enough. He still felt tiny, despite having outgrown all of his clothes that were now plastered against his growing frame.
“Just pay attention to the pocket watch,” Blue ordered, swinging it to and fro.
Again, it didn’t take long before Wolfe was lost in a trance, his jaw slacked as the growing muscle stud was put under.
“Wolfe,” Blue smiled, “you’re making some nice progress, but we can speed things up a bit. You’re now going to feel an urge to take steroids so that you can get as inhumanly big as possible.”
“I will take steroids,” Wolfe repeated, his voice robotic and slow.
“And once you’re all big and bulky like a bodybuilder, you’ll come move in here to be our good guard dog.”
“I will be a big guard dog…”
— — —
Over the next few months, Wolfe practically lived in the gym. He still focused on his streaming career, and even won Worlds. However, now that that was out of the way, the growing hunk was able to devote all of his time to working out and growing his muscles.
At his gym, he’d managed to make some connections to get a hold of some fast-acting steroids that were guaranteed to bring about drastic results. At first, Wolfe noticed the side effects more than anything. His body hair grew in thicker with all of the extra testosterone in his system, leading to his chest hair growing in at a faster rate and covering up all of his budding muscles. And his libido was in hyperdrive. The streamer was constantly horny, and after each workout session, he had to excuse himself to the locker room to take care of his throbbing member.
Whereas Wolfe had started out his hypnotherapy sessions weighing in a regular 180 pounds, the stud was now topping the scales at 320 pounds of pure, solid muscle. His arms had packed on so much size that he had trouble bending them past a ninety degree angle, and whenever they were relaxed, they rested atop his new flaring lats. His pecs had inflated to large proportions, looking cumbersome and heavy as they jutted off his torso. The hairy mounds were so large that they forced his nipples to point downward; and his large pecs and arms kept pushing against each other whenever he tried to told a game controller for his streams which led to a lot of his videos showing him struggling to get comfortable in his tiny chair with such a large bulky body. His legs were so large now that the streamer waddled everywhere he went, his massive thighs rolling over each other with each step. Thanks to his steroid usage, his stomach pushed out slightly, giving him the beginnings of what would eventually turn into a large, round roidgut.
Wolfe was huge! His large hairy muscles were professional bodybuilder size, and the stud still wanted to get bigger. He had trouble finding clothes that would fit over his enormous bulk, resulting in his wardrobe consisting of numerous tanks and loose shorts. Still, at their largest size, his shorts appeared shrink wrapped around his big quads, and his pecs constantly spilled out over the tops of his tanks.
It was dressed like this that Wolfe made his way back to Blue’s place for what was supposed to be their final session. Although Wolfe felt as if his anxiety was under control, he still felt compelled to venture back to the hypnotherapist’s office.
When he entered, he felt an odd surge of pride when he saw how wide Blue’s eyes got when looking at his muscles.
“Wow, Wolfey,” Blue genuinely mused. “You’re huge!”
Wolfe felt his face stretch out into a joyful smile at being called huge, and he couldn’t resist forming a double biceps pose on the spot. His mountainous biceps flexed with power, and since he’d come straight to the doctor’s after his workout, his hairy pits were all sweaty and musky, filling the small office with a locker room aroma.
Blue ran an admiring hand over one of Wolfe’s large muscletits, giving the round muscle a playful squeeze. “You must’ve been working out a lot,” he teased. “Such a big, strong guy you are!”
Wolfe couldn’t help but preen at the compliments he was getting. For some strange reason, they seemed to bring about a joyous sensation deep within him, and he felt himself growing more and more excited by the second. His hard cock started to tent out his workout shorts, and he moved to another pose. This time, forming a side chest pose to illustrate just how much work he’d put into building up his massive body.
“Is that him?” Wolfe heard a deep voice with a country accent ask.
Still posing, he looked over to the stairs to see two men descend. One was wearing cowboy hat while the other had grown out what looked like a porn stache. Both were hairy and left their impressive (yet way smaller than his) chests on full display.
Instead of being self-conscious at being caught showing off his muscles for another guy, Wolfe loved having more guys look at him. The streamer leaned forward to form a most muscular pose, loving every second that the three guys were gawking at his humongous muscles.
“Yep,” Blue said, clapping Wolfe on the back. “This is Wolfey, our new guard dog. With muscles as big as his, no one will dare to steal our packages anymore. Watch…”
The hypnotherapist pressed a button on his phone, making the doorbell ring.
Something inside of Wolfe clicked and the large bodybuilder streamer felt a fierce protectiveness grow inside of himself. Looking at Blue, Nick, and Kevin, Wolfe started to view the men in a different light. Suddenly, instead of strangers, the three of them were the most handsome men in the world to Wolfe, and he could feel an almost animalistic instinct form in the pit of his gut.
At the thought of someone being at the door, Wolfe dropped onto all fours with a loud thud. The large bodybuilder crawled over the door, his massive muscular arms slamming onto the floor intimidatingly as he moved. He felt himself bare his teeth, letting out a low, bellowing growl.
“Grrr…” Wolfey growled as he protected his new home like a guard dog. He puffed out his hairy, muscular chest with power. Had someone really been at the door, then no doubt, they would’ve been scared away by the sight of the growling bodybuilder.
Blue smirked and walked up to Wolfey. He fastened a leather collar with spikes adorning it around his neck. Attached to it was a metallic tag in the shape of a dog bone that read out: WOLFEY.
Wolfey flinched at the feeling and for a moment, something inside of his foggy brain screamed at him that something was wrong. It said that he shouldn’t be on the floor of the hypnotherapist’s office, and that he shouldn’t be this big. However, as he looked up into Blue’s eyes, he felt the panic quickly evaporate and he flexed his large muscles with pride.
“Who’s my good boy?” Blue teasingly asked, patting Wolfey on the head.
The bodybuilder streamer straightened his posture and flexed his large arms again. “Me,” he beamed widely. “I’m a good boy!”
Over the next few days, Wolfey blended into the new dynamic at Blue’s household seamlessly. In the morning, he would wake up and stream some Pokémon, showing off his massive muscles for his viewers and flexing whenever they tipped him. Then he’d start to work out in the home gym, grunting loudly as he lifted heavy weights like they were nothing. He also proved to be quite the guard dog too, fiercely protecting his new house and its inhabitants. There were no more porch pirate incidents, especially after Wolfey came bounding out the front door, barking and displaying his massive muscles to scare the would-be robber away.
The massive bodybuilder guard dog loved his new life with Blue, Kevin, and Nick. He was such a good boy.
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agaypanic · 10 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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