#this is ur brain on yugioh
sleepy-za · 1 year
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teenage mokie design + post canon shenanigans?!?!
mokuba is going thru is teenage rebellion phase and seto is NOT having it...he is a diva fr
mokuba does modeling as a side gig with shizuka and he’s working with Yuugi to revamp capmon chess. he’s super popular on social media too
his design is pretty much just a final fantasy/kingdom hearts character. Belts galore! the typical yugioh bondage gear LMAO
yuugi works at kaiba corp to help with game design and general duel monsters stuff. he and seto are more of friends now instead of just rivals. he’s taking over his grandfather’s game shop since he retired.
seto is still managing kaibacorp with all his flamboyant stunts and fashion choices but mokuba is now apart of that too! he has a habit of breaking his bones and walking it off like it’s nothing. he has old man eyes and old man bones so he wears glasses and wears a wrist brace most of the time to help with carpal tunnel and early onset arthritis.
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sapp0w0 · 3 months
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Slash jay for joking
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pathetichimbos · 9 months
i literally live for ur posts bro. what hcs do you have about werewolf!thomas? how would that affect his character and upbringing? what about any romantic relationships? i am very interested in this Idea
oh geez man. i had to pause yugioh to talk about this. bear with me on this one lads, i'm fighting off a fever
(add in: I wrote this like a fucking month ago but mobile refused to let me edit the post so I had to come on web and that took like eighteen spoons for some god awful reason so. Here go)
So, the great thing about Werewolf!Thomas is that there are so many ways to interpret it.
It all depends on how you view werewolves: Do they only shift on a full moon? Do they have any control over it? Do they have any control during the change? Can they do it on command? Is it driven by emotions? Do they have any werewolf features outside of their wolf form? Do they experience heats/ruts? Do they mate with A/B/O rules? Do they have their own? It's just so much!
Which is great! I love AU's that leave so much open space, and I feel like the slasher community severely lacks any serious AU's.
So, here's what I'll do. For this post, I'll set up a particular form of WW!Thomas. I'll set answers for the questions above (and maybe a few more) and give a brief description on him. Then I'll talk about my HCs, how it'd affect his character, upbringing, etc, etc.
I"ll also add in another loop and tell y'all to send in asks about other forms of WW!Thomas! Change it up, mix 'em around, and ask me about him! It's an AU, damnit, let's have some fun with it!
So, just as a fair warning, this particular version is going to lean less towards the traditional werewolf and more towards my own, because... Well I don't really have a reason, I just want to. Leave me and my feverish brain alone.
Now to begin by answering some basics about WW!Thomas and how his particular case of lycanthropy functions.
In my particular AU, Thomas has a few werewolf features outside of his wolf form. His teeth are noticeably sharper than normal, and his nails are dark and naturally sharp. His ears, while in normal human placement, are pointed, and twitch in response to various things. He has a big, fluffy brown tail, and he's just a bit hairier all around.
During a partial shift these aspects just sort of increase; e.g. His teeth are threateningly sharper, his nails are bigger and harder, his ears become a little fluffy and more canine in appearance, and his tail become bigger and sort of gains a mind of its own.
During a full shift, his fur is dark brown, wild and curly, and oh, so fluffy. If it wasn't for all the large, sharp teeth and pointy claws he'd be nothing more than a giant, fluffy, St. Bernard. He still has his facial scars and is also missing his nose in his wolf form, so his sense of smell, unlike most werewolves, is significantly weaker. For the actual build, he's just like a typical werewolf form. Unless he's on all fours, then he could have a chance of passing as a strange breed of... something. Something big.
There is an urge to shift on a full moon, and no matter what he'll experience a partial shift, but he can resist shifting completely on a full moon, he's just more irritable and snappy when he does. It's easier just to let it happen and get through the night. He can also shift in other ways as well.
For one, he shifts with extreme emotions. Anytime he feels threatened, scared, or angry, he's much more likely to experience a full shift, but he can experience partial shifts from being excited or happy or really just any 'big' emotion. He spent a lot of time working on controlling his shifting, so honestly it takes a lot to really corner him into an unwilling full shift.
Despite this, however, he can't just shift on command. He's a pretty anxious guy, so most of the time if he tries to shift with no real rhyme or reason he ends up psyching himself out of it all together.
The state of his consciousness during a full shift really depends on what made him shift in the first place.
If it's a voluntary, full moon shift, he's present and aware, if a little clouded by the transformation, and most of the time during regular full moon shifts, he's rather docile and peaceful. He's a bit more excitable, but there's no danger with being around him during this time.
If the shift is involuntary however, i.e. brought on by being cornered with big, negative emotions, it's a different story.
If he shifts out of fear, or feeling threatened in some way, he's much less present during this time, sort of stuck in a panic state, but as long as you're not what set him off, it's pretty easy to coax him back. Careful words and soft affection will help him calm down and shift back.
If he shifts out of anger, or protectiveness, i.e. someone threatens someone in his family, it's much, much worse.
Thomas is a very calm, albeit anxious man. He has his fair share of anger issues, but it mostly stems from other people's mistreatment of he and his family, in other words, it's more of a righteous, justifiable anger. It's just as easy to stay on his good side as it is to get on his bad side, but it takes a lot of the bad to really make him snap.
All that to say that it takes a lot to force this man to shift out of anger. I mean you have to go to the low of the low. I'm talking hurt/kill someone he cares about in front of him levels. It's not an easy feat.
And if you do manage to pull it off... Well, let's just say I hope God has more mercy on your soul than Thomas does.
He's completely blacked out during this, there's not a single ounce of him present at this time, nor is there any possible way to pull him out of it. The best thing you can do is just let it happen, and if possible, lock him in the basement until it's over. It may sound harsh, but no one is safe when he's actually snapped.
Now that we've covered the basics, we can move onto some general headcanons for him.
♡ For one, he sheds. A lot. He's an overgrown dog living in Texas, there's really no way to avoid it. He's great to have around during the winter months, but when spring starts to shift to summer he's gonna lose that winter coat- everywhere.
♡ He hates being treated like a dog, he's still a person and he won't take kindly to being treated like a mutt. Especially after the Hewitts begin their rampage- he was put down his entire life, he won't take it anymore. i.e. he HATES the word mutt
♡ During any sort of voluntary or positive shift, he's really just a big teddy bear. Due to the fact that he has to work during the day, and shift during the risen full moons at night, he's pretty exhausted and just wants to sleep.
♡ While his mask does also double as a muzzle, he hates wearing one. It's a requirement for his job, and since he prefers wearing a mask while he's in his human form, wearing it isn't an issue at all, but the insinuation behind a muzzle insults him.
♡ He wore a collar when he was a child because he had a lot less control and people would often have to bring him back home to the Hewitts after he'd run off to play during a shift.
♡ He tends to spend most of his full moon shifts alone in the basement, which the Hewitts sort of made his 'wolf' room after adopting him, so he has a place to go when he shifts, or in the extremely unlikely event he snaps, they can lock him in so he's safe from himself and others. He still has his regular bedroom upstairs he uses most of the time.
♡ A full shifts tends to rip and shred his clothes (a very expensive and/or time consuming repair) so when he knows it's going to happen he just strips down to a too big pair of boxers, which, seeing a werewolf in barely fitting boxers is an absolute sight. So there's that. It's not an issue since he's normally alone in the basement, any sort of surprise or involuntary shift just absolutely obliterates his clothing.
I can't really think of anymore headcanons at the moment, so I'll just go ahead and dive into the backstory and how this would affect his upbringing.
So, for one, we need to establish more ground rules before we begin. Is Thomas the only creature lurking the night or is this a normal in the universe? If it's a one off, was he born this way, or did it happen in some freak accident later in life?
Well, if he was the only one born with it then the Hewitts would have kept him safely locked away in the house his entire life, save he be burned at the stake. So he'd be much more isolated and feral than he already is and he'd probably really only be 'freed' once the Hewitts begin killing people and the town is abandoned.
If it was some freak accident he'd be much more feral and, if this is before the town all fled, he'd be locked away or burned at the stake. Notice the reoccurring theme?
So, we'll go ahead and place him in a creature universe and say he was born with it, just to give him fair fighting ground.
So, in this universe of creatures, werewolves aren't the only monsters, but they are very powerful ones. Which, unlike some people might think, would bode against Thomas rather than turn in his favor.
Due to his skin condition and feeble health from a young age, most people just assume the Hewitts took mercy in their adoption because Thomas' biological parents abandoned him in shame, even though this AU will follow the original storyline of the movie.
See, it's particularly interesting to apply this filter over the idea of the original movie, because in the original movie, Thomas is shamed and shunned because people believe him to be a monster, but in this AU, monsters are normal. Now you've got the lesser monsters viewing him as dangerous, and the other bigger monsters viewing him as something lesser.
But it's still the same principle, so honestly I don't think there'd be too many differences in his character and personality.
There's a few changes, sure, but it's things like, he hates being treated like a dog, or being called a mutt, and instead of just calling him names and treating him like a freak, they force him to wear a muzzle because 'you never know when he might snap'. Nothing that fundamentally changes his character or behaviors.
As for romantic relationships, I think it's pretty much the same sort of deal. Nothings really changed so much as there's just a few new things to consider.
Before I list a few things about this, here's a preface.
Thomas, no matter what, sort of has that 'forever mate' mentality. He doesn't believe in the sort of 'modern' dating of today. There's no brief talking period and jumping straight into a relationship until it gets serious and then dipping. It's a long, long time of a platonic relationship, and once you start 'dating'- that's it. He's in it for life. You're his one forever. So, it's not really fair to be like "oh he's a wolf he mates for life" because he already does. So I won't be really defining if there's any way to 'permanently' claim a partner in this- that's up to y'all! Decide whatever your little heart desires. I just believe his character already has the mentality for it so there's no reason to add something like that in.
Ok, onto the headcanons!
♡ He normally prefers shifting alone but he begins enjoying having you around for it, and gets a little disappointed when you can't/don't.
♡ Even in a relationship he doesn't like being treated like a dog/called a mutt, even in a joking tone. It's a big No-No.
♡ He's very clingy and possessive and prefers sleeping dog pile style (i.e. one of you on top of the other)
♡ I already believe that Thomas loves having his hair played with, but I think wolf!Thomas has a particular appreciation for when you start stretching his scalp
♡ Thomas (while he has a weaker sense of smell for a wolf) has a great sense of smell for a human, and if you come home smelling like someone else (especially another wolf) he tends to get irritable (though he tries to hide his frustration) whether it was intentional or not
♡ He growls a lot. I don't need to tell you when
♡ Ok, this last thing may sound crazy, but my parents have a dog, and after I got my cat, he realized humans think it's cute when cats purr, and so he started... grunting. Like he was trying to purr. Thomas does that too, like a deep rumble in his chest when he's really content
Anyway, that's all I have for now. Maybe I'll add more if I think of anything.
Thanks for sending in the ask! <3
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nezuchuuko · 6 months
i just thought u should know my brain is so yugioh-pilled that i read this
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as being a weird way of saying dennis macfield's name from yugioh arc-v
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^^ this fucking loser (3 of him to make the photo less tall)
he is kinda heavily queer-coded (to me) just on the premise of being a theatre kid lmao
hope u have a grand rest of ur day,
thank u for showing me this, now i know what a gay ass fusion of macdennis would look like à la steven universe
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6ad6ro · 11 days
not tryin to drag a family member, but the other day i was stupidly talkin to one about politics. she says "god told me to vote for trump" and once again it sorta breaks my brain bc dude is literally the polar opposite of all the shit she claims to be about. so i'm like "lol well you better hope ur god isn't real bc you're gonna have some explainin to do for this one".
and that's when she says it: "god wouldn't put people into power unless he wanted them to be there". without thinking or taking a breath, i just say "hitler". she's like "what?" and i'm just like "hitler". she tries to speak, "hitler". humina humina humina "hitler". i've never seen her clam up so fast. i've never seen her so quick to suddenly "be too busy to argue". she literally pretended to check her phone.
idk that much about yugioh, but it felt like she just gathered all the pieces of exodia and then placed them directly into my hand. i've never seen a person lose an argument so decisively in a single sentence. it was... the funniest goddamn shit.
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rosydolly · 7 months
i had not seen that hisoka gif before and looking it up i have to say Please... thats literally so genius. And im also guilty of that... so glad rewatching 'licking' ygo videos over and over is not an original experience.
i've found that a good chunk of kinks im not normally into, i'll be into if marik's related in it, if that makes any sense lol. you bringing up hypno things in the tags reminded me of that, 'cause im definitely guilty of being a neutral party on hypno or brainwashing until i considered either mariks being a possible factor. how he treats mai after their duel also applies heavily into that i think!
HES ALSO TOTALLY PEGGABLE 100% LMFAO speaking true facts durring monopoly i respect that
+ mini bonus; the way he spits after getting punched by obelisk agjfjfjrb... such a good detail
YAY I’m so glad someone agreesss. If it weren’t for my wrist pain I’d wanna draw it rn….. I hope the gif wasn’t hard to find tho lol I didn’t think to post it here.. I first got the idea after seeing it a few years ago but I forgot because my yugioh phase winded down a little (luckily that’s not the case rn..)
YEAA I’ve seen other people say they did this too but there’s probably more that just wouldn’t admit to it. It made me a little fixated on eyeball licking when I was younger..
SAME HEREE like that was never a thing I thought about before or after having seen him.. only ever in the context of him doing it. Like just the fact that he could control people and make them do whatever he wanted did something to my kid brain…. DEFINITELY I remember when I first saw their duel.. my stomach was doing flips.. I also like the scene where he kneels down and lifts up her chin. I wish that shot weren’t badly drawn though……:(
Lmfao I got banned from talking for saying that and also calling dartz a dilf 😔 and then I lost.
KAGAMI DIDNT HAVE TO GO THAT HARD ANIMATING THAT BUT IM SO GLAD HE DID. I wish we could have him reanimate every episode I need more awesome shots like that… I noticed in the manga he just bled a little bit I like the drool more. But it would’ve been great too if it was the same but with the same amount of blood as the spit lol
AND THANK YOUUUUU!! Im mostly better I just can’t sleep for some reason so I’ve been tired and out of it all day orz <333
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likeadog · 6 months
question for ur God Head Death Sentence ocs + ur knowledge on yugioh: which ones do you think would be into card games like that, and like,, how would they play it? Try to go about it competitively, play casually, or maybe someone just builds a deck just to mess with one person specifically?
pluto would be hardcore into it like he keeps up with meta he has opinions he has a deck. multiple even
following that, he has taught virtue how to play because theyre flatmates. that being said, shes far more lax about it. solidly skilled because things with intricate rules and structured order are up her alley, but i think she takes it easy on people
leopold would never pick a hobby like that up on his own but once introduced to it he is taking that shit so for seriously. hes not so much a fan as it is that he refuses to lose at any game of skill and intellect. he would run some insanely intricate gimmick deck that makes your brain hurt to try and detangle. that said he will throw the match when he faces lacramioara. but if she catches onto it she gets pissy so its a delicate dance
lacramioara is not super good at it, but she gets really competitive. shed also play with cards she likes, as opposed to one that are actually good. in a way hes the only one who truly has the spirit of the game, except for when people are at risk of being attacked. that said, its a hobby shed do for maybe a week before he got bored
johnny vc now what in the goddamn are you little freaks doing in there. she would get the tutorial but its clear she doesnt care nor does she particularly understand the rules. this isnt even a game shes going to entertain. go outside and touch some grass
cross has definitely stolen someones soul through a game of yugioh like he has definitely contracted someone that way. maybe multiple people. for this reason he does play a pretty insane deck i think hed run a classic bing bong fuck ya life deck that focuses a lot on controlling the graveyard.
gabriel plays for fun and is pretty chill about the whole thing. he just wants to enjoy himself. theres lots of music themed ones i think hed like but its not really a hobby hes super passionate about. he pays attention when people want him to engage, though
michael is another one that actually doesnt particularly care for the game but refuses to lose. would run a power deck or deck destruction meta like kaiba does. he sits there smiling at you the whole time but you can feel the rage pouring off of him the vibes are awful
raphael thinks its all kind of silly. this is a game for children. he would not play even if offered he doesnt really care he gets dragged along to game night because someones bound to bleed at some point
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doreoohoreooh · 6 months
hiii im green (like the pokemon trainer)
i draww n stuffff, very multifandom c:
BIRTHDAY : 6/19 🔥🔥🔥
currently focused on fandoms! : dr stone, mr driller, pinkfong wonderstar (specifically poki), yugioh (arc v, vrains, og) and sometimes pokemon. (as of 6/22/2024)
please dont question on why i cant focus on all the fandoms im into, as its not really sensitive its just i dont have a clear explanation for it except that my brain doesnt have much focus for too many things 😭
you can find me as doreooh.oreooh slash doreoohoreooh anywhere! (discord also!)
fav charactrs (not in order) : ataru, susumu, tony k hornovsky, green, lyra, raihan, yuya, yusaku, uta, pudding, mihawk, takeru homura, seto kaiba, mokuba kaiba, ukyo, gen, sai and chrome
(i think thats all…… yeah) thanks for reading yayyy!
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vivi-mire · 1 year
HI RIYAA ur kaiba tags were so galaxy brained<3 To Me the main cast of yugioh is like a set of trans dominoes. one of them comes out and then all of them will 👍
YOU’RE SO RIGHT. One of them comes out and it’s a catastrophic gender event for the rest shortly after. I feel like Kaiba would be the last one to succumb because all the rest of the idiots are doing it and she doesn’t want to be lumped in with them. Mr Beast last one to trans their gender gets $100000 challenge
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sugarglider-s · 1 year
With all the yugioh ur rebloging ur gonna pull me back into my yugioh phase. lol
It’s me anon I’m the blogger speaking to you inside your brain. Listen to me anon, leave relevant media, we don’t need it. Come with me and reblog yugioh we’ll have shadow times in realm - dododododo yeahhhh you need me anon your free will is an illusion-
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yuugisbarber · 2 years
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I posted 290 times in 2022
102 posts created (35%)
188 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 160 of my posts in 2022
Only 45% of my posts had no tags
#seto kaiba - 56 posts
#yugioh - 52 posts
#prideshipping - 42 posts
#pharaoh atem - 39 posts
#ygo - 33 posts
#barbershop thoughts - 31 posts
#kaiba - 26 posts
#yugioh dsod - 22 posts
#yami yugi - 16 posts
#yugi mutou - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#hc that he doesn’t only travel by bewd jet or helicopter because it’s faster and he doesn’t have to bump elbows with “dweeb
My Top Posts in 2022:
Seto Kaiba talks a lot of shit for a guy with a bowl cut and a mullet at the same time.. like bro pick a struggle haircut
463 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
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Nooo don’t go into the afterlife Pharaoh ur too sexy ahaha
784 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
Hate it when fanfiction becomes a topic of conversation irl and someone is like like “lol yeah I write fanfiction, I wrote a story about obama and my lab partner XD” you are a FOOL and an IDIOT if you think weird little stories about celebrities and ppl you know is the same thing as examining and dissecting the riveting, powerful homoeroticism of Yu-gi-oh! DM (anime and manga)
2,142 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Ladies and Gentlemen : Dated, boring, gender specific, lame, not sexy.
Attention Duelists: New, Inclusive, fun, sexy, makes you sound like Seto Kaiba
5,625 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
There’s fanfiction…. And then there’s FANFICTION. The kind of shit you happen upon at like 3am or some other ungodly time because you were trying to find a fix for ur fixation at the time and you are just SUCKED IN and every sentence feels like a line of cocaine and it has quotes and imagery that permeate your brain and it’s the shit that sticks around in your consciousness forever and it never goes away and it’s always going to be one of Those Fics.
48,871 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
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Thanks yugioh 🤪
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softbakura · 2 years
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an absolutely bizarre post i somehow managed to see the one time that i decide to scroll through a very tiny bit of my facebook feed ???
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it-is-no-desert · 3 years
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ygo cards are best when theyre kinda normal but partly weird as hell end tweet
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starboomsaa-blog · 6 years
for two seconds i thought about playing ino yamanaka but then getting into naruto and having to read drained me so i stopped 
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eggsinthewind · 2 years
ur blorbos: yugi - from yugioh, you draw him everywhere, he gets possessed every episode. iwaizumi - volleyball boy. you kin him. you ship him with his childhood friend oikawa. that one werewolf fic you sent me that i forgot to read. mlatr guy - i think his name is brad? hes ur icon. hes stupid i think. no thoughts behind those eyes.
may my yugi doodles fill your sketchbook
can’t believe you called me out on being an iwa kinnie
his name IS brad and he is my bestie, no brain in that noggin nuh-uh
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