#this is very stressful idk how people who sell the stuff they make do it
queenothegeeks · 1 day
Creator with coping mechanisms
part 2! Part one can be found here (pls let me know if the link doesn’t work I’m doing this on my phone and I’m d y i n g)
Even the creator gets stressed, so, how do you relax?
A creator who cooks or bakes to deal with stress
After a very stressful day of meeting important dignitaries and public figures, you felt like settling down, reading a recipe or making something from memory to remind you of home. Maybe you have music playing in your head or maybe it’s just empty, feeling comfortable doing something you love
Maybe giving the food you make to other characters in the game, or you hand them out to random people, like kids from the house of the hearth.  Or maybe you just sit and eat it all for yourself (which, is valid, bc tbh I don’t want anyone else eating my food)  
Hey (insert character)! I made too much of this and I was wondering if you wanted some! I hope you like it!
Hey Timme, I'm really sorry for scaring away all the birds, but I made an extra loaf of bread for you to feed them with, is that okay? 
Creator who writes stories or fanfiction as a coping mechanism (me) 
Finding it hard to sit down and write, even though you really want to. Maybe it's the environment or the people that you are with, but once you get into the zone, the world just disappears. 
Maybe you write the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffed, with found family and just silly moments with your characters (oc or not), or perhaps you write the saddest things known to god that make even the most heartless of characters cry
“Are you…are you crying”
(sniff, sniff) NO! Maybe…” 
“Are you okay? Why are you crying”
“I stole-borrowed your notebook because I was worried about you (they wanted more intel or smt idk) and I started reading it. And it's really sad WHY ARE YOU WRITING SUCH SAD STUFF?”
A creator who embroiders to relax (don't @ me pls i've never embroidered) 
You didn't tell anyone about it, knowing that someone would try to convince you to make business out of it (probs Dori) but after you had to ask for a few bandages after you poked your hand on your needle, the cat was out of the bag. 
“But we could sell it for a ton! We could even send a few things to museums! …if you want ig”. 
“Thanks, I'm good…”
“Why not!?”
(Don't threaten them with needle Dont threaten them with needle Don’t threaten them with needle-)
Or if you get lucky, maybe they just ask you to make them something instead of making a glorified pyramid scheme. 
“Can you make something for me?”
“You should work with Chiori!”
“Can you embroider me!?”
… Yeah maybe this isn't much better.
Chaos demon! (Arson with klee 2.0!)
“Are they okay..?”
“Let them have this”
“Sir, their grace is setting everything on fire”
“Its fine”
Let me know if I missed any habits in the comments! Remember, if you see any spelling mistakes, no you didn’t.
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honeyednights · 9 months
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
TADC cast x short and fluffy reader? (Maybe the reader has an extra fluffy tail)
TADC cast x short and fluffy!reader !
Ooo I wanna make brioche, but I also wanna make macarons... but I also wanna make scones... OOOOOO but I also wanna make butterscotch haystacks (having a crisis) (this is totally unrelated to the ask I just be yappin)
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Now to be fair, you didnt specify how short you are so to Caine you're probably just normal sized/j .. absolutely loves your fluff, probably runs his hands through it every chance he gets, regardless of if its hair, feathers, or fur! Since you're on the smaller side he can pro comfortably hold you in his arms while flying around! Loves showing you how the grounds look from above, I think!
No thoughts only Caine taking you up to fly over the grounds while its nighttime and you see all the lights down below and everything looks so pretty!!
He wont drop you I promise
You're normal sized in her eyes/j
Keeps her hands to herself but if you offer to let her pet your tail! Good stress relief, I think! Pomni never really initiates it before you offer, though, since she doesnt really want to invade your personal bubble
Please communicate with her that it's fine and it's not something you mind!
Occasional pets! She kind of lies somewhere between pomni and jax in terms of how much shes going to pet you without any prompting! More so a head pats person than a tail.. stuff?? Trust me the "tail stuff" makes more sense when you read jax's part..! Doesnt make fun of you for your height, i just cant see ragatha doing that. I was originally gonna say she would make petnames for you based on it, but I'm not actually sure she would.. has probably made bows and stuff for your tail!
(Bumping my fists on the table) jax fidget hc jax fidget hc !!!!! Messes with your tail when its within reach; usually just messing with the fur or lightly bapping it around and watching it instinctively move around in response! He would already tease you for being shorter than him... but if you're actually below the average height (or at least, the average within the digital world) then hes gonna lean really into it! Makes a show of getting something down for you, probably overstretches himself and gets on his tip tops to sell the point (he, of course, not needing to do any of thst thanks to his height)
The "how to talk to short people" meme but hes on the incorrect side by crouching down to your height/j he doesnt mean anything rude by it..! Sometimes likes to mess with your tail by petting the fur when you guys cuddle inside the pillow fort! Honestly I can see him with a fidgeting habit, too, like jax! But I think his is less intense and he has a little more restraint.. that said once you give him the go ahead hes gonna be constantly petting your tail if it's long enough
(Watches your tail swish around) "oh... cool.."
Zooble doesn't exactly feel this way or that about your tail, however I will say you extra fluff makes cuddling with them more enjoyable since they look like they're made of hard plastic (Zooble I'm sorry I love you)
Probably lightly teases you for your height; not to the extent jax does it but they probably let out a flat "haah.. short.." when you briefly struggle with something non important
Short person x person who can (physically and emotionally) be knocked down easily; you guys both have your own struggles/j
Would never ever in a million years make any mean comments on your height, and this includes teasing and nicknames; she doesn't have the heart to even lightly poke fun at you
Petting can be a little weird, since gangle doesnt exactly.. have hands.. I mean she does, but they're like the ends of ribbon; she doesnt have palms or fingers, nor can she put the most force behind her touches (at least that's my personal hc, she doesnt strike me as someone who's. Strong... or even proportionally strengthed? Idk shes ribbon)
Very silly she loves it when your tail starts swishing around when you see her!!
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yesloulou · 3 months
Hi friend.
Actually just today, my friend and I was talking about Daniel after the race. He’s been watching F1 for way longer then me. I expressed my concern over the last two weeks even though this is only the beginning of the szn. He said and I summerised, currently DR can only be in midfield teams is cus while he dose have the skills, he’s too unserious for like SF or MER, but his unseriousness brings great publicity for midfield teams.
I think in some aspects this may be true. But It’s just, like, idk, thought of this hits me. I know this jester aura (?) often surrounded him and people saying it’s great for marketing and stuff, but isn’t that a bit unfair tho? Maybe DR is always DR, way before F1 he is DR, and now all of a sudden his a publicity stun.
(feel sad for millionaires)
Idk what will happen after this szn but I really hope he keeps racing.
You know when you look at someone and look at what they do, you just go like, yeah for sure that’s what they do? I look at Daniel and I have this feeling. He’s a racer, always have been and always will, maybe he’ll go to Indy or some other competitions if this doesn’t work out, but in heart he’s a racer, he belongs to the track and the speed.
That’s just how I feel, and don’t really know who I can say this to, so thank you for letting me vent.
Wish him all the best for home race.
this is so sweet (the way you worry for daniel's prospects) and '(feel sad for millionaires)' got me irl lol 😭 your friend sounds like he's watched f1 for a long time but i would disagree with his conclusion. i provide that:
allegedly ferrari decided to not go for daniel after seeing him dance with daniil kvyat in the pit lane to entertain fans during rain delay at usgp 2015. the situation first of all was fortunately and unfortunately more nuanced than daniel being "unserious". the ferrari at the time was also run by arrivabene during bernie ecclestone's f1 reign. the ferrari today, two team principles later and after liberty media's f1 takeover, has changed in many ways. for example, in 2022 they had charles and carlos do this tiktok trend which definitely, definitely flirted with "the boundaries" (whatever that means) way more. so no, even tho daniel doesn't drive for ferrari, i wouldn't say he is "too unserious" for them.
merc is considered a more "corporate" environment in f1, example is valtteri's change in public image after leaving mercedes. however given that at the end of 2022 toto went as far as literally wearing daniel's merch in an attempt to reserve him for mercedes, i'd say obviously they don't consider daniel "too unserious" either.
publicity in f1 just generally cannot be a bad thing. more people interested in watching a driver means more sponsors willing to pay $$$$ to put their names and logos onto their livery. and more $$$$ means better chances at making a faster car, which is a goal of every team's. one can argue that a successful and financially secure team like red bull or ferrari might not be attracted to the benefit of a driver's popularity as much. but again, sports rely on viewership to sell broadcasting rights and ad spots, and publicity just generally can't be a bad thing.
i know the first two races were not great but this season literally just started. nothing is real yet. and daniel at least ended this week on a positive note so even more reasons to look ahead. the thing about f1 is that there is one winner and nineteen others. so as long as you're watching you're basically guaranteed more bad days than good ones. we can't all be watching bc we all believe our blorbos will be wdc, right? we watch and hope that something good might just happen. like if you think about it even though daniel has been out here causing us stress all these years he still manages to pull off minor to major miracles every year or two. this hopefulness is very precious so i say we watch it for that.
anyways. i hope this made you feel better and more excited about the season ❤️❤️❤️
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
Yknow if were talking about rarepairs/crackships….how about Sammy/Grant? Listen hear me out- i think I started shipping them a few years ago back during the og fandom days, but since my interest in bendy has been reignited, so has my interest in this ship lol. And im ngl, have you ever noticed how similar Grant’s office is to Sammy’s Sanctuary? They both play that same whispering effect when you enter them, they both have an ink pipe in them, they both have a bendy item in them (sammys bendy plushie and grants bendy clock), both have writing on the wall…
Even just beyond that, its implied they died the same way too, from drinking ink? And how they both seem to put the blame on others for joeys mistreatment (sammys whole “useless sheep” bit in that newspaper and grants “STOP THE WASTERS!!” bit on his office walls). and even though theres like, BARELY ANY GRANT CONTENT IN CANON, he does have a minor connection to the ink demon, as one of the flashbacks in chapter 1 is of the ink demon on level S near his office, and although this probably doesnt mean anything, the fact that the first time we see sammys cult is when we open the door to the archives via a handle we had to get from grants office specifically….👀
Plus just the miscellaneous stuff like grants va being a musician, one whose song was specially placed in sammys office- idk, *marge voice* I just think they’re neat! :)
THATS AN INTERESTING ONE… I’ve seen it around a fair bit lately but it feels recent??
Before I dive in, I do wanna address the ink-drinking – I’m a little biased, since I tend to headcanon the ink-drinking as unique to Sammy, but I feel like Grant also drinking ink is not something that’s implied so much as a headcanon that got popular? We can pretty easily accept that Grant transformed at SOME point, and the shared whispers imply that they were both under some inky influence, but that doesn’t tell us that ink-drinking was to blame. The note in BatDR about Grant looking ill could certainly be used for an ink-drinking headcanon, too, but as far as Evidence I think all it tells us for sure is that Grant was Very Stressed. [also trying to merge BatDR Grant and BatIM Grant into one entity seems messier the longer I think about it but I CANT GET DISTRACTED BY THAT NOW, THATS FOR ANOTHER POST]
ANYWAY, all the little things about this one having a valve in that one’s office and this one being voiced by a guy who did a song that’s in the other one’s office are neat but ultimately I feel like that stuff isn’t want sells a ship, for me – the biggest thing is a compelling dynamic between the characters.
There’s so much between these two that complicates them –
-- good money and hiring his own people were Sammy’s two big asks when he took the Music Director job, so he could easily be a source of financial strain and seen as one of the “wasters” Grant is so frustrated with, and it’s also not hard to imagine Sammy blaming Grant as one of the useless sheep who can’t do his job right once paychecks start coming in late. Add to that Grant being described as having no creativity at all in the Employee’s Handbook, and trying to imagine what he would relate to in Sammy “my special interest is music” Lawrence. Though I don’t know, that one could be fun. Does Grant like music despite not “getting” it? Can Sammy and Grant relate to each other through the intersection of music and math? Or does Grant just conceptualise music as a kind of math, which Joey thinks is boring but Sammy knows is not far off, and Sammy with his partially jazz background is INTRIGUING to Grant because what he’s making sounds good but isn’t following the rules…? IDK, Grant and Sammy learning to understand each other through understanding each other’s work is a neat thought.
On the surface they’re both frustrated men who want things to be under control and are frustrated with Joey’s spontaneity, but while Grant is having a meltdown over WHAT WILL JOEY SAY?, Sammy is screaming about pleasing a god rather than a man and certain that he’s found the one who will Set Them Free. Grant’s characterisation could be taken in a lot of directions, but it’s not hard to imagine him as the phobic to Sammy’s counterphobic.
Which is INTERESTING, because you get a dynamic that seems to work, as Sammy gives the impression of a leader who can offer certainty and something to depend on – and you CAN depend on him – but he’s actually a follower at heart who desperately needs someone to answer to, someone to believe in, and I don’t know if Grant can be that someone. Sammy and Grant BOTH want to be the one behind the scenes with someone else in the spotlight. On the other hand… we know Grant’s massaging numbers and fudging things and illegally hiding assets. It wouldn’t be hard to characterise him with a bit of ruthlessness as well, someone who’s not afraid to break the rules when he feels he has to; while Sammy seems frustrated, overstimulated, and perpetually at odds with a system he doesn’t fit in, Grant is willing to learn the system well enough to bend the rules to his advantage and know how to get away with it.
If you go with this take, you get a pair that could be dangerously effective but also dangerously fragile. I don’t think they would challenge or change each other so much as just reinforce each other’s ruthless caution – as long as they’re in cahoots, they’d be loyal to each other and value no principle above each others’ well-being. But the instant either of them mistrusts the other, they’d combust.
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bulbabutt · 1 year
I'll be honest the worst part of the love triangle in 12 to me (or at least the worst part of the fan reaction to the love triangle in 12) is the people who act like it's somehow Rob Paulsen and/or Mae Whitman and/or Josh Peck's fault that it's like that. I mean, putting aside the fact that blaming the VAs instead of the writers is not cool (and also the fact that Paulsen and Whitman are ridonkers talented as VAs-Paulsen has too many to name and Whitman just needs the two-hit combo of Katara into Amity Blight, Peck I have less to say as because I only really know him from Drake and Josh and 12 itself but he seems alright), they're not the only parts of their characters! Donnie and Casey get plenty of stuff to do outside of that, and while April definitely gets the short end of the stick there I can at least think of a few solid bits here and there. 12 has problems but it's really annoying when Rise ultrafans act like 12 is some blight on the franchise (we have Next Mutation for that thanks). (AND I LIKE RISE I STRESS)
ok first of all people do WHAT lmao thats actually insane, it doesnt even matter if the actors are talented or not, its very bad behaviour to be blaming actors for anything lmao
lemme also say its not even always the writers faults either, cuz something about 12s writing issues i didnt give credit to was nickelodeon or playmates for how they clearly are behind the scenes saying "do this, do that". cuz all tmnt shows are shows made to sell toys and a lot of the time things that happen is also cuz some studio exec is coming in being like "hey! we need more _ cuz kids like _!"
but like if i can be absolutely honest when i say this and this is not even directed at you so like no offence to you or anyone who's got something to say about 12 or rise or whatever this is just like reminding me of the weird inter-iteration behaviour ive seen recently (like i browse tmnt crossover stuff cuz... obvs i wanna see crossover stuff, but lately i keep seeing nastiness)
but i have seen 12 ultra fans, i have seen rise ultra fans, i have recently seen just how weird and over the top toxic certain people who prefer either can be when discussing their non-favorite show and i just. can i just say. all of you guys. just... just stop interacting w the other people's media? if you dont like a rise fic, dont read it, if you dont like a 12 fic dont read it. if you dont like the characterization? the story? you think somethings ooc? like. its okay. its not for you, just let it be. people arent bad for writing it that way, its theirs. make your own art, interact w peoples art you do like!
idk maybe im just too old for this but ive seen people on either side of that whole...............situation. put their entire faces into videos like ripping the shit out of people and naming and linking the art theyre talking about and it seems really mean.
anyway all this to say please dont talk to me about whatever drama has happened between iterations (its always those two) like... the issue is very much just gonna be a generational divide. thats all it is. 12 came out a time when the jokes were a bit meaner, and rise came out in a post steven universe era. both of these shows are good they both are just different genres. people from either side of it have different tastes because of the specific thing they like in tmnt. if rise fans think the 12 turtles come off toxic and you dont thats their business, dont interact w them. if 12 fans dont like how different rise is leave them to it.
specifically please leave me out of it, and just dont be mean to each other. putting someone on blast for their art or their perspective just makes you look like the asshole.
also i unironically enjoyed the next mutation im sorry, im cringe but you can take bonesteel and hot vampire lady and mikeys pirate radio and BEST SPLINTER show from my cold dead hands AHJKSDH
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apcthetics · 3 months
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*˖ ⊹ ────────  lore dump.
this is just a little collection of explanations about where my characters currently are physically, emotionally, career-wise, etc. it's mainly for me to keep myself straight with my ideas and their development but uhhh also to make sense if i drop any of it in a post. that's all ! read or don't read at your discretion ! don't matter to me.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  alistair castillo.
i really don’t imagine his life changes much from day to day to be totally honest………. there is nothing new happening in his life he’s still just being a menace upon new york and giving people sick ass tattoos.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  brady ackerman.
he’s been wound up in a lot of different projects and probably running himself into overdraft; busy filming the next season of his show, and also alongside it trying to finish out a manuscript for the next book he’s supposed to be writing, all while flying all over the world in just a handful of weeks. hasn’t touched down in new york for more than a few days in the past 2 months but hey at least he’s successful right. right guys. right. haha. he's not tired at all. don't look at his dark circles for too long. 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  caleb williamson.
christmas is a pretty big time for his little side gig selling rare records online, so that picked up quite a bit even as his music lessons kind of trailed off as kids went off on winter holiday. it’s also just been rly quiet for him because obviously christmas didn’t go very well as family dinners never really go well at the willamson/michaelson house and then luvena has been either away or rotting in her room so there’s not really been much for him to do if levi and trinity arealso preoccupied (with each other? idk i dont god mod 👀. ) he did do a really successful new years eve show i think that he’s proud of but mainly it’s just been his little side hustle and now as lessons are picking back up.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  clementine bailey.
so clem is still in the process/paperwork of buying the diner, all the bank loans and everything like that but she is now effectively in charge of it which has definitely been ! a big deal ! her and loren moved into a new apartment and clem has yet to even unpack most of her boxes because she’s spending a lot of time at the diner going over all the financials and trying to teach herself how to handle the back end of a business instead of just the front half. it’s A Lot and she’s definitely Stressed and crying a lot and everyone has been getting 3am baked thumb print cookies, but don't even worry about her !
*˖ ⊹ ────────  damien clarke.
christmas is always the best but busiest time of year for retail so i imagine damien has been putting in a lot of extra effort to make sure that it’s special !! he did some big holiday toy drives alongside some local charities, but since the christmas rush has kind of fallen off and times are slower he’s now just trying to get through the pile of bookkeeping and administrative stuff that he needs to worry about. i have been playing with the idea of him running a very limited indie comic publishing thing out of the back office of his shop, having started with the one done by him & honey and now kind of expanding to artists who maybe don’t have the funds or ability to afford printing and stuff themselves but………… idk the logistics of that yet so it’s definitely just an idea in his head that’s in the early stages. he’s having fun with it. honestly he's having a great time.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  eli russo.
again i don’t think his daily life has much variation. working security at a show venue a few evenings a week and still coaching the Youth ™ w/ boxing a few days a week… sometimes he does do like 14 hour days which is a bit unfortunate and his schedule is all over the place which is bad for the brain that can barely remember what day it is on a good week but you know!!! his memory has been slightly improving thanks to all of the puzzles & all that stuff!!! so like good for him!!! go off king!! 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  elijah guiterrez.
again i just brought him here so i don’t really think things have been particularly outstanding in his life. just him and carmen doing their little school thing idk. he’s working as a TA in among all the other school stuff he’s doing i suppose.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  esther thomas.
lowkey i think she’s started dropping off from doing auditions all together… like she’s so bored of them, and getting anywhere in the snow and cold is rough, so while she hasn’t admitted it to anyone or even necessarily herself she’s just like. not been looking. kind of giving up on her dream but doesn’t want to admit that because then that means her parents were right. but like really she’s resigned herself to the bartending life. otherwise nothing new.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  grace bao.
she’s been stuck in this hellish domestic civil lawsuit at the moment that’s eating up practically all of her spare time because the judge and the defense are assholes and she has gotten competitive about it, alongside all of her Daughter Responsibilities for her parents and their millions of holiday and new years parties. grace does nothing but work, eat, be miserable at charity dinners, work some more, and maybe sleep right now. that’s her whole social life. 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  jackson ruíz.
construction is fairly seasonal work so while he’s still working he’s not as busy as he usually is, and also it’s winter and everything is depressing, so he’s definitely been deep into hermit “i haven’t seen you in a week” mode. especially with giselle kind of flying out to conferences and stuff there hasn’t been much reason for him to get out of his apartment. he’s in a Depression Era but hey ! it happens ! 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  kal sekh.
i think the news of eren’s diagnosis has had quite an effect on kal, especially having to keep it a secret from everyone and also because she doesn’t want as much support for it as he feels like he should be giving, so he’s slipping a little bit into old habits again and overworking himself into the ground so he doesn’t have to rly stop and think about what’s happening. double shifts and insomnia are back baby !!!!!!!!!
*˖ ⊹ ────────  kas peters.
just came out of a period where he had a few different mural commissions going on all at the same time and he was much busier than he’s usually used to so now he is simply basking in the fact that he doesn’t have to worry about funds broke-ass artist bitch but also that he doesn’t have anything to do. just kind of vibing. fucking around with his art in his room. fucking around w/ gabriella’s emotions. you know how it is. no cares in the world for this guy.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  minji kyung.
around new years she had the opening of her studio !! so she’s been very busy, not really making art but she’s been spending a lot of her time at the gallery/studio. this is a really big change from her because she’s kind of lacked purpose or a project for a really long time that i imagine she’s just really happy and really excited ??? but also probably very daunted because she feels like she doesn’t belong or doesn’t have the skills to do it properly yano. 
*˖ ⊹ ────────  reid baker.
he took a little vacation time off since his work is also pretty seasonal to go back and visit his parents on the farm, but mostly his life has been no different except he’s been shovelling snow off the central park steps instead of just being a glorified gardener. honestly he’s pretty chill he doesn’t have the braincells to be anything except chill.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  sebastián dominguez-herrera.
this bad boy went on tour !!! first it was america, and following that he did a few shows in europe & south america. he’s also been working on his next album in between, but he’s at a bit of a stand still with that one because he isn’t feeling ~ inspired ~ and he’s kind of groggy and thinks he’s sick all the time because all the travelling + the winter that he’s not really used to. drama queen never experienced seasonal depression before and hes getting a little taste of it.
*˖ ⊹ ────────  wren noor.
i think wren is starting to actually reconsider the kinds of things she wants to do with her life and the degree she already has now… i think maybe she’s looking into online courses at other universities where she might be able to finish her masters but also is considering a career change totally… she’s been spending way more time on the roof with her telescope and getting excited about that stuff again as she heals, but definitely is still cautious,,, anyway she's been doing her research.
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ignorancelive · 10 months
i am very much at ease rn, more than i have been in weeks actually, but also anxious at all seconds of the day about everything ever. yeah can i get a double double with onion
the performance i was very stressed out about didn’t go great but even then as i suspected it doesn’t matter anymore now that it’s over, so that’s a HUGE weight off my shoulders that i’m very happy about! but every other aspect of my life is so fast-paced and important!!!!! and i’m not exactly stressed about anything not working out it’s more that the timeframes of everything rn are overlapping so much
like i have a week of classes left still (which i have been having a horrendous time trying to focus in), i have to move all my stuff out by mid august so in like two and a half ish weeks? which is a decent amount of time but i’m taking my stuff back little by little (cities aren’t that far so i just drive two hours and stay the weekend) so i have to plan out what should be over there and by when and what am i gonna be selling instead of taking and do i have space to take everything i want to and how would i rearrange the room back home to fit this but i don’t KNOW cause i’m not THERE….. ITS A LOT, plus i have to ask my roommate to catsit for the weekends i’m gone which makes me not want to do it as often so as to not burden her….. UGHHHHH
aaaand the thing that’s been making me kinda the most anxious is that my sister is upset about the breakup she just had, i really hope she sticks to her guns this time and has gotten rid of him for good, i just haven’t been getting updates from her cause she’s not an emotional talker. i just don’t like it when people close to me feel sad like it upsets me and not knowing if she’s sad or if she’s fine puts me in a place where idk if i should be upset or not. cause idk what’s going on
GOD THAT WAS SO MUCH i need someone to crush my brain like a soda can
editing to add: i didn’t even mention me trying to get rid of this mattress on a buy nothing page and the person who said they’d pick it up NEVER DID. also i have to figure out how to move in a way that least gets in the way of my cat. this is soooo muchhhhhh
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purplegori · 1 year
Intruding on your asks because I can't @ people in replies and have it work
No I get what the individual stories are about on their own, what continues to baffle me is that the film/stories are presented as a connected plot centred around there being Something Wrong With The House
in the trailer and description and stuff it heavily implied that it would be similar to other stories told by showing a couple of generations of occupants experiencing the same haunting years apart
I just think that they didn't convey what they wanted to very well with the house thing, cause in the first story it seemed to be materialism and making deals with the devil
The second one was fairly similar,
And then the third one was clinging to what little you had when everything else seems out of control,
Not mention the fact that the first story has humans but the second two were animals, which lead to a weird disconnect between the stories and a break in immersion while I tried to bring them back together
Idk, sorry for ranting in Ur inbox lol I completely forgot about that film until you commented, just had a bunch of wild rambling thoughts
(also dw about it being a year old, this is Tumblr, we drag posts from 2012 around here)
that's valid! and sorry this is a bit delayed i literally saw this just now, oops. unfortunately i have no comments on the trailer and description— i watched this completely blind one night only knowing it was psychological horror (?) and stop-motion. there definitely is a dissonance between each story, which COULD be unintentional considering that this movie had three directors! personally though, the dissonance carries meaning, and i'll get back to that.
the concept of the house being the thing that's wrong is true! but to me, the house having Something Wrong With It draws to the fact that it's more of a physical representation of each story's struggle, in multiple ways. notice how it's never actually the house making problems — only how characters interact with it
in the first short, raymond and penny idealize owning a new, fancy home. van schoonbeek holds their materialism over them by promising them a happier life— one only obtained through lush fabrics and decorated fireplaces. it's not the house itself, it's the idea that richer things mean richer lives. the only ones who notice the house's dubiousness are the children, who suffer the consequences of their parents' greed.
in the second short, mr. rat wants to sell a house he's been pouring his sweat and time and money into; he renovates out of his own pocket, he invests in dolling it up and making it look nice. but he only looks at it all from a surface level, hence the bug infestation— cheap solutions will do that to a man. he didn't think of it as a house, he thought of it as a goal with the intention of reaching perfection: something utterly buyable. obviously, ignoring all these problems lead to a massive infestation of rot
in the last short, rosa tries to make the house something it's not despite the circumstances around her. she wants a nice home, and that requires money, which requires tenants. she holds her wish to her heart, in spite of the flooding clearly being a bigger issue. she actively IGNORES the flooding, marking it as less of a problem than the peeling walls and the missing floorboards. she only let's it go when she realizes she CAN leave— she doesn't have to abandon her home to find new places, she needed to change her idea of what home IS to her. she didn't have control over a lot of things, but she could finally live with the house she'd been fighting against. realizing she might not have needed a house, but a ship: she moves on with the help of the people around her.
each story revolves around a house, but the focus isn't the house's effects on it's tenants— it's how each tenant chooses to live in it. there's dissonance because these are all different kinds of people, being stressed by different species being used, different eras, and different settings.
there really are lots of things i intentionally missed touching up on— the third story's ending possibly being a metaphor for death, the second story possibly being a whole delusion. i choose to do this because, well, they're all different interpretations. i spoke about the ones that i made on my own and that make the most sense to me, but those other perspectives are entirely possible and valid. they don't take away from the idea of the house being a manifestation of each character's struggle/flaw either!
in the end, The House is about our relationship with homes. it's about how our living spaces change us, represent us, but more importantly: how it reflects our ideals. in the pursuit of a perfect home, an ideal house, we lose ourselves in logistics and materialism— we lose the spirit of home. it's a problem that crosses boundaries and leaves no person untouched. everyone can experience it, everyone handles it differently. but in the end, the last tenant of the house puts to rest the cycle we've seen progress throughout the film. she finds home in her friends instead of constantly pursuing a house where she PLANS to make memories in. in a way, they DID all experience the same haunting. the haunting was... an empty, hollow life with even more hollowed ideals.
"and heard within, a lie is spun
then lost is truth that can't be won
listen again and seek the sun"
that's all what i think though! would love to hear any other thoughts you have too. that's all! have a good one :)
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pacifymebby · 1 year
bestie i'm really stuck for money right now and need to think of inspiration, do you have any tips? I'm even considering starting an Only Fans hahaha
Hi lovely, i guess it depends on how stuck and what youve already got in place to get money. Like, I'm very wary of only fans and wpuld suggest trying literally everything else first just because its presented as an easy money maker with no consequences but really it isnt, its quite an exploitative platform, and I think it requires a lot of work and persistence to get any actual income from it.
What I will say, is get on reddit and r/eroticasells, you can make a bit of cash to tide you over by writing erotica for people, but again, u have to be careful, generally get the money before u give them any work u know. So that u arent scammed.
You can do that on fiverr too, but you have to be extremely careful about what you write in your advert because they suspend accounts at the drop of a hat and then u have to wait three months to withdraw your earnings. When I was on there I would withdraw my money the second it cleared. But i still got caught out by them and don't use them anymore. Its annoying though because fiverr was how i found the best clients who were willing to pay.
I don't know if u can do things like take on extra hours at your work (idk this feels like something you'd habe already thought of and lile super patronising to even suggest but idk) i ended up getting a second job and then a third job when i couldnt get good hours. It was kinda exhausting but i guess worth it in the end cause i got to keep my independence.
What i would say is,
Don't be tempted to use a credit card or any kind of loan, i know we're in a cost of living crisis so those loan compamies and credit card men will be out in force trying to prey on people who are short of cash. You can build up credit debt so quickly and its scary and stressful af so don't be tempted!!
I tried (and am going to try again) selling my old clothes on depop. That was a lot of effort too for my adhd ish brain but it could work for u.
Then like other little things like, my dad taught me some good budgeting skills over the years i guess.
But try to plan how much u spend a week on food/travel/everything.
So rn I'm getting worried about my money again and I'm trying to spend no more than £15 a week shopping, so I'll try to plan meals and stuff. If you don't cook from scratch its much cheaper to buy your ingredients for stuff like pasta all seperately ect.
This feels patronising or obvious again though tbh so if its something ur already doing then I'm sorry i couldnt be more helpful.
Times are really really tough and shitty right now an am sorry you're struggling bestie.
Hope some of this was useful, if u want me to elaborate about the reddit thing I'll try haha x
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Adult life is hard. Especially as an autistic person. Apartment hunting and moving prep is so overwhelming. I hate change, and after living in this apartment for four years, even if it's shitty, it's familiar. The nearby locations, restaurants, roads, and routines are familiar too. Feeling like you have to sell yourself to potential landlords sucks also...
I no longer have the energy to engage in things I enjoy anymore. I barely knit, write, play video games, or do yoga anymore. I'm excelling at my new job, and juggling stuff for the move and everything but one little extra thing or the idea of it throws me completely over the edge... And I'm in an extremely privileged position. I make good money, work from home, and my lease isn't actually up till mid-august so I have time to look for places... I'm just overwhelmingly stressed all the time at the idea of this big change and the slightly more expensive rent (even if I can easily afford it). I'm terrified that my life circumstances will lead me in the future towards having to work in an office and I don't know if I could handle that at all. I think it would make my already grim situation with regards to leisure time even worse. In college Im realizing I relied on my slower days/periods of the semester. Even though I was in school full time and working part time, I would have like, a Wednesday where I just attended an 11am class and nothing else.
People in my life also keep encouraging me to start doing more things on my own now. Like, go and be social or travel alone and it makes me so ashamed that I don't actually want to do that, (not the least because I'm kind of stockpiling money anticipating that at some point in my adult life I will go into full autistic burnout) and even if I did I wouldn't be successful at it. I've been stress eating lately too or only eating unhealthy safe foods like boxed Mac and cheese and have gained some weight, which I don't really have a problem with except I've grown too big for some of my safe clothes, and I can't replace them with the same ones but a size up because they don't make the same ones anymore. This is all very whiny I realize but people IRL see me as this super successful, bouncy but a little high strung, high-powered career woman but the reality is that I am only successful because of my incredibly lucky circumstances and the fact that I happen to be decent at writing code and wrangling shitty old code.
Functionally, I am a shut in who struggles with independence and dislikes change intensely. I've been trying to push myself more .. I've been going out by myself more and it's honestly fine... It's just so overwhelming from a sensory perspective and I don't really have a desire to do it more often.
As my parents get older I worry about what will happen to me when they die, because even if we don't have an amazing relationship, they still support me during life emergencies if I need them, but after they die I think I will have no one. And I'm so afraid. I make a lot of money but feel like all my jobs have taken so much from me. I would prefer if I was allowed to do repetitive, non-interactive, detail-intensive work all day. Or if I could somehow engage in a special interest all day, like be one of those people at reproduction colonial villages who dresses up in period clothing and knits all day while info dumping to visitors. Or if I could write all day, my few friends and even strangers keep telling me that I'm a good storyteller and should write a book. Or even do something that involves people but is very repetitive. I do extremely well with repetitive, scripted interactions as long as I can reuse the same set of scripts.
Idk. These are all pretty disjointed thoughts. I'm just stressed, trying to figure out how I can enjoy life while honoring my disability. Or if it's even possible. I read a book about autistic adult women before graduating college and I remember a lot of the interviewees for the book talking about how they worked short term contract jobs and took regular sabbaticals to recover even if it financially hurt their situation and I'm starting to think that might be something I'll have to consider in the future.
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zeondraws · 1 year
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I must say I had alot of fun drawing this one a couple of days ago!
dunno if I print this out for diary
I often scroll through tumblr to look through the art tips tag and honestly it's so fun finding neat little art hacks and colour theory tips that I always want to try out when I can hop on my laptop!
Even if I might feel a bit like "ooh damn when will I become as good?" But I also want to try and channel my feelings into motivation, to continue to have fun and try out new things and develop through this.
This whole art path is so scary to me at times, because there is this? Responsibility I feel like, that I have when I post my bus art online, how would people react? Did I have fun drawing this? How will I continue my goals?
Since I want to try and shake up the whole bus community in some way, not like in a bad way but to perhaps make it feel more interesting. I feel like there is a lack of creativity or a lack of artists compared to the amount of bus manufacturers and bus companies you have who try and sell busses, make them interesting to people etc, but how do you reach people? For me it feels like it mostly just reaches people who are already interested in busses and the bus companies always feel sterile or very cooperate (I think I have already mentioned this in a previous post, I often repeat myself)
I am already seeming to have small success, I don't know how to call it or how to feel because this is a very new territory for me.
In my discord server some of my active members started drawing much more, which makes me feel very honored that they're inspired to do so because of me. Some even made bus animations or silly bus drawings or comics. Heck when setra announced their new bus we had some fun talking about it, and one of my members drew fanart of it which is amazing.
Like they're probably the first and only person who made fanart of this setra bus, okay there is official artworks (somewhere), but I'd like to point out that bus fanart is waaay more rare than your usual plane/train or idk fanart of animated shows.
I can't stress enough how busses don't get enough love, there is this universal thing of people unaware of them.
So it's obviously one of the reasons I started my tumblr and Instagram account, hopefully after my apprenticeship I will start my youtube stuff which seems way more scary. Because at the end of the day I am a nobody, who is dreaming of changing something. But of course I don't want to forget to have fun and enjoy what I do, there are so many silly bus stories I want to share.
Tho it feels somewhat scary to do the first step, because I didn't think that I'd be standing here doing this myself. But who else is gonna draw busses? I can't wait years until someone random appears to draw what I want to see. So I'll do it myself (still scary tho, getting outside your comfort zone LOL)
Because I feel like there is something that those bus manufacturers/companies are not acknowledging over the potential . And I am here to change that, however I can with my silly and messed up ideas. haha
I am currently taking a week break from discord so that I can collect myself again and focus on other things. And also to draw BUS
Bro I have sooooo many bus ideas on my trello the list will never get lower.
I shall end this post with a meme
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I love Mushroom Bus very much
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hyunverse · 1 year
omfg i’m going delusional again 😩 i want them all to whisper in my ear IMAGINE FELIX DEEP VOICE GAHHHHHH. smth about the way hyunjin talks and pronounce words makes me crazyyyyy. okay very specific but in ‘wow’ when he says “gonna get hotter” i actually die every time. ITS JUST SO SEXY IDK WHAT THE DEAL ISSS
thank u bae ur too sweet wtf ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️mwah ur my fave ever thank you sm. i’m just very stressed and overwhelmed w a lot of stuff yk ?? and then it builds up and you have nowhere to put it so it just sits <///3 i’ll be okay tho :)))
YESSS changbin edits are so 😩😩😩. i love my buffbin. yes u are very much the queen of sexy and i will not take no for an answer 😠
okay there’s so many variations of bf and one thing i love about skz is they all apply to them yk ?? we got fashion boy i.n, gamer boy felix, muscle boy changbin, art boy hyunjin, cat boy leeknow etc etc etc. like wow we rly got blessed w everything we could ever want ??? and this is why i’m delusional for all of them and swear i’m actually ot8
that’ll be so fun and relaxing !! is there anything specific that you guys do for ramadan that ur looking forward to ?? YAYYY ROYALTY AU FICCCC i’m so so so so so excited to read it. i just know it will be amazing :))
- 🐈‍⬛ NO YOU deserve all the love and even more 🫶🏻🫶🏻
if felix whispered to me to sleep i would be the happiest gyal ever. never ever complaining about life ever again. there's a reason why i listen to an hour loop of felix covering love me like that all the time LMAOO. and ure right!!! the way hyune pronounces things are so ☆__☆ scratches my brain!!! hear me out... the way he says yeah spider in venom. ALSO his line is question. the one where its like yeahhh to be or not to be. it's so sexy oh good lord.
ahh i get you, i really do. sometimes things are so overwhelming, they build up and you just don't know where to start. kind of like wires that are all tangled up. take your time, okay, lovelie? sit down, try to process everything. take it one at a time. i find that journalling helps me kind of break down my thoughts and calm down. perhaps you could try that? anyway, things are hard rn but i'm sure u can make it through!! you're so strong, i hope things settle down for you very soon <3
mmm thats why i love bf skz headcanons. they feed into my delusions Fr. art boy hyune who takes u to art museums <3333 takes his sweet sweet time talking about his favourite pieces. gets all shy when he realizes he's been rambling. and and consider this... bookworm bf seungmin. it suits him so well oh god. he'd gift u an annotated book for ur birthday and write notes like "this is sooo you" and "i just know ure giggling at this scene" GAAHHHH
hmm, ramadhan is basically a month full of forgiveness, where all of the gates to heaven are opened, and the gates to hell are closed. so what i like about ramadhan is this feeling of being close to God. culturally, i like the food stalls they'll open a few hours before we break our fast (we break it at about 7pm) on ramadan, there are more hawker stalls around!!! selling festive food!! so so yum. we also perform this prayer you call tarawih, a special prayer for ramadan. i love how lively the mosques are during tarawih, and i love how when you drop by a convenience store after tarawih time, you'll see many people inside, clad in their prayer clothes. all in all, i feel like ramadhan is the time where every muslim is closer to each other, feels so nice. woops this became a ramble but yeah i love ramadan!! right now, since i live in a dorm apartment, my housemates would wake me up at around 4am for suhoor. it's so fun lol. just eating our food in the living area, eyes still sleepy. funny and chaotic. love it <3
ure too sweet my gosh, thank u for looking forward to it <3333 have a good evening ahead milov <3 kith kith!
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lexpressobean · 3 years
I've been thinking about these 3 alot...
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... and how much they seem to really respect Shino. I know it's a filler, but, like... Why does it seem like Shino has a knack for finding children who have wondered off away from school? Like, he's just taking a walk, making his way around the village or surrounding forest, and then there they are. Kids playing hooky or some shit. And Shino just takes it upon himself to approach them and steer them back to where they should be, while getting them attached to him somehow in the process??
But honestly. If this was just one of many times this had happened, I'd say Shino does this not out of his knack for teaching or having a way with kids. Rather, he developed a way with kids and easily applies that to his teaching because he has a strong desire to simply protect children. And it's not even from some paternal instinct as much as survival, because I think it stems from the developing trauma of losing Torune to Danzo. And I don't think it's all subconscious either.
Like I know the novel and anime frames his desicion to teach as a sort of a new goal in life as the war has ended for a couple years already and a noticable Peace has been achieved by the Blank Period and well... He's an Aburame.
Like, the Aburame are literal living, breathing, walking bioweapons. With no fight to utilize that, what else is there? Well, much like the Nara have the Nara forest and Pharmacology specifically, The Aburame most likely have a historical stake in the area of Konoha, perhaps it was simply in their Ancestral Home. Idk, but they're here to stay, they ain't budging. They're Clan Culture is very Martial and I'd argue Spartan in nature, but otherwise, they do other things too. I think they'd do well as major players in the conservation and research of native species of animals and plants, but definitely insects too. I bet they play a huge part in the general area's ecosystem, especially due to the fact that the Kamizuru clan attacked with a whole clan's worth of non-native Hymenoptera that could very well have become and still are an irritatingly and consistent problem as invasive species tend to be. And as a far as goods go, why not put some of them to use and handle an apiary? Honey is a great good to sell. All of this is great as a clan that no longer needs to fight. But, what about individual members in general, and so Shino?
Well Shino is the Heir of this clan. This Noble Clan. This "ready to throw hands at any moment" clan. It's future is in his hands, so to speak. So I doubt Shino would completely sever his connection to Shinobi life all together. And so, teaching at the Academy would be a great way to keep that connection. Teachers have to know their stuff, after all.
But what if in order to ensure teaching was his calling, Shino did his absolute best to make Jounin ASAP so he could take on a Genin Team. And. And by chance, it ended up being these three?? And they are absolutely STOKED!!! And they also pass Shino's genin test, which... would probably be a feat in it's own right. But they already know Shino, and Shino has bestowed upon them some wisdom they actually took to heart! Yeah, well, in reality they might be just a tad too old to be Shino's first official genin squad, but they were still his squad one point in a sense, right?
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Kon Nohara, Tano Ikemoto, and Aoki Kobayashi
I even gave them names help Imagine these three are already chuunin at least and decide they want to pay Shino a visit and even volunteer to help Shino during class time on a collective day off because they admire him so much (T~T)
But even then if not these three kiddos, maybe these three li'l shits lol
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Even in times of Peace, Shino's special set of skills seem too useful to waste, and being a Jounin teacher would definitely have been a way he could still go on missions, but also definitely commit to becoming a Sensei at the academy once he was 100% sure and got older. Kurenai became a Jounin/Genin Squad Leader in her late twenties, but in comparison I see Shino doing that more mid-20s. (He needs some time to travel and find his big bug friend and generally live a little?)
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Kurenai was a Genjutsu Specialist who manned a Tracker/Sensing based team. This sounds like it was a highly beneficial combination, even if she ended up being somewhat sadistic lol. Asuma was bound to Team 10 by Tradition as InoShikaCho and Sarutobi have that Pact together. Kakashi's team was literally Cherry Picked for him specifically by the 3rd Hokage. And Gai, a Taijutsu Specialist, had a team that Specialized in Taijutsu and Physical Offense.
Of all four teams, Kurenai and Gai were very suited to their teams, Gai in a complimentary way and Kurenai in a Challenging way. In that same vein, I think Shino would imitate Gai. Shino as a Shinobi himself has a general set of skills, but the way he goes about them are very niche. But, he was always very stealthy, and could sneak up on nearly anyone. Gags aside, he could go unnoticed as long as he wanted too, and by the time he was noticed or was ready to attack, he has you quite literally surrounded. Honestly I can see why Search and Destroy would be an Aburame's forte, but when there's no need, a person with a personal skill of high quality stealth could probably man a team with an emphasis on Reconnaissance and/or Surveillance, even Bodyguarding. I feel like Shino would probably put an emphasis on Stealth and Tracking too, utilizing his insects as sort of assistants that keep tabs on his students (Stealth Test) as well as to encourage just enough fear during too much down time in his students to inspire quality training opportunities, so maybe Kurenai rubbed off on Shino more than they all realized haha
(Plus I'm sure his students would be be smart and thoughtful enough to eventually understand what Shino and his bugs are: a complete unit. They realize just how strong and dedicated Sensei really is to be the way he is, and they all learn more in depth about Kikaichu and it's like WOW SENSEI YOU REALLY ARE RISKING BEING EATEN ALIVE EVERY SINGLE DAY, AREN'T YOU? But he's still here, because THAT'S how strong he's become over the years and the confidence to manipulate the Kikaichu while having to think of current chakra level, the most efficient use at any given time, how many he actually needs, how long usage will last, ect. They are high maintenance, man!)
Shino would no doubt produce highly skilled Bodyguards and Masters of Stealth. Maybe the type that would end up being in high demand for the eventual Celebrities that start to pop up as times change, but still very much needed when it comes to Criminal Activity, like in Sora-Ku?
But as time passes and he decided to teach at the Academy, he'd feel very at ease to do so. He'd be happy to be put in charge of all these children, because he would be able to help teach them things they need to know to defend themselves and others in a world where adults like Danzo had and will continue to exist. Maybe while he's at it, he'd use his stance as a Noble Clan Heir and accomplished Shinobi to push for changes in government with Sai's help and with Naruto and Shikamaru's cooperation? Like, the truth does come out, everyone on the Council were actually horrible and had too much power. So HERE are some ideas and REASONS why these ideas should be implemented because Shino's not going to let his brother's life and death be in vain!? HELL no, we WILL make some changes around here. Shino sees his students and just wants a future where no kid ever has to live in fear of being completely taken advantage of by the very system that was supposed to keep them safe and they pledged allegiance to.
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I cannot help but think of the quiet but absolute fear little Shino was harboring for the years to come after Torune was taken by that strange man and Father Shibi didn't even attempt to stop him. His own father didn't dare beat the shit out of this strange man who came looking for him, and the only solution for Shino to stay was for Torune to make himself look more desirable as an asset and be taken instead. I bet there was a lot of misplaced resentment there for a while, and talks that just didn't happen. Maybe a classmate doesn't show up to class one day and Shino is IMMEDIATELY stressed out and just... takes it upon himself to look for them after class. And he's relieved when he see they're simply at home with a fever. Shit like that just fucks with Shino, because theres people taking kids and no one is doing anything about it?? And then as Shino grew older he realized exactly what happened and how slimy the machine of Konoha really is and it was never completely Shibi's fault that Torune had to leave. He grows mentally at a faster rate than most of his classmates, and knows more than a kid really needs to know.
Shino doesn't want that for any other child. Shino is the kind of person who hears kids screaming outside of his house and he can't tell if they're playing or being murdered and it's stressful to the point he'll check through his window and he sees them for himself. He get stressed out seeing a kid in public unattended and WANTS to approach them to help if need be but also maybe he's overthinking it and the parents are there somewhere and he'd just end up looking suspicious. Like, that's what I kind of figure for Shino. He's so hyperaware of the power dynamic between kids and adults and seeing a kid so ready to fall victim to that makes Shino feel ill the more he thinks of what could happen. And he wonders if watching the kid in the market until they finally reunite with their parent so he could move on with the rest of his day causes him even a fraction of the the utterly disgusting flurry of nerves and fear that Shibi must have felt all those years ago. It goes along with his desire to spare every single little insect's life he can. It goes a long with the fact he only gets violent unless absolutely necessary. Like he wants to be strong but he doesn't want to go mad with power either, less he becomes the very thing that hurt him and his family in the first place.
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Originally Shino wanted to become strong to be able to defend himself because at a very young age adults failed him and Torune. But then that changes to defend not only himself, but others as he grows on a team, and realizes trust is important. And then he figured if there must be adults out there that would hurt a child, it's only logical that he should become one that would only nurture and teach one to be strong as well.
Anyway, yeah. Had some feelings. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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its-real · 3 years
I was going to wait until I had finished doing all the concept sketches for this but uh, I’m lazy so here take it as it is I’ll keep adding surely surely.
AU where the hermits fall into the boatem hole with no way to fly out because of some event that happens - maybe an apocalypse, maybe everyone just goes apeshit, who knows - and they all get messed up heads from falling in the void and passing out n fun stuff like that. They ‘land’ - idk how this would work without them dying lol - in a semi futuristic city which for now let’s just call it Boateqm (silent q). The hermit crabs would also fall at different rates therefore appear in the city at different times. So where do they end up?
Hospital gang:
Etho wakes up in a hospital bed with no memories - most of them will wake up with no memories btw - his doctor/nurse (this hospital may be understaffed) Tango asks him a bunch of questions then has to go see another patient. Etho is seen by a certain Bdubs who had just finished visiting his buddy Scar -will get to him next- in the bed next door. Bdubs walks back to notify Scar, a fashion designer, that the guy in the bed across would make a great model, just look at the striking hair! And the red eye! He opens the curtains on the side and Scar gets a look. He asks if Etho would like to be hired. Etho is to say the least very confused and on the verge of a panic attack that never quite seems to happen so he’s in a weird kind of limbo anyway it is now that his doctor/nurse Tango comes back and having overheard the conversation suggests it would be a good idea. The hospital can only take custody of Etho for so long, might as well start earning money now so he doesn’t become homeless. Etho is still very confused. So Tango just agrees to the job for him as his caretaker lol, and besides Scar comes here kinda often so Tango trusts him. Anyway Etho’s true passions he discovers are synthesisers, breeding horses with Bdubs and finding elaborate ways to do tax evasion. A simple man.
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Scar is in the hospital because he got SCAR (hehe) from walking into a glass door in his super fancy house, which he owns because he’s a super fucking rich fashion designer of his own label Scara (this is not the first time he’s walked into a glass door). Scar refuses to go to a rich people hospital tho cause 1) he cares about healthcare and wants more funds to go to lower grade hospitals 2) Tango is his mate, and needs a goddam raise. But yeah, very successful, ran for mayor once but someone really didn’t like that which resulted in another hospital visit. Mans in the wars. One hospital visit he got really inspired by the fabric and stuff there so he had a line of clothes that were hospital inspired one time, in turn making hospital inspired garb very trendy for a bit. What a mad lad. Ideas man. Some would call him a genius if he didn’t keep on walking into glass doors n shit. Scar woke up in the back room of a small tailoring shop owned by a nice old couple who took him under their wing. He thanks them in every award speech, and whenever he’s in the area make sure to stop by and give them presents. His side hobby is gardening.
When Tango came to, he was lying on the footpath of a quiet street in the suburbs just out from the main city. Gorgeous day, golden hour, pretty houses, very aesthetic. He also had a leg injury, fuck. So Tango did what anyone would do: hobbled to the nearest house, asked in the nicest way he could under a lot of stress (so he kinda yelled) for a first aid kit, and performed surgery on himself atop the nice families dinner table. The nice family turned out to have called the police and an ambulance, who showed up just as Tango was wrapping up his leg with a bandage and took him away to the police on a stretcher. This debacle got him a leading story on the local newspaper: ‘Man performs surgery on himself after waking up with no memories and a leg injury’. After being questioned by the police, they decide they can’t really charge someone with amnesia and no money with anything like breaking and entering (he did knock and they did let him in) or property damage (blood on the carpet). The paramedics are stunned at his surgery, so they tell the police to take him to the nearest hospital and get him hired there, he could save so many lives. He gets hired by the head doctor after an examination of the surgery. The head doctor doesn’t really care that Tango doesn’t have any records or anything, the hospital is understaffed and Tango seems like an Angel sent down from the heavens to him. Tango is very very good at his job. So good that he gets offered a job at a far better paying hospital which he takes, then soon drops because he prefers the chaos of his old job much better.
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Tango found Impulse extremely dehydrated, looking like death, wandering outside his flat one night, so he carried the man inside and saved his life. Now they are flat mates, and Impulse works in a tech store - an upgrade from working at a service station previously.
Bdubs woke up in an inner city park at night, homeless, broke, and in the company of other homeless and broke people. He built his way to success, got luckily hired by some rich asshole to mow their lawns plural - the rich asshole didn’t ask much questions, he just saw a poor man criticising the way a park had been landscaped to an old guy in a caravan and though it was good enough, seeing as the last one quit - and Bdubs didn’t mind too much, because the rich assholes property was really gorgeous. Once Bdubs was able to say he had work experience and wasn’t homeless he started babysitting the kids in the neighbourhood, pretty good money. Plus the kids love him, and everyone he meets loves him, he's just a nice guy. He met Scar because he had to purchase a suit for a kids birthday party, so he went to the cute little tailors shop he always walked past on the way to his favourite cute little gardening supplies shop. By now Bdubs had been promoted to part time gardener - the job is shared - and started working on and off at a building firm. They become besties, turns out Scar is also really into gardening etc etc. Eventually Bdubs becomes an architect, mainly designing for city contractors n such but occasionally designer homes, like the one he did for Scar.
Mumbo and Grian wake up in the hospital around the same time that Etho is still there, however Etho has been awake longer, and should really find a place to stay soon now that he’s got a steady job. Since - ok plot point here - the two are in the exact situation that Etho found himself in, he starts to feel like something weird is going on. Mumbo and Grian take a lot longer to recover than Etho did, and the two become hospital bed neighbor buddies. When they finally recover Scar offers them a temporary place to stay at his house while they find work. Tango gets Impulse to put in a good word for Mumbo at his work.
TFC is an old man who lives in a caravan off the money he made being a very successful miner, he now collects pretty shiny rocks and gems and stuff to give to kids. He’s like an all year round caravan Santa and wise old mystical figure. Dope.
Joe is a humble man who likes to wander. He’s never had a home, but if he needs anything he’ll go to TFC’s caravan or a homeless shelter or something. But he isn’t sad or anything, he really likes the freedom of being a simple wanderer.
Keralis is a business partner of Bdubs. Kerlalis is mega stonks. He was one of the first to land, had a big diamond in his pocket, bought shares in a company that blew up soon after and now he is really fucking rich.
Doc and Ren are the only ones who remember anything, and they arrive at the same time. Doc manages to keep his cool, but Ren loses his shit and gets thrown in a mental institution. Doc spends some time trying to get Ren out, and after a final success and laying low for a bit the two seek to bring all the hermits together.
Pearl ends up working in Bdubs building company.
Beef works in a music shop -sells records and instruments- and he starts up a record label out back after his boss retires and passes the shop onto him.
And yeah I don’t really know the other Hermits that well was hoping some of ya’ll could help me find places for them in this city :) don’t really know how to format this either so maybe some input would be nice, just wanted to get the idea out hehehe
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idvlover · 3 years
so uh naib new skin man in red hcs?
I love his skin so much (I love all of Naib's skins because he's my comfort character, but that quickly went to the top with Dax falling second and inference falling third lol)
Man In Red HC's:
Ruthless man he is and a very ruthless ruler. A lot of people fear him and they have every right to
He used to be loving and innocent himself, but something during the plague made him snap. Causing everyone he held close to him to run, only making him worse
Other than Violetta, he hasn't been close to anyone since. If anything, he wants to rule the throne on his own. No one to talk him out of things or to try something behind his back
The last person who tried to stop him was Edgar. Poor man was literally crucified when he tried to stop Naib from overtaking the throne
He's also pretty wicked when it comes to dealing with other kingdoms. Surprisingly, he never plans on invading one. But if a ruler keeps pushing it, he just might
After other rulers see how he runs and deal with things, they quickly back off and leave him alone. He is clearly someone not to be messed with, and they are not about to test his abilities in war and find out how cruel he can truly be
You have to be someone he holds very, VERY, dear to his heart in order to even be friend
One of his citizens managed to squeeze their way into his heart. Even become his s/o
They were trying to carry some stuff home, unfortunately, someone had stolen their horse, leaving them to carry what they could and possibly come back the next day and get it
They bumped into Naib by accident, they apologized, but when they saw his face they began to apologize even more out of panic
Naib just stares at them deadpanned and wondering why they're trying to carry all this stuff on their own. So he asks them as he picked up one of the items to look at it
They explain their situation. For once, deep down he wanted to help someone. And he did help them
S/o was quite nervous though. Naib asked them about their home life and what they do. Just small talk
They tell him that they're managing okay-ish. The plague that swept through plummeted their family business unfortunately
After helping them, he went back to the palace and kept thinking about them
He started leaving the palace a lot more frequently. Something about s/o just makes him feel like a person again and he missed that feeling so much
S/o starts slowly becoming comfortable with him that one day, they invite him into their little home
It only has one bedroom, a tiny kitchen, etc. But it's cozy and easy to keep up with
Naib finds the little home cute
He tries to invite them to the palace, but they get nervous about it because other people live in it. The last thing they want to do is get in the way of something by accident
He isn't bothered by this and kind of prefers to visit them anyway
After knowing them for quite some time. He shows up in their house with a rose (don't worry s/o gave him a house key if he ever wanted to visit)
S/o comes home and sees him. He goes on about how they knew each other for a while and eventually asks if they want to try and have a relationship together
The only reason he didn't try marrying them right away like people normally during these times is that he needs to make sure if this is something they and himself truly want. He's still scared that they will up and leave
But of course, s/o didn't leave if anything they just became more affectionate towards him. A lot of people envy them because they get to see and be around the sweet and loving man while the rest have to live under his rule
Naib is VERY protective though. He knows not very many people like him and would do anything to make him fall to his knees. So he asked his s/o if they come live with him. They don't have to sell their home or anything, he just wants to be there for them immediately if anything happens
He loves rubbing their back and whispering sweet nothings into their ear
At random times of the day, he'll steal a couple of kisses
He's a tease. Likes to pretend he's going to give them a loving and sweet kiss. Only to say: "my, you seem to want a kiss?" Leaving them to look redder than his clothes
He just laughs and gives them the kiss they wanted
Naib does plan on making them his king/queen. He just knows people who are popular or something (idk) will have issues with it because s/o isn't a royal or anyone considered important
He can shut them up quick, but it's the one's who scheme he's worried about
Violetta assures him that if she catches anyone being suspicious, they won't be around for much longer
But everything goes smoothly because again. Naib is some you don't want to mess with and if you hurt his s/o consequences are going to be so much worse
If his s/o is okay with it, he would like to have an heir (he would still love the child and would never treat them like some sort of project). If not, he's completely fine with that
If they prefer to stay out of the public eye, he respects that. He knows it's a bit stressful
S/o might become the favorite in the kingdom due to their kindness because they're what keeps Naib from going overboard with things
Walks everywhere with his arms linked with s/o
He wants to spoil them, but if they decline. He'll just settle for giving them beautiful flowers
When he comes to bed late. He likes to push his s/o's hair out of their face or rub his thumb against their cheek. He never thought he would meet someone that he loves so much
He has definitely kissed his s/o around the face until they woke up every morning
S/o usually doesn't mind as long as it isn't 7:30 or earlier lmao
Dancing together alone is his favorite thing. He would make sure that they feel extra special because he tries to make them feel special every day
While he is a cruel ruler, a part of him is still a loving, caring person when it comes to his s/o. No one else can have that side of him but them
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