#this is what happens when you talk to people constantly that you haven't spoken constantly to in 2 years
hearthtrob · 6 months
oh my god i am having so many mixed emotions right now I swear im two seconds away from quitting my job, changing my name and moving to a new country i hate this bullshit
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formulapookie · 1 month
Under the stars
they aren't good, not even on speaking terms as of now, not been on fucking terms for a while, but the lingering presence of vale is something heavy to Marc right now.
Of all people it was his side of the garage the one glued to that neon yellow monstrosity of Bezzecchi's garage.
And Vale wasn't fucking shutting up, constantly talking to his rider and telling him how to correct or change a certain something in a certain corner.
He was sick of it, hearing that pointy voice on the other side of the thin wall and not being able to see him.
For how much of a shield or shell he ould build there would have always been a little crack that let Vale through his armour into his chest.
Nestled there like a virus, ready to attack.
He gets up and exits the garage, he needs space, air, quiet.
There's a place where he could go, and even if it is, was, their place it's not like Vale is going to go there.
They didn't even look at eachother earlier in the morning at breakfast.
Or well, Vale didn't look at him, Marc's eyes glued themselves to his curls more than once, always looking away before being spotted.
He breaths in the humid air of the ring, the smell of fuel and the sound of engines managing to calm his mind, untaunted by Vale's voice.
"Where you listening to my tips as well? Could benefit you after the stupid mistake you pulled yesterday in the sprint"
Oh fucking hell. Can't he just have ten minutes to himself?
"I think I manage well for myself Vale, I remind you I have eight Championships, how many does your kid have?"
"No need to insult my rider thank you"
Marc doesn't answer, he doesn't want to, they shouldn't even be talking, let alone discuss.
"You don't talk to me for two years and the first thing you tell me after all this time is an insult, what a way to do things Vale"
"More of a provocation than an insult"
"Oh fuck off Vale what do you want? Me not to fight your precious champion too much next year? To let him win if he wants? To gift him the championship like you think I did with Lorenzo?"
He shouldn't be like this on front of Vale, it's too much skin exposed, too many thoughts said.
He knows Vale compared him to a shark that bites harder if he smells blood, but right now Vale would be much more adequate to the metaphor than him.
"As I already said Pecco doesn't need you in the garage to show he's a Champion, so no, didn't come here to talk to you about him" "Then what do you want? I came here to not hear you talking and you managed to disturb me anyway" "You came here and didn't think that maybe I could come here too?"
Marc's heart skips a beat, a breath gets caught in his throat. Why does it have to happen to him? Why does Vale manage to always sting him when he's not prepared?
"I don't see why you would" "Don't act like an idiot Marc, you know why"
No he fucking doesn't, because Vale has not uttered a word to him for two whole years, they haven't woken up in a random motel together in a year and a half, so he doesn't fucking know why he would.
Vale scoffs, walking closer to him, now there's roughly a meter between them.
"It's our place no? You called it like this after the first time we came here, you told me we should've had an 'our place' in every track"
Marc didn't think he remembered, words spoken by a lovestruck kid between the sheets of Vale's motorhome, words that still cut too deep even now.
"I agreed that we should've because we couldn't spend too much time in my motorhome and not raise suspicions. And then we went there again for the whole weekend, you sat on that edge and told me you wanted to see the stars, so I shut off the lights on the building and you watched them"
Why is Vale doing this? Why is he talking about that night with that fondness in his voice? Marc doesn't like this, he hates it he - he can't hate it.
He's caught in a trap of lasers and blades and he doesn't know how to get out from the maze that is Valentino's speech.
"I still don't understand why you would come here"
Somehow Marc manages to keep a steady and neutral voice, despite his will is to cry at the memory Vale just revived.
"Because I knew you'd be here" it's the first time tonight, this year actually, that they make proper eye contact, staring into each other's souls for a seconds which seems and eternity.
Marc feels like drowning in the ocean Vale's eyes are, Vale feels like he's wondering in an ancient forest if he looks long enough.
"And I feel like I owe you an apology. Fuck ok more than just an apology, I owe you so much more"
After years. Years. He spent wondering if he would ever hear these words they're finally here.
"I was wrong. About a lot of things, especially those regurding you and your - you saying you were a fan of mine, that I was skeptical whether or not you had posters of me at your house, despite I went there and saw them. I was an asshole. I wanted to hurt you as much as I could and I said the most stupid and hurtful thing I could think of, I knew that if I publicly doubted of you then you would’ve let go”
“You’re apologising?”
Marc doesn’t believe it, can’t believe Vale is actually saying these words to him, in reality, right here right now.
“Yes. And don’t get me wrong, I’m still angry about the 10th, but I was a dickhead about it and a whole other bunch of things”
There’s a tension in the air, uneasiness between them.
It’s not normal to be in this situation, both vulnerable and bare in front of the other.
It’s like they’re saying “my heart is here, if you want to stab it do it now, i’m defenceless”
“Marc I don’t expect you to forgive me. I just needed to say I’m sorry because I’ve been sorry for a long time but I didn’t want to tell you. I was scared to look stupid or weak. I don’t care now, I just had to make sure next year there’s no resentment in the garage”
Marc has tears in his eyes.
He wants to let them all out, wants to curl up in a ball and let himself be consumed by years of torment and suffering.
“I was a kid Vale. I - fucking he’ll I was Celestino’s age. What would you do to someone if they did what you did to me to Celestino?”
“Probably I’d punch them. Probably I’d keep them as far as possible from him and tell him to never interact with them again. I am not an idiot Marc I know I have no right to expect you to forgive me. But I just ask for no resentment”
“I forgave you already. I forgave you the week after you said those things about me. A week after you called me a liar I had already forgiven you. I just wanted to hear these words back then”
Vale is honestly dumbfounded. Because yeah he knew Marc didn’t hold the type of grudge he held for him but.
Forgiving him after a week? That was just insane.
“You have really zero self preservation sense eh? That’s why you race like that still”
“I forgave you because I was in love with you Vale. I hoped that if I just loved you enough, that’d be good for the two of us, I thought I could love enough for both. Thought I could get over you going me those nasty looks and just calling me when you wanted to fuck. Because I had enough love for two”
And Vale didn’t think he could feel more shitty than he did when he had that mental trip months ago when he realised how actually cruel he had been, and how he had to apologise.
He hadn’t told Uccio, obviously.
Or Pecco. Or Luca. Or any of the people he knew.
“I thought you felt - ok not the same as me but I thought you hated me at least a little bit. I am sorry. Really. I know I should’ve apologised long ago, that this I’m doing now it’s basically useless but you had to hear it from me”
And now tears just can’t be held by Marc anymore.
He’s not crying desperately but tears stream down his face, quietly, like a mountain river.
“I know I should tell you to fuck off and go back to you garage and tell you I don’t give a fuck about your apologies”
Now Marc is breathing normally again, eyes locked with Vale’s, there’s not a layer of lies in it.
“But I just can’t. I want to be honest with you, I was - still am - hurt by what you said. But I am so fucking stupid and still love you so much and I forgive you”
Vale wants to cry too now, Marc hasn’t changed a bit. He’s still that lovestruck kid he fell in love with ten years ago. And it sickens him, because he can see who he hurt.
“Can” Marc’s voice gets interrupted by a sob, light now completely down at the track, just the moon making its appearance.
“Can we watch the stars Vale? I miss them”
“Si. Ill go turn the lights off, you stay here and we watch the stars ok?”
Marc nods, he’s scared, of course he’s scared.
He’s scared Vale will run away again, that he would leave him alone up there, that he will make fun of his helpless reaction with his friends.
But Vale takes 5 seconds to shut off the buildings lights, leaving just the many stars to light up in Marc’s eyes.
“Im sorry. I will go away if you want. When you want”
“No Vale no please. Please don’t go. Not again I don’t want you to go away again. Watch the stars with me”
And Vale does just that, sat beside Marc, heads touching, thousands of words still to say, millions of apologies still to be done.
But now, in this fragment, it’s just them.
Them and the stars.
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
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So while I get that Gridanians live under these.... essentially toddler-gods who can afflict the entire territory with horrible plague, who will severely punish well-intentioned children that were manipulated by adults instead of the adult, and can't communicate their desires clearly, which leads the community to adopt a lot of hostility to change, paranoia, hate and even violence toward outsiders, etc...
Unless there's more explanation for this I haven't found? I know I'm not 100% up to speed on everything Gridania, especially pre-ARR....
Keepers of the Moon were living in the Black Shroud outside of Gridanian authority, for generations, presumably not being laserbeamed out of existence. There would have been a lot going on outside of the Seedseer's effective reach, and there aren't Moonkeeper Padjal to make up the gap there, only Hyur get to be Padjal.
Miqo'te are described as traditionally being far more in tune with nature and eschewing things like major city developments and whatnot. They're predators, yes, but predators have a place and function in the natural balance of the world.
"Beast Tribes" are a made up word from Ul'dah to protect trade monopolies in Thanalan, and Miqo'te could easily have ended up on the wrong side of that label if the rich elites had wanted them barred from the city. Historically, they're a lot more "feral" than a lot of the other spoken races.
I mention all this because it's unlikely the Elementals divide people into Beast Tribes and Human Races. Sylph's aren't being deleted by the Elementals, either, despite certainly having no inclination to live like the Gridanians do and being fairly mischievous.
My point being... I wonder if maybe the Gridanians kind of brought the Greenwrath on themselves. A lot of the time. The same way that some IRL religious institutions preach hate in the name of a deity and stir paranoia and fear of eternal condemnation. They create sins where there didn't need to be... Justifying division and destruction and isolation out of fear (and thus a need for control), and actually creating their own problems.
Elementals might not care about a lot of the stuff Gridania does, its clear a few times when something bad happens to someone, even just getting sick, panic strikes that the Elementals are behind it and people act irrationally out of fear, like the IRL Salem Witch Trials.
If you look at places like Haukke Manor... a country living in balance with nature does not need massive monuments to vanity like that. And there's apparently a whole quarter devoted to mansions for nobility in Gridania (which the npc says we're not allowed to visit.) Why do you have that. Why do you think that promotes peace with the natural world.
There's Wood Wailers who talk about wanting to kill Moonkeepers on sight, just in case they're "poachers." That's sort of like killing wolves because they're predators. Outside of some genuine bad apples, though, a lot of what seems to drive actual Moonkeeper poachers AND Duskwight Elezen to banditry is a straight up need to survive. Gridania's essential demand that they have dictatorial rights over management of the forest leads them to disrupt these group's lives, sometimes with exceptional cruelty.
I know that "central authority" is kind of... not super really a thing for Gridania, power is pretty divided up and a lot of it seems to run on an honor system. But that seems to have led to a lot of Process Loss and enabled a lot of prejudice and abuse to run rampant. Especially now that the Elementals are weaker than pre-Calamity.
I guess basically I wonder if the reason Sylphs and traditional Moonkeeper clans managed to survive out there was because, unlike Gridania, they don't have social systems built from the ground up on fear and condemnation. They're not constantly LOOKING for reasons to think the Elementals hate them and someone to blame for it.
They just live "natural" lives, that aren't inherently dangerous to the overall balance of the forest ecosystem, and they don't have an entire religious/government body dedicated to trying to interpret vague impressions from the Elementals (this is a HORRIBLE system of government and EXTREMELY susceptible to personal prejudices/bias), so these non-Gridanians run into conflict with the Elementals far less often.
i.e. Moonkeeper kills a rabbit, uses the meat, skin, and bones, is behaving like a hunter, Elementals don't care. VERSUS Gridanian kills a rabbit, uses it the same way, but then a villager gets sick and their friends panic and they turn into a mob and punish the Gridanian, Elementals didn't care but now they're a little pissy bc you're disrupting the forest with your insanity.
Basically... Gridania is the real affront to the Elementals, their very infrastructure and their culture of micromanaging the forest and constantly looking for scapegoats, kind of flies in the face of actually living in balance with nature. The Elementals aren't omnipotent or a unified group, and seem to struggle to understand human minds anyway, so they're trying to work with this city-state and have established some kind of partnership, but Gridania is really its own worst enemy.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Ok based on your most recent post (I am obsessed I love it sm-). I honestly think that once Delta wakes up to see them with him again he'd probably freak out a little bit, and have no idea if this is reality or another nightmare. But once he is able to figure it out, they might be upset and ask Color and Epic questions about the subjects of their nightmares (ex; about the jar one, he might ask why they couldn't hear them and why didn't they bother to look in the jars) and might completely get confused with reality.
I also think that because they had dissociated for so long (probably spanning days or weeks before they came back to reality), he would have gone completely nonverbal and would have switched to sign language (the silence also most likely made them incredibly paranoid - too paranoid to break it by speaking. So, in order to keep the quiet, they silenced themselves and haven't spoken in a good long while), furthering their dissociation and PTSD spiral.
Now of course this would concern Epic and Color, and they'd likely have to explain that the nightmares weren't reality, but would also have to try to get him to explain what the hell had happened during the time they were both gone, and why he hadn't called them for help once they're able to talk in the morning.
(But since you mentioned how they'd probably help Delta fall asleep, I can't help but wonder how they'd react if Delta woke up from a bad nightmare about them, and how the talk in the morning would go?)
I love this addition, it makes complete sense. And now that we’re on the topic about this type of thing, I actually feel like it’d be easier for Color and Epic to understand these things more than it seems.
For Color, it’s due to his relationship with Killer. We all know Killer is a dissociative character who cannot often tell what is and is not real anymore, he spends most of his time dissociating—as opposed to Delta and Beta’s episodes of intense dissociative episodes due to events in their lives.
I’m sure that Color has had to help Killer differentiate between dream, memory, and reality many times before, even if it’s as something as simple as having to lightly touch Killer’s shoulder when walking past—otherwise Killer would probably just assume he’s dreaming or it isn’t real.
On the other hand, if I remember correctly, Epic has very vivid and distressing nightmares where he has to constantly fight against creatures/a creature every night due to his magical eye thing. And as a result he learns actual fighting experience from this, but he also often wakes up in pain and panicking. His nightmares are legitimately traumatizing for him.
So I’m assuming Epic would avoid sleep as much as possible, especially in a case such as this, where a beloved friend needs sleep and can’t afford being woken up by his nightmares.
So I’m assuming that once Delta first wakes up in the middle of the night, Epic would actually already be up. He probably was surprised and taken aback by Delta’s panicking, but is quick to try and calm the two of them down.
And when Delta starts using ASL, looking unnerved at any noise made, is when Epic realizes that it was worse than he and Color had thought. And maybe he considers waking Color up, because Color has always been better with words and calming people down between the three of them, but Delta frantically shakes his head ‘no.’
Epic doesn’t argue against this, although he knows Delta is likely doing this because he doesn’t want to worry Color and be perceived as ‘weak,’ doesn’t want to disturb Color’s rest. So instead Epic, Delta, and Beta wander off into the kitchen for some late night milk and cookies.
Epic asks if they’re ready to talk about it, to which they shake their head no. Epic again doesn’t argue, instead settles on to the couch with them to watch some random tv series. He pretends not to notice how Delta keeps staring at him instead of the show, squeezing Epic’s arm tightly.
By the time morning comes around and Color is waking up, Delta and Beta have still not spoken verbally and haven’t slept. Neither has Epic—which only inevitably concerns Color even more, which only increases when Delta suddenly starts rapidly singing at him once spotted.
Color asks him to slow down as he approaches, he didn’t catch that, Epic turning down the volume on the show and turning to face the others more directly. Once Color is seated, he asks Delta to repeat what he said, more slowly this time.
Why didn’t you two hear us? Why didn’t you open it? Why didn’t you look? Why did you leave? We were screaming.
And Epic and Color share a look, confused, before Color begins prompting them to explain with more questions. Look where? Open what? Leave where?
Gradually, they begin to piece together what happened—often Delta and Beta have to pause when they start dissociating again or get too choked up, Color asks Epic to get them a glass of water at some point, but stops when they start panicking again at the question (don’t leave)—and the whole time Delta’s hands are gripping on to his friends so tightly it almost hurts.
I can see them letting Delta and Beta cry it out and calm down enough before Color starts to explain, helps them piece together what was dream and what was memory, versus what actually happened.
I can see Epic trying to make them laugh using his usual humor and memes, because he can see that their paranoia about the silence is making them cautious to speak and furthering their dissociation. Which of course makes it harder for them to fully process what was happening and what is happening.
I think, once they realized what was happening, Delta and Beta might actually feel ashamed, guilty, and/or embarrassed about how they reacted to something that “didn’t even happen.” Delta probably feels guilty, assuming it means that some part of him thinks of Epic and Color as the type of people who’d do that to them.
To which they’d have to reassure him that, no, it was out of his control and doesn’t make him a bad friend or a bad person for having nightmares and feeling abandoned.
I can also see, if either Delta or Beta realizes what happened before the other did, they will attempt to help comfort and ground the other too; such as Beta petting the body’s hand, or hugging themselves due to not being able to physically hug each other. Talking out loud to soothe each other, reminding the other that not only does Epic and Color still love them, but they love each other, too.
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laurfilijames · 8 months
All week I told myself that on Sunday, I was going to write all day.
I opened my laptop up for the first time in two weeks. I haven't written a word since I finished editing Expensive and tried for over an hour to work on my series Like My Dreams.
I thought about it all week and have been so eager to continue it, only the words won't come.
I know it's not for lack of passion or wanting to; I think about this story (and all the other ones) constantly.
I've been trying to deny some feelings for a while, or chalk it up to getting too much in my own head, but today it's come down heavier than ever and what is ultimately responsible for blocking my creativity and turning my love for my stories from thoughts into actual sentences.
I'm lonely.
I've never felt so alone.
The Charlie fandom seems to be relatively non existent, or just extremely quiet.
I have no space. No where I fit in.
I'm on the outskirts, trying to find a spot, constantly seeing if there is a way I can have a place for my ideas, stories, and even friendship, and have it hold some value to the others I'm around.
The more I post on here, the less I feel seen.
Engagement on this platform has reduced drastically across the board, and it's effecting so many artists.
It's not about numbers. I'm sure some of you are probably thinking "your last fic has over 100 notes". Yeah. It does. Almost all of those notes are likes, and more than half the reblogs are my own.
What I'm seeking is engagement. Conversation. A likeness and kinship started by a common interest that blooms into simple conversations and thoughts shared.
Comparison is a bitch. I see so many people living the Tumblr life I wish to have. Asks, comments, reblogs of teasers and moodboards for upcoming fics screaming of excitement and praise and how eager they are to read it. People dropping everything they're doing to read the latest chapter of their friend's new fic.
I realize the many reasons why I'm in a different position than they are, but lately it's been screaming at me louder than ever that I'm lacking something meaningful or whatever I'm doing on here isn't enough.
I've tried creating a buzz around my stories. I am aware that most of the time I write for unpopular characters with a smaller fan base, so I set the bar lower but am still left feeling inadequate even when I write for the popular ones. Whenever I've shared snippets of WIPs in hopes to gain some excitement from my readers, it falls short. Usually it'll inspire me to keep going, to write better than ever and make this next fic The Best One that makes me so happy and excited to get out. (For Charlie, I'll say, and write something I'm so unbelievably proud of) and then sometimes it makes me wonder if I should bother continuing at all.
I know I am not owed anything by anyone and no one is obligated to read or comment or anything of the sort, and I am beyond grateful for the comments and support I do receive, and the friendships I've made, old and new.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at here, I just needed to write it down and "talk" it out.
I've been battling the decision to continue writing but not share it. I don't want that to happen, because as much as I write these stories for myself, a lot of the fun of it comes from being able to share it with all of you.
Nothing dramatic is happening. I'm not leaving, and I will be writing again because I'm not at all done with what I have to say about these characters, I just felt this needed to be said and already feel a little lighter by sharing it.
Write your stories, comment on your favourite fics, scream with your mutuals about a photo or gif that inspired something in you, tell your writer friends and writers you've never spoken to but love their stories just how much you do... I promise it makes more of an impact than you know. 💗
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lukecvntstellan · 5 months
do you reckon u could do a leo x reader fluff plsss 🙏
a/n: this is the first time i've written anything ____ x reader in a LOOONNNGGGGG time... forgive me if i'm rusty. don't be tooo mean i'll probably sob idk
improper grammar probably (not proofread) and written in all lowercase because i dont feel like capitalizing
hurt/comfort with leo valdez x reader i guesssss
leo had been down on himself recently. him and his significant other had been together almost a year now. as of late he had been locking himself in bunker nine, away from his friends and s/o.
leo had been drowning himself in work, alone in bunker 9, as an excuse for his loneliness. over his music he hears the door swing open, he looks up expecting to see his s/o, but is instead greeted by one of his best friends, piper mclean.
"hey, leo. we noticed you've been spending a lot of time in here... is everything okay?"
the question he knew was coming, but had been dreading.
leo unplugged his radio before saying, "yeah, piper, i've been great. just working on a big project!" trying to feign excitement over his project, which in reality was a pile of scrap metal on his desk that he wasn't quite sure what to do with.
"i'm sorry, but you're the most social out of our friend group? locking yourself in here for days is unusual. y/n has been worried about you. you haven't even spoken to them?"
"okay piper. i'm sorry. okay? i just don't know what to say. you're the only person i've opened up to before. i'm scared y/n would leave me if they knew what was happening. i can't tell them. being with me is already hard enough, i don't need to add on additional burden with the nightmares i've been having..."
despite being "closer" with jason, leo had only ever talked about his feelings with piper before. jason already had enough of his own problems, and never really noticed when leo was going through something.
ever since leo was claimed by his father he had been told by multiple people that he was fated to always be the outsider, never have a place, always the seventh wheel. those words echo through his mind constantly, never ending. because of this, having an s/o was hard. thoughts of "do i deserve this?" "are they going to leave me?" and "am i good enough for them?" were always cycling through his mind.
piper's voice cut through leo's thoughts, "i'm not the one you should be apologizing to. i think you need to talk to them. they're worried about you. do you want to tell me what's been happening first though?"
"do you remember a few months ago i told you about the dreams i had, with hera in them?"
"oh gods.. they're back?"
"yeah... i haven't been sleeping to avoid them. but now i'm so tired and i want to sleep. but i'm scared."
piper moved to give leo a quick hug. "i'm sorry that the dreams are back. i'm gonna get y/n to come talk to you. okay?"
"thanks beauty queen." (**LEOS NORMAL NICKNAME FOR HER IN THE BOOKS**)
as piper was leaving leo walked over to the bed he had made for his late nights in bunker nine, preparing for a conversation he did not want to have.
emotions weren't leo's strong suit. he always tried to be funny and cool to distract from any emotional issues that were happening. no amount of jokes could hide the dark circles under his eyes and his unbrushed hair. he looked rough.
the door opened, and y/n walked in and sat down next to leo. running their hand through his unkempt curls they asked, "are you okay, what's going on? i'm worried about you."
leo laid down, his head in y/n's lap, and their hands gently playing with his hair.
"my dreams have been really bad recently. i haven't been sleeping to avoid them. i'm so tired. i haven't been able to finish any project i've started. i can't do anything right-" leo pointed to the haphazard pile of junk on his desk.
tears started to form, leo tried to blink them away, to no success.
"i guess i've always been insecure? i've been told by hera and nemesis that i'm meant to be this outsider with no role and will always be alone and now i just feel like i don't deserve you. and all my dreams lately have just been those same words on repeat. hera standing there telling me that i'm always going to be the seventh wheel. i'm never going to find my place. i can't take it anymore."
y/n pressed a light kiss to his forehead while contemplating their words.
"leo. you realize that isn't true, right? you DO deserve me. you're not an outsider either, you have a place in our friend group. everyone there loves you. and I love you-"
"love me? you haven't said that before"
"i've been thinking it for a while"
leo couldn't hide the smile that was taking over his face. "really? i love you too, actually, i love you more." he sat up and tackled y/n down on the bed in a hug. "you can't ever leave me now, you're trapped here!" leo said through a laugh.
"you know, i wouldn't dream of it."
"i mean, you probably will. the demigod dreams go kinda crazy."
"you know what i meant, stupid."
"WHAT! you think i'm stupid?" leo protested.
"no. i didn't mean it like that and you know it."
leo shut up after that. being in the arms of his partner after not sleeping for days was making the sleepiness overwhelming. y/n noticed leo drifting off, running their hands through his hair and whispering soft "i love you's" and other sweet nothings.
this was the first night of no nightmares in a week for him :)
this is ASSS bc i wrote it at mostly 4am and i dont proofread. the concept is there, the execution isn't.
i love leo i think he deserves some comfort in his life PLEASE
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domiforpresident · 1 year
Love to hate you, hate to love you ♡
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|| Part 2
Paring: fem!blackreaderxRiriwillams
Summary: You and Riri have to work on an assessment together after school. Riri constantly tried to put up walls when around you, but you were willing to break them down. Though, Eventually she let them down for you.
Word count: 3.4k+
Warnings: slightly mean!riri, cursing, a little Riri angst (broke my heart to write fr)
This is briefly proof read so bare with me if there's any errors
Divider creds: @firefly-graphics
Dialog color coding: Riri, y/n, Maya, Riri’s Girlfriend
Tag list: @oceean @kya-rose @shahanaazsoumah @ririnator (if you wanna be tagged just lmk)
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It had been a few weeks since you first encountered Riri. You couldn’t do your daily routine without thinking about her. You thought about her while in the shower and she even haunted you in your sleep. The only two places you thought you could escape the chokehold she had you in, she easily invaded. You barely even knew the girl but she was the only thing on your mind 24/7. Your notion to get back on Riri’s good side was still a priority of yours. You just didn’t know how to put it into motion. Riri had been skipping classes for the past few weeks. When you did see Riri The most interaction you had with her was when she would give you quick glance’s that came to an end as soon as she realized you were looking back. Today you hoped Riri would actually show up to class. You doubted she would though. Regardless, you got ready for the day like you usually do. You did your hair in twists, then did your edges. Next you put on a grey graphic sweater with light brown embroidered words on it, tan cargo pants, and your Jordan 1 dark mocha’s. You grabbed your tote bag and headed out the door, you would’ve eaten breakfast but you were too eager to see if Riri was going to show up to class today.
You were now walking down the halls headed to your class. You saw Riri’s girlfriend while turning a corner. This wasn’t anything new though you saw her quite often. But this time something was different, she looked worried, and she was coming your way. For god knows what you thought, maybe she had somehow found out you were plotting on her Girlfriend. Maybe she wanted to compliment your outfit, whatever it was you were anxiously anticipating what she was about to say to you.
“Hey y/n i was just wondering have you seen Riri” she muttered out fighting tears.
You thought to yourself how does she know my name if I’ve never spoken to her. In that moment though, the only thing you genuinely cared about was Riri’s well being.
“No, I haven't seen her yet, is she ok?” you asked.
“Yes she’s fine it’s just- never mind. If you do see her, let her know I just wanna talk to her.” Riri’s Girlfriend said while choking on her words a little as she walked away.
You remained standing there for a few seconds trying to brainstorm on what could’ve possibly happened as to where, Riri's Girlfriend would be fighting tears and asking where Riri was at. As well as why out of all people did she decide to ask you. At the end of the day It wasn’t your relationship issues, and even though she did tell you to let her know if you saw Riri you didn’t plan on doing so. You wanted a few moments with Riri to yourself. She would probably see Riri later on in the day anyway so you wouldn’t be hurting anyone by withholding that information you thought. you still needed to get to class so you headed down the halls once more.
Finally you had reached your destination, Now you were about to find out if Riri had skipped class again or if she was sitting in her designated seat right behind you. To your surprise there she was sitting down with air pods in. Riri had gotten her hair done in cornrows going straight back. She had on a black and white flannel, a white crop top that compressed to her body and revealed her abs, along with some baggy blue jeans that sat right on her waistline and a pair of black and white Jordan 4’s. You immediately perked up now knowing that she came to class today. You thought to yourself maybe today would be the day you could finally put your plan into motion.
You walked through the door with a big smile on your face and slid into your seat. The class was kind of chatty because your professor had stepped out for a second. You saw that as an opportunity to speak Riri and you took it.
“Hey Riri” you said with a small smile.
Riri ignored you. You thought it was because she couldn’t hear you over whatever she was listening to so you knocked on her desk. Lightly enough not to startle her but aggressive enough to get her attention.
"Huh?” Riri said as she took one of her air pods out her ear.
“Hey Riri” you said again with the same small smile in a sweet tone.
“What do you want that’s so important, that you had to interpret my music” Riri bluntly questioned.
“Well we do sit next to each other Riri, and you fr wanna go the whole year being rude to the person you’re sitting right behind??” you sighed out.
“So you didn’t have shit important to tell me. Made me cut off my music for nothing” Riri spat out at you.
“You should at least try to hold a normal conversation with me Riri, I’m gonna be here for the rest of the year. It wouldn’t hurt you to make a friend.” You said, trying your best to convince Riri to talk to you.
“and you should try to get off my-“
Before Riri could finish her sentence your professor walked in. She was still looking at you though. Instead of a look of irritation, She was looking into your eyes With that treacherous smirk on her face. At this point you couldn’t tell if Riri loved or hated you. She was so evil to you every time you and her talked and acted as if she hated you. But that smirk, her god awful Smirk said otherwise.
Your stomach was doing backflips and you felt yourself starting to blush. If you held eye contact with Riri any longer you knew you would say something to embarrass yourself so you turned around in your seat before you could. Riri let out a low chuckle. You were probably the only person who heard it. You thought her smirk was bad. But her laugh was worse, it made you feel like you were about to melt. It was so light and airy but so attractive at the same time.
“Ok guys we’re gonna be working on a project for the next few days, and you will be pairing up with your neighbors.”
Your professor then went on to further explain the assessment to the class. You were attentively listening, hoping to distract yourself from the way Riri made you feel. You knew that you liked Riri a lot, but nobody had ever made you flustered. It’s as if she knew ever button of yours to push. Riri got on your nerves, all while making you get butterflies in the same instance.
It was the end of class now and you needed to know where you and Riri were going to study. You turned around to face Riri again.
“So Riri…do you wanna study in my dorm or yours??” you asked her.
“My dorm. I don’t know what you got going on at yours.” Riri muttered the last part a little as if what she said had some underlying meaning.
“Well you’re gonna have to give me your number Riri, so i know what time to come over.” You explained.
“I don’t have to do anything. Maybe you should just read my mind and figure out when I’ll be ready to study ma.” She said mockingly as she threw that nick name at you again.
You found it corny coming from anyone else, but when Riri’s Chicago accent laced it, it sounded so smooth. However You were a soldier and you weren’t going to let Riri watch you fold that easily. Not yet.
“Riri I’m being serious” You picked up your phone. “put your number in my phone so i can text you when I’m on the way, and you can give me instructions to your dorm.” You spoke sternly trying to get your point across, and stand your ground.
“Hand me the phone y/n” Riri said as she rolled her eyes.
You handed her the phone and she put her number in it, then handed it back to you.
“Don’t try to come over after 10 though, My girlfriend is supposed to be coming over.” Riri said in a timid and exhausted tone.
You wanted to ask if she was ok, but you didn’t want to pry at her relationship problems, and risk the friendship with her that was slowly forming.
“Ok Riri that works for me, all i know is you better open the door when i get there.” You joked with Riri because you knew how rude she could be sometimes.
“I should keep yo ass locked out just for saying that” she joked back. In that low giggle that drove you insane.
“I’ll see you later Riri.” You laughed while walking out the door. Now walking in the hall’s, all you could picture was Riri’s low giggle, and how it danced off her tongue so smoothly.
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You just made it back to your dorm. It was the end of the day now, all your classes were over. To your pleasant surprise, your best friend was there sitting on one of the beanbag chairs y’all had in the corner of your dorm. It’s been a while since you got a moment to talk to your bestie after she started spending the night over her boyfriend's apartment regularly. You needed a moment to catch up with her. So you dropped your tote bag on your bed and plopped down in the beanbag chair right next to her.
“Hey y/n, girl i was just about to text you and let you know i was here. I feel like we haven’t talked in forever.” Maya said while reminiscing on the conversation’s that you and her used to have.
“Maya so much has happened the past couple of weeks.” You began to explain. “You didn’t lie Riri’s lil butt is mean. I think that's one of the reasons why I like her.”
“You think you like Riri?? Need i remind you she has a gf." Maya tried warning you once again.
“I don’t think I know I like her. She’s literally all I think about, even if I wanted to stop thinking about her, I couldn't.” You tried to clarify.
“Well are you gonna shoot your shot or what? If you like her as much as you say you do, act on it girl.”your best friend tried to encourage you.
“Well it’s not that easy maya, I’m trying to build somewhat of a friendship with Riri. especially when thinking about the fact that the first time she spoke to me, she was yelling at me for scuffing her shoes.” You covered you face with your hand and blushed while saying the last part.
“You scuffed her shoes??” Maya couldn’t help but laugh.
“It wasn’t on purpose.” You blushed while laughing.
“Aww you really do like Riri huh??” Maya asked.
“I really do maya, and tonight I’m going to Riri’s dorm to work on an assessment with her.” You stated while smiling.
Your mind had now gone to the idea of being closer to Riri than what you usually were. You and her would possibly be inches apart, maybe even less than that. Riri was Making you nervous and she wasn’t even present.
Maya then got up from her bean bag chair. “Well good luck y/n I’ll talk to you later, and you better tell me how it goes with Riri.” Maya demanded in a playful manner.
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Maya was now gone, probably at her boyfriends apartment. You were getting ready to go study at Riri’s dorm. You freshened up and took your hair out of the twist you put them in earlier today, and let your long thick 4-c hair fall to the middle of your back in a twist out. You now had on a white tank top, black sweatpants and your black converse. You texted Riri and let her know you were on the way to her dorm. When she texted you the directions, to your shock Riri lived right down the hall from you. So why hadn’t you seen her even if she wasn’t going to class? You had to save your thoughts for later though because now you were at Riri’s door. you knocked and she opened it.
“Hey Riri” you said while smiling. You were excited to see her and overjoyed that she opened the door the first time you knocked.
She had changed out of the clothes she had on in class and changed into a black wife beater, and black sweat shorts.
There was a moment of silence. She hit you with her extreme, and intoxicating eye contact again.
“So yo ass just gon stand outside all night, or you gon come in?” Riri grinned while giving you space to walk through the door.
You walked in her dorm. You would be lying to yourself if you said you thought Riri was going to properly invite you in. she welcomed you into her dorm without something extremely snarky to say. In your eyes that was progress.
“You can sit on the bed, I already started working, if you need help on anything I can explain it to you.” Riri told you.
For the first time Riri didn’t have something snarky to say to you. She genuinely wanted to get her work done. It’s not like she was in a rush though. When you sat down on her bed you saw she was practically done with the assessment. So why did she still invite you over, you thought to yourself.
Riri walked over to her bed and sat down right across from you, you and her notes were the only thing separating y’all. As you and Riri got to work you realized that you both work very well together, when she’s not trying to be rude to you.
An hour had passed, you and Riri were finishing your assessment, along the way you and her cracked a few joke's. As you and her were laughing a knock came from the outside of Riri’s door.
“Hold on y/n let me see who it is” Riri said as she looked at the door confused.
“Alright, don’t take too long though I’m starting to get sleepy, and we need to finish up.” You said as you smiled at Riri as she walked to the door.
You couldn’t help but be nosy and try to see who was knocking on Riri’s door at this time of night. It was a man. Specifically a white man. What the hell was a white man doing outside of Riri’s dorm room, especially at night!? You thought to yourself.
“I thought I told you not to come to my door anymore. If you want something done you gotta go to the website.” Riri said in an irritated voice.
Before the white boy could say anything else she slammed the door on his face. You couldn’t help yourself at this point you had to ask Riri what that was about.
“Who was that, your friend or something??” You asked.
“Nah just a customer” she put air quotations around the word customer, so now you were even more confused.
“Customer for what??” You asked once more.
“You came here to study, not be all up in my business” She argued.
“Oh come on Riri, we been playing and laughing this whole time. Now you wanna be rude again??” You rebutted.
You saw Riri break a little in that moment, she semi let down her walls for you.
“So basically…” Riri began. “I do people’s assignments and assessments, for a price of course. I make pretty good money off of it too.” She explained. “I figured, the work is mad easy for me so while I’m here i might as well get something out of it.” She added.
“No I get that, especially when thinking about the fact that you’re a black queer woman operating in a mainly white space, it wouldn’t hurt to have some extra money on the side.” you agreed.
“Exactly, these white people lucky to have me, not the other way around.” Riri proclaimed.
“Don’t say that too loud, they might hear you and come to get you, because god forbid a black woman have confidence in her intelligence.” You joked.
Riri was starting to blush. You were validating her experiences which no one had ever done for her before. It was definitely a sight you could, and planned to get used to.
“I’m glad you invited me over Riri, it was nice studying with you.” You said as you packed up your things.
“I guess it wasn’t unbearable to study with you either y/n.” She said with a subtle smile on her face.
Riri wasn’t smirking at you, she was actually smiling at you?? you managed to make Riri smile.
“Good night Riri” you smiled back while rolling your eyes and walking out her door.
You had made real progress with Riri today, you actually made her smile. Not only was she smiling but she was smiling at you. The sight melted your heart.
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You were back at your dorm now, you Changed out of your sweatpants, and into some pajama shorts. As You were laying down in your bed drifting off to sleep, you got an unexpected text from Riri.
"Can I come over? I know it's late but I really need someone to talk to."
"Yeah of course Riri" you texted her back. If anyone else asked your immediate answer would've been no, but with Riri it was different.
You didn’t know what to expect when Riri got to your dorm. It was late as hell. What could Riri possibly want to talk about?
It had been 5 minutes since Riri texted you and you heard a knock at your door. When you opened it, to your shock Riri’s eyes were puffy and red. She had tears falling down her cheeks. You instinctively pulled Riri into a hug.
"Oh my God Riri what the hell happened." You asked in a concerned tone as you walked Riri over to your bed.
"Um- my…my girlfriend came over and we started arguing really bad, it got mad heated." Riri whispered as she barely got her words out.
"Riri calm down, take your time." You soothed her while rubbing her back.
"Whenever we're arguing she takes the lowest blows at me, and I don't know what I did or do to-"
You immediately cut Riri off.
"Riri, she's supposed to be your significant other, the person that's your peace. If she's going out of her way to make you feel bad about yourself then that's not your fault. Don't ever think it is." You said wholeheartedly.
All Riri could do was slightly smile at you. The real reason she chose to come to your dorm is because she knew that you would validate her feelings about the situation. With the short time shes known you she took note that you valued how she felt, and You genuinely cared about her.
"I really do appreciate that y/n." Riri said as she embraced you in a hug.
"It's the truth Riri, you should be with someone who respects you and doesn't make you feel this way." You told Riri.
"Y/n do you mind if I stay here for the night, I don't want to deal with her ass anymore for now." Riri asked.
You took Riris cheek into your hand and rubbed it gently.
"Of course you can my love" You lightly giggled as you answered.
Riri had eventually calmed down after talking for a little bit longer. When you and her laid down She nuzzled her head under your chin and sat it on your chest. You didn't position Riri to do it, she just did it. You could've sat there forever just soaking in the moment, you were on cloud 9. You couldn't understand why Riri decided to texted you and only you in her time of need but she did. She found security in you.
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The next morning Riri was gone. She sent you a text before she left that read,
"I genuinely appreciate what you did for me last night y/n."
As you read it You were still high off the fact that Riri was nuzzled up under you. It was the next day but your heart was still racing a little. Riri made you feel a way no one else could. Whenever you thought about her you cheesed so hard your face started to hurt. Today's challenge was figuring out what last night Meant for you and Riri’s relationship. She had a girlfriend but it was extremely obvious that their relationship wasn't healthy. You also weren't too fond of the idea of being a rebound. You cared for Riri too much for your own good and You needed her like oxygen.
It broke my heart having to hurt Riri a little, but I hope yall enjoyed 😭💙, also this is gonna be a mini series so probably like 4 or 5 parts it really depends.
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
Bro I’m so curious to what yandere Abner would be like….. so can I request headcanons or a fic honestly whatever ur comfortable with
❥ OMG THIS IS A VERY INTERESTING REQUEST, this is my first time writing something yandere so I APOLOGISE IF ITS NOT ACCURATE
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yandere polka-dot man/abner krill headcanons warnings: yandere behaviour, suggested intercourse, stalking, mentions of murder, abner being a creep, abner being DELUSIONAL
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okay, so, abner sees you at a coffee shop, reading or drawing, whatever you like to do and he is immediately infatuated with you. you’re just so stunning and beautiful, he couldn’t help but fall deeply in love with you
he would never talk to you, he’d just watch you from afar, admire you, imagine that he actually walks up to you and starts a conversation, but there’s no way he could ever do that, he’s just so boring and pathetic(in his eyes) y’know?
abner would definitely be the type of yandere to just follow you everywhere you go with a pair of binoculars and a camera to take photos of you so he could look at them when he thought of you and wink wonk iykwim
he would also break into your home when you’re out and steal little things like your shirt or, a damn candle or smth
i feel like abner would also be the delusional type, and pretend that the two of you are actually in a relationship when he has never spoken A WORD to you ever
the first time he saw you talking to another man who touched you on your shoulder (because you guys were high school friends and haven't seen each other since then), he gave that man the death stare of the year
you guys swapped contact information and when you texted him twice in the next week, he didn't answer at all because dear ol' abbie had stabbed him to death in his apartment
he just couldn't have his sweet darling be harassed by another person, how dare that man touch you? only he's allowed to touch you, silly little goose!
after at least three months of stalking you, taking notes of your every move, of any date you've been on, killing the people you went on a date on, he finally decided to try to talk to you
you were so clueless. he greeted you and you greeted him with a happy, unknowing smile. you had no goddamn idea that he had been creeping around you for so long
you found him adorable, and shy, and sweet. so much more of a gentlemen than anyone else in gotham could ever be! he found that it was definitely meant to be
you guys went on a few dates, he paid every time and constantly opened doors for you, he'd apologise after the most tiny inconvenience and you would say it's alright, you don't need to apologise
after you guys slept with one another for the first time, abner was starting to get clingy in a very unnerving way
he would visit your apartment every day, visit your work place, some times you'd spot him hanging around a tree when you're doing some errands. it was definitely starting to weird you out.
even if it did weird you out, and you expressed clearly with your body language, abner thought he played his cards right. abner was so sure you would fall deeply in love with him as he did with you, and he was going to make sure that would happen in any way possible. you have no choice.
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thedailydescent · 6 months
Hey! I meant to send you an ask for the ask meme way earlier but the trailer dropped and i got completely derailed..
But here it is!
What is your favourite book genre and is there anything you would recommend? What is your favourite movie from your childhood? Do you have any unpopular IWTV opinions? Do you have any Season 2 theories you haven't seen anyone talk about? Do you have any Claudia headcanons specific to Paris? Do you think Claudia might be haunting Dubai? Are there any songs you think are very Claudia coded?
Here I am answering this ask 4-5 days later!
-What is your favourite book genre and is there anything you would recommend?
I tend to gravitate towards gothic horror and absurdist comedy (the two can often intertwine) For what I would recommend, it would depend on the person! Like, do you like something that involves romance? History? Leans more into the comedy aspect? Leans more into the horror aspect?
-What is your favourite movie from your childhood?
At 11 I got addicted to Titanic and became a huge Titanic nerd lol. It's funny because I actually thought it was a horror movie initially because I watched the second half first with a friend who just wanted to skip to the boat sinking (I had never watched a horror movie prior to this so watching the claustrophobic sinking room scenes and the multiple people dying in front of me traumatized me okay!!). I guess I'll go with Titanic since that's the one movie I still love today I'm not ashamed to admit :)
-Do you have any unpopular IWTV opinions?
Oh plenty. I've spoken about a lot of them but I guess I'll mention that the writers including what happened to Claudia in Episode 5 was not bad writing, but more just poorly set-up imo. I know a lot of people hated it when the episode came out, and threw accusations of exploitation and the writers adding it just for shock value, but I politely disagree with those takes even if I get where they're coming from.
(trigger warning for mentions of SA below)
Claudia in both the books and the show constantly suffers from a lack of autonomy. It is a huge aspect of her character. She is constantly touched and handled too freely, as if she were still a child, without her consent. Louis and Claudia's relationship gets very unhealthy as well, as a result of her creators designing an environment where she literally has no one else. Now that they have aged her up, this aspect is still present, but now the threats are different. Claudia in Season 1 is driven by freedom and romantic love, but has now reached a stage where any human she gets into a romantic relationship would either be a creepy relationship with teenage boys, or a creepy relationship with a pervert. So she then looks to finding love with other vampires. Then she finds out, like in the books, other vampires won't necessarily understand or respect her either. It's a depressing realization that makes her character even more tragic. I know people would have preferred her seeing her struggle on her own to the point of being driven home rather than having the assault take place, but because of Claudia's character development this season, and because the season was so tightly condensed, the plot they went with actually makes sense :( And in fact, Claudia was actually never driven home because of the assault. She was driven home when she realized what her purpose finally was, as she was feeling lost and like she didn't belong anywhere as a black teenage vampire for years ("I realized why they made me- to be Louis's sister). If she couldn't survive on her own, albeit with more struggles than other vampires would, she wouldn't have tried to leave in Episode 6 by herself with Louis's assurance she could get by alright.
The thing that also makes this non-exploitative and randomly placed to me is that they never show it, and explicitly emphasize that they will not be showing or revealing the details despite Daniel's pressing.
The thing I didn't like was how it was set up. Bruce, like Claudia, wants to find other vampires and form a gang, but when he has found Claudia, after a minute, without any warning, just instantly throws an etiquette book at her (?), gets angry, assaults her, then leaves? So was that just his goal his entire time? I get why people think it's a badly written plotline. It would have made much more sense if Bruce had been a creepy "Stanley from Silent Hill 3" type, who through stalking her across universities, leaves letters and weird gifts for her or something. Claudia would be initially intrigued, because, hello, other vampires exist after all! but soon becomes wigged out and starts ignoring his letters/mind messages to her. She would end up escaping him (or killing him), because he wouldn't leave her alone, and that experience might add to her desire to leave the country and face Lestat.
Do you have any Season 2 theories you haven't seen anyone talk about?
I actually don't see many people talking about Madeleine. I do have a theory that Madeleine parallels Claudia's human mother in a couple of ways. I have this headcanon that Claudia had a black father and a white mother (just going off on the fact that Bailey Bass is biracial, but you don't have to agree), and they were teenagers when they had her, so that's why her dad gave her to his family to take care of (I'm assuming Claudia's mother might have been disowned or ran off, or her family refused to raise her themselves). So Madeleine represents to Claudia her mother if she had lived, just like Madeleine sees Claudia as a daughter if she had lived. And because this is supposed to be a complicated relationship, as Claudia is the actual older one, probably still longing for romantic connection, and doesn't want to get stuck in another daughter role, the show might venture further than mother/daughter/friendship territory, because this is the AR universe so things will naturally get complicated. I totally get if others don't want them to go into that area though.
Do you have any Claudia headcanons specific to Paris?
I do feel like Paris is where Claudia has her own awakening, same as Louis. It's where she realizes she likes girls, as we see her in a vampire orgy scene with another woman. I also think Claudia is a bit of a stalker. She likes trailing Madeleine or other women, seeing the life she could have had if she had stayed human. She actually ironically shares that in common with Armand. I feel like Armand and Claudia will actually like each other at first, and see a lot of themselves in each other. But because Claudia can see trouble coming a million miles away, his act doesn't fool her for long like it does with Louis, so gradually tension starts to build. I feel like Armand in the show, unlike in the book, actually harbors some regret when it comes to killing Claudia.
Also Claudia sketching Madeleine when?
Another headcanon I have is that Claudia has to fight for scenes where she plays someone who isn't a child/doll (hence the red dress in that promotional poster/painting). She also wants to get involved in some of the playwrighting, which she does with Armand. She does this until she starts getting suspicious about him, and after she quits writing, she not coincidentally at all starts getting cast in babydoll roles again. Armand sucks!
Do you think Claudia might be haunting Dubai?
God I hope so I want her to be haunting Louis but especially Armand's ass. The reason Armand supposedly can be awake at any time is because he just can't sleep, what with Claudia constantly taunting and tormenting him!
Are there any songs you think are very Claudia coded?
-"Can't Catch Me Now" by Olivia Rodrigo- perfect for Claudia haunting Louis and Armand!
-"Daughter" by Beyonce
-"Brutal" by Olivia Rodrigo
-"Girls Just Want To Have Fun" by Cyndi Lauper
-"I've Got To Be Me" by Sammy Davis Jr.
-"Teen Idle" by Marina
-"Antagonist" by Nova Twins
-"Beating Like A Hammer" by Metric
-"Mama, I'm A Big Girl Now" (Hairspray)
-"Eat Your Young" by Hozier- I hesitate to add this one because the song is supposedly based around the Irish "A Modest Proposal", now a similar concept taking place in modern times, but the music video just strikes me as very Claudia coded. In it, the child in the nuclear family is created to fulfill the parent's needs, and is subsequently put into a box and told to be a certain way. The parents are hungry in a demanding society that metaphorically starves them to the point that they'll take drastic measures to fulfill that hunger, even if it means exploiting and metaphorically consuming their own children. And who is that if not Claudia with regards to Louis and Lestat?
Thanks for the ask friend! And sorry it took so long to answer <3
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sageistri · 4 months
There's a section of boycotters - and this isn't all of them but a definite section of them - that have just completely started hating on BTS because of their silence on the issue. And honestly if this is a red line, just unstan? I'm not sure why they're waiting for BTS to break the laws associated with their enlistment. Like how is this your only focus? Unstan and focus on Palestine full-time.
Sincerely I'm not trying to be a dick but the effort they're putting talking about it constantly online and trying to, I don't know...make BTS speak on this issue versus the reward in this case is what? Complete dream scenario every member comes out and condemns it, donates and Hybe magically removes scooter Braun. Apart from the money, I just don't see how any of that helps actual Palestinians to the extent that this is the entire focus of this section of pro-boycott armys. Also the extent of their action plan to make BTS speak on it (not Hybe btw but BTS), seems to be to spam members or their family members Insta and make snarky remarks online. My brother in Christ there has to be a better use for your time than bitching about Park Jimin donating to underprivileged children...
I will say some of them are trying to just utilize the community of "army" to amplify things related to Palestine which is fine. Even targeting scooter makes sense to me since he uses his platform as a zionist tool. But for some armys, looking at their feed, it's definitely feels performative to me. If the extent of your activism is retweeting and worrying about when BTS is going to speak on this, then I fear your priorities are totally messed up.
I don't really like the idea of using their enlistment as the reason why they haven't spoken up even if it most likely is because they could end up saying something or donating and everyone who claimed they couldn't say anything because of their service would be accused of all kinds of things.
But yes while I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting BTS to show their support, I do not get why that's the sole focus like BTS saying something would suddenly make everything ok, it seems to be more for themselves than Palestine at this point, also I do not like how these people have given kpop stans an avenue to call BTS out while ignoring their own faves. I'm seeing multi stans who barely talk about BTS and kpop stans join in asking for BTS to be boycotted but you scroll through their tweets and you're sure to find something showing that they've been supporting some other kpop groups new album.
Why is the conversation always centered around BTS and not everyone else? Another example of how all kpop groups have always ridden on their backs, they get the hate and criticism in lieu of everyone else. The same thing happened in 2020 because why was the whole of Twitter including western stans all asking BTS to speak up but asked no other kpop group not even bp who were their competitors and had just as much social media reach as them. And the minute BTS spoke up I never saw other kpop groups being asked to speak up. It just doesn't make sense to me.
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tinknevertalks · 5 months
For the ask game: 🤩 for Abby, ❓, 📖 for Waves, please. :D
Eeee, thanks for this lovely! XD (I need to get better at answering these straight away.)
🤩a WIP snippet about or with dialogue from ________ [name of a character]. If you don’t have one for that character, choose someone else! - Right, this is tangentially with Abby, but it's Nikola and Will talking. (Yeah, it's the (Abby/Will) + Helen (and maybe Nikola, I still haven't decided) fic.)
“Well, William, you don't have to be a genius to figure out that Helen has plans for you,” Nikola muttered to Will. Will tried ignoring him, reading the file in front of him, but Abby had joined their boss and Will knew that smile. It was her I'm so happy to see you but please can we go somewhere private and fool around smile, one he thought was just for him. Since when did she smile at Magnus like that? And since when did Magnus smile back like that, a secret in her eyes and a laugh on her lips? Why at Abby? Sighing, he asked, “What do you mean?” Nikola smirked. “It seems to me like Helen has taken your Agent Corrigan under her wing.” Leaning forward, like he was giving Will super secret information, he added, “Helen doesn't like when her fledglings aren't treated with the respect they deserve.” Will shook his head. “Wha--” “When it comes to matters of the heart, Helen stays out of the way. When it comes to matters more base - sex, Scoot - Helen takes matters in hand.” Nikola grinned, leaning back. “Like I said, Helen has plans for you.”
❓ any WIP snippet you want!
Ooooooh. Because I really need to get back on this, have a section from In The Nice Part of Town. 😁
Weeks passed. Helen tried not to change her behaviour, to keep a respectable distance from Nikola, but she couldn't help delighting in being drawn to him. What did that Taylor Swift song say? His magnetic field being a little too strong? Something like that. Like a iron filing she was constantly edging closer to him. And really, when it meant having a cuddle at night on the sofa, and him stroking her shoulder absentmindedly, who was she to argue with physics? Kissing his cheek on her way to work was just being friendly. And if he happened to kiss her cheek as he handed her a cuppa when she got home, well that was just the reciprocal nature of their friendship. Because they're just friends. Doing friend things. As friends. Helen knew, on a scale of one to hopelessly besotted, exactly where she was.
📖 a published snippet from _________ [published work of theirs you haven't had read yet, but are curious about]
Waves? You wanted a bit of Waves? Eeeeeeee! 🥰🥰🥰 Okies, right. Ack. This is part of the way in, but just know Helen and Nikola haven't spoken here in like four/five years. Enjoy!
Saturday in the mall was not how Nikola imagined spending his afternoon, but he needed new shoes. If he went earlier in the day, he wouldn't have to deal with too many people, and he wouldn't get another headache. That was the plan. He didn't get there until after lunch. Some kids were running around, yelling and squeaking. Parents were standing around chatting, ignoring their children behaving like the monsters they were, and Nikola's foot was cold. He had known for a while his shoes needed replacing but there it was, a tiny hole. Sighing, his defences up, he strode in. Helen's morning had been busy. Between chores, playing and Ashley singing Old McDonald, the house had been cleaned, clothes in the machine, homework done and lunch eaten. Now it was time for the most important part of the day. Shoe shopping. The shop was busy, and children were running around like headless chickens. “Alright, we need some sneakers for you, Henry, and some boots for you, Will. No running around, please.” “Ok!” the boys chorused, before dashing to the kids’ section. Ashley was pulling on Helen's hand, wanting to follow them. Smiling indulgently, glad her mental barriers were firmly in place, they walked briskly after them, Ashley stomping ahead. “Ooooff!” Someone had walked into her and caught her elbow before she fell over. “I'm sorry, I-- Helen?” The world slowed down. Flashes of memories filled his mind – his laugh, her smile, that kiss – as her bright blue eyes drank him in. “Nikola?” she breathed, her lips already forming a grin. Her heart was clattering against her ribcage. “Wh-- what are you doing here?” Who was that squeaking in her voice? He held up his other hand, face and mind wondrously blank to her. “Shoes.”
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forgottenluck · 9 months
Headed Towards 2024!
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2023 in Retrospect
2023 has been.....a year. There were a lot of changes for me this year, and though not a lot with Koun changed, a lot happened irl. I didn't talk about a lot of it, though I did mention a few things here and there when I had enough energy to be online.
It's been....hectic.
A lot of life changes have happened; Being kicked out of our apartment due to a shitty landlord, my mother having a bunch of medical changes...then moving into a nursing home, Me finally being out on my own and no longer tied down by her.....I've gotten a promotion at work, finally able to make a difference there enough for even my DM to notice me.
Things are still rocky. I'm still finding my footing, working to figure out ways to boost my income since i no longer have to be wary of that. It's a lot. A lot to take in, a lot to adjust too.
Those who helped me keep going
I know that I was absent quite a bit...more so than I normally am on here. But there's been a few people who have really helped me keep going, helped me to want to be on here, helped me when things were dark. People who have stuck with me despite me vanishing from time to time because my energy to write comes and goes as my ADHD hits me with new hyperfocuses. Below are the people who have continued to check up on me, offer support when I needed it, and all around been very active with me OOC and IC.
@bishonenprince - You are seriously a light that I'm not sure I would be the same without. I know we just met this year, but I already consider you one of my closest friends on tumblr. You've managed to stick with me, despite me going dark a few times, been understanding to it. Our muses have such an interesting dynamic, and I can't wait to see how it grows. They'll likely still have their fights, still have bumps....that's just who they are. But Sora can't shake Koun, just like it'll be massively difficult for you to shake me.
@ofstarsandskies - Kika you lovable dork, You've been there in the background, liking posts, and we've spoken OOC quite often. I absolutely love how you and your muses are so supportive, and it means an absolute bunch to me that you've stuck around despite Koun being an absolute dick at times. I absolutely look forward to the new year, and possibly a new Koun for the brothers to interact with. He's softening...definitely.
@pastelfates - Verius my love, you've stuck with me for so long now, I don't exactly know what to do without you. This year was hard on me, and some of the things you did to help me, and cheer me up mean the world to me. I can't explain how much these things helped me, boosted my mood when I was in really dark places. I know you probably thought they were very little things....but to me, they meant the world. Eventually I'll figure out a way to repay you for all you've done for me....eventually.
@morifactory - In the same vein as Verius, Lena you've really been there in the background, silently supporting me. Earlier this year was...hectic. In all the wrong ways, and I'm glad that we've managed to go past it. I do plan on attempting to rp with more of your characters, (you just have so many I don't know where to start aaaaaaaaaAAAAA) but I look forward to this new year with you, and know that if you ever need anything, you can always count on me.
@loversquiver - Yukari my dear, though you aren't on tumblr much anymore, we definitely continue stuff OOC on discord. You're constantly checking in on me, making sure I'm okay. This means so much to me, and I really can't wait to see what the new year brings for these two dorks!
@taleswritten - Jay, I know we don't write nearly as much, but what we do, I absolutely love. I love that we communicate OOC, and you haven't been run off by my open-ness. This coming year I am gonna try to reach out to people more, you included, but I loved meeting you this year.
The people above are those who have stood out to me, made continous efforts, or have been with me for a long time. They mean a lot to me, and I can't wait to continue our stories together.
New friends that I've made just this year and can't wait to make more memories together!: @sootbled/@sootborn, @ama-tcra-su, @bonescribes, @thalassancharm, @talesofourworlds, @hxroic-wxlls
Good friends that I love to see on my dash! We might not have interacted much this year but hopefully next year! @juwul, @alm1ghtysea, @serenitasmusas, @miraiconnection, @ad-simul
If you're not on the list above, please don't fret. I likely just missed you! I do interact with a decent amount of people, and if we haven't interacted in a while, then it's likely i missed you. I appreciate every single one of my followers, and those who interact with me!
Moving into 2024
My plans for this next year....are a lot. For this blog, for tumblr in general, for my life.
This blog won't change much. I do want to reach out to more people, write more in general. I enjoy writing, I do! I just have to take breaks every few months to recharge so that I don't completely get burnt out on it. Koun is my second longest character to stay with me (the first is Erika for those of you who remember the cute little cupcake.). I do want to write more in general. Interact with more people, Help Koun grow more.
For tumblr in general, I do plan on reopening a multimuse sideblog. Well...a few, tbh. One of them is still in the works, but @zcrosht is almost fully functional. I need to get a few more icons made, and some graphics done (if anyone's willing to help me out on graphics that'd be lovely.) and the Rules/bios up, but It's ready to rp with! It'll be my first time rping Canon characters, so it'll be interesting.
For my life goals....I want to get a bit more financially stable. I'm going from only spending 250 a month on rent to 450-500, and despite the promotion it's still a bit difficult. I'll need to figure out how to boost that up without finding a new job (because I like my job now and I need to get supervisor experience so when I do go into a new job i can go in as a supervisor to get more money than grunt work.). It's going to be a learning curve....but I think I can handle it. I've made it this far.....I can keep going. I also plan on changing my diet and working to get a bit fitter.....I'm too close to 200lbs and I don't like it. (I look tiny though I do not know where all this weight is how the hell does this work--). I also need to go to the doctor for some health related issues that I need to get addressed. (mainly sleep and possibly ADHD meds....who knows.)
In general....I'm the happiest I've been in years. I'm the calmest I've been in years. The changes that happened in 2023...I think were for the better. Once I get all the kinks figured out.....I'll be good. It's a new chapter, and i think....I think it's a good one.
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fumikosushi · 3 months
Mentions of parental death under cut.
I haven't really talked to that many people about all the things that have gone on surrounding my mom's death. I talked to maybe two people, but not a whole lot. I have a hard time talking to people directly about the things I'm going through (trauma has led me to having difficulty confiding those things in others, but I'm trying to do better). For now, the easiest way for me to do that is just by making a post where I throw things into the void.
Even before my mom passed away, my family was being absolutely horrible. My sister, my mom's sister, her brother, and the man she was staying with were just fucking awful. I would also like to point out that none of these people had anything to do with her until she was dying. My sister visited not once while we lived here for 10+ years until she heard my mom was dying. My brother visited some and with his it's different because his schedule doesn't allow it, but my sister flat out refused to speak to my mom unless she could con my mom into giving her drug money (for crack and heroin). My sister drained my mom's bank account this way, mind you. Took advantage of my mom's desire to help her to try and be a good mom and my sister lied to her for drug money.
When they were here the few days before she passed people treated both her and myself terribly. With me, it was nothing new. My family has already been pretty fucking awful. My only real problem with my brother is his refusal to acknowledge anything that happened being fucked up, but I still might end up opting into going no contact with him too like I have my father and sister.
The entire time I was there, even though I was literally silent and minding my own business, I was just.. bullied the whole fucking time. My sister and my mom's sister would whisper to each other while looking at me and laugh or they would try and say things to provoke or gaslight me into a reaction (I never gave them the reaction they wanted). My mom's brother spent the whole time drunk and fighting with people. Again, I constantly have comments made about me despite the fact I literally never spoke unless spoken to. Even then, I didn't say much.
There was a point where my mom wasn't really responsive. You know, she wasn't really.. there. Like she was alive, but she was literally skin and bones with next to no meat or fat left on her body. She couldn't speak. You could hear her struggling for air. What does my sister do? She calls my dad who horribly abused her for years and lets him just say what he wants in her ear while she's unable to respond and literally fucking dying. Like.. who makes someone listen to someone who help ruined their life as they're dying? That's just.. sick. I genuinely feel as though my mother died feeling completely unloved. I won't lie. I honestly can't believe that she didn't and it fucking sucks because it haunts me. Like, how is she supposed to feel loved when she's suffering so much and everyone around her is just continuing to abuse her? These people couldn't even respect her after she died either.
We still haven't had a service for her. Her brother is in charge and that always means whatever he's in charge of? It's never happening. He's always too busy getting plastered and telling everyone how shit and terrible they are like he's even the slightest bit delightful to deal with himself. Not to mention.. my mom's abuser has her ashes (the guy she was staying with) and he refuses to let me have any of her ashes. I feel like if anyone deserves to have them, it's me - I'm the only one who has ever been here for her. But no, of course, I'm being fucked over and not included in anything. If they have a service, I'm sure I'm not even going to be invited. I am so tired of being hated by these people just for existing as a disabled person (this is literally why they hate me - they're all ableist af and don't believe disabilities exist).
So I go to my boyfriend's to try and deal with all of this and my mom's abuser is whining at me to hurry up and send photos of my mom I took from her house like he has ever given me what he owes me. My mom's ashes. I told the guy I'd do it when I got back to keep the peace, but God, I already know it doesn't matter how civil I am despite hating these people. I will still be excluded. So I've decided to give them diddly fucking squat. I lost a fuck ton of things to do with my mom because I couldn't afford a truck for her things. No one could find it in their heart to just help me move anything (my place is literally 10 minutes away from hers) and we would have paid them back too! But no. No help. So I lost 90% of my mother's belongings because they're all in the fucking dump now because the landlady threw everything away before I could get a truck.
And like.. the day my mom died my siblings were just like "aye we're leaving" not hours later and I'm just like ??? That's so.. crazy. Our mom just died and you're just.. gonna go back to South Carolina?? Like yall aren't gonna make sure I'm okay or nothing? Just "oh yeah, here's the tv mom left" and then you fuck off? These people baffle me.
I'm home now and tbh I'm still not okay at all and God, I don't want anyone to tell me shit like 'it gets better' or whatever because I'm so tired of hearing it. As I said, I just needed to throw my feelings into the void. I'm not wanting some pity party or whatever. This isn't even everything going on right now, but this is the stuff to do with my mom.
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cryptidsurveys · 24 days
Saturday, August 31st, 2024.
Who’s the first person you talk to via text in the morning? I don't text anyone first thing in the morning. There are times when I think about texting Ollie, but then I remember they're an hour behind and I don't want to accidentally wake them up and interfere with their sleep/work schedule. Better to save it for the afternoons/evenings.
Was that person your significant other? No. Ollie is my best friend. Also, I just want to brag about them a bit. They're a writer, an artist, and possess extensive knowledge regarding everything zombie-related, and they were recently on the Zombie Book Club podcast (link here). I haven't finished the full episode yet, but it's hilarious so far. It's one thing to witness their wit in firsthand conversation, but it's another thing entirely to hear them play off of the input of other people. They're so well-spoken and funny and I'm so proud of them! I really do think they could have their own successful podcast if they wanted to.
Does it take a lot for you to cry, or does it happen easily? Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. Like, sometimes I feel strong and nothing gets to me too much, but then there are times when I feel really down on myself, overwhelmed, exhausted, etc, and I'll cry over things that I ordinarily wouldn't.
What was the last reason you cried? I've already talked about it. If you missed it, then you missed it. ;D
What’s hurting you right now? A (perhaps unjustified) feeling of giving more than I get. Part of it is my fault for putting myself in that situation in the first place (people-pleaser/over-giver tendencies here). Another part is attributing the actions of one or two people to "everyone," when in reality most people appreciate everything I do. It's probably 10% reality and 90% mindset.
Do you have someone who you can tell anything? My dad and my therapist.
What’s the one thing you regret more than anything? I'm not sure.
Do you remember important dates? Usually.
Do you like vanilla? Yeah.
Do people who judge bother you a lot? I think everyone judges to some extent. Sometimes it bothers me if it's something I'm sensitive about, but I can usually recognize that and let it go. It's when people judge constantly over every little thing or just nitpick someone to death that it becomes tiresome. That's when I have to grit my teeth and really ask myself if saying something retaliatory is worth the repercussions.
What about arrogance? It's not pleasant.
Do you tan easy? I have no idea. I don't even attempt to tan.
Do you have two of the same pair of pants? I don't.
Do you know anyone with Type 1 Diabetes? No.
Are you familiar with John Mayer? Yeah.
Do you have a lot of pictures of you and your friends? No.
What did you have for dinner last night? My usual sandwich and mixed veggies.
Do you own anything with the Playboy Bunny on it? I don't.
Where is the last beach you went to? I went to a beach in Ocean City, NJ when I was a teenager.
Have you ever been rock climbing? Yeah.
Do you own a bean bag chair? I do, but my kitties are mainly the ones who use it now.
Are you allergic to anything? What? Not that I'm aware of.
Would you be willing to be examined for medical research? Maybe after my death, but probably not while I'm still alive.
Where is your phone? On my pillow.
What is two feet from your right arm? A digital thermometer. It's 72*F and the humidity is 60%.
Do you own any vinyl records? I don't.
Are you the one in a group to talk a lot or do you listen? It depends on the group. Among certain people at the animal shelter, I'm starting to open up and do a lot more talking.
Have you ever touched a caterpillar? Yeah.
Do you enjoy staying at hotels? I loved it when I was younger, but now it's not so enjoyable. I'd much rather be in the comfort and familiarity of my own home.
Have you ever met someone famous. Who? Do tell! No.
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? Hmmm.
Is there a guy/girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you? Yeah.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Either my dad or Iris (in that case, I think I was more teary-eyed than actually crying, though).
What is one thing you would love to see happen today? Today is almost over. I'm going to finish this up, listen to some YouTube for a bit, get a small snack, and then get ready for bed.
Have you kissed any friends on your Facebook? N/a.
What’s irritating you right now? Nothing right this second.
Who else is in the room with you? Esther and Karenna, two of my kitties. Last I checked, Lacy was curled up in the armchair in the family room.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now? I mean, I could. But would I? Naw.
Do you think age matters in relationships? There are definitely times when it matters.
Can you recall the last time you really liked someone a lot? It's been years, but yeah, ofc I can still recall it.
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
Three Weeks
Part 26 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~6K
It's been three weeks since Y/N left. Three weeks since I've spoken to my sister Mary-Kate and three weeks since speaking to Y/N's mother. I wish I could say that all of this was easy or made better due to the fact that I'm actively trying to live a life that doesn't involve me missing Y/N, but it sucks.
This is one of the hardest things I've had to do.
But here I am, waking up in my bedroom alone and sad, for you guessed it, the third week in a row. I think I've slowly morphed into my Character Leigh Shaw. That's who I am now.
A cold, depressed bitch missing her love and looking for answers.
Anywho, I did some of the cliche break-up things you're supposed to do! I cried while watching Rom-Coms and eating ice cream. I dyed my hair! Goodbye, dirty blonde, and hello, brunette Lizzie. I made sure to tell my friends that I was doing better when in reality, I was not.
Scarlett and Aubrey were quick to see through that shit.
That led to a very passive-aggressive forced lunch with a seven-month pregnant Scarlett and her daughter Rose who very sweetly had no clue what was going on. Colin was set to join, but I'm certain Scar made him stay home.
On the other hand, Aubrey called me out on everything once I spilled it all. But she wasn't as upset with me as other people had been. But she made sure that when I'm in LA that I stay with her since Robbie is still occupying our/my house. I told her that wouldn't be necessary since I have other friends and family to stay with but saying no to Aubrey is weirdly tricky.
Also, I took a page out of Y/N's book. Literally. I started writing. Okay, not like writing writing like Y/N but writing my thoughts and what I want to say the next to I see my Coffee Girl. I have a pile of envelopes ready to go. Each one is different but laced with love. They constantly stay in my purse. I'm afraid I'll lose them otherwise.
I know I haven't talked to her since, but.. this hasn't stopped me from trying. No calls, just texts every once in a while. Letting her know that I'm thinking about her and her safety. I know she's doing okay, thanks to certain people, but I can't wait to see that smile shine on her face whether I'm an inch away or thousands of miles.
I yawn and get the sleep out of my eyes before making my way into the kitchen. I haven't been eating the best or a lot lately, so maybe making a big breakfast will help today. It didn't help last week, but I can try again.
Waffles. Eggs. Cut up fresh fruit from my rooftop garden.
This is what I ended up making, and to my surprise and delight, I ended up eating a good majority of it. I compost what I don't eat because I'm not sure when I'm returning.
Oh, did I not mention? I'm flying to Los Angeles today.
I still have a couple of hours until my flight, and I packed last night, so I might as well water and say goodbye to my plants before making one final trip to Y/N's apartment.
Today of all days, I have to wake up feeling like I got hit by a train.
Everything hurts. My head is pounding like a hammer. My nose is stuffed but also running. Every time I try to clear my throat, it feels like tiny needles are being dragged down my esophagus. This is awful. I knew something was happening, but I blamed it on allergies. I should've known when Nick said, "it's just a cough," he was lying. It's never just a cough. If he wasn't one of the nicest men I've ever met, I'd be so pissed at him.
Speaking of Nick. Since the last time he confided in me that he has feelings for my mom, nothing has changed. My mom knows but doesn't want to pursue a relationship. I understand her completely. I'm not saying I want to see her and Nick be together, especially since no one can replace Davey.
I know Nick wouldn't be, but that doesn't make it easier. But my mom and him have a perfect friendship right now. At the drop of a hat, they're there for each other. Wait-
What's that ringing?
I turn my head as I get pulled from my thoughts. I reach over and answer my phone with a scratchy throat.
"Pumpkin? Are you alright? You sound terrible." Thanks, mom.
"I think Nick got me sick." My mom groans into the phone. "I told him to rest and that we'd have dinner together next time you visit, but no, he had to make a home-cooked meal for you."
That's sweet. I smile through the pain as she continues her rant. "He's just like your father at times, I swear." My mom laughs at her own words. I don't think she fully realized she just compared Nick to Davey, but I let it slide.
"Yeah.. so why'd you call mom?"
"Just wanted to make sure you'd be up and ready for today." I pull my phone away and see I still have a couple of hours until my flight.
Oh, did I not mention? I'm flying to Los Angeles today.
"Yeah, I packed last night. Remember one big suitcase." I try to stifle a groan as I sit up. But my sickness and back have other plans for me. If one thing is for sure, I can't wait to never sleep on an air mattress again.
"Oh, that's right! I'm sorry I can't see you off."
I roll my eyes, knowing how busy my mom is and that no matter what she says, she wants to keep me here. She practically didn't let me go last night after dinner.
"I know, mom. It's alright."
"Whose picking you up from the airport?" Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell my mom. "James. Max's brother."
My mom accepts the answer and starts telling me about how her morning has been so far while I fumble my way into the bathroom and begin searching through every drawer, looking for cold & flu medicine.
"What's that racket?"
Apparently, I was not as quiet as I thought. "Where's the medicine? I searched everywhere." I ask through a cough.
"Bottom drawer. Behind the green bag." I search precisely where my mom said, and she was exactly right. How do mothers do that? "Be sure to take some ibuprofen two hours from now as well."
"Okay, mom." I throw back the pills before scooping some water from the tap into my hand, drinking like a sick animal.
"Be sure to eat something too." My mom adds, but all I want to do is curl up on the couch and die. "Mom, I'm no-"
"Don't you dare finish that sentence Y/N Y/L/N."
"Yes, ma'am." Great, now I'm in the kitchen.
"Oh, before I let you go, dear, what are your plans for your birthday?" Oh shit. My birthday is coming up. "No plans," I say, closing the fridge door with a shrug earning a sigh from my mom on the other end.
"Okay, let me know if you want to come back home for that."
I doubt it.
"Okay, mom. I'll keep you posted."
"Thank you, Y/N. Now I love you. Be sure to eat something and text me once you're on your way to the airport." I nod my head. "I will, mom. I love you too. Okay. Bye."
I end the call and throw my body onto the couch. I try to fight it, but before I know it, my eyes close, and I'm asleep.
They fixed the elevator.
The moving steel box's doors slide open as I reach my designated floor. Y/N's floor. With an envelope in one hand and her key in the other, I make my way to the door. I know she's not here. But a part of me still hopes I'll be in for a surprise when this door swings open.
And she's not here. In fact, the place is almost in the exact same position it was when I left it. Except it looks cleaner? Wait? Has someone been here? I take a couple of steps into the place and do what you're not supposed to do in every horror movie ever. "Hello?" I call into the quiet apartment.
I get no response.
Not fully trusting this situation, I close the door behind me and quickly search the place. It isn't until I find myself in Y/N's kitchen that I find a note stuck onto the fridge.
Hey Oslen,
Knowing you, you'll be back to Y/N's place more than once. But just in case I was wrong (I'm not), I went ahead and cleaned out her refrigerator and tidied up the place. You never know when she might come back, right? Plus, we can't have the place smelling like an old, run-down dumpster.
Anyways I'm sorry I haven't reached back out to you. But I'm happy to know that it looks like Y/N's case is finally on track to be over. Perks of having one of the hottest and best lawyers. ;)
Text me when you see this. And as far as I know. She's safe.
With care, Max
I fold up the piece of paper and place it into my back pocket but not before shooting a text to Max, letting her know that I saw her message and that I'm happy she's safe.
Reminding myself that I have my own piece of myself to share with Y/N. I take the envelope in my hand and walk it over to the coffee table. I hope she sees it. Maybe not tomorrow but some day.
After combing over the living room, I make my way into Y/N's bedroom. Knowing that there's not a murder in the building, I can actually look around to see the improvements Max made. Like for example, not more shirts on the floor. Instead, most of them are folded up on the bed or tossed onto hangers.
My hand immediately gravitated to one of the most recent pairs of shirts she wore. Yes, the pink-fonted Elizabeth Olsen picture collage shirt. I unfold the shirt and bring it up to my face. It still smells like her, but it's not as strong... I have to stop the pout from forming on my face. I've done it like crazy lately. I look back down at the shirt and start to get lost in a train of thought. Without another second, I find a small duffel bag and begin filling it with some shirts knowing that if I wear them out, I'll get seen. And if I get caught, they'll be posted everywhere. Everywhere- for one's woman's eyes to see.
"How did you get more bags?" My driver Mr. Bronson jokes as he takes them from me to place into the truck with my other luggage. "Technically, the one is a guitar case." This earns a sarcastic oooh from him.
I felt a little.. weird taking Y/N's old guitar, but it feels right at the same time. Plus, I keep remembering the texts Sam showed me from Y/N.
If you don't hear from me in the next couple of weeks, just know that I'm fine. Feel free to come to my place tomorrow. (Address) Take what you want.
Also, I don't want this guitar of hers to become lost or thrown out by mistake, and I've been itching to relearn to play.
"Ready?" Mr. Bronson pulls me from my thoughts. I quickly nod as the car slowly pulls away from the curb. I take one final look behind me to see Y/N's place become smaller.
"Okay what about this." (Video attached)
That's more what I'm thinking.. but faster and don't be afraid to make it more Appalachian.
Y/N It's your song why don't you just record it.
Robbie, first off it's our song and I don't exactly have my guitar with me.. also the lyric is "I only want to be in the passing lane" Not "fastest lane."
Shit. You're right. This will be much easier when you're here.
Couple of hours. Thanks again. I know I've said it a million times but thank you
I should be the one thanking you. But fr stop it. We're helping each other. Also I'm just glad we're past the awkward stage. It's not everyday two exs become friends.(?)
Writing partners *
Writing partners
"Earth to Y/N."
I lift my head from my phone, confused, which wasn't the brightest idea. My head is still killing me. The pills are helping but not as much as I want them to. "What?" I ask whoever is begging for my attention as I close my eyes and rub my forehead.
"Just wanted to know if you needed any help with your bags. You okay?" A male voice speaks.
I pull my eyes over to the voice. It's Nick. He's standing in front of the now-closed front door. How long has he been here? Shit what time is it?
I quickly panic and look at the time displayed on my phone.
Whew. I still have some hours till my flight takes off. But that means we should be leaving soon. Airports are always an annoying hassle.
"Y/N?" Nick's voice is now softer as he sits down on the couch next to me. "You okay, kid?" I take a deep breath and try and clear my painful throat.
I guess I didn't do a good enough job at the throat-clearing. Nick's face remains unchanged, but his eyes are filled with worry and guilt. He knows I'm sick. And he gave me his cold.
"Did you take medicine?" I gently nod, not wanting to hurt myself more.
"Anything you need?"
"I'm fine." Me saying that and looking "fine" are two different things, but I hate being sick, so dwelling on it makes it worse. Plus, Nick and I are becoming closer. In fact, anytime my mom was at work, and if he had time, we'd hang out. It didn't involve much. Sometimes it was just watching tv or grabbing lunch, but it formed this weird bond between us. Maybe I remind him of his late son, or perhaps he is just a good man. Or, who knows, maybe he's showing me he can be... something more. I don't know. What I do know is that I don't want him to be worrying about me right now. I got enough going on.
Nick looks at me uncertain but doesn't push it. "Are you all packed?"
"Yeah, I did it after dinner." Nick nods his head as he gets up to go to the kitchen. "Tea?" He asks without turning his back.
"Yes, please."
Paparazzi present as always.
They're lining up at the entrance to the airport, just alive and waiting. I guess word got around. I was showing up. I mean, it makes sense the paps would want a good photo of me. I've barely left my place the last couple of weeks so getting a picture of me "out of my cave" makes people go crazy.
"Mr. Bronson?" I ask while keeping my attention on the picture takers outside. "Could you help me with my bags?"
"Of course." I turn to see him already looking at me with a smile. "Hat and sunglasses on." He reminds me. "Ready?" I nod once I'm "disguised."
"Let's go." Mr. Bronson steps out of the car and opens the truck grabbing all my bags placing them on the floor before closing up the trunk. He comes around to my side of the vehicle and sets something next to the door. Before I can think about what it is, he opens the door reminding me to "keep your head down." I nod to him as he places the guitar case in my hand. "Might help." He adds.
It surprisingly works a little. As we walked by the paparazzi, far fewer pictures than usual were taken of me. The ones that knew who I was knew. The others, I think, were taking a gamble and thought I was some indie singer or something. Regardless. I'm here inside the busy airport, from one anxiety-filled thing to another.
Mr. Bronson left shortly once we made it inside. I thanked him profusely, which he, of course, shrugged off. All he told me was to "go get her." I guess he thinks I'm chasing after Y/N.
Speaking of...
I'm now sitting down, opening our very one-sided text conversation. I scroll back up to the last couple of texts she sent me. They make me smile. This was back before the ignored calls. Back before I screwed it up. Back before, I lost the one real thing I've ever known. I remember it.
"Excuse me?"
I quickly close and fumble to put my phone away at a quiet voice speaking to me. I look up through my sunglasses to see a girl. She must be 14 or so. How'd she get into this airport lounge? Doesn't she need to have a credit card and be a member or something? Oh God, is she lost?
I can feel my nerves begin to overtake me. Deep breaths, Lizzie.
"Excuse me?" The girl speaks to me again. Shit, I should probably say something.
"Hello." I give a smile as the girl's face lights up from me just speaking. "Oh my God, It's really you! I wasn't 100% sure. I was going to be mortified if it was someone else." I giggle, calming down a bit at the girl's tone and evident nervousness.
"What's your name?" The girl smiles again before it looks like she's trying to remember her own name. Oh gosh, seeing fans get like this makes me feel a little bad. I don't want them to get too stressed or nervous just from meeting another human being.
I say the name back to myself internally before gesturing to the seat next to me since Geneva was just hunched over in front of me. "Are you sure?" She looks at me with such worry, but I motion again. "Please. It's okay." Geneva nods before taking the seat next to me. She looks like she wants to say a million things, but at the same time, she's too star-struck to do anything. I got time to kill, and I haven't really been talking to many people as of late, so I'll start.
"Geneva?" The girl turns to me- jaw dropped. "You said my name." I nod. "I did. Can I ask you a question?"
"Anything." She replies quicker than I would've hoped for.
"How'd you know it was me? And where did you see me from?"
Geneva points to her head. Leaving me a little confused. "Your cap." I lift my hand up to touch it. My LA Dodgers Cap? "It's like your calling card. You rep it more than any other celebrity. It's basically your own merch." She tells me with a smile. Huh, I mean, I guess I did buy Y/N her own cap for a reason.
I do wear it a lot, don't I?
"I literally bought one because of you. Oh, and I saw you from... over... there!" I follow where Geneva's finger is pointing. In the distance is an older man watching, waving at our interaction. So that's how she got in here. "That's my dad. I tried explaining who you were and why I was freaking out, but he didn't get it. I hope I'm not bothering you." Geneva quickly adds that last sentence in.
"Not at all. I was getting lost in my own world, so I'm happy you stepped over here." I tell her honestly. "Okay, good." Geneva appears to take a deep breath and relax a little after hearing that. I know that feeling all too well.
"So, where are you going?" I turn my body slightly towards Geneva, so she knows she has my attention.
"My dad and I are going to Oregon for a week."
"That should be fun." I instantly encourage the idea seeing that Geneva looks nervous. "I hope so. I don't like flying."
"That's okay." I go to say something else, but I see Geneva's wandering eyes look over my carry-on purse. "Where are you going?"
"Home." I point to my cap with a slight smile. Geneva slowly nods her head. "Filming?" I shake my head. "Not for a while."
"I loved WandaVision. I think it made Wanda my favorite." She mumbles that last part, but I heard her. "Oh?! Well, thank you, Geneva, but who was your favorite?"
"Bucky and Black Widow," Geneva replies, almost scared that she had another favorite before me. She knows I'm not the Scarlet Witch, right? I subtly laugh at her responses. "Those are cool characters. One is way cooler than the other."
"And hotter!" Geneva replies casually before realizing I'm not one of her teenage friends. She looks at me wide-eyed. "I-uh-I didn't- I'm sorry- don't tell Sca-" "It's okay. Your secrets are safe with me." Geneva still looks a little panicked, and it reminds me of the talks Y/N and I would have about her love of Black Widow.
I will say Geneva and Y/N are right. She is hot.
"Can I say something?" Geneva breaks the awkward yet comfortable silence that is building up in this loud airport. I gesture for her to keep going.
"I'm really sorry for how it happened, but knowing that one of my favorite superheroes or anti-hero or whatever you wanna call Wanda now was being played by someone who is a lot more like me than I thought was important."
This is a conversation that Marla and Rhonda told me that needed to happen. I have yet to publicly confirm that, yes, I am a part of a certain community now. All that's been said is that Robbie and I were no longer together and that I was seeing someone named Y/N Y/L/N—so hearing from a girl who can't even drive yet that I mean this much to her. It makes my heart warm up and break at the same time. I feel ecstatic that I can now be someone for people to look up to, but at the same time, I haven't done enough.
This needs to change.
I look over to Geneva.
"As I said, I'm sorry for how it happened, but you and your girlfriend look really cute together."
Girlfriend. I quickly use my acting skills and cover up and frown or look that suggests otherwise.
"Thank you very much, Geneva! Yes, we are cute, aren't we." I chuckle at the same time she does. "And I still look at Wanda as a hero, so you can too." I nudge Geneva.
Geneva looks down as her phone lights up. I didn't even realize she had it in her hands. "Oh, looks like we're about to board." Geneva looks up at me. "If it's not too much trouble, could I get a picture?" This child is so kind.
"Of course." I quickly take off my sunglasses as Geneva has the camera ready. I lean in close to Geneva, but not enough, so we're touching. "I won't take too many."
"I think a couple will be fine." I calmly but sternly tell her.
"Okay. One.. two.. three.. GAY!" My smile quickly morphs into a laugh that I cover worth my hand. I was not expecting the girl to say this. While laughing, another picture gets taken. "I can't believe I made Elizabeth Olsen laugh!" Geneva says a bit too loud for my liking reminding myself where we are.
It looks like we're done with the photos, so I quickly take the time to cover my face back up. "Thank you so much. Omg, this is the greatest thing I've ever taken."Geneva shows me, and it's a typical one, and then Geneva smiling as I'm dying of laughter. "I'm glad to be a part of it." In the distance, I see Geneva's dad making his way over here. I guess they're running a little late now.
"Thank you again! This means so much to me." I smile. "Me too." Geneva starts to walk away, but I stop her. "Geneva!" She quickly turns back. "Yes?!"
How do I say this?
"Do you mind waiting until tomorrow to post that picture? If you do it now.. the paparazzi will be worse in Los Angeles." Geneva thinks about my words. "Sure. I don't want it to be worse for you." I graciously nod. "Thank you very much."
"Of course, Lizzie. Happy Pride Month." Geneva waves at me before walking to her now crossed arm dad.
It is the start of pride month.
I quickly pull out my phone, exiting my text conversation with Y/N and opening the one with Marla and Rhonda.
"An interview needs to be made today. People need to know who I am."
The ride to the airport was uneventful. Aside from the occasional small talk and "I'm sorry for getting you sick" from Nick, nothing happened.
Now we're inching the car closer to the departure zone.
"Hey, kid?" When he first started calling me that, I thought it would go away because of how annoying it was, but it didn't, and I've grown to like it.
"Hmm?" I turn to face Nick as his eyes are watching the cars in front of us.
"Is the reason you left New York waiting for you in LA?"
"No," I say without another thought to the question or to the pain in my throat.
"Do you want them to be?"
I purse my lips and think. I don't know.. I've been avoiding Elizabeth for weeks but saying that I don't want to see her at all would be a complete lie because I miss her. I truly do. For the past couple of nights, I've been having dreams and nightmares about her. Maybe that's what's making my move to LA easier.
"I don't know," I whisper my answer out as Nick nods his head and drops the subject.
"You know, getting to know you these past couple of weeks has been wonderful. I'm happy to know Laurie has such an amazing daughter." The car has now reached my drop-off area. I turn to the older gentleman next to me.
"It's been a pleasure getting to know you too, Nickolas." Nick smiles but rolls his eyes at the awkward way I say his name causing me to laugh, which I regret doing as my warm throat starts fighting me.
"Need help with your bag?" I shake my head no, but Nick is already out of the car, opening the trunk for me. Once I'm about, he's already wheeling my suitcase to me. "Text your mother when you land. She'll be worried sick otherwise."
"I will."
Without thinking, I wrap my arms around Nick and hug him. I feel Nick hesitate before doing the same. It didn't last long, but it was nice. "Thanks again for everything." "Sorry for getting you sick, kid." Now I roll my eyes. "It's alright. I'll see you, Nick." I turn around and start walking to the airport doors.
"Wait!" I turn around to see the car window rolled down with Nick leaning over the passenger seat. "Don't forget to check your bag! You're flying to LA; who knows what someone might do if it's left in the overhead bin." I shake my head at him like he's crazy until I remembered the conversation over dinner last night.
"Literally pee all over my luggage. Someone left their child's toilet up in the top, and during take-off, it flew to the back, smacking everyone's precious cargo." (A/N this story happened on a podcast I used to listen to)
My face morphs in disgust. I shoot Nick a thumbs up as he laughs at my face. "So long, kid!" And with that, I turn back around and head straight towards my airline's desk. Ready to check this bag.
Okay, so that took longer than I thought it would. Of course, it's the beginning of summer, and this place is packed. What was I thinking? Now I'm sprinting, yes, sprinting to my gate! Mind you; I'm still feeling terrible!
It's like a scene out of a movie. I make it to my gate just as the last couple of people are shuffling on. The ticket on my phone goes through, and now I can finally breathe! I follow the people onto the plane, double-checking that I have everything. Phone? Obviously. AirPods? Duh. Cards and ID? Front pocket because what if my bag gets lost because I listened to Nick? Okay, time to find my seat and get rid of this headache.
I picked the worst day to fly.
Does anyone watch the stewardess do the safety instructions in case something happens and you need to step up, or is this just my anxiety making me watch them?
Anyways I feel relieved once they finish up. The person next to me couldn't give a shit. They were on their phone the whole time, and let me tell you, they were getting screamed at by someone through text.
Which weirdly reminds me.
I open my phone. I never finished my conversation with Robbie.
wasn't ignoring you just got on the plane. I'll text you when I land.
After a couple of minutes, Robbie responds.
No sweat I started taking a crack at that other song All Eyes On Me. Are you sure this is suited for me?
Moody indie? Uh yeah dude.
🙄 Saving it for when you get here. have a safe flight.
I exit that conversation, and I'm surprised to see a text from Max I don't remember getting.
"Elizabeth stopped by your place again. I think it might be for the last time. She's leaving ny."
Oh wow. Trying to copy me, Olsen?
I'm trying to formulate a sentence to type back, but I get interrupted when the mean stewardess tells me to put all electronic devices on airplane mode.
I'll just text Maxine back later. As of right now, though, I think it's time to pull out my AirPods, put on a relaxing playlist and tune out that crying baby five rows ahead of me.
Even in first class, I'm nervous. I don't know what it is today, but my nerves are doubled. Ever since we touched down in my home state, I've had this weird feeling.
Was I wrong to leave? Is it wrong to come back home? I should've apologized and seen my sister before leaving. No, I should've fucking chased after Y/N when I had the chance. Oh, God. Should I change my sunglasses and hat?
"Miss Olsen?" I dramatically lift my eyes up from the spot where my engagement ring used to be to see the eyes of the kind stewardess saving me from myself. "If you'd like to follow me." I nod before getting up and following her like a lost puppy. Except lost puppies don't get the stink eye from people, you never met.
Once we make it to the gate, the stewardess leads me to a man waiting with my bags. Well, all except one thing. Y/N's guitar case. Also, who is this man? Why is he here? I can carry my own bags.
"Thank you," I say to the stewards, who gives me a tight-lipped smile before turning back onto the plane. I walk up to the man and thank him for gathering all my belongings, but I can take it from here. He obliges as I double-check that I do indeed have everything except the guitar. I do! So with my purse securely on my shoulder and the bags and cases in my hands, I make my way to baggage claim.
Two naps in one day.
I feel better after the second one. Or at least I thought I did. My eyes aren't tired. My head isn't killing me. But my throat. My throat got worse. Yes, it doesn't pain me as much to speak, but it's extra scratchy, and anytime I do try and speak, it's not my voice. I sound like a different person. Oh goodness, I need cough drops and water quick.
A text to James, Robbie, Max, and my mom later, and I'm the last one off. I've never been that last one off a plane, so I guess I can cross that off my bucket list. Why is it called that? Anyways with no bags carried on with me, it's now time to try to find my airline's baggage claim.
Oh yeah, also, I've never been to LAX before, so this is a new terrifying experience.
I hate that I'm doing this by myself.
I shouldn't have listened to Nick. I swear I've watched hundreds of people come by and be gone while I'm still here. I literally watched a guy walk around the corner, come by, scoop up his bag and walk straight into a car waiting for him. What the fuck?
Also, some people have zero sense of fashion. I know I don't, but I was learning a thing or two from the Olsens. Plus, I'm gay, so it's different.
Anygays, after watching the black suitcase with red lining pass by for the 7,495 time, I'm about to give up when brand new bags start coming down.
I watch as the crowd around me starts to grow. I had to do a double take when I thought I saw a woman in an LA Dodgers cap hanging around, but I didn't see her anymore, and I have to remember I'm actually in California now, so that's probably normal.
Finally, I saw it! My large suitcase was making its way to me. Without much of a struggle, I'm able to pull off the belt and make sure that, yes, it's mine. I'm about to finally walk away when something catches my eye.
I watch as it slides its way down before slowly making it was past me. It can't be. I look over the stickers on the case. Surely someone else has my exact same ones.
Except no one has my Davey-made sticker for my high school track team. Only one was made.
And there it is.
I watch as the case passes the people to my right. "Hey." I croak out of my throat as I watch a hand go and grab the case. Shit. They didn't hear me. When did so many people get here?
"Excuse me." "Get out of my way." "Sorry."
These are all the things I'm spitting out as the power starts coming back into my voice as I'm rushing to whoever thinks they can't steal my guitar case.
How the fuck do they have it?
"Hey, stop," I call out once I'm behind the person. "You with the case!" Fucking unbelievable! They're ignoring me.
"Hey!" I clear my throat once more and get right up behind the person before grabbing the bottom of my case from them pulling them back towards me.
"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
It took long enough, but it's finally here in my hands. I'm surprised I haven't been recognized with how long I was just standing there waiting.
I thought I saw someone who looked a lot like Y/N peer their way toward me, but I lost them in the ever-growing crowd.
Anyways. It's finally here in my hand. I hear some commotion behind me, but I'm too tired to see what that's about. I just want to "Hey!" get to Aubrey's before bringing this guitar to Robb-
"Who the fuck do you think you are!"
I feel the guitar case being pulled from behind as my hand gets yanked back, turning me around.
"Hey!" I yell before our eyes meet.
Y/N & Liz POV
It's her! She's here in front of me!! Don't fuck this up.
Part 27
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Master post!!!!!
Welcome to the wasteland traveler!! You're unsure how you even ended up here, but you're in luck or.... lack of luck? Because you've stumbled upon a group of living elements!! Not just ANYY elements, THESE BAD BOYS ARE RADIOACTIVE TOO!!!
1.Keep things sfw here, I'm a minor and I want this blog to be available to anyone (old enough to be on this site!!!) 2. READ THE LORE AND CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS!!! I really don't want to answer the same question a million times-
3. You CAN flirt with the adult characters as long as it sfw (Rule one)
The story takes place in a wasteland separated from the rest of society, guarded day in and day out. The elements are kept here because they're considered a danger to society and the safety of humanity. for generations the other elements have lived ignorant, unaware that their peers are living in isolation. You, (The readers) have heard rumors of this places existence and decided to secretly explore this forbidden land...
(Element persons life spans are usually around 50-60 years. At the end of their lives a new element person emerges repeating the cycle)
Bissie (Bismuth) She/her
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Being the lightest and least radioactive element of the group, Bissie was always viewed as the weakest link, that is un till Tori emerged. For the longest time she believed that she doesn't belong amongst the radioactive elements given how weak hers is, but learned how to live with it eventually. Bissie is flamboyant, over the top and extra emotional. She's seemingly a bit more compassionate towards outsiders than the others, more willing to interact.
Polo (Polonium) he/him
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We're jumping straight from least deadly to most deadly, meet every ones favorite insane green man!!!! Polo is silent, unsettling and deadly. He almost never talks, or even interacts with people, resorting to just death glaring at them. Voted most likely to try and strangle a polar bear!!! Polo cares, or at least the others hope he cares, he shows it in his own weird Polo way that no one really understands....
Tina (Astatine) She/her
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Tina has no filter, she says what she thinks and if you don't like that? TOO DANM BAD!!! It's not like she'll ever care. She's physically weak, due to Astatines short half-life, and has horrible vision. Unfortunately unable to get glasses for obvious reasons. Tina relies on her wit to get out of dangerous situations unlike someone like Polo who can just scare his opponents away. Speaking of Polo, He and Tina have this ongoing beef with each other that started wayyyyyyyyyyy back when they were kids, and won't end any time soon if they both don't grow tf up.
Rade (Radon) He/him
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Rade is the only gas element around here, due to this he has the ability to fly. He's the only level headed person here and the one others go to for comfort. He can be distant, struggling to bond with the others as much as he wished he could. He emerged without arms, given his disability he had to adapt using different methods, like mimicking arms using Radon gas, however this can kill him if he overdoes it. Despite being the most light weight of the bunch Rade is a force to be reckoned with, given the amount of radon gas in the wasteland giving him the ability to kind of control the air around him.
Francene (Francium) She/they
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Francene is the least confrontational and least hostile of everyone, they're really quiet and soft spoken. She's constantly in pain, given Franciums 22 minute half-life, they always look like they're falling apart or melting. They almost never leave the base since her condition leaves her helpless in most cases. so she stays behind and looks after the base and Tori, though that also leaves them in a lot of pain. So far they haven't found anything that helps with their condition.
Rai (Radium) They/them
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Rai is the happies person you'll meet here, seems to ignore everything negative happening in favor of pretending it's all normal. Needless to say they're very delusional. Despite that there's still some semblance of awareness just very well hidden. They do the wildest shit for no real reason other than they can. They kind of look weak but are amongst the stronger characters, an important asset to the team.
Aki (Actinium) She/her
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Aki is.... a character.... She's sort of like Rai, but worse. No awareness whatsoever. She's wild, weird, loud, obnoxious and is always the one to cause trouble the others have to deal with. She regularly gives Francene and Ura heart attacks, probably her favorite activity. The worst part being she's completely unaware of these aspects of herself. Or at least pretends to be unaware. Given she has 4 arms her mobility is increased compared to the others making her an exceptional fighter.
Tori (Thorium) She/her
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Toris very existence is an anomaly, she should have emerged at least 9-10 years ago. She's every ones baby, if anything bad happens to her you have 9 very angry radioactive people coming to take down whoever dared harm the child. She's not allowed far away from the base, not even with company for reasons (Ura being paranoid). She's very curious about the world she's forced to grow up in and constantly asks questions about it, some of which can't really be answered.
Tek (Protactinium) He/him
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The chill older brother, basically the equivalent of a stoner. He stopped caring about a lot of things at a young age, he thinks it's pointless to stress about things you can't change or influence in any way, so he doesn't. Self proclaimed "Realist". He mostly just sits around and only helps out if he gets yelled at enough. Every once in a while the others go "Why tf are we even letting this dude stay here" And he goes "Bc you guys love me like a brother." and everyone goes yeah and drops the question for a few weeks.
Ura (Uranium) She/her
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Ura's the designated mom character that's chronically exhausted and paranoid!!!! She's the oldest and strongest out of the bunch and feels the need to protect the others. Each of her arrows has the potential to be a mini nuke (Just has a similar shape of explosion to a nuke not nearly as destructive and deadly). She was forced to raise the others since she was 14, with no help, so she still views them as kids to an extent. She has her own set of problems she has to deal with but can't because therapy isn't a thing in the wasteland unfortunately!!!!! She's Toris primary caretaker and has raised her since Tori was an infant.
Go wild with the asks!!
reblogs appreciated!!!
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