#this isn't directed at you anon
jlf23tumble · 1 year
What do you think about Louis kissing Freddie on the lips in his documentary? I guess he's trying to make it clear that he's Freddie's dad, well at least wants people to think it, and yet Larries are saying he was forced into it. Sigh.
My kneejerk reaction is, uh, yeah, for at least two YEARS now, he's been makin' it crystal clear, lol, stop following blogs that edit shit out, but also, I haven't seen the doc--I'm going one week from tomorrow!--so come back and ask me then. One thing I cannot abide in the one direction fandom is the contextless goldfish brain takes on shit, I'm happy to give my thoughts when a) someone sends me the full clip, including before and after it, and/or b) I see the whole thing myself. Will i know peace when people who say they support a 31YO white millionaire who seems to be on top of his game actually get and support the fact that he's on top of his game? I'd like to think so, but i have a lot of other interests, so it really doesn't factor into my daily, ergo we'll never know if that's the deciding factor
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genericpuff · 5 months
Intresting how its only trivializing and mocking green myths when non-greek white people do it, but not when non-greek poc do it. Its almost if you dont actually care
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lmao bro what
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i literally have zero clue what you're arguing here, "stop criticizing rachel for writing her greek myth retelling from a predominantly whitewashed westernized and christian-washed point view" ?? yeah okay lol
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I was told by someone that I couldn’t call myself a transsexual because I had to go off T for health reasons and I haven’t had any gender affirming surgeries yet since I’m poor and disabled. Is this true? What are like, the requirements to be a transsexual? /gen
The requirements to be transsexual: to identify as transsexual
This might seem too... straightforward, but genuinely, medical transition is so complex and individual that it's worthless to make it so ridged. There are so many reasons you have to stop some aspect(s) of transition, even if you didn't want to! That doesn't mean you never transitioned or that it's "lesser" now that you stopped.
Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, I, for one, couldn't care less if you call yourself a transsexual. To my mind, it is as political as it is an identity. Being a transsexual isn't just about your identity but also your place in this world. "Transsexual menace" isn't just a cutesy little slogan but a political battle cry. It can be an attitude about changing sex, about the lucid and plastic nature of people, and so much more.
The word transsexual was made and popularized, honestly, with the idea that we are separate from others. I think we can take this back and make it ours. We can start by actually making it our own, not the cis world's own.
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winepresswrath · 7 months
hi! i always love your MDZS/CQL takes; can i ask what are the questions you think CQL is asking, as compared to MDZS?
I haven't actually revisited either canon in ages, which is making me nervous. what questions the novel is interested in can be pretty contentious all on its own! @mikkeneko has an excellent answer in the notes here which I reccomend to everyone. My own thoughts are honestly pretty scattered- I keep on deleting things and going hm, that's not quite right.
So, for the obvious-to-me example, people reasonably zero in on the creation of innocent doctors/radish farmers who Wen Ruohan is holding hostage. In CQL it's easy to infer that Wen Qing and Wen Ning are maybe the only cultivators and almost certainly the only combatants among the Wen remnants, and their status is much more ambiguous in the novel, which I personally think is asking, essentially, "and so what? were they wrong to run, when they had a chance? Do they deserve what Jin Guangshan will do to them if they go back? Aren't they just people, actually?" Whereas the question that CQL is asking is more to the effect of "What does Wen Qing owe these people, when she is their only defence? What is she entitled to do to save them, at other people's expense? If she fucks up that moral calculus, what then? Does it matter if she's personally fond of some of the outsiders who are going to get hurt? If one of them saved her brother? Later, this question will flip to what Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng, and the parallel to Jiang Cheng's situation in particular is, I think, genuinely pretty fun. You're giving up the Wen as soldiers who've laid down their arms in exchange for Wen Qing also grappling with leadership and the question of how many horrors she can stand to look the other way on to protect her own people. one reason I keep deleting so much is that a lot cql's changes were motivated at least in part by censorship, which I think we mostly share a general and justified distaste for! but I also think that within the bounds of that censorship the creative team put a lot of work into actually doing something interesting with those changes. Or, for another example- nieyao! There's a much greater emphasis on the nmj-jgy relationship, it's unambiguously very close and they are clearly extremely important to one another, and I think that's because the cql team has a lot to say about love, trust, power, and the ways those things interact, and that reflects back on all of the other relationships in play, including Wangxian. Almost every time, when CQL chooses change a relationship they make the characters in question closer- that's true for Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji, for Wen Qing and the Yunmeng contingent, for Zixuan and Mianmian, and Huaisang and Meng Yao. It's even true for Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, who have a close and trusting relationship in first life! CQL puts a much greater emphasis on "all right, so you care, what next?" How do you choose someone and then choose to be good to them? What if there's a massive power disparity between you? What if you seriously disagree about your priorities and morals? How do you trust someone who's betrayed you? When is it a stupid choice to trust at all? How do you have faith that you know someone well enough for that trust to be meaningful?
for legal reasons i would like to specify that it's not that mdzs isn't interested in these problems. i do remember wangxian's literal trust fall. cql is asking these questions all the time about everyone. also for legal purposes i'm not suggesting that cql lwj and jc love each other. but! they establish a three month wartime partnership looking for wwx and then jc immediately drops him on wwx's say-so despite apparently having a positive enough opinion of him to tell wwx he thinks they should make up twice. lan wangji will later tell wwx he thinks he should loop jc in on the second flautist! these are people trying to navigate some kind of relationship/shared interest/community, as opposed to a hateful void. cql wants to say hey, how do you go about this? while I'm here and rambling cql also puts a lot of emphasis on wwx's connection to yunmeng and changes things up so instead of feeling alienated right before he leaves our last glimpse of him there is happily picking lotuses and playing with a kid! in both stories the narrative is asking who do you protect? who do you leave behind? can you ever get it back? but the angles are very different.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
This idea that Zuko is sexist is an annoying and ridiculous argument that seems to have popped up out of nowhere. Whenever someone accusing him of sexism can be bothered to even pretend to have evidence of his sexism (and they usually can't be bothered to pretend), they cite his fights with Katara. Let me be perfectly clear- just because Katara happens to be a girl, doesn't make Zuko sexist for fighting her. She is presenting herself as an opponent and Zuko is responding in kind. That is the opposite of sexist. What would be sexist is if he refused to fight Katara because she's a girl. Zuko has his faults. Sexism isn't one of them, and if the people accusing him of it based on their meager evidence would pull their heads out of their butts and got a breath of fresh air, maybe they would realize how sexist their arguments are.
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bandzboy · 1 month
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I thought the boycott was only from April 1st until May 1st? But it's still ongoing?
well yes that was a boycott to build some pressure obviously people were slacking but since no one is divesting from these brands or firing anyone it's pretty much ongoing until something changes
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 month
i can’t get past the “girls want girls” caption 👀
and yes i am projecting 😂🤤
Lol sadly tho, she didn't write that caption. She wouldn't. Babygirl is continuously fighting for her life to beat the allegations 🥴
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satyrradio · 22 days
also im just gonna put this out there since i keep getting questions like this bc i'm intersex:
I cannot tell you if someone you know irl is faking being intersex. If you think they are, then avoid them, but I don't know this person and unless they've explicitly said that they're pretending to be intersex, I do not know whether they are lying or not.
I also cannot tell you if you are intersex. If you think you have an intersex condition, go to the doctor and get tested. I do not know you, and I am not a doctor. I only know my specific condition.
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
it seems like it's real - a couple of folks on twitter have posted the documents to google drive and it looks legit. really fucking hope ashley and the dogs are someplace safe and okay right now.
how did they access the court records so quickly? restraining orders are public in california but even so, you need to put in a request and be granted access. sometimes there are even fees you have to pay
wow! super not cool of them! bc yeah ok technically public info but that shit is private and we shouldn't be putting it on blast
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impishtubist · 11 months
Would it be possible for you to unarchive your Hedric fics for like a day? I want to download them for my own Hedric collection.
I'm really sorry, anon, but no. People wouldn't stop being dicks about Remus to me directly, so now I've taken all your toys away. And that sucks! I get it! I hate that I had to remove 20 stories I enjoyed writing and sharing with people, but I'm over all of you losing your minds at me because I had to the audacity to call Remus a coward and a damp towel (which he is).
They might go up again someday. I don't know. But that might in be six months or a year or five years or never.
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
"Maybe I drink too much for a singer. Maybe I smoke too much for a singer. But it can be quite demanding, this life. So, for me to have those little vices, it's important." - Louis for The Telegraph
He even acknowledges himself that he smokes and drinks A LOT. but he sees it as his little pleasures in life. He says he needs it because he finds the life he lives demanding. He also once said that he needs a drink before the show to calm his nerves. So that sounds very much like he uses alcohol and cigarettes as a coping mechanism. That is NOT healthy. Wherever the memory loss comes from, he still has a problem with drugs and alcohol. He admits it in almost every interview! He just doesn’t see that it is a problem. Just like you :) instead of making fun of people who are concerned about Louis, you should at least acknowledge the fact that these concerns are very reasonable to have at this point. You don’t have to agree but making fun of it makes you look like a fool who is deeply in denial about reality.
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honestly would like to hear about your student hyun thoughts 👀
General thoughts or fic specific ones? Become I've been trying really hard to shut down any fic specific ones so, I don't give in and write this fic lmao. I'll just share some that have cropped up. Putting then under the cut because I don't know how long this'll be and I never shut up about Hyunjin so.
- You bump into him at a party Chris practically grovelled for you to attend.
- You know all of Chris's friends but, he's new. Chris tells you that's Hyunjin and that he started at the same university like 2 months ago. They're in the same music course.
- He's hot and his glasses just make him hotter. You're also tipsy enough to not feel self-conscious approaching him so, you.
- He's very shy and gets easily flustered. He sounds just as tipsy as you and, you're not sure if his face is pink because he's not sober or because you're making him shy.
- You not so subtly suggest going somewhere more private. His face is speeding from pink to red but, he agrees. Letting you drag him to one of the abandoned rooms in the house.
- He's very cute and respectful. Telling you don't have to do anything yada yada and, it just makes you want to kiss him more. So, you ask him and he stutters horribly through a yes.
- You eventually find yourself crawling into his lap and based on the way his large hands grope your hips, he doesn't mind much. It gets messy and heated very quickly when you grind down on the erection you can feel clear as day through his pants.
- He's stuttering out sorrys into your mouth for getting hard but, you assure him it's okay. You've been wet since you two first started kissing. He nearly has an aneurysm at the revelation.
- Straight up almost has a stroke when you ask to suck him off. It's very endearing and the fog on his lenses just adds to that.
- This is long enough but, Reader sucks him off. He cums very quickly and apologises profusely because it's him despite how many times you tell him it's okay.
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copying anon over here because i went to save the ask to my drafts and tumblr sent it directly to the shadow realm, welp:
I dug through your rambles about Hermes, so I'm looking forward to thoughts on Erich with the ancient world's everything lol ~
ahhhh thank you, i'm glad you've enjoyed my rambles so far!! i've been taking the second half of the pandaemonium arc more slowly, partly because i'm been Out of It the last few days and partly because the direction the plotline with erich and lahabrea has taken a turn for has been leaving a really bad taste in my mouth. i've been making my way through it, though, and percolating Deeply on the He and how he and pandaemonium as a whole fit into all this. spoiler alert i love him even more now
(on the one hand, it finally helped me articulate some points that imo make or break an 'abusive parent sees the error of their ways and apologizes up and down and swears to do better, and both that and the context in which the abuse happened leave their victim feeling conflicted about it' arc. so there's that! on the other hand it, uh. it did so by very much being the goofus here lmao, and erich deserved better.)
(the way the whole thing is played off is also just, deeply deeply misogynistic. athena is top-tier nastywoman and i love her for it, and 'mothers--in particular white women, especially to their children of color--can be shitty and predatory and abusive and are accountable for it full stop,' is great abuse rep but fucking WOWZERS)
(which like, i will say that the overtones are not at all lost on me that athena repeatedly goes out of her way to prey on, abuse, and violate not just men of color but black men; dehumanizes them and treats them and their bodies as her property; and is strongly implied to have sexually abused erich in particular. and how the one who gets the brunt of it is her biracial, very VERY not white-passing son, who she isolated from the black side of his family to do whatever she wanted with. it is insanely fucking refreshing to see that shit not cushioned at ALL, and it really sucks that that had to come bundled in with the abuse apologia and misogyny.)
(i am also realizing that this is one of the reasons erich whitewashing, and how common it is in the fandom as well as official art, bothers me so much beyond the obvious. while it's uncertain how much of it was intentional, his narrative evokes not just real-world racism but colorism, and a specific brand of it and how it intersects with abuse. even if just on a doylist level erich was abused for being as dark-skinned as he is, and erasing that is even shittier than your run-of-the-mill whitewashing.)
(anyway. ANYWAY. anyway. all that is a post of its own and i haven't even gotten to the parts about ancient society yet. you see what i mean by having a lot of thoughts about him lmao)
i'm hoping to finish the last leg of the questline tonight so i can start fully putting my thoughts together because god there is SO MUCH, and i'm excited even if i foresee having to grit my teeth through the rest of the moments between him and lahabrea lmao
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Did ??? ankha not participate in round two ?? Im new here and i wanted to see what her current standings are but even tho she won her first round i cannot find her in the round two results at all
She's my fave :c
don't worry, she's already moved on to round 4! She won her round 2 poll 74.8% / 25.2% over anchovey, and her round 3 poll closed two days ago 68.7% / 31.3% over amelia. she's in the round 2 results, just decently far into the middle so it can be easy to miss
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Atheists don’t need a reason for why we don’t want to be called “cultural Christians” the fact that we don’t want to be called that is reason enough! When it comes to every other group on this site they are allowed to identify however they want and outsiders don’t get to define them but when it comes to atheists who are ex Christian that rules doesn’t apply for some reason!!! Fuck that!!
Anywhere outside of this site, "cultural Christian" is a *self-identifier* used by people who don't identify as Christian but still feel a connection to the Christian culture they were raised in.
And people try to justify calling individuals "cultural Christians" with "oh, well I don't mean you're ACTUALLY a Christian, I just mean you need to acknowledge that Christianity has influenced your culture and so you need to unpack some of your beliefs!"
Which is true! But it's true of EVERYONE. So if you wouldn't feel comfortable calling an American Jew or Muslim a 'cultural Christian', maybe YOU should unpack why you think atheists are uniquely vulnerable to social influence and therefore subject to being forcibly identified by a religion they've explicitly rejected.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 month
Hardware Store is a Weird Al song. During the bridge, he lists off a bunch of different tools and appliances very quickly, which I suppose could be considered "rap" if you've never listened to an actual rap song.
#:v#listen as someone with a very very entry level knowledge of rap#there is absolutely rap music you (general you not you anon) can find that you'll enjoy#for pop rap doja's early music like cyber sex and all of planet her is a great place to start#Someone with more knowledge could absolutely give real directions for where to start#it's just crazy to me because there are so many genuinely great artists out there that people will never even try because it's rap#ik for a lot of people this is there first big exposure to rap because of the beef going on but like#kendrick has great music beyond his shit hating drake like go listen to some of his albums#the problem is white people generally are so unused to not being centered#so when there's art that isn't centering whiteness they often write it off#and those internal biases we hold as people raised in a white supremacist culture compounds with the propaganda and conditioning#it's something we as white people have to consistently and constantly work on#we have to focus on decentering and deprogramming ourselves#and i think a good easy simple base level start is engaging with media that isn't made by white people#whether that be music movies books tv shows#and like sure it's ''just not liking music''#but have you even ever tried?#have you ever actually listened to a rap song without writing it off immediately as a ''rap song''?#There is music out there that I'm sure you'd enjoy if you let yourself enjoy it#also like. you can be normal about a genre of music not really doing it for you#I'm sure#I can't relate because there isn't a genre of music I don't like out of hand#but for the people that do I'm sure you can be normal about not liking it#I believe in you#anon#ask
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