#this isnt about twit or anything
banqanas · 4 months
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thing i've been slowly working on these days _(:3JL)_
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ekuns · 11 months
you know, with my art i dont really care about the amount of notes it gets on any site anymore. i couldnt care less about if it gets seen by many or little. but with my writing, it really kinda sucks that almost no one looks at it and if they do they almost never continue reading past the first book...
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mellonieee · 1 month
Mellonie does FOP + A New Wish Analysis: 1
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This is what a week of AC and Antifairy brainrot has led to. After this I think I’m going to actually watch through the entire original series from the Oh Yeah! Shorts all the way to Season 10. (Hopefully I wont hate it too much.) And then rewatch ANW again once it hits streaming for the full FOP experience. And also so I could maybe do more of this analysis stuff, its fun.
Plans for later aside, this and any I do in the future, will only use episodes the character actually appears in, and not ones that they are merely mentioned in. Its also important to note that I likely wont use all the episodes the Character appears in.
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That old black magic is the introduction to Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, and the Anti-Fairies as a whole. They’re described as “Regular Fairies, but anti.”
This episode establishes a few things:
1.Fairy magic cannot interfere with Anti-fairy magic.
2.On Friday the 13th, Antifairies escape from Fairyworld and cause bad luck. Antifairies are naturally drawn to anything that triggers bad luck to happen.
3.Antifairies can only be seen by humans with anti-fairy goggles.
4.Antifairies are opposites of their fairy counterpart in personality. AW is “incredibly stupid and eats with her feet.” AC is “not an idiot, in any matter once so ever.”
But what’s really interesting about this episode is what Jorgen and Anti-Cosmo have to say about the anti-fairies.
“No one is allowed in Anti-fairy world!”
“You see, we’ve been trapped behind that blasted barrier for centuries.”
Jorgen, you cant just imprison a whole group without expecting any problems. Its no wonder they wanted to escape so badly. Is causing bad luck something, well, bad, enough to warrant the imprisonment of an entire race? The anti-fairies arent good at all, obviously, but they are biologically made to thrive off of bad luck and negative energy. This really muddies the waters when it comes to seeing this as a solely ‘black and white’ situation. Most, but not all, of what AC does is for the antifairies. He’s evil and chaotic by nature, but he’s not evil evil, yknow.
There isnt really anything else noteworthy to say about that old black magic outside of this, but I did notice that AC knew Timmy’s name despite the fact he never met him before that point, somehow. I merely brush it off as a minor goof and just figure AC mustve made a lucky (haha) guess, but if you want a crazy theory to explain it, then maybe anti-fairies share vague recollections or memories with their fairy counterparts. I dont actually think thats true, but theres your food for thought.
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The second appearance of the antifairies, The Gland Plan instantly ditches the entire ‘antifairy goggles’ thing, which is honestly for the better, even if I do think it made anti-fairies more unique. They are sadly never getting the invisibilty thing back.
This episode establishes that the faggigly gland is a special organ in a fairies body that allows the fairy to change shape, and that both fairies and anti-fairies have one. Fairy biology in general is really questionable, especially if you factor in the angel forms from A New Wish, but thats a topic for another day.
A few things to note:
1.This is the start of that “Hello, Clarice.” quote that AC and Foop/Irep use. Its a reference to Silence of the Lambs but its a misquote anyway because Lecter never even says hello to Clarice.
2.AC claims that he cant see a thing without his monocle. If he isnt lying about that and isnt using the monocle only as a symbol of prestige, then he has really terrible eyesight and is most likely completely blind in one eye.
3.Despite AC calling his wife a twit, he prefaces it by saying that he loves her very much. Most instances of AC talking to his wife does include him being typically annoyed when she messes with his plans, but outside of that he acts courteous towards her. (“Chin up, my beloved Anti-Wanda! Your savior, Anti-Cosmo, will have you all free presently!”)
4.The more questionable line is when Anti-Cosmo and Cosmo are having the operation and AC claims that if he does live, Cosmo should take his wife. Needless to say, AC words things very poorly at times, but this statement does have them acknowledging that an anti-fairy and a fairy could hypothetically be with one another’s counterpart.
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“Cosmo, old friend, since we both carry a piece of each other inside of us, I see no reason for us to do battle. But I warn you, don't look for me.”
AC doesnt hold that much ill-will towards Cosmo like how I figure most would expect him to. He seems to be fed up and annoyed by his counterpart’s foolishness, but he does not despise him.
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Right as the episode ends, Timmy brings up the idea that maybe more than the faggigly glands got transplanted. There isnt much evidence to support this outside of the brief voice change Anti-Cosmo and Cosmo had, but I’m starting to think Timmy was right considering how Anti-Cosmo acts in A New Wish.
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I dont know if AC and AW retired like Wanda and Cosmo did, but I feel like AC’s very obvious decline in intelligence is a likely theory as to why Irep now seems to be in charge of the anti-fairies as shown in A New Wish.
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I frankly can’t see the New Wish Version of AC leading the antifairies compared to how he acted in the old show. Not when he now thinks leaving a cage unattended is a “good idea.” That isnt something AC would say at all if we’re going off of his original characterization. It’s interesting to think of a reason in-universe as to how he went from “not an idiot, in any matter once so ever.” to someone who definitely is not as smart as he use to be.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
"you’re soooo disgusted by incest that you’re willing to harass people who talk about it, but not disgusted enough to stop funding the company that continues producing content you’re supposedly so disgusted by? Miss me with that shit" you forgot that here is the 3dr category, the people who do boycott but bully others for not doing it. Like the people who bullied streamers who bought Hogwarts Legacy (i don't play the game nor care for it but damn)
That asides, Fe incest is limited to subtext between siblings that never go far, incest protrayed as wrong in several games and if it's the Avatar, you have the game's excuse to explain why it technically isnt' because Fe games are targeted at teens so they can't go too far with it, just like they have to be careful with the fanservice within the game.
Also, forgot to say this, but they'd also have to boycott greek mythology or mythology in general. And historical text such as Cleopatra marrying her brother (though t'was political) or the famous rumors about the Borgia family though it turn out to be false but never prevented people to use it in fictions (cough, cough Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas)
Oh boy someone's giving me the opportunity to talk about the stupid wizard game it's my lucky day!
I'm not going to argue that harassment didn't happen to streamers who played the game, but I was pretty deep in the sauce following the fallout for this and 99.9999999999999999999999% of the commentary I saw was just people saying basic shit like "trans rights", telling the streamer that they were disappointed in their decision to purchase and play the game on stream and they would not be watching/following any longer, and pointing out that your $60 to trans lifeline wasn't gonna do jack shit compared to the disgusting amount of influence JK has.
(Just so everyone is clear... I, you know, I agree with these statements. Especially that last point, that "but I donated $60 to trans lifeline!" is a placebo to make yourself feel like you've done something to counterbalance. A dollar in JKR's pocket is worth a hundred in trans lifeline's, because JKR has a fuckton of money she can throw at anything she wants to support or oppose, is friends with people in government who will listen to her, and despite the backlash she's still an incredibly well known, influential person. Streamers and Youtubers are even worse tbh, because not only did they put money in JKR's pockets, they're now actively advertising and profiting off of the game. Why don't you put all of the profits you make from your streams toward trans lifeline too, if you're such an ally?)
And this is not something where I was just going into pro-trans-people-should-be-allowed-to-live circles. I was looking at compilations from supporters of the streamers trying to condemn people for the hate, and this was the kind of thing people were pulling up. Now I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure when you're trying to demonstrate that brutal harassment is happening, you go for the most fucked up shit you can find. Sooooo if that's the best they were coming up with, either their perception of what constitutes harassment is grievously warped, or they genuinely couldn't find anything harder than someone on twit with a trans flag in their display name saying "trans rights". Which is... telling.
I did, however, see a lot of really disgusting harassment from transphobes leaving hateful shit on youtube videos and tweets from trans creators! You can find it pretty easily, actually, it's literally all over any trans creator's videos speaking up about the game. Even chill ones that were like "I'm not saying you're a bad person for buying this game, but you're not my ally" which, you know. Yeah.
So like, you know, ~cis opinions~ and all, but kiiiiiiiinda feels like maybe one side was blatantly trying to martyr streamers based on some critique they received and maybe a small group of bad actors harassing them to motivate and justify harassment of trans people. Which, you know, if you've ever been a member of a marginalized community, should be an extremely familiar tactic to you by now.
And the thing that really fucks me off is that it's not hard to enjoy the stupid wizard game without putting money into the pockets of someone who literally wants their fellow humans dead. This is a very rare instance in life where you actually can have your cake and eat it too. Just buy it used, I've been saying that for months. The profit from used games go entirely to the store you purchased them from. And hey, another reason to not let physical die out! It requires that someone, somewhere buy it new first, but let's be real we all know that people were gonna buy the stupid wizard game and there was nothing we were gonna be able to do to stop them.
That's what I was going to do if the game piqued my interest (which tbh, the more I saw of it the less interested in actually playing it at some point I got. I mean I like the stupid wizard world as much as the next Zilennial but they aren't selling me shit unless it's a cozy wizard school life sim. There aren't even romance options! That's like half the reason to play a not!Bioware game! And I don't want to play a stupid 15 year old. And I've heard all of the outfits are atrocious and I'm sorry, I'm a fashion over function player.)
Also, while I'm ranting, here's an unpopular opinion for you: the blatant dick sucking by review outlets of one of the most mid looking games of 2023 was excruciatingly painful to watch. Did you see some of those reviews? Fucking ridiculous. "There's only six spells, the texture pop in is godawful, the game runs like shit, the world is boring. 9/10". Like yeah I get that review outlets are naturally going to be biased toward positive reviews so they can continue getting early access and perks, but GOD they could at least pretend. And it'll still probably get GotY because it's the wizard IP you remember from when you were a kid! Member? I member!
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orenjibot · 5 months
Haha. I was like mega flipping my shit over it on twit cause i’m still working stuff out in my brain but!
Turns out i might also be autistic. Like mild autism perhaps.
Like… i always thought it was just an adhd thing? But it would make sense if i have both cause there were a few things i couldnt explain about myself in very small ways with just my adhd in particular.
But it would make sense if it was autism cause it also explains why i would always analyze smth like i was picking it apart to understand it. It was never smth i just understood without words, i had to actively pick things apart to understand it? I thought i was curious but no it was because i couldnt understand how the world works so i WANTED to understand. I get incredibly frustrated when i cant understand smth at all. It makes no sense and it hurts me and angers me i dont get it. I get insanely angry! Like irrationally so!
In turn i realized how that thinking and putting things in to set categories and patterns in my head has caused me to misunderstand a lot of social situations too. Like its not too bad but i defs mistake ppl’s intentions and stuff bc the way they word things isnt clear to me (taking things literally/at face value).
I also realized this mindset has also influenced how i saw regular human things like bonds of any kind and how i expect ppl to treat me bc i thought these are normal things i took very literally. Like i only understood jokes as things ppl say to be funny and used in any other situations like directed @ me means u are making fun of me and DISRESPECTING me… when all they wanted to do was make a joke and be light hearted.
Idk if this counts as autism but i also misunderstood friendship like just vibing with each other isnt rly friendship cause to be friends u usually have to do more than that. This is largely driven by the fact i, personally, had to put in more work into friendships due to being horribly neurodivergent and not understanding how to talk to ppl too (being bullied was also a factor). A friendship to me is one where u have to understand me and not just me understanding you so anything else that isnt just that isnt rly a friendship to me so i approached every friendship like i have to understand how ppl worked in order to be friends with them. This is apparently NOT a normal thing people do. This can also be attributed to my adhd and is likely more cause it, but the fact i didn’t understand that friendship wasn’t so… give and take made me realize how much pressure i was putting on others to understand me, i just thought that was normal and like a given cause i do it, why can’t you? I took everyone not giving me that as a sign of either disrespect or disinterest and took it as “oh u want a shallow relationship with me”. Like i took friendship too seriously when i shouldnt have.
There were also gestures i took as negative and hostile, and triggering my RSD but also that it didnt adhere to what i understood what being friends was. I figured I was weird and oddly sensitive about interactions, but i did find it really really weird how it was very specific and particular gestures. I cant understand it so it is making me UNCOMFORTABLE; less like “man idgi” and more “this is making me feel so incredibly HURT and uncomfortable that i feel like crying”.. to the level of wanting to cut off ties or discarding them entirely.
It now made me reevaluate what happened between me and ann as well. Like, yeah, i DONT think what she did was nice or correct but the treatment i gave her was too drastic without explanation. I don’t feel the need to be her friend or approach her since she didnt try to approach me either (also blocked me at one point after i unblocked her so yah lol). She never said that i misunderstood her at all, i was the one always having to do that?? And i kinda didnt like that… and she was giving a lot of…. Yellow and a few red flags. Like it was hard to approach her to let Her Know she did smth wrong cause she always took it so dismissively/defensively too. If anything, i do think i should apologize to her for not realizing that a lot was because i didnt realize i was autistic, but sadly i don’t feel the need to wanna chat with her unless she does so first or the occasion comes up. I have always felt the need to apologize for her for that cause that was indeed my fault, but… Im also kinda petty and stubborn so i want her to actually apologize instead of like? Be a pussy lmao. Like I forgive her more for her response then, but i still didn’t like how she casually threw me aside for being direct. Like that was a HUGE deal for me cause my exfriend did that and acted like NOTHING happened. Like bro… i was very hurt man by you doing that even in a normal situation 😭
I took a few tests to rly be sure it is a mild thing and not some misreading. And they all came out mild/moderate… its like high but not definite severe. It is very close to it so im like.. well fuck.
I will go get a diagnosis at one point but realizing this made me just…. Realize so much things. Like it all just… clicked.
I feel like i should apologize to cam about that too.. just a whole bunch of things.
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kaedesfleawaltz · 2 years
Maybe I’ll just go on an unfollow spree since I’m not into dr much atm and try and use this blog again
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lilyeeveeex · 2 years
The way tumblr users talk about twitter is so fucking funny its like a massive telephone game of misinfo. "At least we don't have to censor words!!" Dude nobody does that. I think the only time I've seen somebody censor anything was if they were avoiding hate from a certain group and that's incredibly rare. "Blank blogs are from twitter!" But not really? That's not much of a thing there, and bots on twitter certainly don't function like that. Honestly it would be fucking funny if it wasn't put on my dash all the fucking time.
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maaykaepussy · 4 years
So i was rewatching trollhunters and 3below to see Douxie's cameos and damn there was so much in there that I hadnt even noticed
I mean we all knew he was a little suspicious and basically knew he was most likely gonna be in Wizards during the end scene of 3below
There were some things I havent noticed before tho.
Douxie Cameos: a personal analysis
1. During the time we were first introduced to Douxie in trollhunters S3E1 "Night Patroll", he was probably not even flirting with Claire in the way we thought (like a potential love rival for Jim) but probably bc he knew about her and what she was capable of in terms of magic. And when he says "I hope to see you again, Fair lady Claire" it seems suspiscious of him and we thought he flirting some more but I'm quite sure he means to see her again in a way involving what was going on. We never know, he probably knew what the trollhunters have been up to and have seen Claire do magic. From what we saw in Wizards, he was basically helping Arcadia too by defeating magical monsters, I imagine, and so I have no doubt he has seen them probably a few times or since he is a wizard, he used magic to see whats been going on in Arcadia since it was also his job to keep the material plane safe.
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1.2 not a Douxie cameo but I've noticed in the episode "Arcadia's most wanted" they mentioned pets were going missing. (Probably it really was Gluug who ate the pets) but in Wizards E1, Douxie caught who he thought was the possible culprit to who was eating all the pets. I dont exactly know if Gluug really was responsible (since we did see the collar in the tub and Toby saying "oh that was Gluug") but it could also possibly be that shadow creature who has been taking the pets since it was stalking Arch.
2. Next would be when they went on a double date ( S3E4 "So I'm dating a sorceress")when Claire (semi-possessed by morgana) suddenly bursts out wanting to have her steak raw dripping with blood and you noticed that Douxie is disturbed but you can see that he was suspicious about it.
3. And later on in that same episode when (possessed) Claire comes back from the bathroom, Douxie comes back with the steaks and asks Claire if he could listen to their band sometime and she replied with "Begone, Servant!". Now he becomes even more suspicious, you could see it in his expression when he says "my apologies". He probably suspected (or knew) that something was wrong. (I could be over analyzing things but oh well this is how I saw it.)
3.2. In the episode "The Oath" we see in the beginning of the episode we see Merlin making the amulet but it wasnt only him, another set of hands with black bracelets were aiding him in making the amulet. (Now who do we know wears black bracelets? Yep, Douxie). This was the moment most of us (if not all) suspected Douxie. (Well since most of us has seen Wizards at this point, we now know that it exactly was Douxie.)
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4. Next would be during the episode of the eternal knight pt.1 in the battle of the bands when Mama Skull came on stage and Claire went on in full armor, Douxie whistled and gave her two thumbs up. We thought maybe he was cheering her on for the band but maybe he knew what was about to happen and what the trollhunters were doing.
5. Same episode where Darci and Mary were about to be attacked by a gumgum, Douxie comes flying in and hits the gumgum with his guitar. Now if we look closely, he had jumped on the gumgum from a high place. Sure he probably climbed on something and jumped on the gumgum but it looked like he flew to their rescue using magic. As well as when he hits the gumgum with his guitar, a light sparks the second he hits the gumgum with his guitar (could be magic) and heres the big part, he says "I've always hated those twits" right after. This was no brainer, he knew what was up all along.
6. Now we move along to 3below. His first cameo would be in the episode "Lighting in a bottle" but he was just seen walking in the streets, shaking his head when he witnesses that racist dude telling off his kid (the one Krel was suppose to beat in a math duel) that he wasnt going to space camp if he didnt win. So nothing special there but its always nice to see him.
7. During the episode "Theres something about Gwen (the gordon)" we see him serving Aja and Steve a smoothie. This is basically a closeup shot of his hand where his scar is. It was as clear as daylight. They would probably never put that significant detail on a background character.
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8. During the episode "Luug's day out" he was outside his shop and sees Aja looking for Luug. He says he would love to help look for Luug but he couldn't leave the shop so he offers to read her palm. Here's the moment where I had thought "hmmm this guy is probably magic". He reads her palm and asks her if she had taken a big trip lately, Aja says "I'm about to take one now" before running off. He then says "hmm guess I should've seen that one coming" before going on with his business. This indicates (probably) that he knows they were aliens. Also you could see the scar on his right hand. This was the last time we saw him before Wizards.
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9. Now this isnt a Douxie cameo but the last scene in the last episode of 3below we see Aaarrrgghh, Steve, and Toby. The black cat with glasses appears (aka Arch). Aaarrrgghh mentions that he was a familiar aka Wizard assistant/companion. So basically this is where everyone knows that the next series would be about Wizards and a certain someone was going to be in it (you guessed it, its Douxie).
Now this was my analysis of the Douxie cameos or mentions of anything relating to him after rewatching Trollhunters and 3below. This is simply from my own perspective so to each their own
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chikkou · 3 years
What are your thoughts on separating the art from the artist? Like, playing a game without supporting the creator, reading books even if I don't like the writers IRL actions, etc?
i think u sent this a couple times so this must be a burning question on ur mind LMAO
i think the answer isnt quite so black and white as a simple "yes you can" or "no you cant" - its a deeply personal thing where you decide where your morals lay and then decide when the line has been crossed. with some creators, one may not even know of them doing anything wrong because their work either doesnt intersect with it or it just isnt brought up in public - alice walker, who wrote "the color purple" was a RAGING antisemite but you may never have even known that if youd only read that book/seen the movie.
by contrast, some creators make it VERY obvious - roald dahl, also an antisemite, has quite a few kids books which make this really clear, like the designs of the characters in "the twits" or the fucking basic concept of "the witches." these are both books i loved as a kid, without knowing the context, and now i find them both extremely disgusting as they are marketed at children and it really does feel like brainwashing to have such offensive caricatures depicted as evil in a book for kids who dont know any better. i do not read roald dahl anymore even though he was one of my favorite authors growing up specifically because of this
like i said, i cant give you a definitive answer, but ultimately i think that if you are going to engage with the work of bigoted creators, you need to at least have the decency to not pay them for it and to always be open & honest about their bigotry. beyond that i think its up to you to decide, but personally i try not to play too fast and loose with that kinda stuff - its a slippery slope to justifying all kinds of nonsense once u start making excuses for the people u like
oh and all of this is moot if the person in question is using their work as a vehicle for whatever bad shit theyre doing. like if this is that anon who was asking me abt omori before it is definitely wrong to support a game about teenagers made by a known shotacon lover
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aparecium-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to Aparecium, Maia! You have been accepted for Rose Weasley. Competition for a character is always difficult, but we appreciated the detail and nuance you included. As we briefly discussed when you submitted the app, we’ll need a more traditionally formatted bio for her character page, but welcome aboard. Check out the new member checklist, and jump right in. 
Character Basics
Birthday (Age): December 22nd (21) Gender (Pronouns): Female (she her) Sexuality: Heterosexual Blood Status: Halfblood. Hogwarts House/School: Ravenclaw Occupation: Cursebreaker trainee Faceclaim: Erin Kellyman
Any requested changes? I picked a different face only because the ones listed weren’t calling out to me as much and I recently fell in love with both these girls!
“God. Does everyone have to point it out? Yes, I’m smart. Yes, just like my mum. Good Lord. I know already. I got the best marks in my year. I scored O’s on most of my OWLs and the one I didn’t get an O on was an E. Please, can we not mention it anymore. Mum gifted me with her incredible power of mind. Etc… Etc… It’s not that I mind having the brain power really, it’s that everyone expects me to be just like my mum, and no matter how much I love her, I’ll never actually be her. That aside, a battle of wits with me is probably a bad idea. Not many people can best me. That might sound full of myself, but I assure you, it’s completely true.”
“Dad says it’s what he gets for naming me after a silly flower. That because of it I turned out as sweet as it’s scent. I guess someone in the family had to do it. Mum can be a little abrasive, dad a bit, well, air-headed. Hugo’s just his owe breed. I guess I just had to be the normal one? I’m the type that’ll get all dewy eyed over a lost kitten and probably end up taking it home with me. It used to really drive Mum batty. I just like to have kindness and compassion. I can’t stand to see people or animals hurting. I just want to give the world a big hug from time to time. A smile is the best thing you can give a person, in my opinion.”
“I like my flights of fancy, and that’s that. I don’t feel much of a need to follow society’s main stream. People can be ridiculously like lemmings at times and that just doesn’t fit me. I like to think for myself, discover my own path. It’s probably the thing that set me the most apart from the people I grew up around, especially in the last few years. I never had that driving need to fit in. If I wanted to compete, I competed. If I wanted to be a lazy bum, I lazed. It’s kind of just the way I am. I might go along with my friends or my family in their ventures but it doesn’t mean I won’t go my own way when I fell it’s might be a better option.”
“Stupid books. They gave me illusions of grandeur, I swear. I love them so very much, which is a different story but it lead me to this silly idea called romance. I read too many love stories when I was younger and now, no matter how improbable it really is I have this stupid hope in the back of my head that I’ll find some adoring White Knight that wants to sweep me off my feet. Not going to happen, I know. Ruined a good thing hoping for it, I know. You don’t have to tell me. But I just can’t help that little voice inside that wants it to be possible. My cousins and my brother all loved to take the mickey out of me about it. It gets bloody annoying sometimes. I guess I brought it on myself though. It doesn’t help when dashing, good looking young men like Scorpius Malfoy factor into the picture either. I suppose it was an inevitable failure on my part.”
“Surprisingly enough, though my dad did his best to make me a competitive twit, ha ha, I’ve turned out to be pretty darn friendly. I like to surround myself with different sorts of people. That’s probably how I got to know people like Scorpius, who dad was all set to make my arch enemy. In school I had friends from every house. We’d throw big parties in the old Shack and I’d be the life of the party. I’m not really sure where this particular skill came from. Maybe my dear Uncle George, who is amazingly cool, and my departed Uncle Fred, who I wish I could have met. The stories about them were still fresh legends of Hogwarts when I started school. Everyone liked them, so maybe that’s where it comes from.”
“Yet another reminder of my similarities to my mum. I can get all worked up over the strangest things. I can go from scarily angry to completely teary eyed in the blink of an eye. I can hold a grudge with an outright vengeance… for about a week. (Dad says Mum used to do that to him as well.) It’s just the way I naturally express myself. I’ve sort of got my hear out on my sleeve. I wear my feelings pretty openly and I’ll let you know how you’ve made me feel.”
“I think I mentioned it earlier but I have the damnedest fascination with books. I just read like there won’t ever be another book published. It goes hand in hand with my overactive imagination. I can read a book and picture the whole thing in my head, just like a movie. I can make myself the star if I want to. It’s probably what got me into the whole ‘hopeless romantic’ mess with you-know-who. I just get so carried away with the stories that leap off the page that I can be consumed for hours and be totally happy with that.”
“I come from the best parents you could ask for. Sure, my mum can be a little taxing at times, she’s Hermione after all, and my dad can be a bit of a goof. But the things you hear about in the stories are true. They’re good, loyal, amazing people who just happen to have fallen in love in the aftermath of a world on the brink of war and had two very silly children. It sounds like a fairytale doesn’t it? You ever wonder what comes after the happily ever after? Me and Hugo, that’s what.
My parents named me Rose because mom had a thing for the smell of them when she was pregnant with me. She thought it was clever I guess. They gave me my Aunt Ginny’s name for a middle name and I love it. She’s a tops lady and I’m glad to share the name with her. I can’t say my name was super creative but I don’t complain about it either. I think it’s classy and timeless which are both very positive traits.
They had me first, thank God, because as much as I love my little brother I am glad he’s my little brother. We are close, as brothers and sister are wont to be. But I am pretty close with all my family. Anyways, we grew up with means enough to have all of what we needed and a lot of what we wanted. The benefit of having famous parents I suppose. Mum and Dad indulged us quite a bit, but they never let us get spoiled to the point of being brats. We spent tons of time with the family. I have too many cousins to count and I love them all, but especially Roxanne. I think it’s because we were both so much our own people that we bonded. I was and am also very close to Albus, who was always my best friend when Roxanne was too busy being independent to play. Albus and I would play together for hours, making up stories and pretending to me our heroic parents. We look back on it now and laugh. We wonder if we’ll be in the history books someday, considering the direction the wizarding world is carrying on it now. This change to magical technology is fascinating but a bit terrfying and I often find myself wondering when it’ll blow up in our faces, figuratively or literally.
Al and I started school the same year. I think he was relieved to go together. I had no fear at all. I came prepared of course, being my mother’s child. I remember looking around the platform and marveling at the number of people that could be going off to just one school. Dad pointed out the Malfoys and Scorpius, who I was to beat at every test, or so dad admonished. Mum told him not to pit us against one another so soon. Diplomatic? Mum? Apparently so. We got on the train like everyone else and started out new life. I spent the train ride reminding Al of all the good things we’d experience at school. We were part of a legacy after all and I was very proud to carry that banner. It worked out alright, for the most part. The three of us were best of friends until I decided to date Scorpius and it all went a bit… well it’s not great.
I did well all thought school. I got Mum’s brains after all. I really did beat Scorpius in tests sometimes, just like dad wanted, but I also made a friend out of him. He’s actually very charming, thought I suppose I’m not supposed to think about im that way anymore. I’m living my own life now, bad decision and all. He certainly isnt’ not the only friend I’ve ever made, you know. I had a good sized group of close knit friends from all the houses back in school. We’d sneak out and throw little parties in the Shrieking Shack sometimes. It was the best of times. Then we grew up and moved away and soem of us stay in touch. Some of them are even in the trainee program with me, so that’s beeen nice though we’re nearly done there, as well. Hopefully we’ll all stay friendly. I need my own friends now, since both my closest mates probably hate me by now.
Honestly? Probably a mess. Whatever I didn’t need got left in it all jumbled up. Most of my clothes and such are in the wardrobe where they belong and my school things are in my night stand. the trunk is probably holding a multitude of things that are unimportant. Classic muggle cds, a few daydream charms from Uncle George’s shop, that Skiving Snackbox that Roxy gave me last year. Who really knows. It’s probably a downright motley collection. I think there’s that pretty amulet that Lorcan and Lysander gave me this Christmas past. I doubt you’d find anything interesting. All the juicy secrets are hidden away elsewhere…
Hmm. There are so many. I love the smell of rain, especially when it’s been a warm day out and it’s the first rain, pumpkin pie becasue it always takes me back to the Burrow, pine trees, and warm leather, especially the particular scent of Scorp’s leather jacket I bought him for his birthday. It’s wonderful. But you are never to repeat that to anyone! I swear I’ve got an arsenal of hexes just waiting for you if you try it!
I also like to play Quidditch with my cousins, but I don’t play for the house team or anything, it’s not really my style. I also like to just have a fly on my broom. There’s something thrilling and intoxicating about the feel of being suspended high up there with the wind rushing past you. It’s incredible.
A good practical joke is always a favorite of mine. It probably comes from growing up with Roxy and Fred as older people to look up to though. They are just like their da. I love them. Truthfully I feel that way about all of my family. We’re close knit and they’re all amazing people. That also applies to the extended family like 'Uncle’ Neville, 'Auntie’ Luna, and their families as well. Luna is actually one of my favorite people in the world. I love to go visit Lys and Lor on hols and talk to her about things. She’s got the most unique points of view in the whole world and doesn’t expect me to have all the answers. Actually, one of the things I have always loved most in this world is other people. Albus, who’s as close to me as a brother and my most trusted friends. Scorpius, who is more than just a mate, even if it all went terribly and I can’t look at him without my stomach tying itself into knots becasue I’m either anxious or missing him and I don’t really know which… My Aunts and Uncles and cousins. Even my ridiculous little bother Hugo. They all made the world a brighter place just by existing for most of my life. It’s just hard to carry the burden of everyone’s expectations…
I also love silly little things like swimming in the summer, and flirting a bit or going shopping in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. Looking at the stars is one of life’s little pleasures, as are new, fashionable, clothes and shoes. Music is also among my favorite things. There are so many things that I enjoy I could tell you about them all day, but I think this is probably enough of my talking your ear off.
Character Questionnaire
Answer at least three of the following questions about your character. This could be in character or a third period explanation.
What does your character value in a friendship? At this point in life she values people who look at her as an individual. Not a cog in a greater machine. She’s been a Weasley, Hermione’s daughter, part of a trio… etc for all of her life and she’s been trying (in the wrong ways maybe) to buck that co-dependence. SO she wants friends who accept her as she is, who thin of her as her own person, and who don’t put pressure on her to be a part of a legacy.
How would your character describe their own work ethic? Is that an accurate measure of themself? She is a hard worker, to the point of making herself crazy at times, and she absolutely will not admit that. She’ll tell you shes capable and will do her job well, thoroughly, and on time, but she will not tell you that if you put her in a crunch she might work herself to anxiety attacks to get ti don’t on time.
How would a stranger who has just met your character describe them? Right now, probably a bit cold. A bit too sharp. If they’re perceptive perhaps they’ll say those things are an attempt to hid something else, probably hurt and fear. Not rude, exactly, but not soft.
What magical skill or talent is your character most proud of? Her curse breaking. She decided young she wanted to follow after her Uncle Bill in profession and worked very hard to earn the marks to do so. She’s been top of her trainee pool from the start and is on track to head a team when she completes training. This is, to her mind, her great achievement. It’s something she did for herself, telling her Uncle not to give her any recommendation or benefit. That’s worth gold as far as she’s concerned, because unlike going itno the family business or the ministry, she’s not relying on the name of her parents, just her own skill and work ethic.
Para Sample
Rose hadn’t had occasion to throw much of a party since her birthday the previous winter. While the annual ball for St. Mungos had been fun it was a much more prim sort of fun, full of champagne and fine dresses. Rose wanted to spice things up a bit, less mystery and more playfulness.
Back in her Hogwarts days she’d had a party in the shack every Halloween night from her fourth year on. It had been, in her not at all humble opinion, the social event of the year. Costumes required, some years masks as well, and always full of fun and whatever strange concoctions she could come up with. The Alice In Wonderland theme in her seventh year had been her triumph, filled with glowing giant mushrooms for seating and drinks that did all sorts of strange things to you. It was a bonus of having cousins who spent all summer in a joke shop.
So it shouldn’t have been of any real surprise to her cousins when they received invitations to a costumed Halloween after party with instructions to show up at the Burrow after the ball, with their dates if they wished, and enjoy a night out. Rose had already decorated the back yard, making use of the pavilion that had once been the venue of Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It was decorated now in low light, full of candles and spiderwebs and all the spooky trimmings of a Halloween party. Grandma molly had helped with the food and drink, a boon especially since rose wasn’t much good in the kitchen. Now all she had to do was put on the music and wait for the family to show up.
And they’d better be in costume or she’d have their heads.
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koreanling · 5 years
Korean Kpop Terms
KR - ENG kpop fan equalivant - more info/explanation
직캠 - fancam - video recorded by fans 최애 - bias - Shortened form of 최강 애정, most loved favorite member 차애 - bias wrecker - meaning your second favourite/bias wrecker 완전체 - OT5, OT7, etc - when all the members of a group are together 칼군무 - dancing in perfect sync 지못미 - shortened form of 지켜주지 못해 미안해 (sorry I couldn’t protect you) used when an idol turns out bad in a picture 덕질 - fangirling - doing anything fan related like streaming, going to concerts, making fanfics, fanart, etc 성덕 - like ‘senpai noticed me’ - a successful fan who gets to meet their idol up close and have personal interactions (at fan meet, hi touch, through twit, etc) 갓(firstname) - god-like xx - means that person is like a god so it would be like 갓태민, 갓지민, 갓지은, ect.
팬 - fan 안티 - anti - someone who hates a group and spends time mocking or criticizing them 개인팬 - a solo stan - fan of only one member in a group 악성개인팬 or 악개 - problematic solo stan - solo stan who will spread bad news about the other members 회전문 - ot# stan - when you cant decide your bias and its always changing 사생 - sasaeng - stalker-fans who will invade personal lives of idols 덕후 - stan, kind of like weeb - korean ver of otaku, used for fan of any kind not just anime, had negative stigma but is getting accepted like weeb 늦덕 - late stan - someone whos just a new stan who regrets not noticing or supporting the group earlier 일코 - closeted stan - shortened form of 일반인 코스프레 (cosplaying as civilian) fan acting like they are not, usually to avoid social stigma
보컬 - vocalist 래퍼 - rapper 댄서 - dancer 메인xx - main position, 메인보컬: main vocal 메인래퍼: main rapper 메인댄서: main dancer - best xx position, does the adlibs, high notes, dance breaks, etc 리드xx - lead position, 리드보컬: lead vocal 리드래퍼: lead rapper 리드댄서: lead dancer - second best xx position 리더 - leader - the member that leads the team, often the oldest 막내 - maknae - member who is youngest 맏내 - fake maknae - one of the oldest members who act like theyre the youngest one 덕후 몰이 - member that attracts the most new fans 비주얼 담당 - in charge of visuals - prettiest/most handsome member 
this isnt kpop but as added bonus.. 짤방 - meme/reaction images - meaning is like an image to post online so your post isnt deleted (more info), so really it can be any image but mostly its funny reaction images and shit, i think its the closest thing to meme so have fun and search your fav group + 짤방 and see what comes up~ 
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rainbat · 5 years
I wish so called "fans" would stop making faked spoilers about the kiss we know we're not getting. It's just making something already shitty even more hurtful
i guess some people are just bored and i agree with you on the front that people say it’s been confirmed (see andimackquizbowl on instagram) .. you have to think about it from another perspective. 
Try not to take this ‘news’ hard, think about the overall impact.
the kiss was still getting ‘teased’ as maybe happening between the fandom and the actors. tbh we are about 95% sure it isn’t happening, right? then why is there still this whole ‘not saying anything’ air. Like, if you know it isnt happening, why are you still teasing that it could? that’s only gonna lead to MORE disappointment. 
I’m not saying what the person did was right, at all, but i’d much rather know, have it confirmed, that something isn’t happening than watch the finale and be disappointed because it was teased, built up, and sort of kind of expected in the back of our minds.
What about teasing that a kiss could happen (when it DOESNT) is good?? oh right: ratings. That’s the only benefit out of teasing it, that more people will watch in case it happens. teasing builds up hype, builds up expectations. 
Here are two paths, choose which one you like better:
Path 1
confirming that there is no kiss 2 weeks before the finale: time to accept, wondering what the big moment is gonna be, excited to see their endgame, focus on other things in the story, is andi gonna commit to art school? is buffy gonna confess or will marty confess first? is bexie gonna .. get married???
Watching the finale post-this: omg theyre getting together, watch sweet moment with low expectations, whatever happens is still adorable and you knew there was no kiss so you enjoy it for what it is. everyone posts cute scenes, talks about the finale, bad air was cleared last week
Path 2
Being teased by actors that it could happen up until the finale airs: hanging onto every single tweet or post by an actor, obsessing over if its about a tyrus kiss, slowly building up that hope, those expectations
watching the finale post-this: bench scene happens, things happen, you wait, you wait, you wait. there is no kiss. you go ‘what was that it? where is the kiss?’ youre upset, spam twit or tumblr about it, focus is lost on the meaningful moment because you were expecting a kiss
Obviously, this isn’t an all-for-one case. but think about the tone, about the overall fandom and what you wanna see: do you wanna see people buzzing over it now, annoyed, being mad now, 2 weeks before, and then move on and watch the finale and know once its over, once theres no kiss, you can scroll through social media knowing all the anger has passed. Or do you want to finish the finale and log on to your social media to see the page flooded with @disney’s and people being upset and disappointed, even tho we still got 40 mins of beautiful finale content, including tyrus endgame. 
to add: this isnt a dig at the actors for teasing anything/refusing to say if they kiss or not, im sure they contractually cannot say, or at least were told not reveal anything. this is just going to show that sometimes knowing is not the worst thing in the world, that sometimes it can do more good than otherwise. That as a fandom, we’re really fucking loud, and a lot of people overreact and a lot of people hype things up far too much, being 95% sure something doesn’t happen and lowering expectations can only make the finale more enjoyable. 
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brunhiddensmusings · 5 years
argument starters
top ten statements on my mind that might start moderately intellectual debates A- rick and morty still exists primarily as a vehicle to create more funko pop models and most episodes are written for the sole purpose of such B- the movie industry has learned nothing from marvel, not even marvel has learned from marvel. nor have they learned what made the original starwars films beloved, or lord of the rings, despite having literal decades to have studied it and having actual classes in colleges for filmography majors to have figured this out by now. or really learned anything from any good movie on what those movies did well regardless of if they were as big as those trilogies or if they were as off in left field as asking what worked about ‘labrynth’ and what didnt. any movie that ‘fails’ is assumed that the elements of the movies are what made it fail, not that it was poorly made and bad, so the attack will always be on any innovation of the movie or the genre, so that the studio shuns anything that isnt formulaic and safe even if that would also produce a garbage movie. honestly twats on youtube analyzing movies actually -DO- know more about what makes a movie shit or good then the actual executives in charge of multi billion dollar companies and thats both scary and satisfying. B part 2- this may sound like a petty concern but its literally an industry the not only employs millions of people and is worth a severe chunk of the economy but also is involved with shaping culture and whats seen and what is critisized, movies and tv impact the world by changing what people see as normal and guiding their worldview C- naruto, as flawed a thing as it is also has reason people enjoy it, however it could have been made into legitimately impressive and quality content if -naruto himself is not the main focus, he is instead a prominent side charachter -rock lee is the focus, as he actually idealizes the point of the show about hard work being more important then natural ability and isnt as much a twit -just put sasuke in the trash can, close the lid -open the lid briefly to also dump in the weird obsession with bloodlines, birthright superpowers, and reincarnations that make hardwork pointless as everyone has a lineage of superninjawizard powers over and above the normal ninjawizard powers so if your dad wasnt ninja-merlin you arent worth shit D- there is nothing wrong with zombie based media, its just mostly created by people who have no fucking clue how to use zombies in a story D part 2- if your moral is ‘man is the real monster’ i need to slap you E- creepypastas and SCPs are actually a very good practice ground for aspiring writers to toy with ideas within a prompt framework its just that we see predominantly derivative early works of people that hopefully later go on to surpass their bad fanfiction stage and we need to re-approach the style with the ambition to actually do something with the setting and move past the sea of cheap knockoff psycho teen with knife stories and thing that makes people die F- capitalism may be extremely flawed but ‘free market’ concepts can exist without capitalism much like socialism can exist alongside democracy G- avacados, while healthy, are relatively flavorless in addition to being damaging agraculturally due to how water demanding they are despite often being grown in areas with water shortages but are also being seen as a finantial diversification for cartels that typically manage drugs. avacado money actively funds gang violence H- well meaning people unintentionally hurt their cause all the time yet calling them out on it weakens the cause by creating needless infighting I- pie is an acceptable meal option, cheesecake is a pie not a cake, cheesecake might not be the best meal choice but its ironically far from the worst J- kickstarter, youtube, and patreon are amazing ideas that allow creators to actually produce content without relying on pitching a concept to a giant soulless corporation that will inevitably crush any innovation even on the tiny fraction of creators they ever say yes to and will only say yes to pitches that are garbage, however these platforms have taken such massive hits to reputation that they may soon become unusable for that intended purpose. you may feel bitter about mighty number nine style fiascos or ultra fake douchebros who have airhorns on every video as they tell you to smash their button but that bitterness threatens actual opportunities for real creativity and very worthwhile things being made K- shakespeare shouldn't really be given any more reverence then any other author, really no writer should be put on a higher pedistal simply because they were from a certain era of writing. conversely popular current/modern literature isnt inherently worse or better then the ‘classics’ as all the classics were popular/modern at some point in the past which is the only reason knowlege of them survived till to day for people to assume theyre somehow more profound
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elfyourmother · 6 years
no reblobs
I know tumblr has gotten extra and annoying w the introvert vs extrovert discourse but that dumbass tweet is a prime example of somebody who exists on one end of the scale thinking their experiences are baseline default for human interactions (and 9 times out of 10 it’s extroverts doing this shit)
I’ve been w dandy for literal years at this point and there’s times when we just sit in a room w each other in silence. we’re both quiet ppl by nature.
we never bonded w small talk bc neither one of us is the type that dies if we don’t fill up the silence with aimless chatter, which is what small talk actually is. “what did you do today?” isnt small talk when you actually give a shit about the answer, which is where that twit went wrong.
even on a platonic level, with my friends at work on the project...we shoot the shit about all kinds of deep things like politics (we’re government workers, it’s unavoidable) and shit and yeah “how was your weekend” gets asked but more often than not we’ve spent entire days just fuckin around online in relative silence when we didn’t have work to do, and our camaraderie hasnt suffered for it, if anything it’s given us more to bond over (“aren’t you glad we’re doing this in here and not on the phones”)
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chinashio16 · 6 years
what the buzz with audio from ji birthday party? I saw some twits, but it didnt explain anything, just that the girl record the whole thing and there was nothing there hurtful?! So what was the buzz? Isnt it commom with others members tto have the bday party recording (some parts) too and stuff?
To be honest I have no idea what kind of tws you are talking about, anon. I checked tw but i didn’t see anyone talking about anything like that so I’m not sure… 
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weasleyismyking540 · 6 years
Hogwarts Mystery Stories
Love Hurts
Bill Weasley asks Alana to be his wingman if you will, and find out the lowdown on Emily. Looks like there was a time where Bill wasnt so smooth
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Alana: *thoughts* She"s really....pink. Very lovely though. I guess I see why Bill fancies her.
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Alana: *thoughts* Vault Kid? Really? Is that what people are calling me behind my back? Alana, focus!! This is about Bill, not you!!
Alana: "Well, of you didnt know already, Im a friend of Bill Weasley and he was curious to know how you felt about him. You see, he fancies you."
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Alana: "Believe it, because it's true!!"
Emily: "Well what are you waitin for, Jordan? Sit down!! Tell me everything that he has said about me!!"
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Alana: "He says that you're absolutely gorgeous to him, not to mention, that you're wicked in Defense Against the Dark Arts. He says that you're sweeter than butterbeer!!"
Alana: *thoughts* He really didnt, but I have to sell it. It is something that Bill would say.
Emily: "I still cant believe that Bill Weasley of all people fancies me!"
Alana: *thoughts* Oh my goodness, is this going to happen? Bill and Emily are going to start dating. They would make a very lovely couple, and who knows? Maybe they will grow old and have beautiful ginger haired children together. Oh they would be so-*
Emily: *laughs snootily* "What a prat."
*record stratches in Alana's head*
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Alana: "Excuse me??"
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Alana: "I'm sorry. Did you just say why would anyone want to date a Weasley?? What's wrong with dating a bloody Weasley??"
Emily: "Well for starters, the whole lot of them are poor, not to mention that there are practically an entire Quidditch team of them. His clothes are always tattered, just like that young brother of his in your year, and he nor his family arent even members of pureblood society. He must be completely delusional for thinking he ever had a chance with me."
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Alana: *enraged * "How dare you. The nerve of you!! How dare you say such cruel things about Bill Weasley!! So what if his family isnt as well off as yours. He is a good person and a wonderful friend. He would have never spoke about anyone the way you just spoke about him. His heart is kind, unlike yours which is obviously rotten."
Alana: "Save it. You're a snob and a half. You dont deserve Bill Weasley's feelings. I'm astonished that he hadnt noticed what an obnoxious twit you are. Go play with Doxies!!"
*storms off. An hour later, in The Three Broomsticks....*
Bill: So? What happened? What did she say?"
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Bill: *looking confused* "Why? ......what did she say??"
Alana: *trying not to hurt his feelings* "A dragon ate her."
Bill: "Alana....."
Alana:*sighs* "Fine. Im sorry Bill, but Emily doesnt fancy you in the slightest. She said so herself. In not so many good ways."
Bill: *devastated*
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Alana: "Absolutely nothing!!"
Bill: "Are you sure? I feel I goofed up some kind of way."
Alana: "Its not you mate, it's her. She's an arrogant little wart that doesnt deserve you She wouldnt know how to treat you if you tutored her."
Bill: "I fancied the pants off of her. What do I do now? The whole reason why I didnt say anything was because I was too scared that this would happen."
Alana: "Dont you give her another thought. You deserve way better than that snooty shrew Emily. She doesnt know a great bloke when she sees one. You just keep being the good person that you are."
Bill: "Thanks, Alana. I just hope I'm not doomed to be alone."
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Bill: "Is she out there?"
Alana: *confident smile* "Of course she is. Maybe you will find her tomorrow. Or maybe you'll meet her 10 years from now at some barmy event. You never know. All I know is that youll make a witch very happy someday."
Bill: *smiles* "Thanks, Lonnie. I feel much better now."
Alana: "Anytime. And who knows? You might end up falling in love with a veela. I assure you she would be much better than that tosser Emily."
Bill: *laughs* "A veela? And I? I dont know if I'm cool enough to be pulling veelas now."
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