#this literally took hours god Maverick why are you so planned out
isleofdarkness · 2 months
"You bitch!" Maverick barely managed to keep from sighing at the sound of Rose's voice, filled with fury. Great, someone else was pissed with her. She didn't even know what she'd done this time.
"I'm gonna need you to be more specific," Maverick drawled, turning on her heel to face the furious princess. There was sadness and pain in Rose's eyes, which did make her feel kind of bad for both whatever she had done and for being sarcastic, but the hatred made it easier to lock that remorse away and put up her normal front. "I do a lot of "you bitch" worthy things. I can think of like, twelve I've done in the last six hours alone."
"You killed Rook!" Rose snapped. So she was upset that Maverick had killed the person human trafficking her sibling? Sure, that made sense. Not. "I had dibs on killing him!"
Maverick softened. "I apologize. I had no idea you'd called it, but that's no excuse. I'm sorry."
There was a long pause as Rose struggled to stay angry, but the sincerety in Maverick's voice had that anger and hate melting away to reveal the pain underneath. She sounded more sad than anything when she finally spoke. "Why did you kill him? You never get involved like that."
"Like that" meant Maverick walking into the Salazan's Grum courtyard, kicking the ass of half of the Queen's guard and killing a good portion, grabbing Rook, and teleporting back to the Mile. The part Rose didn't know was that the two weeks between him being captured and him winding up dead, mutilated and strung up on a noose hanging at the entrance to the courtyard, hadn't been captivity until she got around to dealing with him. No, those two weeks had been her undivided attention, until she'd grown bored of torturing him and had killed him, slowly. For good reason. "I know what he's done to Ace, but a few things recently came to my attention. Ace wasn't the only one." Her lip curled in distaste. Some people really went out of their ways to be evil and Rook was one of those people. "You know of Malachi Mim?" Rose nodded. The look on her face told Maverick that Rose, like most of the Isle, knew what Mim had been putting him through before his "death." "He was Malachi's handler, the one who pimped him out in public because Madre knew I'd kill her ass if she set foot outside doing it. Bought him far too many times to count, too. It's not like he saves up being a monster for three weeks just to take it out on Ace for one, he's a monster every day, he just knew he couldn't get away with constantly abusing your sibling. And then, as if that wasn't enough, he also moonlights in Maleficent's facilities. Gods help any of the poor kids he happened across. And then Constantine Westergaard- gods. What happened to Malachi made me look into Rook and what I found made me sick. Literally. So I killed him. Made it long and slow, drew it out, made it as painful as I possibly could." Her lips curled into a cruel smile at the memories. "If it makes you feel any better, he suffered. But I'm sorry I took your revenge from you. I'll be more careful in the future."
She let Rose process what she'd just heard, hatred returning, though now directed at a new source. When Rose finally relaxed, she knew they had come to an understanding. "Fine, I get why you did it. But for the record, I have dibs on killing our parents and you'd better not take that one or else I'll kill you as compensation."
Well, at least she had been planning on letting the twins have those cunts, anyway. "They're yours."
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crinkled-emotions · 9 months
Day 16: Date night
Happy holidays everyone!
I know these are *quite* late but I took some time off to be with my family, see anyone but you (oof) and drive 5 hours back to the city to work one (1) five hour shift... listen we're not all geniuses here lmao
Ship: Rooster x OC (Dee)
“Will you just trust me for once?”
“We’re literally going to a bar, Roos! That’s the worst rekindling the romance date ever!”
“Who said anything about going to the bar?”
Dee pointed at the navigation system in front of them, clearly displaying their location. Rooster’s moustache turned downward in a pout at his surprise being ruined but then he shrugged.
“You have no idea what I’ve got planned once we’re there, though.”
“I swear to god if you’re planning to just get drunk and hope that fixes us I’ll put your ass on the grass and you can walk home-“
“-Dee!” Rooster exclaimed exasperatedly, “can you just go with the flow?”
“Fine,” she grumbled, “but know that I’m already pissed.”
“Don’t worry, I can tell.”
They pulled up at the Hard Deck and Dee groaned.
“Nope- that’s it. I’m not getting out. Fuck you Bradley, you said you wanted to fix us and you wanted to try but going to the Hard Deck isn’t fixing us!”
He huffed.
“Okay, you know what?” He started quietly, “I actually put a lot of effort into tonight, and I would really appreciate it if you would just try it before kicking me to the curb.”
They had no idea how they’d gotten to this point, but both could see the signs they were heading for separation. It felt like they were fighting constantly, hushed words behind closed doors and abrupt stops when one of the kids came looking for them. They still kept in touch when he was deployed but now that he was going to be home full time it looked like maybe they weren’t built for that. At the moment, it was like they were both sexiled and neither was particularly enjoying it.
“I just want you to try. For us.”
Dee sucked in a breath at her husband’s comment, then slowly exhaled. She glanced over at him, his eyes soft, and she slowly nodded.
“Okay. Fine.”
Penny was still at the bar, but that was the only normal part of their usual hangout. There was now a microphone in the middle of the main drinking area, tables and chairs pushed to the side with a couple of couches surrounding it. Hangman, Savannah, Phoenix, Bob, Fanboy, Payback, Coyote and Maverick had all gathered on said couches and were drinking with casual conversation between them. Dee looked to Rooster in confusion but he held out his hand.
“Trusting me, remember?”
“Trusting you,” she agreed quietly. They stepped into the bar and Penny smiled at them, holding up their drinks of choice.
“Hey you two! Perfect timing; we’re just about to start!”
That got Maverick’s attention and he got up to greet Dee and Rooster, guiding them over to the couches. Bob stood, heading over to the microphone with a stack of cue cards.
“I was told I’m the least funny Dagger, so I had to MC,” he began. Everyone exchanged looks of amusement and he leaned into the warm response from them.
“Dee and Brooster have been feeling like they lost their lovin’ feeling lately and we wanted to remind them of why they’ve lasted so long... longer than all five of Fanboy’s situationships, which shouldn’t be hard- Tasha, what the fuck is a situationship? Goddamn, I didn’t even write these and I regret it already.”
Dee glanced up at her husband while everyone burst out laughing- Fanboy included.
“You did this?”
“I may have... had something to do with it. You just looked like you needed to laugh and I wanted to help you with that.”
Dee’s eyes softened and she squeezed his hand, leaning into his side when he lifted an arm to pull her in.
“The first act tonight is of course our very own Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign Maverick. He’s known Bradley literally since he was born so this should be interesting”
Bob stepped to the side and Maverick got up with that grin that told everyone things were about to get interesting.
“I feel like people are probably expecting me to tell the story of Bradley’s abrupt arrival, but I don’t remember a lot of it. Me and Goose passed out from everything goin’ on and when we came to Carole was holding baby Roos in her arms, giggling because only she could possibly come up with Bradley Bradshaw- well, actually, his middle name is-“
“-Mav! Hey!”
The others all cracked smiles, Savannah leaning in to whisper to Jake whose attention focused on her for a moment. Dee felt the brush of a kiss to her temple and reached up to catch Rooster’s cheek.
“This was really smart, baby.”
“I know this doesn’t make us okay; but I just wanted us to remember where we came from.”
“-and out he comes, screaming and I’m pretty sure he’d pooped already- huh, I guess I am gonna tell the story of your birth. Sorry, Roos.”
Maverick sent his godson a sheepish smile but Dee could feel the rumbles of laughter in her husband’s chest. The others stared at their CO, dying for more information Rooster himself would never willingly give up without a little liquid courage. Penny dropped their usual drinks on the table in front of them, giving Rooster’s shoulder a squeeze as she went back to sit on one of the couches. They shared a gentle touch of beers together, tuning back into Maverick’s monologue-
“-now Goose, may he rest in peace, he begged and pleaded for Carole to choose another name but she’d fallen in love with Bradley. I dunno, he looked like a Duncan to me. Anything but a Bradley if I’m honest considering his last name.”
There was the rumble of laughter amongst the rest of the group. Rooster turned to bury his head into Dee’s shoulder and she cupped his jaw to help him hide.
“Bradley you might wanna cover your ears kid, now I started I can’t stop. Ooh, man, does anyone else know the story about when he ran around naked in the parking lot- oh, wait, that doesn’t include Dee- Dee, does he still streak in the Walmart parking lot?”
“God I hope not. Between the master bedroom and the shower, though-“
“-please stop talking,” Rooster whispered into her ear. Dee squeezed his thigh and waved her hand at Maverick.
“Carry on, you legend.”
“Roos, I like her, please keep her around- oh! Then there’s the time...”
Maverick launched into another story and Dee felt Rooster scoot even closer to her than they’d been before. She smiled into his shirt.
“Trust you,” she whispered into him. Rooster glanced down at her, eyes warm.
“Love you, baby.”
“And I think we’re just about done because I’m so drunk I can’t see straight and my wife’s shaking her head at me, but Deester as the longest standing couple except for maybe Penny and Mav I can only hope you pull your heads outta your asses and remember why you love each other so much because it’s really awkward around here when you two can’t communicate.”
Hangman, as always, gave a spectacularly blunt performance. He may have gone last but he was considerably drunker than everyone considering Sav had switched to water after her only drink and Maverick had taken Phoenix home about an hour prior. Dee felt Bradley nudge her hand and she grabbed it quickly, meeting his eyes.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he whispered, “I’m sorry I can be... emotionally unavailable.”
“I’m sorry too. I don’t mean to be short tempered with you, I just... sometimes it feels like I’m not appreciated or I can’t get a straight answer out of you.”
“I do appreciate you- I love you, and I know it’s hard sometimes when I’m gone, but I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere for at least the next five years. I guess I’m so used to constantly waiting for my next deployment that I don’t really know how to-“
“-come home?”
Rooster’s mouth twitched upward at Dee’s suggestion, frustration melting away. Of course she got it; she’d been there through everything, it was easy for her to read him at that point. He squeezed her hand, glancing over and grimacing when Sav whispered something rather raunchy into Hangman’s ear. Neither Dee nor Rooster caught what it was but it had him standing and calling an Uber, throwing his wife over his shoulder. In retaliation she gave him the world’s worst wedgie.
“Gotta go water the plants. Bye guys, hope your marriage sorts itself out!”
They were out the door in seconds to the laughter of the rest of the team, Bob glancing at his phone.
“It’s late; I should get going too. Seriously, guys, I really hope this helped.”
“It reminded me of some really important points in our relationship, Bob. Thank you.”
He nodded at Dee, taking his leave quietly. Payback and Fanboy fell over each other to make an exit, making jokes at Hangman’s expense on their way out. Coyote, lastly, squeezed Dee’s shoulder and smacked Rooster up the back of the head.
“Y’all have a great marriage and three beautiful kids; it doesn’t mean you should be locked in forever if you’re not happy but maybe you two need some time to figure things out before you throw in the towel, huh?”
“Thanks, ‘Ote,” Rooster murmured. Finally, it was just them in the bar; Penny had tossed Rooster the keys when she’d also left with Maverick. Dee sighed, patting his thigh.
“C’mon; let’s go home. I’m tired.”
“Too tired for-“
“-did you not just see Bagman and Sav? That’s a mood killer if I ever saw one.”
They laughed, then shared a soft kiss. The couple stood and Rooster locked up the bar, leaving a note on the bar with some cash tucked out of eyesight for Penny.
They weren’t fixed, it wasn’t that simple, but they’d been reminded of what they had to fight for.
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lives-by-moonlight · 3 years
Maverick: would you ever want to fully train someone to be your sex slave? If so what would you do?
((oh definitely a fantasy that he has, and in a more dark au verse he definitely fulfills regularly and not often consentually if anyone is ever interested in that but this is regular Maverick's plan below and yes it's detailed because he knows what he wants - which is training but also with some caring)) "I would only if the partner was interested in it. I've had relationships where there was a definite sex slave roleplay and master-slave relationship, but I'd definitely do it for someone willing to. I've always been more of the way of training as a mix of what I want and a 'breaking' the subject more into submission through their own overpleasure and psychological effects. I know it's not really breaking if they are willing to do it, but it gets them more into a long-term, submissive mind and one that is also very easily mailable for training.
"Most of it at the start wouldn't last forever, it's just to train them into the mindset longterm. I'd first start with the rules of the slave is naked at all times unless I give them clothes to wear for an outing or for around the house for certain things, like sweaters if they are too cold. There is a strong power dynamic of you being dressed and the submissive being bare. The immediate next thing is to collar them - to me this doesn't make a difference what the collar is to me whether leather, more design, or metal because I like using what affects the submissive the most because when it makes them more submissive, I find it even more sexy. Next would be gagging them and this might differ between either a ball gag or a muzzle harness based on what I think the first training would need for the slave. A ball gag is more humiliation and making the slave realize their loss of control by the constant drooling, while the muzzle gives the slave the quick knowledge that their mouth is basically non-existent. Either way, the idea is that you have no more words, just sounds. Once I thought that the training was complete, or at least it was no longer needed, then the slave wouldn't be gagged anymore but for the training they would stay mostly gagged. As well once the training was further along, to further their mouth training I would begin to use a pecker gag as well.
((note some of this would change in the dark au to be well...darker but this is based on regular Maverick)) "They would also spend the first few days in constant pleasure with minimal breaks. They would always be collared, gagged, bound, and blindfolded with no way to escape what is being used upon them. They would be tied down to something like a sybian machine or a vibrator out in the living room or in my bedroom and would be left there for hours for continuous orgasms while they would hear me doing regular household things as though you weren't there. At first they wouldn't need to ask for permission to cum. I want them fully into their own body and mind for the first little bit as a way to break them. I would stop after a few hours and either let them break or rest, time depending on how worn out I thought they were. I would pet their hair, stroke their cheek, give them affection and praise about how well they were doing after hours of no physical and human contact. Then I would have them go at it again for a long period. Again, gags for this would change based on levels of training and what I wanted the slave to understand about the control. They would also be plugged (sometimes for men depending on the training I give them), all of this as a way to show I control their bodies. If I knew the slave would like it I might also add things like clamps.
"The next stages after this would be to start the specifics training. So no longer being vibed all day but now learning to be vibed in certain positions, such as making their back curved while on their hands and knees so they know the position and get used to it. Another would be keeping them on their knees but beginning oral training. However, all of that kind of training is with dildos so far. I never have sex or use my partner with my body yet. I want this to be a build up, for them to realize they want to strive for it because while the dildos and mechanics are hot and they like it for more submissive plays, they will realize they want me and I use it as a type of reward. Is this sounding narcissistic, yes, however after days of only being pleasured by metal or dildos, the slave is much more willing for something real and human and once they realize it they and I both know the training is heavily succeeding. "By the time this next stage of training starts, the slave will still be collared, bound, and gagged, and likely plugged, but by now the blind fold will likely come off. It will also be this time I often have them in the main room, sometimes not even pleasured, just bound and gagged and tied to one spot while they watch me go about their day as though they weren't even there. No matter how much they tried to make noise, I'm not giving them the satisfaction. This is something I would probably regularly do once training is over too just because I find slaves often like it and it gets them more horny for when sex does come. "Right near the end I would also do long-term pleasure bondage but now they have to ask if they can cum even through the gag. And I would phrase this as "if you want my cock, you're going to have to prove to me that you can follow orders." I tell them that I'll let them cum a certain amount of times, however if they cum before I give them permission then they have to start from 0 again until they get up to the number I gave. Usually this doesn't take long before the slave is able to control themselves to get to the number each time without having to start over, but that's when I know the training for that command is done. "After when I thought they would have enough training, I would then ask them this simple question and I would know when they are done if I can see it in their eyes. I just kneel down and go to their eye level and ask "do you want your Master's cock". And I'd know just by their eyes and how they beg. "That's when the training with sex begins. The first two or three times I'll still have the slave completely tied down and gagged as a way to show dominance, but after a while I will lessen the bonds, I might even take the gag away. I may use things like bullet vibrators for extra stimulation but from now on it's about us connecting on a sexual master slave level. I would also start to train them on positions in bed, or get them used to having sex in different places around the house.
"After this, training really loosens and it's more also getting into the regular and casual slave and master dynamic. I still might have times where they are just bound in the center of the room, or training them by stimulating them like a sybian while using a ring or plug gag for them to also learn how to pleasure me whenever I please while they are on it. But this is the time when the sexual breaking weens out and it's more letting the slave now walk instead of crawl around the apartment, they are no longer gagged, and I might start giving them routines they need to follow like general easy housework, cooking, sometimes just letting them lounge around like a pet while I watch tv or do work.
((again, in a dark au this would be different)) "It should also be pointed out that during this time I would give the slave regular meals and water breaks to make sure they are safe and won't get hurt. I would ungag them for this, for a rest from training I might have them either eat on the devices or let them crawl to a more comfortable spot and eat there. If that means we eat together on the couch or the rug I'm there too. Our bedtime routine is brushing teeth, hair, showering or baths, and we would sleep together. Since the slave has been blindfolded in the early days, if that is what he or she wishes during this time I also ablige because after long pleasure stimulation, outside stimulation and lights can make the slave feel more panicky, so the dark is their safe space to help them get used to stimuli again. If this is the case, I also make sure to work off non-blindfolded training so the slave still feels safe. I gage their responses to the trainign on how far it goes so it is still safe for them. "Once the training is complete it's mostly now just giving out rules and helping to establish connection in the new dynamic. Mine are mostly basic, such as no clothes and no leaving the apartment without my permission. I'd give them some chores they are assigned to do regularly, like unloading and reloading dishwasher, making sure the kitchen and general apartment is clean by dusting and putting things away, and making the bed. I may also give them assignments for cooking meals, though I would slowly ease into this as I often find cooking to be a great connecting activity, but also to teach them how to do it if I wanted say supper done and on the table by the time I get home. "At this time I also begin setting them up so they know what is expected from them when I leave during the day (or even if I'm there sometimes). Since I am gone most evenings for work, that may mean I am out late and therefore the slave may either be told to wait for me or go to bed - but be warned I may still want something in the middle of the night. That said, I never give the slave a time to wake up if I leave early. He or she is always allowed to sleep in if we do not wake up together. But when I am gone I will give them the routine that they should expect me to tell them what to do, or that I will do it for them. These will come in these main four ways: "1: I give them a list of chores that must be completed before I come back. I may also put in what I want for meals. 2: I give them sexual tasks they must complete. Such as, I might have a dildo set up in a room by the mirror and tell them they must practice until they can get the entire dildo in without gagging and then send me a video of it. It could also be having them fuck themselves on the dildo until they cum every hour and again send me videos or photos so I know they are following through. Or I will tell them they have to do chores with a vibrator on or with gear on. Those two ways are likely to be the most used besides number 4, which I will get to. 3: I tie them down and they have to be bound for the day, or pleasured all day while I control it remotely like being bound on a vibrator all day but I control it from my office. They are not allowed freedom until I get back. 4 is my last one, and often common to at least once a week, but it's where they have the day free for themselves. This can mean watching a tv show or movie ,such as if they are done chores or while cooking from choice 1, just lounging around the house or having extra naps or a long bath or some reading, something that is their day to enjoy. ((I know this is long we are almost done I swear!))
"I'd also set up a Low Outing and a High Outing. So this would be for just going out whether on a date, shopping, to a friend's house, etc. A Low Outing means that our dynamic is a bit more casual while High Outing means more strict. For example, when asking to go to the bathroom a Low Outing can be them saying "I have to go to the bathroom" as a directive to me while seeming to be normal while I go "okay". A High Outing is "Master please let me go to the washroom". Another difference would be that a Low Outing they can talk freely and interact as they want and are comfortable with while High Outing means that they are either quiet unless given directives or are given the clear by me to answer even just a question from another person. Either way, for any outing the slave will also wear either a necklace, often for a girl, or a bracelet, often for a boy, that acts as a collar in a more subtle way. Again, all of this as a dynamic of Master and Slave even while out.
"Punishments will often come as need to be taught. If the slave is a brat slave, then it comes out more often or even during the first phases of training, while for more subserviant slaves it's more as a teaching tool while still punishing them. Punishments may also change from doing more cleaning, being gagged and partially bound for a certain time, orgasm denial, or things like spankings. Again, all relative to the slave and what I want them to learn or reassert I'm in control. "If the slave is also into a big praise kink I also definitely always verbally give praise but I also might set up a points system or like a pebbles in a jar system. Where after they do something good they will get points or pebbles in a jar and once they fill the jar or get to a certain amount of points then they get a reward. This could be things like going on a date, reading in bed, doing something they want in bed, ordering in take-out, going shopping, getting some new clothes to wear when we go out, etc. "Other than that, the rest of it is just relationship things. Like cooking together, watching movies together, going out on dates or events, cuddling, sometimes even just regular soft sex, just now we also have that undertone to it. Hope this helped!"
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mad-madam-m · 6 years
How do you see next season of Tiger & Bunny? What do you think should happen?
A friend of mine did ask me about this before and I had a whole long response to it (all of which still applies, BTW), but hey, you gave me half a chance to talk about this show so I’m gonna take it.
This got SUPER long, which I feel isn’t too surprising because I crammed in literally everything I could think of that I want to happen and I’m sure I’m still missing things.
But yes, God, talk to me about what you want from the next season of this show because I could go on for literal HOURS about it. Possibly days. I have a problem.
Series spoilers below, fairly be ye warned!
Seriously, the thing I want to see more than almost anything else is dealing more with the fact that Barnaby had his memories manipulated for twenty years and there is a non-zero chance that he may know more about Ouroboros than even he knows. Like I am 100% dead serious, I have been thinking about this for months, lemme tell you about it.
So this is after The Rising, so probably what, 2-3 years since the end of the series? And my headcanon has always been that the longer Maverick is dead, the more his powers start to fade, so anybody who had their memories altered that hasn’t already broken the block is starting to get back the memories of what really happened.
And whose memories did Maverick fuck with the most? Barnaby’s!
And who was Maverick working with for 20-30 years before he died? Ouroboros! *jazz hands*
Let’s say Maverick was having a meeting with people from Ouroboros in his house a couple of years after he took bb!Barnaby in and bb!Barnaby walks in and overhears some of their plans. No big deal, Maverick just wipes his memory and puts him upstairs in bed, and assures everybody else that the kid won’t remember a thing and they’re all good to go.
Now, decades later, Ouroboros is moving one of their people into a political position, like they’re running for mayor or governor or they’ve been named the new chief of police. Doesn’t matter. And one of them—could be a fixer-type figure, could be the person actually being moved into the position of power, again, doesn’t matter—finds out these memory manipulations are fading and that people are remembering things they shouldn’t remember. 
And the person who is moving into the position of power is one of the people who was at that Ouroboros meeting with Maverick that Barnaby walked in on all those years ago. So they realize that if Maverick’s power is fading, they have a Big Problem because the McFucking King of Heroes and Media Darling, Barnaby Brooks Jr., knows about their involvement in this organization and if he reveals that, they’re kind of screwed.
So they’ve got someone low-key keeping an eye on Barnaby to see if he is remembering anything, and they find out yes, he is. Probably something like remembering a birthday dinner that he thought Maverick took him out for when he was young but it turns out it was Aunt Samantha. And so Ouroboros realizes it’s only a matter of time before he remembers them and they set out to fix this.
And by “fix” I mean “blow up Barnaby’s apartment with him in it.”
So the heroes are sent to the site of the explosion to help evacuate other people from the apartment building while the fire department is trying to control the fire, and Kotetsu knows when he hears the address that that’s Bunny’s building, but it’s not until Agnes tells him privately that he finds out the bomb was actually in Bunny’s apartment and Bunny hasn’t been responding to his communicator.
He handles this news slightly better than Barnaby would have if their positions were reversed, but not by much.
They get to the building, Kotetsu goes after Bunny and finds him unconscious and buried under rubble in his apartment, but he’s alive. He gets him out of the building and down to an ambulance and is torn between going with Bunny (because it’s Bunny) and staying to help out the others (because he’s a hero and he’s supposed to be helping people right now).
And of course all of his friends yell at him to go with his partner, to trust them, they’ve got this; besides, Barnaby is going to need him.
So Barnaby wakes up in the hospital twelve hours later to see Kotetsu passed the fuck out in one of those hospital chairs in what looks like the most uncomfortable position ever. And then he wakes up and he’s like BUNNY! and scrambles upright and they do That Look, you know the one, the soft goddamn “I miss you/I love you” look they have:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(I literally can’t even with this show, I can’t. THESE WEREN’T EVEN MY ONLY OPTIONS FOR SCREENSHOTS.)
ANYWAY the other heroes are also there by this time, Barnaby tells them all what he remembers about the apartment exploding and they figure out that someone probably wants Barnaby dead, although they have no idea who and why. And initially Barnaby’s like “I’ll just get a hotel room,” Kotetsu is like “NO. You should not be staying alone right now. You should be staying with one of us until we figure out who’s trying to kill you.”
And Barnaby thinks about it for 2.5 seconds and goes “Then I guess I can stay with you.”
And that’s how Barnaby ends up moving in with Kotetsu because if this damn show gave me accidental baby acquisition, amnesia, single dad, enemies to lovers, and breakup/makeup (TWICE), then by God, they can give me roommates and forced bed sharing.
(Does Kotetsu go back to the exploded apartment and rescue everything that he can that he knows is important to Barnaby? Of fucking course he does, which is how Barnaby ends up with a box containing the Christmas tree pin, the picture of his parents, the robot toy, and the singed stuffed rabbit.)
So the entire big storyline is Kotetsu, Barnaby, and the other heroes trying to figure out who wants Barnaby dead and why, while Ouroboros is moving forward with their own plans without the heroes’ knowledge.
And throughout all this, Barnaby and Kotetsu are trying to figure out how to live with each other in Kotetsu’s little apartment, when Barnaby’s never had a roommate and it’s been close to 10 years since Kotetsu was sharing his space with anybody (let alone someone who’s as compulsively clean as Barnaby is), and Barnaby is dealing with random memories resurfacing at inconvenient times.
I still have not decided if I want Kotetsu’s powers to start fading again, because on the one hand fuck no, but on the other hand, it does make for some delicious angst and pushes him back to that question of “what do I do if I lose my powers completely?” (And who knows, maybe this time around he would actually talk to Barnaby about it instead of hiding it for months on end.)
OTHER THINGS the series would include, if I had anything to say about it:
- A Rock Bison episode, which would also involve flashbacks to high school with how Kotetsu and Antonio met, plus teenage Tomoe and some more very unsubtle parallels between her and Barnaby and how Kotetsu has A Type.
- A Sky High episode with A HAPPY ENDING YOU ASSHOLES, GIVE KEITH A ROMANTIC PARTNER AND 50 DOGS *slams fists on table*
- Kotetsu dealing with the fact that Kaede is a teenager now (probably 14-15, depending on timeline), who’s probably learning how to drive and is looking seriously at what she wants to do when she finishes high school. Probably at least one somewhat heart-wrenching conversation between him and his mom where she talks about how it felt for her when Kotetsu was that age and possibly a little bit about his father. (Give me some more goddamn Kaburagi family feels, okay, Sunrise, just fuck me up with them.)
- A subplot that is Barnaby and the other heroes doing their level best to get Kotetsu enough points to be King of Heroes at the end of the season, without Kotetsu or Agnes figuring out what they’re doing.
- Kotetsu going to the orphanage with Barnaby and helping out with the kids there.
- KOTETSU BIRTHDAY EPISODE. Please please give me an episode that’s the reverse of episode 5, where it’s Barnaby low-key freaking out over what to get Kotetsu for a gift because it has to be perfect and he’s got nothing.
- I literally just finished reading Sakakibara’s manga last night, so maybe an episode or a mini-arc dealing with some of the anti-NEXT sentiment. We got some of that in the first series, but it would be interesting to see it brought out a little bit more and seeing the heroes having to deal more with that (and maybe some non-hero NEXTs as well).
- A flashback episode showing how all the main heroes became heroes.
- Kotetsu and Barnaby cooking fried rice together please I am begging.
- Barnaby going with Kotetsu to Oriental Town to visit his family when they’ve got a few days off (or maybe they’re told to get out of town for a few days because of all the Ouroboros stuff), with Barnaby learning more about Tomoe and being quietly supportive of Kotetsu the way that Kotetsu has always been supportive of him.
- I would love to see more of Barnaby and Kaede interacting because I really think they would get along swimmingly.
- A girls’ night out/guys’ night out episode split between Fire Emblem, Dragon Kid, Barnaby, and Blue Rose and Origami Cyclone, Sky High, Rock Bison, and Kotetsu. (Conversely, this could happen while Barnaby and Kotetsu are out of town, and just focus on the other heroes, but I would really like to see Barnaby being friends and doing stuff with the others, not just Kotetsu.)
- I don’t know how everything would shake out, but it would end with Barnaby just…staying in Kotetsu’s apartment rather than moving back out, his picture of his parents joining the row of photos Kotetsu has on his shelves, and them drinking champagne together on the front steps of the apartment building, side-by-side.
- Okay I mean obviously my shipper heart wants it to end with a kiss and a marriage proposal but I feel like the previous point is more likely.
Seriously I just want everything from this series. Throw the kitchen sink at me, Sunrise, my body is ready.
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shootfastrunfar · 6 years
My first taste of Failure
                   On Sunday, April 8th, I failed for the first time in my life.
               That statement is, to a degree, hyperbolic.  I’ve failed many times in my 22 (almost 23) years on this planet.  I’ve failed out of college due to laziness.  I’ve failed to bench press 225 for years.  I’ve failed to crank out 20 pullups on a PFT.  I’ve failed tests.  I’ve failed to make food properly.  I’ve failed to make good first impressions.  I’ve failed to talk to my grandfather for years before he died. But on April 8th, 2018, I failed in a way that I’ve never failed before, and it rocked me: I failed to do something that I set my mind to do.  In that way, I truly failed.
               My failure was, ultimately, my own doing.  I failed to properly prepare for something that I knew would be difficult, for a myriad of reasons; I was tired, I was busy, I had trained enough to get by, I was sore, or maybe I just said “Fuck it”. Ironically, that phrase has gotten me through some of the most physically and mentally demanding situations in my life. That phrase has also led me to this failure in the worst possible way.  It bred an attitude of complacency in me.  It bred cockiness.  It led me to believe that I could simply power through whatever challenge lay before me, through sheer guts, balls of steel, and a willingness to believe that I could do anything.  Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!  And then Ironman 70.3 Galveston grabbed me by the balls and Stone Cold Stunnered me back to earth.
               This story begins just over two years ago.  I had convinced my roommate to run the 2016 Marine Corps Marathon with me.  During that conversation, he brought up something called an Ironman.  Having never heard of such a thing, I asked him what it was.  What he described to me simultaneously scared and excited me.  A 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a full 26.2 mile marathon, all in 17 hours?! I suddenly had a sinking feeling.  I realized that simply running a marathon would no longer suffice for dick measuring contests.  If I were to ever have the largest genitalia in an argument, I realized I was going to have to step up my game.  
               First things first, however.  The marathon would be run first.  So with the Hanson’s running method under my belt, a brand new pair of Brooks Launchs, and a belly full of Gu, he and I began our training. Out of a 5 month program, we completed maybe 2/3 of the workouts.  And the last three weeks, we did 2.  Life started taking hold, and we both entered that race woefully unprepared.  But with a little bit of luck and a lot of motivation, we managed to stumble across the finish line before the cutoff time.  JUST before the cutoff times.  To say we “ran” the marathon was generous.  We jogged/walked/stumbled it.  But we finished it none the less, and I have the medal proudly sitting in a shadow box to prove it.  
               Fast forward 8 months.  The post marathon blues had destroyed my fitness.  I had stopped going to the gym for money and time reasons while training for the marathon, and it took me months to be able to start going again.  I was in the worst shape of my life.  I managed to somewhat get my shit together, just enough to convince myself I needed to make a big change.  So AT (Annual Training) 2017 came around, and I decided I was going to start my Ironman Journey.  The day before we went to the field, I signed up for my first Sprint Triathlon.  After returning, I forced myself to buy a cheap road bike and start training.  That first Tri came and went, and I was itching for another.  So I impulse signed up for Ironman 70.3 Galveston, bought a training plan, and once again gaffed off over half the training sessions, and did all of 2 in the final month.  Hell, I had done some of the longer rides and runs, so I knew I could just dig deep and power through, right?  I’m a goddamn US Marine (one weekend a month, anyway).  I could do a little fucking triathlon!  It’s not even a full Ironman! It’s the Triathlon equivalent of a half marathon! You just show up and crank it out! How hard could it be?
               The race started out well enough.  I actually crushed the swim, the area I was most concerned about.  Roka makes a damn fine wetsuit.  Their sleeved Maverick Elite II was well worth the money.  I had done no open water swims in my training, had briefly swam in the wetsuit ONCE for all of 3 minutes, and had never swam farther than 800 Meters. And I still crushed the swim in just under 45 minutes.  Not an amazing time, but I came out of the water barely winded and ready to make the rest of the race my bitch.  And then everything went to shit.
               Now, I’m not the strongest cyclist.  Most of it is me, obviously.  The bike is only as good as its engine, and I’m not exactly a V8. More like a V4 Ecoboost.  Without the eco boost.  My main enemy is wind resistance and hills.  Riding a fairly heavy road bike, and being a fairly heavy guy for my height (triathlon wise anyway), and being about as aerodynamic as a full bred Russian Boar makes those things a nightmare for me.  That’s no excuse, but it did make things a lot harder. And it REALLY made my lack of training shine.  Clydesdale after Clydesdale passed me, and I realized that my gear wasn’t the problem, I was.  However, I managed to cruise at 16.5 MPH regardless.  Not a great time, but hell, I had a headwind, and I would make cutoff. And then I hit the turnaround, and things got bad fast.
               After taking a quick pit stop and grabbing some Cliff Shots, I attempted to mount my bike.  And for the first time ever, I fell over while clipping in.  I had managed to avoid it for nearly a year, and was proud to say I had never fallen over.  That ended quickly.  I managed to get up and get going after a few seconds of cussing and swearing vengeance against the trickster god who was clearly fucking with me.  I immediately noticed something was wrong.  Why was it so hard to get back up to speed, and what was that squeaking?  Marvelous, my brake hood was cocked inwards, and my front disk brake was slightly engaged. Not enough to stop me, but enough to stop the wheel from spinning freely.  No matter, I’ll power on.  I had enough of a buffer that 2 MPH slower wasn’t going to DNF me.  And then I realized that the headwind I felt going out was not, in fact, a headwind.  It was a slightly to the side tailwind. >OhNo.jpeg. NOW I was riding into the headwind.  And it was going to work me for all I was worth. I had to switch into the small gear for the first time in my life.  I was struggling to maintain 11.5MPH.  No matter, I thought, this is gonna suck, but I have enough of a lead that I’ll make cutoff. And then I slowed to 10.  Then 9.  The squeaking was getting worse, so I scavenged a full water bottle that someone had sent flying.  I desperately tried squirting water on the front brake to maybe give it slightly better lubrication.  Surprisingly, it worked.  Until shit went tits up, literally.
               While doing this particular stunt one time, I managed to lean too far forward, get hit by a particularly nasty gust, AND avoid a water bottle on the path all at the same time.  I then had the pleasure of experiencing my first bike crash! This race was full of first experiences! About 1.5 seconds later, I was on my back, seeing starts, knee gashed, other knee starting to swell, arm and shoulder throbbing, and worst of all, I’m pretty sure I scuffed my new saddle JUST enough to render it unreturnable.  So there goes that fit guarantee!  After a few minutes of bitching and swearing to the Old Gods and the New that I would smite whomever was responsible for that water bottle in the road, I managed to mount my trusty, broke steed for another 10 miles.  And as I approached the final aid station, and glanced at the time, I realized my lack of training was coming for its due.  Despite the bad weather, despite all my gear failures, and despite my all around shitty luck, I could have finished.  I missed cutoff by 4 minutes.  4 minutes of a 3:30 hour ride.  4 minutes of a 40 minuet swim.  4 minutes of extra effort.  Gone.
               I’m a “Balling on a Budget” triathlete.  While not the poorest in this sport, I definitely don’t have money to waste.  And $500 on registration, lodging, and gas is a HUGE hit to me.  Enough that I can really only do 1 Ironman branded event per year. Hell, on my motivation board, I have “YOU PAID $2600 TO BECOME AND IRONMAN SO FAR.  DON’T LET THAT MONEY GO TO WASTE!”  This sport has claimed almost all of my disposable income the past year, plus some. The financial burden of this failure was almost worse than anything else.  And the realization that I let all that time and money go to waste was crushing. While being driven back to the transition area, I strongly considered selling all my gear and getting out of the sport.  Cutting my losses and paying off some debt.  Putting this whole thing behind me.  It would allow me to focus on my PFT, powerlifting, and bodybuilding.  The types of physical activity I prefer. Lord knows it would greatly increase my ammo budget.  That would be the smart thing to do, right?  Accept the fact I’m not cut out for the dedication this sport takes, and move on with my life.
               Well, in case you didn’t read the first paragraph, I’m not a smart man.  I joined the Marine Corps and failed college.  So clearly I’m a bit of dumbass.  
               Failure will not be my legacy with this sport. This was a wakeup call.  If I want the title of Ironman, I’m going to have to work for it, and work harder at it than anything else in my life.  My plan has not changed: Ironman Texas 2019.  I will NOT back away from that.  But I need to evaluate my discipline, my work ethic, and my training.  From here on, I must make EVERY workout be as intense as possible.  I must fall into bed EVERY NIGHT exhausted from training and work, and rise every morning with wrath in my heart and bloodlust in my soul. I must look at the weakness in my and kill it, because if I fail to do so, it will kill me.  I must forge on ahead, ready for the hardest 12 months of training in my life.  My lofty goal of qualifying for Kona in 2020 seems all the further away, but luckily I have one simple phrase to get me through:
                                                      “Fuck it.”
And so we go.
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boycottphil · 7 years
Sweater Frustrations
This is literally just something I wrote because I wanted to and adored the baking video.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1587
Contains playful banter, mild irritation because of an article of clothing, and some cuddling because why not.
It was orange, a colour neither of them liked. It was supposed to be. Pumpkins are orange, the sky in the late evenings is orange. Halloween is orange. Said offending item looked hideous. It wasn’t quite perfectly stitched together and one of the sweaters was a little bit wayward. But that’s okay, there was no shame in being a bit different, is there?
Dan stared at it with mirth glinting in his eyes. “We’re actually doing this, huh.” He said, more to remind himself than to remind Phil about what they plan to do in a few minutes. “It’s strangely beautiful. Kind of like the stuff we’ll be baking.” He added to his own rambling train of thought.
Phil picked the sweater… or is it supposed to be sweaters?... up and held it- them?- in front of himself to examine it a bit better. “It fits the theme we were going for with our kitchen.” Phil concludes, then proceeds to name the two spiders (or was it, technically, four?) that could be seen on the design of the sweaters. He doesn’t voice said names, as he is sure that Dan would not be too happy to hear “Maverick” and “Susan” as his chosen names. He didn’t tell Dan that every spider in their kitchen had a unique name.
Dan already knew, of course. It was hard not to hear Phil mumbling names under his breath as he put up the plastic decorations.
“That’s true. But also beside the point. How are we actually going to… you know? Get into it?” Dan picked up one of the sleeves, laughed in a muffled way, and let it fall back limply. “I mean I get the concept, but it’s gonna take a lot of awkward wiggling.”
“Yup. I hope you’re ready to be a bit too close to me for the next hour or so.” Phil teased, glancing briefly over at Dan with the tip of his tongue sticking out from between his lips. Dan would later remind him that he looks like a bratty ten year old whenever he does that.
Dan rolled his eyes, deciding that not replying to that would be better than to keep adding to what they might or might not experience. He took the sweater from Phil’s hands and slipped into his own half- the left side, because the challenge was not the “not-my-dominant-hand challenge” but the “using-less-hands-than-what-is-convenient challenge”. A brief thought flashed through his mind. What an oddly, oddly good thing that he is a lefty. For once in his life, he might not be the only one struggling, or causing the struggling.
Once Dan slipped into the sweater, he waited for Phil to get the hint that he would very much like to get this over with as soon as possible. “Well?” The younger asked, extending his right hand to keep the right side of the sweater from falling onto the ground.
Phil blinked owlishly, lost and confused for a mere second before he realised what he should be doing. He was spacing out, just a bit. He looked at the rather tight space he should fit into and wondered if this was a good idea. On one hand, he does not mind being this physically close to Dan, but on the other hand, they will be handling a stove and hot marshmallows and whatnot. If one of them goes down, they both go down. Or something equally dramatic.
After a bit of strange maneuvering (“Phil, duck- no, I told you to-” - “I’m sorry I just got a bit stuck and-” - “get your bloody arm through the sleeve, it’s not that hard!” - “yeah but I have literally no space to do anything!”) they finally had the horrific item on.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Dan swore, then ran his left hand through his already slowly damping hair. He would not look great after they were done filming. God. “You literally elbowed me in the ribs like five times there, dude.” He reminded the other, glaring at him with vicious fury that honestly might have been a bit of an overreaction.
“It’s your own fault for putting the thing on first! I think I told you that it would be smarter if the less coordinated of us put on the first part-” Dan groaned in protest, but ultimately did not add anything else to the argument. Phil was kind of right. “-and besides, you said you were afraid of putting it on second because you thought you would get stuck and suffocate or something.”
“That is not true at-”
“And I’m pretty sure you also mentioned being afraid of getting stuck in the dark.”
Dan shut his mouth. He might have hinted that morning that he dreamt of getting tangled in his own sweater and dying, but hey. That is just a normal Dan dream for ya.
“Whatever. Let’s just go film this thing.” He grumbled, leaving a rather satisfied Phil to awkwardly try and keep up with his stomping, child-like pace.
Around an hour to an hour and a half, they were done with baking. They were sweaty, sticky and they had elbowed each other so much and touched butts accidentally that if it happened any more, they wouldn’t even care. The next challenge would be taking the damned thing off. Honestly, who thought that making such a thing would be a good idea?
Although they wanted to blame their fans for suggesting such a thing, it was really only themselves they could blame for even thinking that that would be even a remotely good idea. Sure it was funny and it was a lot of fun trying to navigate the kitchen while one of them had too much energy and the other hardly knew how to walk without being tied to another person.
Next challenge: getting out of the sweater without causing more bruises to appear on either of their bodies. There’s enough on a regular basis without them even trying. Because they are too tall and run into furniture a lot, of course.
“Let’s actually do this with some sort of plan. So first… I take my arm out…” Dan said, trying to do exactly that and finding it rather impossible. “All right, let me try to…” he crouches down, but he only manages to tug Phil down along with him. “Okay seriously, how the hell…?”
“Should we just tear it apart?” Dan asked, tone serious, and it took everything in Phil’s entire body not to gasp and try to protect their sweater. “Okay, fine, no tearing apart.” He thought for a moment. “Your shoulders are less broad than mine, you try to go first.”
“I don’t think that’s going to work.” Phil said and tried to do so, he squished himself as close to Dan as he possibly could, but the material of the sweater was not stretchy enough or they were both a size too large for this abomination.
“No? Okay, maybe if we… sit down?” Dan slowly backed up, Phil following, and then lowered himself down onto the couch. “And now.. Dip your head underneath and…” Dan did so too, but really all they managed to do is look like a headless two headed person. Dan snorted, looking at Phil through the orange-ish glow that the sweater produced. “At least it’s warm?” He asked the older male, looking at him with a tired but rather happy expression.
“I mean, it is soft and cozy.” Phil agreed as he, too, leaned back on their couch and just stared at Dan for a moment. Such physical closeness did some things with his brain. They were both no strangers to cuddling, or the occasional… more-than-cuddling activity. This, however, was different. They were close whether they liked it or not, and something about just relaxing, his shoulder and arm brushing against Dan’s, made his chest flutter.
Dan must have felt the same way, as the brunette’s fingers found their way between Phil’s, a rare but content smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Dan rested his head on Phil’s shoulder, realising that in a moment or two, it would become really hard to breathe for both of them under the thick material, but he didn’t care enough. He was happy with how their video turned out, with how much fun they had, despite the stress of that week making it difficult not to sometimes hate each other.
“You didn’t fall off your chair.” Phil said in a gentle tone, eyes closed, the same sort of fond smile dancing on his lips as well. He could feel Dan shaking slightly with a laugh he tried to mask as anything but a laugh.
“Yeah, I didn’t,” was all he could add, finding it equally as amusing. “I think I like it better this way. They’ll have less black-mail material  in the future.” He added as an afterthought. His thumb began to rub small circles into Phil’s palm.
“I think this entire video will be black-mail enough.” Phil added with yet another chuckle.
Dan could only snort and nod weakly in agreement. Phil turned his face to peck Dan’s forehead. Dan left a kiss on Phil’s left shoulder, lips lingering only enough to sweeten the moment. They stayed like that for a while, in their little cocoon, basking in each other’s presence.
“...We still have to figure out how to get out of this thing.” Dan reminded, looking up at his partner briefly.
“Shut up, we’re having a moment.”  Phil whispered and gently scooted even closer to Dan.
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whydontweband · 7 years
The Little Sister (A Zach Herron Imagine) Pt. One
Why Don’t We Imagine
*As Requested by @daisy-hearts*
(so sorry that this took literally a million years to finish!)
Word Count: 3519
Have a lovely day!
Description: In which Logan Paul’s baby sister tags alone on his summer adventures with the WDW boys, falling for the youngest member in the process
Part One
      I took a deep breath, smiling as I took my first steps outside the LAX airport, the warm summer air hitting my face as I couldn’t help but break into a grin. Since I’d just turned 16, Mom finally agreed to let me spend the summer with my big brother, Logan, at his place in L.A. I’d been begging and nagging her for a couple years now, ever since Jake and him left Ohio to pursue acting, and finally that long-awaited day had come.
I scanned the crowd of people rushing from place to place, looking for that one familiar face. After a few minutes of searching, my eyes landed on the tall, muscular young man with blonde hair, and an American flag t-shirt draped across his chest. I broke into a smile, laughing as I sprinted towards him, his arms outstretched.
“Logan!” I screeched, giggling as he wrapped his arms around my waist, spinning me around in circles as I dropped my suitcase in the process.
“YO IT’S MY BABY SISTER!” He laughed, finally setting me down as I fixed my now windswept hair, giving him a playful shove.
“It’s been forever!” He grinned, stooping down to gather my things as I nodded, adjusting the straps on my Maverick backpack (he would’ve killed me if I hadn’t been wearing it).
“It’s been 2 years, but that’s basically forever.” I retorted as he smiled, walking my things over towards the Uber parked along the street right outside the entrance.
“Yeah, well, Mom always said you were the smart one.” He quipped. I laughed, shaking my head.
“What does that make you?” He smirked, opening the passengers door for me before sliding in himself.
“The talented one.” I rolled my eyes playfully, shaking my head.
“And Jake?” Logan laughed, buckling his seatbelt and giving directions to the Uber before turning towards me.
“The other one.” I laughed, shoving him slightly for his chiding comment. Logan smiled, only shrugging.
“Soooo, it’s your first official trip to L.A.! What'dya wanna do!?” He asked.
“Hey, technically I’ve been to L.A. before!” I defended. Logan shook his head, pulling a bottle of water out from his bag and handing it to me.
“The airport doesn’t count.” I pouted slightly as he rolled his eyes.
“What’s this for?” I gestured towards the water bottle now in my hands.
“This isn’t Ohio, kiddo- it gets hot as hell here sometimes. Need to stay hydrated.” He commented, pulling an even larger bottle out for himself. I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
“Stop being such a dad.”
    After we got back to his apartment and I’d unpacked in the guest bedroom, I made my way out into the living room. Logan had left about an hour ago to do some promotional work with Jeff, but he’d planned on being back around 2 in the afternoon so we could go out exploring. I’d just turned on the T.V. which was, in my personal opinion, way too large to ever be necessary, when my phone buzzed. Pulling up my home screen, I found that it was a new text from Logan.
Just got outta the Uber- be there in a minute :)
Mkay, what’re we doing
I figured we could run by the boys and you could meet em, and maybe grab dinner w/ them
I raised an eyebrow in confusion, staring at my screen. Who’re “the boys”. Allowing my fingers to fly across the screen, I responded.
Who’re the boys?
WDW Boys- I’ll explain in 1 sec, coming up now
I sighed, turning off my phone and switching the T.V. off, Just as I heard keys unlocking the door. Logan stepped in, closing the door behind him and tossing his bag on the couch.
“Hey, Y/N” He chimed, grabbing a snack from the fridge before turning back towards me. Scanning me up and down, a frown crossed over his face.
“That’s what you’re wearing?” I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked own at my outfit. I’d changed out of my comfortable airplane attire once we’d gotten back to the apartment, but I wasn’t wearing anything out of the ordinary. I had on a simple light pink crop top with a few small holes in it, and shredded denim shorts, which I figured was fairly normal for L.A. in June. I shrugged.
“It’s just an outfit, why, are we doing something formal?” I inquired. Logan furrowed his brows in that way I’ve only seen on the handful of occasions where his protective big brother side had come out. He crossed his arms over his chest, fumbling for the right words.
“No, I just think maybe you should change. We’re heading over to the boys’ house in a few minutes.”
“So? That doesn’t sound formal- besides, it’s like 80 degrees outside.” I bargained. Logan didn’t budge however.
“What’s wrong with this outfit?” I finally caved. Logan shook his head, walking in to his walk-in closet where he kept his Maverick merchandise, coming out with a men’s extra-extra-extra large t-shirt that read “Logang” across the chest. I frowned.
“Here, you can wear this.” He handed the shirt to me, to which I only frowned, giving him a perplexed look.
“This isn’t my size.”
“Is it too small?”
“What? No, it’s too big. I’m not wearing this.” Logan crossed his arms over his chest.
“Why not?” I scoffed.
“Umm, because it’s gigantic- and makes me look like a sac of potatoes!” Logan smiled.
“What!? No- not perfect! Why do you want me to wear this thing?” Logan smiled.
“Because Mom told me you were my responsibility for the summer, which means I’m the one who has to keep you out of trouble.” I rolled my eyes.
“How is an outfit gonna get me in trouble? It’s not exactly like I’m parading around butt-naked!” Logan chuckled, shaking his head as he grabbed his bag.
“Y/N- put on the damn t-shirt.” I sighed, mumbling under my breath as I obliged, heading into the guest room to swap out t-shirts, and returning
with a scowl plastered on my face.
“It looks like a mumu, Logan.” He only smiled, nodding pleasantly.
“Then it’s doing its job. C'mon, grab your backpack- we’ll take my car.” I sighed, nodding as I slid my Maverick backpack back on, over the enormously sized t-shirt that was garbing my entire body. It might not be the most fashion forward outfit, but I’d wear an actual mumu if it meant I got to stay the summer in L.A.- so I was willing to let Logan set up a few ridiculous and seemingly unprecedented ground rules.
    We’d been driving for about 15 minutes or so, when we finally pulled in to a beautiful and rather larger Beverly Hills home. My eyes widened.
“Who exactly did you say lives here? The W-D-W boys?” Logan smiled, chuckling as he pulled into the car port, turning off the ignition.
“The Why Don’t We Boys. They’re in a band, I’ve been doing some PR with them. I directed a couple of their music videos, trust me- they’re cool guys.” Before I had a chance to reply, however, Logan turned back towards me, his face stern.
“Not THAT cool, ok? Just…just kinda cool. Not even kinda, they’re ok. They’re fine…don’t get any funny ideas!” I laughed, shaking my head as I stepped out of the car. His over-protectiveness was getting a little odd, I had no idea why. He gestured towards the door as we made our way inside the home. It was beautiful inside, and I was just about to explore further when I heard shouting and laughter coming from the backyard. Logan smiled, nodding towards the backdoor.
“C'mon, I told them I was bringing someone- they’ll wanna meet you.” I nodded, following him towards the sliding glass doors that opened
up to the spacious backyard that overlooked all of Hollywood. Logan ran out first, greeting several boys as they all cheered boisterously. I noticed that the boys he must’ve been talking about were substantially younger than Logan, probably close to my age. I stepped out the backdoors, making eye contact with an already smiling Logan as he ran over towards me. The boys, five of them in total, jogged over towards us, allowing me to get a better view of them. Oh my god- this is why Logan wanted me to wear the oversized t-shirt. Feeling suddenly self-conscious over the outfit I was wearing, I smiled shyly as Logan draped an arm over my shoulders.
“Boys, my lil’ sister, Y/N. Y/N- these are the boys!” Logan smiled, clearly momentarily forgetting his overly protective brother act as I smiled, waving at the five boys standing in front of me. One by one, they each introduced themselves to me, in what came across as a very “media-trained mega star” kind of way.
“Hey, I’m Jonah.” The tallest boy smiled, extending his hand which I politely shook.
“I’m Corbyn, nice to meet you.” The blonde boy waved.
“I’m Jack.” The boy with the curly hair winked. I laughed, waving politely as I caught Logan send him a quick glare.
“I’m Daniel, and I’ll just go ahead and say sorry in advance for my bandmates.” He chuckled. I returned the smile, waving it off. The final boy stepped forward, and I couldn’t help but feel my breath hitch in my throat momentarily when he smiled.
“Hey, I’m Zach- nice shirt.” He smirked. I blushed ever-so-slightly, not enough for Logan to notice, but probably enough to catch Zach’s eye. I laughed, nodding.
“It wasn’t exactly my first outfit choice for the day.” I laughed. He smiled, shrugging as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Well I think it was a good choice- you wear it well.” I smiled.
“Thanks.” I muttered, trying desperately to keep composure as I watched his gaze never falter from mine. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Logan’s voice broke through the atmosphere.
“Ooook- introductions? Check!” The guys laughed at this, getting back into the rythmn of things as a few of them started talking amongst each other. Logan walked over to me, smiling.
“Hey, they’re cool right?” I nodded, laughing slightly.
“Yeah, I mean, I think so- I don’t really know them.” Logan waved this off, shaking his head.
“No worries, you’ll have the whole summer to get to know ‘em. Starting right now.” He smiled as I gave him a cautious and concerned look.
“What do you mean by that?” Logan smirked.
“I meaaaaaan, there’s been a slight change of plans- turns out I have to be on set for ‘Logan Paul VS’, like, right now. So, you get to hang here for a few hours with the guys!” Still slightly confused, folded my arms across my chest.
“I thought you didn’t want me ‘getting into any trouble’?” I smirked. Logan rolled his eyes.
“Fine, I’ll admit, at first I was a little concerned, and don’t get me wrong- I’m still not sold. But I literally had to be at set, like, 5 minutes ago, and I don’t have time to drop you back at the house.”
I laughed, shaking my head as I nodded in compliance.
“Oh, I got it- so you need someone to babysit me.” I teased. Logan smiled, rolling his eyes playfully.
“You know what I mean, Y/N.” I nodded.
“I know. And hey, I do have my license, ya know. I can drive myself back to your place if you wanted.” Logan scoffed, shaking his head as he started making his way out towards the carport.
“Ahh, 1: You don’t have your full license, so legally I can’t let you drive yourself, 2: You don’t have a car to use, even if I did let you drive, and 3: You have no idea how to navigate downtown L.A. traffic- you’d be eaten alive out there. Conclusion? You’re staying here. But hey, don’t worry, the guys don’t have any big plans, so it should be a pretty lowkey day, and I should be back around 8 or 9 for a late dinner. Sound good?” I smiled, nodding. I’d hoped to spend a little more time hanging out with him, but I knew how busy he was, and besides- it didn’t seem like I was in such bad company.
    Shortly after Logan left, the boys headed inside to avoid the heat, where I reluctantly followed them. What else was I supposed to do?
“So, Y/N, Logan said you’re 16?” Corbyn asked, heading into the kitchen and grabbing a snack before making his way over towards the couch. I nodded.
“Yep.” I smiled. Corbyn nodded, smirking to himself as he made eye contact with Zach momentarily. Zach scowled, giving Corbyn a look that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.
“That’s cool, Zach’s 16 too ya know. The rest of us are 18, except Jonah over there- he’s 19. Zach’s the baby of the group.” Corbyn teased.
I laughed softly, nodding as Zach turned red, giving Corbyn a slight shove. I giggled at this, and Zach smiled in my direction.
“Well that’s, umm, that’s cool. 16 has been a pretty good year so far.” I replied shyly, smiling. Daniel turned away from the Xbox logo that was loading up on their big screen television to face me.
“Hey, you can come sit if you want.” Daniel offered. I nodded, smiling as I walked around to the “L” shaped sofa. Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn had grabbed controllers for the video game they were preparing to play, and Jack and Zach had placed themselves near the edge of the sofa. I took a seat in the corner where the sofa curved, watching the screen as they loaded up the game. I glanced to my right and smiled when I saw that Zach, who was sitting beside me, was already glancing in my direction.
“So, uhmm, you’re staying with Logan this summer?” He asked, running a hand through his perfectly styled dark brown hair. I smiled, nodding.
“Yeah, Mom’s letting me stay the whole summer.” I smiled. Zach’s eyes lit up slightly at this, which only made me smile more. I swear if this boy got any cuter my face was going to freeze this way. Not that I thought he was cute or anything…I mean, he was, but I don’t mean in that way, but I mean, kind of in that way but not like-
“So, I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of you then.” He commented, casually glancing up towards the screen to check in on the game.
“I guess you will.” I chirped. He didn’t look at me as I spoke, but his cheeks grew just a tad redder, which, for whatever reason, made me blush. Jack must have noticed this, because a keen smirk spread his face as he giggled, shaking his head.
“You guys need a room, or are the rest of us just gonna have to leave?” He chided playfully, making Jonah laugh lightly as he continued to keep his vision focused on the game at hand. Zach, however, had turned an unnatural shade of deep red, glaring daggers at Jack momentarily before our already uncomfortable gazes met. He chuckled softly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as we attempted to brush it off.
“He’s just kidding…about the room thing, I mean…and about the leaving thing.” I smiled softly, nodding as I suddenly grew far too aware of where I was placing my hands. Jack smiled, rolling his eyes as he gave Zach a playful shove, before getting up.
“I’m just messing with you guys, don’t worry Y/N. I’m pretty sure Z here has a girlfriend anyway.” He smiled playfully, sending a wink in Zach’s direction, whose eyes had gone wide from perplexity and shock. Daniel raised an intrigued eyebrow at this, eyes never wavering from the game at hand, within which he seemed to be doing fairly well.
“Whoa, you have a girlfriend, Zach? How come I haven’t heard anything about this?” Zach’s face was still retaining a look of pure confusion and shock, looking from me, to the other boys, to Jack- who had momentarily meandered into the kitchen for a bag of chips. As he returned, he smiled, nodding in Daniel’s direction.
“Yeah, dude- apparently things are getting serious.” My face fell slightly as he mentioned this. I mean, what was I expecting? To just walk into a room of cute single guys, my first day in L.A.? Unlikely. Of course Zach had a girlfriend, I mean, I’d only just met him today and I was already charmed. It seemed a little far-fetched to assume that he was single, just because he smiled in my direction. Jack once again winked in Zach’s direction, whose face was now redder than a sundried tomato. As his brows furrowed together, he seemed at a loss for words, shaking his head as he tried to construct a sentence.
“I’m, what? What’re, I mean- Jack I don’t know, wh-“ Jack just chuckled, smiling as he took a seat beside him, eyes now fixated on the television.
“Somethin’ you wanna say, bro?” He smiled. I tried to laugh at his witty remarks at an attempt of looking slightly less discouraged by the fact that Zach had, in fact, not been flirting with me. I doubt it was doing much good, I’ve never been very good at hiding what I’m feeling.
“I DON’T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.” Zach finally blurted, flustered and growing more and more frustrated as Jack smiled, giving him a pat on the shoulder. My eyes widened as I tried my best to stop the corners of my mouth from turning upward ever so slightly. Zach turned to me, a little too quickly, his voice lowered now as he reassured me.
“I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t what he’s talking about. I mean, not that you wanted to know or anything, I just, like, for clarification and-“
“We know you don’t have a girlfriend, Zach. Sorry if I startled you.” Jack smiled, shaking his head.
“Then why’d you say I did?” Zach asked, more casually now as the momentum died down. He chuckled slowly, clearly trying to blow off the situation as though he hadn’t acted so taken aback. Jack shrugged, glancing in my direction momentarily and smiling lightly. He looked at me as if he knew something, and he opened his mouth as though he’d planned on saying something, but he didn’t. He just shrugged, his gaze finally leaving mine as he casually reached for a handful of chips.
“Call it a social experiment.” Zach looked perplexed for a moment, but brushed it off. I don’t know why, but something about Jack holding his tongue on this one made me feel just a little bit grateful.
    We sat in silence for a while, well, at least I did. The boys got into their element, talking about the video game, while I sat at the edge of the sofa, fiddling absentmindedly with my nails and wishing that Logan hadn’t expected five teenage boys to automatically drop everything they were doing just to entertain me. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket, sending a quick text to my brother of the hour.
Hey, what time are you wrapping up set?
 My phone buzzed shortly after, but the text wasn’t exactly what I’d been hoping for.
I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Paul is currently unavailable and will not be contacting anyone until late this evening. You’ve reached his secretary, but Mr. Paul sends his sincerest regrets that he cannot make it to the phone. All messages, voice mails, business inquiries etc. will be forwarded to Mr. Paul at a later time.
Thank you for your cooperation,
The Logan Paul Team
 I rolled my eyes, sighing as I turned off my phone, shoving it begrudgingly back into my pocket. At least when he got home I’d have material to nag him about, I mean, who has a secretary to send automated messages to people while you’re working?
“You ok?” Zach mumbled softly, his eyes straying from the game that had been holding his attention as he turned to face me. I smiled softly, shrugging it off.
“Yeah, It’s all good. I mean, I’d kinda been hoping to spend a little more time with my brother today, but it’s ok. We’ve got all summer, so I don’t think I really have a right to complain.” I chuckled lightly heartedly. The other boys still seemed engrossed in their game, but Zach suddenly seemed to care less about the group activity. He nodded, smiling softly as he listened.
“Nah, I get it…it’s hard when you don’t get to see your family every day. Whenever I go home and get to spend time with my siblings? That’s everything to me, ya know? I’m sure it’s tough, having both of your brothers out here in L.A.” I smiled, nodding gently.
“Yeah, yeah it is. Thanks.” He returned the grin, squeezing my knee supportively before getting up off the couch.
End of Part One
If you’re interested in a second part, feel free to let me know, thanks!
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